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(IJCST-V5I2P86) :prof. Krunal J. Pimple, Shubham Jarwal, Gaurav Rajai, Pooja Ghadshi, Gaurav Dubey

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 5 Issue 2, Mar Apr 2017


OWNCLOUD Using Raspberry Pi

Prof. Krunal J. Pimple, Shubham Jarwal,
Gaurav Rajai, Pooja Ghadshi, Gaurav Dubey
Department of Information Technology
Theem College of Engineering
Boisar Road, Dist-Palghar
Maharashtra - India

In ownCloud Using Raspberry Pi project were going to make a Raspberry Pi Own cloud server this can act as your very own
personal cloud storage. As the protection of your privacy is a big issue nowadays moving your data to private cloud storage is a
better option. The cloud server is configured on a Raspberry Pi 3 model B module. The router connects the server to internet.
The server has an optional USB hard disk for larger data storage. The wireless network card/adapter on the Raspberry pi server
is used to connect the server to ownCloud (an open source cloud platform). Weaved is used to get remote access to do setting of
Raspberry Pi from any device such as smartphone. Various services such as SSH, HTTP and VNC are configured on Weaved
and controlled through it. The admin alone has access to ownCloud account. Admin can provide various services to users
through Weaved. Our project will provide you free data storage as per requirement. This project gives you the freedom for
using space and savings with strong control over system.
Keywords : Raspberry Pi 3 model B, ownCloud, Domestic ADSL Router, Weaved.
admin the power to control each user, admin can grant or
I. INTRODUCTION revoke the user, he can allocate the space to a user as per their
demands. Own cloud gives you facilities to add external
A cloud is massive collection of storage of various amounts storage drive if your primary drive is about to get full. One of
of data gathered together at some servers, which helps client the key feature of the own cloud is synchronization which
to connect or access the data from the server. As the data helps user to get the user sync the data automatically if the
keeps on increasing there is a massive need of storage server user are connected with the internet. Admin can make the
which can hold tracks of client, their profiles, their data such group and can share the data in group so that everyone can
as photos, document file, videos, etc. Moreover, there is risk, access the same data. While sharing, it also give the password
if our server crashes there might be loss of personal data of protection feature, so that only authorize people can open the
someone or even if the data gets theft. Sometimes the user data even if they get the file they wont be able to access it.
forced to see the advertisements of products and deals on the By many such rich factors own cloud is superior from many
screen while browsing which user have search for on third other cloud server which are available freely [7].
party applications or sites, this means somewhere in system
the user data is been shared and level of privacy is not III. RASPBERRY PI
maintained. Since this shows that, there is need of storage
server of own as well as privacy maintenance and security.
Our project ownCloud using Raspberry Pi provides solution
for both the above given lacking qualities of cloud. Firstly,
your data will be available to you all the time i.e. your
personal hard drive will act as your own cloud server and
secondly your data will get maximum about of security so that
it wont get theft or crashing of server wont be a problem
anymore. Our project will also allow you to share your server
with others with proper authentication giving to them.


Own cloud provides with many different facilities which

other web services fails to provide, like admin knows where is
Fig. 1 Raspberry Pi 3 module B[11].
server located, security is in our hands, one can ask for
As mentioned above, we require a server to setup the
maximum storage space with minimum cost. Own cloud gives
cloud and for this purpose we have used Raspberry Pi.

ISSN: 2347-8578 www.ijcstjournal.org Page 440

International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 5 Issue 2, Mar Apr 2017
Raspberry is a platform on its own which works similar to a 8) After the cloud service is setup on Raspberry pi users
whole computer and provides various inbuilt functions like can login through the ownCloud portal and store their
Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Expandable memory option, HDMI port, data on Raspberry pi from any corner of the world.
USB port and various other facilities. Raspberry pi is
configured as a server by mounting external storage on it. VI. APPLICATIONS
1. Lab Environment
IV.WEAVED 2. Small scale companies
Since we have performed our project on the college 3. Personal Cloud Storage
network, we are basically using a restricted network with
firewalls and blocked ports. Hence, port forwarding is not a CONCLUSION
feasible option for the scope of our project.
Weaved makes use of tunnelling protocol to solve this This project gives you the freedom for using storage space
problem. It provides a unique public IP to the device which is and savings with strong control over system .We configure
a function of its physical address. Hence, we can say that it ownCloud on raspberry pi, then provide services to use Own
makes a path or a tunnel to the destination server device and storage on the similar lines of Dropbox and Google Drive.
forwards requests of port 80 on it. Thus, the confidentiality or integrity of the information or data.
The client or user stores on the server is not reliably
V. ARCHITECTURE maintained at all intervals of time. The first method seems to
be expensive, therefore configuring a server on our own
raspberry module seem to be a better option for our own
private storage. As it becomes our own created cloud we have
full idea about where our data will be saved so this provides
utmost security of our data. We also aim to provide reliable
cloud services for personal use and make it a marketable
product for personal cloud storage in the long run.

[1] Gregus, M., & Karovic, V. (2015). Practical
Implementation of Private Cloud Based on Open Source
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and Internet Computing (3PGCIC).

[2] Hildmann, T., & Kao, O. (2014). Deploying and

The flow of the project is as follows: Extending On-Premise Cloud Storage Based on
1) We access the shell of raspberry pi through a remote ownCloud.2014 IEEE 34th International Conference on
computer connected to raspberry pi on a network Distributed Computing Systems Workshops.
through SSH login. doi:10.1109/icdcsw.2014.18
2) We also install VNC server on Raspberry pi which
uses remote frame buffer (RFB) protocol to show the [3] Prabha, S. S., Antony, A. J., Meena, M. J., & Pandian, S.
GUI enabled desktop of Raspberry pi. This gives us R. (2014). Smart cloud robot using raspberry Pi.2014
more ease of access than the command line text International Conference on Recent Trends in
environment through SSH login using PuTTY. Information Technology.
3) After we have successfully accessed the pi we setup doi:10.1109/icrtit.2014.6996193
an Apache sever on Raspberry pi.
4) Now we install cloud service on Raspberry pi. [4] Jadeja, Y., & Modi, K. (2012). Cloud computing -
5) The Raspberry pi cloud server is now behind the concepts, architecture and challenges.2012 International
domestic ADSL/DSL router. The router connects the Conference on Computing, Electronics and Electrical
pi server to internet. Technologies (ICCEET).
6) Request from users for server access is forwarded to doi:10.1109/icceet.2012.6203873
pi by the router only when we set up port forwarding
for the Apache server on port nos. 80 and 443(http [5] Soares, T. S., Dantas, M., Macedo, D. D., & Bauer, M. A.
and https port numbers). (2013). A Data Management in a Private Cloud Storage
7) Weaved is a secure alternative to port-forwarding. Environment Utilizing High Performance Distributed
File Systems.2013 Workshops on Enabling

ISSN: 2347-8578 www.ijcstjournal.org Page 441

International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 5 Issue 2, Mar Apr 2017
Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative University of Mumbai
Enterprises. doi:10.1109/wetice.2013.12

[6] Xu, W., Groves, B., & Kwok, W. (2016). Penetration Ms. Pooja D. Ghadshi
testing on cloud---case study with owncloud. Global
Journal of Information Technology,5(2), 87. Information Technology
doi:10.18844/gjit.v5i2.198 Engineering
[7] OwnCloud. (n.d.). Retrieved November 12, 2016, from Theem college of Engineering
University of Mumbai
[8] (n.d.).Retrieved December 16, 2016, from
Mr. Gaurav R. Dubey
[9] Cloud computing security. (2017, January 11). Retrieved
Information Technology
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing_security. Engineering
Theem college of Engineering
[10] Networking , Switches, Wireless , Broadband, Security
& Storage Solutions. (n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2016, University of Mumbai
from http://www.dlink.co.in.



Prof. Krunal J. Pimple

Information Technology
Theem college of Engineering
University of Mumbai

Mr. Shubham K. Jarwal

Information Technology
Theem college of Engineering
University of Mumbai

Mr. R S Gaurav
Information Technology
Theem college of Engineering

ISSN: 2347-8578 www.ijcstjournal.org Page 442

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