PGCPS Letter Stating PGCPS Will Create A Webpage On The Milestone School Cell Towers.
PGCPS Letter Stating PGCPS Will Create A Webpage On The Milestone School Cell Towers.
PGCPS Letter Stating PGCPS Will Create A Webpage On The Milestone School Cell Towers.
Re: Maryland Public Information Act Request regarding Milestone status reports
Our File No.: 17-99-0034
This letter is written in response to your correspondence dated April 13, 2017, requesting the
following documents under the Maryland Public Information Act:
Please send me the last year of weekly status reports from milestone on
Cell towers.
I have enclosed a copy of responsive documents for your review. Milestone Communications
has provided status reports on the following dates: March 29, 2017, January 25, 2017, December 30,
2016, September 27, 2016, March 18, 2016, March 16, 2016, October 28, 2015, October 8, 2015,
September 24, 2015, and June 24, 2015. The reports are sent by Milestone Communications to the
PGCPS point of contact, Mr. Sam Stefanelli, Director of Building Services. A dedicated web page is
being developed to post the updates from Milestone Communications; in the meantime, copies are
publicly available upon request.
If you have further questions regarding this response, please contact this office.
Demetria T. Tobias
Associate General Counsel