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FOR THE Engineered Materials and Devices BEHAVIOR COLLECTION
Fundamentals and Principles
Edited by Jonathan Swingler with major
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contribution by Alec Feinberg
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Bundlethe more Degradation is apparent in all things and is fundamental to both

The Physics of Degradation in Engineered Materials and Devices

The Physics of
manufactured and natural objects. It is often described by the
books you buy,
second law of thermodynamics, where entropy, a measure of dis-
the greater your order, tends to increase with time in a closed system. Things age!
discount! This concise reference work brings together experts and

key players engaged in the physics of degradation to present
the background science, current thinking and developments in
understanding, and gives a detailed account of emerging issues
Degradation in
Engineered Materials
across a selection of engineering applications. The work has been
put together to equip the upper level undergraduate student,
postgraduate student, as well as the professional engineer and
& Chemical

and Devices
scientist, in the importance of physics of degradation. The aim
Engineering of The Physics of Degradation in Engineered Materials and
Materials Science Devices is to bridge the gap between published textbooks
& Engineering on the fundamental science of degradation phenomena
Civil & and published research on the engineering science of actual
fabricated materials and devices.
A history of the observation and understanding of physics of Fundamentals and Principles
Advanced Energy degradation is presented and the fundamentals and principles
Technologies of thermodynamics and entropy are extensively discussed. This
is the focus of this book, with an extended chapter by Alec
Feinberg on equilibrium thermodynamic damage and non-
THE TERMS equilibrium thermodynamic damage. It concludes with two
Perpetual access for particular technologies to give examples of areas of application.
a one time fee
No subscriptions or Dr. Jonathan Swingler received a Joint BSc (Hons) in physics
access fees and chemistry from Keele University in 1990, followed by a PhD
at Loughborough University for his work on the degradation of
electrical contacts. He subsequently moved to the University of
concurrent usage
Southampton where he pursued his research into the physics of
Downloadable PDFs
degradation and reliability of electrical and electronic materials
Free MARC records and devices. Currently Jonathan is working to develop reliability-
engineering science at Heriot-Watt University, to enable the
Edited by Jonathan Swingler
For further information,
a free trial, or to order,
prediction of electrical component and system reliability under
harsh operating conditions. He is an associate professor of with major contribution
energy at Heriot-Watt University and fellow of the Institute of
sales@momentumpress.net Physics. by Alec Feinberg
ISBN: 978-1-60650-467-3
Fundamentals and Principles


with major contribution by ALEC FEINBERG


The Physics of Degradation in Engineered Materials and Devices:
Fundamentals and Principles
Copyright Momentum Press, LLC, 2015.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored

in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means
electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any otherexcept for
brief quotations, not to exceed 400 words, without the prior permission
of the publisher.

First published by Momentum Press, LLC

222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017

ISBN-13: 978-1-60650-467-3 (print)

ISBN-13: 978-1-60650-468-0 (e-book)

Momentum Press Materials Properties and Behavior Collection

DOI: 10.5643/9781606504680

Cover and interior design by Exeter Premedia Services Private Ltd.,

Chennai, India

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Printed in the United States of America.


Degradation is apparent in all things and is fundamental to manufactured

as well as natural objects. It is often described by the second law of ther-
modynamics where entropy, a measure of disorder, tends to increase with
time in a closed system. Things age!
This concise reference work brings together experts and key players
engaged in the physics of degradation to present the background science,
current thinking and developments in understanding, and give a detailed
account of emerging issues across a selection of engineering applications.
The work has been put together to equip the upper level undergraduate
student, postgraduate student as well as the professional engineer and sci-
entist in the importance of physics of degradation. The aim of the work is
to bridge the gap between published textbooks on the fundamental science
of degradation phenomena and published research on the engineering sci-
ence of actual fabricated materials and devices.
A history of the observation and understanding of physics of degrada-
tion is presented. The fundamentals and principles of thermodynamics and
entropy are extensively discussed. This is the focus of this work with an
extended chapter by Alec Feinberg on equilibrium thermodynamic dam-
age and non-equilibrium thermodynamic damage. The work concludes
with two particular technologies to give examples of areas of application.


ageing, degradation, electrical power systems, entropy, ferroelectric

devices, thermodynamics

List of Figures xi
List of Tables xv
Chapter 1Introduction 1
1.1Introduction 1
1.2 Rationale and Emphasis 1
1.3 Thermodynamics and Entropy 3
1.4 Technologies and Applications 7
1.5Conclusion 9
References 10
Chapter 2History of the Physics of Degradation 11
2.1Context 11
2.2History 12
2.3Conclusion 18
References 19
Chapter 3Thermodynamics of Ageing and Degradation
inEngineering Devices and Machines 23
3.1Introduction to Degradation and Ageing 23
3.2Thermodynamic Degradation Paradigm 24
3.3 Review of the DEG Theorem 24
3.4 Review of Thermodynamics 27
3.5Entropy and Production of Irreversible Entropy 28
3.6 Dissipative Mechanisms and Ageing 30
3.7Example Applications of the DEG Theorem 34
3.8Conclusion 45
References 45
viii Contents

Chapter 4Thermodynamic Damage within Physics of

Degradation 49
Section 1: Equilibrium Thermodynamic Damage
Assessment 49
4.1 Introduction 49
4.2The System (Device) and Its Environment 51
4.3Thermodynamic Work and the First Law 53
4.4Thermodynamic Second Law in Terms of Device
Entropy Damage 55
4.5Thermodynamic Catastrophic and Parametric
4.6 Entropy of a Complex System 65
4.7Measuring Damage Entropy Processes 66
4.8Measures for System-Level Entropy Damage 71
Section 2: Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamic Damage
Assessment 75
4.9Equilibrium versus Non-Equilibrium Ageing
4.10Application to Cyclic Work and Cumulative
4.11Thermodynamic Damage in
Mechanical Systems 90
4.12Thermal Activation Free Energy Approach 98
Appendix 113
References 114
Chapter 5Monitoring Degradation in the Field 117
5.1Introduction 117
5.2 Electromagnetic NDT 119
5.3 Insulation Degradation 127
5.4 PD Measurement 130
5.5Conclusion 142
References 144
Chapter 6Physics of Degradation in Ferroelectric
Devices 153
6.1Introduction 153
Contents ix

6.2Humidity 155
6.3Temperature Effects on Reliability
of Piezoelectric Actuators 164
6.4 Measurement Techniques 173
6.5Conclusion 176
Acknowledgments 177
References 177
About the Contributing Authors 181
Index 183
List of Figures

Figure 1.1. Mechanisms in the physics of degradation.  2

Figure 1.2. Established and emerging technologies. 9
Figure 2.1. Example of an SN or Whler curve (adapted from
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:S-N_curves).  14
Figure 3.1. (a) Sliding wear with friction and (b)wear
versus entropy. 35
Figure 3.2. SN diagram showing reduction of strength versus
number of cycles. 37
Figure 3.3. Bond graph systems dynamic model of a Li ion battery. 41
Figure 4.1. System (capacitor) and environment (battery) circuit. 61
Figure 4.2. Conceptual view of cyclic cumulative damage. 77
Figure 4.3. Cyclic work plane. 77
Figure 4.4. Lead acid and alkaline MnO2 batteries fitted data
(Feinberg and Widom 2000).85
Examples of Ln(1+B time) ageing law with (a) similar
Figure 4.5. 
to primary and secondary creep stages and (b) similar
to primary battery voltage loss. 101
Figure 4.6. Types of wear dependence on sliding distance (time)
(Bhushan 2001; Chiou, Kato and Kavaba 1985). 102
Figure 4.7. Capacitor leakage model. 109
Figure 4.8. Life test data on C-doped MBE HBT devices at 235 C

at 10 kA/Cm2.109
Figure 4.9. Life test data of gate-source MESFET leakage current
over time fitted to the ln(1 + Bt) ageing model.
Temperatures are ambient. Junction rise is about 30C
(Feinberg et al. 2000). 111
Figure 4.10. Ageing over all time t with critical values tc prior to
catastrophic failure 3. 114
xii List of Figures

Figure 5.1. The schematic diagram of the solenoidal coils, where

r1 and r2 are the outer radii of excitation and detection
coils, h1 and h2 are the heights of excitation and
detection coils, and d is the outer diameter of tube of
which the coils are wound axially. 121
Figure 5.2. Results showing the variation of electrical conductivity
with both porosity and pore size of the aluminum foams.
The foam samples are categorized into groups with pore
sizes of 425710 m, 7101,000 m, 1,0002,000 m,
and larger than 2,000 m and with porosities ranging
from 63.1 percent to 83.4 percent. 122
Figure 5.3. Magnetic head before encapsulation and the main
elements of the magnetic sensing head. 123
Figure 5.4. Photograph of the EMT system developed by Lancaster
University, from right to left: Inductive sensor array,
conditioning electronics unit, and PC installed with a
data acquisition system. 125
Figure 5.5. EMT images of steel flow profiles through the nozzle
at different time instants. 126
Figure 5.6. Voltages and current pulses at a void or cavity in the
dielectric material. 129
Figure 5.7. A three-capacitor model of discharge in a void
surrounding by dielectric. 130
Figure 5.8. Measurement arrangement for rejection of
common-mode electrical noise for generator
PD detection. 135
Figure 5.9. The PD pulse sequences and the relative parameters
used to characterize the recurrence of discharges. 138
Figure 5.10. An qn pattern as observed in a pointplane
discharging configuration. 138
Figure 5.11. (a) Raw data and denoised signal using wavelet,
(b) PD pattern of original data, and (c) PD pattern
with wavelet-based noise suppression. 143
Figure 6.1. PE hysteresis loop parameters for a ferroelectric
material [after (B. Jaffe, Cook, and H. Jaffe 1971)]. 154
Figure 6.2. Relationship between piezoelectric, pyroelectric, and
ferroelectric materials.154
List of Figures xiii

Figure 6.3. Electromigration model for conduction in humid

Figure 6.4. Time evolution of leakage current 80% RH 80C.159
Figure 6.5. Scanning electron micrograph of the breakdown
feature and erosion of electrode material on the
anode surface (Weaver et al. 2012). 160
Figure 6.6. Cross section of the ceramic (with electrode removed
after test) in the region of a breakdown feature. The
anode is at the top of the picture. This image has been
processed to enhance the visibility of edge features
(Weaver et al. 2012). 161
Figure 6.7. Scanning electron micrograph showing porosity (a)
through the thickness of the ceramic and (b) on the
electrode surface of the ceramic (Weaver et al. 2012). 162
Figure 6.8. SEM cross sections showing (a) porosity in the
standard ceramic and (b) low-porosity version of
the ceramic (Weaver et al. 2012).163
Figure 6.9. Schematic diagram of piezoelectrically operated valve.165
Figure 6.10. Coupling between electrical, mechanical, and thermal
properties in a ferroelectric material. 166
Figure 6.11. Schematic diagram of quadratic electrostriction. The
approximately linear small-field piezoelectric response
of a polar material is indicated by the arrowed line. 167
Figure 6.12. Experimental results showing strain in a ferroelectric
(a) above the Curie temperature (180C) and (b) below
the Curie temperature (19C) (Weaver, Cain, and Stewart
2010). Points where the electric field is aligned with the
poling direction are marked as circles.  168
Figure 6.13. Strainpolarization loops at different temperatures.
The x-axis values for each loop (electric field or
polarization) were offset to center each loop on the
temperature at which it was measured. 169
Figure 6.14. Thermal expansion orthogonal to the poling direction
during temperature cycling with bipolar loops (a) is a
straight-line fit to the loop maxima (+) and (b) is a
straight-line fit to the loop minima () and (c) is a
straight-line fit to the remanent strain (solid line) for
T >148C, while (d) is a fit to the portion of the curve
T <138C. 169
xiv List of Figures

Figure 6.15. Electrostriction coefficient, (a) Q12, and (b) strain

zero S0 as functions of temperature (bipolar cycles).
In (b) the dashed lines represent straight line fits to
the approximately linear portions of the curves. 171
Figure 6.16. Piezoelectric u nimorph actuator operating p rinciple. 171
Figure 6.17. Temperature dependence of the position of a
unimorph actuator under different electronic
compensation regimes (Weaver 2011), (a) is with
full field applied in the poling direction, (b) is after
returning to zero field, (c) is with a reverse charge
applied, while (d) is after once more returning
to zerofield. 172
Figure 6.18. Dependence of strain on e lectric field in a ferroelectric
material, showing the coercive field, EC.173
Figure 6.19. Temperature dependence of the coercive field
(soft PZT: Fuji Ceramics C91). 173
Figure 6.20. Schematic diagram showing the in situ measurement
of piezoelectric response using a fiber-optic probe
(Weaver et al. 2012). 175
List of Tables

Table 3.1.Observations of various physical effects on battery life. 42

Table 4.1.
Generalized conjugate mechanical work variables. 55
Table 4.2. Thermodynamic ageing states. 65
Table 4.3.Constants for stresstime creep law (Collins, Busby,
and Staab 2010). 91


Jonathan Swingler


This concise reference work has been put together to equip upper-level
undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as professional engineers
and scientists with the importance of degradation in engineered materials
and devices. It brings together experts and key players engaged in the
physics of degradation to present the background science, current think-
ing, and developments in understanding and give a detailed account of the
emerging issues across a selection of engineering applications.
This introductory chapter presents the rationale and emphasis of the
book. It explains the relevance of what is termed in the title and the sub-
title of the work. The chapters on thermodynamics and entropy are very
briefly surveyed, along with two other chapters on example technologies
and applications to show the significance of the subject area.


The aim of the work is to bridge the gap between published textbooks
on the fundamental science of degradation phenomena and published
research on the engineering science of actual fabricated materials and

DOI: 10.5643/9781606504673/ch1



Degradation is apparent in naturally occurring materials and structures

as well as human-engineered materials and devices. In everyday experi-
ence, it is the ever-present phenomena of spontaneous loss of some qual-
ity, functionality and order. Work has to be done from outside the system
of interest to maintain that functionality, or that order. The second law of
thermodynamics formally captures this idea with the concept of entropy
or disorder, which states:

During real processes,

the entropy of an isolated system always increases.
In the state of equilibrium the entropy attains its maximum value.
(Mandl 1989)

This loss of order or degradation has many terms or phrases to label

the phenomena, such as ageing, deterioration, devolution, and wear-out. It
is this degradation in engineered systems that this book explores.
The mechanisms of degradation for a variety of materials and struc-
tures cover a wide range of discipline categories such as thermal, mechan-
ical, chemical, biological, and so on. These are shown in Figure 1.1,
which is not an exhaustive listing, and there may be more than one pro-
cess behind each mechanism. All mechanisms require the knowledge and
understanding of natural processes within these disciplines and thus are
grouped together as the physics of degradation. The fundamental underly-
ing principle is entropy and the second law of thermodynamics.
Galvanic C.








Mechanical Thermal Chemical Electrical Biological

Physics of degradation

Figure 1.1. Mechanisms in the physics of degradation.

Introduction 3

The title contains the phrase engineered materials and devices, par-
ticularly to emphasize engineered as the designer or architect is inter-
esting in developing or fabricating a material or device that has a specific
purpose or function. The scope of the materials and devices themselves
span a vast array of products from mechanical to electrical, to microelec-
tronic, and so on.


Chapter 2 lays out the history of the observation and understanding of

physics of degradation. The fundamentals and principles, the key features,
are identified, which have led to the current understanding. However, as
Jones highlights in Chapter 2, these details are limited mainly to the past
100 years or so, since the literature in the discipline has become available.
The fundamentals and principles of thermodynamics and entropy are
extensively discussed in Chapters 3 and 4. This is the focal point of the


The target readers are those who are interested in taking thermodynamics
of ageing beyond the theoretical ideas to specific applications. For the
upper-level undergraduate student embarking on project work, it opens
up opportunities to develop predictions from theory and conduct experi-
ments to explore the limits of those predictions. For the postgraduate and
postdoctoral researcher, it offers springboard ideas to push the boundaries
of current thinking. For the professional engineer and scientist, it gives
grounding in the current thinking of the underlying science to enable the
development of innovative solutions.
The contributing authors are scientists and engineering working in
the field from both academia and industry. There is a wealth of experience
from initiating novel concepts for pushing forward the research effort,
developing innovative solutions for commercial products, and communi-
cating these ideas.


Two chapters address the role of thermodynamics in the understanding

of degradation or ageing in engineered materials and devices. The first

of these chapters focuses on an approach, involving irreversible pro-

cesses, described as the degradation entropy generation (DEG) theorem.
The second of these chapters focuses on an approach, again emphasiz-
ing irreversible processes, highlighting the interaction of the system with
its environment and entropy damage. This second chapter is an extended
chapter exploring equilibrium thermodynamic damage and non-equilib-
rium thermodynamic damage.


The DEG theorem is presented by Bryant in Chapter 3. This links the rate
of degradation or ageing to rates of production of irreversible entropy by
underlying dissipative physical processes. The second law of thermody-
namics plays a central role here. To explain this approach, a review of
thermodynamics is given in the chapter discussing entropy and the pro-
duction of irreversible entropy under particular conditions. Four condi-
tions are identified:

1. The Stationary Condition

The system is in its simplest state of constant internal energy and
2. The Mechanical Strain and Isothermal Condition
The system undergoes mechanical change at constant tempera-
ture, which is calculated with Helmholtz free energy.
3. The Isentropic and Isobaric Condition
The system undergoes volume change at constant pressure,
which is calculated using enthalpies.
4. The Isothermal and Isobaric Condition
The system undergoes volume change due to chemical activity
at constant temperature and pressure, which is calculated with
Gibbs free energy.

Ageing and degradation mechanisms are then discussed in relation

to irreversible entropy and dissipative processes. Bryant identifies nine
dissipative processes, giving the mathematical relationship between the
irreversible entropy and the process: (1) adhesion, (2) plastic deformation,
viscous dissipation, and cutting, (3) fracture, (4) phase changes, (5) chem-
ical reactions, (6) diffusion, (7) mixing, (8) heat transfer, and (9) thermal
Introduction 5

The chapter gives three detailed examples of using the DEG theorem
to describe degradation due to:

1. wear in a system under mechanical sliding,

2. fatigue in a system under mechanical load, and
3. multiple processes in an electrical battery system.


Chapter 4 is an extended chapter by Feinberg covering two aspects con-

cerning thermodynamic damage assessment of materials and devices in a
state of equilibrium and non-equilibrium. Equilibrium thermodynamics
provides techniques to describe the initial and final states of a system,
whereas the non-equilibrium thermodynamics provides techniques to
describe in detail the paths from the initial to the final state of a system.
The first half of the chapter focuses on equilibrium thermodynamics
and is concerned with defining and discussing the main concepts.
The second law of thermodynamics plays a central role in the chap-
ter and is rephrased in several places to emphasize particular ideas pre-
sented. The main idea is that it is the interaction between the system and
its environment that drives the degradation of the system as the system
comes into thermodynamic equilibrium with its environment. Other ideas
identified are that, left to itself, the systemenvironment interaction will
increase total entropy and the system will undergo a decrease in free
energy towards a minimum.
Thermodynamic work and the first law of thermodynamics are intro-
duced. The change in energy of a system is due to the work performed
between the system and the environment, and the heat exchanged between
the environment and the system. Generalized conjugate mechanical
work variables of a generalized force and a generalized displacement are
The second law of thermodynamics, device damage, catastrophic
failure, and parametric failure are all elaborated upon. Simple examples
are given to illustrate the relevant points. Feinberg mathematically defines
four thermodynamic ageing states in terms of free energy and entropy

1. Non-equilibrium ageing state

2. Equilibrium non-ageing state

This is associated with the catastrophic failure of a device (sys-

tem) when that system has a free energy as small as possible
and the entropy is as large as possible with the system in a final
thermodynamic equilibrium state with the environment.
3. Parametric equilibrium ageing state
This is associated with parametric failure of a device (system)
when its free energy and entropy have attained a critical thresh-
old value.
4. Relative equilibrium ageing state
This is associated with activated failures.

Measuring damage entropy processes and measures that can be used

to characterize system-level entropy damage are discussed in the first half.
This is packed with useful information and analysis. A quasi-static mea-
surement process is devised for measuring damage moving from an initial
state to a final state.


The second section of Chapter 4 focuses on non-equilibrium thermody-

namics and is concerned with how degradation or ageing takes place over
time. A detailed analysis and description enable mathematical modeling of
the ageing process. The quasi-static measurement process, first proposed
in Section 1, is further used, but this time as many quasi-static thermody-
namic measurement states are added as required to describe the process.
Cumulative damage to a system during a cyclic process is analyzed
using the generalized conjugate work variables. A damage ratio for track-
ing degradation over time and consequently an acceleration factor is
found. The damage acceleration factor, as Feinberg calls it, is found
to be closely related to that acceleration factor used in reliability testing.
The damage acceleration factor is different, though, with an additional
stress term arising from energy-related thermodynamic work. Examples
are given in Chapter 4 to illustrate these points relating to electrochemistry
in battery devices and microelectronics.
The approaches developed in Chapter 4 on thermodynamic damage
are worked through in a number of mechanical systems. Examples on
creep, wear, thermal cycling fatigue, and vibration fatigue are presented
in detail.
The chapter concludes with an extensive discussion on the change
in free energy during degradation: the thermal activation free energy
Introduction 7

approach. The system degradation path to a minimum may not be the final
minimum available to the system. An energy barrier or barriers may exist
to further or the final minimum.


The final two chapters in the book focus on particular technologies to

give examples of areas of application. The first of these is in electrical
power systems and methods of monitoring the types of degradation. The
second of these is in ferroelectric devices and the observed degradation



Chapter 5 by Ma reviews measurement and monitoring technologies for

electrical power systems concentrating on characterization of metallic
material, condition monitoring of insulation and condition monitoring of
associated assets.
The chapter focuses on insulation degradation and its measurement
and discusses the thermal, mechanical, and electrical stresses that lead
to degradation. Defect formation is highlighted, which can lead to partial
discharges in operation. It is the interaction of thermal, mechanical, and
electrical stresses on defects that increases the probability of partial dis-
charge activity and eventual failure of the system. Thus, Ma makes the
case that it is imperative that partial discharge in such systems is detected
at an early stage for a quick remedy.
Ma extensively discusses the different approaches to partial discharge
detection and measurement. A particularly helpful section is on noise
issues and denoising of measurements. Partial discharge measurements
can often be immersed and lost by electrical noise and require noise reduc-
tion techniques that fall into two categories:

1. Specialist hardwarepurpose-built circuits, and

2. Specialist softwarepurpose-built signal processing techniques.

A selection of these circuits and techniques is discussed in detail. An

example using a wavelet-based technique is presented and proves to be


Ferroelectric properties of particular materials are discussed in Chapter 6 by

Weaver. These materials can be fabricated into many passive and functional
devices, which are listed by Weaver, and include, for example, capacitors
and actuators. Piezoelectric materials are classified as a subset of pyroelec-
tric materials, which are a sub-set of ferroelectric materials. Humidity and
temperature effects are the main factors comprehensively discussed in this
chapter that lead to degradation.
The influence of humidity on the performance and thus degradation
of piezoelectric materials and devices is also comprehensively discussed.
Under such conditions, material properties, geometric factors, and electric
field stresses all have an impact on degradation. Conduction mechanisms,
and their development within the dielectric (electrically insulting piezo-
electric) material are examined. The importance of ceramic properties,
electrode materials, and barrier coatings are presented.
Temperature effects, and particularly thermal expansion, of the ferro-
electric material as well as the devices structure is presented as the next
important factor concerning degradation. Actual devices are discussed
with real data to illustrate the issues involved.
This chapter also focuses upon and highlights issues concerning mea-
surement techniques because to develop a scientific understanding of deg-
radation of ferroelectric materials in harsh environments, it requires the
ability to measure complex coupled properties. Therefore, a description
of measurement challenges, techniques, and recent developments in this
area are presented.


Only two applications are presented in this volume to illustrate the signifi-
cance of the physics of degradation to commercial products. The electrical
power system application could be argued is well established in reliability
issues and ageing, whereas many aspects of ferroelectric technologies are
still an emerging area. Concerning reliability in electrical and electronic
systems, the reader is directed to texts like Reliability Characterisation
of Electrical and Electronic Systems edited by Swingler (2015). There
are many more established and emerging technologies that are at various
stages of maturity in having a coherent understanding of the ageing phe-
nomena and reliability. These are shown in Figure 1.2, which is not an
Introduction 9

Molecular electronics
Polymer electronics




Mechanical Thermal Chemical Electrical Biological

Established and emerging technologies

Figure 1.2. Established and emerging technologies.

exhaustive list. Some are, for example, Polymers Electronics, Bio-Elec-

tronics, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, Wearable electronics, and
Electromechanical Machines.


This introductory chapter has laid out the aim of the book. The book is
designed to bridge the gap between published textbooks on the funda-
mental science of degradation phenomena and published research on the
engineering science of actual fabricated materials and devices. The ratio-
nale and emphasis of the book are presented, explaining the relevance of
the subject matter.
An introduction to the physics of degradation is given with an illustra-
tion of the types of mechanisms involved. These mechanisms cover a wide
range of disciplines such as thermal, mechanical, chemical, biological, and
so on and are underpinned by thermodynamics and entropy. The chapters
on thermodynamics and entropy are very briefly surveyed along with the
two chapters on example technologies and applications to show the signif-
icance of the subject area. Further established and emerging technologies
are illustrated, showing the wide scope of the applicable area. These are at
different levels of maturity in having a more complete understanding of the
degradation phenomena leaving much room for research and innovation.


Mandl, F. 1989. Statistical Physics. 2nd ed. Chichester, UK: John Wiley and Sons.
Swingler, J. 2015. Reliability Characterisation of Electrical & Electronic Systems.
Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing, an imprint of Elsevier.

History of the Physics

of Degradation

Jeff Jones


Most failures of engineering systems result from a gradual and irrevers-

ible accumulation of damage that occurs during a systems life cycle. This
process is known as degradation and is fundamental to all things in nature.
This is a consequence of the Second Law of Thermodynamics (Darrow
1942), which states that the entropy, which is a measure of disorder, of
closed systems will tend to increase with time. Degradation is self-evi-
dent: wood rots, iron oxidizes, metal cracks, material properties alter, and
concrete crumbles.
Since degradation is a natural phenomenon, it is really not possible
to identify when the effect was first noticed. It is likely that, ancient man
observed that as things got older or were utilized more frequently, their
performance would deteriorate. This includes everything, from people, to
animals, to homes, to tools. For instance, it is very unlikely that the ancients
didnt notice that a stone blade would become more blunt with use or age.
It is also likely that the ancients identified that this degradation would
proceed at a rate proportional to use or age and that they would put mainte-
nance in place, by replacing it or sharpening it to improve the performance,
before it became too dull to be useful. This process would demonstrate
an understanding of degradation, an appreciation of how system perfor-
mance is affected by a system parameterin this case, sharpnessand

DOI: 10.5643/9781606504673/ch2

the ability to forecast how the parameter changes with time. This also
implies the use of a model of some kind. It is not possible to think about
degradation without considering a model, which means, the physical pro-
cess of degradation and its modelling cannot be treated separately.
Therefore, in any history of system degradation, it is not possible to
identify where the science of degradation began. Similarly, we cannot
trace the history up to the present time, since, in this area (which now
forms part of asset management) research is moving along at a pace, espe-
cially in the prognostics field, where anything that is written would be
outdated in a very short time.
This leads to a dilemma about what exactly should be in a document
about the history of degradation? The approach taken here has been to try
to identify key features that have led to where we are today. To do this
limits how far we can look back, since it is necessary to have evidence
and knowledge, which can only be achieved through the published work
in this area. Since we are limited to approximately the past 100 years. the
real title of this chapter should be Key Moments in the History of Degra-
dation Over the Past 100 or So Years.


The concept of degradation of materials is intimately tied to the con-

cept of fatigue since that is where much of the early work related to the
physics of degradation was carried out. Albert in 1837 published one
of the first fatigue-test results (Albert 1837). To generate his data, he
constructed a test machine for conveyor chains that had failed in ser-
vice in the Clausthal mines in Germany. He generated data on the actual
component, not just the materials. It seems that in these early days,
much of the focus was on transport, for obvious safety reasons, with
work by Rankine (1842), who discussed the fatigue strength of railway
axles. York (1842) also conducted experiments with railway axles. In
1853, Morin suggested that the axles of horse-drawn mail coaches be
replaced after every 60,000 kman early example of life time prediction
(Morin 1853). While these authors are discussing fatigue, the word itself
was not mentioned until 1854 by Braithwaite in a paper that describes
fatigue failures of such things as brewery equipment, crankshafts, axles,
and more. Braithwaite, however, attributes the coinage to someone else
(Braithwaite 1854).
The earliest reference to a degradation process in a technical system
that is more general than fatigue appears to be On The Causes Of Failure
History of the Physics of Degradation 13

Of Deep-Sea Cables, which was published in 1884 but discussed work

carried out around 1865 (Graves 1884). In this paper, the author states that
the most feasible explanation of the observed failure is

.that from some geological cause or other at the bottom of the

ocean the iron wires become weakened by oxidation, the hemp as a
consequence becomes destroyed, and that the accumulated twists
on both sides of a weak place concentrate their force upon it and
wring the cable asunder, and that these failures are not necessarily
due to abrasion on elevated ridges.

This paper suggests that by this time it is known that fatigue can
cause failure, which is already a well-known concept, but that another
process, in this case, oxidation, changes the material properties such that
the fatigue life is changed. It is the start of this sort of understating that
the system mechanical properties are changed by environmental, in this
case, chemical, effects that leads to the understanding of the physics of
the failure itself.
The first proper systematic study of fatigue life that is recorded is that
of Whler, who around 1867 published work at the Paris exposition that
examined the fatigue behavior of materials (Whler 1870a). Of course,
earlier, he too had been examining railway axles, from 1858 to 1860, and
had been developing deflection gauges (Whler 1858, 1860) to measure
them under load.
His work at that time was driven by safety issues. There had been
a number of accidents in the railway industry (Smith 1990), and he was
attempting to work out the probability of failure for different designs and
so develop a safety factor that could be used to make designs safer. In
fact, his work touched on many areas, the measurement of service loads
and the calculation of the corresponding stresses, the design for life and
estimation of the probability of survival, as well as some observation on
crack propagation (Whler 1870b).
Whlers work is the first exploration of what were to be known
as SN curves, or alternatively, Whler curves, which characterize the
fatigue behavior of materials. Whler himself drew no curves, present-
ing his data as tables, and the curves themselves were first drawn by
his successor Spangenberg (1874, 1875, 1879). The curves show stress
applied on the vertical axis, with a number of application or cycles
before failure on the horizontal axis, as in Figure 2.1. The lines rep-
resent the behavior of the material and are different for each material.
The endurance limit, which is sometimes known as the fatigue limit or

Endurance limit

103 104 105 106 107 108 109

Figure 2.1. Example of an SN or Whler curve (adapted from http://commons.


fatigue strength (displayed by some materials) is the limit at which the

material will survive without failure, no matter how many cycles of the
load are applied.
Degradation is more than fatigue, and work prior to 1914 on insula-
tors by Austin also noted a degradation effect, here called depreciation.
This definition does not refer to overuse of the systems, but rather to envi-
ronmental conditions (Austin 1914).

Investigation shows that insulator trouble increasing with time is

not due to fatigue in the material under applied working loads, but
rather to depreciation caused by the absorption of water by porous
material or by the cracking of the dielectric from high and internal
mechanical stress set up by uneven temperature in the dielectric,
or by greater expansion of cement or metal, or stress from a com-
bination of these. (Austin 1914)
The study of depreciation shows that routine tests which
will tend to eliminate future depreciation, or refinements in the
mechanical features of the insulator, are of far more importance in
producing reliability than the designing of insulators to withstand
extremely severe dielectric design tests, for insulators which may
have extremely high dielectric strength will cause trouble through
cracking from internal stress. (Austin 1914)
History of the Physics of Degradation 15

In this work, Austin identified the likely cause of the degradation and
noted that developing the correct tests for degradation was important. This
is probably the first reference to testing to understand the rate of degrada-
tion under different environmental conditions.
The data gathered by Whler (1870a) was analyzed by Basquin in
1910 using slightly more up-to-date mathematical analysis techniques to
produce the initial loglog models for stress life (Basquin 1910). Further,
in a similar vein Miner (1945) formalized the linear damage hypothesis
that was first suggested by Palmgren (1924). In addition to the Palmgren
Miner rule, this paper contained a four-parameter equation relating the
tensile strength to the fatigue limit for the SN curve, a relationship that
was later used by Weibull. Palmgren (1924) also specified B10-life as a
design criterion, which is a survival probability statement and the first case
was developed for ball bearings.
The PalmgrenMiner rule, more commonly known only as Miners
(1945) rule, is an early example of a damage accumulation model that
deals with failure caused by fatigue. This is a progressive, localized, per-
manent damage that occurs when a material is subject to cyclic stresses
below the tensile strength limit of the material. Failure actually begins with
the initiation of a microscopic crack in the material, which then develops
in a fairly predictable way. This predictability arises since the actual crack
propagation rate is a property of the material and is related to the applied
stress level and the amount of damage that already exists in the material.
Eventually, the crack will become unstable under the applied stress and
failure will occur. This will happen after a predictable duration for any
particular material and stress level. It is this predictability that leads to
degradation models such as the Whler or SN curves (Whler 1870a),
Miners law (Miner 1945), Pariss relationship (Paris 1961, 1964), and the
CoffinManson relation (Coffin and Manson 1954).
Paris (1961) had established that fatiguecrack propagation could be
described by a simple equation that can be considered equivalent to an
SN curve under certain limiting conditions and with many assumptions.
The model was later refined by Paris (1964) to remove some limitations
and generalize it. For a while it was considered to be a large step for-
ward to be able to calculate the propagation of cracks of arbitrary shape
under arbitrary stress types even though the equation and some of its
assumptions are now considered to have vastly oversimplified the phys-
ical reality.
In 1954, and based on the work by Bauschinger (1880, 1881, 1886),
Coffin (1954a, 1954b) and Manson (1953) described the behavior of metal-
lic materials under cyclic inelastic strain amplitudes using a four-parameter

relationship that bears their name and creates a new field, known as low-
cycle fatigue analysis, which is applied to items loaded over relatively
fewer cycles at elevated temperatures.
Fatigue is in fact one of the most persistent problems in engineer-
ing design, causing failure in everything, from rotating and reciprocating
machinery and components, through failure in complex systems such as
aircraft and ships, to large civil engineering structures such as bridges and
buildings. Even at the electronic component level, fatigue is a major prob-
lem in solder joints, bond wires, and copper-plated vias (Dasgupta 1993).
In 1961, Professor Waloddi Weibull published a book on materials and
fatigue testing while working as a consultant for the U.S. Air Force Mate-
rials Laboratory (Weibull 1961). Prior to this work, Weibull had originated
one of the most useful techniques aiding people in understanding and
analyzing degradation, which originated from a paper published in 1951
(Weibull 1951). Up until about 1963, Weibull, who was then a Swedish
mechanical engineer, also wrote a number of papers related to fatigue
and other failure mechanisms. Weibulls original paper (Weibull 1951)
did little more than propose a multiparameter distribution, but it became
widely appreciated and was shown by Abernethy, working with Pratt and
Whitney in 1967, to have some application to the analysis of defect data
(Pratt and Whitney 1967). The versatility of this technique allows it to
mimic a number of other distributions, including the log-normal dis-
tribution, which is one of the main distributions used for the analysis of
degradation. This can be theoretically derived under assumptions match-
ing many degradation processes common to material failure mechanisms
such as corrosion, diffusion, migration, crack growth, electromigration,
and many other chemical reactions and processes (Epstein 1947). While
the Weibull distribution has proven to be very powerful and extremely
useful in this area, it should be noted that Lawless (1983) commented that
an enormous amount of detailed work on the Weibull distribution should
have been directed to the investigation of other statistical models.
The log-normal distribution is often considered for modelling the
failure time distribution when the corresponding degradation process is
based on rates that combine multiplicatively, and is convenient for mod-
elling fatigue crack growth in metals and composites as proposed by Kao
(1965). The log-normal distribution is an exponential transformation of
the normal distribution and fits many diverse types of data well because it
has a great variety of shapes. It is widely used for life data showing early
increasing failure rates, and later, decreasing failure rates with increasing
age (Lamberson and Kapur 1977; Nelson 1990; Yang 2007). Examples
of its application include metal fatigue, electronic components, electrical
History of the Physics of Degradation 17

insulation, and other stressstrength phenomena. Aitchison and Brown

(1957) described various properties and applications of the log-normal
distribution. Further, there are several probabilistic models in the literature
explaining the origin of the log-normal distribution. For instance, it has
been shown in 1969 by Gertsbakh and Kordonsky, that this distribution
may appear in a shock accumulation situation (Gertsbakh and Kordonsky
1969). Presently, it is commonly used as a distribution for repair time and
analysis of fatigue failures (Hoyland and Rausand 1994) but as shown
by Wolstenholme (1999) it can be difficult to analyze and has a particu-
larly awkward hazard function. Sobczyk and Spencer (1992) feature many
examples of its use.
Dodson and Howard (1961) published High Stress Aging to Fail-
ure of Semiconductor Devices that uses the Arrhenius equation as a
basis for the assessment of temperature induced ageing of semiconductor
devices and interest in this paper led to the annual conference on reliabil-
ity physics, which started in September 1962. This conference has been
fundamental in encouraging and presenting work on failure mechanisms,
degradation, and basic reliability physics and testing ever since. For exam-
ple, Crook (1979) presented a model for time-dependent dielectric break-
down of semiconductors as a function of operational and environmental
conditions and the physical parameters of the device and Hieber and Pape
(1984) presented a creeprupture equation that calculates time to rupture
as a function of applied mechanical load and temperature.
Davis (1962) developed mathematical models to describe mecha-
nisms by which components fail as a function of time, environmental, and
operating stresses. Beau followed this up in 1964 where he described three
classical causes of failure (i) reliability limitation inherent in the design,
(ii) reliability degradation caused by the factory process, and (iii) reli-
ability degradation caused by the user (Beau 1964). This was addressed
through the human factors approach of dealing with mistakes and errors
in workmanship to which he attributed most failures. However, the paper
addresses the two main degradation effects. Later, Shiomi (1965) intro-
duced a generalized cumulative degradation model for estimation and pre-
diction of component life under successive and different stress levels. This
is based on the Arrhenius model and Miners law, but is extended to more
general applicability.
Considerations of stochastic processes are also used to infer lifetime
distributions from damage models but they do not always lead to the clas-
sical distributional shapes. In 1969, to deal with this problem, Birnbaum
and Saunders (1969) described an empirical life distribution model that
could be derived from a physical fatigue process where crack growth

causes failure. This was an important step forward for new models that
described degradation processes. Meeker and Escobar, much later in 1998,
showed that most degradation models will not yield lifetime distributions
with closed-form solutions (Meeker and Escobar 1998).
One of the main uses of degradation modeling has been to use it
in order to provide an input for reliability prediction. Gertsbakh (1989)
suggests special attention to lifetime investigation for failure caused by
fatigue. Lu and Meeker (1993) combined regression model, simulation,
and bootstrap methods and applied it to degradation data in order to esti-
mate the time-to-failure distribution. Tang and Chang (1995) described
a conceptual framework for reliability evaluation from non-destructive
accelerated degradation data, where the data were treated as a collection
of stochastic processes for which parameters depend on stress level. Yang
and Yang (1998) developed a method for rapidly evaluating reliability
using degradation data. Crk later in 2000 extended Lu and Meekers work
in developing a multiple multivariate regression model that considered the
case when the parameters are random, dependent, and vary with applied
stresses (Crk 2000).
Degradation models are getting increasingly important for modern
high-cost and high-reliability products, such as aerospace components,
where generating failure data through life testing is time consuming and
costly. Here, the use of degradation models can be used to shorten testing
since time to failure can be predicted when enough data has been collected
(Jones 1999). It is also possible, if failure is defined in terms of a specified
level of degradation, to use a degradation model to define a particular
time-to-failure distribution (Amster and Hooper 1983; Lu and Meeker
1993; Meeker and Escobar 1998; Nelson 1990).
Understanding of degradation processes and degradation modelling
has evolved since the early days in the 1830s and the modern engineer or
scientist has a vast array of tools and techniques to choose from to help
understand the degradation process in the numerous materials used today
in technological systems.


The material that has been covered in this chapter is selective and is what the
author feels are the most important publications and by implication, pieces
of work, in the physics of degradation field over the past 100 years. An
attempt has been made to generalize and to look at publications that address
more general themes rather than the detailed history of the d evelopment of
History of the Physics of Degradation 19

a single degradation failure mechanism, for example, a mechanical part or

an electronic device.
As time progresses and technology moves on, some of the fail-
ure mechanisms studied in the earliest days no longer apply because of
changes in materials, manufacturing processes, and usage, but these are
replaced by new degradation mechanisms introduced by the new materi-
als, new manufacturing processes, and new usage types. The history of the
physics of degradation will go on generating new physics, new ideas, new
models, and new problems for the foreseeable future.


Aitchison, J., and J.A.C. Brown. 1957. The Log Normal Distribution. New York
and London: Cambridge university press.
Albert, W.A.J. 1837. liber Treibseile am Harz. Archiv fur Mineralogie, Geor-
gnosie. Bergbau und Huttenkunde 10, pp. 21534.
Amster, S.J., and J.H. Hooper. 1983. Accelerated life tests with measured degrada-
tion data and growth curve models. American Statistical Association Annual
Meeting, Vol. 5, no. 9.
Austin, A.O. December 11, 1914. Insulator Depreciation and Effect on Operation
302d Meeting of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, New York.
Basquin, O.H. 1910. The exponential law of endurance tests. Proceedings of
American Society of Testing Materials, Vol. 10, pp. 62530.
Bauschinger, J. 1880. Uber das Kristallinischwerden und die Festigkeitsvermin-
derung des Eisens durch den Gebrauch. Dinglers J. 235, pp. 16973.
Bauschinger, J. 1881. Uber die Veranderung der Elastizitatsgrenze und des
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Bauschinger, J. 1886. Uber die Veranderung der Elastizitatsgrenze und der Fes-
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und Abkiihlen und durch oftmals wiederholte Beanspruchung. Mitt. Mech.
Tech. Lab. Munch. 13, pp. 1115.
Beau, J.F. 1964. Management of the human element in the physics of failure. Pro-
ceedings of 3rd Annual Symposium on the Physics of Failure in Electronics.
pp. 26479.
Birnbaum, Z.W., and S.C. Saunders. 1969. A new family of life distributions.
Journal of Applied Probability 6, no. 2, pp. 31927.
Braithwaite, F. 1854. On the fatigue and consequent fracture of metals. Institu-
tion of Civil Engineers, Minutes of Proceedings, Vol. 8, pp. 46374. London.
Coffin, L.F. 1954a. A study on the effect of cyclic thermal stresses on a ductile
metal. Transaction of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
76, pp. 93150.

Coffin, L.F. 1954b. The problem of thermal stress fatigue in austenitic steels at
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and Materials, Symposium on Effect of Cyclic Heating and Stessing on Met-
als at Elevated T emperatures.
Crk, V. 2000. Reliability assessment from degradation data. Proceedings Annual
Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), pp. 15561.
Crook, D.L. 1979. Method of determining reliability screens for time dependent
dielectric breakdown. Proceedings of 17th Annual Reliability Physics Sympo-
sium, pp. 17.
Darrow, K.K. June, 1942. Entropy. Bell System Technical Journal 21, no. 1, pp.
51, 74, doi: 10.1002/j.1538-7305.1942.tb01301.x
Dasgupta, A. 1993. Failure mechanism models for cyclic fatigue. IEEE Trans-
actions on Reliability 42, no. 4, pp. 54855.
Davis, H. September 2627, 1962. Introduction. Proceedings of the 1st Annual
Symposium on Physics of Failure in Electronics, pp. 13.
Dodson, G.A., and B.T. Howard. January, 1961. High stress aging to failure of
semiconductor devices. Proceedings of 7th National Symposium on Reliabil-
ity and Quality Control. Philadelphia, PA.
Epstein, B. December, 1947. The Mathematical Description of Certain Breakage
Mechanisms Leading to the Logarithmic-Normal Distribution. Journal of
the Franklin Institute 244, no. 6, pp. 47177.
Gertsbakh, I.B. 1989. Statistical Reliability Theory. New York: Marcel Dekker
Inc, pp. 427.
Gertsbakh, I.B., and K.B. Kordonsky. 1969. Models of Failure. Berlin: Springer.
Graves, J. 1884. On the Causes of Failure of Deep-Sea Cables. Journal of the
Society of Telegraph-Engineers and Electricians 8, no. 51, pp. 11926.
Hieber, H., and K. Pape. 1984. Lifetime of bonded contacts on thin film met-
allization. Proceedings of 22nd Annual Reliability Physics Symposium, pp.
Hoyland, A., and M. Rausand. 1994. System Reliability Theory, Models and Statis-
tical Methods. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Jones, J.A. 1999. A Toolkit for Parametric Drift Modelling of Electronic Compo-
nents. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 63, pp. 99106.
Kao, J.H.K. 1965. Statistical Models in Mechanical Reliability. Proceedings
of the 11th National Symposium on Reliability and Quality Control. pp.
Kapur, K.C., and L.R. Lamberson. 1977. Reliability in Engineering Design. New
York: John Wiley & Sons.
Lawless, J.F. 1983. Statistical Methods in Reliability. Technometrics 25, no. 4,
pp. 30516.
Lu, C.J., and W.Q. Meeker. 1993. Using Degradation Measures to Estimate a
Time-to-failure Distribution. Technometrics 35, no. 2, pp. 16173.
Manson, S.S. 1953. Behaviour of materials under conditions of thermal stress.
Heat Transfer Symposium, University of Michigan Engineering Research
Institute, pp. 975.
History of the Physics of Degradation 21

Meeker, W.Q., and L.A. Escobar. 1998. Statistical Methods for Reliability Data.
John Wiley & Sons.
Miner, M.A. September, 1945. Cumulative Damage in Fatigue, Journal of
Applied Mechanics 12, no. 3, pp. A l5964.
Morin, A. 1853. Lecons de mecanique practiqueresistance des materiaux. Paris,
Librairie de L. Hachette et Cie, p. 456.
Nelson, W. 1990. Accelerated Testing: Statistical Models, Test Plans and Data
Analysis. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Palmgren, A. 1924. Durability of Ball Bearings. ZDVDI 68, no. 14, pp. 339,
(published in German).
Paris, P.C. 1964. The Fracture Mechanics Approach to Fatigue, In FATIGUE
An Interdisciplinary Approach, eds. J.H. Burke, N.L. Reed, and V. Weiss.
New York: Syracuse University Press.
Paris, P.C., M.P. Gomez, and W.E. Anderson. 1961. A Rational Analytic Theory
of Fatigue. The Trend in Engineering, 13, pp. 914.
Place, C.S., J.E. Strutt, K. Allsopp, P.E. Irving, and C. Trille. 1999. Reliability
Prediction of Helicopter Transmission System Using Stress-strength Interfer-
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Rankine, W.J.M. 1842. On the Causes of the Unexpected Breakage of the Jour-
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Smith, R.A. 1990. The Versailles railway accident of 1842 and the first research
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Sobczyk, K., and B.F. Spencer. 1992. Random Fatigue from Data to Theory.
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action on Reliability 44, no. 4, pp. 5626.
Weibull, W. 1961. Fatigue Testing and Analysis of Results. London: Pergamon
Weibull, W. November, 1951. A Statistical Distribution Function of Wide Appli-
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Whler, A. 1858. Bericht iiber die Versuche, welche auf der konigl. Nieder-
schlesisch- markischen eisenbahn mit Apparaten zum Messen der Biegung
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Whler, A. 1870a. Uber die Festigkeitsversuche mit Eisen und Stahl. Auf Anord-
nung des Ministers fur Handel, Gewerbe u. offentl. Arbeiten, Grafen Itzen-
blitz, angestellt. Berlin: Ernst und Korn.
Whler, A. 1870b. ber die Festigkeitsversuche mit Eisen und Stahl. Zeitschrift
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Wolstenholme, L.C. 1999. Reliability Modelling: A Statistical Approach. New
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Yang, G. 2007. Life Cycle Reliability Engineering. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
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York, J.O. 1842. An Account of a Series of Experiments on the Comparative
Strength of Solid and Hollow Axles. Institution of Civil Engineers, Minutes
of Proceedings, Vol. 2, pp. 1058, London.

Thermodynamics of
Ageing and Degradation
inEngineering Devices
and Machines

Michael D. Bryant


Degradation and ageing of engineering devices and components com-

promise performance, and lead to device failure. Historically, modeling
ageing and degradation were often heuristic: For the degradation under
study, collect data on a variable that measures the degradation and on
related phenomenological variables, and from correlations and curve
fits, obtain a function. The modeling usually did not invoke fundamental
laws or principles. Ageing and degradation processes are generally slow,
with characteristic times much longer than operation times of the device.
Degradation involves irreversible changes of material structures of com-
ponents that result from dissipative processes. In the absence of shock
or other catastrophes, the main drivers of component ageing are effects
arising from the machines environment, and dissipation and power losses
due to machine operation. For example, paddisc rubbing during brake
use dissipates kinetic energy to slow the vehicle, and also causes brake
wear. Fatigue of a machines load-bearing member involves plasticity and
fracture induced by repeated application of the machines loads, usually

DOI: 10.5643/9781606504673/ch3

near stress concentrators. Thermal deterioration of magnet wire insulation

on coils in motors and transformers arise principally from coil resistance
losses. Irreversible loss of energy storage capacity in a lead acid battery
arises from precipitants coming out of solution to form compounds that
diminish electrochemical action in solution.
The above examples of ageing and degradation all involve irreversible
dissipative physical processes, very often driven by machine power and
energy losses. In accordance with the second law of thermodynamics, these
dissipative processes must generate irreversible entropy. This chapter will
review the thermodynamic degradation paradigm, which posits that ageing
and degradation can be posed in terms of the entropy produced; review the
laws of thermodynamics and thermodynamic processes; review the deg-
radation entropy generation (DEG) theorem, which links rate of degrada-
tion to rates of production of irreversible entropy by underlying dissipative
physical processes; overview many of the dissipative processes that age
and degrade engineering devices and components; and apply the above to
situations of sliding wear, material fatigue, and battery ageing.


Ling et al. (2002) hypothesized degradation of any type to be a con-

sequence of irreversible thermodynamic processes that disorder com-
ponents. This began a thermodynamic characterization of degradation
dynamics that employed entropy, thermodynamic disorder, as an implicit
but fundamental measure of degradation. Stating that entropy offers a
natural measure of component degradation, which should be a direct con-
sequence of the second law of thermodynamics, Ling et al. (2002) pro-
posed the thermodynamic degradation paradigm, wherein degradation of
any kind can be related to the concomitant irreversible entropy generated
by the dissipative processes associated with the degradation. This para-
digm was formally defined and quantified into the DEG theorem, which
mathematically relates degradation to entropy.


Pivotal to constructing equations of degradation is the DEG theorem

(Bryant, Khonsari, and Ling 2008), which links rate of degradation to
rates of production of irreversible entropy by the underlying dissipative

physical processes. A degradation mechanism consists of one or more

dissipative processes (Bryant 2010) that together irreversibly damage or
change material structures. For example, common dissipative processes
that damage tribology interfaces include adhesion, surface plastic defor-
mation, fracture, chemical reaction, material phase changes, viscous
dissipation, heat dissipation, and material mixing, among others (Bryant
2010). In the DEG theorem, Bryant, Khonsari, and Ling (2008) related
rate of degradation to a weighted sum of the rates of production of irre-
versible entropy produced by the dissipative processes underlying the
degradation or ageing. Suppose irreversible degradation can be measured
by a function

{ ( )}
w = w pi z ij , (3.1)

( )
which depends monotonically on the energies pi z ij associated with the
i = 1, 2,n underlying irreversible dissipative processes, where index j
refers to the time-dependent phenomenological variables z ij that charac-
terize each process energy pi. To be in accordance with the second law
of thermodynamics (Kondepudi and Prigogine 1998), the dissipative irre-
versible processes must produce irreversible entropy:

{ ( )} , (3.2)
S = S pi z ij

( )
that must depend on the same pi z ij . Since the second law demands dS 0,
the function in Equation 3.2 must be monotonic and positive. The apostrophe
notation indicates irreversible entropy. Through the second law of thermody-
namics, the structure of dependency of S on the phenomenological variables
z ij is similar to that of w. The DEG theorem exploits this dependency. By
applying the chain rule to Equations 3.1 and 3.2, rates of degradation and
entropy are

dw w pi z ij dS ' S ' pi z ij
= j
= j
i , j pi z i t
. (3.3)
dt i , j pi z i t

Multiplying terms within the sum of the first of Equation 3.3 by

unity in the form (S/pi)1 (S/pi) gives

dw w / pi S ' pi z ij S ' pi z ij
= j
= Bi .(3.4)
dt i , j S '/ pi pi z i t i, j pi z ij t

Equation 3.4 expresses rate of degradation as a sum of terms identi-

cal to those in the second of Equation 3.3, but weighted by a degradation

w (3.5a)

w / pi S ' pi
Bi = =
S '/ pi w
(3.5b) T
i pi

that arises from the term within the curly brackets in Equation 3.4. In
Equation 3.5a, the subscript pi denotes w/S with dissipative process pi
active, or geometrically, w/S along the pi direction in relevant multi-
dimensional spaces that graph Equations 3.1 and 3.2 as surfaces versus
coordinates pi. The Bi, material properties that can be measured or related
to other material properties, may be constant or depend on the thermo-
dynamic states such as temperature. Definition of entropy (and the units
involved) suggests S/pi = 1/Ti, where Ti is a temperature associated with
process energy pi. With this, Equation 3.5b gives another way to obtain
the Bi. The terms in Equation 3.4 that multiply S/pi involve dissipated
power components

dpi p z j
= j ij i = j eij f ij (3.6)
dt z i t

associated with the ith dissipative process. The products within the
sums are power conjugates involving a rate of a phenomenological vari-
able z ij/t analogous to a generalized velocity fij, and its power conjugate
pi /z ij analogous to a generalized force eij. Equation 3.4 becomes

dw S ' pi z ij eij f ij
= Bi j
= Bi

dt i, j pi z i t i, j Ti
dp / dt dS 'i
= Bi i = Bi
i Ti i, j dt

The last two terms in Equation 3.7 explicitly show degradation rate
to be a linear combination of the rates of entropy production (or power
dissipation when relevant), where Si and dpi /dt are entropy generated and
power dissipated by the ith dissipative process. If entropy or power dissi-
pated can be formulated, a quantitative degradation model can be formu-
lated that is underpinned by the laws of thermodynamics. Thermodynamics

will now be reviewed with a goal of formulating the production of entropy

of dissipative processes.


All systems must conserve energy, stated by the first law of thermodynamics

dE = dQ dW + k hk dN k . (3.8)

Here E is the internal energy stored within a control volume that

surrounds the relevant part of the system, Q and W are heat flow and work
performed across the boundary of the control volume, Nk is the number of
moles of species k within the control volume, and

hk = (3.9)
N k

is the chemical potential associated with species k. Here, passage of time

dt is implicit in the differentials. The second law of thermodynamics states
that a change in the entropy S within the control volume

dS = dS '+ dSe (3.10)

consists of a reversible change dSe from flow of entropy into and out
of the control volume, and an irreversible change that arises from gen-
eration of entropy dS inside the control volume. Entropy flow dSe arises
from heat transfer

TdSe = dQ + k hk d e N k . (3.11)

due to flow of heat dQ (via conduction and radiation) and flow of matter
deNk across the control volume boundary. Here, chemical potential hk
gauges the energy contained per mole of matter. Change in number of

dN k = d ' N k + d e N k (3.12)

consists of a reaction term dNk (chemical or phase change) and the matter
transport term deNk. Note the terms deNk extend the foregoing equations to
open systems.



The traditional inequality form dS 0 of the second law, Equation 3.10,

arises from the nonnegative production dS 0 of entropy. Since entropy
measures randomness and disorder, dS 0 suggests a tendency for
a system to become disordered. All natural processes, including deg-
radation, proceed so as to increase the total entropy of a system and its
surroundings. A system produces entropy, dS > 0, until equilibrium. At
equilibrium, a systems entropy is maximum and entropy production
ceases, dS = 0 (Kondepudi and Prigogine 1998). Once created, entropy
cannot be destroyed, but only transported away via entropy flow dSe.
Entropy flow allows reversible processes.
To assess degradation, Equation 3.7 demands assessment of entropy
production S, which will be determined using Equations 3.8 to 3.12. Sub-
stitution of Equation 3.12 into Equation 3.8 with grouping of terms accord-
ing to Equation 3.11 shows the presence of term TdSe on the right side
ofEquation 3.8. Substitution of Equation 3.10 for dSe into Equation 3.8
forthe terms that comprise TdSe, and solving for entropy production

dE dW 1
dS ' = dS + k hk d ' N k . (3.13)

Besides the work dissipated (Klamecki 1984; Frederick and Chang

1965; Bejan 1988) and material reaction terms (Kondepudi and Prigogine
1998), Equation 3.13 asserts that entropy production also arises from
internal energy and entropy changes dE and dS within the control volume.
To assess entropy production and thus degradation, conditions must be
placed on dE and dS within the control volume. For other thermodynamic
conditions, the thermodynamic potentials

A = E TS,H = E + pV,G = E TS + pV (3.14)

of Helmholtz free energy, enthalpy, and Gibbs free energy, respectively,

can be applied. Under these three definitions, Equation 3.13 becomes,

SdT dA dW 1
dS ' = + k hk d ' N k, (3.15)

which needs conditions on dA and dT;

Vdp dH dW ' 1
dS ' = dS + + k hk d ' N k , (3.16)

which needs conditions on dH and dp; and

SdT dG Vdp dW ' 1

dS ' = + + k hk d ' N k, (3.17)

which needs conditions on dG, dp, and dT. In Equations 3.16 and 3.17,
dW = dW - pdV denotes work other than pressure volume.


Stationary systems: The simplest condition for Equation 3.13 is the sta-
tionary system with dE = dS = 0 (constant internal energy and entropy).
Here, combinations of flows across, and production inside the control vol-
ume of energy and entropy balance, rendering constant levels of internal
energy and entropy within the control volume. Stationary systems are at a
steady state but not in equilibrium.
Systems under strain and isothermal: Conditions for Equation 3.15 involve
dA and dT. Helmholtz free energy A, energy untainted by entropy or exergy,
can include energy associated with conservative forces (such as elastic
strain energy of deformed material dependent on displacements), and the
work of isothermal separation of surfaces, important for quantifying frac-
ture and fatigue phenomena, among others. For isothermal systems, dT = 0.
Isentropic and isobaric systems: Conditions for Equation 3.16 involve dH,
dS, and dp. Enthalpy H, with pressure volume expansion work subtracted
from internal energy, pertains to gases and phase changes of materials. For
isothermal systems, dp = 0.
Isothermal and isobaric systems: Conditions for Equation 3.17 involve dH,
dT, and dp. Gibbs free energy G, with pressure volume expansion work
subtracted from internal energy, pertains to dT = dp = 0 (constant tempera-
ture and pressure) conditions under which chemical reactions are standard-
ized. For isothermal systems, dp = 0. This dissipated work must eventually
diffuse through heat flow dQ or mass flow S hk dNk or both, as entropy flow
dSe. Open systems demand balancing flows of entropy, heat, work, energy,
and mass over a control volume about the degrading body or system.


Ageing and degradation mechanisms consist of one or more dissipative

processes operating simultaneously or in sequence. Dissipative processes
drive degradation and ageing. Bryant (2010) identified several common
dissipative processes operative at tribological interfaces and estimated the
irreversible entropies produced. This section will present the results of
Bryant (2010).
Adhesion of surfaces and films onto other bodies generate entropy

S ' = As , (3.18)

where the interface surface energy Dg is the work per unit area needed to
separate surfaces in a solid to create new surface area DAs, and Tm is the local
temperature of the media (Maugis 1999). Surface energies g are 1 to 3 Jm2
for clean metals, 0.1 to 0.5 Jm2 for ionic crystal ceramics, and less than
0.1Jm2 for molecular crystals and polymers (Maugis 1999).
Plastic Deformation, Viscous Dissipation, and Cutting of solids induce
an entropy change

S ' = V , (3.19a)

where Uc = dWp /dV is the work of plastic deformation Wp or cutting

expended per unit volume DV of the affected zone, and Tm is the tempera-
ture of the affected material media. Plastic flow in ductile metals occurs
when the metal is overloaded in shear. The dissipation function of contin-
uum mechanics for large deformations gives

U c = sd e . (3.19b)

Here s is the stress tensor and e is the strain tensor. The form of Equa-
tion 3.19b is valid for solids and fluids. For plastic dissipation in solids, s
is the deviatoric stress tensor.
Fracture separates continuous materials and forms new free surfaces
within the cracked body. Overstressed bodies fracture, especially brittle
materials. Fracture is associated with rupture of bodies, fatigue of bodies,
and surface damage. For a crack of length a, in a linearly elastic brittle
material, under plane strain, at uniform temperature Tcr, with no material

loss, and no chemical reactions or phase changes, Rice (1978) derived the
irreversible entropy produced

G 2go
dS ' = da , (3.20)

where energy release rate G = -Us/a is the energy released from the
elastic strain energy Us per increment of crack extension and go is the sur-
face energy needed to establish free surfaces in the solid under isothermal
Phase changes, including melting, solidification, crystallization, and
evaporation, alter material structure. Temperature ageing can induce a
phase change. Material properties such as strength or elastic modulus of
components can degrade. Phase changes, associated with surface melting
and recrystallization of metals, induce entropy change

S ' = (3.21)

Here, enthalpy change DH is the latent heat absorbed or shed during

the phase change, and Tphase is the temperature associated with the phase
change. For solid to liquid and vice versa, Tphase is the melting tempera-
ture, DH is the molar enthalpy of fusion, and DS is the molar entropy of
fusion. From liquid to gas, Tphase is the boiling temperature, DH is the molar
enthalpy of vaporization, and DS is the molar entropy of vaporization.
Phase change occurs quickly enough such that the phase change process
can be considered instantaneous, rendering rates immaterial.
Chemical reactions alter the composition of materials, which changes
material properties and behavior of components. For a system at constant
temperature and pressure dT = dp = 0, and no other work crossing the sys-
tem boundary dW = 0, the chemical reaction

ki ri
ki pi . (3.22a)

involving reactant species ri and product species pi at temperature Tm gen-

erates entropy

dS ' =
d x, A=
ki hi
ki hi . (3.22b)

Chemical affinity A depends on the chemical potentials hi and the coef-

ficients ki in the stoichiometric Equation 3.22a that specifies the overall
chemical reaction. Since the stoichiometry of the reaction relates to changes
of molar masses dNi of reactants and products involved in the reaction, the
extent of the reaction x has differential change

dN 'i
dx = (3.22c)

for each reactant or product involved in the reaction, where minus

pertains to reactants, and plus pertains to products. The number of moles
dN i = kidx of reactants and products in the reaction depend on the stoi-
chiometric coefficients ki.
To illustrate, oxidation of metallic copper to cuprous oxide involves
intermediate reactions that form copper ions, transfer electrons to oxy-
gen, and form the final products. The reaction has three steps, but the
entropy generated depends only on the overall reaction stoichiometry
4Cu + O22Cu2O. The chemical affinity A = 2hCu2O 4hCu hO2 and the
extent of reaction dx = dNCu/4 = dNO2 = dNCu2O/2. The numbers in
the denominators are the stoichiometric coefficients from the overall chem-
ical reaction equation. Thus, dS = (2hCu2O 4hCu hO2) dNCu2O/2Tm.
Chemical potentials hi for most elements and compounds are well tabulated
in CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (Lide 2006).
Diffusion migrates material (molecules, ions, or particles) from
regions of higher concentration to regions of lower concentration. Con-
centration differences or gradients can alter thermodynamic states, ther-
modynamic energies, and chemical potentials, see Equations 3.8, 3.9,
and 3.14. The mass gained by a region of lower concentration during
diffusion from a region of higher concentration must equal the mass
lost from the region of higher concentration, that is, dNlow = dNhigh. For
entropy generation, diffusion is viewed as a reaction (Kondepudi and
Prigogine 1998), with higher concentration material being reactant,
and material transported to regions of lower concentration being prod-
uct. Rate of entropy production is then governed by Equations 3.22b
and 3.22c, but with chemical potentials hlow and hhigh principally deter-
mined by concentrations of species, and Equation 3.22c defined by mass
conservation. For diffusion, T in Equation 3.22b is the temperature of the
diffusion media. For the simple example cited, Equation 3.22c becomes
dx = dNlow = dNhigh, affinity of Equation 3.22b becomes A = hhigh hlow,
and the rate of entropy production

dS ' hhigh hlow d x (3.23)

dt T dt

Mixing of n different material species generate entropy

Ni Ni n
S ' = R ln , N = N i . (3.24)
i N N i

Here R is the universal gas constant, Ni denote molar masses of the

i = 1, 2,, n different species, and ratios Ni/N are molar fractions. Before
mixing, the pure species were in separate volumes. Equation 3.24 was
derived as the entropy of the final mixed state minus the sum of the
entropies of the initial pure states.
Heat transfer, associated with diffusion of heat dQ from a region
of higher temperature Th to a region of lower temperature Tl, generates

1 1
dS ' = dQ . (3.25)
Tl Th

Transferring heat dQ from a hotter body to a cooler body reduces the

hotter body entropy by dQ/Th, but increases the cooler body entropy by
dQ/Tl. The difference is the entropy generated as shown in Equation 3.25.
Thermal expansion is the tendency for material bodies to expand or
dilate under increased temperature. For unrestrained free expansions,
the deformations are usually elastic and almost reversible. Here, the
entropy generation by the underlying dissipative processes is via heat
transfer, Equation 3.25. If thermal expansions are restrained and this
results in irreversible material changes such as plastic deformation or
fracture, in addition to heat transfer, entropy would be generated by plastic
deformation, Equations 3.19, and fracture, Equation 3.20.
For each of these dissipative processes, the entropy produced has the
form of a product of a weighting term and a differential or difference
of a phenomenological variable.
Generalizing, each of the entropies can be written in one of the forms:

dS ' = Xd z , S ' = X z (3.26)

where X is the weighting function and z is the phenomenological




Presented in this section will be examples of component degradation

involving wear, fatigue, battery degradation, and grease degradation. For
each of these examples, the dissipative process will be identified and the
DEG theorem will be applied. For wear and fatigue, measured data for deg-
radation and entropy production will be presented to support the analysis.


Rubbing one body against another induces friction forces between bod-
ies and simultaneously generates sliding wear. Wear, defined here as loss
of volume from material during rubbing, irreversibly reorders the rubbed
material, and as such, irreversible entropy must be produced. Friction
force F, and wear w, are manifestations of the same dissipative processes
that occur at the interface between rubbing bodies. Historically, friction
and wear were often treated as separate phenomena, but thermodynam-
ics and the DEG theorem admit a unified approach (Bryant, Khonsari
and Ling 2008). Many sliding wear systems operate at a steady state,
wherein dE = dS = 0, which suggests use of Equation 3.13. With no
reactions or phase change of material (dNk 0) within the control vol-
ume, Equation 3.13 asserts dissipated work to be the prevalent entropy
producer. Since the direction of the friction force vector always opposes
the direction of the sliding velocity vector during rubbing, with v = dx/dt
inFigure 3.1(a), friction dissipates power Fv and via Equation 3.13
dS/dt = Fv/T.
Through the DEG theorem of Equation 3.8, the rate of degradation
by wear is

dw dS ' Fv m Nv
=B =B =B , (3.27a)
dt dt T T

where F = N describes coulomb friction with friction coefficient , and

temperature T of the contact region between the rubbing bodies is affected
by the friction heating and heat transfer. Equation 3.27a can be compared
to the classic wear law of Archard (1953) w = kNx/Hm expressed in the
rate form dw/dt = kNv/Hm. Here, Hm is the hardness pressure (Rabinowicz
1965, 1980) of the softer sliding pair and k is the nondimensional wear
coefficient. Dividing Equation 3.27a by the rate of Archards law gives


y volume

x F

Counter surface



Normalized wear




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Normalized entropy flow

Figure 3.1. (a) Sliding wear with friction, and

(b)wear versus entropy.

mH m
k=B . (3.27b)

Alternatively, this k to B relation can be obtained via Equation 3.5b with

Ti = T and Archards law rewritten as w = kpi /Hm, wherein the process
energy pi = Fx = Nx. Since, for steady sliding, T, k, Hm, and m are con-
stants, wear B should be constant.
Figure 3.1(b) depicts a wear test machine from Ling et al. (2000),
wherein a copper rider (E) loaded by a 9.1 kg dead weight (A) slid over the
circumference of boundary lubricated steel rotor (D) rotating at 1,000 rpm,
rendering v = 3.3 ms1 surface speed. Three thermocouples in (F) m easured

the temperature of the sliding interface (ED) to estimate conduction up

through the rider of heat generated by sliding friction losses. The cylindri-
cally shaped rider was carefully insulated about its outer radius to encourage
vertical conduction heat flow. Rider wear was measured as a displacement
loss by photonic gap sensor (H). Since sliding of the rider was kept in a sta-
tionary state, dS = 0, leading to dS dSe. Entropy flow n Q ( n ) / T ( n )
was estimated from the temperature measurements for heat flow DQ(n) and
the interface temperatures T (n) during the nth time interval. Wear w versus
entropy flow Se measurements are plotted in F igure 3.1(b). The coordinate
axes were normalized by maximum values of wear wmax and entropy flow
Semax. Since the slope of this curve in a nondimensional space is approxi-
mately 1, Equation 3.5a suggests that B = wmax /Smax = 4.0 1010 m3/(JK1).
This B value, along with handbook values of m and Hm, rendered k = Bm
Hm / T 1.01 10-4. This k value, derived from the measurements of wear,
force, and temperatures, was within a percent of Rabinowiczs (1980) value,
derived from measurements of wear, force, and distance slid. Here, phe-
nomenologically different measurements rendered nearly identical k values.
Other sliding wear tests (Bryant and Khonsari 2008) with different
materials, different geometry, and under different test conditions gave simi-
lar results, further supporting the thermodynamic degradation paradigm and
the DEG theorem. Fretting wear, which occurs via a different mechanism
and dissipative processes, also follows the thermodynamic degradation par-
adigm. Following Huq and Celis (2002) and Fouvry et al. (1997, 2001,
2003), the dominant dissipative process p is the work of plastic deformation,
driven by friction force F. Through the DEG theorem (Bryant, K honsari,
and Ling 2008) as posed by Equation 3.7,

dw dS ' F dx 2 B dE m
=B = B [ 2( d e)( d f )] = 2 B = . (3.27c)
dt dt T dt T dt

The delta notations on e and f indicate perturbations from the current

equilibrium state. The 2 arises from the second variation of entropy (Dai,
Yang, and Xue 2000), and T is the near constant temperature at equilib-
rium. Here, the volume of material lost w is proportional to the friction
energy E dissipated, which is observed in fretting wear (Fouvry et al.
1997, 2001, 2003).


Damage from fatigue weakens many metals, ceramics, composites, and

polymers, rendering components susceptible to rupture under mechanical

loads normally too small to cause rupture. Under a repetitive subcritical

cyclic load such as reversed bending or torsion, the many small flaws
(stress concentrators or elevators) present in a material structure elevates
stresses, resulting in plastic deformations and eventual creation of small
cracks in the material structure (Juvinall and Marshek 1991). Continued
cyclic loading accumulates crack damage, weakening the material struc-
ture. This affects material properties such as elastic modulus; fatigue
strength SM, the load or stress needed to cause rupture after logging M
cycles; or material toughness UM (Duyi and Zhenlin 2001), the amount of
dissipated strain energy that the part can absorb before rupture. After suf-
ficient weakening, strength diminishes to load, and the component fails.
The number of cycles Mf to failure often serves as a fatigue life or failure
criteria. Observations distilled into the measured SN curve of Figure 3.2,
taken from Juvinall and Marshek (1991), show declining fatigue strength

S M = S M ( M ) (3.28)

versus number of cycles M. Under different fatigue conditions (load,

geometry, kinematics, environment, etc., indexed by k), the diminished
strength SM equals the load after M kf cycles, and the component fails. For a
same member subjected to different fatigue conditions during portions of
its life, cycles Mk < M kf represent the fraction Mk/M kf < 1 of the members
life under the kth load conditions. For a member sequentially loaded under
K different load characteristics, Miners (1945) rule

1 (3.29)

S = 0.9Su (in ksi, S 0.45 Bhn; in MPa, S 3.10 Bhn)

Not broken


0.4 3
10 2 4 6 8 104 2 4 6 8 105 2 4 6 8 106 2 4 6 8 107
Nkhg"N"*e{engu"*nqi++ S = 0.5S
n u
(in ksi, Sn 0.25 Bhn;
in MPa, Sn 1.73 Bhn)

Figure 3.2. SN diagram showing reduction of strength versus number

of cycles.

states that the sum of the fractions Mk/ M kf of the life spent under each
load condition must not exceed unity. From this, the remaining number of
cycles under different conditions can be estimated.
Amiri and Khonsari (2012), Naderi and Khonsari (2010), and
Amiri, Naderi, and Khonsari (2011) have shown that fatigue of some
metals, composites (Naderi and Khonsari 2012), and polymers obey the
thermodynamic degradation paradigm and the DEG theorem. Collec-
tively, these references experimentally correlate the cumulative effects of
fatigue damage with the entropy produced in a fatiguing member. Amiri,
Naderi, and Khonsari (2011) formulated an expression for the irre-
versible entropy S generated during progression of fatigue, and mea-
sured entropy flow Se under an approximately stationary process dS = 0.
Through Equation 3.10, dSe = dS, which allows entropy flow to esti-
mate entropy generation. Naderi, Amiri, and Khonsari (2010) determined
entropy flow via infrared temperature measurements on a cantilevered
member undergoing reverse bending, and used finite element calculations
to estimate stress, the dissipated work of plastic deformations, the heat
released from these dissipations, and the entropy flow associated with the
heat flow over the fatigued member. The temperatures estimated by finite
element were consistent with the infrared measured temperatures.
During the first hundred fatigue cycles or so, temperatures increased
due to heat of plastic work dissipation (Naderi, Amiri, and Khonsari 2010;
Amiri, Naderi, and Khonsari 2011), see Figure 3.2. During the second
phase of thousands of cycles, temperatures stabilized at near constant
levels set by equilibrium between heat transfer and the dissipated work.
Finally, just before the end of the components fatigue life, temperatures
abruptly increased, and Naderi, Amiri, and Khonsari (2010) proposed
temperature to predict onset of catastrophic failure. Similar to Figure 3.1,
Naderi, Amiri, and Khonsari (2010), Amiri, Naderi, and Khonsari (2011),
and Naderi and Khonsari (2011) graphed normalized cycles M/Mf versus
normalized entropy Se/Sf, see Figure 3.3, where Mf and Sf are cycles and
entropy at specimen rupture. Collectively, the articles mentioned varied
fatigue conditionsgeometry, displacement amplitude, frequency, and
kinematicsand load typereversed bending and reversed torsion. All
cases rendered the linear relation

Se M
, (3.30)
Sf M f

suggesting failure after generating a critical cumulative entropy Sf, or

logging total number of cycles Mf. Naderi, Amiri, and Khonsari (2010)

measured Sf of 4 MJ m3 K1 for Al 6061-T6 and 60 MJ m3 K1 for SS 304.

These measured values were found to be independent of fatigue geom-
etry and load characteristics. Through independent measurements and a
probabilistic analysis of elastic and plastic strains and stresses for fatigue
of aluminum rod and sheet specimens, Whaley (2012) also discovered a
critical entropy Sf to fatigue failure. This is consistent with the philosophy
and experience of Sosnovskiy and Sherbakov (2009), who, after study-
ing many types of man-made and biological systems, have concluded that
failure occurs whenever an item of any kind has experienced a critical
amount of entropy. K
Substituting Equation 3.30 into Miners Equation 3.29 gives k 1,
k Sf
showing that Miners rule is equivalent to an entropy statement. This was
also found by Amiri and Khonsari (2012) via a different analysis. As dis-
cussed in the previous paragraph, since Naderi, Amiri, and Khonsari (2010)
and Whaley (2012) found that critical entropy Sf depended only on material
type and not fatigue geometry and load conditions, all S kf = Sf, rendering

S f . (3.31a)

Equation 3.31a accumulates entropy, which can be stated in integral


dS ' S . (3.31b)

Equation 3.31 implies that whatever conditions (load, geometry,

load kinematics, load type, etc.) exist, a fatigued member fails after
generation of total entropy Sf, suggesting total entropy accumulation tan-
tamount to number of cycles for fatigue life.
Fatigue is a slow process with almost steady temperatures (Amiri,
Naderi, and Khonsari 2011) and negligible material loss or change, giv-
ing dT dNk = 0. Systems under these conditions can be described by
Equation 3.15. Here, the entropy generated per cycle dS arises from the
applied work dW and Helmholtz free energy dAwhich includes stored
elastic strain energy and surface energy for crackingvia dissipative pro-
cesses of plastic deformation and cracking; in comparison, Amiri, Naderi,
and Khonsari (2011) showed that the entropy generated by heat flow per
cycle is negligible. Consideration of Figure 3.2 and Equation 3.28 in light
of Equations 3.30 and 3.31 suggest that fatigue strength

S M = S M ( S '). (3.32a)

Integration over time of Equation 3.7 with degradation measure w taken

to be SM gives

dS '
S M S0 = B dt = BdS '. (3.32b)

Comparison of Equations 3.32 suggests validity of the DEG theorem

for application to fatigue. Figure 3.2 suggests the degradation coefficient
B< 0 to denote diminishing strength. Through Equation 3.5, B = SM /S,
but with entropy generation proportional to number of cycles for a given test
on a specimen, B = (SM /M)/(S/M) = (SM /M)(Mf /Sf) and the strength
equation can be written in terms of entropy generation SM = Su (Mf /Sf S)-a.
For this case, B is not constant but is a function of entropy.
For Figure 3.2, the curve through the data points, a straight line with
slope -a, a > 0, in the loglog space, if normalized by initial strength S0
and cycles Me to the endurance limit, can be approximated as1
S M 1 + M / M e (3.33a)
S0 M

U 0 U M f 1
U = U0 + ln(1 M M f ) (3.33b)
ln( M f )

where subscript 0 refers to the initial rupture strength. When sufficient

entropy accumulates, fatigue strength SM equals the applied load, and the
specimen ruptures.


Batteries store energy electrochemically and release energy as electric

power. Popular battery types include lead acid and lithium ion batteries.
Batteries consist of anode and cathode electrodes, electrolyte, separator,
and terminals. Batteries have finite lifetimes, which are usually limited
by manufacturing defects and ageing effects. This section will focus on
the ageing effects on battery life. Battery health is usually measured in
terms of capacity C (Ah), the amount of charge in ampere-hours a bat-
tery can deliver when discharged at a rated current, and/or the growth of

In a log-log space for M << Me, Equation (3.28) will plot roughly as a straight line
of slope -a, similar to an integrator in a Bode magnitude plot. For M >>Me, the slope
will vanish due to the zero like term in the numerator, forming an S-N knee.

Electrochemical conversion
Ohmic phenomena
G0 G0 Eact Eact Vbat
0 E
G 1 TF 1 0 1
J J It I I I


Ract Cdc

Electrochemical phenomena
G' Gstorage
0 1 Cstorage
Jdiff Jdiff
Energy storage

Cdiff Rdiff
Diffusion phenomena

Figure 3.3. Bond graph systems dynamic model of a Li ion battery.

Source: Adapted from Mnard, Fonts, and Astier (2010).

internal cell impedance Z (ohms) (see Broussely et al. 2005), where the
internal cell impedance Z pertains to a Thevenin equivalent circuit of the
battery. Ageing reduces capacity C and increases impedance Z. Cycles
of charging and discharging age a battery. Battery cycle life is rated as
the number of complete chargedischarge cycles a battery can undergo
before (1) capacity C falls below 80 percent of initial rated capacity, and/
or (2) the internal resistance Z increases 1.3 to 2 times its initial value.
Battery life, typically 500 to 1,200 charge discharge cycles, depends
on many factors (Broussely et al. 2005 and Vetter et al. 2005). Most prev-
alent are:

a. Number of chargedischarge cycles experienced by the battery:

More cycles diminish remaining life.
b. Depth of discharge (DOD), the percent of battery capacity dis-
charged during a chargedischarge cycle: A larger DOD reduces
cycle life and increases the increment of energy dissipated per cycle.
c. Electrolyte decomposition enhanced by high temperature and Li
d. Electrode plating by Li, which increases resistance and fades capac-
ity, is exacerbated by lower temperature.

The effects on battery life stated in the list are summarized in Table 3.1.
A battery operational model in bond graph form from Mnard,
Fonts, and Astier (2010) models the dynamic electrochemical phenom-
ena in a Li-ion battery. The bond graph of Mnard, Fonts, and Astier
(2010) was copied and is presented as Figure 3.3. A bond graph maps

Table 3.1. Observations of various physical effects on battery life

Observation Source Incorporated into model
Mosteffects can be Vetter et al. Sum over terms from dissi-
considered as additive (2005) pative effects
More charge/discharge Broussely More cycles accumulate
cycles diminish et al. (2005) more entropy
Larger DOD (percent Broussely Increases energy dissipated
of battery capacity et al. (2005) per cycle. Entropy pro-
discharged per cycle) Electropaedia duced accumulates faster.
reduces life (2005)
Electrolyte decomposi- Vetter et al. Expression terms
tion enhanced by high (2005) R R 2
temperature, high state Bdiff I t + Bact It
a FI lim a FI o
of charge
Electrode plating by Broussely Expression term
Li, which increases et al. (2005)
resistance and fades Vetter et al. Relec I 2
capacity, exacerbated (2005) Telec
by higher charging
rate and lower tem-

where and how power flows in a physical system, and where energy is
stored and d issipated. The half arrows in Figure 3.3 indicate the direc-
tion of positive power flow in a Li-ion battery. In a bond graph, poten-
tial energy is stored in capacitance elements C, kinetic energy is stored
in inertance elements I, and power is dissipated in resistance elements
R. From a completed bond graph, the differential equations that govern
the physics and dynamics of a system can be extracted (Brown 2006;
Karnopp, Margolis, and Rosenberg 2000). The bond graph of Figure 3.3
labels where in the battery system are the energy storage, diffusion
phenomena, electrochemical conversion, electrochemical phenom-
ena, and ohmic phenomena. On the far right of Figure 3.3, battery
terminal voltage Vbat and current I appear across the terminals of a phys-
ical battery. Chemical capacitance Cstorage in energy storage stores the
battery energy via electrochemical charge separation involving Li+ ions
and electrons. Gibbs free energy -DGstorage (J) and molar flow of lith-
ium ions J (mol sec1) appear as effort and flow on multiple bonds, indi-
cating the chemical thermodynamics embedded in this bond graph. The

minus sign on DGstorage refers to energy leaving the main storage Cstorage.
In diffusion phenomena, capacitance Cdiff and resistance Rdiff together
set a time constant Cdiff Rdiff, which controls the slow dynamics of Li+ ion
diffusion in the electrolyte, which transports charge through the electro-
lyte. Transformer TF:nF in electrochemical conversion has the modu-
lus of the Faraday constant F (9.649 104 C mol1) and the number of
moles of electrons n exchanged for each mole of lithium ions involved in
the electrochemical reaction at the electrodes. This transformer element
converts electrochemical power to electrical power. Effort source -G0
establishes a reference thermodynamic potential within the bond graph.
The power needed to activate electrochemical reactions at the electrode
electrolyte interfaces imposes resistance Ract. This power is dissipated.
Capacitance Cdc is due to a layer of charge (electrons and lithium ions Li+)
that forms about the electrodeelectrolyte interface. Low mobility of Li+
ions through the electrolyte relative to electron flows in the battery causes
ohmic resistance Relec.
In electric circuits, electric resistances dissipate power V I, where V
and I are the voltage drop across and current through the physical resistor.
The electric resistance Relec in Figure 3.3 has voltage drop helec and current
I. Similar to an electrical resistance, the power dissipated by other resis-
tances is the product of the equivalent voltages and currents, shown as
labels on the half arrow bonds. In the bond graph of Figure 3.3, resistances
Relec, Rdiff, and Ract dissipate powers helec I, -DGdiff Jdiff , and hact It, respec-
tively. The entropy generated dS is the dissipated power divided by a tem-
perature associated with the dissipative process. Thus from the resistance
elements and considerations associated with Equation 3.7,

dS ' Gdiff J diff hact I t helec I

= + + . (3.34a)
dt Tdiff Tact Telec

By way of Equation 3.7, the battery degradation is

dw Gdiff J diff h I h I
= Bdiff + Bact act t + Belec elec , (3.34b)
dt Tdiff Tact Telec

where degradation measure w can be battery capacity C and/or internal

impedance Z. Temperatures Tdiff , Tact, and Telec are associated with the diffu-
sion, activation, and electric domains of the battery. Equation 3.34b relates
rate of capacity or impedance change (Erdinc, Vural, and Uzunoglu 2009)
to power dissipated, and sums dissipative effects from Li-ion diffusion
into/out of electrodes, the energy of activation of Li/Li-ions at electrodes,

and ohmic effects associated with mobility of Li ions in electrolyte. As

the first row of Table 3.1 states, the sum over effects in Equation 3.34b
is consistent with Vetter et al. (2005), who reviewed ageing mechanisms
in Li-ion batteries and stated that diverse effects can be considered as
additive. Equation 3.34b is consistent with item (b) of the list, since a
larger DOD yields larger power dissipations from all effects, with greater
per cycle changes in w, and with Broussely et al. (2005) who found capac-
ity faded and impedance increased with more chargedischarge cycles.2
In Equation 3.34b, coefficients Bdiff, Bact, and Belec should be adjusted to
reflect the relative importance of each entropy term on the degradation.
For w being C or Z, these coefficients must be negative or positive, respec-
tively, to model capacity fade or impedance increase. Equation 3.34b can
be posed in terms of phenomenological variables via constitutive relations
of Equations 14 and 17 of Mnard, Fonts, and Astier (2010), wherein

RTdiff RTact 2
Gdiff J diff = It , hact I t = It , helec I = Relec I 2 (3.35a)
a FI lim a FI o


dw R R 2 R I2
= Bdiff I t + Bact I t + Belec elec . (3.35b)
dt a FI lim a FI o Telec

Here R is the molar gas constant, = 1/2, and Ilim and Io are diffusion cur-
rents dependent on the number of lithium ions. Cancellation of Tdiff and Tact
between numerators of Equation 3.35a and denominators of Equation 3.34b
rendered the first two terms of Equation 3.35b explicitly independent of
temperature. These terms, which pertain to electrolyte diffusion and elec-
trodeelectrolyte interface activation, should increase with temperature,
for the model to be consistent with row five of Table 3.1 and item (c) of
the list. This suggests that the coefficients Bdiff and Bact should monotoni-
cally increase with temperature, in a manner consistent with the observa-
tions. Note that this is consistent with remarks that followed Equation 3.5.
The last term of Equation 8b has Telec in the denominator, suggesting more
influence from this term at lower temperature, consistent with item list (d)
and the last row of Table 3.1.

With each increment of energy dissipated during each chargedischarge cycle an
increment of entropy must be produced, via the second law of thermodynamics. As
cycles accumulate, the entropy produced accumulates, and list item (a) suggests
battery life diminishes with increased entropy accumulation.

Finally, since It increases with state of charge, see Mnard, Fonts,

and Astier (2010), a higher state of charge increases the first two terms of
Equation 3.35b, which elevates the degradation rate, consistent with row
four of Table 3.1.


A method to construct models of degradation and ageing of any kind was

presented. This method was based on the thermodynamic degradation
paradigm and the DEG theorem, which in turn are based on the funda-
mentals of thermodynamics. The method selects a suitable degradation
measure, and then relates the rate of the degradation measure to the rate
of irreversible entropy generated by the dissipative processes that underlie
the degradation. This is encapsulated in Equation 3.4, wherein the rate
of degradation is expressed as a linear combination of the rate of genera-
tion of irreversible entropy. The method was demonstrated on three very
different examples: sliding wear, fatigue, and battery ageing. The model
constructed from the DEG theorem was quantitatively consistent with past
degradation models for wear and fatigue, and the expression derived for
battery ageing was qualitatively consistent with physical observations.
This method permits a structured approach toward degradation modeling,
inasmuch as the rate of entropy generation can be related to the mechanics
of the dissipative processes that underlie the entropy generation. Often
this is the power dissipated divided by temperature. Using this method,
equations that govern degradation and ageing can be derived and related
to the operational physics of the system.


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Thermodynamic Damage
within Physics of

Alec Feinberg



There are a lot of interesting approaches for understanding the physics

of device degradation. Reviewing the literature, one might note that ther-
modynamics seems underutilized for this area. You may wonder why we
need another approach. The answer is in many cases you do not. However,
sometimes, systems are complex and made up of many components. How
do we describe the ageing of a complex system? Here is possibly where
thermodynamics can be invaluable, since it is mainly an energy approach.
In addition, we will see that assessing thermodynamic damage can be very
helpful in quantifying the life of different devices and to understanding
their failure mechanisms.
More importantly, thermodynamics is a natural candidate to use for
understanding device ageing. For example, although most people who
study thermodynamics are familiar with its second law, not many think
of it as a good explanation of why a device degrades over time. We can
manipulate a phrasing of the second law to clarify our point, that is:

DOI: 10.5643/9781606504673/ch4

Second law in terms of device thermodynamic damage: The sponta-

neous irreversible damage processes that take place in a device interacting
with its environment, do so in order to go toward thermodynamic equilib-
rium with its environment.
There are many phrasings of the second law. This phrasing describes
ageing, and we use it in this chapter as the second law of thermodynamics
damage occurring in devices as they age. We provide some examples of
this statement in regard to ageing to help clarify this.
When we state that degradation is irreversible, we mean either
non-repairable damage or that we cannot reverse the degradation with-
out at the same time employing some new energetic process to do so. We
see there is a strong parallel consequence of the second law associated
with spontaneous degradation processes. The science presents us with
a gift, for its second law actually explains the ageing processes. Thus,
we are compelled to look toward this science to help us in our study of
device degradation. Currently, the field of reliability physics includes a lot
of thermodynamic-type explanations. Yet, realistically, the application of
thermodynamics to the field of device degradation is in many ways not
fully mature. Its first and second laws can be difficult to apply to complex
ageing problems. Yet, we anticipate that a thermodynamic approach to
complex ageing may be a very useful tool.
When we talk about device damage, we should not lose sight of the
fact that that we are using it as an applicable science for device reliability.
To this end, we would like to keep our sights on this goal. Thermodynamic
reliability is a term that can apply to degradation physics of a device (Fein-
berg and Crow 2001; Feinberg and Widom 2000) after it is taken out of the
box and subjected to its use stress environmental conditions.
In this chapter, we will start by introducing some of the parallels
of thermodynamics that can help in our understanding of physics-of-
degradation problems. Here, fundamental concepts will be introduced to
build a basic framework in the hope that the science of thermodynamic
damage in reliability physics will eventually mature.
When building a semiconductor component, manufacturing a steel
beam, or simply inflating a bicycle tire, a system is created that interacts
with its environment. Left to itself, the interaction between the system
and environment degrade the system of interest in accordance with our
second law phrasing of device degradation. That is, the degradation is
driven by this tendency of the system/device to come into thermodynamic
equilibrium with its environment. The total order of the system plus its
environment tends to decrease. The air in the bicycle tire will start to dif-
fuse through the rubber wall; impurities from the environment will diffuse
into otherwise more pure semiconductors; internal manufacturing stresses

will cause dislocations to move into the semiconductor material; iron alloy
steel beams will start to corrode as oxygen atoms from the atmospheric
environment diffuse into the steel. In all of these cases, the spontaneous
processes creating disorder are irreversible. For example, the air is not
expected to go back into the bicycle tire; the semiconductor will not spon-
taneously purify; and the steel beam will only build up more and more
rust. The original order created in a manufactured product diminishes in a
random manner, and becomes measurable in our macroscopic world.
Associated with the increase in total disorder or entropy is a loss of
ability to do useful work. The total energy has not been lost but degraded.
The total energy of the system plus the environment is conserved during
the process when total thermodynamic equilibrium is approached. The
entropy of the ageing process is associated with that portion of matter that
has become disorganized and is affecting our devices ability to do use-
ful work. For the bicycle tire example, prior to ageing, the system energy
was in a highly organized state. After ageing, the energy of the gas mole-
cules (which were inside the bicycle tire) is now randomly distributed in
the environment. These molecules cannot easily perform organized work;
the steel beam, when corroded into rust, has lost its strength. These typical
second-law examples describe the irreversible processes that cause ageing.
More precisely, if the entropy has not increased, then as stated earlier,
the device/system has not aged. Sometimes, it will be helpful to separately
talk about entropy in two categories: (a) entropy damage as compared
with (b) general entropy change which does not cause device damage.
For example, the bicycle tire that has degraded due to energy loss did not
experience damage and can be reused. However, the corrosion of the steel
beam is permanent damage. In some cases it will be obvious, in other
cases we may need to keep tabs on entropy damage. In most cases, we will
mainly be looking at entropy change due to device ageing as compared
with absolute values of entropy, since entropy change is easier to measure.
Entropy in general is not an easy term to understand, it is like energy, the
more we learn how to measure it, the easier it becomes to understand.



In thermodynamics, we see that it is important to define both the device

and its neighboring environment. Traditionally, this is done quite a bit in
thermodynamics. Note that we use the term system. Here this term applies
to some sort of device, complex subsystem, or even a full system made up
of many devices. The actual term system or controlled mass is often used

in many thermodynamic text books. In terms of the ageing framework, we

will mean:

The system is some sort of device set apart for study. From an engi-
neering point of view, of concern is the possible ageing that can
occur to it.
The environment is the neighboring matter, that interacts with the
system in such a way that it drives it toward its thermodynamic
equilibrium ageing state.

This interaction between a device and its environment drives the

device toward a thermodynamic equilibrium ageing state. It is important
to realize that there is no set rule on how the system or the environment is
selected. The key is that the final results be consistent.



Thermodynamic processes are commonly referred to as reversible or irre-

versible. Sanding a piece of wood is an irreversible process that causes
damage. We create heat from friction, which raises the internal energy to
the surface; some of the wood is removed, creating higher-disordered wood
particles so that the entropy increases. The disorder wood particles can be
thought of as entropy damage; the wood block undergoes an increase in
its internal energy from heating, which also increases its entropy as well;
some of the wood at the surface is loose but does not break free. Thus, not
all the entropy production goes into damage (removal of wood). Since we
cannot do a reversible cycle of sanding that removes the wood particles
and then puts it back to its original state, the process is irreversible and
damage has occurred. Although this is a gross example, in a sense there
are no reversible real processes. This is because work is always associ-
ated with an energy loss. The degree of this loss can be minimized in
many cases for a quasi-static process (slow varying in time). Then we
are closer to a reversible or a less irreversible process. For example, cur-
rent flowing through a transistor will cause the component to heat up and
emit electromagnetic radiation, which cannot be recovered. Moreover,
commonly associated with the energy loss is degradation to the transistor;
this is a consequence of the environment doing work on the transistor. In
some cases, we could have a device doing work on the environment (like
a battery). There are a number of ways to improve the irreversibility of

the ageing transistor. Improve the designs reliability so that less heat is
generated, or we can lower the environmental stress such as decrease the
power applied to the transistor. In the limit of reducing the stress to zero,
we approach a reversible process. Therefore, reversible processes must be
quasi-static. However, this does not imply that all quasi-static processes
are reversible. In addition, the system may be repairable to its original
state from a reliability point of view.
A quasi-static process ensures that the system will go through a gen-
tle sequence of states such that a number of important thermodynamic
parameters are well-defined functions of time, if infinitesimally close to
equilibrium (so the system remains in quasi-static equilibrium), the pro-
cess is typically reversible.
A repairable system is in a sense repairable-reversible or less irre-
versible from an ageing point of view. However, we cannot change the
fact that the entropy of the universe has permanently increased from the
original failure and that a new manufactured part had to be made for the
replaceable part. Such entropy increase has likely caused damage to the
environment that we live in.



As a system ages, work is performed by the system on the environment

or vice versa. The non-equilibrium process involves an energy exchange
between these two. Measuring the work isothermally (constant tempera-
ture) performed by the system on the environment, and if the effect on the
system could be quantified, then a measure of the change in the systems
free energy can be obtained. If the process is quasi-static, then generally
the energy in the system DU can be decomposed into the work DW done
by the environment on the system and the heat DQ flow.
The bending of a paper clip back and forth illustrates cyclic work
done by the environment on the system that often causes dislocations to
form in the material. The dislocations cause metal fatigue, and thereby
the eventual fracture in the paper clip; the diffusion of contaminants from
the environment into the system may represent chemical work done by
the environment on the system. We can quantify such changes using the
first and second laws of thermodynamics. The first law is a statement that
energy is conserved if one regards heat as a form of energy.
The first law of thermodynamics: The energy change of the sys-
tem DU is partly due to the work DW performed on the system by the

e nvironment and partly due to the heat DQ that flows from the environ-
ment to the system

DU = DQ + DW (4.1)

In the case where heat and work are added to the system, then either
one or both can cause damage. If we could track this, we would find that
the portion of related damage is causing loss in the systems free energy
(which is discussed in Section 4.7).
If heat flows from the system to the environment, then our sign con-
vention is that DQ < 0. Similarly, if the work is done by the system on the
environment then our sign convention is that DW < 0. That is, adding DQ
or DW to the system is positive, increasing the internal energy. (Note that
the first law does not prohibit a degraded system from spontaneous repair,
which is a consequence of the second law.)
During the quasi-static process, the work done on the system by the
environment has the form

dW = Y dX
a a (4.2)

Each generalized displacement dX a is accompanied by a generalized

conjugate force Ya. Note that because work is a function of how it is per-
formed (often termed path dependent in thermodynamics), we used the sym-
bol W instead of dW, indicating this for an infinitesimal increment of work.
For a simple system, there is but one displacement X accompanied by one
conjugate force Y. Some examples of basic conjugate work variables are
given in Table 4.1 (Feinberg and Crow 2001; Feinberg and Widom 2000).
A systems state is often defined by macroscopic state variables. Ther-
modynamic state variables are needed to define the equilibrium state of
the system. Common examples of state variables are temperature, vol-
ume, pressure, energy, entropy, number of particles, mass, and chemical
composition. We see that some pairs of state variables are directly related
to mechanical work in the table above. These macroscopic parameters
depend on the particular system under study and can include voltage,
current, electric field, vibration displacements, and so forth. Thermody-
namic parameters can be categorized as intensive or extensive. Intensive
variables have uniform values throughout the system such as pressure or
temperature. Extensive variables are additive such as volume or mass. For
example, if the system is sectioned into two subsystems, the total volume
V is equal to the sum of the volumes of the two subsystems. The pressure
is intensive. The intensive pressures of the subsystems are equal and the

Table 4.1. Generalized conjugate mechanical work variables

Common Generalized Generalized Mechanical
systems dW force Y displacement X work dW = YdX
Gas Pressure (-P) Volume (V) P dV
Chemical Chemical Molar number m dN
potential (m) of atoms or
molecules (N)
Spring Force (f) Distance (x) f dx
Mechanical Tension (J) Length (L) J dL
Mechanical Stress (s) Strain (e) s de
Electric Polarization Electric field (E) p dE
polarization (p)
Capacitance Voltage (V) Charge (q) V dq
Induction Current (I) Magnetic flux (F) IdF
Magnetic Magnetic Magnetization H dM
polarizability intensity (H) (M)
Linear system Velocity (v) Momentum (m) v dm
Rotating fluids Angular Angular wdL
velocity (w) momentum (L)
Resistor Voltage (V) Current (I)
VI dt

same as before the division. Intensive parameters can be defined in the

small neighborhood of a point.



We have stated that as a device ages, measurable disorder (degradation)

occurs. We mentioned that the quantity of entropy defines the property
of matter that measures the degree of microscopic disorder that appears
at the macroscopic level. Therefore, we can also restate our phrasing for
device ageing of the second law in terms of entropy when the system
environment interaction is isolated:
The second law of thermodynamics in entropy terms of device deg-
radation: The spontaneous irreversible damage process that takes place

in the systemenvironment interaction when left to itself increases the

total entropy that results from a tendency of the system to go toward ther-
modynamic equilibrium with its environment.
This is more evident (measurable) if the system is immersed in an iso-
thermal (constant temperature) environment. There is no way to reverse
this process without creating more entropy. This alternate phrasing of the
second law is another way of saying that the total order in the device plus
the environment changes toward disorder. Degradation is a natural process
that starts in one equilibrium state and ends in another; it will go in the
direction that causes the entropy of the system plus the environment to
increase for an irreversible process and to remain constant for a reversible
An ageing process can always be associated with entropy increase
The entropy generated associated with device damage, we can term,
entropy damage.
Entropy is an extensive property, so that the total entropy between the
environment and the device is the sum of the entropies of each. Therefore,
the device and its local environment can be isolated to help explain the
entropy change. We can write that the entropy generated Sgen in an ageing
process as

Sgen = DStotal = DSdevice + DSenv 0 (4.3)

Now in a degradation process, the device and the environment can

both have the entropies changed. For example, matter that has become
disorganized, such as a phase change, that affects device performance. In
theory, damage entropy is separable in the ageing process related to the
device (system) such that

DSdevice = DSdamage + DSnon-damage 0 (4.4)

So that, by this definition, damage entropy change, DSdamage, must be

greater than zero or ageing in the device is not measurable. And nondam-
age entropy increase, DSnon-damage, is when more disorganization occurring
in the device that is not currently affecting the device performance; for
example, vibration in the lattice of a crystal might increases when heat is
added but there is no permanent disorder to that area of the device that is
affecting its performance. However, we might still be able to measure that
portion of the heat added that did not cause device damage.

Entropy damage in a system: While non damage entropy can be

added or removed from a system without causing measurable degrada-
tion, such as by adding or removing heat in the system, damage system
entropy can only be increased in a measurable way to its maximum value
where the system approaches failure.


Prior to ageing, our device has a certain portion of its energy that is avail-
able to do useful work. This is called the thermodynamic free energy. The
thermodynamic free energy is the internal energy input of a system minus
the energy that cannot be used to create work. This unusable energy is the
entropy (S) multiplied by the temperature (T) of the system. There are two
thermodynamic free energies widely used. They are Helmoltz free energy
(F), which is the capacity to do mainly mechanical (useful) work, while
the Gibbs energy is primarily for non-mechanical work in Chemistry. The
systems free (or available) energy is in practice less than the systems
energy U; that is, if T denotes the temperature of the environment and if
S denotes the system entropy, then Helmholtz free energy is F = U TS,
which obeys F < U. The free energy is then the internal energy of a system
minus the amount of unusable (or useless) energy that cannot be used to
perform work. The unusable energy is given by the entropy of a system
multiplied by the temperature of the system. If the systems initial free
energy is denoted by Fi (before ageing) and the final free energy is denoted
by Ff (after ageing), then Ff < Fi. The system is in thermal equilibrium
with the environment when the free energy is minimized. We can also
phrase the second law for ageing in terms of the free energy
The second law of thermodynamics in free energy in terms of device
degradation: The spontaneous irreversible damage process that takes
place over time in a system decreases the free energy of the system toward
a minimum value. This spontaneous process reduces the ability of the sys-
tem to perform useful work on the environment, which results in ageing
of the system.
For an environment at a fixed temperature, the isothermal change
in the systems free energy is equal to the work done by the system on the

Work = (Ff Fi ) (4.5)

(This is for a closed system, indicating no exchange of matter).



Work is done against some sort of resistance. Resistance is a type of fric-

tion that increases temperature, creates heat and entropy. In the absence
of friction, the change in entropy is zero. We think of mechanical friction
as the most common example, but we can include electrical resistance, air
resistance, resistance to a chemical reaction, resistance of heat transfer,
and so on. Real work processes always have friction generating heat. If
heat flows into a system, then the systems entropy increases. Heat flow-
ing out decreases the systems entropy. Some of this heat that flows into a
system can cause entropy damagepermanent degradation to the system.
Typically, instead of talking about some form of absolute entropy,
measurements are generally made on the change in entropy that takes
place in a specific thermodynamic process. For example, in an isothermal
process, the change in entropy (DS) is the change in heat (Q) divided by
the absolute temperature (T):

dS (4.6)

Here, the equality holds for reversible processes, and the inequality
for irreversible ones (as defined in the next section). Note that because the
entropy measurement depends on our observation of heat flow, which is
a function of the heat dissipation process (often termed path dependent in
thermodynamics), we again use the symbol dQ instead of dQ. The inequal-
ity in the above equation reminds us that the entropy change of a closed
system during an irreversible process is always greater than the entropy
transfer. That is, some entropy is generated during an irreversible process
(Sgen), and this generation is due to the presence of the irreversibilities. So,
instead of the inequality, we can write this as

2 dQ
S Sys = S 2 S1 = + SGen (4.7)
1 T



Typically, entropy change is measured, not absolute values of entropy. We

may combine the general first law statement

dU = dQ + dW = dQ + Ya dX a (4.8)

with the statement of the thermodynamic second law dQ = TdS (for

reversible processes). The full statement of the two thermodynamic laws
involves only exact differential forms. For a general system, the combined
statement reads

U = U ( S , X 1 , , X n ), (4.9)

dU = TdS + Ya dX a (4.10)

The internal energy U is a function of the entropy and the generalized

displacements. During a quasi-static process, the energy change may be
decomposed into a term representing the heat flow TdS from the environ-
ment into the system plus the work Ya dX a done by the environment on
the system. a

In terms of the entropy function, we have

S = S (U , X 1 , , X n ), (4.11)

1 Y
dS = dU a dX a (4.12)
T a T

The entropy maximum principle in terms of ageing: Given a set of

physical constraints, a system will be in equilibrium with the environment
if and only if the total entropy of the system and environment is at a max-
imum value.

Stot = S Sys + Sen = S Max (4.13)

At this point, the system has lost all its useful work, maximum damage
has occurred, and further ageing no longer will occur.

Example 4.1 Thermal Equilibrium

Consider a system that can exchange energy with its environment. The
system can exchange energy with the environment subject to the constraint
of overall energy conservation. The total conserved energy is written

U tot = U + U en (4.14)

where we have dropped the Sys subscript. Under a quasi-static exchange

of energy we have

dU tot = dU + dU en = 0, (4.15)
dU dU en
dStot = + (4.16)
T Ten

Since dU = dUen

1 1
dStot = dU , (4.17)
T Ten

dStot 0 (4.18)

In order to insure that the total entropy goes to a maximum, we have

positive increments under the exchange of energy in which the system
energy change is dU . If the environmental temperature is more than the
system temperature Ten > T , then this dictates that dU > 0. If the environ-
mental temperature is less than the system temperature Ten < T , then this
dictates that dU < 0. The energy then flows from the higher temperature
region to the lower temperature region. If the entropy is at the maximum
value, then the first-order differential vanishes:

1 1
dStot = dU = 0. (4.19)
T Ten

At equilibrium, the environmental temperature is equal to the system

temperature T = Ten, and the energy exchange flow comes to a halt. This
is in accordance with the entropy maximum principle, which occurs when
the system and the environment are in equilibrium. In terms of ageing,
we might have a transistor that is being cooled by a cold reservoir. If the
transistor fails, it comes to equilibrium with the environment so that the
temperature of the system becomes equal with the environment.

Example 4.2 Equilibrium and Charge Exchange

Shown in Figure 4.1 is a system (capacitor) in contact with an environ-

ment (battery).
A (possibly) nonlinear capacitor is connected to a battery. The capac-
itor and the battery can exchange charge and energy subject to conserva-
tion of total energy and total charge. Then, with these constraints, we wish
to maximize


Figure 4.1. System (capacitor) and

environment (battery) circuit.

Stot = S (U , q ) + Sen (U wn , qen ) (4.20)

with the total energy and charge

U tot = U + U en , (4.21)
qtot = q + qen (4.22)


dU tot = dU + dU en = 0, (4.23)
dqtot = dq + dqen = 0. (4.24)

The entropy for the capacitor and battery requires

dStot = dS + dSen , (4.25)

Then we can write from the combined first and second law equations

dU Vdq dU en Edqen
dStot = + , (4.26)
T T Ten Ten

or equivalently

1 1 V E
dStot = dU dq , (4.27)
T Ten T Ten

dStot 0. (4.28)

Therefore, for equilibrium, when the entropy is maximum T = Ten and

V = E, so that dStot = 0 the battery has degraded so that no more useful work

can be done. Of course, we can have a quasi-static equilibrium condition

when the capacitor is fully charged and negligible current is flowing.

Example 4.3 Available Work

Consider a system in a state with initial energy E and entropy S that is

not in equilibrium with its neighboring environment. We wish to find the
maximum amount of useful work that can be obtained from the system if
it can react in any possible way with the environment. Lets say the system
wants to expand to come to equilibrium with the environment and we have
a shaft on it in one direction that is doing useful work. From the first law
we have

dU = dW Po dV dQ (4.29)

The entropy production is

d SGen = dS (4.30)

Here, dS is the increase in entropy storage and dQ/T is the entropy

outflow. Combining these two equations, then the useful shaft work is

dW = dU Po dV To ( d SGen dS ) (4.31)

Integrating from the initial to final state we have for the actual work

Wif = (U + PoV - ToS)I - (U + PoV - ToS)f ToSGen (4.32)

The irreversible work is

Wirr = ToSGen (4.33)

The reversible work is

Wr = (U + PoV - ToS)I - (U + PoV - ToS)f (4.34)

The SGen is positive from Equation 4.32 or zero so that

Wr = ( U + Po V To S ) (4.35)

is the available work (free energy). Thermodynamics sometimes refers to

a term called exergy (or availability) as the maximum available work when
a state of the system is reduced to full equilibrium with the environment
(also called the dead state). In reliability terms, this could represents a cata-
strophic failed state. To see this we can find the minimum at fixed To and Po

Wr Wr
= 0, =0 (4.36)

which gives

1T = 0, Po To =0 (4.37)

These are the thermodynamic definitions of temperature and pressure.

We see that these conditions are satisfied when the system has the same tem-
perature and pressure as the environment at the final state. Thus, the largest
maximum work is possible when the system ends up in equilibrium with the
environment. Then, it is impossible to extract further energy as useful work.
The irreversible work is

Wirr = Wrev Wactual (4.38)

The efficiency and inefficiency for work-producing components are

Wactual Wactual Wirr

h= = and 1 h = (4.39)
Wrev Wactual + Wirr Wactual + Wirr



We have defined the maximum entropy and minimum free energy as equi-
librium states. We now use these definitions to formally define failure:
Catastrophic failure occurs when the systems free energy is as small
as possible and its entropy is as large as possible, and the system is in its
true final thermodynamic equilibrium state with the neighboring environ-
ment such that

dj dSTotal
= 0, and = 0 (4.40)
dt dt

Typically, catastrophic failure occurs due to permanent device deg-

radation caused by maximum entropy damage. We note that there are
non-catastrophic intermediate equilibrium states that a system can be in
with its environment. Some examples might include: when an electrical
system is turned off or is in a standby state, if we have a secondary battery
that has cycled in numerous chargedischarge cycles, each fatigue cycle
represents an intermediate degraded state where the battery has not fully
degraded to the point where it cannot perform useful work (see Exam-
ple 4.7), and so on. Quasi-static measurements and quasi-intermediate
states are discussed more in Section 4.7. In such cases, the degraded sys-
tem has not failed as it is not in its true final equilibrium state relative to
its stress environment. So we have to define what we mean by the equilib-
rium state relative to looking for a maximum in entropy.
We can also envision a situation in which a device such as a transistor
or an engine degrades to a point where it can no longer perform at the
intended design level. The transistors power output may have degraded
20 percent; the engines efficiency may have degraded 70 percent. When
a parametric threshold is involved, we are likely not at a true final equilib-
rium state. Therefore, we note that:
Parametric failure occurs when the systems free energy and entropy
have reached a critical parametric threshold value such that

j j Threshold , and STotal SThreshold (4.41)

In such cases, parametric failure is also the result of entropy damage.



In this section, we have actually been describing equilibrium and non-equi-

librium thermodynamics. More formally, equilibrium thermodynamics
provides methods for describing the initial and final equilibrium system
states without describing the details of how the system evolves to final
state. Whereas non-equilibrium thermodynamics describes in more detail
what happens during the evolution to the final equilibrium state, for exam-
ple, the precise rate of entropy increase or free energy decrease. Those
parts of the energy exchange broken up into heat and work by the first law
are also tracked during the evolution to an equilibrium final state. At the
point where the irreversible process virtually slows to a halt, it approaches

Table 4.2. Thermodynamic ageing states

Entropy Measurement
definitions definition Free energy definitions
Non-equilibrium ageing
dSTotal d STotal dj
>0 >0 <0
dt dt dt
Equilibrium non-ageing state (associated with catastrophic failure)
dSTotal d STotal dj
=0 =0 =0
dt dt dt
Parametric equilibrium ageing state (associated with parametric failure)
STotal SThreshold STotal SThreshold j j Threshold

Relative equilibrium ageing state (associated with activated failure)

S BTotal STotal S BTotal STotal j B j j B + j
S BTotal + s S BTotal + s

For example, as work is performed by a chemical cell (a battery

with an electromotive force), the cell ages and the free energy decreases.
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics describes the evolution that takes place
as current passes through the battery, and the final equilibrium state is
achieved when the current stops and the battery is dead. Recharging can
revive a secondary battery. However, this is cyclic work that also degrades
the batterys capacity after each cycle. (See Example 4.7.)
Table 4.2 summarizes the key ageing states described in S ections4.4
and 4.5 (Feinberg and Crow 2001; Feinberg and Widom 2000).


Entropy is an extensive property, thus the total entropy of a system is equal to

the sum of the entropies of the parts of the system. The parts may also be sub-
systems. If we isolate an area enclosing the system and its environment such
that no heat, mass flows, or work flows in or out, then we can keep tabs on
the total entropy. In this case the entropy generated from the isolated area is

SGen = STotal = Si = S Sys + S Surroundings 0 (4.42)
i =1

where the equality holds for reversible processes and the inequality
for irreversible ones. This is an important result for thermodynamic dam-
age. If we can keep tabs on DSTotal over time, we can determine if ageing
is occurring even in a complex system. To do this, we need a repeatable
method or process to make ageing measurements at different times. If we
find that the entropy has changed over time from a repeatable quasi-static
measurement process, then we are able to measure and track the ageing
that occurs between the systems initial, intermediate, and final states. We
can call this the entropy of an ageing process. (Note that, during system
ageing, we do not have to isolate the system. We only need to do this
during our measurement process.)



We can theorize that any irreversible process that increases or decreases

the change in entropy in a system under investigation causes some deg-
radation to the system. However, if we cannot measure this degradation,
then in our macroscopic world, the system has not actually aged. In terms
of entropy generated from an initial and final state, we have

SGen = Sinitial Sfinal 0 (4.43)

where the equal sign is for reversible process and the inequality is for
irreversible one. However, what portion of the entropy generated causes
degradation to the system and what portion does not? To clarify similar to
Equation 4.4,

Sgen = Sdamage + Snon-damage (4.44)

There is really no easy way to tell unless we can associate the degra-
dation through a measurable quantity. Therefore, in thermodynamic dam-
age, we are forced to define Sdamage in some measurable way.
As well in thermodynamics, we typically do not measure absolute
values of entropy, only entropy change. Let us devise a nearly reversible
quasi-static measurement process f, and take an entropy measurement of
interest at time t1

DSf (t1) = S(t1 + Dt) S(t1) (4.45)


The measurement process f must be consistent to a point that it is

repeatable at a much later ageing time t2, we can observe if some measur-
able degradation has occurred to our device where we record the entropy

DSf (t2) = S(t2 + Dt) S(t2), where t2 >>t1 (4.46)

Then we can determine if damage has occurred. If our measurement

process f at time t1 and t2 is consistent, we should find the entropy damage
that has occurred between these measurement times as

DSf-Damage(t2,t1) = DSf(t2) DSf (t1) 0 (4.47)

where the equality occurs if no device degradation is measurable. If we

do generate some damage entropy during our measurement process (ti+
Dti), it must be minimal compared to what is generated during the actual
ageing process between time t1 and t2. Then, our entropy measurement
difference should be a good indication of the device ageing/damage that is
occurring between time t1 and t2. The actual ageing process to the system
between time t1 and t2 might be a high level of stress applied to the system.
Such stress need not be quasi-static. However, the stress must be limited to
within reason so that we can repeat our measurement in a consistent man-
ner at time t2. That is, the stress should not be so harsh that it will affect the
consistency of the measurement process f.
One might, for example, have a device ageing in an oven in a reli-
ability test, then remove it, and make a quasi-static entropy measurement
f at time t1 and then put the device back in the oven and later do another
measurement at time t2. Any resulting measurement difference is damage
(Note that Equation 4.47 is a different statement from entropy flow
that many books describe. Here, we are concerned with entropy damage
over a repeatable measurement process.)

Example 4.4 Resistor Ageing

Resistor ageing is a fundamental example, since resistance generates

entropy. A resistor with value R ohms is subjected to environmental stress
over time at temperature T1, while a current I1 passes through it for one
month. Determine a measurement process to find the entropy at two ther-
modynamic non-ageing states before the stress is applied and after it has

been applied at times tinitial and tfinal, respectively. Determine if the resistor
has aged from the measurement process and what is the final value for the
Before and after ageing at temperature T1, we establish a quasi-static
measurement process f to determine the entropy change of the resistor at
an initial time ti and final time tf. A simple method would be to thermally
insulate the resistor and pass a current through it at room temperature T2,
for a small time t and monitor the heat rise to temperature T3. The internal
energy of the resistor with work done on it is

U = W + Q = mCpT3 = I 2Rt + mCpT2 (4.48)

This yields

I 2Rt = mCp(T3 T2) (4.49)


R(ti) = mCp(T3 T2)/I 2t (4.50)

The entropy for this quasi-static measurement process at initial time

t1 over the time period Dt is considered reversible so that the entropy can
be written over the integral,

S f (t1 + t ) S f (t1 ) = (4.51)

It is important to note that the entropy change is totally a function of

the measurement process f, often termed path dependent in thermodynam-
ics, which is why the symbol Q is used in the integral. The integral for
this process (d(Volume) = 0) is,

mC p (T )dT T3
S f (t1 ) = = mC p avg Ln (4.52)
T T2

Here T3 is the temperature rise of the resistor observed after time

period Dt.
A month later, we repeat this exact quasi-static measurement process
at time tf and find that ageing occurred as the temperature observed is now
T4 where T4>T3 and the entropy damage change observed over the final
measurement time is

S f (t2 ) = mC p avg Ln (4.53)

R(tf ) = mCp(T4 - T2)/I 2t (4.54)

Therefore, the damage entropy change related to resistor degradation is

S Damage (t2 , t1 ) = mC p avg Ln (4.55)

or in terms of an ageing ratio

AAgeing ratio = Ln(T3 T2 ) Ln(T4 T2 ) (4.56)

The resistance change is

R(t f ) = 4 2 R(ti ) (4.57)
T3 T2

We note

R = r L/A (4.58)

Thus, an analysis of the problem indicates that the material properties

and the dimensional aspects need to be optimized to reduce the observed
ageing/damage that occurred.
One might now ask, so what! We can easily measure the resistance
change of the ageing process with an ohm meter. On the contrary, we note
that our ageing measurement was independent of the resistor itself. If we
are only looking at ageing ratios, we did not even have to know any of its
properties. In some cases, we are unable to make a direct measurement;
we can detect ageing using thermodynamic principles. As well, the next
example may be helpful to understand some advantages to this approach
for complex systems.

Example 4.5 Complex Resistor Bank

In the above example we dealt with a simple resistor, but what if we

had a complex resistor bank like a resistance bridge or some complex

a rrangement? The systems ageing can still be detected even though we

may not easily be able to make direct component measurements to see
which resistor or resistors have aged over environmental stress conditions.
In fact, components are often sealed, so they are not even accessible for
direct measurement. In this case, according to our thermodynamic dam-
age theory, if we isolate the system and its environment the total entropy
change is from Equation 4.42

STotal = Si
i =1 (4.59)

For a complex bank, if we are able to use the exact same measurement
process f as we did for Example 4.4 then the ageing ratio is still

AAgeing ratio = Ln(T3 T2 ) Ln(T4 T2 )




In the above examples, our ageing measurements were taken at an initial

and final measurement times. These were quasi-static intermediate mea-
surements states where little, if any, ageing occurred. We are sampling the
ageing process. If it had failed, it would have been in equilibrium with
its environment. We did not track how the entropy of the ageing process
occurred over time. We were only concerned with whether or not degrada-
tion occurred. And our detection of the ageing process is only limited by
our ability to come up with a quasi-static measurement process. In theory,
we can even detect if a complex rocket ship is degrading. Each measure-
ment process takes place at a non-ageing state at a key tracking point such
as an initial, intermediate, or final measurement time. The measurement
itself is taken in a small enough window of delta time to observe the state
of the system but not cause any significant ageing during our observation
Given a system, what quasi-static measurement process f will best
detect degradation at an intermediate ageing state? Part of the problem
will always be resolution of our measurement process. Although we now
have a tool that can possibly detect ageing of a large system, can we make
a measurement with enough resolution to observe its degradation? Can we

take a partial sample in some way? For example, do we need to completely

isolate the system and its environment in the entirety to make a measure-
ment? We are now in a position that challenges our imaginations.
Thus, the principles will always be valid, but we may be limited by
the practicality of the measurement. In the above case, the ageing was
associated with heat. Not all ageing occurs in a manner that allows us to
make degradation measurements in this way.



We next ask what state variables can be measured as an indicator at the

system level for the entropy of ageing. In this section, we will explore
the state system variables of temperature, system noise, and system fail-
ure rate.



We have noted that certainly temperature should be a good candidate for

a system-level state variable. In terms of thermodynamics, if a part is
incompressible (constant volume), and if a part is heating up over time t2
compared to its initial time at t1 due to some degrading process, then its
entropy damage change is given by (e.g., see Equation 4.55)

S (t2 , t1 ) = mC Avg Ln (4.61)

where C is the specific heat (Cp = Cv = C) and for simplicity we are using
an average value for C.
Then for a system made up of similar type of parts in accordance with
Equation 4.61 the total damage entropy is

T2 N
STotal = Si = Ln mC i Avg i (4.62)
i =1 T1 i =1

This is an interesting result. It basically says that one measure of an

ageing system is temperature. Although we might intuitively expect this, it is
helpful to be specific. Note that we do not need to know the temperature of

each part; temperature is an intensive thermodynamic variable. It is a roughly

uniform indicator for the system. Thus, monitoring temperature change of a
large system is one key variable that is a major degradation concern for any
thermal type system. Even for an ideal gas the expression is similar.



Another continuous intensive variable at the system level is noise. This

may not be initially as obvious as the temperature state variable. In fact,
one does not find this in most books as a thermodynamic state variable.
Nevertheless, we can characterize one key state of a system using noise. In
a mechanical or an electrical system, we suspect that system noise increase
is a sign of disorder and increasing entropy. Simply put, if entropy dam-
age increases, so should the system noise. For example, an electrical fan
blade may become wobbly over time. The increase in its wobbliness can
be thought of as noise. Not in the acoustic sense but its degree of how
wobbly it is provides a measure of its increasing noise level. Noise is
a continuous random variable of some sort. The entropy of a continuous
variable is treated in thermodynamics using the concept of differential
entropy. For example, the statistical definitions of entropy for discrete and
continuous variable X are well defined in thermodynamics as (Hazewinkel
2001; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Differential_entropy).

Discrete X , p( x) : S ( X ) = p ( x) log 2 P( x) (4.63)

Continuous X , f ( x) : S ( X ) = f ( x) log 2 ( f ( x))dx = E [log f ( x)]


Note, in differential entropy, the variables are usually dimensionless.

So if X = voltage, the solutions would be in terms of X = V/Vref, a dimen-
sionless variable.
Here we are concerned with the continuous variable x having proba-
bility density function f(x). Noise is often considered Gaussian. For exam-
ple, Gaussian white noise is one common example and often reflects many
real-world situations (note, not all white noise is Gaussian). When we find
that a system has Gaussian white noise, the function f(x) pdf is

1 ( x m) 2
f ( x) = exp (4.65)
2s 2 2 s 2


Then when this function is inserted into the differential entropy equation,
the results is given by (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Differential_entropy)

S(X ) = log(2 e s( x) 2 ) (4.66)
This is an important finding for system noise. We see that entropy for a
Gaussian noise system, the differential entropy is only a function of its vari-
ance 2 (it is independent from its mean ). Note, the results are also very
similar if the noise is log normally distributed. For a system that is becoming
noisier over time, the damage entropy can be measured in a number of ways
where the change in the entropy at two different times t2 and t1 is

1 s2
S Damage = St 2 ( X ) St1 ( X ) = S (t 2, t1) = log t22 (4.67)
2 s t1
Interestingly enough, noise engineers are quite used to measuring
noise with the variance statistic. One of the most common measurements
of noise is called the Allan variance. This is a very popular way to measure
noise and is in fact very similar to the Gaussian variance, given by

Allan variance: s2y(t) = <(Yavg2 - Yavg1)2> (4.68)

By comparison, the true variance is

True variance: s2y(t) = <(Yavg k - <Yavg k>)2> (4.69)

We note the Allan variance, commonly used to measure noise, is a

continuous pair measurement of the population of noise values, whereas
the true variance is nonpair measurement over the entire population. The
Allan variance is used often because it is a general measure of noise and is
not necessarily restricted to Gaussian-type noise.
The key results here are that entropy of ageing for system noise goes
as the variance, which is also a historical way for measuring noise and
is likely a good indicator of the entropy of ageing of a complex system.
There are a number of historical options on how noise can be best mea-
sured. Recently, Feinberg 2015 has proposed an emerging technology for
reliability detection using noise analysis for an operating system.


It is not surprising that noise and temperature are related. For example,
JohnsonNyquist noise power goes directly with temperature. Electri-

cally, voltage and current are also functions of temperature. Simply put, as
temperature increases, so too will device noise. Therefore, these two state
variables are often related. However, each offers a unique way of charac-
terizing ageing at the system level.



So far we have two states variable for measuring ageing. Another very
obvious one that we should look at for consistency is the failure rate l. We
do not think of the failure rate as a thermodynamic state variable. In fact,
to any reliability engineer, it is second nature that the failure rate is indeed
a key degradation unit of measure. For consistency, we would like to put
it in the context of damage entropy to see what we find. For a complex
system, the most common distribution used comes from the exponential
probability density function

f ( x) = l exp ( lx ) (4.70)

The differential entropy can be found easily from the negative

of the expectation of the Ln of f(x) as (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

S = E[Ln(l exp lx)] = E[Ln(l) + Ln(exp lx)] = Ln(l) + lE[x])]

= Ln(1/l) + 1 (4.71)

where, for the exponential distribution E[x] = 1/l. For a system whose fail-
ure rate is constant over time (i.e., a property of the exponential distribu-
tion), the entropy is also constant. Thus, there is no change in the entropy
in such a case over time. However, if the environmental stress changes, we
can measure the entropy change. In this case, the entropy damage change
would be for this system under two different environments

DS = Ln(lE1/lE2) (4.72)

where the subscripts E1 and E2 are for environments 1 and 2.


We have asserted that temperature, noise, and failure rate are some good
key system thermodynamic state variables. However, depending on how

you define the system and the environment, they can also be state variables
for the environment. An IC engine is a combustion system that interacts
with the environment causing entropy damage to the environment. This
pollution damage and that of other systems, on a global scale, are unfor-
tunately measurable as meteorologist track global climate change. The
temperature (global warming) effect is the most widely tracked parameter.
However, it might also make sense from what we determined above to
look at environmental noise degradation. As our environment ages, we
might expect from our above finding that its variance will increase. Some
indications of environmental variance change are larger swings in wind,
rain, and temperature, causing more frequent and intense violent storms. It
might prove prudent to focus on such environmental noise issues and not
just track global temperature rise.




We briefly discussed equilibrium versus non-equilibrium thermodynamics

damage in Section 4.5.1. Per that discussion, in non-equilibrium thermody-
namic degradation, we are concerned about how the ageing process takes
place over time so that it can be modeled. In a sense, we already have one
approach to this. In Section 1 of Chapter 4, we devised a consistent mea-
surement process f to help measure the damage that may have occurred
between times t1 and t2 finding the entropy damage as (see Equation 4.47)

DSf-Damage(t2, t1) = )DSf(t2) - DSf(t1) > 0 (4.73)

where DSf (ti) is a quasi-static measurement. Here we can add as many

intermediate quasi-static thermodynamics measurements as needed to
trace out the ageing path. Each measurement taken when the system is
either under very little stress or in a short enough time period that we are
able to sample the systems state variables over time. We then trace out
how the damage is evolving over an extended time period. In this way,
we will be able to model the ageing that is occurring by fitting the data.
However, using this method, we need to keep track and measure a number
of states throughout the ageing process. Often, we are able to model the
degradation (damage) so we do not have to make many measurements. In

this section, we devise some methods helpful in non-equilibrium thermo-

dynamic damage assessment.



An approach to understand the types of thermodynamic stresses that are

occurring to the ageing system is to use the conjugate work approach that
we established in Section 4.3. During the quasi-static process, the work
done on the system by the environment has the form

dW = Ya dX a or W = Y dX (4.74)

where we need to sum the work. If the path is well defined, we can integrate
over the path from X1 to X2. Each generalized displacement dX a is accom-
panied by a generalized conjugate force Ya. Recall that because work is a
function of how it is performed (often termed path dependent in thermody-
namics), we used the symbol W instead of dW indicating this. For a sim-
ple system, there is but one displacement X accompanied by one conjugate
force Y. Examples of basic conjugate work variables are given in Table 4.1.
Associated with work causing damage by the environment on the
device is a loss of free energy, which we presented in Equation 4.5 and
repeated here for convenience

Work = (Ff Fi) (4.75)

This is for an environment at a fixed temperature where the isother-

mal change in the systems free energy is equal to the work done by the
system on the environment (and a closed system, indicating no exchange
of matter).
In this section we will explore these two important equations as a
basic approach to assessing non-equilibrium thermodynamic degradation.



In cyclic reversible work, the system undergoes a process in which the

initial and final system states are identical. Earlier, a simple example was
described of non-reversible cyclic work performed by bending a paper

Crystal lattice Dislocation

1 Cycle 10 Cycles 100 Cycles

Breakage occurs when multiple dislocations line up

Figure 4.2. Conceptual view of cyclic cumu-

lative damage.

Y-Stress One cycle

= Area


Figure 4.3. Cyclic work plane.

clip back and forth. The cyclic thermodynamic work is converted into
heat and damage entropy in the system as dislocations are added at every
cycle, causing plastic deformation. This produces metal fatigue and
irreversible damage. This is illustrated in Figure 4.2. Ageing from such
fatigue is due to external forces, which eventually result in fracture of the
paper clip.
If we were trying to estimate the amount of damage done at each
cycle, it might be more accurate to write the damage in terms of the num-
ber of dislocations produced during each cycle. Then we could also esti-
mate the cumulative damage. However, this number is usually unknown.
Therefore, we take a thermodynamic approach.
For a simple system, the path in the ( X , Y ) plane corresponding to a
cycle as shown in Figure 4.3.
The work term is dWs = YdX . Recall that the plane can represent any
one of the conjugate work variable that can undergo cyclic work given in
Table 4.1. In the ( X , Y ) plane, the cycle is represented by a closed curve
C enclosing an area . The closed curve is parameterized (during the time
interval ti < t < t f of the cycle as a moving point ( X (t ), Y (t )) in the plane.

For a cyclic process C in a simple system, the work done on the sys-
tem by the environment is given by the integral around a closed curve
dX (t )
YdX = Y (t )
Work(cycle) = 
C ti
dt (4.76)

The curve C representing the cycle is the boundary of an area , which

is written here as C = . Employing Stokes integral theorem, one proves
that the work done during a cycle may be related to the enclosed area via

Work(cycle) =  YdX = dYdX


In Figure 4.3, the system does work on the environment if the point
in the plane transverses the curve in a clockwise fashion. The environment
does work on the system if the point in the plane transverses the curve in
a counterclockwise fashion.



In Example 4.3, we indicated an expression for inefficiency in Equation

4.39. We found the reversible work is the maximum useful work that can
be obtained as a system undergoes a process between two specified states.
The irreversibility is lost work, which is wasted work potential during a
process as a result of irreversibilities. In terms of thermodynamic deg-
radation in cyclic work, if we are creating damage at each cycle in the
system, irreversible work damage cumulates until failure occurs. Some of
the irreversibility in the total process is due to inefficiencies unrelated to
system work damage. In theory, we should be able to track the true system
work damage as it occurs, and we should distinguish the types of damage
that can be measured and/or modeled

m m

w di w Ti
Damage = i =1
and Effective Damage = i =1

The work damage ratio: This consists of the work performed to the
work needed to cause system failure. In system failure, we exhaust the
maximum amount of useful system work. To consistently find this damage
ratio, all work found must be taken over the same work path.

The path is important as there are many ways to walk up a hill; there-
fore, we will always require the numerator and denominator to travel the
same path. For the damage expression, wdi is the cyclic work damage per-
formed over i cycles, and Wd is the total work damage performed to cause
system failure. This damage is created in the system by the environment
doing work on the system or vice versa. When we cannot identify in mod-
eling and/or in measuring the system damage part of the work performed,
then we can use the work performed. Then the ratio is not the true damage,
but it represents an effective amount of damage. In this case we write WT
as the total work performed to failure and wTi as the total cyclic work per-
formed over i cycles. When we are trying to define damage, we should try
and make the distinction. As a mechanical work example, damage might
be related to plastic strain; we usually can measure and/or model this.
At this point we will drop the subscript distinction, and just work with
the concept (but one should try and keep the distinction in mind when
working a specific problem). Then the cyclic damage can be written over
n cycles as

 Yn dX n
Damage = n (4.79)

When the Damage ratio value is 1, failure results for which we require
the total work summed along the path traveled in the numerator to equal
the full work to failure that occurred along the same path traveled in the
In many cases, it is actually possible to sum the work for each cycle
in a consistent measurement process. For example, if Y is the stress
and X the plastic strain, we can use strain gages and monitor the stress
level and integrate out the area after each cycle using computer soft-
ware. Thus, an accurate estimate can be made of the damage occur-
ring. Inother cases, where such measurements are not possible, often
a technique called Miners rule (Miner 1945) is used. This often serves
as agood approximation of the effective damage and is discussed in
Example 4.6.
Similarly, if the work is noncyclic with only one kind of work
involved, and we are cautious to make sure the path traveled is identical
in the numerator as in the denominator than the thermodynamic damage is

YdX Partial work

Damage = = (4.80)
WFailure Total work needed for failure

If there are other types of work stress causing damage, then these
can be summed as long as the work path is the same. That is, we travel
up the hill on the same path but we may at times carry a different amount
of weight along the way. If we travel the path with one weight, we may
breakdown just as we reach the top of the hill, while the next time we go
up the path with more weight, we will breakdown sooner. The key is the
path traveled, and then we can consider different stresses as we travel this
path. Then we should be able to assess the second time up the hill if and
when we will breakdown relative to the breakdown value of 1. In the case
of other stresses we write

Work = Yi dX i (4.81)

This is our approach for assessing non-equilibrium thermodynamic

damage. Many examples will follow to help clarify the concept.



In nonequilibrium thermodynamics, as we seek to trace the degradation

process over time, Equation 4.76 will often have the separable form

dX (t )
w = Y (t ) dt = f (Y , k , Ea ) t (4.82)

Here t is the time and f (Y, k, Ea) is some function of the environ-
mental stress, k and Ea are the specific constants related to the degrada-
tion mechanism, such as a specific power exponent and activation energy.
Then, according to Equation 4.79 or 4.80, if we have damage between two
different environmental stresses Y1 and Y2, and failure occurs for each at
times t1 and t2, respectively, then the damage value of 1 requires that

f (Y2 , k , Ea ) t 2 t2 f (Y1 , k , Ea )
Damage = = 1 or AFD (1, 2) = =
f (Y1 , k , Ea ) t 1 t 1 f (Y2 , k , Ea )


Here AFD(1, 2) is a damage acceleration factor that is closely related

to the acceleration factor used in reliability testing as the time compression

acceleration factor between the two different stress environments 1 and 2.

The difference is that the damage acceleration factor has an extra stress
term as it comes from energy-related thermodynamic work. This will be
clarified below in Examples 4.9 through 4.12. However, it is important to
note the difference as it is helpful when distinguishing acceleration fac-
tor types and dealing with cyclic fatigue. The literature does not actu-
ally make a distinction as is done here for clarification (see, for instance,
Example 4.12). Then, for any ith stress condition, the time to failure ti
when AFD(1,i) is known is

f (Y1 , k , Ea ) (4.84)
t i = t 1 AF (1, i ) and AFD (1, i ) =
f (Yi , k , Ea )

When AFD is known, it allows us to write the damage at any time t

between two stress environments along the same work path as

f (Y1 , k , Ea ) t1 f (Y1 , k , Ea ) t1 (4.85)

Damage = =
f (Y2 , k , Ea ) t 2 f (Y2 , k , Ea ) AFD (1, 2) t 1

The damage acceleration factor is an important tool in assessing the

time evolution of thermodynamic damage occurring between different
environments. Many examples are illustrated below using this concept.

Example 4.6 Miners Rule

Equation 4.79 for cyclic damage may be used to derive Miners empirical
rule (Feinberg and Crow 2001; Feinberg and Widom 2000) that is com-
monly used for accumulated fatigue damage, and a number of other useful
expressions in damage assessment of devices and machines.
Consider a system undergoing fatigue as in our paper clip example,
which was bent back and forth a certain distance for three cycles. To find
the actual work we need to sum up the cyclic work area of each bend cycle
since both the stress s and strain e will change slightly as the paper clip
fatigues. If we use Stokes theorem, it demonstrates the work is related to
the cyclic area of each

w1 (cycle) =  sde = d sde + d sde + d sde (4.86)
i =1 Areai Area 1 Area 2 Area 3

In Miners rule an approximation is actually made. Miner empirically fig-

ured that stress s and cycles n were the main factors of damage

In our framework, this means Work n = Work(s, n)

Miner also empirically assumed that the work for n cycles of the same
cyclic size is all that is neededin our framework, this means

Work n = n Work(s) (Miners assumption versus reality as

work is reduced in each s cycle)

Using this assumption, then we average the three cyclic areas of the
same stress multiplied by three in our case

wi = 3 s i de (4.87)

Following this approximation, for any stress level we just count the
number of cycles so that the total thermodynamic work is

s1de + n2  s 2 de + n3  s3 de + ..
w( for k types of stress ) n1 
= n1 w1 + n2 w2 + n3 w3 + = ni wi
i =1


Using this approximation, we obtain an effective damage (i.e., not the

true damage) where the cumulative effective damage is

ni wi
Effective Damage i =1 (4.89)


n1  s 1de + n2  s 2 de + n3  s 3 de + 
Effective Damage
WFailure (4.90)
n1  s 1de n2  s 2 de n3  s 3 de
= + + +
WFailure WFailure WFailure

Using the approximation above, the total work to failure is the same
for each cyclic size type, along the same work path so that

W ( for failire) = N1W1 = N 2W2 = N 3W3 =  (4.91)

So this yields

n1  s 1de n2  s 2 de n3  s 3 de
Effective Damage + + +
WFailure WFailure WFailure (4.92)
n1  s 1de n2  s 2 de n3  s 3 de
= + + +
N1W1 N 2W2 N 3W3


n1  s 1de n2  s 2 de n3  s 3 de
Effective Damage + + +
N1  s 1de N 2  s 2 de N 3  s 3 de (4.93)
n n n
= 1 + 2 + 3 +
N1 N 2 N 3

Therefore, Miners rule (Miner 1945) is an approximation of the

cumulative fatigue damage commonly written

n1 n2 n3 k n
Effective Damage + + +  = i (4.94)
N1 N 2 N 3 i =1 N



It can be difficult to always know the cycles to failure at any ith stress level
in Miners application. However, since we are on the same work path,
often, we can establish a time cycle acceleration factor between the stress
levels. If AFD and N1 are known, then the Miners rule can be simplified as
per Equation 4.84 for the ith stress using

Ni = AFD(1, i) N1 (4.95)

Then the Miners rule can be modified as


n1 n2 n3
Effective Damage + + +
N1 AFD (1, 2) N1 AFD (1, 3) N1
k ni (4.96)
i =1 AF (1, i ) N
D 1


In this section we provide some examples of how to use the concept of

work damage in electrochemistry.

Example 4.7 Miners Rule for Secondary Batteries

Miners rule is not limited to mechanical stress; it can be applied to many

types of cyclic fatigue situations. For example, one interesting application
is to chemical cells of secondary batteries (Feinberg and Widom 2000).
Here the cyclic work from Table 4.1 for k chargedischarge cycles is

w(cycle) =  VdQ (4.97)
i =1 Areai

In an analogous manner, battery manufacturers plot something sim-

ilar to SN curves found in mechanical stress strain application. This is
depth of discharge percent (DoD%) versus chargingdischarging cycles
to failure N. However, by comparisons, in this case, the DoD strain
variable, charge is plotted using the DoD% (which is a percent of the
charging capacity), instead of the stress cycles to failure by battery man-
ufacturers for an apparent stress failure threshold of voltage as shown in
the figure.
So in an application to the Miners rule using such available data,
the sum is over the DoD% ith level for battery life pertaining to a certain
failure (permanent) voltage drop (such as 10 percent) of the initially rated
battery voltage and then the effective damage done in ni DoD% can be
assessed when Ni is known for the ith DoD level. Then, just as before for
k types of DoD% for various i-levels

k ni (4.98)
Effective Damage
i =1 N





0 20 40 60 80 100

Cy life (MnO2)
Cy life (Pb-Acid)

Figure 4.4. Lead acid and alkaline MnO2 batteries fitted data (Fein-
berg and Widom 2000).

The SN type of DoD%N curve, we have modeled (Feinberg and

Widom 2000) as chemical rate where activation plays a role to battery N
cycle life


K BT f j DoD %
N j = No e = N jo e (4.99)

as is fitted in Figure 4.4. Here we assume the activation free energy is a

linear function of discharge (Feinberg and Widom 2000)

j = j j + n Q j (4.100)

where n is the activation damage voltage and Qj is that value for which the
battery manufacturer assumes the chemical cell to be fully discharged for
the jth battery type, f is a damage activation energy, and then we identify


n Qj
N jo = N o e , and f j DoD% = (4.101)

Example 4.8 Chemical Corrosion Processes

In a corrosion process we may have Ni particles (or mole) of species i react-

ing. If the total reaction is consumed after Ni particles, and the reaction
proceeds to the point where only Mi < Ni particles have reacted, then we can
immediately determine the damage from the thermodynamic work. The
resulting work done on the chemically reacting system may be described in
terms of the chemical potential mi of the species k. That is, under constant
temperature and pressure, the work is directly related to the Gibbs free
energy change so the damage from Table 4.1 and Equation 4.80 is

GM particles m Mi i (4.102)
Damage = = i

GN particles m N
i i

However, chemical potentials are not easily assessed. Moreover, this

says very little about the rate of the reaction. So the expression is not easily
quantified. We need to work with measurable parameters that are available.
For example, we may know the corrosion rate or corrosion current under
a certain stress condition. Then, instead of using the chemical potential
approach to assess damage, we can default to the thermodynamic work
rule. For example, using the corrosion current, the work is dW = VIdt.
Although we do not have cyclic work, we can think of it in terms of corro-
sion time for a single cycle. Then considering the corrosion time we write
the corrosion damage

n (VI )i ti n rt n t
Damage ( corrosion ) = = i i = i (4.103)
i =1 (VI ) t i =1 r t i =1 t
i i i i i

where for the ith stress condition (for example, temperature stress i), ti is
the corrosion time, ti time to fail. Note we have introduced ri, the corro-
sion rate that goes as the corrosion current (see Equation 4.104). We find
the expression simplifies and we do not actually need to know the corro-
sion current or rate at any stress level, if we know the time to failure ti at
each ith level similar to the Miners rule. We can view this for general,
galvanic, or specific corrosion processes such as primary batteries.
Consider the case when the damage value is 1, failure occurs and
we can derive a useful expression for the acceleration factor in terms of
the stress. However, in this case, we will first need an expression for the
corrosion rate.

A common expression for the corrosion rate in terms of mass trans-

ferred in the reaction is (Linden and Reddy 2002)

r = ICorr B Eq / r A (4.104)

where r is mm/year (mmpy), I = corrosion current in amps, B is a units

constant (3272 mm/(amp-cm-year)) of the corrosion rate, Eq is the equiv-
alent weight (grams/equivalent), r = density (grams/cm3), A is the sample
area (cm3).
The corrosion current is dependent on the actual situation, but in gen-
eral is thermally activated across a free energy barrier

Icorr(T) = K Exp(-D/RT ) (4.105)

(R is the gas constant, more commonly used in electrochemistry than the

Boltzmanns constant.) K is rate constant for generalized corrosion current
(see other expression in Section 4.10.6 for the corrosion current). We can
now consider two different environments at different temperatures. If we
have obtained a damage value of 1 between these two stress environments,
from Equations 4.103 and 4.105

I1 t1 t I
Damage (corrosion ) = 1 = , then AF = 2 = 1
I 2 t2 t1 I 2
e 1 1
= exp (
R T1 T2

Here we canceled out the voltage potential as in different stress tem-

peratures, only the current will likely change or dominate in the corrosion
process, so

I1t1 t
Damage (corrosion ) = = AF (1, 2) 1 (4.107)
I 2 t2 t2

The reader should note that in general the rate constant K cancels out,
but depending on the way Equation 4.105 is written, and the test condi-
tions, that may not always be the case.
An alternative expression for primary batteries is based on the Peu-
kerts law (Linden and Reddy 2002).

Cp = I Yt (4.108)

where Cp is the battery capacity at a one-ampere discharge rate (expressed

in amp-hrs), while I is the discharge current in amps, Y is the Peukert con-
stant (typically between 1.05 and 1.15), and t is the time of discharge in
hours. The acceleration factor for two different cell types would then be

t C p 2 I1
AF = 2 = (4.109)
t1 C p1 I 2


Aqueous corrosion is a complex ageing process. A chemical battery exem-

plifies this process, which must consist of four elements for corrosion to
occur: a metal anode, cathode, electrolyte, and a conductive path.
The exchange of matter can be described in non-equilibrium thermo-
dynamics in terms of the currents at the electrodes. Corrosion involves
two separate processes or half-reactions: oxidation and reduction. At
the anode, oxidation reaction consumes metal atoms when they corrode,
releasing electrons. These electrons are used up in the reduction reaction
at the cathode. A common expression for the corrosion current in aqueous
corrosion is from the ButlerVolmer equation (Linden and Reddy 2002),
which indicates the anode and cathode currents Ia, Ic, respectively, for each

Ga Gc
i = i i = I exp I exp } (4.110)
corr a c oa RT oc RT

Here we have identified the barrier height in terms of the Gibbs free energy.
The thermodynamic work to change the free energy or equivalently cross
the barrier equates to DG = -W = -qE, where q = zH, H is the Faraday
constant, Eo is the open circuit cell potential, and z is the stoichiometric
number of electrons in the reaction, that is

M M Z + + ne (4.111)

where M is the metal forming M Z+ ions in solution. The anode and cathode
works is distributed (i.e., na = na, nc = n(1 - a) , often a = 0.5) so that the
anode work amount is, for example,

DGa = -a n H E (4.112)

For E > 0 the reaction is spontaneous and no applied potential is

required for the reaction to occur. In the case of a battery in steady state
with reasonable current flow, anodic reaction can dominate. The AF would
be modified, so if a nonspontaneous reaction is forced, the potential is
expressed in the acceleration factor as

If2 na HE 1 1
AF = Exp (4.113)
I f1 R T2 T1



When Ia = Ic = Io there is no net corrosion current and the equilibrium

condition yields

na HE (1 a )nHE
Coa K ao Exp o
= Cc K c Exp (4.114)

Here we substitute into Equation 4.110 the anode and cathode ampli-
o o
tudes (Linden and Reddy 2002) Ioa = CoaK a nFA and Ioc = CocK c nFA. Ka
and Kc are temperature-dependent rate constants, C0 is the concentration
of the reducing agent at the anode, and CR is that of the oxidizing agent at
the cathode electrode surface.
Collecting terms yields the Nernst thermodynamic equilibrium

E = Eo + ln or G = G o RT ln R (4.115)
nH Co Co


RT K f K of

Eo = ln o , Go = nHE o = RT ln o (4.116)
nH K b Kb

The Nernst equation enables the calculation of the thermodynamic

electrode potential when concentrations are known. It also can indicate
the corrosive tendency of the reaction. When the thermodynamic free
energy of the process is negative, there is a spontaneous tendency to


In aqueous corrosion (above) the currents are easier to measure than they
are in microelectronics occurring arbitrarily on a circuit board. In this
instance, the concept of adding the local percent relative humidity at or
near the surface has been found to aid in describing the potential for cor-
rosion to occur. The rate of corrosion and the rate of mass transport are
related then to the local percent relative humidity present at the surface,
which enhances the electrolyte at the surface for conducting the corrosion
currents. The corrosion current is not well defined but is proportional to
the rate kinetics and this local relative humidity (%RH) as

I Corr (% RH ) M K (T ) (4.117)

In microelectronics, failures due to corrosion are accelerated under

higher temperature and humidity conditions than normally occurring
during use. In accelerated testing, the acceleration factor between the test-
ing stress and use environment having different temperature and humidity
conditions can be found from the ratio of the current in Equation 4.184 as

I Stress RH Stress K (T ) Stress
AFTH = = = AFH AFT (4.118)
IUse RHUse K (T )Use

The temperature acceleration factor is deduced from Equation 4.176 as

E 1 1
AFT ,V = AFT AFV = Exp a (4.119)
K B TUse TStress

Here, Ea is the activation energy related to the failure mechanism.

This is called the Pecks acceleration model (Peck 1986). Typically, Ea and
M are not found in testing, but are estimated based on historical data and
often M = 2.66, and Ea = 0.7eV values are used.


In this section we will provide examples of how to apply the concept of

damage to a number of mechanical systems of creep and wear, as well as
an analysis for cyclic vibration and thermal fatigue.

Example 4.9 Creep

Creep parameters include the strain (e) length change DL (e = DL/L) due
to an applied stress (s) at temperature (T ). In the elastic region, stress
causes a strain that is recoverable (i.e., reversible) so that s = Ye, where Y
is Youngs modulus. When stress increases such that yielding results, the
work is irreversible and the permanent plastic strain ep damage is termed
plastic deformation. The most popular empirical creep rate equation is

e p = Bo s M t p e Ea / KbT (4.120)

where B is a material strength constant, p is the time exponent where 0<

p < 1 for primary and secondary creep stages, M (where 0 < (1/M) < 1)
is strain hardening exponent dependent on the material type, and Ea is
the activation energy for the creep process. A linear time dependence is
observed in the secondary creep phase where p = 1. Some tabulated values
are given in Table 4.3 for M and B for the secondary creep rate.
The thermodynamic work causing damage from the creep process of
the metal is found from the stressstrain creep area when the stressstrain
relation is plotted. Assessing the damage is more accurately found if the
data were available. Here, we can use the empirical creep rate expression
to find this area by integrating the expression above to determine the work
in terms of the applied stress, which is more easily known, so that

d eP
w = s d eP = s dt = Bs M +1 pt p 1dt = B s M +1t p (4.121)

Table 4.3. Constants for stresstime creep law (Collins, Busby, and
Staab 2010)
Temperature B (in2/lb)N
Material o
C per day M
1030 Steel 400 48 1038 6.9
1040 Steel 400 16 1046 8.6
2Ni-0.8Cr-0.4Mo 454 10 10 20 3.0
12Cr Steel 454 10 1027 4.4
12Cr-3W-0.4Mn 550 15 10 16 1.9

where B = BoExp(Q/RT) and we have assumed that stress is not time

dependent. Note that we prefer to use the term de/dt for a constant stress to
integrate over time to obtain damage in terms of the applied stress.
In order to assess the damage, we need to have some knowledge of
the critical damage at a particular stress, and temperature. Lets assume
this occurs at time t1 at stress level s1, and temperature T1. Then the ther-
modynamic damage ratio at any other stress s2 and temperature T2 at time
t2 along the same work path is

1 1 M +1 p
Ea / K B
T2 T1 s2 t2
Damage = e s t (4.122)
1 1

If damage is 1, failure occurs and we can then write this as

t Ea / K B ( T1 T2 ) s1
1 1 ( M +1) p

AFD = 2 = e s (4.123)
t1 2

Finally, it should be noted that if a number of different stresses are

applied, the general creep damage ratio can be written by accumulating
the thermodynamic damage along the same work path as

p p
t ti
Damage = i = (4.124)
i ti i AFD (1, i ) t1

Note on Creep Damage Acceleration Factor versus Reliability Acceler-

ation Factor
We see from Equation 4.120 that the reliability strain acceleration
factor can be found as

t Ea / K B ( T1 T2 ) s1
1 1 (M ) p

AF = 2 = e s (4.125)
t1 2

This slightly differs in comparison to Equation 4.123 in the stress term

power M + 1 compared to the above with stress power term M. This is due
to the integration for finding the thermodynamic work in Equation 4.121.
That is, work is the conjugate force times the conjugate distance. Thus,
in terms of the energy damage, there will always be a higher power in

the c onjugate force term. However, in reliability assessment, it depends on

how one is testing and evaluating. If we use the damage approach, so that
we know how much work we are doing on the system, we will need AFD.
If we are simply measuring the conjugate distance change, then we can
use the reliability acceleration factor AF. Typically, in cyclic damage, the
damage approach has advantages.

EXAMPLE 4.10 Wear

There are many different types of wear, these include abrasive, adhesive,
fretting, and fatigue wear. The most common wear model used for adhe-
sive and sometimes abrasive wear of the softer material between two slid-
ing surfaces is the Archards wear equation (Archard 1953; Archard and
Hirst 1956)

V= (4.126)

Here, V is the removed volume of the softer material, P is the normal

load (lbs), l is the sliding distance (feet), H is the hardness of the softer
material in psi, and k is the Archards wear coefficient (dimensionless). In
the adhesive wear of metals (Archard 1953; Archard and Hirst 1956; Hirst
1957), wear coefficient k varies between 107 and 102, depending on the
operating conditions and material properties. It should be recognized that
a wear coefficient k is constant typically only within a certain adhesive
wear rate range.
We will take the same approach that we used for assessing creep dam-
age. We write the wear volume V = AD, where A is the area and D is the
depth of the removed. Then writing l = n t for two sliding surfaces rubbing
against each other at a constant velocity n over a period of wear time t, the
thermodynamic damage for constant applied normal stress is

dD kP 2 n kP 2 n t
w = F dx = F dt = dt = (4.127)
dt HA HA

At some point, we may consider that too much damage has occurred
and define this as a failure amount. Then we can assess the damage ratio
if we have knowledge of the critical wear depth for a particular velocity n1
and stress level P1 (on the softer surface) and corresponding critical failure

time t1. Then the damage at any stress level relative to a known failure
amount occurring, say, at stress level 1 is

P An t
Damage = 2 1 2 2 (4.128)
P1 A2 n1 t1

(Note that this is not an effective damage, because of the way Equation 4.126
is written in terms of measurable damage). When the damage ratio is 1, we
obtain the wear time compression acceleration factor
t P A n
AFD (2,1) = 2 = 1 2 1 (4.129)
t1 P2 A1 n 2

If a number of different i stresses are applied along the same work

path, the general wear damage ratio can be written by accumulating the
thermodynamic damage at each stress level as

t ti
Damage = i = (4.130)
i ti i AFD (1, i ) t1

Note, since l = vt, we can substitute t for l, and t for L, if we wish to write
this in terms of the sliding distance rather than the wear contact time.
Note on Wear Damage Acceleration Factor versus Reliability Acceler-
ation Factor
We see from Equation 4.126 that the reliability wear amount acceler-
ation factor can be found as

t P A n
AFD (2,1) = 2 = 1 2 1 (4.131)
t1 P2 A1 n 2

This slightly differs in comparison to Equation 4.129 in the stress

term power 2 compared to the above with stress power term 1. This is due
to the integration for finding the thermodynamic work in Equation 4.127.
That is, work is the conjugate force times the conjugate distance. Thus,
in terms of the energy damage, there will always be a higher power in
the conjugate force term. However, in reliability assessment, it depends
on how one is testing and evaluating. If we use the damage approach, so
that we know how much work we are doing on the system, we will need
AFD. If we are simply measuring the conjugate wear amount, then we can
use the reliability acceleration factor AF. Typically, in cyclic damage, the
damage approach has advantages.

Example 4.11Thermal Cycle Fatigue - Coffin-Manson Model

In thermal cycling, a temperature change DT in the environment, from one

extreme to another, causes expansion and/or contraction (i.e., strain) in a
material system. The plastic strain (e) caused by the thermal cyclic stress
(s) in the material can be written similar to Equation 4.120

e P = b o n p T j e Ea / K BT (4.132)

where we have substituted for the nonlinear stress sM = bDT j. The thermo-
dynamic work causing damage from the thermal cycle process is found
from the stressstrain creep area if the stressstrain relation could be plot-
ted. The cyclic work is then found similar to Equation 4.121

sde = s
dn = bT j +1 pn p 1dn = b T k n p (4.133)

where b = boExp(Ea/KBT) and k = j + 1. In order to assess the damage we

need to have some knowledge of the critical damage at a particular stress
and temperature along this work path. Lets assume this occurs at N1 at
stress level DT1. Then, similar to Equation 4.122, the thermodynamic dam-
age ratio at any other stress DT2 and at the nth cycle n2 is

1 1 p k
Ea / K B
T2 T1 n2 T2
Damage = e N T (4.134)
1 1

If damage is 1, failure occurs and we have

1 1 K
N Q / KB
T1 T2 T1
AFD = 2 = e T (4.135)
1 2

where k/p = K and Q = Ea/p. This ratio is the temperature cycle Coffin
Manson acceleration factors (Coffin 1974; Manson 1953; Manson 1966)
when the activation energy Q is small and the Arrhenius effect neglected.
For example, in solder joint testing, K = 2 for lead-free solder and about
2.5 for lead solder. The activation energy is about 0.123 that is typically
used. For example, if the used condition is stress level 1 cycle between
20 and 60 (DT = 40C, Tmax = 60C), while the test stress condition is stress
level 2 cycled between 20C and 100oC (DT = 120C, Tmax = 100C), then
Arrhenius AF = 1.58, while the CoffinManson AF = 9 with an overall AF

of 14.2. In the case where we have 1 cycle per day in use condition, we see
that 10 years of use condition is about 260 test cycles.
The relation Equation 4.133 is also similar to the NorrisLanzberg
(Norris and Lanfzberg 1969) thermal cycle model, which also includes a
thermal cycle frequency effect that is used mainly when parts do not fully
reach extreme of each temperature.
Lastly, it should be noted that if we have a number of different stresses
applied, the general damage ratio can be written by accumulating the ther-
modynamic damage along the same work path as

p p
n ni
Damage = i = (4.136)
i Ni i AFD (1, i ) N1

Note on Fatigue Damage Acceleration Factor versus Reliability Accel-

eration Factor
Similar to the above two examples, the exponent for the stress vari-
able DT is j + 1, where for the reliability acceleration factor it would just
be j.

Example 4.12A Mechanical Cycle (Vibration) Fatigue Time

Compression Derivation

In a similar manner to the above argument for thermal cycle, we can find
the equivalent mechanical vibration cyclic fatigue damage. In a vibration
environment, a vibration level depends on the type of exposure. In test-
ing, typically two types of environments are used, sinusoidal and random
vibration profiles. In sinusoidal vibration, the stress level is specified in
Gs, where G is a unitless quantity equal to the sinusoidal acceleration
A divided by the gravitational constant g. In random vibration, a similar
quantity is used, termed Grms (defined below). Consider first the plastic
strain (e) caused by a sinusoidal vibration level G stress (s) in the material.
The strain can be written similar to Equation 4.132

e = bo n pG j (4.137)

The cyclic work is then found similar to Equation 4.133 as

sde = s
dn = b G j +1n p (4.138)

Similar to the above arguments, to assess the damage we need to have

some knowledge of the critical damage at a vibration stress. Lets assume
this occurs at N1 at stress level G1. Then as in Equation 4.134, the thermo-
dynamic damage ratio at any other stress G2 level at n2 cycle is

p b
n G
Damage = 2 2 (4.139)
N1 G1

where b = j + 1. If damage is 1, failure occurs and we have

AFD = 1 = 2 (4.140)
N 2 G1

As a side note, we again see the difference in the exponent b = j + 1

for the damage acceleration factor, where for the strain it would just be j.
AFD is a commonly used relation for cyclic compression. Since the
number of cycles is related to cycle frequency f and the period T according
to N = f T, then if f is constant

b b
N T G Grms 2
AFD = 2 = n1 = 2 (4.141)
N1 Tn 2 G1 Sinusoidal Grns1

This is a commonly used for the acceleration factor in sinusoidal test-

ing. For random vibration above we substitute for G the random vibration
Grms level (Annex 2008). Note that if we write the cyclic equation for N2
with G S, where S is the stress, we have

N 2 = N1 = C1Gb k = C S b (4.142)

Therefore, we have equated N1(G1)b = C1, a constant. The relationship is

generally used to analyze SN data.

N = C S b (4.143)

The experimental number of cycles to failure N for a given stress S

level constitutes the SN curve data in fatigue testing of materials. Such
data are widely available in the literature. The slope of the SN curve
provides an estimate of the exponent b above. SN data are commonly
determined using sinusoidal stress.

Most device vibration testing is typically either sinusoidal or random.

The goal is to try and accelerate the type of vibration occurring under use
conditions. For automotive, for example, this is a random vibration. For
a piece of equipment undergoing cyclic motion, this is more likely sinu-
soidal. The relation for random data is b/2 when using the power spectral
density (PSD) (Grms2/Hz) level instead of Grms. This is evident from the
fact that Grms level is found as the square root of the area under the PSD

f2 2
Grms = PSD( f )df (4.144)

In the simple case of random vibration white noise, for example,

Grms W psd f

then the time compression expression above for random vibration is

T W psd 1 N2
AFW = 2 = = (4.146)
T1 W psd 2 N1

This is a common form used for the random vibration acceleration

factor (Annex 2008).



We now ask: how does the free energy change as degradation work occurs?
Sometimes, the system path to the free-energy minimum is smooth and
downhill all the way to the bottom. For other systems, the path may
descend to a relative minimum, but not an absolute minimum, something
resembling a roller coaster. The path goes downhill to what looks like the
bottom and faces a small uphill region. If that small hill could be scaled,
then the final drop to the true minimum would be just over the top of the
small hill. The small climb before the final descent to the true minimum is
called a free energy barrier. The system may stay for a long period of time
in the relative minimum, before the final decay to true equilibrium.
Often, the time spent in the neighborhood of the relative minimum
is the lifetime of a fabricated product, and the final descent to the true

free energy minimum represents the catastrophic failure of the product.

The estimated lifetime t in which the system stays at the relative mini-
mum obeys the Arrhenius law (1/t) = 1/to exp (Df/KBT ), where Df is
the height of the free energy barrier and is the activation energy needed to
surmount the barrier.
The activation energy can be thought of as the amount of energy
needed for the degradation process. This defines a special relative equi-
librium ageing state,

j B j j B + j (4.147)

where the subscript B refers to the barrier and Df is the barrier height.



When activation is the rate-controlling process, Arrhenius-type rate

kinetics applies. In this section, the parametric time-dependence of an
Arrhenius mechanism is addressed. This mechanism turns out to explain
logarithmic-in-time ageing of many key device parameters described here.
Such mechanism, with temperature as the fundamental thermodynamic
stress factor, leads to this predictable logarithmic-in-time-dependent age-
ing on measurable parameters. Here the thermodynamic work is evident
in the free energy path.
There are two thermally activated time-dependent (TAT) device
degradation models (Feinberg and Crow 2001; Feinberg and Widom
2000). If degradation is graceful over time, then many instances occur
in which logarithmic-in-time ageing results for one or more device
parameters. This ageing and examples are described below. Degrada-
tion leading to catastrophic failure using the TAT model is presented in
the appendix.
In Arrhenius processes, the probability rate dp/dt to surmount the rel-
ative minimum free energy barrier f is as we mentioned in 4.12.1 can be

dp j
= n exp (4.148)
dt K BT

where n is a rate constant, K is the Boltzmanns constant, T is the tem-

perature, and t is the time. We wish to associate the thermodynamic
ageing kinetics in the material with measurable parametric changes.

Therefore, we model the above as a fractional rate of parametric change

given by

da j (a)
= n exp (4.149)
dt K BT

where a is the fractional change of the measurable parameter. We can let

a be unitless as well as a = DP/Po. For example, DP could be a param-
eter change that is of concern, such as resistance change, current change,
mechanical creepstrain change, voltage transistor gain change, and so
forth, such that a is then the fractional change.
In the TAT Model, the ageing process is closely related to the para-
metric change. The assumption is that the free energy itself will be associ-
ated with the parameter through the thermodynamic work. Thus, f will be
a function of a as indicated in Equation 4.148.
Then the free energy can be expanded in terms of its parametric
dependence using a Maclaurin series (with environmental factor held con-
stant for the moment). The free energy reads

j (a ) = j (0) + ay1 + y2 + ... (4.150)
where y1 and y2 are given by

j (0) 2 j ( 0)
y1 = and y2 = (4.151)
a a 2



When a << 1, the first and second terms in the Maclaurin series yield

da ay1
= n (T ) exp (4.152)
dt K BT

j ( 0)
where n (T ) = n o exp .

Rearranging terms, and solving for a as a function of t and integrating

provides a logarithmic-in-time ageing TAT model, where

a= A ln[1 + B t ] for a << 1 (4.153)

Here A and B are

K BT n (T ) y1
A= and B = (4.154)
y1 K BT

Logarithmic-in-time ageing is an important process since the ori-

gin of this ageing kinetics can mathematically be tied to the Arrhenius
mechanisms of which numerous experimental examples exist (Feinberg
and Crow 2001; Feinberg and Widom 2000). Figure 4.5 illustrates typical
logarithmic in time ageing. One notes that ageing is highly nonlinear for


Amplitude Y

2 Y = Ln(1+7 t)

0 2 4 6 8 10

Amplitude Y

Y = Ln(1+7 t)

0 2 4 6 8 10

Figure 4.5. Examples of Ln(1+B time) ageing law with (a) similar to
primary and secondary creep stages and (b) similar to primary battery
voltage loss.

early time. This curve is representative of many ageing and kinetic pro-
cesses such as crystal frequency ageing (Warner, Fraser, and Stockbridge
1965), corrosion of thin films, chemisorption processes (Ho 2006), early
degradation of primary battery life (Linden 1980), activated creep (see
Example 4.14), activated wear (see Example 4.13), transistor key param-
eter ageing (see Sections 4.11.5, 4.11.6), and so forth. The significance of
parametric logarithmic-in-time ageing can further be put in perspective as
it can be tied to catastrophic lognormal failure rates. This is discussed in
the appendix (Feinberg and Crow 2001; Feinberg and Widom 2000).

Example 4.13 Activation Wear

Activation wear is a term we use here to associate wear to a thermally

activated process. This approach offers an alternative to the Archards
empirical Type I wear model discussed above (see Equation 4.126). When
logarithmic-in-time ageing occurs as illustrated in Type II wear shown in
Figure 4.6 (often observed in metals [Bhushan 2001; Chiou, Kato, and
Kavaba 1985]), the TAT model can apply. This is characterized by an ini-
tially high wear rate, then to a steady-state low wear rate. Type I shows the
case of steady wear in time, where the surface roughness does not change
from the initial value. Type II shows the case of steady wear, where sur-
face roughness increases to a certain value and does not increase much





Figure 4.6. Types of wear dependence on sliding distance(time)

(Bhushan 2001; Chiou, Kato, and Kavaba 1985).

after that over time. Type III typically observed in lapping and polishing
for surface finishing of ceramics.
In activation wear, we consider surface mass trapped in a potential
well. We need to apply enough thermal energy for mass to escape from the
chemical bonds. When a normal force is applied to the surface due to con-
tact wear under a constant velocity, the normal force P results in material
removal. We will start by taking a naive kinetic friction approach

FN = d/dt(Mn) = dM/dt n a (mkeff P) (4.155)

where mkeff is an effective coefficient of sliding kinetic friction and the

velocity n is constant. Here we start with a simple kinetic frictional model
to get the general form. For an activated process of mass removal, we
write this

dM j (M )
n = m KEff (T ) P = m KEff P exp (4.156)
dt K BT

Here, mKEff (T ) is an temperature-dependent effective kinetic coeffi-

cient of sliding friction, which must be generalized

dM j (M )
= g exp (4.157)
dt K BT

mk P
In this case g = . We have to now depart from our nave approach
as kinetic friction, although insightful, is not helpful enough in accurately
depicting the amplitude in wear. To be consistent and specify the model a
bit further, we can use historical information such as the Archards wear
model in Equation 4.126. We have a few options, we write the amplitude

kP nr M o
g= = (4.158)
H t

That is, we can either make use of the Archards amplitude or write
the amplitude in experimental terms of an initial average mass removal M o,
and t, an average time constant for removal. This amplitude can be found
experimentally as we will describe. In addition, we have added r, the den-
sity of the softer material to 4.125 for consistent units with mass removal
and the other parameters are defined in 4.125. Expanding the free energy
as a function of the mass removal, we have

j ( M ) j ( 0) + M + ... = j (0) + m M + ... (4.159)

We identify m as the activation chemical potential per unit mass,

which now gives

dM j ( 0) + m M m M (4.160)
= g (T ) = g o exp = g (T ) exp
dt K BT K BT

and f is the activation energy for the wear process, which can be found
experimentally in testing at different temperatures, as explained below.
Rearranging terms, and solving for the mass as a function of time t and
integrating provides a logarithmic-in-time ageing TAT model in terms of
mass removal over time

M = A ln(1 + Bt) (4.161)

Here A and B are

K BT g (T ) m
A= and B = (4.162)
m K BT

Note the logarithmic-in-time dependence in the activation wear case

differs from the Archards linear dependence (i.e., l = vt). Here we find that
when Bt in Equation 4.161 is less than or of the order of 1, the removal
amount is large at first, then is less as time accumulatesnonlinear in
time removal. However, when Bt >> 1, the removal is in ln(t) dependence.
Also, since ln(1 + X) ~X for X << 1, then Equation 4.161 can be approx-
imated as M ABt = (T )t for Bt << 1, which upon substitution of Equa-
tion 4.158 agrees with Equation 4.126, the Archard wear equation. Note
that one could make use of this early time approximation to help deter-
mine g o = M o and the wear activation energy f experimentally.

Example 4.14 Activation Creep Model

Activation creep is a term we use here to associate creep due to a thermally

activated process where the activation free energy is a function of the
strain itself. This approach offers an alternative approach to modeling the
creep process. The general model indicates that for creep to occur under
temperature activation that a number of dislocations will occur over time
in the metal lattice. This is when, due to temperature stress, dislocations N

have a probability to hop over a potential barrier and weaken the crystal
metal lattice. Its hopping rate of occurrence is

dN j(N )
= N o exp (4.163)
dt K BT

Here, in the TAT model, the activation energy is a function of N. In

the case of creep, N would be proportional to strain. However, this rela-
tion must of course be modified when a load is applied and the material is
also subjected to mechanical means. We will therefore start with a popular
form of the empirical creep rate equation that is typically written

de j (e)
= e o s N exp (4.164)
dt K BT

Note the difference from Equation 4.120 on the right hand side regard-
ing the time dependence of this popular form for the creep rate. Also the
key difference in this approach is that we associated the creep rate process
with the activation free energy as a function of the strain itself. We will at
this point use the TAT model by expanding it in terms of the strain depen-
dence in a Maclaurin series

j ( e ) j (0) + e + ... (4.165)

We identify that the change in the free energy is due to damage that
occurred from mechanical thermodynamic conjugate work (see Table 4.1)

d j dW
= = s (4.166)
de de

This then yields

de j (e) se
= e o s N exp = e 0 (T ) s N exp (4.167)
dt K BT K BT

This is now in the form of the TAT model (see Equations 4.153 and
4.154) we find in integration

e= A ln[1 + B t ] for e << 1 (4.168)


K BT e (T ) s N +1
A= and B = o (4.169)
s K BT


L K BT e (T ) N +1
e= ln[1 + o s t ] (4.170)
L s K BT

j ( 0)
where e o (T ) = e o exp .

We note that we actually had to start with an empirical expression in

Equation 4.164 for the creep rate. Once we expanded the activation free
energy in terms of the strain, the creep rate indicated a nonlinear time
dependence ln(1 + Bt). The logarithmic-in-time dependence model has
the common curvature found in primary and secondary creep stages. A
power law dependence e a tb, where 0 < b < 1 is also popular as pointed
out in 4.120, and both the ln(1 + Bt) and power law form have been used
by other authors (see e.g., Lubliner 2008). Interesting enough we see the
stress amplitude is an inverse relation to strain, which of course by itself
would be incorrect. However, the argument in the natural log function
includes strain to the N + 1 power, which as long as N is larger than 0, the
overall dependence will actually show that the strain increase with stress.
Finally, the activation energy should be the same f(0) as reported in the
literature. The third stage of creep can also be modeled using the TAT
model. This concept is provided in the chapter appendix.

4.12.3 Transistor Ageing

Here we illustrate how we can extend the TAT model to transistor age-
ing (Feinberg et al. 2000). We are primarily concerned with key transistor
device parameters. In the bipolar case for the common-emitter configura-
tion, the key transistor parameter is beta ageing, showing it to be directly
proportional to the fractional change in the base-emitter leakage current. In
the Field-Effect Transistor (FET) case, the key transistor parameter con-
sidered is transconductance ageing that results from a change in the drain
source resistance and gate leakage current. Then the TAT model is used
to provide an ageing expression that accounts for the time degradation of

these parameters found in life test. These expressions provide insight into
degradation that links ageing to junction temperaturedependent mecha-
nisms. The mechanisms for leakage can be thought of similar to a corrosion
process having corrosion current. We have all the similar components
an anode, cathode, a conducting path, and an effective type of electrolyte.
Some typical life test data on HBTs and Metal Semiconductor Field-Effect
Transistor (MESFETs) are illustrated.


Generally, there are two common bipolar ageing mechanisms: an increase

in emitter ohmic contact resistance and an increase in base leakage cur-
rents. Both can be thought of as we mention as a corrosion occurring pro-
cess. Since b is given by Ice/Ibe in the common emitter configuration, any
base leakage degradation in Ibe will degrade b. In this section, we describe
a model for b degradation (Feinberg et al. 2000) over time due to leakage.
We start by considering a change in the base current gain for the common
emitter configuration as

b (t ) = b o b (t ) (4.171)

where bo is the initial value (prior to ageing) of Ice/Ibe. The time-dependent

function Db(t) can be found through the time derivative

i i i
i d b d I ce I ce I ce i I ce I be
b (t ) = = = 2 I be = b o (4.172)
dt dt I be I be I be I ce I be

Approximating d/dt by D/Dt and noting that Dt is common to both

sides of the equation and cancels, then

I (t ) I (t ) I (t ) I (t )
b (t ) b o ce be b o be = b o be
I ce I be I be I be


In the above equation, DIce has been set to zero as no change in this
parameter is usually observed experimentally. We added the absolute
value sign since beta overall will degrade (b(t) = bo-Db(t)) as the leakage
current to the base increases. Thus, the first result is that the change in b is
directly proportional to the fractional change in the base-emitter leakage

At this point, base charge storage is discussed in order to develop

a useful capacitive model. When a transistor is first turned on, electrons
penetrate into the base bulk gradually. They reach the collector only after
a certain delay time td. The collector current then starts to increase, in
relation to the current diffusion rate. Concurrent with the increase of the
collector current is excess charges build up in the base. As a first approx-
imation, the collector current and excess charge increases in an exponen-
tial manner with time constant tb. This transient represents the process of
charging a capacitor in the simplest of RC circuits shown in Figure 4.7.
We use this approximation to provide a simple model for base leakage.
The steady-state value of excess charge build up in base-emitter bulk Qk
is then

Qk = (Qbe)k @ (CbeVbe)k = (Cbe (IbeRbe))k = (Ibe tb )k (4.174)

where tb = RbeCbe is the time constant for steady-state excess charges in the
base-emitter junction. As discussed above, the base-emitter junction pri-
marily contributes to ageing effects. Along with this bulk effect is parasitic
surface charging Qs and leakage. We can also treat these using a simple RC
charging model. In this view, the surface leakage can be expressed as

Qs = (Qbe)s @ (CbeVbe)s = (Cbe (IbeRbe))s = (Ibe tb)s (4.175)

The total excess charging at the base is

Qbe = Qs + Qk (4.176)

As the transistor ages, Qbe increases along with Ib. Some of the
increase in Qbe is caused by the increase in impurities and defects in the
base surface and bulk regions due to operating stress.
The impurities and defects cause an increase in electron scattering, and
an increase in the probability for trapping and charging and eventual recom-
bination in the base. The above features lead to an increased leakage current.
In the capacitive model shown in Figure 4.7, incremental changes are

dQ = C dV = C R dI = dI (4.177)

Here, we view Q, V, and I as time varying with age, that is

I be (t ) Qbe (t ) Vbe (t )
b (t ) b o (4.178)
I = b o Q = b o V
be be be



Figure 4.7. Capacitor leakage






0 100 200 300 400 500

Figure 4.8. Life test data on C-doped MBE HBT devices at

235C at 10 kA/Cm2.

Thus, a second result is that the change in b is proportional to the

fractional change in the base-emitter leakage current, charge, and voltage.
Experimentally, b degradation is observed to follow a logarith-
mic-in-time ageing equation (Feinberg et al. 2000) as shown in the
Figure 4.8 and in the next section is described by the model

b (t ) I be (t ) qbe (t )
= = = A Log (1 + B t ) (4.179)
bo I be qbe


The leakage current often leading to dielectric breakdown has historically

been explored and there are numerous mechanisms, or a combination of
several, providing physical explanation of the origin of the current that

flows through the dielectric. These models stem from the fact that the work
required to create defects that increase leakage current is thermally activated
and there is a reduction in the free energy barrier for defect generation due
to the electric field lowering the barrier for defect creation. For example, in
a bond breakage model, the E-field is related to the bonds breakage through
the dipole energy. The energy barrier for creating defects has the form

j ( q ) j ( 0) + q + ... (4.180)

We identify that the change in the free energy is due to damage that
occurs from electrical thermodynamic conjugate work Table 4.1

d j dW
= =V (4.181)
dq dq

Common dielectric leakage mechanisms that relate to various forms

of the free energy with different explanations are the PooleFrenkel Effect,
Schottky Effect, Thermochemical E-model, Tunneling, and FowlerNor-
dheim Tunneling. The most general expression for current density j for
these models is

(j o a E N )
j = CE K exp (4.182)

where E is the electric field, a and C are constants. For the PooleFrenkel
(Harrell and Frey 1999) model K = 1, N = 1/2, for the Schottky effect (Sze
1981) model K = 0, N = 1/2, for the Thermo-chemical model K = 0, N = 1,
for the tunneling models K = 2, E = 1 (Sze 1981).
We can start our leakage TAT model consistent with Equation 4.182
and use Equations 4.180 and 4.181 for the free energy with N = 1, and the
general constant K as

dq ( j (0) + qV ) qV
= qoV K exp = q0 (T )V K exp (4.183)
dt K BT K BT

This is in the form of the TAT model results (see Equations 4.153 and
4.154), where we find

qbe I be
b = = A ln[1 + B t ] for Dbloss<< 1 (4.184)
qbe I be


%I/I =228 log (1+0.101 Time) 185C





%I/I =191 log (1+0.19 Time)


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Figure 4.9. Life test data of gate-source MESFET leakage current over
time fitted to the ln(1 + Bt) ageing model. Temperatures are ambient.
Junction rise is about 30C (Feinberg et al. 2000).

K BT q (T )V K +1
where A = and B = or
I beV K BT

K BT q (T ) K +1
b (t ) ln 1 + o V t (4.185)
VI be K BT

j ( 0)
where qo (T ) = qo exp .

We expect K > 0 for Beta degradation b(t) = bo - |Db(t)| to increase with

V (=Ed). The result of this logarithmic-in-time model yields a good fit to the
Beta degradation data in Figure 4.8 and as well for the FET data in Figure 4.9.


In this section, transconductance degradation over time is described to

help understand ageing in FET devices, such as MESFETs, and what role
problems like leakage current play (Feinberg et al. 2000). We start by
modeling a change in the transconductance gm as

g (t ) = g g (t ) (4.186)
m o m

where go, the initial value, is taken in the linear portion of the transcon-
ductance curve, is

g =
o VGS Vo (4.187)

Here, we use the linear portion of the curve for simplicity. Similar
results will follow for other portions of the curve. The time-dependent
function Dgm(t) is found from its derivative as

. dg d
g (t ) = m =
DS =



( )
dt V
V V V 2

GS o GS o V V


. .
. .
g m (t ) =



V V I V V o I V V
GS o DS GS o DS GS o


We assume that the drainsource current change occurs as dI/dt~(V/

R2)(dR/dt) with VDS constant and voltage-gate changes as dVGS/dt~d/dt(IR)
= RdIGS/dt. Approximating d/dt by /t and noting that t is common to
both sides of the equation and canceling, the expression simplifies to

g (t ) = g DS
m o RDS I GS I
GS o

Thus, the primary result for FETs is that transconductance ageing

arises from a change in the drainsource resistance and gate leakage.
However, it is commonly found that resistance ageing dominates the
reaction (Feinberg et al. 2000). As far as RDS is concerned, resistance is
related to scattering inside the drainsource channel DRDS/RDS = DrDS/rDS
= DlDS/lDS, where r is the resistivity, and l is the average mean-free path
that the electrons in the channel travel between collisions. This distance

decreases as ageing occurs and more defects occur in the channel causing
increased scattering.
Here, we wish to point out that similar to b degradation (a mechanism
that we have modeled as dominated by leakage), MESFET gate leakage
data, as shown, commonly follows a logarithmic-in-time ageing form as
well. This time dependence is illustrated in Figure 4.9. The TAT model for
gate leakage similar to Equation 4.185 is

I GS (t ) K T V K +1
B ln 1 + I o (T ) t (4.191)

j (0)
where I o (T ) = I o exp .




A second TAT model can be obtained for both the initial ageing period and
end of life using both terms in the Maclaurin expansion in Equations 4.149
and 4.150 and performing the integration. The results obtained in Feinberg
and Crow (2001) and Feinberg and Widom (2000) are

n (T )
a = x + b erf 1 exp( K 2 ) b t + erf ( K )
where erf and erf are the error function and its inverse and

x = y1 / y 2, b = 2 K BT / y 2, K = x / b, and b = 2 / 2

This model is a parametric ageing phenomenon that ages similar to

logarithmic-in-time models and quickly goes catastrophic at the end-of-
life due to Arrhenius degradation. This is illustrated in Figure 4.10. The
figure shows that ageing starts off similar to logarithmic-in-time ageing
and then quickly goes catastrophic at the critical corresponding time tc.
The reader is referred to Feinberg and Widom (1996) for details.
Figure 4.10 illustrates a number of rate processes. Some examples
are batteries: (Feinberg and Widom 1996), the three phases of creep, and
cold-worked metals recrystallizing exhibit forms of this dependence over

R Erf-1(K1Time+K2)

= ALog(1+b Time)




Figure 4.10. Ageing over all time t with critical values tc prior to
catastrophic failure 3.

time. What is interesting in this model is that the rate of initial ageing is
mathematically connected to its rate of final catastrophic behavior in this
model. This suggests that if the initial ageing process is truly understood,
a catastrophic prognostic may be possible!


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Monitoring Degradation in
the Field

Xiandong Ma


The range of material degradation mechanisms can be classified into four

basic categories based on direct mechanical action, heat or radiation, the
presence of chemical reagents, and a combination of the above mecha-
nisms (Batchelor, Nee Lam, and Chandrasekaran 2011). In general, mate-
rials are continually changing at either molecular or macroscopic scale. All
materials including wood, ceramics, and plastics deteriorate at the surface
to varying degrees when they are exposed to certain combinations of ultra-
violet (UV) light from sunshine, liquids, gases, or contact with other solids.
For metals, deterioration is usually caused as a result of a reaction with its
environment, especially with oxygen. Most metals corrode because they
react with oxygen in the atmosphere, particularly under moist conditions,
which is called oxidation. Ferrous metals such as steel are particularly sus-
ceptible to oxidation and require ongoing maintenance or they will suf-
fer inevitable structural failure. Some nonferrous metals are particularly
resistant to corrosion, for example, copper. The corrosion has a significant
effect on the mechanical and physical properties of the metallic materials.
These include the reduction of metal thickness leading to loss of strength
or complete structural failure, localized corrosion leading to cracks in the
structure, a disproportionate weakening in comparison to the amount of
metal lost, and fatalities and damages leading to structural failure.

DOI: 10.5643/9781606504673/ch5

The monitoring of degradation in the field has been a difficult and

challenging task over the past decades. Among the monitoring techniques
commonly used, nondestructive testing (NDT) and evaluation has been
widely recognized as an effective approach for monitoring degradation.
This technique is primarily concerned with the development of mea-
surement technologies and analysis techniques for the quantitative char-
acterization of materials, tissues, and structures by noninvasive means.
Ultrasonic, radiographic, thermographic, electromagnetic, and optic
methods are employed to probe the interior microstructure and character-
ize the subsurface features. Good reviews on these NDT techniques can
be referred in Drinkwater and Wilcox (2006) and Sposito et al. (2010).
Traditionally, the areas of application are flaw detection, material char-
acterization, and structural health condition monitoring for the purpose
of dynamically measuring their property and performance over the long
term. The NDT applications have been now extended to cover medical
diagnosis, intelligent robotics, on-line manufacturing process control, and
security screening (Ma 2012).
Historically, NDT and analysis was performed by highly experi-
enced maintenance individuals who applied lessons learned through years
of practice. Over the past decades, there has been much interest in the
development and deployment of new technologies and intelligent systems
for use in a wide range of fields. These techniques embrace electrical,
mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, acoustic, optical, chemical phe-
nomena to yield monitoring data for collection and desirable instruments
for processing and interpreting the measured data.
This chapter reviews and analyzes measurement and monitoring
technologies for metallic material characterization, condition monitoring
of insulation degradation and the associated instruments. In Section 5.2,
electromagnetic sensors used for eddy current testing and imaging are pre-
sented, focusing on measurement of the electrical property of metals, the
decarburization of high-carbon steels, and imaging liquid metal flow pro-
file during continuous casting. The remaining sections then discuss con-
dition monitoring techniques for evaluating and diagnosing high-voltage
insulation deterioration of power apparatuses. In Section 5.3, the effects of
multiple physical stresses on insulation degradation are discussed, along-
side a model representing such degradation. In Section 5.4, partial dis-
charge (PD) detection techniques for monitoring insulation conditions are
presented by means of both nonelectrical and electrical techniques. The
methods employed to infer the nature, form, and quantities of discharges
activity will also be presented in this section.
Monitoring Degradation in the Field 119


For a fundamental eddy current testing, two inductive coils are usually
sufficientwith one acting as an exciter and the other a detector. The
excitation coil with a number of turns is excited by an alternating current
(AC) source, which generates a changing magnetic field in its vicinity.
This time-varying magnetic field interacts with the test sample and then
induces eddy currents. The eddy currents in the sample in turn generate a
secondary magnetic field, which opposes the primary magnetic field. The
interaction between these two fields alters the distribution of the magnetic
flux, thus resulting in an apparent change of the coil voltage. By measur-
ing the coil voltage change, the properties such as the electrical conduc-
tivity and magnetic permeability of the material, structure of the metals,
flaws, or fatigue cracks in metallic samples can be determined by using
analytical and/or experimental methods.
With more inductive coils placed along the periphery of an object
space, it is possible to tomographically image the distribution of materials
inside a region of interest. The sensor array used can contain excitation
and detection coils, which can either be dedicated to a particular function
(exciter or detector) or operate in both modes. By energizing an excitation
coil with an AC signal, a measurement can be obtained from detection
coils. This kind of projection is continued until the last excitation coil is
excited and measurement is taken. The measured data are then manip-
ulated using appropriate mathematical inversion techniques to create an
image of the internal object distribution.


Different shapes of sensor coils are normally constructed purposely to

accommodate different variously shaped samples. For example, pan-
cake-type surface coils are used to inspect plate, sheet, or irregularly shaped
samples, while encircling coils are used primarily for inspecting rods, tubes,
cylinders, or wire in manufacturing applications. When the area to be tested
is large, pancake-type surface coils are chosen to reduce the testing time,
whereas coils as small as practical are required to detect small cracks. In
practical measurements, double-coil arrangements are preferred, where one
coil is used for excitation with a separate secondary coil used for detection.
The separation of excitation coil and detection coil can prevent thermal drift
problems in the measurement signal due to overheating of the excitation coil.

Eddy currents induced inside the test sample by the applied magnetic
field attenuate with depth below the test sample surface. This attenuation
is mainly governed by the test objects electrical conductivity , magnetic
permeability , and the applied frequency f for a given test geometry. The
standard depth of penetration can be used to characterize this diffusion
phenomenon, which, for plane geometry, is mathematically given by
d = 1/ p f ms . Apparently, high-frequency measurements give informa-
tion regarding the properties adjacent to the surface, whereas low-frequency
testing probes the subsurface deeper inside the test sample. Multi-frequency
eddy current testing has been therefore commonly employed.
One of the applications has been to the characterization of microstruc-
tural changes of cellular metal foams. Cellular metal foams are a relatively
new class of material and have increasingly been recognized due to their
exceptional combination of mechanical, thermal, acoustic, electrical, and
chemical properties. To identify the healthy condition of porous metals for
an industrial application, evaluation of the foam electrical properties is of
paramount interest, which can be achieved through nondestructive eddy
current measurements. The induced eddy currents flowing in the metal
foams are affected significantly by the foam properties and, consequently,
measurement of the impedance change, defined as the voltage change with
respect to the excitation current, on the detection coil(s) permits the metal
foams to be characterized.
Figure 5.1 shows solenoidal coils designed to examine the cylindri-
cally shaped samples (Ma, Peyton, and Zhao 2005a). It has been found that
the phase-frequency response of the normalized eddy current signal of the
sensor is relatively immune to the coil-to-sample spacing and fill-factor
variations, from which the equivalent conductivity of the foams are mea-
sured. As an example, Figure 5.2 shows the variations of electrical conduc-
tivity of the aluminum foams with both porosity and pore size. The results
show that higher porosity leads to lower equivalent electrical conductivity
due to the decreasing the metal volume ratio in the foams. The pore size
determines the amount of air trapped, the average wall thickness between
pores, and the degree of interconnectivity between pores, thus affecting
the equivalent conductivity of the foams as well. Consequentially, through
monitoring of the equivalent conductivity, the mean porosity and hence
health conditions of the foams can be estimated (Ma and Peyton 2006a).
The sensors and technique can also be used for measurement of magnetic
permeability of porous Fe samples (Ma, Peyton, and Zhao 2006b).
Decarburization is a well-known phenomenon that can change the
structure and content of steel. It occurs usually when steel is heated in an
environment where oxygen is present, leading to oxidation and loss of car-
Monitoring Degradation in the Field 121

Detection coil r1

h1 h2

Excitation coil r2


Figure 5.1. The schematic diagram of the sole-

noidal coils, where r1 and r2 are the outer radii of
excitation and detection coils, h1 and h2 are the
heights of excitation and detection coils, and d is the
outer diameter of tube of which the coils are wound

bon. As a result of decarburization, the steel can lose some of its strength
and ductility, and bring dramatic modifications to its mechanical properties,
like being vulnerable to breaking hence decreasing the fatigue lifetime of
the steel. Eddy current techniques have been demonstrated to be very sen-
sitive and well related to surface carbon content (Amiri and Kashefi 2009)
and surface modifications associated with the decarburizing (Mercier etal.
2006). The measurement of three different electromagnetic properties (eddy
current, tangential magnetic field, and incremental permeability) was used
to evaluate decarburization profiles in spring steel (Burzic, Zamberger, and
Kozeschnik 2010). The results, however, were highly influenced by the
calibration procedure. A multifrequency, multi-output electromagnetic sen-
sor was proposed with which hardness profile beneath the surface can be
determined by correlating an optimum frequency to each measured output
voltage (Kahrobaee and Kashefi 2011).

F: 1000/2000, 72.8%
D: 710/1000, 72.7%
I: >2000, 83.4%

H: >2000, 74.2%
B: 425/710, 73.5%
Porosity (%)


C: 710/1000, 64.7%

E: 1000/2000, 63.8%
A: 425/710, 63.1%

G: >2000, 63.7%


0 1 2 3 4
Conductivity (MS/m)

Figure 5.2. Results showing the variation of electrical conductivity

with both porosity and pore size of the aluminum foams. The foam
samples are categorized into groups with pore sizes of 425710 m,
7101,000 m, 1,0002,000 m, and larger than 2,000 m and with
porosities ranging from 63.1 percent to 83.4 percent.

Among the sensors, an H-shaped electromagnetic sensor has been

used to evaluate decarburization of high-carbon steels and rail decarburi-
zation depth due to its unique design. As shown in Figure 5.3, the sensing
head has a primary excitation coil and four secondary flux sensing coils.
The sensor was designed with two U cores joined back to back with a
common excitation coil, one of which is being used as the active sens-
ing element and the other as a dummy reference element. Adjacent pairs
of secondary pickup coils are wired in series, therefore maximizing the
signal of interest while helping to reduce the common mode interference
caused by ambient magnetic fields. Multi-frequency analysis is performed
by exciting the sensing head with a composite waveform containing the
required harmonics. The measurements are sampled and analyzed by the
digital signal processor (DSP) using a fast Fourier transform (FFT) to
extract the harmonic phase and magnitude information. To maximize the
dynamic range of the system, a three-tier approach was used to remove the
background voltage from active sensing elements output voltage. More
details are seen in Dickinson et al. (2007).
Efforts have been made to measure decarburization depth using
this H-shaped electromagnetic sensor. Hao et al. have tried to measure
Monitoring Degradation in the Field 123


Active side
sensing flux
Active pickup coil

excitation coil

Active side

Dummy side

Ferrite core

Dummy pickup coil

Dummy side
sensing flux

Figure 5.3. Magnetic head before encapsulation and the main elements
of the magnetic sensing head.

d ecarburization of high-carbon steel with pearlitic microstructure, where

the relationship between the sensor output and decarburized layer thick-
ness was modeled using finite element software (Hao et al. 2008). A
potential online nondestructive measurement using this EM sensor was
reported in Hao et al. (2009) under favorable operation frequencies. The
work demonstrates that the demagnetizing field from online samples has
a significant effect on the sensor output. An H-shaped ferrite core EM
sensor has also been applied to phase transformation detection in steel
rolling application, where the response of the sensor can be described by a
simple analytical model (Zhu, Yin, and Peyton 2011). The EM sensor was
recently used to evaluate rails with different levels of decarburization due
to different bloom reheat times (Zhu et al. 2012).
As one of the most extensively used NDT techniques, eddy current
testing permits detection of cracks and internal discontinuities in conduc-
tive materials, for both ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic materials.
Defects in the metallic materials will cause a change in the eddy current
flow. It is this change that can be detected by the EM sensors and the

associated electronics. The advantage of the eddy current method over

other techniques is that testing can be made without any direct physical
contact between the sensor and the inspected material. An optimized sen-
sor must induce the greatest eddy current density near the crack to obtain
the greatest sensor response (Bavall 2002; Mook, Lange, and Koeser
2001). Another eddy current testing technique is called pulsed eddy cur-
rent (PEC) testing. Compared to the conventional eddy current inspection
techniques, PEC testing allows multi-frequency operation by using only a
step function voltage signal to excite the coil. As a result, the electromag-
netic response to several different frequencies can be measured simulta-
neously. Since the skin depth of penetration is dependent on the frequency
of excitation, information from a range of depths can be obtained simul-
taneously. A good review of the state-of-the-art methods and current chal-
lenges for crack detection using PEC testing can be found in Bai et al.
(2013). It has also been found that the use of data fusion methods like
principal component analysis (PCA) to mine the transient PEC signals can
significantly reduce the computation time, hence allowing rapid identifi-
cation of the cracks (Horan, Underhill, and Krause 2013; Theodoulidis,
Wang, and Tian 2012).


The mathematical concept of tomography was first proposed early in

the 19th century. The basic aim of modern tomography is to image and
determine the cross-sectional distribution of materials of interest by a set
of measurements using sensors that are distributed around the periphery
of a process. Despite their relatively modest image resolution, electrical
tomography has opened up many applications. This is mainly because
this sensing technique is nonintrusive and noninvasive; has a relatively
high imaging speed, low cost, and can be used in the harsh operating
conditions, for example, in the cases where temperature and pressure are
extremely high.
Electrical tomography techniques can themselves be further divided
into different modalities based on the measurement of the passive electrical
quantitiesnamely, resistance (impedance), capacitance, and inductance.
Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is based on the measurement of
resistance and reactance patterns and can produce conductivity and per-
mittivity images. Electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) involves the
measurement of capacitance profiles and generates images of permit-
tivity distributions. Electromagnetic inductance tomography (EMT), or
Monitoring Degradation in the Field 125

Figure 5.4. Photograph of the EMT system developed by Lancaster University,

from right to left: Inductive sensor array, conditioning electronics unit, and PC
installed with a data acquisition system.

magnetic induction tomography (MIT), employs mutual inductance mea-

surements between inductive sensors to provide images that represent the
conductivity and permeability distributions of the material. The applica-
tions of ECT include the measurement of multiple-phase flows in pipes
(Gamio et al. 2005) and solid concentration in an industry process (Sun
etal. 2008). The EIT techniques have been widely used for medical imag-
ing and geophysical investigations, and also for crack identification in
electrically conducting materials (Lazarovitch, Rittel, and Bucher 2002)
and air-bubble detection in pipelines (Ijaz et al. 2008).
As shown in Figure 5.4, a typical EMT system consists of (i) an array
of inductive coils arranged around the object periphery being tested,
(ii)a custom conditioning electronics unit and a data acquisition system,
and (iii) a host computer running image reconstruction algorithms. An
industrial case study of this system was to image molten steel flow and
solidification. The control of steel flow through a submerged entry nozzle
during continuous casting is critical to ensure steel cleanness and surface
quality. Existing methods of assessing steel flow in the nozzle and mold
are based on mathematical and physical modeling. Despite these studies,
there is no real method of determining the actual conditions within the
nozzle, which is fundamentally an opaque tube. The imaging system has
been successfully used to monitor molten steel flow conditions using real
data acquired during continuous casting at Corus (Ma et al. 2005b; Ma,
Peyton, and Higson 2006c; Ma et al. 2008). An example of image results
is shown in Figure 5.5. The first and second rows in the figures show the
steel flow was initially positioned in the middle of the nozzle. The third
row shows the steel flow then splashed on to the sidewalls of the nozzle.
Images in the last row show the deposition of steel remnants on the inside
of the nozzle wall after the pouring.

Figure 5.5. EMT images of steel flow profiles through the nozzle at
different time instants.

In addition, the planar electromagnetic tomography systems were

proposed for conductivity measurements (Riedel et al. 2004) and detec-
tion of crack faults on thin metallic plates (Yin 2006). The proposed sys-
tems differ from traditional EMT systems in that the planar sensors are
more strongly coupled through samples rather than directly. The sensors
can be placed above the plate under inspection, which is often the case
where only one surface of the testing plate is accessible for many NDTs.
This sensor arrangement also facilitates their implementation as pancake
coils or flat coils manufactured on the printed circuit board (PCB).
For electrical tomographic methods, the measurement sensors, such as
metallic electrodes used in ECT and inductive coils placed in EMT, should
be sufficiently large compared to the object region being tested to give a
measureable change in terms of the relevant electrical quantity. This means
that not many sensors are used and 8 or 12 sensors are common in these
sensing modalities. An N-sensor system can only provide N(N1)/2 inde-
pendent measurements. This means that the techniques provide relatively
low-resolution images in contrast to other conventional tomographic meth-
ods, such as X-rays, in which high-resolution images are usually formed of
slices of a material. However, X-rays suffer from the inherent hazards of
radiation and size of the equipment. As highlighted above, the use of elec-
trical tomography techniques for fault detection and process visualization
are fast and relatively inexpensive. Furthermore, due to the flexible sen-
sor design and the significant advantages of measurement principle, there
Monitoring Degradation in the Field 127

are strong possibilities of using these techniques in the emerging area of

great importance, such as monitoring of CO2 migration in carbon capture
and storage (Hattenberger et al. 2013) and security checking body scanner
(Marsh et al. 2013).


Deterioration of insulation systems is subject to thermal, mechanical, and

electrical stressing, or their combinations. Thermal ageing in electrical
machines is accelerated under impulse conditions including overvolt-
age, switch transients, and lightning strikes, under excessively high flux
densities or eddy currents and under overload condition. Thermal ageing
causes molecular decomposition and oxidation of the insulating materials,
resulting in delamination, cracking, embrittlement, and depolymerization
of the insulating materials (Simons 1980). Thermal ageing is enhanced by
the different thermal expansion coefficients for copper conductor and the
insulation, yielding a considerable shear stress between the conductor and
the insulation.
Thermal ageing in transformers causes degradation of the solid paper
dielectrics by deteriorating the molecular bonds in the cellulose chains
from which it is made, and degradation of oil by dissolving various chem-
ical gases depending on the conditions inside the transformer such as the
temperature and oil. Degradation of the oil insulation not only serves the
chemical degradation of oil itself but also increases the number of impuri-
ties and eventually produces bubbles in oil.
Although thermal ageing has little impact on the voltage breakdown
compared with mechanical and electrical stress, it accelerates the dete-
rioration of the insulation. Borsi investigated the relation between tem-
perature changes during thermal ageing and PD behavior of epoxyresin
transformers (more details about PDs are given in the subsequent s ections).
The work concluded that the PD inception voltage of coils will drop to
~50 percent in a temperature range from 30C to 140C (Borsi 1993).
The reduction of PD inception voltage is caused by significant increase in
the relative permittivity of insulating materials with temperature, and by
contrast, by decrease in the relative gas density with temperature in the
cylindrical voids existing in the insulation.
Mechanical stress results from thermomechanical periods when elec-
trical machines are in start or stop operation or in shocking load period,
and from electromagnetic forces. It causes bar vibration producing fretting

between copper, insulation, and core, thus deteriorating the insulation

integrity. Kimura and Kaneda (1995) observed the development of defects
under mechanical stress by scanning electrode microscope and found that
the delamination between insulating materials, that is, between mica and
epoxy, occurs first, then cracks follow, thus lowering the breakdown volt-
age. Normally, the bars inside the machine can withstand a magnitude of
mechanical force up to 10 kg cm-1.
Localized electrical stress is enhanced by transient pulsing from
switch surges and system disturbances such as direct-online starting of
machines and tripping of circuit breakers on overload. For transformer
windings, typical nominal electrical stress is within 1.5 kV mm1, while
the electrical stress of stator windings varies between 2 and ~2.5 kV mm1
(Mayoux 2000).
As mentioned previously, thermal and mechanical stresses cause
defects. These defects lead to localized high electrical stresses being
formed around them, thus resulting in PDs. The interaction between
thermal, mechanical, and electrical stress in turn leads to increased PD
activity, causing further deterioration and eventual failure of the insulat-
ing systems. Once the degradation is prevalent, PDs then represent the
dominant mechanism of degradation. It is therefore imperative that PDs in
such systems be detected and quantified at an early stage in their evolution
to correctly assess the integrity of insulation systems.


As the name implies, PD is the electrical discharge that involves only a

portion of the dielectric between two electrodes and does not completely
bridge the gap (Danikas 1993). In general, the principal discharge types
are internal discharges, surface discharges, and corona discharges. Internal
discharges occur in gas-filled and oil-filled cavities. Surface discharges
appear in gases or in oil in the cases where a strong stress component
parallel to the dielectric surface exists. Corona discharges appear around
sharp points in gases and in liquids, subject to a high voltage. Although the
magnitude of the aforementioned discharges is usually small, they cause
progressive deterioration and lead to ultimate failure. It is therefore essen-
tial to analyze and understand the mechanisms of PDs.
The model for a discharging air-filled void in a dielectric has been
found to be similar to a void in a solid dielectric between two metal
electrodes. The physics of the recurrence of discharges under an exter-
nally applied sinusoidal AC voltage can be explained using Figure 5.6
Monitoring Degradation in the Field 129

Applied voltage

Voltage appearing across

discharge-free void
inception voltage



Actual voltage
across void

Figure 5.6. Voltages and current pulses at a void or cavity in the dielectric

(Arora and Mosch 2011). When the voltage V(t) is sufficiently low, no
discharges occur. As V(t) is gradually raised to the breakdown voltage
Vi, also known as discharge inception voltage, a discharge begins. The
discharge will be self-extinguished as the charge initially transferred
across the void builds on the void surfaces and reduces the electric field.
Further discharges occur when the decrease in field is counteracted by
a continuing rise in voltage until the peak of V(t), after which the field
will be dropping within the remaining period of this half cycle. A simi-
lar discharge sequence occurs during the negative half cycle. However,
due to the impact of the accumulated charge from the positive half cycle
and the applied voltage V(t), the electric field will be intensified in the
void during the negative half cycle, thus accelerating the breakdown that
occurs earlier on the applied wave. This discharge sequence happens con-
tinuously with the applied voltage V(t).
A three-capacitor model has been widely used to model a discharge
resulting from a gas-filled void inside solid or fluid dielectric materials,
as shown in Figure 5.7. Electric fields within the void are represented by
Cc and those starting at the void walls toward the dielectric materials in
series with the void form the equivalent capacitance Cb. All fields outside
the void, that is, in parallel with the void, are represented by the equiv-
alent capacitance Ca. Normally, Ca >> Cc >> Cb for realistic geometric
The charge accumulated at the measuring leads is referred to as the
apparent charge q transferred from the actual charge in a void. The apparent

Dielectric Cb
in series Va Ca
Void Cc
with Cc Vc Cc

Dielectric Ca in parallel with Cc

Figure 5.7. A three-capacitor model of discharge in a void surrounding by


charge q results in a voltage drop Va across the terminals A and B of the

test specimen with the following relationship between them.

Va = Cb Vc (Ca + Cb ) = q (Ca + Cb ) (5.1)

where q = CbVc, Vc is the voltage drop across the void. It has been found
that there is a direct relationship between the apparent charge q and the
energy involved in the discharge, which causes the deterioration of the
dielectric, and a relationship between q and the size of the void. Therefore,
the apparent charge q is chosen as a measure for discharges, which can
readily be measured with electrical discharge detectors through measuring
Va at external leads of the test specimen. The apparent charge q is mea-
sured typically in picocoulomb pC. However, Ca and Cb need to be known
in order to calculate q.



Thermography techniques
Given that PDs are generally hotter than their surrounding media,
it might reasonably be thought that the thermal imaging techniques
could be applied in their detection and measurement. Unfortu-
nately, most PDs are enclosed in some way, for example, within
solid insulation or within metal-clad enclosures. As the relatively
low temperatures of PDs and the high thermal impedances are
likely present between the discharges and the imaging technique,
the use of this type of testing is very limited. These techniques are
Monitoring Degradation in the Field 131

only applied in the cases where the discharges are external to asso-
ciated plant items, for example, on overhead lines/busbars or post/
string-type insulators. However, such techniques are carried out not
in any quantitative way.
Chemical detection
PD activity can cause chemical reactions in insulating media. In
power transformers, PDs manifest themselves in discharge-gener-
ated gases in the oil insulation and in degradation bi-products in
paper insulation.
Under the action of PDs, oil degrades through bond scission
to form characteristic gases dissolved in the oil. Typical gases pro-
duced are hydrogen, methane, ethane, ethylene, and acetylene. The
quantity and types of gases produced depend on the nature of PD,
its severity, and the associated temperature. By sampling oil in the
transformer and further analyzing the types of the fault-generated
gases and their corresponding constituents, dissolved gas analy-
sis (DGA) can be utilized to infer PD activity in the transformers
(Lelekakis et al. 2011). The DGA technique might be the simplest
and cheapest technique available for online testing of transformers
and has been used as the primary indicator of malfunctions leading
to overheating, arcing, and PD.
Several interpretation techniques have been developed and are
used in the interpretation of dissolved gases in oil. Although the
presence of PD in oil-filled plant item can be inferred from the abso-
lute levels of the measured different gases, PD is indicated primar-
ily through the ratios of these gases. Gas ratios have been utilized
to differentiate between fault types since 1970, typical example of
which is the Rogers ratios. Rogers (1978) used the order of gas
evolution to form the gas ratios of methane/hydrogen, ethane/meth-
ane, ethylene/ethane, and acetylene/ethylene. A diagnosis table was
created based on nearly 10,000 DGA results, together with exam-
ination of the failed units and the units with suspected faults. The
table went through several evolutions and was produced in two for-
mats; in the first, diagnosis was based on codes generated by ratios,
while, in the second, diagnosis was made based on the value of the
ratio. Different types of PD can be identified from the gas ratios.
However, the diagnosis obtained using gas-ratio methods was
often not comparable between techniques. Other additional graph-
ical techniques were, therefore, introduced to complement the
interpretation of dissolved gases in oil. Duval (1989) developed a
triangle based on the relative percentage of methane, ethylene, and

acetylene gas. The triangle is classified into six regions represent-

ing high-energy arcing, low-energy arcing, corona discharge, and
hot spots. The triangle was used for fault diagnosis in conjunction
with individual levels of gases rather than the gas ratios. Mostly
recently, as have been expected, new intelligent techniques are
finding increasing applications in interpreting DGA results, includ-
ing genetic programming (Shintemirov, Tang, and Wu 2009), fuzzy
logic (Abu-Siada, Hmood, and Islam 2013), and neural network
(Yang and Hu 2013).
For the detection of paper insulation, high-performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC) was developed to evaluate the insulation
integrity in transformers by analyzing degradation by-products.
Degradation of the paper under fault conditions results in cellu-
lose chain scission, thus yielding glucose and degraded forms of
glucose. Monitoring the glucose levels in the impregnated oil may
indicate the extent of paper degradation. The PD activity can be
inferred using this technique by the analysis of subsequent decom-
position products under glucose degradation. HPLC is now being
widely used in field analysis (Andrews et al. 2006; Li, Chen, and
Gao 2012).
Acoustic detection
Acoustic detection is performed by detecting the acoustic wave
that initiates at the discharge site and then propagates to detection
points through the insulation media. Therefore, the transducers, for
example, piezo-electric sensors, are normally attached to the outer
surface of plant items under measurement to acquire the wave sig-
nal. The intensity of the emitted acoustic waves is proportional to
the energy released in the discharge. On this basis, the amplitude of
the wave is proportional to the square root of the energy of the dis-
charge and there should be a linear relationship between discharge
magnitude and acoustic signal. However, acoustic measurements
are mainly used to detect the presence of discharges and locate the
discharges within the plant items.
An advantage of acoustical detection is its immunity to elec-
tromagnetic noise. However, the wave signal after propagation
is heavily distorted due to a range of factors including pathway
diversion, frequency-dependent velocity effects, and transmission
losses, hence hampering the use of the data for directly inferring
the nature, form, and quantities of discharges activity. The remark-
able contribution of this technique to PD detection is its ability to
locate PDs. For example, using a minimum of three sensors fixed to
Monitoring Degradation in the Field 133

the earthed tank of a large transformer and a reference signal, it is

possible to determine both the presence and the accurate location of
discharges. By measuring the relative times of arrival of the pulses
from the discharging site at the three sensors, respectively, and by
assuming a constant velocity of acoustic propagation through the
transformer geometry, the relative distance from each of the sen-
sors to the discharging site can be computed and triangulated. The
details regarding the fundamentals of this approach can be seen
in Lundgaard (1992). Recently, this approach has been proven to
be extremely effective in locating discharging sources occurring in
transformers in conjunction with digital processing techniques such
as the wavelet analysis (Markalous, Tenbohlen, and Feser 2008)
and pattern recognition method (Kraetge et al. 2013).
Optical detection
Optical analysis of the light emitted by the discharge enables loca-
tion of the exact source of a discharge and hence the area where
deterioration of the dielectric takes place. The work using optical
techniques in PD analysis was placed on relating typical optical
images to typical discharge pulse shapes through simultaneous
recordings of both electrical and optical signals produced by the
discharges in cavities. The optical observation can be utilized as a
means to identify single discharges due to different spatial distribu-
tions being generated across the surface of the cavity by different
types of discharges. However, the direct use of this technique is still
restricted in the laboratory measurements mainly due to the cost of
the measurement set-up, low optical sensitivity, and the obscurity of
most apparatus under test to light (Biswas et al. 2012; Fracz 2013).


Electrical methods have been developed to detect the presence of PD activ-

ity, the PD intensity, PD source location, and the PD pulse with regard to
the voltage phase angle. Radio noise measurements in mV amplitude on
high-voltage equipment produced the first PD-related information. This
approach was a measure of integrated PD activity. Therefore, it could
not provide any information on PD events, PD sequence in time, and its
effects on insulation.
An ideal insulation system should behave as a perfect capacitor, that
is, there should only be capacitive current flowing through the system.
However, a small component of resistive current is generated if insulation

integrity of the system begins to lose. As losses increase, the resistive cur-
rent becomes larger and an angle created between the capacitive current
and the resultant resistive current increases, as does the tan . By monitor-
ing the tan of the system, relative discharge activity can be inferred. Tra-
ditionally, the tan measurement employed a Schering Bridge type circuit
connected across the high-voltage terminals of the plant item, but latterly,
instruments have made direct measurements of the different current com-
ponents. The tan measurement is dependent on the capacitance and resis-
tance values in the equivalent circuit of test samples, the type of equivalent
circuit used, and the frequency of the external test voltage (Kuffel, Zaengl,
and Kuffel 2000). Any sudden change in tan would be considered indic-
ative of PD inception and the rate of change with increasing voltage would
be indicative of the relative severity of the PD. Because tan measures the
integrated quantities associated with the dielectric loss, this approach is
only capable of indicating the integrity of the insulating system degradation
of the specimens under test. It cannot distinguish between a few large dis-
charges that might be detrimental and a lot of small ones that might be quite
innocuous. Therefore, most commercial instruments have been developed
to incorporate a peak magnitude detector to deal with this problem.
One of the instruments is the partial discharge analyzer (PDA) devel-
oped by the Canadian Ontario Hydro. For rotating machines, a capacitance
coupler can be permanently connected to the machine phase terminals to
allow winding discharge measurements. In large hydraulic generators,
two coupling capacitors, each having a typical capacitance of 80 pF, are
required to be permanently installed at the ends of the ring bus of each
winding phase, respectively. The PDA instrument (Stone et al. 1990)
can take the signals from the pair of couplers and sort the PD pulses by
removing external noise by means of differential amplifier, thus making
the analysis of discharges in stator windings more reliable. The lengths of
the coaxial cables connecting the couplers at the ends in the same phase
to the terminals of PDA instrument are purposely designed to ensure that
the electrical distance from the machine terminal along the ring bus to
the instrument terminal is the same for the two couplers. The connection
scheme is shown in Figure 5.8, where two identical capacitive couplers C1
and C2 (80 pf) are permanently installed to capture signals. To ensure that
the test presents an equivalent electrical path to the inputs of the differ-
ential amplifier, the coaxial cables on both sides are designed with such a
specific relationship

b d
a+ = c+ (5.2)
0.65 0.65
Monitoring Degradation in the Field 135

Cable Differential
C1 amplifier
Ring bus
To measuring
c 50 instrument

Figure 5.8. Measurement arrangement for rejection of com-

mon-mode electrical noise for generator PD detection.

The coefficient 0.65 is referred to as the ratio of the pulse propagation

velocity in the coaxial cable to that in the vacuum. With this arrangement,
extraneous noise to the generator is rejected as it arrives almost simulta-
neously (within 1.5 ns) at the inputs of the differential amplifier. However,
a discharge within the winding yields a nonzero output as the electrical
signal arrives at the inputs of the differential amplifier with a sufficiently
separated time interval, thus being recognized and then sorted for further
digital analysis.
Due to high levels of noise appearing on the site and also the very
compact structure of the circuit ring bus in the turbine generators, the PDA
technique is not applicable to discharge detection in turbine generators,
where a new coupling device has been developed. This new coupling
device, known as the stator slot coupler (SSC) developed by the Canadian
IRIS Power, is a form of ultrawide-band directional electromagnetic cou-
pler in nature, which was designed to be installed in the slot region of the
stator core during manufacturing. The SSC has a very broad frequency
band extending from 10 MHz to >1 GHz. Although PD signals and noise
are detected by this coupler simultaneously, they can be distinguished by
pulse shape recognition through modern digital electronics, enhancing the
couplers sensitivity to PD. PD signals manifest themselves on the coupler
with high-frequency components as they occur close to the coupler, while
the external noise manifests itself on the coupler with low-frequency com-
ponents due to attenuation effects of high-frequency components when
noise propagates some distance to reach the coupler. For a large turbo
generator measurement, six SSC couplers are needed in order to cover
most of the highly stressed portion of the winding, thus increasing the
fault probability of the generators during operation.
A discharge source can also produce an electromagnetic wave that
propagates away from the PD site and travels toward the earthed metal

enclosure of the plant and further to the atmosphere outside the switch-
board through a gap somewhere in the enclosure. A transient earth voltage
(TEV) is produced by the action of the wave connecting with the earthed
metalwork and can be detected by a capacitive probe (Brown 1996). This
method gives an indication of the PD severity with the magnitude of a
detected signal, which lies normally in the milli-volts to volts range. With
multiple capacitive probes used, it is possible to gain some knowledge
of location using the time of flight principle, as the probe nearest to the
source should detect the discharge first. The attractive advantage of this
type of testing is its nonintrusive nature, that is, no disruption or outage
is required to the plant under test. However, as with other types of PD
measurement, the measurement readings of using TEV principle suffer
readily from external electromagnetic noise. It is therefore essential that
a background survey should be completed prior to measurements so that
discharges from the plant or from external sources can be differentiated.
Antenna is another type of technique that could be used for on-line
monitoring of the PD severity of the plant (Kaneko et al. 2009). An
antenna measures the radiated radio interference generated by discharges
based on the principle that the frequency band of an antenna can be tuned
to a specific radio frequency bandwidth to best respond to the discharges.
As with the TEV method, antenna techniques are of nonintrusive nature.
However, PD signals, when measured with this type of testing, are also
highly susceptible to noise from environments in substation. Therefore,
an effective noise reduction technique is desirable when the antenna tech-
nique is applied. As a direct connection to high-voltage terminals is not
required, the PD measurements using the antennas can be made and car-
ried out without planned machine outage.
Current transformer (CT) has been used in particular for motors and,
to a lesser extent, for transformers as a first pass technique by engineers.
By connecting a clamp-on CT to the neutral strap of the plant item, the
output readings can be taken to an oscilloscope or a frequency spectrum
analyzer for further PD analysis. The use of the CT approach is extremely
cheap, simple, and safe, and no disconnections need to be made during
test. Unfortunately, this type of testing suffers from the inherent disad-
vantages mainly including the lack of an effective calibration method to
determine the magnitude of any present discharges, susceptibility to extra-
neous interference, for example, pulses from power electronics circuitry
and corona discharging from somewhere in the system, and no effective
phase information on the location of discharges with respect to the AC
voltage power cycle. In addition, there may not always be a neutral avail-
able on the plant item under test.
Monitoring Degradation in the Field 137

Rogowski coils have been used for the detection and measurement of
PD currents for decades (Hashmi, Lehtonen, and Nordman 2011; Zhang,
Xiao, and Li 2009). They work on Amperes law and are used to measure
currents via the magnetic field produced by these currents. An air-cored
coil is placed around the conductor in a toroidal fashion. The current flow-
ing through the conductor produces an alternating magnetic field around
the conductor, resulting in a voltage being induced in the coil. The rate of
change in this voltage is proportional to the rate of change in current. This
voltage is then integrated electronically to provide an output proportional
to the current. Rogowski coils are normally connected to the high-voltage
terminals of the plant items to measure the PD current output. In use, no
direct connection to the high-voltage terminals and no coupling capaci-
tor are required. However, this detection method does not work through
Another approach connecting the discharge transducer to the
high-voltage terminals of the plant item is the use of a capacitor divider
type assembly (Haddad and Warne 2007). Typically, this discharge trans-
ducer consists of a discharge-free high-voltage capacitor connected in
series with or in parallel with a low-voltage impedance circuit (RC or
RLC), which in turn is connected to an oscilloscope or similar data acqui-
sition instrument. The high voltage can be reduced to a safe level at the
low-voltage impedance (typically 1,000:1 ratio) by careful choice of com-
ponent values. Individual pulses from discharges can be displayed super-
imposed on the AC power cycle voltage.


A digital PD measurement system can register the discharge magnitude

and the discharge position in relation to an AC power cycle. The basic
quantities that have been used to characterize the recurrence of discharges
are (i) the magnitude qi of the apparent charge of an individual dischargen
in pC, (ii) the phase position i in degrees in a power cycle when the dis-
charge qi occurs, and (iii) the instantaneously applied voltage vi normally
in kV at which the discharge qi has occurred. Figure 5.9 shows the PD
pulse sequences and the parameters used to characterize the recurrence of
discharges in a complete AC power cycle of 50 Hz.
The analysis and interpretation of measured data has been a difficult
task. Different PD measurement systems have been developed to allow the
detection and recording of PDs. In particular, the phase-resolved methods
have become very popular and widely used for the pattern recognition of

Applied voltage

magnitude i :phase angle
Time (ms)

0 10 20

Figure 5.9. The PD pulse sequences and the relative parameters used to
characterize the recurrence of discharges.

-q-n-Identification under 50Hz - total discharges 659




326 360
Cr 653
rc 240
pv 979 180 +
"ej 120 u"*
ct 1305
pf qy
ig 60 "yk
"*o 1631 0 cug
X+ Rj

Figure 5.10.An qn pattern as observed in a pointplane discharg-

ing configuration.

PD sources as measured with PD detectors. This is because the approach

can correlate those physical parameters at the applied voltage, as shown
in Figure 5.10, and therefore renders a characterization of the discharge
pattern by physical parameters.
The idea behind the phase-resolved methods is first to divide the
power frequency cycle into a number of small phase windows and then
calculate the additional discharge quantities with respect to each phase
window, and finally plot them as a function of the phase windows . The
commonly used univariate distribution are n, qa, and -qp, where n is
Monitoring Degradation in the Field 139

the number of the discharges, qa the average discharge magnitude, and qp

the peak discharge magnitude. The quantities n, qa, and qp are all measured
in each phase window within test recording period T. Based on these, the
so-called qn pattern can be developed and considered as the most
complete form of a graphical PD representation because qn patterns
provide a three-dimensional visualization realized by a two-dimensional
array, where n is the number of identical or similar discharges recorded
within each phase interval. One example as observed in a pointplane
test configuration is shown in Figure 5.10, where the point electrode was
connected to the high-voltage terminal (Ma, Zhou, and Kemp 2004). In
this example, the test circuit utilized is a conventional narrowband detec-
tor with a resonant frequency of 260 kHz under a sampling frequency of
2.5 MHz, and a recording duration of 10 minutes. The PD patterns clearly
show that a large number of discharges with small magnitude appear in
the negative half cycle, whereas a small number of discharges with large
magnitude appear in the positive half cycle.
The qn patterns within an adequate recording duration have
been utilized to identify the origin of the PD source. An extensive inves-
tigation was presented in Hudon and Belec (2005) in order to deter-
mine the phase-resolved PD pattern of several types of discharge sources
including internal discharges, slot discharges, end winding discharges,
and delamination discharges in modern rotating machine insulation. It
was shown that the use of specific patterns of its PD source can serve to
allow a better diagnosis of the generators. Such discharge patterns have
also recently been used to detect, identify, and locate internal and sur-
face discharge sources in oilpaper insulation systems (Rubio-Serrano
etal. 2012). It was proved that different PD sources in power transform-
ers can be better identified by means of the energy content in different
frequency bands.
In contrast, in an ultrawide-band PD measurement, the recorded sig-
nals are interpreted using another kind of 3D display that characterizes
all the discharge pulses occurring within a very limited time duration of,
for example, one second due to the extremely high sampling frequency
utilized, usually >1 GHz (Pearson et al. 1995; Rudd, Mcarthur, and Judd
2010). Unlike Figure 5.10, the PD patterns in such a measurement are
represented by the cycle number in x-axis, phase angle at which PD
pulses occur with respect to the AC power cycle in y-axis, and ampli-
tude in z-axis. This type of phase-resolved method has been widely used
alongside the ultra-high frequency (UHF) measurements to detect elec-
tromagnetic waves produced by PD pulses with frequencies that extend
well into the UHF range under a number of different configurations such

as for gas-insulated switchgears (GIS) (Gao, Ding, and Liu 2011) and
power transformers (Beltle, Muller, and Tenbohlen 2012). However, the
phase-resolved PD methods are normally employed at field sites where
the phase information is available, which is not always the case, for exam-
ple, the PD patterns of free-moving conducting particles in GIS. A chaotic
analysis of PD was proposed in a study by Koo et al. (2010) to identify
the type of defects by means of PD patterns without employing the phase


Measurements of PD magnitudes are often hampered by electrical noise.

According to IEC60270 (IEC 2000), the disturbances that might corrupt
the indication of PD reading during off-line PD measurements fall into two
categories, those which occur even if the test circuit is not energized and
those which occur when the circuit is energized. The former disturbance
sources include inherent thermal noise of the measuring instrument itself
and externally induced environment noise caused, for example, by switch-
ing operations in other circuits, high-voltage tests in the vicinity and radio
transmissions, and so forth. The latter disturbances may be caused, for
example, by sparking due to the imperfectly earthed objects in the vicin-
ity and imperfect screen connections in the test set-up or by the higher
harmonics contained in the applied test voltage, and so forth. For on-line
PD measurements, except for the aforementioned possible noise sources,
the disturbances are still possibly caused by operation of the power sys-
tem including the communicator operation, and thyristor firing generated
inside electrical machines, and so forth.
Typical methods utilized to reduce noise include the use of specially
designed measurement circuitries and digital signal processing methods.
A balanced measurement circuit has been recommended in [IEC2000]
owing to its advantage of suppressing external interference, such as dis-
charges coming from the high-voltage source and the high-voltage leads
within the test circuit. Another circuit capable of discriminating polarity,
as shown in Figure 5.8, can be used to eliminate common-mode electrical
noise in PD detection for generators. PD pulses of opposite polarity are
acquired at the two arms of the test circuit when a PD appears within the
test object, whereas PD pulses of same polarity are captured when a PD
appears outside the test circuit. Consequently, only those PD events origi-
nating from the test object are accepted and quantified, whereas those PD
events having common mode, that is, same polarities, caused by the
Monitoring Degradation in the Field 141

discharges occurring outside the test circuit are rejected. The other benefit
associated with this system is its capability of suppressing some internal
noise, such as static exciter transients, because this type of noise has a
relatively low-frequency range and its traveling time suffers little change
due to difference in signal path lengths.
Many researches have been reported on denoising of PD signals using
digital processing methods, especially for on-site PD measurements. Tra-
ditionally, the techniques used for digital signal processing are realized in
either the time or frequency domain. In the frequency domain, denoising
has been widely implemented by FFT coefficients to a certain threshold
for different frequency bandwidths (Ma, Zhou, and Kemp 2000; Sriram
et al. 2005). However, the FFT does not provide information on time,
such as the time at which changes in frequency occur. The windowed Fou-
rier transform, also known as the short-time Fourier transform (STFT), in
attempting to overcome this deficiency, can provide a two-dimensional
representation of a signal in the time-frequency domain through window-
ing the signal. However, resolution in both time and frequency remains
constant due to the same window being employed in STFT across the
entire frequency range. With regard to the PD signals, there always exist
nonperiodic and fast transient features, which tend to be ignored and can-
not be revealed efficiently and explicitly. For these reasons, the applica-
tions of Fourier transform method to denoising PD signals are limited.
Adaptive digital filters have been used in PD measurements directly in the
frequency domain for suppressing narrow-band sinusoidal interference
(Kopf and Feser 1995; Sher et al. 1995). However, white noise still con-
tinues to remain in the PD signals following digital filtering of the given
More recently, the wavelet-based denoising techniques have been
found to be more promising for detecting PD signals buried in noise. As
we know, the objective of denoising is to remove noise from the PD signals
as effectively as possible while preserving the signal features essential to
the application. The wavelet transforms can decompose/reconstruct a given
signal in varying scales and characterize the signal in both the time and
frequency domain simultaneously with variable resolution. Wavelet-based
denoising is accomplished by selecting a wavelet that can be scaled to rep-
resent effectively the signal features, performing a decomposition of the
signal using the selected wavelet, thresholding the wavelet coefficients
to eliminate those associated with noise while preserving those that are
required to describe the signal of interest, and then reconstructing the
denoised signal. For this reason, it is particularly suitable for the analy-
sis of transient, irregular, and non-periodic signals such as in the case of

PD signals (Dey et al. 2010; Ma, Zhou, and Kemp 2002a; Ma, Zhou, and
Kemp 2002b). As an example, Figure 5.11(a) gives the wavelet denoising
results of a practical PD data set where PD signals at levels comparative
to and below noise can be fully extracted. Figure 5.11(b) shows the PD
pattern that is dominated by noise when raw data are directly used, whereas
Figure 5.11(c) shows the PD pattern based on the wavelet-based noise sup-
pression. The wavelet denoising technique has both eliminated noise and
detected more PD activity with low apparent discharge magnitude, and is
thus much more effective in characterizing the nature of the discharges.
However, denoised signals using wavelet methods can achieve good
results if the PD pulses are residing at different resolution levels with noise
and proper selection of mother wavelet, the number of decomposition lev-
els, and threshold value. It can be therefore envisaged that the method may
remove some useful information related to PD pulses if these conditions
are not fulfilled. Adaptive noise cancelation methods were used for pre-
venting degradation of the denoised PD signals. For example, the method
proposed in Kopf and Feser (1995) defines and weights the disturbing fre-
quency components involved in the measured PD signal and then remove
them. Although the proposed filters are self-configurable, they are nor-
mally realized by a high-order finite impulse response (FIR) filter and thus
are time consuming. An integration of artificial intelligence methods with
the wavelet denoising method has been proving a more robust approach
for PD detection and characterization. The applications include the use of
neural networks or neuro-fuzzy networks for pattern recognition to auto-
matically classify PD sources (Ma et al. 2013; Mazzetti et al. 2006).


Electromagnetic sensors and related instruments have been effectively

used to examine the electrical properties and further the health condition
of the metallic materials. Different sensors need to be designed to accom-
modate the types of sample shapes. The appropriate selection of an effec-
tive operation frequency range is critical in achieving the reliable results,
which depends mainly on the coil configuration and the properties of the
sample. The lower operating frequency should be selected at which elec-
tromagnetic skin depth is comparable with the thickness or radius of the
sample to ensure that a sufficient volume of material is probed. The upper
operating frequency should be selected to guarantee useful information
regarding the properties adjacent to the surface. With more inductive coils,
it is possible to tomographically image the distribution of materials inside
a region of interest with a suitable inverse reconstruction algorithm.
Monitoring Degradation in the Field 143


Voltage, mV
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Voltage, mV

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time, ms

Number of discharges




0 360
0 270
App 180 ()
are 8 o ws
nt c ind
har 11 90 ew
g e (p
C) 15 P has

Number of discharges




0 360
0 270
App 180 ()
are 8 o ws
nt c ind
har 11 90 ew
ge (p
C) 15 Phas

Figure 5.11. (a) Raw data and denoised signal using wavelet, (b) PD
pattern of original data, and (c) PD pattern with wavelet-based noise

Deterioration of insulation systems is particularly subject to thermal,

mechanical, and electrical stressing, or their combinations. Once the degra-
dation is prevalent, a phenomenon called PD then represents the dominant
mechanism of degradation. The electrical methods capable of measuring
individual discharge pulses have been widely used for PD feature extraction
and pattern recognition. In practical measurements, PD pulse as acquired
by detectors is normally distorted and deformed due to the complex path it
passes through such as the windings in transformer and motor stator. Reduc-
tion methods of interference are critical for accurate analysis of the discharges
and further reliable pattern identification. The recognition to wave-shapes of
the discharge pulses and the difference between PD signal characteristics and
noise will be greatly helpful for the noise suppression in order to increase
the PD signal-to-noise ratio significantly through digital processing methods.
The monitoring methods presented in this chapter have been demon-
strated to be able to provide information on the nature, form, and severity
of the degradations, and thus minimizing the risk of unexpected failure. It
is believed that the reliability and availability of future industrial processes
and advanced electrical power systems can be increased by the application
of improved eddy current testing and condition monitoring techniques.


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Physics of Degradation
in Ferroelectric Devices

Paul M. Weaver


Ferroelectric describes a class of materials that are the electrical analogs

of ferromagnets where magnetization is replaced by electrical polarization
and the magnetic field is replaced by the electric field. It is this commonality
that is behind the ferro term in the name, rather than the presence of iron.
In common with their magnetic cousins, ferroelectric materials display a
remanent polarization that persists even in the absence of an electric field,
and can be reversed by the application of a sufficiently strong electric field
(Figure 6.1). Also in common with ferromagnets, they have been adopted
in a very wide variety of important technological applications such as
medical ultrasound, pyroelectric motion detectors, and diesel engine fuel
injectors and many others.

Piezoelectric effect Actuators, sensors, transducers

Pyroelectric effect Motion sensors, pyrometers
High permittivity Capacitors, energy storage
Tunable permittivity Voltage-controlled capacitors
Reversible polarization Ferroelectric memory
Electrocaloric effect Solid-state cooling
Magnetoelectric effect Sensors, data storage

DOI: 10.5643/9781606504673/ch6



Figure 6.1. PE hysteresis loop parame-

ters for a ferroelectric material [after
(B. Jaffe, Cook, and H. Jaffe 1971)].

Piezo ctric



Figure 6.2. Relationship between

piezoelectric, pyroelectric, and
ferroelectric materials.

Ferroelectrics display both piezoelectric and pyroelectric effects

that are responsible for many of their technological applications (see
Figure 6.2). Piezoelectricity is the conversion of mechanical to electri-
cal energy, and vice versa. A subset of piezoelectric materials possesses
a permanent electric polarization. Because the polarization varies with
temperature, these materials are also pyroelectric.
Physics of Degradation in Ferroelectric Devices 155

Ferroelectrics are distinguished from the broader class of pyroelec-

tric materials by the fact that the electric polarization can be reversed by
the application of an electric field, as described above. In principal, the
polarization of any of the pyroelectric materials could be reversed by the
application of a sufficiently large electric field, but in the case of non-
ferroelectric pyroelectrics, this field exceeds the breakdown strength of
the material, so the polarization reversal is not practically achievable. An
important technological consequence of the reversibility of the polariza-
tion in ferroelectrics is that it makes possible the fabrication of ceramics
with piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties. A ceramic is formed by sin-
tering together grains of the material. Because the grains are randomly
oriented, the piezoelectric and pyroelectric response averages to zero in
the bulk ceramic. The most widely used ferroelectric material for piezo-
electric applications is lead zirconate titanate (PZT). Nonferroelectric
pyroelectric and piezoelectric devices must therefore be made from single
crystals or other methods that create orientation of the crystallographic
axes. These methods are necessarily expensive, and restrict the geometries
and fabrication methods that can be employed.
Because applications of ferroelectrics invariably involve their elec-
trical properties, performance depends on electrical and mechanical fac-
tors, as well as the coupling between them. This chapter focuses on the
factors that affect the coupling and functional performance. The effects
of humidity and temperature on performance are described in detail. The
important topics of electrical breakdown and fatigue in ferroelectrics have
been treated extensively elsewhere (Cain 2014; Lupascu 2004), and so are
not covered in detail here. To develop our understanding of the physics
affecting performance in harsh environments, it is necessary to be able
to reliably measure material and device characteristics under challenging
conditions, so a section on measurement is also included.


This section describes factors affecting the performance of piezoelectric

devices in conditions of high humidity under (direct current) d.c. electric
fields. This does not appear to directly affect the piezoelectric properties
of the material, but rather the electrical properties through the creation of
leakage current pathways through the material. Significant levels of leak-
age current increase power consumption, and can lead to device failure.
Leakage currents have been shown to be associated with the devel-
opment of discrete conducting sites distributed across the whole area of

the material subject to the electric field. These sites appear to be related
to pores, and it is likely that pores in the ceramic provide a route for
ingress of moisture. This is supported by the observation that high-den-
sity, low-porosity ceramics show significantly longer lifetime in humid
conditions. However, pores are not the only mechanism for water vapor to
affect the ceramic. Conduction also occurs at edges (and surfaces exposed
by cracking). Edge conduction becomes a more prominent contributor in
low-porosity ceramics. In this case, surface contamination and poor sur-
face condition can significantly increase the rate of growth of the leakage
current. These observations suggest that porosity is a major factor in the
development of leakage currents in ceramics exposed to high humidity
and high electric fields, although electrode material and processing condi-
tions also have an effect.
Polymer barrier coatings provide protection against gross contamina-
tion from water drops and condensation, but provide little impediment to
the passage of water vapor from the air. They are therefore generally inef-
fective in preventing long-term protection against the effects of humidity.
Combination coatings such as metal or diamond-like carbon (DLC) on a
polymer base may extend lifetime in humid conditions, but processing
to achieve full-area coverage and sealing at electrical connections pres-
ent significant challenges. Control over the manufacturing processes from
ceramic through to device integration is crucial for achieving cost-effec-
tive performance in harsh environments.


Undoped PZT is known as a wide bandgap semiconductor with a bandgap

of between 2.6 and 3.5 eV (Nagaraj et al. 1999). It also exhibits p-type
conductivity due to the presence of low-valence impurities substituting for
higher valence Pb ions. This causes A-site (Pb ion) vacancies, which act as
electron acceptors, leading to the production of holes (B. Jaffe, Cook, and
H. Jaffe 1971). This means that a Schottky barrier can be formed with the
electrode material, which can promote conduction in thin films (Dawber,
Rabe, and Scott 2005; Nagaraj et al. 1999). Tunneling can also be a mech-
anism for conduction in very thin films (Dawber, Rabe, and Scott 2005;
Scott 2006). However, for films thicker than a few tens of nm, conduction
is determined by the bulk of the material through PooleFrenkel emission,
where thermally excited electrons are assisted by the electric field into the
conduction band (Nagaraj et al. 1999).
The large piezoelectric coefficients in this class of soft PZT materi-
als is achieved by A-site vacancy substitution (e.g., La doping), which also
Physics of Degradation in Ferroelectric Devices 157

confers high electrical resistivity (B. Jaffe, Cook, and H. Jaffe 1971). Data
from B. Jaffe, Cook, and H. Jaffe (1971) would indicate a volume resistiv-
ity of 109 cm at temperatures around room temperature. For the sample
size and field strength used in this study we would expect a resistance
of over 300 G, and a leakage current of less than 1 nA. The currents
measured after exposure to humid conditions under d.c. bias are in the
A to mA range, so it cannot be explained by these electronic conduction
mechanisms. In addition, there is no obvious reason why bulk conduction
mechanisms should be directly affected by humidity, or the duration of the
stress condition (humidity + d.c. field), although secondary effects such as
humidity-induced chemical changes could play a part.
There is evidence that the conduction mechanism in humid envi-
ronments is ionic in character. This includes the observation of anodic
breakdown features and sensitivity of the leakage current to the relative
humidity and electrode material (Lipscomb 2009). The large leakage cur-
rents observed under humid conditions are not observed under dry atmo-
sphere (<250 nA at 55C), confirming that the conductivity is caused by
the humidity. In fact, a reduction of leakage current is usually observed on
heating to this temperature from room temperature due to the expulsion
of moisture. The effects of the bulk conduction mechanisms referred to
above are only easily measurable above around 200C.
Humidity ingress has long been recognized as a potential failure
mode in ceramic capacitors, which are often based on ferroelectric mate-
rials such as barium titanate (BaTiO3) and operate under similar levels
of electric field to ferroelectrics in other applications such as actuators.
There have been a number of studies of the effects of DC fields on elec-
trical breakdown in multilayer capacitors (MLCs). Waser, Baiatu, and
Hardtl (1990) have termed resistance degradation as a limiting factor in
the lifetime of MLCs. In MLCs, the effects of humidity have also been
investigated, particularly with silver electrodes (Ling and Jackson 1989).
Subsequent studies on the reliability of multilayer ceramic actuators have
also examined the behavior of silver electrodes under d.c. operation in
humid conditions (Nagata and Thongrueng 1998; Pritchard, Bowen, and
Lowrie 2001; Thongrueng, Tsuchiya, and Nagata 1998). More recently,
the design of multilayer actuators has been optimized to reduce the effects
of humidity by burying the electrode within the actuator, and through the
use of protective ceramic coatings (Bindig and Helke 2000; Pertsch et al.
More recently, the effects of water vapor have been studied in the con-
text of memory and electronic applications Baniecki et al. (2002) where it
has been shown to have a strong influence on the leakage characteristics of
PZT thin films. The application of large d.c. electric fields to piezoelectric

actuators in humid environments is known promote the development of

leakage currents that increase with time (Lipscomb et al. 2009). This results
in an increase in power consumption and may ultimately lead to failure of
the device.
Changes in insulation resistance are accelerated by higher electric
fields (Lipscomb et al. 2009) and it appears that both humidity and an
electric field are required (Chen et al. 2003). This increase in conductivity
is generally thought to be caused by electromigration of metallic cations
formed at the anode (Lipscomb et al. 2009; Thongrueng, Tsuchiya, and
Nagata 1998; Zheng, Swingler, and Weaver 2010). The ions migrate from
the anode to the cathode where they recombine to form metallic conduc-
tive pathways.
Silver electrodes are well known for promoting this behavior (Pertsch
et al. 2006; Thongrueng, Tsuchiya, and Nagata 1998; van den Ende et al.
2009), but this type of electromigration is also known with nickel elec-
trodes (Kostic, Rensch, and Sturm 1995). There is also some evidence that
hydrogen, evolved electrolytically at the electrodes, can also play a role
in increasing the conductivity of both PZT (Chen et al. 2002) and barium
titanate (Chen et al. 2003) ceramics, probably through reduction of the
oxides that form the ceramic itself. Degradation in electrical resistance
can also be accelerated by crack formation, particularly in cyclic appli-
cations (van den Ende et al. 2009). The development of cracks is also
affected by humidity, and there are reports of crack development being
both delayed (Jiang et al. 2008) and accelerated (van den Ende et al. 2009)
in high humidity conditions, with the mechanism depending on both the
ceramic and electrode materials.
Ionic silver migration from silver electrodes is commonly implicated
in humidity-related conduction in otherwise insulating materials such as
thick film insulators (Ling and Jackson 1989; Mock and Lubitz 2008; Thon-
grueng, Tsuchiya, and Nagata 1998). A similar mechanism has also been
proposed previously for electrical changes in PZT with Ni electrodes (Lip-
scomb et al. 2008, 2009). This mechanism (Figure 6.3) involves ingress of
water at the positive anode through a pore or defect, followed by oxidation
of the cathode metal to form ions in solution. The ions then migrate under
the electrical field until they reach the cathode. At the cathode, the ions
receive electrons and are reduced back to the metal. This newly deposited
metal forms filaments through the grains and defects in the ceramic, which
grow back toward the anode. As they approach the anode, the distance
becomes insufficient to support the electric field and breakdown occurs.
The extremity of the metal filament close to the anode would be
partially destroyed by this breakdown, thus switching off the current
Physics of Degradation in Ferroelectric Devices 159

1. Pore or defect admits humidity

Electrode +
4. Breakdown

2. Cation
3. Filament


Figure 6.3. Electromigration model for conduction in humid












0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Figure 6.4. Time evolution of leakage current 80% RH 80C.

until it regrows. This leads to the current flowing through a succession

of rapid transients, highly characteristic of this breakdown mechanism
(Zheng, Swingler, and Weaver 2010). Because the conducting channels
take time to form, there is an initial lag before any leakage current is
observed (Figure 6.4). As the numerous conducting channels all grow at
different rates, the conductivity builds up over timea process that can

be explained by a statistical model of the growth (Lipscomb et al. 2009).

Eventually all the channels are fully formed, and the leakage current
reaches a steady state or only slowly increasing value.
The amount of metallic conducting material required to account for
the conductivity observed in measurements of leakage currents described
here is extremely small and therefore difficult to detect. This means that in
piezoelectric ceramics, the evidence for this is usually indirect, although
there have been reports of migrated silver metal in capacitor structures
after exposure to humidity and electric field (Ling and Jackson 1989).
The development of the conductivity in the ceramic is often accom-
panied by the evolution of visible features on the cathode (Thongrueng,
Tsuchiya, and Nagata 1998; Weaver et al. 2012). Such a feature on PZT
after exposure to humidity and electric field is shown in Figure 6.5. Most
of the surface is clearly metallic, but around the breakdown site there
is an area where the electrode material appears to be no longer present.
The structural features normally present on the electrode or ceramic sur-
face (grains, etc.) are not visible in this region, indicating that melting
has occurred in the area. There are also a number of small cracks visible
around the feature, consistent with fast cooling. These features are indica-
tive of an energetic high-temperature breakdown such as an arc discharge.
Further evidence for the energetic nature of the process can be seen in the
cross section of Figure 6.6 where significant cracking through the depth
of the ceramic is observed. The evolution of cracks could be exacerbated
by the piezoelectric electromechanical response to a sudden reduction in
electric field in the vicinity of the breakdown. It is likely that breakdown
events occur repetitively at the same site. This could also cause gradual

Hole Electrode

20 m

Figure 6.5. Scanning electron micro-

graph of the breakdown feature and
erosion of electrode material on the anode
surface (Weaver et al. 2012).
Physics of Degradation in Ferroelectric Devices 161

20 m

Figure 6.6. Cross section of the ceramic

(with electrode removed after test) in the
region of a breakdown feature. The anode
is at the top of the picture. This image has
been processed to enhance the visibility
of edge features (Weaver et al. 2012).

damage to the ceramic structure. The resistivity of the thin electrode mate-
rial (approximately 2 m) will serve to limit the overall current, although
a localized high-current density on breakdown is likely. It is thought that
this current-limited breakdown transient is responsible for the current fluc-
tuations (Zheng, Swingler, and Weaver 2010). The fact that these features
only occur on the anode is strong evidence for the ionic migration/metal
filament mechanism for the growth of the conductive channels.
At the center of the fused area is a hole. It is possible that this was
originally a surface pore that provided a location for entry of the water
vapor required to promote electromigration. This observation supports the
idea that pores play an important role in the susceptibility to humidity and
that the porosity of the ceramic is an important factor.


The conduction model described above (Lipscomb et al. 2009) is a bulk

process, but surface conduction is also a possible contributor to the over-
all leakage current. An important question, therefore, is whether surface
conduction at the edges of the ceramic plays a significant role. Trials with
electrodes that left a margin from the edge did not show any improvement
in the lifetime (defined as the time taken for the resistance to drop to 10
percent of its maximum value (Lipscomb et al. 2009). In addition, discol-
orations that were possible breakdown sites have been observed atvarious
points over the surface and were not confined to the edges (Lipscomb
etal. 2009). Experiments where the edges were removed part way through

a test showed that the leakage current was rapidly restored to its value
before removal, confirming that the edges were not a major contributor to
the conductivity (Weaver et al. 2012). In another experiment, a ceramic
sample was tested for approximately 20 hours, then removed from test and
broken into two approximately equal halves. Both halves were retested
separately. After a short time for recovery of the leakage current, the two
halves showed approximately equal leakage currents that were approx-
imately half the current before breaking in two. The breaking of the
ceramic pieces creates two new edges with a combined length of approxi-
mately 33 percent of the original perimeter. This increase in edge area was
not reflected in a corresponding increase in leakage current. There is evi-
dence, however, that edge effects become significant at longer timescales
in ceramics where the leakage by other mechanisms has been suppressed.


These studies suggest a number of possible ways, at the ceramic compo-

nent level, of improving the lifetime of piezoelectric devices in humid
conditions. Porosity in the ceramic provides a pathway for ingress of
moisture into the body of the ceramic, so reducing the porosity would be
expected to improve lifetime. Typical pore features in a commercial soft
PZT ceramic are shown in Figure 6.7
Most ceramics are available in lower porosity versions, although
higher production costs make them more expensive. Figure 6.8 shows

(a) (b)

50 m

50 m

Figure 6.7. Scanning electron micrograph showing porosity

(a) through the thickness of the ceramic and (b) on the electrode
surface of the ceramic (Weaver et al. 2012).
Physics of Degradation in Ferroelectric Devices 163

(a) (b)

50 m 50 m

Figure 6.8. SEM cross sections showing (a) porosity in the standard ceramic
and (b) low-porosity version of the ceramic (Weaver et al. 2012).

SEM cross sections of two ceramics of the same composition with differ-
ent porosity.
Test results demonstrated very significant reductions in leakage current
in the high-porosity version of the ceramic. The longer lifetimes achieved
with low-porosity ceramics means that factors, such as edge effects, that did
not play a significant role in conduction through previously now become a
limiting factor. Optical microscope study of a tested low-porosity ceramic
(after electrode removal) showed that eventually discolorations of the
ceramic due to breakdown events were observed, but that these were mostly
located at the edges rather than through the bulk. It is thought that this edge
conduction can ultimately lead to short circuit failure but at much longer
timescales. Contamination was also found to play a role in the conduction
processes in low-porosity ceramics that was masked in the more porous
ceramics. Aqueous cleaning to remove ionic contaminants and careful han-
dling was found to improve lifetime and consistency in performance.


Electrode materials and processing conditions affect the level of leakage cur-
rent observed. As conduction occurs through the bulk of the material away
from the edges, it must be able to penetrate the metallic electrode material
through coverage defects, cracks, or incompletely covered surface pores.
This would imply that thicker electrodes may improve lifetime in humidity.
However, this approach increases the stiffness of the device possibly leading
to unacceptable degradation of device performance, particularly for thinner
ceramics. Gold electrodes have been demonstrated to significantly improve
performance (Lipscomb et al. 2009). However, Au electrodes can be expen-
sive particularly if thickness is required to overcome porosity.


One approach to improving the lifetime of an actuator in humid condi-

tions is to prevent the moisture from reaching the ceramic by means of
a moisture barrier. For actuator applications, any moisture barrier must
not impede the movement of the actuator. This requirement for flexibility
precludes the use of thick ceramic or epoxy encapsulation that could be
used to protect, for example, an electronic component. This is particularly
true for thin bender actuators where even relatively thin polymer coatings
can reduce the actuator movement, especially at low temperatures when
the coating can become stiff. Thin flexible polymer coatings are all per-
meable (Massey 2003) and provide insufficient protection against water
vapor transmission (although they do provide important protection against
water, dust, and other contaminants).
As discussed above, all materials are, to some degree, permeable to
water, and polymers are more permeable than solid materials. Combina-
tion coatings or coatings of semi-crystalline materials such as DLC may
provide more effective protection than simple polymer barriers (Jones
etal. 2010).


It is clear that humidity has a significant effect on the electrical properties

of the ceramic, but electrical measurements do not tell us if the piezoelec-
tric properties are affected. Measurements of piezoelectric displacement
at 80C and 80 percent RH with 250 volt bias at the start of a test then
after 2.5 hours, 5.4 hours, 8.3 hours, and 11.3 hours showed no significant
change in piezoelectric performance.




To illustrate the importance of thermal expansion in the reliability of a

piezoelectric device, we consider a typical application such as a piezo-
electrically actuated valve. A schematic of such a device is shown in
Figure 6.9. To operate correctly the actuator needs to move between two
positions that open and close the valve. In the open position, there must
Physics of Degradation in Ferroelectric Devices 165



Actuator Closed

Valve opening

Figure 6.9. Schematic diagram of piezoelectri-

cally operated valve.

be sufficient clearance between the valve seal and the orifice to achieve
the required flow rate. In the closed position, the valve seal needs to at
least cover the orifice and, usually, some overtravel is needed to create
sufficient force to create an effective seal. These two positions define the
range of movement required from the actuator between the ON condition
and the OFF condition. Note that these two positions are relative to the
valve orifice. If there is any drift in the position of the actuator, then it
could encroach on these limits and compromise the performance of the
valve. This is why thermal expansion is an important factor in the design
and reliability of many piezoelectric devices. In fact, it is the difference
in thermal expansion between the piezoelectric material and the support-
ing structure that leads to thermal drift. For example, a typical actuation
strain may be around 1,000 ppm. A thermal expansion difference of 10
ppm would create a drift equal to the entire actuation strain over a 100C
temperature span. Such a valve would only work across a limited tem-
perature range.
The piezoelectric materials most widely used for actuator applica-
tions such as the valve are ceramics of ferroelectric materials, usually
lead zirconate titanate (PZT), because of the very coupling between their
electrical polarization and mechanical strain. As described above, these
materials are also pyroelectric, with strong coupling between electrical

ctr cal


ele ani

Ele loric/
e z o ch

(pi rome

oth yroe

erm lec

al tric)
Mechanical Thermal


Figure 6.10. Coupling between electrical,

mechanical, and thermal properties in a
ferroelectric material.

polarization and temperature. There is, therefore, also a strong coupling

between temperature and mechanical strain as shown in Figure 6.10.
Because of this coupling between the temperature-dependent polar-
ization and mechanical strain, the thermal expansion of a ferroelectric is
more complex than that of most materials, with strong nonlinearity (tem-
perature dependence of the expansion coefficient), thermal hysteresis, and
anisotropy in the thermal expansion, as well as being influenced by elec-
tric field or mechanical stress.
When considering thermal expansion in ferroelectric materials, it is
useful to think of the relationship between ferroelectric and piezoelectric
properties in terms of electrostriction. Electrostriction is a property of all
materials whereby a strain is induced by an electric field. Most materials
are nonpolar so the strain response is symmetric with respect to the elec-
tric field, that is, strain occurs in the same direction irrespective of the
sign of the electric field. Because of this symmetry, the strain, S, depends
on only even powers of electric field and for most materials the effect is
quadratic and described by an electrostriction coefficient Q

S = QP 2 (6.1)

where P is the polarization. For an isotropic material, this induced polar-

ization is in the same direction as the applied field and is given by

P = c E (6.2)

where is the susceptibility.

Physics of Degradation in Ferroelectric Devices 167



Figure 6.11. Schematic diagram of qua-

dratic electrostriction. The approximately
linear small-field piezoelectric response
of a polar material is indicated by the
arrowed line.
Ferroelectric materials are, however, polar and possess a polarization
even in the absence of an electric field. In this case the electrostriction
equation in terms of polarization still applies, but is offset by the remanent
polarization. This is shown schematically in Figure 6.11.
The polarization at zero electric field is the remanent polarization, Pr,
and is associated with a remanent strain, Sr, through the electrostriction
equation. This is illustrated by experimental results for a commercial soft
PZT shown in Figure 6.12.
Above the Curie temperature, the response matches very closely a qua-
dratic electrostriction. Below the Curie temperature, it still follows a qua-
dratic electrostriction where the electric field is aligned with the poling field,
with a remanent polarization of just under 0.3 C m2 at room temperature.
The stability in the position of a piezoelectric material is therefore
determined by a combination of the remanent strain (coupled by elec-
trostriction to the remanent polarization) and the underlying thermal
expansion of the material. Drift in position of a material with temperature
is shown in Figure 6.13.
The effect of this as drift in the zero field (remanent) strain is shown in
Figure 6.14, which shows thermal expansion orthogonal to the poling direc-
tion. It is clear that there is no simple single value for the thermal expansion
For expansion orthogonal to the poling direction, the expansion due
to changes in polarization act in the same direction as the underlying ther-
mal expansion. For expansion in the poling direction, the two effects act
in opposite directions. Decreasing polarization leads to contraction in pol-
ing direction which opposes, and can dominate, the underlying thermal




-S (ppm)




0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
P (Cm2)





-S (ppm)




0 S0

0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
P (Cm2)

Figure 6.12. Experimental results showing strain in a ferroelec-

tric (a) above the Curie temperature (180C) and (b) below the
Curie temperature (19C) (Weaver, Cain, and Stewart 2010).
Points where the electric field is aligned with the poling direction
are marked as circles.
Physics of Degradation in Ferroelectric Devices 169

1200 19C
1000 49C
600 104C
400 137C
200 167C
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Vgorgtcvwtg"*E+ Rqnctk|cvkqp"*207"Eo4"rgt"fkxkukqp+

Figure 6.13. Strainpolarization loops at different temperatures. The

x-axis values for each loop (electric field or polarization) were offset to
center each loop on the temperature at which it was measured.


400 b

0 c
0 50 100 150 200

Figure 6.14. Thermal expansion orthogonal to the

poling direction during temperature cycling with
bipolar loops (a) is a straight-line fit to the loop
maxima (+) and (b) is a straight-line fit to the loop
minima () and (c) is a straight-line fit to the rema-
nent strain (solid line) for T > 148C, while (d) is a
fit to the portion of the curve T < 138C.

expansion. This results in an apparently negative thermal expansion below

the Curie temperature (Rusek et al. 2008).
The interaction between changes in polarization and the underlying
thermal expansion can be expressed as (Weaver, Cain, and Stewart 2010):

S (T , P) = S0 (T ) + QP 2 (1.3)

where S is the strain, T is the temperature, and P is the polarization. S0 is

the underlying lattice strain, which is subject to normal thermal expansion,
and Q is the electrostriction coefficient. In general, Q will be temperature
dependent, but it is often treated as independent of temperature. The val-
ues of S0 and Q can be obtained by fitting to the experimental strain curves
such as those shown in Figure 6.12. This can be experimentally challeng-
ing as measurements of both strain and polarization must be made relative
to some value at a reference temperature. Materials that are good electri-
cal insulators at room temperature can become significantly conductive
at high temperatures, resulting in charge drift due to leakage currents.
This can present serious challenges to tracking the ferroelectric polariza-
tion at high temperature. However, at the moderate temperatures used in
Figure 6.13, charge drift was not a major problem, and it was possible to
obtain values of the electrostriction coefficient and underlying expansion
for this particular material as shown in Figure 6.15.



These thermal expansion effects will be observed directly in monolithic or

stack actuators, but for many applications, some means of amplifying the
piezoelectric strain is used to obtain larger movement from the actuator.
A very common configuration is to join the ceramic to a metal, called a
unimorph actuator (Figure 6.16), or to another ceramic to make a bimorph
actuator. In either case, application of an electric field induces curvature in
the composite structure, resulting in a deflection at the tip of the actuator
that can be several mm.
For a unimorph actuator, the choice of substrate material is crucial
in achieving the best temperature stability and usually some form of low
expansion alloy is used to match the expansion of the ceramic. Due to the
complexity of the ceramic expansion, this can only ever be approximately
achieved and only over a limited temperature range. A further limitation is
the increase of remanent polarization with decreasing temperature result-
ing in a smaller and smaller stroke for unipolar actuation (the electric field
applied in the poling direction) as the temperature reduces.
Curve (a) of Figure 6.17 shows good stability in the ON position of
the actuator, achieved by accurate matching of the thermal expansion of
the substrate. Curve (b) shows the position after returning to zero field,
that is, the remanent position. This shows considerable drift with tem-
perature, and a significant reduction in stroke at low temperature. This
Physics of Degradation in Ferroelectric Devices 171








0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200


20 1.33 ppm C1
40 1.77 ppm C1

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Figure 6.15. Electrostriction coefficient, (a) Q12, and (b) strain zero S0 as
functions of temperature (bipolar cycles). In (b) the dashed lines represent
straight line fits to the approximately linear portions of the curves.

Piezoelectric ceramic

Inactive substrate

Figure 6.16.Piezoelectric
unimorph actuator operating

Rqukvkqp"*oo+ b
0.8 d

40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 6.17. Temperature dependence of the position

of a unimorph actuator under different electronic
compensation regimes (Weaver 2011), (a) is with
full field applied in the poling direction, (b) is after
returning to zero field, (c) is with a reverse charge
applied, while (d) is after once more returning to

low-temperature stroke would be the limiting factor in the design of, for
instance, a valve actuator. Application of an electric field opposing the
polarization direction can remove some of this build-up of remanence at
low temperature. Figure 6.18 shows how such a reverse field affects the
strain in the ceramic and the actuator position.
A moderate reverse field can significantly increase the movement,
particularly where the remanence is large. However, too high an electric
field exceeds the coercive voltage, resulting in semi-permanent repolar-
ization of the actuator causing it to drive in a direction opposite to that
intended. Because the coercive field is strongly temperature dependent
(Figure 6.19), applying a fixed reverse field would only work over a fairly
restricted temperature range.
Whats needed is some kind of adjustable reverse voltage that takes
account of the temperature variation of the coercive field to avoid repoling
the ceramic. Such a system based on charge measurements is described in
Weaver (2011). The application of a temperature-varying reverse field is
shown in curve (c) in Figure 6.17 showing a significant reduction in the
remanence without repoling at high temperature. Even after the reverse
field has been removed, there is still some benefit as shown in curve (d) in
Figure 6.17. This technique results in a significant improvement in both
stroke and operating window for the actuator.
Physics of Degradation in Ferroelectric Devices 173



Ec +Ec E

Figure 6.18. Dependence of strain on

electric field in a ferroelectric material,
showing the coercive field, EC.







0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Figure 6.19. Temperature dependence of the coercive

field (soft PZT: Fuji Ceramics C91).



Harsh environments place considerable demands on measurement equip-

ment, and it is generally necessary to implement some remote or non-con-
tact method to keep the instrumentation out of the test environment. For

electrical measurements, this is usually no problem as far as the instru-

mentation is concerned as it can be located outside the controlled envi-
ronment. However, care must be taken to ensure that conductors and their
insulation are adequate for the environment and that long lead lengths or
electrical loops do not compromise the integrity of electrical signals. For
measurements of impedance it is usually necessary to compensate for the
resistance and reactance of the leads. At high temperature, mechanical
and chemical stability of electrodes and electrical contacts to the sam-
ple can be problematic, requiring the use of noble metal electrodes and



Piezoelectric coupling involves the conversion from electrical to mechani-

cal energy and vice versa, so measuring of piezoelectric properties directly
would require measurement of mechanical as well as electrical properties
within the harsh environment. For measuring piezoelectric displacement
of actuators, contact probes such as linear variable differential trans-
former (LVDT) can be used at moderate temperatures, typically <100C,
although higher-temperature probes are available. For higher tempera-
tures, dilatometer methods (up to 1,000C or above) can be effective for
low-frequency piezoelectric measurements (Weaver and Cain 2014). Con-
tact methods such as these are generally only applicable for low frequency
and calibration can be difficult.
Optical techniques potentially provide a more robust approach to
measurement of mechanical displacement. One approach, described in
Weaver et al. (2012), uses a fiber optic probe (supplied by MTI Instru-
ments) to measure piezoelectric displacement in humid environments
(Figure 6.20). This method has the advantage that it provides a robust
optical fiber-based measurement with no sensing electronic components
inside the humidity chamber.
Interferometry is a powerful technique for measuring piezoelectric prop-
erties, widely used in bulk and thin film measurements at room temperature
(Huang and Leighton 2014; McCartney et al. 2014; Schmitz-Kempen etal.
2013). In principle, the displacement measurement can relate directly to the
phase of the interference of light of a known wavelength, providing robust
and traceable measurement. Application to high temperatures presents a
number of challenges such as ensuring an optically well-characterized envi-
ronment with optical access to the heated zone, changes in path length and
Physics of Degradation in Ferroelectric Devices 175

Fiber-optic Ceramic sample



Mirrored glass

Figure 6.20. Schematic diagram showing the in situ measurement of

piezoelectric response using a fiber-optic probe (Weaver et al. 2012).

uncertainty in refractive index due to thermal fluctuations, operation in vac-

uum (required to minimize thermal effects on path length), and provision
of reflective surfaces at high temperature, as well as generic issues relating
to electrical and mechanical integrity of the measurement environment. A
European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) project (http://projects.
npl.co.uk/METCO) is currently under way to develop and compare methods
for high-temperature piezoelectric measurements, with some initial results
recently reported (Weaver et al. 2014).


Measurements in humid conditions typically proceed by placing the

samples in an environmental chamber with controlled temperature and
humidity. A common accelerated test condition, widely used in the elec-
tronics industry, is 85 percent relative humidity and 85C. However,
particularly when devices are being tested, the high temperature can intro-
duce other failure modes such as creep in adhesive joints, so lower test
temperatures may be adopted. A stabilization period such as 30 minutes
is usually allowed for equilibration of the sample with the environment
before applying the electric field and starting the recording of the leakage
current. This helps prevent any effects of condensing moisture when a
cold sample is inserted into a hot, humid environment.
Because of the rather variable and stochastic nature of the growth of
leakage current (Lipscomb et al. 2009), a large number of samples need
to be tested simultaneously to obtain a representative spread of b ehaviors.
Lipscomb et al. (2009) describe an automated multiplexer system for

simultaneous measurement of up to eight samples with 1 nA resolution,

taking a complete set of readings every minute. The short-circuit cur-
rent through a single multiplexer channel in series with the ammeter was
20mA. Currents measured in this study were up to a few tenths of a mA,
so the impedance of the measuring system has a negligible effect on the


Ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials have many and varied applica-

tions in electronics, acoustics, and electromechanical systems. In most
situations, they provide robust solid-state performance. As developers
find more applications for these materials and push existing applications
into new, more extreme environments with demands for higher power,
smaller devices and more functionality, the boundaries of materials per-
formance are being extended. To achieve successful new applications for
these materials requires in-depth understanding of the ways in which these
complex materials interact with their environment and the electrical and
mechanical system in which they operate.
This chapter shows how the combination of high electric fields and
humidity can compromise the electrical integrity of ferroelectric materi-
als, and describes recent progress in the understanding of the mechanism
of this interaction and potential mitigation methods. Ferroelectric materi-
als and their piezoelectric properties are fundamentally tied to the effects
of temperature, producing a complex interaction between thermal effects
and piezoelectric properties. This affects reliability and p erformance of
piezoelectric devices, so to achieve stability and high performance in
applications such as valves requires an understanding of the coupling
between piezoelectric and thermal properties, described in this chap-
ter. This is a rapidly developing area with significant interest in using
piezoelectric materials, as sensors, actuators, and ultrasound transduc-
ers at high temperatures for automotive, aerospace, energy, and medical
To develop our scientific understanding of the performance of fer-
roelectric materials in harsh environments, as well as supplying reliable
engineering data require the ability to measure complex coupled proper-
ties in extreme conditions. The chapter therefore concludes with a descrip-
tion of measurement challenges, techniques, and recent developments in
this area.
Physics of Degradation in Ferroelectric Devices 177


The author would like to acknowledge financial support from the UK

National Measurement System, the Technology Strategy Board and the
EMRP. The EMRP is jointly funded by the EMRP participating countries
within EURAMET and the European Union.


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About the
Contributing Authors

Dr. Jonathan Swingler received a Joint BSc (Hons) in Physics and Chem-
istry from Keele University in 1990 followed by a PhD at Loughborough
University for his work on the degradation of electrical contacts. He sub-
sequently moved to the University of Southampton where he pursued
his research into the physics of degradation and reliability of electrical
and electronic materials and devices. Currently Jonathan is concerned to
develop reliability engineering science at Heriot-Watt University to enable
the prediction of electrical component and system reliability under harsh
operating conditions. He is an Associate Professor of Energy at Heri-
ot-Watt University and Fellow of the Institute of Physics.
Dr. Jeff Jones is an Associate Professor at WMG with research inter-
ests in technical asset management and dependability. The focus of his
research is the use of models, simulations, and artificial intelligence, and
these have been applied to large multifaceted systems down to MEMS
devices. He is the chair of IEC TC/56 WG2 on Dependability Techniques,
and is principal UK expert on a number of drafting committee within IEC.
He has recently been awarded the 1906 award by IEC for his work in
Dr. Michael D. Bryant, Accenture Endowed Professor of Mechanical
Engineering, specializes in tribology, the design of mechatronic systems
and system diagnostics of machinery. Dr. Bryant is a faculty member of
the Dynamic Systems & Control and Manufacturing & Design programs
of the Mechanical Engineering Department. Dr. Bryant earned his Ph.D.
in engineering sciences and applied mathematics from Northwestern Uni-
versity in 1981. He has served on the Cockrell School of Engineering fac-
ulty since 1988 and previously taught at North Carolina State University.
He has published more than 100 technical articles and reports. In 2005,
he was appointed Editor in Chief of the ASME Journal of Tribology and
Series Editor for Dynamic Systems & Control and Mechatronics, Springer
Mechanical Engineering Series. He is a Fellow of ASME and member
or IEEE.
182 About the Contributing Authors

Dr. Alec Feinberg is the founder of DfRSoft. He has a Ph.D. in Phys-

ics and is the principal author of the book, Design for Reliability. Alec has
provided reliability engineering services in all areas of reliability including
solar, thin film power electronics, defense, microelectronics, aerospace,
wireless electronics, and automotive electrical systems. He has provided
training classes in Design for Reliability, Shock and Vibration, Quality,
Accelerated Testing, HALT, Reliability Growth, Electrostatic Discharge,
Dielectric Breakdown, DFMEA and Thermodynamic Reliability Engi-
neering. Alec has presented numerous technical papers and won the 2003
RAMS Alan O. Plait best tutorial award for the topic, Thermodynamic
Reliability Engineering.
Dr. Xiandong Ma is a Senior Lecturer in the Engineering Depart-
ment at Lancaster University, UK. His previous career included Nanjing
Automation Research Institute as a Senior Engineer, Lancaster University
and then The University of Manchester as a Postdoctoral Researcher and
ALSTOM Power Ltd., UK, as a Condition Monitoring Engineer. He has
developed his broad range of research interests in condition monitoring
of insulating material degradation, power station generators, and latest
wind renewables. He has developed new generations of electromagnetic
tomographic imaging system for metal production process monitoring.
Dr. Ma has published over 80 refereed journal and international confer-
ence papers. He is a member of the IET and a Chartered Engineer.
Dr. Paul M. Weaver is principal research scientist at the UKs National
Physical Laboratory. Pauls research includes the application of piezoelec-
tric and ferroelectric materials for novel sensing, actuation, energy stor-
age, and energy harvesting applications. A particular aspect of Pauls work
is the science and measurement of behaviour under harsh environments
such as elevated temperature or high humidity. Paul graduated with an
MA degree in natural science from Cambridge University, and a PhD from
Southampton University. He is a chartered engineer, member of the IET
and is a visiting Reader at Southampton University.

A cyclic loading, 3637

Allan variance, 73 endurance limit, 40
Aluminum foams, 120, 122 entropy flow, 38
fatigue strength, 37, 39
B Miners rule, 3738
Bipolar beta ageing mechanism irreversible degradation, 25
base charge storage, 108 irreversible entropy, 4
base current gain change, 107 isoentropic and isobaric
base-emitter bulk, 108 condition, 4
degradation, 109 isothermal and isobaric
surface leakage, 108 condition, 4
Li-ion battery
C ageing mechanisms, 44
Cellular metal foams, 120 battery cycle life, 41
Chemical corrosion process battery health, 4041
acceleration factor, 88 battery operational model,
corrosion rate and current, 87 4142
corrosion time, 86 bond graph systems
Gibbs free energy change, 86 dynamic model,
Peukerts law, 8788 4142
stress environments, 87 electrical resistance, 43
CoffinManson model, 9596 impedance change, 43
mechanical strain and
D isothermal condition, 4
Decarburization, 120121 stationary condition, 4
Degradation entropy generation wear degradation, 3436
(DEG) theorem Degradation monitoring
degradation coefficient, 26 electrical power systems, 7
degradation rate, 26 nondestructive testing
dissipated power components, 26 applications, 118
dissipative process, 25 electromagnetic NDT (see
fatigue damage Electromagnetic
critical entropy, 39 NDT)

insulation degradation pancake-type surface coils,

(see Insulation 119
degradation) porous metals, 120
partial discharge (see pulsed eddy current (PEC)
Partial discharge testing, 124
(PD) detection solenoidal coils, 120, 121
techniques) electrical tomographic methods
Dielectric discharge model advantages, 126127
corona discharges, 128 electrical capacitance
internal discharges, 128 tomography, 124,
surface discharges, 128 125
three-capacitor model, electrical impedance
129130 tomography, 124,
voltages and current pulses, 125
128129 electromagnetic inductance
Dissolved gas analysis (DGA), tomography,
131132 124125
mathematical concept, 124
E metallic electrodes, 126
Electrical capacitance tomography N-sensor system, 126
(ECT), 124, 125 planar electromagnetic
Electrical impedance tomography tomography, 126
(EIT), 124, 125 vs. X-rays, 126
Electromagnetic inductance Electrostriction, 166
tomography (EMT), Engineering devices and machines
124125 degradation entropy generation
Electromagnetic NDT, 142 (DEG) theorem
eddy current testing battery degradation, 4045
advantages, 124 degradation coefficient, 26
aluminum foams, 120, 122 degradation rate, 26
cellular metal foams, 120 dissipated power
cracks and internal components, 26
discontinuity dissipative process, 25
detection, 123 fatigue damage, 3640
decarburization, 120121 irreversible degradation, 25
diffusion phenomenon, 120 wear degradation, 3436
double-coil arrangements, degradation mechanisms, 2
119 dissipative mechanisms and
encircling coils, 119 ageing
frequency measurements, chemical reactions, 3132
120 diffusion, 3233
H-shaped electromagnetic entropy change, 30
sensor, 122123 fracture and crack, 3031
inductive coils, 119 heat transfer, 33
Index 185

phase changes, 31 non-equilibrium process, 53

plastic deformation, 30 quasi-static process, 53, 54
second law of state variables, 5455
thermodynamics, 2 parametric failure, 64
thermodynamic degradation quasi-static process, 53
paradigm repairable system, 53
entropy flow, 27 second law
first law of thermodynamics, device degradation, 5556
27 entropy change, 58
irreversible entropy, 2829 entropy damage, 5657
second law of entropy maximum
thermodynamics, principle, 59
27 equilibrium and charge
thermodynamic exchange, 6062
characterization, 24 free energy, 57
thermodynamic potentials, generated entropy, 58
28 internal energy, 59
Equilibrium thermodynamic irreversible and reversible
damage assessment work, 6263
ageing states, 6465 resistance, 58
catastrophic failure, 6364 thermal equilibrium, 5960
damage entropy processes, work, 58
measurement semiconductor component,
complex resistor bank, 5051
6970 system-level entropy damage
initial and final state, 66 environmental noise, 7475
intermediate ageing failure rate, 74
states and noise, 7273
sampling, noise temperature, 7374
7071 temperature, 7172
resistor ageing, 6769 thermodynamic ageing states,
reversible quasi-static 56
device thermodynamic F
damage, 50 Ferroelectric devices, 8
energy loss, 52 PE hysteresis loop
entropy, 51 parameters, 153, 154
entropy damage, 52 piezoelectric and pyroelectric
first law effects, 154
dislocations, 53 piezoelectric devices (see
energy change, 5354 Piezoelectric devices)
mechanical work variables, polarization, 153
54, 55 vs. pyroelectric materials, 155

G depth of discharge percent

Gas-insulated switchgears (GIS), strain variable,
140 8485
Gaussian noise system, 7273

H-shaped electromagnetic sensor, NDT. See Nondestructive testing
122123 (NDT)
High-performance liquid Nernst thermodynamic equilibrium
chromatography (HPLC), condition, 89
132 Non-equilibrium thermodynamic
damage assessment, 67
I cyclic cumulative damage
Insulation degradation acceleration factors, 8083
dielectric discharge model corrosion current, 8889
corona discharges, 128 corrosion rate, 90
internal discharges, 128 cyclic reversible work, 76
surface discharges, 128 cyclic work plane, 77
three-capacitor model, electrochemistry, 8488
129130 Miners rule (see Miners
voltages and current pulses, rule)
128129 Nernst thermodynamic
multiple physical stresses equilibrium
localized electrical stress, condition, 89
128 non-reversible cyclic work,
mechanical stress, 127128 7677
thermal ageing, 127 Stokes integral theorem, 78
partial discharge (see thermodynamic damage
Partial discharge (PD) ratio method,
detection techniques) 7880
Interferometry, 174 vs. equilibrium
L damage
Logarithmic-in-time ageing TAT conjugate work, 76
model, 100101 free energy approach, 76
quasi-static measurement,
M 75
Miners rule mechanical systems
cyclic damage, 8183 creep damage, 9193
modification, 8384 thermal cycle fatigue,
secondary batteries 9596
activation free energy, 85 vibration cyclic fatigue
chargedischarge cycles, damage, 9698
84 wear damage, 9394
Index 187

thermal activation free energy artificial intelligence

approach (see Thermal methods, 142
activation free energy common-mode electrical
approach) noise, 140141
Non-ferroelectric pyroelectrics, digital processing methods,
155 141
Nondestructive testing (NDT) external interference, 140
applications, 118 internal noise, 141
electromagnetic NDT (see off-line PD measurements,
Electromagnetic NDT) 140
insulation degradation on-line PD measurements,
dielectric discharge model, 140
128130 thermal noise, 140
multiple physical stresses, wavelet-based denoising
127128 techniques,
partial discharge (see 141143
Partial discharge nonelectrical detection
(PD) detection acoustic detection, 132133
techniques) chemical detection,
P optical detection, 133
Pancake-type surface coils, 119 thermography techniques,
Parametric equilibrium ageing 130131
state, 6 quantification and
Partial discharge (PD) detection characterization
techniques, 144 phase-resolved methods,
electrical detection 137140
antenna techniques, 136 pulse sequences and
capacitive current, 133 parameters, 137,
capacitor divider type 138
assembly, 137 Partial discharge analyzer (PDA),
current transformer (CT), 134135
136 Peukerts law, 8788
partial discharge analyzer, Physics of degradation
134135 empirical life distribution
resistive current, 133134 model, 1718
Rogowski coils, 137 engineered materials and
Schering Bridge type devices (see
circuit, 134 Engineering devices
transient earth voltage and machines)
(TEV), 136 fatigue test and failures
noise issues and denoising depreciation, 14
adaptive noise cancelation electronic component level,
methods, 142 16

failure, 13 semiconductor devices failure,

fatigue strength, 12 17
fatiguecrack propagation, stochastic process, 17
15 thermodynamic damage
log-normal distribution, equilibrium thermodynamic
1617 damage
low-cycle fatigue analysis, assessment (see
1516 Equilibrium
multiparameter distribution, thermodynamic
16 damage
PalmgrenMiner rule, 15 assessment)
safety issues, 13 non-equilibrium
Weibull distribution, 16 thermodynamic
Whler curve, 1314 damage
ferroelectric devices, 8 assessment (see
PE hysteresis loop Non-equilibrium
parameters, 153, thermodynamic
154 damage
piezoelectric and assessment)
pyroelectric Piezoelectric devices
effects, 154 humidity
piezoelectric devices (see barrier coatings, 164
Piezoelectric ceramic porosity, 156,
devices) 162163
polarization, 153 combination coatings, 156
vs. pyroelectric materials, conduction, 156
155 conductivity, 156161
high-cost and high-reliability electrode materials, 163
products, 18 geometric factors, 161162
mathematical models, 17 leakage currents, 155156
monitoring measurements, 175176
electromagnetic NDT (see piezoelectric displacement,
Electromagnetic 164
NDT) polymer barrier coatings,
insulation degradation 156
(see Insulation measurements
degradation) electrical measurements,
partial discharge (see 174
Partial discharge harsh environments,
(PD) detection 174175
techniques) temperature effects (see
multiple Thermal expansion,
multivariate piezoelectrically
regression model, operated valve)
18 Piezoelectricity, 154
Index 189

Pulsed eddy current (PEC) testing, free energy, 100

124 logarithmic-in-time ageing,
R probability rate, 99
Relative equilibrium ageing state, transistors and dielectric
6 leakage, 109111
transistor ageing, 106107
S Thermal cycle fatigue, 9596
Short-time Fourier transform Thermal expansion,
(STFT), 141 piezoelectrically operated
Stator slot coupler (SSC), 134 valve
Stokes integral theorem, 78 closed position, 165
System-level entropy damage open position, 164165
environmental noise, 7475 polarization and mechanical
failure rate, 74 strain, 166
noise, 7273 Curie temperature, 167, 168
noise temperature, 7374 electrostriction, 166
temperature, 7172 electrostriction coefficient,
170, 171
T isotropic material, 166
Thermal activation free energy orthogonal thermal
approach expansion, 167,
activation energy, 99 169
bipolar beta ageing mechanism quadratic electrostriction,
base charge storage, 108 167
base current gain change, strainpolarization loops,
107 167, 169
base-emitter bulk, 108 zero electric field, 167, 168
degradation, 109 thermal drift, 165
surface leakage, 108 unimorph actuator
FET parameter degradation coercive field, 172, 173
drainsource resistance operating principle, 170,
change, 112 171
gate leakage, 113 strain dependence, 172, 173
transconductance change, temperature dependence,
111112 170, 172, 173
free energy minimum, 99 Thermally activated time-
TAT device degradation models dependent (TAT) device
activation creep model, degradation models
104106 ageing process, 100
activation wear, 102104 Arrhenius ageing
ageing process, 100 activation creep model,
Arrhenius mechanism, 99 104106
fractional change, 100 activation wear, 102104

logarithmic-in-time ageing, (see Equilibrium

100102 thermodynamic
transistor ageing, 106107 damage assessment)
Arrhenius mechanism, 99 non-equilibrium
fractional change, 100 thermodynamic
free energy, 100 damage assessment
free energy minimum, 99 (see Non-equilibrium
parametric ageing thermodynamic
phenomenon, 113114 damage assessment)
probability rate, 99 True variance, 73
Thermodynamic damage
equilibrium thermodynamic W
damage assessment Work damage ratio, 78

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FOR THE Engineered Materials and Devices BEHAVIOR COLLECTION
Fundamentals and Principles
Edited by Jonathan Swingler with major
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contribution by Alec Feinberg
Customized Content
Bundlethe more Degradation is apparent in all things and is fundamental to both

The Physics of Degradation in Engineered Materials and Devices

The Physics of
manufactured and natural objects. It is often described by the
books you buy,
second law of thermodynamics, where entropy, a measure of dis-
the greater your order, tends to increase with time in a closed system. Things age!
discount! This concise reference work brings together experts and

key players engaged in the physics of degradation to present
the background science, current thinking and developments in
understanding, and gives a detailed account of emerging issues
Degradation in
Engineered Materials
across a selection of engineering applications. The work has been
put together to equip the upper level undergraduate student,
postgraduate student, as well as the professional engineer and
& Chemical

and Devices
scientist, in the importance of physics of degradation. The aim
Engineering of The Physics of Degradation in Engineered Materials and
Materials Science Devices is to bridge the gap between published textbooks
& Engineering on the fundamental science of degradation phenomena
Civil & and published research on the engineering science of actual
fabricated materials and devices.
A history of the observation and understanding of physics of Fundamentals and Principles
Advanced Energy degradation is presented and the fundamentals and principles
Technologies of thermodynamics and entropy are extensively discussed. This
is the focus of this book, with an extended chapter by Alec
Feinberg on equilibrium thermodynamic damage and non-
THE TERMS equilibrium thermodynamic damage. It concludes with two
Perpetual access for particular technologies to give examples of areas of application.
a one time fee
No subscriptions or Dr. Jonathan Swingler received a Joint BSc (Hons) in physics
access fees and chemistry from Keele University in 1990, followed by a PhD
at Loughborough University for his work on the degradation of
electrical contacts. He subsequently moved to the University of
concurrent usage
Southampton where he pursued his research into the physics of
Downloadable PDFs
degradation and reliability of electrical and electronic materials
Free MARC records and devices. Currently Jonathan is working to develop reliability-
engineering science at Heriot-Watt University, to enable the
Edited by Jonathan Swingler
For further information,
a free trial, or to order,
prediction of electrical component and system reliability under
harsh operating conditions. He is an associate professor of with major contribution
energy at Heriot-Watt University and fellow of the Institute of
sales@momentumpress.net Physics. by Alec Feinberg
ISBN: 978-1-60650-467-3

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