IATA EASA Cross-Reference List User Manual Ed 1
IATA EASA Cross-Reference List User Manual Ed 1
IATA EASA Cross-Reference List User Manual Ed 1
1st | Edition
IATA Cross-reference
List User Manual
Effective Feb 2015
1. Preamble ................................................................................................................................................... 7
4. Completeness of Data............................................................................................................................. 10
13.1.1 Correspondence between Specific IOSA Section and one/all Rule Books (Option 1) ........ 23
13.1.2 Correspondence between Specific IOSA Header and one/all Rule Books (Option 2) ........ 24
13.1.3 Correspondence between Specific IOSA ISARP and one/all Rule Books (Option 3) ........... 26
13.2 Creation of correspondences sheet between a Rule Book to IOSA .............................................. 28
13.2.1 Correspondence between Specific Rule Book and one/all IOSA Sections (Option 4) ........ 28
13.2.2 Correspondence between Specific Rule Book Reference and one/all IOSA Sections (Option 5)
13.3 Creation of new sheet with items filtered by specific text (Option 6) .............................................. 31
1. Preamble
This manual aims to provide detailed instructions for the IATA Excel utilization.
The scope of the file is both to permit a generic and standard utilization of the main sheet
(Index&Checklists) and to generate new sheets with content filtered and rearranged as follow:
To create a correspondence sheet from specific Section of IOSA Standards Manual to one or all
Rule Books.
To create a correspondence sheet from specific Header of IOSA Standards Manual to one or all
Rule Books.
To create a correspondence sheet from specific ISARP of IOSA Standards Manual to one or all
Rule Books.
To create a correspondence sheet from specific Rule Book to one or all IOSA Standards Manual
To create a correspondence sheet from specific Reference of one Rule Book to one or all IOSA
Standards Manual Sections.
To search key words and represent the results in a separate sheet.
In the case a single ISARP has multiple matches, each one is given in a separate data-set (i.e. row).This
explains why one ISARP may be repeated in multiple rows with different regulatory matches are provided.
The filtering functions provided in the Excel sheet are designed to assist in grouping contiguous matches.
4. Completeness of Data
The database comprises all ISARPs (Ed. 8).
5. ISM Sections
The IOSA Sections used in the file are:
6. ISM Headers
The ISM Headers used in the file are:
Cabin Operations Policies and Procedures CAB 3.4.1 to 3.4.6; 3.4.8; 3.4.10 to 3.4.15
Cargo Compartment Systems and Equipment
FLT 4.4.1 to 4.4.4
Cargo Shipments SEC 3.7.1
Carriage of Weapons SEC 3.3.1 to 3.3.3
Combi Aircraft Operations CGO 3.6.1
Common Language FLT 3.1.1
CAB 1.3.1; 1.3.2
CGO 1.3.1
GRH 1.3.1
MNT 1.5.1
ORG 1.4.1; 1.4.2
SEC 1.4.1
DSP 1.4.1 to 1.4.3
Communication and Coordination
FLT 1.4.1 to 1.4.3
Contingency Planning SEC 4.2.1
Continuing Airworthiness MNT 2.5.1; 2.5.2
Control System MNT 2.1.1; 2.1.1 (i); 2.1.1 (ii); 2.1.1 (iii)
3.2.1 to 3.2.6; 3.2.8 to 3.2.14; 3.2.17;
Dangerous Goods CGO
Defect Recording and Control MNT 2.7.1
Deferred Maintenance MNT 2.4.1 to 2.4.3
CAB 1.5.1; 1.5.3
CGO 1.5.1; 1.5.3
DSP 1.6.1 to 1.6.4
Documentation System
FLT 1.6.1 to 1.6.4; 1.6.6; 1.6.8
GRH 1.5.1; 1.5.3
MNT 1.6.1
Fuel, Weight/Mass and Balance, Flight Plans FLT 3.7.1 to 3.7.3; 3.7.5 to 3.7.9
General DSP 3.1.2; 3.1.3
General Protection SEC 3.9.2
Ground Handling FLT 3.9.2 to 3.9.4; 3.9.6 to 3.9.9
Ground Support Equipment GRH 3.5.1 to 3.5.3
3.6.1 to 3.6.4; 3.6.6 to 3.6.8; 3.6.10;
Hold Baggage SEC
Icing Conditions DSP 3.4.1; 3.4.3
7. Cross-reference Rules
This chapter summarizes the principles used to establish cross-references.
a) Context is key, not the terminology, since terminology varies across the Rule Books.
The wording in the various Rule Books differs, for example philosophy, Procedure, Process,
Guidance, Instructions. To determine equivalency, a contextual assessment of the rules intent
was performed and equivalent requirements from different Rule Books were determined.
b) Generic cross-references were avoided. Cross-references have been made as specific as
possible. The database in the Excel file lists the exact reference to the most detailed level.
c) If the top-level reference covers the matching requirement completely, only the top-level
reference is given.
d) If the requirement is addressed only in sub-references, the sub-reference is be given.
e) If the requirement is addressed only in soft law, only the soft law is cross-referred.
Cross-reference is made between two corresponding provisions. The level of the rule is normally
not considered in such a case. Thus, it might be the case that a cross-reference is made between
an ISARP and soft law, without explicit reference to the governing hard law.
a) The Rule Book list box in the Filter/Query Form included the No Match entry as well. This entry
is needed to filter all IOSA items without a full match with the Rule Books.
There is no No Match function for the opposite direction, i.e. the file does not allow to
automatically filter out the regulatory requirements not finding a match in the ISARPs.
By appropriately sorting the Index&Checklists sheet, this information can still be retrieved.
b) How to recognize whether the match is complete? Multiple references to one ISARP indicate that
complementing requirements are present. Currently, there is no way to indicate a full and
complete 1-to-1 match between an ISARP and a regulatory requirement.
c) Note that 1-to-1 matches are very seldom since the architecture/structure of each Rule Book
differs significantly from each other.
d) Some ISARPs require very specific items which are not explicitly required in a Regulation or the
e) When an ISARP contains several sub-requirements and that do not fully match with the
regulatory standard, the ISARP is still deemed to match the regulatory standard.
However, if multiple regulatory standards cover all (sub-) requirements of an ISARP, all regulatory
standards will be cross-referred.
f) The exact location in the Operations Manual where a procedure (etc.) asked for by an ISARP is
to be presented is detailed in AMC3 ORO.MLR.100. The cross-reference list does normally not
provide reference to the OM structure contained in AMC3 ORO.MLR.100, it is the only reference
mentioning the ISARP requirement.
Each reference is spread out across three columns (see table below).
In some cases, the reference will not cover the complete reference point, but only elements within the one
Connect two or more sub-references of the same level without continuity: 1.1045, (a)&(d)&(z)
Connect more than two sub-references of the same level with continuity: 1.1045, (a)-(d)
Connect more than two sub-references with a gap: 1.1045, (a)-(c)&(e) [(a, b, c, and e are
referenced, d is not.]
When only soft law matches an ISARP, the database only presents the soft law and the associated hard
law is omitted.
Since in European aviation safety regulations and associated soft law, the numbering system clearly
identifies the link between hard and soft law, a soft law reference suffices to direct the attention also to
the governing hard law.
It may be useful to set the data filter in row 3. By using the data filter, it is possible to filter and sort each
column as needed.
In column B select ORG (as an example) and then sort from A to Z in column C. This gives you the
spreadsheet as below.
If a warning as described above is not visible please do the following steps to enable the content:
b) In the new window click before on Trust Center and then on Trust Center Settings;
c) In the Trust Center window click on Macro Setting and choose Disable all macros with
notification or Enable all macros (not recommended; potentially dangerous code can run);
1. To create a correspondence sheet from specific Section of IOSA Standards Manual to one or all
Rule Books.
2. To create a correspondence sheet from specific Header of IOSA Standards Manual to one or all
Rule Books.
3. To create a correspondence sheet from specific ISARP of IOSA Standards Manual to one or all
Rule Books.
4. To create a correspondence sheet from specific Rule Book to one or all IOSA Standards Manual
5. To create a correspondence sheet from specific Reference of one Rule Book to one or all IOSA
Standards Manual Sections.
6. To create a new sheet in which the search results are given.
Click on the button Filter/Query Form on the top of the sheet in the left corner to open the Form.
2. Select the Regulation to create the correspondence, in this case there are two options:
a. Select ALL: In this case, the new sheet will show all the links between the IOSA
Section selected at the step 1 and ALL other Regulations.
b. Select a specific Regulation (e.g. IR-OPS): In this case the new sheet will show
all the links between the IOSA Section selected at the step 1 and the Regulation
selected (in this case IR-OPS).
The name of the new sheet will be automatically generated with the following syntax:
- IOSA_Section_TO_Rule Book (e.g. IOSA_CAB_TO_IR_OPS).
This option permits to create a correspondence between a specific IOSA Header and applicability area
with one or all Regulations.
2. Select the regulation to create the correspondence, in this case there are two options:
a. Select ALL: In this case, the new sheet will show all the links between the IOSA
Header selected at the step 1 and ALL other Regulations.
b. Select a specific Regulation (e.g. IR-OPS): In this case the new sheet will show
all the links between the IOSA Header selected at the step 1 and the Regulation
selected (in this case IR-OPS).
The name of the new sheet will be automatically generated with the following syntax:
- IOSA_Header_TO_Rule Book (e.g. IOSA_Header_TO_IR_OPS).
In this case, due to the length of the Header it is preferred to put Header to identify this specific sheet.
This option permits to create a correspondence between a specific IOSA ISARP of a Section with one or
all Rule Books.
2. After this click on the List box and select one ISARP related to the Section selected at
the step 1.
NOTE: The ISARPs presented in the drop-down list are automatically filtered in relation to the Section
selected before.
3. Select the Regulation to create the correspondence, in this case there are two options:
a. Select ALL: In this case, the new sheet will show all the links between the IOSA
Header selected at the step 1 and ALL other Regulations.
b. Select a specific Regulation (e.g. IR-OPS): In this case the new sheet will show
all the links between the IOSA Header selected at the step 1 and the Regulation
selected (in this case IR-OPS).
The name of the new sheet will be automatically generated with the following syntax:
- IOSA_Section_ISARP_TO_Rule Book (e.g. IOSA_CAB_1.1.1_TO_IR_OPS).
2. Select the IOSA Section to create the correspondence, in this case there are two options:
a. Select ALL: In this case, the new sheet will show all the links between the
selected Regulation at the step 1 and ALL IOSA Sections.
b. Select a specific IOSA Section (e.g. CAB): In this case the new sheet will show
all the links between the Rule Book selected at the step 1 and the IOSA Section
selected (in this case CAB).
The name of the new sheet will be automatically generated with the following syntax:
- Rule Book_TO_IOSA_Section (e.g. BR_TO_IOSA_CAB).
2. After this click on the List box and select one Reference related to the Rule Book
selected at the step 1.
NOTE: The References shown in the drop-down list are automatically filtered in relation to the Rule
Book selected before.
3. Select the IOSA Section to create the correspondence, in this case there are two options:
a. Select ALL: In this case, the new sheet will show all the links between the
selected Regulation at the step 1 and ALL IOSA Sections.
b. Select a specific IOSA Section (e.g. CAB): In this case the new sheet will show
all the links between the Rule Book selected at the step 1 and the IOSA Section
selected (in this case CAB).
The name of the new sheet will be automatically generated with the following syntax:
- Rule Book_Reference_TO_IOSA_Section (e.g. BR_Reference_TO_IOSA_CAB).
- In this case, due to the length of the Reference it is preferred to put Reference to identify this specific
This option permits to search across the full file and to represent the search results in a new separate
Specific search shows all records that include the word/words taped in the text box.
The research has done in the only in the column Text of the sheet Index&Checklist.
1. Tape in the text box one or more words you need to search:
Caution: This function may take considerable time to run. Please wait until the process has stopped,
before continuing working with the file.
Caution: Careful selection of search terms is necessary to avoid overloading the function. For example,
by searching for raft the macro will also highlight all works containing raft, such as aircraft.
14. Feedback
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