This document summarizes several major theories of child development:
- Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory which describes stages of development defined by psychosocial crises from birth to old age.
- Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development which outlines stages of developing intellectual abilities from sensorimotor to formal operations.
- B.F. Skinner's theory of behaviorism which views learning as shaped by reinforcement and conditioning.
- Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural theory which emphasizes cultural influences and social interactions on development.
- Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences which identifies different types of intelligence.
- Abraham Maslow's motivation theory which proposes a hierarchy of basic human needs.
This document summarizes several major theories of child development:
- Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory which describes stages of development defined by psychosocial crises from birth to old age.
- Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development which outlines stages of developing intellectual abilities from sensorimotor to formal operations.
- B.F. Skinner's theory of behaviorism which views learning as shaped by reinforcement and conditioning.
- Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural theory which emphasizes cultural influences and social interactions on development.
- Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences which identifies different types of intelligence.
- Abraham Maslow's motivation theory which proposes a hierarchy of basic human needs.
This document summarizes several major theories of child development:
- Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory which describes stages of development defined by psychosocial crises from birth to old age.
- Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development which outlines stages of developing intellectual abilities from sensorimotor to formal operations.
- B.F. Skinner's theory of behaviorism which views learning as shaped by reinforcement and conditioning.
- Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural theory which emphasizes cultural influences and social interactions on development.
- Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences which identifies different types of intelligence.
- Abraham Maslow's motivation theory which proposes a hierarchy of basic human needs.
This document summarizes several major theories of child development:
- Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory which describes stages of development defined by psychosocial crises from birth to old age.
- Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development which outlines stages of developing intellectual abilities from sensorimotor to formal operations.
- B.F. Skinner's theory of behaviorism which views learning as shaped by reinforcement and conditioning.
- Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural theory which emphasizes cultural influences and social interactions on development.
- Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences which identifies different types of intelligence.
- Abraham Maslow's motivation theory which proposes a hierarchy of basic human needs.
COMPETENCY: 4.00 B2 21% development, developmental characteristics of children, and theories of child development. OBJECTIVE: 4.03 B2 7% Interpret theories of child development. Essential Questions: What are some of the major theories related to child development? What are the main ideas of these theories, and what do they mean? UNPACKED CONTENT What are some of the major theories of child development? Psychosocial Theory of Human Development Erik Erikson Theory of Cognitive Development Jean Piaget Theory of Behaviorism B. F. Skinner and others Sociocultural Theory Lev Vygotsky Theory of Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner Motivation Theory Abraham Maslow
What are the main ideas of these theories?
Psychosocial Theory of Human Development Erik Erikson Life is a series of stages. Each individual must pass through each stage. The way in which a person handles each of these stages affects the persons identity and self-concept. These psychosocial stages are: Newborn --- trust vs. mistrust Toddler --- autonomy vs. shame and doubt Preschool child - initiative vs. guilt School-age child - industry vs. inferiority Adolescent - identity vs. identity confusion Young adult - intimacy vs. isolation Adult - generativity vs. stagnation Elder integrity vs. despair Theory of Cognitive Development Jean Piaget The behavior of children and the development of their thinking can only be explained by the interaction of nature (intrinsic development) and nurture (extrinsic environmental factors). Children pass through specific stages as they develop their Cognitive Development skills: Sensorimotor birth - 2 years infants develop their intellect Preoperational 2-6 years children begin to think symbolically and imaginatively Concrete operational 6-12 years children learn to think logically Formal operational 12 years adulthood adults develop critical thinking skills
OBJECTIVE: 4.03 B2 7% Interpret theories of child development.
UNPACKED CONTENT Theory of Behaviorism B. F. Skinner and others Based on Lockes tabula rasa (clean slate) idea, Skinner theorized that a child is an empty organism --- that is, an empty vessel --- waiting to be filled through learning experiences. Any behavior can be changed through the use of positive and negative reinforcement. Behaviorism is based on cause-and-effect relationships. Major elements of behaviorism include: Positive and negative reinforcement Use of stimulus and response Modeling Conditioning. Sociocultural Theory Lev Vygotsky The cultures in which children are raised and the ways in which they interact with people influence their intellectual development. From their cultural environments, children learn values, beliefs, skills, and traditions that they will eventually pass on to their own children. Through cooperative play, children learn to behave according to the rules of their cultures. Learning is an active process. Learning is constructed. Elements of sociocultural theory are: Zone of proximal development Scaffolding Theory of Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner Intelligence is viewed as the ability to solve problems and create products in a specific situation. Many kinds of intelligences exist. IQ tests tend to focus on only one or two of these intelligences. Intelligences may be exceptionally well-developed in individuals due either to well-developed parts of the brain or to cultural conditions. The eight intelligences that are widely recognized are: Linguistic Logical-mathematical Spatial Bodily kinesthetic Intrapersonal Interpersonal Musical Naturalistic Motivation Theory Abraham Maslow People are motivated by a set of basic human needs that may be organized in the form of a hierarchy, or pyramid, with the most critical needs at the bottom of the hierarchy. Once their most critical needs are met, individuals can focus on achieving higher and loftier needs such as love, respect, and self-actualization. The basic needs, beginning with the most critical, are: Physiological needs --- air, water, food, shelter, clothes, sex Safety and security Love and sense of belonging Self-esteem; respect by others Self actualization.