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Science Unit Rubric

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Science Unit Rubric

Names: ___________________________________ Level: Four

Topic: Chemistry- Solids and liquids

Above Expected At Expected Approaching Expected Below Expected

Standard Standard Standard Standard
Knowledge and Understanding
Can identify the three states of Can identify the states of Can identify, with some Unable to identify states of
matter and give ten or more matter (solids and liquids) assistance the states of matter matters or provide
descriptions of the characteristics and provide five examples (solids and liquids) and provide examples of
(hard, strong, soft weak) and and descriptions of the less than five examples and characteristics for solids
examples (ice and water) of solids characteristics for these. descriptions of characteristics. and liquids.
and liquids. Can accurately draw the Can draw the particle structure of Cannot draw particle
Can accurately draw the structure structure of particles for matter, with assistance. structure of matter.
of particles for solids and liquids. solids and liquids. Students can identify one change Cannot identify the change
Independently identify the change Independently identifies the of state between matter, such as of state between solids
of state occurring between solids, change of state between melting (solid to liquid). and liquids.
liquids, gases and understand solids and liquids and
what is being applied to create understand what is
this change. creating this change.
Science Inquiry Skills
Questioning Independently uses evidence and With guidance, can make With assistance, can recognise Require additional support
and predicting links to prior knowledge to make predictions for experiments evidence to guide predictions on to write a prediction on
predictions about solids and based on prior knowledge solids and liquids. Cannot include solids and liquids.
liquids. The prediction includes and evidence of solids and a justification for their hypothesis. Has difficulty in responding
scientific terminology, such as liquids. Uses questioning, with assistance to questioning in the
change of state and a clear The prediction includes to guide the investigation and investigation and
explanation to support their some scientific vocabulary experiments about solids and experiments about solids
hypothesis. with an explanation liquids. and liquids.
Can use questioning to guide the supporting their hypothesis.
investigation and experiments
about solids and liquids, including Engages in questioning to
Planning and questioning self and others. guide investigation and
conducting experiments about solids
and liquids.

Danielle Conheady, Louise Allan, Kate Williams, Chelsea Swarbrick, Lauren Rietschel
Can safely use a range of Can safely use some equipment Requires additional
Can safely and independently use equipment (with (with assistance and supervision) assistance and supervision
a range of equipment (with supervision) to conduct to conduct experiments and when using equipment to
supervision) to conduct experiments and investigation. Can follow some conduct experiments and
Recording and
experiments and investigation. investigation. Can follow safety procedures during the investigation. Cannot
Can successfully follow and and implement safety lesson. follow safety procedures
implement safety procedures, procedures, such as during lesson.
such as handling equipment. handling equipment.
Can independently collect and Can collect and organise Can collect and organise some Cannot collect or organise
organise results within results within experiments results within the experiments results within experiments
experiments and investigation and investigation about and investigation about solids and and investigation about
Analysing and about solids and liquids. Can solids and liquids. Can use liquids, with some assistance. solids and liquids.
evaluating successfully use formal formal measurements and Uses some formal measurements
measurements and represent represent results in tables and represent results in tables
results in tables and graphs. and graphs. and graphs, with guidance.
Independently uses evidence from Uses evidence from results Uses some evidence from results Cannot draw results from
results to draw conclusions about to draw conclusions about to draw conclusions about solids experiments and
solids and liquids. solids and liquids. and liquids, with some assistance. investigation to create a
Can identify whether their Can identify whether their Can identify, with guidance, conclusion about solids
prediction was correct and if the prediction was correct and if whether their prediction was and liquids.
results supported the prediction the results supported the correct and if the results
Communicati and how/why. prediction. supported the prediction.
The conclusion uses scientific The conclusion uses The conclusion uses some
terminology and evaluates scientific terminology and is scientific terminology and is
possible reason/s for results, such developing an evaluation of developing a possible reason for
as if the investigation was a fair possible reason/s for results, with assistance.
test. results, such as if the
investigation was a fair test.
Can independently communicate Can communicate results in Can communicate results with Struggles to communicate
results, in a clear, concise and accurately. assistance. results and cannot recall
accurate manner. Uses scientific terminology Is developing scientific scientific terminology.
Consistently uses scientific to communicate ideas terminology to communicate
terminology correctly. verbally and non-verbally ideas verbally and non-verbally
Can use verbal and nonverbal about solids and liquids to with guidance about solids and
communication skills to share others. liquids.
results and ideas about solids and
liquids to others.

Danielle Conheady, Louise Allan, Kate Williams, Chelsea Swarbrick, Lauren Rietschel

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