Leaf External Structure
Leaf External Structure
Leaf External Structure
Mustafa Nakipolu
Leaves of flowering plants have an axillary bud at the base. Leaves may
be simple or compound. A simple leaf has a single blade, while the blade
of a compound leaf is divided in various ways into leaflets. Pinnately
compound leaves have the leaflets in pairs along a central stalklike rachis,
while palmately compound leaves have all the leaflets attached at the
same point at the end of the petiole. Sometimes, the leaflets of a pinnately
compound leaf may be subdivided into stil smaller leaflets, forming a
bipinnately compound leaf.
Spines the leaves of many cacti and other desert plants are modified as
Tendrils: Many plants have modified leaf structures called tendrils that aid in
climbing or supporting the plants weight, eg: Pea plant.
Venus flytraps has modified leaves for capturing insects; All these plants
live under nutrient-poor conditions and digest insect bodies to obtain
nitrogen and other essential nutrients.
Bracts are found at the bases of flowers and are sometimes mistaken as
petals. They compensate for small flowers or absent petals.