Ideas National and International
Ideas National and International
Ideas National and International
IDEAS 2015
This section Ideas 2015 is taken from :
ISBN : 9789385846335
its new industrial policy for the year T he CNG Diesel Electric
2015. The chief minister of Gujarat, Multiple Unit (DEMU) is based
Anandiben Patel, issued the policy. on dual-fuel i.e. diesel and CNG.
The policy aims at creating a It was manufactured by Chennai-
business environment that is friendly based Factory (ICF) through
and encourages people to start their fumigation technology.
own business rather than to search
job opportunities. Over 60% of the It would help in reducing the
population will be provided with operating cost by say 50 percent.
opportunities. The target population It will also help in reducing CO
would age group between 15 emission by 90 percent, CO2 by
to 59 years. The key areas like 25 percent, nitrogen oxide by
infrastructure development and new 35 percent and non-methane
innovations will be encouraged. hydrocarbon emissions by 50
Besides, the need for incentives for
youth, women, scheduled castes
and tribes and physically challenged New technology would come in
individuals will be attended on handy once India has substantial
priority. Reducing the pollution by reserves of natural gas.
promoting use of clean and green Indias first CNG powered train
energy is yet another important focus inaugurated: The Indian Railways
of the policy. The existing resources
has started its green journey with
will be given a boost to scale down
the imports of auto components, Indias first compressed natural gas
drugs, chemicals etc. Special (CNG)-powered train which was
incentives would also be provided innaugrated by Rail Minister Suresh
for establishing new businesses in Prabhu on January 13, 2015 on
sectors like garments, apparel and Rewari Rohtak link of Northern
food processing. The motive of the Zone.
policy is to make the state a global A milestone in helping to reduce
manufacturing centre, therefore, greenhouse gas emission and also
contributing to the encouragement diesel consumption by adoption of
of PMs Make in India dream. green fuel in Indian Railways. Main
Ministry of Railways inaugurated charecteristics were
Indias first CNG Powered Train: The CNG Diesel Electric
The Indian Railways has started Multiple Unit (DEMU) is based
its green journey with Indias on dual-fuel i.e. diesel and CNG.
first compressed natural gas It was manufactured by Chennai-
(CNG)-powered train which was based Factory (ICF) through
innaugrated by Rail Minister Suresh fumigation technology.
Prabhu on January 13, 2015 on It would help in reducing the
Rewari Rohtak link of Northern operating cost by say 50 percent.
Zone. It will also help in reducing CO
A milestone in helping to reduce emission by 90 percent, CO2 by
greenhouse gas emission and also 25 percent, nitrogen oxide by
diesel consumption by adoption of 35 percent and non-methane
green fuel in Indian Railways. Main hydrocarbon emissions by 50
charecteristics were percent.
New technology would come in launched the countrys first air
handy once India has substantial quality checking mobile application
reserves of natural gas. to provide the forecast for air
quality and corresponding health
advisories in real time. The mobile
app, SAFAR-Air, developed by
ICICI bank launched pockets - scientists at Pune-based Indian
indias first digital bank: In one of its Institute of Tropical Meteorology,
kind endeavour, ICICI Bank, Indias was launched on 17 February 2015
largest private sector bank, recently at the Indian Institute of Tropical
launched countrys first digital Meteorology in Pune, Maharashtra.
wallet cum mobile app, Pockets. The service is presently for Delhi and
Pockets gives any person, be it an Pune, and by 2017 the forecasting
account holder or not, the facility services will be extended to cover
to download, instantly activate and Chennai and Kolkata. SAFAR is an
use the e-wallet. Currently available acronym for System of Air Quality
only on mobile phones with android Weather Forecasting and Research
system, Pockets is a free of cost which was first launched in Delhi
app with no usage and registration in 2010 during the Commonwealth
charges. This virtual, VISA powered Games. SAFAR-AIR will provide
wallet helps in instant transfer current and one to three day forecast
of money to any email id, bank based on a colour-coded system
account, mobile number, facebook indicating air quality, in which
user or online retailer the user green is good, yellow is moderately
selects. With its unique one on one polluted, orange is poor, red is very
feature, the app ensures safety by poor and maroon is critical. The app
having only one registered user is initially available on smartphones
for each mobile number. The user operating on Googles Android
also has the advantage of choosing system and later on will also be
a zero-balance savings account available on devices using Apples
to the wallet, which will further iOS.
provide the benefit of earning Election Commission to Launch
interest on their idle money. With Electoral Roll Authentication
a new youth oriented outlook, the Mission: The Chief Election
Pockets digital bank offers two Commissioner (CEC) H.S. Brahma
unique products a universal wallet announced to launch Electoral
and a savings account. Initially, the Roll Authentication Mission. This
transaction limit is Rs 10,000 for
project will use the database of
non ICICI Bank users. Pockets
Unique Identification Authority
also provides its users the option of
of India to link Aadhar number of
having a specially designed physical
card that can be used for shopping or citizens with their electoral database
other payments. to further authenticate and purify
electoral rolls.
Indias first air quality checking
mobile app launched: To spread The move will help to erase a large
awareness about the hazards of number of bogus voters from the
increasing air toxicity in India, list. The move will be started on a
Indias Earth Sciences Ministry mission mode. This move comes two
days after the Centre clarified before a replica of New Rupee One Coin
the Supreme Court that Aadhar will with symbol of 2015, issued with
be mandatory for the citizens for Satyamev Jayate and capital letter
availing any social benefit. L inserted in the numbering panel.
The Election Commission has On the reverse side these notes will
decided to mark 2015 as the year contain the words Bharat Sarkar
of Easy Registration and Easy above the words Government of
Correction. Within this mission India with the year 2015 on the
ECI has already launched a National representation of One Rupee coin
Voter Service Portal (NVSP) on 25th with a symbol having floral design
January, 2015 on the occasion of surrounded by a picture of Sagar
National Voters Day; where people Samrat- oil exploration platform
can feed their Aadhar number for with the authentic rendering of
linking it with the electoral data value in fifteen languages in the
base. languages panel and the year figure
shown in the centre bottom in the
RBI to Bring Back One Rupee international figure
Notes: The Reserve Bank of
India announced to bring back Union Government decides
the currency notes of one rupee to infuse 6990 crore rupees in
nine Public Sector Banks: The
denomination into circulation.
government has decided to infuse
Printing of one rupee notes was
Rs. 6,990 crore in nine public sector
discontinued in 1994, mainly due to
banks under new criteria which
higher cost and for freeing capacity
reward efficient banks with extra
to print currency notes of higher capital to strengthen their position.
denomination. In the Budget for 2014-15, amount
Printing of two and five rupee notes has been allocated.
was discontinued in 1995, since then Method used for calculating at the
only coins have been issued for these amount was based on efficiency
denominations. However, older parameters.
currency notes are still in circulation First parameter is weighted average
and remain a legal tender. It has been of return on assets (ROA) for all
decided to reintroduce these notes public sector banks for last three
in order to meet the gap between years put together was considered
demand and supply of coins in this and all the banks above the average
denomination. were considered.
At present, one rupee coins are The second parameter used was
minted. The new currency note will return on equity (ROE) for these
be predominantly pink green on banks for the last financial year.
obverse and reverse in combination In beneficiaries, largest public
with other colours. sector lender SBI leads the pack
Unlike other currency notes which with Rs 2,970 crore, followed by
bear the signature of the Governor Punjab National Bank with Rs
of the RBI, one rupee note will have 870 crore other banks are Canara
signature of the Finance Secretary. Bank, Syndicate Bank, Allahabad
These notes will contain the bilingual Bank, Indian Bank, Dena Bank and
signature of Finance Secretary with Andhra Bank.
and other Ministries for monitoring by dropping its 20-25 rule, that
progress implementation of various required a minimum of 20 investors
programmes and follow-up of and a cap of 25% on investment by
meetings. an individual, for funds from low-risk
foreign investors. The relaxation of
the rule is intended to make it easier
for domestic mutual funds to manage
RBI Allowed Tap And Pay Without offshore pooled assets. As per the
Pin For Transactions Up to 2000 existing norms, a fund manager who
Rupees: Relaxing norms, the Reserve is managing a domestic scheme is
Bank of India on 14th May 2015 allowed to manage an offshore fund,
allowed banks to enable transactions subject to three specific conditions.
in contactless cards for values The first requires the investment
up to Rs 2,000 without requiring objective and asset allocation of the
a separate PIN authentication. domestic scheme and of the offshore
Beyond this transaction limit, the fund to be the same. The second
card has to be processed as a contact condition requires at least 70 % of
payment and authentication with the portfolio to be replicated across
PIN will be mandatory. This will both the domestic scheme and the
hasten acceptance of `tap and pay offshore fund. The third and most
electronic payments at retail outlets, stringent condition required offshore
in transport services and for toll fund to be broad-based with at least
payments. Tap and pay refers to 20 investors with no single investor
the use of near field communication holding more than 25% of the fund
technology in payment cards where corpus.
instead of the traditional swiping of Government Launched Official
the card and punching in payment Website of NITI Aayog: The Union
details, all the customer needs to Government replaced the Planning
do is wave a card in front of an Commission with National
acceptance device for the bill to be Institution for Transforming India
settled. One of the preconditions set (NITI) Aayog on January 1 2015
out by RBI is that the contactless card and on 18 May 2015 launched
should also incorporate the latest official website of NITI Aayog. The
EMV Chip technology for enabling website was launched by Dr Arvind
payment beyond 2000 rupees. RBIs Panagariya, Vice Chairman, NITI
announcement came on the day Aayog. The function was attended
State Bank of India announced the by Chief Executive of NITI Aayog
largest roll-out of contactless card Sindhushree Khullar and members
payments in the country. Bibek Debroy and V.K. Saraswat.
SEBI Notifies The Securities And The website has a unique feature of
Exchange Board of India (Mutual blogs section that contains articles,
Funds) Regulations, 2015: On field reports, work in progress and
20 March 2015 the Security and opinions by the officials; along with
Exchange Board of India (SEBI) details of the constitution, functions
notified the SEBI (Mutual Funds) and current activities of the NITI
Regulations, 2015. They have now Aayog. Nominated to serve as a
simplified norms for domestic funds policy think-tank for the central as
to manage offshore pooled assets well as state governments, NITI
Aayog has the Prime Minister as According to the demand pattern,
its chairperson. The website can Suvidha train services will run
be accessed on http://www.niti. during peak seasons like winter However, the final website rush, summer rush, Dussehara rush,
is under construction and will be Holi rush and on other occasions
updated soon. The designing of as jointly decided by COMs and
the website took a little longer than CCMs of the zonal Railways.
usual because it would have a wider Delhi Metro got its first driver-less
target audience as there would be a train: Delhis highly anticipated
platform for states, experts, citizens Metro received its first driver-less
and stakeholders where they can train, equipped with several highly
share their views on different issues developed features. The train was
and see others perspectives. manufactured at Changwan in
South Korea. The new-age train that
JUNE arrived at the Mukundpur depot will
eventually run unattended, guided
Railway Ministry Decides To Run by Delhi Metros operations control
Suvidha Trains: Railway Ministry centres. The route they would run
has decided to run Suvidha with on the over 58 km-long Majlish
dynamic to address the rush during Park-Shiv Vihar (Line 7) and the
peak travel seasons. The railway over 38 km-longJanakpuri(West)-
ministry has followed a list of terms Botanical Garden (Line 8) corridors
and conditions to be followed for the of the Phase-III. According to the
running of these trains. Tickets will latest reports both these sections are
be issued only for confirmed and expected to be operational by the
RAC passengers accommodation. end of 2016.The trains are designed
There shall be no provision for for a maximum speed of 95 kmph
waiting list in the train. The earliest and operational speed of 85 kmph.
advance reservation period will A total of 20 six-coach trains will be
be 30 days while the minimum manufactured in South Korea by the
Advance Reservation period will end of this 2015, while 61 are being
be of 10 days. No concession shall manufactured at the Bharat Earth
be relevant on these trains. Full Movers Limited (BEML) plant in
adult ticket shall be changed for Bengaluru.Each train will be able to
all passengers irrespective of their accommodate 2,280 passengers
age. No provisions for free passes/ 240 more than the regular six-coach
complimentary passes/warrant/ Metro train as driverless trains do
concessional voucher etc. will be not require a cabin for the operator.
permitted in these trains. Apart
from e-ticketing the sale of tickets
shall also be allowed through PRS JULY
counters. Only General quota E-Tourist Visa Scheme Extended
bookings will be applicable and To China, Hong Kong And Macau:
the up gradation option shall
On 29th July, the Government of
not be applicable in these trains.
Passenger should produce one of India has extended e-Tourist Visa
the prescribed Identity cards during (eTV) scheme for the applicants
journey for verification purpose from China, Hong Kong and Macau
for both e-ticket and PRS ticket. with effect from 30th July 2015.
This would bring the total number PPIs has been introduced taking
of nationalities availing this facility into account the requests received
from 74 to 77. The scheme is about from various segments, including
to be extended to more countries in providers of mass transit services,
a phased manner. such as metro train and road
transport services, indicating the
Touristsundere-Tourist Visa scheme need for PPIs catering to the
can arrive at nine designated requirements of this segments to
airports i.e. Delhi, Goa, Hyderabad, enhance commuter convenience.
Kolkata, Mumbai, Bangalore, MPEDA Launches Mobile-Based
Chennai, Cochin and Trivandrum. Applications: The Marine Products
After the launch of this scheme, Export Development Authority
more than two lakh e-Tourists Visa (MPEDA), a nodal agency for
have been issued to nationals of promotion of marine exports from
different countries. India has launched two mobile
based applications to help farmers
Since last three year, a total of 1,
get prices on shrimp and capture
79,873 (One lakh seventy-nine data on aquaculture through mobile.
thousand eight hundred seventy-
The two mobile- based applications
three) tourist visas have been
issued to China, Hong Kong and
1. Shrimp price information over
Macau. The aim of government for
SMS by a missed call.
launching e-Tourists Visa scheme
is to boost the tourist arrival from 2. mkrishi-Mobile App for
these countries and strengthen Aquaculture Operations
bilateral ties among people of these MPEDA is providing price related
regions. market information on Vannamei
RBI Releases Guidelines on PPI and Black Tiger shrimp to farmers.
For Mass Transit System: The RBI The farmers need to give a missed
has released Final Guidelines on call to a predetermined number and
Prepaid Payment Instruments for they will get to know the prices of
Mass Transit System (PPI-MTS) to various grades of these two varieties
enable the issuance of a separate of shrimp in major world markets
category of semi-closed prepaid such as Japan, the U.S. and EU
instruments for mass transit system. through an SMS.
The PPI-MTS will not only enhance
This service is being provided at
commuter convenience but also
facilitate the transition towards the no cost to farmers all over India
countrys vision of moving to a less- and would enable them to take
cash society. an informed decision on harvest
of their produce and get better
The PPI-MTS can be used within
the mass transit systems and will price realization. The agency
have a minimum validity of six has launched an Android based
months from date of issue. Such mobile app called mKrishi to
PPIs will be reloadable instruments enable farmers get expert guidance
subject to an outstanding limit of on all operations, besides helping
2,000/- at any point of time. with book keeping and weather
This new category of semi-closed information.
The farmers can see the reports in a national agriculture market, an
graphical form. An option to view online platform will be set up. On
the trends or reports in the computer this platform farmers will be able
is also provided to give seamless to sell and buy vegetables, fruits
data entry and visualisation. This and other produce from across the
will help in resolving issues quickly country. The Union Government
on a more personalised manner. will also establish an agency to
NDDB Launches Mobile oversee online trading and ensure
Application Pashuposhan: that transactions take place
National Dairy Development Board smoothly.
launched a mobile application This Online agriculture market will
Pashu-Poshan to boost dairy also focus on creating godowns
farmers income by raising milk and facilitate transportation of the
yield and reducing feed cost. The farm produce after online trade.
app will recommend a balanced The move is expected to give
diet for cows and buffaloes. The app choice to farmers to sell the farm
will be available on both web and produce both in physical mandis as
android platforms. This service can well as online. The free access to
be accessed by registering on the sell via online trade is believed to
INAPH portal. boost their incomes and improve
availability, moderating price rise.
To avail of this service a farmer
Currently, farmers sell their produce
needs to provide complete animal
at traditional mandis or market
profile; its breed, age, milk
committees which charge various
production, fat content in milk apart
taxes on producers.
from the food items that the animal
is fed on along with the cost in 1st Earthquake Warning System in
order to formulate a balanced ration Uttarakhand: Uttarakhand became
formula. the first state to install a system to
detect earthquakes and disseminate
This has resulted in reducing the
warnings. This system has been
feed cost by Rs. 5-15 per animal
installed in Dehradun which will
and an average increase in milk
issue warnings 1-40 seconds before
production by an average 300 ml per earthquakes of magnitude 5 or
animal per day. more. The system is designed and
India is the largest milk producer in manufactured by Italian Company,
the world, but the challenge before Space Dynamics.
the countrys dairy sector is low Main Features of the Earthquake
productivity of its bovine population Warning System (EWS):
as compared to developed countries.
This system has sensors, capable
Online National Agriculture of detecting P (Primary) and S
Market: Union Cabinet has (Secondary) waves generated during
approved setting up of an online an earthquake.
National Agriculture Market that
It is capable of detecting the
will provide more options to farmers
harmless P wave, which travels
for selling their produce. For online
faster than the S wave for advance of the nations total exports.
warning. In total there are 330 notified SEZs
The system has the earliest detection across the country of which 36 are
among those currently in use operational in Tamil Nadu, followed
worldwide. by Karnatakaand Telangana having
26 each while Maharashtra having
It can generate a variety of alarms 25. The Commerce Ministry has
like programmable built-in audio been taking a number of steps
alert, connected to external alarms to boost exports as the value of
like sirens and public announcement countrys shipments in the last four
systems. financial years has been around
It can also trigger visual alerts $300 billion.
and send them via cell phones
and the internet. According to the SEPTEMBER
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS),
Uttarakhand falls under seismic Gold Monetization Schemes
Zone V; a zone of high seismic Introduced: The Union Cabinet
chaired by the Prime Minister Modi
activity with magnitude of 6.9 or
on September 9 gave its approval for
larger on Richter scale. Apart from
introduction of Gold Monetization
it, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Schemes (GMS), as announced
Pradesh, Rann of Kutch (Gujarat), in the Union Budget 2015-16.
Northern Bihar and Andaman The objective of introducing the
and Nicobar islands fall under this modifications in the schemes is to
seismic zone. make the existing schemes more
effective and to broaden the ambit
AUGUST of the existing schemes from merely
mobilizing gold held by households
6 new SEZ proposals approved: and institutions in the country to
(28th August) The Union putting this gold into productive use.
Government approved six new The long-term objective which is
proposals which include four from sought through this arrangement is
IT and IT enabled Service (ITeS) to reduce the countrys reliance on
sector, for setting up of Special the import of gold to meet domestic
Economic Zones (SEZs). The demand.
decision was taken by the Board of
The long-term objective of the
Approval (BoA) for SEZ headed by
scheme is to reduce the countrys
Commerce Secretary Rita Teaotia.
reliance on the import of gold to
The proposals which got the meet domestic demand. GMS
approval include the HCL IT City would benefit the Indian gems and
Lucknow, Loma IT Park Developer jewellery sector which is a major
and North Mumbai International contributor to countrys exports
Commodity Township. by accounting 12 per cent of total
The exports from these particular exports. It would enable depositors
zones had risen to Rs 4.94 lakh to earn interest on their on their
crore in 2013-14 from the previous gold accounts. These schemes are
amount of Rs 22,840 crore in 2005- in addition to the implementation
06. These SEZs account about 25% Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme
(SGBS) which was approved by the missile-armed drones from Israel
Union Cabinet. Under this scheme, will enhance Indias cross-border
bonds will be issued with an interest military strike capabilities. The
rate decided by Union Government Indian Air Force (IAF) which has
and calculated on value at the time also a fleet of Harpy UAVs from
of investment.
Israel will operate the drones; they
BSE Has Highest Number of are primarily tasked with taking out
Listed Companies in the World: enemy radar positions.
WFE: Bombay Stock Exchange
(BSE) has the highest number of The armed drones are equipped
listed companies in the world as with air-to-ground missiles which
announced by the World Federation will carry a payload of 1,000 kg.
of Exchanges (WEF). A total The project has been given pace and
number of 5689 companies were the drones may be put into service
listed with the BSE by the end within a year. The armed forces had
of June 2015. However, there is proposed buying the same armed
only one foreign company out of
drones in 2012. But the proposal
5689. By the end of June 2015, the
National Stock Exchange of India didnt take off due to not getting
(NSE) had 1750 listed companies. support of UPA-2 government. The
The total value of transactions in project was revived by the Modi
government this year.
the BSE was 94 billion US dollars
during the same period. The armed drones are the same
as the Predator unmanned aerial
AS for Shanghai stock exchange of
vehicles (UAVs) capable of
China (having 1070 companies), it is reconnaissance, combat and support
at the top in terms of value of share roles. India operates unarmed Heron
trading with 30 trillion US dollars and Searcher UAVs for surveillance
worth transactions in June 2015. and intelligence purposes.
BSE is followed by TMX Group,
Indian Railways & Google
BME Spanish Exchanges, London Provide Free Wi-Fi Services:
SE Group, NASDAQ OMX, NYSE Indian Railways and Google have
Euronext (US), Tokyo SE Group, partnered to launch a new project
Australian SE, Korea Exchange under the code name Project Nilgiri
and NSE in the top ten. While on September 13. The project will
TMX has 3,964 listed companies, deliver free Wi-fi access to around
London Stock Exchange has 2,782 400 railway stations across India.
companies, NASDAQ OMX has Google will be using the Google
2,598 and NYSE Euronext (US) has Fiber project, thatll provide high
2,345. speed internet connection for the
Purchase of 10 Heron TP Drones travellers.
From Israel Approved: India on Commuters can access Wi-fi only
11 September 2015 approved the after mobile number verification
purchase of 10 Heron TP drones through a one-time password sent
from Israel. This 400 million US over SMS. Initially, a user will get
dollars proposal for buying armed high speed internet connectivity for
Indian Railways Develops into water and gas with the help of
Prototype of Hybrid Vacuum anaerobic bacteria.
Toilet: The Indian Railways has With the transfer of the discharge of
come up with an eco-friendly the vacuum toilets into biodigester,
sanitation project, under which, the need to create separate ground
this new kind of toilet has been handling installation and creating
set up to save water on trains. A additional sewer load on the
prototype of the new hybrid vacuum Municipal Corporation will be done
toilet has been made that comprises away with. The concept has been
a modified vacuum toilet that is converted into a working prototype
used in aircraft and a biodigester by Indian Railways as a first ever
tank, which converts the excreta system of its kind to have been
developed and built by any railway announced diesel subsidy for
system in the world. This newly farmers to help save standing crops.
developed toilet has been fitted in It also enhanced ceiling on seed
one coach of Dibrugarh Rajdhani subsidy to compensate the farmers
for trial. in the drought affected districts for
The prototype consists of a custom the additional expenditure incurred
designed Vacuum toilet adapted in the re-sowing.
from a commercially available Besides, the government has
vacuum toilet that is used in aircrafts made flexible allocation under the
which evacuates its discharge into Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana and
a biodigester tank which is now other centrally sponsored schemes.
successfully proven in the biotoilets
It has put in place crop contingency
of Indian Railways. The biodigester
plan for 600 districts.
tank is fitted underneath the coach
and contains anaerobic bacteria that Marathi-film Court as Indias
convert human fecal matter into Official entry to Oscar: Chaitanya
water and small amount of gases Tamhanes debut Marathi movie
before discharging the same on the Court, a courtroom drama has been
ground/track. chosen as Indias official entry for
the Best Foreign Language Film
Government Provides Additional category at the 88th Academy
50 Days Work Under MGNREGA: Awards. Court had also won a
The Union government on National Film Award.
September 14 decided to provide
The 17-member jury to choose the
additional 50 days of work in
entry was headed by veteran actor-
drought-hit areas under the filmmaker Amol Palekar. According
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural to reports, PK, Masaan, Mary Kom,
Employment Guarantee Act Haider, Kaaka Muttai, Baahubali
(MGNREGA) scheme to provide and Kuttram Kadithal were among
relief to farmers on account of the films that the jury also watched.
deficit monsoon in various parts of Court about a trial which unfolds
the country. Currently, 100 days of in a lower court, where the hopes
work is provided to rural job card and dreams of the citys ordinary
holders under the MGNREGA. people play out won the National
The decision was taken following Film Award in the Best Feature
monsoon deficit reaching 16 per Film category for 2014.
cent across the country, which With impactful performances by
could affect kharif crops and rural actors Vivek Gomber, Vira Sathidar,
income. The move will enable Geetanjali Kulkarni and Shirish
states to provide additional wage Pawar, the movie did its fair share
employment to rural poor in drought of rounds at foreign movie galas.
affected areas. The poorest rural Last year, Liars Dice, a road drama
starring Geetanjali Thapa and
households will benefit from this, as
Nawazuddin Siddiqui in lead roles,
it will help in immediate absorption
was selected as Indias official entry
of rural seasonal unemployment, to the Best Foreign Film category
and reduce rural distress. of Oscars, but it failed to make
The government had already it to the top five at the Academy
Awards. The 88th Academy Awards System (NPS) for giving them access
ceremony will be held on February to income security during old age.
28, 2016. The decision has been taken by the
Four new isotopes discovered at RBI in consultation of the Union
Manipal University: Researchers Government and Prime Minister
from the Manipal Centre of Natural Narendra Modis efforts. The
Sciences at Manipal University, subscription of the pension system
Karnataka, with collaborators from can be availed through normal
GSI, Germany, have succeeded in banking channels and the eligible
discovering four new atomic nuclei person can make investments
to be added to the Chart of the according to the provisions of
Nuclides. The newly discovered, PFRDA (Pension Fund Regulatory
exotic nuclei are one isotope each of and Development Authority) Act,
the heavy elements berkelium and 2013. NRIs will have two ways to
neptunium and two isotopes of the pay the subscription amounts, that
element americium. is, either by inward remittance
through normal banking channels or
To enable the discovery of the new
out of funds they have in their NRO/
isotopes, scientists used a new,
NRE/FCNR account. There will not
highly sensitive method to create
be any restriction on repatriation
and detect the nuclei and the results
of annuity or accumulated savings.
of this work constitute the first
NPS is governed by PFRDA and was
proof of this new technique. A
launched in the year 2004. NPS,
300-nanometer-thick foil of curium
initially, was introduced for the new
was bombarded with accelerated
Government recruits (other than
calcium nuclei in this experiment.
armed forces). It aims at inculcating
In the collisions studied, the atomic
the habit of saving money for
nuclei of the two elements touched,
retired citizens in order for them to
and formed a compound system for
have monetary aid during their old
an extremely short time. Before the
age. The pension plan was, on May
compound system could break apart
1, 2009, extended for all citizens
again, after about a sextillionth of
living in the country.
a second, the two nuclei involved
exchanged a significant number RBI Issues Gold Monetization
of their nuclear building-blocks Scheme Guidelines for Banks: The
protons and neutrons to form Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued
various isotopes as the end products. guidelines for banks to implement
the gold scheme that was approved
The newly discovered isotopes have
earlier by the government. The
fewer neutrons and are lighter than
Gold Monetization scheme would
the previously known isotopes of
allow the banks to fix interest rates
the respective elements.
on gold deposit according to their
own guidelines. According to the
OCTOBER scheme the interest and the principal
payments on gold deposits will be
RBI Allows NRIS To Subscribe done in gold. Subject to a minimum
To National Pension System: The lock-in period, RBI will give the
Reserve Bank of India has given provision of premature withdrawal
non-resident Indians (NRIs) to of the deposited gold. An idle gold
subscribe to the National Pension
worth about INR 5, 40, 000 crore been noted to be responsible for
has been targeted by the banking crop damage on a large scale basis.
systems for gold monetisation The App would allow farmers to
scheme. The scheme does not have send pictures of hailstorms to the
any limit to the maximum deposit ISROs Bhuvan server giving the
a person can make however, there government opportunity to have a
is a minimum deposit set which quick assessment of the damages to
is 30 grams. The gold can be in the crops.
any formcoins, bars, jewellery E-Sahyog Pilot Project of Income-
excluding other metals and stones. Tax Department to Facilitate
There will be two deposit options Taxpayers: The Income-tax
available to the customersShort Department is committed to
Term Bank Deposit (1-3years) the Digital India initiative of
and Medium (5-7 years) and Long the Government of India. The
Term Government Deposit (12- Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley
15 years). All the deposits will be launched here today an e-Sahyog
made Collection and Purity Testing pilot project which furthers the
Centre (CPTC). Departments commitment to work
Union Government Launches in an e-environment and reduces the
KISAN Project and Hailstorm need for the taxpayer to physically
App for Crop Damage: The appear before tax authorities.
pilot programme, KISAN, was The e-Sahyog project launched
launched to fasten the payment on a pilot basis is aimed at reducing
process of crop insurance claims compliance cost, especially for
to the farmers. It will make use of small taxpayers. The objective of
satellite and imaging by drone and e-Sahyog is to provide an online
other technology to generate timely mechanism to resolve mismatches
and accurate data on crop yielding. in Income-tax returns of those
On the basis of crop cutting assesses whose returns have been
experiments, the payment against selected for scrutiny, without
crop insurance is released. To visiting the Income Tax Office.
develop a new index based insurance Under this initiative the Department
approach is yet another feature will provide an end to end e-service
incorporated in the program. The using SMS, e-mails to inform the
delay in settlements of the insurance tax assesses of the mismatch. The
has been of great concern to the taxpayers will simply need to visit
government. Mahalanobis National the e-filing portal and log in with
Crop Forecast Centre, Indian their user-ID and password to view
Space Research Organisation, mismatch related information and
India Meteorological Department, submit online response on the issue.
State Agriculture Departments and The responses submitted online
Remote Sensing Centres, Climate by the taxpayers will be processed
Change, Agriculture and Food and if the response and other
Security will all work together information are found satisfactory
jointly in this programme. The as per automated closure rules, the
newly launched android based issue will be treated as closed. The
App will enable to collect data taxpayers can check the updated
of hailstorm causing damages to status by logging in to the e-filing
standing crops. Hailstorms have portal.