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Bamboo Extract: The Richest Known Source of Natural Silica

Published: November 07, 2008


The name bamboo was introduced in 1778 by Linn and was derived from the Indian word "Mambu" or "Bambu". Possibly
the name Bamboo is an onomatopoeia of the noise of exploding bamboo culms, which by night were laid into the fire to
chase away beasts of prey in Asia. That custom was reported by Marco Polo, the Venetian traveller in A.D.1270.

Bamboo is the plant growing fastest of all known plants in the world. It can grow up to 5cm per hour (Phyllostachys edulis up
to 120cm a day!!) and you can really SEE the grass growing. D.D. wrote me, you can even HEAR it growing:

The bamboo's secret of strength lies in its construction. Bamboo is hollow, has enforcing knots in a distance of several ten
centimeters and the bundles of fibers are situated in the outer parts of the culms. The surface becomes more and more
harder by enriching silica, some species become so hard, that sparks go off the felling tools....

Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC is still showing the first functioning light-bulb made by T.A.Edison with a glowing-
thread of bamboo - still working after 100 years...! Even today such bamboo light-bulbs are manufactured for special
purposes. The first needles for Edison's phonographs were made from bamboo ... the famous suspended bridge in
Szechuan/ China is over 1000 years old ... still using bamboo suspension cables .

The bamboo is a tropical reed, very common in India. Bamboo is an edible grass that has been part of the diet of mankind for
thousands of years. It is also the principal food for many species of mammals. For example, bamboo is the principal food of
the Indian elephant. The Indian elephant is smaller than its African cousin, but it is much stronger. The Giant Panda of China
exists almost exclusively on bamboo, and its skeletal system is incredibly strong, yet very flexible. These unique properties
are thought to be related in some part to the high silica content of bamboo.

Early Chinese books were written on bamboo slats and bamboo has been used as a source of medicine since ancient
times. The plant is known in China as zhu The shaved young shoots, the resin (both fluid and dried), and the leaves are all of
medicinal value, with slightly differing applications.

The exudation, called TABASHIR by the locals, is collected from the knots in the stems and used in traditional medicine.
These "bamboo tears" form a true botanical quartz, not unlike silica, which acts to restore the elasticity and suppleness of the

Tabasheer is one of the main substances from bamboo used in Ayurvedic and Tibetan medicine; it is often called bamboo-
manna or bamboo silica (because it is rich in silica). Its properties include: stimulant, astringent, febrifuge, tonic,
antispasmodic, and aphrodisiac. A major source in India is Bambusa arundinacea, though other species of Bambusa are
also used. An Ayurvedic remedy, Sitopaladi Churna, was used traditionally for tuberculosis and other wasting diseases and
has been adopted as a popular remedy for common cold, sore throat, sinus congestion, and cough. In Tibet, formulas with
tabasheer as the main ingredient are used for treating lung diseases.

Traditional Chinese Uses of Tabasheer

Tabasheer Tian zhu huang is known as "heavenly bamboo yellow." It is seen as a very important ingredient in many Chinese
medicines, with the following applications:
Aphrodisiac in Indian, Chinese, and other Asian cultures
Asthma treatment
Calms the mind
Benefits eyes
Childhood convulsive disease
Clears away heat and cools the blood
Clears obscuration from the heart, mind, and lungs
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Coma and stroke rehabilitation
Cooling tonic irritability and sleeplessness
Medicine for the cure of bilious vomiting, bloody flux, piles, and various other diseases in the East Indies
Poison antidote
Relieves cough and eliminates phlegm
Stimulant treats and cures paralytic complaints in Indian culture

It has been noted that the bamboo plant has unusually high levels of acetylcholine It is conceivable that compounds of
similar chemical structure in bamboo may contribute to the effects of the herb and its extracts on brain function. The bamboo
leaves, obtained from the common tall bamboos have recently been utilized as a source of flavonoids used as antioxidants.
The flavonoids may reduce inflammation, promote circulation, and inhibit allergy reactions.

Products, extracted of the cane of Tabashir bamboo female, has a high Silica content, which aid to form a "Cellular Cement"
when maintaining the balance between elastin and collagen fibers, being fortified the bones and increasing the speed of
consolidation of the fractures.

The Silica is a necessary mineral in the consolidation of bony fractures, since it acts like catalyst in the fixation of calcium to
the bone. Therefore, it is advised to help in the alterations of the cartilage and other degradation, Also aid to slow down the
process of aging of the conjunctive weave and the joints. Silica is one of the most important components of the connective
tissue: cartilage, tendons, and some elements of the arterial walls, skin, hair and nails. Besides silica, Tabashir contains
iron, calcium, choline and betaine. Tabashir has an effective re-mineralizing action that is very useful in cases of arthrosis,
painful joints, fragility of the cartilage (osteoporosis), hair or nails and in prevention of the consequences of atherosclerosis.
In general, Tabashir stimulates the natural defense of the organism (during growth, pregnancy, repair of fractures,
senescence). See the entry on silica and its value for chronic and acute vertebral ailments.

Bamboo extract is the richest known source of natural silica containing over 70% organic silica. This is more than 10 times
the level as found in the widely used Horsetail plant (Equisetum) that contains about 5 - 7% silica. Bamboo Sil extract is
prepared from Tabashir bamboo stem from India (Bambusa vulgaris).

The body constantly metabolizes silicic acid. Silica is eliminated through such natural processes as urination, hair loss and
nail trimming. This natural secretion of silica can be from ten to forty mg daily. The average adult body contains about twenty
grams of silica, and it is necessary for the body's silica stores to be maintained at this level to promote good health. As we
age, less silica is assimilated, therefore daily supplementation with the Bamboo will help maintain this necessary
equilibrium and to minimize the effects of premature aging.

Silicon is thought to improve the cardiovascular system, as it is essential to the structural integrity, elasticity and permeability
of the arteries. Silica may be useful in reducing blood fats & cholesterol. Artherosclerosis can occur as a result of silicon
deficiency whereas silicon is abundant (up to 14 times more) in the arteries of people who are free of heart disease.

Silicon improves the condition of the hair, nails, teeth, gums and skin and has been used to alleviate eczema and psoriasis.

Silica plays an essential role in mineral absorption and may help in re-calcifying de-calcified bones & de-calcify soft tissue
deposits of calcium. Silicon enhances the function of iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and boron, and is essential for
normal bone development which may help prevent osteoporosis. Silicon helps maintain the correct calcium-magnesium

Silicon may be useful in strengthening the musculo-skeletal system, preventing injuries and helping bones to heal in
athletes & others. Silicon supplementation may retard the aging process. At birth, the body contains a maximum level of
silica that declines with age. As the body's natural level of silica declines, it exhibits the signs attributable to aging such as
bone loss, dry and wrinkled skin, weakened teeth and gums and hair loss. Silicon converts aluminum from both water and
other dietary sources into insoluble hydroxy-aluminosilicates that cannot enter the bloodstream or brain. This has important
consequences for preventing the development of Alzheimer's dementia by assisting the body in eliminating aluminum.
Aluminum is thought to a causative factor in the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Silicon stimulates chondroblasts to deposit chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid into the cartilage matrix. This has
important implications in managing arthritis pain as silicon will improve the function and effectiveness of glucosamine
sulfate which is the precursor of both chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid.

Silicon may help protect against and heal gastric ulcers and arthritis (connective tissue healing). Functions of Silicon
Functions as a cross-linking agent, providing strength and resilience to collagen & elastin connnective tissues:

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Essential for bone & cartilage collagen synthesis present as silicic acid in mucopolysaccharides, the structural components
of connective tissues:
Essential for bone calcification:

1) Functions as a cross-linking agent, providing strength and resilience to collagen & elastin connective tissues
2) Essential for bone & cartilage collagen synthesis present as silicic acid in mucopolysaccharides, the structural
components of connective tissues
3) Essential for bone calcification
4) Stimulates growth
5) Required for the proper functioning of the enzyme prolyhydroxylase that functions in the formation of collagen in bone,
cartilage and other connective tissues

To further enhance the effectiveness of Bamboo Sil, the formula includes 200 mg of calcium citrate. Calcium absorption is
enhanced by the presence of silicon, and like silicon, calcium is involved in normal bone development. Calcium also has a
role to play in regulating the heartbeat, in energy production, immune function and cell membrane permeability. Like silicon,
a deficiency of calcium may speed skin aging.

Beneficial: Cardiovascular system, Joint pain, aging skin, joint flexibility, Cholesterol, sport injuries, aging, Alzheimer's
Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, bone loss, weakened teeth, weakened gums, nails, blood fats

The siliciou resin found in the joints of the female bamboo is used. Tabashir is a traditional natural remedy in the south of
India and in Bengale. The great interest of Tabashir in phytotherapy is due to its silica content (97%). Silica is one of the most
important components of the connective tissue: cartilage, articulation tendon, and some elements of the arterial walls, skin,
hair and nails. Besides silica, Tabashir contains iron, calcium, choline and betaine. Tabashir has an effective re-mineralizing
action that is very useful in cases of arthritis, painful joints, fragility of the cartilage (osteoporosis), hair or nails and in
prevention of the consequences of atherosclerosis. In general, Tabashir stimulates the natural defense of the organism
(during growth, pregnancy, repair of fractures, senescence).

Silica is a very common mineral element and is found everywhere on earth. For a long time, its role in human pathology was
neglected. But recently, Western researchers have been studying it closely. Silica is one of the most important components
of the connective tissue, and we are finally beginning to understand the consequences of its deficiency on health. Studies
have been particularly concerned with the role of silica in rheumatic diseases (arthritis) and arterial illness (atherosclerosis).

Silica is necessary for the bones to fix calcium and improves the texture of collagen and, therefore, the suppleness of the
body tissue. It has been established that in the case of demineralization of the bones, silica loss comes before calcium loss.
Moreover, since silica is an element of structure, tissue depends on it for its elasticity. As soon as the amount of silica in the
body tissue decreases, the calcium level goes up and elasticity is reduced. Also, silica accelerates the consolidation of
fractures, probably due to the role it plays in fixing calcium.

A 25 year study in Finland has demonstrated that a deficiency in silica could increase the risk of coronary problems. As a
matter of fact, the elasticity of the arterial walls is essential to absorb the variations in blood pressure. A supplement of silica
is often necessary to restore a normal tonicity to the arteries. Silica is primarily provided by water, numerous vegetables and
fruit. It is concentrated in skin peelings and in the integuments of cereals. But, as water may be deficient in silica, especially
in chalky areas, and as modern nutrition, based more and more on refined food, no longer fulfills nutritional needs, there is a
deficiency in silica.

During the Middle Ages in Europe, it was noticed that certain plants, either by their shape or their color, brought to mind a
detail of the human body or a disease. By virtue of the quasi-occult properties which were given to vegetable herbs at that
time, it was thought that this signature defined the therapeutic action of the herb in question. This is what one calls the
doctrine of signatures. Even if there is obviously a lack of scientific sense in this doctrine, we may be surprised by the
coincidence in the case of Tabashir, bamboo resin. Indeed, doesn't bamboo look like a spine? Its knots are like vertebras
and its essential quality is to straighten itself after being bent. The famous Dr. Hauschka sets forth this doctrine to explain his
interest in bamboo as he found its qualities effective against degenerative processes in the cartilages and conjunctive

Bamboo Tabashir has many uses in treating and preventing a variety of health problems; it is also a general rejuvenating
agent, as part of a holistic program.

Its main active ingredient is naturally occurring silica, known by homeopaths to be one of the most deep acting remedies. It

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therefore takes time for its full rejuvinatory effects to reveal themselves, and should be taken on a long term basis as part of a
holistic health regime. Its silicon dioxide content can be as high as 85% - more than 10 times the level found in the widely
used Horsetail plant that contains about 5 - 7%. Tabashir also contains iron, calcium, choline, and betaine - synergistic
blending of mineral propertieffinity for the entire skeletal system provides strength.

The Health Benefits of Silica

Essential for calcium to build bone, sinew, cartilage, skin, muscle etc
Deep acting remedy that strengthens the constitution, structure, nervous system
Improves general vitality and endurance
Aids in eliminating toxic material from the lymph system & dissolving growths
Supports the process of nutrition
The mineral of youth & good looks - improves the condition of hair, nails, teeth, gums & skin
May be useful in preventing osteoporosis
Thought to improve the cardiovasuclar system
Used to alleviate eczema and psoriasis.
Enhances the function of iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and boron
May protect against & heal gastric ulcers and arthritis (connective tissue healing)
An effective re-mineralising agent
Useful in osteoarthritis, painful joints and prevention of the consequences of arteriosclerosis
There is No Life Without Silica!
In 1939, the Nobel Price winner for chemistry, Professor Adolf Butenant, proved that life cannot exist without Silica. According
to his research conducted at Columbia University in 1972, silica is an essential nutrient and must be supplied continuously
from food sources.

It plays an important role in many body functions and has a direct relationship to mineral absorption. The average human
body holds approximately seven grams of silica, a quantity far exceeding the figures for other important minerals such as

Many studies that prove the favorable influence of vegetal silica on the development of animals have been under-taken. Silica
is essential to the development of the skeleton and mineralisation.

Hormonal disturbances in the human organism are often due to a calcium-magnesium imbalance. Several studies have
shown that silica can restore this delicate balance. Silica also benefits the assimilation of phosphorous. Thus it maybe
considered a catalyst in the use of other elements.

Bone Saver
Osteoporosis is a symptom of the aging process. As calcium in our body system leaches, our bones become brittle and
weak. Taking only a calcium supplement cannot completely correct or stop this threatening and crippling disease - body
cannot assimilate calcium without the presence of silica.

Evidence suggests that, instead of affecting healing, supplemental mineral calcium as an isolated nutrient actually
accelerates the leaching away of bone calcium. This hastens the degenerative process of osteoporosis and similar
diseases that affect the supportive and connective tissues in the human body.

For osteoporosis, silica can stop the pain and even restore the body's self repair process.

Osteoporosis symptoms attack women primarily after menopause but the degenerative process starts much earlier in their
younger days. More women are dying of fractures caused by osteoporosis than of cancer of the breast, cervix, and uterus

Osteoporosis is a symptom of the aging process. As calcium in our body system leaches, our bones become brittle and
weak. Taking only a calcium supplement cannot completely correct or stop this threatening and crippling disease - body
cannot assimilate calcium without the presence of silica.

In osteoporosis, thinning of the bones occurs due to insufficient production of the surrounding protein medium in which
calcium salts first deposit. A lack of calcium in the bone matrix leads to enlargement of canals and spaces in the bones,
giving the bones a porous, thinned appearance. The weakened bone becomes fragile and may be broken by a minor injury.
The bones may even fracture from normal pressure or stress.

Evidence suggests that, instead of affecting healing, supplemental mineral calcium as an isolated nutrient actually
accelerates the leaching away of bone calcium. This hastens the degenerative process of osteoporosis and similar

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diseases that affect the supportive and connective tissues in the human body.

More and more research evidence shows that through a transmutation process, silica is turned into calcium when it is
needed. That is why some scientists refer to silica as a precursor of calcium. Even when calcium is insufficient, the body can
turn silica into calcium that the bones need.

For purposes of remineralisation of damaged bones, it is recommended that a sufficient silica supplement be taken daily.
Bones are made up of mainly phosphorus, magnesium and calcium but they also contain silica. Silica is responsible for the
depositing of minerals into the bones, especially calcium. It speeds up the healing of fractures and also reduces scarring at
the site of a fracture.

More and more research evidence shows that through a transmutation process, silica is turned into calcium when it is
needed. That is why some scientists refer to silica as a precursor of calcium. Even when calcium is insufficient, the body can
turn silica into calcium that the bones need.

Natures Internal Cosmetic

Tissue degeneration accelerates due to aging when connective tissue develops an increasing inability to retain moisture
when left unassisted. Silica can help slow the degenerative process of connective tissue. With silica, vitality and life can be
naturally maintained or even restored to your skin.

Connective tissue consists of collagen, elastin, mucopolysaccharides, and mucous carbohydrates which help moisture
retention. Their ability to retain moisture keeps the connective tissue "bouncy" and has obvious importance in the prevention
of premature aging. All these important molecules house large quantities of silica. Collagen, largely made up of silica, is the
"glue" that holds us together. If our body has enough silica glucosaminoglycane, the collagen will make us look younger.

If you regularly follow a silica regimen, your skin will keep its young look. However, do not expect instant results. It is a good
idea to start organic vegetal silica supplementation years before the collagen in your body has deteriorated to the point where
it shows in the wrinkles on your face and body. A good silica supplementation program works far better than other products
for maintaining healthier and longer lasting collagen.

Hair That Grows!

Hair is nature's greatest beauty enhancer. It makes us sexually attractive and serves to protect us. Hair deserves to be
pampered. Hair at 90 micrograms per gram is almost as rich in silica as are healthy bones, which contain 100 micrograms
per gram. Silica is a major component of hair. Using good silica should be part of your ongoing hair care program for
revitalizing hair. Silica helps to prevent baldness, stimulates healthier hair growth and assures beautiful shine, lustre and

Teeth and Gums

By hardening the enamel, silica prevents cavities and preserves teeth. Silica also prevents bleeding gums, gum atrophy, and
recession that causes the loosening of teeth, which could ultimately lead to tooth loss. Vegetal silica effectively fights caries
(ulceration and the decay of a bone or of a tooth) and inflammation.

Tough as Nails!
Your nail plates are complex protein structures that grow four to five millimeters per month on average. In case of deficiency,
the rate of growth slows. So your fingernails can be the first indicators of silica deficiency.

Demineralisation of the nails precedes by far any decalcification of bones. It is possible to start silica supplementation in
time to prevent bone loss. With silica supplementation, fragile nails become normal within a short period of time. Silica will
beautify the appearance of your nails and improve hardness, making them shinier and less prone to breaking. The
restorative effects of silica will be most noticeable on your hair, skin, nails and teeth. Our skin and hair require silica
essentially for the same purpose as do other tissues. As we know, the supporting collagen underneath the skin enhances
elasticity and beauty. Collagen owes that quality to silica, which provides a beautiful complexion that is more than skin deep.

More Health Benefits

Silica has inhibitory effects on coronary diseases. Organic vegetal silica supplementation helps repair and maintain vital
lung tissues and protects them from pollution. By maintaining or restoring the elasticity of lung tissues, silica reduces
inflammation in bronchitis. It acts as a cough decreasing agent. Silica tones the upper respiratory tract (nose, pharynx, larynx)
and reduces swelling because of its positive action on the lymphatic system. Silica supplementation keeps menopause free
of stress and helps to prevent many unwanted side-effects of menopause; paramount being the development of

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In men, too, the nervous system and glandular network will gradually undergo changes that cause deterioration of vital body
functions during menopause. This can also be alleviated by using silica.

Silica works with other antioxidants to prevent premature aging and to preserve youthfulness. New research has found that
antioxidants, like organic vegetal silica, protect against harmful radiation.

Silica can help prevent kidney stones and heal infections of the urinary tract. It is a natural diuretic which can increase
excretion of urine by 30 percent, thus flushing the water-excreting system and restoring normal function to these vital organs.

The presence of sufficient silica in the intestines will reduce inflammation of the intestinal tract. It can cause disinfection in
the case of stomach and intestinal catarrh and ulcers. It can prevent or clear up diarrhea and its opposite, constipation.
Vegetal Silica will help normalize haemorrhoidal tissues.

In regulating and normalizing the bowels, silica has a pleasant side effect; it can alleviate lower back pain, which often
troubles the elderly.

Silica proves effective with female discharge, abscesses and ulcers in the genital area and cervix, as well as mastitis
(especially for breast feeding mothers). The intake of silica acts as a supportive treatment for inflammation of the middle ear.
Because of the beneficial effectiveness on the lymphatic system, silica can be used for swelling of the lymph nodes in the

Silica Can:
* Stimulate the immune system
* Normalize circulation and regulate high blood pressure (hypertension)
* Decrease vertigo, headache, tinnitus (buzzing of the ears) & insomnia
* Help diabetes by promoting synthesis of elastase inhibitor by the pancreas
* Help arterial disease by strengthening the blood vessels
* Help prevent Tuberculosis. *improves the elasticity of the joints - helps rheumatism. *Help avoid or alleviate Alzheimer's
disease by preventing the body from absorbing aluminium - may flush out aluminium from the tissues
* Stimulate cell metabolism and division
* Delay the aging process of the tissues; in younger people, the tissues typically contain more silica
* Increase mobility & reduce pain in osteo arthritis/sclerotic conditions
* Beautify hair with shine, elasticity & strength
* Prevent wrinkles

Bamboo Extract (Bambusa vulgaris) Yielding 70 mg organic Silica 100 mg
Calcium Citrate (Yielding 40 mg Calcium) 200 mg
Arnica 15C, Rhus Toxicodendron 9C, Bryonia 9C, Pulsatilla 4C,Actea Racemosa 9C

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disease, or prescribing any medication. You should read carefully all product packaging and labels. If you have or suspect that you have a
medical problem, promptly contact your physician or health care provider. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not
been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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