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Theory 1poultry Industry

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Indian Poultry Industry


Growth of Poultry Industry

History of Domestication
Strength / Achievements of Poultry Industry
Genetic potentiality Hybrid Layers & Broilers
Factors responsible for commercialization of


Chicken -Most numerous and popular among the domesticated poultry

species and account for 92 per cent of the total poultry.
Chicken has also received more attention in India's planning, research and
developmental process.
India's chicken industry of today is not only vibrant and self reliant but is
one of the best in the world.
Ducks - 7 per cent of poultry population and are mostly found in coastal
states of the country and in states with more lakes and rivers like West
Bengal, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Assam, Jammu &
Kashmir and Tripura.
Duck raising - primitive stage and indigenous ducks outnumber exotic ducks
in spite of their inferior performance.
Quail eggs and meat have also become popular. Growth of quail farming is
progressing but the progress is slow due to insistence on wild life licensing,
high cost of production and non-availability of superior quail germplasm.
Turkey, Guinea fowl farming, Emu and Ostrich farming are in their infancy
and has good potential for commercial exploitation.

Growth of Poultry Industry
Scientific Poultry keeping in India - first advocated by Christian
Missionaries towards the beginning of the 20th Century A.D.
Organized effort to develop poultry in India was first started in
1957 when second five year plan (1956-61) was launched.
Hybrid egger strains were introduced into India in 1955 and
broiler strains in 1961.
An All India Poultry development Project was initiated by setting
up of regional poultry farms at Bangalore, Mumbai, Bhuvaneswar,
Delhi and Simla to acclimatize imported good quality stock under
their respective agro-climatic conditions to propagate them
extensively in these regions.
The period between II and IV Five-Year plan was actually the
turning point in the history of poultry industry in India.

Growth of Poultry Industry contd

Central Poultry Breeding Farms at Mumbai, Bhuvaneswar and

Hasserghatta -produced high egg producing strains and
Chandigarh farm has evolved fast growing broiler strains
Random Sample units at Hasserghatta, Mumbai and Bhuvaneswar
- conducting egg laying and broiler quality test -provided useful
information to poultry farmers and breeders regarding the
performance of various stocks available in the country.
Central Training Institute for poultry production and management
at Hasserghatta and also CARI at Izatnagar - imparting training to
the officers of the SAU and Veterinary Universities engaged in
various aspects of poultry farming.
ICAR-All India coordinated research projects on poultry breeding
and poultry nutrition in number of research institutes including
Agricultural and Veterinary Universities of the country.
NAFED - marketing of egg and poultry meat at national and
regional levels


Historical and Archaeological evidences reveal that chickens

were domesticated during 5400 B.C., though distribution
throughout the world occurred only from times of the Indus
Valley culture during 2500 -2100 B.C.
Commercial exploitation of chickens and other domesticated
birds is very recent which started with the application of
scientific principles in breeding for improving the meat and
egg production potential of birds.
Poultry meat and eggs have now become easily available
protein in the diet of the people.
"Poultry" - all domesticated species of birds like chicken,
ducks, turkeys, Japanese quail, guinea fowls, geese, pigeons,
ostrich, emu etc.,


Chicken -Most numerous and popular among the domesticated poultry

species and account for 92 per cent of the total poultry.
Chicken has also received more attention in India's planning, research and
developmental process.
India's chicken industry of today is not only vibrant and self reliant but is one
of the best in the world.
Ducks - 7 per cent of poultry population and are mostly found in coastal
states of the country and in states with more lakes and rivers like West
Bengal, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Assam, Jammu & Kashmir
and Tripura.
Duck raising - primitive stage and indigenous ducks outnumber exotic ducks in
spite of their inferior performance.
Quail eggs and meat have also become popular. Growth of quail farming is
progressing but the progress is slow due to insistence on wild life licensing,
high cost of production and non-availability of superior quail germplasm.
Turkey, Guinea fowl farming, Emu and Ostrich farming are in their infancy and
has god potential for commercial exploitation.

Strength / Achievements of Poultry Industry

Improved Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), quality control, upgraded

New feed milling technologies.
Purchase of feed raw materials and supply of better quality materials.
Better breeding stocks.
Rationalised pricing of breeder and commercial stocks.
Pelleted feeds with increasing market share.
Availability of feed additives viz. enzyme, probiotics.
Positive role of Integrators and corporates in industry.
Distribution of feed units in all regions.
Increase in percentage of processed foods.
Marketing of branded eggs.
Tapping of export potentials.
Advancement in disease diagnosis and screening procedures.

Genetic potentiality Hybrid Layers & Broilers

Improvement in genetic potentiality and productivity of

hybrid layers and broilers accounted for 60 per cent of the
increase in production of egg and meat
Hybrid layers of today lay on an average of 310 eggs per
year compared to 240-250 eggs 30 years back.
Genetic improvement in broilers
Broilers which achieved mean body weight of 1500 g at
8 weeks of age with FCR of around 3.0 during early eighties
of 20th century attain 1.8-2.0 kg mean body weight with a
FCR of 1.6-1.8 at present in about 35 days of age
India 3rd largest producer of eggs in the world next only
to China and USA.
Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Haryana and Tamil Nadu are
the major egg producing states that account for more than
60 per cent of the eggs produced in the country.
India ranks 4th in the world in respect of poultry meat
production with the highest production recorded for USA
followed by China, Brazil and Mexico in that order

Factors responsible for commercialization of Poultry

Highly prolific in nature

Shorter generation interval (i.e.) in chicken, about 2
generations are obtained in a year
It is adaptable to various agro-climatic conditions, i.e.
chicken can be reared at temperatures as low as 0oC and as
high as 40oC
Chicken can be reared under high stocking density (number
of birds/unit area)
Land required for poultry need not be fertile, further the
water requirement is also less when compared to other
species of livestock
Poultry can be managed under varied systems and also it
easily adapts to automation, enabling large numbers to be
reared in one farm

Factors responsible for commercialization of Poultry

Poultry meat is the best lean meat suitable for sick and convalescing
patients. It provides more than 20% protein and less than 3% fat; mutton,
beef and pork contain more than 10% fat and less than 20% protein.
Egg protein has the highest biological value and is easily digestible and 100%
Poultry meat and egg are food materials universally acceptable without
being forbidden by any religious taboos
Chicken are the most efficient converters of feed into meat and egg


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