Solution:: N 11.515 Moles
Solution:: N 11.515 Moles
Solution:: N 11.515 Moles
1. The partial molar volumes of acetone (MW = 58.08 g mol ) and chloroform (MW = 119.37 g mol ),
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respectively, 74.166 cm mol and 80.235 cm mol for a solution in which the mole fraction of
chloroform is 0.4693. What is the volume of 1.000 kg of this solution?
Let us denote acetone by A and Chloroform by C. It is given that 0.4693 = nA/n, where n = nA + nC .
In other words, nC = 0.4693n and nA = (1 0.4693)n. The total number of moles present, n, can be
found from the weight of the solution and the mole fractions as
1 1
1000 g=nA 58.08 g mol + nC 119.37 g mol
1 1
=n(1 xC ) 58.08 g mol + nxC 119.37 g mol .
Substituting the molefractions and solving, we get
n= = 11.515 moles.
58.08 (1 0.4693) + 0.4693 119.37
Therefore, nA = (1 0.4693) 11.515 = 6.111 moles and nC = 0.4693 11.515 = 5.404 moles. The
volume of the solution is, therefore, given by
V =nAV A + nC V C
=6.111 74.166 + 5.404
80.235 V =886.82 cm .