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Grain Size Analysis - Mechanical Method: Cu D60 D10 CC D30 D 60 × D 10 So D75 D25

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I. Introduction
Grain size analysis is a vital for the determination of soil
characteristics. It involves plotting the particle size against the percent
finer of the control mass of soil. Soil, which is defined as the particles
formed by the natural process of weathering, is classified into coarse and
fine grained particles. Analysis of the former can be performed by
mechanical means such as sieve analysis while the latter can be further
studied with hydrometer (Craig, 2004).
For this exercise, the analysis for coarse-grained soil was performed.
The particle distribution curve can be used to determine the four soil
parameters namely the effective size (D10), uniformity coefficient (Cu),
Coefficient of Gradation (Cc) and the Sorting coefficient (So). These
parameters can be used to quantitatively characterize the distribution of
the various particle sizes of soil that can consequently affect the different
engineering properties of soil such as permeability, shear strength and
compressibility (Reddy, n.d.).
II. Materials and Methods
For the mechanical grain size analysis, a 500-gram air-dried soil sample
was subjected to vibration with the use of mechanical shaker and pre
weighed standard set of sieves. After 5 10 minutes, the sieves was
removed from the mechanical shaker then the mass of soil retained in
each sieve and the pan was determined using the digital mass balance.
The set up and the materials used are shown in Figure 12 1. The mass
of soil retained was used to acquire the total mass, the cumulative mass,
the mass of soil passing each sieve and the percentage of soil passing
each sieve. Finally, to determine the particle size distribution curve or
the gradation curve, the percent finer and the particle size was plotted in
the y axis and the x axis, respectively, of the semi logarithmic plot.
Using the semi logarithmic plot, the soil parameters can derived. The
effective size (D10) is given by the corresponding size by which 10% of
the sample is finer. The uniformity coefficient (Cu), coefficient of gradation
(Cc) and sorting coefficient (S0) can be calculated using equations 12 1,
2 and 3, respectively.
Cu= Equation 12 1

D 30
Cc= Equation 12 2
D 60 D 10

D 75
D 25 Equation 12 - 3
(a) (b)
Figure 12 1. Grain Size Analysis Mechanical Method (a) Vibration
through the use of mechanical shaker (b) Determining the mas of soil
III. Results and Discussion
Similar to fine grained aggregates, soil can also be described as
poorly graded, uniformly graded, gap graded and well graded with
the use of particle distribution curve. After performing the procedures,
the particle size was plotted against the percent finer. The size such
that 10, 25, 30, 60 and 75%, which values came from the curve, is
summarized on Table 12 1. Moreover, the four soil parameters,
namely the effective size, uniformity coefficient, coefficient of
gradation and sorting coefficient, which are further derived from the
latter sizes are summarized in Table 12 2. Also, as can be seen, in
Figure 12 3, the soil sample is predominantly sandy.
% finer Trial 1
40.00 Trial 2
30.00 Trial 3
5 0.5 0.05

Effective size, mm

Figure 12 2. Particle Distribution Curve of the 500 gram Soil Sample




PArticle distribution 60.0

95.1 94.0 94.5



Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Table 12 1. Summary of Results of Equivalent Effective Size of %finer

Soil Diameter (3
Soil Size trials)
D10 0.18 0.21 0.19
D25 0.33 0.45 0.4
D30 0.39 0.55 0.49
D60 1.1 1.6 1.4
D75 1.7 2.3 2.2

Table 12 2. Summary of Results of Soil Parameters

Soil Parameters Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Effective Size 0.18 0.21 0.19 0.19
Uniformity Coefficient Cu 6.11 7.62 7.37 7.03
Coefficient of Gradation Cc 0.77 0.90 0.90 0.86
Sorting Coefficient So 2.27 2.26 2.35 2.29

The soil sample has a uniformity coefficient that is greater than 4,

has a coefficient of gradation of 0.86 which is equal to 1 and a sorting
coefficient of 7.03 which quantitatively identifies the sample as a well
graded soil (). On the other hand, the effective size of the soil has a strong
correlation with the permeability of the fine grained sandy soils as it is
used to compute for the value of the coefficient of permeability.

IV. Summary and Conclusion

As shown in the particle distribution curve, the soil sample used in the
exercise was well graded. Aside from this, the soil parameters that was
derived from the particle distribution curve quantifies the sample to be
well graded.
V. References
VI. Appendices

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