Monte Lukast
Monte Lukast
Monte Lukast
Purpose: To design an orally disintegrating montelukast sodium tablet (ODT) that disintegrates in the
oral cavity leaving an easy-to-swallow residue especially for pediatric and elderly patients who have
difficulty swallowing tablets.
Methods: Two different formulations of montelukast sodium (5 mg) orally disintegrating tablets were
designed and manufactured by direct compression method, using microcrystalline (Avicel PH-102),
mannitol, sodium bicarbonate, crospovidone and magnesium stearate as key excipients, and with
cherry flavor and aspartame as flavor and sweetener, respectively. These formulations were then
evaluated using pharmacopoeial and non-pharmacopoeial physical and chemical tests. Dissolution and
assay tests were performed using USP apparatus II and ultraviolet (UV) spectrophotometry,
respectively. Formulations with better results were further subjected for optimization study using central
composite design method.
Results: The results of prototype formulation batch (Trial-02) and the finest optimization formulation
batch (FOB-01) reflected the successful development of new formulation of orally disintegrating
montelukast sodium 5 mg tablet by direct compression technique. The value of similarity factor (f2 > 50),
indicating that both formulations have similar drug release profiles. The formulations were further
evaluated for three and six months under accelerated conditions to ascertain their stability.
Conclusion: The results obtained demonstrate the suitability of the formulation as an ODT for
convenient delivery of montelukast sodium for asthmatic patients. However, clinical studies are required
to confirm this.
Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research is indexed by Science Citation Index (SciSearch), Scopus,
International Pharmaceutical Abstract, Chemical Abstracts, Embase, Index Copernicus, EBSCO, African
Index Medicus, JournalSeek, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Directory of Open Access Journals
(DOAJ), African Journal Online, Bioline International, Open-J-Gate and Pharmacy Abstracts
i.e. convenience and ease of use [3]. One flavor (Northville Laboratories), aspartame
negative aspect of solid oral dosage forms is (NutraSweet Company), magnesium stearate
dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing) and chewing (Coin Chemical Industries Co. Ltd). All other
in some patients particularly in geriatric and chemicals used were of analytical grade.
paediatric patients [4]. Orally disintegrating
tablets (ODT) are well established dosage forms Experimental design
that disintegrate in the oral cavity leaving an
easy-to-swallow residue. ODTs disintegrate Factorial design was used to systematically
rapidly in saliva without the need of water, within investigate the product variables that influence
few seconds to minute [5]. Montelukast sodium is product quality. A two level factorial design study
was planned using the selected dependent
a selective, orally active leukotriene receptor
variables and effect on the dependent variable
antagonist that inhibits the cysteinyl leukotriene
was measured. Based on the relationship
CysLT1 receptor. CysLTs receptors have been between the cause and effect, optimum formula
correlated with the pathophysiology of asthma was determined and pilot batches have been
and allergic rhinitis [6]. It is rapidly absorbed after manufactured using the optimized formulation.
administration reaching peak plasma The levels composed of one at the higher side
concentration (Cmax) in 3 to 4 h with a mean and other at the lower side of the standard /
bioavailability of 64 % following a 10 mg oral existent value of each independent variable and
administration. For the 5 mg chewable tablet, the the data was analyzed using Design-Expert
mean Cmax is achieved in 2 to 2.5 h with a mean software (DX9) version 9 (Stat-Ease, Inc. USA)
bioavailability of 73 % fasting versus 63 % with and the analysis are shown in Table 1. Since we
the standard meal. More than 99 % is bound to have selected composite points of the fractional
plasma proteins with minimal distribution across composite design therefore eight experimental
the blood-brain barrier. Metabolism occurs via trial batches were manufactured containing two
liver and excretion occurs almost exclusively in trials for each independent variable.
bile with a half-life from 2.7 to 5.5 h in healthy Formulations of the proposed trials and
adults [7]. Formulation Optimization Batches (FOB) are
given in Table 3.
The objective of the present study was to
develop a formulation of montelukast sodium Preparation of tablets
orally disintegrating tablets by direct compression
process. For the optimization of the formulation, For both Trial-01 and Trial-02 batches, all the
ingredients were weighed individually and sifted
central composite design was used and
manually through mesh # 40 separately.
statistical evaluation of the formulation using
Thereafter, montelukast sodium, mannitol or
three sigma quality control charts was also
sodium bicarbonates (mannitol in trial-01 and
sodium bicarbonates in trial-02), microcrystalline
cellulose and crospovidone were mixed in a poly
EXPERIMENTAL bag for 5 min and then cherry flavor and
aspartame were added to the blend and mixed
Materials well. Magnesium stearate was finally added as
lubricant and then mixed for further 5 min. The
The materials used in the formulations with their weight of the tablet was determined as 150 mg
sources/manufacturer of ingredients are as and the tablets were compressed (Manesty D3B,
follows; montelukast sodium (Enaltec Labs (Pvt) England) using a punch and die set to produce
Ltd), mannitol (Zhongbao Chemical Corporation square shape tablets with 6.42 mm length, 6.42
Ltd), sodium bicarbonate (Brunner Mond mm width and 3.77 mm thickness dimensions.
Limited), microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel PH Each tablet contained 5 mg of montelukast
102) (Gujrat Microwax Private Limited), sodium (Table 2). Prior to compression, the
crospovidone (ISP Global Technologies ), cherry
Table 1: Factors (independent variables) and factor levels used in factorial composite design
Trial-01 (mg/tab) Trial-02 (mg/tab)
Montelukast Sodium 5.20* 5.20*
Mannitol 70.000 -
Microcrystalline Cellulose 48.800 116.80
Sodium Bicarbonate - 16.00
Crospovidone 20.000 20.000
Aspartame 2.000 2.000
Cherry Flavour 2.000 2.000
Magnesium Stearate 2.000 2.000
Total 150.00 150.00
from any of the tablets was left on the mesh was period of 3 and 6 months for the stability
recorded in seconds. indicating parameters such as appearance,
weight variation, hardness, disintegration,
Assay of montelukast sodium dissolution and assay.
The in vitro disintegration time for all the Orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs) offer several
compressed tablets was determined and results advantages over the conventional oral dosage
of all formulations are given in Table 4. forms particularly in terms of patient compliance
i.e. convenience and ease of use. Over the past
The time for disintegration of orodispersible decade, considerable progresses in the
tablets (orally disintegrating tablets) is generally formulation of ODTs have been accomplished in
< 1 min and the actual time that patient can academic research and industry that resulted in
experience ranges from 5 to 30 s. the rising of a large number of patents [3].