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Vol 7 | Issue 1 | 2017 | 29-33.

e-ISSN 2249 – 7706

International Journal of print-ISSN 2249– 7714

Advanced Pharmaceutics
www.ijapjournal.com Research Article


E.Mounika1*, S.M. Shaheedha1, G.Neelima1, Chandrakala Podili2, K.Divya1,
K. Bhaskar Reddy1
Sri Venkateswara College of Pharmacy, RVS Nagar, Chittoor-517127, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Vasavi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vasavi Nagar, Peddapalli, Madhavaram-1, Kadapa,
Andhra Pradesh 516247, India.

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http://ijapjournal.com/ E.Mounika
Sri Venkateswara College of Pharmacy, RVS Nagar,
DOI: Chittoor-517127, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Received:25.06.16 Revised:12.07.16 Accepted:15.07.16

Colon targeting drug delivery system plays a vital role in treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis by releasing
the drug at early morning hours by delaying the release of drug from dosage form by applying novel approaches in
it. This approach happens due to the chronological behavior of Rheumatoid arthritis confirms increased Joints and
knee pains in early morning hours, which need of novel dosage form which delivers the drug at pre-determined time
points in the early morning hours. Colon Targeting Tramadol microbeads were formulated with the help of different
polymers, cross linking agent and coating polymer solution. From the Invitro drug release studies data’s it was
found that T2 obeys desired release characteristics and it was an ideal formulation for colon targeting. Maximum
amount of drug was released cumulatively from T2 formulation was found to be more in Colonic pH after lag time
of about 4 hours. From these studies it was confirms that the delayed time of Tramadol release from microbeads
leads to good sustainability and target ability of drug in colon at early morning hours.

Keywords:Tramadol, Rheumatoid arthritis, Colon targeting.

Colon specific drug delivery has gained The overall goal for optimum therapy is to
increased importance not just for the delivery of match the needs of the patient while improving the
drugs for the treatment of local diseases associated efficiency and safety of the administered drugs [4].
with the colon but also as potential site for the Various drug delivery approaches have always
systemic delivery of therapeutic peptide and proteins played a challenging and crucial role in ensuring and
[1]. To achieve successful colon targeted drug predicting the delivery of promising and successful
delivery, a drug needs to be protected from drugs to the target site of delivery in the human body.
degradation, release and/or absorption in the upper Oral drug delivery is the preferred route of delivery,
portion of the GI tract and then ensure abrupt or accounting for more than US$15 billion in annual
controlled release in the proximal colon [2]. Drug global sales. Although oral delivery has become a
modifications through covalent linkages with carrier widely accepted route of administration of
or prodrug approach and formulation based therapeutic drugs, the gastrointestinal (GI) tract
approaches can be used for colonic delivery [3]. presents several formidable barriers to drug delivery.

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Vol 7 | Issue 1 | 2017 | 29-33.

In the recent past, considerable interest has grown in this form of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis can also
targeting the delivery of drugs to the colon [5]. be serious enough that it spreads to the body's organs
Medical rationales for the development of The main objective of this research is to
orally administered colonic drug dosage forms formulate and evaluate the Tramadol loaded colon
include, The opportunity to reduce adverse effects in targeting microbeads for treating arthritis in early
the treatment of colonic inflammation and colonic morning hours.
motility disorders by topical application of drugs
active at the mucosal level. Oral delivery of drugs to MATERIALS AND METHODS
the colon is valuable in the treatment of diseases of The materials used in the projects like
colon like ulcerative colitis, chron’s disease, Tramadol are received as gift sample from Micro
carcinomas and infections. The elucidation of the Labs Hozur , Sodium alginate and Eudragit L 100
mode of action of some nonsteroidal anti- from SAR scientifics, Chennai. And other solvents
inflammatory drugs (NSAID) such as sulfide used are in analytical standards.
(metabolized in the colon to the active moiety,
sulfide) that were found to interfere with the Formulation of Microbeads
proliferation of colon polyps (first stage in colon Ionotropic gelation technique was used for
carcinoma) possibly in local manner. In some cases the preparation of Microbeads.
the colon is capable of absorbing drugs efficiently. 1. The polymer solution , sodium alginate solution
Drug absorption enhancement works better in the was prepared by dispersing the sodium alginate in de-
colon than in the small intestine.Protein drugs can be ionized water under continuous stirring for 30
absorbed better from the large bowel owing to minutes.
hypothetic reduced proteolytic activity in this organ. 2. The required amount of the drug was weighed
The unique metabolic activity of colon, which makes and thoroughly mixed with the above solution
it an alternative organ for drug delivery system 3. The resulted homogeneous dispersion was
designer [6]. extruded in to the 5% calcium chloride solution
Tramadol is a narcotic-like pain reliever. through hypodermic syringe with flat tip needle
Tramadol is used to treat moderate to severe pain.The (20G)
extended-release form of tramadol is for around-the- 4. The above solution was stirred for 15 minutes at
clock treatment of pain. This form of tramadol is not 100rpm using magnetic stirrer.
for use on an as-needed basis for pain. 5. The formed micro beads were allowed to cure
As stated, there are several benefits of using for 30 minutes in the calcium chloride solution to
Tramadol for arthritis but one that stands out is that it complete the gelation reaction.
works well for every type of the disease. Many 6. The microbeads were then filtered and dried in
people think there are just a few types of arthritis but hot air oven at 60˚C for 3 hr. After that it was coated
in reality, there are more than 100. Keep in mind that with Eudragit polymer solution. The dried beads are
based on a number of factors there could be people filled in hard gelatin capsule. The Formulation are
who do not get relief by taking Tramadol but for the shown in Table 1[8, 9, 10].
most part, this is the exception and not the rule.
Osteoarthritis - Cartilage is a natural shock Evaluation of Microbeads [8,9,10]
absorber for joints but with osteoarthritis, elasticity Surface morphology/Scanning Electron
diminishes. As a result, pain develops and in more Microscopy (SEM):
severe cases, ligaments and tendons become stretched The external morphology of the
beyond the normal range. microparticles was studied by scanning electron
Rheumatoid Arthritis - This is one of the microscopy. The sample of the SEM analysis was
more prevalent types of arthritis and one for which prepared by sprinkling the microparticles onto one
Tramadol is commonly prescribed. With this form of side of the double adhesive stub. The stubs were then
the disease, the synovial membrane is attacked. The coated with gold using polaran SC 500 sputter coater,
result is extreme swelling and pain but even worse, to neutralize the electrons and to obtain a clear
deformity of one or more joints can occur if not morphology of the microparticles. The SEM was
properly treated. performed on microparticles after and before
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis - This is dispersing it in 0.1N HCl [2].
similar to adult Rheumatoid Arthritis except it affects
children 16 years or younger. There are three stages Drug entrapment efficiency or incorporation
to include Pauciarticular, which is the most common efficiency:
and mildest, Polyarticular that is more severe and To determine the drug entrapment efficiency
affects a greater number of joints, and Systemic in or incorporation efficiency, the microparticles were
which a child would have pain in multiple joints but crushed in glass mortar and powered, then suspended

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Vol 7 | Issue 1 | 2017 | 29-33.

in 10 ml of methanol, after 24 h the solution was subjected to UV analysis at 271nm. All dissolution
filtered and filtrate was analyzed for drug content studies were performed in triplicate [8-14].
spectrophotometrically at 271nm for Tramadol. The
drug incorporation efficiency was calculated by the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
following formula [3]. Particle size
The particle size was determined with the
Incorporation efficiency = b/a X 100 help of Particle Size Analyzer (Malvern Particle Size
b = calculated amount of drug present in the Analyzer). Spherical shaped Microbeads were
formulation, observed. Among the five formulations of
a = theoretical amount of drug present in the Microbeads T2 possess small particle size 1.487 µm
formulation and also uniform particle size distribution because of
optimum concentration of polymer and cross linking
Drug content agent which .The particle size ranges of formulations
Four portions each containing 200 mg were were shown in Figure 1 and Table 2.
randomly picked from the prepared samples and were On increasing the concentration the Sodium
crushed with help of mortar and pestle. Then it was alginate, the amount of drug entrapped with the
stirred continuously for 3h with simulated gastric polymers coat also increased, as it was observed
fluid (pH 1.2). After 3 h, the samples were filtered, maximum 75.92 ± 1.24 % in T2 .This shows that the
suitably diluted and estimated spectrophotometrically best polymer for entrapping Tramadol in coating
at 271nm for Tramadol. The estimation was done in 3 microbeads was sodium alginate , Eudragit polymers
replicates to determine the uniformity of drug in and optimum concentration of polymer is about 2%
microparticles [4,5]. with 5% of cross linking agent calcium chloride. The
results are shown in Table 2.
Production yield The percentage yield of Microbeads was
The production yield of the microparticles more than 70 % for the best formulation say T2
can be determined by calculating accurately the initial which shows highest percentage yield of 75.54 ±
weight of the raw materials and the last weight of the 3.66% due to increased concentration of the polymer
microparticles obtained [6,7]. and cross linking agent. The results of production
yield for all the batches were shown in Table 2.
Production yield (Y) = The drug content in the micro beads was
Practical mass of Microparticles found to be in the range of 56.24± 1.26 to 78.26±
---------------------------------------------- x 100 1.26 % based on the polymer and cross linking agent
Theoretical Mass (Polymer+drug) ratio. Increase in concentration of the polymer and
cross linking agent there will be increase in drug
Invitro drug release of Tramadol Microbeads content of the formulation. The formulation T2
The second pulse release of Tramadol was shows maximum drug content and the values are
investigated using the USP rotating basket type given in Table 2.
dissolution apparatus at 50 rpm and maintain the bath The Invitro drug release studies shows that
with 37+1ºC. The simulation of gastrointestinal all the formulation shows a good initial lag time of
transit conditions was achieved by altering the pH of around 4 hr in Phosphate buffer pH 1.2,4.5, that
the dissolution medium at various time intervals. The shows that the release pattern of drug is delayed and
pH of the dissolution medium was kept at 1.2 for 2 h maximum amount of drug is released in colonic pH
with 0.1 N HCl. Then, 1.7 g of KH2PO4 and 2.225 g 7.0 at early morning hours in a cumulative
of Na2HPO4.2H2O were added, adjusting the pH to sustainable manner. This lag time may due to the
4.5 by adding 1.0 M NaOH. A release rate study was presence of Eudragit polymer coating in the
continued for another 2 h. After 4 h, the pH of the microbeads. T2 shows sustained release around
dissolution medium was adjusted to 7.0 and 94.54±2.42 in 16thhr in a cumulative pattern. shows
maintained for 24 h. The final volume in all cases maximum drug release due to increase concentration
was 500 ml. The samples were withdrawn from the of cross linking agent. The values are as shown in
dissolution medium at various time intervals using a Figure 2.
pipette fitted with a micro filter, and the filtrate was

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Vol 7 | Issue 1 | 2017 | 29-33.

Table 1. Formulation of Tramadol Microbeads

Formulation code Amount of Amount of Amount of Coating Polymer
Tramadol (mg) Sodium alginate calcium chloride Eudragit L 100 w/v
T1 20 1% 5% 10%
T2 20 2% 5% 10%
T3 20 4% 5% 10%
T4 20 6% 5% 10%
T5 20 8% 5% 10%

Table 2. Physical evaluation of Microbeads MF1-MF8

Formulation code Particle size Product yield in Drug content in % drug
(µm) % % entrapment
T1 1.894 64.28± 4.02 60.24 ± 1.24 70.16 ± 1.34
T2 1.487 75.54 ± 3.66 78.26± 1.26 75.92 ± 1.24
T3 1.946 67.84± 3.42 64.32± 1.26 68.64 ± 1.54
T4 2.048 54.52± 2.04 59.32± 2.20 65.42 ± 1.24
T5 2.542 50.12± 2.06 56.24± 1.26 60.08 ± 1.64
*standard deviation (n = 3)

Fig 1. Particle Size for the F2 Formulation (1.487 µm) Fig 2. Cumulative % drug release profile for
Tramadol Microbeads T1 – T5 in pH 1.2, 4.5 &

From the above data it was concluded that ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
the newly formulated Tramadol colon targeting None.
microbeads produce effective control of Rheumatoid
arthritis at early morning risk hours by allowing the CONFLICT OF INTEREST:
drug to release after a lag time at colonic pH, with The authors declare that they have no conflicts of
reduced dose and dosing frequency are achieved interest.
which leads to better patient compliance.

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Cite this article:

Mounika E, Shaheedha SM, Neelima G, Chandrakala Podili, Divya K, Bhaskar Reddy K. Formulation and Invitro
Assessment of Colon Targeting Tramadol Microbeads. International Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutics. 2017;
7(1):29-33. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21276/ijap.2017.7.1.4

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International

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