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S308 Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S308-S311

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Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine

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Document heading

Formulation of Diclofenac tablets for rapid pain relief

Karthikeyan M*, Umarul Mukhthar AK, Megha M, Shadeer Hamza P
Al Shifa College of Pharmacy, Kizhattur, Poothavanam(P.O.), Perinthalmanna, Malappuram, Kerala 679325, India


Article history: Objective: To develop fast dissolving tablets of diclofenac in order to get fast relief from pain.
Received 22 January 2012 Methods: Fast dissolving tablets of diclofenac potassium were prepared by direct compression
Received in revised form 27 January 2012 method using Indion 214, Indion 234, Indion 244 and croscarmellose as superdisintegrants.
Accepted 11 March 2012
Microcrystalline cellulose was used as diluents and mannitol, as sweetening agent. Tablets were
Available online 28 April 2012
evaluated for weight variation; weight variation of all the formulations was observed which were
within the acceptable limit for uncoated tablets as per United States Pharmacopoeia. Results:
Keywords: Mechanical strength, the hardness of tablets was determined and was found to be in the range of
6.4 to 7.13 Kg/cm . In vitro disintegration time, the formulation containing indion214, indion234
Diclofenac potassium
Direct compression method andindion244 showed 34,31and 39 seconds value for in vitro disintegration respectively. Wetting
Superdisintegrant time for all the formulations was found to be (4.4250.25) to (5.752.25) seconds and the cumulative
Pain mamgement percentage drug release of formulations FD1- FD5. It was observed that in first 10 minutes, only
12.89% of drug was release from formulation FD5 without using superdisintegrants and while it was
88.56% in the case of formulation FD2. At the end of 24 minutes only 85.42 % of drug was released
from the control tablet formulation FD5 whereas the cumulative release from other formulations
FD1 and FD4 at the end of 12 minutes was 89.52 %and 79.29%, respectively. The results of in vitro
disintegration time show that formulation containing Indion 244, showed the disintegration time
of 29.66 seconds. Conclusions: Indion 244 was found to have super disintegrant property the
addition technique is a best method for preparing fast dissolving tablets for rapid pain mangment.

1. Introduction from the mouth, pharynx and esophagus as the saliva passes
down the stomach. In such cases the bioavailability is greater
Pain is a feeling triggered in the nervous system. Pain may be than those observed for conventional dosage form. The
sharp, stabbing, burning and bumping. Acute pain is usually advantages of mouth dissolving dosage form are increasingly
managed with medications such as analgesics.Elderly people being recognized in both industry and academia[3].
and children sometimes have difficulties in swallowing these More than 50% of pharmaceutical products are orally
dosage forms. Such problem is more serious for bed-ridden administered for several reasons[4]. This route of administration
patients. Recent advances in novel drug delivery system is considered as the most widely used route as it offers
aims to provide rational drug therapy by enhanced safety and advantages like ease of administration, versatility, patient
efficacy of drug molecule by formulating a convenient dosage compliance and accurate dosing. Undesirable taste is one
form for administration and also by ensuring better patient of the important formulation problems that are encountered
compliance[1]. with such oral products. Difficulty in swallowing is also a
F ast disintegrating tablets are dosage form, which common problem of all age groups, especially the elderly
disintegrate in patients mouth within a few seconds without and pediatrics, because of physiological changes associated
the need of water, or chewing, providing best remedy for the with these groups[5].Fast disintegrating drug delivery systems
patient suffering from dysphasia[2]. Some drugs are absorbed have started gaining popularity and acceptance as new drug
delivery systems which aim to enhance safety and efficacy of
drug molecule by formulating a convenient dosage form for
*Corresponding author: Al Shifa College of Pharmacy,Kizhattur,Poothavanam( P.O.), administration and to achieve better patient compliance[6].
Perinthalmanna, Malappuram, Kerala 679325, India.
Tel : 09656111669
The bioavailability of drug is significantly greater than those
E-mail: karthikeyanpgt@gmail.com observed from conventional tablet dosage form.
Karthikeyan M et al./Asian Paicfic Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S308-S311

In the present study it was proposed to formulate an oral batch and the mean and SD were calculated. Pre-weighed
delivery device, in the form of fast disintegrating tablets 20 tablets were placed in a plastic chambered friabilator
by using direct compression technology[7],with the aim (Roche) attached to a motor revolving at a speed of 25 rpm
of reaching a high serum concentration in a short period for 4 min. The tabletswere then de-dusted, reweighed and
of time[8].In this study, effort has been made to formulate percentage mass loss (friability) was calculated.
fast disintegrating tablet of diclofenac potassium using
super disintegrants, like Croscarmellose sodium and ion 2.2.5. Wetting time
exchange resin was investigated for the super disintegrating A piece of tissue paper folded double was placed in a Petri
property. The disintegrating property was compared with the plate (internal diameter is 6.5 cm) containing 6 mL of water.
Croscarmellose at fixed concentration. The tablet was placed on the paper and the time for complete
wetting of the tablet was measured in minutes.

2. Material sand methods 2.2.6. Disintegration time

In vitro disintegration time of the prepared tablets was
2.1. Materials carried out at (37 2) in 900 mL of distilled water. using
a disintegration test apparatus. Disintegration time of 6
Diclofenac potassium (Amoli Organics Ltd), Indion 214, individual tablets was recorded. was carried out at (372) in
Indion 234, Indion 244 (Colorcon pvt.Ltd.), Cros carmellose 900 mL of distilled water.
( M apple biotech pvt. L td. ) , M icro crystalline cellulose
(Reliance Cellulose Products Pvt Ltd) the above were the gift 2.2.7. Drug content
samples. Magnesium stearate(Ozone international), Mannitol Twenty tablets were weighed and powdered. An amount of
(Ozone international) were purchased. the powder equivalent to 50mg of diclofenac potassium was
dissolved in 100 mL of pH 6.8 phosphate buffer, filtered, diluted
2.2. Methods suitably and analyzed for drug content at 265nm using UV-
Visible spectrophotometer.
2.2.1. Preparation blends and tablets
Fast disintegrating tablets containing 50 mg diclofenac 2.2.8. In vitro drug release studies
potassium were prepared by direct compression method In vitro drug release studies of all the formulations were
and the formulae used in the study are shown in Table 1. carried out using tablet dissolution test apparatus (USP XXII
Different super disintegrants such as Indion 214, Indion 234, type) at 50 rpm. Phosphate buffer pH6.8 was used as the
Indion 244 and croscarmellose were used. Microcrystalline dissolution media with temperature maintained at (37.00.5) .
cellulose was used as diluents and mannitol as sweetening Samples were withdrawn at different intervals, diluted suitably
agent. D iclofenac potassium was mixed in geometric and analyzed at 265 nm for cumulative drug release using
proportions with sweeteners, diluents, and lubricants. Blend Shimadzu UV-Visible spectrophotometer (Figure 1).
was screened and compressed on rotary punching machine.

2.2.2. Evaluation of tablets

All the tablets were evaluated for different parameters as
Cumulative % Drug Release

weight variation, hardness, friability, uniformity of weight, 80

disintegration time, wetting time, drug content and in vitro FD1

dissolution study[9,10].
2.2.3. Weight variation FD4

Twenty tablets were selected randomly from the lot and 20 FD5

weighted individually to check for weight variation and 0

then the average weight was determined and compared with 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
average weight the positive and negative deviation. The Time in minutes
tablets meets USP specifications if no more than 2 tablets are Figure 1. In vitro Drug Release Profile of The Formulations
outside the percentage limit and if no tablets differs by more
than 2 than the percentage limit. 2.2.9. FT-IR study
The pure drug diclofenac potassium and the solid admixture
2.2.4. Hardness and friability of drug and various excipients used in the preparation of
The hardness of the prepared tablets was determined using fast dispersible tablet formulations were characterized by
a monsanto hardness tester, which also measures the tablet FT-IR spectroscopy to know the compatibility, The FT-IR
diameter. Ten tablets were tested for hardness from each study did not show any possibility of interaction between
S310 Karthikeyan M et al./Asian Paicfic Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S308-S311

Table 1
Formula of different formulations of Diclofenac potassium fast disintegrating tablets (mg).
Formulation code
Diclofenac 50 50 50 50 50
Indion 214 10 - - - -
Indion 234 - 10 - - -
Indion 244 - - 10 - -
Cros carmellose - - - 10 -
Microcrystalline cellulose 100 100 100 100 100
Talc 10 10 10 10 10
Magnesium state 5 5 5 5 5
Mannitol 95 95 95 95 105

Table 2
Characeterization of fast dissolving tablets.
Formulation Code Thickness(mm) Weight Variation Hardness(kg/cm ) Percentage Friability (%) Wetting Time(sec) Drug content (mg) Disintegration Time(sec)

FD1 12 +0.0594 -0.0453 7.330.11 0.73 5.75 2.25 98.0 34.67

FD2 12 +0.0397 -0.0369 7.060.23 2.29 4.750.25 99.8 32.00
FD3 12 +0.0312 -0.0312 6.930.30 1.03 4.530.03 96.5 29.66
FD4 12 +0.0370 -0.0398 6.400.52 3.16 4.430.03 100.0 25.33
FD5 12 +0.0418 -0.0698 7.060.30 2.24 5.100.10 97.2 106.33

Diclofenac potassium and superdisintegrants used in the fast 34.66 seconds. The formulations containing cros carmellose
disintegration tablets. showed rapid disintegrating time of 25 seconds this is due to
rapid uptake of water from the medium swelling and burst
effect, there was the direct correlation between wetting time
3. Results and disintegration time. It was found that the formulation
containing cros carmellose showed rapid wetting time and
T he different batches of D iclofenac potassium fast disintegration time compared to other super disintegrants.
disintegrating tablets were prepared by direct compression The formulation containing indion 214, indion 234 andindion
method using various super disintegrants like cros carmellose, 244 showed 34 , 31 and 39 seconds value for in vitro
Indion 214, Indion 234 and Indion 244. Total number of four disintegration respectively. The formulation FD4 containing
formulations with fixed concentration of different super 10 mg of cros carmellose shows the disintegration time of
disintegrants and one control formulation without the 25.33 seconds. Hence the cros carmellose was considered as
addition of super disintegrants were prepared and evaluated. optimum disintegrant.
Results were shown in Table 2. Percentage drug content of all the formulations was found
4. Discussion to be 97.48 to 108.16 of diclofenac potassium which was
within the acceptable limits.
Weight variation of all the formulations was observed It was observed that in first 10 minutes, only 12.89 %
which were within the acceptable limit for uncoated tablets of drug was release from formulation FD5 without using
as per United States Pharmacopoeia. One of the primary superdisintegrants and while it was 88.56 % in the case of
requirements of immediate release preparation is faster formulation FD2. At the end of 24 minutes only 85.42 % of
disintegration[11]. It is well known to formulation scientists drug was released from the control tablet formulation FD5
that the tablets with higher crushing strength show longer whereas the cumulative release from other formulations
disintegration time. S ince mechanical integrity is of FD1 and FD4 at the end of 12 minutes was 89.52% and 79.29%
paramount importance in successful formulation of fast respectively. Thus the release rate of diclofenac potassium
disintegrating tablets. fast disintegrating tablet was significantly enhanced
The hardness of tablets was determined and was found by superdisintegrants I ndion 214 , indion 234 and cros
to be in the range of 6.4 to 7.13 kg/cm2. But Friability was carmellose. But the formulation containing Indion 244 does
observed between 0 . 7 to 2 % , which was not within the not shows much significant effect in the drug release rate,
acceptable limit. as it release only 30.44% drug at the end of 12 minutes. By
The wetting time for all the formulations was found to be comparing the drug release profile of all formulations FD1
(4.430.03) to (5.752.25) seconds. The tablets were subjected to FD4 , the formulation FD2 containing Indion 214 super
for evaluation of in vitro disintegration time. In vitro disintegrant was considered as best formulation.
disintegration time for formulations FD1 to FD4 was 25.33 to The FT-IR study did not show any possibility of interaction
Karthikeyan M et al./Asian Paicfic Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S308-S311

between diclofenac potassium and superdisintegrants used College of Pharmacy and Management for their kind support to
in the fast disintegration tablets. do the project.
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