Masks of Lucifer Pt1 The Dark Initiator
Masks of Lucifer Pt1 The Dark Initiator
Masks of Lucifer Pt1 The Dark Initiator
Part 1
13th - 18th January 2013
Copyright Statement: Rituals and meditations provided in this project contain elements taken from contemporary books, old grimoires, and
inner materials of Temple of Ascending Flame. This text is not meant to be public, and therefore we do not provide bibliography or credits to
authors of sigils, mantras and incantations. For this reason, do NOT share any parts of this text on any website, your personal blog or in any
sort of publication, as this might result in copyright issues for which we do not take responsibility. Please keep all materials included here
and in further workings to yourself and use them for this project and in your personal work only.
The opening ritual of The Mass of Lucifer will open your mind and soul for the energies of the Lord of
Ascending Flame. Successive workings, in which new elements are added each day, will take you further and
deeper into communion with Lucifer and help you understand His chosen Masks and Manifestations, some of
them well-known in the occult world, others forgotten, distorted, or misunderstood by the large part of occult
literature. The purpose of this project is to explore and understand their role in the modern initiatory magic and
on the Draconian Path of Flames.
In Faustian Tradition, Lucifer is the Emperor of Hell, "the arch-regent and commander of all spirits." It is Lucifer
who stands behind the tradition of pacts with the Devil, and lesser demons and spirits act on His behalf while
offering their service in exchange for human soul. And it is also Lucifer who bestows gifts and powers upon
those who have bound their souls with His immortal essence. Among those gifts and powers legends mention
longevity, immortality in flesh, wealth and prosperity, honors and admiration, delights of flesh and lovers among
humans and spirits, knowledge of things hidden, the ability to gaze into past and future events, powerful familiar
spirits, etc. In Faustian Legend, Mephistopheles is His servant and represents Lucifer on earth, as the
intermediary between the Infernal Emperor and mankind. Faustian Tradition is Luciferian in its essence and it is
the Flame of the Light Bearer that is ignited in the soul of the Initiate who enters the Path of Self-Salvation, the
Faustian pursuit for Knowledge and Power. Even though it is Mephistopheles with whom Faust signs his
contract, in fact this is the pact with Lucifer, who represents the archetype of the Dark Initiator, the Spirit of
Change and Evolution, the one who questions, challenges and ignites the flames of Desire in the heart of an
aspiring Initiate, the one who awakens the soul from the sleep of ignorance. But at the same time He is the
Infernal Emperor, solemn and majestic. He comes with His retinue of servants and spirits whom He commands.
He can bestow any power but this does not come without a price. This is the Mask that is explored in the first
working which is presented here below. The Invocation is inspired by Faustian legends and magic. The Sigil was
received from Lucifer Himself and incorporates elements that can be found in other seals from old grimoires and
books of magic.
Temple of Ascending Flame @ 2013 /
Day 1 - The Mass of Lucifer
Perform The Mass of Lucifer provided in the Introduction to the project at any chosen hour. Follow the
instructions given in description of the ritual.
Sit in a comfortable position and put the sigil in front of you. Anoint it with your blood and focus all your
attention on it. See how the lines become charged and activated with your life substance, visualize the sigil
glowing and pulsating with Lucifer's Flames which flash around and illuminate the room. Envision it as a gate to
the Void, the primal essence of the Dragon, and feel the connection with other participants. Visualize them as
standing/sitting in the circle around you, as black shadows with dark faces.
Feel Lucifer's Flames surrounding you and burning in your body and soul. Let it be personal and ecstatic. Feel
your Third Eye open and pierce the illusory barriers between the worlds. Send the intent of the ritual through the
sigil and feel the Draconian energies flowing through the gate, into the room and out, into the blackness of the
Void. Whisper Lucifer's name and ask Him to come in His Dark Initiator form. Do not force any visions, let
them come spontaneously and in a natural way. Let the vision flow freely and when it's over, return to your
mundane consciousness and close the working.
It is necessary to perform this working before going to sleep. Sit in a comfortable position and put the sigil in
front of you. Follow the instructions of the previous day. This time, while gazing into the sigil, start chanting the
words: "In the name of the Dragon, Lucifer come! I call you, Dark Initiator!"
Temple of Ascending Flame @ 2013 /
Let the rest of the working flow in a natural way, as it was on the day before. When the meditation is over, lie
down on the bed and bring the image of the sigil and visions you've just experienced into your mind once again.
Keep your attention focused on the wish to continue the vision in the dream. Write down your dreams when you
wake up. If you wake up at night and if you can get back to sleep, focus again on the sigil and try to keep this
vision while falling asleep. Don't worry if your dreams are not related to the working, dream work needs time
and a lot of exercise to develop properly.
Begin the ritual as you did the day before - focus on the sigil, chant the words of calling, and feel the energies
around and Lucifer's Flames rising within your body and soul. When you feel that the atmosphere in the room is
charged with energy and your mind is ready for the communion with the Dark Initiator, begin the invocation.
Face East and with the ritual blade draw the symbol of the Trident in the air.
Focus for a while on the symbol and envision it burning with red and golden flames, then say:
With the Flaming Trident I open the Gates to the Void and I invoke you, Lucifer, Dark Initiator of
Legendary Pacts, to come to my temple and manifest!
I, (magical name), invoke you, Dark Initiator, Devil of Unholy Pacts and Legends of Soul Seduction!
Come forth from the abyss of the Night! Arise with your shadows and flames and reveal to me the Light
that shines in the utmost Darkness!
Envision shadows entering the temple and moving along the walls, red and golden flames are burning all around,
and metallic scent of blood fills the air.
Lucifer, Lord of Darkness and Light! Infernal Emperor! Lord of hellish hordes of devils and fiends! Dark
Initiator who seduces souls through legendary pacts with the promise of Knowledge and Power! Fill me
with your power and shine your Light onto my Path through the Void! I turn away from the world of man
and I leave the barren realm of false Light in order to immerse in the depths of your Pandemonium and to
find the Spark of Godhood in the Heart of Darkness. I taste your communion of flames. I offer my flesh as
your Temple and my soul as your Altar. I emerge reborn in the dark essence of the Sun of the Nightside.
Come Lucifer, approach on the wings of Shadow! Come with your servants, spirits of darkness and flame.
Temple of Ascending Flame @ 2013 /
Be my guide on the path of infernal initiation! Guide me on the Path of Darkness! Reveal to me the
brilliance of your divine Flame! Awaken my senses to the joy of rebirth!
Lucifer, Ouyar, Chameron, Aliseon, Mandousin, Premy, Oriet, Naydrus, Esmony, Eparinesont, Estiot,
Dumosson, Danochar, Casmiel, Hayras, Fabelleronthou, Sodirno, Peatham, Come Lucifer!
In the name of Queen of Hell, Hecate, and in the name of the Dragon!
So mote it be!
Ho Drakon Ho Megas!
Focus on your third eye. Feel how it opens and receives the vision of Lucifer in His Dark Initiator form. Open
your mind to whatever may come. You may visualize the Dark Lord handing you a parchment scroll and a quill
to sign your name and to join Him in communion of flames. He may also give you a personal message related to
your magical Path. Let the vision flow freely, do not force anything, and simply enjoy the experience. Write
down the results.
Repeat the workings from the previous day, in the same order and according to the same pattern. This time,
however, make sure you are performing the ritual before going to sleep. When the Invocation is finished, focus
for a while on visions and experiences which may come and let your soul merge in communion with the Dark
Initiator. Take as much time as you need and let the trance flow freely and end in a natural way.
When the meditation is over, lie down and envision the Dark Initiator standing beside or floating above the bed.
For this working it is recommended to sleep in the room which serves as your ritual temple. Remember that this
is all a part of one greater ritual. Communicate with the Dark Initiator and ask Him to guide you through dreams.
Keep your attention focused on this vision and let yourself fall asleep. Write down your dreams when you wake
On the last day the manner of communion with the Dark Initiator is left to your personal choice. Perform these
workings which you've found the most useful, vivid or powerful - this can be meditation on the sigil only, or a
combination of invocation and dreamwork, or you can simply repeat all of them as one ritual to make it coherent
and powerful. You may also choose to work with the Mask of the Dark Initiator in a completely different way,
perhaps through a working designed by yourself - feel free to do it. Make this last day personal and meaningful
to yourself. If you choose to design your own sigil, invocation or meditation and you'd like to share it, this will
be greatly appreciated, but it's not necessary and you may only share the results from the previous five days in
your report.
Thank you for participating and see you in the next part of the project!
Temple of Ascending Flame @ 2013 /