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LOC Manifest-2016

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"Bless me, accept me in your chaotic realm of nothingness, allow me to understand the
fullness of emptiness and I will be your temple and your spear directly pointed on the head
of our enemies, those who lie... the brainless RHP followers and the false LHP storytellers,
so that Chaos may be as brilliantly manifest as it must be, for that the luciferian light can
be received higher and higher from the human dusty level, so that the winds of darkness can
take away the last ashes far from us."

Table of content

A short introduction to the L.O.C........................................................................7

What are the foundations of the Luciferian Order of Chaos ?........................9
About culture, intelligence, awareness and the L.O.C.’s point of view about
The L.O.C.’s vision of the mass...........................................................................17
About INTEGRITY of the L.O.C. members......................................................19
About Hate...............................................................................................................21
About Violence........................................................................................................23
The Luciferian Order of Chaos ethic...................................................................25
About the labyrinth, the black adept and Chaos...............................................29
Representation of the anti-cosmic MINOTAURS.............................................33
Initiation combined ritual to the L.O.C and to the Ophidic Gnosis...............35
To destroy the demurgic maze!.............................................................................41
Samael – Qayin sigil: a visual perspective about the L.O.C.’s Spiritual
Lineage from the Serpent......................................................................................49
The Luciferian Order of Chaos seal....................................................................51
The Luciferian Order of Chaos sigil....................................................................55
Declaration of belonging to the L.O.C.................................................................61
The (L.O.C.’s) negation prayer of the “sacred creation”.................................63
Prayer 1....................................................................................................................65
Prayer 2....................................................................................................................67
Prayer 3....................................................................................................................69
Prayer 4....................................................................................................................71

A short introduction to the L.O.C.

The Luciferian Order of Chaos is a syncretic Left Hand Path Order with a belief system open
to every dark and sinister current. It is an esoteric order, a magickal order and a satanic order
conceived as a brotherhood, a fraternity of people deeply involved and engaged into their
beliefs, convictions, faith, etc... about their journey inside the Left Hand Path. Some people
called us “Anti-cosmic knight templars”, and we are alright with the way that sounds. Our
honor is our integrity!

We are a collective originated from different currents: satanism, luciferianism, Ophidianism,

Qayinism, anti-cosmic 218, 182, 131, 161, … We used to say that we are “at the left of the Left
Hand Path”. Words are not just words for our members. Integrity and sincerity are the most
important things for us. But be careful, having to prove your integrity isn’t another way to
force you to do things you don’t really want to do. If somebody doesn’t want to be a part of us,
there is nothing forcing him! Not even for staying with us. You have no faith or no motivation
anymore? So, we have to say “goodbye” to you. This is the final point for the reasonable adults
that we are.

Fraternity means network and to be present and helpful to our brothers and sisters of the
Luciferian Order of Chaos. In the beginning, what unites us is the fact that some of us are “too
extreme and radical” in the way we conceive the LHP for being accepted or tolerated in any
place other than the Luciferian Order of Chaos.
The L.O.C. is the Midian ( from the Nightbreed movie) of the Left Hand Path. We are proud
of it. We have no limits except our own.

For example, we do not practice banishment rituals: we fully embrace darkness and believe
that light comes from it. The darkness absorbs light and regurgitates it to the ones showing
they are worthy.
In our veins flows the black poisoned blood of the antic Snake. Not white, not weak but black,
cold, strong and wise, including defended gnosis. From the wide ocean of sinister knowledge
and by traveling on the hard road of self-improvement, we are here and are able to grasp the
truth and to assume it: we are the Luciferian Order of Chaos. We have responsibilities we have
to assume.
We are the ones who place their Left Hand Path journey in the center of their lives, we are the
ones who show no compromise with their intellectual and spiritual integrity.

The infernal war drums which beat in our hearts louder and louder are unstoppable and
resonate from wall to wall until they jump off from us to the sky like inverted thunders calling
for more than simple life built on demiurgical illusions.
Whatever the name you give him: “Samaël”, “Lucifer”, “Lilith”, Azazel (‫ )לזאזע‬or “Malkira”,
our ophidian filiation is a capital and an undeniable part of the L.O.C belief system and

The L.O.C. members recognize themselves by a specific declaration that leads them all to be
as brothers and sisters of the same Left Hand Path Order: «Chao Ab Chao»!

What are the foundations of the Luciferian Order of Chaos ?

We are travelers on the Left Hand Path. We do what we want, when we want it, the way we want it.
We are our only masters. We act in situ, we act in our own interest and in the L.O.C.’s interests. The
Luciferian path gives us the possibility to express our own black flame of wisdom and potentiality, our
own sinister-self.

As the serpent’s progeny that we are, we are not victims:

- We don’t suffer the world

- We don’t tolerate the demiurge’s creation
- We don’t tolerate his brainless slaves and know no reason for thinking another way
- We act as the strong anti-cosmic rebels that we are: limitations and rules of all kind are made to be
raped out of breath.
- The longer the road is, the more difficult it is, the more powerful we are!

Chaos magick, black magick, Qliphothic magick , Qayinite tradition, Satanism, Luciferianism, current
161, 218, 156, 93, 131, Ophidian cult, the Aghori ( aghōra), necromancy, NAOS, sorcery… Every
roads of the Left Hand Path can be walked and mixed inside the L.O.C. like numerous tools for gaining
more wisdom and power. Every figure, all the gods and goddesses of rebellion and liberation are what
we are interested in, they are what inspires us, those from who we learn: Lucifer (the morning star, hêlêl
ben šāḥar, ‫ רַח ָׁש־ן ּ ֶב ל ֵלי ֵה‬, Isa 14:12 ), Cain/Qayin, Lilith, Samyaza (‫)הזחימש‬, Satan, Samael, Pan…

With goddesses Lilith and Kali, under every ray from the black sun, we work on our spiritual development
and our anti-cosmic liberation. With closed eyes, seated in a relax position, we are meditating and are
actively «waiting» for wisdom gained through gnosis from the dark sinister gods and goddesses. When
the time comes, we will rise up high our left hand and let the universe know what the results of a life-time
quest passed inside the L.O.C. represents, swimming into total darkness, embracing the sweet caress of
the black flame consuming our souls. We are waiting for the next Pralaya , the mahāpralaya.
When everything ends, everything begins. At the great dissolution, everything will return to primordial
Chaos, which is the ultimate source of all that is.

Regarding this, we, the L.O.C. members, understand that Chaos is the first step for being able to return
to Chaos. Chaos is the first step to peace. There’s no peace without the chaotic level.

Chaos → troubles → Chaos = Peace/Chaos

Chao Ab Chao!
Chaos means “rebellion” and is the starter energy for instigating disorders in every possible way. From
the microcosm of chaos will born the macrocosm of a new order that will lead us to chaos. Chaos is
movement. Chaos is action. Every time we destroy, we create!

Chao Ab Chao!
The god called Demiurge limits all things. We want to be free, we defend freedom in all forms: material,
spiritual, intellectual… «Chaos», Kaos, Khaos (Χάος ), K.O.(s) in EVERY meaning is the essence of
freedom, it’s where we come from and at the same time a tool for returning to the primordial chaos, the
first place, the first state of everything.

Chao Ab Chao!

The great harvest of the infernal dissolution will occur as a big fire in the sky ripping the universe as the
blade lacerates the flesh of those who, with folded hands, pray to the gods of the penitents.
Forever, they will know that Right Hand Path’s «certainties» are just other words for “lies”.
And for the ones who want more than simple destruction, there will be some kind of beauty in the absence
of everything. Deep inside the heart of the void shines the infinite beauty of emptiness, nothingness, free
from flesh, free from any causal consideration. The great dissolution will be as one with the absoluteness
of Chaos.

Chao Ab Chao!

About culture, intelligence, awareness and the L.O.C.’s point of view

about Elitism
The L.O.C. encourages its members to cultivate their knowledge in all the aspects of the
universe, all the aspects of all cultures and sciences. The comprehension of the Universe arrives
through knowledge and culture. Of course, occult knowledge is needed but not exclusively.
«Less is more» except when it is about culture(s). The more you know, the more complete
you are. The more you are able to understand things. As it said by the Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn, «Frater Volo Noscere» (I wish to know).

The problem isn’t about a lack of culture but about a potential absence of will and motivation
for increasing one’s level of culture. The L.O.C. members must being able to speak with a
common vocabulary regarding the fact that occult science is a wide topic.

Our path is the Left Hand Path, our Praxis takes place inside the Left Hand Path but we can’t
ignore a single thing that can feed our knowledge and our power for making us being able to
build a deeper comprehension of the other side, of the adversarial path.

The Luciferian Order of Chaos doesn’t need people without culture or with a limited level of
intelligence. For these people, there are lots of other well-known orders.

The most valuable gains are, for the L.O.C., only people wanting to be really involved into
“things”: the L.O.C.’s development, their own development, the LHP’s development, … The
increasing of the black flame! Persons who just want to read can read everything they want but
from the outer circle.

No pain, no gain.
No soul, no L.O.C.!

Society is the microcosm representing the macrocosm of the unnatural cosmic maze. From the
way it is run in our time, society is a weapon directly pointing towards every satanist’s head.
How many of us have to wear a mask of stupidity for being accepted into this tragic-comedy
in order to earn money for vital needs?
Society is engineered to kill every form of intelligence and rebellion. It removes the oxygen
needed for your brain to be touched by the black light of the other side. Right Hand Path
religions are walls and sophisticated weapons of society (and so are political manipulations,
The Demiurge is everywhere, at every level of life, in every material and spiritual side of the

As a LHP brotherhood, the Luciferian Order of Chaos can’t recognize any kind of affiliation
with this masquerade. But what our members understand is that for guaranteeing a natural
return to primordial Chaos and to natural freedom, each of our members has to act as an
intelligent person. We need to control things from the inside.
As the serpent waiting the right moment to attack its prey, we are waiting for the right moment,
the right situation to change things.
The more we are seen as inserted inside the society, the more we are infiltrated into the system,
the bigger will be the chance for us to challenge the Demiurgical manipulations.

So, far from teenage rebellions with zero chance of changing things, the L.O.C. members don’t
follow any particular dress code, don’t need to make any particular public statement, they have
no need for causing public waves. Group actions (reunions, rituals, ...) have to be done only at
the right moments with the right people.

The higher we are inserted, the more potential there is for us to develop new strategies of
returning to the primordial Chaos. Only in this way the Luciferian black flame will shine high
as a black sun which will burn the eyes of the stupid RHP worms.
No mistake about integrity can be made compared with a self-displayed teenager’s rebellion. A
true Luciferian Order of Chaos member isn’t a marketing display for “so-called” blasphemous
clothing or others. Singularity has to be expressed through our path, in our way of thinking, in
our beliefs and in our spiritual praxis, and not on the visible surface.
“To look like a rebel” means nothing interesting and meaningful for us. Only being one counts.

Regarding the fact that we are engaged in a spiritual war, we have to be formed by a hard core
of brothers and sisters being prepared to assume what means to «be linked».

The Luciferian Order of Chaos is a Left Hand Path Order and a TRUE BROTHERHOOD.
These important principles must not be forgotten! Never!

Taking part in the L.O.C. discussion group, reading our internal writings, practicing the L.O.C.
rituals, every L.O.C. members will step up their LHP journey the way they want it to when they
take their first step inside the L.O.C.

The L.O.C.’s vision of the mass

The mass is, by definition, the majority. It is also creeping, crawling, stinking and most of
all... ignorant and stupid. The right hand wide open to the sky, the mass applauds those who
manipulate it. Their god send cancers to their children but they continue to pray to him. The
Demiurge rubs both his hands. L.O.C. members, with clenched fists, strike their chest with
their left hand as a sign of refusal.
We have nothing to do with hippies who insult:
- «Chaos», by associating it with a kind of “flower-power culture” making them able to
complete their absence of personality and their coward attitude for not being able to choose a
clear spiritual position.
- «Lucifer», by saying he is about “love”. This is explained all along the present book.
Lucifer is not a friendly savior, he is not your friend, he is not a sinister Jesus…
If he teaches you something, if he shares his light with you or if he helps you to increase your
own black flame, you will be lucky (even if you have to never forget you will have to pay the
price). Nothing is free. You must be prepared for losing your innocence, your illusions… and
maybe more! After having dealt with the light-bearer, you cannot hide yourself for not giving
him what he asked you in return. Maybe you’ll have to give it without being conscious of what
you do...

So, if you are aware of being weak or are already scared, it is better for you to pass your way
and to forget the Left Hand Path and especially the Luciferian Order of Chaos.
I remind you this: we practice no banishment ritual!
We dive into total obscurity without any oxygen carboy, with no shield of any sort.
What kind of things should we be afraid of that could be hidden in darkness? We are
descendants from darkness. And we are just in search of the better way to succeed in our
return to the “native land”. Some will say we play to be more “evil” than others and then it
is just a “game”. They may think what they want. It’s their right to think this, but it will not
prevent us from continuing to do these things the way we already do it and the way we live and
we practice our path through darkness.

For everyone who is searching ready-made answers and beatific love, there are churches
(enclosures for lambs) and a “god” ready for nailing them to a cross like he did with his son, or
to marry you as a child to a false prophet bringing a saber as the adult he already is.
We have nothing to do with any of the RHP religions. In particular, we have nothing to do with
RHP sheep who pose as Satanists and who are, in fact, a stinking gangrene for the Left Hand
Path. The hoaxers have to fear the direct light of the black sun and every of its rays because it
burns... it hurts. The liars are already nailed to a cross...
No L.O.C. member wants to be nailed to a cross, no matter how many branches it has (3, 5 or
more) because no L.O.C. member is stupid.

About INTEGRITY of the L.O.C. members

If a Left Hand Path practitioner pretends things, he has to assume these things with more than
simple words. He must do it so that his pretension can become a simple manifestation of the
truth. It requires self-discipline and it brings him to pure integrity.
Integrity is a thing which only exists when it is full, total, complete and concrete... born from
instinctive reaction, in a beautiful and total absence of doubt conditioned by experience(s).

No compromise can be made; “integrity” means “to take the radical, shortest road between the
starting point and the destination point” with no other consideration for consequences except
regarding self-conservation.
This way, the Left Hand Path, in its view about what integrity means, could be considered as
the only absolute and pure expression of the black adept’s sinister self. It can’t be otherwise
inside the Luciferian Order of Chaos.

So, inside the Luciferian Order of Chaos a lazy attitude is seen as the best way for leading you
to a spiritual death. The absence of action means death in its basic meaning, without any glory
or respect for one self.
Words without action are like prayers to the RHP gods: a nonsensical lost of time, a chimeric
wind, loud as a light breath, for young naive children who think care-bears will come to take
them on their boat.
- To be engaged with yourself is a free choice
- To be engaged with the L.O.C. is a free choice
- To be engaged in your spiritual evolution walking the LHP is a free choice
- To be engaged with the dark sinister gods and goddesses of the other side is a “matter” of

But every choice has to be assumed!

The most important thing is the way you assume your choices, more than the nature of said
choices. A proud black adept of the Luciferian Order of Chaos has to assume all the choices he/
she took in every possible way. This principle is about intelligence, integrity, pride and honor
of somebody respecting the road he follows inside the Left Hand Path.

About Hate
Hate is a powerful creative feeling showing you the shortest and purest road between you and
what you aim for.

Unlimited hatred is where you feel at home, it envelops you in its warmth, everything becomes
clearer and your wide opened eyes full of lucidity allow you to see “beyond” appearances, beyond
all the cosmic limits, no matter their forms (legal, moral, human, non-human…).

If hate pushes you for going out of your own limitations, which kind of reason somebody could
have for finding this hate a negative thing?
Hate is pure like a diamond who is seen through a shiny sun during a beautiful summer day when
the star is on its azimuth. No kind of fog can resist it. Don’t hesitate to use the power of your hate
for increasing your ritualistic efficiency. Your desires for annihilation, destruction or revenge are
tools so your energy can be focused in a way that makes you able to climb to a higher state of
mind, it allows you to open your third eye to what the other side has to teach you, towards the
majesty it has to show you.

We are talking about darkness, demonic invocations and evocations, possession, dark gods and

You have to banish every form of remorse or regrets. It is different than thinking you know
everything. Only the stupid ones can make this amalgam... We will never know everything and
the LHP journey is a lifetime quest, we will repeat it as much as needed.

By the way, with a better understanding of darkness and of your own inner-self, as a true L.O.C.
initiated, you have to be able to feel the hate at the same time you are able to stay quiet as a day
without wind.

Love, respect and loyalty for the brothers and sisters of the L.O.C. and all the Orders we are
associated with, hate or disdain for the others.

About Violence
In Fine, violence to others is never something to aim for, neither it is a goal. Violence is
sometimes a tool for making the L.O.C. members be respected for who they are, for what they
are, to make their integrity be respected (spiritual, corporal, intellectual).

The violence that we live in our cosmic prison and in our institutionalized mass cities, in this
one of a kind “labyrinth”, sometimes requires violent reactions directly proportional to the
same exact level of aggression we receive.

Considering what happens when a person’s head is hit several times and what really happens,
the shocks between bones, flowing fluids, the crumpled muscles, the blood and considering
the fact that chaos is also “actions” and “reactions” for returning to the stable condition of the
universe, what is called “violence” is a natural form and a natural expression of chaos leading
to peace.

The Luciferian Order of Chaos does not encourage violence but self-respect for all its members
no matter the way they have to make it a concrete reality.

Violence towards oneself in a ritualistic perspective is something private and a tool amongst
others for collecting blood, this powerful fluid of sacrifice and gift.

The Luciferian Order of Chaos ethic

Readings, meetings, meditation and rituals praxis… The L.O.C. insiders work on their own
enlightenment by the adversarial black light of the great opposer, Lucifer. As he brings us
Gnosis, we have to increase the power of our own internal fire... for self-respect, for devotional
respect to him and to Moloch, for being ready for the anti-cosmic war and for the destruction
of the cosmic maze.

We do not betray our own integrity!

We do not betray other L.O.C. members!
We make the Luciferian Order be respected!
We do not betray the truth!
We do not betray Chaos!
We respect the Left Hand Path!
We make the Left Hand path be respected!
We respect the sinister pantheon!
Our only limitation has a name: nothingness!

Chao Ab Chao!

The Order as a brotherhood will follow the evolution of all its members. This manifest will be
reworked and augmented.

We are together because we are part of the same spiritual essence.

We are “at the left” of the Left Hand Path.

We have no limit except our own.
We are chaotic brothers and sisters.
We are the Luciferian Order of Chaos.

Chao Ab Chao!

About the labyrinth, the black adept and Chaos

The L.O.C.’ representation of the labyrinthic Universe

The L.O.C. places the omega at its center. From Chaos to Chaos, from the Alpha to the Omega.

Chao Ab Chao!

We are at the center of the Universe, at the center of the unnatural cosmic maze. All around
us is the demiurgic labyrinth of illusions, misinterpretations, and weaknesses. The demiurge
manifests himself as the banality of the material world which surrounds us. His preferred
weapon is manipulation.

The demiurge cultivates the herd mentality in humanity, enslaves «us» (or tries to) with the
RHP doctrines, and seeks to suppress the adversarial fire that burns brilliantly deep inside our
The RHP strengthens the walls of the labyrinth and constructs numerous borders and
limitations in order to:

- Keep us away from the Luciferian black flame

- Keep us away from knowledge
- Keep us away from freedom

To exit the demiurgic Labyrinth is to return to the primodial Chaos, to annihilate the limiting
structures of the created cosmos and return it to the bosom of AIN.
The Luciferian Order of Chaos works for a total destruction of the walls of the labyrinth.
The weapons utilized to accomplish this are knowledge, strength, and integrity. Each member
dedicates him/herself to sharpening these weapons to a razor’s edge, and turning them against
the prison-walls of the demiurgic labyrinth.

The degree of involvement and commitment of each member determines the extent to which
these goals are accomplished. Through our dedication to the Order and the mighty and terrible
power of Samael-Lilith, all members of the L.O.C. have the potential and the possibility to
become anti-cosmic MINOTAURS! We become the monsters who dwells within the labyrinth
and destroy it from within.

Moloch, Lord of the Thaumiel Qliphah (with Satan himself, the opposer, the 666’s rebel) is the
demon for whom we dance around the infernal fire that burns within the darkness of our souls.
The L.O.C is a luciferian tribe composed of devoted warriors. Our never closed eyes are fixed
on the fire flames. To be burned during frenetic rituals is another way to be touched by the
satanic gnosis and its mark. By invoking the infernal warrior-Lord, we choose to assume our
step beyond the tenth Qliphoth. We choose to step into the next universe, entering the vortex
of the black hole which will devour the created cosmos and to return it to primordial chaos
no matter what is hidden there. At this level, we can obtain the powerful Luciferian third eye.

From this elevated level of initiation, we fulfill the promise of the Serpent: to become as gods
and goddesses ourselves. For this reason, we know no fear to eat the juicy fruit of Da’ath (‫!) ת ַע ַד‬
And from our mouths will flow wisdom and knowledge at the same time that our throats will
know the forbidden flavor of the blasphemous sacrilege.

Numerically, there is no coincidence:

6 + 6 + 6 = 18
18 + 11 = 29
2 + 9 = 11

Representation of the anti-cosmic MINOTAURS

Bathed in the Luciferian light, the L.O.C. member, also called “the black adept”, is able to
hold aloft the black flame and use it to illuminate the roads of the Labyrinth, to transcend its
limitations, to attain the spiritual freedom.

Reconnected with the essence of the Serpent Samael, the black adept will shed his mundane
skin and become as one with his ophidic inner self. One has to dive into the self as deep as
possible, beyond every thinkable limits. With his uncompromising integrity and unflinching
commitment to the sinister path, the L.O.C. black adept will drink the knowledge contained
within the Chalice of spiritual rebellion.

The L.O.C. member knows and understands that the Left Hand Path is a quest of a lifetime
in which he will overcome the limitations of the demiurgic reality and the limitations he
places upon himself. By cutting his own flesh, shedding his skin, and allowing the ophidian
black blood within to flow, the black adept is elevated above the masses and will unleash the
transformative power of dark gnosis. We will be able to see the maze ruins from above!

Initiation combined ritual to the L.O.C and to the Ophidic Gnosis


Integrity, sincerity and motivation

Black Candles
(Ritual Fire)
Knife (dagger)
Chalice of Wine
The LO.C. ophidic gnosis sigil and the L.O.C. sigil

0. Set up your altar with an underworld cleansing incense of frankincense, copal, myrrh and
wormwood. Tend to the incense as required throughout the ritual.

Use black candles or a ritual Fire to light the ritual space.

Have an image of the Luciferian Order of Chaos ophidic gnosis sigil in a central position on
your altar.

1. In a seated position in plain view of the sigil complete 11 repetitions of Alternate Nostril
Breathing, meditating on the purpose of your initiation and this particular gnosis. Let the
smell of the incense enhance each breath. In between each repetition of breathing pause and
visualize the sigil, the triangle, the snakes, in your Third Eye. Feel the subtle link between
all others who have completed this rite and those who are come to complete it. During each
inhale breathe the word ‘Hail’ and with each exhale breathe the word ‘Chaos’ that connects
you with all the separated elements of the new road you will embrace. Project the reverence
into the sigil.

2. Stand up and pick up the ritual knife. Trace an image of the reversed Samael sigil over the
Chalice of Wine. Then exclaim:

‘O Mighty Ophidian King of the Other Side

O Serpent-King, Lord of Fiery Gnosis
I call upon thee Samael

I, NN, announce my intention to drink from thy cup

Of Spiritual Rebellion
To Walk the Sinister Path

O Dark Champion of Chaos, Bridegroom of Lilith

O Serpent King, Lord of Fiery Gnosis
Tonight I stand before thee Samael

To make war upon the demiurgic lie

To manifest my will with integrity
To serve my brethren with loyalty
O Dark Champion of Chaos, Bridegroom of Lilith
O Serpent King, Lord of Fiery Gnosis
Tonight I stand before thee Samael

To Shed the mundane serpent-skin

To ignite the Black Light of Spirit within
To Walk the Sinister Path’

3. Cut the flesh of your left arm and bleed into the chalice of wine. Place the ritual knife down.
Mark the Luciferian Order of Chaos sigil with your Blood. Take up the chalice. Then exclaim:

‘Thus I drink from thy cup

Of Spiritual Rebellion
Thus I join my brothers

And consecrate myself

An Initiate of the Luciferian Order of Chaos
A chalice for the ancient snake’s gnosis
Forever and from now
That Our Dark Will Be Done!’

4. Offer a libation to the Luciferian Order of Chaos sigil. Have a drink from the Chalice. Then

‘From Chaos to Chaos!’

5. Raise the Chalice to the sky and then lower it to your genital region, then exclaim:

‘From the Alpha to the Omega’

6. Drink from the chalice 11 times, each time offering a respectful salute to the Luciferian
Order of Chaos sigil, and exclaiming:

‘Chao Ab Chao!’

7. On the eleventh repetition finish the content of the chalice.


To destroy the demurgic maze!

The demiurgical maze destroyed by the ophidian gnosis leads the true black adepts from the
Alpha-state of prisoners to the Omega-state of aware satanic warriors. Imprisoned in the heart
of the demiurgical maze, only pure hearts, beliefs and praxis of the L.O.C. black adepts will
lead them outside the border, beyond the brain-dead state of the mass to the illuminated state
of the superior visionaries.

The great work begins by an everyday work on the inner-self of the practitioner. By enlarging
his work into concentric circonvolutions, the black adept becomes an important and effective
part of the revolution against all the illusions of the universe, against all the false promises of
all the false prophets.

Rituals, ceremonial Magick, self-mutilation and/or blood offering... The L.O.C. black initiate,
the Luciferian Order of Chaos member, respects his oath to him/herself and to the Order for
becoming able to achieve his goal to the next pralaya, the next Aeon. We listen to the sound of
the sacred serpent hidden in the light of total obscurity where everything is clear and without
ambiguity... The Melodies of rebellion sound as loud as the Lucifer’s voice speaks to us about
the path which we are engaged in and of the way we have to do things regarding his glorious
name, his actions and his offerings.

The members of the Luciferian Order of Chaos are alive talismans with ophidic poisoned
blood and burning hearts which making them as weapons against the RHP and its non-natural
holographic reality.
And this is something which the demiurge, the mass or society, can’t do anything against.
For a better comprehension of the following ritual, it is advised to first study the Luciferian
Order of Chaos seal in all its details.

The magical seal

First, you have to draw the destruction seal of the demiurgical labyrinth on the floor of your
ritual room (at least the first two complete circles) in a way and a size that allows you to enter
inside of it. Let all your clothes on the floor; you have to be entirely naked for being able to
totally face the darkness that you are searching for.
We are talking about being as one with abysmal depths.
We are talking about the precise moment when the most hidden part of darkness passes across
every atom of your body and most of all, when she rapes your mind and your soul like you
have asked for.
It is only about you, your atavistic inner-self and the other side. It is time for being sure of
your convictions and your integrity, about your involvement with the LHP and about your
engagement with the L.O.C. and its praxis system.

You don’t need make-up. You don’t have to wear social mask or to respect any convention of
any sort. You need your will, your determination, your sincere intentions and your beliefs.

Before entering the unholy maze, in honor of the anti-cosmic forces and for really starting the
ritual, you have to make a bell ring eleven times.

During all the ritual session, you have to keep in mind that the snake is here for showing you
the «right» direction to your Left Hand Path quest inside the L.O.C.’s spiritual and practical

system. De facto, the L.O.C. praxis includes being confident with the ancient snake, the ophidic
Lord of wisdom, the winged bearer of banished gnosis.
Concentrate your mind on the spiritual freedom you are searching for.
Concentrate yourself on the power of your determination and the sincerity of your will.
You must never forget the reason why you are doing these things: you are fighting for yourself.
You are fighting for freedom as a proud member of the L.O.C. You are fighting for a total
return to Chaos and this means for the quiet and perfect state of nothingness.

Chao Ab Chao!
This Chaos is the energy which represents all the potentialities concentrated into nothingness....
in you and all around you!

Chao Ab Chao!
You have to access the visionary state where you become able to open your third eye, the
one which sees each separated ray, one by one, of the Luciferian light; the light which will
empower your own black flame for growing as your faith will do it.

Now, you can enter inside the maze and go just at its center. Now begin the main part of the

Strolling through the maze in the reversed direction of a clock, turn on yourself two times in
the absolute negation movement of the universal rules and of the clay-born god.

So now, you can utter the holy words of the Luciferian Order of Chaos and its ritual of anti-
cosmic rebellion, as your brothers and sisters did before you:

I talk to lords between stars,

I talk to the black infinity,
No border can stop me,
No barrier can slow me down,
The demiurge will be defeated,
His labyrinth is an illusion,
No confusion can be made,
It is as fragile as the butterfly’s flight is,
It will be raped, destroyed and erased,
I know no submission,
My third eye wide open,
With chaos and by chaos, I will return,
The alpha is only a starting point,
The omega is my final destination,
The road is called «Left Hand Path»,
The ophidian rebirth opens the gates of hell,
By Lucifer, By Azazel and by Samael,
The discordants lead me to my internal fire,
By this oath, I will never deny I am a serpent-born.
Thus the L.O.C. members are united for getting out of the labyrinth and for reaching the
omega-state of the superior conscious level. One of the most important goals is the opening of
the third eye (at least at the end of the ritual).

You take one step forward. You are positioned outside the maze (with the Omega symbol
behind your back) and in a vibrant way you proclaim loudly:
I, XXX (magical name), member of the Luciferian Order of Chaos, declare my will to walk
the line of freedom in all its forms regardless of the price it would cost. In doing so, I let the
dark forces of the void bring me to their antic temples where the wisdom will be taught to
me... where the tools will be given to me for aiming gnosis and for transcending my condition.
In a place out of space, on another plane out of time, can the pact be concluded no matter
where my body is located.
May my road leads me from the alpha-state to the Omega-state.
My third eye is the one bathed by the black light of the morning star, the sinister pale emperor
of infernal legions.
Hail Lucifer!
Hail to the light bearer!
May you accept to open to me the pandemonium doors!
May the ancestral columns of your palace let me in,
For now and forever, I will be part of the war against the Right Hand Path, all its lies and
May all his fingers be broken one after another.
Make me able to stay with my brothers and sisters,

Now I am a real Luciferian Order of Chaos member!

Chao Ab Chao!

And so, it is done!

You are now a part of the spiritual war against each one of the weaks, the liars, the betrayers
who are fighting against the black flame of truth and against the truth brought by the primordial
Chaos and all the sinister pantheon of the tree of death.

This step is one of the first steps needed so you can be able to go further in the depths of your
Left Hand Path quest. Zero compromise has to be allowed. Compromises are for others, not
for the kind of Order the L.O.C. is.

Samael – Qayin sigil: a visual perspective about the L.O.C.’s Spiritual

Lineage from the Serpent

From Lucifer to Lord Qayin, from Samael to Azazel, the Luciferian Order of Chaos feels
and knows to have a strong connection, a spiritual lineage, with ophidian deities. We have a
spiritual lineage with all the powerful and antic figures assimilated with the issued gnosis from
the serpent.
From the pleroma to the garden and from the garden to a possible return to the pleroma, the
ancient snake makes the black adepts close their eyes for opening the only one that really
counts, the third one. The third eye is the one which sees no demiurgic illusion but which
perceived only the beauty of chaos, the absoluteness of the black sinister light hidden in the
total obscurity of the serpent-born’s soul. Millions of years before us, the Serpent begun to do
the sacred work, he begun what has to be done in the name of freedom. The L.O.C. initiates
mission’s is to finish what the Serpent has begun by working to keep the antinomian movement
alive and constantly growing. He perceives the magnificent greatness of the satanic teaching
issued from the total silence of the anti-cosmic cog, from meditation and rituals addressed to
all the sinister pantheon. This is what the Luciferian Order of Chaos members do and what
they try to reach for.

Lord Qayin is everything but a brainless clay-born. He is the first murderer of submission and
the first murderer of a man. He is the first who made blood flow. He is a symbol of rebellion.
This present sigil is right in terms of meditations and devotional work addressed to the Serpent
lineage as Samael and Lord Qayin are. This precise thing is not comprehensible for the clay-
born of the RHP as the golems (‫םלוג‬, the «unfinished») they are.

The Luciferian Order of Chaos seal

This seal (except the L.O.C. sigil) was received during an automatic writing process consecutive
to a meditation session followed by a prayer one. As a foundation, it was then reworked for a
greater clarity.

Three astral bodies forming an unholy trinity radiate their dark energy and thus obscure the
false prophets’ words, light from the demiurgical sun, the blinding one, the one we have to spit
on. They represent one of the Luciferian Order of Chaos magickal weapons and a source of
wisdom against the insane god tentatives to rape the black adepts mind.
This infernal trinity is composed of Samael (the poison of god), Lucifer (in its center) and
Azazel, the ruler of the Malkuth Leilah qliphah, on the right.
The initiate of the L.O.C, like a chalice awaiting for being full of fullness, by its devotional
work and its magical praxis receives a pure form of gnosis, filtered and purged of any other
consideration than spiritual, religious and intellectual, directly emerged from the LHP sources.

In the center, there is the specific sigil of the L.O.C. In the center, there is the specific sigil
of the L.O.C. This sigil symbolizes the ophidian fertilization of our Order. The antic snake
fertilizes the emptiness so that the sprouting of the will to conquer the purest gnosis ever
obtained occurs. If the forbidden fruit is given to us, we, the members of the Luciferian Order
of Chaos, are honored and thankful.
We accept this gift with respect and we bite it eagerly on the altar of the sacrificed past,
through the thick smoke of our previous skin voluntarily cremated on the funeral pyre of our
lost illusions.

Thus comes the time when the influence of the tree of death no longer knows any limits.
Taking each one of its tunnels for going from kingdom to kingdom, from Qliphoth to Qliphoth,
we will become more elevated. We will be impervious to the jailed-universe fed by millions of
sheep raising their arms to the sky to pray their single god, the king of lies, the one and only
guardian of his degenerated herd formed by willing victims. They are the RHP willing victims
of the iconic imposture.

The two red chaos stars are a reminder of the fact that everything comes from chaos, everything
goes through chaos and that everything comes back to chaos. Red is the color of blood and
therefore the color of the blood path. Whether it is about blood sacrifices, about violence,
about value sacrifices or about ritual praxis, the way the L.O.C. members travel through their
Left Hand Path journey and because of the fact they live this as a full time dedication makes
this path full of different methods, it is a path where powerful tools are numerous. Chaos
can be seen as the freedom to choose magick tools. It can be perceived as being associated
with nothingness. It can be associated to what seems to be a total disorder. And it can also
be associated with the fact that army tanks roll over skulls. The word “chaos” has different
meanings, and the L.O.C. assumes them all depending on the circumstances.

This seal represents what the L.O.C. is and shows the complete architecture of the way it (we)
apprehends the spirituality inside the Order:

- The Left Hand Path is our spiritual path.

- The Left Hand Path is our life style.
- The Left hand Path is what our work is about.
- The Left Hand Path is the prism through which we understand the full universe.

When we practice our prayers and incantations or evocations, our faith moves us toward a
devotional trance and to the admiration of the gods whom we invoke. But we do it in our own
interest. We have no difficulty in recognizing it. If we practice a group ritual, we do it in a
common interest and in a common goal, independently of the will of the rest of humanity.
Inside the L.O.C, the Left Hand Path is also seen as the freedom to make choices no matter
what others desire.

So this seal can be used as a central part of your altar for the Luciferian Order of Chaos magick
work. You can address your prayers towards this seal by respecting the dedicated system of the
L.O.C. as described in this Manifesto.

The Luciferian Order of Chaos sigil

This central character of the L.O.C.’s sigil represents our total devotion to the Left Hand Path
and also symbolizes the black adept raising his left arm. But it doesn’t stop there, it isn’t as
simple as it seems!

Discrete Mathematics/Logic aspect and the L.O.C. interpretation

With Logic, it is possible to express particular statements and the connections and links
between each one of them in algebraic symbols. Logic’s goal is to simplify what seems to be
complicated ideas.
In this kind of mathematical expressions, there are what are called “logical operators”.
We will only be focusing on the ones that we need for explaining the central part of the L.O.C.
mathematics related to logical mathematics (which take a spiritual power and meaning in the
present case). The subject is too wide for treating every aspects of this science.
The logical operator for expressing the negation is the following symbol: ¬ meaning NOT .

You can immediately see the direct link with the main part of the L.O.C. sigil representing the
black adept hailing the Left Hand Path we work on:

By opposition and in total absence of official and common mathematical symbol for it, we
symbolize the right hand path by the exact reverse graph:

What about the rest?

This symbol can be interpreted in different ways depending of the science through which you
study it: a Scandinavian alphabet letter, a mathematical empty set containing no element, a
part of a programming language which means “zero”.
You have to be careful with the difference between emptiness and nothingness. The emptiness
contains the void. The nothingness contains nothing, nor even the void and so it can’t be
defined by its own limited space and borders which don’t exist, a contrario than the emptiness
case which contains the void inside of its own borders.

In a more philosophical issue, here is a quote from David Darling (The Universal Book of
Mathematics: From Abracadabra to Zeno’s Paradoxes, 2004 Wiley ed.): “the empty set is not
nothing, but rather “the set of all triangles with four sides, the set of all numbers that are
bigger than nine but smaller than eight, and the set of all opening moves in chess that involve
a king.”

And yes it is about a King: hêlêl ben šāḥar, the Morning Star, Lucifer! And yes it is question
about a noble cause: to explore the Left Hand Path on the more radical and honest way as
possible. To accept compromises is something you do with your girlfriend or your boyfriend,
not with your faith and not with the path you have chosen for walking on your entire life.

About emptiness, which is a container, we want it being fertilized by the gnosis born from our
specific praxis of the dark arts.
Will this lead us to nothingness? Who knows? Maybe. Maybe nothingness is the next level of
evolution no matter what you hear by “evolution”. The total absence of “anything” could be the
total chance for “everything”! We have to push every limit, again and again.

It depends of what you want, what you aim to and what you think and/or what you have faith in.
The Luciferian Order of Chaos is searching for “more” about the “absolute Chaos” in all of its
possible significations (as it is explained at the beginning of this Manifest).
Chaos was, chaos is and chaos will be for ever.

Chao Ab Chao!

The double face-to-face “C” symbolize Chaos. This concept has been explained all along the
present Manifest.

The sacred Serpent symbol of our serpent-born lineage.

Forged in Chaos, through Chaos, the Luciferian Order of Chaos initiate soul is fertilized by
the ophidic gnosis gained through a long travel on the L.H.P.

Declaration of belonging to the L.O.C

Face to face with the ancient snake
Drowned deep into the lake
Of primordial chaos
Of abyssic hate

Tribal war sounds of rebellion

In a war against creation
Infinite hunger of destruction
There’s no need for limitations

From here and now

To my brothers and sisters
To my Left hand path Order

On my soul and the blood that flows

I declare my engagement,
My loyalty and my devotion

The (L.O.C.’s) negation prayer of the “sacred creation”

Obsessed by the inverted cross
Obsessed by a snake around his neck
I pray for him being rejected
As a Luciferian... I feel no regret

Possessed by the dark gods

Fighting for what really counts
Deleting his name from his house
I devote my soul to Chaos

Knowledge made from blood and bones

For those who know what is false
Over the edge of the abyssic hate
We negate the name of the heretic

Shame on every stupid sheep

We blame the Demiurge manipulations
We embrace the absolute negation
Of what they call “sacred creation”

We are the Luciferian Order of Chaos

We come from the shadows
We are the Luciferian Order of Chaos
And this will make echos

Prayer 1
Io Sono Sangue Nero
( I am black blood)

I am black blood,
A temple without walls.
Ab chavajoth, ab chavajoth,
Creation not creature.

I am black blood,
The cry in the cradle,
Ab chavajoth, ab chavajoth,
From nothingness I return to nothingness.

I am black blood,
Poured in the chalice,
Ab nihilum, ab chao,
Surrounded by the universe.

I am black blood,
That stains your hands.
Eleven inverted lights,
The night of all tomorrows.

I am black blood,
I am black blood,
Ab chavayoth ab lvcifer,
I am black blood.

Prayer 2
Luciferian Order of Chaos

As the serpent born I am, I shall rise

11 times, I will reborn from the black light
218 times the bells will ring
The everything of nothing
The nothing of everything
The black sun of chaos shines
What I want to feel in a lifetime
Ultimate rebellion against the Demiurge’s creation
Total anti-cosmic war of self-preservation
Spiritual revolution...
Intellectual salvation...
No need to be a slave
No need to dig a grave
From here and now
From what is far
I will learn
I will return
To the primal
To the natural
Source of everything
Source of human being
Primordial chaos
Absolute chaos
Forever and ever
From ever to ever
Luciferian Order of Chaos!

Prayer 3

Praised be Lucifer, father of liberation, leader of rebellion

Praised be the Morning Star, Oh hêlêl ben šāḥar
As faraway as you are, embrace me and my soul

From the sky, from every angles, from the depth of darkness
I call your name,
To the sky, to every angles, to the depth of darkness
I scream your name.

Praised be Lucifer, father of liberation, leader of rebellion

Praised be the Morning Star, Oh hêlêl ben šāḥar
As faraway as you are, embrace me and my soul

Lucifer, lord of wisdom, demonic savior of the truth

Make me being blessed by infinite darkness
I ask you to possess this prison of flesh
Please, make me as one with your antic knowledge

Praised be Lucifer, father of liberation, leader of rebellion

Praised be the Morning Star, Oh hêlêl ben šāḥar
As faraway as you are, embrace me and my soul

From the sky, from every angles, from the depth of darkness
I call your name,
To the sky, to every angles, to the depth of darkness
I write your name.

I engage myself in the sacred quest of your temple

I engage my being for going beyond the gates
Turned to the east, I will tell your name again
Lucifer, light bearer, I want your reign comes supreme

Prayer 4
For us who are imprisoned into the demiurgical maze
We ask for the ancient snake to come to us
Hail the masters of those who molt
Hail Lilith, Hail Lucifer, Hail Samael!

Fireborn we are, believers we are

For these reasons, for our devotion
For our pure feeling of connection
Make us to take part of the revolution

Hail Moloch!
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Chaos!

We ask to the dark pantheon for leading us during the fall of illusions
Hail to the sinister gods and goddesses who bless our mission
As acid rains, divine lies fall on poisoned earth
May our internal fire to be burning as intense as the hell’s one does

From Azazel, the winged serpent of temptation

From lucidity, from the impiety born from the desert,
We listen to the voices of the other side
For every parts of the truth be united, once again we fight

Again, again and again,

‘Til the end!

Hail Moloch!
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Chaos!

Chao Ab Chao!

Credits :
This Manifest is from the L.O.C, for the L.O.C. and for anyone who is interested by the LO.C
or for the ones who have the project to join the L.O.C.
The L.O.C Manifest is a work of WxTen with collaboration of other L.O.C members and close
satanic brothers.

Everything is from WxTen excepted :

- Initiation combined ritual to the L.O.C and to the Ophidic Gnosis

WxTen, Cort Williams and Frater Kafyrfos

- Prayer 1, brother Alìn Nàda

Every sigils and graphics are from the work and studies of WxTen

Design and layout : Venus+

Thanx :
A special thanx to Alex from Fall of Man and Amenthes for always making that things can be
possible the best possible way.

Thanx to Venus+ for the incredible work which has been done once again.

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