A Review Paper On Vapour Deposition Coating: Vishakha S. Pahade, Pankaj S. Chavan, Vaishali P. Baisane
A Review Paper On Vapour Deposition Coating: Vishakha S. Pahade, Pankaj S. Chavan, Vaishali P. Baisane
A Review Paper On Vapour Deposition Coating: Vishakha S. Pahade, Pankaj S. Chavan, Vaishali P. Baisane
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A review paper on vapour deposition coating
During this stage, a target, consisting of the material to be
is bombarded by a high energy source such as a beam of
electrons or ions. This dislodges atoms from the surface of the
target vaporizing them.
Figure 3. Reaction process.
This is the process of coating build up on the substrate
surface. Depending on the actual process, some reactions
between target materials and the reactive gases may also take
place at the substrate surface simultaneously with the
deposition process. The component that is to be coated is
placed in a vacuum chamber. The coating material is
evaporated by intense heat from, for example, a tungsten
filament. An alternative method is to evaporate the coating
material by a complex ion bombardment technique. The
coating is then formed by atoms of the coating material being
deposited onto the surface of the component being treated.
76 www.ijeas.org
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-6, June 2016
reaction is carried out in a vacuum to ensure that there are no some CVD processes is that there is less waste deposition,
gases other than the reacting gases. The substrate temperature especially in cold-wall reactors, because only the heated
is critical for determining the deposition. Thus there should be surfaces are coated. With the use of a laser heating system, the
a way to control the temperature and pressure inside the chemical vapour deposition process becomes selective to the
apparatus. Finally, the apparatus should have a way to remove path of the laser; this is a distinct advantage over physical
the excess gaseous waste out. The coating material should be vapour deposition methods such as sputtering. Molecular
volatile, and the same time stable in order to be converted to beam epitaxy (PVD process) has a distinct advantage of
the gaseous phase and then coat onto the substrate. Hybrids atomic level control of chemical composition, film thickness,
like SiH4, GeH4, NH3, halides, metal carbonyls, metal alkyls, and transition sharpness. This process is relatively more
and metal alkoxides are some precursors. Precursor is expensive, but is worth the added cost for applications that
introduced into a reaction chamber and is controlled by demand higher precision. Sputtering (PVD process) does not
balanced flow regulators and control valves. Precursor require the use of specialized precursor materials as used in
molecules pass by the substrate, are drawn into the boundary CVD. Sputtering has a wider range of materials readily
layer, and are deposited on the surface of the substrate. The available for deposition. Another advantage of physical
reactant gases are introduced into a reaction chamber and are vapour deposition over chemical vapour deposition is the
decomposed and reacted at a heated surface to form the thin safety issue of the materials that are used for chemical vapour
film.CVD technique is used for coating on semiconductor, deposition. It is known that some precursors and some
composites, Nano machines, optical fibres, catalyst, etc. by-products are toxic, pyrophoric, or corrosive. This can
cause issues with material handling and storage. There are
applications that could use either deposition method
successfully. However, an experienced engineer could easily
recommend chemical or physical vapour deposition for a job
based on criteria such as cost, film thickness, source material
availability, and compositional control.
Some turning applications require specific tools with
optimized geometries and coatings. For example, availability
of tools with sharp cutting edges is essential in light turning of
small parts; so that, smooth operation is favoured with
minimal cutting forces avoiding part deformations and,
Figure 4. Chemical vapour deposition process. consequently, dimensional errors. In this case, PVD process is
optimum for obtaining sharp edges since coating layers can be
Table 1: Comparison of PVD and CVD applied with few microns thickness over a resistant substrate,
Sr. PVD CVD which helps to maintain the edge integrity. On the contrary,
No. CVD coatings are featured by rounded edges due to the higher
1 Substrate Substrate bending thickness of layers (around 10 m), what make them
bending strength strength decreases. inadequate for light turning. Besides, thickness, thermal
does not decrease. properties, residual stresses and grades of adhesion are very
2 No substrates Substrate may different between CVD and PVD coatings. On one hand,
deterioration. deteriorate. PVD coatings provide resistance to wear due to their high
3 Good for Substrate may hardness. PVD coatings are characterized by compressive
anti-chipping soften. stresses which provide tenacity to the edge and improve tool
performance. reliability. PVD coatings are recommended when toughness
4 Coating Coating temp. and sharp edge is required simultaneously. Also, these coating
temp.400 -600 c 900-1100 c are recommended for machining of sticky materials.
5 Coating Coating thickness Moreover, the use of WC with fine grain size (less than a
thickness1-3m. 6- 9m. micron) improves even more the strength of PVD coated
6 Not Suitable for Suitable for mass sharp edges. On the other hand, CVD coatings are
mass production production. characterized by residual traction stresses and fissures caused
by heating, mainly due to the great difference between
Depending on the application, there are sound arguments for thermal expansions coefficients for CVD coating and hard
the use of either process (PVD or CVD). One reason to use a metal substrate. Consequently, tools with CVD coatings are
physical vapour deposition process (such as sputtering) more susceptible of reaching a rough border than tools with
instead of chemical vapour deposition is the temperature PVD coating.
requirement.CVD processes run at much higher temperatures
than PVD processes, usually between 300C and 900C. This CONCLUSION
heat is supplied by a furnace, laser, but it always heats the From the above it should be clear that a coating increases the
substrate. Substrates that cannot tolerate this temperature mechanical properties of materials. Both coating and
must have thin films deposited by the physical form of vapour substrate properties must be carefully considered to obtain a
deposition instead. The benefit of the substrate temperature in good composite material. Surface engineering is one of the
most important technologies that may contribute to a
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A review paper on vapour deposition coating
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