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Basic Electronics Prof. T.S. Natarajan Department of Physics Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Lecture-15 Circuit Analysis Using H-Parameters

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Basic electronics

Prof. T.S. Natarajan

Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Lecture- 15

Circuit Analysis using H-parameters

Hello everybody! In our series of lectures on basic electronics learning by actually doing
the experiments we will move on to the next lecture. Before we do that let us look at what
we did in the previous lecture.

(Refer Slide Time: 1:37)

You might recall we discussed about the hybrid equivalent model of a transistor and then
we also defined all the h parameter as they are called. We also found how they can be
determined or evaluated from the graphical outputs that we have. Usually the output
characteristics and the input characteristics can be used to obtain the hybrid parameters of
the transistor. You saw how it could be done in the previous lecture. We also took up a
common emitter amplifier which is the most popular amplifier, voltage amplifier and
then we saw how the hybrid equivalent model can be used to obtain the different
parameters like the input impedance, the output impedance, the voltage gain, the current
gain, etc.

Now let us move on to the next one. Before we do that let me just recapitulate the
various expressions that we got for the common emitter amplifier circuit performance. If
you see on the screen you can see without the RE in the circuit that means when the RE
resistor in the emitter is bypassed with the capacitor what will be the various expressions?
(Refer Slide Time: 3:04)

You might recall the input impedance at the base of the transistor which I call Zb is
almost equal to the hie, h parameter, which typically you know is around 1.5 kilo ohms
for a normal general purpose transistor that we normally use. The circuit input impedance
which is including the various other resistors that we have connected in the common
emitter amplifier the Zi which is very important for us in the amplifier is RB parallel Zb.
RB is actually the base effective resistance which is actually the parallel values of R1 and
R2 in the voltage divider bias circuit. So RB is actually R1 parallel R2. Zb is hie. Therefore
the input impedance Zi is R1 parallel R2 parallel hie. Similarly the output impedance at the
collector is basically given by the hoe parameter or, or of the h parameter that is 1/hoe.
Because hoe is a conductance and 1/hoe is the impedance which is the effective impedance
at the collector of the transistor and this normally will have approximately about 1 meg
ohm and therefore the circuit output impedance including the other various resistors RC,
etc, that we have connected in the circuit if you take into account the output impedance of
the amplifier will be RC, the collector resistor that we have used, parallel the 1/hoe which
is due to the output impedance of the collector. Because 1/hoe will be a very large number
for example about 1 meg ohm whereas RC will be few kilo ohms. When you make a
parallel combination of these two the effective resistance will almost be close to the
smaller value. The smaller value is RC and therefore the output impedance will almost be
equal to RC in the case of the common emitter amplifier.

What about the voltage gain? The circuit voltage gain you may recall Av that I show here
is hfe times RC by hie where hie is the input impedance. This is also represented by small
re, beta times small re, where re is the 26 milli volts by Ie that we have discussed in our
earlier lecture. Therefore this Rc and the small re are the two parameters which actually
determine the voltage gain in the case of a common emitter amplifier. Current gain
approximately will be around 70 or about 100 in the case of a common emitter
configuration and therefore the current gain Ai is again given by a big expression hfe RB,
RB is R1 parallel R2 divided by a circuit, Rc the collector resistor RB +Zb which is hie in
this case, Rc + RL where RL is the external load resistor if you have connected one. This is
the general expression and if you simplify then you would find it will almost be
dependent on RB and RB + hie.

(Refer Slide Time: 6:22)

So this hfe into RB by RB + hie it will give current gain of the common emitter transistor
amplifier. The power gain as you all know is nothing but product of voltage gain and the
current gain. Av into Ai gives you Ap the power gain. So once you evaluate the Av and Ai
using the expressions that we have already discussed the power gain can be obtained by
the product of these two numbers.

What happens when I do not have the bypass capacitor at the emitter? Then what will
happen? The RE will also come into the circuit. With the RE included in the circuit what
happens to the various parameters I have written here. You can see the input impedance
which will be the combination of the small re and the capital RE because small re is very,
very small value, few ohms the input impedance at the transistor will almost be decided
by the capital RE and you can see there is a product term coming here which is hfe which
is actually the beta that we always know off and that will be very large number about 100
and therefore you find the input impedance is obtained by multiplying the RE the emitter
resistor by hfe parameter of the transistor. Therefore this input impedance is going to be
very, very large. The RE which is on the emitter side is transformed into a very large
resistance given by hfe into RE at the input impedance. Therefore the major contribution
to the input impedance comes from the hfe into Re and therefore this is the one which will
decide what will be the input impedance. If you look at the circuit impedance then it is RB
which is R1 parallel R2 in parallel with this hfe RE which will be the effective resistance
and usually if R1 R2 are not so big hfe into RE can be very large then it is almost decided
by the hfe RE. If you look at the voltage gain, voltage gain is -Rc parallel RL by RE if you
include RL. If you dont include RL it will be -Rc by RE where RE is the emitter resistance,
Rc is the collector resistance. This will be the voltage gain when you include RE in the
circuit without the bypass capacitor.

Having seen that let us quickly go for a simulation. Here you see a bread board and you
have a voltage source which is given for the VCC supply and this is a ac source with the
various voltages I can give from here, it is an oscillator and in the bread board you have a
transistor you have the various resistor for example this is R1 which is 30 kilo ohm and
this R2 is about 6.8 kilo ohm, the Rc is 3.8 kilo ohm the RE is 1 kilo ohm and the RE is
bypassed by this capacitor and these two other capacitors are the coupling capacitors
there at the input and the output side.

(Refer Slide Time: 9:34)

This is exactly a simple common emitter amplifier wired on the bread board and the
various connections for example this is given to the VCC; this is the VCC line and this is
the ground line at the bottom and you also connect the ac source at the input and the other
end of ac source is connected to the ground. On the other side you have an oscilloscope
and you can see it is a two channel oscilloscope here and one of the channels is connected
to the input; the other channel, the red line here, is connected to the output. So this
oscilloscope will simultaneously monitor the input sine wave and the output wave, the
amplified wave.

I have shown you the exact circuit at the bottom here. You can see this is a voltage source
with a internal resistance Rs of the signal source and you have the coupling capacitor R1,
R2, Rc, Re, rest of the things. You can also identify the same circuit is wired here with a
finite value of the various resistors. Now let me switch on the DC supply and let me
switch on the AC source and the frequency is around 1 kilo hertz. Then you can
immediately see the input wave is the small sine wave. It will keep on moving and the
output wave is an amplified wave which is much larger than the input wave.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:54)

As a mater of fact this can be very large; sometimes of the order of 100 times the input
waves. Even though here it is qualitatively shown that there is amplification in reality this
amplification can run to several hundreds. This is a very simple example of an actual
circuit having being wired on the bread board. If you do it in the lab you would be able to
get this in a very easy way. Let me move on to the table and show you an actual circuit
working. Here you see a bread board.

(Refer Slide Time: 11:34)

The transistor and the circuit is wired. You have the R1 and R2 the biasing resistors. This
is the coupling capacitor. There is one other coupling capacitor on this side and you have
this RE here and you have the capacitor which is bypassing this and this is the Rc resistor.
So this is again the same common emitter amplifier with voltage divider bias and an RE
with the bypassed capacitor. I am having here a signal generator which can produce sine
waves and now I have set it for 1 kilo hertz frequency with very small amplitude and this
output I have now connected to the input between the coupling capacitor and the ground
and at the output I am monitoring using a cathode ray oscilloscope, CRO. This CRO as
you saw in the simulation has got two channels and in the two channels I have given the
input and the output. You can see the input is very small value and the output is an
amplified voltage and you can see the beautiful sine wave there.

(Refer Slide Time: 12:55)

Now how do I know that this is the output? Let me change the frequency at the function
generator and correspondingly see what happens at the oscilloscope? You can see the
oscilloscope signal is changing corresponding to this.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:12)

Similarly if I now change the input voltage you can see the output is also changing. That
means the amplifier is working very well and you see if you actually come closer and
look at the amplification this is the output and this is the input and the input is almost in
the order of milli volts and the output is in the scale corresponding to 2 volts per division.
This is 2 volts per division. Approximately it comes to about two divisions. That means 4
volts peak to peak is what you are getting. Here it will be around 20 or so milli volts.
Therefore there is a gain of nearly about 100 and odd; 125 or so if you actually calculate.
This is a very simple common emitter amplifier and the voltage gain is obtained by the
oscilloscope by measuring what is the actual peak to peak voltage here and the peak to
peak voltage here if you divide one by the other, the output divided by the input you will
get the gain factor. But apart from that we also evaluated the input impedance and the
output impedance of this amplifier. How do we do that?

If I want to measure the input impedance and the output impedance how do I measure?
Let me tell you how it will be measured? I will perhaps show it to you on the screen and
then I will come back here and show you how to measure the input impedance and the
output impedance. I have shown on the screen the same common emitter amplifier
connected to a signal source and the output is measured using a digital voltmeter, the V
output. So this is the same. The square box encloses the amplifier circuit. Now what I do
is I have deliberately introduced a resistor R, the variable resistor R here in series with
the signal source and initially I keep the resistance zero.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:16)

So what will be the output voltage? I call that V01. V01 is equal to A times, where A is the
gain, the Vin the V input which is actually in this case Vs because this resistance is zero
the voltage of the signal source is applied at the input and therefore V output one, V01 is
equal to A times Vin when R is equal to zero where this R is the external potentiometer
that I have connected, variable resistor that I have connected in series with the signal
source. I hope you understand this.

Now what I do? I measure this V01 without the resistor that means having the resistor
value zero now I slowly increase the resistance and keep observing what happens? When
the V02 the measurement that I do now I call it V02 and the V02 when it becomes V01/2 that
means when it becomes half of the value that I measured previously I stop the variation
of the resistor. I keep the resistance at this stage and then if I now remove the resistor
from the circuit and measure its value I can say the value of the resistor is equal to the
input resistance of the amplifier. The principle is very simple. I have already explained it
in one of my earlier lectures.

If I have a voltage source and this input impedance what I have from the amplifier is the
Thevenins equivalent resistance for the amplifier and this is the external resistance I
have connected. Therefore these two resistors come in series with the voltage source. So
if the output voltage is halved, divided by two, that means the input voltage also has been
divided by two because amplifier is a linear device and the output is related to input by a
simple constant factor A and therefore when the output is divided by two the input which
is connected exactly at the input terminals of the amplifier should also be divided by two.
That can happen in a potential divider only when the two resistors that I have connected
are equal in magnitude. So when the two resistors are equal in magnitude this voltage will
be divided equally between these two resistors and therefore I have now indirectly
measured the input impedance of the amplifier by connecting in series the resistor and
then varying this till I get a voltage half of what I got previously with the resistance zero.
So this is a very simple technique of measurement of input resistance of an amplifier.

How about output resistance? Can we measure the output resistance of the amplifier?
How do we do that? The principle here is also very similar. But then what we do here is
we connect the resistor, variable resistor at the output but in parallel to the voltmeter that
I have connected. It is in the shunt form. So with this shunt resistance infinity that is
without connecting this R, I measure the output voltage. That I call again V01 in the
circuit and that will be A times Vin because here the entire voltage is connected. I get an
output voltage which will be multiplied by the gain factor A. So V01 is A times Vin with R
is equal to infinity. That means this resistor is not being connected to the circuit.

When I connect the circuit and vary this resistor till I get a value which is half of the
previous value that is when V02 becomes V01/2, now by the same argument that I gave you
before the resistance now measured by the variable resistor is equal to the output
impedance. How do we understand that? You can see the output side of the amplifier can
be equivalently represented by a voltage source which is A times Vin where A is the gain
plus an output resistance in series added to that and therefore when I connect R, external
resistor, this R0 and R come in series and when the Vo is divided by two that means half
the value has been dropped across the internal resistance Ro and the rest of the voltage is
dropped across the external resistance R that I have connected and they are equal and
therefore they also equally divide the voltage and that is why the output voltage becomes
half. This shows you that if I now disconnect this resistor from the circuit we should not
measure the resistance while the resistance is in the circuit. Because the circuit is a
complicated combination network of resistors and when I measure I may have some other
parallel resistors coming in along with this resistor and therefore when I measure in
circuit I will not get the exact resistor that I want to measure. Therefore whenever you
want to measure resistor you should switch off the amplifier remove the resistor and then
measure outside using a good multimeter. When you measure the out using the
multimeter outside then whatever resistance it shows will be the resistance of the output
or the output impedance of the amplifier. So these are the two methods by which the
input impedance and the output impedance of an amplifier can be measured.

I will quickly show you the amplifier that we already saw. I can connect one of the series
resistors and vary it till the amplitude becomes off and then we will measure the output
impedance using a multimeter. Here we have come back again with the same circuit. You
can see I have connected a variable resistor, it is a potentiometer. One end is not
connected in the circuit; the other two ends, the center one and one another corner are
connected in series with the input which is the input from the function generator here,
sine wave oscillator.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:32)

I have connected in series as I have shown you in the picture before and now I have kept
this in the minimum position, the resistance in the minimum position and now you can
see what you observe on the oscilloscope.

(Refer Slide Time: 21:47)

You see the input signal and you have the amplified signal. Now what I am going to do is
I am going to vary this potentiometer slightly till I get the signal reduced to half the
previous value. You should concentrate on the bottom sine wave which is the actual
output wave form. When it becomes half I will stop and then I will disconnect the resistor
and I will measure the value of the resistor using the multimeter. Now I am going to vary
the potentiometer. You must observe the sine wave that you get in the oscilloscope at the
bottom which is actually the output. Right now I have got zero resistance in the
potentiometer. Now I slowly increase the resistor and you see what happens. You can see
the amplitude is decreasing. It is around 1.5 divisions half of the previous value.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:47)

Having done that I will switch this off and disconnect the resistor from the circuit. I will
use the multimeter to measure the resistance between the two terminals and you see it is
around 25 kilo ohms. I hope you are able to see the reading on the multimeter. This 25
kilo ohm is the input resistance of this amplifier.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:15)

This gives you a method by which you can measure the input impedance of an amplifier.
In a similar fashion I can connect this at the output in parallel and I can try to do the
simple half duplex method. That is when the output voltage becomes half whatever is the
resistance I should disconnect and measure. It is very similar therefore I am not showing.
But you can measure the output impedance also in a very similar way. Having seen the
live demonstration of the common emitter amplifier, the gain and also how the input and
the output impedances can be measured now let us take an example in the form of a small
problem and try to analyze it using the h parameter and the various expressions that we
obtain for the gain, the input impedance, the output impedance, etc.

On the screen you can see there is a common emitter amplifier with the signal source
connected and the load resistor RL connected. The important point I dont know whether
you observed on the oscilloscope the input signal and the output signal were 180 degrees
out of phase.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:34)

So when the input signal is increasing the output signal was decreasing and when the
input signal is decreasing the output signal was increasing which shows that there is a
180 phase difference between the input and the output in the case of a common emitter
amplifier. I am sure some of you would have observed in the oscilloscope when I showed
it actually on the demonstration. Now the problem here that I have is in the common
emitter circuit the device parameters are given. hie is 2.1 kilo ohms, hfe is 75, hoe is 1
micro siemens. If RL is equal to 8.2 kilo ohms calculate the input and the output
impedances and the voltage current and power gain. Exactly the same way as we did in a
general case, given the numerical values for the various parameters we should calculate
the various things.

What is Zb? Zb is the impedance at the base of the transistor and that you know is almost
equal to hie and therefore the value of hie is given as 2.1 kilo ohms in the problem.
Therefore the Zb is 2.1 kilo ohm. Then what is the circuit impedance? The circuit
impedance is Zi which is equal to the parallel combination of the input impedance due to
the transistor plus the parallel value of R1 and R2 which are the two resistors used in the
voltage divider bias. The Zi therefore is equal to 2.1 kilo ohm parallel R1 is 68 kilo ohm,
R2 is 56 kilo ohm given in the problem. Compared to 68 and 56, 2.1 kilo ohm is a very
small value and therefore it comes very close to the smallest value in the three resistors
and it is 1.97 kilo ohm if you actually calculate the value. So what about the output
impedance at the collector? The collector of the transistor it is given by 1/hoe where hoe is
the output conductance. 1/hoe is about 1 meg ohm corresponding to the value given in the
problem and therefore the circuit output impedance is nothing but Zo; Zc in parallel with
Rc. Zc is about 1 meg ohm in parallel with 3.9 kilo ohm and therefore 3.9 kilo ohm is very
small compared to 1 meg ohm. So the effective resistance will almost be very close to the
smaller value 3.9 kilo ohm. So the input impedance is about 2 kilo ohm, 1.97. The output
impedance is around 3.9 or 4 kilo ohm approximately.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:13)

What about the voltage gain? Voltage gain Av is minus. What is this minus corresponding
to? This minus shows the phase difference between the input and output is 180 degree.
That is why you get the minus here. So it is hfe Rc parallel RL divided by hie and if you
now substitute the values hfe is 75; Rc is 3.9 kilo ohm, RL is 8.2 kilo ohm given in the
problem and divided by hie is 2.1 kilo ohm. If you calculate this value it comes to around
133. The voltage gain of the amplifier is around 133. We also saw in the actual
demonstration the gain was close to 125 or 130. The RB which is actually the effective
resistance or the Thevenins resistance of the base is the parallel value of 68 kilo ohm and
56 kilo ohm which is about 30.7 kilo ohm.

(Refer Slide Time: 28:13)

Let us obtain the current gain. The current gain if you remember the expression hfe RB RC
divided by RB plus Zb into Rc plus RL. This is a complete expression where you also have
RL and you have RB.

(Refer Slide Time: 28:29)

The current division is happening between the RB and the Zb at the input side, the current
is divided at the output due to the presence of Rc and RL and therefore these expressions
becomes somewhat complicated. But if you substitute the various values hfe is 75, RB is
3.9 kilo ohm, RB is 30.7 kilo ohm, Rc is 3.9 kilo ohm divided by the corresponding values
RB and Zb and Rc, RL, etc. The value comes out to be 3.2. The current gain of the
common emitter amplifier is around 3. It is a small value compared to the voltage gain
and the power gain which is the product of the voltage gain and the current gain is 133
into 3.2 which comes around 4.26. We can analyze the complete circuit and obtain all the
important parameters of the amplifier and so this was illustrative example of the common
emitter amplifier, how it can be analyzed using h parameter.

Having done that now let us move on to the next configuration, most important
configuration which is called common collector amplifier. I have already mentioned to
you what a common collector amplifier is. It is also called by a different name namely
emitter follower circuit. You have here the common collector amplifier and you can see
there is no Rc here. The Rc is removed and the output voltage is actually taken across RE,
the emitter resistance. Instead of taking from the collector the output is now taken from
the emitter with a coupling capacitor and the RL is added in parallel to RE. This is a very
important variation from the common emitter amplifier. You still have R1 R2. That means
it is a voltage divider bias that you have here and the most important point here is what is
VE? VE, the voltage at the emitter terminal VE is nothing but VB the voltage at the base
terminal minus VBE the voltage drop across the base emitter junction. Other important
point with reference to the common collector amplifier is that VE is less than VB.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:59)

VB is basically the input voltage. VE is the output voltage and VE is VB - VBE as I already
mentioned to you and therefore the output voltage is always going to be somewhat less
than the input voltage because of the drop across the base emitter junction. Therefore you
are not going to get an amplifier. An amplifier is a device which will amplify which will
magnify whereas here you find the output voltage is slightly less than the input voltage
and therefore the gain is less than 1, almost very close to 1. But it is not an amplifier.
Then why are we discussing this amplifier? That is a very important question that we
should answer. Before we do that you can also see when the VB increases, when the
voltage at the base increases, the voltage at the emitter will also increase because of the
relationship that we see here. Therefore the two voltages the input voltage and the output
voltage, they both will be in phase unlike the case of common emitter amplifier where
they were out of phase. We saw that. When the input is increasing as shown on the right
side, the output also is increasing and there is not much difference in the amplitude
because here only difference is the VBE drop across the base emitter junction and
therefore there is no gain. The gain is almost equal to one and they are in phase. These
two are very important aspects of common collector circuit or emitter follower. But I also
mentioned to you some time back why it is called common collector amplifier. It looks
very similar to a common emitter amplifier as you can see here but still it is called
common collector amplifier. Why do we do that?

For that answer you have to go to the ac equivalent model of the common collector
amplifier. For the ac equivalent model the VCC supply will have to be connected to the
ground. That means the VCE is short. Once you short then you find the collector point
becomes the ground point and the emitter point is the output point here. The collector
point is the ground point and the base is the input point, the emitter is the output point.
Therefore the collector is common, as far as the ac signals are concerned, common to
both the input and the output. Therefore it is called a common collector amplifier and it is
not an amplifier that we have seen. The gain is almost equal to one. But it has got a very
important application and that is with reference to impedance matching.

(Refer Slide Time: 33:53)

When we discussed maximum power transfer theorem we saw the maximum power will
be transferred only when the load impedance is equal to the internal impedance of the
source. Only when these two impedances match there will be maximum power transfer
and therefore you would normally find in the case of for example common emitter
amplifier the output impedance was the large value may be few kilo ohms and when I
want to connect it to a load like a loud speaker, a loud speaker is a very small load. It has
got only a few ohms. It is a simple copper wire solenoid inside a magnet. You know the
principle of the loud speaker. The impedance of a loud speaker is a very small value few
ohms and the output impedance of an amplifier like a common emitter amplifier is very
large few thousands of ohms and how do I transfer maximum power from the amplifier to
the loud speaker?

If I connect the loud speaker as such in place of the load you would find nothing will
come out because the impedance of the loud speaker is too small compared to the
impedance of the amplifier. I must have one another circuit which will be introduced
between the output of the common emitter amplifier and the loud speaker. That of
that circuit is to match the two impedances. So that circuit will have high impedance on
the input side so that it matches with output impedance of the common emitter amplifier
and at the output side this circuit will have a low impedance and therefore it will match
with the low impedance of the loud speaker. So by introducing another circuit in between
which matches the two impedances which are to be connected I am able to solve the
problem of energy transfer from the amplifier to the loud speaker and this is the principle
of impedance matching here and for this purpose the circuit that I want to introduce here
need not have a gain. The importance here is not the gain.
The importance of that circuit is it should be able to match the two impedances on the
two sides. On one side it should have high input impedance so that the energy can be
transferred to that circuit and at the other side it should have low impedance so that it can
drive the loud speaker on the other side. So the circuit now I am describing is exactly the
circuit that we would like to use and that is the emitter follower or the common collector
amplifier. That is why in common collector amplifier even though the gain is very close
to 1 we still study about it. We still want to understand the working because it is used for
impedance matching purposes. Now let us look at the figure that I have drawn here which
is actually the equivalent circuit of the common collector amplifier.

(Refer Slide Time: 37:01)

You can see the R1 R2 are coming parallel along with the voltage source and you have the
hie here and you have the hre Vo. I have shown all the h parameters completely in this
equivalent circuit of the transistor here and you can see the hfe Ib the current gain factor
and 1/hoe the output resistance factor here. This box that I have shown here, perforated
box corresponds to the transistor equivalent model in terms of h parameters and these are
the external resistors R1 R2 divider bias and on this side you have the RE and you can also
have an additional RL connected at the output which in the simplest case could be a loud
speaker. So this is the equivalent circuit.

Now let us try to analyze it using h parameter. We must remember certain important
points with reference to the circuit. It is different from the common emitter amplifier that
we discussed. Why? Here hre is equal to 1. Why is that? Because the entire voltage output
is fed back at the input and hre becomes 1 in this case. Vi the voltage at the input is equal
to Ib the base current into hie the resistance. That hre we neglect because the voltage is
very small. So Vi is equal to Ib into hic plus Vo and what is V output? V output is nothing
but the emitter current passing through the effective resistance and therefore it is Ie
multiplied by RE parallel RL. This is the effective resistance at the output side and
therefore total expression is Ib hic plus Ie can be written as hfe times Ib the current gain. So
hfe times Ib into RE parallel RL and because Ib is common I take the Ib out.

(Refer Slide Time: 38:57)

Vi is equal to Ib within brackets hic plus hfc RE parallel RL and therefore what is Zb, the
input impedance at the base side of the transistor? Input voltage divided by the current Ib
and if you divide Vi by Ib this expression in the bracket is the answer. That is hic plus hfc
into RE parallel RL. hic you know is actually related to re small re which is the base
resistance of the transistor and this is going to be very small compared to hfc into RE
parallel RL. The effective resistance at the base will be mostly decided by the RE value
that I have connected here.

Let me move on to the total input resistance. How to obtain the total input resistance of
the circuit, the common collector circuit and that is nothing but Zi which is R1 parallel
with R2 parallel with Zb the resistance at the base. We have already evaluated Rb hic plus
hfe into RE parallel RL. That I should introduce here and then find out what is the total
resistance here, parallel combination that will give me the input impedance of the
common collector amplifier and this will be very large because there is a factor coming
hfc into RE that will almost decide what the input impedance is. That will be very large
value compared to all these things. What about the output impedance?
(Refer Slide Time: 40:39)

The output impedance is actually corresponding to the output voltage divided by the
current Ie because it is in the emitter Vo by Ie. Ie is again related to Ib by hfc into Ib the
current gain. When I have Vs = 0 that is if I do not connect any signal I short the signal
input then Ib is produced by the V output and therefore Ib is V output divided by hic plus
R1 parallel R2 parallel rs and the Ie is hfe times Ib. I multiply this expression by hfc. hfc
times Vo divided by the whole expression and therefore Ze the resistance at the emitter is
Vo by Ie and that is given by this expression hic plus R1 parallel R2 parallel rs divided by
hfc where rs is the resistance of the signal source.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:39)

The above equation for the output impedance refers to only the device emitter of the
transistor. If I want the total output resistance of the common collector amplifier then the
Z out is equal to RE parallel Ze. RE is the resistance in the emitter that I have connected in
parallel with Ze and usually the Ze factor will be very small compared to RE the bigger
part. This Ze will be the one which will be finally deciding what the output resistance is.
What about the voltage gain?

(Refer Slide Time: 42:12)

Voltage gain is the output voltage by input voltage. Output voltage is given by Ie
multiplied by the parallel combination of RE and RL and that is hfc into Ib into RE parallel
RL and Ib is Vi minus Vo by hic and therefore the V output is hfc RE parallel RL divided by
hic Vi minus Vo from these two expressions and therefore you would find if I simplify this
the voltage gain Av is equal to V output by V input and that is given by the large
expression that I get here. These two are almost equal. The numerator and one plus
whatever term that I have in the denominator these two terms are identical and therefore
if these two terms are very large compared to 1 then you know what is going to happen?
The gain is almost going to be 1 and that is what happens in the common collector
amplifier. The voltage gain of the common collector amplifier is almost equal to 1. Its
actually less than 1, slightly less than 1. It can never be equal to 1 because VE is Vb minus
Vbe that I have already mentioned.

What about the current gain? The current gain is given by Ie by Ib for the transistor and
for the CC current, the common collector circuit it is hfc RB RE divided by RB parallel Zb
RE parallel RL.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:47)

This is obtained because of the current division at the input due to RB and Zb and at the
output due to RE and RL. So this is clear; got similar expression in the case of the
common emitter amplifier and if you substitute the values you will get .. and the power
gain of the common collector circuit is very similar to the common emitter circuit. It is
nothing but voltage gain multiplied by the current gain. The current will almost be equal
to hfc and Av the voltage gain is almost equal to 1 and therefore power gain is almost
equivalent to hfc. The power gain is almost equal to hfc, the current gain of the common
collector transistor.

(Refer Slide Time: 44:32)

The circuit power gain will almost be equal to Ai the circuit current gain because the
voltage gain is 1. Having seen that let us just summarize the various numbers that we got.
The Zb which is input impedance at the transistor is given by hic plus hfc into RE parallel

(Refer Slide Time: 44:53)

Circuit input impedance is Z input which is parallel value of R1 R2 and Zb. The output
impedance at the transistor is Ze which is given by hic plus R1 parallel R2 parallel rs
divided by hfc the current gain and the circuit output impedance is given by RE parallel Ze
and it will almost be decided by Ze and this value will be very, very small. Ze is almost
decided by the hic divided by the hfc, this value. It will be a very small value and that
means the output impedance of the common collector amplifier is a very small value.
Similarly the input impedance is going to be Zb is almost equal to hfc times RE. This will
decide what the input impedance is and this will be a very large value. The output
impedance is a very small value and precisely for this reason this common collector or
the emitter follower circuit is used in different applications, for impedance matching
applications. Voltage gain is almost equal to 1, always less than 1 and the current gain is
about 70 typically which is actually the hfc and circuit current gain is very close to that
value if you calculate and the power gain is equal to the current gain because the voltage
gain is 1. The power gain is actually voltage gain multiplied by current gain because the
voltage gain is 1 the power gain is almost equal to the current gain.

Let me just show you a very simple simulation of the same circuit common collector
amplifier. This is the common collector amplifier on the screen. There is a R1 R2 voltage
divider bias; you have a RE, you do not have any resistor in the collector Rc. There is no
Rc and the output load is RL. Same is wired on this bread board. You have the transistor
with a emitter base collector and you can see this is the emitter connected to the 1 kilo
ohm resistor RE and R1 is around 30 kilo ohm and R2 is around 6.8 kilo ohm and you
have a coupling capacitor connecting it to the input signal source and there is an output
coupling capacitor which is connecting it to a oscilloscope, one channel of the
oscilloscope the output channel and similarly the input voltage is also connected to
another channel of the oscilloscope.

(Refer Slide Time: 47:21)

You have the Vc power supply which is given for the VCC and the ac voltage source can
be varied using the bias here. Let me now switch on the power supplies and the
oscilloscope. If I give about 2 milli volts at the input you find the output also is almost
equal slightly less input and the output are almost equal.

(Refer Slide time 47:47)

That means the gain is 1. We know that the gain is very close to 1 and the input
impedance will be very large. You can measure input impedance in a similar manner that
I mentioned with reference to the common emitter amplifier and the output impedance
can also be measured and it will be very, very small and this amplifier has got not much
gain but in terms of an application it is a very, very useful circuit because it is used for
matching the impedances of the input and the output. Let me quickly close this and move
on to the example. Let us try to look at a simple problem.

We will take a problem, the common collector circuit. The transistor parameters are hie
2.1 kilo ohm similar to the example that I took for a common emitter amplifier. hfe is 75
and hoe is 1 micro siemens. If RE is equal to 5K calculate the input and output impedances
and the voltage gain. Assume RL is very, very large compared to RE. So these are very
useful for us and hic is actually hie. Both are equal and it is equal to 2.1kilo ohm. hfc is
1+hfe and it is around 76. hfe is given as 75 therefore hfc is 76.

(Refer Slide time 49:14)

This is the circuit that we have and we have got the different expressions already. The
input impedance at the base Zb is equal to hic plus hic into RE. That is 2.1 kilo ohm plus 76
times 5 kilo ohms and it is 382.1 kilo ohm. The product 76.5 is 380 and this 2.1 is very
small compared to this product and therefore this is almost decided by hfe times RE factor.
The input impedance of the transistor in the common collector mode is very high. What
about the circuit impedance? Circuit impedance I have to include the other resistors R1
parallel R2 along with the Zb and when I do that it is again the 10 kilo ohm and 10 kilo
ohm that I have used. R1 R2 are very small compared to 382 and therefore the resistance
will be decided only by the smaller value of the resistors R1 and R2 and that is about 4.94
kilo ohms.
(Refer Slide time 50:18)

What about the output impedance? At the emitter output impedance is given by hic plus
R1 parallel R2 parallel rs divided by hic and if I now do that 2.1kilo ohm, 1 kilo ohm is rs
value and 10 kilo ohm parallel 10 kilo ohm divided by 76 that is coming to about 36.6
ohms. So you can see the output impedance of the transistor is very small in the common
collector mode. What about the circuit output impedance? Zo circuit output impedance is
RE parallel Ze because Ze is very small, few ohms RE is large 5 kilo ohms. The effective
resistance will almost be decided by Ze. The output impedance is around few ohms only;
38.3 ohms not kilo ohms just ohms.

(Refer Slide time 51:12)

So output impedance is very small, the input impedance is few kilo ohms and the voltage
gain is 1. So we can see very quickly we can get all the information about the common
collector amplifier.

Today what we have seen is the simple common emitter amplifier. We have discussed the
h parameter in the previous lecture. So we took an example and worked out the various
parameters like input impedance, output impedance and the current gain or voltage gain
and then we also saw an actual demonstration of the common emitter amplifier and we
saw there was a considerable gain and there was also inversion at the output between the
input and the output 180 degree phase difference and then we also tried to measure the
output impedance and the input impedance. Actually I did demonstration of the input
impedance. How it can be measured by introducing another variable resistor in series
with the signal source initially keeping it zero so that output voltage is obtained and then
introducing this resistor till the output voltage becomes half of the previous value. When
that happens the input resistance should be equal to the series resistance that I have
included in the circuit and the input impedance can be measured by this scheme. Then we
also took up a new configuration corresponding to common collector amplifier and the
gain of the common collector amplifier was found to be almost equal to 1 or slightly less
than 1. Even though the gain is 1 or less than 1 the circuit is of great importance to us
because it has got very high input impedance and very low output impedance. This can be
used in conjunction with a good amplifier like a common emitter amplifier which has got
a very high gain so that the load can be connected directly with maximum power transfer.
This is used as an impedance matching circuit. The common collector amplifier or the
emitter follower is used as a circuit for matching the impedances at the input and the
output of any load. The emitter follower, the name itself suggests that emitter voltage
follows the input voltage. That is why it is called emitter follower and that is also the
reason the phase difference between the input signal and the output signal is zero. It is
almost in phase and therefore it is called emitter follower. The output is almost following
the input variations. We also discussed the various parameters h parameters, analysis of
the common collector amplifier or the emitter follower and then we took a very simple
example numerical example and worked out the various parameters like the input
impedance, output impedance at the transistor and then for a divider voltage bias circuit
and then we saw also that the output impedance is only about few ohms whereas the input
impedance is few kilo ohms and therefore the characteristics of the common collector
amplifier or the emitter follower namely the output impedance is very small, input
impedance is very large is brought about in this example. That is what I have shown.

Next perhaps we will move on to the frequency response of the amplifiers. We have
always considered 1 kilo hertz as the operating frequency which is called the mid band
frequency. That is the normal audio frequency that we worry about and we should also
see the frequency response of the amplifier at the extremes. When I go to very high
frequencies and when I come to very low frequencies how the amplifier will behave is
also of importance. We will try to take up the frequency response of amplifier in the next
lecture. Thank you!

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