Ir-700-Ch Infrared Lel Pds
Ir-700-Ch Infrared Lel Pds
Ir-700-Ch Infrared Lel Pds
Detcon Model IR-700-CH is a non-intrusive Smart sensor designed to Non-dispersive Infrared Optical
detect and monitor combustible hydrocarbon gases in air over the range of (shown as PN 967-214520-100 in SS junction box)
0-100% LEL using miniature non-dispersive Infrared Optical (NDIR)
sensor technology. As compared to catalytic bead sensors, with NDIR there
is no risk of sensor poisoning, no risk of high concentration saturation, and
no need for O2 to be present. The plug-in, field replaceable detector features
over-sized gold-plated connections that help prevent corrosion. The
IR-700-CHs rugged framework includes an electro-polished 316 stainless
steel housing with fully encapsulated electronics and dual layer surge protec-
tion. This innovative design virtually eliminates sensor failure due to water
ingress, corrosion, vibration, and transient spikes. A primary feature of the
Model IR-700-CH is embedded intuitive software that simplifies operator
interface by guiding the user through routine calibration, configuration, and
fault diagnostic functions using a built-in alpha/numeric display. The Model
IR-700-CH is equipped with standard analog 4-20mA, and Modbus
RS-485 outputs. Among its unique features is a wireless option that can be
used with Detcons SmartWireless product line. Additional integration
options include a Remote Alarm Module (RAM), HART, and Foundation
Fieldbus. Detcons combustible gas sensor has an infinite shelf life and is
supported by a 5-year pro-rated warranty.
Features Applications
Failsafe User-Friendly Interface Oil and Gas Drilling Rigs
LED Display (With Antiglare Cover) Oil and Gas Production Sites
Full Text Display Method Offshore Production Platforms
Non-intrusive Interface FPSOs
Auto Zero/Auto Span LNG/CNG Plants
Pre-emptive Fault Diagnostics Refining and Petrochemical
Pulp and Paper Mills
Environmentally Bulletproof Waste Water Treatment Plants
Electropolished 316SS Construction
100% Epoxy Encapsulated Circuitry Gases Detected
Bulletproof I/O Protection Methane Hexane Scrolling Full Message/Text Display
Water-Proof, Corrosion-Proof, Vibration-Proof Ethane Ethylene
Propane Gasoline Vapor
Modular and Serviceable Butane Diesel Fuel Vapor PGM1 PGM2
Modular Design Pentane Jet Fuel Vapor
Plug and Play Components For other gases consult the factory. ZERO SPAN
Model IR-700-CH Combustible Gas Sensor