Series 6000结构物
Series 6000结构物
Series 6000结构物
SERIES 6000: STRUCTURES Granular material used for constructing the compacted
granular fill shall be approved granular material of at
least gravel subbase quality.
SECTION 6100: FOUNDATIONS (e) Sand fill
Sand used for filling the caissons shall be clean, hard
FOR STRUCTURES sand free from lumps of clay or organic or other
deleterious matter.
(f) Structural steel
CLAUSE PAGE Steel in the steel piles shall comply with the
611 SCOPE requirements of BS 7613:1994, BS 7668:1994, BS EN
612 MATERIALS 10029:1991, Parts 1 to 3 of BS EN 10113:1993, BS EN
613 GENERAL 10155:1993 and BS EN 10210-1:1994 or equivalent for
614 ACCESS AND DRAINAGE the grade of steel specified on the Drawings. I and H
615 EXCAVATION sections shall comply with the requirements of BS 4-
616 FOUNDING 1:1993 and BS EN 10034:1993.
Fabricated sections shall comply with the details shown
618 BACKFILL AND FILL NEAR STRUCTURES on the Drawings and the requirements of SECTION
6110 GROUTING OF ROCK FISSURES (g) Permanent pile casings
6111 FOUNDATION DOWELS Permanent pile casings shall be sufficiently rigid so as
6112 FOUNDATION LINING not to deform permanently or damage during handling
6113 FOUNDATION PILING PRELIMINARY and construction. The casings and their joints shall be
ITEMS sufficiently watertight to prevent the fluid components of
6114 TYPES OF PILES the concrete from leaking during the placing of the
6115 DRIVING OF PILES concrete or from the ingress of groundwater prior to
6116 TESTING OF PILES concreting. Where steel casings contribute to the
6117 CAISSONS strength of the pile, the casings shall have a minimum
6118 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT wall thickness of 4.5 mm and shall comply with the
requirements of ASTM A 252-98:2002. Welded joints
shall comply with the requirements of SECTION 6700.
(c) Excavation
6104 ACCESS AND DRAINAGE Where in the opinion of the Engineer the casting of
concrete against the excavated earth faces is not
(a) General permissible, or where formwork has to be provided, the
This Clause covers the provision of access, including extremities of the excavation, for purposes of
the construction of cofferdams, and draining the measurement and payment, shall be deemed to be the
excavations. Where it is unnecessary to provide access vertical planes parallel to and 0.5 m outside the
in terms of SUBCLAUSE 6104(b), the Contractor shall be perimeter of the member for which formwork is to be
paid separately for draining the excavations. provided.
After completion of the permanent works, all temporary Where suitable, stable material is encountered during
works shall be completely removed, the ground levelled excavating, that part of the trench or foundation pit shall
and the site left neat. Where this is impracticable, such be excavated to the neat dimensions of the base unless
portions as have not been removed, shall be dealt with otherwise directed by the Engineer. Over-excavation
in accordance with the Engineer's instructions. (overbreak) in hard material shall be backfilled with the
same class of concrete as that in the base or with mass
(b) Access concrete fill as specified or as directed by the Engineer.
Where temporary banks or artificial islands are
constructed in view of affording access to the location Where blasting is required, the Contractor shall
where structural members, piles or caissons are to be complete the entire foundation excavation before the
constructed, the banks or islands shall be adequately construction of any permanent concrete work is
compacted in view of supporting any equipment and commenced, unless otherwise approved by the
material without any undue settling which may have a Engineer.
harmful effect on the works.
Boulders, logs or any other unsuitable material
The Contractor may use any material, with the approval excavated shall be removed from the site.
of the Engineer, deemed by him/her to be suitable for
constructing the islands, but no separate payment will When hard material suitable for founding is
be made for any obstructions, hard or unsuitable encountered at the founding level, it shall be cut and
material occurring in the material used for constructing trimmed to a firm surface, either level, stepped or
temporary banks or artificial islands. serrated, as may be required.
Designing and constructing any cofferdams shall Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, unsuitable
comply with the requirements of BS 8004:1986. Before material is encountered at founding level, such material
starting with construction, the Contractor shall submit shall be removed and replaced with foundation fill in
drawings to the Engineer, which show details of the accordance with CLAUSE 6109 and as directed by the
cofferdams and the method of construction proposed. Engineer.
(f) Deterioration of foundation excavations Excavated material not used for backfill or not taken to
Where soft material, or hard material which quickly spoil but used in the construction of embankments or
deteriorates when exposed, is found at foundation level, other parts of the work, as directed by the Engineer, will
the excavation shall be excavated to the final slope and be paid for under foundation excavation as well as
level immediately before the blinding is placed. under the relevant item for the purpose for which it is
Where the bottoms or sides of excavations, in which
bases are to be cast, are softened on account of The free haul distance on excavated material and
negligence on the part of the Contractor in allowing imported material for backfill shall be determined
storm or other water to enter the excavations, the according to Subclause 1602 (c).
softened material shall be removed and replaced with
foundation fill as directed by the Engineer, at the Excavated and stockpiled material shall be so placed as
Contractor's expense. not to endanger the uncompleted structure either by
direct pressure or indirectly by overloading the fills
(g) The safety of excavations contiguous to the structure, or in any other way.
The Contractor shall take the necessary precautions to
safeguard the stability and safety of the excavations
and adjacent structures.
No persons safety shall be jeopardised neither shall STRUCTURES
any situation be allowed to arise which may result in
damage of whatsoever nature. (a) General
When backfill and fill are placed, the following
Precautionary measures taken by the Contractor shall precautionary measures shall be taken:
comply with the appropriate legal provisions.
(i) The material shall be placed simultaneously, in so
(h) Inspection far as is possible to approximately the same
No concrete shall be placed before the excavation has elevation on both sides of an abutment, pier, or wall
been properly cleaned by the Contractor and inspected where appropriate. If conditions require the backfill
and approved by the Engineer. or fill to be placed appreciably higher on one side
than on the other the additional material on the
(i) Excavation by hand higher side shall not be placed until authorised by
In cases where mechanical excavators are not able to the Engineer, and preferably not until the concrete
be used, the Engineer shall authorise supplementary has been in place for 14 days, or until tests show
payment to the Contractor for excavation by hand at the that the concrete has attained sufficient strength to
bid rates, provided that the Engineer is satisfied that the safely withstand any pressure extended by the
Contractor had done everything possible to ensure that backfill or fill or by the method of construction.
hand excavation was the only possible solution. The
supplementary rate for excavation by hand shall not (ii) The material behind abutments directly restrained
apply to minor finishing or clearing jobs in excavations at the top by the superstructure e.g. portal type of
which are otherwise being done by mass excavation structures, shall be placed as shown on the
equipment. Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
The distance between the exposed face of the structure accurately to the final levels of the underside of the
and the toe of the approach fill or the excavation face base.
shall not under any circumstances be less than the
height of the exposed face of the structure.
(d) Fill within restricted area Where specified, fissures in the rock below and around
That part of the fill within a horizontal distance of 3 m the bases shall be sealed by pressure grouting with a
from the vertical and inclined concrete faces of the neat cement grout or sand-cement grout or with a
structure and that part between the pillars of the spill- proprietary brand grout as specified.
through abutments or that part shown on the Drawings,
shall be termed fill within restricted area". The cement water ratio of the grout shall be approved in
advance by the Engineer.
Fill within the restricted area shall comply with the
requirements of SECTION 3600 except that it shall be The extent of the fissuring shall be established by
compacted to a density of not less than 93% of BS- means of water testing under pressure.
Heavy density. In order to achieve the specified density
the Contractor shall, where necessary, import material Holes of at least 40 mm in diameter shall be drilled at
of suitable quality. places indicated by the Engineer and grout shall then
be pumped into these holes under suitable pressures.
Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, only Grouting shall be done in 3 m stages to the maximum
mechanical compaction equipment that is pushed or depth ordered. Care shall be taken to avoid further
drawn by hand shall be used to achieve the required fracturing of the rock strata by excessive grouting
density within a horizontal distance of 3 m from any pressures.
concrete structure. Fill in spaces below concrete soffits
that are inaccessible for mechanical compaction Grouting of the rock fissures shall be done by
equipment shall be constructed by methods specified or specialised operators with adequate experience in this
as approved by the Engineer. class of work.
This Clause covers the construction of bearing piles of No work of whatsoever nature shall be commenced
concrete, steel, timber or a combination of these on the piling until the Drawings have been
materials. submitted to, and have been approved by, the
Engineer, in writing.
(b) Piling layout After approval of the Drawings, no departure
The piling layout, the minimum pile size and/or bearing therefrom shall be made without the authorisation of
capacity and type together with the steel reinforcement the Engineer.
and class of concrete required for concrete piles shall
be as detailed and specified on the Drawings unless Final working drawings shall comply with the
otherwise specified in the Special Specifications. provisions of CLAUSE 1221.
(c) Alternative designs for piling and piling layouts Where the alternative piles fail in regard to the load
test specified in SUBCLAUSE 6116(a), the Contractor
(i) Submission shall be responsible for the cost of the work
The priced Bill of Quantities submitted for required for improving the piles and pile layout so
alternative designs shall be compiled strictly in as to comply with the design requirements.
accordance with the relevant measurement and
payment clauses of these Specifications. (iii) Basis of payment
Where the quantities in the Bill of Quantities
Where pay items defined in these Specifications referred to in SUBCLAUSE 6113(c), differ from the
have been omitted, it shall mean either that the number of piles and the average pile length given in
items do not apply, or that where the Engineer the submission for the alternative pile design, the
requires work falling under such items to be done, it Engineer shall accept the sum in the Bill of
shall be done without any cost to the Employer. The Quantities, correct the quantities, and adjust the
inclusion of 'rate-only" items will not be permitted. rates for the applicable pay items accordingly.
Where pay items not defined in these Specifications (d) Details to be furnished by the Contractor
are used, the measurement and payment In all cases where the choice of the type of pile to be
requirements for such items shall be specified in used is left to the Contractor, full particulars,
detail by the Contractor. In the absence of such specifications, calculations and drawings of the piles
definitions, or in the case of any ambiguity, the proposed for use by the Contractor shall be submitted
interpretation of the Engineer shall be final and with the bid. The Contractor shall submit the following
binding. information to the Engineer, two weeks before any piles
are driven or holes are formed:
Except in piling-only Contracts or where otherwise
provided in the Special Specifications, the (i) How the piles and casings will be installed or the
Contractor shall price the Bill of Quantities for the holes will be formed;
original design irrespective of whether or not an
alternative design is offered. (ii) How the piles and casings will be installed or the
holes will be made through identified obstructions;
(ii) Design
The critical design-load combinations acting upon (iii) The weight of the piling hammer;
the underside and the centre of gravity of the pile-
capping slab, the maximum permissible set of the (iv) The set during the last ten blows;
pile-capping slab, and the technical data required
for designing alternative piles and or piling layouts (v) The expected size of the bulbous base, underream.
will be indicated on the Drawings. Alternative rock socket, etc, if any;
designs shall comply with the provisions of CLAUSE
1212 and the prescriptions set out below. (vi) How concrete is to be placed and compacted in the
case of cast in situ piles;
For alternative designs submitted the Contractor
shall submit with his/her bid a detailed description (vii) How reinforcing steel is to be placed and held in
of the method of analysis used in the design of the place during the placing and compaction of the
piles and the pilegroup layouts. The average length concrete in cast in situ piles;
of pile and/or of the piles per group on which the
quantities in the Bill of Quantities for the alternative (viii) Details of permanent casing, if any;
designs are based shall be stated in each case.
The type of pile offered shall be defined in terms of (ix) The mix design for the concrete together with an
size, materials, working and breaking load. adequate quantity of cement and aggregate to
enable the Engineer to conduct the necessary tests.
The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall
bear the cost for redesigning, drafting and (e) Pile-installation frames and equipment
submitting the detail drawings for any structural The pile-installation frames and equipment used for
element affected by the alternative pile design. Any driving the piles or forming the holes or for other
economy or incidental caused by constructing such methods of sinking the piles shall be in a good working
element as compared to the original design shall be condition and to the prior approval of the Engineer and
for the account of the Contractor. shall comply with the relevant legal provisions.
The Contractor shall, as specified in CLAUSE 1212 The Contractor shall supply the necessary equipment,
for alternative designs, submit to the Engineer at gear and instruments required for the prescribed
least three months prior to work being commenced, investigations and inspections.
drawings detailing the piling-group layout and piles,
incorporating such amendments to his/her original The installation frames shall be so designed as to
design as may be required by the Engineer, and ensure that piles can be installed in their proper
drawings detailing the amendments required to the positions and true to line and slope.
pile-capping slab dimensions and reinforcement as
a result of the layout of the piles, all as applicable. (f) Piling platforms
Piling platforms shall include the prepared in situ steel reinforcing so that an additional length of pile
material or artificial islands or any structure (excluding reinforcing can be assembled whenever necessary.
the piling equipment) constructed for gaining access to
the position where the pile is to be installed and for The assembly of this additional reinforcing shall be
carrying out the piling operations. carried out expeditiously and before any concreting
Structural piling platforms shall be rigid. Floating barges of any specific pile commences. If splices have to
used for piling operations shall afford sufficient stability be provided, the longitudinal bars shall overlap for a
to enable piles to be properly installed. distance of 40 bar diameters, or as required by the
On completion of the piling, the Contractor shall remove
all the artificial, constructed platforms and reinstate the (ii) The concreting of piles
site to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The concreting of the piles shall not be commenced
before the Engineer's permission has been given.
(g) Setting out Except in self-supporting pile holes, a temporary or
The Contractor shall set out the pile positions and shall permanent casing shall be installed for the full
stake these positions with a durable marker. Where the depth of the hole to prevent lumps of material from
level from which the piling is undertaken is above the falling from the sides of the hole into the concrete.
underside of the pile capping slab, due allowance shall Where concrete is to be placed under the drilling
be made for the offset of raking piles so that the pile at mud, the temporary casing may be omitted, except
the underside of the pile-capping slab will be in the at the top end of the hole.
correct position.
The concrete shall be so proportioned as to be of
(h) Ground surface for foundation piling sufficient strength, but shall be sufficiently workable
Before starting any piling work, the Contractor shall to enable it being properly placed, and, where self-
notify the Engineer in good time to ensure that levels of compacting concrete is not used, it shall be
the ground surface be taken in order that an average thoroughly compacted by approved means.
ground surface from which the piling is to be measured Extraction of the temporary casing during
can be established and agreed on by the Engineer and placement of the concrete shall be such that no
the Contractor. Where foundation piling at a site is damage is caused to the pile and the advancing
preceded by excavation or the construction of fill, the concrete level is at all times kept considerably
surface from which the piling is to be done shall be above the temporary casing's trailing edge.
formed as near as possible to the underside of the pile- Concrete shall generally be placed in the dry, but
capping slab as directed by the Engineer. where this is impracticable; it shall be placed by
(i) Reinforcement (1) The cement content shall be not less than 400
Reinforcement shall not be placed in the pile holes kg/m3 and the slump shall be such that the
until immediately before concreting. Before the concrete of the specified strength and desired
reinforcement is placed in position, all mud, water, density can be obtained.
and any loose or soft material shall be removed
from the hole. (2) The hopper and tremie shall be a closed unit
which cannot be penetrated by water.
Steel reinforcing shall be accurately maintained in
position without damage being done to the sides of (3) The tremie shall be at least 150 mm in diameter
the hole or the reinforcing itself. Spacers shall be for 20 mm aggregate and of greater diameter
used to keep the reinforcing steel at the required for larger aggregates.
distance from the inside face of the pile casing and
wall of the pile hole but shall not cause zones (4) The concrete shall be so placed as to prevent
through which aggressive ground water may the mixing of water and concrete. The tremie
penetrate to the reinforcement. shall at all times penetrate into the concrete.
Pile reinforcement will not be shown in the bending (5) Placing the concrete in that part of the pile
schedules. Only the number, diameter and type of below the water level in the casing shall be
bars and their arrangement will be shown on the done in one operation, and the same method of
Drawings. The Contractor, with the permission of placing the concrete shall be maintained
the Engineer, may replace the bars shown on the throughout.
Drawings with bars with different diameters and
spacing and of different types, on a basis of (6) All tremies shall be scrupulously cleaned before
equivalent strength. and after use.
The reinforcement shall be assembled in cages, (7) Before placing the concrete in the water, the
which shall be sufficiently robust to prevent their Contractor shall ensure that no silt or other
permanent deformation during handling. In the case materials have collected at the bottom of the
of cast in situ piles, the inner sides of the cages hole, and where drilling mud is used, the
shall be left unrestricted for the placing of the Contractor shall ensure that no drilling mud
concrete. suspension with a relative density exceeding
1.3 has collected at the bottom of the hole.
The longitudinal bars shall project above the cut-off Concrete shall be placed in a manner that
point by the distance shown on the Drawings, or by prevents segregation.
40 times the bar diameter if no dimension has been
given. (b) Precast concrete piles
The piles shall be of reinforced or prestressed Steel piles shall be used only where permitted by the
concrete and shall be manufactured, handled, Engineer.
stored and installed in accordance with BS
8004:1986, unless otherwise specified. (d) Timber piles
Reinforcement shall comply with the requirements (ii) Manufacture and testing
of BS 8004:1986. The piles may be manufactured in a factory or
treated on the site of the Works in accordance with
The piles shall be cast on a rigid horizontal platform BS 5268-5:1989, unless otherwise specified.
in approved moulds. Particular care shall be taken
to keep the reinforcement, coupler sockets and pile When required, the Engineer will order and the
shoes accurately in position. Adequate provision Contractor shall carry out tests on the timber piles
shall be made for lifting the piles. in accordance with BS 5268-5:1989 to satisfy
himself/herself that the timber is fit for the purpose
Each pile shall be clearly marked with the date of for which it is to be used.
casting, a reference number, and from the tip of the
pile at 1.0m intervals, with distance marks. The Contractor shall ensure that the factory or
treatment yard will at all reasonable times be
Piles shall be cured for a period sufficient to accessible for inspection by the Engineer.
develop the strength required to withstand, without
damage to the pile the stresses caused by The piles shall be treated and stored in a horizontal
handling, transporting, storing and driving. The piles position and protected from the weather.
shall not be driven before the concrete in the pile
has attained the specified 28-day strength. Each pile shall be clearly marked with the date of
manufacture, type of tree, date of treatment, a
(iii) Handling, transport and storage reference number, and from the tip of the pile at 1.0
Care shall be taken at all stages of lifting, handling m intervals, with distance marks.
and transporting to ensure that the piles are not
damaged or cracked. Piles shall be seasoned for a period sufficient to
develop the strength required to withstand, without
Piles shall be stored on firm ground which will not damage to the pile, the stresses caused by
settle unequally under the weight of the stack of handling, transporting, storing and driving. The piles
piles. The piles shall be placed on timber supports shall not be driven before they have attained the
which are truly level and spaced so as to avoid specified strength.
undue bending in the piles. The supports in the
stack shall be located vertically above one another. (iii) Handling, transport and storage
Care shall be taken at all stages of lifting, handling
(iv) Lengthening of precast piles and transporting to ensure that the piles are not
Piles shall be lengthened where required by such damaged or cracked.
means and methods as approved by the Engineer.
Care shall be taken to ensure that the additional Piles shall be stored on firm ground which will not
length of pile joined is truly axially in line with the settle unequally under the weight of the stack of
original pile within the tolerance requirements for piles. The piles shall be placed on timber supports
straightness set out in SUBCLAUSE 6803(a). Driving which are truly level and spaced so as to avoid
shall not be resumed until the pile extension and undue bending in the piles. The supports in the
any bonding agent used has attained the required stack shall be located vertically above one another.
(iv) Lengthening of timber piles
(c) Steel piles Piles shall be lengthened where required by such
Steel piles shall be of hollow pipe construction or of H- means and methods in accordance with BS
section construction. 5268:2002 or as instructed by the Engineer. Care
shall be taken to ensure that the additional length of
Hollow steel piles may be filled with cast in situ concrete pile joined is truly axially in line with the original pile
and, provided that adequate connections are provided within the tolerance requirements for straightness
between the steel and the concrete with a view to set out in SUBCLAUSE 6803(a). Driving shall not be
transferring the load, the concrete may be deemed to resumed until the pile extension and any bonding
assist in carrying the load. agent used has attained the required strength.
for payment has been made in the Bill of Where obstructions make it difficult to install driven
Quantities in respect of penetrating the displacement and prefabricated piles in the
obstructions. positions and at the inclinations shown and to the
proper lengths by the methods specified in the
(2) Unidentified obstructions submission in terms of SUBCLAUSE 6113(d), the
Where provision has been made in the Bill of Contractor shall resort to additional methods which
Quantities in terms of ITEM 61.17 for penetrating are suitable for the type of pile. If the successful
identified obstructions and obstructions not installation of a pile proves to be impossible after
described are encountered, such obstructions such methods have been tried, the Engineer may
shall be classified as unidentified obstructions order an additional pile or piles to be installed.
and the penetration of such obstructions shall
be paid for under ITEM 61.18 subject to the All such work and additional piles shall be paid for
condition that the rate of penetration drops to in accordance with the bid rates where applicable,
below that achieved for identified obstructions or where they do not apply, under ITEM 61.20.
when the same method and effort are used, or
subject to additional methods and effort over (iv) Auger and bore pile holes
and above those required for identified Where identified or unidentified obstructions are
obstructions being required for penetrating the encountered when shaping holes for piles, payment
obstruction. for penetrating the obstructions shall be made
against the appropriate pay items.
(e) Determining pile lengths
Where no provision has been made in the Bill of The design of the piles and pile groups, and the
Quantities for penetrating identified obstructions quantities in the Bill of Quantities are based on the
and obstructions are encountered and, after subsurface data shown on the Drawings.
resorting to the methods specified in the
submission in terms of SUBCLAUSE 6113(d), it is The Engineer will determine the depth of piles as work
found to be impossible to form the holes in the proceeds.
proper positions and at the proper inclinations
and depths, and the Contractor has to resort to Where variations in the subsurface conditions occur as
additional methods for forming the pile holes regards the material and height of the water table, the
successfully, such obstructions shall be Engineer shall be informed immediately.
classified as unidentified obstructions.
If the Contractor is not satisfied that the piles will be
(ii) Classification of materials capable of carrying the specified loads at the depth
For piling, only the following classification of determined by the Engineer he/she may, in consultation
materials shall apply to the identification and with the Engineer, lengthen the piles to reach a suitable
description of obstructions. founding depth. Where the Engineer and the Contractor
cannot agree on the founding depth, the Engineer may
(1) Matrix require the Contractor to:
The matrix shall comprise that part of the
material which will pass through a sieve with 50 (i) undertake additional foundation investigations
mm x 50 mm openings. and/or core drilling in accordance with SUBCLAUSES
6103(a) and 6115(i) respectively, and/or
(2) Coarse gravel
Coarse gravel shall comprise that part of the (ii) install one or more test piles and conduct a load
material (stones, pebbles, cobbles, etc) which test in accordance with SUBCLAUSE 6116(a). The
will pass through a 200 mm x 200 mm opening, Engineer will prescribe the positions for each test
but will not pass through a 50 mm x 50 mm pile. Test piles shall comply with the specified
opening. The gravel shall be obtained from requirements for piling.
material with at least a Class R2 hardness as
defined in TABLE 6115/1. (f) Piling data
The following data on each pile installed shall be
(3) Boulders recorded in a form prescribed by the Engineer:
Boulders shall mean any rock mass with a
hardness of at least Class R2 which will pass (i) The effort used for driving the pile and the
through a square opening with dimensions resistance to penetration at founding level.
equal to the maximum size boulder specified in
the Bill of Quantities but will not pass through a (ii) A description of subsurface material, the
200 mm x 200 mm opening. presence of ground water and the quality of
material on which the pile is founded.
(4) Rock formation
A rock formation shall be any rock mass with (iii) The quality of the materials used in the
hardness of at least Class R2 which will not construction or manufacture of the pile, as well as
pass through a square opening with dimensions of the permanent casing if used. The method of
equal to the maximum size boulder specified in placing and compacting the concrete in cast in
the Bill of Quantities. situ piles.
Where a boulder is cut through and part of it is (iv) The method of founding of the piles e.g. bulbous
left imbedded in the wall of the hole, such bases, underreams, rock sockets, etc, and their
boulder obstruction shall be classified as rock dimensions.
(v) The maximum working load of the pile.
For the identification of rock in terms of this
Clause, the classification in TABLE 6115/1 shall (vi) The length of the pile and the accuracy of
apply. installation in respect of position and inclination.
(iii) Driven displacement and prefabricated piles (vii) Nominal dimensions and type of pile.
TABLE 6115/1
Description of hardness
Class Description Field indicator tests compression
strength (MPa)
R1 Very soft rock Material crumbles under firm (moderate) blows with the sharp 1 to 3
end of geological pick and can be peeled off with a knife, it is
too hard to cut a triaxial sample by hand. SPT refusal.
R2 Soft rock Can just be scraped and peeled with a knife, firm blows of the 3 to 10
pick point leave indentations 2 mm to 4 mm in specimens.
R3 Medium hard rock Cannot be scraped or peeled with a knife; hand-held specimen 10 to 25
can be broken with the hammer end of a geological pick with a
single firm blow.
R4 Hard rock Point load tests shall be conducted for distinguishing between 25 to 70
R5 Very hard rock these categories. These results may be verified by means of 70 to 200
R6 Extremely hard rock uniaxial compressive-strength tests. > 200
Classification after Core Logging Committee, South African Section, Association of Engineering Geologists: "A guide to Core
Logging for Rock Engineering" Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists, Vol. XV, No. 3,1978.
(g) Stripping the pile heads ensuring 100% core recovery. The diameters, depths
Precast and timber piles shall be installed to a level of and lengths of the cores shall agree with the
at least 1.0 m above the cut-off level, and cast in situ specifications or the instructions of the Engineer.
piles shall be cast to a level of at least 150 mm above
the cut-off level. The excess concrete shall be so The Contractor shall keep accurate records of the
stripped off that only sound concrete will project into the drilling, which, together with the cores, shall be handed
pile-capping slab. over to the Engineer. The cores shall be placed in the
correct sequence in a clearly identified wooden core
Before a pile head is stripped, the cut-off plane shall be box with a lid.
marked by cutting a 20 mm deep groove with a
grinding-machine around the full circumference of the
Heavy concrete demolishing equipment may not be (a) Load test
used for the stripping of pile heads. All loose aggregate
shall be removed from the cut-off plane. (i) General
The Engineer may order certain selected piles to be
The concrete shall be so stripped off that the pile below load tested. The procedure for loading tests shall
the cut-off level will not be damaged, or, should comply with the requirements of SECTION 7100.
defective concrete be found in the completed pile, the During the period of testing, driving of other piles
damaged or defective concrete shall be cut away by the which may affect the testing shall cease.
Contractor at his/her own cost and replaced with new
concrete well bonded to the old concrete, or the pile No working pile shall be used as an anchor pile.
shall be replaced as directed by the Engineer. Where anchor piles or earth anchors are required
for providing reaction, they shall be so placed as to
The main reinforcement of the piles shall extend at have a minimal effect on the test results. The
least 40 times the diameters of the main reinforcing bar minimum distance of the anchor piles to the test
beyond the cut-off level into the pile-capping slab. This piles shall be approved by the Engineer.
reinforcement shall be left straight unless otherwise
directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide the complete testing
assembly, the necessary equipment, instruments
The cut-off level for piles shall be the level shown on and labour for carrying out the test and for
the Drawings. determining accurately the settlement of the piles
under each increase or decrease of the load. The
(h) Construction of pile-capping slab test assembly, equipment and instruments used
The Contractor shall not construct the pile-capping slab shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.
before the Engineer has confirmed, in writing, that all
the relevant load tests have been completed and the Within two days of having completed the tests, the
piles have been accepted. Contractor shall supply the Engineer with the test
results and neatly plotted load against settlement,
(i) Core drilling load against time, and settlement against time
The Engineer may instruct core drilling to be done with graphs.
a view to obtaining cores of the founding formation
and/or of the concrete in the completed structural (ii) Loading
member. In the case of piling, the core drilling may The maximum test load applied shall be equal to
precede the piling or may be done through the twice the specified working load or the ultimate test
completed pile, as specified, or as instructed by the load, whichever shall be the smaller.
The maximum working load shall be half of the
The Contractor shall supply the necessary equipment maximum test load or the test load which
on the site for drilling under the above conditions. The corresponds with the allowable settlement,
equipment and techniques used shall be suitable for
If required, the defective piles shall be corrected by the Successive stages of the caisson shall be of convenient
Contractor at his/her own cost, by applying one of the height, or as directed by the Engineer, and shall be
following methods approved by the Engineer: lined up accurately with the preceding stages.
(i) Extracting the pile and replacing it with a new pile. All precast elements shall have properly constructed
joints in accordance with the Drawings to ensure that
(ii) Installing a new pile adjacent to the defective pile. they fit snugly together.
(iii) Lengthening the pile to the correct length if For in situ phase construction, all construction joints in
defective in length only. the walls shall be reinforced and the joints shall be
made as specified in CLAUSE 6408.
(iv) Altering the design to fit in with the new conditions
caused by the defective pile(s). The lowest element of every caisson, which contains
the cutting edges, shall be cured for at least four days
(c) Standing time in respect of pile-installation or shall have attained at least 50% of the specified 28
frames day strength before sinking is commenced. Subsequent
Standing time shall only be paid for pile installation elements shall be cast in sufficient time to ensure
frames standing during normal working hours as laid adequate strength for safely resisting the applied
down in the General Conditions on Contract for such forces.
periods during which the pile installation work has come
to a standstill following an action by the Employer. During constructing and sinking, the caissons shall be
maintained truly vertically and kept in their correct
As soon as the pile installation frames have come to positions.
such a standstill, the Contractor shall inform the
Engineer, in writing that he/she intends to claim The position and inclination of each caisson shall be
standing time, and shall also furnish: determined accurately by measurement after every 2m
of sinking, or after sinking through the depth of one
(i) full particulars of the action which gave rise to the element, whichever distance is the smaller.
With a view to eliminating excess friction, the Contractor
(ii) a list of pile-installation frames in respect of which may use bentonite or a similar lubricant, or a water-jet
standing time will be claimed, complete with date system.
and time.
Excavation inside caisson compartments shall, unless
The period in respect of which a claim is lodged shall otherwise specified herein, comply with the provisions
become operative from the moment when the notice of CLAUSE 6105.
has been handed over to the Engineer and shall
continue until the restriction has been removed and In multi-compartmented caissons, the excavation in any
normal procedure may be resumed. one compartment shall not be taken deeper than 0.6m
below that in any other compartment, except where
(d) Nuclear integrity necessary for correcting deviations.
Integrity tests using both the nuclear and neutron
method shall be performed on all bored piles. The Cutting edges shall be frequently inspected or probed to
purpose of these tests is to prove that the technique locate obstacles, which shall be removed immediately.
used in constructing the piles is satisfactory, by
checking for necking of concrete in the pile shafts, The Contractor shall supply all grabs, pumps, diving
checking concrete cover to reinforcement and by gear and other equipment required for sinking and
checking for honeycombing, grout loss and segregation founding all caissons and shall allow the Engineer to
of aggregates. use the diving suit and equipment for inspection
If this seal cannot be placed in the dry and has to 61.01 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONAL
be placed under water, the method of placing this
concrete shall be approved by the Engineer. The
Contractor shall cease placing the concrete under A provisional sum shall be provided in the Bill of
water when sufficient concrete has been placed to Quantities to cover the cost of this work.
seal the foundation effectively.
The work authorised by the Engineer shall be paid for in
After the concrete has been placed, the concrete accordance with the provisions of CLAUSE 1209 of these
seal and the head of water over it shall remain Specifications.
undisturbed for a period of at least seven days after
which the caisson shall be dewatered by pumping
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of Payment will be made for this work by way of a lump
material, measured in the original position before sum for each structure or series of structures appearing
excavation. The quantity of excavation for each depth separately in the Bill of Quantities. The lump sum shall
range shall be calculated from the neat outlines of the be paid on a pro rata basis as the work progresses.
base or floor and the depth of excavation completed
within each range.
The bid lump sum shall include full compensation for
Irrespective of the total depth of the excavation, the draining by pumping or in any other way and for any
quantity of material within each depth range shall be other work necessary for keeping the excavation dry or
measured and paid for separately. for working in the dry.
Where foundation fill is constructed in an excavation, (a) MATERIAL FROM THE CUBIC METRE (m3)
the quantity of excavated material measured for
payment shall be the material excavated between the (b) IMPORTED MATERIAL CUBIC METRE (m3)
average ground level, as described in SUBCLAUSE (c) SOIL CEMENT CUBIC METRE (m3)
6105(b), and the founding level, from a prism with
vertical sides, as described in CLAUSE 6109 or as
prescribed by the Engineer. The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
backfill material measured in the excavation, excluding
In no case shall any of the following excavations be the volume occupied by the structure. The quantity
included in the measurement for payment: measured shall be calculated from within the neat
outlines defined for the excavation under ITEM 61.02
(i) The volume of excavation in excess of the above and the height to which the backfilling is constructed.
mentioned limits. The volume occupied by the structure shall be
subtracted when calculating the volume of backfilling.
(ii) The volume included within the excavated road
prism, contiguous channels, ditches, etc, for which The height shall be determined by the upper surface of
payment is provided elsewhere in the the road prism or the reference ground surface
Specifications. (SUBCLAUSE 6105(b)), whichever is the lower.
The bid rates shall include full compensation for The bid rates shall include full compensation for
excavation in each class of material, the spoiling or furnishing and placing all materials within the entire
stockpiling of materials, the hauling of excavated excavation, transporting the material and preparing,
material for the free haul distance as defined in processing, shaping, watering, mixing and compaction
SUBCLAUSE 1602(c), any additional excavation the of the material to the specified densities.
Contractor may require for additional working space
outside the authorised limits, trimming and cleaning the No overhaul shall be paid.
bottoms and sides of excavations, and strutting, shoring
and safeguarding the excavations.
No overhaul shall be paid. The unit of measurement for foundation lining shall be
the square metre of concrete surface lined.
ITEM UNIT The bid rate shall include full compensation for
61.06 ESTABLISHMENT ON THE SITE LUMP procuring, furnishing, lapping and placing all material
FOR THE DRILLING OF HOLES (TYPE SUM and for all labour and incidentals required for
OF DRILLING INDICATED) completing the work as specified.
The bid lump sum shall include full compensation for ITEM UNIT
establishment on the site, moving to individual bridge
positions and the subsequent removal of all special 61.11 ESTABLISHMENT ON THE SITE LUMP
equipment for drilling the holes and additional FOR PILING SUM
equipment for carrying out operations, the cost of which
does not vary with the actual amount of work to be The bid lump sum shall include full compensation for
done. generally levelling the piling site, establishing on the site
and subsequently removing all structural platforms,
This work will be paid for by way of a lump sum, 75% of rafts, and all special equipment for foundation piling and
which will become payable when all the equipment is for carrying out operations, the cost of which does not
on the site and the first hole has been drilled. The vary with the actual amount of piling done.
remaining 25% will become payable after all the holes
have been drilled and the equipment has been removed This work will be paid for by way of a lump sum, 50% of
from the site. which will become payable when all equipment is on the
site and the first pile has been installed. The second
instalment of 25% of the lump sum will be payable after
ITEM UNIT half the total number of piles have been installed, and
61.07 DRILLING OF HOLES (DIAMETER METRE the final instalment of 25% after all the piles have been
AND TYPE OF DRILLING INDICATED) (m) completed and the equipment has been removed from
the site.
The unit of measurement shall be the metre of hole
drilled. ITEM UNIT
The bid rate shall include full compensation for drilling 61.12 MOVING TO, AND SETTING UP NUMBER (no)
and clearing the holes as specified, equipment moving THE EQUIPMENT AT EACH POSITION
and setting up in position, drilling and clearing the holes FOR INSTALLING THE PILES
as specified. Where no provision has been made for
payment in the Bill of Quantities under ITEM 61.09, the The unit of measurement shall be the number of
bid rate shall also include full compensation for work positions to which the installation equipment has to be
falling under that item. moved and set up in position. The quantity measured
shall be the number of piles installed plus the number of
piles redriven on the instruction of the Engineer, plus
ITEM UNIT any piles provided in addition for load tests, which do
61.08 GROUTING (TYPE OF GROUT KILOGRAM (kg) not form part of a specific pile group.
RANGES: The unit of measurement shall be the metre of
(a) AUGERED HOLES: accepted prefabricated pile delivered on the site in
(i) 0 m UP TO 10 m METRE (m) accordance with the Engineer's written instructions.
(ii) EXCEEDING 10 m, UP TO 15 m METRE (m) The bid rate shall include full compensation for
(iii) FURTHER INCREMENTS OF 5 m METRE (m) supplying all the materials, manufacturing, transporting
(b) BORED HOLES: and delivering to the point of use and handling the
prefabricated piles.
(i) 0 m UP TO 10 m METRE (m)
(ii) EXCEEDING 10 m, UP TO 15 m METRE (m)
The limits for the successive depth ranges shall be PREFABRICATED PILES (TYPE AND
measured down from the average ground surface SIZE INDICATED) THROUGH MATERIAL
(SUBCLAUSE 6113(h)) to the agreed founding level SITUATED WITHIN THE FOLLOWING
(a) 0 m UP TO 10 m METRE (m)
The unit of measurement shall be the metre of hole, (b) EXCEEDING 10 m, UP TO 15 m METRE (m)
including the depth of the bulbous base formed, as may
be applicable. The depth of the bulbous base shall be (c) FURTHER INCREMENTS OF 5 m METRE (m)
deemed to be equal to the diameter of a sphere, the
volume of which shall be equal to the quantity of The limits for the successive depth ranges shall be
compacted concrete in the bulbous base. measured down from the average ground surface to the
founding depth agreed on (CLAUSE 6106).
Irrespective of the total depth of the hole, the quantity
within each depth range shall be measured and paid for The unit of measurement shall be the metre of
separately. prefabricated pile installed. That part of the
prefabricated pile projecting above the average ground
The bid rates for forming augered holes shall include surface shall not be measured and paid for.
full compensation for augering and disposing of surplus
material resulting from the hole having been formed. Irrespective of the total length of pile installed, the
quantity installed within each depth range shall be
The bid rates for forming bored holes shall include full measured and paid for separately.
compensation for boring, supplying, installing and
extracting the driven temporary casing as well as for The bid rates shall include full compensation for
disposing of surplus material resulting from the hole hoisting and driving the pile.
having been formed.
The limits for the successive depth ranges shall be The unit of measurement shall be the metre of pile hole
measured down from the average ground surface to the formed through the identified obstruction, measured
agreed founding level (CLAUSE 6106). from the depth at which the identified obstruction is
encountered to the depth at which normal auger drilling
The unit of measurement shall be the metre of hole plus or boring can be resumed or another type of identified
the depth of bulbous base formed as may be obstruction is encountered.
applicable. The depth of the bulbous base shall be
deemed to be equal to the diameter of a sphere, the The bid rates shall include full compensation for all
volume of which shall be equal to the quantity of additional work and incidentals required for forming the
compacted concrete in the bulbous base. Irrespective pile hole through the identified obstruction.
of the total depth of the hole, the quantity within each
depth range shall be measured and paid for separately. Where obstructions other than those provided for in
The bid rates shall include full compensation for ITEM 61.19 can be identified, they shall be described on
supplying, driving and subsequently extracting the the Drawings and/or in the Special Specifications.
temporary casing. Provision therefor shall be made in the Bill of Quantities
under extensions to ITEM 61.19.
UNIDENTIFIED OBSTRUCTIONS The unit of measurement shall be the number of
sockets, the length of which shall be not less than the
A provisional sum shall be allowed in the Bill of specified length, formed in rock, the hardness of which
Quantities for covering the cost of this work. shall be not less than that of the specified class of rock.
Payment for the work authorised by the Engineer shall The bid rate shall include full compensation for all work
be in accordance with the provisions of the Conditions to be done for socketing into the rock formation.
of Contract.
IDENTIFIED OR UNIDENTIFIED The unit of measurement shall be the metre of
OBSTRUCTIONS temporary casing installed as directed by the Engineer
or shown on the Drawings. Only the installed temporary
A provisional sum shall be allowed in the Bill of casing below the average ground surface (SUBCLAUSE
Quantities for covering the cost of this work. 6113(h)) shall be measured for payment.
The method of payment for the work authorised by the The bid rate shall include full compensation for
Engineer shall be in accordance with the provisions of supplying, installing and removing the temporary
the Conditions of Contract. casings.
The bid rates shall include full compensation for all ITEM UNIT
additional work and incidentals for forming the pile 61.26 STEEL REINFORCEMENT IN
holes or for driving and later extracting the temporary CAST IN SITU PILES:
casing, or for installing prefabricated piles to the rake
shown. (a) MILD-STEEL BARS TONNE (t)
61.21 FORMING UNDERREAMS FOR NUMBER (no) The unit of measurement for steel bars shall be the
PILES OF (DIAMETER INDICATED) tonne of reinforcement in place in accordance with the
Drawings or as authorised.
The unit of measurement shall be the number of pile Ties and other steel used for keeping the reinforcing
holes underreamed. The bid rate shall include full steel in position shall be measured as steel reinforcing
compensation for all work to be done in forming the under the appropriate SUBITEM.
underreams, but shall exclude the concrete work.
The bid rates shall include full compensation for
supplying, delivering, cutting, bending, welding, trial
ITEM UNIT welds, placing and fixing the steel reinforcing, including
all tying wires, spacers and waste.
The unit of measurement shall be the number of 61.27 CAST IN SITU CONCRETE IN CUBIC
bulbous bases formed. PILES, UNDERREAMS, BULBOUS BASES METRE (m3)
The bid rate shall include full compensation for all work INDICATED)
to be done in forming the bulbous bases but shall
exclude the concrete work.
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
concrete placed in the cast in situ piles underreams,
bulbous bases and sockets. The quantity shall be
calculated from the nominal pile diameter and length of
pile from the founding level to the specified cutting-off
level, plus the additional quantity of concrete in the Test piles, but not anchor piles and anchors, shall be
underream and bulbous base as may be relevant. measured as specified above for permanent piles.
Anchor piles and anchors shall be deemed to form part
The bid rate shall include full compensation for of the testing equipment under this item.
supplying and storing all material, providing all
equipment, mixing, transporting, placing and The bid rate shall include full compensation for installing
compacting the concrete, curing the concrete and the anchor piles and anchors where necessary;
repairing defective concrete. Payment shall distinguish conducting load tests, and processing and submitting
between the different classes of concrete. the results.
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of The bid lump sum shall include full compensation for
concrete cast under water, the quantity being calculated the establishment on the site and subsequently
as for ITEM 61.30. removing all the equipment required for conducting the
core drilling. This cost does not vary with the quantity of
The bid rate shall include full compensation for all work to be done. This work shall be paid for by way of a
additional work, incidentals and extra cement required lump sum, 100% of which will become payable when
for placing the concrete under water. the equipment has been set up at the first location and
drilling has started.
The unit of measurement shall be the number of
splices/couplings in prefabricated piles for each size of The unit of measurement shall be the number of
pile. The bid rate shall include full compensation for all locations to which the core-drilling equipment is to be
work required for splicing/coupling the piles in moved and at which it has to be assembled.
accordance with the Specifications.
The bid rate shall include full compensation for the cost
of moving and assembling the equipment.
The unit of measurement shall be the number of heads (a) CONCRETE METRE (m)
of each type and diameter/size of pile stripped/cut. (b) FOUNDING FORMATION:
The bid rate shall include full compensation for (i) IRRESPECTIVE OF HARDNESS METRE (m)
providing all tools and stripping/cutting the pile heads. (ii) WITH A HARDNESS OF METRE (m)
The unit of measurement shall be the metre of hole
ITEM UNIT drilled. The bid rate shall include full compensation for
61.31 ESTABLISHMENT ON THE SITE LUMP SUM drilling, recovering and packing the cores, keeping the
FOR THE LOAD TESTING OF PILES drilling records, providing core boxes, providing and
installing the casings, and backfilling the holes with
The bid lump sum shall include full compensation for grout.
the establishment on the site and subsequently
removing all the special equipment required for
conducting the load tests on piles. This cost does not ITEM UNIT
vary with the number of load tests to be conducted. 61.36 FORMWORK FOR CAISSONS SQUARE
Payment for this work shall be made by way of a lump
sum, 100% of which will be paid after the testing The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of
assembly has been completely assembled and the first formwork, and only the area of formwork in contact with
load test has been started. the finished face of the concrete shall be measured.
Formwork for construction joints shall be measured for
payment under Class F1 surface finish but shall be
ITEM UNIT measured only for construction joints shown on the
61.32 LOAD TESTS ON PILES NUMBER (no) Drawings or as prescribed by the Engineer.
DIAMETER/ SIZE, SPECIFIED The bid rate shall include full compensation for
WORKING LOAD INDICATED) supplying all the materials, erecting the falsework and
formwork, constructing the forms, forming the grooves,
The unit of measurement shall be the number of load fillets, chamfers, stopends for construction joints,
tests conducted on the instruction of the Engineer, for treating the forms, all accessories, and stripping and
each specified working load. removing the formwork after completion of the work.
Payment for formwork shall be made only after the
formwork has been stripped and the surface finish (b) EXCEEDING 5 m AND UP TO 10 m METRE (m)
approved. (c) FURTHER INCREMENTS OF 5 m METRE (m)
For Works on, over, under or adjacent to any railway (ii) Sliding formwork
line which is controlled by a Rail Authority, the The Contractor shall be responsible for the design
Contractor shall comply, inter alia, with the of the sliding formwork. Prior to fabrication or
requirements for the preparation and submission of bringing the sliding formwork and any additional
drawings for falsework and formwork, and the equipment to the site, the Contractor shall submit
submission of certificates for the proper construction drawings of the complete sliding- formwork
thereof, all in accordance with the relevant Rail assembly to the Engineer for approval. The
Authority Specification. drawings shall show full details of the forms, jacking
frames, access ladders, hanging platforms, safety
After having constructed the falsework and formwork, rails and curing skirts as well as details of the jacks
and prior to placing the reinforcing steel and/or the and jack layouts.
concrete, the Contractor shall inspect the falsework and
formwork. Dimensions shall be checked, unevenness of The Contractor shall be required to submit to the
surface shall be corrected, and special attention paid to Engineer, before slide casting commences, an
the adequacy and tightness of all bolts, ties and instruction manual in which the sliding techniques,
bracings as well as to the soundness of the jacking procedure, methods of keeping the
foundations. formwork level, the procedure to be adopted to
prevent bonding of the concrete to the forms and a
The Contractor shall give the Engineer at least 24 hours method for releasing the forms in the event of
notice of his/her intention to place the concrete to bonding, the instrumentation and monitoring of the
enable the Engineer to inspect all aspects of the slide casting and correcting for verticality, twisting
completed work. However, before notifying the and levelness are described in detail.
Engineer, the Contractor shall satisfy himself/herself
that the work complies in all respects with the The formwork panels shall be inclined to give a
Specifications. small taper, the forms being slightly wider at the
bottom than at the top.
Concrete sections with dimensions smaller than 200
mm shall not be formed with sliding formwork unless The taper shall be so designed as to produce
authorised by the Engineer. specified concrete thickness at the mid-lift level of
the form.
6204 DESIGN The spacing of the jacks with their jack rods shall
be so designed that the dead load of the sliding-
(a) General formwork assembly, the frictional load, and the
The Contractor's design and drawings of the falsework weight of materials, personnel and equipment will
and formwork shall comply amongst others with all be evenly distributed and within the design capacity
statutory requirements. of the jacks used.
Where the jack rods are to be recovered, Fibre-cement plates shall be supported so that the
adequate precautions shall be taken in respect plate spans in the direction parallel to the
of their removal without damage being caused orientation of the fibres. Asbestos is a banned and
to the concrete. dangerous substance; as such asbestos fibres shall
NOT be used.
Where jack rods occur at openings or wall
chases, adequate lateral support shall be (vii) Preparing the formwork
provided to prevent their buckling. Equipment The surfaces of forms which are to be in contact
and material shall be so distributed on the with fresh (wet) concrete shall be treated to ensure
working platforms that the load will be evenly non-adhesion of the concrete to the forms and easy
distributed over the jacks. release from the concrete during the stripping of the
Guard plates shall be provided at the tops of
the forms to the outside walls to prevent the Release agents shall be applied strictly in
concrete from falling down the outside. accordance with the manufacturer's instructions,
and every precaution shall be taken to avoid the
The framework, forms and platforms shall be contamination of the reinforcement prestressing
regularly cleared and the accumulation thereon tendons and anchorages. In the selection of release
of redundant concrete prevented. agents, due regard shall be given to the necessity
for maintaining a uniform colour and appearance
The Contractor shall take all precautions to throughout on the exposed concrete surfaces.
prevent contamination of the concrete by
leaking oil or other causes. Before the concrete is placed, all dirt and foreign
matter shall be removed from the forms and the
(5) The sliding process forms shall be thoroughly wetted with water.
The Contractor shall give the Engineer 24
hours' notice of his/her intention to commence
with slide casting. Permission to commence 6206 REMOVAL OF FALSEWORK AND
with the sliding shall not be given by the
Engineer before the sliding-formwork assembly
Falsework and formwork shall not be removed before
is fully operative and the complete stock of all
the concrete has attained sufficient strength to support
materials required for the slide casting as well
its own weight and any loads which may be imposed on
as back-up and equipment are on the site.
it. This condition shall be assumed to require the
formwork to remain in place after the concrete has been
The Contractor shall ensure that the rate of
placed, for the appropriate minimum period of time
sliding is such that the concrete at the bottom of
given in TABLES 6206/1 to 6206/3, unless the Contractor
the formwork has obtained sufficient strength to
can prove, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, that
support itself and all loads which may be placed
shorter periods are sufficient to fulfil this condition. In
on the concrete at the time, and that the
such case the formwork may be removed after the
concrete does not adhere to the sides of the
shorter periods of time agreed on by the Engineer.
Formwork shall be removed only with the permission of
The slide-casting operation shall be continuous,
the Engineer. The work of striking after the receipt of
without any interruptions, until the full height of
such permission shall be carried out under the personal
the structure has been reached, and shall be
supervision of a competent foreman.
geared and organised so as to maintain an
average rate of sliding of 350 mm per hour.
Where the Engineer considers the Contractor's
(6) Interruptions proposals for the removal of formwork to be premature
When the sliding operations are delayed for either on account of the weather or for any other
more than 45 minutes, the Contractor shall reasons he may order the Contractor to delay such
prevent adhesion of the setting concrete to the removal and the Contractor shall have no claim for
formwork panels by easing the forms or moving delay in consequence thereof.
removed before the concrete of the last pour has
reached the appropriate minimum age given in TABLE
TABLE 6206/1 6206/1 or the appropriate minimum strength. Where the
REMOVING FALSEWORK AND FRAMEWORK - NORMAL structure is constructed in stages, the falsework and
COMMON CEMENTS supporting formwork shall be removed as specified or
Falsework and formwork for: Days
Normal Cold On prestressed-concrete structures the falsework and
weather weather supporting formwork shall be removed after the full
prestressing force relating to the particular stage of
Beam sides, walls and 1 1.5
construction has been applied, unless otherwise
unloaded columns
specified or authorised.
Soffits of slabs and beams
Spans up to 3 m 4 7
Spans 3 m to 6 m 10 17 6207 FORMED SURFACES, CLASSES OF
Spans 6 m to 12 m 14 24
21 30 FINISH
Spans over 12 m
(a) General
In addition to complying with the tolerances specified in
TABLE 6206/2 CLAUSE 6803, the surface finish on formed concrete
REMOVING FALSEWORK AND FRAMEWORK - RAPID surfaces shall also comply with the following
(c) Rubbing the surfaces Rubbing with carborundum stone after the concrete has
If the finish of exposed formed surfaces does not hardened shall be allowed but under no circumstances
comply with the requirements for uniformity of texture, will plastering of the surface be permitted.
appearance and colour, the Contractor shall, when so
instructed by the Engineer, rub down the exposed
surfaces of the entire structure or of any part of it as 6210 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT
specified below.
The surface shall be saturated with water for at least
one hour. Initial rubbing shall be done with a medium- 62.01 FORMWORK TO PROVIDE (CLASS SQUARE
coarse carborundum stone, where a small amount of
mortar, having a sand and cement ratio equal to that of
the concrete being repaired is used on the surface. (DESCRIPTION OF MEMBER TO WHICH
Rubbing shall be continued until all form marks,
projections and irregularities have been removed and a
uniform surface has been obtained. The paste
produced by the rubbing shall be left in place. The final ITEM UNIT
rubbing shall be carried out with a fine carborundum 62.02 VERTICAL FORMWORK TO SQUARE
stone and water. This rubbing shall continue until the PROVIDE (CLASS OF FINISH INDICATED METRE (m2)
entire surface is of a smooth, even texture and is AS F1, F2, F3 OR BOARD) SURFACE
uniform in colour. The surface shall then be washed FINISH TO (DESCRIPTION OF MEMBER
with a brush to remove surplus paste and powder. TO WHICH APPLICABLE)
(1) The following shall be determined for the (d) Method of test for fatigue properties of deformed
characteristic strength when testing for bars
properties listed in SUBCLAUSE 6304 (c) (iii).
- All individual values for characteristic (i) Fatigue testing
strength cv for the 15 test specimens; The fatigue properties for each defined bar shape
- The mean value for the characteristic and process route shall be established at an
strength m15 (for n = 15); applicable testing laboratory, initially by testing three
- The standard deviation S15 (for n = 15). sizes selected from the top, middle and bottom of
the product size range. Products representing the
The test unit shall be deemed to conform to full size range shall be tested on the basis of a tree
BS 4449:1997 if all individual values of R m/Re year cycle.
and the elongation at fracture A5 exceed
values specified in Table 6304/2, and the Testing shall be carried out on bars in the
following condition is fulfilled by the commercially straight condition. The bars shall
characteristic strength: endure 5 x 106 cycles of stress at he applicable
stress range for the size of the bar, given in Table
m15 2.33 x S15 cv 6304/10.
Type 1 Either a plain square twisted bar or a plain In members which are formed with sliding formwork,
chamfered square twisted bar, with a pitch spacer ladders for placing and fixing the wall
of twist not greater than 14 times the reinforcement shall be used at spacings indicated on
nominal size. the Drawings or as prescribed by the Engineer. The
spacer ladders shall consist of two bars 3.7 m in length
Type 2 A bar with transverse ribs of a substantially with ties 4 mm in diameter welded to them to resemble
uniform spacing not greater than 0.8 for a ladder. The ties shall be spaced at multiples of the
as-rolled deformed bars or 1.2 for cold horizontal bar spacing in the wall, and shall be used to
twisted bars; having a mean area of ribs secure the horizontal reinforcement. The laps in the
(per unit length), above the core of the bar horizontal reinforcement shall be staggered to ensure
projected on a plane normal to the axis of that no part of two laps in any four consecutive layers
the bar, of not less than 0.15 mm 2/mm, lie in the same vertical plane.
where is the nominal bar size in
(iii) Bond classification by performance The term "cover" in this context shall mean the
The performance tests described in BS 4449:1997, minimum thickness of concrete between the surface of
Annex D shall be conducted at an appropriate the reinforcement and the face of the concrete.
laboratory. The bond classification established at
the laboratory and given on the test report shall be The minimum cover shall be as shown on the Drawings.
regarded as final. Where no cover is indicated, the minimum cover
provided shall be at least equal to the appropriate
values shown in TABLE 6308/1 at the end of the Section.
Reinforcement shall be cut or cut and bent to the The cover shall be increased by the expected depth of
dimensions shown on the bending schedules and in any surface treatment, e.g. when concrete is bush
accordance with BS 8666:2000 or BS EN ISO hammered or when rebates are provided.
4066:2000 or as prescribed by the Engineer.
Additional cover as prescribed by the Engineer shall be
No flame-cutting of high-tensile steel bars shall be provided if porous aggregates are used.
permitted except when authorised.
The cover blocks or spacers required for ensuring that
All bars with less than 32 mm in diameter shall be bent the specified cover is obtained shall be of a material,
cold and bending shall be done slowly, a steady, even shape and design acceptable to the Engineer.
pressure being exerted without jerking or impact.
Concrete spacer blocks shall be made with 5 mm
If approved, the hot bending of bars of at least 32 mm maximum sized aggregate and shall be of the same
in diameter will be permitted, provided that the bars do strength and material source as those of the
not depend on cold working for their strength. When hot surrounding concrete. The blocks shall be formed in
bending is approved, the bars shall be heated slowly to specially manufactured moulds and the concrete
a cherry-red heat (not exceeding 840C) and shall be compacted on a vibratory table, and cured under water
allowed to cool slowly in air after bending. Quenching for a period of at least 14 days, all to the satisfaction of
with water shall not be permitted. the Engineer.
Already bent reinforcing bars shall not be re-bent at the Ties cast into spacer blocks shall not extend deeper
same spot without authorisation. into the spacer block than half the depth of the spacer
6306 SURFACE CONDITION The Contractor shall provide stools as shown on the
When the concrete is placed around the reinforcing Drawings, or where they are not detailed on the
steel and/or dowels, the reinforcing steel and/or dowels Drawings, wherever the Engineer requires them to be
shall be clean, free from mud, oil, grease, paint, loose installed. The stools shall be suitably robust, and fixed
rust, concrete droppings, loose mill scale or any other securely so that they can not swivel or move. The stools
substance which could have an adverse chemical effect shall have sufficient strength to perform the required
on the steel or concrete, or which could reduce the functions, taking into account amongst others
strength of bond. temporary loads such as the weight of workmen and
wet concrete, and forces caused by vibrators and other
methods of compacting the concrete.
Reinforcement shall be positioned as shown on the
Drawings and shall be firmly secured in position within
the tolerance given in SUBCLAUSE 6803(f) by being tied
Laps, joints, splices and mechanical couplings shall be
applied only by the specified methods and at the
positions shown on the Drawings or as authorised.
Reinforcement shall be welded only where shown on
the Drawings or as authorised.
20 25 30 40 50
Concrete surfaces exposed
to aggressive water or a 3.1 Surfaces in rivers polluted by industries
saline atmosphere NA NA NA 60 50
3.2 Cast in situ piles, wet cast against casings
NA NA NA 80 80
(i) Cements complying with the requirements of US (v) The fineness modulus of the fine aggregate shall
310-1:2001 (CEM I or II), BS EN 197-1:2000, not vary by more than 0.2 from the approved
AASHTO M85-98 or equivalent standard on modulus.
approval of the Engineer.
(vi) The coarse part of aggregate shall be roughly
(ii) Sulphate-resistant cement conforming to the cubical in shape and free from excess flat and/or
requirements of BS 4027:1996, but only where elongated particles.
shown on the Drawings or instructed by the
Engineer. (c) Boulders
Boulders used in concrete shall comply with the
(iii) Blast-furnace cement may be used if specified in following
the Special Specifications, and shall comply with
the requirements of US 310-1:2001 (CEM III), (i) The boulders shall be clean, durable and inert.
AASHTO M240-97 or equivalent standard on
approval of the Engineer. (ii) The aggregate crushing value may not exceed
In prestressed concrete members or units the use of
blast-furnace cement will not be permitted. (iii) The weight of each boulder shall be between 15 kg
and 55 kg.
The type of cement to be used for different concrete
members shall be set out in the Special Specifications. (iv) No dimension of any boulder shall be less than 150
mm or exceed 500 mm.
(b) Aggregates
Both coarse aggregate (stone) and fine aggregate (d) Water
(sand) shall comply with the requirements of BS EN Water for use in mixing concrete and mortar and for
1367-4:2002 or equivalent, subject to the following: curing and related purposes shall be obtained from a
source approved by the Engineer and shall comply with
(i) The drying shrinkage of both the fine and coarse the requirements of BS EN 1008:2002.
aggregate when tested in accordance with BS EN
1367:2002 or equivalent shall not exceed the Water shall be clean, fresh and free from detrimental
following limits: concentrations of acids, alkalis, salts, sugar and other
organic or chemical substances that could impair the
durability and strength of the concrete or the imbedded
steel. The Contractor shall prove the suitability of the allow delivery of cement to be maintained at a specified
water by way of tests conducted by an approved pressure and shall be maintained to prevent undue
laboratory. For reinforced and prestressed concrete the emission of dust to prevent interference with weighing
chloride content of the mixing water shall not exceed accuracy by build up of pressure. Cement drawn for use
500 mg/l when tested in accordance with BS 6068- from silos shall be measured by weight and not by
2.37:1990, SANS 5202/ SABS SM 202 or equivalent. volume.
(e) Admixtures Cement shall not be kept in storage for longer than
Admixtures shall not be used in concrete without the eight weeks without the Engineer's permission, and
approval of the Engineer who may require that tests be different brands and/or types of the same brand of
conducted before the admixtures be used to prove their cement shall be stored separately.
suitability. Admixtures, if their use is allowed, shall
comply with the following requirements: (b) Aggregates
(i) Admixtures shall be used only in liquid form and Aggregates of different nominal sizes shall be stored
shall be batched in solution in the mixing water by a separately and in such a manner as to avoid
mechanical batcher capable of dispensing the segregation occurring. Intermixing of different materials
admixture in quantities accurate to within 5% of the and contamination by foreign matter shall be avoided.
required quantity. Aggregates exposed to a saline environment shall be
covered to protect them from salt contamination.
(ii) All admixtures shall comply with the requirements of
ASTM C-494 or AASHTO M-194 and shall be of an Where concrete is batched on site, the aggregates shall
approved brand and type. be stored in bins with a 3 m wide concrete apron slab
constructed around the outer edge of the aggregate
(iii) Air entraining agents shall comply with the stockpile area, to prevent contamination during the
requirements of ASTM C-260 or AASHTO M-154. process of tipping and removing the aggregate. The
aggregates shall be tipped on the concrete apron slab.
(iv) Admixtures shall not contain any chlorides. The storage bin shall have a concrete floor of 150 mm
(f) Curing agents
Curing agents shall be tested in accordance with ASTM The Contractor may be required to carry out on Site
C-156 and shall comply with the requirements of ASTM supplementary processing and/or effective washing of
C-309, except that the loss of water within 72 hours aggregates where in the opinion of the Engineer such
shall not exceed 0.40 kg/m 2. Only approved curing action is necessary to ensure that all aggregates
agents shall be used. comply fully with the requirements of this Specification
at the time when concrete materials are batched and
Curing agents shall be clear or pigmented as specified mixed. Methods used for processing and washing
or required by the Engineer. A certificate from an aggregates shall be subject to the approval of the
approved testing laboratory stating that the curing Engineer.
compound complies with the specified requirements
shall be submitted to the Engineer. (c) Storage capacity
The storage capacity provided and the quantity of
Irrespective of the above specifications being met, the material stored (whether cement, aggregates or water)
curing compound shall be the type that can be applied shall be sufficient to ensure that no interruptions to the
to a wet surface without loss of stability or impairment of progress of the work will be occasioned by the lack of
its water retention properties. any materials.
When the cement is supplied in bags, the bags shall be (b) Strength concrete
closely and neatly stacked to a height not exceeding 12 The Contractor shall be responsible for the design of
bags and arranged so that they will not be in contact the concrete mix and for the proportions of the
with the ground or the walls and can be used in the constituent materials necessary for producing concrete
order in which they were delivered to the site. which complies with the requirements specified below
for each class of concrete.
Cement shall not be kept in a temporary store except
where it is necessary for the efficient organisation of the The class of concrete is indicated by the characteristic
mixing station, and only when the prior approval of the 28-day cube crushing strength in MPa and the
Engineer has been obtained. maximum size of coarse aggregate in the mix.
Where silos are used for the storage of cement, each E.g. CLASS 30/38 concrete means concrete with a
silo shall be completely separate and fitted with a filter characteristic cube crushing strength of 30
or an approved alternative method of dust control. Each MPa after 28 days and a maximum sized
filter or dust control system shall be of sufficient size to coarse aggregate of 38 mm.
the Contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer the
The aggregate size shall be selected in accordance data regarding the relevant cement quality for each
with US 101:2000, BS 882:1992 and BS EN consignment with a view to ascertaining the required
12620:2002, SANS 1083 or equivalent. adjustment in the cement content. This information shall
be submitted to the Engineer.
Characteristic strength shall be defined as that value of
the cube strength below which not more than 5% of the (c) Bleeding
results of all possible cube strength measurements of The concrete shall be so proportioned with suitable
the specified concrete are expected to fall. materials that bleeding is not excessive.
The characteristic cube crushing strength of strength (d) Consistency and workability
concrete shall be of any strength from 15 MPa, in The concrete shall be of suitable workability for the
increments of 5 MPa, up to 60 MPa, as indicated on the nature of the work to be executed without the excessive
Drawings or in the Bill of Quantities or as may be use of water so that it can be readily compacted into the
prescribed by the Engineer. The strengths preferred are corners of the formwork and around the reinforcement,
15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 and 60 MPa. tendons and ducts without the material segregating.
The maximum free water:cement ratio under any
The cement content for any class of concrete shall not circumstances is 0.5.
exceed 500 kg per cubic metre of concrete.
Slump measurements obtained in accordance with the
Where for reasons of durability or other considerations, test method described in BS EN 12350-2:2000 on
concrete is designated by the prefix "W". concrete used in the Works shall fall within the ranges
specified in TABLE 6404/1.
E.g. CLASS W30/19, such designations shall
denote concrete having a cement content not
less than and a water:cement ratio not TABLE 6404/1
exceeding the limits given in the Special SLUMP VALUES
Specifications. Type of construction Slump (mm) *)
Max Min
In such cases, characteristic cube compressive
strengths should be: Prestressed concrete 75 25
(i) the specified 28-day characteristic cube Concrete nosings and pre-
compressive strength, or fabricated units 75 50
Minimum Minimum
cement strength supplementary containers of a suitable size being used.
content / Adjustments to the volume, by the incomplete filling of
m3 batching boxes to marks on their inside faces will not be
(kg)Common Cements
Sulphate resisting (kg)
6405 MEASURING THE MATERIALS Concrete shall be mixed in a batch type mixer
manufactured in accordance with BS 1305:1974 and to
(a) Cement the approval of the Engineer. Mixing for each batch
Where cement is supplied in standard bags, the bags shall continue until there is uniform distribution of the
shall be -ascertained to contain 50 kg. All cement taken materials and uniformity of colour and consistency of
from bulk-storage containers and from partly used bags the concrete. Admixtures for which approval in writing
shall be batched by weight, accurate to within 3% of the has been given by the Engineer shall be introduced into
required weight. concrete by means of automatic dosing equipment.
Such equipment shall feed a fixed quantity of admixture
(b) Water into the mixing water before the latter is discharged into
The mixing water for each batch shall be measured, the mixer and shall be subject to the approval of the
either by weight or by volume, accurate to within 3% of Engineer.
the required quantity. The quantity of water added to the
mix shall be adjusted to make allowance for moisture in The mixing period for the materials shall be 90 seconds
the aggregates. and may be reduced only if the Engineer is satisfied
that the reduced mixing time will produce concrete with
(c) Aggregates the same strength and uniformity as concrete mixed for
All aggregates for strength concrete shall be measured 90 seconds. The reduced mixing time, however, shall
separately by weight, except as otherwise provided in be not less than 50 seconds or the manufacturer's
this Clause, accurate to within 3% of the required recommended mixing time whichever is the longer. A
quantity. suitable timing device shall be attached to the mixer to
ensure that the minimum mixing time for the materials
Aggregates for strength concrete may be volume has been complied with.
batched subject to the approval of the Engineer, and on
condition that the quantity of cement is increased, at the
The first batch to be run when starting with a clean having been given, approval shall again be obtained
mixer shall contain only 2/3 of the required quantity of from the Engineer.
coarse aggregate to make provision for "coating" the
mixer drum. Discharge shall be so carried out that no Concreting operations shall be carried out only during
segregation of the materials will occur in the mix. The daylight hours unless proper lighting arrangements
mixer shall be emptied completely before it is recharged have been made and the lights are in working order
with fresh materials. before mixing of the concrete commences. Workmen
shall not be allowed to work double shifts and the
The Contractor shall take particular care to ensure that Contractor shall provide a fresh team for night shifts.
the mixer drum is washed and cleaned out immediately
following the completion of each concreting operation or Sufficient material to afford full production to a concrete
when changing a mix using a different type of cement. pour shall be available at the place of work prior to the
commencement of concreting.
Under certain conditions the Engineer may sanction Placing and compacting the concrete shall at all times
hand mixing, in which case the concrete shall be made be under the direct supervision of an experienced
on a flat watertight platform or suitable area. The concrete supervisor.
cement and aggregate shall be spread in thin layers
and mixed dry until a uniform colour is obtained. Water Once the casting of concrete has begun, it shall be
shall be added and the mixture turned over at least carried out in a continuous process between
three times or until the concrete is of uniform colour and construction joints. Concrete shall be placed within 60
consistency throughout. minutes from the start of mixing. These times may be
extended by the Engineer where a retarding admixture
(d) Maintaining and cleaning the mixer has been used. All excavations and other contact
If the mixer has stopped running for a period in excess surfaces of an absorbent nature such as timber
of 30 minutes, it shall be thoroughly cleaned-out formwork shall be damp but no standing water shall be
particular attention being given to the removal of any permitted to remain on these surfaces. The formwork
build-up of materials in the drum, in the loader, and shall be clean on the inside.
around the blades or paddles. Worn or bent blades and
paddles shall be replaced. Water quality, freshwater life or any other sensitive
environment shall not be adversely affected in any way.
Before any concrete is mixed, the inner surfaces of the
mixer shall be cleaned and all hardened concrete (b) Placing
removed. Whenever possible, concrete shall be deposited
vertically into its final position. Unless otherwise agreed
(e) Standby mixer by the Engineer on the basis of satisfactory site trials,
When sections are cast where it is important for the concrete shall not be dropped into place from a height
casting to continue without interruption, a standby mixer exceeding 1 metre. Where chutes are used, their length
shall be held in readiness to run on 15 minutes notice and slope shall be such as not to cause segregation,
should the stock mixers break down. and suitable spouts and baffles shall be provided at the
lower end to minimise segregation. The displacement of
(f) Ready-mixed concrete concrete by vibration instead of by direct placing is not
Where ready-mixed concrete is delivered at the site, the permitted.
requirements of BS 5328 or BS EN 206-1:2000 or
equivalent shall have priority over the requirements Care shall be taken when casting bridge decks of a
specified in this Section should inconsistencies occur. substantial thickness to avoid layering of the concrete,
and the entire thickness shall be placed in one pass.
Fresh concrete shall not be placed against concrete
6407 TRANSPORTING, PLACING AND which has been in position for more than 30 minutes
unless a construction joint has been formed or unless a
retarding additive has been used in the concrete.
(a) General
The pumping of concrete shall be subject to approval by
Concrete shall be handled from the place of mixing to
the Engineer. Aluminium pipes shall not be used for this
the place of final deposit as rapidly as practicable by
means that will prevent segregation or loss of any
ingredient. Wherever practicable, concrete shall be
In plain concrete with a thickness of not less than 300
emptied from a mixer directly into the skip which shall
mm, boulders may, if approved, be included to displace
then be transported to the place of final deposit and the
concrete for up to 20% of the total volume, provided
concrete shall be discharged as close as possible to its
final position to avoid rehandling or flowing.
(i) the boulders are spread evenly throughout the
Should the Contractor propose to use concrete pumps
for the transporting and placing of concrete he shall
submit full details of the equipment and operating
(ii) no boulder laid shall have a dimension exceeding
techniques he proposes to use for the approval of the
one third of the smallest dimension of the concrete
in any plane, and
Where concrete is conveyed by chuting or pumping, the
(iii) each boulder is surrounded by at least 75 mm of
equipment used shall be designed to ensure continuous
and unimpeded flow in the chute or pipe. The delivery
end of the chute or pipe shall be thoroughly flushed with
(c) Placing under water
water before and after each working period and shall be
Placing under water shall be allowed only in exceptional
kept clean. Water used for this purpose shall be
circumstances where it is not feasible to dewater the
discharged away from any permanent works.
location before the concrete is placed. No concrete
shall be placed in running water.
Concrete shall not be placed in any part of the Works
until the Engineer's approval has been given. If
Underwater concrete shall be placed by means of
concreting is not started within 24 hours of approval
tremies. Full details of the method proposed by the
Contractor shall be submitted in advance for approval. higher than the underside of the waterstop before
Placing by skip or pipeline will also be considered under releasing the waterstop to ensure complete compaction
certain circumstances as approved by the Engineer. of the concrete around the waterstop.
During concreting by tremie, the pipe shall be kept filled (e) Requirements in respect of sliding formwork
with concrete at all times to prevent air and water from Where sliding formwork is used, the following additional
entering the tremie. When the tremie is charged, an requirements shall apply:
approved sliding plug shall be used. Once concreting
has begun by tremie, the discharge end of the tremie (i) The Contractor shall take all the necessary
shall be kept well below the surface of the concrete. measures to ensure the continuity of operations. All
Should this seal be broken, the tremie shall be lifted the necessary lighting and standby equipment for
and plugged before concreting is recommenced. mixing, hoisting, placing and compacting shall be
Distribution of concrete by lateral movement of the provided and all the materials required for
tremie will not be permitted. completing each structure shall be ready on the site
before casting commences.
The concrete mix to be placed underwater shall be
specially designed and approved for this purpose to (ii) Concrete shall be cast in uniform layers in the
ensure good flowability, plasticity and cohesion. formwork so that the level of the top surface of the
Increased sand and cement contents over those of concrete differs by no more than 250 mm between
normal mixes will usually be required. any two points in the formwork. In addition, the top
level of the concrete shall never be so low down in
(d) Compaction the formwork as will cause structural instability in
The Contractor shall regard compacting of concrete as the formwork. The working platform shall be kept
work of fundamental importance, the object of which is clean and no concrete which has dried out in part
to produce a watertight concrete of maximum density may be swept into the formwork.
and strength.
(iii) The concrete shall be compacted during and
Concrete shall be fully compacted by approved means immediately after placing. Care shall be taken not to
during and immediately after placing. It shall be damage or disturb previously placed concrete. To
thoroughly worked against the formwork, around ensure the proper bonding of successive layers not
reinforcement bars, tendons, ducts and embedded more than one hour shall elapse between the
fittings and into corners to form a solid mass free from placing of successive layers except where an
voids. approved admixture has been applied, in which
case the delay may be amended in consideration of
The concrete shall be free from honeycombing and such circumstances.
planes of weakness, and successive layers of the same
lift shall be thoroughly bonded together. (iv) The slump of concrete may be up to 150 mm
should the approved method of sliding so require.
Unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, concrete
shall be compacted by means of vibrators of an
approved design. Internal vibrators shall be capable of 6408 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS
producing not less than 10000 cycles per minute and
external vibrators not less than 3000 cycles per minute. (a) General
A sufficient number of vibrators shall be used to handle The Contractor shall submit for approval by the
the maximum rate of concrete production with an Engineer his proposals for the position of construction
allowance for breakdowns and spares. joints having due regard to any that may be shown in
the drawings.
Vibration shall be applied by experienced labourers,
and over-vibration resulting in segregation, surface Concreting shall be carried out continuously up to the
water and leakage shall be avoided. Contact with construction joints shown on the working drawings or as
reinforcement and formwork shall, in so far as is approved, except that if, because of an emergency
practicable, be avoided when internal vibrators are (such as breakdown of the mixing equipment or the
used. Concrete shall not be subjected to disturbance by occurrence of unsuitable weather), concreting has to be
vibration within 4 to 24 hours of it having been interrupted, a construction joint shall be formed at the
compacted. place of stoppage and in the manner which will least
impair the durability, appearance, and proper
Concrete that has partially set before placing shall not functioning of the concrete.
be used and shall be removed from site.
Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, the exact
Whenever vibration is applied externally, the design of position of horizontal construction joints shall be marked
the formwork and positioning of vibrators shall be such on the framework by means of grout checks in order to
as to ensure efficient compaction and avoidance of obtain truly horizontal joints.
surface blemishes.
Joint lines shall be clean, true and regular and,
Special attention shall be given to the compaction of wherever possible, arranged to coincide with features of
concrete in the anchorage zones and behind the anchor the finished work.
plates and in all places where high concentrations of
reinforcing steel or cables occur. Stub columns, stub walls and stays on footings shall be
cast integrally with the footings and not afterwards,
Where the placing and compaction of concrete is even where another class of concrete is being used.
difficult, a mix containing smaller sized aggregate may
be used but only with the approval of the Engineer and In all cases vertical stop boards of a form to be
after a mix containing such aggregate has been approved by the Engineer shall be provided at the end
designed and tested. of each section of work which is to be concreted in one
operation, and the concrete shall be thoroughly
When placing concrete against horizontal or inclined consolidated against these stop boards.
elements of waterstops, the latter shall be lifted and the
concrete placed and compacted to a level slightly (b) Preparing the surfaces
When the concrete has set and while it is still green, the (e) Method 5
surface film and all loose material shall be removed Covering with a waterproof or plastic sheeting firmly
without disturbing the aggregate, by means of a water anchored at the edges.
jet assisted by light brushing to expose the aggregate
and leave a sound, irregular surface. Where this is not (f) Method 6
possible, the surface film shall be removed after the Using an approved curing compound applied in
concrete has hardened, by mechanical means accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, except
appropriate to the degree of hardness of the concrete that, where the surface has to be subsequently
so as to expose the aggregate and leave a sound, waterproofed, coated or gunited, this method may not
irregular surface. The roughened surface shall be be used.
washed with clean water to remove all laitance, dirt and
loose particles.
Surface retarding agents may be used only with the (g) Method 7
approval of the Engineer. Steam curing the concrete (precast units).
When concreting recommences a day or more after the The curing period shall be continuous for at least seven
construction joint has been formed, the following days for concrete made with common cements, and at
procedure shall be followed: least 10 days if Portland blast-furnace cement or a
50/50 mixture of Portland cement and ground
(i) The construction joint shall be kept constantly wet granulated blast-furnace slag is used. When the
for a period of at least six hours. The surface shall temperature of concrete falls below 5C, these
be in a saturated, surface dry condition when minimum curing periods shall be extended by the period
concreting has to recommence. during which the temperature of the concrete was below
(ii) Any dirt, excess water and loose particles shall be
removed prior to re-concreting being started. When sliding formwork is used, the concrete shall be
protected against the weather and rapid drying out by
(iii) For horizontal construction joints a 25 mm thick means of a 4 m wide skirt attached to the lower
concrete layer of the same grade of concrete made perimeter of the formwork and hanging over the working
richer by reducing the coarse aggregate content by platform. The skirt shall consist of hessian in the dry
25% shall be placed on the joint plane immediately seasons and of canvas or other suitable material inthe
before concreting. wet seasons. The skirt shall be weighted at the bottom
to prevent it flapping in windy conditions.
(iv) For vertical construction joints the fresh concrete The concrete shall be cured by means of a fog spray to
shall be placed against a surface prepared in keep it wet constantly for the periods stated above or
accordance with SUBCLAUSE 6408(b), which is in a until a curing compound is applied. Wetting the
saturated, surface-dry condition. concrete by spraying shall be by means of a fixed
spraybar along the full length of the sliding formwork.
Epoxy resins specially designed for bonding old The spraybar shall be connected to a suitable high-
concrete to new shall be used at construction joints pressure water supply. Wetting shall be discontinued
where so specified. The preparation of the construction when the ambient air temperature drops below 5C,
joint surface and the application of the epoxy resin shall and care shall be taken by the Contractor to ensure that
be strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's the water will not erode the surface of the fresh
recommendations and the Engineer's instructions. The concrete.
actual brand and type of resin used shall be subject to
the Engineer's approval.
6409 CURING AND PROTECTING (a) Cold weather
Formwork shall be retained in position for the Concrete shall not be placed during falling temperatures
appropriate times given in CLAUSE 6206, and as soon when the ambient air temperature falls below 7C or
as may be practicable, all exposed concrete surfaces during rising temperatures when the ambient air
shall be protected from loss of moisture by one or more temperature is below 3C. When concrete is placed at
of the following methods:
air temperatures below 5C the concrete temperature
(a) Method 1 shall not be below 10C, for which purpose heating of
Retaining formwork in place for the full curing period. the water and/or the aggregate shall be permitted. The
Contractor shall make all the necessary arrangements
(b) Method 2 for heating the material. Heated water and aggregate
Ponding the exposed surfaces with water, except where shall first be mixed and the cement shall then be added
atmospheric temperatures are low, i.e. less than 5C. only while the temperature is below 30C.
The bid rate shall also include full compensation for any
necessary measures to ensure no debris falls into
watercourses and for any debris that has fallen into
watercourses to be recovered.
(i) Pre-tensioned concrete
SECTION 6500: PRESTRESSING Pre-tensioned concrete is prestressed concrete where
the tendon is tensioned before the concrete has been
(2) BS 5896/3 superstrand 1860-12.9-relax 2 for a Wedges and the insides of barrels or cones shall be
12.9 mm diameter superstrand of Class 2 clean to allow the free movement and seating of the
relaxation with a characteristic strength of 1860 wedges inside the taper.
The threads of bars, nuts, anchorages and couplers
(iv) Straightness shall be suitably protected against damage and
Prestressing bars delivered at the site shall be corrosion. The protection shall be removed at the last
straight. Only small adjustments for straightness moment and the threads properly lubricated before use.
may be made, which shall be done by hand on the
site at a temperature above 5C and under the (d) Sheaths
supervision of the Engineer. Where heating of the Sheaths shall be grout-tight and of such material and
bars is required, this shall be by means of steam or configuration that bond forces can be transferred from
hot water. Bars bent in the threaded portion shall the grout to the surrounding concrete. The properties of
not be used. the sheath material shall be such that no corrosion
attack of the prestressing steel will be induced. The
Prestressing wire and strand shall be supplied in sheath shall be sufficiently flexible to accept the
coils with a sufficiently large diameter to ensure that required curvature without kinking, and strong enough
the wire and strand will reel off straight. to retain its cross-section and alignment and to resist
damage on account of handling, transporting, tying and
(v) Surface condition contact with vibrators during concreting. Unless
Prestressing steel shall be clean, free from faults or otherwise approved by the Engineer the thickness of
defects, and without any harmful films and matter the metal of steel sheaths shall not be less than 0.4
which may impair adhesion to the grout or concrete. mm.
A film of rust is not necessarily harmful and may
improve the bond. It may, however, increase the Metal sheathing shall be delivered at the site suitably
friction between the tendon and duct. The depth of protected against damage and corrosion. At the time of
imperfections or pits on the surface of prestressing incorporation into the structural member, the sheathing
steel shall not exceed 0.1 mm for wire with a shall be free from loose mill scale, loose rust, lubricants
diameter up to and including 8 mm, or 0.2 mm for and harmful matter.
bars or wire with a diameter exceeding 8 mm.
Galvanised sheathing shall not be used unless
Unless otherwise specified, the internal diameter of the exceed 2500 cP and 1 500 cP for horizontal
sheath shall be at least 10 mm greater than the and vertical cables respectively.
diameter of the tendon. For vertical tendons and where
tendons are to be drawn into cast-in sheaths, the cross- (3) Bleeding at 20C measured in accordance with
sectional duct area shall be at least three times the SUBCLAUSE 7112 shall not exceed 2% by
cross-sectional area of the tendon. volume three hours after the grout has been
mixed, and the maximum bleeding shall not
(e) Cable supports exceed 4%. In addition, the separated (bleed)
Supports of reinforcing steel or structural steel suitably water must be reabsorbed after 24 hours.
braced to prevent buckling under load shall be used to
support the cables. The cable saddles shall be rigid and (4) The compressive strength of 100 mm cubes
secured in position by welding or by equivalent made of the grout and cured in a moist
mechanical means to resist both gravitational and atmosphere for the first 24 hours and then in
buoyancy forces. water at 20C shall exceed 20 MPa at seven
Normal web reinforcement shall not be utilised to
support cables. (h) Protecting agents for unbonded tendons
The material used for permanent protection of
Saddles for external cables shall be of special design unbonded tendons shall have the following properties:
and material to ensure low friction and to prevent the
tendon or parts thereof from grooving the surface. The (i) It shall remain free from cracks and shall not
saddle plates shall be curved to the requisite radius to become brittle or fluid within the temperature range
prevent the tendon or part thereof from bearing on the of -20C to 70C.
end of the plate and shall incorporate features to
ensure that individual bars, wires and strands are (ii) It shall be chemically stable and the Engineer shall
seated separately. approve its properties.
(f) Tendon spacers (iii) It shall be non-reactive with the surrounding
Tendon spacers used inside the ducts to separate materials, i.e. concrete, tendons, wrapping or
individual bars, wires or strands of the tendon shall be sheathing.
of a proven and approved type and manufactured from
material which will not induce corrosion of the (iv) It shall be non-corrosive or corrosion-inhibiting.
prestressing steel.
(v) It shall be impervious to moisture.
(g) Grout
(vi) It shall be sufficiently tough to withstand the
(i) Materials abrasion caused when a tendon, precoated with the
In addition to the requirements of SUBCLAUSE material, is drawn into the sheath.
6402(d), water shall not contain more than 500 mg
of chloride ions per litre of water. (vii) It shall have no appreciable shrinkage or excessive
volume increase.
Only common cements which comply with the
requirements of US 310-1:2001/EAS 18-1, BS EN (viii) It shall have a suitable viscosity at ambient
197-1:2000 or equivalent shall be used. The temperature or require only moderate preheating to
temperature of the cement shall be less than 40C, permit injection.
and the cement shall be stored in accordance with
the requirements of SUBCLAUSE 6403(a). (i) Testing
Prestressing steel, anchorages and couplers, and grout
Fine aggregate shall consist of siliceous granules, shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of
finely ground limestones, trass or very fine sand. SUBCLAUSE 7111(b). Testing shall be carried out at the
The aggregate used shall pass through a 0.600 mm frequencies as directed by the Engineer.
sieve. The use of fine aggregate shall be subject to
the approval of the Engineer and shall be restricted
to grout for ducts with a diameter exceeding 150
mm. The aggregate content in the grout shall not
exceed 30% of the weight of the cement.
(a) General
All equipment used shall be in a good working order
The use of admixtures shall be subject to tests
and properly maintained.
having shown that their use improves the properties
of the grout, e.g. by increasing workability, reducing
(b) Tensioning and measuring equipment
bleeding, entraining air, or expanding the grout.
Tensioning and measuring equipment shall be such that
Admixtures shall be free from any product liable to
the tendon force can be established to an accuracy of
damage the steel or the grout itself, such as
+2% during any stage of the tensioning operation.
halides, nitrates, sulphides, sulphates, etc. The
quantity of admixture to be used shall be in
Unless otherwise authorised by the Engineer, the
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
tensioning equipment shall be power driven and
capable of gradually applying a controlled total force
(ii) Properties of the grout
without inducing dangerous secondary stresses in the
The mixed grout shall have the following properties:
tendon, anchorage or concrete.
(1) The chloride ions content shall not exceed 750
The force in the tendon during tensioning shall be
measured by a direct-reading dynamometer or obtained
direct from pressure gauges fitted in the hydraulic
(2) The viscosity of the grout measured in
system to determine the pressure in the jacks.
accordance with SUBCLAUSE 7111(b) for
horizontal cables shall be 500 to 2 500 cP and
Pressure gauges shall have concentric scale dials
for vertical cables 400 to 1 500 cP. The viscosity
which comply with the requirements of BS EN 837-
of the grout, 20 minutes after mixing, shall not
1:1998. The dials shall not be less than 150 mm in The following technical data for pre-tensioned and post-
diameter and the gauges shall be used within the range tensioned structural members required for the Contract
of 50 to 90% of their full capacity at maximum service will be furnished on the Drawings:
pressure. (a) Tendon alignment
A diagram showing the alignment of each tendon or
When pressure gauges not using glycerine are used, a group of tendons in both the horizontal and vertical
snubber or similar device shall be fitted to protect the planes, together with the horizontal and vertical co-
gauge against any sudden release of pressure. ordinates, and curve equations of the centroid of the
Provision shall also be made for T-connections for the tendon(s), as may be relevant.
attachment, when required, for supplementary control
gauges. (b) Tendon system
The design shall be based on the system shown on the
Only self-sealing connections shall be used in the Drawings, but the Contractor may use any suitable
hydraulic circuit. Where the pressure input pipe is system which will meet all the specified requirements,
connected to the jack, a pipe rupture valve shall be subject to approval by the Engineer.
installed in the circuit.
(c) Tensioning the tendons
Tensioning equipment shall be calibrated before the Full particulars regarding the partial tensioning of the
tensioning operation and thereafter at frequent tendons, the stage during which the tendons shall be
intervals, as directed by the Engineer, with a master tensioned, and the sequence of tensioning to be
gauge or proving ring, and the Engineer shall be followed.
furnished with a calibration chart. The load-measuring
devices shall be calibrated to an accuracy of +2%. (d) Tensioning force
The maximum tensioning force and the effective force
The extension of tendons shall be measured to an at the live anchorages, after transfer, as well as the
accuracy of +2% or +2 mm, whichever is the more corresponding stress level in the prestressing steel, for
accurate, and pull-in and release to an accuracy of +2 each tendon or group of tendons. The forces will be
mm. given in MN units, and the stress levels will be
expressed as a percentage of the characteristic
(c) Grouting equipment strength.
Transfer shall not be effected until compressive- Cables shall be fitted at both ends with pipes with a
strength tests on the concrete show that the concrete of diameter of at least 10 mm for the injection of grout or
the particular member has attained a compressive protection agents. The ends of the injection pipes shall
strength of at least the compressive strength shown on be fitted with a clamp, valve or device capable of
the Drawings. The transmission length is affected by withstanding a pressure of at least 15 bars without loss
the concrete strength, and the necessary modification of grout or protection agent.
for the concrete strength at transfer shall be made in
conjunction with the Engineer. Vent pipes with a diameter of at least 25 mm shall be
provided in the duct at every high point, change of
The tendons shall be cut off flush with the end of the sheath cross-section and at such intermediate positions
member and the exposed ends covered with a heavy as may be shown on the Drawings or required by the
coat of approved bituminous material or epoxy resin. Engineer. The vent pipes shall extend to at least 500
The cutting of the prestressing steel shall be performed mm above the concrete and shall comply with the
with a high-speed abrasive cutting wheel. Flame cutting requirements for injection pipes.
will not be permitted.
Connections to, and joints in sheaths shall be made
grout-tight by using special sheathing couplings and
taping. With bonded cables, the length of taping shall
not exceed six sheath diameters. Where over sleeves
are used, equal overlaps shall be provided over each
(a) Storage, handling and protection
length of sheathing. Joints in adjacent sheaths shall be
During storage, transit and construction and after
spaced at least 300 mm apart.
installation, the sheaths, prestressing steel, anchorages
sheaths are free from obstructions, that extractable
(c) Installation cores can be removed and, where the design
The installation of tendons shall not commence until the permits, that all tendons are free to move in the
requirements of CLAUSE 6507 have been complied with. ducts. All water in the ducts shall then be expelled
The cable, sheath or extractable core shall be with compressed air and the cables/ducts sealed
accurately installed to the specified alignment and until tensioning takes place.
securely held in position both vertically and horizontally
at intervals appropriate to its rigidity so as not to be Before tensioning is commenced, the side forms
displaced during concreting, either by the weight of the and other restraining elements shall be released or
concrete or by buoyancy. The spacing of the cable removed to give the structural member the freedom
supports shall furthermore ensure that the tendon can to deform under the induced force.
be installed to a smooth alignment without kinks and
within the tolerance specified in SUBCLAUSE 6803(g). (ii) Tensioning sequence
Cable sheaths shall be supported and held in position The sequence of tensioning to be followed shall be
by means of separate reinforcing steel supports with a as shown on the Drawings and/or on drawings
diameter of not less than 16 mm. The transverse bars prepared by the Contractor in terms of CLAUSE
must be welded to the vertical bars or must rest on lugs 6507. The Contractor shall make allowance in
welded to the vertical bars. The spacing of the vertical his/her bid rates for all incidentals which he/she
supports shall not exceed 1.0 m may have to incur as a result of having to tension
fully only some of the tendons at any one stage or
Extractable cores shall not be coated with release agent instant. Where partial tensioning of tendons is
unless approved by the Engineer. required, the work shall be executed in accordance
with the details on the Drawings or as specified.
Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, the The Contractor shall, in his/her bid rates, make
alignment of the tendon within a distance of 1.0 m from provision for all incidentals he/she may have to
the live anchorage and/or coupler shall be straight. The incur as a result of having to tension partially only
tendon axis shall be set perpendicular to the bearing some of or all the tendons at any one stage or
surface of its anchorage and firmly secured in position instant.
so as not to move during concreting. External
anchorages shall be seated on a thin mortar bedding to (iii) Assembling the equipment, and safety precautions
bear evenly on the concrete bearing surface, and the The tensioning and measuring equipment shall be
tendon axis shall be perpendicular to the bearing assembled for tensioning in exactly the same way
surface of the anchorage. as they are assembled for calibration.
Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, the minimum The Contractor shall take all the necessary safety
concrete cover over the outside surface of the sheath or precautions to prevent accidents caused by the
cable support shall comply with the requirements of malfunctioning or failure of any part of the
CLAUSE 6307, except that, for sheaths, the cover shall equipment or material and shall accept full
not be less than 50 mm. responsibility for injury sustained by persons or
damage to property resulting therefrom.
The spacing of cables will depend on the size of the
cable and shall be such that the concrete can be (iv) Friction
properly placed and compacted. The Engineer may require the Contractor to perform
friction tests on designated tendons and to revise
Immediately before concreting, the Contractor shall the relevant theoretical extensions to compensate
inspect the sheaths for grout-tightness and shall seal all for the discrepancy between the values adopted in
damaged and suspect sections. the design and the test results. Payment for these
tests shall be made under ITEM 71.01.
External tendons shall be installed to the same
standards and accuracy specified herein for internal Where applicable, allowance shall be made in the
tendons. The tendons shall be temporarily supported at tensioning force to compensate for friction loss in
regular intervals along the straight length between the jack and in the anchorage.
saddles. The supports shall consist of rigidly
constructed frames secured to the concrete face. (v) Tensioning
Tensioning shall be carried out under the
(d) Concrete strength supervision of a technician skilled in the use of the
Full tensioning of all or some of the tendons shall not prestressing system and equipment and the
commence until the compressive-strength of the methods of tensioning to be adopted.
concrete is 35 MPa or the strength shown on the
Drawings, whichever is the greater. Tensioning shall not be commenced before the
Engineer has been advised of each tensioning
The compressive strength of the concrete shall be operation and has given his/her approval for the
determined from cubes manufactured and tested in work to be started.
accordance with SUBCLAUSE 7106(a) which have been
cured under the same conditions as the structural The technician and operators shall be supplied with
member which is to be prestressed. The number of a schedule listing the sequence of tensioning the
concrete cubes required for this purpose shall be as various tendons and a tensioning record sheet
agreed on with the Engineer. showing the theoretical gauge readings, jacking
forces, extensions, release and pull-in for each
Where initially all or some of the tendons are to be tensioning operation. The record sheet shall
partially tensioned, tensioning shall not commence furthermore provide room for entering the
before the concrete has attained the compressive corresponding information recorded and
strength indicated on the Drawings. observations made during tensioning. A graph of
the tensioning force and/or gauge reading versus
(e) Tensioning theoretical extensions shall, where required, be
(i) Preparation appended to the record sheet and the actual
Within two hours of the concrete having been extensions measured for each load increment shall
placed, the Contractor shall demonstrate that be plotted on the graph. Copies of the completed
record sheets and graphs shall be submitted to the effected by the use of bitumen, petroleum-based
Engineer within 24 hours of each tensioning compounds, epoxy resins, plastics and similar
operation having been completed. products, all complying with the requirements of
SUBCLAUSE 6503(h) and subject to approval by the
The Contractor shall note that the extensions shall Engineer.
be regarded as an indirect measurement of the
tensioning force and shall serve as a control on the Tendons located outside the structural section (i.e.
tensioning force applied. external tendons) shall be encased with a dense
concrete, dense mortar or material sufficiently
The protruding ends of all bars, wires and strands stable and hard, all subject to approval by the
shall be clearly marked for the accurate Engineer. The encasement shall be of the thickness
measurement of extension, release and pull-in. shown on the Drawings. Where bonding of the
tendon to the structural concrete is required, this
Before tensioning is commenced on external shall be achieved by bonding the concrete
tendons, a small load shall be applied to each encasement to the structure with reinforcing steel
tendon, commencing with the uppermost tendon. as detailed on the Drawings.
The force shall be sufficient to take up all slack and
prevent entanglement of the tendons. Protection and bonding of the tendons shall be
effected within seven days of the final tensioning of
The jacking force shall be increased to the tendons, or as specified on the Drawings, but
approximately 5% to 10% of the final jacking force shall not take place without the prior approval of the
to take up the tendon slack and to determine the Engineer having been obtained.
zero position for measuring the extension and to
check the gripping devices and the position and After the permanent protection or bonding has been
alignment of the jacks. The load shall then be completed the anchorages shall be encased in
increased gradually to the full specified tensioning concrete or grout which shall be bonded to the old
force while intermediate gauge readings and concrete with epoxy resin designed for this
extensions are recorded at regular intervals. purpose, or shall be completely coated with a
corrosion-resistant material. The protection
The final stage of tensioning shall be deemed to provided shall in all cases prevent the ingress of
have been satisfactorily accomplished when all the water or aggressive agents.
following requirements have been complied with:
(ii) Preparation of ducts
(1) The tendons have been tensioned to the Before permanent protection and/or bonding of
required force. tendons is effected, the following precautions shall
be taken:
(2) The measured extension on individual tendons
is within 6% of the theoretical extensions. (1) The cables shall be checked for blockages by
water or compressed air being injected.
(3) The average variation between the measured
and theoretical extensions of all the tendons in (2) Unlined ducts which are to be filled with grout
a structural member is less than 3%. shall be flushed with water to wet the concrete.
(4) The release and/or pull-in is within 2 mm of (3) Temporary protection or lubricants which are
the theoretical values. incompatible with the permanent protection or
bonding, shall be removed by flushing the duct
Where the above conditions are not met individually with water or an inert solution, or by any
and collectively, the Contractor shall immediately suitable approved method.
advise the Engineer and obtain a ruling as to the
procedure to be followed. (4) On completion of the above, any excess fluid
shall be expelled from the ducts by means of
In the event of the tendon friction being too high, compressed air or shall be displaced by the
the Contractor may, subject to approval by the protecting agent or grout, as may be relevant.
Engineer, inject an approved lubricant into the
sheath after first having detensioned the tendon. (5) Any blockages, leakages or factors which in
any way may affect the permanent protection or
The cost of the remedial and corrective measures bonding shall immediately be reported to the
and of the release and retensioning of tendons, Engineer.
which have been occasioned by failure of the
operations to meet the above requirements shall be (iii) Mixing
for the Contractor's account.
(1) Protecting agents
After the tensioning has been accepted by the The mixing of protecting agents shall be strictly
Engineer, the Contractor may cut off the tendons in accordance with the manufacturer's
behind the anchorage as described in SUBCLAUSE instructions.
(2) Grout
(f) Permanent protection and bonding of tendons The aggregate, if used, and the cement shall be
measured by weight, and the water by weight or
(i) General by volume.
After tensioning, all tendons shall receive
permanent protection against mechanical damage The water:cement ratio by weight shall be as low as
and corrosion. possible within the range between 0.36 to 0.45, and
shall be consistent with the fluidity requirements of
Internal tendons shall be protected and bonded to SUBCLAUSE 6503(g).
the structural member by cement grout or, when
permitted by the Engineer, by sand-cement grout.
Where bond is not important, protection may be
Where an admixture is used, it shall be dissolved in During the course of grouting, 100 mm cubes
a part of the mixing water before it is added to the shall be made for testing in accordance with
grout. SUBCLAUSE 6503(g)(i). Whilst the grout is being
poured into the cube mould, the sides of the
Mixing shall be commenced by two-thirds of the mould shall be slightly tapped to permit any
cement being added to the greater part of the entrapped air to escape.
mixing water, and, if used, an additive predissolved
in part of the mixing water, and finally the remainder Precautions shall be taken not to discharge the
of the cement. Mixing shall continue for not longer escaping grout onto railway lines, public roads,
than four minutes after which the grout shall be water courses or private property.
continually agitated at slow speed throughout the
injection operation. If a blockage occurs during the course of
grouting, the grouting shall be stopped before
Where aggregate is used in the grout mix, the word the maximum grouting pressure is reached. The
cement in the preceding paragraph shall be duct shall then be flushed out immediately and
replaced by the term cement/aggregate the blockage cleared.
Grouting shall not be carried out during very
(iv) Injection cold weather when the ambient air temperature
drops below 5C. Care shall be taken that the
(1) General ducts are completely free from frost or ice
The injection of permanent protecting agents or before grouting commences after frosty
grout shall not commence before approval has weather.
been granted that the work may start.
The bid rate shall include full compensation for the use
of all equipment, as well as for all work and incidentals
required for tensioning and anchoring the tendons to
the specified partial force.
SERIES 6000: STRUCTURES The aggregate shall be moist or wetted before the
cement is added. Where drum mixers are used, about
20% of the water shall be poured into the drum before
SECTION 6600: NO-FINES the aggregate and cement are loaded. The mixing time
in the drum shall be about 45 to 50 seconds.
The quantity of water added shall be just sufficient to
PARAPETS AND DRAINAGE FOR form a smooth grout which will adhere to and
STRUCTURES completely coat each and every particle of aggregate,
and which is just wet enough to ensure that, at points of
contact of aggregate, the grout will run together to form
CONTENTS: a small fillet to bond the aggregate together. The mix
CLAUSE PAGE shall contain no more than 20 litres of water for every
50 kg of cement.
6601 SCOPE
6602 NO-FINES CONCRETE Mixing shall be done in an approved batch-type
6603 JOINTS IN STRUCTURES mechanical mixer, but small quantities may be hand
(d) Placing
6606 DRAINAGE FOR STRUCTURES No-fines concrete shall be placed in accordance with
6607 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT the procedure approved by the Engineer. It shall be
placed in its final position within 15 minutes of having
been mixed.
Each size of aggregate shall be a single size aggregate 6603 JOINTS IN STRUCTURES
graded in accordance with US 101:2000 or BS EN
12620:2002, BS 882:1992 or equivalent. (a) Materials
The volume of aggregate per 50 kg of cement for each When required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall
class of concrete shall be as detailed in TABLE 6602/1. submit test certificates issued by an approved,
independent testing authority to confirm that the
respective materials comply with the specified
TABLE 6602/1 requirements, or a certificate by the patent holder or
VOLUMES OF AGGREGATE designer certifying that the manufactured item
complies in all respects with relevant product
Class of cement Aggregate per 50 kg specifications.
NF38 0.33 m3
NF19 0.30 m3 (ii) Joint filler
NF13 0.27 m3 Joint filler shall consist of sheets or strips of the
following materials complying with the requirements
of the relevant specifications listed:
(c) Batching and mixing
Cement shall be measured by weight or in full packets (1) Bitumen-impregnated fibreboard and bitumen
of 50 kg each and aggregate shall be measured by impregnated corkboard - US Federal
volume in approved measuring boxes or barrows. Specification HH-F-341 F or AASHTO
Specification M-213.
(2) Resin-impregnated corkboard - US Federal (vi) Cover plates
Specification HH-F-341F.
(1) Steel cover plates shall be of
(3) Flexible foams of expanded polyethylene, Grade 43A steel which complies with the
polyurethane, PVC or polypropylene AASHTO requirements of BS EN 10113:1993, BS EN
Specification M-153. 10155:1993, or
Grade 300W steel which complies with the
(4) Rigid foams of expanded polyethylene, requirements of BS EN 10113:1993, BS EN
polyurethane or polystyrene - BS 4840:1985 or 10155:1993 or equivalent.
BS 3837:1986 Parts 1 and 2.
(2) Galvanising shall comply with the requirements
Other joint filler materials may be used if approved of BS EN ISO 1461:1999 and BS EN
by the Engineer after he/she has been furnished 10240:1998 or equivalent.
with full specifications and information by the
Contractor. (3) Anchor bolts shall be of stainless steel Grade
302 S.21, which complies with the requirements
(iii) Sealants of BS EN 10083 (various dates)/BS EN
Thermoplastic hot-poured sealants shall comply 10088:1995 or equivalent.
with the requirements of US Federal Specification
SS-S-1401 B, BS 2499:1993 or AASHTO (b) Filled and unfilled joints
Specification M-173. The sealants shall be of the
rubberised bituminous type containing a minimum (i) General
of 20% natural or synthetic rubber. Wherever polystyrene or similar material
susceptible to damage is used for forming joints, it
Thermoplastic cold-applied sealants shall comply shall be lined with a hard surface on the side to be
with the requirements of BS 5212-1:1990 or US concreted. The hard surface shall be sufficiently
Federal Specification SS-S-156. The sealant shall resilient to ensure that the joint and surfaces can be
be of the rubberised bituminous type containing a formed free from defects.
minimum of 20% natural or synthetic rubber.
(ii) Filled joints
Thermosetting chemically curing sealants shall Filled joints shall be accurately formed to the
comply with the requirements of ASTM C-920 or BS dimensions shown and with the filler material
4254:1983. specified on the Drawings. The filler shall be
secured in position such that it will not be displaced
The final IRHD (International Rubber Hardness during concreting or thereafter if the filler is to
Degree) hardness of the sealant shall be 20+5. remain permanently in the joint.
Silicone sealants shall comply with the Where the removal of the filter is required, it shall
requirements of the Special Specifications. be done prior to the installation of the proprietary
Other sealants may be used if approved by the
Engineer after he/she has been furnished with full (iii) Unfilled joints
information and specifications by the Contractor. Unfilled joints shall be accurately formed to the
dimensions given on the Drawings and all external
(iv) Waterstops corners chamfered or rounded for at least 5 mm.
Waterstops shall be of natural rubber or flexible The concrete face against which the fresh concrete
PVC and of the type specified or shown on the is placed shall be treated in good time with an
Drawings. approved bond breaker.
Natural-rubber waterstops shall comply with the (c) Concrete nosings
requirements of BS 6213:2000. Concrete nosings forming the edges of expansion joints
shall be constructed as follows:
Flexible PVC rubber waterstops shall comply with
the requirements of BS 2571:1990. (i) After the concrete in the structural member has
hardened sufficiently, the protruding ends of the
(v) Accessory material reinforcing steel shall be bent flat onto the concrete
surface of the formed recess.
(1) Primers
Where a primer is to be used in conjunction (ii) Before the asphalt surfacing is laid, the recess shall
with the sealant, it shall be of the prescribed be filled with well-compacted crusher run, sand or
proprietary material. weak mortar. The Contractor shall ensure that the
concrete surfaces of the recess and the reinforcing
(2) Bond breakers steel are not contaminated with bituminous agents.
Polyethylene tape coated paper, metal foil or The asphalt surfacing shall then be laid
similar material may be used where bond continuously over the joint.
breakers are required.
(iii) The asphalt surfacing shall be cut with a diamond
(3) Backup material saw blade to correspond to the width of the nosing
Backup material shall consist of a compressible and all material shall be removed from the nosing
material of correct width and shape to ensure recess. The concrete surfaces of the recess shall
that, after installation, it will be in approximately then be roughened to expose the aggregate and
50% compression and the sealant can be leave sound, irregular surfaces. The reinforcing
formed to the specified depth. steel shall then be bent, fixed and placed as shown
Backup materials shall be compatible with the on the Drawings.
sealant used. Material containing bitumen or
solvents shall not be used with thermosetting (iv) The prepared concrete surfaces of the recesses
chemically curing sealants. shall be treated with an approved epoxy-resin
adhesive, immediately before the concrete nosings
are cast. Opposite concrete nosings, separated by removing contaminants from the concrete and
a joint filler strip, shall be cast simultaneously in porous surfaces.
accordance with SUBCLAUSE 6408(c), and
compacted with a vibrator. The nosing shall be The Contractor shall ensure that primers are
screeded flush with the premix surfacing and be applied only to surfaces which are absolutely dry.
given a Class U2 surface finish. The primer shall be applied strictly in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions. Unless
(v) Curing shall be in accordance with CLAUSE 6409(f), otherwise specified, the primer shall be applied
Method 6. within the temperature range of 10C and 40C,
and the sealant shall be applied after the curing
(vi) After three days, the gap between the nosings shall period of the primer and within the period when the
be enlarged to the requisite dimensions by cutting primer remains active.
both sides with parallel diamond saw blades. The
depth of the saw cut shall be such that a ledge is (iii) Sealants
formed along the lower edge of the cut on which the Sealants shall be applied strictly in accordance with
sealer unit can be supported. the manufacturer's instructions by a person skilled
in the use of the particular type of sealant. Trapping
(vii) The exposed corners of the nosings shall be ground of air and the forming of voids in the sealant shall
to a 10 mm chamfer. be avoided. The sealant shall be finished to a neat
appearance to the specified depth.
(viii) After the joint has been sealed, the wearing
surface of the nosings shall be treated with a Thermoplastic hot-poured sealants shall not be
bituminous primer to the satisfaction of the poured into the joints when the temperature of the
Engineer. joint is below 10C. The safe heating temperature
shall not exceed the specified pouring temperature
Unless otherwise specified, traffic shall not be by more than 10C.
permitted to pass over the joint before the concrete
in the nosing has achieved its specified 28-day Two-part thermosetting chemically curing sealants
strength. shall not be applied after expiry of the specified pot-
life period which commences once the base and
Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings, the activator of the sealant have been combined.
concrete used in the construction of the nosings
shall be Class 40/13 and shall have a slump of not (iv) Waterstops
less than 50 mm and not exceeding 75 mm. Waterstops shall be securely and accurately
located in position so that they will not be displaced
Concrete nosings shall be constructed under the or deformed during construction.
direct supervision of experienced and skilled
personnel. (f) Proprietary expansion joints
(d) Plug type expansion joints (i) General
Plug type expansion joint systems, shall be constructed The use of any type of expansion joint shall be
in accordance with the details on the Drawings and the subject to approval. Bidders shall obtain approval
specifications and instructions of the licences. for the type of expansion joint they intend using
prior to submitting their bids.
(e) Sealing the joints
(ii) Dimensions
(i) General The Contractor shall note the overall dimensions of
Sealed joints shall be made watertight over the full the expansion joints and the limiting dimensions of
length of the joint, including the full height of the that portion of the concrete structure which is to
kerbing, unless otherwise prescribed in the Special accommodate the joints. No alterations to the
Specifications. Unless a waterstop is equipped with concrete which will be visible in the final structure or
an effective watertight interlocking system for major re-arrangement of the prestressing
joining sections, all joints in waterstops shall be anchorages will be permitted in order to
bonded or fused to have a tensile strength of at accommodate joints of excessive size.
least 50% of that of the unjointed material. At
intersections and abrupt changes of direction, All joints to be installed skew shall be accurately
waterstops shall be jointed with prefabricated dimensioned to ensure compliance with the
junction pieces. requirements of SUBCLAUSE 6603(g).
Restrictions on joint width and on the temperature Unless otherwise specified, proprietary expansion
at the time of installing the sealant or seal will be joints shall include the complete expansion-joint
shown on the Drawings. In the absence of such assembly, traversing the entire roadway, kerbs,
restrictions on the Drawings, and unless otherwise sidewalks and median, and shall include the coping
specified, installation shall be carried out only within and parapet cover plates as well as the drainage
the temperature range between 5C and 30C. system to drain the expansion joint.
(ii) Preparing the joints (iii) Design and manufacture
Where required, joints shall be sawn at a suitable The expansion joint shall be designed to withstand
time so as to avoid edge spalling or ravelling. the movements, displacements and rotations
specified on the Drawings in conjunction with the
After the temporary filler material has been loads described in the code of practice adopted for
removed or the excess concrete has been broken the design of the structure without exceeding in any
out, the inside faces of the joint shall be member the requirement for serviceability limit
wirebrushed or sand-blasted to remove all laitance state. Any strengthening of the supporting member
and contaminants. The joint shall then be cleaned required to resist forces imparted by the joint to the
and blown out with compressed air to remove all structure shall be for the Contractor's account.
traces of dust. Solvents shall not be used for
The specified movements, displacements and Unless otherwise specified, all the materials used
rotations shall be withstood without the efficacy or for manufacturing the bearings shall comply with
riding quality of the joint being impaired. the requirements of BS 5400:1983 Part 9.2.
Apart from stainless steel, all steel surfaces shall be Natural rubber shall comply with the requirements
prepared in accordance with the requirements of of BS 1154:2003 for specified IRHD hardness.
SUBCLAUSE 6907(b) and sprayed with a galvanising
coat which complies with the requirements of BS Synthetic rubber shall comply with the requirements
EN ISO 14713:1999 or equivalent for Zn 150 of BS 2752:2003 for specified IRHD hardness.
coverage. All enclosed surfaces sprayed with zinc
shall, within four hours, be covered with a sealant (iv) Stainless steel plate
suitable for use with the zinc and the subsequent The texture of the sliding surface of stainless steel
layer. Two coats of chlorinated rubber paint with a plate used in conjunction with PTFE to form low-
combined dry-coat thickness of not less than 150 friction sliding surfaces shall be equal to or better
m shall then be applied. They shall be of two than 0.2 m Ra in accordance with the
different colours. requirements of BS 1134:1988 Parts 1 and 2.
Prior to manufacture of the joints, the Contractor (v) Stainless steel dowels and bolts
shall submit for approval detail drawings in Stainless steel used for the manufacture of dowels
accordance with the requirements of CLAUSE 1221 and anchor bolts shall comply with the requirements
of each expansion joint. The expansion joints of BS EN 10088 for Steel 316S16.
delivered at the site shall be suitably marked to
show clearly the sequence and position of (vi) Mortar
installation. Mortar beddings for seating the bearings shall be
composed of an approved sand and either cement
(g) Installing the expansion joints or epoxy resin, or may consist of an approved
Proprietary expansion joints shall be installed by proprietary mortar. The mortar shall comply with the
approved specialist subcontractors only. Installed following strength requirements:
proprietary expansion joints shall have a 15 year written
guarantee. No expansion joint or part thereof shall be (1) Sand-cement mortar
installed prior to the construction of the final surfacing. The 7-day compressive strength of 150 mm
cubes made from the mortar and cured in a
The expansion joint shall form an even surface with the moist atmosphere for the first 24 hours and
road surface on either side and the deviation across afterwards in water at 20C shall be not less
and along the expansion joint shall comply with the than 1.5 times the average contact stress under
requirements of SUBCLAUSE 3405(e) and SUBCLAUSE the bearing or 15 MPa, whichever is the
3405(f) for surface regularity measured by a 3 m greater.
(2) Sand-epoxy resin mortar.
On completion of the installation of the proprietary The cured compressive cube strength of the
expansion joints, the Contractor shall submit to the mortar shall be not less than two times the
Engineer a certificate from the manufacturer or supplier average contact stress under the bearing, or 20
of the joints, certifying acceptance of the installation, MPa, whichever is the greater.
only if the manufacturer installed the joints.
Notwithstanding the issuing of such certificate, it shall (3) Proprietary mortar
not relieve the Contractor of his/her responsibility under The strength requirements for proprietary
the Contract. No separate payment will be made for the mortars shall be in accordance with either
inspection of the joints and the issuing of the certificate SUBCLAUSE 6604(a)(vi)(1) or (2) as may be
by the manufacturer or supplier. It will be regarded as relevant.
an obligation of the Contractor to be covered by the
contract prices paid for joints. (b) Concrete hinges
Concrete hinges shall be constructed in accordance
with the details shown on the Drawings.
Construction joints shall not be formed in the throat
(a) Materials area. Where a joint is necessary, it shall be formed as a
recess below the throat, level with the top reinforcement
(i) General mat. The width of the recess shall be slightly greater
When requested by the Engineer, the Contractor than that of the throat.
shall submit test certificates from an approved,
independent testing authority to show that the Care shall be taken to eliminate the formation of
respective materials comply with the specified shrinkage cracks within the throat.
requirements, or a certificate from the patent holder
or designer certifying that the manufactured item During construction, adequate bracing and support shall
complies in all respects with relevant product be provided to the satisfaction of the Engineer to
specifications. prevent rotation in the throat from the time of casting to
completion of the structure incorporating the hinge.
During the course of construction the hinge shall not be
subjected to conditions which will induce tensile
stresses in the throat area. Upon completion of the
structural members incorporating the hinge, the space The Engineer shall determine which tests are to be
around the throat shall be filled and sealed with an conducted, and the tests shall comply with the
approved compressible material. appropriate requirements of SUBCLAUSE 7111(a).
Payment will be made under ITEM 71.01 for these
(c) Roofing felt tests, for bearings damaged, and for sample
Roofing felt used as bearing strips shall consist of at bearings.
least three layers.
Copies of test results and certificates for the above
Where lubricated linings are specified, the roofing felt mentioned tests shall be submitted by the
shall be saturated with motor oil and then liberally Contractor to the Engineer in good time to enable
dusted with graphite powder before it is laid on the the Engineer to assess the information before the
bearing surface. bearings are installed.
(d) Elastomeric bearings The dimensional tolerances for the bearings shall
comply with the requirements of SUBCLAUSE
(i) Technical data 6803(h).
The following technical data for the elastomeric
bearings will be supplied on the Drawings, and shall Before the bearings are dispatched to the site of the
also be supplied on drawings prepared by the Works, each bearing, with the exception of large
Contractor for submission to the Engineer: bearings as provided for in the Special
Specifications shall be subjected simultaneously to
(1) Design loads and deformations a vertical load equal to 150% of the maximum
The critical design-load combinations and co- design load, and to a shear distortion equal to
existing rotations and horizontal displacements 150% of the maximum design value. The bearings
for each bearing or each group of identical shall be visually inspected for defects by the
bearings. Engineer or his/her nominee and shall not at any
stage under this test show any cracks visible to the
(2) Size and construction of bearing naked eye or any other defects. The cost of this
The size and construction of the bearing shall testing shall be included in the rate bid for ITEM
be designated by: 71.01.
(3) Hardness and type of elastomer The bidder may base his/her bid on any bearing
The IRHD hardness and type of elastomer, i.e. which complies with the specified requirements,
natural or synthetic rubber, from which the provided that the efficacy of the bearing has been
specified bearings are to be manufactured. verified by tests and successful previous use.
Evidence hereof as well as information on the
(4) Identification durability and suitability of the bearings for the
Each bearing shall be identified by a number. specified use shall be submitted to the Engineer for
(ii) Alternative bearings
Where alternative bearings are offered by the Details of the product guarantee shall be submitted
Contractor, they shall be designed in accordance with the bid.
with the requirements of BS 5400:1983 Part 9.1 for
the loadings and deformations shown on the (ii) Drawings and approval
Drawings. Prior to manufacturing the bearings, the Contractor
or his/her nominee shall submit the following
Where a bearing consisting of a type of rubber is information to the Engineer for consideration:
offered which differs from that which is specified,
the bearing shall be redesigned to make provision (1) The manufacturer's specification containing
for the variation in hardness and/or type of rubber. detailed information on the design standards,
materials, manufacture and technical data.
(iii) Inspection and testing
On completion of the manufacture of the bearings, (2) Drawings complying with the provision in
the Contractor shall submit bearings selected by the CLAUSE 1221 showing the bearing construction
Engineer, or specially manufactured bearings to and installation details.
serve as samples as authorised by the Engineer, to
an independent testing authority for testing. (3) Friction properties based on actual tests
conducted on the relevant materials.
The testing facilities of the manufacturer or supplier (iii) Technical requirements
may be used if so approved and on condition that The following technical requirements will be
the tests are conducted in the presence of the supplied on the Drawings, and shall also be
supplied on the Drawings prepared by the steel sliding plate, shall involve the following
Contractor for submission to the Engineer: treatment:
(1) Design loads and movement Preparing the surfaces by abrasive blasting
The maximum and minimum vertical loads and to a finish equal to the Sa3 finish of BS EN
co-existing horizontal loads as well as the ISO 8501-1:2001, BS 7079-A1:1989,
maximum horizontal load and co-existing Swedish Standard SIS 05 59 00 or
vertical load. The maximum values in each equivalent.
direction of the reversible and irreversible Spraying the surfaces with zinc to comply
movements and the rotation about each axis. with the requirements of AASHTO M32-97
or equivalent on approval of the Engineer
(2) Identification for Type Zn 150 surfacing.
Identification of each bearing by a number, data Coating the zinc-sprayed surfaces within
on the degree of freedom of movement (fixed, four hours with a sealer compatible with the
multi-directional or unidirectional bearings) and zinc and the subsequent coats of paint.
the type of bearing (spherical, elastomer-pot,
Applying a coat of chlorinated rubber paint
etc) shall appear on each bearing.
with a minimum of 75 m of dry-film
(iv) Design thickness and of a colour which differs from
The bearings shall be designed in accordance with that of the final coat of paint.
the requirements and recommendations of BS Applying a final coat of chlorinated rubber
5400:1983 Part 9.1. The following shall also be paint with a minimum of 75 m of dry-film
complied with: thickness and of dark grey colour.
Surfaces in contact with concrete shall be
(1) The average pressure on the area of the sprayed with zinc so that it complies with
elastomer shall not exceed 25 MPa under the the requirements of AASHTO M32-97 or
serviceability Limit State, unless otherwise equivalent on approval of the Engineer for
prescribed by the Engineer. Type Zn 150 surfacing.
(2) The maximum average contact stress and (vi) Inspection and testing
maximum edge stress on the concrete or The Engineer may require tests to be conducted to
mortar bedding shall not exceed 0.5 and 0.6 verify compliance of the bearing with the
times the 28-day cube characteristic specifications and/or its satisfactory performance
compressive strength under the serviceability under the design loads. Payment for this testing will
Limit State respectively, unless otherwise be made under ITEM 71.01.
prescribed by the Engineer.
Test certificates of all the tests conducted shall be
(3) The bearing pad shall be of dimensions as will submitted to the Engineer.
fit into the space allowed for its installation.
Major alterations to the contiguous members The Contractor shall give the Engineer at least
will not be permitted. seven days notice prior to final assembly of the
bearings to enable the Engineer to inspect the
(v) Construction bearings at the factory.
Unless otherwise specified, the following shall be
complied with: Under no circumstances shall bearings be taken
apart and reassembled on the site, except where it
(1) The thickness of the elastomer disc shall be not is an unavoidable feature of the installation
less than 0.066 times its diameter. procedure, in which case the dismantling,
installation and reassembly shall be under the
(2) Approved lubricants only shall be used on the supervision of qualified personnel.
PTFE sliding surfaces.
Rehabilitation, modification and repair work to
(3) The bearing shall be provided with tight-fitting bearings shall be carried out only in the factory or in
seals to prevent the ingress of dust or an approved engineering Works.
deleterious matter onto the moving parts. The
seals shall be of an approved type and (f) Dowels and guides
sufficiently durable to last in excess of 50 years. Where dowels and guides are used in conjunction with
bearings they shall not complicate or prevent the
(4) The assembled bearing shall be supplied with removal of the bearings.
welded or bolted lugs or straps, temporarily
securing the moving parts firmly in position to (g) Storage and handling
ensure that no undesirable relative movement The bearings shall at all times be stored under cover
occurs before or during construction. and clear of the ground, away from sunlight, heat, oils
and chemicals deleterious to the bearings. The
(5) The bearing shall be recessed into adaptor bearings shall not be stacked in a manner or on a
plates or be of such construction as to facilitate surface which will cause distortion of the bearings.
removal of the bearing from the installed
position without damage to any part of the The bearings shall be handled with care to ensure that
bearing or the surrounding material after the they are not subjected to impact loads or any other
relevant structural member has been raised by conditions which may be harmful.
15 mm or the distance specified.
(h) Installation
(6) Anchors and holding-down bolts shall be of the The concrete surfaces of elements required to receive
specified material. bearings shall comply with the requirements of
SUBCLAUSE 6209(c). Plastering of the surface will not
(7) Corrosion protection of all exposed steel under any circumstances be permitted.
surfaces, with the exception of the stainless-
Before the mortar bedding is constructed, the concrete Service ducts in parapets and blocks shall be fixed and
surface shall be chipped back to expose the aggregate cast into position in accordance with the requirements
and leave a sound irregular surface. Bonding of the of CLAUSE 6411 and the details shown on the Drawings.
mortar bedding to the concrete surface shall be in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations The pipes and fittings to be used for the construction of
and the Engineer's instructions. the ducting shall be rigid PVC pipes and fittings with
flexible rubber joints which comply with the
Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, the bearings requirements of BS 4346-1:1969 or equivalent. Duct
shall be installed on a horizontal plane and shall be in ends shall be provided with suitable conical wooden
full contact with the concrete and bedding surfaces. stoppers to prevent dirt, concrete, etc, from entering the
ducts. Two strands of 2.5 mm diameter galvanised steel
To accommodate soffit irregularities and camber in the wire shall be threaded through each duct. The strands
case of precast members, the member shall be lowered shall extend 2 m beyond each end and be wedged
onto a mortar skim on top of the bearing. The member firmly into position with the wooden stoppers. Inspection
shall then be propped until the mortar skim has eyes for the ducts shall be constructed in accordance
hardened into a wedge. with the details shown on the Drawings.
The bearings shall be accurately installed to the No separate payment will be made for service ducts in
specified level, alignment and orientation, all within the parapets and end blocks and the rates bid for the
construction tolerances set out in SUBCLAUSE 6803(h) parapets and end blocks shall include full compensation
and the details shown on the Drawings. for the provision and installation of service ducts
complete with stoppers, draw wire and inspection eyes.
Where the bearing has long sliding plates, the latter
shall be rigidly supported to prevent their being (c) Steel railings
distorted under the weight of the wet concrete and the All steelwork shall be manufactured in accordance with
construction loads. Before the bearing is incorporated the requirements of SECTION 6700.
into the structure, it shall be cleaned to remove all
deleterious substances and adhering matter, after which A mortar bed, not less than 10 mm in thickness, shall be
it shall be wrapped in polyethylene sheeting and so provided below all steel base plates over the full
sealed as to prevent the ingress of mortar and/or slush dimensions of the plate. The sides of the beds shall be
onto the bearing during the course of construction. neatly chamfered at 45. All open spaces between the
bolt and the sides of the holes in the base plate shall be
After installation, the polyethylene wrapping shall be filled with an approved sealant.
removed, the bearing and the space around the bearing
thoroughly cleaned and the lugs removed as prescribed Steelwork which is to be cast or grouted into concrete
by the Engineer. shall be completely painted to a distance of 75 mm in
the concrete or grout, and shall be cleaned of all loose
On completion of installation of proprietary bearings, the rust, mill scale, oil or other material which may impair
Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a certificate the bond between the concrete and steel.
from the manufacturer or supplier of the bearings
certifying acceptance of the installation, only if the All steelwork shall be painted in the shop and on site in
manufacturer installed the bearings. The issuing of such accordance with the provisions of SECTION 6900.
a certificate shall not relieve the Contractor of his/her Surfaces which will be inaccessible after erection of the
responsibility under this Contract. No separate payment units shall be painted before erection commences. If
will be made for the inspection of the bearings by the called for on the Drawings or in the Bill of Quantities,
manufacturer or supplier and the issuing of the steelwork shall be galvanised and painted. Galvanising
certificate. shall be done after fabrication, in accordance with BS
EN ISO 1461:1999 or equivalent for Type A1 articles.
Forms shall be accurately set to the final lines and The fabric shall comply with the requirements of
levels and shall be firmly held in position during the SUBCLAUSE 2104(a).
placing of the concrete. Stops at the ends of sections
shall be accurately placed to ensure that joints between
adjacent sections will be truly perpendicular to the 6607 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT
surface of the concrete and at right angles to the edge
of the road or to the skew angle of the deck at the ITEM UNIT
expansion joint.
After removal of the forms, the enclosed surfaces of the CONCRETE (m3)
kerbs and copings shall be rubbed and finished in
accordance with the requirements of SUBCLAUSES The provisions of CLAUSE 6416 ITEM 64.01 shall apply
6208(a), 6208(c) and 6209(b). All edges shall be with changes as required.
rounded to a radius of 20 mm unless otherwise shown
on the Drawings.
(f) Concrete surface finish requirements 66.02 PRECAST NO-FINES CONCRETE NUMBER
All formed concrete surfaces shall have a Class F3 UNITS (CLASS OF CONCRETE AND (no)
surface finish as specified in SUBCLAUSE 6207(d) and all DESCRIPTION OF UNIT)
unformed concrete surfaces shall have a Class U2
surface finish in accordance with SUBCLAUSE 6209(b).
The unit of measurement shall be the number of
complete units of each size and type in position in the
(g) Transition blocks
Transition blocks shall be constructed in accordance
with the details shown on the Drawings.
The bid rate for each precast concrete unit shall include
full compensation for providing all the materials, labour,
(h) Nose endings
equipment and formwork required for manufacturing the
Nose endings of balustrades shall be constructed in
unit complete as shown on the Drawings and for
accordance with the details on the Drawings.
transporting and placing the unit in position.
Cast in situ concrete channelling shall be provided next A Prime Cost Sum shall be allowed for payment for
to the kerbing if shown on the Drawings and according actual costs of purchasing and taking delivery of
to the details provided. Concrete work shall be carried proprietary expansion joints. A percentage on the prime
out in accordance with the provisions of SECTION 6400 cost sum shall cover the Contractors charges and profit
and channelling shall be given a Class U3 surface finish for purchase and delivery of the joints.
as specified in SUBCLAUSE 6209(c). The channelling
shall be bonded to the bridge deck concrete in
accordance with the provisions of CLAUSE 6408. ITEM UNIT
(b) No-fines concrete blocks 66.04 INSTALLATION OF
Blocks shall be of the class of prescribed no-fines
concrete and to the required dimensions and shall be (a) (DESCRIPTION OF JOINT MEASURED METRE (m)
placed in advance of backfilling. PER METRE)
No-fines concrete shall comply with the requirements of BY NUMBER)
CLAUSE 6602.
(c) Synthetic-fibre filter fabric The unit of measurement shall be either the metre of
Synthetic-fibre filter fabric shall be of the type and grade complete joint of each type installed or the number of
shown on the Drawings or specified in the Special complete joints of each type installed. The bid rates
Specifications. Filter fabric shall be placed as shown on shall include full compensation for supplying all
the Drawings and shall be protected against sunlight materials not covered under ITEM 66.03, transporting,
and mechanical damage during storage and handling and storing, and all labour, equipment, shaping
installation. the recesses, and incidentals required for installing the
expansion joint complete in accordance with
instructions. Separate payment shall not be made for
supplying and/or installing the seal in proprietary area. Where, however, the depth of the joint is 150 mm
expansion joints or the seal between concrete or or less, the unit of measurement shall be the metre of
synthetic nosings. unfilled joint measured along the joint centre line.
Concrete areas formed before the final surface is
The cost of forming the open joint(s) shall not be constructed to complete the unfilled joint, shall be
included in the rates bid for ITEM 66.04 as payment for measured under ITEMS 62.01, 62.02, 62.03 or 62.04, as
this work shall be made under ITEM 62.06. may be applicable.
The bid rate shall be final and binding, irrespective of The bid rates shall include full compensation for
the type or make of joint finally installed. providing and applying the bond breaker and all
materials not paid for under ITEM 66.08, also for the
labour and incidentals required for completing the
ITEM UNIT unfilled joint as prescribed.
The unit of measurement shall be the metre of (b) SEAL (DESCRIPTION OF JOINT, METRE (m)
complete expansion joint of each type installed or the SEALANT AND SIZE)
number of completed joints of each type installed. (c) WATERSTOP (DESCRIPTION OF JOINT, METRE (m)
The bid rates shall include full compensation for
supplying all the materials, manufacturing the The unit of measurement shall be the metre of sealant,
expansion joint, transporting, handling and storing, and seal or waterstop of each type installed.
all labour equipment, shaping the recesses, and
incidentals required for installing the expansion joint The bid rates shall include full compensation for
complete in accordance with instructions. Separate supplying all materials, forming or cutting the concrete
payment shall not be made for supplying and/or to the required shape and size, all labour, equipment
installing the seal in proprietary expansion joints or the and incidentals required for sealing the joint complete in
seal between concrete or synthetic nosings. accordance with the prescriptions, and for all waste
The cost of forming the open joint(s) shall not be
included in the rates bid for ITEM 66.05 as payment for
this work shall be made under ITEM 62.06. ITEM UNIT
METRE (m )
OF JOINT FILLER FOR JOINTS A Prime Cost Sum shall be allowed for payment for
MEASURED PER METRE) actual costs of purchasing and taking delivery of
proprietary bearings, complete with anchor bolts and/or
dowels. A percentage on the prime cost sum shall cover
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of the Contractors charges and profit for purchase and
filled joint calculated from the surface area of the joint. delivery of the bearings.
Where the filled joint is 150 mm or less in depth, the
unit of measurement shall be the metre of filled joints
measured along the joint centre line. Concrete surfaces ITEM UNIT
formed prior to the construction of the final surface for
completing the filled joint shall be measured under 66.10 INSTALLING THE PROPRIETARY NUMBER
ITEMS 62.01, 62.02, 62.03 or 62.04, as may be
applicable. AND STATE CLASS)
The bid rates shall include full compensation for The unit of measurement shall be the number of
supplying and installing the joint filler and all materials complete bearings of each type and class installed.
not covered under ITEM 66.08, and for all labour and
incidentals required for completing the filled joint as The bid rate shall include full compensation for
prescribed. supplying all the materials not covered under ITEM
66.09, constructing the bedding, transporting, handling
and storing, and all labour, equipment and incidentals
ITEM UNIT required for installing the bearings complete as detailed.
The bid rate shall be final and binding, irrespective of
(a) (DESCRIPTION OF JOINT FOR JOINTS SQUARE the type or make of bearing finally installed.
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of (b) PAINTED NUMBERS NUMBER (no)
bearing area lined with the specified material
irrespective of the number of layers placed. (c) NUMBERS FORMED IN NUMBER (no)
The bid rate shall include full compensation for
supplying all the materials, transporting, handling and The unit of measurement shall be either the number of
storing, and all labour and incidentals required for bridge number plates provided and installed, or the
installing the bearing strips complete as detailed. number of complete numbers painted on the structures,
or the number of complete numbers formed in concrete.
A bridge number may consist of a combination of letters
ITEM UNIT and digits; e.g. B1533.
(DESCRIPTION OF EACH TYPE) (no) The bid rates shall include full compensation for
providing and installing either the number plates, or
preparing the surface and painting the numbers, or
The unit of measurement shall be the number of forming the numbers in concrete, and for all material,
dowels/guides of each type installed. labour and equipment required in this connection.
The bid rate shall include full compensation for
supplying all materials, including anchor bolts, ITEM UNIT
manufacturing the dowels/guides, transporting, handling
and storing, and all labour, equipment and incidentals 66.19 DRAINAGE PIPES AND WEEP
required for installing the dowels/guides complete as HOLES:
detailed. (a) DRAINAGE PIPES:
The unit of measurement for concrete parapets shall be (ii) (TYPE AND SIZE INDICATED) NUMBER (no)
the metre of concrete parapet complete in accordance
with the Drawings. Concrete parapets shall include all The unit of measurement shall be either the metre of
work above the top level of the sidewalks or, where not pipe/weep hole or the number of pipes/weep holes of
placed on a sidewalk, above the top of the bridge deck each type and size of pipe/weep hole completed.
concrete, wing walls or retaining walls and shall
also include any kerbing and coping forming an integral The bid rates shall include full compensation for
part of the concrete parapet. supplying all the materials, manufacturing and installing
the pipes and making weep holes.
The bid rate for concrete parapets shall include full
compensation for all concrete, formwork, service ducts,
66.20 DRAINAGE GULLEYS NUMBER The unit of measurement shall be the number of each
DESCRIPTION OF EACH TYPE GIVEN) (no) size of concrete transition block constructed complete in
accordance with the details shown on the Drawings.
The unit of measurement shall be the number of The bid rate shall include full compensation for all
drainage gulleys of each type installed. labour, equipment, materials and all incidentals required
for constructing the transition blocks.
The bid rate shall include full compensation for
providing all the material and manufacturing and
installing the drainage inlets.
SERIES 6000: STRUCTURES (e) Welding consumables
Welding electrodes shall comply with the requirements
of SABS 455 or equivalent.
The quality, handling and storage of all consumables
STEELWORK shall be so as to achieve the desirable properties of the
weld metal.
The welding consumables used shall be appropriate to
CLAUSE PAGE produce weld metal which will yield all the weld-metal
6701 SCOPE test specimens as specified in BS 709:1983 having both
6702 MATERIALS minimum yield and minimum tensile strengths not less
6703 CODES OF PRACTICE than those of the parent metal.
6705 FABRICATION AND ASSEMBLY (f) Test certificates
6706 ERECTION The Contractor shall submit test certificates, as required
6707 TESTING by the Engineer, of the structural steel and anchor bolts
6708 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT that will be used.
(ii) Or, the welder shall hold a valid certificate of All nuts, bolts, screws and threaded articles shall be
competency in accordance with BS 4872-1:1982 or hot-dipped galvanised in accordance with the
equivalent for the specified type of welding. appropriate requirements of BS EN ISO 1461:1999
or equivalent for Type C1 or Type C2 articles.
(i) Bolting
The jointed parts shall be firmly drawn together. Where Cut ends and small damaged areas shall be
necessary, tapering washers shall be used for each bolt repaired by the application of a zinc-rich paint or by
head and nut to transfer the compressive stress over its zinc spraying.
full surface. Where bolt holes have greater than normal
clearance, washers shall be placed under the bolt (n) Built-up sections
heads and nuts. In addition to the requirements of SECTION 6700,
built-up sections shall be produced in accordance
The length of each bolt shall be such that, after with Drawings and Special Specifications to the
tightening, at least one full thread projects through the Engineers approval.
nut on the outside and at least one full thread (in
addition to the thread run-out) remains clear between
the nut and the bolt head. 6706 ERECTION
(j) Friction-grip fastening (a) General
The use of friction-grip bolts shall be in accordance with Where specified, details of the method of erection shall
BS 4604-2:1970 or equivalent. Where use is made of be submitted to the Engineer for approval.
equivalent types of friction-grip fasteners, they shall
comply with the requirements of BS 4604-2:1970 or All structural steel shall be stored, transported, handled
equivalent for equivalent fasteners and shall be and erected so as not to subject it to undue stress or
installed in accordance with the appropriate damage.
requirements of BS 4604-2:1970 or equivalent.
Erection over traffic is not permitted, and a temporary
(k) Riveting diversion for traffic shall be provided.
Wherever possible, riveting shall be done with
pneumatic equipment. Provision for traffic accommodation will be paid for in
accordance with the appropriate items under SECTION
Riveted units shall have all parts firmly drawn together 1500.
and aligned before riveting. Every rivet shall, when
driven, completely fill the hole and shall have a well- (b) Safety during erection
formed head or, if countersunk, fill the countersink During the erection of a structure, the steelwork shall be
completely. bolted, braced or otherwise secured so as to make
adequate provision for all erection loads.
All loose, eccentric-headed, badly formed, burnt or
otherwise defective rivets shall be cut out and replaced.
(c) Alignment The cost of testing shall be deemed to be included in
Each part of a structure shall be aligned as soon as the rate bid for ITEM 67.01 Structural steel.
possible after erection. Members shall not be
permanently connected until sufficiently large members
of the structure have been aligned, plumbed, levelled, 6708 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT
and temporarily secured to prevent their displacement
during the erection or alignment of the remainder of the ITEM UNIT
(d) Corrections (a) (STRUCTURE/ARTICLE TONNE (t)
Drift pins, jacking equipment and the like shall not be DESCRIBED)
used for bringing improperly fabricated members into (b) (STRUCTURE/ARTICLE METRE (m)
place. A moderate degree of cutting and reaming may DESCRIBED)
be done to correct minor misfits if, in the opinion of the
Engineer, this will not be detrimental to the appearance
or strength of the structure. The burning of holes will not
be permitted without written approval.
The unit of measurement shall be either the tonne or
(e) Repairs to painting and site painting the metre of erected permanent steel structures or
Repairs to painting and site painting shall be effected in articles, or the number of erected permanent steel
accordance with the provisions of CLAUSE 6907. structures or articles. Where the unit of measurement is
the tonne the weight of the steel waste caused by
(f) Grouting punching, drilling, sheared edges, milling or planning, or
The grout shall be poured under and around the base metal cut-outs shall not be deducted, and the weight of
plates of columns after the steelwork has been finally rivets, bolts, nuts, washers, welding fillets or temporary
checked for alignment and height, and after the bracing shall not be added. In computing the weight of
approval of the Engineer has been obtained to proceed steel, the nominal weight per unit of length or area will
with the grouting. The column base plates shall be be used and tolerances and other permissible
supported by the top and bottom nuts and by steel deviations will be ignored.
wedges. The area under the steel shall be thoroughly
cleaned and shall be dust and oil-free, and the concrete The bid rates shall include full compensation for
shall be thoroughly rinsed with water to leave the preparing shop details where not provided on the
surface clean and moist. Drawings, the supply of all the required materials,
fabrication, process control, loading, transporting to the
The grout shall be an approved non-shrinking, site, off-loading, and erecting. It shall also include full
pourable, cementitious grout. The grout shall be compensation for all nuts, bolts, washers, rivets, cutting,
prepared and applied strictly in accordance with the waste, and any temporary bracing necessary for
manufacturer's recommendations and the Engineer's transporting and erecting.
The bid rate shall also include full compensation for
Leak-proof formwork shall be used for the pourable supplying and pouring the specified grout under and
grout, and all corners shall be chamfered. The surface around the base plates of steel columns, for procuring
finish shall be Class F2 and Class U2 as applicable. and supplying all the necessary labour, equipment,
tools and materials, as well as waste, formwork for the
grout, and finishing to obtain the required surface finish
6707 TESTING for the grout under and around base plates of steel
(a) Testing by the Engineer
The Engineer may nominate a testing authority to
inspect the Works and to conduct such tests as he/she ITEM UNIT
may deem to be necessary to test compliance with the 67.02 ANCHOR BOLTS:
specifications. Where required, test samples of welds (a) (DESCRIPTION OF EACH ASSEMBLY, KILOGRAM
shall be prepared by the Contractor, free of charge. AND GRADE/TYPE OF STEEL, (kg)
Payment for these tests shall be made under ITEM
(b) Process control
Welds shall be regularly inspected and tested by the
Contractor in terms of his/her obligations in regard to The unit of measurement shall be either the kilogram of
process control, as described in CLAUSE 1205. This installed anchor-bolt assemblies or the number of
shall include visual inspection of welds to ensure that installed anchor-bolt assemblies.
no undercutting, uneven lengths, porosity, or evidence
of cracking occurs and that full fusion of the metals has The bid rates shall include full compensation for the
been achieved. In doubtful areas, cores containing weld materials, fabrication, handling, transporting and
metal and adjacent parent material shall, if so required installing the anchor-bolt assemblies, including
by the Engineer, be cut out, polished and examined and corrosion protection.
the hole repaired.
The bid rates shall be extra over the rates for ITEM
67.01 and shall include full compensation for applying
the specified corrosion protection, including surface
preparation, materials, labour, tools, equipment and all
incidentals required.
Payment for painting shall be made under ITEM 69.01.
SERIES 6000: STRUCTURES (a) Foundations, footings, pile capping slabs,
columns, walls, piers, abutments, bridge and
culvert superstructures
SECTION 6800: CONSTRUCTION The tolerances are given in TABLES 6803/1, 6803/2,
6803/3, 6803/4 and 6803/5.
CLAUSE PAGE 0.167 times the diameter of the pile, or 100 mm,
6801 SCOPE whichever shall be the greater
6803 TOLERANCES External dimensions:
6804 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Prefabricated piles +25 mm -5 mm
Cast in situ piles plus-tolerance not specified,
minus-tolerance 0 mm
Pile-head level: Average level of trimmed cut
6801 SCOPE pile head 25 mm
This Section covers the requirements in regard to the Verticality or rake 1.5
construction tolerances applicable to the various
structures and structural members. Straightness:
For precast piles the permissible maximum deviation
from straight is 5 mm for piles up to 3 m in length and
1.0 mm more for each additional metre of pile length.
Except where otherwise specified, the following aspects
of construction to which tolerances apply shall have the
meanings attributed to them below:
TABLE 6803/2
The position of a structure or structural member shall be
Position of top of caisson:
the horizontal position of its centre line(s) and/or centre
point(s) in relation to the overall layout of the Works as 10% of the smallest outer dimension of the caisson,
shown on the Drawings. measured in plan.
(b) Alignment
The alignment of a structure or structural member shall
be the alignment of its centre line(s) in relation to the Dimensions:
overall layout of the Works as shown on the Drawings. Wall thickness +25 mm -5 mm
Deviation from true alignment shall be measured in
degrees of an arc.
Outer dimension of 25 mm
circular, rectangular or
square cross-section
(c) Leading and cross-sectional dimensions
The leading and cross-sectional dimensions of a Level: Upper level of trimmed/cut caisson head:
structure or structural member shall be the dimensions Maximum deviation of 25 mm
relating to width, length, height, thickness, etc, which average level
collectively determine its shape, and are shown on the Maximum deviation of any 50 mm
Drawings. Dimensional tolerances not relating to individual level
leading or cross-sectional dimensions shall be shown
on the Drawings. Foundation fill:
Average level of top of fill 25 mm
(d) Levels
The level of any structure or structural member shall be
the level of the upper or lower surface, as may be
relevant, with reference to an established datum-level
TABLE 6803/3
on the site.
(e) Surface regularity
Surface regularity is the shape of a surface with Position:
reference to a 3 m straight-edge (or template in the
15 mm
case of curved surfaces) placed on the surface.
The tolerance for surface regularity is expressed as a Individual members 5
distance by which the surface tested may deviate from
Members as they collectively 1 minute
a straight-edge (or template in the case of curved
determine the alignment of the
surfaces) held against the surface.
structure as a whole
6803 TOLERANCES Leading dimensions in plan 25 mm
The tolerances given below shall be the maximum Thickness +25 mm
permissible deviations from the specified dimensions, -15 mm
levels, alignment, positions, etc, shown on the Drawings
of the structures or structural members. Levels:
Average level of slabs, footings, etc 25 mm
TABLE 6803/4 STRAIGHTNESS OR BOW: The deviation from the
TOLERANCES OF COLUMNS, WALLS, PIERS, ABUTMENTS, prescribed line measured on the overall length of the
ETC beam shall not exceed the following:
(i) General
The fabrication and assembly tolerances on all
dimensions for structural steel shall be 2 mm.
Holes for connections shall be drilled/punched and
aligned as specified in SUBCLAUSES 6705(d) and (g)
(ii) Cross-section
The tolerances on cross-sectional dimensions of
rolled sections shall be as specified in the Design
Tables according to Eurocode 3 or equivalent.
(iii) Straightness
A structural member before erection shall not
deviate from straightness (or the specified shape)
by more than the following:
(iv) Length
The length of a member shall not deviate from its
prescribed length by more than the following:
(b) Primer
One coat of wood primer shall be applied.
(c) Finishing
Two coats of high gloss enamel shall be applied in the
specified colour. They shall be of two different colours.