Article KF-3
Article KF-3
Article KF-3
KF-313 Requirements for Composite Welds heat treated when the base material is required to be
postweld heat treated. In applying these rules, the
KF-313.1 Procedure Qualification for Groove
determining thickness shall be the total thickness of
Welds in Base Material With Corrosion-Resistant
base material. When the thickness of the base material
Integral Cladding or Weld Metal Overlay. The re-
requires postweld heat treatment, it shall be performed
quirements in Section IX, QW-217 for procedure quali-
after the application of weld metal overlay or clad
fication shall be followed. The procedure for groove
welds may be qualified as in KF-311, or the weld in
the base joint or cladding joint may be qualified individ-
ually in accordance with the rules in Section IX.
KF-332 Requirements When Base Metal or
KF-313.2 Performance Qualification for Compos- Lining Is Chromium-Alloy Steel
ite Welds. The requirements in Section IX, QW-310 and
KF-313.1 or KF-313.3 shall be followed for performance Vessels or parts of vessels constructed of chromium-
qualification. alloy stainless steel cladded base material and those
lined with chromium-alloy stainless steel applied linings
KF-313.3 Test Plates for Composite Welds. Perform- shall be postweld heat treated in all thicknesses, except
ance qualification tests shall be made in accordance with that vessels clad or lined with Type 405 or Type 410S
Section IX by preparing test material from integral clad or and welded with an austenitic electrode or non-air-
weld overlay material having the same P-Numbers in QW/ hardening nickel–chromium–iron electrode need not be
QB-422 as that of the base material. Integral or weld metal postweld heat treated unless required by KF-331.
overlay cladding materials to be used in the test shall have
the same F-Number in QW-432 as the filler metal that will
be used in construction. When the integral clad or weld KF-333 Heat Treatment That May Affect
metal overlay material is not listed in QW/QB-422, quali- Vessel Stress Redistribution
fication shall be made on the same grade as used in the
vessel. Heat treatment is not required but is permitted if The Manufacturer shall ensure and document, in
the welder’s work on construction is to be heat treated. The accordance with KG-323(d), that any heat treatment
following conditions shall also be met. A section cut from given to a vessel or vessel part does not adversely
the test material perpendicular to the welding direction and affect the stress distribution required by Articles KD-
properly prepared and etched shall show no lack of fusion 5, 8, 9, and 10. In addition, for layered or autofrettaged
longer than 1⁄8 in. (3.2 mm). The total length of unfused vessels, the Manufacturer shall meet the requirements
cladding shall not exceed 10% of the length of the test ma- for heat treatment given in KF-830 or KF-540(b), as
terial perpendicular to the direction of welding. applicable.
KF-342.1 Straight Chromium-Alloy Filler Metal KF-352 Leak Test of Protective Lining
(a) Joints welded with straight chromium-alloy filler
A test for pressure tightness of the protective lining
metal shall be examined throughout their full length.
that will be appropriate for the intended service is
Chromium-alloy welds in continuous contact with the
recommended, but the details of the test shall be
welds in the base metal shall be examined in accordance
a matter for agreement between the User and the
with Article KE-3. Manufacturer. The test should not damage the load-
(b) Liner welds that are attached to the base metal, carrying baseplate. When rapid corrosion of the base
but merely cross the seams in the base metal, shall be material is to be expected from contact with the contents
examined in accordance with KE-334. of the vessel, particular care should be taken in devising
and executing the leak test.