5-8 Snapshot 1st Mininger, Rose, Day
5-8 Snapshot 1st Mininger, Rose, Day
5-8 Snapshot 1st Mininger, Rose, Day
I Cans 1.RF.3 know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words
o I can read words with suffixes er, -or and diphthongs oi, oy
1.RF.4.4 recognize and read common and irregularly spelled HFW by sight
o I can read against, goes, heavy, kinds, today
1.RL.1identify the main idea and retell key details of a text
o I can identify main idea and details
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Core Activity Street Rhymes Content Knowledge Content Knowledge Content Knowledge Content Knowledge
How can a great ideas make our What do you think a gadget is Which gadget have you used? Why are these gadgets What makes Mike/Mary Ann
lives easier? from listening to the song? Tell me about it. convenient? dig faster and better?
Content Knowledge Amazing Word: engine Amazing Words: pilot, steer Amazing Words: cellar, furnace Review Amazing Words.
Sing with Me Amazing Words
gadget, equipment, convenient Phonemic Awareness Phonemic Awareness Phonemic Awareness Phonemic Awareness
Segment and blend words. Create words. Change phonemes. Change phonemes.
Phonemic Awareness
Segment and blend phonemes. Phonics Phonics Phonics Phonics
Teach/model suffixes er, -or. Build words. Review vowel sound in foot: Review diphthongs oi, oy
Phonics Review long o spelled oa, ow Blend and read. oo, inflected endings s, -es, - and suffixes er, -or.
Diphthongs: oi, oy and diphthongs oi, oy. ed, -ing
oil and boy sound cards Spelling Spelling Test
Decodable Reader 28B Write words with oi, oy. Decodable Reader 28C
Decodable Reader 28A Read the Sentence Test
Spelling Practice High-Frequency Words Fluent Word Reading
High Frequency Words Segment words with oi, oy. Read in context/isolation. Read with appropriate rate, Vocabulary
Say, spell, and define. accuracy, phrasing, and Review HFW.
Vocabulary Text-Based Comprehen. expression. Review homynyms.
Text-Based Comp. Context clues (homonyms) Review compare and contrast.
Main idea and details Think critically. Retell. Science in Reading Text Based Comprehension
Text-Based Comprehension Discuss literary nonfiction and main idea and details
Teacher Read Aloud Read Simple Machines. Fluency read Roys Wheelchair.
Using Machines Discuss expository text. Read with appropriate phrasing. Conventions
Conventions: More about pronouns
Conventions Conventions Conventions More about pronouns
More about pronouns More about pronouns More about pronouns Weekly Assessment
HOT ?s Tell about the parts of the machine Why isnt a lawn mower a What is the boy doing on page How does the picture on page Which four simple machines
(bicycle). How do we get a bicycle simple machine? 143? Why would he need to use 147 help you understand the were discussed in this
to move? a lever? How does it work diff. btwn plane/inclined plane selection? How do they help
Exit Ticket Monitor Progress: diphthongs oi, Monitor Progress: suffixes er, - Monitor Progress: high- Monitor Progress: fluency Oral Vocabulary, Read the
oy or frequency words and retelling check Words/Sentences, Weekly
Math Expressions - Unit 7
I Can Statements 1.G.1 distinguish between defining attributes and non-defining attributes of two- and three-dimensional shapes
o I can distinguish between defining and non-defining attributes of squares, rectangles, circles, and triangles.
1.MD.3 tell and write time to the nearest half-hour using analog and digital clocks
o I can tell and write time in 30 min. increments
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Review/Assessment
Core Activity Common Errors & Prescriptions Student Activity Book Review Unit 7 Assessment
o may not understand how to write the time in hours on a digital clock o Time o Measurement
remind that the minute hand pointing to 12 means that it is exactly _:00 hour, half hour o Time
o may not know which number to read when the hour hand is between two numbers o 2D Shapes o Shapes
remind the direction the hands move on an analog clock; show time in hours NOT triangles o Compare Length
o doesnt recognize a shape in different sizes, colors, and orientations o Composite Shape o Composite Shape
show models of shapes in different sizes and colors; rotate to various position ring the new shape(s) o Partition Shapes
o may have difficulty drawing lines to show halves and fourths of shapes o Partition Shapes
use paper models of shapes to fold in halves/fourths before drawing lines show halves, quarters 13 problems to solve
o may confuse the words longest and shortest o Compare Length
review the terms long, longer, and longest, and short, shorter, and shortest longest to shortest
o does not correctly align the length unit with the object being measured o Measure in Units
model how to align the length unit with the line on the left side of the object use paper clips
o may have difficulty measuring length indirectly o Extended Response
use concrete models to see which object is shorter or longer written explanation
Exit Ticket Think-Pair-Share Think-Pair-Share Think-Pair-Share Student Activity Book Review Weekly Assessment
I Can 1.W.2 write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure
o I can write information about an animal.
H.O.T.S What would life be like What would life be like What would life be like What would life be like What would life be like
without this invention? without this invention? without this invention? without this invention? without this invention?
How has this invention How has this invention How has this invention How has this invention How has this invention
improved our lives? improved our lives? improved our lives? improved our lives? improved our lives?
What are some variations of What are some variations of What are some variations of What are some variations of What are some variations of
this invention? this invention? this invention? this invention?? this invention?
Exit Ticket complete K-W-L chart complete K-W-L chart complete K-W-L chart complete K-W-L chart complete K-W-L chart
complete word web complete word web complete word web complete word web complete word web
research invention research invention research invention research invention research invention
take notes take notes take notes take notes take notes
share findings share findings share findings share findings share findings
I can read text with I can read text with I can read text with I can read text with I can read text with
purpose/understanding. purpose/understanding. purpose/understanding. purpose/understanding. purpose/understanding.
Independent Sleuth Sleuth Sleuth Sleuth Sleuth
Read, A Cheer for Three Look for Clues Ask Questions Make Your Case Reread, A Cheer for Three
Wheels Wheels
I can identify story I can identify story elements. I can identify story elements. I can identify story elements. I can identify story elements.
Interactive Lets Talk About Lets Listen For Advertisement Literary Nonfiction Vocabulary
Discuss ideas that have sound removal, final Write an advertisement to Tell about machines people Write a sentence using
changed our world. phoneme isolation, rhymes get people to use one kind of use. Tell what it does. homonyms.
I can exhibit understanding. I can exhibit understanding. I can exhibit understanding. I can exhibit understanding. I can exhibit understanding.
Journal HFW Spelling Words Retelling Think Critically Amazing Words
Write in each word in ABC Write in each word in ABC Retell, Simple Machines Answer questions 1-5 in Draw, label, and write a
order and in a sentence. order and in a sentence. using the retelling strip. complete sentences. sentence for each word.
I can write in alphabetical I can write in alphabetical I can retell a story, including I can differentiate between I can exhibit understanding of
order and complete order and complete details and the main idea. common and proper nouns. vocabulary.
sentence sentences.
Teachers Table Ready, Set, Read! Ready, Set, Read! Ready, Set, Read! Ready, Set, Read! Ready, Set, Read!
oral vocabulary sentences I can read Question of the Week Expository Text Roys Wheelchair
phonemic awareness phonics: suffixes er, -or Retell writing prompt/checklist listening and speaking
phonics: diphthongs oi, oy I Can Read! Think Critically student model vocabulary
high-frequency words Simple Machines Meet the Author conventions: pronouns fluency
I can express ideas and I can express ideas and I can express ideas and I can express ideas and I can express ideas and
feelings clearly. feelings clearly. feelings clearly. feelings clearly. feelings clearly.
Groups Marigolds (I) Dennis, Ava, Antoine, Troy, Anthony, Melissa, Kiara, Eliza, Bricia, Isaac
Daysies (OL) Justin Charisma Marcquis, Journii, Taylor, Johnathan, Allison, Blessing
Rosebuds (H) Charli, Chloe, Genevieve, Torhi, Elijah, Ray, Deonte, Jordan, James, Teriana
Timeline: Week of: Data Source:
Geometry, Measurement, and Equal Shares 5/1/17 5/5/17 Numeracy Assessment
Teacher/Grade: Time: Subject:
Day / 1st Grade 1:15p.m.-1:45p.m. Mathematics
Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
5/8 5/9 5/10 5/11 5/12
Blended I-Ready I-Ready I-Ready I-Ready I-Ready
individual timeline individual timeline individual timeline individual timeline individual timeline
I can do mathematical work. I can do mathematical work. I can do mathematical work. I can do mathematical work. I can do mathematical work.
Independent Partition Shapes Partition Shapes Partition Shapes Partition Shapes Partition Shapes
Create halves and quarters Create halves and quarters Create halves and quarters Create halves and quarters Create halves and quarters
for circles, squares, for circles, squares, triangles, for circles, squares, triangles, for circles, squares, triangles, for circles, squares, triangles,
triangles, rectangles, hearts, rectangles, hearts, oval, etc. rectangles, hearts, oval, etc. rectangles, hearts, oval, etc. rectangles, hearts, oval, etc.
oval, etc.
I can compose shapes. I can compose shapes. I can compose shapes. I can compose shapes.
I can compose shapes.
Interactive Magical Mathematicians Magical Mathematicians Magical Mathematicians Magical Mathematicians Magical Mathematicians
Create shapes using other Create shapes using other Create shapes using other Create shapes using other Create shapes using other
shapes (e.g. squares to shapes (e.g. squares to make shapes (e.g. squares to make shapes (e.g. squares to make shapes (e.g. squares to make
make rectangles or triangles rectangles or triangles to rectangles or triangles to rectangles or triangles to rectangles or triangles to
to make a hexagon). make a hexagon). make a hexagon). make a hexagon). make a hexagon).
I can compose shapes. I can compose shapes. I can compose shapes. I can compose shapes. I can compose shapes.
Journal Math Writing Prompts Math Writing Prompts Math Writing Prompts Math Writing Prompts Math Writing Prompts
Tell time to the nearest Tell time to the nearest hour, Tell time to the nearest hour, Tell time to the nearest hour, Tell time to the nearest hour,
hour, quarter, and half hour. quarter, and half hour. quarter, and half hour. quarter, and half hour. quarter, and half hour.
Draw analog and digital Draw analog and digital Draw analog and digital Draw analog and digital Draw analog and digital
clocks (e.g. 12:00, 12:15, clocks (e.g. 12:00, 12:15, clocks (e.g. 12:00, 12:15, clocks (e.g. 12:00, 12:15, clocks (e.g. 12:00, 12:15,
12:30, 12:45). 12:30, 12:45). 12:30, 12:45). 12:30, 12:45). 12:30, 12:45).
I can tell time with an analog I can tell time with an analog I can tell time with an analog I can tell time with an analog I can tell time with an analog
and/or digital clock. and/or digital clock. and/or digital clock. and/or digital clock. and/or digital clock.
Teachers Table Check Understanding Check Understanding Check Understanding Check Understanding Check Understanding
Numeracy Assessment Numeracy Assessment Numeracy Assessment Numeracy Assessment Weekly ME Assessment
I can improve my score from I can improve my score from I can improve my score from I can improve my score from I can demonstrate learning of
Winter to Spring. Winter to Spring. Winter to Spring. Winter to Spring. mathematical concepts.
Groups Aladdin Charli, Charisma, Deonte, James, Genevieve, Chloe, Ray
Bambi Jordan, Marcquis, Dennis, Torhi, Ava, Justin, Victor
Cinderella Elijah, Allison, Isaac, Teriana, Journii, Blessing, Johnathan
Dumbo Melissa, Taylor, Anthony, Antoine, Eliza, Kiara, Bricia, Troy