5 Aeb Unit No. 1 TITLE: Welcome Back! Weeks: 4 UNIT OBJECTIVE: After Completing The Lesson, Students Will Be Able Toidentify Regular & Irregular Forms and Apply The
5 Aeb Unit No. 1 TITLE: Welcome Back! Weeks: 4 UNIT OBJECTIVE: After Completing The Lesson, Students Will Be Able Toidentify Regular & Irregular Forms and Apply The
5 Aeb Unit No. 1 TITLE: Welcome Back! Weeks: 4 UNIT OBJECTIVE: After Completing The Lesson, Students Will Be Able Toidentify Regular & Irregular Forms and Apply The
UNIT No. 1
TITLE: Welcome back!
UNIT OBJECTIVE: After completing the lesson, students will be able toidentify regular & irregular forms and apply the
corresponding quantifiers. They will also be able to spell out names and vocabulary learnt correctly.
Identify plural forms What is …..? Listen for details. Course book To identify details when
Teacher’s guide listening to the audio CD.
Regular and irregular Recall vocabulary Audio CD
Apply a, an and some. plural nouns already learnt. CD player To relate objects and
Vocabulary cards words orally.
a , an & some Focus on language Notebook
structure. Cut outs To identify regular &
Spell words correctly. How do you spell…? Web links irregular plural forms.
Solve the exercises
provided using regular To apply regular and
and irregular plural irregular plurals when
forms. writing& speaking.
Focus on language
Create a short
descriptive paragraph of
a person using to be.
UNIT No. 3
TITLE: This is my bedroom
UNIT OBJECTIVE: After completing the lesson, students will be able to make simple sentences using demonstratives and to be
present tense.
Focus on language
Talking about I have… I don’t have Listen and repeat Course book To relate vocabulary and
possession She has… She doesn’t vocabulary related to Teacher’s guide objects when listening to
have toys. Audio CD the audio CD.
CD player
Asking about What do you have? Focus on language Vocabulary cards To express sentences
possessions What does she have? structure. Cut outs orally using the structure
Web links and vocabulary studied.
Identifying others’ Do you have…? Solve the exercises Board
possessions. Does she have…? provided using Identify yes/no questions
has/have. and wh questions.
Expressing wants and I like/want milk Listen to some Course book To identify specific
likes sentences about David Teacher’s guide information when
and Cristina’s wants. Audio CD listening to the audio
Asking about others’ Does she like icecream? CD player CD.
wants Focus on language Cut outs
structure. Food race board game To express sentences
Asking & answering What does she like? Web links orally using the structure
about preferences Solve the exercises Board and vocabulary studied.
provided using want &
wants. To differentiate do from
does in context.
Ask & answer yes / no
questions with do and To identify vocabulary
does. related to food.
Identify sentences
UNIT No. 7
TITLE: I listen to music
UNIT OBJECTIVE: After completing the lesson, students will be able totalk about one’s leisure activities using the present simple.
Talking about leisure I/ she go/goes to violin Listen to the audio CD Course book To say activities aloud
activities. class. and repeat the phrases Teacher’s guide with the right
provided. Audio CD pronunciation and
Asking about leisure What do/does… do CD player intonation.
activities. on….? Focus on language Puzzles
structure. Cut outs To express sentences
Asking about daily Does she/he… Web links orally using the structure
activities. Solve the exercises Board and vocabulary studied.
Yes, she does / No, she provided using the
doesn´t corresponding subject To use vocabulary
pronoun. related to leisure
Relate subject and verb.
To answer yes / no
Produce questions using questions and Wh
the present simple to questions using the
talk about leisure correct pronoun.
To apply the use of
Differentiate yes/no present simple correctly.
questions from Wh
UNIT No. 8
TITLE: A hare is faster
UNIT OBJECTIVE: After completing the lesson, students will be able to compare objects and people using comparatives adequately.
Identifying comparatives He/She is taller. Listen for specific Course book To identify specific
information to sort out Teacher’s guide information when
Placing than after He/she is taller than me. information. Audio CD listening to the audio
comparatives. CD player CD.
Focus on language Puzzles
structure. Cut outs To express sentences
Web links orally using the structure
Solve the exercises Board and vocabulary studied.
provided using
comparatives To use vocabulary
adequately. related to adjectives.
Produce affirmative
statements with