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Fluid Mechanics - Laboratory Instructions: Stanis Law Gepner

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Fluid Mechanics - Laboratory instructions

Stanislaw Gepner

Warsaw University of Technology,

Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics,
Nowowiejska 24, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland
e-mail: sgepner@meil.pw.edu.pl

October 25, 2011


1 Pressure tubes velocimetry 3

1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Pressure tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2.1 Velocity characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2.2 Angular characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Thermo-anemometry - Hot-Wire Technique 6

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Constance Temperature Anemometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.1 Velocity characteristics and calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2.2 Angular characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 Venturi and orifice volumetric flow measurement 9

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2 Venturi effect based meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3 Orifice and Venturi meter calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4 Hydraulic pressure loss coefficient 13

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.2 Measurements and calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2.1 Pressure loss coefficient for turbulent flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2.2 Pressure loss coefficient for laminar flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5 Drag measurement 17
5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.2 Momentum method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.3 Pressure method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.4 Measurements and calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.4.1 Momentum method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.4.2 Pressure distribution method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

6 Aerodynamic force measurement 21

6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6.1.1 Aerodynamic coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6.1.2 Center of pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6.2 Experimental setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6.3 Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Chapter 1

Pressure tubes velocimetry

key words: Dynamic, static and stagnation pressure, Bernoulli equation, water manome-
ter, Pitot and Prandtl tubs.
goals: The objective of this exercise is to gain knowledge in velocimetry methods employing
pressure tubes. Velocity and angular characteristics of pressure tube will be investigated.

1.1 Introduction
Reassure tubes are simple instruments used for local velocity measurements of the flow. By
measuring static and stagnation pressure one might calculate flow velocity by employing
the Bernoulli equation. For incompressible flow it takes the following form:

VA 2 p p0
+ =
2 % %
where: V - flow velocity, p,% pressure and density, p0 - total or stagnation pressure.
(pressure achieved when the flow comes to a stop.) Modification of the Bernoulli equation
yields the expression for velocity:
2(p0 p)
VA =
The Difference 4p = p0 p is often referred to as dynamic pressure.
For an incompressible flows (e.g. water measurements) density might be found in
appropriate scientific tables. For compressible flows density should be calculated using
the equation of state.
where: T stands for temperature in Kelvins and R is a gas constant.
In case of gas flow the governing equation must be modified as to consider the com-
pressibility effect. The equation of the following form is used:

VA 2 p p0
+ =
2 1% 1 %
Where is a heat capacity ratio (adiabatic index or ratio of specific heats).

Figure 1.1: Sketch of a static Pitot tube.

Figure 1.2: Experimental set-up used for velocity characteristic measurements. 1 - refer-
ence anemometer, 2 - Prandtl tube.

Neglecting the compressibility effects might leads to measurement errors. For Mach
numbers below 0.2 the error fall below 0.5%, while at M=0.4 it is around 2% and 12%
for Mach number M=1.

1.2 Pressure tubes

Pressure tubes can be used to measure stagnation (total pressure), static pressure or
both. Figure 1.1 shows a sketch of a tube capable of both stagnation and static pressure
measurements (Static Pitot tube or Prandtl tube).

1.2.1 Velocity characteristic

To find the velocity characteristics of the pressure tube an incompressible flow will be
considered. The tube will be placed measurement space of an open wind tunnel. The
flow speed will be measured with the pressure tube and a reference anemometer. Figure
1.2 illustrates the experiment.

1. Note the atmospheric pressure pa and ambient temperature ta . Calculate density.

(Assume R = 287 sm2 K ).
Figure 1.3: Experimental set-up used to measure angle characteristic.

2. Calculate the Reynolds number for maximum and minimum velocity. (Re =
tube diameter, kinematic viscosity)

3. Set the flow velocity at 20m/s, note the values of pressures and velocity.

4. Repeat previous point while decreasing the velocity of the flow.

5. For each measurement calculate dynamic pressure, velocity (from dynamic pressure)
and error as compared to the reference anemometer.

6. Prepare an appropriate report.

1.2.2 Angular characteristic

Angular characteristic will be investigated at a constant flow velocity. Measurements will
be performed at different angles. Figure 1.3 illustrates the experimental set up.

1. Set proper flow velocity.

2. Do pressure measurements for different angular alignments.

3. For each measurement calculate dynamic pressure, velocity (from dynamic pressure)
and error as compared initial measurements.

4. Prepare an appropriate report.

Chapter 2

Thermo-anemometry - Hot-Wire

key words: Constant temperature thermo-anemometry, Kings curve,

convective heat transfer
goals: The objective of this exercise is to gain knowledge of velocimetry methods employ-
ing electro elements. Calibration of the device will be performed, velocity and angular
characteristics of thermo-anemometer will be investigated.

2.1 Introduction
Thermo-anemometry technique is used to measure instantaneous velocity of a turbu-
lent flow. It employs the fact that electrical resistance varies with the change in tempera-
ture. The main element of a thermo-anemometer is thin wire (1-5 m) made of material
with large resistance temperature dependence (e.g.. Platinum, Tungsten).
In general a heated element (a thin electrically heated wire) surrounded by the fluid
will experience heat transfer to the surrounding. Energy exchange mechanisms are the
free convection, forced convection and radiation. In case of a stationary fluid free
convection would play the main role. As the velocity of the flow increases forced convec-
tion would dominate. The influence of radiation is eliminated by relatively low working
temperature (below 200 ) of the instrument.

2.2 Constance Temperature Anemometer

In this type of an anemometer the wire is kept at almost constant temperature (Tw =
const), independent of the flow velocity. It is achieved through feedback loop of the elec-
trical elements. With proper calibration high sensitivity of the probe might be achieved.
Figure 2.1 shows schematics of the experimental setup used to calibrate the thermal probe.
For constant temperature anemometer the voltage drop due to the wire resistance and
the flow velocity are related through the so called Kings equation. It has the following
form: r
2 2
n E E0
E 2 = E02 + BV n orV =

Figure 2.1: Experimental set-up. 1 - probe, 1a - wire, 1b - supports, 2 - wind tunnel ,
3 - bridge, 4 - RMS voltmeter, 5 - flow control, 6 - manometer.

E - voltage drop,

V - the flow velocity,

E0 - voltage drop for stationary flow (V0)

B, n - calibration parameters, assumed to be constant.

2.2.1 Velocity characteristics and calibration

1. Note the ambient pressure and temperature.

2. Perform around 15 measurements of the voltage drop at different speeds.

3. Plot the Kings curve with the measured values.

4. Plot log(E 2 E02 ) = f (V ) and determine n, and B parameters.

5. Using the Kings equation calculate velocity for each measurement, plot the Vterm =
f (V ).
Vterm V
6. Estimate and plot the error according to the formula: Er = V
2.2.2 Angular characteristics
1. Note the ambient pressure and temperature.

2. For a chosen velocity perform measurements of the voltage drop changing the probe

3. Using the Kings equation calculate velocity for each measurement, plot the Vterm =
f ().
Vterm V
4. Estimate and plot the error according to the formula: Er = V
Chapter 3

Venturi and orifice volumetric flow


key words: Volumetric and mass flux, venturi and orifice meter, device calibration, .
goals: The objective of this exercise is to gain knowledge in volumetric methods employing
Venturi effect. Calibration of orifice and Venturi meter.

3.1 Introduction
As the fluid flows through a constriction it experiences a drop in fluids pressure. Although
it is referred to as the Venturi1 effect it was probably known in times of a Roman engineer
Frontinus2 .
To satisfy the continuity equation, velocity of the flow through a constricting pipe
will increase. Which in turn causes a drop in pressure (Bernoullis principle). Figure 3.1
illustrates the phenomena named Venturi effect.

Figure 3.1: The Venturi effect. As the pipe contracts, the pressure of the fluid decreases.
Source: www.wikipedia.org

Assuming a steady-state, inviscid, incompressible ( = const) and laminar flow,

continuity and Bernoulli equation form the following set of equation:
Giovanni Battista Venturi (March 15, 1746 - April 24, 1822) was an Italian physicist.
Sextus Julius Frontinus (ca. 40-103 AD)

Qt = v1 D2 = v2 d2 continuity equation
V12 V22 (3.1)
+ p1 = 2
+ p2 Bernoulli equation,
introducing an area ratio m = ( Dd )2 and solving for the volumetric flow rate (in fact just
a theoretical value) Qt one would get:
m D2 2(p1 p2 )
Qt = (3.2)
1 m2 4

Equation 3.2 states that for a given geometry the flow rate might be calculated simply
by measuring the pressure difference p1 p2 . While deriving equation 3.2 some idealistic
assumptions were made. Due to that equation 3.2 will overestimate the actual flow
rate if used for a real fluid. Therefore to calculate the actual flow rate a modification is
required. The following equation is used:

Q = Cd Qt (3.3)

where Cd is so called coefficient of discharge. In general it is a function of device type

and geometry, but also depends on the Reynolds number of the flow. Figure 3.2 shows a
Cd 3
values of 1m 2 plotted as a function of Re for different area ratio of a Venturi meter .

3.2 Venturi effect based meters

The flow meters employing the Venturi effect do come in different shapes and sizes. From
crude orifices (just a plate with a drilled hole) having high hydraulic loses, lower accuracy
and high discharge coefficient dependence on area ratio and the type of flow. To more
sophisticated Venturi meters and nozzles with strictly defined geometry. Figure 3.2 shows
some examples of orifices (a, b), a Venturi meter (d) and a nozzle (c, e).

3.3 Orifice and Venturi meter calibration

1. Note the the dimension of device to be calibrated (orifice and/or Venturi meter).

2. Start the flow through the installation, manipulate the flow rate with a valve.

3. Using a stopwatch measure a time t necessary to fill the reference tank of volume
V .4

4. Measure the pressure drop at the device being calibrated.

5. Repeat the measurements at different flow rates. Ask the tutor for the number of
test you should perform.

6. Calculate the theoretical volumetric flow rate using eq.3.2.

3 Cd
Value of 1m 2
instead of Cd is used for better plot resolution.
Now how do you calculate the volumetric flow rate?
Figure 3.2: Discharge coefficient dependency on geometry and Reynolds number for a
Venturi meter.

7. Calculate the actual flow rate using data from experiment and the discharge coeffi-
8. Calculate the Reynolds number. Re =

9. Repeat the calibration for each of the measurements and plot Cd as a function of
Figure 3.3: Different types of constriction flow meters. a,b - orifices, c - nozzle, d - Venturi
constriction meter, e - Venturi nozzle.
Chapter 4

Hydraulic pressure loss coefficient

key words: Darcy friction factor, pressure loss, turbulent and laminar friction coefficient,
Blasius equation, Nikuradse or Moody diagram.
goals: The objective of this exercise is to measure pressure loss coefficient for an incom-
pressible, turbulent and laminar flow through a pipeline.

4.1 Introduction
Any real life engineering phenomena is accompanied by energy dissipation. It is no differ-
ent with a real fluid in motion. In case of a liquid flowing through a straight pipe energy
losses are an effect of shear stresses ( ) acting against the flow. Those energy losses man-
ifest itself by drop in hydraulic head1 at consecutive cross-sections of the flow, and are
referred to as head losses2 . This is shown in Fig.4.1.
Pressure losses ploss resulting from liquids flow through a pipe of diameter D and
length L are proportional to liquids dynamic pressure. And are defined by the so called
Darcy-Weisbach equation
Pressure expressed as hight of a static column of fluid. Expressed in meters, millimeters ...
Also referred to as resistance head or friction head

Figure 4.1: Drop in liquids pressure at distance L, as it flows through a pipe of diameter

L V 2
ploss = (4.1)
D 2
The proportionality coefficient is the so called Darcy friction factor.
Friction coefficient varies strongly with the Reynolds number3 . For laminar flows
(Re < 2300) it might be calculated analytically from HagenPoiseuille equation to be:
= (4.2)
However for turbulent flows empirical formulas are used. A good approximation is given
by the Blasius4 formula (for flows where Re < 8 104 ):
= 4
Equation 4.1 and 4.2 are valid only in case of smooth and circular pipes. In case
of rough surfaces values of the friction factor are found by experiment. Such experiment
were performed by Johann Nikuradse5 . Figure 4.1 shows the so called Nikuradse diagram6
relating friction factor , Reynolds number and relative roughness of the pipe.

4.2 Measurements and calculations

Using the experimental setups for laminar and turbulent flows investigate pressure losses.
Perform appropriate measurements and calculations.

4.2.1 Pressure loss coefficient for turbulent flow

1. Get acquainted with the experimental setup, check how manometers are connected
and what is being measured.

2. Copy all the necessary dimensions of the investigated installation to your report.

3. Start the flow through the installation, manipulate the flow rate with a valve.

4. Using a stopwatch measure a time t necessary to fill the reference tank of volume

5. Note the pressure losses.

6. Repeat the measurements at different flow rates. Ask the tutor for the number of
test you should perform.

7. Stop the flow through the installation when finished.

Re = V D , Pipe diameter D is used as characteristic length.
Paul Richard Heinrich Blasius (1883-1970) was a German fluid dynamics engineer.
Johann Nikuradse (November 20, 1894 July 18, 1979) Georgia-born German engineer and physi-
cist.Lived mostly in Gttingen.
In English nomenclature Moody chart.
Figure 4.2: Nikuradse or Moody diagram. Relates friction factor, Reynolds number and
relative roughness for flows through circular pipes. Source: www.wikipedia.org
8. Note water temperature.

9. For each of the measurements calculate: pressure loss, flow velocity, Reynolds num-
ber and friction factor .

10. Plot the results on a (Re) plot, and compare with Blasius formula 4.3.

11. Comment on the results.

4.2.2 Pressure loss coefficient for laminar flow

1. Get acquainted with the experimental setup, check how manometers are connected
and what is being measured.

2. Copy all the necessary dimensions to your report.

3. Start the flow, manipulate the flow rate by changing hight H of the water source.

4. Using a stopwatch measure a time t necessary to fill graduated cylinder used for

5. Measure the pressure drop.

6. Repeat the measurements at different flow rates. Ask the tutor for the number of
test you should perform.

7. Note water temperature.

8. For each of the measurements calculate: pressure loss, flow velocity, Reynolds num-
ber and friction factor .

9. Plot the results on a (Re) plot, and compare with formula 4.2.

10. Comment on the results.

Chapter 5

Drag measurement

key words: Air resistance, pressure and friction drag, bluff and stream line body, surface
goals: Estimate air resistance of a cylinder. Pressure on the cylinder surface and momen-
tum loss in the cylinders wake will be measured.

5.1 Introduction
As an object moves through a fluid it experiences forces from the interaction with the
fluid. Forces in the direction of the objects motion are referred to as drag. Drag forces
act against the object motion, and are in general dependent on the velocity. Depending
on the flows conditions different phenomena could be responsible for drag creation. In
this exercise we will focus on pressure and friction drag.
Unsymmetrical pressure distribution on the surface of a body will manifest itself as
a force acting on that body. Part of that pressure force1 acting against the objects
movement could be considered as pressure drag Pxp . By friction drag we will refer to the
force resulting from shear stresses on the bodys surface. Lets designate it by Pxf . The
sum of the two yields the profile drag Px .
Which of the two drag components is dominative for the profile drag depends on the
bodys shape and position against the flow. A good example is a flow past a flat plate.
If it is aligned with the flow the drag force is an effect of friction (tangential stresses)
only. While it being perpendicular to the flow will result with pressure drag being the
important one.
In general it is customary to refer to bodies as bluff if pressure drag is higher than
friction drag (Pxp  Pxf ) and streamlined if the opposite is true (Pxp  Pxf ). See
Fig.5.1 for reference.
To investigate aerodynamic forces the following methods could be used:

1. Employment of momentum conservation principle.

2. Pressure distribution and tangential stresses measurement.

3. Direct force measurement (e.g. weighing method which is covered in exercise 7).
The other part could be responsible for lift force.

Figure 5.1: Flat plate and an airfoil as an example of stream line bodies (left) with
low pressure drag. Bluff shapes (right) have relatively high pressure drag. Source:

Figure 5.2: Ilustration to the drag measurment using the momentum method.

5.2 Momentum method

The rate of change of momentum must be equal to the sum of forces acting on that system.
Or so the Newtons second law states. Therefore by measuring momentum change one
might calculate the the forces exerted on the flow (or on the object being flown by).
Consider an example in Fig.5.2. Force F is a force with which a cylindrical object acts
against the flow. As the fluid moves around the investigated body some of its momentum
is lost. This is reflected by change in the velocity profile in the wake of an object. By
writing the momentum equation for the ABCD contour one might calculate the drag
forces2 . The resulting formula would be (assuming p1 = p2 ):
F = Px = V2 (V1 V2 )dy (5.1)

Lets introduce the drag coefficient Cd . It relates drag force Px , square of the velocity,
density and the cross-sectional area A of a body. It is defined as:
2P x
Cd = (5.2)
You should be able to do that after Fluid Mechanics I.
Assuming a unitary length of the cylinder (A = d 1) and modifying the equation so
dynamic pressure (q = V2 ) is used one would get the following equation for the drag
coefficient. Z
2 q2 q2
Cd = (1 )dy (5.3)
d q q
As one might notice it is enough to measure the dynamic pressure in the wake to calculate
drag coefficient.

5.3 Pressure method

To calculate the pressure drag it is necessary to know the pressure distribution on the
surface of the body being investigated. In general this can only be achieved through
experiment. Once this is know pressure drag can be found. In case of a cylindrical shape
of radius s the following formula is valid:
Z 2
Pxp = p(r)rcos()d (5.4)

Further using dynamic pressure q, for a cylinder of length L (area A = Ld) it is possible
to define the pressure drag coefficient Cdp .

Cdp = (5.5)

5.4 Measurements and calculations

5.4.1 Momentum method
1. Note ambient pressure, temperature and undisturbed flow conditions.

2. Measure pressure distribution in the wake of the investigated object.

3. Do plots of pressure distribution in the wake.

4. Apply numerical integration procedure of your choice to calculate drag coefficient

in accordance with formula 5.3.
5. Calculate method calibration coefficient K = Cmomentum
using model values of drag

6. Repeat pressure measurements for different surface roughness.

7. Perform the experiment at different flow regime.

5.4.2 Pressure distribution method
1. Measure pressure distribution on the surface of the investigated cylinder.

2. Plot pressure distribution as a function of

3. Calculate pressure drag coefficient.

4. Compare the result with the drag coefficient measured with the momentum method.
Chapter 6

Aerodynamic force measurement

key words: Aerodynamic coefficients, scale measurement, airfoil

goals: Aerodynamic forces on an airfoil will be measured using a scale method

6.1 Introduction
Consider an airfoil model, just like the one shown in Fig.6.1. Let 2b be the span (Rozpito
pata) of the airfoil and c its chord (Ciciwa). As the model is investigated in the wind
tunnel it experiences aerodynamic force and moment from the flow.
Considering components of those in the (x,z,y) reference frame (see Fig.6.1) one might

Px - the drag force or simply drag (Sia oporu), force component parallel to the flow
velocity vector V.

Py - the lateral force (Sia boczna), force component projected on to the y axis.

Pz - the lift force (Sia nona), force component perpendicular to the flow velocity
vector V and in the direction of the z axis.

Mx - the rolling moment (Moment przechylajcy).

My - the pitching moment (Moment pochylajcy).

Mz - the yawing moment (Moment odchylajcy).

6.1.1 Aerodynamic coefficients

In engineering and scientific practice one uses dimensionless coefficient to describe aero-
dynamic forces and moments. They are defined as follows:
Ci = V 2
Cmi = V 2

Figure 6.1: An example of an airfoil with aerodynamic forces and moments components.
(x,z,y) is a reference frame related with the wind tunnel (free stream velocity V is parallel
to the X axis). (n,t,y) is a reference frame related to the model under investigation (t
axis is parallel to the airfoils chord, and is at angle to the flow velocity vector V) .
For fixed flow conditions aerodynamic coefficients become dependent on the angle of
attack only (angle between the chord ant the velocity vector). It is customary to plot
aerodynamic coefficients as functions of the angle. Those are referred to as aerodynamic
Often the investigated model has a plane of symmetry. If so it is possible to choose
the reference frame in such a way that the plane (z,x) is a symmetry plane, and as a
consequence Cy = Cmx = Cmz = 0.
Values of moment coefficient Cm will be dependent on the reference used. The ex-
periment is setup so the reference axis y0 passes through the trailing edge of the model.
Moment coefficient in respect to this point is denoted as Cm0 .
Assume axis y1 (parallel to y0 ) intersects the models chord c at a distance t0 from the
axis y0 . To recalculate it to value of Cm1 (moment coefficient in respect to the axis y1 )
one might use formula 6.3.
Cm1 = Cm0 (Cz cos() + Cx sin()) (6.3)

6.1.2 Center of pressure

Point where the aerodynamic force vector intersects with the chord is called the center
of pressure. Moment calculated in reference to this point vanishes. Knowing that and
rearranging formula 6.3 accordingly one will get the formula to calculate the position of
the center of pressure.
t0 Cm0
= (6.4)
c Cz cos() + Cx sin()

6.2 Experimental setup

Figure 6.2 shows the schematic drawing of the experimental setup that is to be used in this
experiment. Model is fixed to a stiff frame and further, through shafts to the tensometric
It is possible to manipulate the degrees of freedom of the device by locking and
unlocking the screws S. Therefore one might select the force components to be recorded.
Figure 6.2: Schematic view of the aerodynamic scale. Forces from the model are transfered
through the frame to the tensometers installed at 5 and 6.
6.3 Measurements
You will perform all the necessary measurements under the supervision of the technician.
All the necessary data will be recorded for further manipulation. The calculation to be
performed are listed below.

1. Using equations 6.1 and 6.2 plot Cz (), Cx (), Cm0 (), Cm25 (),.
Cz Cz
2. Plot the dependency Cx
, on the plot mark the angle. Plot the dependency Cx
3. Plot the position of the center of pressure e = c

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