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Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci.

2(12): (2015): XXXX

International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences

ISSN: 2348-8069
Research Article

SOI: http://s-o-i.org/ 1.15/ijarbs-2-12-X

N-acetyl cysteine substantially enhances the antimicrobial activity of zinc oxide
nanoparticles against multidrug resistant pathogens
Selwan Hamed1, Mohamed Emara*1, Riham M. Shawky1, Ramadan A. El-domany2 &
Tareq Youssef3
Department of Microbiology and Immunology , Faculty of Pharmacy, Helwan University, Egypt; P.O.11795,
Cairo Egypt
Department of Microbiology and immunology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Kafr El Sheikh University
National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences Cairo University, Gamma St., P. O. 12613, Giza - Egypt.
*Corresponding author: mohamed_emara@pharm.helwan.edu.eg & mohamedmicro@yahoo.com

Aim: to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of Zinc Oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) alone and in
combination against MDR pathogens. Material & Methods: ZnO NPs were tested against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia
coli and Candida albicans standard strains besides 50 clinical isolates from cancer patients. The antimicrobial and cytotoxic
effects of ZnO NPs alone and combined with NAC were studied. Results: The MIC values of ZnO NPs against tested bacteria
ranged from (60-100) g/ml while it was 500g/ml for C. albicans. Interestingly, the antimicrobial effect of ZnO NPs was
substantially enhanced by addition of NAC. ZnO NPs completely abrogated respiratory dehydrogenases of tested pathogens and
released muramic acid content from S. aureus in culture. No cytotoxicity was observed at MIC values of ZnO NPs. Conclusions:
ZnO NPs exhibited robust antimicrobial activity against MDR pathogens without provoking cytotoxicity to HepG2. We report for
the first time that NAC has a robust synergistic effect with ZnO NPs against MDR pathogens which could pave the way towards
a paradigm shift in treating infectious diseases and combating the problem of increasing drug resistance.

Keywords: Nanoparticles, Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, Candida albicans, MDR, Synergism.


Recently, nanotechnology research has grown health-related applications Metal oxides such as zinc
enormously with tremendous applications including oxide (ZnO) have been receiving mounting attention
drug delivery systems, imaging, gene therapy, not only because they are stable, but also due to their
diagnosis of infectious diseases and infection control safety to human beings and animals (Stoimenov 2002;
(Ae Jung Hu 2011). Nanomaterials have fascinating Roselli et al. 2003; Fu et al. 2005).
properties demonstrating antimicrobial activity by
themselves (Li et al. 2008) or enhancing the Zinc Oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs), which are non-
effectiveness and safety of antibiotics administration, toxic and biocompatible, have been utilized as drug
hence are termed nanoantibiotics(Yadav A 2006; carriers, cosmetics ingredients, and medical filling
Abeylath and Turos 2008). materials (J. Zhou 2006; Wang et al. 2007). Recently,
Zn ONPs have been shown to have antibacterial
Metal oxides nanoparticles represent a novel class of activity against food borne pathogens, such as
extremely impressive materials that are extensively enterohemorrhagic E. coli (O157:H7) and
and continuously being developed for research and enterotoxigenic E. coli (Brayner et al. 2006; Liu et al.
2009; Kairyte et al. 2013).
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 2(12): (2015): XXXX
ZnO NPs are believed to demolish lipids and proteins Materials and Methods
of bacterial cell membrane leading to leakage of
intracellular constituents and eventually to bacterial Microorganisms
cell death (J. Zhou 2006; Huang et al. 2008).
Additionally, generation of H2O2 and Zn+2 ions was Microorganisms used in this study were: Escherichia
proposed to be the key antibacterial mechanisms of coli O157:H7 (ATCC 51569) and Candida albicans
ZnO NPs (Gold and Moellering 1996) while increased (ATCC 90028) were purchased from Egyptian
membrane permeability, cellular internalization and Microbial Culture Collection (EMCC) while
intracellular structural (Gold and Moellering 1996). Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 9144) was a gift from
Multi-drug resistance (MDR) has been dramatically Department of Microbiology and Immunology,
increasing particularly among Gram-negative bacteria Faculty of Pharmacy, Tanta University. Additionally,
which are capable to develop various mechanisms for 50 clinical isolates were collected from National
antimicrobial resistance, often rendering these Cancer Institute (NCI, Cairo, Egypt). All chemicals
pathogens unresponsive to such drugs and accordingly and media used were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
termed MDR pathogens (Nataro and Kaper 1998). (St Louis, MO, USA).
Most strains of E. coli are normal inhabitants of the
Preparation and characterization of Zinc Oxide
small intestine and colon and are non-pathogenic,
nonetheless, some variants (e.g. E. coli O157:H7)
produce verotoxins (Nataro and Kaper 1998; Zhu et al. The zinc oxide nanoparticles were prepared by wet
2002). E. coli O157:H7 can survive in acidic foods chemical method as previously described using zinc
with a low infective dose of 10100 cells, and nitrate and sodium hydroxide as precursors and
infection with such pathogen can lead to inflammation soluble starch as stabilizing agent (Yadav A 2006).
of the colon (Al-Holy 2006; Li et al. 2008). The prepared nanoparticles were characterized using
UV-Vis spectrophotometry (T80+ PG instrument) and
Recently, a large proportion of S. aureus strains their size was determined using FEI Tecnai G2 F20 X-
isolated from hospitals were resistant to methicillin TWIN Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM).
(MRSA) (Stefani et al. 2012; Asencio et al. 2014; Kim
et al. 2015) and some were found to be vancomycin Bacterial identification and in vitro susceptibility
resistant (VRSA) (Cesur et al. 2012; Di Gregorio et al. testing
2015). Currently, treating VRSA is a global and
daunting medical challenge because vancomycin is the The 50 clinical isolates were identified using
latest generation of antibiotics and is assumed at the Microscan technique at NCI, Cairo, Egypt. These
moment to be the most effective for S. aureus clinical isolates as well as standard strains of tested
infection (Perichon and Courvalin 2009; Chakraborty pathogens were recruited in the in vitro antimicrobial
et al. 2010). There have been considerable efforts in susceptibility testing to ZnO NPs.
searching for new natural product-derived antibiotics
to control infections caused by MRSA, VRSA and Assessment of the antimicrobial activity of ZnO
other MDR pathogens (Hemaiswarya et al. 2008). NPs by disc diffusion test

The antimicrobial susceptibility of bacterial and fungal

Antibiotic resistance is also a crucial in antifungal
standard strains as well as clinical isolates to ZnO NPs
therapy especially due to the structural and metabolic
was determined by standard disc diffusion method as
resemblance with eukaryotic host cells. Candida
described by the clinical laboratory standards institute
species represent one of the most common fungal (CLSI) (Institute 2008; 2012). Briefly, colonies from
pathogens associated with hospital-acquired sepsis
an overnight culture of all tested bacteria grown on
with a mortality rate of up to 40% (Kaufman 2007).
nutrient agar were suspended in 3 ml saline and
turbidity was adjusted to 0.5 McFarland (1-2x108
The aim of this work is to examine the antimicrobial CFU/ml). The samples were inoculated (108 CFU/ml)
and cytotoxic activities of ZnO NPs as well as their in petri dishes with Nutrient agar or Sabaroud agar.
mode of action against MDR pathogens. Furthermore, Afterwards, paper discs of 6 mm diameter were laid
this work aimed at exploring the impact of addition of on the inoculated test organism, which was instilled
NAC to ZnO NPs on its antimicrobial activity. with different concentrations (500, 250, 125 and 62.5
g/ml) of ZnO NPs. Petri dishes were incubated

Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 2(12): (2015): XXXX
at 37C for 24h and antimicrobial activity was cell pellet was washed twice in phosphate buffered
investigated by measuring the zones of inhibition saline (PBS) and resuspended in 0.9 ml PBS. INT
around each disc. All experiments were done in solution (0.1 ml of 0.5%) was added, the culture was
triplicate. incubated at 37C in dark for 2h, and 50l of
formaldehyde was added to terminate the reaction.
Determination of minimum inhibitory The culture was centrifuged to collect the bacteria, and
concentration (MIC) of ZnO NPs 250l of 50% v/v acetone and ethanol were used to
distill the iodonitrotetrazolium chloride-formazan
The MIC of ZnO NPs against all tested bacteria was (INF) twice. The supernatants were subsequently
estimated by standard broth microdilution method as combined and the dehydrogenase activity was then
described by the clinical laboratory standards institute calculated according to the maximum absorbance of
(CLSI) (Institute 2012). Bacterial suspensions were INF at 490nm. The same test was performed using
prepared as previously described under disc diffusion fixed concentration (100g/ml) of ZnO NPs at various
test then diluted 1:1000 to give (1-2 x 105 CFU/ml). time intervals.
Tested bacteria were grown on nutrient broth in
shaking incubator (150 rpm) and MIC values of ZnO Effect of ZnO NPs on bacterial cell wall stability
NPs were determined using the two fold serial dilution
technique at concentration ranging from 31.25 to 500 Muramic acid is the main cell wall component of the
g/ml. The cultures were incubated at 37C for 18- Gram positive S. aureus and is commonly used as an
20h. Results were estimated by measuring optical indicator for cell wall stability. Muramic acid release
density (OD) at 600nm. MIC value of ZnO NPs in the culture medium subsequent to treatment with
against Candida was determined by the same ZnO NPs was determined using liquid
technique using Sabaroud dextrose broth. chromatographymass spectrometry (LC-MS).
Bacterial suspension (prepared as previously described
Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of N- under MIC experiment) was probed with 60 g/ml of
acetyl cysteine alone and in combination with ZnO NPs for 18h then the biomass of the resulting
ZnO NPs suspension, cells without any treatment (negative
control) and standard muramic acid in fresh culture
MIC values of NAC alone were determined as medium (positive control) were centrifuged for 20 min
previously described using two fold serial dilution at 3220 g, filtered through 0.2 mm sterilized syringe
technique against tested standard strains and clinical filter, dried under reduced pressure and kept at 4oC
isolates. at concentrations ranging from (50 mg/ml to until analysis. The following LC protocol was used:
0.78mg/ml. The impact of NAC addition to ZnO NPs Mobile phase, A: 0.1% formic acid, B: Acetonitrile,
was determined using two fold serial dilution run time: 3 min, flow rate: 250 l /ml. Mass
technique with the ranges tested being 25-0.78 mg/ml spectrometric analysis was carried out using a TSQ
for NAC and 125-3.9 g/ml for ZnO NPs. The Quantum Access MAXtriple quadrupole system. Data
cultures were incubated at 37C for 18-20h and the acquisition and processing were performed using
results were assessed by measuring OD at 600nm. Thermo Scientific Xcalibur 2.1 software.
MIC of ZnO NPs against C. albicans was determined
by the same technique using Sabaroud dextrose broth. Evaluation of ZnO NPs cytotoxicity using human
hepatocellular carcinoma cells in absence and
Assay of respiratory chain dehydrogenase activity presence of NAC.
Dehydrogenase activity was determined according to Human hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2),
the iodonitrotetrazolium (INT) chloride method purchased from ATCC (USA), were cultured at
(Iturriaga et al. 2001). Different concentrations (500, 0.5x105 cells/well in Dulbeccos minimal essential
250,125, 100 and 60 g/ml) of ZnO NPs were mixed medium (DMEM) and plated in a flat bottom 96-well
with 1x105 CFU/ml of tested standard strains in microplate. Cells were treated with 20l of increasing
nutrient broth and incubated for fixed contact time concentrations (0.012-100 mg/ml) of ZnO NPs for
(100 min). Negative control was bacterial and fungal 48h at 37 C, in a humidified 5% CO2 atmosphere.
cells that have been boiled for 20 min to inactivate the After incubation, media were removed and 40l
enzymes completely. Experiments were conducted MTT solution were added to each well and incubated
without boiling and in absence of ZnO NPs as a for an additional 4h. MTT crystals were solubilized
positive control. One milliliter culture was sampled by adding 180 l of acidified isopropanol to each
separately from the cultures and centrifuged at well and plate was shacked at room temperature,
12,880g, then the supernatants were discarded and the
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 2(12): (2015): XXXX
followed by photometric determination of the Results
absorbance at 570 nm using microplate ELISA reader.
Preparation and characterization of ZnO NPs
The same experiment was repeated using higher
concentrations (0.5, 1 and 3 mg/ml) of ZnO NPs alone ZnO NPs, prepared according to established protocol
or in combination with increasing concentrations (5, (Yadav A 2006), were characterized by measuring
10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 mg/ml) of NAC. Data are their absorption spectra, size and morphology.
expressed as the percentage of relative viability Absorption spectra of ZnO NPs as depicted in Figure 1
compared with the untreated cells. shows a distinct absorption peak at 370nm and TEM
image revealed nearly spherical shaped nanoparticles
with an average size of 50nm size as shown in
Figure 2.

200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Wavelength (nm)

Figure 1. The absorption spectra of ZnO NPs.

The prepared ZnO NPs nanoparticles were characterized using UV-Vis spectrophotometry demonstrating a
characteristic peak at 370nm

Figure 2. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) image of ZnO NPs.

This shows nearly spherical particles shape with an average particle size of about 50 nm.
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 2(12): (2015): XXXX
Identification of clinical isolates presence of 13 E. coli, 25 S. aureus including 7 MRSA
and 12 C. albicans. All identified isolates were found
The 50 clinical isolates were identified using
to be MDR pathogens (table 1).
Microscan technique. Identification revealed the
Table 1. Antibiotic resistance patterns of E. coli O157:H7 ATCC 51569 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 9144
standard strains as well as 38 clinical isolates belong to E. coli and S. aureus.
Antibiogram showing the resistance profile of the 38 clinical isolates and two standard strains bacteria that have been
recruited in the current study
Microorganism Type Antibiotic resistance pattern
O157:H7 Standard strain TE,E,DA
1 Clinical isolate
2 Clinical isolate
3 Clinical isolate
4 Clinical isolate
5 Clinical isolate
6 Clinical isolate
E. coli

7 Clinical isolate
8 Clinical isolate
9 Clinical isolate
10 Clinical isolate
11 Clinical isolate
12 Clinical isolate
13 Clinical isolate
Standard strain
1 Clinical isolate
Staphylococcus aureus

2 Clinical isolate
3 Clinical isolate
4 Clinical isolate
5 Clinical isolate
6 Clinical isolate
7 Clinical isolate
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 2(12): (2015): XXXX

8 Clinical isolate P,MXF,OFL,OX,RIF,TE,T/S,BL+,TFG+
9 Clinical isolate
10 Clinical isolate P,MXF,OFL,OX,RIF,TE,T/S,BL+,TFG+
11 Clinical isolate P,MXF,OFL,OX,RIF,TE,T/S,BL+,TFG+
12 Clinical isolate P,MXF,OFL,OX,RIF,TE,T/S,BL+,TFG+
13 Clinical isolate P,MXF,OFL,OX,RIF,T/S,BL+,TFG+
14 Clinical isolate P,MXF,OFL,OX,RIF,TE,T/S,BL+,TFG+
15 Clinical isolate P,MXF,OFL,OX,RIF,T/S,BL+,TFG+
16 Clinical isolate P,MXF,OFL,OX,RIF,T/S,BL+,TFG+
17 Clinical isolate P,MXF,OFL,OX,RIF,TE,T/S,BL+,TFG+
18 Clinical isolate P,MXF,OFL,OX,RIF,TE,T/S,BL+,TFG+
19 Clinical isolate P,MXF,OFL,OX,RIF,TE,T/S,BL+,TFG+
20 Clinical isolate P,MXF,OFL,OX,RIF,TE,T/S,BL+,TFG+
21 Clinical isolate P,MXF,OFL,OX,RIF,TE,T/S,BL+,TFG+
22 Clinical isolate P,MXF,OFL,OX,RIF,TE,T/S,BL+,TFG+
23 Clinical isolate P,MXF,OFL,OX,RIF,TE,T/S,BL+,TFG+
24 Clinical isolate P,MXF,OFL,OX,RIF,TE,T/S,BL+,TFG+
25 Clinical isolate P,MXF,OFL,OX,RIF,TE,T/S,BL+,TFG+

AM=Amikin, AUG=Amoxacillin/clavulinic acid, AZI=Azithromycin, C= Chloramphenicol, CP=Ciprofloxacin,

CPE= Cefepeme, CFZ=Cefzolin, CRM=Cefuroxime, CFT=Ceftriaxone, CD=Clindamycin, CAX=Ceftriaxone,
CAZ=Ceftazidime, E=Erythromycin, GM=Gentamycin, GAT=Gatifloxacin, OX=Oxacillin, OFL=Ofloxacillin,
LUX=Levofloxacin, IMP=Imipenim, MFX=Moxifloxacin, PI=Pipercillin, RIF-Rifampicin, TE=Tetracycline,
TO=Toberamycin, T/P=Tazobactam/Piperacillin, T/S=Trimethoprime/Sulphamethoxazole, V=Vancomycin

Antimicrobial effect of ZnO NPs according to CLSI guidelines. Results as shown in

table 2 revealed that ZnO NPs (500 g/ml) showed
ZnO NPs were tested for their antimicrobial activity zones of inhibition of 14, 19 and 11 mm for E. coli
against S. aureus, E. coli and C. albicans standard (O157:H7) ATCC 51569, S. aureus ATCC 9144 and
strains using Kirby Bauer disc diffusion method C. albicans ATCC 90028, respectively.

Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 2(12): (2015): XXXX
Table 2. Zones of inhibition obtained by disc diffusion test for various concentrations of ZnO NPs against
standard strains of E. coli, S. aureus and C. albicans.
Discs instilled with different concentrations (500, 250, 125 and 62.5 g/ml) of ZnO NPs were placed in plates
containing tested pathogens in corresponding media. Plates were incubated at 37C for 24h and antimicrobial activity
was investigated by measuring the zones of inhibition around each disc.

Concentration of Zone of Inhibition (mm)

E. coli O157:H7 S. aureus ATCC C. albicans
ATCC 51569 9144 ATCC 90028
500 14 19 11
250 10 15 No zone
125 8 11 No zone
62.5 No zones No zones No zones
Data are presented as means standard deviations
Determination of MIC values of ZnO NPs against bacterial growth occurred at 60,100 and 500g/ml of
tested pathogens ZnO NPs for S. aureus, E. coli and C. albicans,
respectively for both standard strains and clinical
MIC values of ZnO NPs against various tested isolates. Figure 3 demonstrates the antibacterial effect
pathogens were determined using standard of ZnO NPs against OD values of microbial
microdilution technique according to CLSI guidelines. suspensions with increasing ZnO NPs concentration.
Results obtained demonstrated that 100% inhibition of

OD (600nm)

1.0 E. coli
0.8 S. aureus

0.6 C. albicans

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 150 450 750 1050
ZnO NPs (g/ml)

Figure 3. The optical densities of E. coli, S. aureus and C. albicans standard strains subsequent to treatment
with increasing concentrations of ZnO NPs.
Tested bacteria were grown on corresponding media in shaking incubator (150 rpm) and MIC values of ZnO NPs
were determined using the two fold serial dilution technique at concentration ranging from 500 to 31.25 g/ml. The
cultures were incubated at 37C for 18-20h and MIC values were estimated by measuring (OD600nm).
Concentration-dependent reduction in OD values was obtained using increasing concentrations of ZnO NPs. n=3
experiments; means standard deviations are shown.
Synergism between NAC and ZnO NPs with 0.78 mg/ml of NAC (this concentration was
previously selected based on titration experiments)
The impact of addition of NAC to ZnO NPs has been against tested S. aureus, C. albicans and E. coli
evaluated. Results as shown in table 3 demonstrate standard strains, respectively. Similar results were
substantial reductions (15, 16 and 25 fold) in MIC obtained for clinical isolates.
values of ZnO NPs when it was used in combination
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 2(12): (2015): XXXX
Table 3. MIC values for N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) alone (mg/ml), ZnO NPs alone (g/ml) and for ZnO NPs in
combination with NAC against standard strains of E. coli, S. aureus and C. albicans.

Microorganisms MIC of NAC MIC of ZnO NPs MIC of ZnO NPs (g/ml) +
(mg/ml) (g/ml) NAC (0.78 mg/ml)
E. coli 4.7 100 3.9
S. aureus 1.2 60 3.9
C. albicans 12.5 500 31.25

MIC values of NAC alone were determined at concentrations ranging from 50 to 0.78 mg/ml. The impact of NAC
addition to ZnO NPs on MIC values was determined at concentration range of 0.78-25 mg/ml for NAC and 3.9-125
g/ml for ZnO NPs. The cultures were incubated at 37C for 18-20h and the results were assessed by measuring
OD600nm. Combination of ZnO NPs and NAC substantially reduce MIC values by 15, 16, 25 fold for S. aureus, C.
albicans and E. coli, respectively.

Studying the proposed mechanism of action of ZnO exhibited a concentration-dependent inhibitory effect
NPs as antimicrobial on the activity of respiratory chain dehydrogenase
with a more considerable inhibition effect in case of S.
Effect of ZnO NPs on respiratory chain aureus compared to that obtained with E. coli or C.
dehydrogenase albicans. The dehydrogenase activity in positive
control cells increased as the incubation time
The effect of ZnO NPs on respiratory chain increased, while enzymatic activity of cells treated
dehydrogenases of tested pathogens has been with ZnO NPs was almost reduced in a dose-
examined. Results obtained demonstrate that ZnO NPs dependent manner as shown in Figures 4 and 5.

Absorbance (490nm)

2 E. coli
S. aureus
1 C. albicans
+ve Ctrl 60.00 100.00 125.00 250.00 500.00 -ve Ctrl
ZnO NPs (g/ml)

Figure 4. Respiratory chain dehydrogenase activity of increasing concentrations of ZnO NPs at fixed contact
time (100 min).
1x105 CFU/ml of tested pathogens were incubated with different concentrations of ZnO NPs for 100 min. Cell pellets
were mixed with iodonitrotetrazolium (INT) solution, incubated at 37C in dark for 2h, and 50l of formaldehyde was
added to terminate the reaction. 250l of 50% v/v acetone and ethanol were used to distill the INF. Absorbance of
was read at 490nm. The -ve Ctrl and +ve Ctrl represent the boiled and not boiled bacterial cells, respectively. n=3
experiments; means standard deviations are shown.
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 2(12): (2015): XXXX

Absorbance (490nm)
3 Positive Ctrl
E. coli
S. aureus
C. albicans
Negative Ctrl

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Contact time (min)

Figure 5. Effect of ZnO NPs (100g/ml) on respiratory chain dehydrogenase activity of tested pathogens at
different incubation times.
Tested pathogens (1x105 CFU/ml) were incubated with fixed concentration (100g/ml) of ZnO NPs at various time
intervals. Cell pellets were mixed with iodonitrotetrazolium (INT) solution, incubated at 37C in dark for 2h, and
50l of formaldehyde was added to terminate the reaction. 250l of 50% v/v acetone and ethanol were used to distill
the INF and absorbance of was read at 490nm. n=3 experiments; means standard deviations are shown; means
standard deviations are shown.

Effect of ZnO NPs on cell wall stability of S. aureus has shown the release of muramic acid content in the
culture media. Muramic acid was determined using
ZnO NPs (60 g/ml) were tested for their effect on LC/MS and the chromatogram peak is shown in
cell wall stability against standard S. aureus and this Figure 6.

6 (A)

Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 2(12): (2015): XXXX
6 (B)

6 (C)

Figure 6: LC/MS chromatogram demonstrating the release of muramic acid from S. aureus in culture medium
subsequent to treatment with 60g/ml of ZnO NPs.
Bacterial suspension was probed with ZnO NPs (60 g/ml ) for 18h. Suspension was centrifuged, filtered, dried and
analyzed by LC-MS. A; cells treated with ZnO NPs, B; cells without any treatment (negative control) and C; standard
muramic acid in fresh culture medium (positive control).

Investigating the cytotoxicity of ZnO NPs decreased with increasing ZnO NPs concentration and
no cytotoxic activity has been detected for ZnO NPs at
In order to address the cytotoxic effect of ZnO NPs, their MIC values. NAC was added to examine its
HepG2 cells have been recruited. Results obtained as adjuvant effect on cytotoxicity of ZnO NPs at high
shown in Figure 7 indicate a concentration dependent concentrations. Results obtained as shown in Figure 8
reduction in cell viability was obtained by increasing demonstrate that NAC reduced the cytotoxic effect of
concentrations of ZnO NPs as cell proliferation was ZnO NPs at high concentrations.
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 2(12): (2015): XXXX



% cell viability

% cell viability




0 100 200 300 400 500 4000 7500 10000 40000 70000 100000

Concentration of ZnO NPs (g/ml)

Figure 7: Effect of various concentrations of ZnO NPs on cell viability and proliferation of human
hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2).
HepG2 cells were treated with 20l of increasing concentrations (0.012-100 mg/ml) of ZnO NPs for 48h at 37C.
40l of MTT solution were and incubated for an additional 4h and 180 l of acidified isopropanol were added.
Absorbance was measured at 570nm and data are expressed as the percentage of relative viability compared with the
untreated cells. No cytotoxicity was observed at MIC values of ZnO NPs. n=3 experiments; means standard
deviations are shown; means standard deviations are shown.

Zn O NPs (3000g/ml)
Zn O NPs (1000g/ml)
120 Zn O NPs (500g/ml)

% Cell viability





0 5 10 20 30 40 50
Concentration of NAC (mg/ml)

Figure 8: Effect of increasing the concentrations of ZnO NPs and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) on cell viability of
human hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2).
HepG2 cells were treated with 20l of increasing concentrations (0.5, 1 and 3 mg/ml) of ZnO NPs alone or in
combination with increasing concentrations (5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 mg/ml) of NAC and were incubated for 48h at
37C. 40l of MTT solution were and incubated for an additional 4h and 180 l of acidified isopropanol were added.
Absorbance was measured at 570nm and data are expressed as the percentage of relative viability compared with the
untreated cells. NAC reduced the cytotoxic effect of ZnO NPs at high concentrations. n=3 experiments; means
standard deviations are shown; means standard deviations are shown.
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 2(12): (2015): XXXX
microorganisms is disputatious (Gojova et al. 2007;
Discussion Fatemah Ahmadi 2012).

With chaotic use of antibiotics and the emergence of It is well known that there is a substantial difference in
MDR pathogens, a serious threat has been posed to cell permeability between Gram-positive and Gram-
human health worldwide; therefore antibiotics are no negative pathogens owing, at least in part, to the
longer the magic drugs as they were (Roux et al. presence of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in Gram-
2012). Thus, there is a burning desire and an urgent negative bacteria (Kim et al. 2007; Silhavy et al.
demand for development of innovative strategies to 2010). LPS plays an imperative role in bacterial
combat infections caused by MDR pathogens. defense, providing negative charge and stabilization to
Nanobiotechnology represents a revolutionary super- the cell membrane (Schleifer and Kandler 1972;
cutting-edge field that could pave the way to develop Nikaido 2003; Nanda and Saravanan 2009). The
innovative antibacterial interventions (Baba 2006; de difference in MIC values of ZnO NPs against bacteria
Morais et al. 2014). and fungi is most likely attributed to the divergence
between the bacterial and yeast cell type. Owing to
ZnO has been shown to protect against some bacterial their more simple structure, prokaryotic cells are
infections cause by a specific phenotype of E. coli unable to cope with the toxic action of ZnO NPs as
(ETEC) (Roselli et al. 2003). Moreover, ZnO has long effectively as the eukaryotic cells that can tolerate
been used as an active ingredient in skin preparations higher doses of ZnO NPs thanks to their superb cell
(e.g. lotions, creams and ointments) owing to its organization and composition as well as their excellent
antibacterial properties (Sawai 2003). We therefore, detoxification system (Panacek et al. 2009).
thought o evaluate the antimicrobial activity of ZnO
NPs against Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria Several mechanisms for ZnO NPs as antimicrobials
as well as fungi therefore, standard strains of S. have been proposed including induction of reactive
aureus; E. coli and C. albicans in addition to 50 oxygen species (ROS) (e.g. H2O2), which is a strong
clinical MDR isolates have been recruited in this oxidizing agent detrimental to bacterial cells (Sawai
study. All tested pathogens were susceptible to ZnO 2003; Ghule K. 2006; Reddy et al. 2007), and damage
NPs which inhibited the growth in a concentration- of the cell membrane and interaction of intracellular
dependent manner. MIC values of ZnO NPs against contents with ZnO NPs (Jones et al. 2008).
tested pathogens showed that ZnO NPs have a better Irrespective of the aforementioned mechanisms, the
effect on the Gram positive pathogen S. aureus than exact detailed mechanisms of action of ZnO NPs as
on the Gram negative pathogen E. coli, while C. antimicrobial agents have not been fully understood.
albicans required higher concentration of ZnO NPs to Thus, we have investigated other mechanisms that
be fully inhibited. might, at least in part, be involved in the antimicrobial
activity of ZnO NPs. First, we set out to investigate
NAC, conventionally used as antioxidant, was the effect of ZnO NPs on respiratory chain
examined for its antimicrobial activity against tested dehydrogenases of tested pathogens through INT
pathogens. This has shown that NAC had a weak chloride assay. This showed that ZnO NPs exhibited a
antimicrobial activity (table 3) which is in line with concentration-dependent inhibitory effect on
previously reported data (Ahmed Mohsen 2015). respiratory chain dehydrogenases of tested pathogens
Likewise, NAC has previously been reported to with a more considerable inhibition effect on S. aureus
weakly augment effect of some - lactam antibiotics compared to E. coli or C. albicans.(Figures 4 and 5).
such as ampicillin (Goswami and Jawali 2010). This
gave us the impetus to test whether it has a similar Afterwards, we examined the effect of ZnO NPs on
effect when used concomitantly with ZnO NPs. For cell wall stability of the standard S. aureus and this has
the first time, our data provide compelling evidence shown the release of muramic acid content in the
that NAC has a robust synergistic effect with ZnO NPs culture media as detected by LC-MS. By analyzing the
which substantiate their action as antimicrobials. It is LC-MS data, we could conclude that the cell wall
noteworthy that alcohol-based and chlorine-based damage was in the vicinity of the glycan strands as
disinfectants are the most commonly used surface well as the peptide branches. We proposed that ZnO
disinfectants in hospitals, nonetheless, they have many NPs split glycan strands which in turn released small
side effects including allergic reactions and irritations, amounts of muramic acid and amino sugars into
also their disinfection capacity on a mass of resistant culture media.

Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 2(12): (2015): XXXX
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Acknowledgments Z., Hosoglu, S., Berktas, M., Gencer, S., Demiroz,
A.P., Esen, B., Karabiber, N., Aydin, F. and
The authors would like to thank Faculty of Pharmacy, Yalcin, A.N. (2012) [Evaluation of antibiotic
Helwan University for funding this work. susceptibilities and VISA-VRSA rates among
MRSA strains isolated from hospitalized patients in
Financial & competing interests disclosure intensive care units of hospitals in seven provinces
of Turkey]. Mikrobiyol Bul 46, 352-358.
The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial
involvement with any organization or entity with a
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