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Assessment (Report Book)

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Assessment Handbook

For muallimahs reference

Smart Generation Education Services (001693938-A)
By : Norafizah Ibrahim
Assessment Handbook

Assessment is important for planning curriculum, identifying special needs

children and communicating a childs progress to parents. Assessment needs
to be continuous process involves observing, recording and documenting the
childrens work. At Smart Soleh, assessments are carried out in three ways:

1. Observation on childrens behaviors during activities throughout the day.

a. role play
b. social skills among friends / alone
c. practical life
d. motor skill

2. Communications / interactions.
a. Between children and teacher
b. Interaction with materials
c. Role play
d. Story telling
e. Singing
f. Hafazan / reading

3. Childrens work include childrens:

a. Paintings
b. Drawings
c. Oral
d. Written
Thus, the portfolio will include products and evidence of the childrens

We carried out written test to children after a period of time (semester) as

a guide for us to assess the childrens understanding on the previous lessons.
By reviewing the assessment materials, we can presume the childrens
developmental needs and interests. This information will be important in
selecting developmentally appropriate learning experience.

This handbook thus as a guide for muallimahs to fill up in the childs Progress
Report book. Please be very careful on spelling and pronoun.
Assessment Handbook



Alhamdulillah, Sara obtained good results. InsyaAllah, shell obtain better

results with more effort.
Alhamdulillah, Farhats overall performance is good. InsyaAllah, hell do
better with more revision.
Alhamdulillah, Nadia still maintains her good results in almost all subjects.
Needs to improve on her Bahasa Melayu.
Alhamdulilah, Rosyanaims overall performance is good. Keep up the good
Excellent! A hardworking student. Keep up the good work.


Alhamdulillah, Nashriq has obtained good results. InsyaAllah with regular

revision will assist him greatly to perform better in future.
Alhamdulillah, Hazims result has shown good progress since the last exam.
Keep up the good work! More emphasis is needed in English and Bahasa
Alhamdulillah, Amir has shown good results. Regular revision will assist him
greatly to perform better in future. More emphasis is needed in Islamic


Alhamdulillah, Farhan has shown some progress. InsyaAllah with regular

revision will assist greatly to perform better.
A hardworking student. InsyaAllah , with more effort, shell obtain better
results in future.
A hardworking student. An early preparation for the next examination,
InsyaAllah would give her better results in all subjects. .More emphasis is
needed in Mathematics.
Alhamdulillah, Qistina has shown some progress. InsyaAllah, with more
effort, shell obtain better results in future.
InsyaAllah, Mohd has the potential to obtain better results with more
revision in the future.
Assessment Handbook

Language Development

Bahasa Melayu & English Language

1) Phonics Reading h) Fluency during the reading of a

Bacaan Fonik sentence.
Kefasihan semasa membaca ayat.
a) Phonic: a b c d e f g h i j k l m
nopqrstuvwxyz i) Able to spell single syllable
Fonik-fonik Boleh mengeja sukukata tunggal

b) Able to read 3letter-phonetic j) Able to spell words with 2 syllables

words with vowel: a , e , i , o , u Boleh mengeja perkataan yang mem-
Boleh membaca perkataan- perkataan punyai 2 sukukata.
yang mempunyai 3 sebutan fonik dengan
vocal: a , e , i , o , u k) Able to spell words with phonogram
Boleh mengeja perkataan-perkataan
c) Able to read 4-letter phonetic yang mempunyai phonogram (ny, ng,
with vowel: a , e , i , o , u sy, kh).
Boleh membaca perkataan-perkataan yang
mempunyai 4 sebutan fonik. l) Able to spell more complex words
Boleh mengeja perkataan-perkataan
d) Able to read sentences with 3-letter yang lebih kompleks.
phonetic words.
Boleh membaca ayat-ayat yang mengandungi m) Able to spell out sounds heard from
perkataan-perkataan dengan 3 sebutan the surroundings.
fonik. Boleh mengeja bunyi-bunyi yang di
dengar dari persekitaran secara
e) Able to read sentences with 3 and tulisan.
more syllables
boleh membaca ayat-ayat dengan 3 n) Able to write phrases
dan lebih sukukata. Boleh menulis frasa/rangkaikata.

f) Able to read words with phonogram o) Able to write sentences

Boleh membaca perkataan-perkataan Boleh menulis ayat-ayat
dengan phonogram (ny, ng, sy, kh)
p) Able to write simple composition
g) Able to understand the meaning of Boleh menulis sebuah karangan yang
simple word. pendek dan mudah.
Boleh memberi erti perkataan yang
mudah. q) Able to do comprehension / poems /
nursery rhymes.
Boleh memahami sebuah kefahaman/
Pantun dan menjawab soalan-soalan
nya dengan sewajarnya.
Assessment Handbook

Arabic Language

a) Good pronunciation

b) Able to express
Kebolehan meluahkan perasaan

c) Good vocabulary
Perbendaharaan kata

d) Converse intelligently
Berbual dengan cerdas

e) Good command of Arabic

Penguasaan Bahasa Arab

f) Good command of English

Penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris

g) Good command of Bahasa Melayu

Penguasaan Bahasa Melayu
Assessment Handbook

Cognitive Development


a) Able to count in rote from ____to f) Able to do addition within 10

____in English; from____to____ without changing.
in Bahasa Melayu. Boleh membuat kira-kira campur di
Boleh mengira secara menghafal dari Bawah 10 tanpa bawa 10 ke depan.
____ke ____dalam Bahasa Inggeris;
dari____ke____ dalam Bahasa g) Able to do subtraction within 10
Melayu. without changing.
Boleh membuat kira-kira tolak di
b) Able to quantity from____to_____ bawah 10 tanpa bawa 10 ke depan.
in English; from_____to_____in
Bahasa Melayu. h) Able to do simple multiplication
Boleh menghitung dari____ke_____ Boleh membuat kira-kira mendarab
dalam Bahasa Inggeris; dari______
ke_____dalam Bahasa Melayu. i) Able to do simple division
Boleh membuat kira-kira membahagi
c) Able to recognize from____to___in
English; from____to____in Bahasa j) Able to do sums mentally
Melayu. Boleh membuat kira-kira secara
Boleh mengenal angka dari____ke mental.
____dalam Bahasa Inggeris; dari
____ke____dalam Bahasa Melayu. k) Able to group the concept of the
ordinal numbering system i.e.:
d) Able to arrange according to a 1st, 2nd etc.
certain pattern/sequence, eg: Boleh memahami konsep tentang
ABBABB. sistem mengira secara ordinal
Boleh mengatur secara tersusun contohnya pertama, kedua dll
Mengikut suatu corakpola/ susunan
Contohnya: ABBABB l) Able to do pre-measurement
exercises through:
e) Able to understand the instructions Latihan-latihan pra-menyukat melalui
for the exercises in worksheets. a) More / less
Boleh mengikut arahan yang muncul lebih / kurang
dalam latihan-latihan di dalam b) Heavy / light
Kertas-kertas kerja. berat / ringan
Assessment Handbook

c) Thick /thin m) Able to measure with a ruler or any

tebal / nipis specific scale.
d) tall / short Boleh menyukat dengan mengguna
tinggi / rendah sebatang pembaris atau apa-apa skil
e) Long / short yang tertentu.
panjang / pendek


a) Enjoy these sessions on the whole

suka sesi-sesi ini pada e) Shares past experiences among
keseluruhannya. others
b) Participates actively Berkongsi pengalaman dengan rakan-
Mengambil bahagian secara aktif. Rakan secara terbuka.

c) Volunteers for the experiments f) Ability to understand and retain

carried lessons
out. done.
Melibatkan diri secara sukarela dalam Kemampuan mengerti dan mengingati
masa-masa eksperimen-eksperimen. pelajaran.

d) Provides information and facts g) Creativity and willingness to try out

concerning topics discussed. new idea.
Menyumbang fakta-fakta yang ber- Daya kreatif dan kerelaan mencipta
kaitan dengan topik-topik perbuatan. dan mencuba idea-idea baru.
Assessment Handbook

Islamic Development
Ibadah, Tauhid, Hafazan & Sirah

a) Good bagus

b) Average sederhana

c) Satisfactory memuaskan

d) Poor - lemah

Social Studies
Vocabulary / Social Skills

a) Work and play co-operatively h) Likes taking care of the others

Bekerja dan bermain dengan Suka menjaga dan mengambil berat
bermuafakat. tentang orang lain.

b) Accepts responsibility and obedient i) Portrays leadership

Menerima tanggungjawab dan taat Mempamerkan sikap kepimpinan.
j) Likes orderliness, neatness and
c) Shares ideas and materials tidiness
Berkongsi pendapat dan benda-benda Mempunyai kesukaan terhadap sesuatu
susunan yang tetap, kemas dan
d) Helpful tersusun
Bersikap tolong-menolong
k) Have respects for others
e) Recognizes own errors Saling hormat-menghormati
Mengenal kesilapan sendiri
l) Soft spoken
f) Willing to take turns Bercakap dengan suara yang lembut
Sanggup mengambil giliran
m) Sociable and friendly
g) Well mannered kemesraan semasa pergaulan
Assessment Handbook

Practical Life Exercise

a) Self-confidence
Keyakinan diri

b) Independence / berdikari

c) Consideration / bertimbangrasa

d) Self-motivation / mempunyai daya

usaha sendiri.

e) Cheerful and pleasant / kemeriahan

f) Kind / berbudi baik

g) Patience / ketabahan

h) Hardworking and eager to learn

Kerajinan dan ketekunan

i) Concentration / konsentrasi

j) Self-esteem
kebanggaan diri ke atas percapaian

k) Self-control
Kebolehan menmguasai sikap sendiri

l) Careful in nature / berwaspada

Assessment Handbook

Physical Development

Physical Education / gross Motor Skills

A) Good Gross Motor Co-ordination B) Enjoys on the whole

Koordinasi otot-otot besar Suka pelajaran ini pada
a) Good Balancing / keseimbangan
C) Participates actively
b) Able to walk on a line Mengambil bahagian secara aktif
Boleh berjalan di atas satu
garisan D) Ability to comprehend and follow
instructions accordingly.
c) Good running / berlari Kebolehan mengerti dan
melaksanakan petunjuk secara tepat
d) Good jumping / melompat dengan
kedua-dua belah kaki E) Sportsmanship
Sikap keolahragawan
e) Good hopping / melompat dengan
sebelah kaki F) Able to line up and take turns
Mampu beratur dan mengikut
f) Good skipping / melompat dengan susunan
kedua-dua belah kaki secara ber-
tukaran berturut-turutan. G) Easily excitable and thus loosing
sense of directions
g) Good leaping / melompat sambil Senang menghilang kawalan diri lalu
merangkak menyebabkan kesesakan arah tujuan
yang asalnya
h) Good climbing steps on a ladder
Memanjat tangga sigai

i) Good climbing steps on a staircase

Memanjat tangga rumah

j) Ability to relax
Kebolehan untuk berehat
Assessment Handbook

Fine Motor Skills / Writing Skills

a) Good tearing skills i) Ability to write the numerals

Kecekapan mengoyak kecekapan menulis nombor-nombor

b) Good cutting skills j) Able to form alphabets and numerals

Kecekapan menggunting Pembentukan abjad-abjad dan
c) Good writing skills
Kecekapan menulis k) Ability to copy words from book
kecekapan menyalin perkataan
d) Able to copy from line to line on the dari buku
same page
Boleh Menyalin sesuatu yang berada l) Ability to copy words from the
pada mukasurat yang sama. blackboard
Kecekapan menyalin perkataan dari
e) Able to copy from the blackboard papan hitam
Boleh menyalin dari papan hitam
m) Ability to copy sentences from book
f) Able to colour with colour pencils Kecekapan menyalin ayat-ayat dari
within an area formed by straight buku
Boleh mewarna dengan pensel warna n) Ability to copy sentences from the
di dalam sesuatu permukaan yang blackboard
dibentuk oleh garisan-garisan lurus Kecekapan menyalin ayat-ayat dari
papan hitam
g) Able to colour with colour pencils
within an area formed by curve
Boleh mewarna dengan pensel warna
di dalam sesuatu permukaan yang
dibentuk oleh garisan-garisan lengkok

h) Ability to write the alphabets

kecekapan menulis abjad-abjad
Assessment Handbook

Creativity Development

Art & crafts, cooking

a) Self expression through drawing h) Good imagination

Penyataan diri melalui lukisan Imaginasi

b) Creative i) Enjoys on the whole

Daya cipta Suka pelajaran ini pada
c) Observant
Pemerhatian j) Participates voluntarily
Mengambil bahagian secara sukarela
d) Ability to use basic painting
materials k) Ability to comprehend and carry out
Kebolehan mengguna bahan-bahan instruction accordingly
lukisan yang asas Kebolehan memahami dan elaksanakan
petunjuk secara tepat
e) Ability to use basic tools and
materials to construction
Kebolehan mengguna alat-alat dan
bahan-bahan asas untuk membina

f) Ability to follow instruction

regarding craft work
Kebolehan mengikut arahan mengenai
Kerja-kerja pertukangan

g) Good pasting skill

Kecekapan melekat
Assessment Handbook

Sensorial Skill, Music & Movement

a) Shows originality in describing h) Able to produces series of sounds

moods Boleh mengeluarkan pelbagai bunyi
Menunjukkan keaslian dalam
menyatakan perasaan atau mood i) Recognizes simple sounds and willing
to sing
b) Ability to follow tunes Mengenal bunyi yang senang dan
Kebolehan mengikut nada bunyi sanggup menyanyi

c) Able to discriminate sounds / pitch j) Ability to catch the tunes and lyrics
Boleh membezakan bunyi / nada of songs taught
bunyi Kebolehan mengingat lagu dan
perkataan lagu tersebut
d) Likes to participate in all musical
musical activities
Suka mengambil bahagian dalam
segala aktiviti muzik

e) Able to associates feelings with

and sounds
Boleh menghubungkan perasaan
dengan muzik dan bunyi-bunyian

f) Likes to listen to music

Suka mendengar muzik

g) Responds to rhythm through clapping

Bergerak balas kepada irama secara
tepuk tangan

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