Assessment (Report Book)
Assessment (Report Book)
Assessment (Report Book)
Smart Generation Education Services (001693938-A)
By : Norafizah Ibrahim
Assessment Handbook
2. Communications / interactions.
a. Between children and teacher
b. Interaction with materials
c. Role play
d. Story telling
e. Singing
f. Hafazan / reading
This handbook thus as a guide for muallimahs to fill up in the childs Progress
Report book. Please be very careful on spelling and pronoun.
Assessment Handbook
Language Development
Arabic Language
a) Good pronunciation
b) Able to express
Kebolehan meluahkan perasaan
c) Good vocabulary
Perbendaharaan kata
d) Converse intelligently
Berbual dengan cerdas
Cognitive Development
Islamic Development
Ibadah, Tauhid, Hafazan & Sirah
a) Good bagus
b) Average sederhana
c) Satisfactory memuaskan
d) Poor - lemah
Social Studies
Vocabulary / Social Skills
a) Self-confidence
Keyakinan diri
b) Independence / berdikari
c) Consideration / bertimbangrasa
g) Patience / ketabahan
i) Concentration / konsentrasi
j) Self-esteem
kebanggaan diri ke atas percapaian
k) Self-control
Kebolehan menmguasai sikap sendiri
Physical Development
j) Ability to relax
Kebolehan untuk berehat
Assessment Handbook
Creativity Development
c) Able to discriminate sounds / pitch j) Ability to catch the tunes and lyrics
Boleh membezakan bunyi / nada of songs taught
bunyi Kebolehan mengingat lagu dan
perkataan lagu tersebut
d) Likes to participate in all musical
musical activities
Suka mengambil bahagian dalam
segala aktiviti muzik