CERNER Interview
CERNER Interview
CERNER Interview
ou know I've always loved racing. My high-school grades weren't good enough to g
et into journalism school so I did a degree in sports science and worked in a st
ables until I earned enough money to put myself through the UDM sports writer co
urse, after which I worked on several local newspapers, always trying to cover h
orse stories until five years ago when I got a job as a junior on the Racing Pos
t. It was a wonderful place and I worked my way up to be editor of the betting c
olumn. Now I want to
move into working at racecourses and this job would be just wonderful.
C# basic concepts like, - garbage collection - delegates / events - threading
- memory allocation - reference type / value types Algos - basic programs like
factorial / fibonacci / some string search - design patterns unit testing design
ing skills they may ask questions on your projects mentioned in your CV
Threads , Multi threading one question like you had think deeply based using
synchronization Simple programs OOPS concepts completely Collections in Java
What is the difference b/w Comparable and Comparator
Is java completely object oriented? Q: Multi threading concepts. Q: Excepti
on handling. Q: What is Knowledge base?
Explain virtual functions and elaborate on how they help during object orient
ed programming
They gave a test case and asked questions around that about
multi threading and database design and security implications
write database queries, java linked list, how many primary keys can
be there. explain circular linked list
They asked me about linked list.finding middle node,nth node from one
.Virtual memory.atm use case diagram.pallindrome.Life cycle of program.To find d
enomination of notes from ATM machine.doubly linked list.
C# basic concepts like,
- garbage collection
- delegates / events
- threading
- memory allocation
- reference type / value types
- basic programs like factorial / fibonacci / some string search
- design patterns
unit testing
designing skills
Accepted Offer
Positive Experience
Average Interview
I applied online. I interviewed at Cerner (Bengaluru) in April 2014.
simple interview, Basics were paid more attention .
Prepare the basics well ,simple queries were also asked .
(joins , top clause , aggregate functions, nth highest value in a table , trigge
rs etc
All are expected OOPS and .Net framework questions