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ISSUE: - DATE: 05 jul 04

DESCRIPTION: Correlation between Residual Attachment and Craig-

Bampton Modes applied to Dads/Flex.




Report: 135-SA-520
Revision: -
Page: III

1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................13
2. Static Modes ............................................................................................14
3. Craig-Bampton Modes using sol 101 and sol 103 ................................14
4. Craig-Bampton Modes using sol 103 (available only in VLMotion) ....16
5. Residual Attachment Modes...................................................................17
6. Results .....................................................................................................18
7. Conclusion ...............................................................................................22
8. References ...............................................................................................24

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Report: 135-SA-520
Revision: -


This report outlines the results comparison between 2 methods of CMS

(Component Modes Synthesis): Residual Attachment Modes and Craig-
Bampton-Modes using both MSC.Nastran sol101 and sol103 to insert flexibility
in an LMS.Dads (Dynamic Analysis and Design System) multibody model. A
Craig-Bampton method using MSC.Nastran sol103 available in
LMS.VirtualLab.Motion is also discussed. The multibody model used in this
report represents a single fowler flap and the flap panel is flexible. Since the
movement is a quasi-static one the dynamic modes dont contribute to the
system response during the flap movement1. By the other hand the static
modes are important to compute the correction modes in the attachment
points as showed in the picture below:

ACT_Left ACT_Right

z x

Fig.1. Fowler Flap and the Attachment Points

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2. Static Modes

The flap panel represented in the Fig.1 has 4 rollers and 4 tracks (blue
rectangle) and an aerodynamic load applied in 4 discrete points into the
normal direction (Z-axis of the global Csys).
The flap panel is drived by two redundant actuators and 2 revolute joints
are attached between the actuators and the flap panel.
Static Modes Account
Description Modes Added
2 Revolute Joints 2Rev*5=10
4 aero load (normal direction) 4
4 rollers/tracks (3 static modes each) 4 PT-Seg Contact *3=12
Total: 26

Tab.1.Static Modes Account

3. Craig-Bampton Modes using sol 101 and sol 103

To accommodate the inclusion of flexibility, DADS offers a direct

interface with finite element analysis (FEA) programs to collect finite
element data that describes the flexure within parts. The technique used in
DADS is referred to as component mode synthesis or modal superposition.
With this method, the flexibility of the body is represented by a set of flexible
body modes. Normal modes are used to represent the natural vibration of
the body and static modes are used to account for localized loading and
deformation caused by coupling the body to other mechanism components.
The modes are linearly independent and account for both localized
loading and frequency content. The basic ideas of a Craig-Bampton mode
set will be discussed next, then some modifications appropriate for many
DADS models will be reviewed.
Following are the basic steps for creating a Craig-Bampton mode set:
Divide the FEA nodes into two groups: interface and interior.
Interface nodes are those that have external connections to other

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elements in the model, such as joints and force elements. Interior

nodes are all other nodes.
Constrain all degrees of freedom (DOF) for each interface node.
Solve the FEA model for static modes. Run subcases for each
interface DOF, applying a unit displacement. This will generate 1
static mode for every interface DOF.
Solve the FEA model for fixed-interface normal modes. All the
interface nodes should remain restrained, hence the term "fixed-
interface". Include only the modes up to the desired frequency
content of the model.
Finally, combine all the modes into a common set; generally
orthogonalization is performed.
This technique is general purpose and takes the guesswork out of
mode selection. A drawback is that it often includes more modes than are
really need in the DADS model. The technique was developed for aircraft
substructuring where the substructures are rigidly connected in all DOF
(welded or bolted together). In DADS models, the bodies are typically
connected by joints which leave relative DOF between the bodies. There is
usually no need to include a static mode when there is no constraint or force
acting the on the relative DOF. For example, if a flexible body is connected
to another body by a spherical joint, then only displacement in X, Y, and Z
should be constrained and only 3 static modes generated.
In this example a fixed interface MSC.Nastran normal modes solution
(SOL 103) was used to compute the first 6 dynamic modes (despite it is not
important in this case1) and MSC.Nastran linear static analysis (SOL 101)
with 26 subcases to calculate the interface reactions.
After this process the Nastran output files (eigen.mgg, eigen.op2,
static.mgg, static.op2 and static.srf) are used as input in the DFBT (DADS
Flexible Body Translator) to translate them into a file DADS reads (.flex).
Into DADS a nodal reduction (Guyan Reduction) is performed to decrease
the CPU time and a mode set is created to leave the static and dynamic

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modes independent linearly. This process is called Orthogonalization and

generally creates rigid body modes that are rejected by DADS/Flex.

4. Craig-Bampton Modes using sol 103 (available only in VLMotion)

This method is the same used in item 3 except some MSC.Nastran

DMAP alters are used between the Nastran SOL and CEND statements to
get Nastran to output the nodal mass matrix to the *.op2 file. Because these
alter statements require a special NASTRAN license (DMAP license), LMS
has included a mass matrix case in VL.Motion R4A that will automatically
calculate this so the alters are not required:
$DMAP Alters:
compile subdmap = phase1dr
alter 'ENDIF \$ SETYPE=\'EXTRNG\''
OUTPUT2 MJJ,,,,///12 $
$Begin additional NASTRAN cards Executive Control Section

The total number of static + normal modes are requested on the EIGRL
card. The BSET cards identify the Nodes and DOF for the static modes.
The BSET cards are now doing what the SPC+SPCD cards were doing in
the CB method mentioned in the item 3.
For the static modes created by the revolute joints of the Flap example
(Fig.1), with 5 DOF each, 2 BSET cards with 12345 DOF are used.
For each additional normal mode, one SPOINT+QSET pair is required.
Since 6 normal modes were requested in Virtual.Lab, there needs to be 6
SPOINT+QSET pairs. Because we have 26 static modes + 6 normal modes,
the total number of modes on the EIGRL card is 32.
The results of this NASTRAN SOL103 analysis will be the
orthogonalized mode set for a total of 26 modes (32 - 6 rigid body modes).
The modes should be the same as if a SOL103 is run (without the BSET,
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SPOINT & QSET cards), and SOL101 with 10 subcases and orthogonalize
in Virtual.Lab.
$ BSET Card to define static modes
$ QSET + SPOINT Card to define dynamic modes

During the DADS-VL upgrade proccess EMBRAER didnt receive the

Standard Analysis Driver license, which enables the user to import the .op2
file directly from Nastran and writes the BSET, QSET and SPOINT cards.

5. Residual Attachment Modes

This method takes into account free interface normal modes. An

MSC.Nastran (SOL103) free-free normal mode is performed to compute the
eigenfrequencies (The first six nonzero frequencies in this report).
The MSC.Nastran SUPORT(*) card is added to constrain the model
since static forces will be applied to compute the static modes.
The main benefit of this method is that the modes are already
orthogonalized. There is no need to orthogonalize these modes into DADS.
Some MSC.Nastran parameters and USET card must be added to Bulk
Data to calculated the static modes as showed below:

$ Parameters
$ Suport Card

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$ Static Modes

(*) Care must be taken when selecting the nodes that are constrained
by the SUPORT card. Non-symmetry application of the SUPORT will
generate non-symmetric modes and the results will be inaccurate.

Symmetric Suport Non-symmetric Suport

structure structure

Fig.2.Suport Application

6. Results

To compare the correlation between the use of Craig-Bampton,

Residual Attachment Modes and Residual Attachment Modes with non-
symmetric modes, the flap actuators Y-Force and the node 200172
displacement were plotted for these 3 cases.

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CRAIG x Residual Modes Response



Force (N)

0 0.85 1.7 2.55 3.4 4.25 5.1 5.95 6.8 7.65 8.5 9.35



Fig.3. Fy_actuator_right

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CRAIG x Residual Modes Response



0 0.85 1.7 2.55 3.4 4.25 5.1 5.95 6.8 7.65 8.5 9.35
Force (N)





Fig.4. Fy_actuator_left

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CRAIG x Residual Modes Response


-0.02 0 0.6 1.3 1.9 2.6 3.2 3.9 4.5 5.2 5.8 6.5 7.1 7.8 8.4 9.1 9.7
Force (N)


Fig.5. Node_200172_z_displacement

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7. Conclusion

The Craig-bampton modes and the Residual attachment modes

showed good correlation. As mentioned in the item 5 the user must pay
attention in the selection of the suport grid to avoid non-symmetric modes
creation and inaccurate results.
Since the system represented by the flap moves with a very slow
velocity the modal contribution to the actuator force response (Node 1) is
dominated by a static mode (mode number 18) as showed below:

M odal Contribution to Node 1 Y-Acceleration

-1.663E-02 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28

Mode Number

Fig.6. Modal Contribution

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Node 1

Fig.7.Mode 1 Shape

The residual modes technique is easier to use because require only

normal modes solution and some additional Nastran cards to compute static
modes. The modes are already orthogonalized.

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8. References

1. Structural Dynamics, Roy R. Craig, Jr., John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1981
2. DADS/Flex Manual
3. Nastran Basic Dynamics Manual

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