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ReleaseNotes-971 R5 0

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LS-DYNA version 971 R5.0 includes the following main developments, updates
and bug fixes since the previous release (LS-DYNA 971 R4.2.1).

Main developments

Nodes are displaced from the initial geometry to the final geometry along a straight line trajectory.

Support the option to output contact forces to rcforc for all 2 surface force transducers when slave
and master surfaces of the force transducers overlap. The flag is FTALL on the 5th field of the 6th

To run an explicit simulation and specifying a (small) set of elements that are treated by implicit
time integration in order to increase the critical timestep.

To invoke modified Crisfield arclength method, supports both load and prescribed motion, and can
be activated at specified time.

- Added laminated shell theory for most shell materials by assumed strain. It is made active by
setting LAMSHT=3 or LAMSHT=5 on *CONTROL_SHELL. The elements that support it are:
type 1 (Hughes-Liu), type 2 (Belytschko-Tsay),
type 4 (C0 triangle), type 6 (S/R Hughes-Liu), type 7 (S/R co-rotational Hughes-Liu),
type 8 (Belytschko-Leviathan), type 10 (Belytschko-Wong-Chiang),
type 11 (fast co-rotational Hughes-Liu), type 16 (fully integrated),
type 25 (Belyschko-Tsay shell with thickness stretch),
type 26 (fully integrated shell with thickness stretch), and
type 27 (triangular shell with thickness stretch).
- Added laminated shell theory option for thick shell type 5 for all available materials. It is turned
on by setting LAMSHT=4 or LAMSHT=5 on *CONTROL_SHELL.

- Selective mass scaling supports rigid walls.
- Selective mass scaling treatment can now include rotational motion for improved accuracy. The
flag is on the 6th field of the 2nd line of *CONTROL_TIMESSTEP

Defines a joint using coordinates instead of nodes, to simplify the input.

Allows for a description of the joint which is then written to the D3HSP and JNTFORC files.

This flag turns on a new set of MPP contact routines that are more highly parallelized than the
traditional routines. If used, it should be used for as many contacts as possible, as the main benefit
is in consolidating communication and parallelizing across contacts, and there is no point in having
just one groupable contact. MPP only.

*CONTACT_..., Optional Card D, for SOFT=2 only
-Q2TRI: split quads in trias
-DTPCHK: time interval btw penetration reports
-SFNBR: A neighbor segment contact check was added. When solving compression folded airbags,
sharp folds can result in neighbor segments coming into contact. The new neighbor segment
checking option can reduce penetration between neighbors. It is turned on by a new parameter,
SFNBR in the 3rd field of optional card D of *CONTACT. SFNBR is a scale factor for the stiffness
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with 0.5 or 1.0 as a reasonable value. Setting SFNBR=0. makes the check inactive. For most
applications, folding does not occur and this option is not helpful.

Enhanced treatment of contact between beams and surfaces.

Visualization of delamination via "contact gap" in intfor database: instead of only showing a
tied/released flag, now a damage value ranging from 0 to 1 is shown. This is now working for SMP
and tiebreak options 6/7/9 (between solids) and 8/10/11 (between shells).

To use a single surface, surface to surface or tied mortar contact, implicit (preferred) or explicit
analysis, including edge treatment.

The option is turned on by placing a 1 in field 7 of optional contact card D.
It results in contact displacements being computed incrementally, which should be more stable.
(TIEBREAK options > 5 are already incremental). MPP only.

- CTYPE=4: Implemented in MPP ALE 2D
- CTYPE=11: Output of flow rate in dbfsi for *CONSTRAINED_LAGRANGE_IN_SOLID with ctype=11

New material model for spotwelds in *CONSTRAINED_SPR3 environment.

This keyword allows for each material group to ouput the volume, mass, internal energy and kinetic

Implemented in MPP ALE 2D

Define bi- and tri-dimensional tables.

Thermal history variables are added and processed in dynain files.

- Implementation for MPP
- Restart for the mapping: a d3dump file can be created to restart a job creating a mapping file.
The ALE domain of a previous run can be rotated before being mapped to the current mesh. The
rotation angle is the 5th parameter on the 2nd line of

Just like the _DISCRETE_ variants, but without that term. Does node-to-node matching for linked
nodes, matching each to the nearest node in the linking file, independent of ordering. Many
customers are misusing *INTERFACE_LINKING_EDGE to get this effect, which generally works but
is technically incorrect and might give strange behavior. These users should be able to replace
_LINKING_EDGE with LINKING_NODE_SET with no other changes.

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To store ground motion data at a free surface in LSDA format, with the intent of using it as free-
field ground motion data in a subsequent soil-structure interaction analysis via *INTERFACE_SSI.

Allow _OFFSET and _CONSTRAINED_OFFSET options in *INTERFACE_SSI, which defines the soil-
structure interface as TIED_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE_OFFSET and

This option allows the user to enter a complete jobid after *KEYWORD_JOBDID. The original
*KEYWORD_ID splits the input into 3 sections and combines them with "_".

Implemented in ALE 2D. It can be used in 2D with 4-node segments

Allow the pressure to be defined as a function of the coordinates of the integration points and
reference node.


- DIEM, a Damage Initiation and Evolution Model, to arbitrarily combine a damage initiation
criterion with an evolution criterion.
- Enable *MAT_ADD_EROSION to work with solid type 13.
- Enable *MAT_ADD_EROSION to with thick shell types 3 and 5.
- Activated *ADD_EROSION capability to efg shell type 42.
- Added new failure criterion to *MAT_ADD_EROSION. If EFFEPS (Crd 1, Clmn 5) has a negative
value, then the absolute value is the plastic strain to failure.
- Added new *MAT_ADD_EROSION damage model called "GISSMO".

To define orthotropic thermal expansion properties for anisotropic materials.

Added temperature dependent relaxation parameters.

New option RDEF=3 for material *MAT_019. Now we have: RDEF=2: max. principal stress and abs.
value of min. principal stress RDEF=3: max. principal stress

- To include yarn interaction stiffening through biaxial stress-strain curves, strain rate dependency
and hysteresis in cyclic loading.
- New unloading option for FORM=14, if id of unloading curve is negative
- Reloading option for FORM=14. New parameter RLMAX on Card 6, Column 7, governs reloading
behavior: RL=0.0: Reloading on Unloading Curve (default as before)
RL>0.0: Reloading on Linear Slope betw. Loading and Unloading Curve

-Hardening tables for strain rate dependent hardening
-Chaboche-Roussilier kinematic hardening supported
-Temperature dependend hardening
-Can use different hardening and r-values in different directions (0, 45 and 90)
-Added effective plastic strain rate as hisvar #6 for postprocessing

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*MAT_041-050 (User defined material)
Erosion can be based on number of failed integration points.

-New option: Number of in-plane integration points for layer failure: 1 (PFL>0) or 4 (PFL<0).
-New feature for thin shells: optional minimum stress limits similar to *MAT_058.

Frictional (frequency independent) damping can be based on multiple spring-slider systems in

Added a new user-defined weld failure subroutine call uweldfail12. With this new subroutine, it is
possible to initiate damage rather than failing the weld immediately. Damage can progress using
built in code to do linear or exponential damage, or the damage variable can be updated directly by
the user. Added new feature to *MAT_100 beams. If parameter SIGY is given a negative number,
then a yield curve/table is assigned by abs(SIGY).

Can be used with a user defined damage model and hardening can depend on heterogenous
multiphase material decomposition

Hardening can depend on plastic strain, plastic strain rate and temperature through

-Hardening tables for strain rate dependent hardening
-Chaboche-Roussilier kinematic hardening supported
-Added effective plastic strain rate as hisvar #6 for postprocessing.

Option to use constant strain at necking for transition to power-law hardening, supported for shells

Added unloading options to *MAT_181. Therefore, 3 new parameters are on a new optional card
3/4, columns 1-3.

Enable *MAT_183 to work with tet type 13.

Rigid material which is discretize into multiple disjoint pieces.

- New criterion for Lode angle dependent failure in 3D.
- Added NUMINT option to material 224 (Card 1, Column 8)

New material model *MAT_VISCOPLASTIC_MIXED_HARDENING or *MAT_225. This is like material
*MAT_024, VP=1 but with additional mixed hardening like in *MAT_003.

*MAT_226 or *MAT_242
Description: Barlat 2000 + Yoshida nonlinear hardening

General viscoelastic Maxwell model, with up to 6 terms in the prony series expansion.

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Nodes with the same coordinates (_TOLERANCE) are replaced during the input phase by the first
node encountered that share the coordinate.

Historically, all parameters, once defined, exist throughout the duration of the input processing, and
duplicating an existing parameter name was not allowed. The _LOCAL modification is intended to be
used in *INCLUDE files. A parameter defined at the top of an *INCLUDE file, and using the _LOCAL
modifier, will be deleted when that *INCLUDE file is done being processed. By default, it is still not
allowed to have multiple *PARAMETERs with the same name. However, the
PARAMETER_DUPLICATION keyword can be used to modify this behavior, allowing a _LOCAL
parameter to temporarily mask a previously defined *PARAMETER or *PARAMETER_LOCAL -- the
previous value will be restored when the *INCLUDE file is finished being read.

Spherical coordinate systems are supported. Some components of
MAT_PIECEWISE_LINEAR_PLASTICITY can be perturbed. Coordinate systems can be mixed in a
definition: One can create perturbation in one coordinate system and apply it in another.

Define a rigid body which represents the shape and physical position of the wall. The motion is
updated if the _MOTION option is specified.

Incorporates the AISC standard steel sections database (Shapes Database v13.1.1) into LS-DYNA.
The user can specify a section label, and the appropriate *SECTION_BEAM and
*INTEGRATION_BEAM cards will be defined automatically.

- Element types 2 and 16 can have nonzero stress through thickness from contact pressure
- User defined elements can take arbitrary number of history variables and extra degrees of

In case of negative volume, elform=17 solid element is deleted under the conditions that ERODE
and DTMIN are nonzero, and any of the element's subelements develops a negative volume.

User defined elements can take arbitrary number of history variables and extra degrees of freedom.

For thick shell forms 1 and 2, enabled tye use of materials 20, 30, 34, 60, 76, 89, 101, 106, 107,
108, 109, 113, 114, 115, 120, 125, 134, 136, 137, 153, 157, 165, 170, 172, 175, 176, 182, 187,
188, 194, 203, 204, 224, 225, 226, 232, 234, 235, 236, 253,and 276. For thick shell form 2,
enabled also the use of materials 36, 65, 190, and 233. For thick shell form 4, enable all regular
shell materials. Previously, only a subset available to thick shell forms 1
and 2 were available for 4.

All set components with same SID will be collected into one big SET with the same setid. Applies to

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Further developments
Modify the default license client for LS-DYNA. Now LS-DYNA will used the forked client on
UNIX/Linux as the default and will use the external client on the PC. This should clear up old issues
of ping timeouts and licenses being temporarily lost if LS-DYNA dies unexpectedly or is killed.

Frequency response functions can now be calculated using *control_frequency_response_function

Add the parameter PSFAIL on *CONTROL_SOLID to define a solid part set. The check for negative
volume is then limited to these solid elements.

Improve accuracy of tetrahedron type 13 by making the averaged nodal volumes (current and
initial) always double precision.

Added internal energy density to *INITIAL_STRESS_SOLIDS.

Changed the output of interface force file, used contact id's for part number instead of the
sequential numbers. Assigned positive contact id for the slave side and negative contact id for the
master side

Added new keyword *DATABASE_EXTENT_INTFOR to control the output of intfor

Add contact moments to rcforc file

Add _ID option to *DATABASE_NODAL_FORCE_GROUP. The user defined ID number and title
appear in the nodfor file in the usual "LEGEND" at the top of the file, as well as in a "setid =" field
on the ends of the data line for each node. I'm not sure why the "nodal output group number" isn't
a better place to put this ID, but that is how the bndout file was done and I wanted to be

Added mass scaling to seat belt elements. This scaling was somehow missed in the mass scaling
implementation, but is not known to have caused any problems since belt elements generally have
a large time step size.

Add new keyword *INITIAL_AIRBAG_PARTICLE to initialize pressure in a arbitrary closed volume
with the airbag_particle method

Add new keyword: *control_forming_normals

Add *define_box_..._local

Improvement to 2d-belts:
-Output to sbtout
-2d belt can work together with regular shells

Added new contact option for SURFACE_TO_SURFACE contacts: On *CONTACT optional card D, in
field 2, the flag TCSO. If set, thicknesses for contact nodes are computed based only on the
attached segments that are actually part of the contact, not ALL attached segments. It only
considers shell elements, and only works in MPP so far (but SMP implementation should be simple)
TCSO = Thickness from Contact Shells Only

Change to the way MPP treats "initial penetration tracking" in contact. Previously it was generating
energy (it was showing up as negative sliding energy)

Added an option to geometric contact entities to account for the thickness of the slave nodes. Only
for entity types 1-3 so far (plane, sphere, cylinder).


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Modified thick shell form 5 for mixed materials. The assumed strain field in the thickness direction
now uses the inverse of the 3-3 term of the stiffness matrix to scale the thickness strain such that
the strain is correct in each layer.


Updated checking of thick shell forms for implicit solutions. Now, forms 1 and 4 will switch to 2,
and type 5 will switch to 3.

Added parabolic shear to the thick shell formulation 5 when laminated shell theory is not used.
Previously, it was constant through the thickness so it is now more accurate.

Improvement to trimming: update the thickness for the newly added elements during trimming

Add MPP support for non-linear stiffness scaling to type 3/5/10 contacts, as well as the groupable
versions of 3/5/10 and 13 contacts.

Added one option ispm=2 for EFG #MAT27 in pressure smoothing.

Add a new option to mat_037: to predict material failure with non-linear strain path

Enabled material 59 with thick shell forms 3 and 5.

Added failure to *MAT_067

Added a new feature to MAT088 improving accuracy of modeling Tantalum.
Added one history variable that is active only for the Tantalum option
Added output to d3hsp for mat88

Added damage evolution for *MAT_SPOTWELD (*MAT_100) when using OPT=1, stress based failure
criteria. FVAL is used as the amount plastic strain the spotweld can take under damage before it
fails. If FVAL=0 no damage evolution and the spotweld behaves as before. It fails immediately when
the stress exceeds the trigger stress.

Enable *MAT_123 (VP=1.0/'shell') to deal with logarithmic strain rates.

Added NUMINT option to material 187

Add option for stress initialization in *MAT_192 (*MAT_SOIL_BRICK) to achieve user-specified
horizontal stress (as well as vertical stress), by unloading past the required vertical stress, then
reloading. This is enabled by setting THEORY=104.

Add a new option to M226 to allow the predicted stress be corrected by the test curve.

Added new film-model *MAT_267

Added user weld failure option 12 (uweldfail12). It allows the user to pass back values of
eps_to_fail and beta such that they can define different damage growth for different elements. It
supports linear damage, exponential decay, and sudden failure. Now the user may directly update
the damage instead of using only ls-dyna's linear or exponential decay functions.
It can be used by beam welds and hex weld assemblies. Currently none of the user failures are
supported for individual hex welds.

Developed *DEFINE_ADAPTIVE_SOLID_TO_SPH as coupling interface

Corrected thick shell output to the elout file when Gauss integration is not used and there are 3 or 5
integration points through the thickness. The output of stress was in the wrong order when looping
over points.

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Added *control_forming_blankmesh: when cid <0, the center coordinate means local coordinate

Extend *LOAD_VOLUME_LOSS to solid tet and wedge (ELFORM=10 and 15)

Modified *INITIAL_TEMPERATURE behavior: NODES are written before SETS. This enables a
methodology to model a sequence of hot stampings where we want to change the blank
temperature in each successive stamping by using the keyword *SET_SEGMENT_GENERAL.

MPP contact: added support for soft=1 to the penalty based tied contacts (types 2 and 6 only).
Also added support for viscous damping to these contacts, as well as the automatic tiebreak contact

Adding support for shells 25,26,27 in user materials

Added new INTERFACE_LINKING_NODE option that searches for the nearest node to tie to -- order
doesn't matter. There was existing checks to make sure master nodes of a tied (constrained)
interface were not ALSO slaves due to an INTERFACE_LINKING_EDGE keyword. This checking is
now extended to include nodes slave due to an INTERFACE_LINKING_NODE keyword.

Added Part_delete option for SPH restart.

Add _SET option for staged construction keywords:

Added anneal solid, shell, thick shell, and beam elements

Added SEGMENT_SET IDs to FLUX, CONVECTION, RADIATION for surface energy balances

Add a new option to AUTO_MOVE: support local coordinate system and displacement control

Allow beam parts that are not converted to hex welds to share same section ID as those beam parts
that are converted to hex welds.

New feature for thermal contact with FRICTION: conductance a function of the gap defined by a
load curve

Added second damage value to *CONSTRAINED_SPR3 model.
Added no failure option to *CONSTRAINED_SPR3 model.
New material model in *CONSTRAINED_SPR(3) environment.

Added LSDA/BINOUT support for SPRFORC data. This is currently only output to the binout file (no
ascii file support yet). It is output if and only if there ARE self-piercing rivets in the model AND the
swforc file is output (this is output at the same frequency).

Add a new option to *constraint_coordinates 4,5,6 and 7 for xy,yz,zx,and xyz

Add support for *BOUNDARY_SPC_BIRTH_DEATH to implicit.


Changes to *ELEMENT_SEATBELT_RETRACTOR: code added to allow *DEFINE_FUNCION to be used
to specify the force vs pull-out curve. This new capability is as yet untested, but many old
problems were run to insure these changes did not break existing capability nor change results.

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Added work-to-heat for beams

Add *implicit_linear_parts, a implicit capability to represent parts by a linear model based on eigen
modes. This is an extension to implicit of the explicit *PART_MODES capability.

Add a new keyword *control_forming_parameter_read. The purpose is to read some parameter
values from other files, which might be the output of some other previous runs.

Added 2-D cohesive elements: iop=46: plane strain, plane stress, area-weighted axisym iop=47:
volume-weighted axisym

Add initial stress capability for cohesive elements


New thermal keyword *LOAD_HEAT_GENERATION_SHELL implemented

A new option to springback compensation: allow the change of trimming curve

Added AUTO_JOINT option to simplify joint input

Add a new option to *LOAD_BODY_VECTOR to allow the load in any director

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Bug fixes and Updates

Fix for bug 4003 related to mass calculation for material model 220.

Fix for MPP groupable contact (including soft=4 contact). It was not properly supporting frictional
energy output to the interface force file (s=intfor).

Fixed bug 3879 - Error message for mat168 now types correctly

Enabled the use of thick shell type 3 and 5 with *PART_COMPOSITE and material type 59. It was
terminating with an improper error message.

Fixed bug for which the time step was being used when imposing boundary conditions was incorrect
on the first cycle, so some position and velocity boundary conditions could be wrong on the first
cycle, resulting in displacements that were off by about 1 cycle worth of motion. This change fixes
bug 3643.

Fix for *MAT_224. It is now possible to give only one of those load curves defining plastic failure
strain - as it should be. Before, curves defining plastic failure strain - as it should be. Before, input
of LCI was mandatory, otherwise failure never happened.

Add support for offsets and scale factors in *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION. This fixes bug 3992

Fixed brick spotwelds and assemblies with failure type other than option 8 and 12 when swforc
output is not requested. A failure to allocate sufficient memory caused spurious stress at the start
of the calculation.

A fix for mat_16 using ALE to remove NaNs due to roundoff in advection.

Fix for *MAT_224 with CP=0.0 to avoid division by zero.

Switch MPP tied contacts all to type GROUPABLE if the problem (which was not previously the case).
Also, make sure some important tied contact related variables get reinitialized each adaptive step.
This commit fixes bug 3927

Fixed bug 3985: corrupted d3plot data from full restart, due to memory issues

Allow user specified plate thickness and density to override the nodal mass based method of
computing velocity in Westine's impulse model.

Fix problem of MPP groupable contact hanging in cases of mixed penalty and constraint groupable

Fix for failure occurring when using thermal solver 3 with mid-side nodes in a thermal only problem

Bug fix related to the switch between 8-noded and 4-noded cells in adaptive EFG.

*FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_ACOUSTIC_BEM (the old keyword still works).

Enabled free edge constraints for *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_ACOUSTIC_BEM

Extended *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_ACOUSTIC_BEM to study acoustic panel contribution

Fixed bug in reading *DATABASE_EXTENT_INTFOR

Fix to properly error terminate (at the end of the keyword input phase) if it encounters a parameter
parsing problem, instead of reporting an error but continuing.
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Fix in parmax for SOFT=4 MPP (bug 3954).

Added one more control parameter in adaptive EFG.

Fix for *MAT_ADD_EROSION damage model GISSMO. Ensure that the initial plastic strain increment
is zero.

Allow MAT_160 to constrain nodes in local coordinate systems defined by *BOUNDARY_SPC_NODE

*DATABASE_FSI now properly account for wedges and tetras

Fixed "input order" dependency from bucketsort results, and also return a better collection of
possible contacts, which should reduce spurious force spikes right after bucketsorts.

Fixed "random direction choice" code for triangles, as well as using edge projection for a better
distance calculation for triangles during bucketsort.

Make *MAT_ADD_EROSION damage model GISSMO available for more shell element types and
correction for sorted DKT triangles in combination with NUMINT<0 (*MAT_120, *MAT_123, ...).

Fix MPP soft=4 contact: nodal constraints were not being honored


Fixed history variable in mat88 - Tantalum option

Airbag Corpuscular Particle Method: enhancement in consistency of venting option between SMP
and MPP

Additional development for AIRBAG_PARTICLE chamber interaction

Improved speed and accuracy of axisymmetric sph (SMP only)

Added translational and rotational mass to the *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_COOR option

Bug fixed in adaptive EFG using stabilized method.

Fixed a bug in frequency domain fem acoustic code.

Fixed initialization of parameters for rigid body joints for restart.

Bug Fix for ALE 2d: uninitialized variables and mismatched declarations

Fixed swforc output for spotwelds and also the resultant failure criteria for hex spotwelds.

Fixed a problem in beam routine for spotweld failure option 12. The stress calculation was

Fix a bug associated with implicit linearized parts.

Fix bug 3922 about acoustic pressure and dB in freq domain not consistent on winx64

Fix for bug related to RIGIDWALL_DISPLAY option

Change in behavior for *PORE_AIR. Calculation terminates when the min termination time in
*CONTROL_TERMINATION or in *PORE_AIR is reached. *PORE_WATER behavior is unchanged.

Fix for null initial velocity during restart in MPP
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Bug fix: the code was not working if "i=" was NOT on the command line

For indirect coupling with MADYMO 7.2
1) Fixed exit problem
2) Sync d3plot
3) Added restart

Fix for sphout.

Thick thermal shell internal energy is now properly calculated

Fix for bug 3659, axisymmetric beam (form=8) with MAT_003 (BETA.eq.0)

Fix some cases where MPP files were not properly copied back from the working directories if jobid=
was used.

Fix some logic errors that were causing MPP element costs to be incorrect for some elements, which
could affect the decomposition and possibly the load balance.

Improved air particles thermal equilibrium for smp code

Fixed uninitialized variable in mat 224

Fix for *deformable_to_rigid, code=3 or 4 only compare dist with offset when offset>0; otherwise
switch will happen right away since dist=2.*offset and switch condition is automatically met

Fix for seatbelt mass scaling, bug#3644: belt mass should be scaled based on the ratio of its own
dt (dtt) and dt2mas, not global dt (dt2) and dt2mas

Fix *constrained_interpolation_local: when the local option is invoked with the local coordinate
systems set to 0

Allow mat 224 to use EOS as an option


Fixed bug related to tables in input files

Add part pressure of alone/away shell normal to abstat_cpm in order to see the pressure on both
side from p2f collision.

Fix when unreferenced *SECTION_SOLID with elform 11 appears in the keyword file for a non-ale

Fix MPP problem during initialization: was passing unused argument by value instead of reference,
which is fine on most systems since it is unused, but was blowing up in some situations.

Add error termination if anything other than BLAST=2 is used with ALE coupling.

Thermal changes to calculate energy balances. These are post processing calculations and do no
effect the temperature results.

Also, correct the output of stress for fabric material forms 12, 13, and 14
when no reference geometry was used.

Bug fix for SPH readin memory allocation. fix bug 3918

A minor change in EFG crack propagation criterion.
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Corrected an error in spot weld material input that cause an erroneous missing curve error. Also,
some minor changes for new user failure option 12.

Don't do INTERFACE_LINKING / tied contact conflict check for penalty based tied contacts

Bug fix: when doing a coupled simulation with variable thermal & mechanical time steps, situations
occurred where we were one explicit mechanical time step out of synchronization in hitting the

Change to 3d thermal contact The use of the parameter characteristic length (chl, chlmul,
char_len) is superseded by the 3d bucket sort algorithm.

Fix bug in *MAT_003 affecting convergence in implicit computations for 'shell'-elements using

Fix bug writing nodal rotational restraint codes to the *NODE cards in the dynain file, for models
that did not contain any beam or shell elements (and hence only 3 DOFs per node).

Node number NREACT was not offset.

Added material tangents for solids and shells to make *MAT_225
(*MAT_VISCOPLASTIC_MIXED_HARDENING) ready for implicit computations.

Fix bug 3899 about rigid to deformable switching causes I/O problem

A fix for *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION temperature extraction.

Improvements to handling of initial penetration tracking in MPP contacts

Now a much more stable mat_267

Minor bugfixes in SECTION_BEAM_AISC

Implemented *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_ACOUSTIC_FEM to run frequency domain acoustic

For thick shell form 2, enabled also the use of materials 36, 65, 190, and 233.

For thick shell form 4, enable all regular shell materials. Previously, only a subset available to thick
shell forms 1 and 2 were available for 4.

Fix wrong index in MPP single surface BS routine when checking for nodes off the edge of the

Bug fix for combination of truss elements with *MAT_003 and BETA=1.0.

Updates to mat_267. added functionality: viscosity+viscoplasticity more stable

Now ELFORM 17 solid element is deleted under the conditions that ERODE and DTMIN are nonzero,
and any of the element's subelements develops a negative volume. This was request 3570.

Add missing type declaration related to *DEFINE_FUNCTION_TABULATED

Fix an undocumented bug with *LOAD_BLAST_ENHANCED BLAST=3. The gradient vector used in
computing the blast surface normal was not properly transformed to the global system.

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Minor fix related to Nodout and Node_Merge.

Further accuracy considerations in axisymmetric elements, and also some bugfixes for the implicit
implementation of the same element

Fix implicit for case where the ignore option is on in contact. Do not add stiffness as the bodies

Fix report of masses for materials involved in *PART_MASS. This fixes bug 3764

ALE2d: use old search code of the neighbor elements in mapping for windows

Added error termination if null set is defined in contact.

Fix for bug 3740: shell element thinning strain from *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION not working
correctly in MPP

A bug fix for blanking

Get correct element id for MPP version of elhist

Improving work-to-heat generation accuracy for axisymmetric simulations

Fixed bug in adaptivity fusion. The fusion option was disabled in ls971.R4.2.1.

Support dynamic implicit for *control_implicit_forming

Fix for MPP adaptivity problem with failed shell elements.

Reset default value for sticky contact: iga is set to 2 and not 1.

Fixed SPH nodal stress update for MAT_ELASTIC_PLASTIC_HYDRO when failed.

Fixed the weld assembly ID number that is passed in the user defined weld failure routines.

Fix for ALE automatic BC. In the first cycle, x was updated before ALE BC was enforced.

Fixed possible bug in mat_267

Fix for d3hsp output of lcid from *INITIAL_AXIAL_FORCE_BEAM.

Fixed a bug in strain output for efg tetrahedra.

Add beam sliding energy into consideration to keep energy balance this will fix bug #2957

Fix material numbers in output of solid elements to elout file: the internal rather than the user
material numbers were being output in ALL versions of this file (LSDA and ascii, SMP and MPP).
This fixes bug 2789.

Added physical hourglass control to mat_267

Added missing rotation of back stress for *MAT_VISCOPLASTIC_MIXED_HARDENING (*MAT_225)

Update for mat267: Load curve can now be used for hardening.

Make convergence criteria for mat 106 the same for shell and solid implementations

Fixed bug 3776. Initialization of *MAT_181/183 damage curve.
- 15 -

Updates related to 3D table lookup and the inclusion of 3D tables in material 106


Minor fix for bem acoustic output in order not to miss the last frequency.

Fix element order dependency in SPH: elements are sorted in user ID and then part ID to ensure
the order same to get consistent answer.

Fix a bug affected initial variable in viscoplastic materials.

Bug fix for MPP decomposition with SPH elements and support symmetric BC for SPH.

Add a flag to the header of BLSTFOR to allow LS-PREPOST to distinguish it from INTFOR. Switch
from 21 to 16 variables.

Added new option to *INCLUDE_STAMPED_PART. New value PERCELE on optional Card 4, Column
3 defines percentage of elements which should be mapped, otherwise error termination occurs.

Major update of MAT_267

Fix problem with MPP decomposition related to seatbelt sensors of type 2 and 4, that was causing a
memory clobber that led to long initialization times for some models.

Bug fix in read/write for mpp, related to DEFINE_TRACER_PARTICLES_2D

Minor fix for d3hsp output of *MAT_123 NUMINT value

Write non-reflecting boundary scale factor for *LOAD_BLAST_ENHANCED to d3hsp.

Fix a bug for include_transform for define_box: transformation is needed even when no rotation is

Support SPH delete parts for MPP

Fix for *MAT_123, VP=1, shells (shl123svp). Option NUMINT<0 was broken.

Add an option to disable the negative phase in *LOAD_BLAST_ENHANCED.

Some output format changes in file TPRINT

Add support of dtmin and erode options for SPH

Add new option in *CONTROL_SPH to allow lsprepost to treat deactivate SPH as deleted element

Bug fix for *MAT_003 (VP=1.0) with BETA.ne.1.

Minor fix for shell materials 123 (VP=1.0) and 224. Tightened tolerance.


Fix database corruption for Dynamic Relaxation run for SMP and MPP. This fixes bug #3752

Fix for material 67 caused when failure was added.

Structured write and read for *DATABASE_CURVOUT.

Fix numerical instability of mat_072 for SPH
- 16 -

A bug fix for mat_242

Fixed a full deck restart memory error in segment based contact initialization that occurred when a
process had no contact segments on either the slave or master side after restart.

Implementation of *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM to *BOUNDARY_PWP_option

Fixed bug 3746. *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM and discrete beam offset.

Fix implicit's control output to spcforc.



*DAMPING_PART_STIFFNESS for the Belyschko-Schwer beam no longer limits the value of the
damping coefficient. Also, the energy calculation due to damping is now fixed.

Fix implicit termination when dynamics is active and endtim = 0.0.

Minor change to prevent core dumps when sensors are not used in airbags.

Bug fix related to *ELEMENT_MASS_PART_SET which caused a memory clobber.

Fix ALE EBC=2 bug.


implemented a user-defined subroutine for user-defined loading

Fixed an MPP bug in neighbor segment checking option of segment based contact that caused jobs
to hang if any process did not participate in an interface that uses the option.

Fix for bug related to SPH mass and inertia missing from the body output.

Fixed transformation of fabric material during output to d3hsp and elout. It was slightly wrong for
large deformation.

Fix for large load curve ID's related to *AIRBAG_SIMPLE_AIRBAG_MODEL

New optional field LCK0 on *INITIAL_STRESS_DEPTH allowing input of K0 vs Z-coordinate.

Fixed bug whereby end_dynain file would not be written after steady state pore pressure run with
staged construction, if ETERM was zero.

A bug fix for smooth contact

Added interactive adaptivity into 3D EFG. C.T. & Wei

Steady Static Rolling: modify contact subroutine, improve the calculation of contact node velocity
such that SSR can get stable result quickly.


Fixed bugs in mat_121 for UNLOAD OPT = 2 in subroutine fs121b

Add *INCL_TRANSFORM compatibility in keyword reader for *CONTROL_PORE_FLUID

- 17 -
Fixed stress output for fabric material forms 12, 13, and 14. Only half the correct stress was being

For reasons not fully understood, *CONSTRAINED_LOCAL was only being allowed in 2d adaptivity,
and 3d solid adaptivity -- not adaptivity in general. This restriction has been removed.

Improvement for mat155 to solve the result discrepancy between single and double precision.

Fix for bug when *MAT_ADD_EROSION and *INCLUDE... with INCOUT=1 was used.

Fix a bug for nods_add when accessing, which access wrong info for subset id and type

Fix a bug for set_segment_general

Minor fix for vibro-acoustic analysis

Change normal calculation for type 7 offset penalty contact to use the simpler "flat segment"
normal, instead of the actual normal of the bilinear element. This change was made the other day
for the type 2/6 tied contacts since it seems to help stability.

Standardized SMP/MPP screen output for dynamic relaxation info and also added 'the dynamic
relaxation info header for the d3hsp file.

MPP implementation for *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION AX, AY and AZ

Fixed the material constitutive matrix used in the implicit element stiffness calculation for material
types 22 and 59. It is now orthotropic.

Improved convergence of 3D brick elements other than element form 1 by fixing the constitutive
matrix used in the element stiffness. Those materials affected are 11, 14, 17, 19, 22, 33, 35, 36,
38, 51, 52, 53, 59, 61, 62, 64, 65, 70, 72, 73, 75, 79, 80, 83, 84, 87, 88, 89, 98, 102, 105, 109,
110, 111, 112, 124, 126, 127, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 164, 192, 193, 221, and 223.

Fix ALE Leakage coupling force bug.

Fix for *ELEMENT_INERTIA to allow a local coordinate system to be defined by using nodal points.

Bug fix for *MAT_168. Output real plastic strain.

Bug fix for *MAT_065. Avoid division by zero

Implicit now honors the ncycle limit from either the command line or *CONTROL_TERMINATION.

A bug fix for the shear term of *MAT_226

Fix bug in MPP adaptivity: in some cases, the code was hanging if soft=4 contact was used (or
groupable contact)

Bug fix related to tied interfaces with birth times. Current geometry must be used to tie interfaces,
not initial. Bug 3073.

Related to KE after part deletion in small deck restart. SMP and MPP now agree. Bug ID 1682.

Fix for TERMINATION_CONTACT which did not seem to be implemented completely as described in
the manual.

Bug fix for bug ID 3568 related to tets type 17 and eigenvalue analysis.

Bug fix for *MAT_224: avoid infinity of triaxiality.
- 18 -

Fix writing of inertia matrix in binary form for *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_MODES.

MPP edge to surface contact: forces were being applied to the beam nodes with the wrong weights
(they were swapped), causing incorrect behavior and energy issues. This fixes the remaining part
of bug 3242.

Added a restart option to add contribution from higher frequencies in FRF computation.

MPP fix for 3d forging problems: after an adaptive step occurs, the "rigid body update" flag was not
being properly computed, which allowed for some nodes to be moved in contact (shooting node
logic) even though they were from rigid materials.

Fix for implicit tied beam offset (bug #3164)

Bug fix for *MAT_123 with load curve LCTSRF.

Fix for implicit spotweld beam material

Changing mpp implementation of implicit tied offset contact to behave similar to smp, see bug #

Fix for bug ID 3519 related to material 15 and the damage calculation.

Fix bug in MAT_197 (seismic isolator). The response could be noisy when velocity-dependent
friction is used in combination with large DISPY. This applies to the friction-type isolators only.

Fix for bug 2460 related to the output of added mass into the d3plot file.

Bug fix for bug 2463 related to part_composite and set_part_list_generate.

Fixed a bug that prevented the use of user defined weld failure option 22 with hex weld assemblies.

Fix for Implicit MPP cyclic symmetry.

Add damping in mortar contact

Fix for material 196 when more than 10000 load curves are present

Bug fix for 2968 related to a heading meant for the DEFORC file ending up in the ELOUT file instead.

Fix for remapping of master force histories in MPP eroding contact: due to a variable name typo,
some might have been missed, or a segfault could have occurred.

Fix for bug 3000 related to offsets and output into dyna.inc for *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION

Fix for bug 3496 in *CONTROL_SOLUTION LCINT=1000 in restart

Fix for *MAT_OGDEN, in which The energy calculation was inconsistent with the nodal pressure

Fixed a possible segmentation fault in MPP phase 4 when *interface_linking_segment is used.

Fix related to erroneous reaction forces and bug ID 3459.

Fix for bug 3291 related to erroneous spotweld stresses. Implicit calculations with type 100 solid
spotwelds exhibited the error.

Add soft=1 option to old node to surface eroding contact options.
- 19 -

Fix for bug 3415 related to inconsistency with users manual for *MAT_039. The 1st history variable
is now the strain ratio.

Fix for bug 3477 related to floating point exception in Material 15 and shell elements.

Fix for bug 3296 related to define transformation combined with part move.

Fix for *PERTUBATION_MAT: change material id to be part id

Fix bug 2875: incorrect behavior of tied-offset contact under full-deck restart. After the restart, the
contact was being (re-)initialized using the coordinates at the end of the initial run, which caused
the nodes to be attached to different segments than they were to in the initial run, thus changing
the contact stiffnesses.

Add Hourglass option for M125 with solid element 1

Fix for material 220

Fix for *control_check_shell: remove unnecessary constraints after the node has been deleted

Added mat 145 to 2-D solid elements


Fixed bug for mat 181 tangent for implicit

Fixed generation of nodal coordinates for null shell for rigid wall

Bug fix for 3366 related to PNODE and nodal rigid bodies.

Fix Lagrange multiplier treatment of joints to properly handle screws, constant_velocity, and

Fixed bug for missing binary files (d3plot, d3part,,...) if the file index is greater than 2G.

Fix for bug 3456 related to the beam reference node not being output in the current geometry in
the DYNAIN file.

Bug fix for *MAT_224. This fixes bug 3274.

Fix for bug 3454 related to thermal transient analysis problem. This problem also affected other
elements so multiple fixes were made.

Fixed bug for hex spotwelds

Added accuracy option to 2-D plane stress element fixed bug in stress rotation: wzz was not being

Fix for bug 3447 related to the d3plot file not being written.

Bug fixed in adaptive EFG when there is a formulation switch.

Fixed error in *INCLUDE_STAMPED_PART for filename that is longer than 80 characters or file is in
*INCLUDE_PATH directory

Fix for bug 3284 related to load curve offsets.

- 20 -
Fix for bug 3374 related to material 103 and *ELEMENT_SHELL, ELFORM=13, NIP=4

Fix for bug 3376 related to transformation of beam orientation vectors.

Fix for bug 3390 related to using *AIRBAG_HYBRID in a deck with more than 9999 load curves

Fix for bug 3433 related to *load_segment_set used with *define_function

Thin shell support for *INITIAL_IMPULSE_BLAST. Westine's buried mine model.

Support of ALE IVFG to set initial velocity in MPP

Fix a bug for sensor when calculating shell stress at last int. point

Fix for *MAT_ADD_EROSION damage model GISSMO with initial stresses/history.

Bug fix for orthotropic permeability

Added new feature to *MAT_100 beams. If parameter SIGY is given a negative number, then a
yield curve/table is assigned by abs(SIGY).

Compile a list of nodes in each segment set for *INITIAL_IMPULSE_BLAST.

A bug fix for autoposition_parameter when the parts are not in the home position

Minor fix in curve output format and write the original and fitted curve to file (curveplot_#) for all
materials that need curve fitting, such as *MAT_178, *MAT_176, *MAT_77, *MAT_175, *MAT27 #
is the part number.

A bug fix in combining gravity loading and binder wrapping simulation with implicit method

Fixed surface meshing problem in adaptive efg with pressure smoothing formulation.

A bug fix in _3D trimming with coordinate defined seed nodes

Fixes to MPP initialization of force transducer interface list, which was incorrect in some cases.


Added scale factor to *INITIAL_AXIAL_FORCE_BEAM input.

Fix bug that prevented more than one *BOUNDARY_PORE_FLUID_SET cards

Default ATYPE on *BOUNDARY_PORE_FLUID should be the user-input ATYPE on
*CONTROL_PORE_FLUID. Ensure that this is always so.

For molar-ratio airbag inflator input: correct a bug when calculating original gas number, ia(l355).
l355 could be zero when it is firstly called. that will lead to a "defined before used" bug.

Added a new TSRFAC option for material 34 (*MAT_FABRIC).

Add SPOTHIN option and symmetric behavior to *CONSTRAINED_SPR3 model.

Update spr for option 2 to include spotweld thinning.

Fixed bug in mat_119

- 21 -
Fixed a neighbor segment/node data problem in MPP segment based contact when the quad to
triangle switch flag is set. This fix should improve the behavior of the sliding option and edge-to-
edge checking when the quad to triangle option is active.

Bug fix for ALE 2D reset the shared number of history variables for general ALE 3D application

enable MAT__GENERAL_SPRING_DISCRETE_BEAM to read load curves id with more than 7
significant digits

Add interface surface energy output for type 4, 13 and 26 contacts in MPP

Implementation of damage initiation and evolution model

Fixed bug associated with rigid body cm constraints in the local coordinate system

Fixed bug on the material erosion of shell elements

Fix of bug 3283 related to shell 26 and esort

Fixed bug for solid MAT_064

Fix hand off of dynamic relaxation implicit to implicit. D3plot were not written when IDRFLG=5 and

Fix bug due to roundoff errors with *MAT_100 on some systems

Fix for use of & along with *PARAMETER_EXPRESSION_TITLE

Fix value of rbc in explicit to implicit switching handoff. Bug 3185:
Discrepancies in output motion associated with implicit/explicit switching

Fixes related to selective mass scaling:
- elements that are in a nodal rigid body are not mass scaled
- accounting for esort flag when mass scaling pentahedra in sms

Fix decomposition options for distributing/isolating contact interfaces so they will work in case the
slave side has no segments (beam or NODE_TO_SURFACE type contacts) -- previously they only
looked at the slave segment list. If that list is empty, it now considers the slave node list.

Fix implicit for switching from rigid back to deformable.

Bug fix for *INITIAL_ALE_EOS cards.

Fix for proper initialization of *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_TIEBREAK in MPP implicit:
nodes were not being tied due to confusion about the definition of "the first cycle"

Some fix so that random vibration can go through even if *database_power_spectral_density is not

Fix for auto tiebreak contact on SMP. Consistency option failed to work correctly leading to
erroneous answers.

Bug fix in ale tracer particles.

Fix for bug 2976 related to "remaining thickness" reports from contact. The fix ensures that SMP
and MPP give similar results.

Fix for *LOAD_HEAT_CONTROLLER translation

- 22 -
Fix for bug 3049 related to *BOUNDARY_THERMAL_BULKFLOW_SET

Fix for tet type 4 strain tensor is wrong when NCPU=-2,-3, etc. Bug 2978.

Fix for solid element elform3&elform4 restart related to bug 3089

Fix reporting of moments to spcforc for implicit.

MPP changes to support AUTOMATIC_TIEBREAK in implicit

Fix for mass scaling bug related to MS1ST=1. Occurs when dynamic relaxation is active.

Fix for small deck restart related to bug 3083. Restart issue involving *DELETE_PART.

Fix mat 181 initialization bug for 2-D

fix bug in beam to hex spotweld conversion in mat 100

fix bug in stress initialization for type 16 and 17 solids

Improve handling of duplicate parameter definitions with new parameter handling code, and better
honor the setting of *PARAMETER_DUPLICATION.

Extended the number of gases permitted for hybrid inflators from 9 gases to 17.

For MAT_244 calculate and print the martensite, ferrite, pearlite, and bainite start temperatures.

Option to prescribe plastic strain at necking in material 135 for the s100 option.

Fix for bug 3105 (set ids wrong in spcforc output to LSDA file)

Fix for SET_NODE_GENERAL OPTION=PART where the parts are defined by PART_COMPOSITE.

Neglect birth and death for tied contacts when arclength us used

Fixed bug related to length of jobid greater than 72

Further corrections for thermal expansion with material 34 forms 2,3,4 and 12, 13,14

Fix of bug 3060 related to *MAT_034 *MAT_ADD_THERMAL_EXPANSION

Bug fix for joint planes in MAT_173 and MAT_198 when tetrahedra are used.
The joint plane angles were wrongly calculated for this element type.

Fixed a bug in SPF.

Fix for material 98 related to Bug report and SIGMAX and SIGSAT.

A bug fix in *INCLUDE_TRIM

Fix bug 3026 - loss of mass scaling when intermittent eigenvalues are done during an explicit run.

Fixed error in readin *INCLUDE_NASTRAN

Number of minor fixes to *MAT_189.

Fix related to turning beams into solids.

Fixes for MPP implementation of *CONTACT_CONSTRAINT
- 23 -


Fixed a memory error in cross section forces of form 2,3,4,12,13, and 14 fabric elements on
systems that use nlq less than 128.

To fix the MCOL restart for both SMP and MPP. Fixes bugs 2995 and 2082

Fixes related to constrained offset contact

Improvements to gravity loading simulation

*PERTURBATION fix bug for spectral type = 5 (2D isotropic)

*PERTURBATION fix bug for noisy spectral perturbations for large value of CF1

Additional changes to new keyword *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_FINAL_GEOMETRY.

Fixed possible memory error when using SMP parallel consistency option with 2D automatic contact.

Bug fix for intfor file for MPP

Write out user defined integration rule ID into the dynain file.

Fixed bug 2990. Integer values defined with *PARAMETER cards having digits greater than 7 are
not being read correctly into single precision versions.

Reloading option for *MAT_034, FORM=14.

Material 135 supported for shells 25-27 (stm and wtm option)

A bug fix for Mat 190 when local coordinate system is defined

Fix for MPP single surface contact in case PENOPT=4 is used. This is NOT normal for single surface
contact, and appears to have never been used, because it was resulting in 0 forces due to the
wrong value being passed in as the # of segments to the stiffness rescaling code.

Modifications to mat_190

Supporting orthotropic expansion properties in *MAT_ADD_THERMAL_EXPANSION

Fix the interaction of joints and implicit springback.

Fix bug in load for 6 node segments for type 16 and 17 10 node tets

Shell elform=14 and cross section forces output: the volume weighted forces for elform=14 to be
consistent with the resultants from elform=15

Turn on implicit treatment of joints when *interface_springback_seamless is active.

Fix for MPP smooth contact: in some cases, triangles were being improperly extended, resulting in
strange contact behavior.

Extend *control_implicit_auto to allow specification of explicit time interval for implicit-explicit
switching to be in terms of the number of explicit cycles.

Corrected the material directions for anisotropic materials when used with shell types 12 and 51.

Fix output of accelerations of rigid body slave nodes to file nodout.
- 24 -

Obsoleting the use of *LOAD_SURFACE_STRESS in conjunction with

MPP fix for parameters used in *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION

*PERTURBATION: fix bug allowing only one function definition for spectral fields

Fix for solid material *MAT_019 with VP=1

Fix for failure of truss material *MAT_098

Fixed the C0 triangular shell when used for implicit analysis when the invariant node numbering
option is switched off (INN=0 or 1 on *CONTROL_ACCURACY).

Fixed bug for *SET_PART_LIST_GENERATE if total number of sets exceeds 500

Improvements in AUTOMATIC_TIEBREAK option 4 with sliding

Fix for units transformation (*INCLUDE_TRANSFORM) for *MAT_138 and
*CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_..._TIEBREAK options 9 and 11.

Fixed the calculation of number of thru-thickness integration points triangle elements when either
type 9 membrane elements are sorted to C0 triangles, or when type 18, 20, or 21 elements are
sorted to DKT triangles.

Add stiffness matrix for mat 40.

Fixed bug in looking up shear moduli for solid mat 40

Update to include box transformation when INCLUDE_TRANSFORM is used.

Bug fix for problems with BULK_NODES and CONTACT

ALE *BOUNDARY_NON_REFLECTING: Calculate the bulk modulus every time step instead of using
the initial value. For HE material the bulk modulus becomes hundreds times smaller after detonated
so using the initial value would make it like hitting a still wall and hence kill the timestep size.

*PERTURBATION: perturbations can now be created Cartesian but applied in cylindrical

*PERTURBATION: perturbations can now be created Cartesian but applied in spherical

Fixed thick shell type 5 and laminated shell theory by assumed strain in thick shells in some cases
with mixed materials.

Fixed stress output for material 22 when used with 2D continuum elements (shell form 13,14, or

Fixed shell elements 25 to 27 when used with anisotropic materials when IDOF=1 on
*SECTION_SHELL. Materials 22, 54, 55, 59, 103, 104, 220, and 221, now transform the strain and
stress correctly.

Enable 2D analysis (shells with ELFORM=13,14,15) with staged construction and material types
173, 192, 193 and 198.

Fixed failure of materials 22, 54, and 55 with laminated shell theory active. Material 22 had an
incorrect calculation of the out-of-plane failure function. Also, prior to this fix, all 3 materials had
out-of-plane stress that remained non-zero from the time of layer failure until element deletion.

- 25 -
Fix for MPP tiebreak-slidelines. Ties were "failing" on a cycle-by-cycle basis, not once and for all.

A new option to trim_3d: negative seed (a free node) node is supported

Fix for bug 2824 with Belytschko-Schwer beam. The third node used for orientation had a bad
coordinate in the last state of d3plot file.

Add damping energy calculation to 2-D non-reflecting boundary conditions

Fixed energy calculation bug in part_damping_stiffness for 2-D

Fix for lack of consistency related to automatic tiebreak option type 8.

Enable solid material 132 to output stress and strain in the material system.

Bug Fix for 2d solid adaptivity.

Fix format error on writing out user integration rules

add stiffness for implicit in *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_GENERAL

Fix for *MAT_123 internal energy calculation

Fix for bug 2819 related to contact ID output.

Fix related to bug 1977. Untied nodes are now printed in
CONTACT_TIEBREAK_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE in SMP needs to be added in MPP version.

Fixed tolerance bug associated with cntc0 in *CONTROL_SHELL

Fix problem in output of history variables for SPH when *USER_DEFINED material subroutine is
used. Implement *USER_EOS for SPH elements.

Suppress spc printing with npopt=1 like nodes as suggested by Len Schwer

Problem with part list generate is now fixed. Bug report 2463.

Bug fix related to bug 877 and thickness updates for the single surface contact option on SMP. The
MPP version was working as expected.

Fix bug for SPH and Mat_59

Disable node sharing check between ALE/nonALE parts for Steady State Rolling.

Bug fix related to bug 674 where the mass of the solid part is scaled by a load curve.

Fix masses of shared nodes in case of lumped masses being added via RBE3 constraints.

Fixed bug in shell belt element capability related to curve generation when the curve_function
options are used.

Fix a bug when a box for activation of SPH elements defined on the *CONTROL_SPH is used and
when the consistency flag is activated.

Fix for material 187. Fix conflicts with curve generation and curve functions.

Fix for bug 2576 for 2d solid elements and material 159.

Fix for bug 2772 related to beam pressure loading in 2D.
- 26 -

Implement MAT_SOIL_CONCRETE (MAT_078) for SPH elements

Fixed segment based contact option to use the time averaged current time step in the stiffness

Fixed bug 2779: Interface file not read correctly if "jobid" parameter is present in the command line

Correction to Mat22 and Mat59 for SPH elements in order to take care of rotations of SPH elements.

Fixed bug 2803 where material parameter BETA is read from the wrong card.

Implement LEAF for SPH 3D elements.

Implement the LEAF option for SPH elements in 2D.

Fix for solid element type 3 related to energy calculation and equations of state.

Fix for tubular drawbeads with local coordinate systems and adaptivity. When adaptivity occurs, the
blank material was not being rotated into the local system when the tubular box was applied,
resulting it incorrect determination of the master segment list.

Further fix for the type 3 solid and material type 15.

Fix for internal energy calculation for type 3 solid element.

Bug fix for SOFT=4 forming contact (smp only).

Fix for bug 2756 related to integration point temperatures in the fully integrated solid element.

Bug fix #2767 fix MPP SPH d3plot database SPH element smooth length output

Allow INTERFACE_SSI to read more than one binary ground motion file for the same interface

Fix for 2D adaptive problem related to prescribed velocity not being imposed after first adaptive

Implementation of implicit MAT_129 for hex and tet13 element
Link explicit MAT_128 to tet13 element.

Fix for DEFINE_SEGMENT_GENERAL related to shells and solids sharing identical nodes.

Fix for 2d adaptivity problem related to *CONSTRAINED_LOCAL. Bug ID 2260.

Fix for 2d adaptivity bug related to remapping of strain tensor.

Bug fix for CMPFLG=1 and IHYPER=-1

Fix for set_segment generation with the generate option.

Fixed bug 2535. MCOL restart failed for NCPU > 1. Actually, MCOL never worked
for NCPU > 1. This bug is fixed and NCPU >1 works now too for MCOL.

Bug fix for CMPFLG=1 in combination with IHYPER=-1 for user materials

Bugfix to INTERFACE_SSI: resolve confusion about initializing coordinates of soil-side nodes

Added maximum entropy approximation to efg shell type 42. Fixed options IEBT and IDIM according
to the manual.
- 27 -

Bug fix for ID 2705 related to material 153.

Fix for bug 2708 to correct erroneous error termination.

Fix for bug 2736 related to 8 digit load curve ID for LCDT in airbag Wang-Nefske option.

Fix Implicit's treatment of prescribed motion using rigid body relative motion with a nonzero initial

Fix related to bug 2710. The behavior of option BOX_... in *SET_SEGMENT_GENERAL is completely
contrary to the users manual.

Fixed form 3 and 5 thick shell elements. For type 3, anisotropic material types 22, 33, 54, 55, 59,
103, 104, 142, 143, 220, and 221 now use the proper material coordinate system for the stress
update. For type 5, material types 6, 51, 52, 61, 62, 79, 141, 151, and 225 had unnecessary
Jaumann updates on the strains which caused error in the stress to grow in elements that
underwent significant rotation.

Fix for MPP soft=4 contact: a parameter typo, plus slight difference in thickness treatment in some
cases between the bucketsort and normal cycles, together causing some contacts to be missed.

A Bug fix in mesh coarsening with _SPC_NODE

Computation of stresses for eigenvectors: Fix bug for solids in MPP analysis and allow MPP analysis

Fixed a type 5 thick shell bug that would cause incorrect stress if the element used mixed materials
and some of those materials are isotropic.

Added geometric stiffness for Belytschko-Schwer beams. This fixes bug 2672.

Fixed problem in Set_segment_general where first part ID is 0 causing all parts to be included in
the contact.

Fixed an error in the MCID option of *ELEMENT_SHELL that causes incorrect fiber directions. Also,
changed behavior such that elements that use the MCID option ignore the material system that is
determined by AOPT.

Bug fixed in EFG *INITIAL_SPRINGBACK_SOLID read/write.

Fixed thick shell initialization for material types 54, 55, and 59. Also, added a correction to thick
shell formulation 5 to prevent instability due to the assumed z-direction strain.

Added frictional work calculation to 2D automatic contact.

Fix for bug 2609 related to improper solid element deletion with auto sorting on.

Fix sign error in bndout forces for implicit.

Bug fixed in implicit EFG for MAT27.

A bug fix in mesh coarsening with CONSTRAINT_EXTRA_NODES

Fix related to bug 2669 related to database history with DISCRETE_SET option.

Fix for bug 2680 related to material model 86 for shell elements.

Fixed 2D beam element failure so that beams of material types 3 and 15 will fail.
- 28 -

Fixed a bug in type 17 shell: update thickness only after convergence.

More changes for new *MAT_225.

Support EBC=2 slip condition properly. The normal component of each boundary node has to be
removed segment by segment to get correct slip condition.

Fix for bug #2579 related to MAT_ARUP and restarts.

Properly handle dead nodes and tied constraints for implicit.

Fix for bug 2515 related to beams and DYNAIN.

Fix for bug 2570 related to beam to hex weld conversion when only a subset of beams are changed.

Fixed bug 2517 related to high oscillations and instability in single precision on some machines.

Fix related to bug 2476. The stress relaxation curves are defined as stress versus time. It seems
that the curves were transformed assuming that the time is defined as the log of time. This is
completely wrong and this error propagated to all materials where such relaxation curves are used.

Fix for a restart in 3D EFG adaptivity with formulation 7.

Bug fix in EFG local adaptivity.

Fixed a potential problem with pressure loading being applied to shell element segments after they
have failed. This could only have happened if there was more than one pressure load applied to a
segment or if the element was a 2D continuum element with more than 1 edge loaded.

MPP support for EFG solid element restart (bug fixed for #2623 solid part)

MPP support for EFG shell type 41 restart (bug fixed for bug 2623 shell part)

Fixed bug 2642; GM filter not restarting properly

Fix for constrained interpolation so that division by zero is avoided when no rotational dofs are

Fix bug 2649 (MPP restart with CONSTRAINED_TIED_NODES_FAILURE)

Implementation of MAT_91 for tet element 13 with implicit analysis. Slightly modification of implicit
MAT_91 for hex element 2.

Extension to modified arclength method, activation of arclength constraint occurs when load is

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