Forming Parameters2
Forming Parameters2
Forming Parameters2
Bradley N. Maker Xinhai Zhu Livermore Software Technology Corporation April, 2000
LS-DYNA has been widely used to study automotive crash. Default input parameters are generally chosen to give efficient, accurate crash simulation results. These defaults are not necessarily optimal for metal forming simulations. The following presents a standard procedure for conducting metal forming simulations with LS-DYNA. Recommended input parameters are identified in boldface type and included in boxed keyword input syntax for quick reference. A boldface zero value is entered for required input data which is model specific, such as the termination time term.
total tool travel (mm): D maximum tool velocity (mm/ms): 2.0 velocity profile: trapezoidal with 2.0 ms rise and fall times (figure 1)
Choose: Compute:
number of cycles per millimeter: ncpm termination time (ms): velocity data points: time step size (ms): T = 2.0 + D/2 (0.0, 0.0) (2.0, 2.0) (T 2.0, 2.0) (T, 0.0)
dt2ms = 1/(2*ncpm)
The above calculation provides velocity profile data points for use in the tool motion section below. The termination time term and mass scaling step size dt2ms are input using the following keywords:
isdo 0
tslmt 0.0
dt2ms 0.0
Velocity (mm/ms)
2 mm
(D - 4) mm
2 mm
Figure 1: A trapezoidal punch velocity profile is shown with maximum velocity of 2.0 mm/ms. The rise and fall times are each 2.0 ms. Punch displacement is shown for each section of the curve. Total punch displacement = D mm.
Shell Element
The shell element formulation is selected using the elform parameter on the *SECTION_SHELL keyword. For formability analysis only, the default shell type #2 is recommended. If springback analysis will be performed after forming, the more expensive shell type #16 is recommended for both forming and springback simulations. The extra cost of the forming simulation will produce better accuracy and less convergence trouble during springback. The number of thickness integration points nip is also selected using this keyword. Three points may be adequate for formability analysis, but if a springback analysis is to be performed at least 5 points must be used, and 7 points are better. The CPU cost of the forming analysis increases linearly with the number of thickness integration points. Other required parameters on this keyword include the section id secid and part thickness t1-t4.
nip 5 t4 0.0
qr/irid 0.0
icomp 0
setyp 0
The *CONTROL_SHELL keyword is used to select three important parameters. The use of triangle elements should be minimized. If some triangles are necessary, LS-DYNA will automatically apply the more accurate C0 triangle shell formulation when the itrist flag is selected. This element is more accurate than the degenerated quad element formulations, which are typically too stiff. Activate shell element thickness change using the istupd flag. Otherwise elements will remain constant thickness. If element formulation #2 is used, activate the warping stiffness using the bwc parameter.
irnxx 0
istupd 1
theory 0
bwc 1
miter 0
proj 0
A stiffness form of hourglass control is recommended for metal forming. Select ihq as either type 4 or 5. Use the default value for hourglass coefficient.
It is recommended to use the same material model for forming and springback simulation, even though springback is nominally an elastic unloading process. Several material models are currently available for implicit springback, including types 1, 3, 18, 24, 36, and 37. Of these, type 37 is most commonly used. Input the true physical density, and use mass and velocity scaling to artificially speed up simulation time, as described above. Avoid using material failure options with implicit springback, since these can create convergence problems. The effective stress effective plastic strain curve must be carefully checked: The first data point must be at zero effective plastic strain and yield stress (0.0 , y). Stress and strain must increase monotonically. Slope of each segment must vary smoothly. Avoid too many data points. Rely on at most four significant digits. All tools should use shell elements and the rigid material type 20. Input reasonable elastic material properties for ro, e, and pr, such as those used for the sheet. Apply displacement constraints using con1 and con2 for translation and rotation, respectively. The third line is required but may be left blank.
ro 0.0 con1 0
e 0.0 con2 0
pr 0.0
Penalty-based contact interfaces are recommended for most metal forming simulations. Set the penalty stiffness scale factor for all interfaces to 0.010 using slsfac on the *CONTROL_CONTACT keyword. Check results for significant penetrations around features with small radii or high contact pressure, and increase the penalty scale factor by up to 10x if necessary. This can be done separately for each interface using parameters in the *CONTACT keywords. Activate thickness offsets for the sheet using shlthk. It is recommended to build tool mesh to the actual tool surfaces, so neglect thickness offsets in the rigid tools. See below for incorporating tool offsets into the contact interfaces when necessary.
islchk 0 nsbcs 0
shlthk 1 interm 0
thkchg 0
orien 0
The forming-one-way type contact interface is recommended. This interface computes tooling curvature information for use in look-forward adaptive remeshing. This interface also allows disjoint mesh in the (master) tool surface. Tools must be meshed using 3- or 4-node shell elements. The sheet must be the slave side. Surface definition by part ID is recommended (sstyp=mstyp=3), and must be used for the slave side if adaptive mesh is activated. For the forming simulation, 20 percent of critical viscous damping (vdc) is recommended to help eliminate high frequency dynamics. The shooting node logic must be disabled using the snlog flag on optional card B. The thickness of the (slave) sheet is included in contact calculations. Contact occurs on an imaginary surface projected one-half thickness normal to each segment. It is recommended to build tool meshes which incorporate physical offsets, or die gaps. If this is not possible, the tool offset can be created by using a negative master thickness mst. If the master segment thickness is negative, a tool offset of one-half thickness is created. Large negative offsets will give poor results near small tool radii. An alternative contact enforcement using the constraint method (not penalty method) can be selected using soft=4 on optional card A. This is not generally necessary nor recommended. Other required input parameters include the slave and master part IDs (ssid, msid), and the friction coefficient fs.
*CONTACT_FORMING_ONE_WAY_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE $ ssid msid sstyp mstyp sboxid 0 0 3 3 0 $ fs fd dc v vdc 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20.0 $ sfs sfm sst mst sfst 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 $ optional card A $ soft 0 $ optional card B $ penmax thkopt shlthk snlog 0.0 0 0 1
Tool Motion
Tool motion is imposed using the *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_MOTION_RIGID keyword. Indicate the tool part ID pid and the direction of motion dir. Velocity or displacement may be prescribed. Displacement control (vad=2) is recommended for implicit forming simulations where large time steps are used since displacement control produces the most accurate total tool travel. A curve giving motion vs. time is identified using lcid.
lcid 0
scale 0.0
Tool motion (displacement or velocity) should vary smoothly with time, starting and ending with a velocity of zero. Define this motion using *DEFINE_CURVE or *DEFINE_CURVE_SMOOTH. It is not necessary to include a zero velocity hold time at the end of an explicit forming simulation before proceeding to springback.
Binder Loads
Forces on binders and other floating tooling can be applied using either *LOAD_NODE or *LOAD_RIGID_BODY. If the node option is used, any tool node can be selected as long as rotational motion of the rigid tool is constrained. If the rigid body option is used, load is applied at the center of mass of the tool:
lcid 0
scale 0.0
Load variation with time is input using *DEFINE_CURVE. Load should begin from zero and increase to constant or starting values over the first few milliseconds of the simulation. Monitor the interface reaction forces to verify applied loads are free from dynamic effects.
possible. Avoid triangles, especially in critical areas. Select initial element size small enough to accurately resolve part details after three or four levels of refinement. For accurate springback, especially flange and wall opening in channels, at least 3-4 elements are needed around critical radii. Use the adaptive mesh flag adpopt in the *PART keyword to indicate which parts are candidates for adapted mesh:
sid 0
mid 0
eosid 0
hgid 0
grav 0
adpopt 1
tmid 0
The forming simulation is interrupted at the adaptive mesh frequency adpfreq, and the mesh is evaluated for adaptive refinement. Each element may be subdivided at most one level during each adaptive cycle. The adaptive frequency must be chosen small enough to prevent large elements from drawing over radii before being refined. Adapting the mesh every 2-4 mm of tool motion is usually adequate. Two criteria are used to control element refinement: the angle between two neighboring elements, and the curvature of the approaching tooling. The adaptive tolerance adptol selects allowable angle change. Values near 4.0 degrees are reasonable. Smaller values will produce more refined mesh. The method used to measure this angle is selected using adpopt. Method 2 is recommended. The maximum refinement level is given by maxlvl. Values of 3-4 are recommended, depending on the initial element size. The entire mesh can be refined one or more levels at the start of the simulation using the ireflg parameter. After adaptively refining the mesh, the simulation can optionally be restarted from an earlier time to repeat a portion of the forming using the new mesh. This two-pass method is no longer recommended, since the new look-forward refinement criterion can initiate refinement before tool contact. The recommended method is therefore one-pass (adpass=1) with look-forward active (adpene > 0.0). The adpene parameter indicates the minimum allowable separation distance before tooling curvature is evaluated. This distance is also subject to the proximity limits used in contact detection, so values larger than several sheet thicknesses will have no additional effect.
adpopt 2 ireflg 0
tbirth 0.0
tdeath 0.0
lcadp 0
ioflag 0
Adaptive refinement level may also be modified in certain regions of the mesh using an adaptive box definition:
xmx 0.0
ymn 0.0
ymx 0.0
zmn 0.0
zmx 0.0
Drawbeads can be included directly in the binder surfaces, or approximated by adding analytic drawbeads to flat binders. True drawbeads are sometimes necessary for accurate springback prediction on untrimmed
panels. However, analytic drawbeads are most commonly used, with springback simulation performed only on the trimmed panels. Analytic drawbeads are defined by a set of node points on the binder surface. Straight beads require only two nodes, one at each end of the bead. More nodes are necessary to accurately define curved beads. Additional points are automatically generated internally within LS-DYNA, interpolating between userdefined nodes, and drawbead forces are applied to the sheet as it passes these points. Define a node set for the drawbead nodes. The set is used to attach the nodes to the binder, as well as in the drawbead definition. To attach the nodes to the binder, define them as extra nodes for the rigid body using keyword *CONSTRAINED_EXTRA_NODES_SET. Input the binder part id pid and the node set id sid.
*SET_NODE_LIST $ sid 0 $ n1 0
n2 0
n3 0
n4 0
n5 0
n6 0
n7 0
n8 0
The drawbead contact interface definition is similar to the standard forming type input, with the addition of card #4. The drawbead node set id is entered for ssid, and sstyp is chosen as 4. The sheet is defined as the master side of the interface. Drawbead forces are generated in three ways. Frictional force is created if the friction coefficient fs is nonzero. Normal direction force follows the force-displacement curve given by lcidnf, in units of force per unit drawbead length. This normal direction force represents the force required to form the drawbead as the binder is closed. The drawbead restraining force due to bending and unbending of the sheet is given by curve lcidrf. This curve defines the maximum restraining force (per unit drawbead length) as a function of drawbead depth. As the binder closes, the drawbead depth increases to its maximum value dbdth. At time=0, binder separation should be at least dbdth to avoid initial penetration of the drawbead contact.
*CONTACT_DRAWBEAD $ ssid msid 0 0 $ fs fd 0.0 0.0 $ sfs sfm 0.0 0.0 $ lcidrf lcidnf 0 0
A drawbead box should also be defined using mboxid. This box is automatically sized to contain all sheet nodes which may at some time enter the drawbead. Defining the box can reduce cpu time. Enter the sheet part ID pid, the drawbead node set id nsid, and the nominal direction of tool movement idir.
nsid 0
idir 0
Many types of output can be generated by LS-DYNA. Of particular interest for metal forming applications are the binary plot databases including finite strain data, which are used in forming limit diagram analysis. Include strain in the plot database using the *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY flag strflg.
strflg 1 dcomp 0
sigflg 0 shge 0
epsflg 0 stssz 0
rltflg 0 n3thdt 0
engflg 0
Indicate the output frequency dt for binary plot and other ascii databases using the *DATABASE keywords. The RCFORC and BNDOUT databases are often requested to obtain reaction forces across interfaces and due to prescribed motion. See the users manual for an extensive list of available output databases.
To perform follow-on simulations such as springback, trimming, or additional forming, the dynain file can be included into a new LS-DYNA input deck for another independent simulation. This procedure avoids cumbersome binary restart databases.
Implicit Springback
Once a forming simulation has completed and a dynain file has been obtained, a second simulation can be run for springback prediction. The input deck for this simulation can be constructed using the part, section, and material information from the original forming model, and the node, element, and initial stress
information contained in the dynain file. A few additional keywords must be added to control the springback process. These are described below. Since springback is a static process, the implicit solver should be used. This solver is activated using the first parameter imflag=1 on *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_GENERAL. The time step size is also input using dt0, and can be chosen arbitrarily in most cases since the solution is static.
nstepsb 0
igso 0
Springback of relatively stiff panels can sometimes be performed in a single step, but most simulations require multiple steps. Four steps is a reasonable starting point, so define the termination time term=4*dt0 using *CONTROL_TERMINATION.
The applied load in a springback simulation results from the initial stress in the sheet, which is no longer in equilibrium once the tools have been removed. For difficult springback problems, this load must be applied slowly over several steps in order to divide the nonlinear springback response into manageable pieces. Artificial stabilization is the method used in LS-DYNA to distribute springback response over several steps. In this method, springs are artificially introduced to the model which restrict the motion of the sheet nodes. As the solution proceeds the spring stiffnesses are reduced, allowing more springback. When the termination time is reached the springs are completely removed, allowing completely unrestrained springback. It is important to reach the termination time completely, otherwise some artificial stabilization will remain in the model and the results will not be accurate. Artificial stabilization is activated using ias=1 on *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_STABILIZATION. When active, a message is printed to the screen at the start of each time step showing how much stabilization remains in the model. At the termination time, the message reports that artificial stabilization has been completely removed. The initial stiffness of these springs can be scaled using the input parameter scale. The default value of 1.0 is appropriate for thick, stiff panels. Most flexible panels will solve more rapidly if a value of scale=0.001 is used, allowing more springback deformation during the first few steps of the simulation. If convergence of the first step is difficult, use a larger value for scale.
tend 0
If convergence trouble is encountered, automatic time step control is available to back up the solution and try again using a smaller step size. Automatic time step control is activated using iauto=1 on the *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_AUTO keyword. For difficult springback simulations, an aggressive time step control strategy can be used. Increase the optimum number of iterations using iteopt=200, and restrict the maximum time step size using dtmax=0.001.
itewin 0
dtmin 0.0
dtmax 0.001
During each time step, the nonlinear solver searches iteratively to find equilibrium. This search is performed using a Newton-based method. By default, the BFGS method is used, but for difficult springback problems (flexible parts with large springback deformation) the full Newton method is better. To activate the full Newton method, set the iteration limit between stiffness reformations ilimit=1, and increase the maximum allowable stiffness reformations per time step to maxref=100. Activate the nonlinear solver print flag nlprint=1 to see the progress of these iterations appear on the screen. The displacement and energy norms are displayed each iteration. These must be decreased below the tolerances dctol and ectol before equilibrium is reached. The default values of these tolerances, 0.001 and 0.01 respectively, are generally good and need not be changed. In some cases, the full Newton method will perform better if the line search is disabled using lstol=99999.
ectol 0.0
rctol 0
lstol 99999.
The stiffness matrix formed during implicit analysis requires a large amount of memory, and computing its inverse requires much CPU time. These operations are performed by the linear equation solver, whose control parameters are found on *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_LINEAR. A double precision solution to the linear system [K]{x}={f} can be selected using lsolvr=3, however this does not often improve results, and does increase memory requirements by 2x. A summary of memory usage is printed to the screen when the lprint flag is activated. Memory limits can be increased using the execution line argument memory=, where the default is memory=8500000.
The above recommended parameters provide a starting point for metal forming simulations using LS-DYNA. Experience and engineering judgement will likely lead to a modified set of parameters for special types of panels.