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SSID: =Slave segment set ID, node set ID, part set ID, part ID, or shell element
*SET_SHELL_OPTION. For eroding contact use either a part ID or a part set ID.
EQ.0: all part IDs are included for single surface contact, automatic single
surface, and eroding single surface.
MSID: =Master segment set ID, part set ID, part ID, or shell element set ID, see
EQ.0: for single surface contact, automatic single surface, and eroding single
SSTYP: =Slave segment set or node set type. The type must correlate with the
number specified for SSID:
EQ.0: segment set ID for surface to surface contact,
EQ.1: shell element set ID for surface to surface contact,
EQ.2: part set ID,
EQ.3: part ID,
EQ.4: node set ID for node to surface contact,
EQ.5: include all for single surface definition,
EQ.6: part set ID for exempted parts. All non-exempted parts are included in the
MSTYP: =Master segment type. The type must correlate with the number
specified for MSID:
EQ.0: segment set ID,
EQ.1: shell element set ID,
EQ.2: part set ID,
EQ.3: part ID,
EQ.4: node set ID for node to surface contact.
SBOXID: =Include only slave nodes/segments within specified box, see
*DEFINE_BOX, in contact definition. Only applies when SSID is defined by *PART
or *SET_PART (optional).
MBOXID: =Include only master segments within specified box, see
*DEFINE_BOX, in contact. Only applies when MSID is defined by *PART or
*SET_PART (optional).
SPR: =Include the slave side in the *DATABASE_NCFORC and the *DATABASE
_BINARY_INTFOR interface force files:
EQ.0: slave side forces not included (default),
EQ.1: slave side forces included.
EQ.2: Same as 1 but also adds *INITIAL_CONTACT_WEAR to dynain file
MPR: =Include the master side in the *DATABASE_NCFORC and the
*DATABASE_BINARY_INTFOR interface force files:
EQ.0: master side forces not included (default),
EQ.1: master side forces included.
EQ.2: Same as 1 but also adds *INITIAL_CONTACT_WEAR to dynain file
FS: =Static coefficient of friction if FS > 0 and not equal to 2.
EQ.-1.0: If the frictional coefficients defined in the *PART section are to be used,
set FS to a negative number.
EQ. 2: For contact types SURFACE_TO_SURFACE and ONE_WAY_
SURFACE_TO_SURFACE, the dynamic coefficient of friction points to the table, see
DEFINE_TABLE (The table ID is given by FD below.), giving the coefficient of
friction as a function of the relative velocity and pressure. This option must be
used in combination with the thickness offset option. See Figure 6.1.
Note: For the special contact option TIED_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE_FAILURE only,
the variables FS is the Normal tensile stress at failure.
FD: =Dynamic coefficient of friction. The frictional coefficient is assumed to be
dependent on the relative velocity v-rel of the surfaces in contact. Give table ID if
FS=2 (default=0.0).
Note: For the special contact option TIED_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE_ FAILURE only,
the variables FD is Shear stress at failure.
DC: =Exponential decay coefficient. The frictional coefficient is assumed to be
dependent on the relative velocity v-rel of the surfaces in contact. (default=0.0).
VC: =Coefficient for viscous friction. This is necessary to limit the friction force to
a maximum.
VDC: =Viscous damping coefficient in percent of critical. In order to avoid
undesirable oscillation in contact, e.g., for sheet forming simulation, a contact
damping perpendicular to the contacting surfaces is applied.
PENCHK: =Small penetration in contact search option.
EQ.0: check is turned off (default),
EQ.1: check is turned on,
EQ.2: check is on but shortest diagonal is used.
BT: =Birth time when contact surface becomes active. (default=0.0).
DT: =Death time when contact surface is deactivated (default=1.0E+20).
SFS: =Scale factor on default slave penalty stiffness, see also
*CONTROL_CONTACT (default=1.0).
SFM: =Scale factor on default master penalty stiffness, see also
*CONTROL_CONTACT (default=1.0).
SST: =Optional thickness for slave surface (overrides true thickness). This option
applies only to contact with shell elements. True thickness is the element
thickness of the shell elements. For the *CONTACT_TIED_options, SST and MST
below can be defined as negative values, which will cause the determination of
whether or not a node is tied to depend only on the separation distance relative
to the absolute value of these thicknesses. More information is given under
General Remarks on *CONTACT following Optional Card C.
MST: =Optional thickness for master surface (overrides true thickness). This
option applies only to contact with shell elements. True thickness is the element
thickness of the shell elements. For the TIED options see SST above.
SFST: =Scale factor for slave surface thickness (scales true thickness). This
option applies only to contact with shell elements. True thickness is the element
thickness of the shell elements (default=1.0).
SFMT: =Scale factor for master surface thickness (scales true thickness). This
option applies only to contact with shell elements. True thickness is the element
thickness of the shell elements (default=1.0).
FSF: =Coulomb friction scale factor (default=1.0).
VSF: =Viscous friction scale factor (default=1.0).
IGNORE: =This is the same as the ignore initial penetrations option
on the *CONTROL_CONTACT Optional Card C entry 2 and can also be specified in
the normal contact control cards. It predates both of those, and is not really
needed anymore since both are honored by the MPP code. That is, if any of the
three are on, initial penetrations are tracked.
BUCKET: = Bucketsort frequency. This field is the only way to specify the
bucketsort frequency for the MPP code. The BSORT option on Optional Card A is
LCBUCKET: = Load curve for bucketsort frequency. The normal input for this is
ignored by MPP
NS2TRACK: = Number of potential contacts to track for each slave node. The
normal input for this (DEPTH on Optional Card A) is ignored.
INITITER: = Number of iterations to perform when trying to eliminate initial
PARMAX: = The parametric extension distance for contact segments. The
MAXPAR parameter on Optional Card A is not used.
UNUSED: = Exponent in damage curve.
value is interpreted as two separate flags: OPT1 and OPT2 according to the rule,
CPARM8 = OPT1 + OPT2. When OPT1 and OPT2 are both set, both options are
OPT1: Flag to exclude beam-to-beam contact from the same PID.
EQ.0: Flag is not set (default).
EQ.1: Flag is set.
EQ.2: Flag is set. CPARM8 = 2 has the additional effect of permitting
contact treatment of spot weld (type 9) beams
in AUTOMATIC_GENERAL contacts; spot weld beams are otherwise
disregarded entirely by AUTOMATIC_GENERAL contacts.
OPT2: Flag to shift generated beam affecting only shell-edge-to-shell-edge
treatment. See also SRNDE in Optional Card E.
EQ.10: Beam generated on exterior shell edge will be shifted into the
shell by half the shell thickness.
Therefore, the shell-edge-to-shell-edge contact starts right at the shell edge and
not at an extension of the shell edge.
CHKSEGS: = If this value is non-zero, then the node to surface and surface to
surface contacts will perform a special check at time 0 for elements that are
inverted (or nearly so), and remove them from contact. These poorly formed
elements have been known to occur on the tooling in metal forming problems,
which allows these problems to run. It should not normally be needed for
reasonable meshes.
PENSF: =This option is used together with IGNORE for 3D forging problems. If
non-zero, the IGNORED penetration distance is multiplied by this value each
cycle, effectively pushing the slave node back out to the surface. This is useful
for nodes that might get generated below the master surface during 3D re-
meshing. Care should be exercised, as energy may be generated and stability
may be effected for values lower than 0.95. A value in the range of 0.98 to 0.99
or higher (but < 1.0) is recommended.
GRPABLE: =This option is experimental at this time. It activates a different
contact algorithm available for SINGLE_SURFACE, NODE_TO_SURFACE, and
SURFACE_TO_SURFACE contacts. The new algorithm does not support all options
as of yet, and is still under development. It can be significantly faster and scale
better than the normal algorithm.
SOFT: =Soft constraint option:
EQ.0: penalty formulation,
EQ.1: soft constraint formulation,
EQ.2: pinball segment based contact.
EQ.4: constraint approach for FORMING contact option.
The soft constraint may be necessary if the material constants of the elements
which make up the surfaces in contact have a wide variation in the elastic bulk
moduli. In the soft constraint option, the interface stiffness is based on the nodal
mass and the global time step size. This method of computing the interface
stiffness will typically give much higher stiffness value than would be obtained by
using the bulk modulus; therefore, this method the preferred approach when soft
foam materials interact with metals. See the remark below for the alternate
penalty formulation.
SOFSCL: =Scale factor for constraint forces of soft constraint option
(default=.10). Values greater than .5 for single surface contact and 1.0 for a one-
way treatment are inadmissible.
LCIDAB: = Load curve ID defining airbag thickness as a function of time for type
MAXPAR: = Maximum parametric coordinate in segment search (values 1.025
and 1.20 recommended). Larger values can increase cost. If zero, the default is
set to 1.025. This factor allows an increase in the size of the segments. May be
useful at sharp corners.
SBOPT: =Segment-based contact options (SOFT=2).
EQ.0: defaults to 2.
EQ.1: pinball edge-edge contact (not recommended).
EQ.2: assume planer segments (default).
EQ.3: warped segment checking.
EQ.4: sliding option,
EQ.5: do options 3 and 4.
DEPTH: = Search depth in automatic contact. Value of 1 is sufficiently accurate
for most crash applications and is much less expensive. LS-DYNA for improved
accuracy sets this value to 2. If zero, the default is set to 2.
LT.0: |DEPTH| is the load curve ID defining searching depth versus time.
BSORT: = Number of cycles between bucket sorts. Values of 25 and 100 are
recommended for contact types 4 and 13 (SINGLE_SURFACE), respectively.
Values of 10-15 are okay for the surface to surface and node to surface contact.
If zero, LS-DYNA determines the interval.
LT.0: |BSORT| load curve ID defining bucket sorting frequency versus time.
FRCFRQ: = Number of cycles between contact force updates for penalty contact
formulations. This option can provide a significant speed-up of the contact
treatment. If used, values exceeding 3 or 4 are dangerous. Considerable care
must be exercised when using this option, as this option assumes that contact
does not change FRCFRG cycles.
EQ.0: FRCFRG is set to 1 and force calculations are performed each cycle-
strongly recommended.
PENMAX: = Maximum penetration distance for old type 3, 5, 8, 9, and 10
contact or the segment thickness multiplied by PENMAX defines the maximum
penetration allowed (as a multiple of the segment thickness) for contact types a
3, a 5, a10, 13, 15, and 26. (see discussion at end of section, including Table
EQ.0.0 for old type contacts 3, 5, and 10: Use small penetration search and value
calculated from thickness and XPENE, see *CONTROL_ CONTACT.
EQ.0.0 for contact types a 3, a 5, a10, 13, and 15: Default is 0.4, or 40 percent of
the segment thickness
EQ.0.0 for contact type26: Default is 200.0 times the segment thickness
THKOPT: = Thickness option for contact types 3, 5, and 10:
EQ.0: default is taken from control card, *CONTROL_CONTACT,
EQ.1: thickness offsets are included,
EQ.2: thickness offsets are not included (old way).
SHLTHK: = Define if and only if THKOPT above equals 1. Shell thickness
considered in type surface to surface and node to surface type contact options,
where options 1 and 2 below activate the new contact algorithms. The thickness
offsets are always included in single surface and constraint method contact
EQ.0: thickness is not considered,
EQ.1: thickness is considered but rigid bodies are excluded,
EQ.2: thickness is considered including rigid bodies.
SNLOG: = Disable shooting node logic in thickness offset contact. With the
shooting node logic enabled, the first cycle that a slave node penetrates a
master segment, that node is moved back to the master surface without
applying any contact force.
EQ.0: logic is enabled (default),
EQ.1: logic is skipped (sometimes recommended for metal forming calculations).
ISYM: = Symmetry plane option:
EQ.0: off,
EQ.1: do not include faces with normal boundary constraints (e.g., segments of
brick elements on a symmetry plane).
This option is important to retain the correct boundary conditions in the model
with symmetry. For the _ERODING_ contacts this option may also be defined on
card 4.
I2D3D: =Segment searching option:
EQ.0: search 2D elements (shells) before 3D elements (solids, thick shells) when
locating segments.
EQ.1: search 3D (solids, thick shells) elements before 2D elements (shells) when
locating segments.
SLDTHK: = Optional solid element thickness. A nonzero positive value will
activate the contact thickness offsets in the contact algorithms where offsets
apply. The contact treatment with then be equivalent to the case where null shell
elements are used to cover the brick elements. The contact stiffness parameter
below, SLDSTF, may also be used to override the default value.
SLDSTF: = Optional solid element stiffness. A nonzero positive value overrides
the bulk modulus taken from the material model referenced by the solid element.
IGAP: =For mortar contact IGAP is used to progressively increase contact
stiffness for large penetrations, see remarks on mortar contact below.
For other contacts it is a flag to improve implicit convergence behaviour
at the expense of (1) creating some sticking if parts attempt to separate
and (2) possibly underreporting the contact force magnitude in the
output files rcforc and ncforc. (IMPLICIT ONLY.).
LT.0: Set IGAP = 1 and set the distance for turning on the stiffness to
(IGAP/10) times the original distance.
EQ.1: Apply method to improve convergence (DEFAULT)
EQ.2: Do not apply method
GT.2: Set IGAP = 1 for first IGAP-2 converged equilibrium states,
IGNORE: = Ignore initial penetrations in the *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC options. This
option can also be specified for each interface. The value defined here will be the
EQ.0: Take the default value from the fourth card of the CONTROL_ CONTACT
EQ.1: Allow initial penetrations to exist by tracking the initial penetrations.
EQ.2: allow initial penetration in the model definition.
EQ.3: Applies only to the Mortar contact. With this option initial penetrations are
eliminated between time zero and the time specified by MPAR1. Intended for
small initial penetrations. See remarks on Mortar contact.
EQ.4: Applies only to the Mortar contact. With this option initial penetrations are
eliminated between time zero and the time specified by MPAR1. In addition, a
maximum penetration distance can be given as MPAR2, intended for large initial
penetrations. See remarks on Mortar contact.
LT.0: Applies only to the Mortar contact. This meaning of this is the same as for |
IGNORE|, but contact between segments that belong to the same part is ignored.
The main purpose with this option is to avoid spurious contact detections that
otherwise could result for complicated geometries in a single surface contact,
typically when eliminating initial penetrations by interference. See IGNORE.EQ.3
and IGNORE.EQ.4.
DPRFAC/MPAR1: = Applies to the SOFT=2 and Mortar contacts. Depth of
penetration reduction factor for SOFT=2 contact.
EQ.0.0: Initial penetrations are always ignored.
GT.0.0: Initial penetrations are penalized over time.
LT.0.0:|DPRFAC| is the load curve ID defining DPRFAC versus time.
For the mortar contact MPAR1 corresponds to initial contact pressure in
interfaces with initial penetrations if IGNORE=2, for IGNORE=3,4 it corresponds
to the time of closure of initial penetrations.
DTSTIF/MPAR2: =Applies to the SOFT=1 and SOFT=2 and Mortar contacts.
Time step used in stiffness calculation for SOFT=1 and SOFT=2 contact.
EQ.0.0: Use the initial value that is used for time integration.
GT.0.0: Use the value specified.
LT.-0.01 and GT.-1.0: use a moving average of the solution time step. (SOFT=2
LT.-1.0: |DTSTIF| is the load curve ID defining DTSTIF versus time.
For the mortar contact and IGNORE=4, MPAR2 corresponds a penetration depth
that must be at least the penetration occurring in the contact interface.
FLANGL: = Angle tolerance in radians for feature lines option in smooth contact.
EQ.0.0: No feature line is considered for surface fitting in smooth contact.
GT.0.0: Any edge with angle between two contact segments bigger than
this angle will be treated as feature line during surface fitting in smooth contact.
CID_RCF: = Coordinate system ID to output RCFORC force resultants in a local
Q2TRI: = Option to split quadrilateral contact segments into two triangles (only
available when SOFT=2).
EQ.0: Off (default).
EQ.1: On for all slave shell segments.
EQ.2: On for all master shell segments.
EQ.3: On for all shell segments.
EQ.4: On for all shell segments of material type 34.
DTPCHK: = Time interval between shell penetration reports (only available for
segment based contact)
EQ.0.0: Off (default).
GT.0.0: Check and report segment penetrations at time
intervals equal
SFNBR: = Scale factor for neighbour segment contact (only available for
segment based contact)
EQ.0.0: Off (default).
GT.0.0: Check neighbour segments for contact
FNLSCL: = Scale factor for nonlinear force scaling
DNLSCL: = Distance for nonlinear force scaling
TCSO: = Option to consider only contact segments (not all attached elements)
computing the contact thickness for a node or segment (for SEGMENT_-
TO_SEGMENT contact and shell elements only)
EQ.0: Off (default).
EQ.1: Only consider segments in the contact definition
TIEDID: = Incremental displacement update for tied contacts. EQ.0: Off
(default). EQ.1: On.
SHLEDG: = Only available when SOFT=2
EQ.0: Use the value on *CONTROL_CONTACT.
EQ.1: Use square edges.
EQ.2: Use round edges.

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