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DIMENSI Journal of Architecture and Built Environment, Vol. 42, No. 2, December 2015, 51-58 DOI: 10.9744/dimensi.42.2.

ISSN 0126-219X (print) / ISSN 2338-7858 (online)



MIRZA, Fuady
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, INDONESIA
E-mail: mirzafuady2@gmail.com


Coastal settlement of Banda Aceh in the north of Sumatera Island has high potential risk of tsunami disaster. In the year
2004, half of Banda Aceh city has been destroyed by tsunami disaster, especially its coastal settlement area. Based on this
experience, the approach of disaster mitigation concept for coastal settlement with vision of environment represent wise
choice on planning sustainable Banda Aceh for future generation. This qualitative research try to explore the role of green
open space as green structure of the city by considering aspect of tsunami disaster mitigation for coastal settlement of Banda
Aceh. This research will evaluate the existence of green open space and post disaster reconstruction of coastal settlement
area. Result of this research is green structure concept in coastal settlement of Banda Aceh based on tsunami disaster
mitigation and expected to contribute ideas for disaster mitigation in other coastal settlement areas.

Keywords: Disaster mitigation; coastal settlement; green open space; tsunami.

INTRODUCTION impact of disaster-prone areas in residential areas,

public facilities and infrastructure, (b) new develop-
Banda Aceh is located at the coastal tip of ment cannot be carried out in disaster-prone locations
Sumatra Island and adjacent to the Indian Ocean. This without adequate precautions, (c) restore the land in
location is disaster vulnerable because its close to disaster-prone areas to be productive land, (d) help
meeting point of the Indo-Australian and Euro-Asia secure public and private investment, and (e) prepare
plates which if collide could potentially cause tsunami the location and circulation for evacuation in case of
waves. In 2004, tsunami had destroyed many subsequent disaster.
settlements and infrastructures of Banda Aceh from In line with the development of sustainable
areas near the coast to most of the downtown area coastal settlements, the construction should be done
(BRR, 2005). Based on bitter experienced, future properly and in balance between physical develop-
settlement planning should be responsive and ment and the maintenance of ecological functions of
adaptable to the possibility of disaster. Therefore, the environment. According to Chen (2004), Pauliet
environmentally sustainable approach in settlement and Kaliszuk (2005), green open spaces as urban
planning by considering aspects of disaster mitigation green structures act to support sustainable urban life,
is a wise choice. hence the existence of the natural environment and
Coastal settlements of Banda Aceh is the green open spaces are important to consider in order
location of the most damage caused by tsunami, so to continue to support human needs and urban deve-
the future settlement planning must be responsive to lopment in the future. Similarly, according to Irwan
the possibility of disaster. This is in line with Sukawi (2005) and Purnomohadi (2006), the presence of
(2008), which declared disaster should be used as green space is important in controlling and main-
momentum to perform realignment of a residential taining the integrity and quality of the environment.
neighborhood, so that people can re-build the cultural, As a structural component of environmentally
economic and social life. Realignment efforts should sustainable city concept, the existence of open green
not only to minimize the risk of disasters but also to spaces are important element supporting the creation
prevent or avoid the cause of the damage caused by of sustainable settlements. This research try to explore
the disaster. the role of green open space as green structure of the
In connection with the arrangement of post city by considering aspect of tsunami disaster
disaster settlements, Pratiwi and Koerniawan (2008) mitigation for coastal settlement of Banda Aceh. This
stated the importance of considering aspects of research will evaluate the existence of green open
disaster mitigation to be applied in structuring spaces and post disaster development of coastal
settlements so that (a) it can minimize the risk and settlement areas. Result of this research is green


structure concept in coastal settlement of Banda Aceh In connection with the presence of green open
based on tsunami disaster mitigation and expected to space in coastal areas, Tjallingii (2005), suggested a
contribute ideas for disaster mitigation in other coastal complementary relationship between green structure
settlement areas. The benefits and contribution of this and water bodies in the city. Green structure will
study is to provide recommendations to the city control water such as floods and rains. Similarly,
regarding the green structure concept for coastal water bodies will support fertility and beauty of the
settlement of Banda Aceh based on tsunami disaster green areas in the settlements. The existence of water
mitigation, so it can be a consideration material in and green structure is needed not only on the natural
planning future coastal settlements of Banda Aceh. environment, but also on other city areas such as
housing, recreation areas, they will act to support the
LITERATURE REVIEW sustainability of the city.
Associated with the concept of sustainable
Green Open Spaces as Urban Green Structure development of coastal settlements, Dahuri (2003)
stated the importance of considering aspects of (a)
Green open spaces can be interpreted as spaces ecological sustainability of the natural environment, in
in the city or the wider region in the form of area or improving the capacity and quality of ecosystems as
region as well as in the form of elongated area or path the main focus, it will not pass its carrying capacity
which is more open in its use and without buildings. and (b) socio economic sustainability, which implies
Green open spaces can present as city parks, urban the development of coastal settlements must consider
forests, sports fields and recreation areas, funerals, the sustainability of society welfare.
green belts and green fields (DPU, 2008). According
to Purnomohadi (2006) urban green open spaces can Disaster Mitigation
also form as protected forests, green belts and green
lanes of river banks and beaches. Disaster mitigation is a series of efforts to reduce
The presence of green spaces in the city helped the risk of an event or series of events that threaten
shape the structure of city. This opinion is in line with and disrupt the lives and livelihoods. Mitigation can
Sinulingga (1999), where the structure of urban space be done through physical development, awareness
and capacity building to face the threat of disaster.
is an arrangement of settlements, network of
The disasters as events that threaten, disrupt lives and
infrastructure systems and facilities. The elements that
can result in human casualties, environmental
make up the structure of urban space consisting of (a)
damage, loss of property, as well as the psychological
a collection of services including trade, finance,
impact can be caused by natural factors or human
government which tend to distribute in groups in the
factors (HSEM, 2009 and TDMRC, 2010).
service center, (b) collection of secondary industry Coastal settlements as residential areas are
(manufacturing), warehouses and wholesale trade located in the waterfront areas which is very prone to
which tend to congregate in one place, (c) residences tsunami. Therefore it needs strategic steps to protect
and green spaces, and (d) transport network residents with disaster relief starts from before, during
connecting the three places above. and after a disaster occurs. One of the efforts made at
Meanwhile Hastuti (2011), reveals the environ- the time prior to the occurrence of disasters is
ment of coastal settlements have distinctive charac- prevention and mitigation, which is an effort to reduce
teristics, where green open spaces planning in coastal or minimize the impact of loss or damage that can be
settlements should be able to maintain balance and caused by disaster (Bakornas, 2002).
harmony between built up spaces and open spaces. According to Usman (2009), the tsunami
The balance between city structure and the natural disaster mitigation efforts can be grouped into two
environment are able to mitigate some of the negative main parts, namely: (a) structural mitigation in the
impact of environmental degradation and maintain form of technical effort that aims to reduce wave
balance, sustainability, health, comfort and increase energy in coastal areas. Structural efforts can be
the quality of the city environment. In general, the distinguished naturally by planting mangrove forests
green structure of the coastal settlements can be green as green belt and the efforts made by the construction
forest or non-forest such as park, green belt, yard and of breakwaters, sea walls, dykes, as well as strengthen
garden. Besides the presence as green structure, green the design of buildings and houses and other
open spaces in coastal settlements can also serve as infrastructure to be resilient to disasters, (b) non
ecological, hydrological, climatological, protective, structural mitigation in the form of non technical
social, cultural and aesthetic. efforts related to the adjustment and regulation of

Disaster Mitigation Approach of Urban Green Structure

human activities and land use policies to be consistent disaster coastal settlements. Evaluation begins with an
and in accordance with structural mitigation measures analysis of space utilization plan in Master plan of
and other efforts. Non-structural efforts also include, Banda Aceh 2009-2029. Aspects which reviewed in
among others: the standardization of building settle- this study include settlement development plan, road
ments and infrastructures, public economic activities, development plan and also the plan of green open
disaster mitigation simulation also early warning space in coastal settlements and protected areas. By
system of danger. analyzing the development plans, its expected to be
Research on disaster mitigation in disaster prone basis in formulating the concept of green structure in
settlements have been made by several researchers. coastal settlements of Banda Aceh.
Samsirina, Poerbo and Syahyudesrina (2008), reveal Supporting material used in this study as secon-
important aspects of environmental regulation such as dary data collected from several government offices
the environment and green open spaces. Neighbor- such Master plan of Banda Aceh in 2009-2029 by
hood road in good connection is important for people Bappeda, Banda Aceh in figure 2011 by BPS, coastal
to be able to escape to the higher and safer location. settlement planning after disaster from the Rehabi-
Shape of the road will determine how the layout of litation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) and docu-
the housing will be created and can be elements of the ment of green open space management from the
environment that can increase alertness to residents in Department of Hygiene and Beauty (DKK) of the city
time of disaster. Characteristics of the road width and of Banda Aceh. It also made direct observations of the
perpendicular to the shore, will help residents to see use of spaces in coastal settlements which include
the arrival of tsunami waves from far away so that recording images as the primary data. Other secon-
they can immediately run towards safer place. dary data also had been collected from a variety of
Trees and vegetation in green open spaces in the other related literatures.
form of natural or artificial forests can be designed to
slow down and hold currents and waves which RESULT and DISCUSSION
carried debris. According to Thuy (2008), tsunami
reduction behind the coastal forest depends not only Green Open Spaces in Coastal Settlements
on vegetation specie, vegetation characteristics but
also on arrangement of vegetation. As the same of In the Master plan of Banda Aceh 2009-2029, it
vegetation characteristics, the vegetation arrangement mentioned the provision of green open spaces in the
has a significant influence on current velocity and city of Banda Aceh is specifically aimed at ecological
hydraulics force behind the coastal forest. functions, economic and aesthetic. Lands designated
Meanwhile Nasution (2005), in research on for urban green spaces will not be developed as built
tsunami prone areas on the west coast of Aceh up areas. Green open spaces to be developed in the
confirms 7 principles in dealing with the tsunami city of Banda Aceh, among others, are as follows:
disaster mitigation, namely (a) identify the tsunami a. Riparian green spaces developed on the northern
risk at the site, (b) avoid new development in tsunami limit of the loop line on the north and south with a
inundation areas to reduce victims in the future, (c) set width of 8-10 m.
a new development in tsunami inundation areas to b. Coastal border of green open spaces set 100 m
minimize future losses, (d) design and build new from the high tide along the coast.
structures that can reduce the damage, (e) protect c. Green open spaces along the road network.
existing development from tsunami losses by d. Green open spaces for funeral.
rebuilding, planning and utilization, (f) take special e. Green open spaces for urban park developed in the
precautions in managing and designing infrastructure Old Town Center in Peunayong, New Town
and facilities, to reduce the damage and (g) make Center in Lamdom/Batoh, Sub City Centre Keuta-
evacuation plan. pang, and Sub City Center Ulee Kareng and in the
centre of neighborhood.
In general, the plan is continue the previous
This study used qualitative approach in assessing green open spaces plan and try to incorporate disaster
the role of green spaces as the urban green structure mitigation considerations. This is especially noti-
by considering aspects of disaster mitigation to coastal ceable with the affirmation of the limits specified
settlements of Banda Aceh which are prone to coastal border 100 m of high tide along the coast. This
tsunami. This study will evaluate the presence of effort also to make green open spaces as protective
green open spaces and the development of post green belts on the coast.


In particular, Master plan of Banda Aceh 2009- The Concept of Disaster Mitigation in Coastal
2029, also established green open spaces in the form Settlement
of natural spaces, namely the development of mang-
rove forests. The mangrove forest areas serves as Tsunami is a tidal wave caused by an earth-
buffer zones for the surrounding area to govern water, quake or landslide on the slope of the sea floor. Such
flood prevention and erosion, also maintain soil tidal waves could hit coastal areas up to tens of meters
fertility. In addition, this region also has a function to high and hundreds to thousands of meters away from
minimize the potential tsunami hazard for the
the beach, that can sweep and destroy all that is on the
surrounding area. Mangrove forest areas is directed at
beach and on the mainland. Tsunami disaster miti-
northern coastal city of Banda Aceh. Locations are
included in this category is the location of the coastal gation has goals of tsunami disaster risk reduction in
zone that could potentially be developed mangroves the city of Banda Aceh, which could be done with
and other coastal plants. Development of this area consideration for sustainability and participation of all
ranging from Ulee Pata area in Jaya Baru district parties concerned.
extending to the coastal area of Alue Naga in Syiah To avoid the danger of tsunami impact, there
Kuala district. needs to be special spatial planning in the coastal
Furthermore according to the characteristics of border for tsunami wave to break down and also slow
the region and the direction of development of the down the speed of the wave. Given policy in this
city, the planned of local protected areas such as regard is the establishment of coastal border of more
coastal border and rivers include: than 100 m from the high tide line landward, and
a. Coastal border region, which serves to protect along the border created a distinctive zones consisting
coastal areas from activities that interfere with the of mangrove zone, fishery zone land/pond and plan-
preservation of the coast. This area is located tation zones. After the development of cultivation
along the banks with proportional width to the zones, residential zones were allowed to be deve-
shape and physical condition of the beach that is
50-100 m from the point of the highest tide
In line with Usman (2009) regarding the struc-
landward. Specified coastal border area along the
coast that is, except the coastal areas used for tural efforts in disaster mitigation, from year 2005 to
public purposes, such as port/dock, open spaces, 2007, the government has built sea wall and break-
public spaces, tourism, and fishing settlements that water in the coastal areas of Banda Aceh. This
already exist, as well as ponds that have obtained development keep the shoreline from abrasion. It also
permission from the government. has made efforts to replant green coastal areas with
b. Riparian areas, serves to protect the river from the same local plant as before tsunami disaster in the
human activities that may interfere with or form of casuarina and mangrove.
damage the function of river discharge, arranged Determination of disaster prone areas in the
as follows: (a) the river which has a depth of no coastal settlements and city generally performed as a
more than 3 m the river banks are a minimum of tsunami disaster mitigation. Settlements located in
10 m from the edge of the river, (b) river has a tsunami-prone coastal areas that are vulnerable to sea
depth of more than 3 m to 20 m, 15 m riparian is tides, designated as a protected areas or green belts.
from the edge of the river, and (c) the river that has The old settlement zone can be use in limited
a depth of more than 20 m, the river banks is 30 m
development by the provision of disaster mitigation.
from the river bank (source: Bappeda 2009).
Similarly, zones of residential areas in the city center
and safe zone far away from the coast can be develop
Green spaces planning in the Master plan of
as urban development, but still have to be set by
Banda Aceh 2009-2029, has been mentioned several
policies regarding the protection of natural spaces of regulation of development based on disaster miti-
coastal border and the river. But all this has not gation (Figure 1).
translated into a green open spaces planning in more In fact, despite being aware of the coastal region
detailed and specific of disaster mitigation aspects that is prone to tsunami disasters, residents resettle in the
can be realized in practice. City Spatial Detail Plan previous coastal areas, especially people who work as
(RDTRK) for every district in the city of Banda Aceh fishermen. Wanting to go back to location near the
that considers aspects of disaster mitigation is being beach is an ideal fit with the routine work for fish
prepared. But the plan has been delayed in completion catching by boat. Therefore the arrangement of settle-
because there are some corrections and improvements ment in coastal areas must provides rescue access to
so that it has not been published yet. safer place as presented by Samsirina (2008).

Disaster Mitigation Approach of Urban Green Structure

Source: BRR, 2005

Figure 1. Zoning of Banda Aceh

Development in the coastal zone is limited and are the Tsunami Museum and Tsunami Research
prefer the space to support the development of zones Center. Ideally this number should be increased based
in protected areas. If the cultivated area will be on total area and population served, for example in
developed as the development zone it should be Lamdingin, Jeulingke, Tibang and Lamnyong region.
limited to anticipate the likely impact and the number While the salvage pathway which is the main road
of casualties and losses caused by the disaster. Related that connects the villages has been equipped with the
to disaster mitigation efforts in disaster prone areas, tsunami warning signs and circulation directions to a
the development of the area should be accompanied safer place.
by efforts to reduce disaster especially tidal waves and
tsunami disaster with development support facilities The Concept of Green Structure in Coastal
for emergency conditions, among others: Settlement
a. Development of road networks for rescue. The
road network is useful for the rescue of runaway Green structures in coastal settlements should be
catastrophic events in a short time, as well as to arrangement based on disaster mitigation, emphasizes
track first aid and evacuation of casualties. the importance of green spaces that is focused on: (a)
b. Development of public facilities for evacuation. the use for rescue that can be a field and hill in a safe
This facility is needed to rescue people or to area, (b) the use of green belt for protection can be
perform collection activities and aid for victims of included elements of coastal areas and it has direct
disaster. This facility can be shaped as building for visual so it help people run to the safe zone. In terms
rescue (escape building), open space and others. of utilization of coastal green belt as a protector, a
combination of mangroves and coastal plants which is
]In line with Nasution (2005) regarding the strong, such as coconut, casuarina, ketapang, hibiscus,
principles in dealing with the tsunami disaster tamarind, and cotton can be planted to reduce wave
mitigation, the government has built three rescue energy. Similarly, in each of the settlements should be
buildings located in Desa Lambung, Alue Dayah protected by a row of trees in layers grown primarily
Tengoh and Deah Geulumpang, and also two other along the waterfront, greenbelt, road corridor, escape
buildings which can be used as rescue building which roads and riverbanks (Figure 2).


Figure 2. Green Open Space for Disaster Mitigation in the Coastal Zone

There remains, however, a pressing need to The strategies that can be applied in this concept are:
better understand the roles that ecosystems can play in a. Establish a disaster-prone area delineation.
defending coasts. Coastal settlement and its b. Conserve and protect the protected beach forest
populations are particularly vulnerable to the impacts areas, urban forests and mangrove forests as
of extreme events such as storm, hurricane, and protective function and defense against tsunami.
tsunami, and these pressures may be exacerbated c. Adding and developing the green belt, escape and
through the influence of climate change and sea level rescue hill in the green open spaces of the coast
rise. This is in line with McIvor (2012), coastal and coastal settlements.
ecosystems such as mangrove forests are increasingly d. Utilizing the riverside area as one of the green belt
being promoted and used as a tool in coastal defence as part of urban green structures.
strategies. While mangrove forests are usually found e. Set the density of vegetation adapted to the
on shores with little incoming wave energy, they may function of the area, the level of security against
receive larger waves during storms, hurricanes and disasters and location.
periods of high winds. Large wind and swell waves f. Develop existing road and add new roads as
can cause flooding and damage to coastal escape route.
infrastructure. By reducing wave energy and height, g. Develop settlements with disaster mitigation
mangroves can potentially reduce associated damage. facilities.
Meanwhile, in mitigation it should emphasized
the circulation and the relationship between residential Taking in consideration the overall implications
zone which is dangerous to other safer zone. of mitigation measures in the coastal settlement based
Characteristics of the road width and escape route on risk reduction such as restricting density that lead
should be perpendicular to the beach. The road responsibility to each owner of the risk and cost they
network also features a tree-lined corridor to protect are willing to take, although in short term may be a
people and reduce the damage by holding the objects more feasible solution, at long term may have some
or demolition assets as much as possible from the adverse results. The exposed population may confront
wave that swept away with it so it will not hit people greater risk, and the cost of the decreasing land value
as well as other buildings. would be assumed by each owner, this would

Disaster Mitigation Approach of Urban Green Structure

confront social and economic sustainability of coast, with a layered planting along the coast to
development. Building codes on its side may also reduce the rate of wave and destruction towards
present some contradictions mainly regarding urban settlement areas, (b) the realignment of roads and
character, uses and activities that will need special accessibility, to the area that is relatively safe, both in
considerations to provide guidelines and flexibility to quality and quantity, (c) establish coastal settlements
adapt to local reality. and building regulations, so that building, house and
In line with Costa (2011), major measures infrastructure has specific characteristics and are not
regarding risk avoidance in hazard areas such as the vulnerable to tsunami hazard.
designation of a greenbelt in Special Regulation, in
spite of its initial high social and economic cost of ACKNOWLEDGMENT
enforcing the expropriation of land, at long term may
provide higher contributions to a broader community. The author would like to thank the funding
It would also support previous community needs, bodies of this research: Ministry of Education and
would enhanced main city natural character, and most Culture, under Research Grant No. 035/SP2H/PL/
important, it would keep most exposed population out Dit.Litabmas/II/2015.
of risk, supporting issues of social, economic and
environmental sustainability and contributing to REFERENCES
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