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1.1. Background Information of the Scheme

In the central parts of the Rift Valley of Oromia regional state of Ethiopia, there is sugar
estate factory namely, Metahara. The Netherlands Company called ‘HVA’ for the
production of sugarcane used as raw material for the Factory established it during the
Regime of Hailesilasse at the end of 1960’s. The scheme is classified as modern
commercially managed irrigated agriculture. The Sugar Estate Factory is important for
the economic development of the country by producing sugar for home consumption
and export the by-product such as molasses. Ethiopia had been able to export some
sugar and molasses by restricting domestic consumptions, which is estimated between
10 and 13 million Birr worth of sugar, and molasses (or 21.1 thousand MT and 45.5
thousand MT) and have fallen sharply due the increasing demands in the country. The
estimated annual income from the sales of sugar is about 1,176,000,000 Ethiopian Birr.
The sugar cane used as a raw material for this factory on the site by irrigated
agriculture. This irrigation scheme is among the limited number of large-scale irrigation
schemes in the country.

In many Irrigation Schemes, a large discrepancy exists between design assumption and
operational reality. This complex interrelation between the design assumptions, water
delivery schedules and operational realities are useful to discern the major parts
involved for the hydraulic performances of the schemes.
The irrigation water management and better performance of the hydraulic components
of the estate farms is very essential on the improvement of national economy and their
impacts environment. Therefore, integrated and organized hydraulic performances and
irrigation water management issues as far as possible are very crucial to reduce this
discrepancy and obtain high qualitative and quantitative products from the schemes.
Metahara is also located on the eastern part of the country and 10Km to the south of
metahara town, which is at a distance of 200Km from the capital on Addis Ababa to
Harare main road and geographically, its b/n 39050’E and 40000’E longitude and
b/n8048’N and 8053’N latitude respectively.

The maximum and minimum temperature is 33.50 C and 18.10C respectively and the
annual mean rainfall is about 615.20mm .The total command area of the farm is about
10200hac (Habib, 2004).The source of Irrigation water for the estate farm is Awash
River by diversion .The canal system is both lined and unlined including other
infrastructures like drop structures and cross drainage works to safely distribute the
irrigation water to the plots and remove the excess one. The agricultural operation
department of Irrigation division manages the Irrigation activities of both the schemes.
The research conducted on the irrigation scheme in 2004 by Habib tried to evaluate the
furrows and optimize the dimensions of furrows (length and width) which are
considered as the part of the farm performance evaluation. With this gap and having, the
problems stated below the assessment and evaluation of the conveyance systems is
proposed to be conducted.
The Scheme has problems relating to:
 Conveyance loses.
 Seepage of night storages
 Flow measuring devices, regulators and the water division structures on the
scheme are not operational in its full capacity.
 Variation of the dimensions of the unlined conveyance systems from original
design as result of desilting activities
 Sedimentation of the conveyance systems.
 The Irrigation Water Management of the scheme needs an improvement.
The stated problems affect the efficiency of the water application, which has an impact
on crop production. The study is expected to investigate and address some of the
problems particularly on conveyance systems.

3.1. General

The general objective of the research is:

 To make a comprehensive assessment and evaluation of the current
performances of the conveyance systems and maintenances of the scheme with
a view to plan future improvements and better monitoring of the system.

3.2. Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the study are:

 To investigate the problems related to the canal systems(sedimentation, water
delivery capacity, loses, efficiencies, structural failures and others)
 To investigate problems related to appurtenant structures(regulators, drop
structures and division boxes)
 To contribute to the planning of rehabilitation and modernization activities for
better performance by proposing the possible alternative solutions to the under
performing components of conveyance systems of the scheme.
 To assess the Irrigation water management practices and technical capabilities of
the operational staffs on the canal systems.
 To categorize the conveyance systems based on their performances
 To assess the operational risks such as hydraulic instability, floods due to
management problems.
 To assess and evaluate the operation of the system within the permissible ranges
 To identify the location of significant losses on the conveyance systems.
 To establish a GIS based Data base for the Scheme under Study

One of the present day issues of the Government of Ethiopia is to increase the national
economy through Agriculture led Industrialization. To this end, the Estate farms in the
country are contributing at large on providing the industrial crops to the growing agro-
industries of the country, many of which are controlled by foreign interests and to
increase export earnings. So, the wide application of Medium & large-scale Irrigation
development as well as comprehensive performances of the hydraulic components on
the established large-scale schemes is one of a considerable solution. Furthermore, the
increasing computation among the limited land and water resources leads to the
development, monitoring and evaluation of irrigated agricultures. The information on
the assessments and evaluation of performances of the hydraulic components of the
large-scale irrigation in the country level is not common due to lack of data or reliability
and accessibility of data. Therefore, the assessment of the performances of the hydraulic
components of the irrigation schemes has been the concern of many researchers in the
country. It is also essential to analyze the past nature of the performance of irrigation
schemes, besides new developments, so that these schemes are considered as a
reference tool in the current program of agricultural production scaling.


5.1. Data collection and interpretation

5.1.1. Secondary Data

The data available for the site /basin is to be collected from the past reports & files kept
by responsible organizations for further interpretation and analyses. The important data
for the study includes:
1. Topographic map of specific site and basin.
2. Meteorological and Hydrological data
3. Soil and Crop data
4. Design document of a scheme
5. Depth of flow along conveyance systems
6. Operation and Maintenance costs

5.1.2. Primary Data

Actual field investigation and measurements or survey works including simple

observations of scheme at the sites is required to collect the necessary data to know the
present condition of the scheme. These include some or all of:
 Daily field observation of practices related to the conveyance systems.
 Measurement of the actual dimensions of the conveyance systems
 Interview of technical experts and assistances
 Flow measurement of the conveyance systems
 Geographical coordinates (Latitude & latitudes) of the scheme

5.1.3. Performance Indicators

Performance indicators set by IWMI can be used for the study (Molden D.J,
R.Skethivadivel, C.J.Perry and C.Fraiture, 1998).
 The conveyance and project efficiencies (to identify the significance of each
 Loses in the conveyance systems
 Relative water supply (the ratio of total water supply to the total demand of
field level)
 Relative irrigation supply (the ratio of irrigation supply to irrigation
 Water delivery capacity of the hydraulic structures (This indicator addresses
the question whether the system has designed and constructed in such a
way as to be able to meet the peak water demand in a particular period)
 Distribution and hydraulic efficiencies of the appurtenant structures on the
canals(This indicates the proper locations and functioning of these structures )
 Delivery performance ratio (DPR) (It is the ratio of actual discharge to the
Targeted discharge of the conveyance system).
 Free board ratio (FBR) (It is the ratio of the actual free board and targeted free
board of the conveyance system).
 Reliability of the water release to the conveyance system.
 Equitability and adequacy to conveyance systems as per the designed canal

5.1.4. Analyses of the Data and Evaluation of Results

The existing situation of the conveyance systems of the scheme based on available data
are analyzed with reference to performance indicators and compared with the design
and standard guidelines. The present status of the performances of the conveyance
systems of the scheme can provide information that can be used to improve the
development challenges of these components and increase production. The analyses
will largely focus on the hydraulic components. In addition, the management Issues will
be seen.
 Hydraulic components
 Canals (main canal, Secondary canals and Tertiary canals)
 Appurtenant structures (regulators, Drop Structures & Division Boxes) of
the canal systems.
 Managerial/Institutional Issues
 Workability (assessing operational risks such as hydraulic instability, floods
due to management problems)
 Integrity (assessing and evaluating the operation of the system within the
permissible ranges)
 Maintenance services
 Capacity and know how of operational staffs

5.1.5. Resources Needed

1. Car and fuel

2. GIS Software ,Ms-Excel and Irrigation Software
3. Topographic map of the site from different Bureaus
4. Meteorological and Hydrological data for a site and basin
5. Design and feasibility documents of a site if available
6. Flow Measuring Equipments (Current meter and Partial Flumes)

5.1.6. Expected Outcomes

At the end of the day the following outcomes are expected:

 The level of the performances of the conveyance system is identified and
 The hydraulics conditions of the Hydraulic structures on the
conveyance systems such as Regulators, Drop Structures, and
Division Boxes are evaluated and compared with the
design/standard guidelines.
 The quantity of losses of the conveyance systems is determined
 Locations of significant losses of the conveyance systems are
 The efficiency of the conveyance system is determined
 Existing capacity of the canals are determined and compared with
the actual required capacity.
 The level of the performance of the management issues in relation to the
conveyance systems are evaluated and determined
 Workability and Integrity of the scheme pertaining to conveyance
system is evaluated.
 The capability of the operational staffs is identified and evaluated
 The maintenance service rates are determined.
 The GIS based data base of the project area is established
 Information on the development challenges of the irrigation scheme pertaining
to the conveyance systems can be provided to the planners.
 Lessons are drawn from the positive aspects of the scheme and recommended to
apply other schemes.

Logical Framework

General Objective
Specific Objectives

Out Put-1 Out put-2 Out put-3

Current status & Performance of Level of current performance of
the conveyance system of GIS based Database for the the management issues in
scheme is identified and study area established. relation to conveyance system is
evaluated. evaluated.
[Hardware Parts of the Scheme] [Database Establishment] [Software parts of the scheme]

Activities Activities Activities

 Collection of the primary and  Collecting the attributes and  Collecting the secondary
secondary data map of the Estate farm. and primary data
 Analyses of the data  Inserting the attributes to  Analyses of Workability and
 Evaluation based on the GIS software for analyses Integrity of the Scheme
performance indicators.  Scanning and Digitizing of  Evaluation based on the
the map performance indicators

Table1: The Proposed work schedule

Work/Activity DURATION
Jan-Feb March April May June
Data collection
Literature review xxxxxx xxxxx
Data simulation
Field Works
Analyses of data based on
guidelines and
performance indicators xxx xxxx xxx

Evaluation of results xxxxxx

Thesis writing and xxxxx



Table2: the budget breakdown for the research work

S/N Description U/ Cost T/ Cost Remarks
(Birr) (Birr)

1 Purchase of Meteorological & Hydrological data

LS 600

2.1 10 trips bus transport to Addis Ababa 52 1040

2.2 Researcher Perdiem 85 850

3 Trip from A/A to site (Metehara and stay for 45 days-

three phases)
3.1 Bus transport from Arbaminch to A/A (round trip) 52 208 Distance from A/A to Metehara
3.2 Fuel cost 4.50/litere 1613.25 is 200 Km and daily site trip is
3.3 Car rent 400 12,000 assumed to be 40kms(for about
3.4 Researcher Perdiem 85 3825 15days)= 800Kms

4 Stationary, Photocopying, printing and other related

works LS 2500

5 Telephone, e-mail expenses LS 600

6 Daily laborers at the site a total of six for 20 days 8 960

7 Experts from the project area for site visit of three days.

7.1 Perdiem 85 1530

8 For establishment of Partial flumes to measure flow on

the canals (3 inch and 5 inch size) LS 2500

9 Advisory Cost LS 3000

10 Sub Total 31226.25

11 10% Contingency 3122.625

12 Grand Total 34350

Habib, (2004) Performance Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis of fixed and cut back
flow for furrow Irrigation at Metahara Sugar Estate.
Integrated Water and Land Management Research and Capacity Building Priorities for
Ethiopia, Proceeding of MOWR/EARO/IWMI/ILRI ‘International Workshop held at
IRLI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (2002)

Molden D.J, R.Skethivadivel, C.J.Perry and C.Fraiture, (1998), Indicators for

comparing Irrigation Agricultural System, Research Report 20, Colombo, Srilanka:

Wim H.Kloezen and Carlos Garces-Restrepo, (1998), Research report on assessing

Irrigation Performance with comparative Indicators: The case of the Alto Rio Lerma
Irrigation District, Mexico





Dec. 2005

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION_____________________________________________________1

1.1. Background Information of the Scheme_____________________________________1

2. PROBLEM STATEMENTS_____________________________________________2

3. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY_________________________________________3

3.1. General________________________________________________________________3

3.2. Specific Objectives_______________________________________________________3

4. SIGNIFICANCE OF PROPOSED WORK_________________________________4

5. METHODS__________________________________________________________4

5.1. Data collection and interpretation__________________________________________4

5.1.1. Secondary Data______________________________________________________________4
5.1.2. Primary Data________________________________________________________________5
5.1.3. Performance Indicators________________________________________________________5
5.1.4. Analyses of the Data and Evaluation of Results____________________________________6
5.1.5. Resources Needed____________________________________________________________7
5.1.6. Expected Outcomes___________________________________________________________7

6. WORK SCHEDULE__________________________________________________10

7. BUDGET___________________________________________________________11

8. REFERENCES______________________________________________________12
Submitted By:

1. Tessema Birhanu _______________ __________

Student Signature Date

Approved By:


1. Dr Engineer Nugussie Tekle ______________ ___________

Signature Date

2. Mr. Philippe Lemperiere ________________ __________

Signature Date

3. Dr. Semu Ayalew ________________ __________

Dean of Post Graduate School Signature Date

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