Master of Orion II - Manual - PC
Master of Orion II - Manual - PC
Master of Orion II - Manual - PC
A Sound Blaster or compatible sound card is supported.
If you think you have all of these, but still have a problem running the
game, please contact MicroProse Customer Support for assistance.
Master of Orion II requires the following for multiplayer:
• Null-modem serial cable (2 players); or
• Windows-compatible 9600 baud modem or faster; or
• Local area network (LAN) supporting IPX protocol
Master of Orion II will now copy some files to your hard drive from
the CD-ROM.
• After the game itself has been copied over, Master of Orion II installs a
few necessary utility programs. These include Microsoft’s DirectX
drivers. The space these take up is included in the total noted above.
• When the installation program is done, you are returned to the Main
menu (in Windows 95) or the command prompt (in DOS).
• Make sure that the Master of Orion II CD-ROM is in its drive.
• Open the Start menu, then open the SimTex sub-menu, then click the
Master of Orion II option.
Have fun!
2. The Universal Menu
Whenever you start Master of Orion II, the Universal Menu arcs into view
on the right. (You’ll also notice the game credits scrolling up the screen to
the left.) To select one of the options from this menu, move the mouse
pointer to that option—you’ll know you’re in the right place when the
option is highlighted—and click. These options are pretty straightforward:
• Continue restarts the last game you were playing, but not necessarily
exactly where you left off. Master of Orion II’s “autosave” feature
periodically saves the game for you. When you choose to continue a
game, you begin at the point when the game was last autosaved. This
could be as many as 4 turns earlier than the point at which you
stopped playing.
• Load Game allows you to return to a game you saved previously.
You’re presented with a list of all the games you’ve saved. Just click to
select the game you want to load.
• New Game generates a fresh galaxy for you to explore. Once you click
this option, the Game Setup screen appears. The next section,
Beginning a New Game, steps you through the setup process.
• Multiplayer takes you to the Multiplayer Setup screen. This is where
you get ready to play against human opponents. For the lowdown, read
Multiplayer Galaxies.
• Hall of Fame presents the best scores of previous emperors.
• Quit Game leaves Master of Orion II and returns you to your operating
system. You get one chance to change your mind.
Now let’s take a look at setting up your first new game.
Before you can actually start building your empire and rampaging around
the galaxy, there are a few decisions you need to make. The overall tenets
3. Beginning a New Game
of the galaxy must meet with your approval, and you need to choose which
of the several races you want to rule.
When you start a new game, you’re taken to the Game Setup screen. Here,
you must make the Eight Serious Decisions. Five of these are represented
by icons, three by buttons. You can click on any of the icons to cycle
through the possible choices for that galactic setting. The buttons are
simple toggles; when each is turned on, it’s highlighted. (Thus, if it’s dark,
then it’s turned off.)
When you’re happy with the settings, click the Accept button to go on to
select the race you wish to rule. If you decide you’d rather quit this
process and return to the Universal Menu, click the Cancel button.
Difficulty Master of Orion II has five different difficulty settings. Click on the icon
to cycle through to the one you feel capable of facing.
Galaxy Size Galaxies come in all shapes and sizes, but for the sake of simplicity, in
Master of Orion II they’re boiled down to four classifications. As with
difficulty, click on the icon to cycle through to the galaxy size you feel
comfortable with. (Note that the number of stars mentioned is
approximate, as the term “stars” includes black holes and some
other phenomena.)
A Small galaxy is little more than a star cluster. This little, 20-star
neighborhood guarantees early contact with other races and a fast-
paced game—not to mention fierce competition for the limited space
and resources.
Medium galaxies include only 36 star systems. Conflict is neither as
quick to begin nor quite as ferocious as in a Small cluster. With luck, you
have time to develop a few advanced technologies before running into
your neighbors.
Large galactic neighborhoods give you some elbowroom. The planets
available in 54 systems allow for expansion and fleet building in
preparation for eventual contact with other races. The research
3. Beginning a New Game
Galaxy Age Regardless of their size, most galaxies age in similar ways.
Young galaxies are nurseries for the development of hot, new stars. These
clusters consist primarily of blue and white stars that have only recently
blown off the remnants of the stellar nebula from which they formed. If
these newborn stars have any planets at all, they tend to be mineral rich,
but nearly uninhabitable.
Galaxies of Average age have had time to mature. Overly energetic young
stars have settled down into the main sequence, allowing the occasional
planet that is amenable to life. Orange and yellow primaries have
appeared, along with the rare red helium burner. Mineral-rich planets are
still around, but they’re less abundant.
Old galaxies have run riot with orange and red grandfathers, well layered
and on their way to final burnout. Planets where life can take hold are
plentiful, though minerals are not. An explorer might find an ancient white
dwarf with a few rocky planets or a rare star in second childhood after a
partial nova, but rich mining opportunities are otherwise not extant.
Click on the icon to cycle through to the type of galaxy you prefer
to explore.
Civilization Manipulating the level of technology with which every empire begins is
another way Master of Orion II provides for extra challenges. Click on the
icon to cycle through to the level of advancement at which you want
to start.
Pre-Warp is for those of you who like to start at the beginning. Every race
has one colony—their home star system. Exploring outside that system is
impossible until faster than light (FTL) technologies are discovered.
Average Civilization starts each race with the same single colony, but with
all the technologies necessary for interstellar flight already achieved (plus
a few random extras). Every empire has a small star fleet, including one
Colony Ship capable of settling a planet.
Finally, Advanced Civilization is for those who want to get right into the
thick of it. Much of the galaxy is already explored and settled. Each race
begins with several technological advancements in hand and a
Tactical Combat Of the three buttons on the Game Setup screen, the top is the Tactical
Combat toggle. When this button is on (highlighted), all combat in the
game is tactical. If this is off (dark), all combat takes place under the
strategic rules. What does that mean?
“Strategic” combat means that Master of Orion II takes care of the
fighting for you. This is the mode to use if you’re interested in playing a
strategy game without the distraction of designing ships and participating
in ship-to-ship combat. In strategic combat games, ship designs are
automatic, and battles are decided statistically.
“Tactical” combat gives you a more detailed game experience. You can
design and redesign each of your classes of ship, based on the available
technology, as often as you like. In fact, you must design ships in order to
have effective fleets. When one of your fleets joins in battle, you
personally control the movements, weapons, and special systems of
every ship under your flag. This is the mode for a “hands-on” general.
For more detail regarding both these combat modes, read the
Combat section.
Random Events The middle button controls whether random events, both helpful and
hurtful, occur during the game. If you leave random events active, the
Galactic News Network will sometimes report an unusual circumstance.
Any race in the game could be the target of each event, and some events
affect all races.
Antaran Attacks The bottom button toggles the existence of the mysterious Antarans.
When this is off, you can rest easy; the Antarans will not actively seek to
attack the colonies of any race in the game. On the other hand, leaving
this toggled on can seriously spice up the game, as this powerful race
will certainly meddle destructively in galactic affairs.
3. Beginning a New Game
Once you finish setting up the galaxy, the Race Selection screen appears.
Here, you select which of the several available races will make up the
population of your empire.
Moving the cursor over the name of a race brings up a picture of an
average individual of that race. Any special abilities, advantages, and
disadvantages that race has are listed with the portrait. We’ve also
included a brief description of each race here. When you find the one you
would like to play, click on the name.
If you’d prefer to create your own, customized race, click on Custom
instead of one of the predesigned races. You are immediately prompted to
choose one of the other races; this is simply to select an appearance for
your new race. Once you have chosen a portrait, you need to define the
racial characteristics. How you do so is detailed below, under Custom.
After you have chosen a race (and finished defining it, if you chose to
create a custom race), you have a chance to name yourself. If the
suggested name suits you, just click the Accept button or press E .
If not, type in a name you prefer first. Next, you must choose the color of
your flag. This color is used to denote systems you control, your ships and
colonies, and that sort of thing. Just click on the flag of the color you like.
The advantages and disadvantages of each form of government are
discussed under Custom.
Alkari The Alkari are an avian race descended from great flying reptiles. Reared
as fliers, Alkari pilots have an almost instinctive grasp of the dynamics of
Darloks A race almost as enigmatic as the ancient Antarans, the Darloks are
shape-shifters who can assume almost any humanoid form. As a result,
Darlok spies are 20% more likely to be successful on any mission. Their
early research has run along lines parallel to their evolution, and so
Darlok pilots have the ability to render their ships invisible to long-range
detection. These mesomorphs’ government is a Dictatorship.
Elerians The warrior castes of the Elerians are the only face most outsiders ever
see. This humanoid society is matriarchal, and to date only females are
allowed to join the military. Those who do are provided with the best
possible training. Thus, Elerian ships gain a 20% defensive and 20%
offensive bonus in combat. While the females fight, the all-male
philosopher caste has developed incredible mental powers. Their
meditations have produced remote knowledge of every system in the
galaxy, and their telepathic powers are second to none. The Elerians’
social structure is strengthened by a Feudal government in which only
the warrior castes hold positions of power.
Gnolams The Gnolams are a dwarf-like people from a Low-G home world whose
society focuses almost exclusively on monetary gain as a measure of
status. As a result, the Gnolams are Fantastic Traders, and thus receive
greater benefit from trade treaties and higher than normal income from
excess food and trade goods. The capitalistic nature of the Gnolam race
is so intense that each unit of Gnolam population generates an
additional 1 BC per turn. The Gnolams’ Low-G roots put them at a 10%
disadvantage in ground combat. To maximize the potential for profit,
their government is a business-friendly Dictatorship. Somehow, these
lucky creatures always manage to avoid the consequences of random
natural disasters.
Humans Humans are the galaxy’s most charismatic race; they’re the deal makers
and diplomats. When dealing with any other race, Humans gain a 50%
3. Beginning a New Game
The screen you use to design your custom race is the Race Customization
screen. On this screen are three columns of options, 11 topics in all. Every
one of the options included under these topics represents an advantage
or disadvantage you can give your new race.
To name your custom race, click on the race name in the top middle of the
Race Customization screen to edit the name.
The last customized race created will be saved. Load that race by clicking
on the “Last Race” button instead of selecting a picture to use for your
custom race.
The usual first step in creating a race is to click on the Clear button to
erase all of the selections. This leaves you with a “Galactic Normal” race—
no advantages, no disadvantages, and no special characteristics. Notice
that the two boxes at the bottom of the screen show that you have 10
Picks and 200% Score. What does that mean?
“Picks” is shorthand for Racial Ability And Characteristic Points, which
wouldn’t fit. You have 10 picks that you can use to develop your race. To
the right of every option is that option’s Pick Modifier. If you choose that
option for your race, you lose (if the modifier is positive) or gain (if it’s
negative) that many picks. Note that you can not choose disadvantageous
options to gain more than 10 extra picks, and you are also not allowed to
start a game with a negative pick total.
“Score” is short for Score Multiplier As Determined By Picks. This is the
percentage of your earned game score that will be awarded as your total
score. Your picks total directly affects this. For example, if you have zero
Colonial Production
Population growth modifiers affect the rate at which the population of
every colony grows. This affects the base to which the effects of a
planet’s terrain and pollution are applied. Low population growth rates
are usually the result of shorter life spans, slower biological processes,
physical weakness, or some similarly inherent problem. Higher growth
rates result from things like long life spans, strong immune systems, or
general fecundity.
Farming production modifiers increase or decrease the amount of food
each unit of population assigned to agriculture can grow. Like those for
population growth, the farming modifiers affect the base that the
effects of a planet’s terrain and pollution are applied to. A farming
bonus represents long familiarity with agriculture, resulting in
effective techniques, while a penalty represents a simple lack of
farming aptitude. (If the planet has a life-bearing environment, though,
the penalty cannot go below 1 food per farmer.)
Industry modifiers affect the amount of production that each unit of
population assigned to factory work can produce. Under no
circumstances can industrial penalties reduce the capabilities of a
population below 1 production per unit.
Science modifiers are applied to the amount of research that each
scientist unit of a colonial population generates. Races with science
bonuses are not necessarily more intelligent, but they are likely to be
more inclined to rational investigation of the facts rather than
superstitious beliefs. Science penalties cannot reduce the research
abilities of a race below 1 research per unit of population assigned
to science.
Money modifiers affect the tax burden (in BC) a population can withstand.
Races with monetary bonuses have an instinctive grasp of commercial
concepts, while races with penalties lack economic skills, interest, or
avarice. Racial monetary penalties cannot reduce taxation possibilities
below zero per population unit.
Combat and Espionage
Ship Defense modifiers change the chances of enemy fire hitting your
3. Beginning a New Game
The type of government of each empire is determined at the beginning of
the game and does not change, though research can lead to a more
advanced form of the same government. There are four types of
governments, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Your
government type affects what method of managing your empire is
most effective.
Feudal: A feudal government structure rests on the inherited titles and
holdings of an elite class, somewhat as in medieval Europe. An
emperor keeps the throne of a feudal government by balancing and
subtly encouraging the rivalries between the more powerful members
of this class.
• The morale of each planet under a Feudal government incurs a penalty
of 20% until a Marine Barracks or Armor Barracks is built there. (Local
troops are necessary to keep the serfs in line.)
• It takes 8 turns for a Feudal government to assimilate a unit of
population in a conquered colony.
• Feudal populations will instantly assimilate if their colony is conquered
by an opponent. (There is little loyalty to the central government, and
local barons are always on the lookout for personal gain.)
• Due to the generally warlike nature of feudal governments, ship
production costs are 2/3 normal.
• For the same reason, research is half the standard.
• If the capital of a Feudal empire is captured, the entire empire is thrown
• On the other hand, greater personal liberty makes the people happier
and more productive, giving a 50% bonus to both research and per
capita (tax) income.
• It takes only 4 turns for a Democratic government to assimilate a unit of
conquered population.
• Democracies are prohibited from eradicating conquered populations.
• If the capital of a Democratic government is captured, the entire
citizenry suffers a period of uncertainty and chaos. This results in a
20% morale penalty until a new capital is built.
The advanced form of a Democracy is called a Federation. Federated
governments receive the following benefits in addition to the usual
Democratic characteristics.
• Assimilation of a unit of conquered population takes only 2 turns.
• The research and income bonus is increased to 75%.
Unification: The Unification form of government is available to those
scant few races that can exist harmoniously together without
jealousy, envy, or concern for individual advancement. Each individual
works for the good of the community rather than the self. The analogy
is often made between a Unified government and a colony of bees.
Though correct in some ways, this is a misleading comparison. Unified
populations are neither mindless nor uncreative; some unknown
characteristic (many have suggested genetic uniformity) simply allows
them to forego competition with one another.
• Since every individual works for the good of the whole, there can be no
traitors. This gives Unification defensive spies a 15% bonus.
• Unification colonies do not have morale as such. They do, however,
receive a 50% bonus to food and industry production due to the
harmonious nature of their society. This functions like a morale bonus.
• All morale effects of buildings are ignored by Unification governments.
• The vast societal differences make it difficult for outsiders to join a
Unified culture. It takes 20 turns for a Unified government to assimilate
a unit of conquered population.
• The loss of the capital is irrelevant to a Unified race. Unified
governments neither have nor need a capital.
The advanced form of Unification is Galactic Unification. Galactic
Unification governments receive the following benefits in addition to the
Special Abilities
In addition to the more run-of-the-mill racial modifiers, there are also a
variety of special effects that make races more interesting to play. Some
of these might seem to bend or break the galactic rules, but that’s part of
the fun. Note that several of the special abilities are mutually exclusive, as
they would contradict or negate the effect of one another.
Low-G World indicates that the race originally evolved on a home world
with low gravity. This results in a population physically weaker than
races from Normal-G or High-G worlds. Colonists from these races have
difficulty adapting to intense gravitational fields, and can operate only
on Low-G worlds without penalty. On Normal-G worlds, they suffer half
the normal High-G penalty. Low-G troops suffer a 10% penalty
during ground combat. Low-G World and High-G World are
mutually exclusive.
High-G World means that the race originates on a High-G planet. The
members of such a population are considerably hardier and physically
stronger than races from other types of world, and thus their colonists
can operate in both High-G and Normal-G worlds without penalty.
In addition, High-G ground troops can sustain substantially more
physical damage than other troops; they take 1 hit more than normal
troops before being slain in ground combat. High-G World and Low-G
World are mutually exclusive.
Aquatic races are spawned from ocean worlds, and therefore can more
easily adapt to environments that are primarily water-based. For their
purposes, Tundra and Swamp worlds count as Terran environments,
and Ocean and Terran planets are considered Gaia class.
Subterranean races are semi-troglodytic—adapted to living underground
through the construction of expansive complexes of chambers and
tunnels. As a result, a subterranean race’s maximum population on any
planet is increased by that world’s size class (i.e., +2 for Tiny, +4 for
Small, and so on up to +10 for Huge). Finally, due to the difficulty in
navigating the underground labyrinths to dig them out, subterranean
troops receive a 10% ground combat bonus when defending their
Large Home World gives a race the advantage of having some elbowroom
early on. A large home world allows greater population growth, which
3. Beginning a New Game
system and planet throughout the entire galaxy at the start of the
game. They see the whereabouts, movements, and destinations of
enemy fleets, regardless of any stealth abilities or technologies.
Stealthy Ships: Some races have found ways to completely mask their
ships from long-range sensors. This ability does not have any effect
during combat, but it prevents a scanning system from detecting the
approaching fleet.
Trans-Dimensional beings are capable of folding the fabric of space with
their minds. This allows them to travel without the aid of FTL drives
(though they still must have ships in which to travel). Those ships with
FTL capability add 2 to the speed at which they travel the interstellar
distances and 4 to their combat speed. Trans-Dimensional races are
also not affected by Hyperspace Fluxes.
Warlord races evolve from cultures with a high regard for all things
military or warlike. All ship crews of a warlord race begin at one level of
experience higher than normal, and these crews have the potential to
eventually reach Ultra-elite status. Ground defenders—Marines and
Armor—are produced at double the normal rate, and warlord barracks
can support twice the usual number of ground troops. Mercenary
leaders working in the hire of a Warlord race are inspired by example,
and have effects as if they were 1 experience level higher than they
actually are. Every colony you control contributes 2 points to your
Command Rating.
4. The Galactic Command Interface
When the galaxy has been generated and the game begins, the first thing
you see is the Galaxy Map. This is the central interface from which you
conduct your entire imperial campaign. There are several useful
components on this interface—including the map itself. Let’s take them
one at a time.
To quickly find the distance between two star systems, use the
keyboard shortcut 9. You’ll need to click on the first star, then
move the mouse cursor over any other star to see the distance (in
parcsecs) between them.
Ending Your Turn When you’re done making adjustments to your colonies, moving fleets,
and whatever else needs doing, you signal the end of your turn by
clicking the Turn button. Once you do this, things are out of your
hands—except for defensive combat, of course—until every other race
has had their turn and all the production and random events have been
finished. Each turn represents one-tenth of one galactic standard year.
If you have the End of Turn Wait option (on the Settings sub-menu of the
Game menu) toggled on, which is the default setting, one turn takes place
every time you click the Turn button. However, if you have that option
turned off, time will flow on until either (1) you click again to stop the
clock, or (2) something of note happens to stop time automatically. What
constitutes “something of note”? Several things, including but not
limited to:
• One of your fleets has arrived at its destination.
• One of your colonies has run out of production orders.
• An enemy’s fleet (or a space monster) has been detected heading for
one of your fleets or systems.
• One of your fleets, colonies, or outposts is attacked.
• A random event has occurred.
• Your scientists have made a breakthrough.
• One of your colonies is experiencing starvation.
• Your income or food supply per turn has become negative.
• A Colony Base, Colony Ship, or Outpost ship has been built in a system
with an unused planet.
• The leader of another race requests an audience with you.
• A mercenary leader offers to join your empire.
The System
4. The Galactic Command Interface
To take a look at what you know about a specific star system, click on that
star (on the Galaxy Map). The System window opens. In this window is a
representation of the system. The star itself and all the planetary bodies in
the system (including asteroid belts) are shown in their orbits. At the
bottom of the window is an area where any fleets or monsters in the
system are noted. Move the mouse pointer over any planetary body or
fleet icon to get a summary of what you know about it.
OF PLANETS If you’ve got a colony or outpost in the system you’re viewing, your planet
is marked with your imperial color. Note that you can get to the Colony
screen from here. To look over and manage one of your colonies in this
system, just click on the planet. For the details on the Colony screen,
please refer to the section Managing a Colony.
Right-click on any planet to view the effects that world’s characteristics
and environment would have on any colony established there. Click on any
fleet to open the Fleet window (described next).
Whenever the System window is open, there are a few keyboard shortcuts
you can use to cycle through the star systems you’ve explored:
5 This changes the view to the next colonized star system.
6 This returns the view to the previous colonized system.
, The comma key lets you view the next explored star system.
. Use the period key to return the view to the previous explored
star system.
To move this window around the screen, position the mouse cursor over
the name of the system, then click and drag the window to where you want
it. To leave this window, click the Close button.
The Fleet
There’s a way to view a specific fleet—regardless of to whom it belongs. At
the Galaxy Map, click on the icon for the fleet you want a look at. (You get
the same effect if you click on a fleet icon in the System window.) The Fleet
window opens. This shows every vessel in that fleet, lists the owner of the
ships, and notes the destination of fleets in transit.
You can cycle through the known fleets using the keyboard shortcuts
1 and 2 . The first moves you through the fleets in one direction,
and the second takes you back in the other direction.
If the fleet you clicked on is not already en route—and it’s one of yours—
Load Game: calls up a list of the games you’ve saved previously. You can
select one from the list to have that game situation loaded into
Master of Orion II. If you’re in the middle of a game when you load a
saved game, your current game will not be saved. You can also load a
game from the Galaxy Map using the keyboard shortcut a + 9.
New Game: tosses out the game you’re in the middle of and lets you
begin anew.
Quit Game: shuts down Master of Orion II and returns you to your
operating system. You can also quit from anywhere in the game using
the keyboard shortcut a + Q.
Music: is a sliding volume control for the game music. Position the
mouse pointer over the slide, then click and drag the volume bar to
the setting you prefer.
Sound Fx: is a sliding volume control for the sound in the game. Position
the mouse pointer over the slide, then click and drag the volume bar
to the setting you prefer.
Settings: opens a whole menu of options. Each of these has a toggle
control, with which you can turn the option on or off. The Accept
button puts your new settings into effect and closes the menu. You
can also toggle most of these options at the Galaxy Map using the
appropriate keyboard shortcut.
End of Turn Summary determines whether you are presented with a
Along the right side of the Galaxy Map are several extremely important and
useful indicators. These act as an overall summary of the status of your
empire’s function.
At the top is the Star Date indicator. This notes the current turn in Galactic
Standard Years.
The Treasury indicator tells you not only how much money you have in
your reserve, but also your net income or loss per turn. Income is primarily
from taxes, the sale of excess food, and production of Trade Goods. Out-
go is mostly maintenance on buildings, ships, and leaders. You can click
on the Treasury box to change your empire’s overall Tax Rate—and the
amount you collect every turn. (Remember, higher taxes cause lower
The Command box summarizes your current Command Rating. This rating
represents the communications and command infrastructure and
resources at your disposal. Every Star Base, Star Fortress, and Battle
Station you build adds points to this rating. Every ship you build uses
some of those points for support. Your net rating is listed first, followed by
your total rating in parentheses. If your Command Rating is negative, you
make up the difference by paying maintenance on the unsupported ships.
You can click on this indicator to see a more detailed listing of the sources
and uses of your command points.
The Food listing is a summary of your net harvest per turn. If this number is
negative, somewhere your population is starving. If it’s positive, you’re
selling excess food each turn (though people might still be starving if your
freighter system is below par). A net harvest of zero means that
agricultural production and demand are perfectly balanced throughout
your empire. (Clicking on this box doesn’t do anything.)
The Freighters indicator notes how many freighters you have in service (in
parentheses) and how that compares to the number you need to keep up
the necessary flow of foodstuffs throughout your empire. If your net
freighter supply—the number on the left—is negative, you haven’t
enough to transport as much food as your agriculturally lacking colonies
presently need. Starvation is the result. You can click on this indicator to
scrap (sell) any Freighter Fleets you no longer need.
The Research box follows the progress toward your next scientific goal. At
the bottom, this indicator lists the total number of research points your
empire is generating each turn. Above that is an estimate (not an exact
one, either) of how long you must wait until your present research bears
fruit. If your scientists are feeling especially confident, they post a
completion percentage above that. You can click on this indicator if you
decide to change the direction of their labors. (If you do so, all the points
spent toward the former research goal are miraculously applied to the
new goal.)
Colonies C
The first button in the row is the Colonies button. As you might have
guessed, this one gets you where you need to be to manage the various
colonies that make up your empire. That is, the Colonial Overview. Here,
you manipulate your colonies and empire in a broad sense. For precise
control over a specific colony, you’re better off using the Colony screen for
that colony.
The bulk of the overview is a convenient listing of every colony you
4. The Galactic Command Interface
cost, with the most expensive first. If two or more items in the same
category have the exact same cost, they’re listed alphabetically. If
you’re working on the exact same thing in more than one city, those
items are listed according to the remaining build time; the one that
will be finished first is listed last.
BC: Orders your colonies by the income they produce for you, from
highest to lowest.
Clicking on the Return button takes you back to the Galactic Command
Interface—the Galaxy Map.
Planets P
The Planets button gives you access to one of your imperial databases.
This one keeps track of every inhabitable planet you have discovered. (For
an omniscient race, that means every non-gas giant planet in the galaxy.)
The majority of the database display is taken up by the planet listing itself.
This notes all the pertinent information about each world for you.
• First is the Name of the planet and a nice picture of it, followed by a
listing of any known enemy presence in that star system (in
parentheses). Any System Specials are listed above the picture.
• Next is the type of Climate that world enjoys (or endures); the amount
of Food produced by an average population unit of farmers in that
environment is noted.
• Third comes the Gravity rating, under which are noted the production
penalties or bonuses that would be assessed to a race from a Normal-G
home world.
• Mineral Status is fourth. Since this affects the amount of industrial
production each unit of working population can produce, the typical
number is noted.
• The Size of the planet determines how many units of population can
inhabit that world. Both are listed in the final box.
Colonized and outpost systems are displayed in the color of the empire
Click on the Fleets button to gain access to the Fleet Operations console.
At this station, you can view any fleet within your scanner range, whether
it’s one of yours, one of theirs, or a space monster. You also have a great
deal of control over your imperial fleets from here.
Your first stop is a miniature version of the Galaxy Map, with enlarged
fleet icons. Naturally, only those fleets you know the location of are
displayed. To get a closer look at a specific fleet, click on it. The ships in
that fleet appear in the Ship Control window. (If the fleet is large enough,
you might have to use the scroll bar to see all the ships.)
Note the lit buttons below this window. When Support is bright,
nonmilitary ships—Transports, Colony Ships, and such—are included in
the display. Click on this button if you want to remove them. When the
button is dimmed, you can click again to restore the support ships to the
window. The Combat button performs the same function for military
vessels. The button marked Leaders takes you to the Assignment
If the fleet you’re viewing is not under your control, that’s pretty much all
you can do.
If you own the fleet, however, you can click on any ship in the Ship Control
window to get a detailed breakdown of its structure, equipment, and
crew. This information is noted below the map. Clicking on a ship also
selects it to receive your orders. You can deselect a ship by clicking on
it again.
There are three buttons between the Ship Control window and the lit
buttons. You can use these to give orders to individual selected ships or
to an entire fleet.
All: Selects all of the ships in the fleet to prepare to receive orders. (If all
Scrapping a captured ship not only provides a few BC, but if it’s done in
a system where you have a colony, it also allows your scientists to get
their hands on the ship. (A system you have an outpost in isn’t good
enough.) If any technologies you don’t already possess were used in
the building of that ship, there’s a good chance that a working model
like this will enable them to figure it out.
Clicking on the Return button takes you back to the Galaxy Map.
Leaders L
From time to time, mercenary leaders approach
you and offer to join your empire. (For the
lowdown on these leaders, refer to Mercenary
Leaders.) If you choose to hire a leader, he, she,
or it goes into your Leader Pool. If not, the
mercenary sticks around your systems for a
while, in case you change your mind.
Click the Leaders button when you want to give
orders to your hired leaders. All those in your
pool and still hanging around in your space
respond. The left side of the Assignment
console holds the communications screens that
keep you in contact with these leaders. Since
you might have more involved than will fit the
display, the two buttons at the top let you choose which type of leader you
want to deal with—Colony Leaders or Ship Officers. You can only deal
with four of each type at any given time, and you can never hire more than
four of each type. The main use of this console is assigning duties to the
leaders you’ve hired. For each leader, the data that you need to make
intelligent assignments is noted.
The different displays called up by the two buttons reflect their functions.
4. The Galactic Command Interface
When you’re dealing with Colony Leaders, the upper right side of the
console shows the systems you’ve colonized, one at a time. If you’re
giving orders to Ship Officers, the same area displays your fleets of ships.
You can use the scroll arrows at the bottom of this area to cycle through
all the possible assignments for the selected type of leader. On the fleet
display, vertical scroll arrows let you view all the ships of larger fleets.
A smaller version of the Galaxy Map is in the lower right of the console.
This map reflects the actual position of whatever is shown in the area
above it. Since a leader assigned to a post must travel from your home
world to that post, location affects the time it takes for him, her, or it to
actually get on the job.
To assign a leader you’ve already hired to a system or a ship, first make
certain that the post is displayed on the console. Next, click on the leader.
If you’re giving orders to a Colony Leader, that’s all there is to it. If you’re
assigning a Ship Officer, you must click on the specific ship in the
displayed fleet that you wish the leader to board and command. You must
confirm the assignment. (If you decide to assign a post to a leader you
haven’t yet hired, you must first hire that leader.)
Once assigned, a leader will stay put until you say otherwise. There are
two ways to do that—once you’ve clicked on a leader to highlight him,
her, or it. The Pool button takes the leader from the present post and
orders an immediate return to the Leader Pool. The Dismiss button sends
the leader out of your employ entirely.
Clicking on the Return button takes you back to the previous display.
Races R Click the Races button to go to the Race Relations console. This gives
you an overview of your diplomatic standing with every other race with
which you’ve come into contact. When it becomes necessary or desirable
to actually talk with one of your opponents, you request (or demand) an
audience from this display. You also use this console to oversee and
control your espionage and counterespionage agents.
Each race you’ve met is represented by an ambassador, whose portrait
marks the info area for that race. Next to the portrait is a summary of your
relations with that race’s leader and the important information your
agents have gathered about that opponent empire.
Beneath the info area are your spies who are assigned to that particular
empire. Below them is the Espionage Assignment bar. There are three
options here; click on one to give the spies just above the bar their orders.
To move spies from one opponent’s empire to another, simply click and
carry them as you would to move colonists to new duties.
Espionage: Places your undercover operatives in data gathering mode.
Sabotage: Assigns your agents to damage or destroy targets on the
opponent’s colony worlds.
Hide: Tells your spies to keep a low profile for a while, until the situation
is less dangerous.
In the lower right corner, your race’s current spying bonuses are listed for
reference. Any spies assigned to defensive duty are represented below
that. You can reassign these agents to other empires whenever you like.
Below the defensive agents are a few buttons. After you click on any of the
first three, you’re prompted to select an opponent emperor by clicking on
the ambassador or the info area for that race.
Ignore: Instructs your aides to ignore all attempts at communication from
the selected empire until further notice.
Report: Activates your underground communications net to gather
reports from your agents assigned to the selected race. This updates
the data in the info area.
Declare War: bypasses Ignore orders and delivers a declaration of war to
the selected emperor.
Audience: Requests an audience with the emperor you selected.
Clicking on the Return button takes you back to the Galaxy Map.
Info I
4. The Galactic Command Interface
As any astronomer knows, the color of a star says a lot about it. We’ll
leave the particulars to the interested parties, but what the ruler of a
budding galactic empire needs to know is summarized here.
Blue-White: Class B are the hottest of all the stellar furnaces, emitting
extreme amounts of radiation. Blue-white stars are typically young
and bright. They have planets that are mineral rich, but the intense
output of the star makes them an extremely difficult place to
support life.
White: Class F stars might be young, violent, low mass suns or ancient,
withering dwarfs. In either case, they tend to have planets high in
mineral resources, but barely able to support life.
Yellow: Class G suns are calm, run-of-the-mill, young to middle-aged
stars. They are neither especially hot nor notably cool. Yellow stars
almost always have planets with moderate mineral resources and
environments tolerant of, if not friendly to, life.
Orange: K-class stars differ little from yellow stars, though they are
usually older and cooler. These systems always include planets
that are capable of supporting life, but are generally poor in
mineral resources.
Red: Class M red giants are mature, cooler stars. Few planets survive the
expansion to giant size, and those that do rarely have abundant
mineral resources or easily habitable environments.
5. Star Systems
Brown: Brown dwarves are barely stars. These dim, cold suns have either
burnt out almost all of their nuclear fuel or just never had the
resources to shine in the first place. No planets orbit these extremely
rare stars, but they’re more likely than other systems to have a
system special.
Planets come into two different categories: gas giants and habitable
worlds. You can build a military outpost in a close orbit around a gas giant,
but colonies can only survive on a solid planet. Every habitable world has
several characteristics that determine how well a colony established
there does.
Size The size of a planet determines how large a population it can support. A
world’s mass also helps determine its gravity, though mass is less
directly linked to size than you might think.
Tiny: These planets normally measure no more than 5 thousand
kilometers in diameter. Tiny planets are almost invariably Low-G, and
thus have little or no atmosphere. Depending on the environment,
each can support a maximum surface population of 1–5 units.
Small: Ranging from 5 to 10 thousand kilometers in diameter, small
worlds normally have enough gravity to hold an appreciable
atmosphere. These planets can support a maximum surface
5. Star Systems
Mineral Richness The density and number of accessible mineral resources on a planet are
the determining factors for how much production can be done there. The
abundance of minerals on a planet increases or decreases the amount of
work a laboring unit of population can accomplish each turn. In addition,
the mineral richness of a planet (together with its size) determines its
mass, and therefore the strength of its gravity.
Ultra-Poor: These planets either have been mined to exhaustion by
previous inhabitants or somehow formed without appreciable
deposits of useful ores. Industrial production per population unit is
minimal on ultra-poor worlds.
Base Industry per Unit: 1
Poor: Poor worlds have some mineral content, but not enough to make
them really attractive to industrious colonists.
Base Industry per Unit: 2
Abundant: Despite what it sounds like, planets with “abundant”
minerals are considered the norm in this galaxy. Though not bursting
with ores, these worlds offer enough to fill the needs of an average
colonial population.
Base Industry per Unit: 3
Rich: Better than abundant is a world with a lithosphere rich in minerals.
Even the most primitive mining techniques can be profitable on these
Base Industry per Unit: 5
Ultra-Rich: Though rare, the ultra-rich world is a miner’s paradise,
overflowing with useful deposits. Some of them poke right up
5. Star Systems
through the surface, and you can just forage around on the ground for
Base Industry per Unit: 8
Gravity The strength of a planet’s gravity is determined in part by its size and
mineral density. Gravity, expressed in terms of the “G” force, affects the
amount of food a colony can produce, the level of industry its workers
can sustain, and the amount of research possible there.
• Low-G planets have a gravitational pull less than half that of the Earth
(1 G). The disorientation and increased number of accidents this
causes decrease the output of farmers, scientists, and workers
by 25%.
• Normal gravity worlds have gravity very close to 1 G. Production rates
on these planets are unaffected by gravity.
• Heavy-G planets put more than 1.5 G on their inhabitants. All three
types of production are reduced by 50%.
Climate Any type of life can support itself without artificial aids only on planets
that meet certain environmental specifications. On hostile or less than
perfect worlds, a significant percentage of the population’s efforts go
toward life support, rather than breeding or industry. On top of that,
some environments are so vicious that even buildings require more than
the usual upkeep. Here are the types of planetary conditions you’re
likely to encounter.
Radiated: Some planets (Mercury is a good example) have no natural
protection against the cosmic radiation emitted by their primary star.
This constant radiation causes rampant infertility and reduces the
maximum possible population by 75%. Natural farming is impossible,
and gradual but constant deterioration increases the maintenance
cost of all buildings by 25%.
Base Food per Unit: 0
Toxic: There exist planets that have atmospheres so corrosive and hot
(Venus, for instance) that they constantly eat away at even the
toughest building materials. All structures erected on these planets
have +50% maintenance costs. Farming is impossible.
Base Food per Unit: 0
Barren: The surfaces of barren planets are covered by solid and
pulverized rock (like Earth’s moon). There is no soil, no surface water,
and thus no potential for natural farming.
Base Food per Unit: 0
Desert: Desert planets have scarce, mostly underground water supplies
and are constantly plagued by violent sandstorms. (Did someone
5. Star Systems
5. Star Systems
Whenever you explore a star’s vicinity for the first time, there is a chance
you’ll discover something unusual about that system. These random
oddities are called System Specials, and they might be beneficial or
disastrous. Some affect the system as a whole and some only a specific
planet in the system. Specials can also be one-time effects. Except for
Space Monsters, no system will have more than one special; a system
with a monster will always have another special—that’s usually what
drew the monster there in the first place.
Artifacts: An extremely advanced civilization once inhabited a world in
the system, but has long since disappeared. Relics left behind add 2
to the amount of research generated by each scientist on that planet.
Furthermore, the first empire to discover these artifacts and colonize
the planet gets an immediate scientific breakthrough.
Cache: Your exploration vessel stumbles on a hidden cache of pirates’
booty, which is added to your treasury.
Debris: You find the valuable remnants of a wrecked ship floating
aimlessly in the system. Enterprising crewmen manage to make a
profit from it, which is added to your treasury.
Gems: One planet in the system has extensive gem deposits. Any colony
established on that planet generates lots of extra tax revenue every
Gold: A planet in the system is riddled with gold deposits. Any colony
established on that planet generates extra tax revenue every turn.
Hero: A mercenary leader has been marooned on one of the planets in
the system for some time. In gratitude for the rescue, this leader
offers to join your empire for no hiring cost. You are still expected to
pay maintenance, however.
Monster: A space monster resides in the system and immediately attacks
5. Star Systems
any fleet that attempts to enter. The space monster can only be
destroyed in combat.
Natives: Humanoid life has evolved on a planet in the system. If you
colonize this world, the natives are integrated into the population of
your colony. They work only as farmers (at a +2 food production
advantage) and refuse to ever leave their home world. Natives do not
take on your racial advantages or disadvantages.
Splinter: Long-lost space travelers from your race crash-landed and
formed a colony on a planet in the system. The colony is small, but the
population is glad to be reunited with the rest of your empire.
Wormhole: A stable twist in the fabric of hyperspace greatly accelerates
travel between this system and another. Travel time between the two
connected stars is reduced to 1 turn.
Once you discover a planet that looks like a good place to establish a
colony, the next step is actually landing colonists on it. After that, you’re
responsible for the management of that world throughout the rest of the
game (hopefully). Though every step you take in the administration of
your colonies has complex ramifications, the tools you use in the process
of managing are fairly simple.
6. Managing a Colony
You don’t create your first colony; it’s just there. Every colony after that,
however, is placed where you decide. There are a few methods you can
use to create a new colony. (You can also capture enemy colonies, but
that’s a separate topic.)
• A Colony Base establishes a new site in the same system as the colony
that built the base in the first place.
• A Colony Ship can establish a colonial foothold on any uncolonized
planet in its range, as long as all space monsters and enemy ships have
been cleared from that planet’s system.
• A Splinter Colony is discovered, not created. You take it as is and do
the best with what you get.
Whenever you complete a Colony Base or a Colony Ship arrives in a
system with at least one habitable, uncolonized planet, the System
window opens and prompts you to select a world to colonize. Click on the
planet of your choice. If you do not want a new colony in this system, you
can close the System window instead. This instructs a Colony Ship to
await further instructions, but destroys a Colony Base.
When you’re prompted to select a world for a Colony Base, you must
do so or else lose the Colony Base (and all the production that went
toward building it). A Colony Base is a “use it or lose it” proposition. An
unused Colony Base is scrapped for half its build cost in BCs.
6. Managing a Colony
If you decide after all to establish a colony on this planet, click Yes.
Otherwise, click No. An affirmative answer unloads the colonial
population and takes you directly to the Colony screen.
You can do quite a lot of colony management from the Colonial Overview
(described earlier, under Management Buttons), but for real hands-on
administration, good emperors always end up at the Colony screen.
Among its other uses, this is the only screen at which you can sell off
buildings. This screen appears whenever you:
• click on a colonized planet in the System window
• click on a colony name in the Colonial Overview
• establish a new colony
• capture an enemy colony
• respond to a colony’s request for your attention on an urgent matter
For your convenience, the name, primary function, and total population of
the displayed colony are listed along the top of the Colony screen. (The
number in parentheses is the population growth rate for this colony.) The
6. Managing a Colony
System Overview
The small box in the upper left corner is a summary of what you know
about the planets in this system, including the one the displayed colony
sits on. The ownership of each world is noted, along with the current and
potential populations. The planet icons are color-coded according to
environment, as follows:
Immediately to the right of the System Overview box are two
boxes that, taken together, denote the entire production yield
of the colony. These are for information only; you cannot
manipulate them directly.
Income is represented in the narrow upper box. Each BC
appears as 1 coin; a stack of coins represents 10 BCs. The
coins grouped to the left are those spent toward
maintenance in this colony. Those on the right are what this
world contributes to or takes from the imperial treasury each turn. If
the coins on the right are bright, they represent a profit; if they’re dark,
they indicate a shortfall. Excess income from profitable colonies is
used to offset maintenance shortfalls on other worlds.
Food harvested each turn is shown in the top row of the lower box. Each
corn stalk counts for 1 unit of food, while grain bags represent 5 units
each. As with income, the left portion shows the food used by the
residents of this colony. The right side holds the colony’s contribution
or import need; bright is excess, dark is shortfall imported from
elsewhere, and outlined food icons denote unfilled need—starvation.
Unlike BCs, food cannot move from planet to planet electronically.
Freighters carry food to balance shortfalls with excess.
Industry appears in the center row of the lower box. Each right-leaning
pickaxe represents 1 production unit. A left-leaning pickaxe with a pile
of dirt next to it counts as 10 units. There is no such thing as an excess
6. Managing a Colony
or shortfall in production, but industry does produce Pollution. Units of
pollution appear as barrels of toxic waste. Dim barrels are 1 unit, and
bright barrels are 10. For each unit of pollution, the colony must spend
one unit of production in cleanup efforts. Thus, for every colony there is
an optimum production level, beyond which pollution causes
diminishing returns.
Research done in this colony is indicated in the bottom row of the lower
box. Single research points appear as beakers, while tens of points
appear as microscopes.
The four narrow boxes to the right of the Yield boxes
constitute the Population section of the display. Taken
together, they tell you everything you really need to know
about the colonists on this world. In addition, you can use
the lower 3 boxes to give your colonists orders.
Morale is in the top box. The first icon is special; it’s your
imperial seal, a reminder of the type of government you
run. Otherwise, this box can contain happy and sad face
icons. Each smile represents a 10% bonus to all
production (food, industry, research, and income); each frown denotes
a 10% penalty to all production.
Farmers are represented in the second box. Each icon denotes 1 unit of
population engaged in agricultural pursuits. Their output is shown
immediately to their left. Each unit produces at least 1 food, no matter
what the planet is like (as long as farming is possible there, of course).
Workers show up in the third box. These units are busy producing
industrial output—and pollution. Each unit produces at least 1
production, no matter what the situation.
Scientists are relegated to the bottom box. Each unit produces at least 1
RP, no matter what the situation.
You can move colonist units from one occupation to another just as you do
on the Colonial Overview. To do so, click on any unit. That picks up the
unit and all the ones to the right of it in the same box. Next, carry the units
to the occupation row you want them assigned to and click again. This
places them. Any change in the yield is displayed immediately in the Yield
boxes. You can do this as often as you like, and it has no effect on morale.
(You are the emperor, after all.)
If you have more than one colony, there’s another option. When you pick
up a unit of population, a fifth box appears below the scientists. It’s
labeled Transport Colonists, and you can place colonists here to send
6. Managing a Colony
In addition to the usual population icons, there are a few special icons that
might show up in your Population boxes. They are:
Natives appear in any colony built on a planet that had the Natives system
special (oddly enough). The natives work for you in your colony, but
under a couple of restrictions. They work only as farmers and never
leave their planet of origin.
Aliens appear in an enemy’s colony that you’ve conquered, representing
the population left there by the former owner. At first, all aliens are
uncooperative. Until they are integrated into your empire, each alien
unit produces only half what it normally would. Keep in mind that there
is a 20% morale penalty on any multi-racial planet without an Alien
Management Center.
If you take over a planet, the colony there might benefit (or suffer) from
the effects of its leftover population’s racial abilities. These effects are
not shared, though. For example, if the Mrrshans take a Psilon planet,
then the captured Psilon population on that planet still produce two
additional research points per scientist. Any new Mrrshan scientists,
however, do not. The Mrrshan empire does not become Creative, and
other Mrrshan planets produce only their normal research. If the
Psilons are moved to another planet, they take their bonus with them.
6. Managing a Colony
Here, you can change the current construction project or place other
projects in line behind the present one. Use of the queue is described later
in this section, under Building Stuff.
As has always been the case, spending more drastically speeds up any
construction process. If you’re willing to spend enough, any construction
project is completed in 1 turn. If the Buy button is dim, you do not have
enough BCs in your treasury to complete the displayed project. If it’s not
dim, however, you can click on it to purchase the job outright. When
you’re notified of the cost, you have a chance to back out of the decision
and continue on the normal production schedule.
Colony View
The entire display below the information boxes
is taken up by a view of the colony itself. Of
course, this is a representation; the colony
spans an entire planet, and it would hardly be
possible to fit a view of the whole thing into a
display this size. The important things that
you’ve had built here are all represented. If this
colony is your imperial capital, your capital
building is here. Any improvements you’ve made
and buildings you’ve had erected are also
shown. Any satellites you’ve placed in orbit hover over the landscape in
the background. There are two things you can do in this part of the view.
• Place the mouse pointer over any structure to find out the name of
that building.
• Click on any structure to sell it off for scrap. This nets you a few BCs, but
nowhere near what you paid to have it built.
Along the bottom left of the view are icons representing all the Marine and
Armor units stationed in defense of this planet. Defensive units scramble
into battle whenever an enemy lands troops on the world. For the details
on ground combat, refer to Invading a Colony under Combat.
If you have assigned a leader to this system, a portrait of that leader sits in
the lower right as a reminder. Also in the lower right are two buttons.
Leaders: Lets you change the assignments of the mercenary leaders
you’ve hired. This functions in exactly the same way as the Leaders
button on the Galaxy Map.
Return: Takes you from the Colony screen back to the console or display
from which you gained access to it.
6. Managing a Colony
One of the most vital services your colonies provide is the construction of
things. Colonists build all your military and support ships, buildings,
satellites, trade goods, androids, and even spies. (Okay, spies are trained,
not built, but you get the idea.) They’ll only build what you tell them to,
however. You can get to the Construction Orders screen for a colony from
either the Colonial Overview or any of the individual Colony screens.
The Construction Orders screen has several sections.
Buildings: Running down the left side of the display is an alphabetical
list of all the improvements you can make to this particular colony.
Whenever your research makes a new building possible, it is added to
the list immediately. If a building or process would have no effect
here (Soil Enrichment on a Radiated world, for example), it is not
listed. The top two items are not in order. These are settings; they are
ongoing processes, not projects that can be completed. Both settings
deserve a little explanation.
Trade Goods instructs the colonists to make items for sale to other
colonies. The taxes on these transactions add to the income generated
6. Managing a Colony
by this colony. Every 2 industry converts to 1 BC.
Housing orders the workers to build additional living space. This
increases the population growth rate of the colony slightly.
Ships & Spies: Along the right side of the screen is a similar list. This one
has three sections.
Support is the top list. It includes all the non-military ships you are
currently able to build, plus the Colony Base if there is a habitable,
uncolonized planet in the same system as this colony. They’re not in
any particular order.
Military is the center list. The ship templates that are designed and
ready to build are all included. These start out in order by hull size, but
if you decide to design a small ship in the last slot, there’s nothing to
stop you.
Androids and Spies is last. Training a spy is unlike constructing a
building or a ship, but it takes quite a lot of work and the dedication of
many people to do correctly.
Item Info: Between the two lists is a large area. Whenever you place the
mouse pointer over an item in one of the lists, detailed information
about that item appears in this area.
An Image of the item is displayed in the upper left box.
The Name of the item, the Cost of building it at this time and in this
colony, and the Build Time involved (in turns) appear in the box to the
right of the image.
All Data pertaining to the item are listed in the lower, larger box.
Build Queue: When you click on any of the items listed in either list
(Buildings or Ships & Spies), that project is placed in the bottom
center box. This is the Build Queue. There are seven slots in the
queue, and you can put a project in every slot. The worker colonists
toil only on the first item in the list, but when that’s finished, they
move on immediately to the next. (If there is no next item, they
contact you for new orders.) There are two ways you can manipulate
the projects in this list.
If you wish to remove an item from the list, click twice (not double-
click) on that item in the queue. (If the item is in the Buildings list, you
6. Managing a Colony
application that field allows. That state of affairs doesn’t last. In the more
advanced fields, research becomes so expensive and difficult that your
scientists must focus on only one application per field. Choose wisely, for
you are not able to research the other applications in that field.
Even though you can only research one application in any advanced
field, that doesn’t mean that they are lost to you forever. There are
several ways to gain technological applications from the efforts of
other empires. Some of them are even nice.
All of the fields of research available in Master of Orion II are split into
eight categories:
• Biology
• Chemistry
• Construction
• Computers
• Physics
• Power
• Sociology
• Force Fields
7. Research and Development
Within each category are a number of fields, which you can research
sequentially. Each field includes from one to four possible applications of
that research (unless you’re playing an Uncreative race). For a few of these
fields—the most basic and most general—you actually research the entire
field. After that, however, the science gets more specific, and you can only
research one technological application in any particular field (unless
you’re the leader of a Creative race, that is). To select an application (or a
field) for research, click on it.
To successfully research a field, your empire must accumulate a certain
amount of Research Points (RPs). Population assigned to science and
some improvements you can make to colonies generate RPs each turn. As
in real life, however, research in Master of Orion II is subject to the
vagaries of coincidence, accident, and serendipity. When the amount of
RPs you’ve accumulated passes the Base Cost of an advance (the cost
listed in the research selection box), there is a good chance every turn that
your scientists will make the breakthrough. (Under no circumstances will
any research cost more than twice the listed RPs.) Those applications that
you choose not to pursue (or cannot seek because they do not appear on
your research list) can be had through other means. You might acquire
missing applications through conquest, trade, or espionage. For the how-
to on these alternatives, refer to Combat and Diplomacy.
Once you’ve actually finished (or stolen) the
research, you can build the application. Each
application affects a specific aspect of your
empire. Thus, they are broken down by type:
Achievement: These benefit your entire empire.
Once the research succeeds, the benefits of
7. Research and Development
Automated Factories (Building)
Automated factories aid workers, increasing the output of each industrial
unit of population by +1 production each turn and giving the colony +5
An Automated Factory costs 1 BC in maintenance each turn.
Missile Base (Building)
The planetary Missile Base is a defensive emplacement equipped with as
many launchers full of the best missiles you have as will fit in 300 space.
The base automatically fires to defend the planet against attacking ships.
A Missile Base can only be destroyed by orbital bombardment.
A Missile Base costs 2 BC in maintenance each turn.
Heavy Armor (System)
Installing Heavy Armor adds 50% to the amount of damage the ship’s
armor can sustain before damage gets through to the internal systems.
This system also negates the Armor Piercing abilities of enemy weapons
that hit the ship.
Battle Pods (System)
Battle Pods are strap-on bays that add equipment space without
increasing the hull size. For a substantial construction cost, these allow
you to fit more systems in a ship.
Troop Pods (System)
Troop Pods house additional detachments of space marines, doubling the
number of Marines on board a ship. The additional marines both defend
the ship and can board enemy ships.
Space Port (Building)
A Space Port provides an excellent site for commercial transactions,
increasing the BC generated in the colony (from all sources) by 50%.
A Space Port costs 1 BC in maintenance each turn.
Armor Barracks (Building)
Armor Barracks allow a colony to train and maintain tank battalions to
defend the colony during ground invasions. When first built, an Armor
Barracks immediately produces 2 armor battalions, then another tank
battalion every 10 turns, up to a maximum equal to one-quarter the
current population of the colony or a quarter of the base maximum
population of that size planet, whichever is less. Under certain types of
government, Armor Barracks serve to remove an innate morale penalty.
An Armor Barracks costs 2 BC in maintenance each turn.
Fighter Garrison (Building)
Fighter Garrisons are ground-based air installations. These house 24
Interceptor squadrons, 18 Bomber squadrons, or 12 Heavy Fighter
squadrons, depending on the most advanced fighter technology you’ve
discovered. (Note that Interceptors are available immediately.) All
ground-based squadrons of fighter craft are totally renewed every
10 turns. Fighter Garrisons can only be destroyed by orbital bombardment.
A Fighter Garrison costs 2 BC in maintenance each turn.
Robo Mining Plant (Building)
The robotic mining equipment in a Robo Mining Plant automates many
difficult and dangerous tasks, dramatically increasing the productivity of
industrial workers. The plant adds 2 production to the output of each
population unit doing industrial work and 10 production to the colony as
a whole.
A Robo Mining Plant costs 2 BC in maintenance each turn.
7. Research and Development
Fast Missile Racks (System)
Fast Missile Racks allow a ship to fire two volleys of missiles in a single
turn. However, if the ship does so, it cannot fire its missiles twice in 1 turn
again until it has allowed them to remain unused for 1 turn, allowing time
for reloading the fast racks.
Advanced Damage Control (Achievement)
Advanced Damage Control becomes an integral part of the design of every
ship as soon as you’ve finished researching it. The ADC unit repairs a ship
completely after every battle.
Assault Shuttles (System)
Assault Shuttles are fighters (like the Interceptors) that carry 1 Marine
unit. These are designed for sending remote boarding parties to enemy
ships. Shuttles are installed and launched in squadrons of 4. Each shuttle
is equipped with your best armor and moves at speed 6. Once launched,
Assault Shuttles fly to the target ship and drop off their Marines, which
board and attempt capture. After the marines are dropped, unpiloted
shuttles are set adrift to be picked up after the battle.
Titan Construction (Ship)
The Titan class of starship is gigantic in proportion to other ships, and
requires advanced engineering techniques both to construct and to
integrate the numerous ship systems. This technology allows your orbital
platforms to build Titan size ships.
Titan class ships require 5 Command Rating points or 50 BCs in
maintenance per turn.
Recyclotron (Building)
The Recyclotron is the most advanced form of recycling; it allows complete
reclamation and reuse of every form of scrap material. This not only
reduces construction costs, but also involves the entire population in
production efforts. Thus, each unit of population generates 1 industrial
production, regardless of its assigned job. This increased production does
not count toward the planetary pollution level, since all the materials used
are recycled.
A Recyclotron costs 3 BC in maintenance each turn.
Automated Repair Unit (System)
The Automated Repair Unit repairs a ship during combat. Each combat
turn, this system takes a number of points equal to 20% of the ship’s
armor and structural damage and restores that number of points, first to
the ship’s structure, then any leftover is applied to the armor. The unit
also repairs 10% of the damage to the ship’s internal systems—engines,
weapons, and shields—each turn of combat. In addition, any ship
equipped with an Automated Repair Unit is completely repaired after
every battle.
Artificial Planet Construction (Special)
This technology allows a colony in the same system with an asteroid field
or gas giant to assemble this otherwise useless planetary material into a
complete artificial planet that can support a colony. This planet is Barren,
Normal G, and mineral Abundant. Gas giants make Huge worlds, and
asteroid belts make Large ones.
Robotic Factory (Building)
7. Research and Development
The Robotic Factory uses self-repairing robotic systems and generates its
own replacement parts and machinery. The resulting efficiency boost
adds to the colony’s output according to the minerals available: +5 on
Ultra Poor worlds, +8 for Poor, +10 on Abundant planets, +15 for Rich, and
+20 on Ultra Rich worlds.
A Robotic Factory costs 3 BC in maintenance each turn.
Bomber Bays (System)
Bombers are short-range fighters similar to Interceptors, except that
these carry one bomb. Each bomber can attack either a planet or a ship.
Bombers are installed and launched in squadrons of 4. Each bomber is
equipped with the best bomb you have, the best armor, and the best
computer. They move at speed 10 and can take 4 damage (plus what
armor absorbs). Bombers fly to the target, drop their bomb at point-blank
range, then return to the carrier for repair, rearming, and refueling. When
attacking a ship, Bombers always strike the weakest shield.
Deep Core Mine (Building)
Normal mining only extends into a planet’s crust. Advanced structural
engineering techniques allow miners to build stable tunnels extending
deep into the planet—sometimes even into the core. This increases the
productivity of each worker unit by 3 production and the colony by 15.
A Deep Core Mine costs 3 BC in maintenance each turn.
Core Waste Dumps (Building)
Core Waste Dumps take man-made toxic and polluting agents and stash
them deep within the planet. Since they’re so far below surface water
supplies and often destroyed by the intense pressures and temperatures
at the fringe of the molten core, this completely eliminates all pollution on
the planet.
A Core Waste Dump costs 8 BC in maintenance each turn.
Star Fortress (Satellite)
The Star Fortress is the leviathan of orbital platforms. It’s much better
armed than a Battle Station, and it adds 6 parsecs to the range of
planetary scanners and 20% to the Ship Attack of all friendly ships in
combat with it. The fortress drydock automatically repairs all damaged
friendly ships that spend time in the same system. The fortress replaces
any Battle Station or Star Base in orbit around the same planet.
A Star Fortress costs 4 BC in maintenance each turn.
Doom Star Construction (Ship)
Doom Stars are mobile planetoid bases the size of small moons. This is
the largest class of ship possible and a military ship of incredible
A Doom Star requires 6 Command Rating points or 60 BC in maintenance
each turn.
Artemis System Net (Satellite)
The Artemis System Net is a gigantic spherical network of high-yield mines
that surrounds an entire star system. Any enemy ship entering that system
has a chance of being damaged based on its size: Small = 20%, Medium =
30%, Large = 40%, Huge = 50%, Titan = 80%, and Doom Star = 100%.
When a mine is encountered, the ship involved suffers 150–550 damage—
absorbed by armor and internal systems, in that order. Shields do not
mitigate or absorb Artemis damage at all.
An Artemis System Net costs 5 BC in maintenance each turn.
7. Research and Development
Nuclear Drive (Ship)
The Nuclear Drive is the slowest of the faster than light (FTL) propulsion
systems. It relies on the inefficient fission of heavy nuclei to move a ship
between the stars at a rate of 2 parsecs per turn.
Nuclear Bomb (System)
Nuclear bombs are high-yield explosive devices engineered to destroy
ground forces, colony installations, and ships. They inflict 3–12 points
of damage.
Fusion Drive (Ship)
The Fusion Drive is the next step forward for interstellar drive capability.
The efficient fusion of light nuclei moves a ship 3 parsecs a turn. This drive
is added to all your ships as soon as you complete your research.
Fusion Bomb (System)
The Fusion Bomb creates a more efficient explosion than the Nuclear
Bomb. This device delivers 4–24 points of damage to its target.
Augmented Engines (System)
This is simply a larger, more powerful version of the standard engines
used for sub-light movement. Augmented Engines increase the combat
speed of a ship by +5.
Ion Drive (Ship)
The Ion Drive is something of an advancement and a step backward in
interstellar travel. Taking advantage of a quirk in the physics of fission
reactions, this engine system moves a ship 4 parsecs per turn, but it’s an
inefficient reaction that spews toxic byproducts into space. This drive is
added to all your ships as soon as you complete your research.
Ion Pulse Cannon (System)
The Ion Pulse Cannon discharges a violent wave of charged particles
7. Research and Development
Anti-Matter Drive (Ship)
Harnessing the total annihilation reaction between equal particles of
matter and anti-matter, this drive is capable of moving a ship 5 parsecs
per turn. This drive is added to all your ships as soon as you complete your
Anti-Matter Torpedoes (System)
Anti-Matter Torpedoes are tiny lumps of anti-matter contained in a
magnetic plasma. On contact with a target, this magnetic shell collapses,
releasing the anti-matter to inflict 25 points of damage. Torpedoes do not
miss unless distracted by jamming systems, but can only fire once every
second turn. The anti-matter type travels at speed 20.
Anti-Matter Bomb (System)
The Anti-Matter Bomb is essentially a torpedo modified to survive
atmospheric reentry. These unguided projectiles do 5–40 points of
damage apiece.
Transporters (System)
Transporters allow a ship to send Marines onto an enemy ship from a
range of 12 squares—if the shield facing the attacking ship is disabled.
These Marines can then attempt to capture or sabotage the target ship.
Furthermore, transporters extend the range at which a ship can drop
bombs on a planet to 12 squares from the normal 3.
Food Replicators (Building)
Food Replicators alter the molecular structure of inorganic material,
remaking it into edible foodstuffs. Having this facility in a colony allows
you to convert industrial production into food on a two-for-one basis,
as needed.
A Food Replicator costs 10 BC in maintenance each turn.
Proton Torpedo (System)
The Proton Torpedo is a powerful energy projectile that travels at light
speed, striking the target instantly. These torpedoes have a maximum
range of 24 squares, and they inflict 40 points of damage. Like all torps,
they only fire every other turn and are susceptible to jamming.
Hyper Drive (Ship)
The Hyper Drive creates a tiny, folded hyperspace bubble in which the
energy from a typical matter/anti-matter reaction is collimated and
multiplied. Though no one is entirely sure where the extra energy comes
from, the drive works, moving ships 6 parsecs a turn. This drive is added to
all your ships as soon as you complete your research.
Hyper-X Capacitors (System)
Hyper-X Capacitors use the peculiar characteristics of folded hyperspace
to store up vast amounts of power for fast energy discharges. This allows
a ship’s beam weapons to fire twice in a single turn. After firing twice,
these weapons cannot be fired twice in a turn again until they have spent
at least 1 full turn unused. It takes this turn to recharge the capacitor.
Interphased Drive (Ship)
7. Research and Development
Nuclear Missile (System)
Each Nuclear Missile carries a warhead that inflicts 8 points of
damage on the target ship. The standard guidance system in every
missile assures a hit, unless the missile is destroyed en route or
deflected by a jamming system.
Standard Fuel Cells (Ship)
The Standard Fuel Cell supplies sufficient energy to propel a ship 4
parsecs and back before refueling.
Extended Fuel Tanks (System)
Extended fuel tanks increase the overall range of a ship by 50%, but at the
cost of a considerable amount of space.
Titanium Armor (Ship)
Titanium alloy is standard armor for FTL ships. Without it, interstellar
travel is not possible
Merculite Missile (System)
The Merculite Missile carries a powerful, chemical explosive warhead
capable of delivering 14 points of damage on impact. Missiles do not miss
unless destroyed or jammed.
Pollution Processor (Building)
The Pollution Processor is an ungainly but effective system. Closely
controlled chemical reactions process factory waste, eliminating most of
the toxic byproducts. This facility can process the waste from fully half of
the colony’s production and reduces the pollution accordingly.
A Pollution Processor costs 1 BC in maintenance each turn.
Pulson Missile
A Pulson Missile explodes a compressed molecular soup to deliver an
explosive energy pulse that does 20 points of damage to its target. The
missile itself travels at speed 14 (14 squares per turn).
Atmospheric Renewer (Building)
An Atmospheric Renewer eliminates most of the dangerous and irritating
particles from the atmosphere of a planet. This effectively cuts out the
pollution produced by three-quarters of the industry at a colony. This
effect is cumulative with that of the Pollution Processor; if both are in
place, only one-eighth of the industry produces pollution.
An Atmospheric Renewer costs 3 BC in maintenance each turn.
Iridium Fuel Cells (Ship)
7. Research and Development
The Iridium Fuel Cell supplies sufficient energy to propel a ship 9 parsecs
(and back) before refueling. These cells are added to all your ships as
soon as you complete your research.
Nano Disassemblers (Achievement)
Nano Disassemblers are microscopic machines designed to seek out and
break down environmental contaminants with amazing speed and
precision. The introduction of the Nano Disassemblers into your colonial
environments doubles the planet’s inherent tolerance to pollution.
Microlite Construction (Achievement)
Microlite Construction proceeds using microscopic nano-machines to
construct buildings and ships. This results in the use of less material
overall, but the same strength and durability of structures. This
achievement increases the output of all your empire’s industrial workers
by 1 production per turn each.
Zortrium Armor (Ship)
Zortrium Armor is engineered using nano-precision instruments to build
composite alloys of a complexity not possible by ordinary means. This
armor increases the structural integrity of ships and fighters by 300% and
can absorb much more damage than Tritanium. Furthermore, Zortrium
body armor adds 15 to the combat strength of all ground troops. Applied
to missiles and other systems, this armor increases the amount of
damage necessary to destroy the protected device.
Zeon Missile (System)
The Zeon Missile carries an explosive warhead based on the bizarre
properties of the only transuranic “noble” element ever discovered. This
unlikely “inert” gas is so reactive that these simple chemical missiles
inflict 30 points of damage. Zeon Missiles travel 16 squares per turn.
Neutronium Armor (Ship)
Ultra-dense Neutronium Armor boosts the structural hits of ships and
fighters by 500%. Naturally, it absorbs more damage than Zortrium Armor,
even when installed on missiles. Furthermore, Neutronium-laced armor
and shields add 20 to all ground troop combat strengths.
Uridium Fuel Cells (Ship)
Uridium, the only known element more reactive than Zeon, powers the
Uridium Fuel Cell to supply the energy to propel a ship 12 parsecs (and
back) before refueling. These cells are added to all your ships as soon as
you complete your research.
Space Academy (Building)
The Space Academy trains ship crews (Marines), giving them experience
before they ever engage in actual combat. The crew starting level of ships
built by this colony is increased by 1 (i.e., Recruits become Regulars,
Regulars become Veterans, etc.). Finally, the crews of all ships stationed
in a system with a Space Academy gain 1 extra experience point each turn.
A Space Academy costs 1 BC in maintenance each turn.
Xeno Psychology (Achievement)
Xeno Psychology focuses on understanding the motivations and values of
the other races in the galaxy, in an attempt to formulate deals that are
more appealing. The overall effect is to permanently add 30 diplomatic
points to your dealings with every opponent empire.
Alien Management Center (Building)
The Alien Management Center is used to control the alien population of an
occupied colony. This facility assimilates conquered populations at the
rate of 1 per 2 turns, regardless of government. The adjustment for a
Charismatic or Repulsive race is applied to this base rate. This building
also removes the 20% morale penalty from multi-racial colonies, and it
halves the unrest of the assimilated populations, decreasing the chance
of revolt.
An Alien Management Center costs 1 BC in maintenance each turn.
7. Research and Development
Planetary Stock Exchange (Building)
The establishment of a Planetary Stock Exchange increases the revenues
earned on a single planet by 100%.
A Planetary Stock Exchange costs 2 BC in maintenance each turn.
Astro University (Building)
The Astro University (A.U.) uses the most advanced teaching methods
available to provide for the training of farmers, workers, and scientists.
Each unit of this educated population produces 1 more of everything
(food, research, and industry) per turn.
An Astro University costs 4 BC in maintenance each turn.
Imperium (Achievement)
The Imperium replaces the Dictatorship as the ultimate in total control
government. The colonial morale penalty still applies and barracks still
remove it. Your empire gets a 50% boost in Command Rating from the
new government. Assimilation time is reduced to 4 turns per unit. In
addition, internal security in an Imperium is outstanding. This increases
the effectiveness of all defensive agents by 15 points.
Confederation (Achievement)
The Confederation is a more stable, structured form of the Feudal
government. In a Confederation, the nobility are more effectively unified,
which eliminates the automatic assimilation problem on worlds
conquered by your enemies. Furthermore, Confederation reduces the
production cost of building ships to 1/3 the normal cost.
Federation (Achievement)
The Federation is the advanced form of a Democracy. All research and
income is increased by 75%. Conquered populations assimilate at a rate
of 1 unit every 2 turns.
Galactic Unification (Achievement)
Galactic Unification elevates a merely “hive-minded” Unification
government to the status of a true, fully interconnected, collective
consciousness. Each and every member of the race acts in total harmony
with the rest. All populations produce twice as much food and industry as
before. Conquered populations are assimilated at a rate of 1 unit every
15 turns.
Galactic Currency Exchange (Achievement)
Electronic Computer (Ship)
The basic Electronic Computer directs all starship beam
weapons fire. These computers are automatically equipped
on all ships and increase the chance a beam weapon will hit
by +25. Should the computer be damaged or destroyed, the
ship will lose this bonus.
Research Laboratory (Building)
The Research Laboratory houses state-of-the-art computer equipment,
creating a superior research environment and allowing each scientist
population unit to produce 1 additional research point per turn. In
addition, automated research generates 5 research points.
A Research Laboratory costs 1 BC in maintenance each turn.
Optronic Computer (Ship)
The Optronic Computer incorporates optical switching technologies to
speed the processing of all functions. This bonus to efficiency allows more
complex AI and adds 50 to the accuracy of beam weapons. If the computer
is destroyed, the ship will lose this targeting bonus.
Dauntless Guidance System (System)
The Dauntless Guidance System uses a variant supercomputer design to
provide in-flight friend-or-foe recognition for projectile (missile and
torpedo) weapons. If a weapon’s original target is destroyed or phase-
cloaked before impact, that weapon automatically scans and acquires the
nearest enemy ship as its new target.
Neural Scanner (Achievement)
7. Research and Development
With improved data processing methods, the pathways of the brain can
be mapped and analyzed in situ. The development of the Neural Scanner
provides a nearly perfect lie detector. This device is used by spies to elicit
information, adding 10 to all spy rolls.
Scout Lab (System)
The Scout Lab is a computer-assisted laboratory that you can install on
ships. This system generates research points each turn; the number
depends on the size of the ship: Small=1, Medium=2, Large=4, Huge=8,
Titan=16, and Doom Star=32. In addition, the lab allows a fleet in combat
with a space monster, an Antaran fleet, or the Guardian of Orion to
analyze the opponent’s biology or structure and seek out weaknesses.
This significantly increases the targeting accuracy of the beam weapons
on all ships in the fleet during that combat.
Security Stations (System)
Security Stations monitor vital sections of a military ship and attack
intruders with computer-controlled weapons. Stations add 20 to the
combat rolls of the Marines defending against enemy boarding parties.
Positronic Computer (Ship)
The Positronic Computer takes advantage of the properties of electrons’
anti-matter counterparts to accelerate processing. This system adds 75 to
beam weapons’ chances to hit.
Planetary Supercomputer (Building)
The Planetary Supercomputer supplies researchers with a vastly
improved ability to coordinate and analyze immense amounts of
information, and provides a superior means of communication between
researchers. This increases the research points each scientist generates
by 2 per turn and adds 10 to the colony’s total.
A Planetary Supercomputer costs 2 BC in maintenance each turn.
Holo Simulator (Building)
The Holo Simulator facility creates realistic 3-D images using holographic
projectors. This gives overworked populations the chance to experience
relaxing and fantastic environments and interactions. The Holo Simulator
increases a planet’s morale by 20%.
A Holo Simulator costs 1 BC in maintenance each turn.
Emissions Guidance System (System)
Cybertronic Computer (Ship)
The Cybertronic Computer uses a neural net similar to a biological brain. It
is capable of quickly learning and adapting. These computer systems give
a ship a +100 chance to hit with each beam weapon. Should it be damaged
or destroyed, the ship would lose this bonus.
Autolab (Building)
The Autolab is a completely automated research facility that operates
under computer control, generating 30 research points per turn.
An Autolab costs 3 BC in maintenance each turn.
Structural Analyzer (System)
The Structural Analyzer links the ship’s weapons array to a powerful
computer that chooses target points on an enemy vessel where the
structure is weakest. As a result, the damage done by beam weapons that
penetrate an enemy ship’s shields is doubled.
Android Farmers (Android)
Android farmers are designed specifically for farming careers. They do not
receive any racial bonuses, but they do have an inherent +3 food
production bonus. They require no food, but must be maintained with 1
unit of production each. Androids are unaffected by morale, do not
generate income, and cannot be taxed. As a “race,” they are Tolerant of
hostile environments.
7. Research and Development
Virtual Reality Network (Achievement)
The Virtual Reality Network creates an empire-wide web of
communications through which individuals can tap into computer-
generated alternate realities. The existence of this network increases
morale by 20% in every colony throughout the entire empire.
Galactic Cybernet (Building)
Nearly instantaneous galaxy-wide communications allow the accelerated
exchange of information and ideas, greatly enhancing the research
capabilities of scientists who have access to the Galactic Cybernet. The
research point output of all scientist population units in the colony is
increased by 3 and that of the colony as a whole by 15.
A Galactic Cybernet costs 3 BC in maintenance each turn.
Pleasure Dome (Building)
A Pleasure Dome is the ultimate in virtual holographic entertainment,
creating completely immersive environments. A Pleasure Dome increases
colony morale by 30%.
A Pleasure Dome costs 3 BC in maintenance each turn.
Moleculartronic Computer (Ship)
The Moleculartronic Computer stores information in the form of arrays of
forced quantum electron states inside custom-built molecules. Thanks to
Hydroponic Farm (Building)
The Hydroponic Farm is an automated, sealed environment in which food
is grown, even on otherwise lifeless worlds. The Farm increases the food
output of a colony by 2.
A Hydroponic Farm costs 2 BC in maintenance each turn.
Biospheres (Building)
Biospheres allow colonies to better control the environmental conditions
under which they live, allowing the population to use the less tolerable
areas of a planet. This increases the maximum population a planet can
hold by 2 units.
A Biosphere costs 1 BC in maintenance each turn.
Cloning Center (Building)
Cloning Centers allow doctors to easily replace failing or damaged organs
with fresh ones grown via stem cells cultured from the patient’s own
body. The resulting increase in life span boosts population growth in the
colony, (by 100,000 people per turn), until the population reaches the
planet’s maximum population limit, of course.
A Cloning Center costs 2 BC in maintenance each turn.
7. Research and Development
Telepathic Training (Achievement)
Telepathic Training allows your empire to develop the talents of the
naturally telepathic members of your race. As a result, your
counterintelligence and espionage forces gain an effectiveness never
before possible. This achievement adds 5 to all your spying rolls.
Microbiotics (Achievement)
Microbiotics enable your scientists to develop genetically engineered
microorganisms. The first application of this technology is the creation of
entirely new families of disease-fighting compounds that actively attack
both infections and tumors directly. Microbiotics increases the population
growth rate of all your colonies by 25% and cuts the effectiveness of
Death Spores and Bio Terminators dropped on your populations in half.
Terraforming (Special)
Terraforming is a slow process of altering the environmental
characteristics of a planet until they closely resemble Terran norms. This
changes weather patterns, stabilizes extreme temperature fluctuations,
and adjusts the abundance of surface water. Terraforming will only work
on planets that have hospitable environments already. Barren worlds
become Desert or Tundra, Desert environments become Arid, Tundra
planets become Swamp worlds, and Ocean, Arid, and Swamp become
Subterranean Farms (Building)
The Subterranean Farms are an underground cavern system filled with
automated agricultural facilities. This increases the food output of a world
by 4.
Subterranean Farms cost 4 BC in maintenance each turn.
Weather Controller (Building)
A Weather Controller modifies a planet’s weather patterns to form a more
stable, fecund farming climate. Food production is increased by 2 per
A Weather Controller costs 3 BC in maintenance each turn.
Psionics (Achievement)
Psionics results from a combination of advanced genetic engineering and
research into the biological basis of telepathy. It allows your empire to
selectively create beings with immense psychic power. These new
telepaths can read the mind of any being and, sometimes, even kill with
thought. All your empire’s spying bonuses are raised by 10. Furthermore,
morale is raised by 10% throughout the empire if your government is a
Dictatorship, Imperium, Feudalism, or Confederation.
Heightened Intelligence (Achievement)
Through genetic engineering and voluntary selective breeding programs,
the average intelligence of your entire race is substantially improved,
increasing the research output of all scientists by 1.
Bio Terminator (System)
The Bio Terminator is the most advanced and loathsome biochemical
weapon ever devised. Its effects are best left to the imagination. Suffice to
say that each B-T pod launched has a 20% chance of killing one unit of
population. The use of biological weapons is considered a transgression
of the unwritten laws of civilized behavior, and does serious damage to
your diplomatic standing with every race in the galaxy.
Universal Antidote (Achievement)
7. Research and Development
Biomorphic Fungi (Achievement)
Biomorphic Fungi is a highly adaptive, edible plant that can extract nearly
any form of energy from its environment in order to grow. It flourishes in
any environment, including hard vacuum and radiated worlds, and
increases the food output of all planets by 1 food per farmer. On worlds
where farming is impossible, it makes farming possible!
Gaia Transformation (Special)
The Gaia Transformation introduces genetically engineered micro-
organisms into a world to create an environment perfectly suited to both
plant and animal growth. The transformation can be applied to Terran
environments. Afterward, the planet becomes a Gaia class world.
Evolutionary Mutation (Achievement)
Advances in genetic engineering allow you to intentionally direct and
accelerate the natural mutation of your race, altering your abilities. When
evolutionary genetics is discovered, you may choose 4 Picks worth of
racial specials to add to your racial characteristics. You may not change
your type of government, choose additional penalties, or reduce any of
your established bonuses.
Laser Cannon (System)
Laser Cannons deliver highly focused, coherent beams of light that deliver
1–4 points of damage. This is the most basic beam weapon available.
Laser Rifle (Equipment)
Fusion Beam (System)
The Fusion Beam harnesses the radioactive output of a hyper-stimulated
breeder reactor to project a collimated stream of charged particles,
inflicting 2–6 points of damage.
Fusion Rifle (Equipment)
The Fusion Rifle is a hand-held weapon that increases the combat rating of
ground troops and armor by 10. This bonus is replaced by, not cumulative
with, those from more advanced rifles.
Tachyon Communications (Achievement)
Tachyon relay stations are integrated into every Star Base, Battle Station,
Star Fortress, and Doom Star. These emit coherent signals capable of
penetrating a short distance into hyperspace. Tachyon Communications
allows you to issue orders to ships traveling through hyperspace within 3
parsecs of a relay station, and add 1 Command Rating point for each
orbital base.
Tachyon Scanner (Achievement)
Tachyon Scanners detect the disturbances in the gravitic characteristics
of normal space caused by the passage of ships traveling through
hyperspace. These scanners have a base detection range (for Small ships)
of 3 parsecs. The differences in detection range caused by ship size still
apply. Tachyon Scanners installed in ships also reduce the effectiveness
of enemy missile jamming systems, lowering the target’s Missile Evasion
by 20 points.
Battle Scanner (System)
7. Research and Development
Neutron Blaster (System)
The Neutron Blaster fires an intense beam of lethal radiation. It inflicts
3–12 points of damage per hit. The hard radiation from Neutron Blaster
shots that penetrate the target ship kills one Marine for every 5 points of
internal damage done.
Neutron Scanner (Achievement)
Neutron Scanners analyze disturbances in the galaxy’s background
neutrino radiation caused by the passage of ships traveling through
hyperspace. These scanners have a base detection range (for Small ships)
of 5 parsecs. The differences in detection range caused by ship size still
apply. Neutron Scanners installed in ships also reduce the effectiveness
of enemy missile jamming systems, lowering the target’s Missile Evasion
by 40 points.
Tractor Beam (System)
The Tractor Beam projects a powerful, localized gravitic field capable of
slowing a single enemy ship or holding it in place. Each beam can trap a
Small ship or slow a larger one—in proportion to its size—up to the
maximum range of 12 squares away. The effect of multiple Tractor Beams
on a single target is cumulative. (Thus, for example, 6 beams would
immobilize a Doom Star.) A slowed or trapped ship can move or turn only
according to its new speed, and any speed-related defensive bonuses are
lessened. All ships attacking an immobile ship receive an additional 20%
bonus to hit with beam weapons. Any motionless ship can be boarded by
an adjacent ship.
Graviton Beam (System)
The Graviton Beam fires a series of artificially generated gravity waves
that simultaneously push and pull at the target ship with immense force,
literally tearing it apart with tidal flux. The beam inflicts 3–15 points of
damage. Any damage that penetrates the ship’s armor is apportioned as
usual, then an additional 50% of that total is done directly to the structure
of the target.
Planetary Gravity Generator (Building)
Planetary Gravity Generators create artificial gravity to normalize a
Subspace Communications (Achievement)
Subspace Communications are a substantial improvement over tachyon
relays. This upgrade to all your relay stations gives you the ability to issue
orders to any friendly ship within 6 parsecs. This replaces the +1 Command
Rating points given to orbital bases by the old tachyon system with a +2
Jump Gate (Achievement)
The Jump Gate forms a temporary, controlled wormhole terminus in each
system in which you have at least one colony. This weakening of the fabric
of space-time increases the speed of your ships traveling between two of
your colony systems by 3 parsecs a turn.
Phasors (System)
The Phasor fires a trans-light beam of phased energy that actually exists in
several dimensions simultaneously, inflicting 5–20 points of damage.
Phasor Rifle (Equipment)
The Phasor Rifle is a powerful hand-held weapon that practically
disintegrates opponents. This increases the combat rating of ground
troops and armor by 20. This bonus is replaced by, not cumulative with,
those from more advanced rifles.
Multi-Phased Shields (System)
Multi-Phased Shields allow a ship to constantly change the frequency and
phase of its shields, increasing the maximum amount of damage that they
can absorb by 50%.
Plasma Cannon (System)
The Plasma Cannon fires a tremendous blast of plasma energy that inflicts
6–30 points of damage, enveloping and striking the ship from all four
sides. Unfortunately, this volatile beam has poor cohesion and dissipates
rapidly, resulting in double range penalties for damage.
Plasma Rifle (Equipment)
The Plasma Rifle is the most powerful hand-held weapon known. It
increases the combat rating of ground troops and armor by 30. This bonus
7. Research and Development
Disruptor Cannon (System)
The Disruptor Cannon fires intense bolts of energy phased in such a way as
to disrupt the molecular cohesion of the target, inflicting 40 points of
damage. The beam’s cohesion is so great that this damage is not reduced
by range penalties.
Dimensional Portal (Satellite)
A Dimensional Portal gives your fleets in the same system the ability to
cross into the dimension from which the Antarans stage their attacks. To
use this, select a fleet in the same system as the portal, then click the
Attack Antarans button instead of selecting a destination.
A Dimensional Portal costs 2 BC in maintenance each turn.
Hyperspace Communications (Achievement)
Hyperspace Communications allow you to communicate with and give
orders to any of your ships in hyperspace, no matter what its distance
from your relay stations. This also replaces any Command Rating bonus to
orbital bases given by Tachyon or Subspace Communications with a
+3 bonus.
Sensors (Achievement)
Sensors provide extremely accurate scans and analysis of disturbances in
both normal and hyperspace, and thus are capable of detecting ships at
Time Warp Facilitator (System)
A Time Warp Facilitator allows a ship to momentarily blink out of and back
into the space-time continuum. Any ship equipped with this bizarre device
is able to overlap itself for a brief moment in time and gain an additional
round of activity at the end of its every active combat round. In essence,
the ship gets two combat turns for every one that normal ships get.
Stellar Converter (Building/System)
The Stellar Converter is a tremendous plasma cannon powered by a near-
perfectly efficient matter to energy conversion system. It fires a plasma
blast that, if it strikes the target ship, inflicts 400 points of damage to each
of the four shields of a ship—1,600 total damage—regardless of range.
The ship system version of the Stellar Converter destroys an entire
planet—turns it into an asteroid belt—when fired from orbit (outside
of combat).
A planet-based Stellar Converter costs 6 BC in maintenance each turn.
Star Gate (Achievement)
A Star Gate forms a stable, controlled wormhole terminus in each system
in which you have a colony. This fold in the fabric of space-time allows
instantaneous (1 turn) travel between any two of your systems.
Force Fields
7. Research and Development
Class I Shield (Ship)
Class I shields protect a ship from physical and energy attacks,
absorbing up to 5 times the ship’s size in damage before failing.
Shields normally regenerate one-third of the total strength of the
strongest facing, spread equally over all the damaged facings,
each combat round.
Mass Driver (System)
The Mass Driver is an electromagnetic rail gun that fires hyper-
velocity projectiles, inflicting 6 points of damage for each that
hits. Though the Mass Driver’s accuracy is calculated like that of
beam weapon attacks, its damage is not reduced by range.
ECM Jammer (System)
The ECM Jammer generates magnetic pulses that confuse both weapons
targeting systems and missile guidance units. The effect is a 70 chance
that any missile or torpedo targeting the ship goes astray.
Anti-Grav Harness (Equipment)
The Anti-Grav Harness allows ground troops and armor to fly,
substantially increasing their mobility and defense and adding 10 to their
ground combat rating.
Inertial Stabilizer (System)
The Inertial Stabilizer creates an incomplete hyperspace travel field that
operates in normal space. This vastly improves the ship’s mobility and
makes it considerably harder to target. The result is a +50 addition to the
ship’s beam defense and a halving of the movement cost for turning the
ship in place.
Gyro Destabilizer (System)
The Gyro Destabilizer is a remote spinoff of the same technology that
makes the Inertial Stabilizer possible. This system creates a hyperspatial
rift that interacts with the target ship’s own, idling hyperspace field
generator. A region of inertial chaos is the result. As the chaotic region
seeks equilibrium, the ship inside it is spun like a dervish. This
uncontrolled twirl causes 3–7 points of structural damage multiplied by
the size class of the ship. Shields and armor are no protection and are not
damaged. The destabilizer has a range of 15 squares.
Stealth Field (System)
The Stealth Field reduces the emissions of hyperspace drives and baffles
much of the turbulence they cause in normal space. These ships cannot be
discovered by normal sensing equipment; they are completely invisible on
the Galaxy Map.
Personal Shield (Equipment)
Personal Shields deflect both physical and energy attacks. They offer
protection against most ground troop attacks, increasing the combat
rating of Marines and armor by 20.
Stealth Suit (Achievement)
The Stealth Suit allows its wearer to blend easily into any background,
rendering that person virtually invisible. The suit adds 10 all your spy rolls.
Pulsar (System)
The Pulsar weapon emits a harmonic resonance field around a ship that
creates violent vibrations in all ships, missiles, and fighters within a
6-square radius. Any affected ship sustains damage in relation to its
size—2–24 points per size class. Fighters and projectiles take damage as
if they were size class one-half.
Warp Field Interdictor (Building)
The Warp Field Interdictor creates a tremendous destabilizing field
7. Research and Development
around the entire star system in which it is built. The interdictor field is
similar to the natural field created by nebulae, and it has a radius of 2 full
parsecs. This field slows all enemy ships to a speed of 1 parsec per turn.
A Warp Field Interdictor costs 3 BC in maintenance each turn.
Lightning Field (System)
The Lightning Field surrounds a ship throughout combat with an ionized
particle field capable of overloading the targeting system of any missile or
torpedo passing through it. The field has a 50% chance of automatically
destroying each missile, torpedo, or fighter attempting to strike the
equipped ship.
Class V Shields (Ship)
Class V shields absorb up to 25 times the ship’s size in damage before
failing. They regenerate normally.
Multi-Wave ECM Jammer (System)
The Multi-Wave ECM Jammer is similar to the primitive ECM Jammer,
except that it spreads its jamming broadcast across the entire spectrum of
targeting frequencies. Ships equipped with Multi-Wave ECM Jammers
have a 100% chance of misdirecting any incoming missile or torpedo. It is
not possible to use both this and the ECM Jammer on the same ship.
Gauss Cannon (System)
The Gauss Cannon is an extremely powerful linear accelerator which hurls
a massive burst of tiny projectiles at near light speed. Gauss bursts inflict
18 points of damage, regardless of range. They are treated as beam
weapons for accuracy purposes.
Cloaking Device (System)
The Cloaking Device hides a ship from long-range scans—completely. In
combat, as long as the ship does not attack, it has an 80% bonus to its
defense against beam weapons. When a cloaked ship does attack, it loses
this bonus. Once the ship has attacked, it must remain uncloaked until it
spends one full turn without firing; then it can recloak.
Stasis Field (System)
Class VII Shield (Ship)
Class VII shields absorb up to 35 times the ship’s size in damage before
failing and regenerate as normal.
Planetary Flux Shield (Building)
The Planetary Flux Shield encapsulates a planet in a protective energy
field. This shield allows the colonists to regulate what wavelengths of
energy reach their world. The existence of a flux shield converts Radiated
climates to Barren. In addition, it reduces all damage done to the colony
from orbit by 10 points per attack. A Planetary Flux Shield replaces any
Planetary Radiation Shield already in existence on that world.
A Planetary Flux Shield costs 3 BC in maintenance each turn.
Wide Area Jammer (System)
The Wide Area Jammer generates a broad spectrum magnetic pulse that
jams weapons targeting and tracking systems and missile guidance units.
The effects cross the entire spectrum and spread out in a sphere. This has
a 130% chance of preventing missiles and torpedoes from hitting the
equipped ship, and disrupts the lock of 70% of the missiles and torpedoes
aimed at all other ships in the same fleet. The Wide Area Jammer cannot
be installed on the same ship with either an ECM Jammer or a Multi-Wave
ECM Jammer.
7. Research and Development
Displacement Device (System)
Any weapon targeted on a ship equipped with a Displacement Device has
a 30% chance of missing completely, regardless of any other equipment
or considerations.
Subspace Teleporter (System)
The Subspace Teleporter allows a ship to make an ultra-short hyperspace
jump of up to 18 squares in combat without spending any movement. The
jump does not change the direction the ship is facing.
Inertial Nullifier (System)
The Inertial Nullifier creates a weakened hyperspace travel field that does
not translate the ship out of normal space. This reduces the effective
mass of a ship to almost zero, increasing its mobility and making it
considerably harder to target. As a result, this adds 100 to the Ship
Defense against beam weaponry. In addition, the ship can change
direction (rotate in combat) without any movement cost at all.
Class X Shield (Ship)
Class X shields absorb up to 50 times the ship’s size in damage before
failing. These regenerate as usual.
Planetary Barrier Shield (Building)
A Planetary Barrier Shield seals a planet in a nearly impenetrable energy
field. This shield converts Radiated climates into Barren by reducing solar
radiation. It also protects the colony from orbital bombardment, reducing
all damage against a planet by 20 points per attack. As long as the barrier
shield is in place, neither ground troops nor biological weapons can enter
the planet’s atmosphere.
A Planetary Barrier Shield costs 5 BC in maintenance each turn.
Phasing Cloak (System)
The Phasing Cloak is a vast improvement over the Cloaking Device. It
allows the ship to temporarily shift its hyperspatial harmonics—in a sense
moving its atoms partially into another dimension—instead of just
eliminating the evidence of its movements. This system hides the ship
completely from all detection—scanners, combat sensors, and targeting
systems. While cloaked, the ship cannot be attacked. After 10 turns in
combat, side effects of the Phasing Cloak become a serious risk to the
survival and sanity of the crew. Its effect must be tuned down, and thus it
functions just like a Cloaking Device until the end of that combat.
When you begin the enjoyable task of designing and
building your own military ships, you’ll find that choosing
weapons and other ship equipment can be a complicated
process. It can also be frustrating. The weapon you really
want doesn’t always fit in the ship you want to put it in, or it
doesn’t do exactly the job you wish it did. Well, there are
two more issues that further complicate the design process,
but both address one of the fundamental frustrations.
Miniaturization Through the march of technological progress, nearly every optional ship
system, whether it’s a weapon, a special device, or whatever, gets
smaller over time. That’s right, the Laser Cannon that takes up 10 space
in the hull today might take up only 5 space several turns in the future.
This is primarily due to refinements in the design, the introduction of
ever-tinier components, and lesser reliance on redundant systems.
When your researchers make a particular ship system available for
installation, that system comes at full size and cost. Every time you
successfully complete another field of research in the same category as
the technology that made that system possible, one result is the
miniaturization—by one level—of all the existing systems from that
category. Each level of miniaturization results in a 10 to 20% decrease in
the space taken up by that system and a 5 to 25% decrease in the
production cost.
Miniaturization is automatic. All you have to do is the research. However,
7. Research and Development
Modifications Nearly every weapon could be enhanced in some way. In this galaxy,
almost every weapon can be altered to increase its effectiveness in many
ways. The how-to is in the next section, Ships. What follows is an
introduction to the potential modifications available for the weapons you
can install in your ships. You should note that every one adds to the size
and cost of the weapon, and some are mutually exclusive—they cannot
be used together on the same weapon. Otherwise, only space limits the
number of suitable modifications you can apply.
There are no modifications available for bombs or fighter craft.
AF: Auto-Fire allows a beam weapon to fire 3 separate times in rapid
succession, each time with a 20% penalty to its accuracy. This
modification increases the size and cost of the weapon by 50 and is
not applicable until the intended weapon has undergone 2 levels
of miniaturization.
AP: Armor Piercing beam weapons penetrate any type of armor except
Xentronium. All of the damage done passes through as if there were
no armor at all. AP adds 50% to the space and cost of a weapon and
is not applicable until the intended weapon has undergone 1 level of
ARM: Heavily Armored missiles are shielded with the empire’s best
available armor, greatly increasing the amount of damage necessary
to destroy the projectile. This modification increases the size and cost
of the missile rack by 25% and is not applicable until the intended
weapon has undergone 1 level of miniaturization.
CO: Continuous fire prevents a beam weapon from overheating as
quickly, allowing it to fire over a longer duration. This gives the
targeting computer time to adjust the aim during fire, increasing the
weapon’s accuracy by 25. This modification increases the size and
cost of the weapon by 50% and is not applicable until the intended
weapon has undergone 1 level of miniaturization.
ECCM: Electronic Counter-Counter-Measures halve the chance of a
missile or torpedo being diverted by enemy jamming devices. ECCM
increases the size and cost of the weapon by 25% and is not
applicable until the intended weapon has undergone 1 level
of miniaturization.
ENV: Enveloping weapons, whether beams or torpedoes, surround the
target at impact and strike all four shield quarters simultaneously.
This effectively quadruples the damage done by the hit. This
modification increases the size and cost of the weapon by 100% and
Anything that isn’t a support ship is a military ship. Fleets of military ships
can engage in combat with space monsters, other empire’s fleets, orbital
bases, and planets. They’re also good for exploration, defense, and
dealing with some of the random events that can occur.
8. Ships
If you’ve read the Managing a Colony section, you already know how to
build a ship, but here’s a quick review:
• Go to the Construction Orders screen for the colony where you want to
build the ship.
• Click on the name of the type of ship you want to add to the
Build Queue.
• Make sure that there is some industrial work going on at that colony.
• Wait for the job to be done, or pay for accelerated production.
That’s it. Of course, doing this gets you one of the standard, predesigned
ships. That’s fine if those ship designs suit your needs—or you’re playing
with Tactical Combat turned off—but sooner or later, most emperors like
to take an active hand in designing their military ships. (Support ships
only come in one flavor each; there’s no designing to be done.)
Your Own The discussion of the Construction Orders screen gives brief mention to
the Design button. When you decide to try your hand at ship design, go
to that screen and use that button. The mouse pointer changes. Move
the new cursor to one of the existing ship design slots (the names of the
military ships). Now click on it.
8. Ships
The display shifts to the Design Dock console. You have just removed the
current design from the slot you clicked on, and now you can create your
own ship template to put in its place. Don’t worry: if you change your
mind, you can get the old design back by clicking on the Cancel button.
Also changing a design has no effect at all on any existing ships or on
partially built ships in any Build Queue. In the future, however, you simply
will not be able to build any more of that particular design of ship (unless
you design one just like it, of course).
When you first see the Design Dock, it’s filled in with the current design for
the ship slot you chose. This is meant as a convenience. If you want to
make modifications to this design, rather than starting fresh with an
empty hull, you can. Before you start tinkering with things, though, take a
good look at the console.
• Right at the top, in the left corner, is the name of this ship template.
Every ship you build from this design has the same name. Click
anywhere in this box if you want to change the name. Use B to
erase the current name, then type whatever you want in its place.
(Space is limited.)
• Immediately below the name are the Icon and Hull Size boxes. To
establish the size of hull you want to use as the basis for your design,
click on any of the classes listed. (The current class is highlighted.)
Note that the amount of equipment already selected for installation
might cause the smaller classes to be unavailable—until you free up
enough space, that is. When you select a class, the default icon for that
ship size appears in the Icon box, along with a notation of the total
amount of space available in that hull size. Click on the arrows at either
side of the icon to cycle through the available pictures until you find
one you like. The one you settle on is what the ship will look like when
8. Ships
it’s built.
• To the right of the Hull Size box are the Automatics. These two boxes
list all of the ship essentials—the engines, shields, armor, fuel cells,
and computer. For each of these, the best that you have available is
automatically installed in every ship you build or refit. (You can click on
the shield or computer to install a lesser system and save on the build
cost.) Drives and fuel cells get updated on all your existing ships
without the hassle of refitting! Don’t worry, the engines, armor, and
fuel cells do not take up space that might be used for optional systems.
At the end of this info listing, the ship’s base Beam Attack (Ship Attack
plus bonuses), Beam Defense (Ship Defense plus bonuses), and
Missile Evasion ratings are noted. As you add optional systems, these
numbers might change.
• The large area in the center of the screen is the Weapons Area. This
lists all the optional weapons systems slated for installation in a ship
built on this template. From left to right, each weapon listing includes:
Number: How many emplacements of this weapon are to be installed.
Weapon Name: The name of the weapon.
Dmg: The amount of damage each emplacement is capable of inflicting
per hit.
Arc: The arc of effective fire is the portion of the area surrounding the
ship in which a weapon can target an enemy ship, base, or missile.
This is explained in a little more detail in the Weapons subsection.
Cost: The production cost (in units of industry) each emplacement adds
to the total cost of building the ship.
Space: The amount of space inside the hull that each emplacement
takes up.
Modifications: All of the modifications you have chosen to add to these
weapon emplacements. These are explained in a little more detail in
the Weapons subsection.
8. Ships
How you use this area to install and remove weapons systems is covered
next, in the Weapons subsection.
• The similar area immediately below the Weapons Area is the Specials
Area. This lists all the optional special systems slated for installation in
ships built from this design. Each listing includes the name of the
system and a brief description of its effects. How you use this area to
install and remove special systems is covered in the Specials
• At the bottom left of the console are the two Cost Counters. These keep
track of the two most important numbers in ship construction: the total
production Cost of the current design and the remaining Space
Available in the hull. As you add and remove systems, these change to
keep up.
• To the right of the counters are three buttons. Clear removes all
optional systems from the displayed design template, allowing you to
start with a clean slate. Cancel throws away any changes you’ve made
and puts the previous template back into that design slot; it also
returns you to the Construction Orders screen. Build signals that
you’re satisfied with the design as it stands. Clicking this places your
completed design into the slot you chose on the Construction Orders
screen, then returns you to that screen. You can begin building ships
from the new template immediately if you wish.
Now you’re ready to get into the meat of ship design—the optional
systems. All the systems themselves are described in the Research and
Development section (and briefly on the Design Dock console itself).
What follows are introductions to the how-to of installing and removing
weapons and special systems.
When you’re ready to place weapons (or remove them),
you click in the Weapons Area, but where you should
click depends on what you want to do.
• To add a new weapon, click in any blank spot in the
• To remove or replace a weapon that’s already listed,
click on the listing for that weapon.
In both cases, the Weapon Selection console appears.
If you clicked on an existing weapon, the cost and space
required by that weapon are subtracted from the totals.
IN THE GUN SHOP The top section of this console is little more than a list
of all the weapons you have available. For each
weapons system, the listing includes its name, damage potential,
8. Ships
production cost, the space it requires, and any supplementary information
that might be helpful. Weapons that will fit into the hull (under the current
configuration) are highlighted. Those that won’t fit are dimmed. To select
a weapon for installation in the design, just click on it.
Below the list are the inclusion options. These can help you find exactly
the weapon you’re looking for.
• Beam adds to the list those weapons considered “beam weapons”
(though not all of them are actually energy beams). These reach the
target immediately and generally have a range of potential damage.
Beam weapons’ chances of hitting a target depend on the Beam Attack
of the firing ship and the Beam Defense of the target.
• Missile controls the inclusion in the display of missiles and torpedoes.
Projectile weapons take time to travel to the target, but generally do a
predictable, set amount of damage. Barring enemy action, missiles and
torpedoes never miss. Both, however, can be diverted from their target
by electronic countermeasures (ECM)—jamming equipment. Missiles,
in addition, can be destroyed en route by beam weapon fire.
• Bomb includes unguided projectiles and biological weapons in the list.
Bombs installed in a ship are only useful against planetary targets
(though the Bomber special weapon does use bombs against enemy
ships). You cannot bombard a colony unless at least one ship in the
invading fleet has bombs installed. Bombs do not miss, but the target
of their damage is chosen at random.
• Special determines whether those weapons systems that don’t fit any
of the other categories are included. This batch includes fighter
squadrons and all the really nifty weapons.
If you’re simply removing a weapon, click on the top option—No
Weapon—then click the Accept button.
Once you select a weapon from the list, the lower area of the console
(below the inclusion options) becomes active. This is the Modifications
catalogue. What options are available here depends on the type of
weapon you chose and your level of technology. One thing is always true,
though: the smaller box on the left holds the Firing Arc selector.
The selector is applied primarily to beam weapons, but every weapons
system has a firing arc. Essentially, this is a wedge-shaped area
(determined according to the way the ship is facing) in which an enemy
8. Ships
must be for the weapon to target that enemy. The selector indicates the
default arc for whatever weapon you’ve chosen. If that weapon has an
adjustable arc, you can click on any one of the arc options to determine
the arc you want installed.
Forward: allows targeting in a 120-degree wedge centered on the front of
the ship.
Forward Ext: is an extended version of the Forward arc that covers a
240-degree wedge.
Back Ext: is an extended version of the Back arc that covers a
240-degree wedge.
Back: restricts targeting to a 120-degree wedge centered on the rear of
the ship.
360: allows the weapon to target an enemy in any direction.
The larger part of this catalogue lists the modifications appropriate to the
weapon you selected. To add one of these to the system, click on it; your
selected mods are highlighted. The possible modifications to beam,
missile, and torpedo weapons are covered in the Weapons Upgrades
subsection of Research and Development. As you modify your weapons
systems, keep in mind that any modifications, including extended firing
arcs, increase the required space and production cost of the system—
sometimes quite a bit.
When you’re satisfied with the weapon and any modifications you’ve
chosen, click the Accept button to complete the process. (If you change
your mind, use the Cancel button.)
Now, you can determine the number of emplacements of that weapon you
want installed in the ship. To adjust this number, use the up and down
arrows on either side of the weapon number. (You can also click and hold
for accelerated adjustment.)
Now you’re ready to install the next weapon or system.
Placing special systems is quite similar to
8. Ships
selecting weapons, but much less complicated.
When you’re ready to place specials (or remove
them), click in the Specials Area, but where you
should click depends on what you want to do.
• To add a new special system, click in any blank
spot in the area.
• To remove or replace a special that’s already
listed, click on the listing for that system.
In both cases, the Special Selection console
appears. If you clicked on an existing system,
the cost and space required by that special are
subtracted from the totals.
This console is a list of all the special systems you have available. For each
system, the listing includes its name, the space it requires, what it adds to
the production cost, and a brief description of its effects. Specials that will
fit into the hull (under the current configuration) are highlighted. Those
that won’t fit are dimmed. To select a special for installation in the design,
just click on it.
If you’re simply removing a special system, click on the top option—
No Special.
Unlike weapons, there is no need to adjust anything else. Specials have
no firing arcs or modifications. You cannot install multiple copies of the
same special systems, nor would the extras have any effect if you did.
Obsolete Ones In time, every ship becomes obsolete. You gain new technologies and
ship systems, and the early models are simply outclassed by their newer
cousins. Luckily, anywhere you can build a ship, you can refit a ship.
(Which means, you’ll remember, that you cannot refit Large ships or
anything bigger at a colony that doesn’t have a Star Base or better as an
orbital dock.)
To refit a ship, go to the Construction Orders screen for a colony in the
same system as the ship in question. Once there, click the Refit button. A
graphic display allows you to pick from all the ships in the system; click on
the one you want refitted.
Having chosen a ship, you go directly to the Design Dock console—the
same place you designed the ship in the first place. There’s only one
8. Ships
difference in the way this console works during a refit; you cannot change
the hull size of the ship. Otherwise, it works exactly as during the
design process.
When you’ve finished at the Design Dock, the refit job is placed in the
Build Queue. When the job is done, the ship is returned to orbit, but until
then it is as if that ship did not exist. Refit jobs have one serious limitation:
You cannot remove a refit from the Build Queue without destroying
the ship.
8. Ships
Every ship needs a crew. The crew of Marines for each of your military
ships—and the complement on a Transport—is assembled while the
vessel is built. (This has no effect on the population or the ground
complement of the colony that builds the ship.) Except during combat,
there’s no reason for you to pay any attention to a ship’s crew. They go
about their business as efficiently as could be expected.
During combat, however, the crew takes on a new dimension—they
become Marines in fact as well as in name. If you or your enemy attempts
a boarding action (details in the Combat section), the Marines do the
fighting. When one of your ships is boarded, the Marines on board rally to
the defense. If you’re doing the boarding, the boarding party forms from
your ship’s Marines.
As a ship takes damage, however, the crew might take casualties. The
result is a lessened ability to take part in and defend against
boarding actions.
All troops, both ground and shipboard, start out as green rookies. For
experience purposes, they’re considered Recruits (unless they’re in
service with a race that has the Warlord characteristic). As time goes by
and these Marines take part in battles, their experience level rises. Each
turn in space counts for 1 experience point, and every enemy ship
destroyed or captured in combat adds 2 more. When the crew gains
sufficient experience, they advance to the next rank and their ship gains
combat bonuses, as follows.
Points Level Ship Attack Ship Defense Boarding
0 Recruit Normal Normal Normal
50 Regular +15 +15 +5
150 Veteran +30 +30 +10
500 Elite +50 +50 +15
* Ultra-Elite +75 +75 +20
As to why these attack and defense bonuses are important, refer to the
Combat section.
8. Ships
During the game, odd individuals occasionally show up
on your imperial doorstep, offering their services for
hire. These are mercenary leaders. Some focus on
helping you run the colonies in a single system (Colony
Leaders), and some lend their leadership support to one
of your ships or fleets (Ship Officers). All of them have
positive effects to lend your empire—for a price.
When a mercenary asks for work, the window in which
the communication appears provides all the information
you need about that particular leader: his, her, or its
qualifications (the effects that leader causes),
experience level, and hiring price. Most leaders also
WOULD YOU HIRE THIS ALIEN? have a maintenance cost every turn, too. (It’s usually
Use the Reject or Hire button to announce your decision to the applicant.
If you reject a mercenary, you have a few turns to change your mind. If you
hire one, the hiring price disappears from your treasury and the leader
9. Mercenary Leaders
appears in your Leader Pool. For the details on assigning leaders to their
posts (a ship or colony), please refer to Leaders under The Galactic
Command Interface. Rejected leaders often pop up again later, so if you
can’t afford someone whose talents seem to match your needs, don’t let it
bother you too much.
Every mercenary leader has an individual mix of abilities and effects. What
follows are brief descriptions of the possible abilities.
Some abilities have broad effects on your empire as a whole.
Assassin: Has a chance of assassinating an enemy spy each turn.
Commando: Increases the ground combat strength of all troops in the
same system as the leader, both on planets and ships in orbit.
Diplomat: Has a positive effect on your diplomatic status with all
other empires.
Famous: Increases the chance of other mercenaries applying and
decreases their hiring cost.
Megawealth: This leader is independently wealthy, and not only requires
no maintenance cost, but also contributes income to your empire
each turn.
Researcher: Generates research points every turn, based on the leader’s
experience level.
Spy Master: Increases the effectiveness of all your spies operating in
alien empires.
Tech Knowledge: Reveals the secret of at least one unknown technology
when hired.
Telepath: Increases the effectiveness of all your agents defending
against alien espionage and negates the effects of any enemy’s
telepathy at the leader’s location.
Trader: Increases the income you receive from trade agreements with
other empires.
9. Mercenary Leaders
These abilities enhance the combat effectiveness of the ship or fleet to
which you assign the officer.
Engineer: Increases the restoration rate of the ship’s shields and helps
repair damage during combat. In addition, an Engineer repairs all
structural and internal systems damage after each battle.
Helmsman: Increases the Ship Defense of every ship in the fleet.
Fighter Pilot: Increases the defense and the beam weapon damage of all
fighter craft used by the officer’s fleet.
Galactic Lore: Reveals the location and characteristics of every planet in
the galaxy and increases both the fleet’s Ship Attack and Ship
Defense when fighting space monsters or Antarans.
Navigator: Allows a fleet to ignore the movement restrictions caused by
nebulae and black holes. In addition, a navigator increases the speed
of the fleet by at least 1 parsec per turn.
Operations: Adds to your Command Rating, thus reducing or eliminating
the maintenance cost of ships in your fleets.
Ordnance: Increases the maximum potential damage of the
ship’s attacks.
Security: Increases the combat strength of the ship’s Marines when
defending against an enemy boarding party.
Weaponry: Increases the Ship Attack of the officer’s ship.
These abilities enhance the productivity or morale of the colonies in the
system to which the leader is assigned.
Environmentalist: Reduces the pollution produced by industry in the
system to which the leader is assigned.
Farming Leader: Increases the amount of food grown on the colonies in
the system.
Financial Leader: Increases the income generated by colonies in
the system.
Instructor: Boosts the number of experience points earned each turn by
all Marines and leaders in your empire.
Labor Leader: Increases the productivity of workers in the system.
9. Mercenary Leaders
10. Combat
10. Combat
Remember, if any fleet that includes no military ships ends up engaged,
there is no combat. The support fleet is defenseless, and the opposing
fleet destroys it out of hand.
If, when you set up the game, you chose to play
with the Tactical Combat option turned off, you
needn’t worry about the rest of this section.
Once circumstances or your decision determines
the players for a battle, the rest is automatic.
The combat takes place without requiring your
input or attention, and the result is announced
immediately thereafter. The losing side suffers
100% casualties. The winning fleet might also be
damaged, but at least one ship (or monster)
always survives.
The Battle Map
10. Combat
10. Combat
• Damage done to any target is displayed briefly (at the time of the hit) as
a number floating near the affected target.
Active: The leftmost readout on the Command Console shows a
schematic scan of the Active. Its identity is listed at the top, the
strength of each of the four shield facings (if the Active has shields) is
represented graphically around the schematic, and its damage status
(if applicable) is shown at the bottom. If you control the Active, you
can right-click on this readout to view a detailed report on its design.
Damage status is represented as follows:
• The left-hand, red portion of the lower bar represents the remaining
structural hits.
• The right-hand, yellow portion of the lower bar represents the
remaining internal systems hits.
• Armor appears as the upper, blue bar. Normally, the armor absorbs
damage before internal systems and structure, but it is possible for the
lower bar to have damage while there is still armor left intact.
Note that planets have neither armor, nor shields, nor structure points.
For the rundown on attacking planets from orbit, see Attacking a
Planet, later in this section.
in yellow. The weapon can not fire this round, but becomes Ready in
time for the next salvo.
Those that are Out—damaged beyond use, destroyed, or switched off—
are red. The weapon is unavailable until you change its state.
Functioning Point Defense weapons which are Out still fire at missiles
and fighter craft, but not enemy ships.
• Specials lists all of the non-weapon special systems installed on the
Active. Working systems are highlighted, and those damaged beyond
utility are dimmed. This readout is for information only; you cannot
turn special systems on or off manually.
Buttons: In the center of the Command Console are several buttons.
They function like this:
• Auto turns control of your entire fleet over to the captains on the scene.
Combat proceeds without your guidance, unless you click on this
button again. Even when you request that control be returned, the
captains are rarely able to respond immediately, but do so as soon as
they safely can.
• Scan activates the scanning equipment on the Active. The mouse
pointer changes form. Place this pointer over anything on the battle
map and click to scan it. A scan gives you expanded data on the object.
You can scan as many objects as you wish. When you’re finished
scanning, click the Scan button again to switch the scanning
equipment off.
• Board instructs the Marines on board an Active under your control to
attempt a boarding action against an enemy ship or orbital base.
(Marines cannot board planets.) The mouse pointer changes. Use the
new pointer to select a target for the boarding action. The details on
how boarding is conducted are a little further on, in Boarding Actions.
• Retreat commands an Active ship under your control to leave combat
at its next opportunity. That opportunity comes at the beginning of its
next turn as Active. The ship shifts into hyperspace and sets course for
the nearest system in which you have a colony or outpost. There is no
way to rescind a retreat order. For obvious reasons, orbital bases and
planets can not retreat.
• Wait orders an Active under your control to await further orders until
you have finished giving orders to the rest of the fleet. You can give the
wait command to any Active that still has unused weapons or
movement points, and you can order as many vessels to wait as
you wish.
10. Combat
Done signals the Active that you have finished giving it orders for this
combat round. Any unused beam weapons (except Heavy Mount) and
movement points are reserved for defensive use. When you send the
Done signal to the last thing under your control, the enemy’s combat
round begins.
• Options opens a miniature console of combat control options. Click on
any of these toggles to switch it on or off. The options are:
Options closes the options console.
Self Destruct orders an Active under your control to destroy itself. This
causes an explosion that does some damage to everything close to it.
(No, planets cannot self destruct.)
Missile Warning causes a brief impact siren to sound whenever a
missile or torpedo is about to strike a ship or orbital base under your
control. This gives you manual control over some of the possible
Fast Animations speeds up the display of ship, beam, and projectile
Show Legal Moves overlays the Active’s range of possible movement
on the Battle Map.
Show Shield Arcs overlays the defensive arcs of the Active’s shield
facings on the Battle Map.
Display Grid overlays the lattice used to calculate ranges to targets
and movement on the Battle Map.
Info/Target: The readout immediately to the right of the center buttons
has two functions. When the mouse pointer is over empty space, this
readout contains further information about the Active—the types of
drive, shields, armor, fuel cell, and computer used in its construction.
When the mouse pointer is over any object, this readout displays
targeting data for that object. This info is essentially the same as that
shown in the Active readout when the target is the Active. Since
enemy Actives flash through the readout quickly, this can be a useful
way to quick-scan the enemy fleet.
Tactical Map: The rightmost readout is a long-range overview of the
entire Battle Map. The area currently shown in the full map is
outlined. Click anywhere on this mini-map to center the full Battle
Map on the chosen spot.
Moving Ships
10. Combat
The type of drive each ship has (and some special systems) determine its
speed in combat. This speed is the number of movement points that ship
has to spend each combat turn—both for moving from place to place and
rotating to face in a different direction.
Orbital bases cannot change position intentionally, though some
special systems transport them from place to place. Every combat
round, however, an orbital base uses all its movement points to rotate
a full 45 degrees. This automatic action is intended to always keep the
strongest shield facing the enemy.
When a ship is the Active, you can use the mouse cursor to explore the
limits of its range of movement. Whenever the cursor is in a place to which
that ship can move during this round, a box approximately the size of the
ship appears around the cursor. You can use the pointer for this, or you
can turn on the Show Legal Moves option. Either way, when the mouse
pointer is where you would like the ship to move, click on that spot. The
Active ship moves immediately. (Note that any enemy projectiles
targeting the moving ship move at the same time it does.)
If you want to rotate the Active ship, move the cursor to the area you want
the ship to face, then right-click. The ship turns as far toward that direction
as it can, given the movement points remaining. The cost in movement
points of rotating is 2 points per 22.5 degrees of rotation (one-16th of a
full circle), regardless of the size of the ship.
Using Weapons When you’re ready to fire the weapons installed on the Active, move the
mouse pointer over your intended target. If your target is a valid target,
10. Combat
the mouse pointer changes to cross hairs. Now click. All of the Ready
weapons for which that target is in range fire at it. (If the ship’s computer
determines that firing only some of the weapons will unquestionably
destroy the target, then only that number fire.) That’s all there is to it.
Beam weapons are not necessarily high-powered, collimated, narrowly
focused emissions from violent, subatomic reactions, but most of them
are. A few are actually projectile weapons, but the bits of matter involved
are accelerated to such incredible velocity that they’re delivered to the
target at nearly beam speeds. Here are the essential characteristics of all
beam weapons.
• Beams target only objects within their defined firing arc.
• Shots reach the target immediately.
• The accuracy of a beam depends on the Beam Attack of the firing ship,
THE PHASOR the Beam Defense of the target, and the distance the beam must cover
to reach its target. Beams are more accurate at closer range.
• Each beam does damage within a predetermined range. The actual
damage done is based on the accuracy of each shot.
• Most beams lose coherence over distance, thereby losing potential to
do damage. Range lowers both the minimum and maximum possible
damage that a beam can inflict on a target.
Fighter Craft
Single-pilot ships launched from a larger ship (the carrier) are all
considered fighter craft. There are four types, each with its own weapon
and specific use.
• All fighter craft are installed in ships and launched to a target in
squadrons of four. You cannot separate the fighters in a squadron to
direct them at multiple targets.
• Fighter craft fly to their target, use whatever weapons they have at
10. Combat
point-blank range, then attempt to return to their carrier. Once safely
back, any surviving fighters rearm, refuel, get repairs, and return to the
same target (if it still exists). Once their primary target is no longer
valid, fighters select a new target unless one is specified for them.
• Fighter craft always attack from the direction of their target’s weakest
shield facing.
• Like missiles, fighter craft are vulnerable to beam weapons (though not
to jamming). Fighter crafts’ speed and armor (the best available, as for
missiles) both contribute to their defense.
• With the exception of Interceptors, fighter craft cannot engage one
another in dogfights; they only target enemy ships, bases, and planets.
Interceptors can attack enemy fighter craft of all types.
Damage When any weapon successfully hits an enemy, it does damage.* The way
that this damage is absorbed by the various defensive portions of the
target and what happens to damage that gets through these defenses
deserves a little explanation. Note that this section does not apply to
planets, only to ships and orbital bases.
It’s true that there are several special systems and even one or two
weapons systems that do no damage, but have other effects detrimental
to the enemy. For the sake of a clearer explanation, the existence of
those systems is temporarily ignored for the purposes of discussing
1) Shields are the first line of defense against damage. If the target has
shields, whichever shield facing is hit absorbs as much damage as
possible. The current strength of that shield facing determines how
much damage it is possible for that shield to absorb before falling.
Once the shield strength reaches zero, that shield falls (at least for the
rest of that combat round) and the remaining damage continues on.
Note that if combat takes place in a nebula, all shields become
inoperative, except for those on ships equipped with Hard Shields.
2) Armor is the second line of defense. A layer of ultra-tough alloy coats
the entire hull and absorbs damage that might otherwise breach the
10. Combat
hull and destroy vital internal systems. Armor also strengthens the
structure of the ship (or orbital base). When damage penetrates the
shields, the armor absorbs as much as it can. (Generally speaking, a
ship’s armor can absorb an amount of damage equal to the structural
strength of the ship.) Armor, once damaged, does not regenerate.
Cybernetic races, some ship systems, and some leaders make it
possible to repair armor during combat.
3) Structure is what holds ships and orbital bases together. Any damage
that gets past both the shields and armor has a good chance of hurting
the target’s structural integrity. Any such damage lessens the
structural strength of the vessel. When this reaches zero, the
target explodes.
4) Internal Systems are the basic functional parts of the vessel: the drive,
targeting computer, shield generator, weapons, and special devices.
Any damage that passes the shields and armor and does not do
structural injury hits the internal systems. Which system suffers the
damage is somewhat random, but larger systems tend to get hit more
often, due to their size. When any system takes enough damage, it is
destroyed. The remaining damage moves on to the next internal
system, until all of the damage has been applied.
• Losing the computer eliminates any targeting bonus that system
• Destruction of the shield generator takes away the vessel’s shields.
• If the drive is damaged, the ship’s ability to move is compromised.
When a drive is destroyed, the vessel undergoes an uncontrolled drive
reaction. The resulting explosion destroys that target and damages
everything within the radius of the blast.
5) Crew on duty inside a ship take certain risks. One is the chance to be
killed by the consequential effects of damage to the ship. In addition to
damaging the ship, each point of damage that penetrates both the
shields and armor has a 2% chance of killing a crew member (Marine).
Attacking a
Although the distinction is blurred in places,
attacking a planet is not the same thing as
attempting to conquer a colony. There are three
things that you as an invader can do to a world
and the colony on it. The one discussed here is
doing damage to the military installations on the
surface during ship to ship combat. The other
10. Combat
two, bombing an undefended planet and
conquering through ground combat, happen
outside of ship to ship combat and are covered
in Invading a Colony.
Planets often have defensive installations in
place: Missile Bases and Ground Batteries.
YOU MUST BE CLOSE TO DROP BOMBS ON These can target your ships, and your ships can
target the planet. The differences between
planets and ships—for the purposes of combat,
that is—are few.
• Planets don’t move or retreat.
• Planetary weapons never run out of ammunition and always have
360-degree firing arcs.
• Missile Bases can fire missiles throughout combat.
• Planetary shields absorb a set amount of damage from every attack
and can only be destroyed, never weakened or damaged.
• Due to atmospheric reentry effects, all ship weapons except bombs
and missiles do only half damage to planets.
• Ships can bomb planets directly, but other ships only indirectly, via
Targeting a planet with most weapons is no different than targeting
anything else. A ship can only drop bombs on a planet from within a
4-square range. When enough damage has accrued against a planet, that
damage is applied to and destroys one of the defensive installations.
When all of these installations are gone (and the other defenders have
been defeated or routed, too), combat ends. That’s when the other ways
of hurting a planet become possible.
Boarding Actions
Shooting at enemy ships is not the only way to
remove them from a battle. You can also damage
or even capture enemy ships through boarding
actions. The Marines at your disposal are as
effective at attacking an enemy ship as they are
at defending yours from boarders. There are two
methods of boarding a ship.
Immobility: Any ship that is no longer able to
10. Combat
If you win the combat that results from attacking an enemy’s colony world,
your fleet gains control of the orbital space around the planet. This gives
you the opportunity to assault the colony itself. (This is also true if you
attack a colonized planet that has no defending fleet.)
Orbital Assault
The first decision that comes your way is
10. Combat
expressed in the Orbital Combat Selection
window. From the safety of space, you can attack
the colony without fear of retaliation. The
complement of ground forces and number of
buildings on the planet’s surface are noted on
the left. The number of bomb hits your fleet is
expected to inflict and the invasion troops you
have available are noted on the right. Use this
information to decide what your next step is,
then click on the option you choose. Depending
on the make-up of your fleet and the weapons
installed on the ships in it, a few different options
Bombard: This button begins the orbital
bombardment of the planet. Once the bombing begins, the Bombard and
Invade options are replaced by Drop All and Halt.
Close: Ends your attack on this planet and closes the window. If you do
not wish to attack the colony at all, use this option first.
Destroy: If one or more of the ships in your fleet are equipped with a
Stellar Converter, you have the option to destroy the planet outright.
Drop All: Orders your fleet to let loose with all their bombs at once,
rather than in sequence. This bypasses the bomb-by-bomb report on
the progress of your attack and goes directly to the wrap-up.
Halt: Stops the bombardment of the planet and returns the Bombard and
Invade options to the window. You cannot, of course, undo bomb
damage already done.
Invade: Orders all the ground troops transported by this fleet to make
planetfall and attempt to conquer the colony. Once you click on the
Invade option, you give up the chance for any further orbital assault
on this planet this turn.
Mind Control: If your race is Telepathic and there is at least one ship of
size Large or bigger in the attacking fleet, you might have the option
to use mind control techniques against the colony. This guarantees a
bloodless conquest without the necessity for an invasion. (You don’t
even need Transports.) You cannot mind control another
telepathic race.
If your orbital attacks eliminate the entire population of the colony, the
10. Combat
Ground Combat Once you click on the Invade option, there’s nothing more you can do.
The Marines drop to the planet’s surface and assault the colony. As
emperor, your action now is limited to watching the invasion on the
Ground Combat screen.
Near the top of this screen, your advisors note the important statistics on
both the defensive (right) and offensive (left) forces. Each is colored to
match the banner of the corresponding empire. Any advanced weapons
technology, armor, and equipment gives ground forces a better chance of
winning the battle, and thus is listed here. Next to the icon for each type of
ground force are two bits of information. The number denotes how many
of that type of troop is taking part in this fight; the heart icons represent
the number of times each unit of this type must be hit to be killed.
At the bottom, the actual firefight is shown. You cannot give orders to
ground troops during an invasion; this is a win or lose situation. Retreat is
not an option.
When the fighting is over, the outcome is noted at the top of the screen. If
the invasion failed, the planet remains in the hands of its current emperor.
A successful invasion transfers control of the world, the colony, and the
remaining population to the attacking empire.
10. Combat
Assimilate or
Be Destroyed
Having conquered one of the colonies of an enemy
empire, you have a choice to make. (Note that some
forms of government don’t allow you this choice.)
You can begin having the existing colonists—the
captured population—exterminated, or you can
attempt to incorporate them into your empire. If you
choose the former, your troops will comply, though
your relations with all other races in the galaxy will
suffer. If you decide on the latter, it takes time for
the conquered colonists to fit themselves into your
culture. How long depends on a few factors. Until
they become assimilated, the conquered units of
population produce at half their normal rate.
In addition to being less than productive, unassimilated populations
remain a threat to your hold on the colony. Unless there is an Alien
Management Center in the colony, there is a chance each turn that the
conquered aliens will attempt to revolt. (The more unassimilated aliens,
the larger the chance.) If they do so, they fight it out with your ground
troops for control of the planet. A loss for you is a gain for the world’s old
ruler—the colony reverts back.
10. Combat
One colony is an empire, but keeping tabs on a single world doesn’t
compare to the complexity of managing an interstellar empire that spans
many planets spread over several star systems. The more colonies you
have, the greater your resources—and your imperial responsibilities.
A growing empire must at some point come into contact with its
neighbors. When you do, two new complications—or opportunities,
depending on how you look at it—enter the picture: diplomacy and
espionage. How you handle diplomatic relations with other races can
accelerate or seriously hamper the expansion of your empire. Meanwhile,
behind the scenes, both your spies and theirs are skulking about.
The list of forces and circumstances that can affect your empire is
immense, but few have more immediate and drastic consequences than
internal factors. Starvation, low morale, and an empty treasury are only a
few of the possible problems you might suffer. Controlling your empire
with a steady hand and a balanced grip is necessary if you want it strong
11. Managing an Empire
Once you’ve chosen a race, there’s not much you can do about the type of
government except learn to get the most out of its advantages and
minimize the negative effects of its disadvantages. One research goal,
Advanced Government, improves the overall effect of the government,
but otherwise you’re stuck with what you begin with. The details are in the
Race Selection section, and here’s a brief review (in alphabetical order).
Defensive spies get a 10% bonus.
Morale -20% at colonies without Barracks.
Assimilation of a unit of conquered population takes 8 turns.
Capture of the capital means -35% morale at all colonies until a new
one is built.
Morale -20% at colonies without Barracks.
Assimilation of a unit of conquered population takes 8 turns.
Populations in lost colonies assimilate instantly.
Ship production costs are 2/3 normal.
Capture of the capital means anarchy until a new capital is built. Morale
is -50% during this anarchy.
Research produced by scientists is half normal.
Defensive spies operate at +15%.
Things that boost or lower Morale have no effect.
Food and Industrial production are +50%.
Assimilation of a unit of conquered population takes 20 turns.
Capture of the capital has no effect.
Income is crucial to the success of your empire. The
production of Trade Goods and sale of excess food help,
and treaties with other races can contribute, but your
primary source of funding is taxation. To set your imperial
11. Managing an Empire
tax rate, click on the Treasury box (on the Galaxy Map).
Next, click on the rate you want. Your income per turn
should rise accordingly.
Here’s the downside. Every rise in the tax rate causes a
corresponding drop in production at every one of your colonies. So, for
example, if your tax rate is an astronomical 50%, fully half your
production potential goes toward taxes. Only the remaining half is
available for building. It’s exactly analogous to having that percentage of
your colonies producing Trade Goods. Taxes are a convenient way to
produce income without focusing the loss of production on one colony,
the way production of Trades Goods does. Still, a smart emperor is
Contrary to what you might think, taxes have no effect on Morale.
Not every habitable planet is capable of producing food. That doesn’t
mean you won’t put a colony there, of course, just that you must find an
alternate way of feeding the population. There are buildings that add food
production capabilities to even the most hostile worlds, but a well
managed empire has ways of sharing the bounty of the more fertile
Freighter Fleets are the most efficient method. Every time you build one of
these, you get 5 support ships, each of which is capable of transporting
enough food each turn to feed an entire unit of population. This transfer,
like the freighters themselves, is practically invisible. (Freighters never
engage in combat or show up on scanners.) It’s entirely automatic. As long
as you have freighters available, these ships are assigned to transport
whatever food is needed from colonies with a surplus to those with a
The key is to have enough freighters. Both the Freighters indicator (on the
Galaxy Map) and the Empire Summary (on the Colonial Overview) show
how many freighters you have and how many of those are still available.
Command Rating
Enormous fleets can be devastating in their power, but
they’re also an immense drain on the resources of all but
the largest interstellar empires. Maintenance on the
ships themselves, salaries for their crews, and the
support infrastructure necessary to keep a fleet
operational are all vital. An emperor, of course, should
not be required to deal with the day to day, minute
details of running the military arm of the empire. Rather,
all of these minutiae are summarized for you in one
overarching statstic: the Command Rating.
To see the breakdown on your Command Rating, click on the Command
box on the Galaxy Map. Your rating is a number of points. Every orbital
base (Star Base, Battle Station, and Star Fortress) you control adds to it.
Those leaders you hire as ship officers also add to the rating. Every ship
you build (except Freighter Fleets) uses points from this rating as a
maintenance cost. The number of points a ship requires is the same as
that ship’s size class (Small = 1, Medium = 2 , and so on). Support ships
count as small ships for the purposes of maintenance.
If you have enough Command Rating points to maintain your fleets, then
everything runs smoothly. If you do not, everything still runs smoothly,
but it costs you. For each rating point required by a ship that is not
covered, 10 BCs come out of your income every turn. This makes building
and managing efficient fleets nearly as vital as keeping your colonies
on track.
Morale Though morale is in some senses a colony by colony issue, its effects are
felt throughout your empire. The colonists in every colony share an
overall mood, which is expressed for your imperial review on the Colony
screen for each colony. The morale of the colony as a whole is
11. Managing an Empire
Why should you, as emperor, care whether your subjects approve of your
method of rule? You hold the power of both the military and economic
underpinnings of their livelihood, and any uprising would certainly bring
instant starvation and doom. Thus, no colony (except captured ones) ever
revolts. Yet there are less blatant ways for them to express their
dissatisfaction—and their happiness. Every morale icon on the Colony
screen represents a change of 10% in the total production output of the
colony. Populations with high morale work harder, adding to the food,
industry, science, and income of a world. Unhappy colonists get careless
or slack off, and production drops drastically.
There are ways to intentionally change colonial morale. You can’t do much
about your form of government, but many buildings and some leaders
raise morale for a single colony or a whole system. All the details are
covered in the relevant sections.
Note that both android populations and those under a Unification
government do not experience high or low morale; in a sense, they are
always merely content.
Even if you’re the type of emperor who shoots first and never talks, you’re
still going to receive communications from the leaders of the galaxy’s
other empires. Before you invade a particular race’s space, you might
consider reviewing what you know about them. Most of the time, it’s
prudent to avoid being at war with more than one other empire at a time
(or two if you’re ambitious). If you’re not a slavering warlord, the art of
diplomacy is even more important.
All your diplomatic efforts are conducted via the Race Relations console,
described way back in Management Buttons. Essentially, you can get a
status report on any race you have come into contact with, and you can
send an emissary to demand an audience with a particular leader.
Diplomacy begins whenever your ships become capable of reaching one
of a race’s colonies—or theirs can reach yours.
When you first meet a new race, the flavor of the diplomatic contact
depends entirely on their emperor’s personality. Most leaders act tough at
first, even (or perhaps especially) when they perceive themselves to be
negotiating from a position of weakness. How you react, what you do
One thing to keep in mind is that other emperors are just as busy as
you are. Repeated audiences encourage impatience, and even the
most friendly ally eventually refuses to meet with you. If this happens,
wait a few turns. Time restores your opponent’s willingness to
For the most part, the diplomatic effects of your actions are exactly what
you’d expect. Attacking a colony has a negative effect, for example, and a
gift of technology a positive one. There are, however, a few things you can
do during an audience that warrant explanation.
The status of relations between two empires (and sometimes their racial
characteristics) determines what diplomatic options are available at any
given time. When you are granted an audience with the ruler of another
empire, you might see any or all of these:
Propose Treaty: Select this to offer your hand, claw, or whatever in one
of several forms of friendship. The possible treaty types are
covered below.
Break Treaty: This terminates one of the treaties your currently hold with
this emperor. Keep in mind that breaking a treaty is not the same as a
declaration of war, though it often leads to one.
Demand: If you want to make a demand or ask a favor of the other
emperor, use this option. You can ask for one of these:
• Declare War On asks the other emperor to recognize a common enemy
and aid you in a war against that race.
• Make Peace With asks that the other race end a war with some third
11. Managing an Empire
In this ultra-civilized, highly advanced galaxy, espionage is universally
recognized as the natural and vital part of the art of diplomacy that it has
always been. That doesn’t mean, however, that your attempts at spying
and sabotage are appreciated by your opponents.
Every Spy you train and use can fulfill one of two functions. As an Agent,
your spy goes off into the colonies of another race (of your choice,
naturally). Undercover as one of them, the agent gathers information,
tries to steal technologies you have yet to gain, or attempts to destroy
some valuable piece of enemy property. As a Counter-agent, your
operative roams inside your empire, ferreting out enemy agents and
eliminating them. All your opponents have the same two types of spy.
The invisible wars that go on between your agents and enemy counter-
agents and between your counter-agents and enemy agents are both
deadly and silent. Every agent dutifully attempts to fulfill the assigned
mission every turn. Most of the time, they simply fail. Sometimes, they are
killed by counter-agents. In unusual instances, an agent might be killed
and fulfill its mission. There is also a chance every turn that an agent will
kill a counter-agent or succeed in doing the job. Whatever the case, the
results appear quietly on your end of turn summary.
The rate of attrition for spies is high, and you should replace the
eliminated ones regularly if you expect to have any success in the
espionage game. Any agent’s success is noticed by the target race,
and this invariably has an adverse effect on relations between the
two empires.
11. Managing an Empire
Your long struggle against the hostile forces of the rest of the galaxy can
only end in triumph or ignominy. If your last colony is destroyed or
conquered, your empire no longer exists. In this case, your personal fate
as an ex-emperor is something better left unmentioned.
On the other hand, you might win.
The only way to win at Master of Orion II is to become supreme ruler of the
entire galaxy.
Of course, there’s more than one way to do that. In fact, there are three:
• Obviously, if yours is the only surviving race, as its emperor you rule
the galaxy. Thus, you could win by conquering or destroying every
colony of every other race—perhaps accepting an abject surrender
or two.
• An alternate method is to seek out and defeat the Antaran home fleet.
This involves traveling to the Antaran home world, which is not
possible until you have the right technology and build a Dimensional
12. The End of the Game
Gate. Once you defeat the awe-inspiring Antarans, all the other races
in the galaxy recognize your overwhelming superiority and quickly
capitulate. (This strategy is not available if you disabled Antaran
Attacks when setting up your game.)
addition to your total score (not to mention, you win the game).
• Whichever empire defeats the Antarans at Antares gets the biggest
point bonus of all (and wins, of course).
Your overall score is the sum of all these factors.
The moment you select Multiplayer Game from the Universal Menu, you
begin the short journey into a galaxy so much more vicious and
underhanded than the usual Master of Orion II scenario that you might
wonder if it’s the same game. That’s what you get when you introduce
other human intelligences into the galaxy, each as emperor of one of the
opponent races.
13. Multiplayer Galaxies
Right away, you see the Multiplayer Setup screen. This is where you
decide how you’re going to connect with the other players and set any of
the necessary communications parameters. The left column includes
options for selecting what communication method you want to use.
Network: Use this to play over a local area network (LAN) connection that
Master of Orion II supports. To play this way, you must be connected
and logged onto the network before you start the game.
Modem: This option sets your game to play over a modem connection.
Before you start a modem game, you should make sure that the
Comm Info parameters are correct for your hardware.
Null Modem: A null modem connection is a direct cable hookup between
two machines that takes the place of a modem connection. If you’re
using that type of communications, use this option. Before you start a
null modem game, you should make sure that the Comm Info
parameters are correct for your hardware.
Hot Seat: A “hot seat” game is a multiplayer game in which all players
use the same computer, taking turns. If that’s the type of game you
intend to play, select this option.
The right column holds all the options that actually cause something to
happen immediately.
Start New Game: begins the process of creating a new multiplayer game.
This option takes you directly to the multiplayer version of the Game
Setup screen. The only difference between this and the usual setup is
that you can give a name to a network multiplayer game (so that other
players might identify it). The name area is at the bottom center of the
screen. Click on it to type in a name for your network game.
Load Game: allows you to continue a saved game from the turn you left
off. Any human players who do not return to take up the reins of their
empires are replaced temporarily with computer AI emperors.
Join Game: searches the network for Master of Orion II games in the
process of beginning. If there are any in need of players, they appear
on a list. Simply click on any of the games on the list to join
The other major difference of concern for those of you involved in
multiplayer games is the way diplomacy with non-computer emperors is
handled. Unless you go out of your way to change things, human-to-
human negotiations take place in exactly the same way as do your talks
with AI emperors. The usual diplomacy apparatus is in place.
Of course, non-computer players might not be satisfied with the limited
negotiating options available through the diplomatic interface. If this is
the case, you’ll have to find ways of communicating outside of the usual
ambassadorial channels. One thing to keep in mind is that the between-
turns Chat window is a good place to handle free-form negotiations,
though it’s not the place for private scheming.
13. Multiplayer Galaxies