Ph.d. 2015 Adam Hyllested
Ph.d. 2015 Adam Hyllested
Ph.d. 2015 Adam Hyllested
University of Copenhagen
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Early version, also known as pre-print
PhD thesis
Adam Hyllested
PhD thesis
Adam Hyllested
University of Copenhagen, 2014
Cover illustrations:
Sarmatie Europenne, a map of The Grand Duchy of Lithuania by the
French cartographer Alain Manesson Mallet, 1685; a Corded-Ware
battle axe and hammer from Nrke, Sweden; a burbot (Lota lota);
European black elderberry (Sambucus nigra); fragment of a Varanasi
silk sari with gold brocade; and s with hek, a grapheme represent-
ing an unvoiced postalveolar sibilant.
Table of contents
Preface......................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 9
Fenno-Ugric * as Laryngeal Substitution
in Words of Indo-European Provenance ....................................................................... 11
Stealing the Thunder of alpa:
The Fate of PIE *-bo- in Anatolian ................................................................................ 25
The Precursors of Celtic and Germanic ............................................................................... 43
Again on Pigs in Ancient Europe: The Fennic Connection .............................................. 69
The Other Horse: Germanic Cognates of caballus? ............................................................ 91
Balto-Fennic Loanwords in Proto-Germanic ...................................................................... 99
Gothic mammo meat in the Light of Saami Evidence .................................................... 107
The Mysterious Elder: Common Traits
in European Names for Sambucus nigra and Viburnum opulus ................................ 117
Balto-Fennic *kakra oats, the Etymology of hail
and Another Exception to the Germanic Sound Shift ................................................ 133
Two Issues on Indo-European Substrates in Slavic .......................................................... 153
The Story of time: The Etymology of Finnish aika
(with an Excursus on aita fence and Balto-Slavic v-Prothesis) ............................... 161
Albanian hund nose, and Faroese, SWNorwegian skon,
Finnish kuono snout ..................................................................................................... 167
Estonia and the Aestii: Baltic Etymology as a Key to Fennic Ethnonyms ...................... 179
Word Migration on the Silk Road:
The Etymology of English Silk and its Congeners ...................................................... 187
English mink, Finnish portimo ermine,
and Baltic Fur Trade from Antiquity to the Hanse .................................................... 203
Latin and Slavic Loanwords in Hungarian:
Exceptions to Helimskis Vowel-harmony Adaptation Rules ................................... 213
English abstract ..................................................................................................................... 222
Dansk resum ........................................................................................................................ 224
cal comments at their annual visits have proven invaluably relevant; the
ever-growing and talented Indo-European student community in Co-
penhagen, counting many dear friends; my good colleague, associate
professor Tuula Eskeland who has continuously provided me with sup-
port, advice and tips on recent literature in the Uralic field; fellow Ural-
icist Ilda Hallas-Mller whose competent management of the library
facilities has been instrumental; and a number of other people with
whom I have had fruitful discussions specifically on matters treated in
the final dissertation: Henning Andersen, Lars Brink, Johnny Cheung,
Paul S. Cohen, Michael Fortescue, Bernd Gliwa, Berit Hildebrandt,
Martin Huld, Santeri Junttila, Petri Kallio, Peter Alexander Kerkhof,
Ptr Kocharov, Agnes Korn, Kristian Kristiansen, Martin Kmmel,
Ranko Matasovi, Craig Melchert, Simon Mulder, Robert Orr, Kaspars
Ozoli, Janne Saarikivi, Zsolt Simon, Merlijn de Smit, David Stifter,
Patrick Stiles, Erik Thau-Knudsen, Sen Vrieland and Nicholas Zair.
This dissertation only forms part of the research I have carried out
during the five project years. My employment as a PhD scholar has, in
effect, been interwoven with other projects at the Roots of Europe re-
search centre and is hard to view in isolation from them. The best
known part is probably my work on the Indo-Uralic hypothesis, which
was originally thought to make up the majority of my thesis. The origi-
nal title of my PhD project was The Shared Indo-European and Uralic
Lexicon, deliberately uniting the stratigraphy of loanwords on one
hand and vocabulary which I believe to be inherited from a common
past on the other. Scholars who investigate old loanwords tend to see
them in every case of similarity, arguing vigorously against the possibil-
ity of uncovering inherited material. Adherents of the Indo-Uralic hy-
pothesis, on the other hand, often reject rather obvious intances of bor-
rowing, trying perhaps to maximize the amount of evidence for genetic
affinity. My idea was to introduce an open mind to both approaches,
including both Indo-Uralic material and older loanwords in a lexical
stratigraphy. However, the Indo-Uralic part, comprising also a compar-
ative historical phonology and derivational grammar, grew to such pro-
portions that it will become an independent publication.
During the last half of the project I furthermore became increasingly
involved in studies in Albanian language history, especially phonology,
morphophonology and etymology. Finally in 2013, I devoted much time
to the study of plant-names from alleged European substratum lan-
guages, a subject which ideally ought to have been included in this the-
Preface 7
1 This paper was presented at the 20th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference
on 1 November, 2008.
PFP *(j)ete- to have enough power (Koivulehto 1991: 77-79; > Fi. ehti
have enough time for a given purpose, dial. ehtii olla can be, N Saami
asta- have enough time, Mari te- do, Komi jeti- be ready; be able
to; be in time for; mature) is traced back to a PIE denominal verb *)h-
g-)eo- be able to (> Lith. jgti, jgi be able to, Latv. jgt, jdzu id.)
but this verb is actually only attested in Baltic. Because of its presence in
the Permian languages it cannot be a Baltic loanword proper, at least
not everywhere, and it may not even be a Balto-Slavic loanword alt-
hough *-- could reflect *-- as a rendering of the palatalized *-g-; in-
stead it could very well instead be a satem reflex of PIE *He)5- to have
in ones power, *Hi5ti- ~ *Ho)5ti- (> e.g. Av. ti- possession ~ PGmc.
*aihti- possession, belongings, property), or more specifically a borro-
wing from Proto-Indo-Iranian into Proto-Fenno-Permic2. Phonologi-
cally, this would make the process more straightforward and account for
the missing *j- in Balto-Fennic.
Koivulehto (1991: 72-74) further derives a Fenno-Saami (Early Proto-
Fennic) *(j)ek possibility (e.g. > Fi. ehk perhaps) from the same
underlying derivative *)h-geh power with reference to typological
parallels like NHG mglich possible ~ vermgen be able to. The rele-
vant Indo-European reflections are Lith. pa-jg ability, Latv. jga id.;
sensibility, Gk. vigor; manliness; young age. Since this word is
only attested as a loanword via Proto-Balto-Fennic (Late Proto-Fennic)
*ehk- (> e.g. Fi. ehk perhaps), one can further object that there is no
direct evidence for a step -- even if the Indo-European etymology
should be correct; it is only reconstructed because BF *-h- is supposed
to have derived from this source.
There are related forms in Ugric (Khanty / Ostyak), but they are considered
borrowings from Permian languages (SSA 100).
FU * as Laryngeal Substitution in Words of IE Provenance 15
Fi. kone machine goes back to BF *koneh tool which must mechani-
cally be transposed to Early Proto-Fennic *kone. Koivulehto conjec-
tures a PIE nh-)o- wonder as the source. Personally, I find this one of
the more speculative etymologies one might say wonderful in the
sense full of wonders. More important than my own subjective impres-
sion is that - in *kone is a well-known derivational suffix in Fenno-
Ugric, which may by the way sometimes represent PIE *-s, cf. *omme
fungus (PGmc. *swambaz), *vene boat (Skt. vna- timber); so even
if this is an Indo-European loan, there is no evidence as such that the
laryngeals were not simply lost.
A good match both formally and semantically is PBF *tatas (> Fi.
tahdas) dough ~ *th)-s-to-s id. (> OCS tsto, OIr. tis, tis and
PGmc. *ais- in OHG deismo sour dough; Koivulehto 2003: 27). Cru-
cially, however, PIE -- reflects the PIE sibilant *-s- rather than the lar-
yngeal. I think this is a quite justified objection, especially since Koi-
vulehto mysteriously does not account for the loss of the PIE *-s- that is
implied. Maybe he thinks that it was assimilated into the sibilant, but
I generally do not favor most of Liukkonens etymologies, but this one I would
definitely count as a possibility.
Yet another possibility, if *inehminen is the correct reconstruction, is to hypoth-
esize an ancient borrowing from some IE form of *an-mo- spirit, soul; the
forms certainly match semantically and share the same skeleton of consonants,
but since it is not clear precisely what language we would be talking about (we
have no other evidence for a correspondence PIE *a- ~ BF *i-, for example), and
since suffixed forms are only found in Balto-Fennic, it does not seem easy to
come up with credible evidence for such a solution.
FU * as Laryngeal Substitution in Words of IE Provenance 17
This root (Koivulehto 1981: 355-356, Koivulehto 1988 [1999: 301], Koi-
vulehto 1991: 85, fn. 11.6) is not represented in Balto-Fennic, but is re-
flected in Saami (N Saami bassi- Lule Saami pass-), Permian (Ud-
murt/Votyak pi-, Komi/Zyryan pe-, also be ready/done (of food))
and Ugrian (Mansi/Vogul pt-, Khanty/Ostyak pl-, pat- to fry in fat).
According to Koivulehto (1981: 348-356), BF *pai-sta- > *pajsta- (Fi. paista-) to
bake and BF *pejtt (Fi. peitt-) to cover are borrowed from each of the stems
attested in Germanic, the latter via a meaning wrap into something hot or
something that keeps the heat; cf. for a parallel semantic development the rela-
tionship between Olonets Karelian suoju cover and Est. sooe, gen. sooja heat.
FU * as Laryngeal Substitution in Words of IE Provenance 19
such evidence, which could also provide new important information for
the discussion whether Satem isoglosses overlapped with actual PIE dia-
lect divisions.
UEW (825-826) thinks that Mordvin (Erzya) aija also shows the old *-j-, only
by metathesis, but this is rejected by Katz (1983: 118) and Koivulehto (1991: 98)
who believe that the Mordvin -j- in this word comes from palatalization of *--.
Now let us turn to Katz (2003: 193-194) lone clear example with *-- as a
reflex of an Indo-Iranian laryngeal, Proto-Mari (Proto-Cheremis) *r
milk > Meadow or Central Mari (Carevokokaisk subdial.) r, Hill
Mari (W Mari) er, East Mari (Malmy subdial.) r, Urum Mari
r id.. He asserts PFP *r Pre-PIIr. *kihrm (in his own unor-
thodox notation; > Ved. kr- milk, Oss.Dig. xsir id.). This does not
work either since *r is not a simplex; the base-word in Mari is r
(Moiso & Saarinen 2008: 715). As shown by Aikio (2014: 131ff.), -- in
Mari almost exclusively occurs before *-r- or between *n and *l, even in
Note, however, that Middle Proto-Fennic *-kt- yields Late Proto-Fennic *-ht-.
A word like Est. teht deed could therefore just as well be an inner-Balto-Fennic
formation from teke- to do.
FU * as Laryngeal Substitution in Words of IE Provenance 21
Of course it is subject to linguists interpretation in every individual case when
these loan phonemes start counting as real phonemes.
FU * as Laryngeal Substitution in Words of IE Provenance 23
Aikio 2014 = Luobbal Smmol Smmol nte (Ante Aikio): On the reconstruction
of Proto-Mari Vocalism. Journal of Language Relationship 11: 125-157.
Itkonen, Erkki, 1953-1954: Zur Geschichte des Vokalismus der ersten Silbe im
Tscheremissischen und in den permischen Sprachen. Finnisch-Ugrische For-
schungen 31: 139-345.
Katz, Hartmut, 1983: Hethitisch ia- und Zubehr. Orient 52: 116-122.
Katz, Hartmut, 2003: Studien zu den lteren Indoiranischen Lehnwrtern in den
Uralischen Sprachen. Heidelberg: Winter.
Koivulehto, Jorma, 1981: Reflexe des germ. /e/ im Finnischen und die Datierung
der germanisch-finnischen Lehnbeziehungen. Beitrge zur Geschichte der
deustchen Sprache und Litteratur 103: 167-203, 333-376.
Koivulehto, Jorma, 1988: Idg. Laryngale und die finnisch-ugrische Evidenz. A.
Bammesberger (ed.): Die Laryngaltheorie und die Rekonstruktion des indoger-
manischen Laut- und Formensystems. Heidelberg. Pp. 281-297 [Reprinted with
postscript in Verba Mutuata, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, 1999, pp.
Koivulehto, Jorma, 1991: Uralische Evidenz fr die Laryngaltheorie [= SbAW 566].
Vienn: Verlag der sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Koivulehto, Jorma, 2001: The Earliest Contacts between Indo-European and Ural-
ic Speakers in the Light of Lexical Loans. Chr. Carpelan & al.: Early Contacts
between Uralic and Indo-European. Helsinki. Pp. 235-263.
Koivulehto, Jorma, 2003: Frhe Kontakten zwischen Uralisch und Indogerman-
isch im nordwestindogermanischen Raum. A. Bammesberger & T. Venne-
mann: Languages in Prehistoric Europe. Heidelberg. Pp. 279-317.
Liukkonen, Kari, 1999: Baltisches im Finnischen [= Mmoires de la Socit Finno-
Ougrienne 235]. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
Moiso, Arto & Sirkka Saarinen, 2008: Tscheremissisches Wrterbuch [= Lexica So-
cietatis Fenno-Ugricae XXXII]. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
Skld, Tryggve, 1960: Drei finnische Wrter und die Laryngaltheorie. Zeit-
schrift fr Vergleichende Sprachforschung LXXVI, 1/2: 27-42.
SSA = Ulla-Maija Kulonen & al. (eds.): Suomen Sanojen Alkuper. Etymologinen
Sanakirja. I-III. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura and Kotimaisten
Kielten Tutkimuskeskus. 1995.
Stealing the Thunder of alpa:
The Fate of PIE *-bo- in Anatolian1
Finnish kalvas and kalpea pale and N Saami guolbben white layer un-
derneath the top soil must be Indo-European loanwords as shown by
Jorma Koivulehto, indicating by their initial *k- that the PIE word for
white, *helbos, had an initial laryngeal. Kortlandts arguments for
deeming the troublesome Hitt. alpa a loanword is supplemented with
the surprising fact that both the PIE nominal suffix *-bo- and the verbal
root extension *-b- are virtually absent in Anatolian. Even PIE roots of
the structure CVRb-, of which some might at least be candidates for
roots containing original *-b-extensions, turn out to be restricted to
one or two examples. This remarkable state of affairs strengthens the
hypothesis (presented in Hyllested 2010) that nominal *-bo- and verbal
*-b- are ultimately identical. It is clear from the material that the use of
*-bo- was already declining in PIE, gradually becoming replaced by
other suffixes such as *-nt- for the present participle. Since Anatolian
was the first branch to split off the IE core, it is logical if use of *-b- was
weakened further in this branch, paving the way for the multifunctional
Anatolian *-nt- that we know so well. It is only to be expected that a few
lexicalized forms with *-bo- be preserved in Anatolian as relics, but
there are simply no unambiguous examples.
1 This paper was presented at the XII. Arbeitstagung of the Indo-European Socie-
ty in Erlangen, September 2011, and is planned to appear as an article in Mn-
chener Beitrge zur Sprachwissenschaft. However, there is still time for revision
and elaboration.
The identification of *-bo- with the root *beh- originates from Brugmann
Grdr. Bammesberger suggested that *beh- forms the basis of *-bo- only in
color adjectives, while verbal abstracts would have *-bo- from *bueh-. For a
modernized version of this view, see Balles 2010.
For details and examples, I refer to the original article.
In Old Indic, -(a)bh-, in most cases with -a- from PIE *-n-, became productive
in the formation of animal names, e.g. r0sa-bha- donkey, ara-bh- grasshop-
per. In Greek, both the conglomerates -a-- (< *-n-b-), ---, --- and
the diminutives ---, --- became productive and were by no means
restricted to animal names; -a- fox (~ orangy); --
underworld demon, an owl (~ unhoed); -- blackbird (~
SCr. kos id.), --- little animal (~ animal, beast), ---
little place, --- little present; trickery, cheating; gambler;
dice-box; and ground, perhaps from *ued- water.
These are *delH-bo- yellow (Arm. deb yellow, blond ~ Arm. dein yellow,
wan, pallid, Lat. fulvus dark yellow, Early Mo.Du. dluw, delluw light yellow,
yellowish pale, sallow, fallow; Driessen 2005 : 58); *ro)-bo- striped, spotted
(Lith. rabas grey-spotted, OPr. roaban striped ~ Lith. ranas grey-spotted,
striped, OE rha, rGge roe-deer); *s(u)or-bo- dark red or black (Lat. sorbum
serviceberry, OIr. sorb stain, dirt, Lith. serbent red currant ~ Latv. srts red
in the face) and *hel-bo- white' (Gk. blister, Lat. albus white,
PGerm. *alba- chalky soil [> NHG Albe(n), Dan. alver], Hitt. alpa cloud ~
Lith. aHvas tin, OHG alunt roach, alant elecampane).
Apart from 18 roots mentioned in IEW and M&A (Hyllested 2010: 210-211), this
list also includes PIE *deud- brown (Skt. ddhit- epithet to tmas-, Gk.
Stealing the Thunder of alpa: PIE*-bo- in Anatolian 27
cannot have been used specifically for color adjectives, neither in PIE7,
nor in the history of the individual IE branches8. The use of *-bo- in
preference to other adjectival suffixes was not governed by semantics ;
rather, morphophonotactic restrictions seem to have applied:
When -bo- occurs in deverbal nouns, these are very often result
nouns10, but may also have retained an action-noun character11, or re-
flect earlier agent nouns12 . In some cases, the distinctions are not clear13.
The multifunctional use of *-bo- constitutes an almost exact parallel to
Mod. Eng. -ing; thus, a form like *skerbo- corresponds to Eng. cutting
which is not only a present participle, but also an adjective meaning ca-
pable of or designed for cutting, an action noun meaning the act of cut-
ting and a result noun meaning a part cut off from a main body; a clip-
The use of *-bo- for the formation of verbal nouns was rapidly
declining at the time of the dissolution of PIE and remained productive
in the individual branches only when accompanied by other suffixal
elements14. The oldest function of *-bo- was the formation of present
participles, indifferent to voicei.e., both active and passive present
For Slavic -ba, this idea was first conceived by Iljinskij (1902).
The verb to cut, PIE *sker- and PU *kere-, provides the largest number of ex-
amples. With *-bho- and *-pa-, respectively, added to the naked root, the verb
to cut acquires shared specialized meanings such as to be sharp or to
scratch, and as a noun it means crust, whereas a suffix PIE *-i- ~ *-ja- added
before it, typically occur in derivatives denoting stripes, lines or pattern and
in verbs meaning to incite (later to write). Gk. sketch, outline;
stylus, Lat. scrb write, Latv. skrpa scratched stripes ~ Est. kirjav striped,
spotted; Fi. kirjava; ~ kirja pattern, figure, script > book). When other suf-
fixes replace *-pa, unpredictable meanings are still shared by Indo-European
and Uralic (see Hyllested 2010 for details).
In any case, the use of *-bo- as a suffix must be old in PIE. It is there-
fore highly surprising that both nominal *-bo- and the verbal extension
*-b- are virtually absent in Anatolian. In six cases, *-bo- has been sug-
gested as the source for what seems to be a derivational ending, but they
can either be refuted right away or remain disputed. Let us have a look
at the candidates:
Lyc. xahba (suggested by Shevoroshkin 1979: 179, fn. 5), is now known
to have meant grandchild and not ruler, king; it goes back to earlier
*aswa- which is in itself a thematicization of *Honsu- > Hitt. au-,
HLuw. asu- (Melchert 1994: 63, 307).
Hitt. alpa- dogs excrement does not for sure reflect *sl-bo- grey;
filthy (> Arm. ab dung) ~ *sal-uo-, *sl-o- dirty, grey; dirt
(Schindler 1978; see also Olsen 1999: 37); an alternative source is still
PIE *solp-o- derived from *selp- grease; greasy (Sahowkyan 1987). If
indeed derived from *sal-, this item would stand alone in the sense that
*-bo- would form a substantive and not an adjective. In that case, it
seems appropriate either to a) reconstruct an intermediate adjective
*sal-bo- dirty which later became substantivised or b) to assert a ver-
bal meaning of the root be dirty, produce dirt (cf. as a parallel the
double meaning of Dan. griset dirty, filthy and messy) which obtained
the meaning dirt as a kind of result noun. In any case, alpa- cannot
count as a safe example of a derivative with PIE *-bo-.
Hitt. wapa clothes (of the dead) ; shroud (Goetze 1969) is related to
Lat. vespillo undertaker; grave robber (Watkins 1969) and derived from
*ues-p- dress (see also Katz 2000). Kloekhorst (2008) reconstructs
*uos-bo-, morphonotactically illicit according to me; I dont see any
reason not to accept *-p- in this context. Even so, Kloekhorst might be
right that we are ultimately dealing with the same morpheme because
if *-bo- does not occur following -s- and *-p-o- does, we could argue
that the extension *-p- in fact reflects an allomorphic variant of -b-.
We might add
f) the fact that -pa- < *-bo- is virtually non-existent in the older
Anatolian languages
g) The initial stop in Fi. kalvas, kalpea pale and North Saami
guolbben (regularly < *kalpen-; ~ NHG dial. Alven, ODan. alur
[mod. al] chalky sand underneath the top soil; sandy plain) di-
rectly reflects a laryngeal in PIE *hl-bo- (a joint etymology by
Petri Kallio and Jorma Koivulehto, see e.g. Kallio 1998 and Koi-
vulehto 2003: 289, 298);
within Iranian, the word is not found oustide East Iranian (Stachowski);
and its only cognates are found in Greek and Albanian, both Balkan
languages. As Stachowski writes, most previous works have uncritically
quoted previous works about the possible Iranian origin of the Turkic
term. Tatarincev (2000) suggests that the word is an inner-Turkic deriv-
ative, formed by *ar- multiply oneself, be numerous with a suffix de-
noting intensification, cf. Old Turkic arka multitude; collection; crowd,
group, Mong. arbin plentiful. Martin (1987) and Omodaka (2000)
have added OJap. *apa millet as a plausible cognate; I do not see how
Stachowski can conclude that this speaks for Tatarincevs inner-Turkic
derivation, but in any case it strengthens the hypothesis that we are deal-
ing with an Altaic agricultural term of great age.
If the barley-word is indeed of Turkic or even Altaic origin, it seems
justified to hypothesize a similar origin of Hitt. alpant- ~ alwanz-. The
lambdacization in either word does not have to have happened after the
borrowing since confusion between liquids is a common phenomenon
already within older Altaic languages (Granberg 2008). However, there
is also a possibility that *arpa is a Uralic word borrowed into Turkic at
an early stage if -pa could be identified as the participial suffix.
Whatever the exact history of these two words, most signs point to an
extra-Indo-European origin of both of them. Hence, alpant- and al-
wanz-, as well as the designations for barley, should be kept apart from
alpa until stronger evidence for a connection shows up.
Let us now have a look at Anatolian verbal roots of the structure CeR(-
)b-, since these are all roots that could possibly contain a verbal exten-
sion *-b- :
Kloekhorst (1998: 453) derives Hitt. karp-iyezzi to take (away), lift up,
lift, pluck from PIE *(s)kerp- (Lat. carp pick, pluck etc.), as opposed
to Oettinger (1979: 345) who traces it back to PIE *greb()h- to dig.
Even in the latter case, it seems to have root-final *-h- (see Olsen 1993)
and thus does not count as an original example of *-b-.
In Hyllested & Cohen (2007), our aim was to show that it is phonologi-
cally unproblematic to link Gk. weave to Hitt. uwapp- (alleg-
edly interlace, entangle, Puhvel 1991), despite the lack of prothetic vow-
el in Greek. This is because there are no examples of initial u-diphthongs
before a labial in Greek except for late inner-Gk. formations; both full-
grade *(H)euP- and zero-grade *HuP- regularly yield Proto-Gk. *uP-.
Recently, however, Melchert (2007) has shown that uwapp- rather
means throw, hurl. This obviously does not contradict the Greek rule,
but it does remove one important piece of positive evidence, and, more
importantly, it seems to undermine the evidence for *h in weave (cf.
also van Beek 2011).
Since Neu (1998), another candidate for a cognate of weave etc. has
been the hapax wepu wpta in the fragment KBo. 42.6, 9 (13th c. BC)
whose exact interpretation is still debatable:
it could be that uwapp- belongs with weave after all, having preserved
an original PIE meaning that was specialized in Core IE after the Anato-
lian split-off; Andrs-Toledo (2010), too, suggests a late semantic nar-
rowing, but from an original meaning bind, interlace, based partly on
the now rejected Hitt. meaning, and partly on Indo-Iranian which also
displays the meaning weave. As Melchert notes, the Hitt. hapax pala-
fish-net does not have to be derived from a verb weave because a net
is something you cast out.
The sumerogram TG clothes represents Hitt. wapa (Goetze
1969) which often specifically means shroud; clothes of the dead, hence
Lat. vespillo undertaker; grave robber (Watkins 1969) < *ues-p- dress
(see also Katz 2000). It occurs elsewhere in Hitt. texts that a dying man
himself is calling for his shroud or his washing. In the Old Hittite-
Akkadian Testament ( 3, Kbo III 64-73, Melchert 1991: 183), the dying
king Hattuili says wash me well; protect me at your bosom from the
earth (Melchert 1986) and the Soldiers Dirge reads
This stylistic feature is of PIE age (Watkins 1995: 131-133, Fortson 2002:
73), and the SPic. vep- even occurs in non-etymological alliterations such
as veiat vepet lies in the tomb in MC 1 from Loro Piceno:
Unten kleidet sich die Vielfarbige in schne Formen; sie richtet sich
empor, das anderthalbjhrige Rind leckend. Ich durchwandere als Wis-
sender die Sttte der Wahrheit. Gro ist die einzige Asuramacht der
MS 3.11.9
It is thus conceivable that KBo. 42.6, 9 describes a burial rite with a dy-
ing or even dead person speaking, and that both the Hittite and South
Picene items represent PIE *uep- to adorn, to make ready by adorning
(pace Meiser 48-49). Katz (2009) adds to this root Gk. marry on
the basis of a new sound-law for Greek that makes *u- disappear in this
I see no reason to leave out ORu. vap color, vapno chalk, OPr.
woapis color and Latv. vpe glaze from this family; cf. the parallel in
OPr. sirmen funeral rite ~ sirmes washing lye made of ashes ~ Lith.
irmas white; grey (Gliwa 2005). On the concept of color in prehistoric
funeral rites in general, see Jones-Bley (2005).
The spelling with single -p- in wepu is problematic, but it is a hapax
preceding wpta which may have influenced it. The plene spelling of
uwapp- is no less problematic, but at least the semantic comparison
between a verb meaning to throw and to weave need not be.
Katz connects them with Hitt. wappu- riverbank (< heaped-up
earth) and Skt. vpra- heap of earth via the meaning heaped up (fin-
ery). I propose an alternative: These belong with *feraz ~ *feran-
bank, shore (MHG uover, NHG Ufer etc.), Gk. the land as op-
posed to the sea and perhaps Lith. up river. This would be the only
case of expected PGmc. *wf- ~ *wb-, and it is conceivable that such a
sequence with two labial fricatives and a rounded vowel in the middle
would be subject to dissimilation.
4 Conclusions
The lack of evidence for both nominal *-bo- and verbal extensions in
*-b- in Anatolian strengthens the hypothesis that these two elements
are ultimately identical. They were not derived from verbal roots in PIE;
rather do they belong to a more distant past where they formed present
participles indifferent to voice (like PU *-pa), and, like Eng. -ing, it end-
ed up synchronically as a derivational suffix for both agent nouns, ab-
stract nouns, result nouns and adjectives. Its occurrence in animal-
names is language-specific, based on substantivizations of color adjec-
tives. PIE *-bo-, thus already declining as a participle marker, gradually
became replaced by *-nt- (which also has a counterpart in Uralic). Since
Anatolian broke off the core first, it is logical if the tendency was weak-
ened further (and *-nt- correspondingly strengthened) in this branch.
As is well-known, the use of *-nt- in Anatolian goes far beyond the for-
mation of participles. We would expect a few lexicalized forms with
*-bo- to be preserved as relics, although not necessarily for us to study
as attestations in the corpus. What is relevant is not whether we can
eliminate the examples altogether, but that we have so few of them in
any case.
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On the Precursors of Celtic and Germanic1
1 The present article was published as Hyllested 2010. Apart from this footnote
(including the reference just mentioned), the abstract, the comments on Zairs
(2012) review and the inclusion of a new item no. 5) *uitelo- (shifting each sub-
sequent footnote by one), the two articles are identical.
1 Loanword or heritage ?
While Germanic has quite a few Celtic loanwords (see, e.g., de Vries
1960, Birkhan 1970, Mees 1998, Rbekeil 2002, Schumacher 2007), the
share of older Germanic material in Celtic is comparatively small (Lane
1933: 264, and Schumacher 2007: 174-176). However, Celtic and Germa-
nic also share lexical material exclusive to these branches that can be
independently traced back to an identical reconstructed protoform.
Therefore, it is often hard to determine whether a given Celto-
Germanicism is inherited from PIE or borrowed from one branch to the
other at a later age. Karsten (1927: 126) wrote on PGmc. *arbja- vs.
PCelt. *orbios heir and PGmc. *aia- vs. PCelt. *oito- oath: kan likas
vara antingen urbeslktat med eller ln [might just as well be inherited
as borrowed]. Krahe (1954: 142) used the same lexeme as an example:
Die Hauptmasse des gemeinsamen nur keltisch-germanischen
Wortschatzes reicht ohne da vom rein linguistischen Standpunkt
Anhaltspunkte fr eine Entlehnung aus der einen in die andere Sprache
gegeben werden knnten bis vor die Periode der Lautverschiebung
zurck (Typus got. ais air. eth usw.). Olsen (1988: 13) writes on
PGmc. *gslo- hostage vs. PCelt. *geistlo- id.: It is not certain whether
the Gmc. examples are inherited or Celtic loanwords. Casaretto (2004:
318, fn. 1051) on PGmc. *r-n- secret vs. PCelt. *r-n- id.: Ob diese
Parallellitt Lehnbeziehungen oder ein gemeinsames Erbe reflektiert, ist
unsicher. Ringe (2006: 296) states: There are also quite a few words
shared only by Celtic and Germanic, which might or might not be
loanwords .... Matasovi (2009: 227) on Proto-Celtic *krumbo- round,
curved: Germ. krumm, OE crumb round point to PGerm. *krumba-,
which was borrowed either from Celtic, or from the same non-IE source
as the Celtic words. Polom (1983: 284) summed up the problem com-
plex, listing four possible origins of a Celto-Germanicism: a) the terms
represented either a common regional innovation in a marginal area of
the Indo-European territory or the localized survival of an archaic term
lost elsewhere throughout the Indo-European Linguistic area; b) the
terms have both been taken over from a same third source be it a Pre-
Indo-European (substrate) language or less well-documented Indo-
European language in their vicinity; c) the Celtic term was borrowed by
Germanic; d) the Germanic term was borrowed by Celtic. Lane (1933)
and Elston (1934) excluded borrowing, i.e. possibility c) and d), whene-
The Precursors of Celtic and Germanic 45
ver it could not be proved directly.2 In the following, I will use the term
Celto-Germanicism for items believed to be older than the emergence
of Proto-Celtic and Proto-Germanic, but shared by these two branches
only, i.e. Poloms categories a) and b).
2 Semantic spheres
Elston (1934) and Campanile (1970) had still other divisions. On one
hand, it is interesting to observe how an overrepresentation of shared
vocabulary in certain semantic fields hints at the character of the rela-
Schmidt (1984, 1986, 1987, 1991) proposed a five-strate model: stratum 1, whose
Celtic origin is proved by their form; stratum 2, Celto-Germanic isoglosses with
the same semantic shift; stratum 3, Celto-Germanic isoglosses without the same
semantic shift; stratum 4, a group with special problems in the semantic field of
craftmanship; and stratum 5, name-doublets.
3 The material
The features mentioned by Schmidt (1991: 146-147) are either too weak or too
common to count as obviously shared innovations.
Space does not allow a word-to-word treatment of items that I have refused to
include as true Celto-Germanicisms. A few examples may serve as prototypes:
Craig Melchert (p.c.) kindly points out to me that *tegu- thick in OIr tiug, W
tew ~ OE ie, OHG dicki, ON ykkr thick vs. Lith. tnkus id. < *tenk-(-u-/to)-
is probably also attested in Hittite tagu- thick, swollen < *togu- (Neu 1995);
*luH-s louse > W llau lice (< collective *luu < *luH-eh) Corn. low, Bret. laou
id., OW leu-esicc louse-eaten ~ ON ls, OE, OHG ls louse vs. Toch. B luwo A
lu pl. lw animal probably also forms the basis of Lith. lil louse (where -l is
diminutive, cf. brol brother); PCelt. *korkio- oats (believed by Matasovi
2009 to be of a common substratum origin) corresponds to Shughni sip(i)yak a
kind of millet, sepyak grain of wheat according to Stalmaszyk and Witczak
(1991-1992); Rasmussen (1998) regards PGmc. *landa- (open) land as a bor-
rowing from Celtic proper. Despite the intriguing similarity, OIr. nasc ring;
clasp; bond, tie (~ nascim to bind) is most likely unrelated to OHG nusca, OS
nuscia clasp, buckle which is rather a Balto-Fennic borrowing, cf. Fi. nuska,
nurkka corner, nook, especially since another word for buckle, ON sylgja, is
already known to originate from Balto-Fennic (for the semantics, compare the
The Precursors of Celtic and Germanic 47
Category 1
A. Unique meaning
double meaning of Da. krog nook; hook and Eng. nook, a Scandinavian loan
with the original meaning clasp, hook, ON hnokki).
See Rasmussen 1989: 59-60.
Nicholas Zair (p.c.) points out to me that since no derivative of ganga in itself
means oath, ganga ei does not in itself suggest that *H)-to- is derived from
to go, and a connection with the root of Hitt. (i)- believe must also be con-
sidered (Puhvel 1991: 10). However, this does not affect its status as a Celto-
OIr -drech may also be identical to drech vision < PCelt. *drik, derived from
*dr5- to see.
B. Unique morphology
The connection to Skt. vetla- demon (Lehmann 1907) is uncertain. If it is in
fact related, the Celto-Germanic character of the present item should perhaps
rather defined as a combination of morphology (found also in Latin) and se-
mantics (found also in Indic).
Rasmussens (1986: 1, 310) judgment that the exact correspondence between
Celtic and Germanic probably reflects an ancient borrowing in one direction or
the other is based on an isolated view of this lexeme. Contra Rasmussens con-
nection with some Greek material, see Vine (2002: 206ff.).
As she notes, Goth. inweitan takes the accusative while the Greek original takes
the dative, i.e. chances are that this is not a Greek calque.
The Celto-Germanic morphology also differs from Hitt. tappala- person re-
sponsible for court cooking, if it in fact belongs to the same root.
The Precursors of Celtic and Germanic 49
12) PCelt. *ab-anko- water creature > OIr., MIr. abac dwarflike
creature associated with water, W afanc beaver ~ PGmc.
*ab(n) monkey etc. (Schrijver 2004).
C. Isolated lexemes
13) PCelt. *uti- > OIr. fith prophet, Gaul. outeis (pl., Strabo)
and *utu- shamanic wisdom > fth prophesy, MW gwawd
ode ~ PGmc. *w- > ON r poetry; furious, Goth. wos
furious, ON inn, OE Wden, OHG Wuotan Odin (Meid
1991: 25-26; Watkins 1995: 118).12
14) PCelt. *rm > OIr rm, W rhif number ~ PGmc. *rma- >
OE rm number, ON rm computation, OHG rm account,
series, number.
15) PCelt. *sketlo- > OIr scl tale, W chwedl saying, fable ~
PGmc. *skala- > ON skld poet.13
16) PCelt. *gaisto- > OIr. ges speculation, cf. geth insanity;
wind ~ PGmc. *gaista- (supernatural) spirit > OHG geist,
OS gst, OS gst (Meid 1965).
17) PCelt. *klamo- > OIr clam, W claff grave ~ PGmc. *skalm
plague, (cows) disease; evil spirit, crook. Perhaps both
from PIE *s5olm-eh disease, evil spirit, but the Proto-Celtic
vocalism is not entirely clear; syllabic *-l- preceding *-m
would normally yield *-li-.14
18) PCelt. *skx-slo- demon, supernatural being > OIr scl
phantom, MW yscawl young hero, warrior ~ PGmc. skh-
sla- > Got. skohsl evil spirit, demon; both from *skk-slo-.
19) PCelt. *buko- > MIr boccnach goblin, W bwg ghost,
hobgoblin, bwgan bogey, ghost, bwgwn fright ~ Fris.
bkk, Swab. bockelman, NE bogle, bogey.
I assume Lat. vts prophet, seer to be a loan from Celtic.
It is no longer necessary to reconstruct a labiovelar for this word to account for
-w- in Welsh; cf. Schrijver 1992 and Jrgensen 2010. Zair (2012: 80) in his re-
view objects that a connection with Lat. nsece say still seems very plausible. I
do not quite understand this message, since I indeed do follow Schrijver and
Jrgensen in leaving out the labiovelar, paving the way for both forms to match
the Latin material. Even if Lat. nsece is related, I will maintain that the nominal
formation with *-lo- (and its meaning) constitutes a Celto-Germanicism, albeit
belonging to category II.
If Alb. helm poison belongs here, the Celto-Germanic connection is less clear.
Category II
20) PCelt. *kol-ino- > Ir. cuilenn, W celyn holly ~ PGmc. *hul-
isa- > OE holen, OHG hulis, OFr. *huls > Fr. houx holly;
vs. OCS *klas ear of grain, Toch. B klese barley meal, Alb.
kall straw, chaff, Skt. kaamba- arrow, all from PIE *kel-
sharp, prickly. According to Pliny, the plant was a popular
house adornment among Celtic and Germanic peoples. In
Germany and Austria, holly is traditionally placed in stables
to protect horses from evil spirits15.
21) *!uond-neh Angelica > Ir. cuinneg wild angelica, Angeli-
ca silvestris ~ PGmc. *hwann > ON hvnn holy ghost, An-
gelica archangelica vs. *!uend-ro- with other meanings in
Lith. vndras reed, reed-mace; Lat. combrtum a kind of
rush. Angelica is an old medicinal herb and was used
against evil spirits (Birkhan 1999).
B. Isolated lexemes
22) PCelt. *lub or *lub > OIr luib wort, plant ~ OE lybb, OHG
luppi magic remedy; strong plant-juice; poison; magic, ON
lf healing plant, Goth. lubja-leisei magic; poisoning. Per-
haps also in ON epli ellilyfs old-age medicine > epli ellifu
eleven apples (in the Eddic lay Skrnisml; see Polom 1994:
142143 on the similar role of apples in Germanic and Celtic
Category III
A. Unique meaning
The hollys connection to both horses and evil spirits may be due to the near-
homonymy of PGmc. *marha- m. horse, *marhj- mare and *mar- f. female
incubus, let alone their complete homonymy in Scandinaviancf. the ambigu-
ous names of the holly, Dan. maretorn, mareved, maretidsel, marelok, Nw. ma-
rekvist, Sw. markvist, marlock, martova, Icel. marhrsla, MLG marvlechte, mar-
lock, mahrzopf. Other Germanic names refer to the spirits only: Nw. huldrelime,
NHG Schrattelbaum, Hexenbesen, Eng. dial. witchs besom.
The Precursors of Celtic and Germanic 51
B. Unique morphology
24) *(H)rb-)o- m. leavings and *(H)rb-)o-m n. inheritance
> OIr orbae inheritance, Gaul. Orbio- id., OIr. orb(b)e, or-
pe heir; inheritance ~ Goth. arbja heir, arbi inheritance,
OHG erbi, OE ierfe id. vs. *(H)orb-o- orphaned > Lat. or-
bus deprived, Gk. orphaned, Arm. orb orphan,
Skt. rbha- small; weak; child (McCone 1999).
25) PIE *5re)H- in *5riH-no- > PCelt. *krno- > OIr crn en-
feebled by old age, decrepit; withered, OW crin ~ *!ro!H-
uo-m > PGmc. *hraiwa- n. > Goth. *hraiw in hraiwa-dubo
turtle dove, ON hr dead body, OE hrw id., OHG hro
dead body; grave; funeral; death vs. the unextended root
*5erh- to break (Casaretto 2004: 164).
26) PCelt. *uer-t- > OIr fertae (< *-i) burial mound, W
gwerthyr fort (< *-ero-) gweryd (< *-eto-) earth, soil; grave
~ OE weor yard, weard guarding, ON vara, vari mi-
lestone, vrr warden, watchman, defender; guardian spirit,
house spirit, soul of the dead.
C. Isolated lexemes
27) PCelt. *doueno- > OIr pl. dini, doni men, poetic sg. don,
don man17 ~ PGmc. *dewena- > Goth. diwans mortal, cf.
the verb OHG touwen, OS dian ON deyja die.
28) PCelt. *krito- > OIr. crith trembling; fever, crith-galar il-
lness with fever, W cryd fear ~ PGmc. *hra- > OE hr m.
fever, Nw. ri sudden illness; short period; hard weather
(Bjorvand & Lindeman 2000: 724).
OIr -rb- in us-sarb may be from *-ru- instead, cf. marb dead < *mr-uo-s.
Historically a suppletive paradigm with the sg. duine from PCelt. *gdonio-
earthling corresponding to Ved. kmya- earthly, mortal, cf. Gaul. TEVO-
XTONION (Vercelli) of god and men. Even if Latin fnus funeral procession
is related, the item still constitutes a Celto-Germanicism in terms of semantics
and word-formation (cf. Rasmussen 1988:923).
29) PCelt. *trusko- > OIr. trosc leprous; leper, W trwsgl rude;
clumsy, Bret. trousk polyps ~ Goth. ruts-fill, OE rst-fell
Category IV
A. Unique meaning
B. Unique morphology
C. Isolated lexemes
41) PCelt. *nanti- > OIr. nit battle, combat, Nit god of battle,
husband of the war-goddess Nemain or Badb ~ PGmc.
*nanjana- > OE nan, OHG gi-nenden, ON nenna, Goth.
ana-nanjan to dare.
42) PCelt. *poiko- > OIr ech enemy ~ PGmc. *faiha- ~ *faiga-
> OE fh, fg guilty; outlawed; hostile, NE foe, OHG fhida
hate, enmity, Goth. fih deceit.
Brent Vine (p.c.) points out to me that while the nasal present in Lat. vinc ap-
pears (predictably) beside an old root aorist in perf. vc, in theory (despite LIV
670-671) the Celtic and Germanic presents could also be derived from the old
root aorist (e.g.: root aorist subjunctive thematic present is well-attested). In
that case, the Germanic and Celtic material might be closely related, morpho-
logically, to the old aorist (as in Latin), and since the Latin semantics is quite
similar to the one shared by Celtic and Germanic, only the development into a
thematic present would then point to a Celto-Germanicism.
Remarkably, Badb is the sister of Macha, married to Nemed, and of Mor-rgain;
of these four names, the first three are all Celto-Germanicisms, while cognates
of Mor- are also found in Slavic.
43) PCelt. *slak- strike > MIr slactha struck (ptc.), slacc
sword, Gael. slachdaim strikes with a hammer ~ PGmc.
*slahana- > Goth., OHG slahan, ON sl, OE slan slay.
44) W llost spear, Bret. lost, Ir. loss end; tail ~ ON ljstr fish-
spear, Dan. lyster eel-spear, ljsta strike.
45) PCelt. *mg- conceal > OIr for-migthe, for-michthai
smothered, concealed ~ PGmc. *mk- > OHG mhhen lie
in ambush for, NHG Meuchler assassin, ME micher thief,
Eng. dial. mitch hide (oneself).
46) OIr bgaid fight, boast, bg battle, W beio blame, Gaul.
Bagaudae, probably the fighters, name of Gallic peasants
who rebelled under Diocletian ~ PGmc. *bg- > OHG bgn
quarrel, fight, ON bgjast quarrel, strive.20
47) PCelt. *gwelti- madman, lunatic > MIr. geilt panic-stricken
fugitive from battle, W gwyllt wild, savage, mad ~ Goth.
wileis, OE wilde, OHG wildi, ON vildr wild.
48) PCelt. *ueidu- wild > OIr. fad wild animals, fian troop of
young warriors, MW gwydd wild, gwyddel a Gael, Irish-
man ~ PGmc. *wajaz > OE w hunt.
49) PCelt. *boudi- victory > OIr. baid victory, W buddig vic-
torious ~ ON bta exchange, divide, MLG bte booty21, all
from *budi-.
50) PCelt. *leid-o- succeed > MW llwyddaw ~ PGmc. *fltana-
> OE fltan, OHG flzan attempt, try hard.
51) PCelt. *geistlo- hostage > Ir. gall, W gwystl hostage, Br.
gouestl vow; promise, Gaul. PN Con-geistlus ~ PGmc.
*gslo- > OHG gsal, NHG Geisel, OE gsel, ON gsl hostage.
52) PCelt. *dno- fortification, rampart > Ir. dn, W din, Gaul.
-dnum in place-names ~ ON and OE tn hedged or fenced
lot, enclosure; OHG zn enclosure, hedge.22
53) Ir. clab *shield (of wicker-work) > basket; wicker frame of
a boat; chest ~ ON hlf shield, protection, OHG lpen, lp-
pen protect, Goth. hleibjan take the part of.
Even if Latv. buzties be annoyed belongs here (LIV 68 *beh-), Celtic and
Germanic still share a common semantics.
NE booty is a borrowing from Scandinavian.
Even if these words are derived from a PIE root *deuh- be finished, come full
circle (Watkins 1991:453), the derivative and its meaning are specific to Celtic
and Germanic.
The Precursors of Celtic and Germanic 55
54) NIr tailm, Bret. talm sling, W telm snare, trap ~ ON jlmi
sort of snare. The ON consonantism seems to indicate
common heritage.
Category 5
A. Unique meaning
B. Unique morphology
58) PCelt. *aglo- wound, affliction > OIr il insult, MIr *lad
wound, MW aeled pain; grief ~ PGmc. *agla- > OE egle
disagreeable, loathsome, Goth. agls shameful, aglia, aglo
affliction vs. Av. a bad, evil, Skt. agh- bad, aghr- evil,
distress, aghal- terrible, all from PIE *ag- or possibly
59) PCelt. *gen-i- wound > OIr guin wound, injury ~ PGmc.
*banj- > Goth. banja strike, wound, ON ben, OE ben(n)
id., OS beni-wunda wound vs. PGmc. *ban-an- murder in
OE bana, Da. bane-sr deadly wound < PIE *gen- to kill.
wound to death.
60) PCelt. *koldo- > OIr coll destruction, W ar-choll wound ~
*PGmc. *halta- > Goth. halts, OE healt lame.
61) PCelt. *kre(n)x-tu- > OIr crcht wound, W creithen scar,
MBret. creizenn id. ~ PGmc. *skranh-a- > ON skr scroll.
C. Isolated lexemes
Category 6
A. Unique meaning
B. Unique morphology
Zair (2012: 80) in his review of Hyllested 2010
Even if Lat. saevus wild, ferocious and Hittite i- be sullen, angry (see on the
latter Kloekhorst 2008:6923) are related, the Celtic and Germanic items form a
semantic entity.
Zair in his review (2012: 80) asks if the Celtic/Germanic meaning hatred is
unique enough to be seen as a shared feature compared to hostility in the Os-
can form. The two meanings differ in an important way, namely that hatred re-
fers to a feeling while hostility refers to a behavior.
The Precursors of Celtic and Germanic 57
C. Isolated lexemes
68) PCelt. *loktu > OIr. locht fault, blame; mistake ~ PGmc.
*lahana- > OE lan, OHG lahan, ON l to blame.
Category 7
A. Unique meaning
69) PCelt. *reid-o- ride; riding; chariot > Gaul. rda travelling-
carriage with four wheels, OIr. radaim ride (in vehicle), Ir.
d-riad team of two horses, W rhwyddau facilitate, speed ~
ON ra, OE rdan, OHG rtan to ride; ON rei riding; hor-
se-riding band; wagon vs. Latv. raidt send quickly; hunt.
B. Unique morphology
C. Isolated lexemes
75) PCelt. *marko- horse > MIr. marc, W march, Bret. march,
Gaul. ( horse, Marco- in place-names ~
OHG mar(a)h, OE mearh, ON marr id..
76) PCelt. *drux-to- > MIr. drochta tub, vessel ~ PGmc. *trugaz
> OE, ON trog, OHG troc trough.
77) PCelt. *kanx-s-ik- > W caseg, Bret. kazeg mare, not formal-
ly identical to PGmc. *hangista- ~ *hanhista- horse, stallion
etc. (Jrgensen 2006), but their similarity can hardly be
coincidental in the light of other equestrian commonalities;
cf. also that PCelt. *keng-o- to tread, step, walk is irregular
in the first place.
78) PCelt. *mongo- mane > MIr mong, W mwng id. ~ ON
makki upper part of a horses neck, Dan. manke mane; cf.
also ON mn, OE manu mane.
79) PCelt. *doklo- > OIr dal strand, lock (of hair) ~ PGmc.
*tagla- > ON tagl, Dan. tavl hair of a horses tail, OE tgl
tail, Goth. tagl a hair.
Category 8
A. Unique meaning
B, Unique morphology
C, Isolated lexemes
89) *suek- > W chweg, Bret. chouek sweet, pleasant (of taste),
W chwaeth taste ~ OE swecc, swcc taste, (pleasant) smell,
OHG swehhan to smell (bad).
90) *suem- > OIr to-seinn hunts; follows27 ~ OHG, OE swim-
man, ON svim(m)a to swim, Goth. swum(f)sl lake <
*swum-sla- (Bjorvand and Lindeman 2000:8935, but they
reject the connection; Casaretto 2004:408).
91) *sueng- to bend in PCelt. *swengo- slender > MIr. seng,
Gaul. PN Singi-dnum ~ OE swancor, MHG, MLG swanc
slender, Dan. svang arch of foot vs. *sueg- and suenk- in
other formations and languages (IEW 1047).
Hamp includes Alb. p, pl. penj thread, but Celtic and Germanic still agree both
on o-grade and semantics.
If Zair in his review (2012: 80), following LIV 532-3, is right that to-seinn is re-
lated to Hitt. sanazi sought < *senh-, this item is of course not a Celto-
Germanicism. Note also Kroonen 2013 forthc.: The verb has no good extra-
Gm. Etymology. The connection with OIr. seinnid is extremely doubtful, both
on the formal and semantic side. In fact, eliminating this item would only
strengthen the hypothesis presented here since it reduces the number of items
belonging neither to category 8. However, the combination of the initial conso-
nant cluster *su-, shared with items 89 and 91, and the derivational suffix *-slo-
of PGmc. *swumsla-, shared with items 19 and 51, perhaps point to an origin in
the Celto-Germanic stratum after all. Indeed, the PGmc. ablauting forms
*swammjan-, with a causative, not denominative, meaning make swim,
*swamn swim and *sunda- sound (beside *swumsla-), indicates that it is
fairly old.
Our revised list may be said to fall into the following categories:
5 A Fennic connection?
Most of the items in question look old and probably represent regional
IE innovations, while others may have been taken over from the same
third source. Interestingly, some of them seem to be shared with Balto-
Fennic languages, suggesting a larger cultural continuum stretching
further to the North. Particularly intriguing are Fi. hepo, hevonen, Est.
hobune horse, Fi. ratsu riding-horse and kavio hoof (dial. kapja) sin-
ce they all look Indo-European, but at the same time do not show the
regular sound substitutions displayed by any attested Indo-European
branch. Fi. luppo lichen is inherited from Proto-Uralic, so if it is con-
ntice bodies are typically buried with jugs meaning that *gan(d)-, too,
could justifiably be categorized as belonging to the religious vocabulary.
nected to item no. 22, it must have been borrowed from Fennic into
Celtic and Germanic.
If Balto-Fennic belongs to this cultural continuum, the question ari-
ses whether lexical exchange has taken place directly between Late Pro-
to-Fennic and Pre-Proto-Celtic, or whether Pre-Proto-Germanic was
always the provider: PCelt. *sanesto- secret advice (Matasovi 2009:
322) is suspiciously reminiscent of Fi. sanasto list of words (synchroni-
cally analyzable as sana word + collective -sto), cf. the semantics of
PCelt. *rno- and PGmc. *rna- (item 6 above) which in itself must be
identical to Fi. runo song; poem. The vowel in runo is unexpectedly
short, i.e. it does not behave as loanwords from Proto-Germanic nor-
mally do and may have been borrowed at an earlier stage. Mod. Ir. ln,
pl. linte (> Eng. lunch) could represent Late Proto-Fennic *louna
southwest; noon; lunch (Fi. lounas) which is derived from Proto-Uralic
*luwe south. Note that this word is already known to have been borro-
wed into Baltic (Latv. launags lunch, Lith. lunagas dinner). Fi. maa
land and its Balto-Fennic cognates go back to Proto-Uralic *mae, re-
miniscent both in form and semantics of PCelt. *magos plain, open
field > OIr mag plain, W ma place, Gaul. PN (Arganto-)magus), cf.
Schrijver 2001:423. Fi. tuoni dead < Late Proto-Fennic *tne could for-
mally represent Proto-Celtic *doueno- (item 27). Fi. kalma grave;
disease, Death-goddess, guardian of the abode of the dead could belong
with PCelt. *klamo- grave (item 17)
For the same concept, PGmc. *halj- f. can be reconstructed (cf. e.g.
ON Hel death goddess). It is most often seen as reflecting PIE *5ol-)eh,
derived from *5el- to cover, conceal. However, if Fi. Koljo name of a
giant is a Germanic loan (IEW 553-554), the Finnish vocalism constitu-
tes a problemwhy is PGmc. *-a- substituted with -o-? Moreover, a
Proto-Finno-Ugric form *kolja can be reconstructed also on the basis of
Komi kul water spirit and Mansi (Pelym dial.) ku-njr master of the
netherworld, devil. This word is internally analyzable as a participial
form or agent noun derivative consisting of the Proto-Uralic verbal root
*kole- to die and the agent-marker -ja with root-final -e regularly being
dropped when a suffix is added30. Formally, nothing speaks against this
word being a borrowing in the reverse direction, from Proto-Fennic into
Pre-Proto-Germanic, i.e. at a stage before the Germanic sound shift and
the development of *o > *a.
For a slightly different analysis of the Uralic word, see Katz (2003:183).
The Precursors of Celtic and Germanic 63
6 Conclusions
Cohen, Paul S., & Adam Hyllested, 2007: Monophthong for Expected -diphthong
in Greek. Coulter George, Matthew McCullagh, Benedicte Nielsen, Antonia
Ruppel & Olga Tribulato (eds.): Greek and Latin from an Indo- European Per-
spective [= Cambridge Classical Journal, supplementary volume 32], Cambrid-
ge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 9-18.
Elston, C.S, 1934: The Earliest Relations between Celts and Germans. London:
Hamp, Eric P, 2008: Germanic *famaz and Gravity in the North. Early and
Pre-historic Language Development in North-Western Europe [= NOWELE
54/55]. Pp. 349-352.
Hyllested, Adam, 2010: The Precursors of Celtic and Germanic. In Jamison,
Melchert & Vine (eds.) 2010: 107-128.
IEW = Julius Pokorny: Indogermanisches Etymologisches Wrterbuch I-II. Bern:
Francke, 1959.
Jamison, Stephanie W., H. Craig Melchert & Brent Vine (eds.): Proceedings of the
21st Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference. Bremen: Hempen.
Jrgensen, Anders Richardt, 2006: Etymologies to Go: Some Further Reflexes of
Celtic *keng-. Keltische Forschungen 1: 59-72.
Jrgensen, Anders Richardt, 2010: Palatalization of *sk in British Celtic. Bene-
dicte Nielsen, Thomas Olander, Birgit Anette Olsen & Jens Elmegrd Rasmus-
sen (eds.): The Sound of Indo-European. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum
Press. Pp. ??-??.
Karsten, Torsten Evert, 1927: Germanerna. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur.
Katz, Hartmut, 2003: Studien zu den lteren indogermanischen Lehnwrtern in den
uralischen Sprachen. Heidelberg: Winter.
Kerkhof, Peter Alexander, 2012: Suffix variation in the PGmc. l-suffixes and the ab-
laut of the PIE l-stems. MA dissertation from Leiden University.
Kloekhorst, Alwin, 2008: Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon.
Leiden / Boston: Brill.
Krahe, Hans, 1954: Sprache und Vorzeit. Heidelberg: Quelle and Meyer.
Kristiansen, Kristian & Thomas Larsson, 2005: The Rise of Bronze Age Society. Tra-
vels, Transmissions, and Transformations. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Kristiansen, Kristian, 2009: Proto-Indo-European Languages and Institutions: an
Archaeological Approach. Marc Vander Linden & Karlene Jones-Bley (eds.):
Departure from the Homeland: Indo-Europeans and Archaeology. Washington
DC: Institute for the Study of Man. Pp. 111-140.
Kroonen, Guus, 2013 forthc.: Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Germanic. Leiden:
Lane, George S, 1933: The Germano-Celtic Vocabulary. Language 9: 244-264.
Lehmann, W., 1907: Ahd. Wdillo = ir. fiothal. Zeitschrift fr Deutsche Wortfor-
schung 9: 313-314.
LIV2 = Helmut Rix (ed.): Lexikon der Indogermanischen Verben, 2nd ed., 2001.
Wiesbaden: Reichert.
Mallory, James P., & Douglas Q. Adams, 2006: The Oxford Introduction to Proto-
Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European World. Oxford: Oxford University
The Precursors of Celtic and Germanic 65
Proto-Celtic *mokku- pig, *sukko- sow and *turko- wild boar are
borrowed from Proto-Fennic where they are analyzable as inherited
formations. Other Northern European terms can be shown to have an
Indo-European origin: Welsh cranan wild sow, OIr crin sow belong
to an earlier layer comprising both Germanic (OLFr. chranni-chaltia
pigs den) and Baltic (Lith. ernas wild boar), while Fi. karjas wild
boar is borrowed from an otherwise unattested PGmc. *garjaz corre-
sponding to Gk. , Alb. derr, from PIE *hor-io-s. Latv. cka pig
is not related to Lith. kial pig as usually assumed, but borrowed from
PFc. *tsuka pig (> Fi. sika, Karel. ugu N Saami sokki id.). NW PIE
*por5o- pig(let) is identified as an Altaic newcomer to the NW IE area
on the basis of its widespread irregular variation in both IE and Fenno-
Ugric, and the similarity with European words for badger, an animal
typologically often compared to pigs. The lessons to be drawn are signif-
icant both culturally and linguistically: The great importance that boars
played in Celtic and Germanic mythology must have been preceded by
a centre of cultural gravity further to the North.
It is well known that the wild boar played a significant role in ancient
Celtic and Germanic (as well as in ancient Greek) mythology. Hamp
(1987) has argued that the importance of boars and pigs went back to a
1 The greater part of this article will be published in Birgit Anette Olsen & al.
(eds.): Etymology and the European Lexicon, proceedings from Fachtagung der
Indogermanischen Gesellschaft in Copenhagen (September 2012).
Hamp (1987: 187) began his overview with Proto-Celtic *mokku- swine,
which is reconstructed on the basis of OIr mucc f. (originally a u-stem),
W moch (collective; singulative mochyn), Breton moch (collective; sin-
gulative penmoch), Corn. mgh, late mw id., and Gaul. Moccus, the
name of a pig divinity. Hamp defined it as perhaps the most prominent
term notably lacking in IE cognates, a striking fact for the most per-
vasive generic lexeme for the pig. He did not mention MLG and MDu.
mocke f. sow, but as rightly stated by Kroonen (2013, pace Matasovi
2009: 274-275) these Germanic forms are most likely to be loanwords
from Gaulish and not directly from a third, unrelated source, since they
Hamp (1987: 187) supposes that the cultural importance of the pig in Ancient
Greece goes back to the same substratum, seeing that Pre-hellenic was noot a
satem language in type [and] is to be classed among IE dialects with the
North European group We must look, therefore, for a pre-Greek movement
of Indo-Europeans into the Aegean from the North, from as least as far North
as Central Europe. It is clear then that the IE Prehellenic speakers could have
brought with them to Greece the North European cultural values and institu-
tions relating to the pig, these later to be incorporated into the Eleusinian mys-
teries. He further ascribes the irregular variant (next to the regular ) to
this Prehellenic IE language. Fascinating as this scenario may sound, the prehis-
tory and shaping of Greek culture goes beyond the scope of this article and will
not be treated here.
Again on pigs in ancient Europe: The Fennic Connection 71
BF *emakko has undergone a common, but not entirely regular, morphopho-
nemic development of > a / eC_C(C)o (cf. e.g. Fi. kes summer ~ kesakko
freckle, el- to live ~ elanto livelihood) while the variant *emkk displays
the expected vowel harmony. -ikko (and -ikk) as in Votic emikko mostly occurs
after stems in -e- or -j-, but sometimes even after --stems, cf. Fi. silm eye ~
silmikko bud, hein grass ~ heinikko meadow. These processes have been de-
scribed by Campbell 1980 (257-258 with references) from a purely Finnish per-
spective, but they must be regarded as common Balto-Fennic phenomena be-
cause reflexes of all types occur throughout Balto-Fennic.
stated in Hyllested (2010) there are other lexical indications that Middle
and Late Proto-Fennic4, spoken in the northern vicinity of these
cultures, may have been in direct contact with Pre-Proto-Celtic, not
always with Proto-Germanic as the provider5. Late Proto-Fennic (Proto-
Balto-Fennic) is often assumed to have emerged around 1500 BC (see
e.g. Janhunen 2009), preceded by the Middle and Early Proto-Fennic
(Proto-Fenno-Saami) stages.
The most important argument for regarding *mokku- as a loan from
Fennic6, however, is the big lexicological picture: The fact that other
Proto-Celtic hyonyms also have good candidates for a source in Balto-
I use Kallios (2007, 2012) trichotomy of Early, Middle, and Late Proto-Fennic.
Of these, Early Proto-Fennic, the stage before any distinctively Balto-Fennic in-
novations, is the traditional name for Proto-Fenno-Saami (I hesitate to accept
Kallios inclusion of Mordvin here), and Late Proto-Fennic equals Proto-Balto-
Fennic, the protolanguage of all the Balto-Fennic languages (perhaps except
South Estonian, see Kallio 2007). Important for our discussion, Middle Proto-
Fennic is the stage largely recoverable by internal reconstruction immediately
before the development *ti > *ci (Kallio 2012: 166, fn. 9).
Among my proposals for direct loans from Proto-Fennic into Proto-Celtic are
PFc.*sanasto list of words (from *sana word + loc.suff. *-sto)
PCelt.*sanesto- secret advice (compare the semantics of the reverse loan Fi.
runo (traditional) song, poem < PGmc. *rna- or PCelt. *rn- secret);
*louna southwest; noon; lunch (from PU *luwe south + suff. -na) NIr. ln,
pl. linte lunch (further borrowed into Eng. lunch, luncheon; also a Fc. loan in
Baltic, Latv. launags, Lith. lunagas dinner); PFc. *maa land PCelt.
*magos plain, open field; PFc. *kalma disease; grave; Death-goddess PCelt.
*klamo- diseased, leprous. PFc. *tne dead may represent a reverse borrowing
from PCelt. *doueno- (mortal >) man id. into PFc. (cf. PGmc. *dewena mor-
tal, *dawjan- to die), parallel to the hyonyms. Cf. Hyllested 2010: 123-124.
A hypothetical hybrid form *emokko would appear even closer to the Celtic
forms. The deletion of -e- seems to presuppose stress shift to the second syllable
-mk-. We will deal with this below.
Again on pigs in ancient Europe: The Fennic Connection 73
Testen (1999: 191) states that *sukko- shows phonological problems that com-
plicate any interpretations based upon its obvious similarity to Indo-European
The latter interpretation is problematic seeing that no trace of length is left in
Latin, Celtic nor Germanic; all forms in these languages begin with *s- and
cannot reflect *suH-.
cula that is added to vocalic stems (cf. auri-cula little ear, avi-cula little
bird, api-cula little bee); a **s-(u)la would be impossible, and the on-
ly way to form a diminutive with -la to ss would be to add -cula to the
stem. Hence, there is no need to believe that -c- belongs to the root in
the Latin case either. Third, as already suggested by Fick, Falk & Torp
(1909), Skt. s-kra- m. wild boar is probably simply a compound,
meaning literally pig-reproducer9. Kroonens conclusion is that PIE
seuk- did not exist, since only Celtic *sukko- cannot be explained away
and needs a source10. His solution is to assert for the Celtic animal
names in -kko a Germanic source where -kk- derives from n-stems to
roots in -k- via Kluges Law. However, of the Celtic animal names, only
PCelt. *bukko- billy-goat has a safe counterpart in Germanic.
Besides, there is one more Indo-European term to take into account.
Interestingly, PCelt. *sukko- is somewhat reminiscent of Latv. cka pig
whose etymology is also disputed: In native Latvian words c- usually
occurs before -e-, -i- because it has developed from late palatalization,
or it is a borrowing from Estonian, cf. Latv. cirele lilac < Est. tsirel, dial.
for standard sirel. Jnis Endzelns simply described c- in cka as irregu-
lar from *ska which he equates with the Germanic, Latin and Indic
forms in the previous paragraph (Kaspars Ozoli, p.c.). Karulis (1992)
prefers to group cka with Lith. kial pig, visualizing a zero-grade of
*keu-/*k-, cf. kakt 'yell; howl, and various toponyms such as Kkas,
presumably place with a lot of wild pigs. This would imply an analogi-
cally mixed root where the original PBalt. distribution *kiau-/*k- was
analogically levelled to *kiau-/*ki-. While not impossible, the Latvian
and Lithuanian words actually do not have that much in common, and
as shown by Hamp (1986), the original meaning pig was probably con-
nected specifically to a stem containing the -l-. Hamp equates kial
with the element Cul- in the Welsh PN Culhwch, referring to a divine
pig, a cousin of Arthur, of the same class as Twrch Twyth. This means
Formally corresponding to the Middle Persian proper name Hukar < Proto-
Iranian *hkara- (Blaek 2010: 90)
Middle Persian xk, Modern Persian xg (Blaek 2010: 88, 90), not mentioned
by Kroonen, probably derives from a typical secondary formation in Iranian,
*h-ka-, whereby the suffix *-(i/a)ka is added to stems that would otherwise be
very short. Alternatively, it may have been a diminutive formation denoting the
piglet, cf. e.g. Alb. derk piglet < Proto-Alb. *dar-ika next to derr pig (Orel
1998: 61). Other Iranian forms show expected reflexes of the root-noun, e.g.
Young Avestan h- pig, Ossetic (Digor) xu, (Iron) xy id. Laconian Greek
(? < *), likewise absent in Kroonens account, may simply be onomat-
opoeic (Katz 2003: 206-207), cf. also Polish dzik pig.
Again on pigs in ancient Europe: The Fennic Connection 75
A third puzzling term is PCelt. *turko- (W [obs.] twrch pig m., pl.
tyrch(-ot), OCorn. torch, OBret. torch, MBret. [Catholicon] tourch ikd.,
OIr torc [masc. o-stem] wild boar). It is remarkable that even this term
ends in -ko. The sequence -Rkk- was non-existent in Proto-Celtic (the
Brythonic development to -ch is regular after resonant) so we can even
define the last part of all three words as identical11. McCone (1992, 1993)
identified the Celtic term with Avestan rs (occurring once in an
Avestan fragment of the Pahlavi Rivyat accompanying the Ddestn-
Dng), reconstructing PIE *tuors with an original meaning cutter
(referring to the boars notorious talent for tearing and uprooting with
his sharp tusks) which has since been generally accepted (with some
reservations Lubotsky 1994; Mallory & Adams 2006: 139). The word
would then rhyme with *por5os (young?) pig and even with ior5os
deer, seemingly revealing a structure for the formation of names for
mammals (cf. *hrt5os bear; beast, PGmc. *elha- elk, *selha- seal, e.g.
Kroonen 2013 under entry *baruga-).12
As already noted by Hamp (1989: 188), McCones reconstruction of
an o-grade in *tuor5s is misleading since the attested Celtic forms
unanimously point to a persistent zero-grade *turkos. This is significant
since, as later shown by Lubotsky (1994), no other ablaut grade is to be
found in derivatives underlying this postulated root to cut, neither in
Indo-Iranian nor in Greek which would be the two other branches to
have allegedly preserved reflexes of it (however, in Greek and Indo-
Iranian the vocalization is different, pointing to *turk- and not *turk-)13.
This similar behavior obviously speaks in favor of a connection between
the Celtic boar-word and the cut-root.
Meanwhile, however, several factors speak against this. Not only is
the attestation of Av. rs restricted to a hapax in a Pahlavi fragment;
Matasovi (2009) reconstructs PCelt. *turkko-, but the development of PCelt. *-
k- to Welsh ch is reular in the position after -r-.
Some of these examples are equally disputed; Schindler (1966) regarded *selhaz
as an Early Proto-Fennic loanword in Germanic, cf. LPFc. *hleh (Fi. hylke,
gen. hylkeen) seal < EPFc., PFU *lke or *lke.
Av. rs- to cut, shape, upa-rsn hole, split, rssca
(an) end, split, rtar creator representing *rtar with a common col-
oring of to by a preceding (or following) labial; Ved. Tvar- the god-
creator, where the original r > a has become identical to the following vowel
under dissimilatory influence of a second -r- later in the word; and Gk. ,
Aeol., Dor. flesh.
McCone was of course aware also of this part of Hoffmanns article, but writes
(1992: 99): Convincing though the interpretation of prs as pars < *por5os
is, its corruption to a non-existent rs somewhat reminiscent of the verb to
cut is a less attractive postulate.
Again on pigs in ancient Europe: The Fennic Connection 79
2 Indo-European terms
PFP terms seem to confirm the cultural importance of the pig in prehis-
toric Northern Europe, even in cases where nothing points to a Fennic
origin. Hamp (1987: 189) declares himself incapable of etymologizing
OIr. cran f. sow, but suggests Welsh cranan wild sow (attested in the
White Book of Rhydderch and then once later) as cognate. An exact
Proto-Celtic reconstruction is admittedly not possible on the basis of
these two forms. However, the common Lithuanian word for the wild
boar, ernas, with a variant ernkas, is suggestive of a formation from
the PIE stem *5er-n- horn , referring to the boars tusk; cf. the double
meaning of Skt. r-g- horn; elephants tusk15. It is tempting to include
the first member of OLFr. chranni-chaltia pigs den (Quak 1983)16
whose first member has so far been considered obscure. A term *5er-n-
designating the wild boar, thus seems to unite Celtic, Germanic and
Lith. rnas with mtatonie rude also exists. Smoczyski (2003: 10, 92) prefers
an inner-Baltic derivative from eria (also ers) bristle. Cf. also Hyllested &
Gliwa 2009: 50) on the mechanisms behind this derivational process.
I thank Guus Kroonen for having drawn my attention to this form.
pl. derra17. However, note that the Fennic forms now confirm a PIE
*hr-io-s if they are borrowings from an otherwise unattested, but per-
fectly matching, PGmc. *garjaz. One might visualize that another ken-
tum language than Germanic, known or unknown, could be the source
of karjas, but it would have to be a language that lost the velar-palatal
distinction since PIE *- would otherwise be attested as a sibilant, cf. Fi.
salko pole, stake PIE *alg-. In forms old enough to have retained
an o-vocalism, palatals are usually substituted with sibilants in FU, cf.
Fi. koipi leg of a bird; (colloq.) human leg < (NW) PIE *5o)po- pole,
stake (Skt. pa- tail, penis, Alb. thep peak, point, cog, tooth, Lat. cip-
pus pole, stake)18, but the a-vocalism in karjas points to Germanic as
the most probable source. This would, conveniently for our reconstruc-
tion of the prehistoric situation, mean that Indo-European borrowings
of hyonyms into Fenno-Ugric took place much later than the borrow-
ings of hyonyms in the reverse direction.
That Celtic and Germanic hyonyms that can be shown to have originat-
ed in Fennic should strike one as unexpected, partly since boars play a
significant role in Celtic and Germanic (as well as in Greek) mythology,
partly since wild boars are generally Southern animals in Europe.
However, there are chronological layers to distinguish: These terms
must go back to a time from before the emergence of these specific traits
in at least the Celtic (and probably also the Germanic) cultures and
religions. The terms themselves and the culturual significance they re-
veal must both emanate from a common non-Indo-European source.
The question then remains if we can trace any extralinguistic evidence
for a special importance of pigs among the Fennic peoples. Tacitus
wrote on the Aestii, a Northeast European tribe in the Baltics:
Hulds (1984: 148) reconctruction of an unparalleled derivative *suo)n-ro- from
the stem occurring in PGmc. *swna- (PIE *suH-ihno-) is thus unnecessary.
In fact, the Fennic form confirms IE o-vocalism which is not otherwise directly
attested in this form.
Again on pigs in ancient Europe: The Fennic Connection 81
While the name of the Aestii (also Aestiorum gentes) is no doubt the
source of that of Estonia, it has generally been assumed that the Aestii
were in fact speakers of Baltic and not Balto-Fennic languages, whose
name was later transferred to the Balto-Fennic Estonians. However,
Bammesberger & Karaliunas (1998) convincingly show that the Aestii,
and that the original ethnonym, definitely denoting a Fennic people
from the point of view of the Scandinavians, had an extra -r- in stem
(Eistr-)19. As I demonstrate elsewhere (Hyllested forthcoming), the Bal-
tic stem *aistra- had a meaning synonymous to that of PGmc. *finn-20
and is in all probability a loan translation, clearly indicating that the
name denoted Fennic peoples.
Archaeological evidence can be supplied. Sites from the Pitted Ware
culture (3200-2200 BC) on southern Scandinavian coasts from Svealand
and land to the Danish island of Funen contain pig bones in large
quantities emanating from domesticated pigs rather than wild boar. It is
known that they lived side by side with battle-axe peoples, traditionally
attached to Indo-European and Pre-Proto-Germanic expansions. The
people of the pitted ware were not direct ancestors of Northern Scandi-
navians, but more closely related to peoples of the contemporary Baltic
region (Rowley-Conwy & Stor 2007; Malmstrm & al. 2009), and
blending of styles and techniques between pitted ware and battle-axe
peoples took place especially in the later half of the period, 2700-2200
BC (Larsson 2003). It is clear from the datings listed above that this pe-
riod does not fit exactly with the Balto-Fennic protolanguage but rather
with the traditional dating of Fenno-Volgaic or Fenno-Saami. But at
least we have reason to believe that the cultural significance of the pig
contiued into the Balto-Fennic period, and perhaps, in the light of Taci-
tus account, even into historical times.
Cf. Eistra dolgi the Estonian enemy (Ynglingatal) and devenit in Eistriam, puer
Olavis Eistriis in servum venumdatur (Historia Norvegiae). The original vocal-
ism *aist- is secured by Old Gutnish utan foru i aina oy vir Aistland, sum haitir
Dagaii [they] travelled to an island off Estonia called Dag (Guta Saga).
Pimple or other protuberances from the skin of humans or animals such as
fish scale, fin, larvae under the skin of cattle (causing folly). The Baltic
meaning is reconstructed on the basis of a loanword in Livonian istar pimple
(the dialectal variant vistar can only be explained on the basis of Baltic) and
Lith. aistr intense passion; cf. Gk. intense passion; larvae under the
skin of cattle, ON eistra testicle, OHG eiz larvae under the skin of cattle, Gk.
Also seal bones are prominent among the findings in Pitted Ware
sites; note that the dating fits perfectly with Schindlers etymology for
PGmc. *selhaz seal mentioned in fn. 11 above.
Borrowed into OE as brocc; from Eng. it has further been borrowed into Danish
as brok, mostly used in the definite form brokken (Brokken) as a kind of semi-
personal name, especially common in hunters language.
More examples can be found in Ritter (1975). We might add as a modern exam-
ple the name of the hog badger (Arctonyx collaris) from Southeast Asia. In this
light, it might be worth investigating whether the otherwise opaque Eng. word
badger could be a borrowing from Brythonic (cf. W baedd) and perhaps even
confirm the reconstruction *bad)o- rather than the alternative *bas)o-. The root
in Lat. fodi, Hitt. padda- to dig (the ground), bury, Lith. bed dig comes to
mind when you compare e.g. Danish grvling badger ~ grave to dig (and grav
fox or badger earth, burrow), The root is attested in Celtic but with innovative
meanings (cf. Hyllested 2010: 115).
I find Kroonens (2013) alternative reason for linking the two words, that the
badger is an animal with a strong sense of smell less relevant. His semantic re-
construction sleuth dog is also somewhat anachronistic since he seems to pre-
fer that the word is Proto-Germanic; sleuthhound is admittedly the meaning in
both Middle Dutch and Old High German, as well as in modern Dutch brak
and modern German Bracke (hence Eng. bracke) but the breed does not go back
to ancient times. An less specified meaning hound, hunting dog or scent dog
Again on pigs in ancient Europe: The Fennic Connection 83
Dachshund, lit. badger dog.24 The origin of the latter breed is uncertain,
but probably not bred as early as when Proto-West Germanic was spo-
ken. Cf. also ON Brokkr, the name of the dwarf who creates the mytho-
logical boar Gullinbursti.
Ru. barsuk badger is a loanword from Turkic *borsuk (*borsuq) id.,
derived internally in Turkic from *bor, *boz grey and akin to Written
Mongolian borki old badger (Khalkha Mongolian borx, Buryat burxi,
Kalmyck bork badger) borrowed into Tuvin (a Turkic language spoken
to the North of Mongolian in Central Asia) as murgu male marmot
(Khabtagaeva 2009: 159). The word has also been borrowed into Hun-
garian as borz badger. Fi. myr comes from older *mkr, cf. Karelian
mkr, Est. mger. The Balto-Fennic word can only be connected via
dissimilation from *mrk. Celtic *br- can come from older *mr-, and a
stress shift with vowel loss in the first syllable is reminiscent of the hy-
pothetical process *emokk- > *-mkk- sketched above. That we are
dealing of a wanderwort of Altaic origin thus seems conceivable, but its
routes are not entirely clear.
The protoform *porko- (> MIr orc [m. o-stem] young pig, Lat. porcus
id., Lith. paras young pig; castrated male hog, OCS pras young pig,
Av. prs id., PGmc. *farha- pig > e.g. OE fearh, OHG farah) is al-
most universally accepted as a major PIE pig-word. Since Benveniste
(1969) the meaning has been reconstructed as young pig or piglet25.
However, as already noted by Hamp, the word is actually geographically
confined to the Northwestern half of the Indo-European area. It is not
found in Albanian, Greek, Armenian, Anatolian, Indo-Aryan, or To-
charian, and within Iranian, it is exclusively attested in the Northern
fringes, geographically speaking. An Indo-Iranian preform is admitted-
ly widely assumed as the basis for Fenno-Permian *poras or *poras
would be better. Kroonen further declares that the relationship of this word
with the rhyming *rakka- is unsolved. Since both Sw. by-racka mongrel dog
and hundracka cur, the loanword in Fi. rakki id., and MDu. rekel bad dog;
male dog (> Du. rekel villain) are clearly pejorative, I wonder if it is not simply
derived from the verb *ragg/kn- to move to and fro, to stroll, cf. Sw. racka to
roam, to wander about (used typically of dogs).
Da. gravhund, lit. grave dog, cf. grvling badger, derived from grav grave.
As Hamp (189) says The question is not one of domestication, but of cultural
It is perhaps conceivable, but hardly provable, that *porz was reshaped from
earlier *pors under the influence of Slavic *kn-orz (domesticated) boar, lit.
with testicle (on this form, see Kretov 1994), and that PGmc. *farkna- can the-
oretically be interpreted as a diminutive *farhkna- of *farha-. All things consid-
ered, I find it more economical and therefore more probable to assume that we
are dealing with a true irregular variation, and that both forms go back to what
would have been PIE *poro-.
Not to be reconstructed *baruga-, cf. Ball & Stiles 1983.
*baiza- is also possible. Kroonen (2013) regards *baira- as more likely because
the ON hypocoristic form bassi is more likely to have been derived from *brr <
*baira- than *beirr < *baiza-. However, bassi may just as well be a hypocoristic
form of baggi small and thick, compact animal, cf. Da. basse piglet, but also
small, fat male horse, wether, dog, bull etc., thick insect, rather the same
meanings as those of baggi. Polom (1986) and Schrijver (1997), in the light of
the irregular correspondence with MW baed, W baedd, OCorn. bahet boar,
conclude that both the Germanic and the Celtic form are of the same non-Indo-
European origin. However, if the PGmc. form was really *baira- and especially
if at the same time the Brythonic forms are from *bad)o- and not from *bas)o-,
in my opinion they are not even sufficiently alike for us to regard them as the
same word.
Again on pigs in ancient Europe: The Fennic Connection 85
Germanic even had a *pr-o- (PGmc. *fra-), but this is clearly derived
from *per- to give birth, Gmc. *farzan-.
therefore think that the irregularities of the Fenno-Permic forms are
due to the fact that some of them were borrowed from R-Turkic, cf. the
Chuvash form por badger (via piglet? Note the exact meaning of
*por5os) with initial p- and without reminiscences of the suffix -uk, into
the Eastern Fenno-Permic languages: Mordvin (Moksha) pu, purc,
Udmurt par, par, pars, pari, Komi por29, with their *-- actually re-
flecting Turkic -s- (= Chuvash -) and not an alleged PIE *-5-. The Bal-
to-Fennic languages (*porsas) and perhaps Erzya Mordvin (purcos,
puis, pursuz) instead borrowed their forms from a stage of Balto-
Slavic, which comprised the still productive ending -as. The Balto-Slavic
form, in turn, like the Germanic and Italo-Celtic forms, would ultimate-
ly have derived from older Turkic *borsuq. Again, the exact directions
are not clear, but a culture-word situation would account for the geo-
graphical distribution, the irregular variations of similar pig- and
badger-words across Europe, aberrancies in Fenno-Ugric and perhaps
even the exact meaning of *por5os if the meaning went via young of
badger (Da. gris, also pig). Finally, the motivation for a borrowing
from Altaic would be straightforward, namely the fact that badger is a
common traditional dish among Turkish and Mongolian peoples.30
6 Conclusions
From Komi it has been borrowed into Khanty as V pors, DN pur, O por;
and into Mansi as KU prs, P prs, So. pr; Nenets Sj. pors; and from Khanty
it has been borrowed further into Nenets O as pora, Nj. poes.
At the conference leading to this publication, I argued that Turkic *borsq
could have been borrowed to Gmc. as *barza- yielding *brrua- that could
then have been transferred to PCelt. brokko-, involving the same stress shift to
the penultimate syllable -bVr-k- as in *mokku- < *e-mk-. However, this is of
course not possible if the PGmc. form was in fact *barga- and not *baruga-. See
above on the role of PFc. *mkr.
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The Other Horse:
Germanic Cognates of caballus?
Alongside Alongside the famous PIE term *h!uos horse (most re-
cently treated by Huld 2004, de Vaan 2009, Blaek 2010), Simon (2005)
has reconstructed another Indo-European word for this animal, PIE
*keb-, on the basis of the following forms:
Mod.Eng. cob thickset horse might be unrelated if simply identical in origin to
the numerous other meanings of Eng. cob, most of which can be united by the
meaning plump or roundish object, animal or person.
Simon gives convincing arguments for leaving out Slavic *kon and
*komon (pace Snoj 2003) and for rejecting alternative loan directions
such as Greek into Persian. On the whole, the proposal looks quite ac-
ceptable, despite Indo-Europeanists usual reluctance to accept inherit-
ed lexemes with the rare unaspirated *b for PIE.
On closer inspection, it turns out that it is unnecessary to reconstruct
this unaspirated *-b- since the only element that precludes its aspirated
counterpart *-b- is exactly the PGmc. *-p- which Simon supposes to
only be reflected in Balto-Fennic loans. Since Balto-Fennic did not pos-
sess voiced stops2, the language would be unable to show evidence of
original voicing, so PGmc. *-b- < PIE *-b- is just as possible in this in-
stance. In fact, the lack of Winters Law in Slavic (not kabyla) unam-
biguously points to an aspirate, if kobyla is inherited at all (see Blaek
2010 on the East Iranian animal-term suffix *-la-; Gob 1985).
A serious obstacle not adressed by Simon is that only the forms occur-
ring in the Northern Balto-Fennic languages (Finnish, Karelian, Lude
and Veps) differ from each other in regular ways. Most forms in the
Southern languages (Votic, Estonian, South Estonian, and Livonian)
exhibit variation which is both internally irregular and deviates from
the Northern forms. The biggest issue is the vocalism with *-o-, but the
variation in the suffixes between *-u- and *-e- and between *-p- and *-
pp- is not unproblematic either. Next to hebu, Estonian variants include
In Modern Finnish, voiced stops occur in very recent loanwords, and *-d- oc-
curs as the weak form of *-t- in consonant gradation, but in Balto-Fennic times
it is reconstructed as a voiced dental fricative.
The Other Horse: Germanic Cognates of caballus 93
hobune, hobu, hobene (<b> = /p/), even hopen with geminate /p:/ (ren-
dered in writing as <p>) and Votic has opn next to pn:3
Northern Balto-Fennic:
Kukkuzi Votic
Southern Balto-Fennic:
Est., Vot. and Liv. represents an unrounded mid-high back-vowel which most
often originates from BF *e.
It is tempting to suggest as an alternative Iranian etymology of the word, involv-
ing completely different elements, cf. Chin. chb < Middle Chin. *tit puat,
borrowed from Sogdian rp- (yrp) horse used in the valleys, a for-
mation identical to Lat. quadru-ps four-legged (animal) (Yoshida 2009).
Uralic, Fenno-Ugric, Fenno-Permian and Fenno-Saami * become *h- in Balto-
Fennic. However, neither such a proposal would solve the issue of variation in
Balto-Fennic material; even if one disregarded the suffixes and argued that the
alternation between *-pp- and *-p- (~ weak grade *--) could be due to different
renderings of the Iranian cluster *-rp-) the occasional o-vocalism would re-
main enigmatic.
Southern forms, but fails to account for their occurrence. The possibility
of a Germanic origin (from < *ehwa-), again with metathesis, is left
open, but the entry ends with the judgement Kaum ein germ. Lehnw..
The surname Hoppe, known from 1410 onwards, according to Gammeldansk
Ordbogs note collection ( may instead be from
hoppe in the meaning shrimp, derived from the verb hoppe to hop (cf. also
Mod.Da. grshoppe grasshopper), or from MLG hoppe hop (the crop).
The Other Horse: Germanic Cognates of caballus 95
Kroonen (2011: 335-351) rejects an original paradigmatic alternation *kred-
(OHG chreta, MHG krete) ~ *kruttaz (OHG chrota, MLG krode) for toad, ex-
plaining the Upper German forms with <e> as renderings of umlauted forms
with -- corresponding to NHG Krte.
Cf. ON hopa fall back, Icel. hopa turn back, retreat, Far. hopa draw back,
recede, retreat, Nw. hop(p)a, hobba retreat, drive backwards (esp. of horses),
Da. dial. hoppe sig move backwards, drive backwards (Kroonen 2013: 257).
Cf. Nw. haba, habba retreat, drive backwards (esp. of horses), Sw. dial. habba
to turn back, drive backwards (Kroonen 2013: 257).
If the Balto-Fennic words for horse are borrowed from such a Proto-
Germanic -n-stem, the vocalic and consonantal variation among Balto-
Fennic forms can be explained by the Germanic paradigmatic alterna-
tions. The Northern Balto-Fennic form *hepo and Est. dial. hebu are then
simply a rendering of the old Germanic nominative, while Southern Bal-
to-Fennic borrowed oblique forms with new zero-grade, perhaps with
the -n- of the stem still retained and reinterpreted as domestic derivatio-
nal suffixes:
Both forms were easily incorporatable into the Balto-Fennic system be-
cause BF already possessed the nominal suffixes *-o and *-(i)nen. It
happens quite often that originally borrowed strings come to be inter-
preted as native suffixes (cf. e.g. BF *hom-eh fungus < *ome Gmc.
6 Concluding remarks
It cannot surprise us that yet another term for horse turns out to be a
culture-word as the invention of riding spread with human migrations,
expansions and trade. The exact directions of culture-words are notori-
ously difficult to trace, not least because they often involve transmission
via unattested languages, and their etymologies therefore often remain
disputed. From a purely Indo-European perspective, Simons proposal
might be considered as plausible as any other. It is his inclusion of bor-
rowings into non-Indo-European languages that suddenly made the
evidence for an inherited PIE word worth considering. Corresponding-
ly, in this article, a closer look at the Balto-Fennic material led us to re-
vise his Germanic etymology and ultimately the Indo-European one,
and consulting the latest research in Proto-Germanic morphophonolo-
gy made it possible for us to explain the otherwise enigmatic differences
between Balto-Fennic forms.
The Other Horse: Germanic Cognates of caballus 97
PIE *5opHo- hoof (PGmc. *hfaz), despite the similarity, appears unrelated to
*keb- even though ON hfr means both hoof and horse; this probably just re-
flects a pars pro toto semantic extension of the type ON horn horn, but also
Balto-Fennic Loanwords in Proto-Germanic1
1 Four entries
1 This paper was presented at the symposion Germanic, Romance and Slavic in
the Early Middle Ages at the University of Leiden, 29 November 2012.
axe, back of knife (> N Saami ibmar, Lule Saami sjimr, Skolt Saami
ammer) and Mordvin *uvV back of a knife (Erzya ov, ovone, Mok-
sha ov). The Saami forms at first glance appears irregular with its *im-
for expected sam-, but Western Saami *i- ( < Proto-Saami *s-) here
must actually be the regular outcome of Fenno-Ugric/-Permic/-Volgaic
*a- in the position before nasal (the only other example being *ama
apparition, shape mentioned below). While Uralic and Fenno-Volgaic
*- indeed normally yields Saami *s-, the actually attested forms, which
are comparatively few, reveal that when followed by the vowel -a- the
sequence yields Saami *i- before *-m- (probably: any nasal, but there
are no examples with *-n- and *--); in fact there seems to be only one
alternative surrounding attested which is *su- before a labial stop (N
Saami suhpi asp ~ Fi. haapa). When followed by other vowels, both
these vowels and *- behave as expected (e.g. N Saami savvi- heal a
wound < FV *e and N Saami soarvi dead pine-tree < PU *orwa- to
dry (out)). *a- in front of a nasal is not affected either, cf. N Saami
uoi membrane, fleshy fibres on the inner side of the skin (*-m- regu-
larly goes to via *-w- in these surroundings, cf. muomi < Pre-PGmc.
*mams-ma-; see elsewhere in this publication)4.
There is a way to get around it all: The Fenno-Volgaic form *amara
might, in turn, originally have been borrowed from some stage of Balto-
Slavic. This would have been a language with regular satem reflex but
the same metathesis or ablaut form as Slavic kamy, Slovincian kamor.
Thus, a possibility is left open that PGmc. *hamara- could be connected
to *a5-men-after all, however not as a direct reflex of its protoform.
The Mordvin forms might just as well < *ama. Since Balto-Fennic
*h- is the result of PU *-, too, we might as well assert *ama as the
source. Both *ama and *amV are reconstructed for stages later than
Proto-Uralic, and their variation may be due to their identity as Eura-
sian culture-words, cf. e.g. Written Mongolian ama shirt ~ Persian
jma apparel.
In Hyllested (2009: 204) I adhered to this etymology which I now reject. It goes
back to at least Brugmann Grdr. (II, 1: 388-389) although indirectly ascribed to
von Grienberger (1900: 107-108) by Orel (2003: 154) who gives a summary of
the classical proposals.
I do not quite understand that their rejection seems to be based on the differ-
ence in semantics; cf. that the derived substantive *halbn- f. means side
(Ofris. halve, OS, OHG halba) and region, quarter (ON hlfr), to a great extent
overlapping with the Lithuanian semantics.
Cf. further Est. halvustama to hold cheap, belittle. Salaca Livonian alu cheap,
favorable (of prices) has been borrowed from from SW Estonian alv (Kettunen
1938: 9).
Proto-Mari *-u- is not the most common outcome of Proto-Fenno-Volgaic (or
Proto-Uralic) *-a-, which is normally -a- ~ -o- depending on the dialect. UEW
(782) mentions, however, that there are more examples of Mari *-u- < Fenno-
Volgaic *a. We can at least find examples of Balto-Fennic *-a- corresponding to
Mari *-u-, one of which is mentioned by Bereczki (1988: 338), namely Fi. tammi
oak ~ Mari O tumo W tum; but the question is which language group is con-
servative in this respect since Balto-Fennic seems to have many secondary as
which might be due to a yet undetected conditioning. In other words, the cor-
rect Fenno-Volgaic reconstruction might in fact be *ulV. It is also conceivable
that the Mari word was contaminated with ula-(la-) to cut a little bit (cf.
ula-las one cut across, one single cut), a derivative of ua-, ula- to cut
which, however, itself may derive from a FU root with -a-, *ale- to cut, split
(pace UEW 459-460). Most important for our purposes here is that the Balto-
Balto-Fennic Loanwords in Proto-Germanic 105
tival and participial suffix -pa added to it. Accepting Koivulehtos ety-
mology implies a rejection of the Mari cognates and the reconstruction
of a Fenno-Volgaic term.
I therefore propose instead that the word was borrowed from Proto-
Balto-Fennic into Proto-Germanic. Note that *halpa-, even including its
derived verb (Fi. halventa make cheaper) is already known to have
been borrowed into Saami at a later stage. It is also important that there
are no plausible cognates on the Indo-European side. Even if Mari cog-
nates for *halpa are not accepted, this would not hinder a Finnic
Germanic etymology.
Germanic must then have borrowed the oblique stem with weak
grade (*-- before a closed syllable in the paradigm, gen. *halan) which
explains the Germanic voiced fricative; the reason cannot be Verners
Law since the word would have had initial stress all along11. The Fennic
word would have been borrowed first with the primary meaning 1. in-
complete, partial, reduced, while the originally secondary meanings 2.
a significant portion of; 3. exactly (which of course can overlap
completely in practice, but do not have to) would be semantic speciali-
zations within Germanic, eventually replacing the original PIE word for
half, *smi-, *s-tero-. The motivation for the borrowing is clear: re-
duced of prizes and cheeper of goods would surely have been an im-
portant concept in trading contexts.
Fennic and Mari forms can belong together and be traced back to a common
form which is older than Proto-Germanic.
Thus, Gmc. *-b- next to *h- here cannot be used as evidence for the Germanic
sound shift having preceding Verners law.
offer any solutions except that the two latter surmise that there is some
kind of relationship with *pukn-. Bjorvand & Lindeman laconically
state that it may very well be an old Wanderwort, but obviously
wanderwrter have origins in specific languages, too, although they are
harder to trace by definition. There is no reason a priori why some of
the European wanderwrter would not turn out to have an origin in
Uralic or even be pure loanwords, borrowed in a bilateral process be-
tween a Uralic language and the target language.
Balto-Fennic had a word *punka which goes back to Proto-Uralic
*puka (or *poka) swollen or expanded object (UEW 404, SSA 427)
and has cognates in Saami, Permian and Ugrian languages. It is reflect-
ed in Fi. punka Est. pung something chubby or protruding, clod, bump,
swelling; leaf bud; bag, purse. While the latter meaning in Estonian may
well be due to Middle Low German or even later Swedish influence
(Mgiste 1982-1983 [2000] VII: 2230-2231), the semantic development
from something swollen via bag to purse is straightforward, cf.
Welsh balleg purse < PIE *bl-no- from *bel- swell. Besides, Est. also
has a variant pong, corresponding to Fi.dial. ponki, ponka, ponko, a vari-
ation in line with the one found in rest of Uralic.
I suggested already in Hyllested (2008: 136) that PGmc. *punga- is a
borrowing from Balto-Fennic, and, more tentatively, that the forms that
look as if they go back *puh/kkn- (ON poki bundle, purse, OE pocca,
pohha id., Orkney Norn buggy belly, MDu. poke bag for wool, NHG
Pfoch bag) may in fact be borrowings from a Western Saami precursor
of Mod. N Saami buggi bump, lump, hump; swollen or expanded ob-
ject and/or boggi short fat one (person, animal or thing). The medieval
assimilation of nasal plus stop (*-NT- to *-TT-) in Western Saami serves
as terminus post quem since this development took place after 1000 AD
and spread to Central Saami not until the late 1500s (Sammallahti 1998:
29, Hyllested 2008: 134). The transmission can have taken place in sev-
eral steps, most likely with Nordic as the middleman. Note that the
words bag (< ME bagge) and pack itself is already a borrowing from
Western Saami *pakke- (> N Saami baggi) via Old Norse baggi
(Hyllested 2008: 136) package, bundle; plump animal. Medieval Saami
and Balto-Fennic material in Norse and West Germanic relate typically
to hunting and fishing, the fur trade, the production of hide and down,
and trade concepts in general. Terms for purse or bag (made of hide)
with emphasis on either meaning obviously fit in this picture.
Balto-Fennic Loanwords in Proto-Germanic 107
Adler, Edna & Merle Leppik, 1990: Vadja keele snaraamat. Tallinn: Keele ja
Kirjanduse Instituut.
Bereczki, Gbor, 1988: Geschichte der Wolgafinnischen Sprachen. Denis Sinor
(ed.): The Uralic Languages. Description, History, and Foreign Influences. Leiden
/ New York / Copenhagen / Cologne: E.J. Brill. Pp. 314-350.
Bjorvand, Harald & Fredrik Otto Lindeman, 2000: Vre arveord. Oslo: Novus.
von Grienberger, Theodor, 1900: Untersuchungen zur gotischen Wortkunde. Vienna:
Hofstra, Tette, 1985: Ostseefinnisch und Germanisch. Frhe Lehnbeziehungen im
nrdlichen Ostseeraum im Lichte der Forschung seit 1961. Groningen: Rijksuni-
versiteit Groningen.
Hyllested, Adam, 2008: Saami Loanwords in Old Norse. Hans Frede Nielsen
(ed.), Early and Prehistoric Language Development in North-Western Europe [=
NOWELE 55/56]. Odense: University of Southern Denmark Press. Pp. 131-146.
Hyllested, Adam, 2009: PIE *-b- in Nouns and Verbs: Distribution, Function,
Origin. Rosemarie Lhr & Sabine Ziegler (eds.): Protolanguage and Prehisto-
ry. Akten der XII. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, vom 11. bis 15.
Oktober 2004 in Krakau. Wiesbaden: Reichert. Pp. 202-214.
Kettunen 1938: Livisches Wrterbuch [= V]. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
Koivulehto, Jorma, 1982: Zur Periodisierung germanischer Lehnwrter im Ost-
seefinnischen; wie findet man germanische Lehnwrter und was sagen sie uns?
Lecture given at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 12 and 13 May, 1982.
Kroonen, Guus, 2013: An Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Germanic. Leiden: Brill.
Mgiste, Julius, 1982-1983 [2000]: Estnisches etymologisches Wrterbuch. Helsinki:
Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura. 2nd ed. 2000.
Sammallahti, Pekka, 1998: The Saami Languages: An Introduction. Karasjok: Davvi
SSA = Ulla-Maija Kulonen & al. (eds.): Suomen Sanojen Alkuper. Etymologinen
Sanakirja. I-III. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura and Kotimaisten
Kielten Tutkimuskeskus. 1995.
Uhlenbeck, Christianus Cornelis, 1905: Bemerkungen zum gotischen Wortschatz.
Beitrge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 30: 252-327.
Zoga, Geir T., 1910: A Concise dictionary of Old Icelandic. Oxford: Clarendon.
Gothic mammo meat
in the Light of Saami Evidence
In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and un-
blameable and unproveable in his sight
The Gothic translation of the relevant passage is handed down to us via Codex
Ambrosianus A and Codex Ambrosianus B, both of which are now kept in Bib-
lioteca Ambrosiana in Milan.
Uhlenbeck (1905) originally suggested that the word had arisen as pure
nursery language via the meaning mothers breast like Lat. mamma
breast, but a year later (cf. Uhlenbeck 1906) he had abandoned that
viewpoint. Nonetheless it was maintained by Scardigli many decades
later (1973: 72).
Today most scholars regard mammo as an o-grade formation based
on PIE *mms-- (? *mems--) > PGmc. *mimza- [n.] > Goth. mimz
meat. This was first suggested by Mikkola (1897) who at the same time
left the possibility open that it could be derived from a PGmc. *maz-
mn based on the root in OHG muos food. His etymology was admit-
tedly received with some hesitation by the standard etymological dic-
tionaries of Gothic, e.g. Lehmann (1984: 243) who earnestly mention the
possibility without directly endorsing it. Lehmann tags the label dis-
puted on it, and Casaretto (2004) loyally maintains that the etymology
is unclear.
Things did not start to develop until Polom (1967). Kroonen (2013)
express similar thoughts in his new dictionary, stating that mammo can
reflect either
He notes that the same problem is relevant for PGmc. *kramma- moist,
humidity (which correspondingly can come from either *kramzn-
eller *kramzmn-), embracing Poloms viewpoint that *-mzm- is the
more probable reconstruction on phonological criteria because it is un-
certain whether an assimilation of *-mz- into *-mm- took place at all;
the most obvious counterexample is PGmc. *mimza- itself2.
On this basis, the reconstruction has been characterized as problematic by
Grienberger (1900: 154), Trautmann (1906: 62), Falk/Torp (1909: 310), and Cas-
aretto (2004: 235), but although the sequence must be morphologically seg-
mented *-mz-m-, it of course forms a phonological string *-mzm-, and while it
is true that *-z- generally is not assimilated to a preceding *-m- in Gothic or
Germanic in general, it does assimilate to a following *-m-. Thus, reconstruct-
ing mammo as *mamz-ma- only appears problematic if the formation is sup-
posed to have taken place in Gothic itself (when the assimilation process was no
longer operating); but there is no need to think that it did not happen in Ger-
manic or even PIE already.
Gothic mammo meat in the Light of Saami Evidence 111
Nielsen & Nesheim (1932-1965, bd. II 1934 by Nielsen only: 702) gives the more
elaborate definition: layer of fat and muscles between the thigh and ribs of
reindeer and other animals (goes with the side when the carcase is cut up).
One might also speculate that Wulfila associated *mammo with *mammona
mammon, wealth (a masc. n-stem, only attested in the mammonin) in a
religious context where the concept of meat could be contrasted with spiritual
properties and values (cf. the hunger for wealth). However, it is hard to imag-
ine such an association among the heathen speakers of Pre-Proto-Germanic
who would never have heard of any such Greek-Aramaeic word, let alone the
biblical concept it denoted. My guess is that if Wulfila felt an association be-
tween the two, the similarity of mammn- f. to mammnan- m. was simply a
convenient coincidence of the kind that translators sometimes stumble upon
and are happy to exploit for literal and pedagogical purposes (to the extent that
they have a choice at all).
Gothic mammo meat in the Light of Saami Evidence 113
4 Conclusion
Since the suffix does not appear to have survived in any of the Indo-
European subgroups, I prefer to assume that the formation took place in
PIE itself. However, most examples of Indo-European body-part terms
with *-mo- are Germanic so we cannot exclude that it was still produc-
tive at least at the Pre-Proto-Germanic stage where *mamz-mn- would
have been formed (perhaps first as *mamz-m). This word was bor-
rowed into Proto-Saami as *mamsmV and developed ultimately into
North Saami muomi (perhaps via *muovmi) but disappeared from the
other Saami subgroups.
It perhaps appears surprising that a word belonging to reindeer ter-
minology was borrowed from (Pre-)Proto-Germanic into Proto-Saami.
Judging by the number of reindeer terms that survived from Palaeo-
Laplandic into Saami, one might at first glance conclude that reindeer
breeding was important already in Palaeo-Laplandic times. Domestica-
The transition of a simple thematic feminine *-eh into the productive weak
class of feminines in *-n in Germanic is of course well known, but has not yet
been assigned a satisfactory explanation. Schmidt (1985) mentions the possibil-
ity that the *-n having arisen could have provided a motivation for
analogy; see also Thny 2013: 119.
tion of reindeer may have taken place in the transition period between
the North European Bronze Age and the Iron Age (1200-600 BC).
However, it is worth noticing that most Palaeo-Laplandic terms do not
specifically refer to breeding; it could just as well reflect a way of life
characterized by reindeer hunting.
Aikio, Ante, 2004: An essay on substrate studies and the origin of Saami. Irma
Hyvrinen, Petri Kallio & Jarmo Korhonen (eds.): Etymologie, Entlehnungen
und Entwicklungen: Festschrift fr Jorma Koivulehto zum 70. Geburtstag [= M-
moires de la Socit Nophilologique de Helsinki LXIII]. Helsinki: Socit
Nophilologique. Pp. 5-34.
Aikio 2012 = Luobbal Smmol Smmol nte (Ante Aikio): An essay on Saami
ethnolinguistic prehistory. Riho Grnthal & Petri Kallio (eds.) A linguistic
map of prehistoric Northern Europe [= Mmoires de la Socit Finno-Ougrienne
266]. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura 2012. Pp. 441451.
Casaretto, Antje, 2004: Nominale Wortbildung der gotischen Sprache. Heidelberg:
Feist, Sigmund, 1939: Vergleichende Wrterbuch der gotischen Sprache. 3rd ed. Lei-
den: Brill.
von Grienberger, Theodor, 1900: Untersuchungen zur gotischen Wortkunde. Vienna:
Hamp, Eric, 2008: Germanic *famaz and Gravity in the North. Early and Pre-
historic Language Development in North-Western Europe (NOWELE 54/55),
Hyllested, Adam, 2010: The Precursors of Celtic and Germanic. Stephanie W.
Jamison, H. Craig Melchert & Brent Vine (eds.) Review of Grnthal & Kallio.
Kratylos. Pp. 63-117.
Kroonen, Guus, 2013: An Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Germanic. Leiden: Brill
Lehmann, Winfred P., 1986: A Gothic Etymological Dictionary. Based on the 3rd ed.
Of Vergleichendes Wrterbuch der Gotischen Sprache bei Sigmund Feist. Lei-
den: Brill.
Mikkola, Joos J., 1897: Baltische Etymologien. Beitrge zur Kunde der indoger-
manischen Sprachen 22: 239-254.
Nielsen, Konrad & Asbjrn Nesheim, 1932-1962 (bd. I-IV by Konrad Nielsen only):
Lapp dictionary based on the dialects of Polmak, Karasjok and Kautokeino /
Lappisk ordbok grunnet p dialektene i Polmak, Karasjok og Kautokeino [=
Instituttet for Sammenlignende Kulturforskning, Serie B: Skrifter XVII]. Oslo:
Aschehoug & co. (W. Nygaard).I-VI.
Polom, Edgar, 1967: Notes on the Reflexes of IE /ms/ in Germanic. Revue Belge
de philologie et histoire 45, 3: 800-826
Scardigli, Piergiuseppe, 1964: Lingua e storia dei Goti. Florence: Sansoni.
Gothic mammo meat in the Light of Saami Evidence 117
No PIE names for the elder species (Sambucus) or the smaller water el-
der (Viburnum opulus) can be reconstructed although they are indige-
nous in all of the possible homeland areas. However, Lat. sambcus can
be traced back to a meaning the dusty tree, referring to powdery mil-
dew on canes, leaves and berries which gives the tree an overall dusty
impression. This meaning also lies behind Lith. eiv-medis (cf. vas
grey; mildew), a relic of the old Balto-Slavic word which was borrowed
into Fenno-Permian as *ewa. In common Slavic it was replaced by the
loan bz, buz < Old Turkic boz, buz grey (cf. Ru. bsel mildew)
while in the NW Slavic fringes the old name only still survived at least
until the 20th c. in the amalgamated and folk-etymologically reshaped
Sorbian form diwi bz and as a loanword in neighboring German dia-
lects (Schibchen, Ziwecken). Berries of the water elder are called *ar in
Mari (Cheremis) which can be traced back to a loan from (East) Baltic
*eras moldy. Germanic words for elder correspondingly can be ana-
lyzed as containing PIE *pelH)- grey.
The frequent renamings of both species all over Europe may be due
to taboo, linked to popular beliefs of the elder being guarded by The
Elder Mother and her abilities to ward off evil. She was associated with
spinning, considered a partly magical activity with links to the other-
world, which triggered a folk-etymological reshaping of the Balto-
Fennic forms after words for thread. The denotation the grey one
could have had a double connotation elder tree and old lady, remark-
ably alike the homonymy covered by Mod. Eng. elder.
As is well known, the Indo-European word for beech has played a very
important role in scholarly attempts to locate the Proto-Indo-European
homeland, not least because the distribution of Fagus sylvatica at the
period in question was known to have been restricted to areas to the
West of a line from Kaliningrad to Odessa. For decades the classical
reconstruction of the beech-word was PIE *b-o- ~ *bau-o- (or
*beu-o-), although the mechanisms behind such alternations were not
really understood they were just thought to be reflected in the mate-
rial. This outdated reconstruction can still be encountered once in a
while. At the same time, the beech-word served as the eternal parade
example of how the reconstruction of a homeland and names for species
often rely on specific denotations which may have changed as popula-
tions migrated to new areas.
While most scholars nonetheless agreed on a PIE meaning beech
on the basis of Latin fgus, PGmc. *bk-, *bkjn-, and Continental
Celtic *bk- in Gallo-Lat. Bacena silva beech forest, they also had to
consider a) Greek Kermes oak which phonetically corresponds
to the Western European forms, but has acquired a new meaning; b)
Albanian bung which agrees with Greek semantically but contains a
mysterious nasal1; c) Kurdish buz elm and d) the Slavic word for el-
der, *bz (Cz. bez, Bulg. bz etc.)2 or *buz elder which combined
several problems of phonology reflex of both u-vocalism not present
elsewhere and a palatal stop not matching the Albanian word as well
as the fact that they designated other trees (to the extent that the elder
can be called a tree at all). Furthermore, Germanic with its reflex of an
unaspirated voiced stop seemed to be incompatible with the lack of
Winters law in Slavic3.
Scholars should have put more weight on the suspiciously sparse oc-
currence in Eastern languages in general and Satem languages in parti-
cular the term seemed to be absent in Baltic, Armenian, Indic, and
most Iranian, as well as Anatolian and Tocharian). An excellent histori-
Probably just a regular development of *bag-n- (cf. my article on Alb. hund
elsewhere in this publication.
Blaek 2002: 201-202 mentions the need to operate with an analogous *baz on
the basis of the genitive *baza to account for Bulg. bs, SCr. baz. However, this
is unnecessary since these forms come regularly from *bz.
Kroonen (2013) mentions that beyki can just be an irregular continuant of ON
bki, a form directly continued by Icel. bki.
The Mysterious Elder: Common Traits in European Names 121
Kroonen (2013) mentions that beyki can just be an irregular continuant of ON
bki, a form directly continued by Icel. bki.
Thus unrelated to sambcus harp, flute which, like the synonyms ambbia,
Gk. , is a later loanword from popular Aramaeic with sec-
ondary -mb- from -bb-, cf. Literary Aramaeic sabbk, Syr. abbub (see
The reason for the large representation of this Turkic word as a loan-
word in Russian is no doubt the importance it has played in the history
of Turkic and Mongolian identity from the times of the ancient steppe
cultures to the present day, mainly connected with its function as epi-
thet of the wolf which functioned as a totem animal for the early Turkic
peoples, cf boz kurd, boz br. Correspondingly, in the Secret History of
the Mongols, the forefather of Temujin is a grey wolf called Brte Chino
(born 758), with brte meaning grey-blue, grey-white.
These are all East Slavic, but Late Common Slavic bordered areas
inhabited by Altaic tribes (Birnbaum 1998, Andersen 2003), and the et-
ymon is also known from the Bulgarian grey drink buz a grey kvas-like
drink, borrowed by Turkish and perhaps the source of Eng. booze via
Romani (cf. also Chagatai, Osmannic Turkic etc. boza drink made of
camels milk and Chuv. pora, its r-Turkic counterpart, which may ulti-
mately the source of the Gmc. beer-word). Quite remarkably, Mod.Gr.
, obviously a late loan, means water elder either it is a South
Slavic loan although South Slavic forms seem to reflect only *bz or
it is directly from Turkish with a meaning not attested there, having
replaced the name for the same plant as in Slavic earlier in history.
The final Slavic - does not historically represent a vowel, but is just
the automatic LCS (and OCS) manifestation of a word-final non-
palatalized consonant in loanwords, cf. LCS *klobuk 'hat' (< Turkic, cf.
Crimean Tatar kalpak cap), OCS koveg box, casket < supposedly
Avar; cf. Mongolian qagurag), and LCS *tlma 'interpreter' (< Turkic
Admittedly, it must be noted that there are parallels to the development spool
> elder. At least Wichmann, Uotila & Korhonen (1987: 231) note that in the old
handwritten Udmurt-Russian dictionary by Islenev, it is noted that in the Jela-
buga dialect, eri has come to mean Sambucus. It is a borrowing from Chuvash
portant fact is that the name eiv-medis not only denotes the elder
proper (Sambucus ff.) but also the socalled water elder, also called dwarf
elder or danewort (Viburnum opulus) which has red berries.
The designation is probably the old Balto-Slavic one which can be in-
ferred partly from a loanword in Permian languages denoting the water
elder only (see below), partly from what look like relics from the
Northwest Slavic fringes which notoriously retain archaims from even
before the Late Common Slavic period. In the German dialect of Upper
Saxony the elder is called Schib-chen, and the Mansfeld dialect has ziwe-
cken; both forms must belong with Sorbian diwi bz, which is syn-
chronically wild elder (Brch 233, fn. 1), but probably a folk-etymology;
it must be based on the use of the term wilder Flieder in NE German
dialects that arose in order to be able to distinguish the locally preserved
term Flieder elder from that of the lilac, a new meaning thatFlieder has
acquired in High German after the introduction of the lilac into the
country in the 16th c. (Kluge-Seebold 1989: 220). Sorbian dialectal con-
vergence could easily have caused confusion between initial postalveo-
lar sibilants and affricates even without the folk-etymology (Mucke
1891) but we cannot exclude that the similarity is a coincidence if the
Sorbian loans in German dialects are misunderstandings as asserted by
Brch. With less certainty than for the Baltic and Permian attestations,
then, we can reconstruct a West Slavic *iv- elder.7
For PGmc. we can reconstruct *flira- ~ flira- on the basis of defi-
nitely a derivative with the three-name suffix *-ra. It is now feasible to
assert that the first part is the other widespread PIE adjective meaning
grey (probably originally a different nuance) *pelh)-, known from e.g.
Slavic *pln mold, Lith. plkas grey. The zero-grade was originally
*pliH- which should yield PGmc. *fl-, but alternative zero-grades exist
(Lit. pilkas < *pl-) which might either indicate analogy from formations
where the laryngeal had merged with the suffix (e.g. participial *pliH-to-
> *pli-to-) or that the laryngeal and perhaps even the *-i- are exten-
sions of an originally shorter root *pel-, *ple)- 8.
r, r spool into Votyak from where it has been borrowed further into
Komi as uri; here, it reportedly only means spool.
It is perhaps also worth noticing that the old o-grade possibly occurring in the
Lith. dialectal form of spole, aiv, and at least in Latv. saiva, does not occur in
the tree-name (although that would be formaly possible). The tree-name also
occurs as eivmedis.
Kroonen on the basis of a dialectal Dutch (N Hollandish) form vlaar recon-
structs Old Frisian *flar and thereby PGmc. *fleura-, but considering how
many Dutch forms are reshaped after verbs for to bvre, flagre (cf. vlinder,
The Mysterious Elder: Common Traits in European Names 125
At first glance it seems odd that a name for several species of edible
tree-like plants, which, depending on the season, are dominated either
by an impression of shining black or red berries or bright white flowers
would be designated by a color adjective grey. We can consider the
possibility of a semantic shift from either:
vliender, vlerk after vlinderen, vlerken, cf. fladderen and even vlieden, vlien move
in the wind), almost as if by a process of phonaestetic value of the sequence vl-
and fl-, I so far hesitate to put to much weight on vlaar. Cf. also the parallel in
Fi. heisipuu becoming hrskipuu after hrsky be frayed, sway and similar
forms from Balto-Fennic below. Note that the Gmc. word is not crucial for the
points presented in this paper, and that a root *pleu- could theoretically also be
an extension of *pel-
g) Powdery mildew on berries, canes and leaves can give elder trees
a grey impression (cf. the second meaning of Lith. vis mil-
I prefer the latter possibility for two reasons. First of all, if the elder was
once denoted the dusty tree, the powdery tree, we can suddenly under-
stand the formation of its Latin name. The root sa(m)b- we were left
with after having subtracted the productive plant-name suffix -cus
from Lat. sa(m)bcus in is identical to the root in Lat. sab-ulum sand <
PIE *bsam-d-o-. I quite agree with Garnier (2006) that the causes for
this alternation goes back to variants of a PIE collocation *bs-m-eh
deh- to reduce to powder, to pulverize vs. *bs--bo- pulverize; cf.
Skt. bhsma- dust and similar meanings in other IE languages. While I
believe that sambcus was formed in Italic rather than all the way back
to a PIE *bs-m-b-u-ho- or PIE *bs-d-u-ho- (plant) looking
dusty, I do find it very likely, having accepted that sand comes from a
word for powder, dust, that this was still the meaning of *sa(m)b- at the
time of formation. This means that sambcus would be exactly the
dusty tree, i.e. the moldy tree, and not as such the sandy tree which
would be an anachronistic interpretation. Thus, the Latin name can cor-
respond exactly in meaning to Lithuanian and almost with the Slavic
and Germanic ones, meaning rather the grey(ish) tree, but supposedly
still referring to mildew.
That at least the Balto-Slavic perception of the elder as the grey one
may be much older than the Slavic-Turkic contacts is indicated by the
following facts :
Permic word only denotes the water elder which eliminates pos-
sibilities b), c), d), e) and f) as naming motivations ;
b) In Cheremis (Mari), the berries of water elder are called ar,
which must likewise be a loan in the first place ; in my eyes the
only obvious source is East Baltic *er(t)as moldy, cf. Lith.
erktas id. with intrusive *-k-. Note once more that we are
dealing with Viburnum opulus, this time leaving g) as the only
motivation (since a) referred to the flowers and *er(t)as must
have meant moldy, not a specific color, at the time of borro-
Since both Sambucus nigra and Viburnum opulus are indigenous to all
possible PIE homeland territories (including Anatolia), the Proto-Indo-
Note that this stage will have to be considered even older by many uralicists in
Finland now, since a consensus seems to have arisen that Uralic did not split in-
to Fenno-Ugric and Samoyedic before Fenno-Ugric then split into Ugric and
Fenno-Permian, but rather that Uralic was divided into West Uralic and East
Uralic where the former would equal Fenno-Permic.
Europeans must have had names for them. Elder belong to what we
could justifiably characterize as surprising lacunae in the IE lexicon
(sturgeon is another one).
The frequent renamings of both species all over Europe may be due
to taboo, linked to popular beliefs of the elder being guarded by The
Elder Mother (Mother Hulda, NHG Frau Holle, Dan. Hyldemo(e)r and
its abilities to ward off evil; the Danish tradition is described by Tholle
1944). The Elder Mother was associated with spinning, considered a
partly magical activity with links to the otherworld; this may have trig-
gered a folk-etymological reshaping of the Balto-Fennic forms; cf. Fi.
heisi elder, Est. (h)is bloom Baltic *eidas bloom) after words for
thread (see Mgiste 1970:357-358):
8 Concluding remarks
Stage 1
An unkown PIE name *X is the original common name for two
kinds of plants Sambucus; viburnum opulus, perhaps already per-
sonified as mother elder and colloquially replaced by the grey one,
the dusty one because of taboo
Stage 2
NW PIE the term the grey one or the dusty one gets lexicalized
and becomes the normal term for both species
Stage 3
a) Italic uses the dusty one (anachronistically *bs-m-b-u-ho-)
b) Balto-Slavic uses the grey one or the moldy one (*5e)H-uo-)
c) Germanic uses the the grey tree (PGmc. *fli-ra-)
d) Germanic and Slavic also has the black one (*kel-n-) referring
originally to Sambucus nigra, but later also to Viburnum opulus
e) Celtic may have used the red one (OIr ruis) of certain species
and later transferred it to Sambucus nigra
Stage 4
The Balto-Slavic word is borrowed to Proto-Fenno-Permic (*ewa)
as the designation for Viburnum opulus only
Stage 5
Another (East) Baltic expression for moldy (*era-) is borrowed by
Mari (Cheremis) as the name for the berries of Viburnum opulus
Stage 6
a) Late Common Slavic replaces the domestic word with a Turkic
synonym *buz > buz; the original word survives in the extreme
Northwest as *iv- (Sorbian, and as a loan in German dialects)
Labials develop regularly into velars when preceding -l- and -N- in vari-
ous Scandinavian dialects past and present. Since delabialization is not
common before -r-, Nw. dial. hagre, OGutn. hagri, Mod.Gutn. hagre,
Elfd. ager, all oats, have been interpreted as reflecting an original
PGmc. variant *hagran- alongside the more widespread *habran-.
Kroonen (2013) separates the two forms, reconstructing a meaning
broom grass for *hagran-, with reference to especially Da. hejre id.
However, it has been overlooked that Proto-Balto-Fennic *kakra, an
early Germanic loan, points to a meaning oats attached to the velar
variants in Proto-Germanic already. Witczaks (2003, 2004) PIE recon-
struction *!op-r grass; vegetables is accepted, but a semantic and deri-
vational stratigraphy reveals that core IE remnants of the old heteroclitic
stem (such as Alanic zabar) acquired a specific meaning oats, while
purely thematicized forms were attached to less specific, non-
agricultural, meanings. PGmc. *hagla- hail can be related; deriving
terms for hail from grain is typologically common, and a sound-law
whereby PIE *-opl-, *-apl- yields *-agl- or *-ak(u)l- would allow for five
other Germanic words of disputed origin to be assigned quite straight-
forward etymologies: *tagla- tail could go back not to *do5-lo- but to
*dop-lo-, derived from the root in Sw. tafse tuftan alternative also
applicable to OIr. dal, but leaving out otherwise irregular Slavic forms;
OSw. sakla to drool is linked to EFris. sabben to drool and PGmc.
*safta- juice rather than NWGmc. *sakkan- sink slowly, Sl. *sok
juice ; Da. rakle catkin, Sw. dial. rackel long thing; tall, slim person
are equated with Lith. rpls thongs, akin to Sl. *repj burdock, Alb.
rrap plane tree, PGmc. *raftra- long, thin pole; *skakulaz whippletree;
traces for harness horse; schackle is deemed identical to Lat. capulus
halter for horse; towing rope; handle, scapula shoulder, derived from
the root in scpus, PGmc. *skaftaz shaft; and *hakulaz cloak is seen as
a derivative of the root in MLat. cappa, cpa id., which can be shown to
be of IE rather than Semitic origin.
Labials have developed into velars in the position before -n- and -l- in
various North Germanic dialects, cf. for *-pn- ON vkn weapon, OSw.
(Vstgtaland, stgtaland, Hlsingland, Vstmanland, Sderkalix)
vkn, Far. dial. vkn and even Fi. vaakuna, an old Scandinavian loan-
word, next to ON vpn, OSw. vpn, Far. vpn < PGmc. *wpna- id.;
Norrland Sw. gcken, Mod.Gutn. gauken, Far. geykn handful ~ Sw.
gpen, MDa. giben, ON gaupn both hands held together, OHG
goufana handful; empty hand, palm < PGmc. *gaupn-; OSw. (Vstg-
taland) and Norrland Sw strgna suffocate < *stropna, from strypa
strangle; for *-fn- OSw. ughen, Sw. ugn, SW Nw. and Inner Trndelag
Nw. ogn, Icel. nn oven next to ODa. (Haderslev Stadsret 1292) ufen,
Sw. dial., Nw. omn < PGmc. *ufna- id.1; for *-pl- Nw. drygla to secrete
from the uterus (of a cow in rut) ~ Nw. dropla drip quietly, PGmc.
*draupa- a drop; and for *-fl-, *-bl- *-vl- Sw. dregla to drool ~ OE
dreflian to dribble or run at the nose, slobber, Eng. drivel, drool <
PGmc. *drabljan-2, OSw. sughl meat ~ OSw. sufl, Sw. sovel < PGmc.
*subla-; and OSw. swaghel, Sw. dial. svagel sulphur ~ Standard Swe-
dish svavel, borrowed from MLG swavel.
For delabialization in this item in Nordic specifically, cf. Bjorvand & Lindeman
(2001: 704) and Kroonen (2013: 446). Traditionally, OSw. ughen, Sw. ugn have
been considered Verner variants of another form *uh(w)na- reflected in Goth.
ahns. However, Gothic in fact seems to have undergone a similar, although
more restricted, development of f > h before nasal (cf. ahuma upper <
*ufuman-), not contested by any obvious counterexamples (cf. also lauhmuni
lightnig in fn. 40; see Hyllested & Cohen 2007: 15-16). Not a single Germanic
attestation thus points unambiguously to a variant with labiovelar *uh(w)na- or
*ug(w)na-; hence, we need not reconstruct any other forms for oven in Ger-
manic than *ufna-, with perfectly regular developments throughout the daugh-
ter-languages (that is, if one disregards late dialectal confusion resulting in vari-
ation in, say, Modern Standard Swedish where umn would be the expected
These etymologies for Sw. dregla and Nw. drygla respectively are new. The two
words have otherwise been grouped together (Tamm & Noreen 98; Hellquist
1898) but are usually not assigned further certain etymology.
BF *kakra oats, hail and Exceptions to the Gmc. sound shift 135
Thus Wessn 1965 (I: 46) for Swedish in general, Olson (1904: 116) for the old
dialects of stgtaland and Seip (1931: 188) for Old (S)W Norwegian. Howev-
erm they only mention the development of *p > k, g/_n.
Also after loss of intervening -t-, cf. akna become evening < ON aftna id.; Old-
er Far. <okn> (= kn) swan < *lptn- (Lockwood 1961: 57).
Unfortunately the situation in Modern Danish is often ambiguous because of
the merger between *-g- and *-v- and sometimes *-b- in relevant positions, and
the possibility of spelling the ultimate result [w] both with <g> and <v>, and
sometimes even <b>. This is also the case for forms with <v> in Bokml Norwe-
gian, even pronounced with labiodental [v], that are historically Danish (e.g.
ovn oven).
According to Kroonen (2013), OSw. ljung-eld, Mod.Gutn. liaugn lightning
constitute another example and must come from Old East Norse *ljfn (OSw.
lyghna f. id. < *-jn), which would in itself be a secondary labialization of Proto-
Norse *-uhn- into *-ufn-. Kroonen here implies that an old Verner variant PIE
*leuk-n- would not have yielded PGmc. **leugna- but *leukka- with Kluges
Law instead. Nw. ljon, lyn, Da. lyn lightning (and Mod.Icel. ljn hurricane, at-
tested from the 19th.c.) would still point more directly to a Germanic and Norse
protoform with *-hn-. At first glance, the supposition that *ljfn was a general
East Norse form seems to be contradicted by ODan. liughnth lightning since
the developments *-f/v- > -g- /_l/n and *-p- > -k- /_ l/n do not occur in Old
Danish; however, -gh- in this word can simply reflect a difficulty of identifying
the fricative [] following -u-, cf. the orthographic variants frugh ~ fru <<
OSax. fra or MLG frwa and (Brndum-Nielsen). On the other hand, liugh-
nth is the only example where a purely orthographic (unetymological) -gh-
would occur outside hiatus, so we cannot exclude that *-ghn- does reflect a Pro-
to-Norse *-gn-, which, because of Kluges Law, must still be explained as sec-
ondary from a Proto-Germanic point of view. In fact, no Germanic forms even
point unambiguously to its unvoiced counterpart, PGmc. *leuhna-. In Gothic,
first of all, luhmuni f. flash may straightforwardly reflect *laufmunj- (see the
previous footnote). Second, we cannot be completely sure of the regular out-
come of a PGmc. full-grade sequence *-eufN-, *eubN-, *-aufN-, or *-aubN- in
Old West Norse; what we have apart from Nw. ljon lightning, Mod.Icel. ljn
hurricane (attested only from the 19th.c.) is the variation between ON,
Mod.Icel. ofn oven on one hand and Mod.Icel. nn , attested from the
1500s, on the other. There is a possibility that nn is borrowed from Danish
(since from that century onwards has been pronounced as a dipthong close to
Da. -ov-), but O prefers an old variation in OWN. The latter remaining a pos-
sibility, we cannot exclude that Icel. ljn, Nw. ljon reflects the same kind of vari-
ation, and that *-eufN- and *-euhN- merged in (variants of) OWN. The remain-
ing form mentioned by Kroonen, ME lven lightning, flash, flame, is traced
back to a form *lauhumna- but may equally well reflect *laufumna-. Now, even
a lone PGmc. *leuf- needs an explanation: From an Indo-European point of
view, we would obviously expect lightning to be derived from *leuk- light,
which occurs in other derivatives as PGmc. *leuh-; however, the word for light-
ning in ON is actually leiptr (Mod.Icel. leiftur) which belongs with Lith. liepsn
id., going back to an altogether different root *le)p-. A Proto-Germanic con-
tamination between *leuh- in leuhman- beam of light (ON ljmi, OE loma)
etc. on one side and *leif- in leiftraz lightning (ON leiptr-) on the other, result-
ing in new PGmc. words for lightning beginning with *leuf-, appears to have
been unavoidable.
Thus, Da. havre can theoretically reflect both *habra- and *hagra-.
Glossed in Kroonen (2013) as a kind of thyme. The common name in Modern
Icelandic today is blberg.
Elsewhere in the entry he supposes a broader meaning than just oats.
An equestrian term common to Celtic and Germanic would match the results
reached in Hyllested 2010 quite well; there, I argue that old vocabulary common
to Germanic and Celtic can be grouped into a few semantic categories; one of
the important subcategories is exactly terms pertaining to horsebreeding and
riding. Another word meaning horsehair, shared by Celtic and Germanic, is
mentioned later in this article.
BF *kakra oats, hail and Exceptions to the Gmc. sound shift 137
Neither do I agree with Hofstra (1995: 95) that Fi. kakra and its Balto-Fennic
cognates can be loanwords from Old Gutnish during the middle ages. As men-
tioned before, the delabialization is not even specifically Gutnish in the first
place, cf. vapn weapon, hamn harbor, stefna, stemna to point out, afla
breed, gafl fork, cafli piece cut out, although at least gauken handful and
probably liaugn lightning show that it occurs (sporadically) in Modern Gut-
nish which is not an uncontaminated descendant of Old Gutnish. What we
need is a the most plausible scenario to explain the presence of velar forms in all
Balto-Fennic languages.
Several people have contested my use of the term delabialization in this case
since by delabializing a labial you do not get a velar. I maintain the use of the
term, for which there is no good alternative, because delabialization in this case
refers to phonological rather than phonetic conditions. The velar stop is simply
the stop you get by removing the feature [+lab] from the labials. Typologically,
dentals also become velar when preceding sonorants, so that velars can be said
to make up the unmarked stops in this position.
BF *kakra oats, hail and Exceptions to the Gmc. sound shift 139
the o-grade, paves the way for etymologizing the otherwise mysterious
PGmc. *hagla- hail.
According to the etymological standard handbooks, PGmc. *haglaz
m. ~ *haglan- n. hail (> ON hagl, OE h(e)l, haol, OFris. heil, OS,
OHG hagal) derives from a PIE protoform *kag-lo-, whence also Gk.
pebbles. The Germanic-Greek equation indeed appears accep-
table from both a semantical and a formal point of view. However,
Greek also possesses unexplained variants like with divergent
vocalism, and where the first consonant is missing ; such a varia-
tion is normally interpreted as a sign of Pre-Greek substratum origins
(Beekes 2010 : 606 ; Kroonen 2013)13. Bjorvand & Lindeman (2000: 336),
as well as Orel (2003: 150) believe that we are rather dealing with an in-
herited Verner variant of a PIE o-grade noun, *5okl-, whereby *hagla-
corresponds to PGmc. *hahla- slippery with original stress on the first
syllable, *5klo-. This word would have been formed by means of redu-
plication from the root *5elH- freeze (reconstructed with a laryngeal
because of the acute in Lith. lti freeze (of ice)) ; cf. also p-alas
frozen ground, Du. hal id. ; reduplicated formations with -i- in the first
syllable are known from Skt. iira- cold, ON hla hoarfrost < *5i-
5lH-o-. Neither etymology can be excluded, and, so far, the origin of
*hagla- must be regarded as unsolved.
Semantic typology often proves a fruitful starting-point in etymolo-
gy: When designations for hail actually are synchronically analyzable,
what do they then reveal ? In many languages they turn out to constitute
parallels to the classical etymology involving the Greek word for
pebbles; beginning with Modern English, a single piece of hail is called
hailstone, in Dutch correspondingly hagelsteen and in Portuguese pedra
de granizo, literally stone of hail. This is also the most common way of
designating hailstones in the older Germanic languages: ON haglsteinn,
OE haolstn, MLG hagelstn, MHG hagelstein. On the other hand, cal-
ling hailstones grains of hail appears typologically just as common, cf.
e.g. NHG Hagelkorn, Da. haglkorn, It. chicco di grandine and the etymo-
logy of Sp. granizo (a derivative of Lat. grnum grain which is also the
source of the last part of the Portuguese word). Besides, the term for the
hail-like meteorological phenomenon graupel contain words for grain
in Da./Nw. iskorn and Dutch ijskorrel, lit. ice-grain, and the word
graupel itself is related to both MHG s-grpe hail and NHG Graupe
grain, historically a derivative of PGmc. *greupan- ~ *grpan- to cut
It should be noted that Beekes represents the Leiden school where a-vocalism in
itself is regarded as a typically non-Indo-European feature.
The Norwegian rune poem, dating back to the 13th. century, reads:
The Icelandic rune poem, from the late 15th century onwards, says:
Hagall er kaldakorn
ok knappa drfa
ok snka stt
Griffiths (2006) argues that in the famous Old Irish work Auraicept na
n-ces (the scholars primer, originally from 650, edited until around
1150, preserved in the Book of Ballymote from 1390), a word-play invol-
ving the word for grain, OIr. grin, can lay behind the naming of the h-
rune in the Ogham alphabet, (h)ath, since both hath and grin also
mean horror. The word-play would then also involve Latin horror,
meaning both horror and shivering (from cold). In the so-called ar-
boreal tradition, where Ogham runes are named after trees, (h)ath is
glossed as white-thorn (probably referring to hawthorn, but according
to Griffiths deliberately described like hail). Judging from the different
kennings of the rune, it is obvious that the rune-name is connected me-
taphorically and mythologically with its homonym hath horror (tran-
slations by McManus 1988):
Translations from Griffiths 2006: 90.
the grain-word. Cf. that although Spanish and Portuguese derive from
Latin, their words for hail(stone), despite the great similarity, do not
derive regularly from the Latin hail-word, but seem to be derivatives of
the grain-word.
More than anything, *hagla- now simply looks as if it contains the
same root as our oats-word, obviously with a similar delabialization
like the one in *hagran-. This kind of delabialization is already known to
occur sporadically in Germanic preceding liquids, cf. e.g. Dutch heuvel
next to NHG Hgel hill, and Limburgish swegel < *swebla- sulfur
(Kroonen 2013).
Now, one could of course hypothesize that *-g- for expected *-b- not
only in *hagra- but even in *hagla- is due to sporadic delabialization or
word contamination. However, for the latter it seems more likely that a
sound-law is applying. On closer inspection, it indeed turns out that
examples with a preserved labial before -l- and following PGmc. *-a-
are totally absent : There are simply no cases of the expected outcome
PGmc. *-afl- ~ *-abl- from PIE *-apl- or *-opl-. Quite a few instances of
Germanic *-afl-, *-abl- do occur, but they always come from PIE *-abl-,
*-obl- (e.g. PGmc. *kabln m. a piece cut off > ON kafli, OLFr. cavele,
cf. Lith. bas branch)16. This indicates that *hagla- could be the regular
Since I first made this claim, Kroonen (2013) has presented two candidates in
his dictionary that seem to contradict it: *afla- hearth (ON afl id., Far. alvur,
alvi fireplace, forge) which he compares to Hitt. appena baking-kiln, fire pit,
broiler (oven), tentatively reconstructing an l/n-stem *hp-()l, gen. *hp-n-s.
He admits that the Hitt. word can altenatively be compared to PGmc. *ufna-
oven, which, according to him looks like an old wanderwort. Even if one is
willing to accept the existence of PIE l/n-heteroclitics different from r/n-
heteroclitics (on this topic, see now Kerkhof 2012), *ufna- has a better match in
Hitt. uppar oven (< PIE *hup-r, *hup-n-), while Hitt. appena rather be-
longs with Gk. baked (< *hep-). Original PIE word-final -l probably al-
ready developed into *-r while the few safe examples seem to reflect a condi-
tioned preservation of *-l in *-ul-/-uen- stems only. In this particular case, one
might admittedly argue that -l- could represent original *-ul- whose labial
consonant would automatically be lost after -p (as would be the case after any
other labial); this demands, however, that the loss of labial is older than the de-
velopment of -l > -r which does not seem likely. Kroonens other example is the
homonymous *afla- strength, power (ON afl n., Far. alv n. id.), reconstructed
as *hep-lo- on the basis of Hitt. app-. The Germanic noun is traditionally re-
constructed as *afalan- (OE afol) where the labial does not immediately preced
the -l-. The PIE reconstruction in -elo- (classical *apelo- before the inclusion of
Anatolian reflexes) is based mainly on Greek which admittedly proves little
since Greeks apparently avoids even original suffixation with -l- directly added
to a root, replacing it with *-elo-. Even from a purely Germanic viewpoint, a
BF *kakra oats, hail and Exceptions to the Gmc. sound shift 143
PGmc. *tagla- horsetail (> ON tagl, Goth. tagl id.; Da. tavl, Zealand
dial. taggel horsetail ; Nw. dial. tagl fibre; OE tgl, Mod.Eng. tail,
OHG zagal tail) corresponds to OIr. dal tail and is normally recons-
tructed as PIE *do5-lo-. Whether -5- here was palatal or not cannot be
decided on the basis of Germanic and Celtic alone; at first glance, a
plain velar seems to be needed to account for the alleged Slavic cognate
*dolka, yielding SCr. dlka a single hair and Cz. dlk branch. Mataso-
vi (2009: 102) reconstructs a palatal to be able to include Skt. da- (f.)
fringe17. However, this word-family rests on a shaky ground; not-
withstanding the semantic developments, in Slavic an irregular metathe-
sis is needed, involving the original suffix (with subsequent depalatali-
zation of the original palatal before a sonorant), and, besides, it is far
from certain that the Common Slavic form was *dolka since there are no
descendants outside Serbo-Croatian and Czech where *-olC- og *-laC-
merge into -lC-. Another possible Slavic reconstruction is thus *dlaka.
From a semantic viewpoint it is just as possible that the Slavic words are
related to ON tlkn baleen ~ MLG tolle branch, from PIE *del-g()-.
OIr. -aR- can come from *-akR-, but is also regular from *-apR-, cf.
can harbor next to PGmc. *hafna-, meaning the Old Irish form dal is
fully compatible also with an original PIE *-p- instead of *-k-.
Reconstructing *-p- i *tagla- furthermore has the advantage that it
renders possible an equation with other Germanic words of similar
vowel seems to have intervened, thus preventing the delabialization from taking
place at the time in question.
Matasovi (2009) reconstructs *do5-eh but the lack of Brugmanns Law dic-
tates e-grade.
meaning, but without the -l-suffix: Dan. tave fibre, tavse, tjavs tuft,
Sw. dial. tafse, S Sw. dial. tav(e) tuft and even PGmc. *tappan- tap. A
close connection between these forms and *tagla- may be reflected not
only in the meaning of Nw.dial. tagl fibre, but also in the Scandinavian
sayings Nw. med topp og tagl18, Da. med top og tavl, med tap og tavl
completely (i.e. with all its body). These sayings of course function as
alliterational figures regardless of the etymologies of their elements, but
the Danish expressions with tap instead of top at least show that they
can be hendiadytic (lit. with hair and hair = with every [kind of] hair)
rather than referring to two opposite extremities like the type Eng. from
tip to toe, head over heels 19. An intermediate type, comparable in mea-
ning to med top og tavl is Da. med hud og hr, lit. with skin and hair.
For phonotactic reasons it is already clear that *-la- in *tagla- must
be a suffix and cannot belong to the root. I will therefore tentatively re-
construct *dap-lo- or *dop-lo- as the PIE form behind PGmc. *tagla-
and OIr. dal, with other derivatives *dap- having reflexes in Germanic
only. Relationship with Skt. da- fringe of course remains a possibili-
ty, in which case the reconstruction is *do5-lo-20:
A third relevant item is the Scandinavian verb for to drool, Da. savle,
ODa. sakl, Older Mod.Da. sagle, sgle, Sw. dial. sakla, sagla. It is pro-
bably denominal from Da. savl drool, Older Mod. Da. sagel, sagle,
sgle, Sw. dial. sakkel. This noun has traditionally been connected to
NWGmc. *sakkan- sink slowly, sag (> Da. sakke (bagud) lag (behind),
fall behind), Mod.Icel. sagga become moist, Du. zakken drop, sag,
and, outside Germanic, Slavic *sok juice. Semantically, though, it is as
Nw. topp, Da. top, from PGmc. *tuppa- (> ON toppr tuft, lock of hair, Far.
toppur crest, OE topp top, OFris. topp tuft, OHG zopf plait of hair) can
most easily be etymologized as a pseudo-etymological zero-grade of the root in
*tappa-, cf. the almost identical semantics of several forms and the lack of obvi-
ous alternative etymologies. The complexity of Germanic reflexes seem to con-
firm an origin in NW European IE and the Germano-Celtic vocabulary
(Hyllested 2010).
In lack of an established term for the latter type of idiom, Petr Kocharov (p.c.)
suggests to introduce polarindrome.
Kroonen (2013) as an alternative presents an inner-Germanic etymology ac-
cording to which *tagla- would be the diminutive to either *tahjan- to unravel
or to *tgan- ~ *takkan- prickle, branch.
BF *kakra oats, hail and Exceptions to the Gmc. sound shift 145
close you can get to E Fris. sabben to drool, LG sabbe drool; spit, and
further Du. sabbelen to suck, which contains PIE *sap- (> PGmc.
*saf/ppan-, *safta- sap, juice ; moist, Lat. sapa must, new wine boiled
thick, Arm. ham juice ; Kroonen 2013: 336). Here, too, I would there-
fore reconstruct an original labial and assert another derivative with *-
lo-, PIE *sap-lo- > PGmc. *sakla-, with no exact equivalents outside
Da. rakle catkin, ament (flower cluster on trees) and Sw. dial. rackel
long thing; tall, slim person are etymologically obscure.21 A PIE recons-
truction *rop-lo-, however, would render possible the establishment of a
larger word-family, seeing that the Danish meaning comes close to Sla-
vic *repj burdock, arctium (> Ru. repej id., Ukr. repyk sticklewort,
Agrimonia) and Alb. rrap plane tree (whose fruits, achenes, are remi-
niscent of burdocks or round catkins of e.g. a hazel tree), while the
Swedish meaning matches PGmc. *raftra- long, thin pole; rafter (> ON
raptr rafter, OE rfter small beam); both of these are derived from
PIE *rep- stick to, pick up (> ON rfr roof on rafters ; Lat. rapi to
snatch, Gk. , Alb. rjep tear off, Lith. ap-rxpiu, ap-rxpti to
grasp; LIV 507), and formally they can even be equated with Lith.
rpls, rpls, OPr. raples thongs, albeit with an alternating
ablaut grade. The original meaning of *rop-lo-, *rep-lo- would then be
snatcher and secondarily burdock, preserved best in Slavic, only later
The unexpected -k- for -g- in Danish has not yet been explained. Rakle is not
common in the singular; it is my impression that quite a few speakers only have
the plural in active use. It is thus conceivable that rakle is a comparatively recent
back-formation from the pl. rakler (Older Mod.Dan. pl. rackle), in turn from an
older sing. *rakkel (a structure for which the modern pl. would also be rakler),
corresponding to the Swedish form; cf. the parallel change of the sg. skagel into
skagle below. In Danish, -Vkke- and -Vgge- are graphic renderings of the same
pronunciation, so maybe *raggel was simply a dialectal form of the type Zea-
landic saggel for savl, sagl (see the previous entry). If *raggel was interpreted as
the homophonous rakkel, a new plural rakler could arise. It is also possible that
the irregular consonatism is due to contamination with dial./obs. Dan. rakke,
also meaning catkin, ament, which is otherwise unrelated and constitutes a
pair with the non-assimilated ranke floral vine. However, I find it more likely
that the meaning of rakke, in turn, was influenced semantically by rakkel.
Orel (2003: 332) instead derives *skakula- from the root in the Sw. and ON verb
skaka shiver, quiver < PGmc. *skakana-, with W Germanic meanings run
BF *kakra oats, hail and Exceptions to the Gmc. sound shift 147
Capulus itself can of course also be derived from caput, which, however, makes
less sense when you consider the meanings b), c), and d). It should be noted
that, regardless of etymological origins, Latin speakers probably had a feeling
that both capulus in the meaning headstall and capistrum belonged with caput
synchronically, i.e. a contamination would not only be based on historical states
of affairs.
case, and must represent the original form. *kpo- is not attested in the
meaning cloak outside Latin, but this problem can be solved by assu-
ming that cloak was not the primary meaning of the derivative. *kpos
is already known as the PIE word for piece of land; holy enclosure; gar-
den.It appears in Gk. garden, PGmc. *hfa- (holy) enclosure
(> ON hof hill with holy place) ~ *hb- piece of land, and, with a
PIE suffix *-i-sth- used for nomina loci24, in ORu. kapite holy place,
idol and Alb. kophst garden. This word-family was established by
Witczak 2004; in Hyllested (2010) I added MLat. cappellum chapel;
holy enclosure25; Lat. castrum in the meaning fortification, dim. castel-
lum26; Lat. campus field27; Capitlium, the name of various hills with
holy places scattered around the Roman realms, most famously the one
Cf. e.g. Gk. plane-tree grove, OHG ewist sheepfold, ON vzt f.
fishing ground.
Said to be named after the small enclosure in the cathedral of Aachen where the
relics of Saint Martin of Tours, including his cloak, are preserved. There can be
no doubt that cappellum is formally secondary to cappa, but on the other hand
there is no evidence that the meaning moved from a primary cloak to a secon-
dary chapel in the middle ages (the French name of Aachen, Aix-la-Chapelle, is
named after Charles the Greats grave).
Lat. castrum fortification is most often understood as a result noun piece cut
out, strip of land corresponding to the homonym agent noun or instrument
noun castrum knife < PIE *5as- cut (out). Formally, though, castrum in the
sense fortification can equally well be derived from PIE *kap-i-sth-ro-m whose
first two parts can be identified with the aforementioned nomen loci formation
*kap-i-sth-. It would regularly yield Lat. castru- via syncope (of short vowel be-
fore *-st(r)- as in monstrum evil omen; monster < *monestrum, sstertius two
and a half; sesterce < *semi-s-tertios; this happened in the 6th-5th c. BC, cf.
Meiser 1998: 66) and subsequent assimilation (or loss, of *-T- > /_sT, e.g. Os-
cus 'Oscan' < Opscus [Enn. Ann. 296], asper raw < *ap-sper-; cf. Meiser 1998:
Lat. campus field can formally be identified with PIE *kmpos wave (> Gk.
), but semantically it corresponds more closely to the aforementioned
*kpos which has otherwise left no trace in Latin. The most probable scenario is
therefore that a contamination between *kampos and *kpos took place on the
way to Latin, resulting in a single word that retained the shape of the former
and the meaning of the latter. There are signs that the contamination was not
fully completed even in Vulgar Latin, since the original meaning of *kpos en-
closure seems to have been retained in Port. campa grave (cf. also Lith. kpas
grave), although a homorganous nasal infix would be no less different that the
one in the name of the region Campnia ~ Osc. Kap(v)ans, Etr. capevane, Gk.
; or It. Campidoglio, literally the oil-plant fields, but from Lat.
BF *kakra oats, hail and Exceptions to the Gmc. sound shift 149
Capitlium can also go back to PIE *kap-i-sth-. According to Roman grammar-
ians, an earlier form was Capitdium, which renders possible an etymological
segmentation capi-td-, cf. cus-td- < *cus-to-sd- he, who guards the treasure; a
derivative *kp-ist-o-sd-)o- would mean he who belongs to the *kp-ist-o-sd-,
in turn he who guards the *kp-ist-o-, the holy hill, and a sequence -sd--st-
could easily be subject of dissimilation, i.e. *kpistosdiom > *kpitosdiom. The
guardian referred to can either ne Rx Nemornsis the king of the holy grove (=
Gaul. Rgonemeti), the goddess of the holy grove Diana, or (Loucetios) Mars.
In Old Portuguese (the forefather of Modern Portuguese and Modern Galician),
there was a confusion between the spelling variants <am> and <om> (cf. e.g. or-
fom orphan, found in king Duartes Leal Conselheiro, 1428-1438, from Ro-
mance orfanu-) it is possible to assert an original *Campustella or
*Campistella, simply meaning the holy place. Again, the variation between
forms with nasal and forms without point to confusion between *kampos and
*kpos at a late stage.
4 Conclusions
PGmc. *hagla- hail < PIE *5op-lo- (~ Late PIE *5op-ro- crops,
grain > PGmc. *habra- ~ *hagra- oats)
PGmc. *tagla- (horse)tail < PIE *dop-lo-, *dap-lo- (~ Da. tave, Sw.
tafse tuft, PGmc. *tappan- tap)
PGmc. *sagla- drool (sb.) < PIE *sap-lo- (~ E Fris. sabben to drool,
LG sabbe drool; spit, PGmc. *saf/ppan-, *safta- sap, juice ;
moist; Lat. sapa must)
PGmc. *rakla- catkin < PIE *rop-lo- (~ PGmc. *raftra- rafter, Lith.
rpls thongs, Ru. repej burdock, Alb. rrap plane tree)
PGmc. *skakula- whippletree; towing rope; schackle < PIE *skap-lo-
(~ PGmc. *skafta- shaft; pole, Lat. capulus hackamore; lasso;
handle, scapula shoulder, scpus shaft)
PGmc. *hakula- cloak, mantle < PIE *kap-lo- id. (~ MLat. cappa,
cpa cloak, mantle)
The extra -u- in the two final examples has been explained by Kmmel
(2004) as a reflex of partly analogical, partly regular developments with-
in the paradigms of Germanic nouns with a stop followed by a sonant in
the stem.
The division into three items with voiced spirants and three other
items with unvoiced stops also needs an explanation. Such an alterna-
tion is reminiscent both of Verners Law (voiced vs. unvoiced) and parts
of Kluges Law (retention of an orignal unvoiced stop before sonant;
here -l- which is retained, and not a nasal assimilated into the stop) and
could reflect original accent alternation in exactly this position. The de-
velopment itself can perhaps be characterized as a sort of assimilation, if
*-l- at the point in question was of the thicker, velar kind.
BF *kakra oats, hail and Exceptions to the Gmc. sound shift 151
2 Holzers Temematisch
PIE *suo-poti- ones own lord (cf. Vedic svpati- id.) > LCS *svobod
free (for expected svopot)
PIE *del-(ent-) suck, nurse (cf. Latvian dle sucking calf) > LCS *tel
calf (for expected del)
PIE *brs-o- grain, crops (cf. CSl. brano flour, ON barr barley) >
LCS *proso millet (for expected *brs or *brso). Compare now
Toch. B proksa (pl.) grain, but cf. also LCS *br millet < *puH-ro-
While I agree with Kortlandt that this is one of the weaker Temematian
correspondences judging from Holzers own material, I find it remarka-
ble that no past passive participles in *-t- are represented since they are
common and constitute the zero-grade environment par excellence. Ac-
cording to Holzers rules, such participles if borrowed from Teme-
matian would end in LCS *-d. If the stem ended in a liquid (perhaps
followed by a laryngeal) it would be easy to check if Holzers rule is cor-
rect since in that case they would have the shape *CRod corresponding
to regular Slavic *CRt and PIE *C(H)-t-. Since the participles
formed part of the conjugational system and could be formed produc-
tively as adjectives and substantives even in the daughter-languages, we
would expect at least a couple of those containing liquids in the root to
show up in the Temematian material but of course they can only be
identified if Holzer was right that their zero-grade was markedly differ-
ent from the regular Slavic one.
The Slavic word for fruit, OCS plod, although of disputed origin (see
e.g. Bezlaj 1995), is most often taken for a loanword from PGmc. *blaa-
leaf, ? fruit < PIE ppp. *bl-t-, ultimately from the root *bel- swell.
However, the exact phonological representation remains a problem:
Why is PGmc. *b- replaced by p-, and why is the vowel -o-?
Shevelov (367) equated it with Celtic forms like Ir. loth foal and
Welsh llwdu young person, while Bezlaj (1995) proposes a back-
formation from PIE *pled-men (with voice assimilation) < *plet-men
rope; thread, whence the meaning lineage; offspring (LCS *plem); he
refers to typological parallels with double meanings such as Skt. tantu
thread; offspring; Slov. pasma race; train column; and SCr. lza rope;
fruit tree.
Curiously, a PIE participle *b(H)-t- of this root, where a zero-
grade is obviously expected, would in fact yield Temematic *plod. It
corresponds formally to PGmc. *bul-i/- which is attested e.g. as Dan.
byld abscess. The root could also have contained a laryngeal because it
is the loss of long-short distinction is another Temematic feature (
*bh-t: -RH- > -Ro-; Kortlandt 2004).
The meaning fruit in PGmc. occurs only with full-grade and femi-
nine gender: OE bld f., MLG blt f., but on the other hand we encoun-
ter a similar semantics in zero-grades of other extended root-forms like
Sw. dial. bljon blueberry (< PGmc. *buli- < *b---), Dutch bolster
fruit shell, husk, and Gk. overripe.
be identical to Latv. grste linen bundle and OCS grst handful < PIE
A Slavic *drozd (e.g. Ru. drozd) thrust exists alongside the more wide-
spread variant *trozd (OCS trozd). However, this case is less certain
because forms from other Indo-European languages show that a) *-d is
not participial, but comes from an original PIE sequence *-d-o-, and b)
while zero-grade forms do occur, like Lat. turdus (< *trzdos), the more
closely related Lith. strzdas with o-grade (< *strozdo-) shows that the
sequence *-rV- is original in the full-grade, and Slavic *-ro- does there-
fore not have to reflect a Temematian zero-grade. However, *drozd
would be the expected Temematian outcome of the word in any case.
Johnny Cheung (p.c.) has suggested that zabar in the Alanic (Iassic)
word-list is simply a rendering of Hungarian zab which is loanword
from Slavic. This solution, however, does not satisfactorily account for
the second part of the word ar although Cheung suggests that it
might be Hung. r price. Incidentally, zabar is the only word on the list
without a counterpart in Modern Ossetic. However, all other words in
the left column are consistently Iranian, so it seems reasonable to inter-
pret zabar oats as the corresponding Iassic word for oats.
Holzer includes Slavic *zob in his list of Temematian words. The
Iassic word could either be inherited from Proto-Iranian or reflect yet
another Temematian agricultural term in Slavic (subsequently borrowed
into Iassic). In either case, zabar would be semantically and morpholog-
ically identical to the West Indo-European oats-words (PGmc.
*habran-, PCelt. *korkio-) versus the more archaic formations and
meanings in the East (Hitt. kappar vegetables, Skt. pa- drifting
reed), thus reflecting a morphological and semantic innovation point-
ing rather clearly to an agricultural specialization that follows the earli-
est dissolution of the Indo-European dialects and migrations into Eu-
rope. Iassic).
Lith. strna, Latv. stirna deer are seen as substratum reflexes of PIE
*5er-n-, cf. PSl. *sirn. However, not only Slavic, but also Old Latvian
has s-, cf. pl. <Ssirnos>. The forms with st- thus appear recent and are
likely to have been influenced by German in medieval times, cf. OHG
stiora (NHG Stier) bull or OHG stirna forehead; skull pad on war-
horse (< blaze, characteristic forehead)2.
Irregular intial position seems to be common in names for big mammals. Even
Lith. stuMbras bison has an unexpected st- although from PIE *- Latv. sumbrs
~ CSl. br; cf. parallels like OIr. fearb ~ earb deer; cow; ON jrr ~ stjrr
bull (PGmc. *eura- ~ *steura-).
Two Issues on Indo-European Substrates in Slavic 159
However, this does not work either. Proto-Baltic *ei is regularly re-
tained as Balto-Fennic *ei which only later develops into ai in South
Estonian and Livonian. Larsson (forthc.) states:
It must first and foremost be clarified that PBalt. *ai can indeed yield
EastBaltic ie (e.g. Lith. dievers brother-in-law and ORu. dver, Gk. dr,
Lat. laevir, Arm. taygr [] Another key example is Fi. taivas heaven, sky
which is generally said to be a borrowing from Balt. *deiuas (Lith. divas,
Latv. devs, OPr. EV deiwis god) [] However, this example is better ex-
plained [ as] an early loan from Indo-Iranian, i.e. IIr. *daiuas.
One could add that the study of semantic fields speaks for an Indo-
Iranian origin. Fi. jumala God, attested already in Ottars account as
ON Jmli is a derivative from an old name for the sky, formed with the
productive nomen loci suffix *-la. The base word juma is of Indo-
Iranian origin and identical to Skt.dyman- sky (derived from PIE
*dei-, *dieu-, famous for its occurrence in names of Indo-European
gods. Together with taivas, religion already seems to constitute a visible
semantic field among Indo-Iranian loans.
A late development of initial *e- to *a- (not only when it forms part
of diphthongs) is known from Lithuanian (cf. dial. agis), but not from
Baltic as such, and since cognates of aika are found all over Balto-
Fennic, the word must be a very old borrowing. One might of course
conjecture that *ei- regularly yielded ai- exactly in initial position, but
there are not many examples (Andersen 1996 does not mention any), so
such an argumentation would be circular. We have a motivation for ini-
tiating a search for alternative etymologies.
One possibility is that aika could be older than Baltic, going back to Bal-
to-Slavic. Fi. aita hedge, fence, with attested cognates in all Balto-
Fennic languages but Livonian, is of a similar structure and relevant in
this context. Koivulehto (1973) suggested that aita reflects Proto-
Germanic *aia- oath, mentioning the semantic parallel in Greek
fence, hedge next to oath. Unfortunately he withdrew the
etymology in his 1999 version, but the idea was not bad. The common
semantic denominator would have been something like delimitation,
demarkation or restriction.
The Story of time: The Etymology of Fi. aika 163
We already know that PIE *(H)oi- can yield Baltic *vai-, e.g. *oiH-no-s
1 > Lith. venas and *Ho)stro- > Lith. aistra- vehement passion ~ Liv.
aistar ~ dial. vistar pimple, a Baltic loan (cf. both meanings of the
Greek cognate elsewhere in this publication). What is the Slavic reflex of
such an initial diphthong? There seems to be only a single relevant, but
contradicting, example: jdro disease mark on tree ~ in Latv. idra, idrs
which happens to be related to the root of the aforementioned Baltic
word < PIE *Hoid-ro- ~ *Ho)d-tro-. PIE *oiH-no- 1 is only attested in
the zero-grade as jed-in 1 and ino-rog unicorn.
Finnish aika and aita form a curious double pair with Slavic *vk
time and *vt council; convention; oath (cf. also Lith. viet place). I
see two possibilities:
It is important to note that Baltic *vait place and *vaika- child can
come from PIE *(H)oi- without a problem. Could Balto-Slavic *(H)oi-
yield Slavic *v- in sandhi for expected *j-, parallel to regular Baltic
*vai-? It is of course theoretically possible that the Slavic words are bor-
rowings from Baltic, but the conclusion would be the same.
We would expect the Germanic noun not only to have meant eternity,
vitality, but also life, age, a double meaning detectable from compari-
son with other Indo-European languages. Cf. also the meaning (n)ever
of *h)u kid what(ever) time. contexts contexts.
4 Conclusion
I thank Petri Kallio for pointing out to me the chronology of these develop-
The Story of time: The Etymology of Fi. aika 165
The Fennic meaning may in any case have been affected by contamina-
tion with the inherited lexeme ik age; life; lifetime, as has been sug-
gested to me by Michael Fortescue (p.c.).
Aikio 2014 = Luobbal Smmol Smmol nte (Ante Aikio): Studies in Uralic Ety-
mology II: Finnic etymologies. Linguistica Uralica L. 2014, 1: 1-19.
Andersen, Henning: Reconstructing Prehistorical Dialects: Initial Vowels in Slavic
and Baltic [= Trends in Linguistics Studies and Monographs 91]. Berlin / New
York 1996.
Junttila, Santeri, 2012: The prehistoric context of the oldest contacts between Baltic
and Finnic languages. Riho Grnthal & Petri Kallio (eds.): A Linguistic Map
of Prehistoric Northern Europe [= Mmoires de la Socit Finno-Ougrienne
266]. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura. Pp. 261-296.
Koivulehto, Jorma, 1973: Germanisch-Finnische Lehnbeziehungen III.
Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 74: 561-609 [reprinted with postscript in Verba
Mutuata. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, 1999: 83-120.
Larsson, Jenny Helena, forthc.: The lexicon of Baltic. Brian Joseph, Joseph Klein
& Matthias Fritz (eds.): Comparative Indo-European Linguistics. An Interna-
tional Handbook of Language Comparison and the Reconstruction of Indo-
European. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Liukkonen, Kari, 1999: Baltisches im Finnischen [= SUST 235]. Helsinki: Suomalais-
Ugrilainen Seura.
Melchert, H. Craig, 2007: Luvian Evidence for PIE *h3eit- take along; fetch.
Indo-European Studies Bulletin, UCLA 12, 1: 1-3.
Tichy, Eva, 2004: Gr. , lat. tor und die Mittelteile der Duenos-Inschrift.
Glotta 78: 179-202.
Weiss, Michael, 1994: Life everlasting: Latin igis everflowing, Greek
healthy, Gothic ajukds eternity and Avestan yauua living forever.
Mnchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 55: 131156.
Albanian hund nose,
and Faroese, SW Norwegian skon
Finnish kuono snout1
Alb. hund nose has no accepted etymology, but the stem corresponds
regularly to Far. skon, Nw. dial. skon snout if these go back to PGmc.
*skuna-. Mod.Icel. skon(n)r, a fem. nick-name, seems to rule out the
alternative reconstruction *skan-. The Balto-Fennic root reflected in Fi.
kuono, Est. koon snout is problematic in the light of the vocalism (the
only parallel of * substituting PGmc. *-u- is ruoste, ruosma rust), but
may nonetheless be a Germanic loan. Former proposals deriving hund
from PIE *skeu- spring forward turn out to be correct, but a derivative
*sku-n- projection (also > Alb. hu penis) must have been formed al-
ready before the emergence of Albanian. The suffixal part, PAlb. *-t > -
d, either reflects an inner-Alb. formation or goes back to the PIE root
extension known from PGmc. *skundjan-, *skundn- drive forward.
1 The present article was published as Hyllested 2012. Apart from this footnote
(including the reference just mentioned), the abstract and the exact title, the two
articles are identical.
Cf. Kmmel (2010) on the relatively poor occurrence of safe PIE roots contain-
ing the sequence -ND-.
According to Orel (1998: 42), Hamps reconstruction bung < *bug-n finds
support in peng security, pledge < Lat. pignus (also Demiraj 1997: 112-113), but
this is not true if Lat. /gn/ was pronounced [n] (see, e.g., Meiser 1998: 52, 121 on
the details). In that case Alb. -ng- is just the rendering of Lat. -ngn-, written
<gn>, with loss of the final nasal (by assimilation) in such a cluster.
Let us begin our own analysis by having a closer look at the different
sources for initial h- in Albanian. Original h- is retained in loanwords
from Slavic (e.g., Alb. hitas to hurry < Common Slavic *xytati, Alb.
hukas to shout < Common Slavic *hukati)4 and Latin (e.g., Alb. her
moment of time, hour < Lat. hra ). But in the case of hund, there is
simply no obvious candidate from any neighboring language (disre-
garding the aforementioned proposal by abej).
It cannot be excluded that Alb. initial h- sometimes reflects a PIE ini-
tial laryngeal. Hamp (1965) reconstructed *h4 > Alb. h- (as in herdh
testicle ~ Gk. id.) while all other laryngeals disappeared. This was
heavily criticized by lberg (1972) and has never been widely accepted,
although it is accepted by Mallory and Adams (1997: 10); and according
to Kortlandt (1998), *h2e- and *h3e- yield Alb. ha- (cf. also Demiraj
1997). Alb. h- may indeed show up in the position of an original laryn-
geal, e.g., Alb. (h)ethe fever < PIE *h2eid-s- and Alb. hut empty, desert-
ed < PIE *h2u-tio- (Goth. aueis barren, desolate). However, the very
occurrence of a laryngeal is not assured in the material in question; and
even if one insists on initial consonants in all PIE roots, the picture is
blurred by a notorious tendency to insert a spontaneous h- before initial
vowel in Albanian:
(h)ark bow Lat. arcus id.
(h)arm weapon Lat. arma id.
hikrr sour milk; buckwheat an inner-Albanian derivative
from ikj to run, go (away)
hok joke, jest Lat. iocus id. (note that secondary -j- and j- in
loanwords is regularly substituted by Alb. h-, e.g., krahin
region, district < SCr. krajina: cf. Rasmussen 1985)
(h)urdhe ivy < PIE *urdo- root, wort (OE word thorn-
(h)urdh pond, pool ~ Common Slavic *vir whirlpool
The rare PIE onset cluster *ks- regularly yields Alb. h- (cf. i/e huaj for-
eign, strange ~ Gk. id. and hirr f. whey ~ Skt. kir- milk.).
Again, there is no obvious candidate available. We are left, finally, with
PIE *sk- and *s-, which merge into Alb. h-, at least before a back vowel
(also in inlaut; see, e.g., Huld 1984: 149, Matzinger 2006: 78):
See Svane 1992:256-7.
Albanian hund, Faroese, Norwegian skon, Finnish kuono 171
hal f. chaff < *skol-ieh2 (Goth. skalja, Lith. skeli, sklti to hew;
to split)
harb rudeness < *skor-bo- (OHG scarf, Latv. skarbs sharp,
hedh throw ~ hudh hurl < *skeu-d- ~ *sku-d- (ON skjta)
shoot; spring forward
helm poison; disputed, but probably connected to OHG scalmo
plague, W claf sick (cf. Hyllested 2010: 111-112)
hn, Gheg hn moon < *skand- (Skt. cndra- moon, cand-
shine, Bret. cann moon; Lat. cande glow, Gk.
hi, def. hiri, Tosk dial. h, Gheg h, def. hni ash < *(s)keniso-
(Lat. cinis, gen. cineris id., Gk. dust, Toch. B kentse
rust [sic] < *koniso-)5
hije f. shadow < *sh2i-eh2 (Gk. , Toch. B skiyo) ~ *sh2i-
eh2 (Skt. chy)
humb to leave, to lose, to spoil, to miss < *sku-m-b-, nasal pre-
sent to *skeub- (Lith. skumb, skbti to hurry, to hasten,
Goth. af-skiuban to push away, to reject)
hurdh, hudhr garlic ~ Gk. id.
4 A new proposal
With PIE *e > Alb. i either by umlaut from -i- in the following syllable (Orel
2000: 145, de Vaan 2004: 70-71) or in secondary consonant clusters such as
oblique forms of s-stems (which are later contracted); cf., e.g., vit year < *uetso-
< *ueteso- (Hamp 1971: 121-122). Meyers (1891: 152) reconstruction *sino-, ac-
cepted by Tagliavini (1937: 312), Huld (1994: 74), and Orel (2000: 131, 218), ren-
ders impossible the otherwise almost universally accepted equation with Gk.
(with o-grade); Lat. cinis does not reflect original i-vocalism, but results
from a vowel assimilation *keni- > /kini-/, as in similis (< *semilis) similar, like.
Alternatively, if one prefers to avoid s-mobile on the basis of Albanian only, one
could derive hi from Early Proto-Alb. *skja (~ Gmc. *skeuja cloud, Eng. sky)
with Early Proto-Alb. > i (~ y) preceding -(C)j- (Orel 2000: 11-12, cf. shi rain
< *sja ~ OPr. suge /su:je/ id., and miz, myz a fly, with dimin. suff. -z, ~ ON
m id. < PGmc. *mja-); but then, in return, one would have to accept second-
ary nasalization of the vowel as in Gheg s eye, dr wood.
a) ~ ON *skn < *skan- (like Far. lon f. -ar, -ir longhouse <
ON ln [~ NE lane] or mon m. < ON mn mane, or
b) ~ ON *skon with a-umlaut of PGmc. *-u- < PGmc. *skuna-,
The latter finds support in the Mod. Icel. fem. nickname skon(n)r, be-
cause the Norwegian dialect of Vik i Sogn has a similar skon hag, poor
woman (Blndal 1989), and the alternative would result in Mod. Icel.
snout, muzzle, Est. koon, Votic kn id. These forms together point to a
proto-form *knV, with secondary lengthening of PGmc. short *u, as in
Fi. ruoste (Est. rooste) and Karel. ruosma rust (< *Balto-Fennic *rsteh
and *rsma respectively) but this is the only other example of such a
lengthening; otherwise PGmc. *u is substituted with a Fennic short
vowel, mostly *u, but sometimes *o (see Kylstra & al. 1991-2012, I: xviii);
*kotti bag; scrotum; uterus; trough, etc. (Fi. kotti, Est. kott)
PGmc. *kuan-
*poras degree, step, level; (pl.) stairs: staircase(N only; Fi.
porras, Veps pordaz) PGmc. *buraz
*sorta-a to oppress (as a verb only in North Balto-Fennic; Fi.
sortaa to oppress; Est. srd clearing; margin of a field)
PGmc. *sturtjan-
a) nose
b) point, tip, summit
c) projection, overhang
d) promontory, headland, cape
Affinity with Lith. skutn bald head is formally possible since its ex-
pected Albanian counterpart would be exactly *hund (< *skunt <
*skutn; cf. the metathesis in bung() chestnut oak described above in
2.). Since the Lith. forms and the underlying verb sksti to shave, to
peel are most likely connected to MIr. scoth f. point, edge < PCelt.
*skut, it does not appear semantically impossible either. Note also the
Hesychian gloss , of similar shape, which is given the meaning
It is also conceivable, however, that *skunt simply reflects the
original order of nasal and stop. We know Germanic forms like OHG
scunten, OE scyndan, ON skunda Eng. scoon ( schooner), scun fly
forward < PGmc. *skundjan-, *skundn- drive forward, and these ei-
ther go back to PIE *skund- or Verner variants of *skunt-; when com-
pared to No. dial. skut m. projection, overhang, ON skta kind of ship;
Paul Kiparsky (p. c.) has reminded me that original mid vowels are lengthened
in open syllables in Fennic languages; but as a regular development this takes
place much earlier, on the way from Uralic to Fenno-Ugric or Fenno-Permian,
and would hardly affect *-u- in Germanic loanwords in Balto-Fennic, let alone a
later Gmc. *-o- after the operation of a-umlaut.
As an alternative, Skt. kua- hole in the ground, pit, etc. comes to mind, but
this is a borrowing from Dravidian.
Albanian hund, Faroese, Norwegian skon, Finnish kuono 175
schooner ( OIr. scta, NE scout, MDu. scte), Lith. skudrs fast, Skt.
cdati drive forward, it is clear that we must assert at least two root-
variants with different stops, hence probably old extensions of an origi-
nal root *skeu-. Nasalized forms may represent generalized nasal pre-
sents. Alb. hund cannot reflect a variant with a voiced stop, which
would be lost in the position after a nasal, yielding hun.
I conclude that hund is ultimately related to Alb. hu penis, hedh
to throw, hudh to hurl, hyj to enter and humb to leave; to lose; to
spoil; to miss as originally suggested by Meyer (and followed by
Schmidt, lberg, Orel, and partly Hamp), but this word-family cannot
be safely established by internal reconstruction alone. It is Germanic
*skuna-, reconstructed on the basis of Faroese and Norwegian material,
as well as possible ancient Germanic forms in Balto-Fennic, that have
provided the clue.
Since a primary word for nose is already known from most Indo-
European languages, and since this word is known to be at least of PIE
age (PIE *nas-),10 it seems reasonable to reconstruct the meaning of
*skun-o-, *skun-to- rather as snout (i.e., nose of an animal [as opposed
to the human nose]), preserved in Germanic and having replaced the
original nose word in Albanian only. Thus *skun-o-, *skun-to- would
be of at least Northwest Indo-European age.
Details of the reconstruction vary, but everyone agrees about the existence of
the etymon.
The name of the Estonians, Est. Eesti, goes back to the tribal name
*Aestii first mentioned by Tacitus, denoting inhabitants of the Baltic in
the broadest sense. Several sources reveal that the name originally had
an -r- in the stem. That the original diphthong was *ai- as in the Lat-
inized forms is assured by the Old Gutnish attestation Aistland. The
name must come from Baltic *aistra- pimple (m.); vehement passion
(f.) which can be reconstructed on the basis of a) a loanword in Livoni-
an aistar pimple and its variant vistar; b) Lith. aistr and c) cognates in
other Indo-European languages with the same double meaning. The
name was given to the Estonians as a translation of PGmc. *finn-. Nu-
merous parallelsexist among Fenno-Ugric ethnonyms, perhaps pointing
to an old designation referring to fish scale as money or fish skin as val-
uable garment.
The name of Estonia, Est. Eesti, goes back to the tribal name *Aestii first
mentioned by Tacitus in 98 BC ( Aestiorum gentes Germ. 45, 2)
and later by Cassiodorus 523-526 BC (H(a)estis Theodoricus rex, Variae
5, 2); Jordanes, d. 552 ( Aestorum natio, Get. 23, 119); Einhard in
830 (Aisti in Vita Karoli Magni); Wulfstan in 890 (to, mid stum in his
travel account); and Adam of Bremen in 1073 (Haisti and Aestland,
Hamburgische Kirchengeschichte, 12 and 17). On the basis of these
attestations, we can identify a Latinized ethnonym Aestii or Aesti and a
stem Aest- (Aist-).
According to A. Bammesberger & S. Karalinas (1998), rather than
denoting a specifically Baltic tribe, it was probably a cover term for all
2 Etymology
I thank Sean Vrieland (p.c.) for having pointed this out to me.
Originated from *heid-t- as in Lat. aestus heat, aestas summer and PGmc.
*heid- to burn. For an overview of earlier etymological proposals, see Bam-
mesberger & Karalinas 1998: 46, fn. 1.
Estonia: Baltic Etymology as a Key to Fennic Ethnonyms 181
tested as Lith. aistr. The former would make up a form identical even
in gender to Gk. gadfly; intense passion , otherwise missing
among the IE cognates, and both meanings of the Greek word would
then also be covered by Baltic. In Late (Western) PIE *o)stro- probably
arose as a merger of two originally independent words:
Such a merger could have been facilitated not only by the sudden ho-
monymy (after loss of laryngeal and development of *TT > sT), but even
by the semantic connection between stinging insects and swellings on
the skin of animals caused by bugs that operate there.
The etymology proposed here also makes it easier to explain the Liv.
variant vstar as an East Baltic variant *viestra- with prothetic *vie- as
reflex of *(H)oi- as also in *vienas 1 < PIE *iH-no-s.
The comparison can be justified semantically, seeing that many other
Fennic ethnonyms bear strong similarities to appellatives with mean-
ings covered by the PGmc.word*finn-. These meanings are:
1) fish fin (Sw. fena, older fina, MLG vinne, OE finn > Eng. fin)
2) pimple; abscess (Sw. finne, NHG Finne, Da. filipens < finne-
3) kornaks (Sw. Dial. fen(a) etc.)
4) Nw. dial. finn(e) small horn on animal, stiff grass species
5) any protuberance on the skin of humans or animals related to
diseases, including larvae under the skin, notably on fish (MLG
vinne, Dutch vin, NHG Finne)
6) finne > patch, cf. NHG Flosse fin ~ Da. flosset
Beekes (2010: 1062) regards *he)s-tro- as the only source of .
Estonia: Baltic Etymology as a Key to Fennic Ethnonyms 183
Ugric peoples and at least one of the meanings involved could be held
accountable for some of the homonymies.
Interesting in this context is Widmers (2003) reconstruction of a
Uralic word for fish scale, *kmV, which after the beginning of minting
(at least after the first half of the 7th c. BC) became used as a term for
coin, especially silver coin, copper coin, but also silver in general,
silver jewel and in Ob-Ugrian folklore even established as an image of
wealth, partly as an attribute to the Urmutter (kam naj wealth(y) no-
ble-lady) , partly of any material making up status symbols of heroes
(weapons, booty). In a version of an Mansi legend, the last word in the
formula oapr-n koam-n silver woman, wealth woman has been re-
placed with a word meaning Russian, pr-n kper-n, and in another
version, even the first word has been replaced with Siberian, pr-n
kpr-n. If some of the Fenno-Ugric peoples had once been named or
named themselves after precious metal, it would not be much different
from deriving trk from the word for silk.
It is also conceivable that a term fish-skin could have constituted an
exact parallel to trk, referring to an important garment. As noted else-
where in this dissertation, Fenno-Ugric forest peoples have traditionally
produced clothing coats, boots, and caps from fish-skin, justifying
an analogy with terrestrial animals hunted for their pelt (Armstrong
1997). The burbot along with the sturgeon and sterlet were so important
for the Khanty (Ostyaks) in the time of Russian expansions in the 1600s
that a particularly bad fishing season could threaten the very existence
of a tribe.
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Altaische Jahrbcher N.F. 12: 35-57
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zwischen Germanen, Lappen und Ostseefinnen. Peter Anreiter, Marialuise
Haslinger & Heinz Dieter Pohl (eds.) Artes et Scientiae: Festschrift fr Ralf-Peter
Ritter zum 65. Geburtstag. Wien: Edition Praesens. Pp. 307-313.
Parpola, Asko, 2004: Old Norse seir, Finnish seita and Saami shamanism. I.
Hyvrinen, P. Kallio, and J. Korhonen (eds.), Etymologie, Entlehnungen und
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Word Migration on the Silk Road:
The Etymology of English silk and its Congeners1
1 This article will be published in Berit Hildebrandt (ed.): Exchange along the Silk
Roads between Rome and China in antiquity: The Silk Trade. Oxford: Oxbow
2014. Apart from the notations (abbreviations of language names and translit-
erations of Greek words) the two versions are almost completely identical.
The exchange of silk along the Silk Road is often examined through
archaeological finds and the interpretation of historical texts. This
contribution seeks to address the question of exchange along the Silk
Road and especially the ways through which the silk reached the West
by discussing the etymology of silk in Western and Northern European
languages from antiquity to modern times. The chronological scope of
this article is vast in order to better understand the different ntional
concepts through which the material was classified, the different routes
the silk trade could take and the ethnic groups that were involved.
Most etymological dictionaries (notably ODEE 827, de Vries 1962:
487, Vasmer 1953-58, III: 387, Falk/Torp 1960: 966-967) agree with and
basically just repeat the standard etymology of Eng. silk, OE seoloc,
seoluc, sioloc, seolc, and its immediate congeners in Germanic (ON silki,
Da., Nw., Sw. silke3, borrowed into Finnish and Karelian as silkki and
into the Western Saami languages, cf. SKES IV: 10254; OHG silehho
toga, selachin cover), Baltic (Lith. ilkas, ilka, Samogitian dial. silka,
borrowed into Latvian in the expression silkuts sewn with silk; OPr.
silkas) and East Slavic (ORu. lk, borrowed into the New Curonian
dialect of Latvian as ilks and continued in Standard Ru. lk, Belaru.
olk, Ukr. ovk and N Ru. ulk, from where it has been transmitted to
North-Eastern Balto-Fennic languages, and, via Karelian, further into
Eastern Saami5). The Baltic forms are regarded as old loans from Slavic
(Fraenkel 1962-65: 983-984). Schrader (1904-1905: 84) states that the
Germanic forms must have been transmitted via Slavic.
I owe my sincere gratitude to Peter Kerkhof, Sen Vrieland, Berit Hildebrandt
and two anonymous referees for their insightful comments and invaluable
Swedish is one of the very few languages that distinguishes two basic words for
the silk thread (silke) and woven silk (siden). The name of the Silk Road is called
Sidenvgen, thus referring to the fabric.
S Saami silke, Pite Saami silhke, Lule Saami silhk, N Saami silki, Inari Saami
silkke (SKES IV: 1025).
The Balto-Fennic forms borrowed from Northern Russian are Eastern (Karelian
and Ingrian) Fi. sulkku, Karelian proper and Olonets ulkku, Lude ulk(u), Veps
k (cf. Plger 1973: 190). From Karelian proper comes Skolt and Kildin Saami
olkk, while in Votic, the only Southern Balto-Fennic language to possess the
word, olkka, okk is borrowed directly from Standard Russian. Cf. SKES IV:
Word Migration on the Silk Road: The Etymology of silk 189
All refer to the ultimate source as Old Chinese, the language of the
area where the silk industry began and became important as early as the
3rd millennium BC (cf. Wang 1993: 225). Most scholars further envisage
that the journey of this word towards the West in some way involves
Written Mong.6 sirkeg silk fabric and Manchu sirge, sirhe silk thread,
silk floss from a cocoon; string of a musical instrument, thus pointing
to the important role nomadic tribes played in the distribution of silk.
Hardly surprising, the standard handbooks also agree that the word was
transmitted in antiquity with the trade of silk fabric along the silk road.
It is a typical wanderwort of the later, historical kind, where the ultimate
origin is at least superficially rather obvious but the ways of
transmission less certain (while, for prehistoric culture-words, even the
source is often obscure). In this particular case, to our benefit, the
transcontinental Silk Road constitutes a concrete historical track on
which we can hope to trace the word and its intermediate stations on its
way from East Asia to Europe and catch glimpses of the transmission of
not only the word, but also the material along the Silk Road.
The Chinese source is the precursor of the Mod.Ch. s silk; thread;
string; it is commonly reconstructed as OCh. *s or *sig (thus Wang
1993 with references) and Middle Ch. *si. It is related to other Sino-
Tibetan words denoting thread, string or sinew. Neighbouring
Asiatic languages all reflect a final r-element, which, if not
reconstructable for Old or Middle Chinese, must be explained as
suffixal in one of the lending languages from which it can have been
transferred further: Middle Kor. sr (> Mod. Kor. shil), Manchu sirge,
sirhe, Written Mong. sirkeg. It is however possible that the -r- does go
back to Chinese and reflect a second noun rn people (Genaust 1996:
578) in which case the word borrowed from neighbouring languages
would not be a designation for silk as such, but rather a compound-like
ethnonym already at the time of contact (whose meaning would
correspond exactly to Gk. silk men; see the next paragraph).
Whatever the exact details of this entanglement, there can be no doubt
about a starting-point in East Asia, as far as its identity as a culture-
word is concerned.
Written Mongolian (or Literary Mongolian) is the scholarly term for an inde-
pendent Mongolian language variety, attested in the old Mongolian script and
different from both Classical Mongolian and Middle Mongolian. Although
documented from the Middle Mongolian period, it represents an earlier lin-
guistic stage.
Transliterated Sres, but the Latin form is Srs.
Cf. also Fi. turkku fur and ORu. *torg marketplace, square, borrowed into
ON torg id. I do not necessarily embrace Wangs (1993) idea that Turk and silk
are ultimately etymologically identical, but in the light of a series of interesting
of loanword proposals showing an alleged loan correspondence *sVlC- vs.
*tVrC- the idea seems at least worth pursuing.
Word Migration on the Silk Road: The Etymology of silk 191
Svila, found in all South Slavic languages (Slovenian, Serbo-Croatian, Macedo-
nian and Bulgarian) is technically unrelated since it formally seems to derive
from a preverb *s- and the feminine of a participial form *vila of the verb *viti
to wind, to roll, to twist, to bend, cf. e.g. Slov. zvila bent (fem.), but this is
likely to be due to folk-etymology (see Bezlaj 1995: 351 with references).
Russian - is regular from s- in Nordic loanwords; thus, it seems more likely that
the East Slavic terms have been borrowed from Old Norse (Miller 2012: 66-67).
from the expression saeta srica silk thread (lit. silk hair)11. Thus,
MHG Seide, Du. zijde, Sw. siden, Latv. zds, Est. siid (in the two latter via
MLG, from Latv. further into Liv. as zd) and terms in the Romance
languages (Fr. soie, Sp. and Port. seda, It. seta) are all ultimately, the
Romance forms directly, from Lat. saeta and thus unrelated to the word
silk despite superficial similarities. In other words, the l-form seems to
be confined to Northern and Eastern Europe and the full form involv-
ing both -l- and -k- is certainly only found there12.
During the Viking Age, silk was brought to Northern Europe by the
Varangians, Nordic merchants who traveled through Kiev Rus and
reached Constantinople where they traded with local merchants. One
prominent example from the Icelandic sagas is the account of the
Norwegian king Sigurd the Crusaders visit to Miklagard (Byzantium)
1110, recorded in Snorri Sturlusons Heimskringla (III, 238, cf. Blndal
2007: 136), and from Nestors Chronicle we know how Russian envoys
were gifted with impressive silken brocades during a visit to Byzantium
912 (Krag 2013). Given the geographical distribution of the silk-word
and our knowledge, it is likely that the Varangians brought the word
with them through Russia all the way to Scandinavia.
5 An Alanic sound-law
Lat. srica survives only via the Llat. form sareca in OFr. sarge, Fr. serge in the
meaning twill worsted or twill silk, and, via MLat. sarcia and OE s(i)erc, syrc,
s(i)erce shirt in ON serkr (Da. srk, Sw. srk, Nw. serk) undergarment of silk
or flax canvas. Today, the Danish word has either historical or pejorative con-
notations, depending on context; in the latter case, the meaning is less specific
and can refer to any kind of loose garment. The directions of transmission in-
volving ME serk, Mod.Eng.dial. sark, OCS sraky, sraka, sraica garment, Ru.
soroka shirt, id., Lith. rkas garment, and Balto-Fennic forms like Fi. sarkki,
Est. srk, Liv. serk, pl. srkid shirt, is not entirely clear (cf. de Vries 1962: 471
with discussion and references).
The exact relation of Pashto sl silk veil and Mod.Pers. sirah to silk as well as
to each other is uncertain (Cheung 2002: 254, Vasmer 387), but cf. below on
other Iranian terms.
Word Migration on the Silk Road: The Etymology of silk 193
When silk first occurs on the British Isles, simultaneous with the Old English
velar umlaut of *siluc to seoluc, cf. Miller 2012: 67.
name of Iassians, the Iazyges and the Ossetes, with no certain etymolo-
The PIr. form *ryan- is also indirectly attested as an Alanic
loanword in the NE Caucasian Nakh languages: Chechen la prince (of
a principality), chieftain, Ingush la id. and Tsova-Tush (Batsbi) l
lord, gentleman can be reconstructed with a Nakh protoform *al that,
in all likelihood, was borrowed from Alanic *lan- < PIr. *rian-, cf.
Oss. Allon, a mythological tribal name (Bielmeier 1989: 243; Thordarson
2009). Furthermore, the term occurs with the typical Iranian suffix *-ka-
in Oss. Algat (a Nart tribe) < PIr. *riaka- (Thordarson 1989: 478).14.
Another old attestation of the sound-law occurs in Herodots Scythi-
an name since this most likely comes from PIr. *xwaria-kaia
sun-king. Alkmans shows that the development had
taken place at least in the 7th century BC (Hinge 2005).
One further old example of the development *-ri-, *-ri- > Alanic *-l-
comes from the much later bulk of Alanic (Iassic) loanwords in
Hungarian, transferred via the Iassic settlements in the 13th century.
Hung. zld, zeld means green, unripe and is borrowed from Alanic
*zalda- < PIr. *zarita- (corresponding to Ved. hrita- and ultimately the
same PIE formation as Eng. gold, only with different ablaut). Most
examples of the sound-law are from Modern Ossetian, e.g. the preverb
fl- < *pari-; Iron dialect min, Digor mlun to die < *mria- (the
same IE root as in Lat. mortuus dead, and, as a loanword from French,
Eng. mortal); Digor zld young grass; grass; turf < *zarita yellow (~
Av. zairita-, Ved. hrita- yellowish and, with a different ablaut grade,
Eng. gold), and nl male (Digor originally nl) < *naria- (~ Av.
nairiia male, virile).
This means that if a foreign word containing the sequence *-ri- (or *-
ri-) was borrowed into Alanic or another stage of Scytho-Sarmatian
early enough, it would have yielded *-l- in Alanic itself by regular sound
development. It would have to have happened in antiquity already since
the Alanic self-designation with -l- is mentioned by Strabo and Ptolemy.
According to Pliny the Elder (The Natural History, 6,49), both the
Jaxartes river and the Tanais (present-day Syr Darja and Don
respectively) were called Silis by the Scythians, suggesting a
The Sarmatian names and , attested in inscriptions from the
Eastern part of the area North of the Black Sea, are perhaps also developments
of *rya-, but they occur in the Western (Scythian) part as the variants
, [, which may reflect a dialect continuum where the change
into *l was not yet completed in the Sarmatian area (Hinge 2005).
Word Migration on the Silk Road: The Etymology of silk 195
Except in Old Avestan where it is practically absent due to its low sociolinguis-
tic connotation (Ciancaglini 2012a).
Corresponding to Av. friia- dear, Ved. priy- id., Eng. free + Av. manah- soul,
spirit, Ved. mnas-, Gk. .
A loan from Byzantine Greek could account for the -i-vocalism (Miller 2012:
67), but it is uncertain if this is chronologically compatible with the consonantal
development of *ri to l. At least it would rule out a connection with the province
of Silis because in this name the development of *r to l would have taken place
many centuries earlier.
Word Migration on the Silk Road: The Etymology of silk 197
golden at the time of reshaping, and we know that as late as Iassic this
was still the case because the word has been borrowed into Hungarian
as zld with that meaning. Golden would then either have referred to a
particular golden type of silk garment, for example Byzantine
embroidery, or to the golden Muga silk type from Assam, which
reached the West alongside Chinese silk, or simply to the value or the
glistening appearance of silk in general18. Such a contamination or folk-
etymological reshaping could clearly have happened at any time in the
history of Alanic from the time of its absorption of the supposed silk-
term *sirika- till the semantic narrowing of zld from golden into
yellow grass, since apart from the supposed Alanic loanword in
surrounding languages, only the Modern Ossetian output zldag(),
(i)zly is known.
8 Concluding remarks
In the tenth-century Old English medical work now known as Balds Leechbook,
jaundice is said to cause the body of the patient to turn yellow like good yellow
silk (geolwa sw g geolo seoluc; Biggam 2006: 3).
Word Migration on the Silk Road: The Etymology of silk 199
This article arose from discussions I had with the Danish balkanist Erik
Thau-Knudsen who contributed with an essay on the history of silk
terminology to the Danish National Encyclopedia (Thau-Knudsen
2000) of which I was the editor of etymologies at the time. We did not
reach a satisfactory solution, although Thau-Knudsen hinted at another
Iranian language, Parthian, as the provider. Jens Elmegrd Rasmussen
(p.c.) gave us the tip that Ossetian, with its frequent development of
original *r to l, might have played a role. On May 20, 2000, I presented
the idea at a symposion at the University of Copenhagen (Komparativ
Sprogforskning p Vej) that Alanic might have been the provider not
only of the l-variants, but even the derivative itself, seeing that a) *-
(V)ka- is a frequent nominal suffix in Iranian, b) the development of *r
to l was in fact older than Ossetian proper, and c) this sound-law does
normally not work for Iranian *r alone, but involves a following *-i- that
we also find in the Greek silk-word. I reconstructed the same form
*silika- as Thau-Knudsen did, only for Alanic, and was now able to ac-
count for both morphological and phonological developments on the
basis of our knowledge of Iranian in general and Alanic in particular.
Only at the very end of editing the present article, I discovered that C.
Gary Miller in his recent book External Influences of English: From its
Beginnings to the Renaissance presents an almost identical solution (Mil-
ler 2012: 66-67), in fact with additional details; for example, he notes
that is regular in East Slavic borrowings from Old Norse. He suggests,
too, that Oss. zly derives from *slika- (which he reconstructs with
long *)19, however without explaining the irregularities or mentioning
the important variant zldag. It appears to be time for etymological dic-
tionaries to revise their entries on silk.
On the basis of Byzantine Greek /srikon/; its length is indirectly preserved in Old
Irish sric (via Vulgar Latin *srica).
Plger, Angela, 1973: Die russischen Lehnwrter der finnischen Schriftsprache. Wies-
baden: Harassowitz.
Ramstedt, G.J., J.G. Gran & Pentti Aalto, 1958: Materialien zu den alttrkischen
Inschriften der Mongolei. Journal de la Socit Finno-Ougrienne 60: 3-91.
Part I. Die Grabinschrift von Tonyukuk.
Schrader, Otto, 1904-1905. ber Bezeichnungen der Heiratsverwandtschaft bei
den indogermanischen Vlkern (11-36). Part Slavische oder durch Slaven
vermittelte Lehnwrter im lteren Deutsch (29-36). Indogermanische For-
schungen 17.
SKES = 1958-1981: Yrj H. Toivonen, Aulis J. Joki, Reino Peltola, Erkki Itkonen,
Satu Tanner & Marita Cronstedt: Suomen kielen etymologinen sanakirja I-VII.
Helsinki 1958-1981 (= Lexica Societatis Fenno-Ugricae XII): Suomalais-
Ugrilainen Seura.
Thau-Knudsen, Erik, 2000: Silke ordets historie. Etymological essay attached to
the entry silke in Den Store Danske Encyklopdi, vol. 17. Copenhagen: Dan-
marks Nationalleksikon.
Thordarson, Fridrik, 1989: Ossetic. Rdiger Schmitt (ed.): Compendium Lin-
guarum Iranicarum. Wiesbaden: Reichert. Pp. 456-479.
Thordarson, Fridrik, 2009: Ossetic grammatical studies [= Verffentlichungen zur
Iranistik 48]. Vienna.
Vasmer, Max, 1953-1958: Russisches etymologisches Wrterbuch I-III. Heidelberg:
Carl Winter.
de Vries, Jan, 1962: Altnordisches etymologisches Wrterbuch. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Wang, Penglin, 1993: On the Etymology of English silk: A Case Study of IE and
Altaic Contact. Central Asiatic Journal 37: 3-4. Pp. 225-248.
English mink, Finnish portimo ermine,
and Baltic Fur Trade from Antiquity to the Hanse
Eng. mink and its Germanic cognates are loanwords from Baltic where
today in Lithuanian menk means cod, while related Slavic forms de-
note the burbot, a closely related species of freshwater fish. This species
shared its name with the weasel in both Latin (mstla) and Greek
(). In Baltic it is itself a borrowing from Proto-Mari men burbot
which is a Uralic name (cf. Hung. mny-hal burbot ~ mnyt weasel).
This explanation finds support in Kalimas (1936) etymology, deriving
Lith. kas polecat from Mari k, ake weasel. The spread of these
terms are likely to be connected to fur trade around the Baltic. It is fur-
ther suggested that Fi. portimo, dial. porttimo stoat, ermine is a deriva-
tive of a medieval loan from MDu. furet, Late ME forette, ultimately
from Lat. fr polecat, brought to the North Baltic via the Hanseatic
1 Introduction
Lith. kas, Latv. sesks polecat, ferret were first compared to Ved. (YV)
ka- and the Rigvedic hapax kak0- by Fick (1879: 165) who identified
the correspondence Ved. * ~ Balt. *-- as PIE *. These forms were lat-
er analyzed by numerous scholars (see Kalima 1936: 102-103) as a redu-
plicative formation of the root in kti to shit, i.e. *e-(i)ka-s with typi-
cal loss of -i-. The reconstruction of a PIE form *ke5- (*5e5-) on the ba-
sis of Vedic-Baltic comparison, despite the aberrant initial conso-
nantism, has almost become a generally accepted etymology, mentioned
as the only option in standard handbooks. However, the meaning of
neither Vedic word is decidedly certain (Katz 2002: 303). Equally im-
portant, while numerous kentum reflexes occur in Baltic with regular
counterparts in Slavic and Indo-Iranian, the reverse irregular corre-
spondence Lith. - ~ Indo-Iranian and/or Slavic *k- is at best very rare.
This is understandable since the centum-satem isogloss must have di-
vided the Core Indo-European homeland1 approximately in the middle,
so that the languages spoken in the westernmost fringes of the Eastern
parts absorbed more kentum forms than the other satem languages. One
might ask whether examples of Baltic - ~ Indo-Iranian *k- other than
the one discussed exist at all and cases of Baltic - ~ Slavic *k- where
k- does not precede a sonorant (an environment that would probably
depalatalize it) are close to absent. Thus, if LCS *krm fodder (~ Lith.
erti to feed) really has k- because of the following sonorant, the only
example seems to be Lith. eiv spool < *aiua- alongside Slavic cva <
*kaiua- id..
Thomsen (1890: 223) was the first to etymologize Veps hhk otter
and its Balto-Fennic cognates, Fi. dial. hhk, Olonets Karelian
hehku, Lude hehkine European mink, as a loanword from the Baltic
predecessor of Lith. kas.2 Wichmann (Kalima (1936: 102) instead sug-
gested that the Baltic word was the one that had been borrowed, and
Like most scholars today, I use Core Indo-European about the protolanguage
being left behind after the departure of Anatolian and Tocharian.
Older Baltic loanwords with * show up with h in Balto-Fennic languages in line
with the fact that Early Proto-Fennic * regularly yields h. *Livonian ssk is a
Latvian loanword.
Mink, portimo: Baltic Fur Trade from Antiquity to the Hanse 205
that Balto-Fennic was the provider. He pointed to the fact that Mari
(Cheremis) has a word k, ak, meaning either mink or otter de-
pending on the dialect some dialects have t-k (the 1st element
being t water), meaning otter only. This word corresponds nicely
with the Balto-Fennic protoform *hhk, and Wichmann saw that the
two must be cognates. His hypothesis was then that the borrowing had
taken place at the Early Proto-Fennic stage, when the form would still
have been *k.3
It has now become an established opinion (see the overview of re-
search in van Pareren 2005, 2008) that Baltic exercised at least a modest
influence upon Mordvin lexicon and toponymy. Thomsen (1890) and
Kalima (1936) thought that even (Proto-)Mari had come into some con-
tact with Baltic. Although Mgiste (1959), much to his own chagrin, was
mostly negative, he did not exclude the possibility completely. Likewise,
the inference that Baltic contributed to the Mari lexicon is implied by a
handful of entries in UEW.
Volgaic languages4 historically stretched further to the West, border-
ing areas inhabited by Baltic tribes. Conversely, Baltic languages
reached much further East, not least reflected in the huge area covered
by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania which extended almost all the way to
Here I would like to propose the further possibility that lexical bor-
rowings within a least one semantic field, animals coveted for their
pelts, even took place in the opposite direction, from Mari to Baltic. Ma-
ri k, ak mink; otter is already known to have been borrowed into
neighbouring Turkic languages (Kalima 1936: 102, Rsnen 1969: 105):
Chuvash ak European mink, Bashkir k id., (dial.) aka mar-
ten, Tatar k, k a water animal. It can still be a Fenno-Volgaic
word with remnants in Balto-Fennic and Mari. But note the important
Junttila (2012: 268) nonetheless seems to prefer Thomsens etymology, grouping
it in his category A: Relatively clear etymologies.
Most Uralicists now reject that Mari and Mordvin once formed a genetic sub-
group of Uralic. I leave the question open, but in any case it can be used about a
geographical group of Fenno-Ugric languages which must have been subject to
some convergence (e.g. a tendency to dissimilate sequences of two nasals), es-
pecially since the ethnic groups are regarded to have constituted a historical en-
tity. From Kievan Rus we know the names of three more westerly Volgaic
groups, the Merya, the Muromians, and the Meshchyora. The latter survived at
least into the 16th c., judging by Russian chronicles. Curiously, although the five
Volgaic ethnonyms are likely to have at least four different etymologies, they all
begin with M- (except that the non-native name of Mari is Cheremis).
fact that Mari has a similar word, Meadow Mari eke daughter-in-law;
young lady (Paasonen/Siro 1948: 121), Hill Mari daughter-in-law
(Ramstedt 1902: 129); in some dialects the meaning is more specific,
such as the wife of ones son, the wife of ones younger brother, the
wife of ones husbands younger brother and the wife of ones wifes
younger brother (Moisio & Saarinen 2008: 678). The use of words for
bride, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, or (small) young female about
weasels and other mustelids, historically connected to a symbolism for
pristine, virginal and desired young women, is extremely widespread
across the West Eurasian area (see e.g. Falk 1998: 93-94, Witczak 2004,
Martirosyan 2010: 799-800, Olsen 2010: 16, fn. 17), e.g. Da. brud bride;
least weasel, Mustela nivalis, PGmc. *maru- marten ~ Lith. mart
bride, Latvian mra sister-in-law; It. donnola and Port. doninha
weasel, lit. little lady, Sp. comadreja weasel, little god-mother, Basque
satandre weasel, < *sagut- mouse + andere lady; Gr. weasel ~
sister-in-law, Mod.Gr. weasel; little bride; Hung. hlgy
weasel, bride, Ru. kunica (little) marten; bride (in traditional wedding
rituals), Arm. han-owk weasel ~ harsn-owk little bride and Turk.
gelin bride, dim. gelincik little bride, little young woman; weasel just
to mention a few. This is also the case in the cultures of Western Siberia
from where furs were provided, e.g. the Komi (or Zyryans; Laakso
This makes it probable that Mari eke daughter-in-law; young lady
is related to k, ak otter, mink, at least indirectly. The former is
likely to be formed as a diminutive of the word for sister, which today
is KB ar, U r, B uar. Two protoforms of this word are recon-
structed for Fenno-Volgaic, *sasare (reconstructable also for the Fenno-
Permian stage) and *sisare or *sesare; the former is regarded as Early
Indo-Aryan or Indo-Iranian, the latter as Baltic, and the Mari word can
come from either of them; the rounded vocalism in the first syllable is
secondary from assimilation to the sibilant (UEW 752, 762). Mari has to
velar diminutive suffixes; - and -ka ~ -(i)k, going back to PU *-kV
and *-kkV respectively. The former is realized as the allomorph -k after
a sibilant (Wichmann 1913-1918: 7-9, 11-13). It is therefore likely that
both k, ak mink; otter and eke daughter-in-law; young lady;
sister-in-law are diminutives of the sister-word, the former of *sasare
and the latter of *sesare, at an early time when the vocalism in the Mari
sister-word had not yet become rounded.
Mink, portimo: Baltic Fur Trade from Antiquity to the Hanse 207
English mink, attested as ME menks, mynkes from the 15th-16th c., and its
cognates in Germanic, LG mink otter, Sw. mnk, mink id., are of un-
kown origin. Today the English term denotes a North American animal,
but it was originally used only of the European mink (Mustela lutreola,
German Nertz). Etymological dictionaries typically treat it as an ancient
culture-word connected to fur trade around the Baltic sea, without
speculating further about its origins.
Lat. mstla and Gk. , both have a curious double mean-
ing weasel and burbot, a sweetwater fish species (cf. Schaffner 2006)
with which it shares similarities both in visual characteristics and behav-
ior. While the double meaning in Latin of course could have been taken
over from Greek, connections between the two animals also show up in
Eastern Europe. The Hungarian name for the burbot is mny-hal (hal
fish), lit. weasel-fish, cf. mnyt weasel, mny daughter-in-law;
(OHung.) bride; and a West Slavic name for the burbot is Sorb.
mjenk, Cz. mnk, whose Baltic cognate is Lith. mnk, Latv. mnca,
which was transferred to the salt-water cod, a word that obviously
shares great superficial similarities with our mink.
It thus seems reasonable to establish the Germanic word for mink
as a loanword from a Baltic or a West Slavic language. Since the mink is
often designated by its wet habitat (Lith. audn, cf. Young 2001; Fi.
vesikko, cf. vesi water; Da. flodilder, lit. river polecat) the recurrent
element *min- in Baltic river names comes to mind. But the line of
transmission does not begin in Baltic or West Slavic. The formation
mentioned above is also found in Slovenian menk, menk and derived
from LCS *mn, reconstructed on the basis of Ru. men, Ukr. min, Slo-
vak mie and the rarer Czech simplex me The root man- in SCr. mani,
curiously missing from Vasmer (1953-1958), also fits in (cf. pas dog <
*mn), while the Lechitic derivatives Pol. mitus ( Belaru. mjantz),
Kashubian mitus, as well as Rusyn mnuh, Ru.dial. mentuk ( Moksha
Mordvin mentuk, Erzya Mordvin *mntuk), are less well understood.
These Balto-Slavic forms are normally regarded to constitute a word-
family with PGmc. *muniw (> Eng. minnow) and Gr. small fish,
sprat; a root *menH- with the zero-grade of an i-stem form the basis of
the Germanic, Common Slavic and Greek forms while the Baltic and
West Slavic forms extended with a suffx -k- have full-grade. It is note-
worthy, however, that the Germanic and Greek forms designate specifi-
cally small kinds of fish and could just as well have been formed inde-
pendently from (Pre-)PGmc. *min-u- small and (Pre-)PGk. *mei-n-
id. respectively. The Balto-Slavic forms are terms for a completely dif-
ferent kind of species, overlapping almost completely with Fenno-
Volgaic forms: the aforementioned Hung. mny-hal and Hill Mari
(West Cheremis) men, men-gol, also burbot.
At first glance it appears that Mari simply borrowed their terms for
the fish from Russian men, while the Hungarian word, first attested
1395, would have been taken over from Pannonian Slavic. However,
there are several problems with this seemingly straightforward scenario.
First, the Hungarian vocalism is wrong since the manifestation --
(which is not distinguished from -e- in the standard language) normally
points to back vocalism in the stressed syllable of the lending language,
but this Slavic word only had front vowels. Second, it would be an
amazing coincidence, in the light of other European connections be-
tween terms for burbot and weasel; young lady if the Slavic loanword
meaning burbot just happened to have the same shape in Hungarian as
the inherited word for daughter-in-law; weasel (PU *mi daughter-
in-law; young lady, UEW 276).
Moreover, the Hungarian and Mari words actually correspond to
each other as from a common protoform, and Skolt Saami has manij
(big) whitefish, Coregonus (lavaretus), moanji, moanjiga id. (Col-
linder 1977: 115; SKES 347-348). Since *ekas already constitutes a pos-
sible Mari loanword in Baltic, I find it plausible that the stem *men- in
the meaning burbot; weasel was transferred to from Volgaic to the Bal-
tic Sea region as well. Among other possibilities, it could have happened
from Proto-Mari to Late Common Slavic and (East) Baltic. The suffixat-
ed Slavic forms could either be borrowings from Baltic or parallel for-
mations. From burbot skin Fenno-Ugric forest peoples have traditional-
ly produced clothing coats, boots, and caps justifying an analogy
with terrestrial animals hunted for their pelt (Armstrong 1997). The
burbot along with the sturgeon and sterlet were so important for the
Khanty (Ostyaks) in the time of Russian expansions in the 1600s that a
particularly bad fishing season could threaten the very existence of a
tribe. Novgorod and Moscow exploited the fur resources of the North
Mink, portimo: Baltic Fur Trade from Antiquity to the Hanse 209
for its foreign trade, and luxury furs from mustelids like ermine and
sable were called the gold of ancient Rus (Platonov & Andreev 1922).
Whether the Baltic and Slavic forms are Indo-European or borrowed
from Fenno-Volgaic, it seems clear that the Germanic term for the mink
must derive from the Balto-Slavic fish-name. It is further conceivable
that the term mink spread in Western Europe under the influence of
Du. minneken playful term for a female > Eng. minikin (attested from
the 16th c.).
4 Finnish por(t)timo
Leaving the question of Volgaic loans into Baltic, let us turn to the Finn-
ish name of the stoat, ermine, portimo, dial. porttimo, and its cognates
in Karelian, Lude and Veps. Previous proposals are unsatisfying: Koi-
vulehto (1979) derives it from Fi. porras, gen. portaan step; staircase
etc. with reference to the animals habitat in human houses and farms;
and Liukkonen (1999) imagines a rendering of a hypothetical Baltic
sparteiva swift animal, cf. sparts swift5.
That -ti- fails to assibilate into *-si- speaks for a Germanic rather than
a Baltic origin, because most of the Baltic loanwords in Balto-Fennic
were borrowed before the assibilation. Since the distribution is confined
to the Northern branch of Balto-Fennic, a somewhat recent origin in
Germanic is likely. BF *portti- would be the expected substitution of
Late ME forette, MDu. furet ferret, borrowed from OFr. fuiret <
Vulg.Lat. *furittus, lit. little polecat, derived from fr polecat. The
name could have spread Northwards with the Hanseatic trade between
between the 13th and the 17th century, perhaps even from the end of the
12th century (See Bentlin 2008 for a new account on MLG loanwords in
Finnish). Substituting forett- with portt- would be expected, cf. Fi. per-
jantai Friday alongside MLG vrdach, Old Bavarian pferintag id.
(Bentlin 2008: 156).6
The suffix -imo is not excessively common in Fennic but occurs in
many place-names and a few nouns like tuhkimo ashtray from tuhka
Junttila (2012: 268) groups this proposal under his category B: Dubious ety-
mologies, rather than in C: Erroneous etymologies.
In fact one may wonder if Eng. polecat is not a folk-etymological reshaping of
the word *poleka that yielded e.g. North Saami buoidaga weasel, brought
Southwestwards with the Hanseatic trade or perhaps earlier in connection with
the fur trade.
Armstrong, Peter C.B., 1997: Foreigners, Furs and Faith: Muscovys Expansion into
Western Siberia, 1581-1649. MA thesis from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova
Bentlin, Mikko, 2008: Niederdeutsch-finnische Sprachkontakte: Der lexikalische Ein-
flu auf die finnische Sprache whrend des Mittelalters und der frhen Neuzeit [=
Mmoires de la Socit Finno-Ougrienne 256]. Helsinki: Suomailais-Ugrilainen
Falk, Harry, 1993: Der Zobel im Rigveda. Gerhard Meiser (ed.): Indogermanica
et Italica [Fs. Helmut Rix = Innsbrucker Beitrge zur Sprachwissenschaft 72].
Innsbruck: IBS. Pp. 76-94.
Fick, August, 1879: Schwa indogermanicum. Beitrge zur Kunde der indoger-
manischen Sprachen 3: 157-165.
Junttila, Santeri, 2012: The prehistoric context of the oldest contacts between Baltic
and Finnic languages. Riho Grnthal & Petri Kallio (eds.): A Linguistic Map
of Prehistoric Northern Europe [= Mmoires de la Socit Finno-Ougrienne
266]. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura. Pp. 261-296.
Kalima, Jalo, 1936: Itmerensuomalaisten kielten balttilaiset lainasanat. Helsinki:
Suomen Kirjallisuuden Seura.
Koivulehto, Jorma, 1979: Baltisches und Germanisches im Finnischen: die finn.
Stmme auf -rte- und die finn. Sequenz VrtV. E.F. Schiefer (ed.): Explanatio-
nes et tractiones Fenno-Ugricae in honorem Hans Fromm. Mnchen: Wilhelm
Fink. Pp. 129-164.
It is conceivable that the use of exactly this quite rare suffix in a late word for
ermine was furthered by association between tuhkimo and the only other word
in Finnish beginning with tuhk-, namely tuhkuri mink.
Mink, portimo: Baltic Fur Trade from Antiquity to the Hanse 211
Eugen Helimski (1998) showed that the accented vowel of High Ger-
man, Latin and Slavic words governs whether they acquire front-vowel
or back-vowel harmony as loanwords into Hungarian. While the Ger-
man material appears exceptionless, some words of Slavic and Latin
provenance exhibit unexpected back-vowel harmony. This article shows
that if a labial sound follows the originally accented vowel, front-vowel
harmony is blocked. The rule applies without exception to both Slavic
and Latin loanwords; it is thus an economical solution.
It follows that variation in Slavic loanwords in Hungarian cannot
serve as a testimony of Old Slavic accent shifts, but merely of the place
of the original (pitch) accent; and that the Slavic language that provided
loanwords in early Hungarian must have been fairly uniform. As for
Latin, it likewise renders an appeal to late accent shifts unnecessary.
Helimski also showed that a subset of Latin words containing a me-
dial cluster *-CiV- could trigger front-vowel harmony even if the origi-
nal accent fell on a back vowel. Here it is shown that the distribution of
front and back vocalism in this type is further governed by the vowel of
the initial syllable. This minor rule possibly applies to Slavic as well.
is more correct to say that any given word, derived or underived, must
contain vowels from a certain restricted group, and that it is not neces-
sarily a progressive assimilation it may have started out as regressive,
or even both at the same time, if the trigger occurred in the middle of
the word. Vowel harmonic rules vary from language to language. In
Hungarian, all native words must contain either back vowels (a, o, u, ,
, ) or intolerant front vowels (e, , , , ) while they can always
contain tolerant front vowels (i, , and ).
In a brilliant and important article, Helimski (1992) showed that
original stress in the lending language determines whether loanwords in
Hungarian acquire front (palatal) vocalism or back (velar) vocalim.
As he mentions, there has been no issue regarding the many Turkic
loanwords because they were already subject to a similar vowel harmo-
ny from the outset (and in general consist of vowels that form part of
the Hungarian phonemic system). However, Hungarian also absorbed
many loanwords from languages without vowel harmony since the
Magyar migrations into Central Europe in the 9th century, especially
(unspecified) Slavic, Latin and different stages of High German, all of
which have exported numerous polysyllabic words with back-vowel syl-
lables interchanging with front-vowel syllables into Hungarian. Alt-
hough in a few cases Hungarian ended up with both a back-vowel and a
front-vowel variant, most often there is only one form.
Helimski showed that the outcome was determined by the original
vocalism of syllable carrying the main stress in any of the three source
languages. The rule is completely consistent for High German loan-
words. In this article, I will try to explain a number of loanwords from
Latin and Slavic that seem to deviate from the rule.
In loanwords from Old High German, Middle High German and Early
Modern High German, the stressed syllable was normally also the first
syllable; however, as Helimski pointed out (1998: 46), this was not al-
ways the case. The dialectal Hungarian word ispotly hospital, bor-
rowed from Middle High German, is important because it was itself a
loanword in Middle High German where it had retained the original
stress on the last syllable (as still in Modern High German Spital):
Latin and Slavic Loanwords in Hungarian: Vowel Harmony 215
Hu. bajor Bavarian (11th c. Paiur) < MHG bayer (Mollay 1982 : 150-
Hu. cukor sugar (1587 : cukor) < Early NHG czukcher, zugher (Mol-
lay 1982 : 150-151)
Hu. (obs.) frstk (about 1395 : feletekum) breakfast < Early NHG
Frstukch, fruestukh (Mollay 1982 : 278-289)
Hu. herceg prince (1201: Herceg) < OHG herzog (Mollay 1982: 308)
Hu. dial. ispotly (Jkai Kdex 1372/1448 hypital-, Spital-; 1527 hyt-
aly) < MHG spitl (cf. NHG Spital)
Hu. kalmr (1301: Kalamar-) < MHG krmre tradesman, mer-
chant (Mollay 1982 : 336)
Hu. (obs.) lbstk (1604 Lobotoc) the plant Levisticum < Early
NHG lbestock, lebestock (< Lat. levisticum) (Mollay 1982 : 389)
Hu. polgr citizen (1229/1550 : Pulgar) < MHG burgre city-
dweller (Mollay 1982 : 444-446)
Hu. pspk bishop (1177/about 15oo Pyspek- ; dial. pspk, pzsbk,
pspk, pispk) < Old Bavarian piscof (Mollay 1982 : 459-465)
Hu. tenyr palm < OHG tenar, MHG tener (Mollay 1982 : 528-530)
Hu. vnkos pillow < MHG wangechusse, wangkss
Helimski further showed that in Latin loanwords the same rule applied,
however only in such loanwords where vocalic harmonization was not
blocked because of their bookish character and influence from the litur-
gical tradition. The affected words comprise many proper names. The
following heterovocalic Latin words acquire back-vowel harmony:
This word was probably borrowed via OHG kamara, kamera (Mollay 1982: 337-
Hu. PN ibolya (1340 iwola) violet < Vulg.Lat., LLat. vila <
Class.Lat. vola (TESz)
Latin words with a medial cluster containing a palatal element in it, i.e.
words containing a medial structure -CiV-, occur mostly with front vo-
wels even if the originally stressed vowel (and many other vowels of the
word) is a back vowel. In such cases variation sometimes occurs, and in
the case of Adorjn mentioned above no front-vowel variant is known:
Helimski does not ascribe the variation in these four individual cases to
any kind of regularity. It is noteworthy, however, that the first vowel in
both Hadrinus and Daminus are back-vowels, leading to back voca-
lism (Adorjn, Damjn) with a front-vowel variant in one of the cases
(Dmjn), while the first vowel of Cyricus and Sebastinus are front
Latin and Slavic Loanwords in Hungarian: Vowel Harmony 217
He suggests (p. 50) that the high degree of compatibility of the harmo-
nically tolerant vowel with the back vowels overweighed its palatal
character. While these two words are indeed the only examples con-
taining an open-syllable -e- in Latin, Helimski does not formulate his
suggestion as arule, in fact he exactly counts these examples as excep-
tions; and it is still a bit difficult to account for the fact that they did not
end up as dzsme or tgle respectively. Below we will see how another
rule must have applied which can also explain similar exceptions within
the bulk of Old Slavic loanwords.
As he notes, other exceptions are actually not direct borrowings from Latin, but
have been taken over from Old High German, as in the case of monostor mon-
astery where the immediate source was OHG munusturi, munsturi and Latin
monastrium only the ultimate source. This is most likely also the case of several
proper names like Mrton (< Mrtin rather than Lat. MartInus) and goston (<
ugustin, not Lat. AugustInus).
ticulation of the stressed vowel in the source language governs the vowel
harmony of the Hungarian word:
Hu. acl steel (not ecl) LCS *cl; Kniesza 1974: 59-60)
Hu. csahol long shirt (not csehl) LCS *exl, cf. Ru. exl co-
Hu. csata fight; (obs.) military team (not csete) LCS *eta, cf. Ru.
et match, pair
Hu. csnak boat (not csnek) LCS *lnk, cf. Ru. elnk small
Hu. csorda herd (not csrde) LCS *erda > rda, cf. Ru. ered
turn, order
Hu. cstrtk Thursday (not csutortok) LCS etvrtk, cf. ORu.
etvrtk (changed in Mod.Ru. etvertk four pieces)
Hu.dial. deget wheel-grease (not e.g. dagat) LCS *degt, cf. Ru.
dgot tar, pitch
Hu. ebd dinner (not abd) LCS *obd (Kniesza 1974: 166-167)
Hu. kalapl to hammer (not kelepl) LCS *klepa-, cf. Ru. klept
to rivet
Hu. morotva old riverbed (not mrtve) LCS *mrtva, cf. Ru.
mertv dead (fem.)
Hu. sztn stimulus, drive (not oszton) LCS *ostn, cf. Ru. os-
tn id.
Hu. rosta sifter, sieve (not e.g. rest) LCS *reeto, cf. Ru. reet
Hu. szalonna lard, bacon (not e.g. szelnne) LCS *solnn >
*slann (salted) lard (Kniesza 1974: 487)3
Hu. szelnce casket, small box (not e.g. szalonca) LCS *solnica
box for salt, salt-cellar (Kniesza 1974: 495-497)
Hu. szrda Wednesday (not e.g. szarda) LCS *serda > *srda, cf.
Ru. sred id.
Hu. dial. (and obs.) szosztra ~ szesztra junior nun (not e.g. szsztre
or szesztre) < LCS *sestra, cf. Ru. sestr sister
The same Slavic word entered Hungarian later via Romanian slanin, when the
adaptation rules had stopped working, and became szlanina (Bakos 1977: 132).
Latin and Slavic Loanwords in Hungarian: Vowel Harmony 219
There are also harmonic doublets of Slavic origin which are tentatively
ascribed to accentual doublets in Slavic:
respectively. Below we will see how another rule must have applied
which can also explain similar exceptions within the bulk of Old Slavic
The exceptions all contain a labial sound following the original stress
which could have triggered a strategy for nativization dominated by
back-vocalism. Perhaps Latin -l- also had this effect since Lat. -u- is like-
ly to represent a centralized epenthetic vowel:
Hu. PN ibolya (1340 iwola) violet < Vulg.Lat., LLat. vila <
Class.Lat. Vola
source word had an accented front vowel, and this is allowed because
the labial sequence precedes, not follows, the accented vowel.
The latter does have front-vowel harmony throughout the word despite
the labial element because here our other rule of medial palatal se-
quences -CiV- triggers it. The two words are further distinct by their
place of vowel articulation in the first syllable which may have played a
role at least for bazsalikom in the sense that it could have contributed to
add up the factors in favor of a back vowel.
With this rule we can even get solved where the stress was in the La-
tin form of Elisabeth ; it is now clear that it must have been on the last
syllable because it could not have preceded the labial -b- which would
have resulted in a different vowel harmony with at least one back vowel
substituting the -a-. This may even be applicable if the name was bor-
rowed via another language than Latin. Some Slavic languages have
stress on -bt- (e.g. Serbian jelisavta) but the Hungarian form shows no
trace of the feminine ending a that has been added to the name. Thus,
in a revised version:
This example was suggested to me by Sen Vrieland.
Latin and Slavic Loanwords in Hungarian: Vowel Harmony 221
6 Conclusion
tic, servant is the only example with a medial structure *-CjV- that is
similar to the Latin structure *-CiV- causing variation above.
The rules can be formalized this way, where VH represents vowel har-
mony and SL stands for source language:
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English Summary
Selv vores ord halv kan pvises at g tilbage til en gammel finsk handels-
term, der betyder reduceret, billig.
Nogle af termerne har med pelsdyr at gre (fx mink) og er udvekslet
i forbindelse med den pelshandel, der foregik langs stersens kyster i
rhundreder fra romertid til hansetid. Andre dyretermer, fx en lang
rkke ord for grise og svin, er overraskende meget ldre ln, der har
forbindelse mske helt tilbage til den grubekeramiske kultur omkring
3000 f.Kr. Nogle lneord viser for frste gang, at (ur)keltere og finske
folk m have vret i direkte kontakt med hinanden.