Grow A Living Wall - Create Vertical Gardens With Purpose Pollinators - Herbs and Veggies - Aromatherapy - Many More (2015)
Grow A Living Wall - Create Vertical Gardens With Purpose Pollinators - Herbs and Veggies - Aromatherapy - Many More (2015)
Grow A Living Wall - Create Vertical Gardens With Purpose Pollinators - Herbs and Veggies - Aromatherapy - Many More (2015)
Center, Insulate-a-Wall Garden To find out more about our books, visit us online at
(page 83), Shawna Coronado
ISBN: 978-1-59786-624-4
Bottom, Herbal Cocktail Garden Digital edition: 978-1-62788-620-8
(page 43), Shawna Coronado Softcover edition: 978-1-59186-624-4
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Coronado, Shawna, author.
Grow a living wall : create vertical gardens with purpose : pollinatorsherbs & veggies
aromatherapymany more / Shawna Coronado.
pages cm
Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-59186-624-4 (sc)
1. Vertical gardening. I. Title. II. Title: Create vertical gardens with purpose.
SB463.5.C65 2015
Printed in China
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Part I Part II
How to Create Living Wall Gardens
Living Walls with Purpose
22 43
Which Living Wall System Herbal Cocktail Garden
Is Right for You? A Freestanding Herb Garden Planted
with Mixology in Mind
Tools That Help 47
Moss and Shade Wall Art
29 Low-Maintenance Moss Makes a Novel
Getting Started Design Statement in Any Home
31 51
Watering the Living Wall Vegetable Balconies Garden
32 These Hanging Veggie Boxes Deliver
Soil and Compost Fresh Food and Fresh Air
35 55
Choosing and Obtaining Plants Fern Garden
for Your Living Wall A Stunning Vertical Wall Solution for
Shady and Damp Locations
Cactus Living Wall
Put a Spotlight on Exotic Desert Beauty and Color
with an Arrangement of Water-Smart Cactus
Therapeutic Hanging Gardens
Two Simple Living Wall Arrangements that Turn
a Plain Gate into a Calming Garden Element
Hydroponic Pollinator Garden
This Beautiful (and Soilless) Flowering Garden Offers
Food and Shelter for Bees and Butterflies
Shade Pallet Garden
Bringing New Life to a Living Wall Using Some Old Wood
Insulate-a-Wall Garden
Use Flowers, Vegetables, and Herbs to Save Energy
IMAGINE A rEVOLUTIONArY PLANTING technique that lets you plant more than thirty plants in a floor area that is only one
square foot. The trick is simply to grow up, not out. Gardening with this technique is amazingly simple and easy to accomplish
for anyone, just by planting a living wall garden. Sited on fences, gates, walls, balconies, and even doors, living wall gardens
save enormous amounts of space, while producing an abundance of flowers, perennials, herbs, and vegetables.
I came up with the idea of planting more vertical mitigate urban heat issues, inspire therapeutic living, grow
or living walls on my own property when I picked up a aphrodisiac plants, contribute to your culinary kitchen, save
24-by-7-inch window box, did a little math, and discovered water, help beautify a community, help save the pollinating
that its footprint was exactly 1.16 square feet. Then I insects, and even help you entertain your friends. Do you
thought: What if I stacked five window boxes on top of one love herbal tea? Design a garden with all the herbs you need
another and fastened them to the wall? That 1.16-square- to make your favorite herbal tea blends. Imagine having a
foot garden would increase its planting capacity five times. cute little kitchen garden or cocktail herb garden that can
In about one square foot of floor space, I could plant nearly reside right on your balcony or patio. The point is, these
6 square feet of plants. This would enable me to plant distinct, self-contained gardens are just the right size to
between thirty-five and forty-five plants. Hows that for make any statement or develop any theme you want, from
efficient? And what if small-space gardeners all over the the frivolous to the life-affirming. With a living wall you
world would adopt this vertical growing method? That would can make a difference by creating something that is both
mean more food for the hungry and more flowering plants attractive and useful.
for pollinators. Planting vertically could truly help a family While the practical applications for living wall gardens
make a difference for themselves and their community. are virtually unlimited, for many people the best reason to
What else can living walls do? They can help save energy grow one is simply that they are beautiful and truly artistic
and reduce utility expenses, solve challenging design issues, conversation pieces.
8 IntroductIon
10 IntroductIon
12 IntroductIon
14 IntroductIon
16 IntroductIon
18 IntroductIon
For many years, the term green wall meant that the Typically, there are four styles of living wall systems that
roots of the plants existed in a soilless product of some kind, are suitable for exterior living walls: mat systems, block
which was then hung on either an exterior or interior wall. systems, loose-medium systems, and homemade systems. No
In recent years, this definition has changed and expanded as matter which style of living wall you choose, each can have a
more systems and units have come out for varying purposes. self-watering arrangement incorporated into it. This means
Living wall or green wall can be defined simply as a wall of fewer watering concerns and more ease of maintenance.
plants with various types of soilless or soil-filled products Mat-style systems are most frequently made from felt
supporting it. mats, coir fiber, or a rock substrate, much like the units
used in the Freestanding Entrance Garden or the Pollinator principle systems featured in each project. They are built
Garden projects. Some, such as the Pollinator Garden, are for installations that are less than 10 feet tall and have
exclusively hydroponic. Rooted plants are inserted into the soil as the major base component for planting. Window
system and most typically grow directly into the matting, box systems, pocket systems, bag systems, bracket-hung
which makes it a system that is less dependent on soil and framed art pockets, and container-on-the-wall systems are
more dependent on proper watering with organic fertilizer all variations on the loose-medium concept. Loose-medium
added to the water to help support the root structure. systems must have their soil/growing medium replaced
If left up too long, the mat system can become clogged once a season. Refreshing the soil is typically done in the
with roots, which prevents proper watering, so the system early spring for most garden zones, particularly areas that
should be refreshed regularly. Mat systems are best suited have extreme winter garden weather. This enables the
for installations that are smaller than 10 feet tall and wide young plants to get a fresh start with clean rooting material.
in order to have easy access to repair planting pockets. Additional systems include homemade soilless
Block systems are highly structural. They are often concepts, such as the Moss and Shade Wall Art projecta
shaped like bricks or blocks and sometimes combine soil do-it-yourself art concept that has no soil requirement
and coir or other fiber into a heavy-duty planting brick. They whatsoever. Additionally, soil-filled bottles, jars, pallets,
are tough systems that can last up to fifteen years after bookshelves, and other repurposed items can be reused to
theyre installed. They are easy to replace for maintenance make a living wall unit.
concerns. Block systems are the best choice in areas where Most living wall systems must be hung on a gate, fence,
earthquakes and seismic activity exist, because they build or wall. However, several of the living walls discussed in
a more stable living wall. Many industrial living walls are this book can be installed as standalone structures, yet
created with block systems and, generally, they are less are still classified as vertical systems because they are
suitable for home use. The planting details of this particular vertical standing container units that function as a wall unit.
system are not covered in this book due to its more Apartment dwellers with small balconies or renters with tiny
industrial nature. patios might consider the standalone systems for occasions
Loose-medium systems are the best solution for the where they do not want to or are not allowed to drill into
everyday homeowner or community garden and are the the walls or fences of their building property.
Wall strength
Whether you make your own system or purchase a prebuilt Additional concerns for wall strength include watering
or structured living wall system for your own special techniques on the wall unit. If, for example, you have hose
vertical garden, your most important consideration should access and you regularly soak both the living wall system
be the structural integrity of the wall, fence, gate, or door and wall with water from the hose, will it weaken the wall
that will support your vertical garden. Fences, for example, structure? If the fence or wall is built for outdoor conditions,
should be permanently installed with sturdy fence posts then chances are it will be fine for system placement. Do
that are set in concrete to ensure that the fence will not tip not place a unit on plain drywall or any wall material thats
from the heavy weight. Walls should be structurally sound weak and can rot or become further weakened by watering
and be able to withstand hundreds of waterings and other conditions. This will likely end in failure of the garden, wall,
outdoor issues. or both.
Most fences and exterior walls can easily support fifty Dwight D. eisenhower once said, Plans are nothing,
to one hundred pounds of weight spread out over a 10-foot planning is everything. Indeed, this is particularly true with
area. This does not mean that all walls can support the living wall structures and systems. Having a basic living wall
heavier weight of a soil-filled living wall. If you intend to system might seem to be a lovely idea and easy enough to
install a large living wall installation, it is always a good idea assemble, but understanding the basic structure of the wall
to first consult a structural engineer to help you determine if can help you plan a long-term living wall solution that is safe,
the structure is adequate for the task. beautiful, and long lasting.
While the CobraHead tool is mostly used for weeding in a traditional garden, I have
found it remarkably helpful in digging trenches, hooking and pulling out old soil, and
helping create space in living wall pockets. Photo courtesy of the CobraHead Company
heads found on some weeding tools dig perfect rows in soil force of the water with your thumb. When you use a tradi-
pockets. tional garden hose without a rain wand, the force of the
Bypass prunerI use the bypass pruner to clean browning water stream can push the soil out of the living wall. By
leaves and sticks off the living walls. Sometimes a little using a wand, the water comes out gently yet thoroughly
shaping of the plants on the wall with the pruner or waters all the various types of wall units. Definitely an
even a small pair of scissors makes an enormous differ- important tool if youll be using a garden hose to deliver
ence in cleanness and beauty. over the years Ive found water to your living wall.
that smaller cutting and trimming tools are very easy to Drinking-safe garden hoseIf you have access to a garden
misplace as they can slip into the weeds and hide easily. hose, it should be a drinking-safe water hose. Many garden
Thats why I look for models that have brightly colored hoses contain lead and other toxic ingredients. With this
handles that make them easier to spot. in mind, why would you water your organic garden with a
Rain wandA rain wand is a hose attachment that hose that has the risk of toxic exposure? Use a drinking-safe
enables you to water one-handed while controlling the garden hose for a healthier gardening experience.
Row markersDepending on the living wall system you are using, you
may or may not want to plant seeds. When you plant seeds, it can be
important to make straight rows depending on your planting plan. row
markers help make straight lines. Simply place the row marker dibber
in the soil on each side of your planting area and tie a string to them. Use
the string as a guide to plant a straight line.
Seed storage unitTheyre not just for living wall gardens, but Ive
found that having a dedicated place to store your seeds is a very helpful
resource for any gardener. I use a nifty little storage box I found online.
Row markers help with planting seeds and small
It allows you to sort, categorize, and store the seeds so you do not
seedlings in nice straight rows, which can have an
lose them. This can be quite valuable, particularly if you are a part of a
impact on the success of your living wall design.
community garden where everyone needs to keep track of where they
are and the specific expiration dates for the seeds.
Watering canMy favorite watering can is an old metal one I found at
a vintage thrift shop. What type of watering can is not critical, but youll
find enough choices out there that its worth finding one you like. This
is especially true if your living wall is located on an apartment balcony
where you may not have a garden hose available. Make sure your
watering can is small enough to fit easily under your water source and to
lift overhead without spilling when watering a high hanging garden.
Living walls offer something particularly unique perspective. When you are faced with a medium-to-large
because of the striking visual effect produced by an wall installation, your entire body feels enveloped in the
upright wall. As we walk through our gardens, we spend garden. Its like a hug from nature to sit next to a beautiful
much of our time looking down at the ground and noticing wall garden and absorb the sights and smells. Living walls
the paths, the plants, and the color. Yet raising your help connect you with plants in a way that can only be
eyes upward can have a powerful effect from a design described as immersion.
sun Requirements
once you have chosen the best system, youll need to with little or no sunlight, but they like indirect light or no
take into account the light conditions available in order to light whatsoever. Watch the sun conditions on your site to
obtain plants that will thrive in your growing conditions. determine the best plant for the specific sun and growing
each balcony, patio, or property has unique sun conditions. conditions you have.
Choosing a site for a living wall means you must consider the By mixing shade plants with full sun plants, you might be
sun in order to place plants in a successful location. Whether creating a situation that will encourage failure. Try planting
you are growing annuals, herbs, vegetables, or perennials, all the sun-loving plants in one living wall garden that
you must understand garden light exposure for the living receives a lot of direct sunlight throughout the day. Shade
wall. Typically, most balconies, fences, and entryways are in plants should be planted in a shady area, grouping the plants
partial shade. occasionally sun will hit these areas directly with similar light and watering requirements together in
for most of the day, particularly if you have a southern order to achieve success. Designing with light exposure in
exposure or no other buildings nearby. Full-sun plants need mind can save you a tremendous amount of money as well
approximately six hours of direct sunlight per day. Part- because you will have to water a living wall less if it is placed
sun plants will prefer filtered light during the day but still in the right position.
require four hours of sunlight per day. Shade plants can live
Chemical use
There is absolutely no need to use heavy treatment of finding the quickest, easiest solution before finding the
chemicals with a living wall system. Many gardeners around best and healthiest solution. Sometimes the healthier
the world reach for the chemical fertilizers, pesticides, solution takes a few extra steps.
fungicides, or herbicides first. In the United States, the In the circle of chemical use, there is good news if you
home and garden market spends almost as much money grow a vertical garden. Living walls do not need herbicides
billions of dollarson pesticides as the agricultural industry. of any kind; in fact, they rarely have a weed to pull. When
Perhaps the reason for this is the give me a pill mentality considering the use of pesticides, fungicides, or fertilizers,
GEttInG stArtEd 29
Climate (and Microclimate) are treating the right thing. Pests, diseases, or improper
planting could be the issue, and it is important for you to
Living walls can sometimes create warmer patches called discover and treat the correct problem rather than use a
microclimates. These areas form on walls that receive a random application and slam the plant with a solution that
south sun directly all day long; this heats up the wall, making will not work.
a living wall a place where some plants can survive, even Creating an environment within your vertical garden
though they might not grow in the ground successfully. that builds a thriving and beautiful living wall starts with
Additional considerations for living walls include an areas having the correct soil for the plants you are growing,
wind, humidity, and soil conditions. With good planning and then planting the right plant in the right location so
a thorough knowledge of a plants needs, one can purpose- that it receives the proper sunlight and environmental
fully create microclimates in order to expand the variety of conditions to succeed. your goal is to build a healthy
plants you can grow in a season. Understanding plant zones community, not just a healthy living wall, and that success
and growth conditions can mean the difference between comes by creating a healthy foundation for the plants
failure and success, particularly for vegetables. roots to grow in.
Because living walls are frequently raised up and exposed benefit of increasing complicated microbial growth within
to wind and air, they will dry out faster than traditional the soil around the roots. Yard clippings and food scraps
container gardens, which can mean you have to water make up one quarter of the United States solid waste
more. While growing the typical annuals, vegetables, and in landfills and produce methane, a greenhouse gas,
perennials, you will need a soil that is less airy and a bit as they decompose. Composting and making your own
heavier to help it have stronger water retention. you can worm castings in a kitchen worm-casting bin will help
increase the weight of your soil so that it will hold more the environment as well as your living wall. Do not add
water by mixing traditional potting soil with other natural noncertified organic water crystals made from chemical
ingredients or by making your own soil. These ingredients polymers or artificial fertilizers to your soil mixes, and always
include compost and worm castings. Both have the added grow with few or no chemicals whenever you can.
Adding the best soil mix to the living wall system will help
the roots of the plants adapt and grow more readily, building a
successful foundation for your plants.
Natural Fertilizers
Living walls are essentially container gardens and, while
organic fertilizer is not absolutely needed to grow a plant,
the plant normally becomes stronger and more productive
if fertilized organically and on a regular basis. Also, vegeta-
bles are more likely to need an organic fertilizer than other
plants. When a slow-release fertilizer is added at planting
time it has been proven that vegetables are more likely to
succeed and produce more. For example, the University of
Maryland did a research study on pepper production and
doubled production by mixing slow-release fertilizer in at
planting time. Vegetables can be lightly fertilized with an
To make your own compost tea, simply mix composted manure organic product every two to three weeks throughout the
with water or soak compost tea bags. Add the tea to enrich the primary growing season. Compost tea can be added regu-
plants at watering time. larly at watering time.
one note, however: using any fertilizer when it is not
necessary will not improve the condition of your plants and
could simply cause a misbalance in the living wall system.
Before you apply fertilizer, always ask the question, Do I
really need to add this?
WHAT TYPES OF PLANTS should you use in your living wall? That answer can best be determined once you understand the
gardening conditions where you are growing.
What planting zone do you live in? How much light does the wall area where youll be planting your living wall get? If it
receives part-shade instead of sun, then it will be possible to plant vegetables, but you might want to consider the vegetables
that perform better in shade.
Much like traditional gardens, living wall gardens in cooler Depending on your lifestyle and schedule, you may
planting zones should not be planted until after the last frost choose to purchase pregrown vegetables or bedding plants,
in the spring. Its important to research your local growing houseplants, or perennials; or, you may prefer to grow
area to better understand when to plant, particularly if you your own from seed. When making purchases of these
are a new gardener. Consulting with a horticulturist at a types of products, consider buying from local sources.
nearby locally owned garden center or a college agricultural When a bedding plant is grown locally you will be saving in
extension office can help you make wise plant selections. energy miles, which is the amount of energy expended
living wall; remove them from their cells or containers and vegetables is smart: the design becomes more colorful and, at
gently tease apart the roots. Place them in the amended the same time, flashy-colored vegetables typically contain a
soil and cover their roots. Water thoroughly. higher level of nutrition and vitamin value. Here is a list filled
Perennials planted in a living wall might not live through with some of my favorite colorful foliage vegetables that are
an unusually harsh winter. With this in mind, you have excellent in a living wall garden. If a type is not specified, it
two choices for perennial foliage: either pull the perennial means that most varieties offer ornamental appeal:
out at the end of the season and replant it in fall in the Anise Hyssop, Golden Jubilee
ground to insulate the plant, replanting again in the spring, Arugula Mints
or leave it in the living wall and see if you get lucky and it Basil, all purple varieties Mustard greens
overwinters into next season. Basil, globe oregano, Amethyst Falls
Perennials can be planted anytime, but they will see
Basil, Pesto Perpetuo oregano, Variegated
the most growth in a season if planted early in the spring.
Basil, Thai Ornamental cabbage
Understanding a perennial plants growth habits, watering
needs, and sun requirements is particularly important in Beet, Bulls Blood ornamental kale
the planting process so it will survive in the living wall. Cabbage Ornamental hot peppers
Planting the perennials with an organic fertilizer soil Celery Ornamental
amendment will help its roots take hold. Chives sweet potato vine
There are several design techniques I use with perennial Purple kohlrabi
Collard greens
gardens, and these concepts can be applied to wall gardens Radicchio
as well. One design idea is to put all the tall perennials
Fennel Rosemary
in the back, the medium height plants in the middle,
Kale, Dwarf Blue Curled Rhubarb
and the short plants in the front. This works well with a
living wall whether you are using perennials exclusively or Kale, Italian Lacinato Silver thyme
mixing in annuals and vegetablestall works best in back. nero Toscana Spinach
When I plant an island perennial garden, I plant all the tall Kale, redbor Strawberries
perennials in the middle of the bed, circled by medium Kale, Winterbore Swiss chard
height plants, with an outer ring of short plants. You can
Lavender Tarragon, Mexican
create this look with a living wall as well by planting the
Leaf lettuce Thyme, Golden Lemon
taller perennials in the middle area of the living wall, with
the plants gradually receding in height on the sides. Much Microgreens
ONE OF MY FAVOrITE activities ever is to sit on my cocktail garden patio after a hard day of weeding, covered in mud and in
my work boots, of course, enjoying a fine martini with my garden helpers and admiring the fruits of our hard work. You too can
create a cocktail/entertaining living wall on a deck, balcony, or patio. Plant herbs that you can garnish or muddle or infuse, and
youll have a perfect place to promote home entertaining and community building. Plus, it just smells darned delicious. One
truly amazing benefit of gardening with a living wall cocktail garden is no weeding. Therefore, you have my permission to skip
the weeding and go straight to entertaining friends with to-die-for herbal martinis!
muddling strawberries and fresh mint together and pouring ice-cold lemonade Lemon thyme
over the top of the muddle for an astounding flavor burst. Lavender
Ice-cold water can be flavored in a similar way by muddling herbs, pouring the Mint
cold water over the herbs, and straining the mixture before drinking; the secret is
in the muddle. A muddler is a wooden, plastic, or metal pestle that is an essential
tool used in bartending. Use the fat side for mashing and muddling and the
thinner side as a stirring tool. Simply put, muddling is a way of releasing the oils
and flavors within herbs and fruits in order to provide a stronger flavor. Rose
Infusing Flavor Snapdragon
Picking herbs and muddling them to enhance a cocktails flavor is the easiest Spearmint
way to add flavor to a cocktail. you can kick it up a notch by macerating herbs,
berries, or flowers in vodka, gin, or another liquor, infusing the flavors in a
stronger, more condensed way. Infusing means to soak or steep an ingredient
with a spirit in order to extract the dominant flavor of the item being infused.
Vodka is frequently used as a part of the infusion process because it has a
relatively neutral flavor that allows the infused herb flavor to stand out.
The infusing process is easy. Simply wash the herbs or flowers, shake excess mois-
ture away, place in a Mason jar, muddle gently, and cover the ingredients completely
with vodka or another spirit. Place the lid on the jar, lightly shake the container, and When fresh herbs are within arms
then store it out of direct sunlight for two to seven days. When the infusion is com- reach, they are easy to use in culinary
plete, strain the liquid into a clean jar and store it in the refrigerator or freezer. and cocktail delicacies.
Tools needed
1 window box living wall system
purchased or built Mix edible sweet potato vines and flowers with herbs to create colorful, tasty ingredients
Stronger-flavored herbs and fruits take less time to infuse, while lighter
flavors take longer. Its all about your taste preference. Better liquor creates
Containers a better infusion. Be sure, for instance, to use 80-proof alcohol or above, and
Container soil preferably 100-proof.
Organic fertilizer
Herbs and edible flowers Jellies
Extracting an edible herbs or flowers flavor can be super tasty; rose or lavender
If hanging on the wall: vodka infusions provide surprise flavors in cocktails. Another way to discover
Drill the flavor of an herb or flower is to convert the plant into a jelly. For example,
Exterior lag screws peony jelly is created by pouring 5 cups of boiling water over one quart of peony
and washers petals and letting them steep overnight. Strain the liquid through cheesecloth in
Socket wrench the morning, add the juice of one lemon and 3 cups of sugar, boil until the sugar
Tape measure is dissolved, then add 2 tablespoons powdered pectin, boil two minutes more,
and pour in jars. The resultant pink jelly is marvelously fruity and can be used for
many thingsbut is absolutely the best in a cocktail.
Making mint, lavender, or nasturtium jelly is a great way to incorporate a
plants essence into an herbal cocktail. Jelly cocktails are easy to makemuddle
Tip herbs first, add 2 tablespoons jelly, 2 or 3 ounces of liquor, and ice, then shake
Harvest herbs for the first time like crazy and strain into a martini glass. Absolutely delicious!
when the plants have reached
maturity. Only harvest one-third Growing and Harvesting
of the plant at any given time, Herbs and edible flowers are a breeze to plant and maintain in a vertical wall system.
then wait for that third to grow Most herbs prefer full sun, but they can survive in partial sun or partial shade. Herbs
back before you harvest again. and edible flowers are also uniquely beautiful, and having a living wall system jam-
This revolving method of harvest- packed with herbs on your patio or balcony can be an overwhelmingly delicious
ing and patience will enable scent experience. I once had a visitor come to my cocktail garden, sit next to the
a longer-lasting vertical wall oregano, and exclaim, It smells like pizza fresh out of the oven!
without having to replace plants Maintaining an herb living wall takes consistent watering and several
as frequently. applications of organic fertilizer throughout the season. Cilantro and other leafy
herbs can boltthat means to flower earlyand grow less flavorful and leggy
with fewer leaves. Trim browning plants back as well as any plants that might
have bolted to keep your garden looking and smelling very fresh.
Set up the freestanding living wall unit. It usually comes Hang the wooden box frames onto the wooden
in two pieces that you secure with screws (provided). back supports by hooking them on as shown in the
If youre attaching the unit to a fence or wall, your best manufacturers directions.
bet is to let it rest just above the ground and simply Turn over the plastic containers that line the boxes and
drive a couple of deck screws through the top board punch out the drainage holes with a screwdriver.
and into the wall or fence. If youre hanging it so it is Mix container soil with organic fertilizer and fill soil in
completely supported by the wall, use 3-inch exterior lag the unit (see page 33).
screws (with washers) driven through guide holes and Plant herbs and edible flowers tightly into the plastic
into the wallpreferably at wall stud locations. garden containers, then drop the containers into the
If using as a standalone floor unit, simply hammer on wooden frames.
the special blocks that function as the feet of the unit. Water well.
Punch holes in the bottoms of the Plants used for this garden include
containers, then fill the planting containers globe basil, moss rose, oregano, purple
with a preferred soil mix. basil, rosemary, sage, sweet potato vine,
snapdragon, and thyme.
GrOWING MOSS AS A living wall first occurred to me when I journeyed to Ireland a few years ago. There, moss grows every-
where in abundance: on rocks, on walls, on animals, on homes, on absolutely everything. There was a certain magic about
seeing mossy green patterns dancing along a rock fence wall that coaxed a passionate desire to touch. Some types of moss feel
soft like lambs wool, while other types feel prickly like a dry sponge. But all moss is magnificent in its beauty. I love moss, and
surprisingly it makes rather wonderful living wall material.
Moss has been around for almost 300 million years and has been identified in
ancient fossils. The moss family has more than 12,000 species of small spore-
Formula Box
bearing plants ranging in size from microscopic forms to giant plants more than Items That Can Be Converted
40 inches long. They are typically distributed in freshwater areas of the world into Creative Moss Living
and do not tolerate salt water. Mosses are most commonly found in moist, Wall Gardens
shady locations and aid in soil-erosion control by providing a tight surface cover Premade metal wall hangings
that absorbs water. Moss reproduces through spore production as well as by
Small photo frames
branching and fragmentation and regeneration from small pieces.
Small embroidery hoops
Which Moss Is Best for Living Walls? Found and recycled metal objects
Metal wire baskets
While moss may grow abundantly in Ireland, and can easily grow everywhere
in the northwest United States, it is not as easily cultivated in all locations. My old literature racks or
garden now has moss, but I spent four years trying to grow moss and failing brochure holders
repeatedly. What I finally figured out is that I needed an expert to help me. I Flat tuna cans
contacted David Spain from He gave me a quick Glass cups
overview on moss and how to grow it.
Clay pots
According to David, there are two primary types of moss used in gardening:
acrocarpous and pleurocarpous. each has unique characteristics. Pleurocarpous
moss tends to form spreading carpets rather than erect tufts. They are freely
branching plants growing in a more chaotic colonizing fashion. They can be fast
growing and quickly regenerate when they are broken. Some pleurocarpous
require heavy amounts of water and special care to get established. Acrocarpous
mosses have a more upright growth habit. They tend to look tufty and are
somewhat more tolerant of dry conditions. Their extensive branches create a
more architectural mounded colony form. It is important to mark the difference
between the varieties because acrocarpouss upright growth habit and drought
tolerance makes it a better candidate for the conditions created by living walls.
Another benefit of acrocarpous moss is that it can survive without soil as Dry moss can make a fabulous living
long as it is an established plant and receives the water it requires. Dry moss is wall if given the proper attention; it
often found growing on rocks and other nonsoil locations. Lengthy contact with makes a lovely contribution to a shade
galvanized wire, zinc, and copper will kill this moss, so it is important that in living garden or walkway and can fit in very
wall installations you do not let the moss touch galvanized products. Additionally, narrow locations.
treated wood or chemicals can harm the moss, so it is better to grow organic and
Tools needed
be aware of what touches the moss. If you find or create metal wall hangings for
An item to use as a wall hanging, the dry moss, use nongalvanized material or paint over galvanized metal to block
such as a metal art wall frame the moss-killing effect.
An acrocarpous moss sheet
Hammer Wall sculpture
Nails Building a living wall using moss and wall sculptures, particularly metal art, is
tremendously easy, and the wall art can be created from reclaimed materials or
purchased as an already created art piece. Resale shops, garage sales, and online
Tip reseller stores have metal art in abundance and for reasonable prices. If you are
concerned about protecting the wall on which you are hanging your living wall,
Watering Acrocarpous Moss
the back of the art can be covered with a black hardware cloth or taken down for
Acrocarpous mosses are much
watering purposes and replaced once the moss has dried a bit. However, I used
slower growing than other
the art for a fence area and watered the wall sculpture directly.
mosses and do not tolerate
Mosses do best in moderate temperatures and are evergreen plants through
heavy moisture for periods up
winter. They will thrive year-round as long as moisture and sunlight are available
to three months. Eventually, if
at the same time. Photosynthesis is possible even below 32 degrees Fahrenheit,
moisture continues to persist,
so dormancy does not typically happen due to cold weather. Instead, most
the moss will die. David Spain
mosses go dormant because they are too dry. Typically, they return to active
growth as soon as moisture fills their tissue. Although its not necessary, if you
recommends the following
want to bring the wall hanging inside during winter, simply water it in the shower
watering plan.
when necessary, let dry, and then rehang inside. Bring it out again in the spring.
Months 1 and 2: Water daily. Finding moss is easy. While some garden centers sell moss, suppliers are easy
Month 3: Water every to locate online. A soilless living wall requires minimal attention once established
three days. and is an incredible conversation piece in your garden and home.
Month 4: Water once a week.
Month 5: Water twice a month.
After Month 5, water only
when rain has been absent
for three weeks or more.
Begin with an item that can be stuffed full of moss. Upcycling Squeeze the moss firmly together until it is squished in a
or converting old items into a moss garden is an excellent idea. tight formation.
Paint any galvanized metal surfaces as the moss can be killed by
prolonged exposure to them.
Stuff the tight moss formation into pockets on the item you are Water daily for the first month and follow the instructions listed
utilizing for the living wall. Make sure that the moss is tight so it on page 48 for specific watering requirements over a long period
cannot fall out of the planting pockets. of time.
NUTrITION AND qUALITY AIr are two of the most important drivers of good overall health. Build this garden and install it
next to an outdoor living area or near a window, and youll be getting a good dose of both elements. Living wall gardens, full
of plants that breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen, are a fantastic way to help filter the air surrounding a living
area. This oxygen reaches a city dweller with a living wall if he or she is sitting on the balcony or sitting inside the home with
the window open. Having a view of the vertical wall garden from the interior of the home will both reduce stress and increase
the green view. Most importantly, growing vegetables in the garden means that you will also be providing nutritionally sound
food for you and your family, so the living wall provides extensive benefits beyond simple beauty.
As a young woman fresh out of school, I moved to the big city and lived in the
downtown Chicago area. My neighborhood was filled with busy urban apartment
Formula Box
dwellers, few parks, very little grass, and lots of noise and pollution. After only a Vegetables and Herbs That
few years away from the country and more natural environments, my health and Make Great Oxygenators
allergies began to suffer. not only did I miss the outdoors, but I craved green. I feel Arugula
that by connecting myself to gardening again in later years, I was able to rescue Basil
my health.
Air pollution found in urban areas can cause long-term and short-term health
Collard greens
effects. The elderly and young children are particularly affected by air pollution.
Short-term health issues include sinus and throat irritation, allergy problems, and Kale
upper respiratory complications. Long-term health concerns are significantly more Lettuce
serious and can include lung cancer, respiratory and pulmonary disease, and brain, Mint
kidney, and liver damage. Spinach
Because urban environments are filled with noise, traffic, and air pollution, they
have a profound effect on us, both mentally and physically. Living without green
can hinder our emotional development and increase levels of violence within
humans. According to a study done at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaigns
Landscape and Human Health Laboratory, familial violence can be reduced if there is
a view of landscaping or nature outside the windows of your home and workplace.
This makes living walls a smart tool to use in living situations of all sorts. Whether
in suburban or city living, improving air quality and the view outside our windows is
critical. Living walls provide a substantial connection to nature that helps ease the
effect of the modern concrete jungle. Additionally, green walls are known to miti-
gate the urban heat island effect by breaking up the concrete and flat surfaces.
Improving air quality and providing
Large Leaves equal More Oxygen food for your family is possible in
When planning a vegetable balcony garden with air filtration and oxygen genera- an urban area by planting your own
tion in mind, the question becomes, How do I increase the oxygen levels with vertical balcony wall garden.
Assemble or build a freestanding window box living Hang the wooden box frames onto the wood back
wall system. supports by hooking them on as shown in the manufac-
If youre attaching the unit to a fence or wall, your best turers directions.
bet is to let it rest just above the ground and simply Turn over the plastic containers that line the boxes and
drive a couple of deck screws through the top board punch out the drainage holes with a screwdriver.
and into the wall or fence. If youre hanging it so it is Mix container soil with organic fertilizer and fill soil in
completely supported by the wall, use 3-inch exterior lag the unit (see page 33).
screws (with washers) driven through guide holes and Plant herbs and edible flowers tightly into the plastic
into the wallpreferably at wall stud locations. garden containers, then drop the containers into the
If using as a standalone floor unit, simply hammer on wooden frames.
the special blocks that function as the feet of the unit. Water well.
Punch out the holes at the bottom of the plastic box liners.
FErNS HAVE ALWAYS FASCINATED me; I love their green, airy, delicate limbs that wave in the breeze. As a little girl growing
up on a farm, I rarely saw ferns growing unless I happened upon a stand of native ferns in the local woods. Farmers wives
would sometime hang Boston ferns from containers on their wide wraparound porches in the humid summers or perhaps
grow Ostrich or Japanese ferns as in-ground perennials when a particularly challenging wet and shady spot presented itself.
I have had great success growing ferns outdoors in recent years by placing them in an area that is best suited for their special
growing requirements.
Perennial Ferns
groom them. This means to clean
up dead or browned fronds and
While there are thousands of types of perennial ferns, these plants typically clip back any problematic growth.
require an in-ground planting to overwinter in most areas around the nation. Regularly grooming throughout
Therefore, it is best to treat this exterior wall garden as an annual planting rather the season is required to keep the
than expect it to be a year-round exhibit. Most ferns are known as shade plants, plants looking their best on your
but all ferns seem to be more prolific when grown in partial shade that offers a living wall.
lot of indirect light.
Several types of perennial fern selections can be used on the wall. Many
varieties offer a colorful and attractive solution; ghost fern has white tones mixed
in with green and gray, autumn fern turns a fall orange color late summer, and
Japanese painted fern has a rainbow of tones ranging from black to mauve.
Mixing these with the greener deer, maiden hair, or ostrich ferns would definitely
create an interesting look on a homes wall. There are dozens of other varieties
that have unique shapes and curious leaf patterns. The problem with selecting
perennial ferns is that they are relatively slow growers and rarely form fully A fern wall provides additional
developed stems or leaves the first year of growth. Unless you purchase a more insulation and complements
expensive, fully grown perennial, the wall will look rather barren until the plants garden landscaping.
FErn GArdEn 55
Annual Ferns
To have an immediate and full fern display, purchase a fully grown Boston fern
or similar variety, which is primarily known as a houseplant. Boston fern, sword
fern, or petticoat fern are all varieties with the same basic growing require-
ments. It is easy to achieve success with these ferns planted outdoors in indirect
light during the humid seasons. Ferns such as these can be found growing wild
in Florida and other subtropical and tropical zones around the world and truly
prefer warm tropical conditions whenever possible. The humid days of summer
throughout most of the country provide excellent conditions for this houseplant.
Boston ferns and similar varieties prefer temperatures in the 75- to 80-degree
range and can survive nights down to 55 degrees.
Drill browning, it needs a little help to overcome the drier, cooler, dimmer conditions it
might be encountering indoors. Homes in the winter are often at a local humidity
Exterior screws
level around 10 to 15 percent. Try moving the plant to a bright west-facing window
Screw-hole zip ties
to help it get a bit more indirect light, and mist it daily with a mister throughout the
Tape measure winter season. If at all possible, do not place the houseplant over a heating duct
Soil mix as too hot conditions can sometimes cause fungus to grow. Do not feed the plant
organic fertilizer during the winter months; it will snap back in the spring once it is taken outside again
Plants and its summer regimen is reinstituted. If overwintered with the proper attention, it
can easily be hung outside again in spring with little complication.
Hang the planters and double-check that they are spaced evenly.
Snip drainage holes in the bottom of each planting container. Water the ferns regularly with a watering wand or a watering can.
FErn GArdEn 57
CACTUS CAN BE A great water-saving solution, particularly in an area that suffers from drought or perpetually hot, dry, high
sun, and low-humidity conditions. While cactus still need to be watered, the advantage of a beautiful cactus living wall garden
is that it is an appealing and attractive garden design contribution while being extremely easy to manage. Traveling for weeks
at a time? No problem. With a cactus garden, there is security in knowing the plants will not fall apart weeping while you are
away. Cactus are relatively easy to care for.
There are over 2,000 species of cactus, which is a subspecies to the succulent
family, and many of the plants have unique and beautiful shapes with distinct
Formula Box
growing features. They rarely have traditional-looking leaves, and they collect Soil Medium for a Cactus Garden
light through their stems to use for photosynthesis. Most stems or bodies of 1 part potting soil
cactus look swollen and fleshy. Cactus often have spines that are produced from 1 part perlite
unique structures on the stem called areoles, which are considered an identifying
1 part coarse builders sand
feature of a cactus. There are many varieties of spines that develop along the
stem of the cactus. There can be pointy spines, stiff bristles, or fuzzy hairs,
and nearly all of them can prick handlers, so care must be used when handling
the plants. Flowers are produced from the areoles, and they are typically
multipetaled and tubular to attract pollinators.
Growing Requirements
Most cactus varieties have similar growing requirements. They all require excel-
lent drainage. To encourage good drainage, plant your cactus garden in a pur-
chased cactus soil mix or make your own growing medium, using 1 part potting
soil, 1 part perlite, and 1 part coarse builders sand.
Although they need far less water than ferns or other heavy drinkers, cactus
still needs to be watered regularly. normally, more water is required during the
new growth period that happens in late winter or early spring due to higher light
growth. A light dousing once per week for small plants and every two weeks to a
month for larger, well-established plants will do. When temperatures rise in later
summer, growth will slow down and the cactus will require far less water.
Cactus need warmth and bright light, but full sun is not always the proper Cactus garden living wall
choice. Plant the varieties that prefer the same sunshine levels together. When components that will help with planting
temperatures drop below 50 degrees at night, consider moving the living wall include a framed art wall, cactus,
to an interior location and protecting it through the winter. Place in front of a trowel, gloves, tongs, and gravel or
window with strong light exposure. moss (optional).
Cactus plants can be quite prickly, so protection is absolutely Soil requirements for cactus and succulents are different than
necessary when planting the living wall. Use rose gloves or another for traditional living walls. Use the appropriate mix when filling the
heavy glove to prevent injury. living wall pockets.
Carefully level the hanging bracket so the garden will Secure the hanging bracket with a screwdriver once you are
hang straight. satisfied with the positioning.
Use soil to secure the cactus roots inside the planting pockets so
that the plants will hang tightly without falling out.
CONNECTING WITH NATUrE IS powerful. There have been times in my life when I have walked into a garden and felt better
because Ive connected with the environment in a personal and deeply emotional way. Sitting on a park bench inhaling the smell
of flowers in springtime or enjoying a pond that sits in quiet solitude can spark memories, facilitate meditation, or build a bond
with the outdoors. Being in nature is healing in its own right, but imagine if your health, both mental and physical, could be
improved simply by making a living wall garden. Or two! In this project youll see a pair of creative gardens designed to unleash
the restorative power of plants. We hung ours from a wood garden gate, but they can be mounted on any vertical surface.
Gesler proposed was that landscapes were places with an enduring reputa- Mint
tion for achieving physical, mental, and spiritual healing and could become a Oregano
critical element in healing and health care conveyance. Rosemary
Since Geslers original theory was introduced, therapeutic gardens have
become established as a distinct garden design category, often including an
artistic or beauty-centered element. Therapeutic gardens are built for their
restorative benefits and might be considered healing, meditative, or calming.
However, it could also be a garden that is designed to stimulate energy or
encourage memory. each therapeutic garden is created with a healing purpose
in mind that will help visitors feel both emotionally and physically better.
Therapeutic gardens are not defined by specific structural parameters,
but they can generally help patients become more healthful and well by
creating an atmosphere where a person can explore his or her emotional Scents from the therapeutic herbs
health. Healing parks or gardens are often seen at hospitals and health centers waft by every time the gate is opened
to help encourage this type of exploration. Size is not a concern. A special and closed. Hanging a Mason jar living
living wall can be built to fit ones home balcony and designed with positive wall on a gate might seem precarious,
healing energy in mind. The wall can give a homeowner or apartment dweller yet the jars are quite secure and allow
immediate access to fresh scents and beauty that might stimulate introspective the gate to open and close with ease.
thought and meditative relaxation. Building a healing garden can be a simple You can also choose another vessel,
task that helps care for a persons medical and emotional needs. such as fabric planting pockets (inset).
design Notes
In order to determine what plants should go into a healing garden, it is impor-
tant to first know what might help the people who will be visiting the garden.
To be most effective, your garden design should be based on conversations with
or knowledge of the unique needs of the primary garden users. Will it be best
for the users to have a stimulating garden or a calming garden? Should there be
an activity associated with the garden, or is it simply a quiet, meditative area?
Although the therapeutic garden may be custom-designed for one specific
person, hanging a scented healing garden in an entry or door area will inspire
fresh, healing scents for anyone who walks through gates and brushes by the
wall garden.
Therapeutic living walls can be large, small, or anywhere in between. It
depends on the space available and the specific therapeutic needs. Using
upcycled Mason jars as the crafty soil base for the living wall plantings enables a
living wall gate that is part art installation and part gardenbuilt for its fragrance,
beauty, and calming effect for any who happen by.
Tools Needed
5 to 7 Mason jars
-inch ceramic tile
and glass bit
Duct tape
Exterior screws
Tape measure
Wire or marine-rated cord
Container soil
organic fertilizer
Herb plants
Trowel or spoon Mason jars of any kind or style can be used, although the standard one-quart size works
well for this project. If you can find colored ones, go for it.
Plant the Mason jars using a spoon to help backfill the soil within
the container.
Use an organic, moisture-retentive soil mix to help the plants hold Once planted, the jars should be tied with wire or marine cord
and retain moisture in a tight-rooted growing situation. that wont rot and hung on the wall or gate.
Once all pieces are gathered together, lay out the pattern for Once it is determined where the rods should reside on the length
hanging, measuring carefully. of the chain, snip one of the chains and wrap it carefully around the
rod. Use nuts and bolts to hold the rod in place.
After the rods are assembled, test the hanging system to make Because the pockets are small, it might be necessary to press
sure it fits well on the location you have in mind. the roots flat before planting in the soil mix. Backfill between plants
with soil as needed.
THIS COMPACT FLOWErING GArDEN is so gorgeous that it almost makes you forget what it is for. right now, we are living in
a pollinator crisis. Ten years ago, my gardens were filled with hundreds of bees and butterflies flying, landing, and pollinating,
truly making a difference for the flowers and vegetables on my property. Now when I am out working in my garden, I only see a
few pollinators doing their thing, and my heart is aching over it. Gardeners and farmers around the world have started sharing
their concerns about our pollinators, and the results have been staggering. Bees are particularly important to humanity as they
pollinate one-third of the worlds food supply, a large percentage of medicinal plants, and 90 percent of the worlds wild plants.
Currently, more than $15 billion annually in American food crops are pollinated by bees. Without bees, humankind will suffer a
devastating drop in the food supply and a domino effect of massive economic disaster. If you are not concerned about this situ-
ation, you should be. We need more pollinator gardens, and a living wall garden is a great start.
There are many types of pollinators besides bees. For instance, beetles
pollinate magnolia trees. A small fly pollinates most of the cacao plants that
Formula Box
supply the worlds chocolate. Pollinators are animals that cause plants to make Fantastic Sunny-Spot
seeds and fruits. Most pollinators do this by relocating pollen from one part of Pollinator Flowers
a flowering plant to another part, causing fertilization. only fertilized plants can Ageratum
create fruit or seeds. Without the fertilization process, there would be no plants Alyssum
because they would not be able to reproduce and, of course, there would be
no fruit or seeds. While bees are the most prominent workers, there are also
butterflies, beetles, flies, wasps, and birds (such as the hummingbird) that can
function as pollinators. Lavender
Pollinator deaths nicotiana
All pollinators exist as part of a complex ecosystem. Currently, there is not a single oregano, Greek
problem causing a significant decrease in pollinator populations, but there are
dozens of things coming together to cause the larger issue. An ongoing increase
of the human population causes more and more natural land space to be taken
Spanish daisy
up by cement jungle. extreme weather changes and deforestation throughout
the world contribute to the declining numbers of pollinating birds and insects, Verbena
particularly the Monarch butterfly. Without regular intervals of pollinator plants Zinnia
to sup from, butterflies and other pollinators must travel at increasing distances
over urban areas that contain a dwindling supply of food sources.
Bees have been particularly hit hard with colony collapse disorder. This
condition has been studied extensively, and it has been discovered that large
quantities of home and agricultural pesticides and fungicides are clinging to Using a combination of creative
the pollinators and are brought back to hives and nests, causing illness and painting and vertical placement of the
death. Beekeepers have discovered that beneficial bacteria residing in the guts hydroponic living wall pollinator gardens
of honeybees has acquired a resistance to tetracycline, an antibiotic used by makes an original design solution.
Measure a level area for the hydroponic garden. Water flowers and herbs every five to seven days
Fasten the wall mounts included with the hydroponic by extracting the cartridge and repeating the
garden kit to the wall. watering process.
Plant the 2-inch plugs into the holes in the growing For outdoor installations, organic liquid fertilizer should
medium. Some plugs might be too short and will need be applied at a lower rate in the early spring and fall, as
potting soil packed into the hole to bring the plant flush plants are coming out or going into dormancy. During
with the face of the growing medium. these times, fertilizer should be applied at a reduced rate
Take the cartridge to the sink and run it under water of 2 teaspoons per 1 gallon of water (0.33 ounces per
for at least one minute until it is fully saturated. 128 ounces) with every refill. During the active growing
Leave the cartridge in the sink for 15 minutes to remove season, when plants are developing new leaves and
excess moisture. Gently shake. blooming, fertilizer should be increased to 3 teaspoons
Place the cartridge into the frame by sliding the frame per gallon of water (0.55 ounces per 128 ounces).
over the tops of the wall mounts to install onto the wall. (continued next page)
Hang the frames with nails. Measure and level the nails first in Hang frames in the desired configuration without the
order to place the units evenly on the wall. hydroponic inserts.
Cut excess root and soil away from the plant ball, gently pressing
the root system tightly together and placing it into one of the holes
within the hydroponic system.
Carefully insert the hydroponic unit into the wall frame after the Water the flowers and herbs every five to seven days by pulling
water has drained and excess soil has been cleaned off. the units down, extracting the cartridge, and repeating the root or
frame-soaking watering process.
PALLET GArDENS HAVE BECOME a popular way to show a young family how urban plant and flower growing can work.
These gardens can fit comfortably in most any space; it can give city life a little bit of outdoor planting or country life a little bit
of creative-chic style. reuse a pallet to build a garden and keep it out of a landfill. Whether you have limited room or lots of
space, pallet growing can be a surprisingly sustainable experience.
There are many benefits to pallet gardening. It is easy to do, uses very little space,
saves money, and reuses a common item. It is estimated that over 200 million pallets are
Formula Box
currently in American landfills, and most of the pallets have only been used once. Pallets Shade-Loving Plants
typically weigh between 35 to 75 pounds, so even shipping the pallets to the landfill is an Perfect for Your Pallet
environmental concern; heavier loads force garbage trucks to burn energy more quickly, Begonia, Gryphon
and pallets have more weight per square foot than other types of garbage. Coleus, Kong
When I lived in a tiny apartment in Chicago with a miniscule balcony that barely
new Guinea Impatiens
had enough space for a table, regulations restricted me from hanging plants off the
Spider plant
balcony railing. But I could have placed a pallet garden up against the wall in that tight
space to bring some growing love into my life. With limited room or lots of space, Sweet potato vine, Blackie
pallet growing can be a surprisingly sustainable experience, and it is easy to do with a
recycled pallet.
Tools Needed
Finding Pallets 2 clean pallets
When selecting a pallet, it is always paramount to know how it was manufactured
and where the wood originated if possible. new pallets are often made from scratch Landscape fabric or burlap
at manufacturing factories, large retail stores, and printing facilities. When you go to Heavy-duty staple gun
collect a pallet, ask for the details of what wood was used to manufacture it so you Staples
can make an educated decision about bringing it to your apartment balcony or home. Gloves
If you do not know where a pallet has been, then it could have been exposed to a Bricks or landscaping stone
hazardous material during shipment and might not be the best choice for your home.
A level
In the United States, there are regulations that require pallet manufacturing
Screws and drill/driver
companies to build pallets treated with chemicals or heat before being shipped
overseas. Aside from chemicals, dirty pallets can also harbor mold, bacteria, and Zip ties
pests. Good types of pallets to use for planting projects are those that have been Potting soil
marked HT. These letters mean the wood has been dried in a kiln and has been heat Plants
treated instead of being chemically treated. Pallets can be found by going directly to a Trowel
manufacturing facility, retail store, or factory. Secondhand pallets are easy to find via
the Internet:,, and other sites.
At the heart of the sustainable reuse effort is a great concern for safety. Pallets are This shade-lover pallet garden
best used for outdoor vertical gardens, and growing vegetables is not recommended features plants that adore shade, such
for pallet gardening because of the possibility of chemicals. Flowers and other plants as Kong coleus, Gryphon begonia,
that will not be eaten are the best choice for your pallet garden so that the chemicals Blackie sweet potato vine, impatiens,
are not absorbed through the plant and passed on to you. and spider plant.
With your pallets on a flat surface, roll landscape fabric over the Staple the landscape fabric to the pallet, spacing staples about
back face that will be positioned against the wall. 3 inches apart, wrapping around the sides and stapling securely.
Create pockets on the front of the pallet by stapling landscape fabric
in the voids behind the front pallet boards. The pockets should hang
down a few inches to create room for soil.
Create a level base for the pallets using extra landscape blocks Fill the pockets with potting soil. Plant the pallets, grouping plants
or other materials that can withstand ground contact. Secure the tightly so they fill in visually as soon as possible.
pallets to the fence or wall.
AN ExTErIOr LIVING WALL can help increase the level of energy efficiency operation and can reduce heating and cooling
requirements of a building. Having a large number of plants placed on the exterior of the home functions as an additional
insulant and can reduce indoor air temperatures by up to 7 degrees Celsius, which means a nearly 20 percent reduction in the
heating and cooling requirements.
Studies have shown that the surface of a planted green wall is 10 degrees
Celsius cooler than an exposed wall due to the disbursement and absorption
Formula Box
of solar radiation as well as the slowing of air movement and carbon dioxide A Burgundy, Chartreuse, and
absorption. Mitigating the urban heat island effect, the difference between urban Yellow Wall Planting Combination
areas and their rural surroundings known to be a huge contributor to climate That Includes Colorful Vegetables,
change, is another benefit beyond traditional energy savings. Vertical gardens Herbs, and Flowers
truly save energy and conserve resources, but they can also be a gorgeous and Basil, purple
eye-appealing contribution to a balcony, patio, or home. Beets, Bulls Blood
Using a larger wall area, such as a 4-foot to 6-foot wall or fence for planting,
Calibrachoa, yellows and purples
means that you can grow a miniature urban farm with hundreds of plants in less
Chocolate mint
than a 7- to 12-inch-wide floor space area. This is a revolutionary idea that could
allow unlimited quantities of pollinator plants, vegetables, and herbs in areas Kale
of the world where there is minimum space. entire community gardens could Lantana, Little Lucky Lemon
be planted on a 20-foot wall and produce hundreds of pounds of food. Beyond Queen (or any yellow variety)
plant production, the conceptual idea of saving money through energy mitigation Limelight licorice plant
means that the gardens pay for themselves. Sweet potato vine, Marguerite
Bigger living walls are definitely better for a building to truly save energy. Swiss chard, Bright Lights
These walls can fit easily in a home gardeners living area or on an apartment
Verbena in purple shades
balcony or fence. They can also be used for much larger commercial reasons.
Yellow coreopsis
Additionally, in many countries around the world, planted living wall systems also
qualify for financial reward credits associated with sustainable municipal zoning
ordinances and tax credits.
Insulate-a-Wall Garden 83
In S Ta
The tracks and brackets that support your planter units should be fastened directly to the wall or fence. When installed on a
wall, attaching wall cleats to at least one stud is recommended.
Measure for placement of the units using a level as a Mix the container soil with organic fertilizer and add
guide and marking locations of screws for wall cleats. soil to each unit.
Predrill a pilot hole slightly smaller than the screw that Plant vegetables, herbs, and flowers tightly into the
will be used in the designated locations. modular living wall containers, being sure that all
Secure the cleats to the wall with fasteners appropriate the plants touch the soil mix.
for your wall type. Use anchors if necessary (on brick or Clip the panels and planters onto the mounted
stucco) and ensure that the lip on the wall cleat is facing wall cleats.
in the upward direction. Water well.
Be sure that you have all parts required for your planting Because the units are rather small, it is easier to fill them
system. This system includes one bracket, one container, with soil if they are placed closely together on a table or on
screws, and one wall plaque for each hanging unit. the ground.
Using a moisture-retentive soil mix (see page 33), fill Measure and carefully level the living wall
the container portions of the unit about three-quarters of the hanging brackets.
way full with soil.
Insulate-a-Wall Garden 85
When finished with the hanging process, the units should mold together as a whole and fit tightly together.
Insulate-a-Wall Garden 87
WHEN ONE OF THE bookshelves in our home became too wobbly and decrepit to support our giant book collection, I saved
it to use for an upcycling projectand I had one in mind. I had an empty wall in a shady area of the garden that needed a
bookshelf garden attached to it. rigging it up was quite easy, and as we all know, horizontal surfaces never stay empty long,
whether they are in your house or in your garden. Now full of container plants and a few knick-knacks, the shelf is practically
beaming. Maybe furniture enjoys fresh air too.
Tools Needed
An old bookshelf
Extra wood or 2 4s
Other Items that Could Be upcycled into a Wall Garden
There could be an unlimited number of creative ideas for upcycling old items into a
wall garden. While I used a bookshelf, you could just as easily use old chairs or small
Tape measure
tables that might hold container gardens. Over-the-door shoe organizers form perfect
Level pockets for planting a vegetable garden. other materials include old metal shelving,
Drill/driver and bits Mason jars, old pots and pans, filing cabinets, old clay roofing shingles, cement bricks,
Screws appropriate for wall type louvered shutters, shelving, stairwell supports, tin cans, liter bottles, baskets, fabric
Paint or stain pockets, boots, gutters, dressers or desks, and so much more.
All it takes to get started is an old item that can be filled with soil that will not
Small potting containers that will
release any type of carcinogenic byproduct into the environment. So, asbestos-filled
fit on your bookshelf
wall material is not what you are going forto reuse something successfully, it needs
Container soil
to be a healthy item that will not release anything environmentally harmful into the
organic fertilizer
plants you will be growing. Drill drainage holes into the items that do not have proper
Plants drainage and line other items with a nonpermeable lining if you are concerned about
soil leakage or other drainage problems.
Growing a beautiful living wall in a nontraditional DIy container is a great way to
help the environment by keeping the products out of the landfill. Building unique,
beautiful, and creative walls start with the concept of building a better earth.
something when you can reuse it again in a fashion that prevents the item from
going into a landfill?
My garden has become the center for my recycling and reusing efforts. If
I cannot donate it to a friend or resale shop, I try to think of a creative way to
use old things in my garden. Artistically painted shovels hang on my fence as
contemporary art, and you can find rescued Adirondack chairs, wheelbarrows,
and old planting containers that I saved from many a garbage can. While some
may call it trash, I definitely call it treasure.
Bookshelves are one of those items that can be reused with vigor. Cut the
shelves up and use them as spare wood, or make them into a table. or, in this
example, hang the bookshelf and create a rather remarkable living wall to share
with garden visitors.
While I have filled the shelves with part-shade annual plants and random
artsy tchotchkes, one could just as easily fill the shelves with vegetables and
herbs to help feed a family.
Hang an old bookshelf on a fence; upcycling it instead of Find planting containers. Here, old tins with plastic inserts
throwing it away saves it from a landfill. are used as small containers that fit the size of
the bookshelf.
Fill the containers with soil and plant the living wall garden.
SucculentS were completely underappreciated and outside of my target range of plants-I-must-have until author
debra lee Baldwin penned Designing with Succulents in 2007. This was a definitive book with astounding photos that helped
gardeners worldwide discover succulents as the answer in their busy lives and turned me into a succulent addict. Since then,
the use of succulents as centerpiece garden plants has become an international craze, and succulent displays are sold out as
soon as they are set out at garden centers. Its a worthwhile addiction, and because of succulents low water requirements,
they are an absolutely brilliant ingredient in a low-maintenance living wall garden.
developed fascinating plant shapes and leaf forms with unique colors and Pink vygie (lampranthus blandus)
complicated designs in their plant structure. This uniqueness gives them an Plush plant (echiveria pulvinata)
otherworldly appearance that works remarkably well in a living wall. When you Senecio (Senecio Spp.)
think you have discovered all the succulents that ever were, there is another,
Stonecrop (Sedum acre)
more stunning plant for you to find. There are succulents that are pointy, narrow,
fat, tall, or short; resemble strings of beads, rosettes, paddle leaves; and come in
every color one can imagine.
Beauty is the hallmark of the succulent; it captures the eye of every passerby,
so they make a delightful wall design. If planted in a moveable system, succulents
can easily be moved indoors during colder weather so the living wall could be
enjoyed year-round.
Succulents are extremely drought
tolerant, but they appreciate
generous summer watering.
Let the soil dry out between
waterings. Overwatered plants can
be mushy, discolored, rotted, and
limp; leaves will often turn white,
completely losing their color.
Underwatered plants will stop
growing, turn brown in spots, and
then drop their leaves. Consistent,
even waterings with time to dry
out in between drinks will ensure a
healthy plant.
This system is easy to use and has very few partsit features
a top-watering area and a collection box for any dripping water at
the bottom of the unit, which helps protect an outdoor wall from
excessive watering.
I FIrST STArTED THINKING about vertical vegetable growing years ago when standing on a friends tiny balcony in an apart-
ment building in downtown Chicago. We were up on the eighteenth floor leaning over the railing and conjecturing upon the
age-old question, Would a tomato drop faster than a watermelon to the ground? when my friend suddenly frowned and said,
I wish I had a garden. I miss green. I crave the smell of real amazing life. Like plants and food and flowers, but I dont have
the time or space. We stood quietly for a moment, and I laughed, You have 3 perfectly good feet to grow a garden here!
We giggled, but it was true. There were 3 tiny feet of space, a meter of worthy gardening potential. Why not grow in every
space you can? Its possible to feed your family by growing an urban farm in less than 2 square feet, and I soon discovered how.
Although the structure is a unit that a manufacturer made and I purchased, the idea for this Vertical Vegetable Farm really
began that night.
years passed and I continued to consider the issue of how to plant large
quantities of food in small spaces. Urban farming is more than a trend; it can
Formula Box
be an utter necessity driven by health and financial concerns. even as organic Vegetables and Herbs That
food is becoming more easily found in grocery stores around the world, to eat Grow Well in a Small Space
exclusively organic is challenging because of the increasing prices for organics Arugula
in the marketplace. enabling people to grow in smaller and smaller spaces Basil
means that they will be able to provide for their families health and welfare
in a positive way.
Imagining the potential of small-space growing is what got me thinking
about the revolutionary planting technique of growing a living wall; planting Collard greens
more than thirty plants in a floor area that is slightly over a square foot Kale
definitely under 2 square feetis a powerful possibility. All you need is a Lettuces
fence, gate, wall, balcony, or door and a series of window boxstyle planters, Mini peppers
and you can grow amazing quantities of vegetables, herbs, and pollinators.
These gardens, along with therapeutic gardens, could solve millions of peoples
concerns about finding a way to make every meter of space into a whole new
level of happiness. Parsley
Swiss chard
Beautiful design with Multiple uses Thyme
Best yet, the gardens can be intensely beautiful and amazing conversation Pot tomatoes
pieces, so urban farm living walls become more than just foodthey become Turnips
art. Seeing living art is therapeutic and provides a healthy mental rest in the
sea of urban cement and industrial views. Urban heat mitigation and oxygen
production are additional benefits, yet the conceptual idea of farming in tiny Growing many plants in a small space
spaces makes sense that goes beyond beauty and design. is more than possible; this unit sits
Advantages include no weeds, which means the only regular maintenance directly outside of the living area in this
for an urban vegetable patio garden is watering and picking the plants. home, bringing a large quantity of fresh
Vegetables and herbs come in a surprising variety of colors, some flowering, herbs and vegetables immediately to the
some trailing; this plant variety can inspire lovely and colorful designs. homeowners.
Once full of soil, the window box unit is ready to plant. Gently dig
a hole large enough for each root ball to fit on each level of the unit.
Start at the bottom and plant to the top.
Set up the unit and incorporate the watering system hosing To ensure the plants get watered regularly, fill the water reservoir
before adding soil or plants (if the unit you buy or build has a and attach a timer to the unit.
self-watering function).
INTErESTED IN GrOWING A living wall that may have certain aphrodisiac qualities? Aphrodisiac-themed gardens offer a
creative idea for a living wall garden that is easy to grow and has some enticing added benefits. Using sexually stimulating
plants, you combine the sensations that tend to arouse people, such as scent and color, with energy-dense nutrition provided
by the garden. Vitamin- and nutrient-rich plants with an herbal-scented kick will be perfect for your special wall garden.
nutrition by medical experts. In other words, eating the proper diet can help you
get your romance on. Growing your own fresh, organic herbs and vegetables is
certainly a great way to do that.
raw foods are specifically known to greatly enhance sexual energy. In 7 Keys
to Lifelong Sexual Vitality, authors Brian R. Clement and Anna Maria Clement
conduct an experiment where they survey four couples and four individuals
to better understand their reactions to raw food. nearly all interviewees lost
significant weight and claimed stronger and more intense desire, arousal,
intensity of orgasm, and sexual stamina and performance by eating a diet that
contained between 50 to 100 percent raw foods. The authors suggest in their
book that there are several key nutrients essential to sexual health. Consuming An aphrodisiac garden features herbs
these nutrients by eating raw foods is a fantastic way to kick off the romance in and vegetables with enticing scents
your life. At the top of the list are beta-carotene, calcium, choline, iron, niacin, and qualities that stimulate the sexual
vitamin E, and zinc. Most of these vitamins and nutrients can be found in green imagination and appetite.
Gardeners often refer to gorgeous photos of gardens as plant porn. Perhaps we
can redefine that term to include healthy plants that lead to healthy aphrodisiac
eating that leads to, well, good sex! Building a beautiful living wall also means
that your secret pleasure garden can be eye-catching and visually stimulating.
Color can also be important to visual stimulation. Warm colors such as red and
shades of burgundy or purple can stimulate a warmer reaction from viewers.
Consider mixing leafy plants in the living wall planting boxes that might have red
and purple. To create an optimal reaction, hang the garden within visual and
touching distance on your patio or balcony so you or passersby can reach out and
brush their hands through the seductive scents.
Gardening in its purest sense also encourages exercise, which is a stimulating
activity for all involved. To encourage the sexy theme with the garden, why not
hang and plant the garden with your spouse or partner? Discussing the purpose
of the plants in the garden while playfully planting the living wall with your
partner is sure to bring a lot of emotional meaning to your shared goal of the
garden helping build excitement in your relationship.
Measure for placement on the wall or fence, using a Mix container soil with organic fertilizer and fill each
level for reference. Mark locations of screws for the wall unit with soil.
cleats with a pencil in the small holes of the cleats. Plant vegetables and herbs tightly into the Compoclay
Predrill a hole slightly smaller than the screw used in the containers, being sure that the plants touch the soil mix.
designated locations. Press the roots tightly together. Place the tallest plants
Secure the cleats to the wall with screws that are appro- toward the inside of the container and cascade the
priate for your wall type. Use anchors if necessary (on plants toward the outside and front.
brick or stucco walls) and make sure the lip on the wall Clip the panels and planters onto the mounted wall cleats.
cleat is facing upward. Water well.
Planting an aphrodisiac garden starts with good organic soil and Add organic planting mix to each container.
an appropriate hanging system, such as Compoclay units.
Before hanging, set the preplanted units up to inspect and Before attaching the hanging bracket, be sure it is level.
evaluate the design. There should be no plants hanging off the back
or blocking the hanging frame.
DUrING THE WINTEr WE stay huddled inside next to our houseplants as if they are little lifelines and hold on to every green
bit of life we can. In the spring we explode outside with a passion and vigor seen only by the desperate, hoping to breathe
some long-awaited fresh air. As we go out, so do the houseplants. They suddenly appear on patios and balconies as soon as the
last frost is done, excited to live it up by soaking in a bit of the natural air and light. Using container or living wall gardens as a
way to improve curb appeal and to help oxygenate the areas around the front door can result in an appealing dual purpose for
our winter houseplants.
is to add appealing plants. This can be done via landscaping or container and living Dracaena
wall additions and can play a surprisingly important role in property valuation. English ivy
Container planting, living walls, and landscaping have an exceptionally Gerbera daisy
positive recovery value if you have put your home on the marketyour overall
Golden pothos
home value can be increased by anywhere from 7 to 15 percent just by having
Peace lily
attractive plantings. This means that a nice-looking wall garden can be added with
confidence to the list of curb appeal components for your home.
To improve curb appeal, the living wall garden needs to be seen from the Snake plant
street. An excellent location is near or next to the entrance of your home. This Spider plant
area is commonly shaded or has an overhang that might provide bright light
without scorching direct sun. If that is the case for you, the perfect plantings
could be houseplants, herbs, or vegetables. Houseplants provide a surprising and
unexpected planting combination. recycling old houseplants into a solid living
wall will help create a lively view at the entrance to the building.
Fresh Air
Beyond curb appeal, this is also a magnificent idea for decorating outside sliding
doors or windows as the plants help filter the air surrounding these living areas.
Plants breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen, so every time you walk Entrance gardens have always
in and out of the house, you get a beautiful, green, stress-free view with an added been a way to improve curb appeal
breath of fresh air. and increase fresh air around the door
While plants with larger leaves are more likely to produce high levels of area of a home. Having a living wall
oxygen, all plants create oxygen as a byproduct of the photosynthesis process. This entrance garden is appealing and
breathing is why forests are so important in maintaining earths atmosphere. uniquely beautiful.
Tools Needed
1 felt wrap living wall kit or
comparable (see Resources,
page 152)
Extra soil
nails or L-hooks
Black window screening
Measure the wall to make sure the system youre using Fold the bottom corner up.
will fit where you want to locate it. Fold the bottom edge up over the roots.
Using L-hooks or nails, hang the vertical wall kit so the 10 Push the planting unit down, squishing slightly.
bottom of the wall garden hangs into the black water Hold down the edges and fold in the tips.
tank by 1 inch. 11 Use a rubber band to hold it together (optional).
Firmly stretch open the pockets. 12 Place plants into stretched pockets, pushing down
Use root wrappers provided with system to wrap the firmly so the wrapped plant is entirely enclosed within
plants so they can be changed out if needed. the pocket.
Start with a diamond shape. 13 Plug in the timer. Suggested watering time is
Fold the top corner down to create your top soil line. 30 minutes per day.
Place your plant facing forward. Add a couple table- 14 Maintain the water level below flap.
spoons extra soil if needed. 15 Add screening to keep mosquitoes out of the water tank.
Unpack the planting unit from its shipping box and find a site that
works well for you. Hang the unit using two nails.
Lay a felt root wrapper on the ground at a diagonal and place the
plant in the top portion of the square.
Fold one side of the root wrapper over, then the other. Although its not necessary to wrap it with a rubber band to hold
it together, its still a good idea to reinforce the wrapper by binding it
until it is stuffed into the unit.
Stuff each wrapper into a pocket in the unit starting at the bottom, working up the wall garden.
Fill the water reservoir, then nestle the pump down into the If mosquitoes are a problem in your area, install a mosquito
water at the bottom of the reservoir, adjusting the wiring to rest screen. Simply measure a black screen and cut to the same width
behind the felt. as the reservoir.
Fold the screen so it does not pop out of the reservoir but stays In addition to keeping mosquitoes out of the reservoir, the
just above the surface of the water when the reservoir is filled. screen collects droppings from the plants, so rinse it every time
you add water.
WHILE INTErVIEWING A YOUNG mother in an urban inner-city area, I listened as she told me a heartbreaking story. Her son
had asthma, and medications were not effective, so she tried limiting his chemical exposure by providing more organic food.
The price of organic vegetables from the market was high, and she dreamed of having a garden where she could grow her own
fresh produce. There were two places she could grow: her small balcony or a fence along a back alley that was over 20 feet
long but offered only a 3-foot-wide area to walk.
Finding a practical and easy growing solution for people who have small,
narrow spaces, like this young mother, seemed impossible until recent years
Formula Box
when living wall systems have become readily available. At 18 inches by 8 Common Culinary Plants
inches, the modular vertical planters in this project take up exactly 1 square for Kitchen Gardening
foot of space. Thirteen units could be placed side by side on the 20-foot alley Basil
wall the woman had to work with. She could easily stack five or six planters on Celery
top of each other, expanding her planting space to 65 square feet if she planted
thirteen units wide, five units tall. Sixty-five square feet of food for her family,
a larger garden than many traditional land gardens in backyard garden spaces.
even by utilizing only a small area of the wall and planting traditional containers Kale
beside the wall garden, a massive quantity of vegetables could be grown in a Lettuce
narrow area. Mint
The herbs and vegetables that are most popular are ones easily and quickly Oregano
grown. Great examples include leaf vegetables such as Swiss chard, lettuces,
kale, arugula, celery, and almost any variety of herb. Basil, chives, cilantro, and
oregano are all fast-growing herbs that contribute heavily to culinary in nearly
every culture. Swiss chard
Food grown on living walls can be a solution for urban areas worldwide and a Thyme
revolutionary concept for community gardens and apartment buildings. Imagine
coming together as a community to grow healthier food and the positive change
that can happen within a community as a result of the effort.
Finding a Location
While there is no garden or growing system that is completely perfect, there
are many that offer creative solutions for growing in small spaces. While urban
and city dwellers need these solutions, so do suburbanites and farmers. I grew
up in Indiana farm country, and when I recently went back to a garden center to
speak on growing, the number one question asked by farmers was, How do I Attractive as well as functional,
grow without chemicals? a culinary kitchen garden can be
When I asked them what they meant by that since they have large plots of incorporated into a small space yet
land to grow on, I discovered that farmer families or their neighbors typically provide an enormous amount of fresh
have a large garden out in a back area of the property. This area is near the vegetables for a family and community.
open the living wall package, making sure you have the
self-watering tank, planters, and screws.
Save package wrapping for the horizontal self-directing
holes template on the package. Using a level and the
template, calculate how many wall planters you will
need by dividing the width of your wall area by 18 inches
and height by 13 inches. For example, four planters
cover a 36-inch width and 26-inch height wall area.
Predrill holes.
Attach the self-watering tank to the wall using included
hardware. Place the lid on the tank.
Fill planter with living wall potting soil up to the soil Most vertical hanging planters are super easy to install. This unit
level line. includes the containers, watering tank, and screws.
Mix organic fertilizer in with the container soil.
Plant your favorite vegetables and herbs.
When hand-watering, water will seep evenly through
breathable vents across the front of planter; carefully
dry the planter prior to hanging.
Slide the planter loops up behind and onto tank hooks.
Hint: Look down the irrigation supply channel to see the
loops and hooks.
10 Use watering holes for watering unless you are attaching
self-watering system.
11 If using the self-watering system, pour one liter of water
through watering hole into the tank, which will precisely
Place all the units side by side when filling for easier
water the plant roots. Fill the reservoir to keep the
soil management.
plants watered for up to two weeks. Breathable vents
aerate the soil and release excess moisture from heavy
rainfall or excessive watering.
SMELLS TrIGGEr MEMOrIES AND they can change your mood. For instance, on a gorgeous August morning, mist hangs in
the air as I get ready for the first day of school. My house is an island in a sea of cornfields in the middle of Indiana, and I wait
on my front porch steps for the bus to come down the angling road and pick me up to drive me 10 miles to school. It is already
80 degrees with 90-percent humidity, and as I sit on the steps, I am enveloped in the scent of Mr. Lincolnthe reddest, most
beautiful rose I ever did see and the prize of my fathers garden. That rose could lure in any human from 20 feet away with its
beautiful, heady, overpowering scent. I would come out early on those first days of school just to have the privilege of sitting
next to Mr. Lincoln because his scent was a powerful stimulant. When I smelled this rose, even when my childhood was emo-
tionally complex and filled with drama, I was happy.
Good-smelling things can improve your mood, just as Mr. Lincoln did for me
as a child. While aromatherapy is the use of fragrance to enhance health and
Formula Box
promote feelings of well-being, there is a limit to the power it has, according Scented Plant Ideas for a Living
to scientific studies. Discussions on essential oil and scents have been going for Wall Garden
centuries; egyptians used odors to treat diseases. Scents are used in modern-day Anise hyssop
times to relieve pain, reduce chemotherapy side effects, and promote restful Artemesia
sleep. However, the only thing that aromatherapy has been scientifically proven
to do is improve mood.
A study from the University of Vienna found that female patients displayed Lavender
less anxiety in dental clinics when orange oil was used. Mie University School Lemon balm
of Medicine discovered that smaller doses of antidepressant medications were Lemon thyme
needed after patients trialed a citrus fragrance treatment. Controlled trials have
also suggested that different types of aromatherapy might be helpful for calming
symptoms of Alzheimers disease and dementia. one small study dosed a hospi-
Scented geraniums (every type)
tal ward with either water or lavender oil scent for several hours. A researcher
unaware of the studys design, who wore a sensory block to prevent inhalation of Thyme
odors, was sent to rigorously examine the behavior of the residents who all had
dementia. results indicated that lavender oil aromatherapy decreased agitated
behavior and encouraged calmness.
essential oils can have a toxic effect to humans when consumed orally in
large quantities rather than inhaled. Various oils can produce illness and even
fatal effects, so essential oils should be inhaled or consumed within suggested
parameters due to safety concerns. Natural plants, however, do not have that
restriction because they have not been distilled down to an essential oil and are Whether in an industrial area or in
safe and beneficial for sniffing. With the knowledge that scents can be mood an everyday home, herbs can have a
enhancerseither calming or stimulatinghaving scented plants in a living wall powerful impact on mood. Beauty, as well
garden is a powerful way to build a healthier mood. as scent, can be tremendously uplifting.
WATCHING MY GrANDMOTHErS GArDEN their plots was perhaps the best way to learn how to be frugal. They reused
everything: coffee tins were saved to hold and sort seeds and tools, tomato stakes were old broom sticks, watering cans were
old buckets, pie tins were tied to stakes in the garden to keep away pests, compost tea was handmade from old sheep dung,
and pantyhose cut up into strips was used to tie up bean plants. There was no waste in those gardens. Dead plantings and
rotted vegetables were used to make compost, and no potting soil was ever needed as soil from the old sheep barn was filled
with more healthy microbes than any manufactured soil. They planted everything from seedit was a money-saving garden.
YEArS AGO I LEFT a dramatic and hated job to begin a new life working out of my home office. While it might seem terrifying
to some, it was a miracle for meit allowed me to step away from the pain and drama of a closed-in, unhealthy environment
and transform my office into something healthier. While I spend a lot of time writing in front of my computer inside, I have
built a lovely view of the trees and sky. When I am able, I work outside on my balcony or patioI try to surround myself with
plants and life. It does more than make me happy; it helps me breathe and think. Having a close connection to plants while you
are working, particularly in a home office, can mean the difference between a positive working environment and a horrid one.
Thats why I planted this smart garden, and one like it can do the same for you.
restoration theory. rachel and Stephen Kaplan developed the conceptual idea for Dracaneas
the theory, and according to attention restoration theory, people can pay atten- Peace lily
tion and have a greater capacity to pay attention to work if that person has had Peperomia
longer exposure to plants or nature. In other words, you can pay attention more
when you have an emotional or physical connection with nature.
Combine this scientific information with what we already know about plants
Snake plant
and oxygen; that, as part of their breathing process, plants output oxygen
in exchange for carbon dioxide. Having plants in a living wall sharpens our Spider plant
attention, produces fresh oxygen, and also offsets chemicals and purifies air, as Zee Zee plant
demonstrated by the study done by the Associated Landscape Contractors of
America (ALCA) and the national Aeronautics and Space Administration (nASA).
Plants can make a positive difference for our work environments.
Working at home
The number of telecommuters or at-home workers is increasing worldwide.
According to a poll conducted by reuters, nearly one in five workers around the Simply being exposed to a garden
globe, particularly employees in the Middle east, Latin America, and Asia, tele- during work hours can improve ones
commute frequently and nearly 10 percent work from home every day. While outlook; building a small living wall filled
working conditions within an office can be high-pressure or uncomfortable, when with oxygenating plants can contribute
workers are able to telecommute, they can take control of their working environ- to that positive experience by bringing
ment in a unique way. nature to a balcony or patio.
Design the layout of the plants by placing the framed system side Once filled with soil, place the plants in the soil pockets and
by side with the plants and calculating the best color arrangement backfill with extra soil. Water well.
for the planting pockets.
Using brackets, hang the unit firmly on the wall and keep it Building a living wall that can also function as an air-freshening
regularly watered. natural resource for a modern work-at-home family can bring both
beauty and health inspiration.
WHEN I FIrST BEGAN gardening, my color palette was heavy with a monochromatic theme of green on green. It seemed to
reflect simplicity and calmness. Many shades of green foliage seemed to blend in a rolling wave of chartreuse green to Kelly
green to blue-green; it was a wave of color calming to the eye and heart. As my garden has matured, I have expanded the color
palette to include flowers of all shades and an explosion of bold foliage colors. Each garden bed, garden container, and garden
wall has grown into a design challenge. Part artistic expression and part mystery, I am excited to see what develops with each
experiment. How shall I make this garden more filled with passionate color?
borhoods, keeping both businesses and neighbors actively involved and available Coleus
within the community. While an areas physical landscaping and garden beauty Dragon wing begonia
might seem superficial, it is incredibly important as it presents opportunities for Golden creeping jenny
social activities and creates a feeling of neighborhood safety. Beautiful, colorful Kale
gardens bring community together.
Mondo grass
Urban neighborhoods often have higher crime concerns, but studies focusing
new Guinea impatiens
on green exposure have shown a surprising result. Scientists at the University
of Illinois Urbana-Champaigns Landscape and Human Health Laboratory Polka dot plant
studied landscaping near public housing in Chicago. They discovered that areas Sweet potato vine
beautified with flowers and plants have a reduced rate of home violence and Swiss chard
residents have a more positive demeanor. These studies emphasize that beauty Torenia
and greenery in a community will increase personal wellness and reduce crime.
Understanding this can redefine how we focus on beauty and gardens within our
neighborhood. By beautifying your home and community, you are building strong
neighborhood ties that will lead to secure neighborhoods where the residents
feel supported, cared about, and work together to protect one another.
Set up the wall unit. Most come in two pieces that you Hang the wooden box frames onto the wood back
secure with screws (provided). supports by hooking them on as shown in the
If youre attaching the unit to a fence or wall, your best manufacturers directions.
bet is to let it rest on the ground and simply drive a Turn over the plastic containers that come with the unit
couple of deck screws through the top board and into and punch out the drainage holes with a screwdriver.
the wall or fence. If youre hanging it so it is completely Mix container soil with organic fertilizer and fill soil in
supported by the wall, use 3-inch exterior lag screws the unit (see pages 32 to 34).
(with washers) driven through guide holes and into the Plant your plants tightly into the plastic garden
wallpreferably at wall stud locations. containers, then drop the containers into the
If using as a standalone floor unit, simply hammer on wooden frames.
the special blocks that function as the feet of the unit. Water well.
Assemble the back of the living wall. It is used to hold the When the back portion of the living wall is screwed to the wall or
planting boxstyle soil containers tightly against the fence or wall. fence, it will be flat and ready for the planting boxes.
WHAT DO YOU DO when you live and work in a heavily urban or industrialized area and you want to have fresh, organic
vegetables for your family? Grow them, of course. The garden featured in this project is shown at an industrial nursery.
Families that work there are encouraged to share and use the fruits, herbs, and vegetables by taking the vegetables home
to family or by eating them at their lunch hour.
Vitamin sources
1 window box living wall
systempurchased or built
(see Resources, page 152) Potassium: beans, potatoes, winter squash, greens of all sorts
Hammer Folate: beans, green peas, peanuts, dark-green leafy vegetables
Screwdriver Vitamin A: orange vegetables such as pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and carrots;
Containers tomatoes; dark-green leafy vegetables such as turnip greens, collards, and spinach
Container soil Vitamin B6: broccoli, cauliflower, peas, potatoes, red bell pepper, and spinach
organic fertilizer Vitamin C: fruits such as cantaloupe and strawberries; broccoli; tomatoes;
Herbs and edible flowers cabbage; potatoes; peppers; and leafy greens such as turnip greens, spinach,
and romaine lettuce
If hanging on wall:
Exterior lag screws and washers in the future. When children are able to pick the vegetables that they grew
Socket wrench themselves, you are helping them form a connection between growing and
their own mental and physical health.
Tape measure
Where the Vitamins Are
Growing a vitamin-rich culinary garden is as simple as making your living wall
vegetable garden as colorful as you possibly can. A basic rule related to vitamin
content and vegetables is this: more color equals more vitamins. Bold-colored
Swiss chard, orange carrots, deep-green spinach, and red Bulls Blood beets
are full of color and nutrients, which include phytochemicals and antioxidants.
Consuming lots of color and a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits will help you
have a most well-balanced diet.
Herbs are also powerful vitamin machines when consumed. One
teaspoon of thyme can provide 20 percent of your daily iron requirements.
Cilantro, particularly the seed, is known to improve cardiovascular health.
oregano has more cancer-fighting antioxidants than blueberries. Using fresh
herbs and vegetables in your everyday cooking schedule will enhance your
familys diet.
There are many types of vitamins in vegetables, and some vegetables
are known as powerhouses because of the large quantity of nutrients in
one plant. Therefore, you might choose to grow a vegetable or plant that
provides a nutrient you know you and your family might not be getting
enough of. This could stimulate more interest in that particular vegetable,
While it is best to use smaller leafy
particularly if you grow it and like it, so you will continue to consume the
plants in a living wall garden such as this
vegetable in the future. Growing a variety of colorful vegetables will give you
one, large plants can still find their place
a well-rounded, vitamin-rich diet. Whether you grow at work or at home with
as is seen with these collard greens.
your family, be sure to taste the amazing flavor that can be discovered
with high-vitamin vegetables.
Assemble the unit. Because this is a freestanding unit that is not Punch holes in the bottom of the planting boxes and arrange
attached to the wall, the feet of the unit must be hammered on them on the living wall.
before the rest of the garden can be assembled.
Fill with an organic soil mix, leaving about an inch of space at the
top of the soil level.
SAVING MONEY BY PLANTING with seeds or reusing garden planting systems is a great way to grow frugally. Water, however,
is one of the biggest gardening expenses around the world. By learning to save water, you are learning to save money. Living
walls, if used properly, can save water and expense.
Humans are wasting water. In the United States alone, it is estimated that
more than one trillion gallons of water are wasted annually nationwide. For the
Formula Box
average household, this means that water leaks can account for an astounding Drought-Tolerant Herbs and
waste of 10,000 gallons of water annually. Irrigation systems are often installed Vegetables
to water grass, which is a nonfood-producing, nonpollinator-supporting crop Amaranth
with heavy water requirements. Lawn watering consumes over 30 percent of the Broccoli
water used on the East Coast of the United States during the spring and summer
Chamomile, German
seasons. Many of these irrigation systems leak, which means that a slow leak
about the thickness of a of an inch can waste over 6,300 gallons of water
per month. Chinese cabbage
World drought Malabar spinach
Drought is currently a pervasive environmental concern for most of the world. Oregano
extreme weather and climactic events are a natural part of earths system.
yet drought and heat waves are particularly challenging for the act of garden-
ing, having significant impacts on our community and lives. According to the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, confidence has increased that
some weather events and extremes will become more frequent, more wide- Thyme
spread or more intense during the 21st century. In other words, look out for Tomatoes
more of the same in future years. Winter Savory
In areas such as Southern California, South Africa, Spain, and other European
regions, severe drought has been devastating to crops, having a severe socio-
economic effect on communities as well. In these regions, saving water is not a
considerate thing to do; its an absolute necessity.
17 58"
Begin by laying out the supplies needed to build the shelf. Level Assemble the frame of the garden shelf.
and measure twice to make sure your project will work well.
Pull out the water-saving planter kit while the paint is drying and
review the instructions.
Add organic soil amendments to the soil, then plant the plants Water-saving planters conserve water because of their bottom-up
accordingly. Follow the planter directions as indicated. watering technique that keeps roots cool and moist longer.
Feed the worms shredded newspaper, paper egg cartons, wet bread and
pasta, fruit (no citrus), lettuce and other vegetables (such as squash, fresh or
cooked), crushed eggshells, tea leaves, dry leaves, and coffee grounds. Do not
use citrus, dairy, meat, oil, pre-packaged foods, salty food, vinegar, or sugar.
These items will trigger an imbalance in the worm bin system and make it smelly
since worms cannot digest them properly.
Ultimately the worms will eat everything in the binall the paper and food
scraps will be condensed into worm poop, or worm castings. This is garden gold
for the living wall systems that require soil. Worm castings do not smell or have
an odor beyond that of soil and are powerfully water retentive, so they make a
Youll find thousands of plans online perfect soil additive.
for building your own compost bin.
Choose one that fits nicely into your HOW TO MAKE TRADITIOnAL COMPOST
garden design. Cool Springs Press Making traditional compost is easy, but it does require a larger outdoor area
than a worm bin, so is better for homeowners, community gardens and allot-
ment areas, or shared apartment and condominium areas that allow compost-
ing. Much like worm composting, making compost is very easy and saves a lot of
Dead shredded leaves from Kitchen scraps (avoid items that will
healthy plants (do not use root, such as potato skins and onions,
diseased plants) unless they are ground completely)
Fresh flower cuttings
Seaweed and/or kelp
Composting seems to work best when the ingredients are exposed to the
ground. Place a few layers of sticks or straw on the bottom of the bin to leave an
airy drainage area. Start layering compost materials, mixing a brown layer and a
green layer, and then repeat this process over time. Heavy nitrogen items such as
green manuregrass clippings, clover, wheatgrass, or any heavy nitrogen source
will stimulate the composting process.
Speedier composting happens with good balance of carbon and nitrogen and
turning the pile regularly, either with a pitchfork, compost crank, or another turning
tool. Turn every few weeks. on average, it takes between three and four weeks
to make your own compost. Its good if your pile is hot to the touch, because it
indicates a heavier activity level in the decomposition process. To increase activity,
add even more green materials and place your composter in full sun. Additionally,
keep the pile moist, but not soggy. organic waste needs water to decompose. The
rule of thumb is to keep your compost pile as wet as a wrung-out sponge.
Part II
(pages 41 to 151)
contrIbutors 153
I have the coolest family ever, and they support me while take photos of astounding living walls. Helen yoest was kind
Im locked in my office typing thousands of wordsthanks enough to allow me to feature an aphrodisiac garden based
to Luis and my daughters for helping me geter done while on her book concept. Then there were the spectacular
inspiring me to keep focused on what is really important in life. friends from various companies that allowed me to use
Thank you to all of the viewers of my blog, newspaper their plants and products in this bookAuthentic Haven
column, and videos. Your faithful support has been what has Brand Moo Poo Tea, CobraHead, Dewit Tools, Dramm,
cheered me on to find a way to connect the world with the earthbox, Le Jardinet, organic Mechanics Soil, Syndicate
conceptual idea of making a difference. Sales, The Seedkeeper Company, and Tierra Garden. And, of
rockin ricky rolon is my carpenter and good friend course, thanks to the living wall system companiesBright
hes responsible for helping me build and assemble nearly Green, Compoclay, Florafelt,, Gronomics,
all the living wall projects in this book. you are marvelous, Gro Products, and Woolly Pocket.
ricky. Thanks for helping me, bro! The Dirty Glove Society Thanks to russell from optimara for the incredible
has held my hand through all the challenges of growing over tropical plants. David Spain from Moss and Stone Gardens
2,000 plants while writing this book and simultaneously sent his remarkably cool moss and gave me personal lessons
trying to manage my family life, a consulting business, a on how to grow it. Diana Stoll, David Tyznyk, and Greg
speaking tour schedule, and blogging commitments. your Milauskas at The Planters Palette allowed me to plant and
ever-present friendship encourages me to get it all done hang a half-dozen wall systems with their gorgeous plants
with a minimum of insanity. This season I had several garden at the garden center. Thank you all for your inspiration and
helpers who helped me weed and mulch in my primary friendship. Bret Schaeffer from Schaeffers Greenhouse also
garden so that I could work nonstop on the keyboard. deserves thanks for allowing me to grow several living wall
Thanks to Lori Ammons, Steve Deangeles, Sammi Garon, Bek systems at his garden center. Finally, I give my deep heartfelt
Lieto, Ren Silinis, and many other friends and helpers who thanks to Jung Seed Co. and the Zondag family who provided
randomly showed up with dirty pants on, gloves in hand, me with hundreds of plants for the majority of the living wall
and a giant smile on their faces to work in the garden. system plantingsyour plants were awesome and beautiful
There were many expeditions to the Chicago Botanic and perfectly wonderful in every way. Thank you all for
Garden, Ball Horticultural, and countless other gardens to believing in me and working with me.
AcKnowLEdGMEnts 155
Converting Measurements
To Convert: To: Multiply by: To Convert: To: Multiply by:
Inches Millimeters 25.4 Millimeters Inches 0.039
Inches Centimeters 2.54 Centimeters Inches 0.394
Feet Meters 0.305 Meters Feet 3.28
Yards Meters 0.914 Meters Yards 1.09
Miles Kilometers 1.609 Kilometers Miles 0.621
Square inches Square centimeters 6.45 Square centimeters Square inches 0.155
Square feet Square meters 0.093 Square meters Square feet 10.8
Square yards Square meters 0.836 Square meters Square yards 1.2
Cubic inches Cubic centimeters 16.4 Cubic centimeters Cubic inches 0.061
Cubic feet Cubic meters 0.0283 Cubic meters Cubic feet 35.3
Cubic yards Cubic meters 0.765 Cubic meters Cubic yards 1.31
Pints (U.S.) Liters 0.473 (lmp. 0.568) Liters Pints (U.S.) 2.114 (lmp. 1.76)
Quarts (U.S.) Liters 0.946 (lmp. 1.136) Liters Quarts (U.S.) 1.057 (lmp. 0.88)
Gallons (U.S.) Liters 3.785 (lmp. 4.546) Liters Gallons (U.S.) 0.264 (lmp. 0.22)
Ounces Grams 28.4 Grams Ounces 0.035
Pounds Kilograms 0.454 Kilograms Pounds 2.2
Tons Metric tons 0.907 Metric tons Tons 1.1
156 conVErsIons
IndEx 157
158 IndEx
IndEx 159