Iron Stone
Iron Stone
Iron Stone
Geoscience Laboratory, Geological Survey of Pakistan, Shahzad Town, P.O. Box 1461, Islamabad, Pakistan
(Received January 27, 1997; Revised May 15, 1998; Accepted May 19, 1998)
Chamosite-hematite type oolitic ironstone is distributed in the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary zone of the
Hazara area, Lesser Himalayan thrust zone, in the northwestern margin of the Indo-Pakistani subcontinent. A total
of 52 oriented samples were collected from 6 beds in two open pit mines, Nathia Gali and Bagnotar. Ferromagnetic
properties of the oolitic ironstone are dominated by fine-grained hematite that possesses a characteristic remanent
magnetization (ChRM). The ChRM is a chemical remanent magnetization (CRM) acquired by the hematite which
formed from Fe-rich initial materials (iron hydroxides) during early diagenesis of the ironstone bed. The direction
of the remanent magnetization indicates that the magnetization was acquired in an equatorial region (average
inclination = 2, paleolatitude = 1N), which is consistent with the paleoposition of the Indian subcontinent during
early Paleocene time, as estimated by previous data. The initial Fe-rich sediments were deposited under anoxic
conditions, probably in a non-marine or brackish environment. During early diagenesis, after development of
oolitic textures, the paleoenvironment became arid, where the CRM was acquired through the conversion of
amorphous hydroxides or goethite to fine-grained hematite. The paleomagnetic results reveal complicated local
rotational movements of oolitic ironstone blocks about vertical axes, which might be a result of intense thrusting
within the terrane after early Tertiary collision between India and Asia.
Table 1. Site mean directions of NRM and ChRM before and after tilt correction. N = number of samples used for statistics, n = number of measured
samples, ChRM* = site-mean ChRM directions before tilt correction, ChRM** = site-mean ChRM directions after tilt correction.
Fig. 1. Tectonic sketch map of Northern Pakistan (modified from Kazmi
and Rana, 1982), and the study area.
Fig. 2. Location of sampling sites of the Langrial iron ore deposits. The distribution of thrust faults is from Khan and Ahmad (1966).
grains are symmetrical, some show distinct asymmetry tated as gelatinous material which was compacted during
(Plate 1). The size of the ooids is mostly between 0.8 mm and early burial, while still soft. The presence of ooid fragments
0.2 mm in diameter, but smaller size ooids (0.2 mm to 0.05 as nuclei of other ooids (see Plate 1) indicates that the
mm in diameter, it is similar size of quartz grains) are also formation of ooids occurred repeatedly in a dynamic envi-
present. The larger ooids sometimes contain several smaller ronment.
ooids or a fragment of another ooid is present at their center The center of the ooids is sometimes replaced by carbon-
which may have acted as a nucleus. Surrounding laminae ates which cut across the lamellae. Carbonates are also
have concentric structures, as indicated by dark (opaque) observed in radial fissures in ooids and in veins, which
and light bands of minerals at 0.05~0.01 mm intervals. Very formed after consolidation of the bed.
fine chamosite grains are commonly enclosed in the lami- 3.2 XRD analysis
nae, and the opaque parts are composed of hematite. XRD analysis was made using a RIGAKU/Geiger Flex
Asymmetrical and unbroken ooids are affected by neighbor- ME-20 system, and the interpretation of diffraction charts
ing ooids, which suggests an effect of deformation before was conducted using selected JCPDS (ASTM) cards for
complete consolidation but after the formation of the oolitic common minerals. The mineral species identified from the
structure. These features suggest that the ooids formed in XRD charts include: quartz (SiO 2 ), chamosite
situ (or not transported far) and that they initially precipi- ((Mg,Fe)3Fe3(Si3Al)O10(OH)8 ), hematite (-Fe2O3), with a
Plate 1. Photomicrographs of oolitic ironstone (sample B-1-1 from Bagnotar open pit) under transmitted polarized light (parallel nicols). Light-colored
rings are mainly composed of chamosite and the dark (opaque) parts are composed of hematite. The symmetrical shape of the ooids is more or less
affected by neighboring ooids, which indicates that the deformation occurred before consolidation, but after formation of the oolitic structure. Some
ooids contain a fragment of another ooid (at their center) which may have acted as a nucleus.
Plate 2. Compositional maps of the distribution of (a) Fe, (b) Si, and (c) Al in terms of the relative X-ray intensities of Fe K, Si K, and Al K lines,
with intensity ranges of each element displayed as pseudocolors in the form similar color pallette for each map. Brightness is an indication of
elemental abundance.
Plate 2. (continued).
attempted to check their exact distribution. The analyses for each point which was deduced from the X-ray intensities
were performed on gold-coated polished thin sections using and quantitative analysis of the X-ray data (Plate 2). Within
a SHIMADU/EPMA-8705 Q-II system. an ooid, a strong positive correlation exists between Al, Mg,
The results are shown in terms of element concentration and Si, whereas a clear negative correlation exists between
Fig. 3. X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern by CuK of powdered bulk specimen of oolitic ironstone.
these elements and Fe. The ooid rings which indicate higher those for hematite or goethite bearing rocks are initially
concentrations of Al, Mg, and Si, represent the distribution convex and reach saturation at very high fields (~35 T)
of chamosite, while those with higher Fe concentration (Lowrie and Heller, 1982). The IRM acquisition curve for
represent hematite concentrations. the oolitic ironstone sample does not display saturation up to
300 mT and is not saturated until around 5 T (Fig. 5). This
4. Rock Magnetism indicates that the sample does not contain magnetite (or Ti-
Thermomagnetic analysis, and IRM acquisition experi- poor titanomagnetite) until subjected to high temperatures
ments were carried out to determine the magnetic properties and that the magnetic carrier in the oolitic ironstones is
of the oolitic ironstone. Thermomagnetic properties were probably hematite or goethite. The saturation IRM (SIRM)
measured with a horizontal-translation type automatic mag- was demagnetized by progressive DC back-field demagne-
netic balance, an EIKO/EB-4, at a field of 380 mT between tization (left hand side of Fig. 5). The SIRM has high
20 and 740C under vacuum condition (<103 mmHg). From coercivity and is not reduced to zero until application of a
thermomagnetic analysis of a bulk ironstone sample (B-1-a) back-field of around 0.7 T, which indicates that the grain
from the Bagnotar area, three Curie temperatures were size of the hematite/goethite is very fine.
recognized (Fig. 4): Tc1 = 120C (very small drop in the
heating curve), Tc2 = 560C (observed only in the cooling 5. Paleomagnetic Measurement
curve), and Tc3 = 680C (observed in the heating and cool- 5.1 Measurement results
ing curves). The Curie temperature Tc1 corresponds to that Remanent magnetization was measured using Natsuhara/
of goethite and Tc3 corresponds to that of hematite SMD-88 and Geofyzika/JR-5A spinner magnetometers.
(Carmichael, 1989), which were also identified by optical Stepwise thermal demagnetization (THD) in air was con-
microscopy and XRD analyses. The Curie temperature Tc2 ducted with a Natsuhara/DEM-8602 demagnetizer. The
is consistent with the appearance of a Ti-poor titanomagnetite NRM intensity of the oolitic ironstone samples varies be-
after heating. The sharp increase in strong-field-induced tween 1.2 101 and 2.9 102 A/m. The NRM is hardly
magnetization (Js) at room temperature after heating is demagnetized by alternating field demagnetization and only
probably due to production of this Ti-poor titanomagnetite THD is effective. Vector component plots (Zijderveld, 1967)
which probably formed by a thermal decomposition of for THD of pilot samples of oolitic ironstones from Bagnotar
paramagnetic Fe-bearing minerals (chamosite and/or si- and Nathia Gali open pits are shown in Fig. 6.
derite) or by a reduction of hematite under vacuum condi- It is obvious that there are at least two different compo-
tion. nents in the NRM, which can be observed by THD below
The isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) of bulk 500600C (low temperature component) and above ca.
samples was measured after placement in a stepwise in- 600C (high temperature component).
creasing magnetic field, up to 9.7 T using a Magnetic The low temperature component maintains most of the
Measurement MMPM-9 pulse magnetizer. IRM acquisition NRM intensity (often more than 90% of total intensity). The
curves for magnetite bearing rocks are often characterized vector component plots of the low temperature steps
by a steep initial increase and by saturation or sharp flatten- sometimes exhibit such an unstable trajectory that it can be
ing of the slope at fields of 300 mT or less. On the other hand, difficult to determine the direction (Fig. 6). Conversely, the
Fig. 4. Thermomagnetic (JS-T) curve of the iron oolite (magnetically non-separated bulk sample). Solid line depicts heating curve and dashed line
depicts cooling curve.
Fig. 5. Isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) acquisition curve of Hazara iron oolite (right curve). The IRM is not saturated up to 4.2 T. The left
hand curve depicts the back-field demagnetization curve after application of an IRM at 4.2 T.
Fig. 6. Vector component plots of results from progressive thermal demagnetization of oolitic ironstone samples. Numbers indicate THD temperature
(C). Dashed lines give the direction of ChRM component for each sample. (a) Samples B-1-1 and B-1-2 from Bagnotar open pit, (b) samples N-
1-1 and N-4-15 from Nathia Gali open pit.
declinations would be explained by local block rotations in the area of one of the most intensive deformation, the
after the acquisition of ChRM. The oolitic ironstone bodies fragmented ironstone blocks should be repeatedly affected
easily become a shear zone and fragmented into small by shearing movements which provoke very local block
blocks like a fault gauge, because they are thin-bedded and rotations within the shear zone, though poor exposure pre-
brittle compared with the surrounding limestones which are vented us to observe the block movement geologically.
thick and massive. If these assembly of the beds are placed On the other hand, the inclination of site-mean direction
(a) (b)
Fig. 7. Equal-area projections of ChRM directions after tilt correction. Solid symbols are projections onto horizontal plane, while open symbols are
onto vertical plane.
can be always restored, if the bedding plane is well ob- texture of ooids little show a deformation by the compac-
served. As the bedding plane in the oolitic ironstone beds is tion.
clearly defined, the inclination of the oolitic ironstones The mean inclination is usually different from the average
would be determined by the tilt correction, if the ChRM is of inclination, but the bias is negligible with shallow data.
acquired when the strata was horizontal. The reversal test (Enkin and Watson, 1996). As the inclination of oolitic
and the consistency in the site-mean inclination along with ironstones is always shallow (Table 1), the mean inclination
some rock magnetic evidences imply the ChRM was ac- will be given by the average inclination (arithmetic mean of
quired before the tilting of strata. The shallow inclination inclinations), 2 6, which correspond to a paleolatitude of
due to the compaction of the beds can be ruled out, since the 1N 3.
6. Discussion
6.1 Origin of the ChRM
The ChRM was acquired by fine-grained hematite which
is mostly distributed in the darker rings of the ooids. Petro-
graphic observations of the oolitic texture suggest that the
remanence was acquired after consolidation of the ooids.
Redeposition or internal deformation of ooids is highly
unlikely after the acquisition of the ChRM component.
Hematite (Fe2 O3) was probably formed by secondary dia-
genetic processes such as conversion of Fe-rich materials
which were initially contained in unconsolidated ooids. It is
generally believed that hematite in sedimentary rocks is
mostly formed diagenetically from a hydrated ferric oxide
precursor, e.g. an amorphous FeO-OH or goethite, by an
aging process that involves dehydration (Tucker, 1991), as
The ChRM is a secondary CRM, which is carried by fine- Fig. 8. Inferred paleogeographic position of the Hazara area (solid circle
grained hematite that crystallized during diagenesis, after with error bar) and Indian Subcontinent (dotted line) at early Paleocene
development of the oolitic texture. time. Open circle depicts present latitude of the Hazara area and solid
6.2 Paleolatitude line gives present coast line.
The shallow inclination of the average ChRM suggests
that the crystallization of fine-grained hematite and its
acquisition of CRM occurred at low equatorial latitudes. anoxic conditions that accommodate siderite precipitation
The estimated paleolatitude of 1N 3 is consistent with may have also developed through bacterial decomposition
the paleoposition of the Indian subcontinent from late of organic matter (Fig. 9(B)).
Cretaceous to Paleogene time as reconstructed by Klootwijk After formation and consolidation of the initial ooids, the
et al. (1992). According to their model of paleolatitudinal material was converted to hematite-chamosite ooids during
change of the Indian subcontinent, the timing of ChRM diagenesis, and acquired a CRM in early Paleocene time.
acquisition is estimated at around 6065 Ma (early Paleo- The formation process of chamosite ((Mg,Fe)3Fe3(Si3Al)
cene). O10(OH)8 ) is poorly understood, but it is assumed to precipi-
Distribution of late Cretaceous-Paleocene oolitic iron- tate in environments that fluctuate from oxic to anoxic
stones has been reported along the continental margin of the conditions without sulfide activity (Kimberley, 1979; Tucker,
Indian subcontinent (Sakai, 1983; Van Houten and Arthur, 1991). The paleoenvironment must have changed from
1989; Van Houten, 1992; Garzanti, 1993). Paleomagnetic strongly reducing conditions to relatively oxidizing condi-
data from hematite oolite beds in the late Cretaceous/early tions because hematite is stable under moderate to strong
Paleocene (K-T boundary) Amile Formation, Nepalese oxidizing conditions (Krauskopf, 1967; Tucker, 1991). This
Lesser Himalaya (Sakai, 1983) also indicate low environmental change implies dewatering of the strata ac-
paleolatitudes (7.4N; Gautam, 1994), which agrees well companying the discharge of anoxic water (Fig. 9(C)),
with the present result. which may be related to upheaval of the terrane or to a low
6.3 Paleoenvironment stand of sea-level at the early stages of initial collision
Initial Fe-rich material, probably amorphous hydroxides between India and Asia. The environmental change from
or goethite, was likely to have been produced by intense reducing to oxidizing conditions, the crystallization of fine-
chemical weathering, lateritization, in a humid tropical grained hematite, and the acquisition of the CRM must have
climate in an equatorial region from the Cretaceous to the K- proceeded over relatively long time intervals, because the
T boundary (Figs. 8 and 9(A)). Deposition of this material ChRM recorded geomagnetic polarity reversals.
along the continental margin is favored during marine trans-
gressions and periods of reduced clastic sediment influx 7. Conclusions
(Fig. 9(B)). (1) The Langrial iron ore in Bagnotar and Nathia Gali
Siderite (FeCO3), which has been identified in modern open pit mines, Hazara area, Northern Pakistan is a chamosite-
oolitic ironstone samples, precipitates at negative Eh, i.e., hematite type oolitic ironstone. The magnetic properties of
under reducing conditions, with high carbonate activity the oolitic ironstone are mostly derived from fine-grained
( PCO2 ) and low sulfide activity ( PS2 ) in sediment pore-waters hematite within ooids.
(Krauskopf, 1967; Harder, 1989; Tucker, 1991). Low sul- (2) The paleoenvironment during deposition of initial
fide activity is rarely attained in marine sediments because Fe-rich sediments (amorphous hydroxides or goethite)
of abundant dissolved sulfate. The sediments, which make represents an anoxic, organic rich, reducing situation in a
up the initial form of the iron oolite, therefore, probably non-marine or brackish environment. During early diagen-
accumulated under non-marine or brackish conditions. The esis, after development of the oolitic texture, the
Fig. 9. Inferred paleoenvironmental conditions during formation of the oolitic ironstone beds, Hazara Area, Pakistan.
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