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Proposed Bureau of Customs Order On Security To Guarantee Payment of Duties and Taxes

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NO. ________________



INTRODUCTION. This Customs Administrative Order (CAO) implements Sections

1506 and 1507, Chapter 2 of Title XV; other related provisions of Republic Act No.
10863, otherwise known as the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA), and
all other pertinent laws, rules and regulations.

Section 1. Scope. This CAO applies to all forms of security required to guarantee
payment of duties and taxes and other obligations provided for under the CMTA and
other existing rules and regulations.

Section 2. Objectives.

2.1. To provide the guidelines in the posting and utilization of security to

guarantee the payment of duties and taxes and other obligations
provided for under the CMTA and other existing rules and regulations.

2.2. To ensure that the interest of the government are amply protected with
the securities posted.

2.3. To provide a mechanism for the monitoring, accounting, enforcement

and prompt settlement of bonded obligations.

2.4. To establish and implement a security management and control system

making full use of information and communications technology (ICT).

Section 3. Definition of Terms. For purposes of this CAO, the following terms
shall be defined as follows:

3.1. Co-loading shall refer to agreement between two (2) or more

international or domestic sea carriers whereby a sea carrier bound for a

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specified destination agrees to load, transport, and unload the container
van or cargo of another carrier bound for the same destination.1

3.2. Express Consignment shall refer to consolidated air shipments of

articles/goods which are time-sensitive in character, usually under a
door-to-door service arrangement with on-time delivery commitment,
which are shipped under a master air waybill (MAWB) consigned to
Express Cargo Operator (ECO).2

3.3. Free Zones shall refer to special economic zones registered with the
Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) under Republic Act No. 7916,
as amended, duly chartered or legislated special economic zones and
freeports such as Clark Freeport Zone; Poro Point Freeport Zone; John
Hay Special Economic Zone and Subic Bay Freeport Zone under Republic
Act No. 7227, as amended by Republic Act No. 9400; the Aurora Special
Economic Zone under Republic Act No, 9490, as amended; the Cagayan
Special Economic Zone and Freeport under Republic Act No. 7922; the
Zamboanga City Special Economic Zone under Republic Act No. 7903;
the Freeport Area of Bataan under Republic Act No. 9728; and such other
freeports as established or may be created by law.3

3.4. Free Zone Locator shall refer to a sole proprietorship, partnership

corporation or entity duly registered with the Free Zone Authorities and
issued a Certificate of Registration and/or Tax Exemption that is not
expired or has not been revoked, suspended or cancelled.4

3.5. Irrevocable Letter of Credit shall refer to a Letter of credit in which

the specified payment is guaranteed by the bank if all terms and
conditions are met by the drawee and which cannot be revoked without
joint agreement of both the buyer and the seller.5

3.6. Provisional Goods Declaration shall refer to the lodgment of goods

by a declarant who does not have all the information or supporting
documents required to complete the goods declaration. Provided, that it
substantially contains the necessary information required by the Bureau
and the declarant undertakes to complete the information or submit the
supporting documents within forty-five (45) days from the filing of the

RA No. 10668 An Act Allowing Foreign Vessels To Transport And Co-Load Foreign Cargoes For Domestic
Transshipment And For Other Purposes, Section 2 (a)
Customs Memorandum Order 46-1998, Section 3.1.1
CMTA, Title I, Chapter 2, Section 102 (w)
Draft CAO on Rules and Regulations on the Admission, Movement and Withdrawal of Goods in Free Zones
cf. Glossary of Customs and Trade Terms

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provisional goods declaration, which period may be extended by the
Bureau for another forty five (45) days for valid reasons.6

3.7. Security shall refer to any form of guaranty such as surety bond, cash
bond and standby letter of credit or irrevocable letter of credit which
ensures the satisfaction of an obligation to the Bureau.7

3.8. Standby Letter of Credit shall refer to any arrangement, however

named or described whereby a bank (the Issuing Bank) acting at the
request and on the instructions of a customer (the Applicant) or on its
own behalf to make a payment to or to the order of a third party (the
Beneficiary), or is to accept and pay bills of exchange (Draft) drawn by
the Beneficiary or authorizes another bank to effect such payment, or to
accept and pay such bills of exchange or authorizes another bank to
negotiate against stipulated document(s), provided that the terms and
conditions of the Credit are complied with.8

3.9. Tentative Assessment shall refer to the assessment of a provisional

goods declaration pending final readjustment and submission by the
declarant of the additional information or documentation required to
complete the declaration within the period provided in Section 403 of
the CMTA.9

3.10. Transit shall refer to the customs procedure under which goods, in
its original form, are transported under customs control from one
customs office to another, or to a free zone.10

Section 4. General Provisions.

4.1. Form of Security. Unless specifically prescribed under this CAO or

other existing rules and regulations, any party required to provide
security to guaranty the payment of duties and taxes and other
obligations shall have the option to choose from any of the following
forms of security:11

4.1.1. Surety bond

4.1.2. Cash bond
4.1.3. Standby letter of credit or irrevocable letter of credit
4.1.4. Any other acceptable forms of security.

cf. CMTA, Title IV, Chapter 1, Section 403
CMTA, Title I, Chapter 2, Section 102 (mm)
cf. The Uniform Customs and Practice, Article 2, UCP 500
cf. CMTA, Title IV, Chapter 3, Section 426.
cf. CMTA, Title I, Chapter 2, Section 102 (rr)
cf. CMTA, Title XV, Section 1507

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4.2. Amount of Security to be Posted. Unless otherwise provided under
this CAO or other existing rules and regulations, the required amount of
security shall be the lowest possible and shall not exceed the imposable
duties, taxes and other charges.12 For purposes of posting of security
required under this CAO charges as used herein shall be limited to the
administrative charges being collected e.g. IPF, CDS, CSF, etc.

4.3. General Security. In cases where securities are required to be given

under the provisions of this Order and related customs laws, the District
Collector, instead of requiring separate special security where
transactions of a particular party are numerous, may accept general
security extending over such periods of time and covering such
transactions of the party in question as may be satisfactory to the District

The District Collector may accept only a general security from declarants
who regularly declare goods at different offices in customs territory if
satisfied that an obligation to the Bureau will be fulfilled and under such
terms and conditions as may be prescribed by regulation.14

4.4. Cancellation of Security. When the obligations under which the

security was required has been satisfied, the security shall be cancelled

Section 5. When Security is Required. To guarantee the payment of duties

and taxes and other obligations to the Bureau, the District Collector shall require the
posting of security under the following:

5.1. Release of Shipment under Provisional Declaration. Goods under

provisional goods declaration may be released upon posting of the
required security equivalent to the amount ascertained to the applicable
duties and taxes.16

5.2. Release of Goods subject to Dispute Settlement. The District

Collector may allow the release of the shipment under tentative
assessment upon posting of security equivalent to the duties and taxes
due on goods.17

5.3. Release of Shipment pending Laboratory Analysis. When the

Bureau requires laboratory analysis of samples, detailed technical
documents or expert advice, it may release the goods before the results

cf. CMTA, Title XV, Section 1507
CMTA, Title XV, Chapter 2, Section 1506
cf. CMTA, Title XV, Chapter 2, Section 1507, 2nd paragraph
cf. CMTA, Title XV, Chapter 2, Section 1507, 3rd paragraph
cf. CMTA, Title IV, Chapter 1, Section 403 and Chapter 3, Section 426
CMTA, Title IV, Chapter 3, Section 425 in relation to Section 102 (qq)

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of such examination are known after posting of sufficient security by the
importer. Provided, that the goods are not prohibited or restricted.18

5.4. Express Consignment. Express shipments of accredited air express

cargo operators may be released prior to the payment of the duty, tax
and other charges upon posting of a sufficient security.19

5.5. Shipment under Warehousing Entries. For goods declared in the

entry for warehousing in CBWs, the District Collector shall require the
importer to post a sufficient security equivalent to the computed duties
and taxes and other charges conditioned upon the withdrawal of the
goods within the period prescribed under Section 811 of the CMTA or
the payment of the duties and taxes and other charges and compliance
with all the importation requirements.20

5.6. Transit of Goods to Free Zone Locators. For goods intended for
transit to Free Zones, the District Collector of the port of discharge shall
require Free Zone Locators to post a General Transportation Surety Bond
(GTSB) for the immediate and faithful delivery of the goods covered by
the Goods Declaration for transit to its destination.21

5.7. Carrier's Security. Carriers that transport imported goods that shall be
placed under customs transit from a port of entry to other ports, shall
post a general transportation security amounting to at least fifty
thousand pesos (50,000.00). Such security shall ensure the complete
and immediate delivery of goods to the customs officer at the port of
destination and the payment of pertinent customs charges and expenses
and other transfer costs. The amount of the security may be adjusted
by the Commissioner, upon approval of the Secretary of Finance.22

5.8. Transit of Goods under Co-loading Act. Goods intended for transit
covered by Republic Act No. 10668, otherwise known as An Act Allowing
Foreign Vessels to Transport and Co-Load Foreign Cargoes for Domestic
Transshipment and for Other Purposes, shall not be subject to the
payment of duties and taxes at the port of entry. Provided, that any
conditions and security required by the Bureau are complied with.23

5.9. Release of Goods pending Ascertainment of the Accuracy of the

Declared Value. If in the course of determining the dutiable value of
imported goods, it becomes necessary to delay the final determination
of such dutiable value, the importer shall nevertheless be able to secure
the release of the imported goods upon posting of a sufficient security

cf. CMTA, Title IV, Chapter 3, Section 431
cf. CMTA, Title IV, Chapter 4, Section 439
CMTA, Title VIII, Chapter 2, Section 808
cf. BOC-PEZA JMO No. 1-2015, 7 subsection (a)
cf. CMTA, Title VI, Chapter 1, Section 602
cf. CMTA, Title VI, Chapter 1, Section 601

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in an amount equivalent to the duties and taxes in dispute conditioned
on the payment of additional duties and taxes, if any, as may be
determined: Provided, That prohibited goods shall not be released under
any circumstance.24

5.10. Release of Goods pending Ascertainment of the Accuracy of the

Declared Value. If in the course of determining the dutiable value of
imported goods, it becomes necessary to delay the final determination
of such dutiable value, the importer shall nevertheless be able to secure
the release of the imported goods upon posting of a sufficient security
in an amount equivalent to the duties and taxes in dispute conditioned
on the payment of additional duties and taxes, if any, as may be
determined: Provided, That prohibited goods shall not be released under
any circumstance.25

5.11. Release of Conditionally Tax and/or Duty Free Importations.

Upon favorable recommendation of the DOF, conditionally free
importations under Section 800 paragraphs (b), (d), (h), (j), (k), (n),
(r), and (z) may be released upon posting of security in an amount equal
to one hundred percent (100%) of the ascertained duties and taxes
and other charges thereon conditioned upon the re-exportation thereof
within period stated therein or payment of duties and taxes and other
charges and compliance with other conditions required therein.26
However, in case of importations under Section 800 paragraph (h), the
Bureau may allow the importer to submit a written commitment to re-
export the goods within three (3) months from the date of acceptance
of the goods declaration.

5.12. Conditional Release of Shipments Arriving in Advance.

Shipments of Returning Resident or returning OFW arriving in advance
of their actual date of arrival and without a request for pre-verification
shall be tentatively assessed and conditionally released upon the posting
of a cash bond equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of the
assessed duties and taxes due, unless the shipment is entered under
Section 800 (g) Chapter I, Title VIII, of the CMTA.

The Returning Resident or OFW must, within forty-five (45) days from
his arrival but not to exceed sixty (60) days from the release of the
shipment, submit to the Bureau the TEC issued by the DOF to support
his entitlement to the privilege. Failure to do so shall cause the Bureau

cf. CMTA, Title VII, Chapter 1, Section 707
cf. CMTA, Title VII, Chapter 1, Section 707
cf. CMTA, Title VIII, Chapter 1, Section 800

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to forfeit the bond to answer for the payment of the duties and taxes
due thereon.

The same procedure may be availed of for accompanied baggage or

those arriving after the date of return if the clearance is not yet secured
from the Commissioner.27

5.13. Posting of Performance Bond with the Bureau. To protect the

interest of the government the District Collector may require any party
to post security for the faithful compliance of their obligations with the
Bureau under existing laws rules and regulations.28

Section 6. Cash bond as a Form of Security.

6.1. Treatment of Cash Bond. Deposited Cash Bond shall be proceeded

against as follows:

6.1.1. If upon completion of the assessment or final decision results in

adjustments of the duties and taxes and other charges in favor
of the government, or when the importer fails to comply with the
conditions of the security, the following shall be observed: 29

a. If the amount of the cash bond is equal to the amount of

duties and taxes due, the same shall be receipted and
remitted to the General Fund.

b. If the amount of the cash bond is more than the amount of

duties and taxes due, the same shall be receipted and
remitted to the General Fund while the excess shall be
refunded to the importer in the form of a check issued by
the Bureau.

c. If the amount of the cash bond is less than the amount of

duties and taxes due, the same shall be receipted and
remitted to the General Fund and a demand letter shall be
issued for the balance thereof.

6.1.2. If the completed assessment or the final decision is in favor of

the importer, or when the conditions under which the cash bond
was required has been satisfied, the amount shall be refunded
to the importer in the form of a check issued by the Bureau.30

cf. CAO 6-2016, Section 9
cf. CMTA, Title VIII, Chapter 2, Section 801
cf. CMO 4-99, Section 3.2.1
cf. CMO 4-99, Section 3.2.4

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6.2. Accounting and Monitoring.

6.2.1. The Administrative Division or equivalent office in the port shall

establish and maintain a system for the proper accounting and
monitoring of all cash bonds posted as guaranty.

6.2.2. The District Collector shall institute and implement internal

control mechanisms for the maintenance and disposition of cash
bonds and submit periodic reports to the office of the
Commissioner on the status thereof.

6.3. Special Trust Fund Account. Cash bonds shall be deposited in a

Special Trust Fund Account to be managed by the Bureau of Treasury.31

6.4. General Fund. All final payments of additional duties and taxes and
other charges shall be receipted and remitted to the General Fund of the
Bureau of the Treasury through authorized government banks following
the accounting and auditing rules and regulations on revenue

Section 7. Standby Letter of Credit or Irrevocable Letter of Credit as a

Form of Security.

7.1. Authorized Banking Institutions. Only Authorized Agent Banks

Banking Institutions duly accredited by the Bureau are authorized to
issue letter of credit or Irrevocable Letter of Credit.

7.2. Treatment of Standby letter of Credit or Irrevocable Letter of


7.2.1. If upon completion of the assessment or final decision results in

adjustments of the duties and taxes and other charges in favor
of the government, or when the importer fails to comply with
the conditions of the security, the amount shall be immediately
settled by the bank upon notice without the need of a demand
letter from the District Collector.

7.2.2. If the completed assessment or the final decision in favor of the

importer, or when the conditions under which the Standby
Letter of Credit or Irrevocable Letter of Credit was required has
been satisfied, the same shall be cancelled.

7.3. Accounting and Monitoring.

CMO 4-99, Section 3.1
CMO 4-99, Section 3.4

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7.3.1. The Bonds Division or equivalent office in the port shall establish
and maintain a system for the proper accounting and
monitoring of all Standby Letter of Credit or Irrevocable Letter
of Credit posted as guaranty.33

7.3.2. The District Collector shall institute and implement internal

control mechanisms for the maintenance and disposition of
Standby Letter of Credit or Irrevocable Letter of Credit and
submit periodic reports to the office of the Commissioner on the
status thereof.34

Section 8. Surety Bonds as a Form of Security.

8.1. Authority to Transact Business as Surety Company (ATBAS) -

Only surety companies granted ATBAS shall be allowed to issue surety
bonds with the Bureau.

8.1.1. Requirements/Qualifications. Only surety companies in

good standing with the Bureau of Customs (BOC) shall qualify
for ATBAS in accordance with this Order.35 To be in good
standing, a surety company:36

a. Must have an authority from the Office of the President to

engage in surety business;37

b. Must be a holder of a Certificate of Authority duly issued by

the Insurance Commission, which must be valid and
effective at the time of application/renewal and for the
duration of the period applied for;38

c. Must not have, as an entity by itself, any due and

demandable liabilities with BOC at the time of the

d. Must have settled at least 70% of its outstanding obligations

as a surety company of persons/entities having transactions
with BOC, if any, as of the first day of the immediately
preceding quarter (e.g., as of July 1 for application for
accreditation for the 4th Quarter).40

cf. CAO 1-1999, Section 2.4
CAO 1-1999, Section 2.5
CMO 22-2003, Section 3.1
CMO 22-2003, Section 3.2
CMO 22-2003, Section3.2.1
CMO 22-2003, Section 3.2.2
CMO 22-2003, Section 3.2.3
CMO 22-2003, Section 3.2.4

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In the computation of the 30% threshold of unsettled
obligations, all accounts on bonds of a surety firm shall be
considered up to the extent of the amount unpaid or unsettled,
including but not limited to accounts on bonds:

i. That are subject of existing compromise or

staggered payment arrangements;

ii. That are subject of pending court litigation;

iii. That have been sequestered from bond principals,

importers or consignees;
iv. That have been issued involving valuation and
classification issues/cases.41

8.1.2. Applications for ATBAS. Applications of surety companies

shall be filed with and processed by the Bonds Division of the
Port where the surety companies wish to be accredited,
reviewed by the Collection Service, and upon the latter's
recommendation shall be approved by the District Collector

No bonds shall be honored or accepted by any port unless

issued by a surety company accredited in accordance with this
Order, covering transactions falling within the jurisdiction of the
collection district of the port where it is accredited, and within
the period covered by its accreditation.43

8.1.3. Period of Validity of ATBAS; Renewal. The accreditation of

the surety company shall be good and effective for a period of
one quarter, renewable every quarter thereafter in accordance
with this Order. For this purpose, a calendar year is divided as
follows: 1st Quarter, January-March; 2nd Quarter, April-June;
3rd Quarter, July-September; 4th Quarter, October-

8.2. Treatment of Surety Bond.

8.2.1. If upon completion of the assessment or final decision results in

adjustments of the duties and taxes and other charges in favor
of the government, or when the importer fails to comply with
the conditions of the security, the Chief Bonds Division or
equivalent office shall cause the issuance of the Demand Letter

CMO 22-2003, Section 4.1.3
CMO 22-2003, Section 3.4
CMO 22-2003, Section 3.5
CMO 22-2003, Section 3.3

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addressed to the importer and surety company to be signed by
the District Collector.

8.2.2. If the completed assessment or the final decision in favor of the

importer, or when the conditions under which the Surety Bond
was required has been satisfied, the Surety Bond shall be

8.3. Penalties for Breach of Bonds.45

8.3.1. Late Re-exportation: P 20,000.00 or 2% per month of the collectible duties,

taxes and other charges whichever is higher counted
from the date of expiration of the bond to the date of
re-exportation. After the lapse, of six (6) months from expiry date,
the penal amount of the bond shall be collected if no
re-exportation is made, and in addition thereto 2%
per month of the collectible duties and taxes shall be

8.3.2. Late payment of duties and taxes. P 20,000.00 or 2% per

month whichever is higher of the collectible duties, taxes and
other charges, counted from date of expiration of the
chargeable bond or bonds, up to the date of actual payment of
duties and taxes. Nothing herein specified shall preclude the
Collector of Customs concerned to proceed against the bond
after expiration of the period stipulated if he deemed it
necessary to protect the interest of the government.

8.3.3. Late extension of re-export bonds under Section 800

CMTA and other existing laws, rules and regulations.
Surcharge for late filing of request for extension to re-export
after the first six (6) months period has lapsed shall be imposed: P 20,000.00 or 2% per month of the collectible duties

and taxes whichever is higher, counted from the date
of expiration of bond up to the date of filing and
acceptance of the request for extension; The penal amount of the bond shall be imposed if

there is no payment of duties and taxes or re-
exportation after six (6) months from the expiration

cf. CAO 5-1991 with modification, amount of penalty adjusted in accordance with GAAP (Generally Accepted
Accounting Principle :12% per annum compounded annually)

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date of the bond, and in addition thereto 2% per
month of the collectible duties and taxes shall be

8.4. Accounting and Monitoring.

8.4.1. The Bonds Division or equivalent office in the port shall establish
and maintain a system for the proper accounting and
monitoring of all surety bonds posted as guaranty.

8.4.2. The District Collector shall institute and implement internal

control mechanisms for the maintenance and disposition of
surety bonds and submit periodic reports to the office of the
Commissioner on the status thereof.

8.5. Forfeiture of Bonds. Upon failure to settle the bonded obligations

despite issuance of demand letters the Chief, Bonds Division or its
equivalent unit thru the District Collector concerned shall recommend
the immediate issuance of the order of forfeiture of the bonds to the
Commissioner of Customs.46

8.6. Other Actions/Sanctions. The District Collector shall recommend to

the Commissioner of Customs through the Legal Service a course of
action to ensure payment of the obligation of the importer and may take
such other action for this purpose, including the filing of the collection
case and/or forfeiture of the bonds, suspension/cancellation of
accreditation, or non-renewal of the accreditation of the surety

Section 9. Periodic Review. Unless otherwise provided, this CAO shall be

reviewed every three (3) years and be amended or revised, if necessary.

Section 10. Repealing Clause. This CAO specifically amends or repeals previously
issued CAOs and CMOs which are inconsistent with the provisions therein.

Section 11. Separability Clause. If any part of this CAO is declared

unconstitutional or contrary to existing laws, other parts not so declared shall remain
in full force or effect.

Section 12. Effectivity. This CAO shall take effect after fifteen (15) days after its
publication at the Official Gazette or a newspaper of national circulation.
The Office of National Administrative Register (ONAR) of the UP Law center shall be
provided three (3) certified copies of this CAO.

cf. CMO 8-2007, (I) 1st paragraph
CAO 12-2003, Section 8

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Informational Section. As the title denotes this section only provides information
and does not give rise to any substantive or formal rights or obligations.

1. History. This is the first CAO dealing exclusively to all forms of security required
to guarantee payment of duties and taxes and other charges.

2. Related Policies.

Page 13 of 14 CAO No.______

Customs Administrative Order No. 5-91 Amended Rate Schedule on
the Imposition of Surcharges for Breach of Bond.
Customs Administrative Order 1-1999 "Utilizing Domestic Letters of
Credit issued by Reputable Financial Institutions as Guarantee for
imports subject to Re-Exportation amending CAO No. 5-98".
Customs Administrative Order No. 4-1999 Treatment of Cash/Check
Guarantee for Tentatively Released Shipment or Submission of Required
Documents to secure Payment of Duties and Taxes and Other Charges
Customs Administrative Order 12-2003 "Performance of Obligation
under Warehousing Bond and Liquidation of the Warehousing Entry,
providing Penalties therefore".
Customs Memorandum Order 22-2003 Quarterly Accreditation of
Surety Companies and Renewal of Accreditation.
Customs Memorandum Order 7-2007 Supplemental Provisions to CMO
22-2003, Quarterly Accreditation of Surety Companies and Renewal of
Customs Memorandum Order 8-2007 "Addendum to CMO No. 28-90,
Procedure in Forfeiture of Bonds".

3. Webpage, Forms, Handbooks and other References.

Republic Act No. 10863 Customs Modernization and Tariff Act


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