Spanish Lesson Plan Hobbies
Spanish Lesson Plan Hobbies
Spanish Lesson Plan Hobbies
TOPIC: Hobbies
CONTEXT: The students will be able to say and write in Spanish multiple different types of
hobbies (see worksheet attached). They will be able to ask Cul es tu pasatiempo favorito?
(What is your favourite hobby?) and be able to reply, written and orally, what hobbies they like
PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: The students would have learnt about different types of hobbies
Colour Pencils
SET INDUCTION: The teacher will start off by reminding the students, in English, what
hobbies are. Then, in an open discussion, the students will be asked to give examples of what
hobbies they like. This way they will have an idea of what they can state as their hobbies when it
The students will be able to The teacher will walk around The students will be put into
ask each other Cul es tu ensuring each student is able pairs, where each person will
pasatiempo favorito? (What is to question and answer ask and answer, what their
your favourite hobby?) and be appropriately, based on the favourite hobby is. They will
able to answer me gusta/no me hobbies they like and dislike. then switch partners in order
gusta _______________ (with to find out other classmates
their favourite hobby). preferred hobbies.
The students will be able to Folded paper labelled with Students will come up in front
recognise the Spanish different types of hobbies will of the class and choose a
word/words for a chosen be placed into a hat. Students labelled paper. They will act
hobby and be able to act out will choose one of the papers, out the selected hobby. The
that hobby in front of the unfold it and act out the other students will guess, in
class. chosen hobby in front of their Spanish, what hobby is being
classmates. The teacher will acted out.
assist the students if they need
help with recognising the
particular hobby.
Objective Evaluation Context
The students will be able to Students will be assessed by Students will now be able to
relate different pictures of observing how well they answer what hobbies they like
hobbies to their respective partake in the different or do not like and be able to
Spanish word/words. They will activities, doing their best to give multiple answers.
be able to answer, by writing, question and answer.
what their favourite hobby is. They will be given a worksheet
(see attached) in which they
will choose the Spanish
word/words for different
hobbies from a box and write
the correct word/words under
each hobbies picture. Lastly,
they will write their favourite
hobby in appropriate sentence
HOME WORK: The students will be given a revision worksheet (see attached), where they will
match the Spanish word/words for different hobbies, to their respective picture.
Context Teaching Strategy Activity
The students will be able to Students will be given a The students will identify the
associate the pictures of crossword puzzle to complete. pictures of different types of
different hobbies with their hobbies and choose the
corresponding word. respective Spanish word from
the list below. The word will
then be written into the
crossword puzzle above.
The students will be able to Students will be given a The students will identify four
colour different hobbies. colouring sheet (see attached) different hobbies and colour
to complete. them appropriately.
TEACHERS COMMENTS: The students enjoyed reading out loud the different hobbies and
relating the different words to the sometimes funny pictures. They especially enjoyed colouring
the four hobbies in whatever colours they liked. The students were able to answer the evaluation
worksheet efficiently, choosing the right answer and writing it under the pictures. Most students
were able to write the hobby they like, as they were able to choose from the box above.
However, the crossword puzzle was a little tough filling in the respective word into the boxes.
Nonetheless, all the activities and evaluation were doable by most of the students.
Me gusta I like No me gusta I do not like
Jugar al tenis
Montar en bicicleta
Escuchar msica
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