Manual For Using The Netbeans Ide
Manual For Using The Netbeans Ide
Manual For Using The Netbeans Ide
Locate NetBeans
Figure 1 shows a screen shot of my desktop. The last icon in the row of icons represents the
NetBeans program. Locate it on your screen and point the mouse on it.
Load NetBeans
Once you have located the NetBeans icon by placing your point on it, double click on the icon
to load NetBeans. Waite a while and youll observe the NetBeans screen appears. It looks
similar to Figure 2.
In its setting up, your will see a window appears, with a small window inset similar to Figure 3.
Inside the small window you will notice a slider moving across. This is indicating that the
NetBeans program is still being loaded into the memory of your computer. Wait .
Once NetBeans is loaded the smaller window disappears and the larger one remains. Your
screen should look similar to Figure 4. This is the window that you will be using to:
(a) Type/edit your Java program.
(b) Compile your program, and
(c) Execute your program.
The first row tells us among other things, the name of the Program. In this case NetBeans IDE
4.1 (Yours might be an updated version say 5.10 or so).
The second row is a menu showing the different tasks that you can perform. The first option is
File. Click on it and you will see as in Figure 5 the different options for handling your Java
program file(s).
(a) Create a new project (directories in which to store your Java files)
(b) Create a new Java source file; or
(c) Open an existing project, or
(d) Open an existing Java file.
If you slide the mouse across the menu, to Edit and click on it, you will see the activities (in
grey) that can be done when editing a Java file. See Figure 6.
Next, move the mouse over to the menu choice Build. This is another option that you will be
using frequently. See Figure 7. In grey you see the menu item marked Compile File. This is the
option that you will choose when you want to compile your Java program.
Lastly, move the mouse over to the menu choice mark Run. See Figure 8.
This is the option that you will use when you want to execute your Java program. Point on Run
you will see sub menu Run File. At this point you will not be able to see anything more since we
do not have an active file to run.
The third row of menu choices contains icons for many of the menu choices in the second row.
You may explore these at your own pace. Look back at Figure 4 we see three rectangular
windows. The window marked Projects is the area which shows us the Java files, among other
things, that are in the Project/folder that you are currently working with. The window to the
right of it is where you will compose/edit your Java files; and the window that is marked Output
(a) The state of your Java program when it is compiling,
(b) The state of it when it is executing (running), and
(c) Any output generated from your program.
Creating a Project/Folder
Whenever you are about to write a Java program using NetBeans, one of the first things that
NetBeans requires you to do is to create a folder in which to place all the Java files for your
application. NetBeans calls the folder a Project. So you must create a project in which to place
your Java files.
(a) Select File New Project. You will get a screen similar to Figure 9.
(b) Using Figure 9, select General Java Application, and click Next.
(c) Go to menu item Project Location. Click on the Browse button, and select the disk drive
and directory where you want your project to be stored. You will get a new window, similar
to Figure 10. When you have decided on the folder where you want to create your project,
click on it, and then click Open. In my case I selected drive D, and directory computer
science 2006. Next click on the Open button to confirm the selection.
Figure 10. Locating Disk Drive and Directory in which to create Project.
By now you should get a new screen similar to Figure 11. Notice that the Project Location field and
the Project Folder field are filled in for you automatically.
(d) Next, in the text field marked Project Name, ignore whatever the default name is and type
your own project name. In my case I call it Understanding NetBeans. See Figure 12.
Notice that NetBeans fill in your project name at the field Project Folder also.
(e) Because you want to have control over the things that you do in your Project, uncheck the
selections marked:
Set as Main Project, and
Create Main class
Figure 13 Uncheck items Set as Main Project and Create Main Class
(f) Click the button marked Finish. Wait a while. You should have a screen similar to Figure 14.
(b) On the new window, Figure 15, select Categories: Java Classes and File Types: Empty
Java File. See Figure 16, and click the Next button.
(c) Enter the name of the java class file you wish to develop, and press the Finish button. You
should see a screen similar to Figure 17. In my case I name the file Book. NetBeans will
automatically append .java to the name of the file you supplied. In this case,
(d) This empty window Figure 18 is the window in which you will type a single Java class file.
There is another way to create a new window, but stick with this format for now.
(e) Type the definition for the class called In this exercise a book has a title, the
isbn, and a price associated with it. See Figure 19.
When you click on this option, you are submitting your Java program to the Java compiler to compile
your class ( in this case. If the program is compiled successfully the window marked
Output should be similar to Figure 21.
Our next task it to write the test class. Select the option File New File. Follow steps (a) to (e). I
call my new class TestBook. See Figure 22.
You can only run a program that has a main method, like class To run you program select
Run Run File Run On doing so, you should get a screen similar to Figure
After you have clicked on the option your screen should look similar to Figure 24.
Once this is done, the program runs, you get an output similar to what you see in the window
marked Output of Figure 24.
See the exercise at the end of this manual. Create a workspace called test01, type the two classes in
the same folder but store them in separate files - and Compile first, then Execute, both files will be executed.
1. Type the following source code and save it in a file called
return isbn;
System.out.println("Name of book: " + b.getName());
System.out.println("The ISBN is : " + b.getIsbn());
System.out.println("The price is : $" + b.getPrice());
___________________The End____________________