Getting Started With Java and Eclipse
Getting Started With Java and Eclipse
Getting Started With Java and Eclipse
Suns Java Development Kit (JDK) includes both a Java compiler and a Java
interpreter (Java Runtime Environment, or JRE).
I recommend that you download and learn how to use Eclipse, described below.
However, you can compile and run Java programs using the JDK alone.
Note for Windows users: In order to be able to run the javac compiler from the
command line, you must add the installation bin directory to your PATH environment
variable. For example, by default jdk 6 installs into the directory
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\. This installation directory contains a directory
named bin. You would want to add this directory to your PATH:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin
Next we will explain how to run the Java compiler and interpreter. Suppose that your
Java program is in two files, and At the command line, type
the command
If there are no syntax errors in the program, the compiler will compile these files,
creating the files Prog.class and Support.class. Suppose that the main method you
want to run is in This command will run it:
java Prog
Note that you type the name of the class containing the main method, but you do not
type the .class file extension.
What Is Eclipse?
For MS Windows, the Eclipse download is a big Zip file. Unzip Eclipse and put it
wherever you like.
Eclipse stores all of your projects and source files in a workspace directory of your
choosing. Before you run Eclipse for the first time, create the directory that you will
use for your programming projects.
Starting Eclipse
Click Browse... and navigate to the folder you have created to hold your workspace,
then click OK. You will see:
1 Note: the screenshots for this handout were prepared on a Macintosh. They will look a little different
on other platforms or with different versions of Eclipse.
When you program, you use different tools at different times. When you are editing,
you need a list of files in your project. When you are debugging, you need windows
for viewing variable values. When you are designing, you need inspectors to browse
the class structure of your program. If you keep open all windows for all of these
tools, your monitor will become very cluttered.
All perspectives share the same editors. Whatever files you are currently editing,
switching perspectives switches only the tools that surround the editing windows.
A view represents some tool for working with your project. In the above window the
Package Explorer view lists all of your projects and their contents, organized by Java
We will go through the steps required to create and run a simple Java program.
The Package view shows your project classes organized by package. We wont be
using packages for this simple program so that view is not especially useful. The
Navigator view would be most useful but it is not shown in this perspective. You
can add any view you like to any perspective. Choose the menu item
Window/Show View/Navigator. You will see:
a) You can select the menu item File/New/Class. However, it is time to learn
another way of selecting commands. Eclipse is a large program with many
menus and commands. Sometimes it is difficult to remember which menu has
the command you need. Eclipse relies heavily on context sensitive popup
menus. If you select something and right-click on it (click your secondary
mouse button, or, on a Macintosh, <ctrl>+click), a menu pops up containing
only those commands that are relevant to the selected item. Try it. Right-click
on the Hello project:
b) In the dialog, name the class Hello, and check the box that asks Eclipse to
create public static void main(String[] args). Ignore the
warning that The use of the default package is discouraged. Click Finish:
You can see that has been added to the project. If you open the bin
directory, you will see that Hello.class has been added to it. Eclipse
automatically compiles each source file every time you save it. has
also been opened in an editor window. You can edit as many files as you
wish; each file will have its own tab in the editor pane. Note that Eclipse has
filled in some of the code: some comments, the class declaration, and the
main method.
Note also that the Outline view now shows the Hello class and its contents.
The outline will list every variable and method in the class. Different icons
distinguish constructors and static fields or methods. Color coding
distinguishes public, private and protected items. You can see your whole
class at a glance. If you click on something in the outline, the editor will scroll
to it. This is true of many of the views. If you select or double-click on
something, an editor is opened or some other useful action occurs.
System.out.println("Hello, world!");
The editor automatically indents and formats your code as you type. It adds
closing parentheses and braces for you.
Save your work. You can do this by clicking on the floppy disk icon on the
toolbar or by choosing File/Save.
Once you have run your program once, you can run it again by clicking the Run
icon from the toolbar: it looks like the Play button on a CD player: .
If you double-click on the title bar of any pane, it will zoom to fill the entire window,
hiding all the other panes. Double-clicking again on the title restores the pane to its
former size and position. If your computer has a small screen, you may find that the
editing panes are too small, so it is useful to be able to zoom them easily to full
window size.
If your code has any syntax errors or other problems that prevent it from compiling,
the editor window shows a red X icon at the beginning of each line with a problem. If
you move the mouse over the X, a message will pop up. Also, the Problems pane at
the bottom lists all error messages. In the picture below, I have misspelled class as
crass and have deleted the semicolon from the end of the printing statement:
Eclipse has a good source-level debugger. The first time you want to debug a
program, select the class with that programs main method in the Navigator view
and choose Debug As/Open Debug Dialog... from its popup menu:
Execution has halted at the first statement of main. This program is not very
interesting to debug, but the debugger is useful for larger programs. You can single-
step (execute one statement at a time), run until a breakpoint (any line that you mark
as a breakpoint), and examine the value of any variable or expression. All accessible
variables are shown in the Variables tab. You can also add an Expressions view tab
that lets you type in and evaluate any expression.
The main debugger commands from the Run menu (and their function key shortcuts)
Step Into (F5): Execute one statement and then break. If the statement is a function
call, stop at the first line of the function implementation.
Step Over (F6): Execute one statement and then break. If the statement is a function
call, execute the entire function call as if it were a single statement and break when
the function returns.
Step Return (F7): Execute until the current function returns, then break.
Resume (F8): Execute until the next breakpoint or until the program exits.
You can set a breakpoint at any line in your source code. Put the cursor anywhere in
the line and choose Run/Toggle Line Breakpoint, or just double-click in the gray area
at the left of the line. A blue dot will appear at the left of the line. Here is an example
from a different project:
The Help menu will take you to complete Eclipse documentation. Choosing
Help/Welcome takes you back to the screen you saw when you first launched Eclipse.
Each project listed in the Navigator window is stored as a folder (directory) in your
workspace folder. You can edit any files in the folder using any editor you like. If you
add files created elsewhere to a project folder, Eclipse wont know that they are there.
If you select the project and choose Refresh from the popup menu, Eclipse will
update its display to reflect all the files you have added or deleted from the project
If you delete a file from a project using Eclipse, that file is also deleted from its
folder. If you delete a project, Eclipse asks you whether you also want to delete the
folder. If you save the folder, you can bring that project back into your workspace
later by using the File/Import command. You can also use the Import function to
copy any external files into a project folder; this is an alternative to manually copying
files into the project folder. There is also an Export function.
The Source and Refactor menus have many commands to help with editing and
revising code. For example, if you select a block of text, there are commands to
reformat it or fix its indentation, to create comments, to put the code inside a
try/catch block, etc. If you use these tools to rename a class or variable, all
references to the old name are updated automatically.