A three stage amplifier has the following power gains and noise figures (as
ratios, not in decibels) for each stage: Stage 1, power gain=10, noise figure= 3;
stage 2, power gain = 20, noise figure = 4; Stage 3, power gain = 30, noise figure =
5. Calculate the total noise figure.
3. Determine the noise current for diode with a forward bias if 1mA over 100kHz
4. A transistor amplifier has a measured 5 S/N power of 10 at its input and 5at its
output. Calculate the transistors NF.
5. Two resistors, 5k and 20k are at 27C. Calculate the thermal noise voltage
for a 10 kHz bandwidth if they are in series.
1. A microwave radio-link operated at a frequency of 4 Ghz has a separation
distance of 50 km between antennas. By how much must the beam clear the
2. In a certain microwave links, the following parameters are given: Path distance
= 40km, average terrain and climate operating frequency = 8Ghz, reliability
desired = 99.99 %. Determine the fade margin to be assigned to this link.
3. For a relatively flat earth, what is the correction factor used when the surface
refractivity is 300?