Manual 191
Manual 191
Manual 191
Foundations of Physics I
Physics 191
Fall 2007
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Projectile Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Atwood Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Kinetic Friction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Ballistic Pendulum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Two-Body Collisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Rotational Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
The Pendulum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
PLEASE NOTE: We may not do the experiments in this order, and may not do all of the
experiments. We may introduce other experiments not on this list.
When you measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers,
you know something about it, but when you cannot express it in numbers, your
knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind: It may be the beginning of
knowledge, but you have scarcely in your thoughts advanced to the stage of
science. Lord Kelvin (Lecture to the Institution of Civil Engineers 1883)
Physics and engineering rely on quantitative experiments. Experiments are artificial sim-
plifications of nature: line drawings rather than color photographs. The hope is that by
striping away the details, the essence of nature is revealed. Although the aim of experiment
is appropriate simplification, the design of experiments is anything but simple. Typically
it involves days (weeks, months, . . . ) of fiddling before the experiment finally works. I
wish this sort of creative problem-oriented process could be taught in a scheduled lab period
to incoming students, but limited time and the many prerequisites make this impossible.
(You have to work on grammar before you can write the great American novel.) Look for
more creative labs starting next year!
Thus this lab manual describes experiences (labs) that are caricatures of experimental
physics. Our labs will typically emphasize thorough preparation, an underlying math-
ematical model of nature, good experimental technique, analysis of data (including the
significance of error) . . . the basic prerequisites for doing science. But your creativity will
be circumscribed. You will find here instructions that are not a part of real experiments
(where the methods and/or outcomes are not known in advance).
2. Perform basic measurements and recognize the associated limitations (which, when
expressed as a number, are called uncertainties or errors).
3. Practice the methods which allow you to determine how uncertainties in measured
quantities propagate to produce uncertainties in calculated quantities.
4. Practice the process of verifying a mathematical model, including data collection, data
display, and data analysis (particularly graphical data analysis with curve fitting).
4 Introduction
7. Develop an appreciation for the highs and lows of lab work. And I hope: learn to
learn from the lows.
To be announced in class. Note that this Manual does not list labs in the scheduled order.
You should be enrolled in a lab section for PHYS 191. Your labs will be completed on the
cycle day/time for which you have enrolled. These are the only times that the equipment
and assistance will be available to you. It is your responsibility to show up and complete
each lab. (Problems meeting the schedule should be addressedwell in advanceto the
lab manager.)
Lab notebook. You will need three notebooks: While one is being graded, the others
will be available to use in the following labs. The lab notebook should have quad-ruled
paper (so that it can be used for graphs) and a sewn binding (for example, Ampad
#26251, available in the campus bookstores).
The knowledge you gained from carefully reading the lab manual before you attended.
A pen (we strongly prefer your lab book be written in ink, since one should never,
under any circumstances, erase). However, pencils are ok for drawings and graphs.
Before Lab:
Since you have a limited time to use equipment (other students will need it), it will be to
your advantage if you come to the laboratory well prepared. Please read the description
of the experiment carefully, and do any preliminary work in your lab notebook before you
come to lab. (The section below headed Lab Notebook gives a more complete description
of what to include in your lab notebook.)
There may be one or more quizzes sometime during the semester to test how well you
prepared for the lab. These quizzes, as well as the pre-lab assignments, will be collected
during the FIRST TEN MINUTES of lab, so it is wise to show up on time or early.
Introduction 5
During Lab:
Note the condition of your lab station when you start so that you can return it to that state
when you leave. Check the apparatus assigned to you. Be sure you know the function of
each piece of equipment and that all the required pieces are present. If you have questions,
ask your instructor. Usually you will want to make a sketch of the setup in your notebook.
Prepare your experimental setup and decide on a procedure to follow in collecting data.
Keep a running outline in your notebook of the procedure actually used. If the procedure
used is identical to that in this Manual, you need only note see Manual. Nevertheless,
an outline of your procedure can be useful even if you aim to exactly follow the Manual.
Prepare tables for recording data (leave room for calculated quantities). Write your data
in your notebook as you collect it!
Check your data table and graph, and make sample calculations if pertinent to see if ev-
erything looks satisfactory before going on to something else. Most physical quantities will
appear to vary continuously and thus yield a smooth curve. If your data looks questionable
(e.g., a jagged, discontinuous curve) you should take some more data near the points in
question. Check with the instructor if you have any doubts.
Complete the analysis of data in your notebook and indicate your final results clearly. If
you make repeated calculations of any quantity, you need only show one sample calculation.
Often a spreadsheet will be used to make repeated calculations. In this case it is particularly
important to report how each column was calculated. Tape computer-generated data tables,
plots and least-squares fit reports into your notebook, so that they can be examined easily.
Answer all questions that were asked in the Lab Manual.
CAUTION: for your protection and for the good of the equipment, please check with the
instructor before turning on any electrical devices.
Lab Notebook
Your lab notebook should represent a detailed record of what you have done in the labo-
ratory. It should be complete enough so that you could look back on this notebook after
a year or two and reconstruct your work. Sample notebook pages from a previous student
are included at the end of this section.
Your notebook should include your preparation for lab, sketches and diagrams to explain
the experiment, data collected, initial graphs (done as data is collected), comments on
difficulties, sample calculations, data analysis, final graphs, results, and answers to questions
asked in the lab manual. NEVER delete, erase, or tear out sections of your notebook that
you want to change. Instead, indicate in the notebook what you want to change and why
(such information can be valuable later on). Then lightly draw a line through the unwanted
section and proceed with the new work.
DO NOT collect data or other information on other sheets of paper and then transfer to
your notebook. Your notebook is to be a running record of what you have done, not a
formal (all errors eliminated) report. There will be no formal lab reports in this course.
When you have finished a particular lab, you turn in your notebook at the end of the period.
6 Introduction
Ordinarily, your notebook should include the following items for each experiment.
NAMES. The title of the experiment, your name, your lab partners name, and your lab
station number.
THEORY. At least a listing of the relevant equations, and what the symbols represent.
Often it is useful to number these equations so you can unambiguously refer to them.
Note: These first four items can usually be completed before you come to lab.
PROCEDURE. This section should be an outline of what you did in lab. As an absolute
minimum your procedure must clearly describe the data. For example, a column of
numbers labeled position or x is not sufficient. You must identify what position
is being recorded and how the position was measured. Your diagram of the apparatus
(see below) is usually a critical part of this description, as it is usually easier to draw
how the data were measured than describe it in words. Sometimes your procedure
will be identical to that in the lab manual in which case your procedure may be as
short as a sentence:
However there are usually details you can fill in about the procedure. Your procedure
may have been different from that described in the lab manual. Or points that seem
important to you may not have been included. And so on. This section is also a good
place to describe any difficulties you encountered in getting the experiment set up and
DATA. You should record all the numbers you encounter, including units and uncer-
tainties, and any other relevant observations as the experiment progresses. The lab
report should include the actual data taken in the lab, not recopied versions. Get in
the habit of recording every digit reported by measuring instruments. . . no rounding
at this point. If you find it difficult to be neat and organized while the experiment
is in progress, you might try using the left-hand pages of your notebook for doodles,
raw data, rough calculations, etc., and later transfer the important items to the right-
hand pages. This section can also include computer-generated data tables and fit
reportsjust tape them into your lab book (one per page please).
Its good practice to graph the data as you acquire it in the lab; this practice allows
you to see where more data are needed and whether some measurements are suspicious
and should be repeated.
and intercept of a straight line on a graph, you should show your work in detail. Your
TA must be able to reproduce your every calculation just based on your notebook.
The TAs have been instructed to totally disregard answers that appear without an
obvious source. It is particularly important to remember to show how each column
in a spreadsheet hardcopy was calculated. (Typically this is done with using simple
RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS. You should end each experiment with a conclusion that
summarizes your results how successful was the experiment, what did you learn
from it, and what were your results.
Begin this section with a summary of your numerical results, collected in a carefully
constructed table that summarizes all of your results in one place. Here it is critical
to properly record numerical values (significant figures, units, uncertainty, see for
example page 84)
You should also compare your results to the theoretical and/or accepted values. Does
your experimental range of uncertainty overlap the accepted value? Based on your
results, what does the experiment tell you?
DISCUSSION/CRITIQUE. As a service to us and future students we would appreciate
it if you would also include a short critique of the lab in your notebook. Please
comment on such things as the clarity of this Lab Manual, performance of equipment,
relevance of experiment, and if there is anything you particularly liked or disliked
about the lab. This is a good place to blow off a little steam. Dont worry; you wont
be penalized, and we use constructive criticisms to help improve these experiments.
QUICK REPORT. As you leave lab, each group should turn in a 3 5 quick report
card. You will be told in lab what information belongs on your card, but generally
it includes the numerical results (properly recorded: sigfigs, units, error) from your
Conclusion. Always include: names (you and your partner), table number (find the
number on the computer base), and date. These cards go directly to the Lab Manager
who will use them to identify problems.
Note: If for some reason you cannot complete a lab on time, please see the lab manager
(Lynn Schultz) in PEngel 139 or call 3632835. Late labs will only be accepted under
exceptional circumstances. If an exception is valid, the lab may still be penalized depending
on how responsibly you handled the situation (e.g., did you call BEFORE the lab started?).
910 points: A
88.9 points: B
77.9 points: C
66.9 points: D
05.9 points: Unsatisfactory
8 Introduction
Introduction 9
10 Introduction
Before Lab
You must make three hand-drawn graphs in your lab notebook before you come to lab:
Data Set 1 the graph of distance (on the y-axis) vs. time (on the x as is) should
look approximately linear.
Data Set 2 the graph of activity N (on the y-as is) vs. time (on the x as is) should
look curved.
Data Set 2 the semi-log graph of ln(N ) (on the y-as is) vs. time (on the x as is)
should look linear. Follow the exponential function graphical analysis outlined on
page 93 in Appendix C. Provide a table analogous to Table C.2 on page 94 showing
the logarithmic transformation of the data and error in Data Set 2.
Each graph should be sized to fill a notebook page with axes ranges selected to surround the
data with a minimum of unused space. Accurately drawn errors bars (following Figure B.1)
are required.
One purpose of the first few experiments is to introduce you to the data reduction and
analysis concepts that are described in the four Appendices to this manual. You should
begin working your way through these Appendices nowthere is a lot in them and it will
take you some time to understand it.
For this experiment you will need to be familiar with at least some of the material in each
of these Appendices:
Appendix A (on error analysis) talks about how to estimate uncertainties in experi-
mentally measured quantities.
Appendix B (fairly short) gives you some guidelines on how to make a graph. Use the
graphs in Appendix C as examples.
Appendix C (on graphical analysis), especially the sections on linear and exponential
functions. Note especially the logarithmic transformation that we use to make an
exponential function look like a straight line. You may need to review the properties
of logarithms as you study this section.
12 EXPERIMENT #1: Data Analysis
Of course, you should also read carefully the writeup for this experiment, given below.
Much of your work in laboratory this semester will involve the careful plotting and analysis
of experimental data. In this exercise you will be given two sets of data and asked to work
with each set.
Suppose an airplane on a long flight over a very poorly mapped route passes over a series of
air traffic control radio beacon checkpoints that have been dropped by parachute. At each
checkpoint the time is recorded with an accuracy of about 1 second (i.e., better than 0.001
hours). The distance of each checkpoint from the planes starting point is known only to
within about 150 km. The following data are recorded:
distance from
elapsed time starting point
(hours 0.001) (km 150)
0.235 200
1.596 1200
1.921 1850
2.778 2100
3.310 2750
4.314 3500
4.846 4200
6.147 4900
6.678 5700
7.979 6650
The activity of a certain radioactive element is monitored by a Geiger counter, which clicks
and records a count each time it detects a nucleus undergoing a radioactive decay. The
number N of counts during a one minute periodis recorded along with the start time of the
count. The estimated uncertainty in a count is N . (Why this is the proper error estimate
is explained in Taylor.) The error in start-time is negligible.
EXPERIMENT #1: Data Analysis 13
time N N
(min) (counts/min) (counts/min)
2 2523 50
4 1908 44
6 1632 40
8 1263 36
10 1068 33
12 861 29
14 714 27
16 560 24
18 452 21
20 372 19
Try to complete all four steps given below before coming to lab. If you have problems, talk
to your instructor, but as a minimum draw the three required graphs of the above data in
your notebook.
1. In your lab notebook, make a careful graph of each set of data, following the guidelines
given in Appendix B and using the graphs in Appendix C in the lab manual as an
example. Be sure you plot the error bars.
2. For the first data set, the graph of distance vs. time should be linear. If it is, use the
graph to estimate the average speed of the plane.
Make careful calculations of the slope and the y-intercept of graph, and explain how
they are to be interpreted. Use the range of possible slopes implied by the error
bars to estimate the uncertainty in average speed (see Fig. C.1 in Appendix C) and
3. For the second data set, the graph of activity vs. time should not be linear. Therefore
the first step is to determine what sort of function describes the data. Read carefully
the section in Appendix C on Exponential Function (page 93) of this lab manual.
Following the advice of that section make a semi-log plot of the data which should
look linear. Begin by making a table analogous to Table C.2 on page 94 showing
the logarithmic transformation of the data and error bars. Calculate the A and B
parameters, their uncertainties and their units.
N1 = AeBt1 (1.1)
N2 = Ae (1.2)
1 N2 AeBt2
= = = eB(t2 t1 ) = eB (1.3)
2 N1 AeBt1
If we now take the natural log of both sides we have:
ln = ln eB = B (1.4)
ln 2
B= (1.5)
or, solving for ,
ln 2
= (1.6)
Thus if you calculate B using your graph, you can use the result to calculate the
half-life . Note that this method of calculating B is actually the same that described
in Eq. C.5:
ln (y2 /y1 ) Y2 Y1
B= = (1.7)
x2 x1 x2 x1
Use this method to calculate the half-life , and compare it to the value you found
above, from the direct inspection of your graph. (Dont forget to include units for .)
In the laboratory we will go over the graphical data analysis outlined above, and then see
how to use the computer to analyze the same data using the method of least squares (see
Appendix D). Feel free to log on to the WAPP+ web site1 and do the on-line analysis at
home before you come to lab!
Before leaving lab, make sure the instructor has checked your work.
Lab Writeup
The Introduction to this lab manual describes what should usually be included in your
notebook, but this experiment is a bit different.
1. The four steps outlined above, which constitute your graphical analysis of the two
data sets.
EXPERIMENT #1: Data Analysis 15
2. The results of your computer analysis for the two data sets. Tape the fit reports and
graphs into your notebook. Properly (sigfigs, error, unit) report the results of each
computer fit.
Compare your own graphical analysis calculation of the A and B parameters to the
ones WAPP+ finds. The values should agree within experimental uncertainty. For
the reason cited on page 103, your graphical estimates of uncertainty may be larger
than those found by WAPP+ .
3. Using the B parameter found by WAPP+ calculate the half-life and its uncertainty.
The calculation of the uncertainty in the half-life is probably new to you. You will
need to use one of the formulas in Table A.1 in Appendix A (page 83) of this lab
manual (or one in the compendium of such formulae in Appendix E at the end of
this lab manual) to find the uncertainty in the half-life in terms of the uncertainty in
the parameter B. Check with your instructor if you are not sure how this calculation
works. Compare this calculated half-life to that found graphically.
Two tables summarizing the results of your analysis for the two sets of data (including
every calculated A and B value with proper sigfigs, units and uncertainty). (Tabulat-
ing and comparing results obtained during lab is almost always part of your conclusion
Several paragraphs discussing the conclusions you drew from this analysis. For exam-
Did your graphical results and computer least-squares fit results agree, within
experimental uncertainty?
How valid and reliable were your least squares fits? See Appendix D for a dis-
cussion of the relationship between reduced chi-squared and the validity of the
Any other conclusions you drew from your analysis.
Critique of Lab
Follow the suggestions given in the Introduction to the Laboratory Manual. You may also
want to comment on the relative ease of using the computer.
16 EXPERIMENT #1: Data Analysis
EXPERIMENT # 2: Freely Falling
Before Lab
Please read this writeup carefully. At many points the writeup asks questions and reports
things you should address in your notebook (e.g., Explain why in your notebook). A
good strategy is to highlight or underline each question mark and explain why as you
read so you can quickly find them and confirm that you have answered each of them before
you turn in your notebook. Please also continue reading in the Appendices to this manual.
This experiment particularly stresses material from Appendices A and D.
Two objects with the same size and shape but different mass are shown to you. Then
someone asks: Which will fall faster, the heavy one or the light one? Aristotle (about 300
B.C.) gave his philosophical arguments which concluded that the heavy one fell faster. This
misleading impression was challenged by Galileo in about 1600.
As part of his analysis, Galileo investigated the properties of bodies moving with constant
acceleration, a subject that is still central to our ideas of motion. In this experiment we
will study free fall experimentally and compare our result with theoretical equations of
motionare our experimental results consistent with a constant acceleration? And if so,
what is that acceleration.
Another important goal of this experiment is to develop your ability to analyze data scien-
Two equations of motion that describe free fall with constant acceleration are
v(t) = v + gt (2.1)
x(t) = x + v t + gt2 (2.2)
18 EXPERIMENT #2: Freely Falling Body
where x and v represent position and velocity, t the time, x and v the position and velocity
at t = 0, and g is the acceleration of gravity. Your textbook should have a discussion of
these equations, which assume constant gravitational acceleration, g, and negligible air
resistance. To study free fall in our experiment, we will want to measure both the distance
fallen, and velocity, as functions of time. Analysis of these data (see pages 7799) would
give us the functional relationships between v,t and x,t. If the experimental relationships
agree with Eqs. 2.1 and 2.2 above then the parameters determined experimentally can be
used to arrive at a value for g.
Experimental Methods
The apparatus is a Behr free fall apparatus shown schematically in Fig. 2.1. CAUTION:
This apparatus produces very high voltages at very low currents. It is unlikely to be dan-
gerous, but it is possible to get a painful shock. Check everything out with the instructor
Magnet sample
electromagnet data
plummet #1
paper tape
Generator tape roll #6
before using it. When the switch to the electromagnet is opened the plummet will fall freely.
The sparking system will produce a spark hole through the sensitive paper every 1/60 of
a second. Since the spark jumps from the plummet to a wire behind the paper each spark
hole marks the position of the plummet at each spark time. The resulting paper tape is
thus a record of distance fallen versus time.
What about velocity as a function of time? The instantaneous velocity is not directly
recorded on the paper tape. Fig. 2.1 also shows a typical section of tape with the dots
representing spark holes at equal time intervals. Using the Mean Speed Theorem, it can
be shown that when the acceleration is constant the instantaneous velocity at time t5 is
numerically equal to the average velocity over the time interval t4 to t6 . Hence from the
EXPERIMENT #2: Freely Falling Body 19
NOTE: The choice of appropriate units for time can save you a great deal of tedious
computation. You will measure time in units 1/60 sec, which we call a wink and velocity in
units of cm per wink. Accelerations will come out in cm/wink2 . After you have completed
the graphical and computer analysis and found values for g, you can do a single unit
conversion to convert time back to seconds. Ask your instructor or your TA if you are not
clear how to proceed.
Basic Procedure
0. Read through all of this basic procedure and the following sections on Uncertainties
and Spreadsheet before beginning any measurements.
1. Ask the instructor to explain the operation of the apparatus to you. Be sure the
apparatus is level, so the plummet will drop into the cup, and not hit the wires on
the way down. Also, be sure you know how to operate the sparking system without
shocking yourself!
2. Before installing the sensitive paper tape, make one or two trial runs (Does the plum-
met drop without hitting wires? Can you see sparks all the way down the wires?
Dont touch the apparatus while the spark is on.)
3. Install the paper tape and take a final run to obtain data.
4. Remove the paper tape and check it immediately to see if all spark holes are present
(rerun if necessary).
5. Circle the spark holes and number them for convenience in making measurements.
6. Decide what measurements you will make (see following on Uncertainties) and plan a
data table accordingly.
8. Using your data, calculate velocity as a function of time and enter the values into your
data table. Note: You can calculate the velocities with a calculator, but many people
find it easier to use a spreadsheet programsee below for detailed instructions. Also
calculate the error in velocity.
9. Analyze the v(t) vs. t data. (A linear relationship is expected) Note: jumps in the
v(t) vs. t graph usually indicate a missed spark hole.
The uncertainties in this lab depends on the method you use to reduce and analyze the
data. Two possibilities are listed below:
a. With the meter stick held firmly in place and not zeroed on any particular spark
hole, measure the location x of each spark hole. Record the uncertainty x of that
measurement. Note that you will not want to use the first few marks on the tapethey
are usually not well-defined.
Then, to find the velocities in units of cm/wink, calculate the distances between every
other point using the individual x values (e.g., d4 = x5 x3 ) and then divide by 2
winks. (Why?)
In this case each individual value for d has an uncertainty of d = 2 x. Do you
see why? (Explain this point in your writeup. Hint: see Eq. E.5.) Divide d by 2 to
get the uncertainty in v. (Explain this point in your writeup. Hint: see Eq. E.2.)
b. Find the velocity directly by measuring the distance between every other point in ad-
dition to measuring the location of each spark hole. This method would give velocities
with a bit better accuracy than the first method, but would take twice as much time.
Using either method will probably result in the same uncertainty for each data point. As a
result WAPP+ can calculate your errors using a formula (really just a constant), rather
than using individually determined errors for each datum.
It turns out that in this experiment, the uncertainties in the time t are negligible compared
to the uncertainties in the distance. Otherwise, it would have been necessary to include
both in calculating the uncertainties in velocity, using the techniques developed in Appendix
Using a Spreadsheet
1. Prepare a table of distances (in cm) versus time (in units of winks). Your times will fill
the first column and can be just the numbers of the points: 1,2,3,. . . . Your distances
(in the adjacent column) are the locations of the corresponding spark holes.
2. Next, we use the spreadsheet to calculate the velocities. Follow these steps:
Put the cursor in the column to the right of the distances, and click in the second
row from the top (that is, the row corresponding to t = 2, the second data point).
Our aim is to calculate the velocity at that time: v2 .
Next, enter a formula that will calculate the velocities. First, type =( in the
cell (without the quotation marks).
Then, click on the distance cell diagonally down and to the left (i.e., x3 ). If you
are in the second row, this cell will be in the third row. You will see the cell
reference in your formula.
Next, enter a minus sign.
EXPERIMENT #2: Freely Falling Body 21
Next, click on the distance cell diagonally up and to the left (i.e., x1 ).
Next, finish the formula that will calculate the velocities by typing )/2 in the
cell (without the quotation marks). You should see something like this:
Hit enter to finish the formula. You should now have the distance between the
points immediately above and below your current point divided by twowhich
is equivalent to velocity in units of distance per wink. Why?
3. We now need to copy this formula to do the rest of the cells in this column. Select
this cell again; notice the very small square in the lower right hand side of the cell.
Click on that square and drag it down. This step should copy your formula to each
cell in the column and give you the distance differences for all points except the first
and last.
Be sure to include a sample calculation in your notebook, and explain the
reasoning behind it carefully. Your instructor should explain a simple way to
self-document your spreadsheet before you print it.
4. Save your spreadsheet, and print it. You can tape it into your lab book. Be sure
you label the columns appropriately (quantity name and unit) and document your
Analysis of Data
At this point you can transfer either the data for velocity vs. time or distance vs. time to
WAPP+ and do your least-squares fits. Tell WAPP+ that you have no x errors (error in
time is negligible) and that youll use a formula for y errors (really just a constant). Click
on Do Bulk.
Select (and copy) all three columns in your spreadsheet. Paste that data into the Block
Copy & Paste web-form. Enter the appropriate y-error in the labeled box. When analyzing
distance vs. time data the columns should be (respectively): X, Y, Ignore. When analyzing
velocity vs. time data the columns should be (respectively): X, Ignore, Y.
The main purpose of this experiment is to measure the acceleration of gravity g (of course,
with an experimental uncertainty g). We will find g g in two separate ways, and see
how well the two compare.
For this analysis, you may need to review Appendices A, C and D in the back of the lab
manual (see pages 90 and 99).
The points should all lie close to a straight line. If they do not, you may have recorded some
points from your tape incorrectlydouble-check, and consult your instructor if necessary
Summarize your results by making a careful table in your lab book that reports g and the
uncertainty in g using the two methods. Be sure you report these results using time in units
of secondssome unit conversion may be needed here.
Then, compare (see page 77) your experimental values for g with the value 980 cm/s2
usually given in textbooks as the accepted value.
In your conclusion, give a careful discussion of your results. For example, how reliable are
the least-squares fits and your estimates of experimental uncertainty, given your reduced chi-
squared values? Comment on the consistency of your results and how well they compare to
the accepted value (give a percent difference). Mention any sources of error, both systematic
and random.
Critique of Lab
Extra Credit
Make an additional column of v 2 data. Test the relationship between velocity squared and
v 2 = (vo2 2gxo ) + 2gx (2.3)
Use Eq. E.4 to find the formula for the error in v 2 . From the slope of the v 2 vs. x relationship,
find g a third way.
EXPERIMENT # 3: Reaction
Time and Falling Bodies
Note: We will not be doing this experiment this year. Nevertheless, no special equipment
is required and you are encouraged to try this lab on your own.
Before Lab
This experiment relies heavily on the material developed in Appendix A of this lab manual
Please review it carefully. And of course, study this writeup carefully.
In this experiment we will measure the reaction times of the experimenters as a way of
examining the random scatter in experimental data. We will also introduce the standard
deviation as a measure of that scatter. Keep in mind that experimental scientists distinguish
between random error and systematic error; we will be concerned only with the former in
this experiment. See Taylor and Appendix A in the lab manual (p. 77) for a more complete
Analysis of Problem
One normally thinks of measuring a given physical quantity with a particular instrument.
For example, one ordinarily measures length or distance with a meter stick, time with a
clock, mass with a balance, and so on. In this exercise, however, we will see how one can
measure reaction time with a meter stick. We will also study the random variations in the
data and the way one can estimate the best value of the reaction time.
24 EXPERIMENT #3: Reaction Time and Falling Bodies
We can find a persons reaction time by measuring the distance fallen by a meterstick and
using the law of falling bodies to calculate the time it has taken to fall that distance. If we
let D represent the distance, t the time, and g the acceleration of gravity, then
1 2
D= gt (3.1)
We will solve this equation for time to find time as a function of distance fallen.
Experimental Procedure
Two people working together can measure their reaction times as follows: One person holds
a meter stick by its upper end. The second person, whose reaction time is to be measured,
places one or both hands lower on the stick, in a position that can be reproduced from one
measurement to the next. Without warning, the first person drops the stick. The second
person closes his or her hand so as to grab the stick. Then s/he records the distance the stick
fell. This procedure should be repeated 40 times, maintaining the experimental conditions
as nearly alike as possible for all the measurements. PLEASE NOTE: You should work
out your procedure carefully and describe it in detail in your laboratory notebook before you
take your measurements. For example, how did you make sure your hand didnt move up
or down as you grabbed the meter stick? What other potential problems did you consider?
And so onbe complete in describing your procedure.
In formulating your procedure, you should also consider how accurate your measurements
will be, and what steps you might make to improve that accuracy. Even though these
will not be measurements of high precision, you should be able to measure each distance
to better than one centimeter. However, one can hardly expect to be as accurate as one
millimeter, at least without much fancier apparatus. You should also estimate how accurate
your times will be, given the accuracy with which you can measure distance.
Note that, even with care, successive measurements will not give exactly the same result.
This situation arises in making and analyzing measurements of all sorts and will be the
focus of our analysis in this experiment.
We must begin by converting all our distances into reaction times, using Equation 3.1.
(Note that we cannot find the average reaction time simply by averaging the distances and
converting the average distance into an average time, since the average of the squares of a
series of numbers is not equal to the square of their average. Note for example that for the
two numbers 3 and 5, the average of their squares, 17, is not the same as the square of their
average, 16. This example shows that one needs to convert all of the measured distances
into the corresponding times.)
The conversion from the measured distances to the corresponding times can be calculated
using Equation 3.1. One can use a calculator, but you may also use a spreadsheet such as
the one in Linfit to do these calculations if you prefer.
EXPERIMENT #3: Reaction Time and Falling Bodies 25
Record your calculated reaction times and your estimate of their uncertainties in a data
table. You are now ready to start the data analysis.
When an experimental quantity time, in this case is measured several times the
results obtained are often influenced by a number of factors that fluctuate in an independent
and random fashion. (What are some of those factors in this experiment?) Some of the
factors may make the measurement appear larger and some smaller. Usually, most of the
measurements will lie near the center of the observed range rather than be very large or
very small compared with the average. To learn very much from a series of measurements of
a quantity, one needs to decide what is the best value of the quantity and also to obtain
a number which describes the range of variation on either side of the best value.
If the experimental conditions do not change during a series of measurements, the best
value of the result is usually the average or mean. To obtain your average reaction time,
add together the individual times and divide by the total number:
(t1 + t2 + + tN )
average time = A = (3.2)
where A is the average time and N is the number of measurements.
To describe the data more completely, one needs to specify the range or spread that char-
acterized the data. One might simply specify the lowest and highest values observed; but
this procedure is often misleading because very often one point will be much higher or much
lower than any other. A more common way of describing the spread of results is to give a
number which, when added to or subtracted from the average result, will give values which
include about 2/3 of all the measurements. This number describing the spread of results is
called the standard deviation of the measurement and is usually designated by (the lower
case Greek letter sigma.
di = ti A (3.3)
Intuitively, the sum of the absolute value of deviations divided by the number of measure-
ments should provide a reasonable measure of the scatter in the data. This quantity is
called the average deviationsee Appendix A.
However, a more rigorous and widely used measure turns out to be the standard deviation
, defined as s
1 X
= d2 (3.4)
N 1 i i
It can be shown that under most circumstances, about 2/3 of the observations should lie
within one standard deviation of the average value.
We will employ a graphical procedure to investigate this claim. First, along a line, lay out a
scale that will cover the range of measurements in the whole group. Then make a mark on
the scale to represent each one of the measurements, as shown in Fig. 3.1. If two or more
of the measurements result in exactly the same value, make one mark above the other so
both can be recorded as being on that point of the line. Next, determine the average value
26 EXPERIMENT #3: Reaction Time and Falling Bodies
A A A+
of all the measurements and mark that point on the line as point A. Count the number
of points along the line that correspond to values of the measurement smaller than A and
mark the point (A ) which divides this group so that about 2/3 of the points below A
are are between A and (A ). Mark the point (A + ) which divides the points above A
so that about 2/3 of them are between A and (A + ).
If the distribution of points about the average value is symmetric, the distance along the
scale from A to (A ) will equal the distance along the scale from A to (A + ), and this
distance will be the standard deviation of this set of measurements. Thus we can say that
about two measurements in three will lie in the range (A ).
Still a third indication of the spread of a set of data is called the probable error, which
includes one half of all the measurements within its limits. When writing a result as (AB)
one should identify which measure of the spread is being used. The standard deviation,
which is easily calculated on a computer and on many pocket calculators, is the most
commonly used measure.
Number in bin
.12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .22 .24 .26
Time (sec)
Number in bin
.10 .15 .20 .25
Time (sec)
Standard Deviation of the Mean The standard deviation is a measure of the average
uncertainty of an individual data point that is, if we know the standard deviation and
the average A, we know that the chances are about 2 in 3 that any single point will lie in
the range A .
But it is reasonable to suppose that our knowledge of the average value is more accurate
(or less uncertain) than our knowledge of any single data point. Indeed, this statement
can be shown to be correct. The appropriate uncertainty in the average value of a set of
measurements is the standard deviation of the mean, defined as
S= (3.5)
where N is the number of data points used in determining .
If one takes more data points for a given measurement, the spread in those points, described
by , probably will not change much, but the accuracy of their average, described by S,
will improve as N becomes larger. PLEASE NOTE: In reporting a measurement, always
state explicitly whether you are citing a standard deviation or a standard deviation of the
1. Divide your data into two groups, using the first 20 points as one group and the second
20 points as the other.
2. For each group separately make a data distribution diagram as shown in Fig. 3.1.
3. Calculate the average value for each group, A1 and A2 , and mark A1 and A2 on its
4. For each group mark on the diagram the points (A + ) and (A ). Using the
2/3 criterion, determine the standard deviations for each group and compare them
with the values obtained using Equation 3.4. You may find it convenient to use a
spreadsheet for these calculations.
5. Using Equation 3.5, compute the Standard Deviation of the Mean for each group.
6. Compare the results of your group 1 with the results of group 2. One can say the
results are highly consistent if the absolute value of the difference between A1 and A2
is less than (S1 + S2 ). If |A1 A2 | is less than 2(S1 + S2 ), the results are moderately
consistent. If |A1 A2 | is more than 2(S1 + S2 ), there may have been a trend in your
response as you gained experience in grabbing the meter stick, or perhaps some other
source of systematic error is present.
7. Compute A, , and S for the whole set of data and compare your results with those
of others in your class. For this part use Equations 3.4 and 3.5.
8. Draw a distribution bar graph as shown in Fig. 3.2 for the whole set of data. How
well does it resemble a Normal distribution?
EXPERIMENT #3: Reaction Time and Falling Bodies 29
Make a careful table listing all your numerical results and their uncertainties, and give
a careful discussion of them. Comment on the consistency of your results and how they
compare to the results of others in your class. Mention any sources of error, both systematic
and random.
Critique of Lab
Before Lab
Since these measurements will have uncertainties x and y, there will be a resulting un-
certainty vx in the calculated velocity. Work out an expression for its relative uncertainty
vx /vx in terms of the relative uncertainties of the measurements. See page 83 or Appendix
E for help.
Continuing the work of his Medieval predecessors, Richard Swineshead, William Heytesbury,
John Buridan, and John Dumbleton, Galileo was greatly concerned with the science of
motion: how one describes the behavior of moving bodies. One of his particular interests
was projectile motion. In his work Two New Sciences, he writes:
32 EXPERIMENT #4: Projectile Motion
Galileo had discovered a fascinating concept: The motion of an object in the earths gravity
is accelerated downward with the same acceleration irrespective of its horizontal velocity.
So if one neglects air resistance, an object dropped from 40 meters will hit the ground at
the same time as a similar object launched horizontally from the same height. One can
analyze the vertical motion separately from any horizontal movement.
The purpose of this experiment is to investigate Galileos conclusions about projectile mo-
tion: that it is compounded of two independent motionsa horizontal component and a
vertical componentand that the path followed is parabolic.
y = 0 cm 888
x launcher
x = 10 cm 888
888 8888888888888888
888 8888888888888888
888 8888888888888888
x = 20 cm 888
888 10 cm
888 y
8888888 888
x = 30 cm
8888888 888
8888888 888
8888888 888
Figure 4.1: Projectile motion apparatus.
The apparatus for this experiment is simple, but can yield reasonably good data if careful
measurements are made. A spring powered gun will launch steel ball bearings towards
a vertical board covered with carbon paper. The gun will launch the projectiles (ball
bearings) horizontally (i.e., v0y = 0). The carbon paper marks the balls point of impact.
EXPERIMENT #4: Projectile Motion 33
The horizontal distance x traveled is changed by moving the board further and further away.
The vertical distance y the ball drops will be measured as a function of x. The relationship
between these distances determines the shape of the balls flight path.
The important equations should be familiar by now. If the projectile has a constant velocity
vx in the x direction, and is gravitationally accelerated in the y direction, then
x = vx t (4.1)
y = gt2 (4.2)
where t is the time for the ball to fall a distance y and move a distance x horizontally. From
Eq. (4.2) we see that the time of flight is
t= (4.3)
which is the equation of a parabola. You will be testing whether vx does in fact remain
constant, and whether the path is parabolic.
1. Attach paper to the board. Use the launcher to make a horizontal line on the paper
representing y = 0.
Use a plumb line from the end of the launcher to set the x = 0 point on the floor.
Notice (see Fig. 4.1) that the x origin is not directly below the end of the launcher
but rather one ball raidus further out.
2. Attach carbon paper to the board, so that the ball will leave a mark where it hits the
board. Use a level to check that the board is vertical. Move the base of the board
10 cm away from the x origin (i.e., x = 10 cm). Estimate of the uncertainty, x, in
the boards location. Load the ball into the launcher and push it with a stick or pencil
until it clicks one time. Now launch the ball and check that it left a carbon mark
on the paper where it hit the board. Repeat two more times.
3. Estimate the vertical distance the ball traveled for an average trial. Estimate the
uncertainty y from the half the spread in y.
4. Continue these measurements for horizontal distances of 20, 30,. . . 100 cm. Make a
table for your data and calculations something like this:
34 EXPERIMENT #4: Projectile Motion
x x y y vx vx
(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm/s) (cm/s)
5. Calculate the velocities vx using Eq. 4.4. The uncertainty should be easy to compute
using the formula you worked out before coming to lab. Does vx appear to be constant,
within the limits of your uncertainties?
6. In this experiment, the errors in both x and y are typically non-negligible, and so you
must include the uncertainty in x in your least-squares fit..
7. Use WAPP+ to test whether y(x) is a parabola; fit the data using the power-law form
Y = AX B . Compare your values for the parameters A and B to the predictions of
Eq. (4.5). B ought to be somewhere near 2, and A should be approximately g/(2vx2 ).
Make normal and log-log plots of your results. As always, tape the fit report into your
8. Almost certainly your B determined above was not exactly 2, yet almost every fun-
damental physical law uses powers that are integers (or sometimes simple fractions).
(Consider: if B is not an integer the units of A will be corresponding odd, and A
cannot then even be compared to g/(2vx2 ).) A proper value for A is obtained if we fit
to Y = AX B but keep B constant at 2. Do this fit and calculate vx from the resulting
A value:
g g
A= 2 so vx = (4.6)
2vx 2A
assuming g = 980 cm/sec2 . Find the error in vx using the appropriate equation from
Appendix E.
Discuss the results of the experiment: Is the horizontal component of velocity constant,
within experimental uncertainty? And are your data consistent with a parabolic path?
As always, give detailed analysis of your least-squares fits, including a discussion of
the reduced chi-squared value.
Critique of Lab
Properly report (sigfigs, units, error) the following: B from the fit of #7 above and
vx from #8 above. Also report the reduced chi-square for both of these fits.
EXPERIMENT # 5: Atwood
Before Lab
It is straightforward to show, using Newtons laws, that the acceleration a of the system of
masses shown Fig. 5.1 below is given by
M m
a= g
M +m
where g is the acceleration of gravity and M and m the two masses. In your lab notebook,
you should make a careful force diagram for each mass and derive this result. See your
textbook or your instructor if you need help. We will want to compare the predictions of
this theoretical equation to the experimental acceleration we measure directly.
In 1784 Rev. George Atwood devised a laboratory apparatus to verify the Newtons laws
of uniformly accelerated motion. An Atwood machine (shown Fig. 5.1) uses weights and
pulleys to reduce the free-fall acceleration so it can be more easily measured. In this
experiment we will use the computer to record the velocity of the masses as a function
of time. From these data, we can calculate the actual acceleration and compare to the
theoretical result you derived for the pre-lab.
Increasingly, scientists and engineers use computers to acquire data automatically from ex-
periments. In this experiment, we will introduce a hardware and software system designed
36 EXPERIMENT #5: Atwood Machine
Atwoods Machine
by Pasco Scientific, which allows us to record data from a wide range of apparatus auto-
matically, using the Pasco DataStudio software for Windoze. We will use this same system
in other experiments in this course.
Please note first of all that the Pasco smart pulley is fragile. Be careful in working with
it! In particular, be sure that you choose a length of string such that it is
impossible for the upward-moving weight to strike the pulley!
First notice how the pulley works. There is a beam of light that passes from one side of
the pulley to the other. As the pulley turns, this light beam is interrupted by one of the
pulley spokes (a photogate), and a signal is transmitted to the computer. The system
measures directly the time from one interruption of the light beam to the next. Since the
pulley has ten spokes, we are measuring the time it takes for the pulley to move through
an angle of 36 1/10 of a circle. If we know the radius of the pulley, it is not hard to
calculate how fast the string is moving as the pulley turns. We will be talking about how
to do this calculation later in the semester; but see if you can figure it out now.
NOTE: The Pasco software uses a built-in calibration constant to convert these times
into linear velocities. Unfortunately, this calibration constant is given to only two significant
figures. As a result, there may well be a systematic uncertainty in the velocities.
After your lab instructor shows you how the apparatus works, take some time to become
familiar with it. See how the string fits over the pulley, hang some masses from each end,
and do a few test runs. It is probably best to keep accelerations reasonably small. Here are
a few guidelines:
Mount the pulley as high on the vertical rod as you easily can. Be sure the rod is
stable, and does not tend to shake or vibrate easily.
EXPERIMENT #5: Atwood Machine 37
Do not hang a total of more than 600 grams from the pulley (both sides).
Note that the larger the total mass, and the smaller the difference between the two
masses, the smaller the acceleration should be.
Be absolutely sure, before you do any test runs, that your string is long
enough that the upward-moving mass cannot strike the pulley!
Here are some guidelines for taking a set of velocity vs. time data, from which you can
calculate the acceleration. Use these guidelines to develop your own procedure, and record
that procedure in comprehensive detail in your lab book, while (not after) you are taking
the data.
We will take data for two separate sets of masses. Try to choose values for which the
accelerations differ by at least a factor of two; but keep both accelerations reasonably small.
For each set of masses, take four separate sets of data. Thus, you will have a total of 8 runs
for this experiment.
Measure the masses carefully on the digital balance. If you are combining several
objects to be M (or m), measure the masses togetherdo not measure the individual
masses and add them later. Why?
Set up m and M on the string. The lighter mass should be as close to the floor as
Develop a procedure for releasing the massesbe sure they do not have a tendency
to sway as they move.
One should person click the Start button on the Pasco screen, then the other person
releases the masses. As soon as the descending mass strikes the floor, click on the
Stop button. You should now have a set of data for velocity vs. time. Examine the
data on the graph in the Pasco DataStudio program, and be sure you understand how
to use it to find the acceleration of the masses.
We will move the velocity vs. time data to WAPP+ to find the acceleration. To do so:
Start up a web browser, and go to the WAPP+ web site. Select no x errors (uncer-
tainty in time is negligible) and a formula for y error. The uncertainty in velocity
38 EXPERIMENT #5: Atwood Machine
produced by the smart pulley seems to be about 0.003 m/sec (a constant). Click on
Do Bulk.
Go back to the Pasco program, and select only those velocity vs. time data that you
want to fit. Note that as you select the data on the graph, it is also selected in the
Now switch to the WAPP+ bulk entry form and paste your data in. Select a linear
functional form and Submit that data.
You will be taking eight sets of data. It is a good idea to save this data by pasting it
into an Excel spreadsheet.
You do not need to print your fit report or plot; but do copy into your notebook and
spreadsheet the resulting value for the slope and its uncertainty (the parameter B).
For each data set, you should, at this point, have a value of acceleration, and
the uncertainty in the acceleration, from your least-squares fit. Group equivalent
experimental situations in a column of your spreadsheet; display in nearby cells the masses
used and theoretical prediction for the acceleration from Eq. 5.1. Put enough text in the
worksheet so readers can easily see what each number represents. Include units, of course!
The uncertainty in each acceleration, which you obtain from your least-squares fit, applies to
that particular run. But are there variations from one run to the next? We will investigate
that question in the following way:
For each set of masses, collect the four values of the acceleration that you found from
your least-squares fits.
M m
a= g (5.1)
M +m
EXPERIMENT #5: Atwood Machine 39
We will want to compare this theoretical value with your experimental values. In order
to do so, we must know the uncertainty in the theoretical value based on the measured
uncertainties in the masses M and m. It turns out to be fairly difficult to calculate the
uncertainty in the acceleration a using the error propagation techniques developed in Ap-
pendix A, so we will do it using the high-low game described on page 81. Change each
mass (up and also down) by the measured uncertainty (0.1 gm, for the digital balance that
we use) and see what happens to the acceleration. Half the difference between the largest
and smallest calculated values of acceleration is a rough estimate of the uncertainty.
In most experiments, it is important to summarize all your numerical results in your con-
clusions section. For each set of masses, make a table that includes
(b) your value of the acceleration for each of your four runs with that set of masses, with
uncertainty (these values are the ones from the least-squares fits); and
(c) the average value and standard deviation of the mean for the four measurements.
Of course, every number should be properly recorded (sigfigs, units, error). You can make
this table in your spreadsheet; print out the table portion and supporting data/calculations
(but not eight long columns of actual data) and tape it into your lab notebook. As always,
put in enough text so the printout can be read easily by someone else. (Formating cells
for the proper number of significant digits need only be done for the final table results;
self-document every spreadsheet calculation.)
In your conclusion, you should discuss, separately for each set of data, whether the theo-
retical and experimental values for the acceleration agree, within the uncertainties of the
experiment. You should also discuss whether the uncertainties in the least-squares fits, in
(b), are consistent with the standard deviations calculated in (c). If they are not, are there
sources of systematic error that might account for such an inconsistency? (One is mentioned
abovethe calibration constant of the smart pulley; what other systematic errors might
be present in this experiment?)
Properly report (sigfigs, units, error) (a) and (c) above from your final table.
40 EXPERIMENT #5: Atwood Machine
EXPERIMENT # 6: Kinetic
Before Lab
The first step is to derive an expression for k , the coefficient of kinetic friction. You
should do this derivation in your lab book before you come to lab. Your TA will check your
notebook at the beginning of the lab.
Here is a sketch of how to go about the derivation. Consider the block and pulley system
shown in Fig. 6.1. Draw two free-body diagrams (one for each body), identifying all of the
forces acting each mass. Write Newtons second law for each body. Assume that the masses
are accelerating.
In class, we have often assumed k was known and the acceleration was unknown. For this
experiment, though, you will calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction using the measured
masses and acceleration. Consequently, you should solve these equations for the coefficient
of kinetic friction k . Your result should be
mg (M + m)a
k = (6.1)
where M and m are the masses as shown in Fig. 6.1, a is the shared acceleration of the
bodies, and g is the acceleration of gravity.
In class, we have assumed that the coefficient of friction is constantthat is, it depends on
only on the type of surfaces in contact, and not on surface area, mass, or other parameters.
In this lab we will measure the coefficient of kinetic friction for the same two surfaces, but
different masses, velocities, accelerations, and surface areas, and see whether or not the
coefficient of friction is in fact constant.
Consider Eq. 6.1 above. What does this equation tell us? We know that the coefficient of
kinetic friction k is assumed to be constant. If it is, then the left side of Eq. (6.1) should
42 EXPERIMENT #6: Kinetic Friction
always have the same value for any condition which results in motion. Hence if we change
the masses M or m, the acceleration a should also change, so as to keep k the same.
In this experiment, we will use the Pasco computerized data acquisition system to record
the velocity of the falling mass m in Fig. 6.1 as a function of time, and use those data to find
the acceleration of the system. Given the acceleration and the masses, we can use Eq. 6.1
to find the coefficient of friction k .
Fig. 6.1 shows the experimental setup. You should have the following materials available
at your lab station:
1. Pasco interface box and Smart Pulley (the pulley with wire attached)
2. Table clamp
3. Mass and hanger set
4. Wooden blocks with hooks
5. String
6. Plastic horizontal surface on which the wood block slides
The Smart Pulley should be connected to Digital Channel 1 on the Pasco interface box. This
device reads position by scanning the pulley spokes with a beam of light. It thus measures
the angular velocity of the pulley. The computer uses the radius to convert angular velocity
to the linear velocity of the edge of the pulleythat velocity is of course equal to the velocity
of the descending mass. All of this is exactly as in the previous experiment.
EXPERIMENT #6: Kinetic Friction 43
Set up the apparatus as shown in the Figure. Launch the DataStudio program, Excel, and
a web browser. Your TA will give you specific instructions on the use of this software.
You will be taking a number of sets of data. For each set, use the procedure outlined below:
1. Place enough mass on the hanger so that the block will slide on the table without
needing an initial push (since we are measuring kinetic friction).
2. Pull the block back until the mass m is raised to the pulley. Hold the block at rest
until the next step. Be sure that the string is level.
3. When you are ready to take data, click Start in DataStudio and then release the block.
4. Now you can view the velocity vs. time data on a DataStudio graph. Copy and paste
the linear portion of these data to WAPP+ and into a spreadsheet (as a backup copy;
never printout this data). Note that data pasted from DataStudio will include text
column labels which need to be deleted from the WAPP+ Block Copy & Paste
web-form. Do a least-squares fit to find the slope (that is, the acceleration). You
dont need to print the fit report, but do record the acceleration (and its error) in
your spreadsheet and notebook. Note if the reduced chi-square signals a non-constant
acceleration. (Recall: v = .003 m/s negligible error in time.)
5. For each mass m, do four separate runs, and find the acceleration for each.
Find the average acceleration (spreadsheet function: average()) and determine its er-
ror using the standard deviation of the mean (spreadsheet function: stdev()/sqrt(4)).
Compare the WAPP+ reported errors in a to the error in a determined from the stan-
dard deviation of the mean. Are these error estimates in the same ballpark (say within
a factor of 2)? We will use these results to find a value for k (and its error) for each
mass m.
Follow the above procedure at least three times (for a total of 12 runs), each time for a
different mass m, keeping everything else constant. Choose your values of m to get as wide
a range of accelerations as possiblethat way, we will be measuring k under a wide range
of experimental conditions.
For each m calculate a value for k using Eq. 6.1 and the average a. Find the error in this
k using the high-low game (see page 81). (Note the maximum value of k is achieved
with: M , a , and m+ .) We use this method because a calculation of the uncertainty in k
using the methods of Appendix A is fairly involved. This crude method has the advantage
of simplicity but it neglects canceling errors.
Make a final results table including m, a, k , and the uncertainty in k . Somewhere in the
table note the mass of the sliding block (M ).
44 EXPERIMENT #6: Kinetic Friction
You will find that the velocity vs. time plots are not exactly linear. Often there will be a
kink where the slope (acceleration) changes appreciably. Select such a data set and print
out a copy of the graph (with fit line). What do you think caused this behavior?
More experiments
1. Make another table of M , k , and a (mass M changing this time). Do three runs,
varying the mass M of the block each time, but holding the hanging mass m constant.
You can change M by setting masses on the block, but be sure you start with enough
mass m on the hanger that it will always slide. In calculating the error in k , use the
WAPP+ reported error in a rather than the standard deviation of the mean (since
you will be doing just one trial for every M value).
2. Use masses from your first data set and compare what happens if you slide the block
on its side. (Remember to adjust the pulley height so the string is level!) This
experiment will test whether surface area affects the kinetic friction coefficient. Note
results in your lab book, comparing the two sets of data.
3. Try to get an estimate of the static coefficient of friction s using the materials pro-
vided. Is it higher or lower than k ? Record your results with error. (Note: you wont
need the computer for this partits a simple, but rough, estimate)
Consider your data, including uncertainties, and discuss the following questions carefully
and in detail:
A constant slope for a run implies a constant frictional force during that run. Did the
frictional force seem to be constant during the runs?
Did the coefficient of friction vary with acceleration? With surface area? With the mass of
the block?
Overall, how good is our assumption that the coefficient of kinetic friction is constant,
within the limits of experimental error?
Critique of Lab
Properly report (sigfigs, units, error) your three k from the first part of the lab. Record
the masses used for the runs in which k was measured.
46 EXPERIMENT #6: Kinetic Friction
EXPERIMENT # 7: Ballistic
Before Lab
Please read this writeup carefully, and be sure you can derive Equations (7.3) and (7.6).
Work out these derivations in your lab notebook. Your TA will check them at the beginning
of the lab period. It may also be helpful to review the concepts of standard deviation and
standard deviation of the mean.
In a collision the total momentum of the colliding bodies is unchangedthat is, momentum
is conservedif the net external force is zero. However, mechanical energy may or may not
be conserved. In the study of collisions, two extremes are generally defined. A perfectly
elastic collision is one in which the total kinetic energy of the system doesnt change. Col-
lisions of microscopic objects such as atoms, for example, often fit into this category. If
the kinetic energy is changed following the collision, the collision is inelastic. A perfectly
inelastic collision is one in which the colliding objects stick together. In this experiment we
will use a device known as a ballistic pendulum to study inelastic collisions and to measure
the velocity of a projectile.
5. Plumb line;
6. Meter stick.
48 EXPERIMENT #7: Ballistic Pendulum
M+m y
Launcher m M
In this experiment we will be shooting a steel ball horizontally from a launcher, as illustrated
in Fig. 7.1. The ball will be caught by a cylindrical container suspended as a pendulum from
strings mounted on an aluminum rod. By measuring the horizontal distance the pendulum
swings we can calculate the balls initial velocity v.
We will compare this result with the velocity calculated by shooting the projectile horizon-
tally and measuring how far it travels.
Consider Fig. 7.1 above: We launch a steel ball at a cylindrical catcher. The two collide
and stick together, and thereafter move as one. It is convenient to divide this process
conceptually into two parts.
First part: During the collision itself, momentum is conserved, but energy is not, since the
collision is perfectly inelastic. Thus, the momentum pi before the collision equals pf , the
momentum after the collision. In equation form,
pi = mv = pf = (m + M )V, (7.1)
where m is the balls mass, M is the catcher mass, v is the balls initial velocity and V is
the velocity of the catcher and ball immediately after the collision.
Second part: Immediately after the collision, the ball/catcher system becomes the bob of a
pendulum that moves off at some initial velocity V , given in Eq.(7.1) above. The pendulums
initial kinetic energy changes to gravitational potential energy as it swings and rises to a
height y, where it is instantaneously at rest. Momentum is clearly not conserved in this
EXPERIMENT #7: Ballistic Pendulum 49
second part of the experiment as the pendulum slows, stops, and reverses. The motion of
the system is nearly frictionless, so mechanical energy is nearly conserved for this part of
the motion. We express this conservation law in the equation
(m + M )V 2 = (m + M )gy. (7.2)
If we combine Eqs. (7.1) and (7.2), it is easy to show that the initial velocity of the projectile
is related to the height y:
v = 1+ 2gy. (7.3)
It would be difficult to measure the change in height y directly. Instead, we will measure
the horizontal distance x that the pendulum moves, and use this quantity to calculate y. If
we consider Fig. 7.1, it is clear the the string length L is the hypotenuse of a right triangle
with sides (L y) and x, so:
L2 = (L y)2 + x2 (7.4)
L2 x2 = (L y)2 . (7.5)
If we now take the (positive) square root and solve for y, we find
y =L L 2 x2 . (7.6)
We also want to find the uncertainty in the initial projectile velocity v. The measured
quantities, x, L, m, and M all have some uncertainty, leading to uncertainty in the calcu-
lated v. The formulas connecting v with these measured quantities would make the error
analysis complicated. In addition, another source of uncertainty is in the behavior of the
launcherone sometimes sees variations in v from shot to shot.
1. Use the digital balance to measure the masses m and M of the ball and catcher. (The
mass of the catcher may already be given.) Use the tape measure to measure the
string length L, after you have completed the alignment procedure described below.
Record these values (with uncertainties) in your notebook.
50 EXPERIMENT #7: Ballistic Pendulum
To align along the same axis, place the slider track under the catcher and clamp
the launcher in place. Looking down the slider track, all three should appear to
line up.
The height of the catcher can be adjusted by raising or lowering the vertical rod
holding the catcher in place. The string support can be leveled by loosening the
support clamp and rotating the topmost support assembly. The catcher should
barely clear ( 1/8) the slider track. The catcher should also be at the same
level as the launcher.
The launcher can be leveled by loosening a wing nut and rotating it. The catcher
can be leveled by pulling string through the catcher.
The ball should be inserted into the launcher with the wooden dowel. Notice that
there are three settings for the launch velocity denoted by clicks. Always
listen for the same number of clicks. (We have had the best luck using full force:
three clicks.)
Use the same wooden dowel to remove the ball from the catcher. To accomplish
this, pull the catcher to one side of the track and push the dowel into the far end
of the catcher.
Take some practice shots to make sure everything works correctly. Make sure
the tinfoil marker slides with hardly any resistance on the rail. Make sure the
catcher swings upward without rotating. If there are problems check with your
Take an initial measurement by pushing the slider against the catcher and firing.
The new position of the slider will determine the horizontal distance moved.
For subsequent measurements, start with the slider placed about 1 cm short
of the expected final position. Occasionally check the apparatus to make sure
nothing has moved out of position.
5. After taking several practice shots, start recording the distances x that pendulum
moves. Repeat this process, so that you have five good measurements of x.
6. Find the average(...) and stdev(...) of these five measurements of x; use these
values for x and x in the following calculation.
EXPERIMENT #7: Ballistic Pendulum 51
7. Calculate the best estimate for the speed v, by combining Equations (7.6) and (7.3).
The usual methods of error propagation are rather difficult to apply to this complex
equation, so we again fall back to the high-low method of error analysis. The
high value for v is obtained from: M + , m , L , x+ . This calculation can be made
tolerable by using a spreadsheet to repeatedly apply the complex formula for the
slightly changed values of M , m, L, and x. Put these values in a row of adjacent cells
in a spreadsheet and write (in the following cell) the formula for v, using cell-values
for M , m, L, and x. If you now copy and paste these five cells directly below the
original set, you have the ability to modify each of the measured quantities and see
how that affects v.
8. Now test this measurement of v by predicting the range D of the projectile in a purely
horizontal shot. If we consider only the vertical motion, it is easy to show that the
ball will fall the distance h to the floor in a time
t= (7.7)
During that time the ball will travel a horizontal distance D at an unchanging hor-
izontal velocity equal to the initial velocity. The horizontal distance will therefore
D = vt (7.8)
Calculate D and see if experiment matches your prediction! Position the launcher at
the edge of the table, and measure h. Use the plumb line and a piece of masking tape
to mark the initial position of the ball on the floor. Place paper and carbon paper
to mark where the projectile actually hits. Be sure the launcher is horizontal and
and aimed (left/right) accurately! Notify your TA when you are ready to test your
prediction. Prizes will be awarded to groups able to hit the mark on the first try!
9. Reversing this process, you can make several measurements of the horizontal distance
D that the ball travels and calculate v:
D g
v=q =D (7.9)
2h 2h
Use the spread in hit locations to estimate D. Use the Eq. (E.11) to find the resulting
error in the calculated value of v.
Report both values for the balls initial velocity (each with an uncertainty). Do your two
values agree within experimental uncertainty? If they do not, what might account for the
discrepancy. Were you able to predict where the projectile would land? (By how much did
you miss?) Give a careful, detailed discussion of your results. How well did the experiment
work? What problems did you encounter? How might the experiment be improved?
52 EXPERIMENT #7: Ballistic Pendulum
Critique of Lab
Properly report (sigfigs, units, error) your two values for v and if you hit the mark on your
first try.
EXPERIMENT # 8: Two-Body
Outside of Chicago at Fermilab, protons going .999999 c slam into iron nuclei: a little
collision problem involving conservation of momentum and conservation of energy. The
purpose of this experiment is to study the fundamentals of collisions by analyzing the
momentum and energy aspects of a two body collision. When the collision involves only
two particles, the trajectories of the particles before and after the collision lie in a plane.
Therefore analysis in two dimensions is all that is necessary to exactly solve this problem.
Analysis of Problem
In any collision, the total momentum of the colliding bodies is unchanged by the collision.
Consider the case of a steel ball of mass m1 moving with velocity ~v 1 colliding with mass m2
initially at rest. (See Figure 8.1.) After the collision the masses move off with velocities ~v 1
and ~v 2 . The law of conservation of momentum demands that the total momentum before
the collision, P~ , is equal to the total momentum after the collision, P~ .
P~ = P~
Before After
v2= 0
Figure 8.1: Diagram of a two body collision showing the situation before and after the
54 EXPERIMENT #8: Two-Body Collisions
m1 ~v 1 = m1 ~v 1 + m2 ~v 2 (8.1)
Remember that this vector equation actually represents three equations, one for each coor-
dinate direction. In this experiment we will observe collisions in two dimensions and only
two of the three equations will be used. If the colliding objects are in the x-y plane we can
Px = Px : m1 v1x = m1 v1x
+ m2 v2x (8.2)
Py = Py :
m1 v1y = m1 v1y
+ m2 v2y (8.3)
Here the x, y subscripts denote the component of velocity along the x and y axes. It is
convenient to set up the coordinate system so that v1y = 0. The Equations 8.2 and 8.3 hold
for any two dimensional collision with one particle initially at rest.
Kinetic energy is not necessarily conserved in a collision. In the case of two colliding steel
balls about 10% of the initial kinetic energy is converted to heat and sound during the
collision. The total kinetic energy before the collision in Figure 8.1 is given by
E= m1 v12 (8.4)
After the collision the total kinetic energy is
1 2 1 2
E = m1 v1 + m2 v2 (8.5)
2 2
The percentage energy lost in the collision is
% loss = 100% (8.6)
In this experiment we will use a curved aluminum ramp to accelerate a steel ball and shoot
it horizontally. This ball strikes a second ball at the end of the ramp. Immediately after
the collision both balls will be traveling nearly horizontally; but they will quickly fall to the
floor because of the effect of gravity. The time it takes to fall to the floor is independent of
the horizontal velocities or the masses of the balls. Therefore the horizontal displacement
d of either ball from the point of collision is directly proportional to v , the velocity of that
ball immediately after the collision.
v = (8.7)
where t is the constant fall-time that is independent of the mass or horizontal velocity of
the ball. Calculations are much simplified if we invent a unit of time (a shake) exactly equal
to t. Then d is directly the velocity in units of cm per shake.
Experimental Procedure
Make sure that the apparatus is securely clamped to the lab table. (NOTE: Be sure to
use the large bench clamps ordinary C clamps dont seem to hold the apparatus securely
enough.) Tape a large piece of paper to the floor near the lab table. Choose two steel balls
of equal diameter (the 1/2 inch balls work well) and weigh each ball to make sure that their
EXPERIMENT #8: Two-Body Collisions 55
masses do not differ by more than a few percent. This way you need not worry about which
ball is which during the experiment.
Mark a spot on the ramp and release a ball from that spot. and let it roll down the ramp
and strike the floor. Release the ball smoothly without spinning or pushing it. Now that
you know where the ball will hit the floor, place a piece of carbon paper (carbon side
down) at that spot and release the ball down the ramp again. Repeat the procedure five
times. Estimate by eye the average position of the marks made by the ball and the range
of deviation. Record this distance and its deviation as the initial velocity and its error.
NOTE: As the ball rolls down the ramp it acquires both translational and rotational kinetic
energy. As a result the translational velocity is less than you might have calculated. The
following equation, which you will learn to derive a bit later in the semester, takes into
account both the translational kinetic energy of the center of mass, and the rotation of the
spherical ball around an axis through the center of mass:
mg z = 0.7mv 2
Now we are ready to record the results of a two-body collision on the same sheet of paper.
Place a target ball on the dimpled screw platform at the bottom of the ramp. Make sure its
height matches that of the projectile. Release the other ball from the same position on the
ramp that you used with the single ball trials. Observe where each ball strikes the paper.
As before, place a piece of carbon paper at these positions to record further collisions. Make
five duplicate collision runs. Estimate by eye the average position of the marks made by
the ball and the range of deviation.
Using the coordinate system shown in Figure 8.2 with the origin directly below the collision
point, measure the x and y components of each of the balls velocity after the collision in
units of cm/shake. From this information, calculate the components of the momentum for
each ball and the total momentum after the collision. Again we can simplify our calculations
by inventing a new unit of mass, a steely, exactly equal to the mass of the steel balls.
The momentum vector (in units of steely cm/shake) is numerically equal to the x and y
components of the displacement in cm. The law of conservation of momentum now looks like
a law of conservation of the components of displacement. Compare the x and y components
of the total momentum after the collision to the total momentum before the collision. Use
Eq. E.5 to find the error in each component of final total momentum. To what accuracy do
your measurements confirm that Px and Py are conserved in the collision?
Use your velocity data to calculate the initial and final kinetic energy of each ball (in units of
steely cm2 /shake2 ). Calculate the total initial and final kinetic energy of the balls. What
percentage of energy is lost to heat and sound during the collision? (Note that percentage
energy lost contains no funny units [or any units at all], and hence is exactly the same as
what you would have calculated if youd gone through the bother of using normal units.)
It is possible to determine the mass of an object by observing the effects of a collision of that
object with an object of known mass and velocity. This is the method used by Chadwick
to measure the mass of the neutron in 1932. Devise an experiment, based on conservation
56 EXPERIMENT #8: Two-Body Collisions
v2 v2 y
v2 x
v1 x
v1 y
of momentum principles to measure the mass of a marble. To what accuracy does your
experimental marble mass agree with the measured mass of the marble?
Laboratory Report
2. Sample computations.
List all your numerical results and their uncertainties in a carefully constructed table,
and discuss them in detail. For example, was momentum conserved within the limits of
experimental error? Energy? Comment on the amount of energy lost during the collision
and on the accuracy of your determination of the unknown mass. Mention any sources of
error, both systematic and random.
Critique of Lab
Properly report (sigfigs, units, error) your values for x momentum before and after the
collision and your values for y momentum before and after the collision.
58 EXPERIMENT #8: Two-Body Collisions
EXPERIMENT # 9: Rotational
1. A small unit having a digital display, a cylinder bearing, and a spindle on which two
steel disks are mounted. DO NOT remove these steel disks. DO NOT rotate the steel
disks unless the air is on and at a minimum of 9 psi (some units require 12 psi).
2. A small and a large pulley, a solid screw, an anchor washer connected to a 25 g mass
by a piece of string, and a large cylindrical ring.
4. A lab computer with a Pasco interface and software for data analysis.
5. Calipers
6. Digital balance
Note: This experiment is divided into two parts. In the first part you will measure the
moment of inertia (or rotational inertia) of a rigid body and compare the result with theory.
In the second part you will investigate the law of conservation of angular momentum.
The object of this experiment is to measure the moment of inertia of a rigid body rotating
about a fixed axis. We will need the rotational form of Newtons second law:
= I (9.1)
where is the torque, I is the moment of inertia, and is the angular acceleration. In
this experiment, we will use an applied torque to set a rigid body in accelerated rotational
motion; measure the angular acceleration ; and then use Eq. 9.1 to calculate the rotational
inertia I.
60 EXPERIMENT #9: Rotational Dynamics
r T
Please examine Fig. 9.2 carefully, particularly the side view, and examine the apparatus
itself when you come to lab. You will see two cylindrical steel disks, one on top of the other.
For this part of the experiment, the bottom disk is fixed, and the top one is allowed to
rotate with minimal friction on an air cushion that we set up between the two disks.
We exert a torque as follows: wrap a string around a pulley that is attached to the top
disk. The string goes over a second pulley (Fig. 9.2, left end of the side view), where it is
attached to a weight. When the weight is released, the tension in the string exerts a torque
that causes the top disk to rotate about its axis, as it floats on the cushion of air.
If we calculate the torque, and use the Pasco apparatus to measure the angular acceleration
of the rotating disk, we can use Eq. 9.1 to find the rotational inertia of the rotating system.
We can attach the object whose rotational inertia we want to measure to the top disk.
Thus, we can find the rotational inertia of this object as follows:
Attach the object (either a cylindrical ring or a rectangular bar) to the top disk and
find the rotational inertia of the combined system.
Subtract the second rotational inertia from the first to find the rotational inertia of
the object alone.
We can then compare the experimental value of I to a theoretical prediction based on the
objects geometry.
Consider the apparatus shown in Figures 9.2 and 9.3. We seek an expression for the ro-
tational inertia I of the rotating system: the rotating top disk and the object (cylindrical
ring or rectangular bar) placed on top of it.
First, we must find the torque that the string exerts on the top disk. The equation that
EXPERIMENT #9: Rotational Dynamics 61
Cylinder Disk
Display Housing MODEL 9279 DISC
Tube Clamp
m Hanging mass
As noted above, the torque is exerted by the tension in a thread wrapped around a pulley.
Thus the force is the tension T in the thread, and r is the radius of the pulley mounted
on the top disk (see Fig. 9.1 and the right side of the side view in Fig. 9.2.) Under these
circumstances, the angle will always be equal to 90 making sin = 1. Therefore, the
torque on the system is
= rT.
To find an expression for the moment of inertia I of the entire system, we apply the rotational
form of Newtons second law:
= T r = I.
We also apply the linear form of Newtons second law to the descending mass (choosing
positive down):
mg T = ma or
mg mr = T
where we have used the usual relation between linear and angular acceleration, a = r. We
combine these two equations to get the result
mgr = (I + mr 2 ).
62 EXPERIMENT #9: Rotational Dynamics
We could just solve this equation for I. However, it will turn out that the second term in
the parentheses (mr 2 ) is much smaller than I. Consequently, to a very good approximation,
we can neglect this term. If we do so, and solve for I, we obtain
I= (9.2)
cylindrical ring: The equation for the rotational inertia of a cylindrical ring rotating
about its axis is:
2 2
I=M Rout + Rin (9.3)
where M is the mass of the ring, Rout is the outer radius of the cylinder, and Rin is the
inner radius.
2 2 2
I M Rout Rin
= + 2 + 2
I M Rout Rin
rectangular bar: The equation for the rotational inertia of a rectangular bar rotating
about its center of mass is:
I= M 2 + w 2 (9.4)
where M is the mass of the bar, is the length of the bar and w is the width.
2 2 2
I M w
= + 2 + 2
I M w
First check to make sure the unit is level by placing the bubble level on the top steel disk.
The bubble should be centered in the level. Then rotate the level 90 and check the position
of the bubble again. If it is not in the same position as before or is not centered, the unit
may need leveling ask your instructor to examine your apparatus. Note: If the unit is
not level, the angular acceleration will not stay constant and your data may be affected.
EXPERIMENT #9: Rotational Dynamics 63
solid grey screw
aluminum plate
top disk
bottom disk
:::::::::: base
Once your unit is level, turn on the air supply and adjust the regulator so that the air
pressure is between 9 and 12 psi. The air pressure is adjusted by turning the knob on top
of the regulator.
Compressed air emerging from small nozzles in the base and spindle form a cushion on
which the top disk can float. In this way, friction is eliminated (or at least minimized).
The apparatus uses an infrared detector to measure the passing of the light and dark bands
on the sides of the disk. You can change which disk you are monitoring by toggling the
Top/Bottom switch. The wires emerging from the display box carry signals to the computer
so that the frequency of both the top and bottom disks can be monitored simultaneously.
The Pasco software converts this signal into angular velocity, so that one can measure the
angular velocity of the disk as a function of time.
There is a white tube clamp underneath the base of the unit. When it is closed, it allows
the bottom disk to rotate freely on the base. When it is opened, the bottom disk will rest
securely on the base. Since we will only use the top disk in this part of the experiment,
open the tube clamp. The top disk can be made to rotate freely on the bottom disk by
placing the drop pin or screwing a solid screw into the opening at the center of the disk. In
this part of the experiment we will use the solid screw.
In order for the mass supplying the torque to fall freely, place the apparatus so that the
cylinder bearing hangs over the edge of the table. Using the solid, grey screw secure the
square aluminum plate (if neededit is used only for the cylindrical ring), the thread anchor
washer, and the small pulley to the hole in the center of the top disk. See Figure 9.3. The
thread anchor washer fits into the recess of the pulley and the thread fits through the slot in
the pulley. The screw goes through the hole in the square aluminum plate, the pulley, the
washer and into the threaded hole in the top of the disk. The thread comes out of the slot
in the pulley, runs over the groove in the cylinder bearing, and suspends the accelerating
Now check to make sure that the air pressure is still at the right value for your set-up (keep
monitoring the pressure throughout the experiment). The bottom disk should be stable
64 EXPERIMENT #9: Rotational Dynamics
(the tube clamp is open) and the top disk should rotate freely. By gently turning the top
disk, wind the thread around the pulley until the top of the descending mass is level with
the bottom of the cylinder bearing bracket. Hold the top disk stationary for a moment
and then release it, being careful not to impart any initial angular velocity to the disk.
The falling mass should accelerate the disk. The thread should unwind from the pulley
and, before the mass hits the ground, the thread should begin to start winding back on the
pulley. If the mass does hit the ground, shorten the length of thread appropriately. Make
a couple of test runs to get used to the equipment. Make sure the switch on the display
housing is in the TOP position since only the top disk is rotating.
At this point wind up the thread and hold the disk steady. Tell the Pasco software to begin
taking data, and then release top disk plate without imparting any initial angular velocity
to it.
Check the angular velocity vs. time graph to make sure that it is a linearly increasing
function of time. Select the linear portion of the data, and transfer it to WAPP+ . Do a
least-squares fit to find the angular acceleration (the slope of the graph of angular velocity
vs. time). You dont need to print the fit report, but do be sure to record the angular
acceleration in a data table.
If your graph of angular velocity vs. time appears to be okay, continue to take three more
measurements of angular acceleration and record the four values in your lab notebook in
a data table. When you analyze the data you will average the four angular accelerations
and use the average acceleration to calculate the moment of inertia of the setup (i.e., the
aluminum plate, the pulley, and the top disk). The standard deviation of the mean will be
the uncertainty in the angular acceleration.
Please choose one of the following two options for the remainder of your
Now you are ready to measure the moment of inertia of a cylindrical ring. Take either of the
two black, steel cylindrical rings and measure its mass and the inner and outer diameters.
Record these values in your lab notebook.
The cylindrical ring is mounted on an aluminum plate, which will be clamped to the top steel
diskyour instructor will show you how. Our strategy will be to measure the rotational
inertia of the system with and without the ring. The rotational inertia of the ring alone
will then be the difference between these two values. So we will want to
Measure the angular velocity as a function of time for the system without the ring.
Paste the angular velocity vs. time data into WAPP+ , and do a least-squares fit to
EXPERIMENT #9: Rotational Dynamics 65
Measure the angular velocity as a function of time for the system with the ring.
Paste the angular velocity vs. time data into WAPP+ , and do a least-squares fit to
find the angular acceleration.
Make sure to fit the locating pins on the ring into the holes in the aluminum plate, so that
the cylinder will rotate about its center of mass.
Repeat the procedure outlined above, recording four measurements of angular acceleration
in a table. Calculate the average angular accelerations and the standard deviations of the
mean for each configuration (with and without the ring).
The procedure is similar to the one outlined above, except that we will not need the alu-
minum plate. First, record the mass and dimensions of the rectangular steel bar in your
lab notebook. Then proceed as follows:
Measure the angular velocity as a function of time for the system without the bar
Paste the angular velocity vs. time data into WAPP+ , and do a least-squares fit to
find the angular acceleration.
Remove the solid, grey screw and place the rectangular steel bar on the aluminum
plate. Secure the bar, plate, and pulley with the solid, red screw. The red screw will
go through the bar, the plate, the pulley, the thread washer, and into the steel disk.
Measure the angular velocity as a function of time for the system with the bar.
Paste the angular velocity vs. time data into WAPP+ , and do a least-squares fit to
find the angular acceleration.
Repeat the procedure outlined above, recording four measurements of angular acceleration
in a table. Calculate the average angular acceleration and the standard deviation of the
mean for each configuration (with and without the bar).
For whichever object you used, you should have average angular accelerations (with error)
for the system with and without the object. To find the moment of inertia of the object
alone, proceed as follows:
2. Find the torque exerted on the system by the descending mass, using the equations
derived above.
66 EXPERIMENT #9: Rotational Dynamics
5. Subtract to find the rotational inertia of the object, and calculate its uncertainty.
6. Finally, calculate the theoretical value of the rotational inertia, with uncertainty, and
compare it with your experimental result.
Angular momentum, L, ~ can be written as the product of the moment of inertia, I, and
the angular velocity, ~
. (Please see your textbook for a more complete discussion.) In this
experiment we will see whether or not angular momentum is conserved.
The experiment works as follows: We will set up the apparatus so that both disks can rotate,
and set them rotating at different angular velocities. Thus, each disk will have a separate
initial angular momentum. Then, we collapse the air cushion between the two disks, so
that they come together and rotate as a single body, with some final angular velocity and
angular momentum. We can then compare the initial and final angular momenta and see
if angular momentum is conserved,
Remember that in such a collision, kinetic energy might not be conserved. We can check
this point by calculating the initial and final kinetic energies. What would you expect, given
the problems we have solved in class?
The computer will take measurements of the two disks before and after the collision and
report to you the initial and final angular velocities. From these angular velocities you will
calculate the initial and final angular momenta and kinetic energies.
Begin by closing the white tube clamp located underneath the base of the unit. Doing so
will allow the bottom disk to rotate freely.
Record the masses and radii of the top and bottom disksthese values will be supplied
by your TA. You will use them later to calculate the moments of inertia for the top and
bottom disks.
Insert the drop pin in the hole in the top disk, so that the top disk will rotate indepen-
dently of the bottom one. (Your instructor will show you how.) Spin the bottom disk fairly
fast and the top disk more slowly. Spin the two disks in the same direction. You must make
sure that both disks have some initial angular velocity.
EXPERIMENT #9: Rotational Dynamics 67
Tell the computer to start taking data. Let it record the initial angular velocities for several
seconds, and then collapse the air cushion by pulling the drop pin.
The Pasco DataStudio program will then display the initial (1 and 2 ) and final (3 )
angular velocities.
Run the experiment four times in all and collect you data in a table. Leave eight columns
for the following quantities: initial angular momenta for the top and bottom disks, initial
rotational kinetic energies for the top and bottom disks, final angular momentum for the
two disks together, the final rotational kinetic energy for the two disks together, the change
in angular momentum, and the change in rotational kinetic energy.
First calculate the moments of inertia for the top and bottom disks using the equation
I=M R2 .
The moment of inertia for the combined top/bottom disk situation will just be the sum of
the individual moments of inertia.
Next start filling in the table mentioned above for each of the four runs. The angular
momentum is equal to
~ = I~ .
If you spun both disks in the same direction as outlined above, you can ignore the vector
nature of this equation. If you spun the disks in opposite directions, the angular momentum
of one disk will be negative with respect to the other. It doesnt matter which one you call
Next calculate change in angular momentum from the initial to the final state:
L = L1 + L2 L3
where L1 and L2 are the initial angular momenta and L3 is the final angular momentum.
Record L for the four runs in tabular form. The percentage of angular momentum lost
can be calculated from:
L1 + L2
Also calculate the change in rotational kinetic energy:
Krot = K1 + K2 K3
where K1 and K2 are the initial rotational kinetic energies and K3 is the final rotational
kinetic energy. Record Krot for the four runs in tabular form. The percentage of energy
lost can be calculated from:
K1 + K2
68 EXPERIMENT #9: Rotational Dynamics
Part I
Present the results obtained in Parts I of the experiment in a carefully constructed table.
Be sure to include uncertainties.
Your discussion of the results should include (but is not limited to) the following points:
Comment on the agreement between the experimentally determined and the theoret-
ical values for the moments of inertia in Part I. Do they agree within experimental
uncertainty? What are the sources of error?
Were we quantitatively justified in neglecting the mr 2 term when we derived Eq. 9.2?
Do a quick calculation to justify your answer.
Part II
Present the results obtained in Part II of the experiment in a carefully constructed table.
Comment on the extent to which angular momentum was conserved in Part II of the exper-
iment. Angular momentum is conserved only if there are no external torques acting on the
system. If your results show that the angular momentum of the system was not conserved,
could it be due to the presence of an external torque or is it merely the effect of experimental
Was the rotational kinetic energy conserved? Does this tell you that the collision was elastic
or inelastic?
The ability to collect useful data (and estimate the accuracy of that data) and the ability
to analyze data (interpreting the results of computer programs; making proper plots) are
two key skills we hope to develop in this course. This lab practical exam will test the
most easily-tested skills: namely interacting with and interpreting the results of computer
programs. In this exam you will be given a dataset, told the appropriate functional form,
and you will:
Enter this data into a spreadsheet (including numbers in scientific notation) and
transfer the data to WAPP+ (having set the proper y-error and functional form). All
the datasets assume no x-error and generally (but not always) there will be a simple
formula for y-error.
Report the scientific validity of the resulting fit. (Think reduced 2 .)
Interpret and report the resulting best-fit parameters (including proper units, sigfigs,
and error).
Calculate some quantity based on those parameters and, most importantly, find the
error in that quantity. (That is: error propagation using either the high-low method
of page 81 or the formula based methods of Table A.1 and Appendix E.) You must
show these calculations by self-documenting your spreadsheet.
Produce proper (axes labels, title, etc.) hardcopy plots of the data with fitted curve.
In most cases, two hardcopy plots (one with normal scales, and one in which scales
have been chosen to linearize the curve) are required. The quadratic functional form
cannot be linearized and the linear functional form is linear using normal scales, so in
those two cases you need only turn in one hardcopy plot.
Your work product for this exam includes: a (properly formatted, see page 7) quick report
card, that reports (units, sigfigs, error) the functional parameters, calculated quantity,
and assessment of scientific validity (5 points), hardcopy plots (usually two, 2 points),
hardcopy of your self-documented spreadsheet showing the dataset and specified calculations
(2 points), hardcopy of the WAPP+ fit report with all these items nicely stapled together
and handed to your instructor (1 point). Your lab notebook is not needed for this exam.
You may use this lab manual and the textbook as references during this exam.
70 EXPERIMENT #10: Lab Practical Exam
EXPERIMENT # 11: Simple
Harmonic Motion
In this experiment we will examine the behavior of a simple harmonic oscillator, that is, a
mass attached to the end of a spring. Remarkably, this system is one of the most important
in all of physics. Almost any problem that involves oscillations for example, the electrical
oscillations in a radio, or the oscillations of an atom around a lattice site in a crystal can
at least be approximated by the simple harmonic oscillator.
As you may know from the lectures and textbook, Hookes law states that the force exerted
by a spring on a mass is given by
F = kx (11.1)
where x is the displacement of the spring from its equilibrium position and k, called the
spring constant, is a constant of proportionality that depends on the stiffness of the spring.
We will attempt to measure the spring constant in two ways. In the first part of the exper-
iment, we will hang masses on the spring, and measure the displacement from equilibrium
for a number of different masses. When the mass is at rest the gravitational force mg will
just balance the force exerted by the spring. Hence a graph of force vs. displacement should
allow you either to confirm or reject Eq. 11.1, and if the graph is a straight line, to determine
the value of k from a computer fit.
In the second part of the experiment we will set the mass oscillating, and measure the
period of oscillation, T (that is, the time for one complete oscillation) as a function of
mass. Then, you can use your knowledge of graphical and computer analysis to find the
functional relationship between period and mass. Look up the theoretical expression for
this relationship and use it along with your computer analysis to find a value for the spring
constant k. See if k determined in this way agrees, within the limits of experimental
uncertainty, with the value you found in the first part of the experiment.
72 EXPERIMENT #11: Simple Harmonic Motion
Experimental Procedure
Examine the apparatus carefully and work out a suitable procedure for the experiment.
Keep in mind the following points:
1. Be sure you measure the mass of the weight holder, and add it to your experimental
masses. You need the total mass to calculate the force on the spring!
2. Be sure you adjust the wire pointer on the apparatus to eliminate the effects of
Analysis of Data
NOTE: Please be sure that you know what your units are, and that you are using units
consistently, in the following analysis.
1. The value of the spring constant k, using Hookes law. Be sure that you also report
the uncertainty in k, based on your least-squares fit.
2. The functional dependence of the period of oscillation on the mass. Check your
textbook, and compare your result to the theoretical result. Hint: a plot of T 2 vs. m
should be a straight line.
3. The value of the spring constant k, using your oscillation data and analysis. See if your
two values of the spring constant agree within the limits of experimental uncertainty.
Note: This part is tricky and you may need to consult your instructor. Dont leave
this part until the last moment!
1. How could you find the velocity of the oscillating mass at any arbitrary value of the
displacement x?
Make a table listing all your numerical results and their uncertainties. Comment on the
consistency of your results for the determination of k from the two different methods.
Mention any sources of error, both systematic and random. Attach the fit results and plots
as usual.
EXPERIMENT #11: Simple Harmonic Motion 73
Critique of Lab
This experiment is, among other things, an exercise that allows you to devise your own
experimental procedure and method of data analysis.
You will be given a timer, a length of cord, a weight, and some clamps and assorted
hardware. Using this equipment, find how the period of a pendulum depends on its length.
After you have finished this part, do a theoretical analysis of the pendulum, using your text
if necessary, and use your results to find g, the acceleration of gravity. Include a discussion
of experimental uncertainty.
Your writeup should include a detailed description of your experimental procedure, and a
discussion of how you applied the techniques of graphical and computer analysis to your
76 EXPERIMENT #12: The Pendulum
APPENDIX AError Analysis
Please note: The treatment of experimental error in this section is very brief, and is not
intended to be complete! For a more complete treatment we strongly recommend John
R. Taylor, An Introduction to Error Analysis, University Science Books (1997). (The
Physics Department requires this book as a text for laboratories after the first year. You
will find copies in the libraries and at the bookstore.) See the first four chapters in Taylor
for a much more complete discussion of the material discussed in this section.
Two other useful references that you will find in the libraries are
Meaning of Error
In scientific usage the word error has a specialized meaning. It does not mean a mistake
(like a miscalculation), but rather that some uncertainty exists in the value of a quantity. In
this sense, errors or uncertainties are always present in experiments. (The words error and
uncertainty will be used interchangeably here.) While uncertainty cannot be avoided, it
must be estimated (expressed as a number) and (if possible) reduced. (Recall Lord Kelvins
words that opened this manual: when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge
is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind.) The job of estimating experimental uncertainties
is usually the most important and time-consuming part of an experiment. The value of an
experimental result depends entirely on an accurate estimate of its uncertainty.
All measured quantities have errors. Any time you report a measured quantity you should
report both the measured value, y, and the error y, in the form y y, (e.g., 12.5 0.2).
Interpret the symbol to mean that any value between y y and y + y is equally good.
The example above (y = 12.5 0.2) should be interpreted to mean that y is quite likely to
be between 12.3 and 12.7, with only a small chance (say, 5%) of being outside the range
12.5 0.4.
If we know the uncertainty in an experimental result, we can more reasonably compare two
78 APPENDIX AError Analysis
experiments or the outcome of an experiment with the predictions of a theory. Two values
are said to agree if the ranges overlap. For example, values of 1.01 0.02 and 0.9 0.1 agree;
by contrast the two results 1.010.02 and 0.900.03 disagree. Or, to take another example,
if a theory predicts a value of exactly 1 and an experiment measures a value of 1.1 0.1 (1.0
to 1.2) then the experimental result is consistent with the theory. Had experiment given a
value of 1.10 0.01 (1.09 to 1.11) then the experiment would have been inconsistent with
the theoretical prediction. (Note that theory can sometimes predict an errorless value
but experimental results always have some uncertainty.)
Since the error in a measurement is as important as the measurement itself, much of this
lab course will be devoted to teaching techniques for estimating the error. Note that we
use the word estimate to describe the process of finding the error. In our limited lab
time there is no way to accurately determine experimental uncertainties. The best we can
do is to try to find an approximate value or estimate based on our knowledge of how the
experimental results were obtained.
There are two general types of experimental error, systematic error and random (or statis-
tical) error.
A systematic error is characterized by an uncertainty that always has the same size and
sense every time you make the measurement. Systematic errors generally result from faulty
instrument calibration or personal bias. For example, if the marks on a meter stick were
spaced 1.1 cm apart instead of 1 cm apart, then all distance measurements made with that
meter stick would be consistently too small.
By contrast, random errors are characterized by deviations that change in size and sign
when you repeat a measurement. These errors may arise from changes in instrumental
operation or personal judgment. For example, if you measured the distance between two
points twice, your first judgment of the reading might be 1.02 cm, while the next time your
reading might be 1.03 cm. Thus, your reading technique has an uncertainty of 0.01 cm.
Example: This sort of reading error can arise from parallax. To illustrate the parallax
effect, make a zero on a sheet of paper, and a few parallel lines on either side, like so:
| | | 0 | | | . Then place a pencil on the paper so the tip is pointing at the 0 in the diagram.
Now move your head to either side so that the pencil tip appears to lie over one of the
vertical bars. Repeat this procedure when the indicator pencil is raised from the paper by
placing a book under it. Now you see for yourself that the farther away the pencil is, the
larger the possible deviation in reading the scale.
APPENDIX AError Analysis 79
A common way to estimate random error is by comparing repeated observations of the same
quantity. This technique of checking for reproducibility can quickly yield an estimate for
the random error. For example, if on repeated observation the values were: 1.0, 1.5, 1.2,
0.9, 0.6, then the random error seems to be about 0.5. However if the observations were 1.0,
2.0, 1.3, 0, 0.5, then a rough estimate for the random error would be 1. Limited lab time
will often force you simply guess the random error based on the sensitivity of the measuring
device and your reading technique. For example, suppose you had a meter stick that had
marks every 0.1 cm. You should be able measure to within one half of one mark or 0.05
cm, and with care to 0.02 cm. (Subjective differences in error estimates will occur in this
lab, but you must be able to defend your estimate.)
A more precise estimate of the random error depends on a detailed understanding of statis-
tics that is beyond the scope of this lab manual. (See, for example, chapter 4 in the book
by Taylor cited above.) But we can give at least a rough idea of what is involved. Consider
the following example:
Example: Suppose we measure the length of an object ten times, and obtain the values
(in meters) 3.20, 3.21, 3.18, 3.17, 3.28, 3.21, 3.16, 3.24, 3.23, 3.19. How do we estimate the
uncertainty in the length?
How good is this result? Clearly it is not good to the four decimal places that are given! We
might begin by calculating the deviations from the mean. (By deviation we mean simply
the quantity Li hLi.) Consider the following table:
The second and third columns contain the deviations and the absolute values of the devia-
tions respectively, and the fourth column contains the squares of the deviations.
We might hope that the average value of the deviations will represent the uncertainty in the
length. Note that we need to use absolute values in our calculation of the average deviation
so that the positive and negative deviations will not cancel. Thus we obtain
|Li hLi| .007 + + .017
L = average deviation = = = 0.027
10 10
80 APPENDIX AError Analysis
so that we can say L = 3.21 .03 meters. Note that the range
includes most but not quite all of the measurements. This result is to be expected a
more advanced treatment makes it clear that we should expect the majority (but far from
all) of our values to lie within an average deviation of the mean.
The average deviation is hard to work with analytically, so a more commonly used quantity
is the standard deviation, the square root of the average squared-deviation. Thus in our
case, the standard deviation, usually represented by (the Greek letter sigma) is
sP sP
(Li hLi)2 (Li hLi)2
= = = 0.034 m
N 10
NOTE: A more rigorous statistical treatment would replace 10 by 9 in the above equation
in general, we would replace the number of data points N by N 1. See chapter 4 in
Taylors book for a discussion of this point. Thus we should use
sP sP
(Li hLi)2 (Li hLi)2
= = = 0.036 m
N 1 9
Almost certainly your calculator can automatically calculate the standard deviation of en-
tered data; the Excel function stdev() reports the standard deviation of its argument. It
will pay you to learn how to use these functions!
Usually the average deviation is a bit less than the standard deviation. Both are reasonable
estimates of the uncertainty in the measurement. In this context it is worth emphasizing
again that we are estimating uncertainties, not calculating exact values.
How can we reduce errors? In addition to the obvious solutions like use of more sensitive
instruments etc., we can reduce the effect of random errors (but not systematic errors) by
making repeated measurements. If we take N measurements of the quantity y, then the
average value hyi of y is
y1 + y2 + y3 + + yN
hyi = .
(Note: some texts use the notation y to denote the average value of y.) Intuitively, one would
expect the average value to be more accurate than any single measurement. Quantitatively,
it turns out that we must distinguish between
APPENDIX AError Analysis 81
standard deviation: An estimate for the random error (y) in any single measure-
ment of y is simply the standard deviation:
(y1 hyi)2 + (y2 hyi)2 + + (yN hyi)2
y = =
N 1
standard deviation of the mean: (SDOM) The uncertainty of the average value
is given by the standard deviation of the mean,
S = / N ,
where N is the number of data points. Note that the standard deviation of the mean
will be smaller than the standard deviation, confirming our intuitive feeling that the
average value should be more accurate than any single measurement.
The error estimate (y), should always be reported along with the measurement using the
form: y y. When the errors in an experiment are known to be unbiased and random,
the average of repeated measurments may be of interest, in which case you should report:
hyi S.
Important: When you estimate the uncertainty in an experiment, even when you do not
perform repeated measurements, you are implicitly giving a rough estimate of the standard
Propagation of Error
Often the quantity of interest in an experiment is not measured directly, but is calculated
from other quantities that are measured directly. For example, to find a velocity one
measures a distance and a time interval, and divides the distance by the time. In this section
we will see how to find uncertainties in calculated quantities from the known uncertainties
in the measured quantities.
High-Low Method
Suppose we have a rectangle for which we have measured the height H = 2.73 .03 cm
and the width W = 3.97 .03 cm, and we want to find the area. (See Fig. A.1.) Clearly
the best estimate for the area is A = 3.97 2.73 = 10.8381 cm2 . A high estimate can be
obtained by using the largest possible W = 3.97 + .03 = 4.00 cm and the largest possible
H = 2.73 + .03 = 2.76 cm: Amax = 4.00 2.76 = 11.04 cm2 . Similarly, a low estimate
can be obtained by using the smallest possible W = 3.97 .03 = 3.94 cm and the smallest
possible H = 2.73 .03 = 2.70 cm: Amin = 3.94 2.70 = 10.638 cm2 . So it seems that A
must be in the range 10.63811.04 cm2 , which we can summarize as A = 10.8381 0.201 =
10.8 0.2 cm2 , where A was estimated as (Amax Amin )/2. We call this process of
finding the error in a calculated quantity by repeated calculation using extreme values the
high-low game. It represents the crudest form of error propagation. Some deficiencies
are: (1) In a more complicated calculation, it will not clear what combination of high
and low inputs produces the extremes, so all combinations must be tested. (2) Since the
82 APPENDIX AError Analysis
A = HW
h H h= h
W = w w
resulting error comes as the end result of a complex process, you cannot answer important
questions like: Which measured quantity most contributes to the error? or How much
do I need to reduce the errors in the measurements to achieve a particular accuracy in
the result?. (3) The method does not take into account the unlikeliness of the measured
quantities conspiring to achieve exactly the right combination of extreme values to produce
the extreme calculated result.
Worst-Case Formulas
We can simplify the calculations (and solve problems (1) and (2)) by doing the algebra for
a general case. We write the formula for the area A and its uncertainty A as follows:
A A = (h h) (w w)
= hw h w w h + h w
An examination of the diagram should persuade you that the last term, which is represented
by the small square in the lower right-hand corner, is much smaller than the second and
third terms, represented by the two small rectangles. Hence to a good approximation the
best estimate for the area and its uncertainty are given by
A = hw
A = h w + w h
where we have used the signs producing the maximum value, so that the uncertainties added
rather than partially canceling. Because we have not allowed for partial cancelation, we call
the resulting error estimates worst-case errors.
hw hw
A = w + h or
w h
w h
A = A + or
w h
A w h
= +
A w h
Since A/A is the relative error in A this last equation says that the relative error in A is
the sum of the relative errors in w and h.
APPENDIX AError Analysis 83
While we do not reproduce the proof here, a more advanced statistical treatment shows
that the likelihood of partial cancelation of multiple errors (problem (3) above) can best be
addressed by using the following error estimate:
2 2
w h
A = A +
w h
In words, this equation states that the percentage error in the area is the square root of the
sum of the squares of the percentage errors in h and w.
Table A.1 gives the result of this calculation for several commonly used operations and
Appendix E provides a longer list of results. Note that Eq. A.2 in that table is identical to
the result we found above for the uncertainty in the area. It would be a useful exercise for
you to confirm all of these results.
Table A.1: Formulae to calculate the error resulting from various operations.
Addition z = x+y p
z = (x)2 + (y)2 (A.1)
or Subtraction z = xy
s 2 2
z = xy x y
z = x/y z = |z| + (A.2)
or Division x y
s 2 2
z = xm y n x y
Powers z = |z| m + n (A.3)
z = xm /y n x y
Function z = f (x) z = f (x) x (A.4)
Example: Take a moment to look over the equations in Table A.1. To illustrate how
these formulas are used, we will use the distance (S) and time (t) measurements given in
Table A.2 below to find the average velocity and the error in velocity in the interval from
t1 to t3 . The average velocity v is given by
S S3 S1
v= = .
t t3 t1
There are three steps in this calculation: We find the error in the numerator, then the error
in the denominator, and finally, we find the error in the velocity.
Consider the numerator. Note that both S3 and S1 have uncertainties. Hence to find the
uncertainty in S = S3 S1 = 0.71 cm, we apply Eq. A.1 to obtain an uncertainty of
(S) = (0.05)2 + (0.05)2 = 0.07 cm
84 APPENDIX AError Analysis
To find the error in the denominator, we use the same equation. Here t = t3 t1 = 0.032 s.
The uncertainty in t is
(t) = (0.002)2 + (0.002)2 = 0.003 s
The average velocity v is v = 0.71/.032 cm/s = 22 cm/s And since we have the uncertainties
in both
S = 0.71 0.07 cm
t = 0.032 0.003 sec,
we can find the error in v = S/t, using Eq. A.2:
2 2
0.07 0.003
v = 22 + cm/s 3 cm/s
0.71 0.032
Therefore the average velocity should be reported as 22 3 cm/s. Note that it would make
no sense to report this result as 22.1875 3 cm/s; the fractional part of the speed is of no
significance if the uncertainty is 3 cm/s. Similarly, given the crude nature of our estimates
of error, one or at most two significant digits in the uncertainty should be reported. Note
a fast way to lose lots of points: 22.1875 2.99308 no units and too many significant
digits in both the number and the error.
Since the numerical value of constants (such as or ln(2)) are known to very high precision,
they should be treated as error-free in calculations.
Optional Derivation
In the above example the uncertainty was easy to calculate directly. In general, however,
such will not be the case. Therefore we will introduce a more general method of finding
the error in a calculated quantity. The derivation involves using calculus, and may prove
difficult for beginning students to follow in detail. But dont give up what is hard for you
to understand now will seem much easier in a semester or so, when you are farther along
in your mathematics. Until then, you can simply use the results given in Table A.1 above.
(The symbol indicates a partial derivativesee your calculus text if you have not yet
encountered this concept.) If the uncertainties x and y are not too large, we can replace
the differentials by the corresponding uncertainties and write
z z
z x + y
x y
where we have used absolute value signs so that uncertainties with different signs will not
cancel. This expression gives the worst-case estimate for the uncertainty in z. A more
advanced statistical treatment (allowing for partial cancelation) shows that this expression
is a bit too pessimistic, and that a better estimate is given by taking the square root of the
sum of the squares of all the terms:
s 2 2
z z
z x + y
x y
Once can derive all of the formulas in Table A.1, as well as the equations for more com-
plex cases, using this technique. See Taylors book, previously cited, for a more detailed
We have seen how to estimate errors in measured quantities, and in quantities calculated
from those measured quantities. However, often our goal is to find functional relationships
between measured quantities. For example, suppose we have a set of measurements of
velocity and time that lie roughly along a straight line. The functional relationship between
them is therefore linear and can be written
v = A + Bt
where v is velocity, t is time, and A and B are constants (here, the intercept and slope of
the line). Since the points will not all lie exactly on the straight line, there will be a range
of possible slopes and intercepts that will all describe the data reasonably well. Under such
circumstances, how could we find the uncertainties in the parameters, A and B, from the
uncertainties in v and t?
We will discuss this question more fully in the next three appendices, and as usual, refer
the reader to Taylors book for a more complete discussion.
86 APPENDIX AError Analysis
APPENDIX BTables and
Experimental data are usually recorded in tabular form (see Table B.1). The table should
have labeled columns for the both the independent and dependent variables. Each column
label should show the units for that quantity. A representative estimate of the error should
be made and recorded for the first entry in a column and any other place that the value
of the error changes significantly. Room for extra columns should be left if quantities are
going to be calculated from the direct measurements. A sample calculation should also be
shown at the bottom of the table for those quantities which are calculated.
Since it is much easier to recognize a pattern from a graph (picture) than from a table,
we will use graphs extensively in this laboratory. (The next Appendix, Graphical Analysis,
will show you how to recognize functional relationships from graphs.)
Whenever possible, make an initial graph to monitor the experiment as you are collecting
the data. As you record each measurement in a table, plot it on the graph. After several
points have been graphed, a pattern (or shape) becomes apparent. This pattern can then
serve as a general guide to tell whether subsequent measurements fit the pattern. Although
we may not know the exact pattern the data will follow, large deviations from any pattern
can be easily identified, thus catching problems in time to correct them. This initial graph
will also serve as the starting point for data analysis.
A final graph should always be included in your lab write-up. This graph should be a refined
and more complete version of your initial graph. See Appendix C on Graphical Analysis for
88 APPENDIX BTables and Graphs
several examples of properly prepared final graphs. To insure that the graphs give a clear
picture of what is being represented, we ask you to follow this set of rules:
y0 + y
x0 x0 + x
1. Put a title on each graph in a place that will not obscure the data.
2. Label each axis with the name of the quantity and its units.
3. Select the graph scale such that the data spans most of a full page of graph paper
DO NOT plot all of your data in one small section of the page!
4. On your final graph indicate the error in each graphed data point by using error bar
symbols. An example of a typical graphed data point (x , y ) with error bars is shown
in Fig. B.1. You need not show error bars that are smaller than the dot size. However,
note the fact that the errors are smaller than dot size below the graphs title.
5. Optional: With a pencil, lightly sketch a smooth curve through the data (do not
play connect the dots). If this is an initial graph, the curve should represent your
eyeball approximation of the pattern. For the final graph the smooth curve should
be based upon your graphical or computer data analysis (as explained in the next two
Analysis and Functional Forms
PLEASE NOTE: In this appendix and the following one, we discuss what is sometimes
called curve fittingseeing how well particular equations describe a set of experimental
data. The treatment of curve fitting in this appendix is brief, and is not intended to be
complete! For a more complete treatment we strongly recommend the book An Introduction
to Error Analysis by John R. Taylor.
If two variables are related, then when one is changed there will always be a corresponding
change in the other. Suppose variable x is controlled in the experiment, and we are observing
how the value of variable y is affected. We call x the independent variable and y the
dependent variable.
We suppose there is a mathematical function y(x) (in words, y(x) is read y as a function
of x), that approximately describes the way the two variables are related. One simple
example of such a function is the equation of a straight line:
y(x) = A + Bx.
The constants A and B are called the parameters of the functionin this case, the y-
intercept and the slope of the line. Briefly, then, our job in curve fitting is to find the
equation y(x) that best describes the experimentally measured quantities (x, y), and estab-
lish what specific values of the parameters work best for our data.
We will introduce you to two methods of curve fitting that are useful for finding functional
relationships; they are
graphical analysis: using semi-log and log-log graphs to linearize our data; and
90 APPENDIX CGraphical Analysis and Functional Forms
the method of least squares. For this method, we will use a computer program that is
described in Appendix D.
For either of these methods the initial steps in data analysis are the same:
2. Make a careful graph of the data y vs. x in your lab notebook, as discussed in
the Appendix on Tables and Graphs. Plot y (the dependent variable) on the vertical
axis and x (the independent variable) on the horizontal axis. Include error bars to
indicate the uncertainties of the variables at each data point. (see Appendix B).
3. With a pencil, lightly sketch a smooth curve through the data and try to guess what
function would match the curve. Theory often suggests an appropriate guessfor
example, radioactive decay is usually consistent with an exponential function. Other
examples are given below.
4. Test your guess, either by computer curve-fitting or by graphing the data in such a
way that a straight line should result if your guess is correct. More explanation of
this step is given below.
5. If your analysis is satisfactory, you will have both the function and its parameters for
approximating your data.
Suppose we have done an experiment and made a careful graph of the data. If the data lie
on a straight line, our task is comparatively easy. Often, however, the data will describe a
curve. We want to find out what function describes that curve. Is it a quadratic? a cubic?
part of a sine curve? Or some other function? How can we tell?
For two important classes of functions, exponential functions and power laws, it turns out
that semi-log graphs (log y vs. x) or log-log graphs (log y vs. log x) can transform the
data to a straight line, which is always easy to recognize. If this method works, then the
parameters of the function can then be estimated from the line, as we shall see below.
Only rarely, of course, will our data points lie exactly on a line. A line is generally considered
to be an acceptable description if it passes through the error bars of roughly 2/3 of the data
points. (See Taylor for a detailed explanation.)
1. Linear Function We begin by considering the linear function (or straight line), which
as we have already seen, can be written as
y = A + Bx (C.1)
APPENDIX CGraphical Analysis and Functional Forms 91
The parameters A and B specify the particular straight line that describes a given set of
data. Frequently the experimental result that we seek is one of these parameters.
A graph of y versus x, with error bars on all the points, will show whether a straight line is
acceptable. Most likely, there will be a range of acceptable lines, as illustrated in the Figure
below. From them you can estimate the parameters A and B with their uncertainties.
y Bmax
Amin x
Our goal is to determine the parameters A and B from the graph. If the experimental data
fall more or less on a straight line (that is, it they satisfy the two-thirds criterion for a
linear relationship), then we can obtain estimates for the parameters A and B from the
algebraic properties of a linear function and the smooth curve (straight line) drawn through
the graphed data points. For a linear relationship we note that any two points (x1 , y1 ) and
(x2 , y2 ) on the line can be used to find an estimate for the slope of the line, B, since
y1 = A + Bx1
y2 = A + Bx2
so that
y2 y1 = B(x2 x1 )
y2 y1
x2 x1
Note that the units of B are the units of y/x.
IMPORTANT: Do not use two data points to find the slope!! Rather use two well-
separated points on the line you have sketched, which represents information from all of the
data points.
1. If the vertical line x = 0 is physically on your graph, then you can probably find
where your sketched line intersects it. The parameter A is the value of y where your
sketched line reaches x = 0 (the y-intercept).
2. If the y-intercept is not on your graph (and very often it will not be), we simply note
that the values for any point on the line can be used to solve for A, once we know the
slope B, since A = yi Bxi . This method will usually be less accurate than the first.
Example: As an example lets try to see whether the temperature (T ) of a certain metal
rod is linearly related to distance along the rod (d). The experimental observations are
given in Table C.1 and plotted in C.2.
d (cm) T ( C)
1 0.01 16 4
2 18
3 35
4 44
5 58
6 62
7 64
8 70
Table C.1: Sample data of temperature as a function of distance along a metal rod.
Temperature (C)
2 4 6 8
Distance (cm)
It is straightforward to measure the slope B, as shown above. The uncertainty in the slope
APPENDIX CGraphical Analysis and Functional Forms 93
can be estimated from the best line (as judged by eye), and from upper and lower outer
limits of possible slopes that might work, (for example, the dotted lines in Fig. C.1 above).
As an exercise, try to find A, B and their uncertainties; you should find something like
A = 8 4 C, B = 8 1 C/cm (C.2)
It is fairly easy to determine whether a set of data lies on a straight line. But what if it
doesnt what if the smooth line drawn through a set of data in fact curves? How can
we decide whether that curve represents a quadratic, or a cubic, or some other function?
The next two sections will show how two fairly common functional forms, power laws and
exponentials, can be transformed so that they look like straight lines, and hence can be
easily identified and analyzed. The same sort of transformation process applies to many
functional forms.
These two sections will be primarily concerned with graphical analysis, but we can also use
the method of least squares to find the best values for the function parameters and their
uncertaintiessee Appendix D.
y = A eBx (C.3)
This function is not linear, and hence will show some curvature on a linear graph. To
analyze exponential relationships graphically, we begin by taking the logarithm of both
sides of the above exponential equation, Eq. C.3. Recall that for natural logarithms,
ln et = t
ln AB = ln A + ln B.
So taking the the natural logarithm of both sides of Eq. C.3, we obtain
Y = C + Bx
which is the equation of a straight line with slope B and intercept C! Thus if we plot Y
versus x (that is, ln y versus x) and obtain a straight line, we may infer that our data can
be described by an exponential function. A graph of ln y versus x is often called a semi-log
Note that we have used natural (base e) logarithms in this section instead common (base 10)
logarithms. Either will linearize an exponential relationship (although natural logarithms
94 APPENDIX CGraphical Analysis and Functional Forms
are widely used in science and engineering). In either case, it is easy to find the logarithms,
either with a calculator or a spreadsheet (such as Excel2 ).
Suppose, then, that our data can be described by a straight line on a semi-log graph. We
can find the slope B and intercept C from this second graph, exactly as described above.
Thus, the slope can be calculated by picking two points on the line of the graph of ln y vs.
x and calculating
Y2 Y1 ln y2 ln y1 ln (y2 /y1 )
B= = = (C.5)
x2 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1
Note that the units of B are the units of 1/x, since the results of the standard functions
including ln()never have units.
The intercept C can likewise be easily found, and once we have it, we can find the parameter
A by observing that
C = ln A or A = eC
The above equations disguise the units of A, however if you return to Eq. C.3 and recall
that the standard functionsincluding exp(Bx) = eBx never have units it should be
clear that A has the same units as y.
Thus we have found the parameters A and B that describe our exponential function.
Example: As an example, consider the data for atmospheric pressure, P , versus altitude,
H, given in the following table.
Please inspect carefully the table, and the two graphs on the following page. The first graph
(a straightforward plot of P vs. H) shows a curve. The second is a semi-log graph (that
is, a graph of ln(P ) vs. H) that shows a straight line. (Note that the log scale changes
the appearance of the error bars: they are not symmetrical and the bar size has changed
from the normal plot.) Since this second graph is linear, we may infer that these data
are consistent with an exponential function. As an exercise, see if you can determine the
parameters A and B in Eq. C.3, above by making your own semi-log graph and finding the
slope and intercept.
In Excel log10()=log 10 () and ln()=log e (). log() by itself is ambiguous: in Excel it is log 10 () but in
most computer languages it is loge ().
APPENDIX CGraphical Analysis and Functional Forms 95
Pressure (bars)
0 5 10 15 20
Altitude (km)
ln(P) (bars)
0 5 10 15 20
Altitude (km)
y = AxB (C.6)
Once again we begin by taking the natural logarithm of both sides of the power-law equation.
As we shall see, this step will linearize the equation the technique is similar to the one
we used for exponentials. Taking the logarithm of both sides of the equation, we obtain
ln y = ln(AxB ).
And since
ln(AxB ) = ln A + ln(xB )
= ln A + B ln x
Therefore, to find out if our data are consistent with a power law, we make a graph of
Y versus X (that is, ln y versus ln x). Such a graph is often called a log-log graph. If
our data lie along a straight line on the log-log plot, then we can say that those data are
consistent with a power law.
We can find the slope B and the intercept C = ln A as before. In this case, the slope B is
given by
Y2 Y1 ln y2 ln y1 ln (y2 /y1 )
B= = =
X2 X1 ln x2 ln x1 ln (x2 /x1 )
Note that this B has no units.
We can find the parameter A by noting that the intercept C is given by C = ln A (or
A = eC ). Note that the units of A are the units of y/xB . Thus, we have recovered the
parameters A and B for the power law function.
Example: As an example, consider the data presented in Table C.3 of the speed of sound
in a gas, V , versus the molecular weight M . These data are plotted in Figs. C.5, C.6, and
The first graph is shows that the speed of sound is a rapidly decreasing function of the
molecular weight of a gas. The second one is a log-log graph of the same data, on which
the data fall roughly on a straight line. In this case, therefore, we infer that the data are
consistent with a power law (in this case, a power law with a negative exponent, since the
speed decreases as the molecular weight increases and hence the slope is negative.)
As an exercise, see if you can find the parameters A and B in Eq. C.6 for these data, by
making your own log-log graph and finding the slope and intercept.
APPENDIX CGraphical Analysis and Functional Forms 97
Table C.3: Sample data of the speed of sound in a gas vs. molecular weight of the gas.
Speed of Sound (m/s)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Molecular Weight
Ln(Speed of Sound) (m/s)
0 1 2 3 4
Ln(Molecular Weight)
1 10 100
Molecular Weight
Figure C.7: With a log scale the labels are the actual values but the tic marks are spaced
according to the logarithm. These scales make locating points easy and is the preferred way
of making a log-log plot.
Assisted Curve Fitting
The preceding appendix showed how many functional relationships can be reduced to linear
relationships by transforming the variables (e.g., a power law looks like a line if plotted on
log-log paper: ln y vs. ln x) and how to find the parameters for those functional relationships
from the resulting line. Thus the foundation of curve fitting is determining the best
possible line. While your eye is an excellent judge of best line we seek an standardized
(and automated) method of determining the best line (and particularly the uncertainty
that should be attached to the resulting slope and intercept parameters).
A solution was published in 1805 by Adrien Marie Legendre in his book on determining
the orbits of comets. He correctly noted that there is arbitrariness in the choice of the best
equation, but proposed a solution:
Of all the principles that can be proposed for this purpose, I think there is
none more general, more exact, or easier to apply, than that which we have
used in this work; it consists of making the sum of the squares of the errors
[deviation of measurement from equation] a minimum. By this method, a kind of
equilibrium is established among the errors which, since it prevents the extremes
from dominating, is appropriate for revealing the state of the system which most
nearly approaches the truth
zero for all the data, we compromise so that some deviations are positive, others negative,
but the sum of the squares of the deviations for all the data pairs is as small as possible.
Our treatment of the method of least squares in this appendix is necessarily brief and
incomplete. At some point in your career, you are likely to need to learn more than can be
100 APPENDIX DComputer Assisted Curve Fitting
provided here about least-squares fits. A good introduction is the book by Taylor that we
have already mentioned several times in this manual:
The Physics Department requires this book for all second year and higher laboratory courses,
and we recommend it for anyone planning to major in physics or engineering. Copies are
available in the libraries, and should also be available or easily ordered at both bookstores.
Philip R. Bevington & D. Keith Robinson, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for
the Physical Sciences (McGraw-Hill, 2002); and
William H. Press et al, Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing, third
edition, (Cambridge University Press, 2007) especially chapter 15.
One often wants to find the best equation that describes a set of experimental data. The
method of least squares is the most commonly used technique3 for fitting data to a function.
Suppose, for example, that we have a set of experimental data that lie roughly along a
straight line. We want to find the best values of slope B and intercept A for the equation
y = A + Bx
that will describe the data. The problem is that the data dont usually fall exactly on any
one line. This is hardly surprising as the data generally have experimental uncertainties.
For straight-line functions, one can do reasonably well fitting by eyeball,that is, using
your best judgment in drawing what appears to be the best line that describes the data.
But it would be nice to be able to do a little better. The method of least squares provides
a commonly used mathematical criterion for finding the best fit. Suppose, for example,
that our data points are (xi , yi ) for i = 1, 2, . . . N .
1 X [yi f (xi )]2
2 . (D.2)
N i=1 i2
For our special case in which the function is a straight line, this equation becomes
2 1 XN
[yi (A + Bxi )]2
= (D.3)
N 2 i=1 i2
where N is the number of data points, f (x) is the fitting function, and the s are the stan-
dard deviations introduced in Appendix Amore intuitively, the uncertainties (or errors)
associated with each y value. In the second expression, N 2 is the number of degrees of
freedom for N data points fit to a line.
Once a fit has been found (i.e., we have found the values of A and B that minimize reduced
chi-square), we need some way of determining how good the fit is, that is: are the data well
described by this line or is the relationship more complex (for example, quadratic). One
good visual check is to compare the fitted solution to the data graphically that is, plot
the function and your data on the same graph, and see how well the function describes your
data. Another easy way to check the fit is to see if the deviations are significantly larger than
the corresponding uncertainty or show a pattern, for example, being consistently positive
in some ranges of x and negative in others. These deviations are listed on the computer-
generated fit report.
IMPORTANT: It turns out that our reduced chi-squared statistic provides another, more
abstract criterion for goodness of fit. Statistical theory tells us that a good fit corresponds
to a reduced chi-squared value of about one.
It is not hard to understand this result intuitively. Notice that each term in the chi-square
sum, (deviation/error)2 , should be nearly one and we have N such terms, which in the end
are divided by N 2. That is reduced chi-square represents something like the average
deviation divided by the expected deviation squared. Take a look at the reduced chi-square
equation, and be sure you understand this point.
More or less arbitrarily, the fitting program assumes that any value of reduced chi-square
(2 ) between 0.25 and 4 represents a reasonably good fit. Otherwise, the program warns
you that your fit may not be valid.
There are two reasons why the value of the reduced chi-squared statistic might not be close
to one. First, you may have picked an inappropriate fitting function: If your data describe
a curve and you try to fit them to a straight line, for example, you will certainly get a bad
fit! Look at a graph of your data along with the fitting function and see how well the two
Example C.2
9 Q
slope B (C/cm)
Temperature (C)
8 S
A 20
6 10
0 5 10 15 2 4 6 8
Distance (cm)
y intercept A (C)
(a) Constant curves (ellipses) for 2 are dis- (b) The dashed lines show the extreme cases
played as a function of the test lines slope B corresponding to points Q (maximizing the
and y intercept A. The minimum value of 2 slope) and S (maximizing the y intercept). The
occurs at the point R. The constant curves are best curve, corresponding to the 2 minimum
for 2 16 , 62 , and 63 above that minimum. R, is displayed as a solid line.
your estimates of experimental error are apparently wrong, and you are not sure why. This
approach is not only honest, it is much more in the spirit of scientific inquiry! And as a
practical matter, whoever grades your lab is more likely to be favorably impressed by a
statement that you dont understand something than by an obvious attempt to fudge
your error estimates!
Most treatments of the method of least squares, and many computer programs that use
it, assume that the only experimental uncertainties are in y in other words, that any
uncertainty in x can be neglected. This assumption is reasonably accurate in a surprising
number of cases. Nevertheless, in many experiments there will be significant uncertainties
in both the x and y values and our fitting program is designed to include both of them.
Consider again the data presented on page 92 (where this time we ignore the error in x):
If we plug this data into our definition of reduced chi-square 2 (Eq. D.3) we find:
19945 734A + 8A2 4006B + 72AB + 204B 2
2 = (D.4)
APPENDIX DComputer Assisted Curve Fitting 103
d (cm) T ( C)
1 16 4
2 18
3 35
4 44
5 58
6 62
7 64
8 70
Table D.1: Sample data of temperature as a function of distance along a metal rod.
(Each term in the sum is a quadratic form in A and B; sum those 8 quadratic forms
and divide by N 2 = 6 yields the above. It is a mess to confirm this by hand; I used
Mathematica.) So reduced chi-square 2 is a simple quadratic function of A and B. We can
find the minimum of this function by finding the point where the derivatives are zero:
Reduced chi-square 2 is a function of two variables much as the height of a mountain range
is a function of the x, y location on the surface of the Earth. We can display such height
information in the form of a topographical map, where we connect with a line all the points
that are at the same altitude. In a similar way we can display the function 2 (A, B), by
showing the collection of points where 2 (A, B) equals some constant. (See Figure D.1(a).)
Since 2 (A, B) is a simple quadratic form the resulting constant curves are ellipses, and the
topography is quite simple with a single valley, oriented diagonally, with minimum at the
point R. The uncertainly in the best fit parameters is determined by topography around
that minimum: how much can a parameter vary before the resulting line is a detectably
worst fit. The definition of detectably worst is where the chi-square sum has increased
by one unit above the minimum. The extreme points Q and S are displayed in the above
figure along with the corresponding lines.
In more complicated situations, the chi-square topography can become much more complex,
with several local valleys (which makes finding the global minimum more difficult). In the
simplest cases (like that discussed above) the derivatives of chi-square are easily solved
linear equations with a unique solution (hence just one valley). These cases are known as
linear least squares.
You may be surprised at the relatively small range of variation implied by the parameter
errors and displayed in Fig. D.1(b). Recall that the parameters are estimates of average
behavior revealed by the assumed unbiased deviations. So much as the standard deviation
of the mean (discussed on page 81) is smaller than the standard deviation (and in fact can
get arbitrarily small with sufficiently large data sets), so too the parameter uncertainties
become increasingly small with large data sets. As a result the systematic errors must
104 APPENDIX DComputer Assisted Curve Fitting
dominate the random errors for sufficiently large data sets, in which case the computer
reported errors are not relevant.
Introduction to WAPP+
There are many computer programs that can do least-squares fits. In this laboratory we
will use the web-based program WAPP+ located at:
I suggest you add it to your favorites4 .
On the opening page of WAPP+ you must report the format of your data, particularly for
the uncertainty in your data:
No y error
Select this if your y data has no error (unlikely) or if you have no estimate for that
error (rare) or if you have been told that the error is negligible.
There are two ways of entering your data into the computer: copy & paste from a spread-
sheet (the usual approach because using a spreadsheet is often required for other parts of
the experiment) or entering each number into its own box on the web page. I would always
opt for the former (bulk or copy & paste), but if you really want to you may use the
latter (pointwise data entry).
On the second page of WAPP+ you must enter your data and select which function applies
to your data. Usually you will paste your data into the web-form from a spreadsheet.
Obviously you must tell WAPP+ which column contains which data. Sometimes you will
have a column of irrelevant data between the x and y data: no problem, just tell WAPP+ to
Ignore the irrelevant column.
a Google for wapp+ will provide a link or you can hit the statistics link on the Physics homepage:
APPENDIX DComputer Assisted Curve Fitting 105
Note: The apparent cells and columns in the Block Copy & Paste web-form, in fact,
have no meaning: its just an image to remind you that this area will be filled by pasting
data from a spreadsheet. The pasted data does not have to line up in columns (the white
space between the numbers is what denotes column boundaries). You do need to assure
that the number of numbers in each row matches the number of columns not selected as
None. In addition, pasted data must be numbers not text (for example: column labels).
Finally an extra Return at the end of the last data item may avoid IE transfer problems.
When you Submit Data, the third page of WAPP+ arrives: this is your fit report. Almost
always you will want to select the top region of this page, print it out, and tape it into your
notebook. Here is page generated by the data from Table D.1.
A = 8.214 3.1
B = 8.369 0.62
NO x-errors
It is perhaps worth reminding you that computers are usually ignorant of sigfigs and units:
I would report these results as: A = 8 3 C and B = 8.4 .6 C/cm. Alternatively
A = 8.2 3.1 C and B = 8.37 .62 C/cm is also OK; other possibilities are incorrect and
will result in lost points.
The Data Reference: 626A at the bottom is useful and should be retained. If some problem
(e.g., a computer crash) should occur, it is likely that this reference will allow you to get a
copy of your data from the web.
The bottom part of this page allows you to make various types of plots of your results.
If you click on Make Plot a fourth page pops up with links to the actual plots. Most
commonly you will click on the PDF File, Adobe Acrobat will launch and your plot will be
displayed, and if desired printed.
106 APPENDIX DComputer Assisted Curve Fitting
How to enter formulas: The usual syntax applies: + * / for add, subtract, multiply,
and divide respectively; ^ or ** for powers. Please note:
A/B C = (D.8)
A/(B C) = (D.9)
108 APPENDIX EUncertainty Formulae
Equation Uncertainty
R =a+K R = a (E.1)
R a
R=Ka = or R = |K| a (E.2)
R |a|
K R a |K| a
R= = or R = (E.3)
a R |a| a2
R |k1 | a
R = K ak1 = or R = |k1 Kak1 1 | a (E.4)
R |a|
R =ab R = a2 + b2 (E.5)
R = k1 a + k2 b R = (k1 a)2 + (k2 b)2 (E.6)
2 2
R a b
R = K ab = + (E.7)
R a b
2 2
a R a b
R=K = + (E.8)
b R a b