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The document discusses a workshop on Eurocode 5 (EN 1995) for the design of timber structures, covering various technical topics related to timber design.

Some of the topics covered in the workshop include design of beams and columns, tension perpendicular to the grain, connections, components and assemblies, and bridges.

EN 1995-1-1 considers the permanent situation (after erection of the structure), temporary situation (during erection), and accidental situation in its design situations.


Background and Applications

Dissemination of information for training workshop

18-20 February 2008


EN 1995
Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures

Organised by
European Commission: DG Enterprise and Industry, Joint Research Centre

with the support of

CEN/TC250, CEN Management Centre and Member States
Tuesday, February 19 Palais des Acadmies

EN 1995 - Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures

Bordet room
9:00-9:45 Introduction by chairman S. Winter
Technische Universitt Mnchen
9:45-10:45 Design of beams and columns stability S. Winter
theory of second order Technische Universitt Mnchen
10:45-11:15 Coffee
11:15-12:00 Tension perpendicular to the grain P. Dietsch
holes curved beams Technische Universitt Mnchen
12:00-12:30 Serviceability deflection and vibration H. Kreuzinger
Technische Universitt Mnchen
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Connections Lateral load capacity - A. Leijten
Withdrawal capacity -dowels TU-Eindhoven
15:30-16:00 Coffee
16:00-16:45 Components and assemblies and H. Hartl
Structural detailing and control University of Innsbruck
16:45-17:30 Bridges H. Kreuzinger
Technische Universitt Mnchen
17:30-18:00 Final discussion S. Winter
Technische Universitt Mnchen

All workshop material will be available at


S. Winter
Technische Universitt Mnchen
Storage building in Japan 4 Jh. v. Ch.

EN 1995-1-1
Design of timber structures

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Stave church in Norway 13th century Bridge across river Sinne (Switzerland)

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Faculty of architecture (Lyon)

EN1995-1-1 Scope and structure

Section 1: General definitions, terminology

Section 2: Basis of design: Timber specific supplement to EN1990
Section 3: Material properties to be used for design
Section 4: Durability concept
Section 5: Basis of structural analysis
Section 6: Ultimate limit state design principles
Section 7: Serviceability limit states
Section 8: Fasteners
Section 9: Design of components and assemblies
Section 10: Workmanship, structural detailing and control

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

EN1995-1-1 - Definition of axes Link of EN 1995-1-1 to EN1990 and EN1991

Structural safety,
EN 1990 serviceability and

Actions on
EN 1991 structures

EN 1992 EN 1993 EN 1994 Design and


EN1995 EN 1995 EN 1996 EN 1999

EN 1997 EN 1998 Geotechnical

and seismic

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

National Annex National choices overview

Contains nationally determined
These override EN1995-1-1 values
Take account of national conditions,
such as geographical or
workmanship differences
Are yet not published in all countries

How to spot NDPs!

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Semi-probalistic safety concept

Ed Rd
Effect of Resistance:
Actions: Structure
Self-Load Structural Elements
General concept Wind
Materials, E-
Modulus etc.
Variable loads cross sections,
Temperature Area, Moment of
Fire Inertia

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Design situations
Permanent situation
(after erection of the
Safety structure)
Ek Rk

Ed Rd

Effect of action 95% quantile 5% quantile Load carrying

capacity R EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Design situations Design situations

temporary situation Accidential situation

(during erection)
erection) (impact,
impact, fire)

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Limit state design

Limit states
Limit states are functional levels
beyond which the structure no
Ultimate limit states longer satisfies the performance
Serviceability limit states
Ultimate limit state:

Safety level

For all design situations the limit states shall

Concerns safety of people
Integrity of structure

not be exceeded.
exceeded. Serviceability limit state

Comfort of building user

No excessive deflection, vibration,
Negotiable from project to project

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Actions Ultimate limit state
Design values of actions
Basic combination:
Characteristic Actions according G,j Gk,j + Q,1 Qk,1 + Q,i 0,i Qk,i
to EN 1991 e.g. 1,35 Gk + 1,5 Wk + 1,5 0,5 Sk
Gk e.g.
e.g. self-
self-weight simplified:
Qk e.g.
e.g. wind, snow,
snow, traffic Most unfavourable variable action:
G,j Gk,j + Q1 Qk,1 1,35 Gk + 1,5 Wk
Ak e.g.
e.g. impact
All unfavourable variable actions:
G,j Gk,j + 1,35 Qk,i 1,35 (Gk + Wk + Sk)

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Combination factors
Design values of actions; coefficient for representative
values of actions:

From a statistic point of view its unlikely that all actions/loads act at the same
time with their fully values.

Coefficient for represantative values of actions

(for exact national data see: National Annexes)
0 combination coefficient (in fundamental design situations)
1 frequent coefficient (in accidential design situations and servicability
2 quasi-permanent coefficient (in servicability calculations)

Principle rule:

G GK + Q,1 QK ,1 + 0 ,i Q,i QK ,i
i 2

Use of 0 from the second variable action/load.

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Combination factors Partial safety factors for actions

(EN 1990)
Action 0 1 2
Domestic residential areas 0,7 0,5 0,3 Action permanent variable
Congregation areas 0,7 0,7 0,6 favourable G = 1,0 Q = 0
Storage areas 1,0 0,9 0,8 unfavourable G = 1,35 Q = 1,5
Wind 0,6 0,5 0,0
Snow ( 1000 m) 0,5 0,2 0,0

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Safety Concept - simplified
Serviceability limit states
Partial Safety Factors F ( G ,Q ) , M
Calculation of
Gk G + Qk Q kmod Rk / M (timber: M = 1,3)
Safety factors in case of fire or other accidential
situations: = 1,0

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

III.1 Eurocode 5 in basic; loads/actions on structures

Serviceability limit states
. the combination of actions
under consideration

Increase the actions/load by partial safety factors (gamma factors)

Design values of actions
characteristic (rare) combination:
Gd = G Gk
Gk,j + Qk,1 + 0,i Qk,i
Qd = Q Qk Gk + Wk + 0,5 Sk
Design situation G Q
Structural design
calculation quasi-
quasi-permanent combination:
favourable effect 1,0 - Gk,j + 2,i Qk,i
unfavourable effect 1,35 1,5
Check at servicability
1,0 1,0
Gk + 0,0 Wk + 0,0 Sk
limit state

less safety risks

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Comparison of safety concepts Comparison of safety concepts

Concept of Concept of
Semi-probalistic Semi-
Taking into account permissible Taking into account permissible
method method
stresses stresses
Combination factor Combination factor
combinations combinations w+s/2 or s+w/2

Action Action
Safety factor Safety factor

Load duration - and Load duration - and

service-class service-
timber timber

Safety factor Safety factor

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Comparison of safety concepts Comparison of safety concepts
Concept of Concept of
Semi-probalistic Semi-
Taking into account permissible Taking into account permissible
method method
stresses stresses
Combination factor Combination factor
combinations w+s/2 or s+w/2 combinations w+s/2 or s+w/2

= 1,35 (G) Action =?
Safety factor = 1,35 (G)
= 1,50 (Q) Safety factor (permissible stress)
= 1,50 (Q)

Load duration - and

service-class Load duration - and
timber service-

Safety factor
Safety factor
EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Comparison of safety concepts Comparison of safety concepts

Concept of
Semi-probalistic Concept of
Taking into account permissible Semi-
method Taking into account permissible
stresses method
Combination factor
combinations w+s/2 or s+w/2 Combination factor
combinations w+s/2 or s+w/2

Action =?
= 1,35 (G) Action =?
Safety factor (permissible stress) = 1,35 (G)
= 1,50 (Q) Safety factor (permissible stress)
= 1,50 (Q)
0,6 permanent,SC 1 kmod
Load duration - and (permissible stress)
0,9 short,
short, SC 1 0,6 permanent,SC 1
service-class Load duration - and
timber 0,5 permanent, SC 3 0,9 short,
short, SC 1
service-class Reduction of 1/6
0,7 short,
short, SC 3 timber 0,5 permanent, SC 3
(SC 3)
0,7 short,
short, SC 3
Safety factor
EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Safety factor

Comparison of safety concepts Comparison of safety concepts

Concept of Concept of
Semi-probalistic Semi-
Taking into account permissible Taking into account permissible
method method
stresses stresses
Combination factor Combination factor
combinations w+s/2 or s+w/2 combinations w+s/2 or s+w/2

Action =? Action =?
= 1,35 (G) = 1,35 (G)
Safety factor (permissible stress) Safety factor (permissible stress)
= 1,50 (Q) = 1,50 (Q)

? ?
kmod kmod
(permissible stress) (permissible stress)
0,6 permanent,SC 1 0,6 permanent,SC 1
Load duration - and Load duration - and
0,9 short,
short, SC 1 0,9 short,
short, SC 1
service-class Reduction of 1/6 service-
service-class Reduction of 1/6
timber 0,5 permanent, SC 3 0,5 permanent, SC 3
(SC 3) (SC 3)
0,7 short,
short, SC 3 timber 0,7 short,
short, SC 3

Safety factor = 1,3 (5%-
(permissible stress)
Safety factor = 1,3 (5%-

Steps for the designer

Identify material strength and

stiffness properties in supporting

Materials and service classes Establish modification factors

Service class
Determine material resistance for

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Design value of material properties

Xd Structural design calculation

kmod Xk
loading resistance
Xd =

M design values
Xk - characteristic value of a strength property
x G x kmod
M partial factor for a material property Ek Ed fk
kmod modification factor, taking into account duration of load and moisture content

d fd

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles

Partial safety factor M

Characteristic values of material properties

5%-Quantil of strength properties,
properties, e.g.
Bending strength
Tension strength
Capacity of a connection
Mean value of stiffness properties,
properties, e.g.
Modulus of Elasticity
exceptions: Theory of second order, buckling)

Recommended material safety factor M = 1,3

EC 5-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Hygroscopisc isotherms for fir timber by W.K. Loughborough, R. Keylwerth
Mechanical properties in general
Different in growth directions

Modulus of elasticity
E in [N /mm]

7000 11000 11 00 370

6000 E E= =
11 000
sin 33
sin + co s 3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

in []

Mechanical properties are related to the density

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Timber Structures

Moisture dependend strength properties are leading to

Effect of moisture content
Service Classes
The mechanical properties of timber are
moisture dependend!
Service Class Average moisture Environmental conditions
- Example content um
Change of moisture content from 1 u 12% 20C und 65% rel. humidity
12% to 20%
leads to a significant reduction 2 u 20% 20C und 85% rel. humidity
3 u > 20% Higher humidity compared to SC 2

68 N/mm
= 0,7391
92 N/mm

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Actions on a floor Load duration classes

p [kN/m ]


0 10 20 30 40 50
Load duration

EC 5-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EC 5-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Strength properties for timber (Tab. F. 5 DIN 1052)
(for exact national data see: National Annexes)
Influence of service classes and duration of load Festigkeitsklasse (Sortierklasse nach DIN 4074-
C16 C24 C30 C35 C40

Festigkeitskennwerte in N/mm2
Biegung fm,k 16 24 30 35 40
Zug parallel ft,0,k 2) 10 14 18 21 24
rechtwinklig ft,90,k 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4
Druck parallel fc,0,k 17 21 23 25 26
rechtwinklig fc,90,k 2,2 2,5 2,7 2,8 2,9
Schub und Torsion fv,k 3) 6) 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7
Ultimate limit state: kmod fk kmod for the action/load with shortest Steifigkeitskennwerte in N/mm2
design situation Elastizittsmodul parallel E0,mean 4) 8000 11000 12000 13000 14000
rechtwinklig E90,mean 4) 270 370 400 430 470
4) 5)
Schubmodul Gmean 500 690 750 810 880
E Rohdichtekennwerte in kg/m3
1 + kdef
Serviceability separate for each action/load Rohdichte k 310 350 380 400 420

limit state: wel (1+ kdef)

Nur maschinen sortiert
Nadelrundholz geschlt ohne angeschnittene Faser: +20%
Beim Nachweis von Querschnitten die mindestens 1,50 m vom Hirnholz entfernt liegen, darf fv,k um 30 %
erhht werden.
Fr die charakteristischen Steifigkeitskennwerte E0,05, E 90,05 und G05 gelten die Rechenwerte:
E0,05 = 2/3E0,mean E90,05 = 2/3E90,mean G05 = 2/3Gmean
Der zur Rollschubbeanspruchung gehrende Schubmodul darf mit GR,mean = 0,10Gmean angenommen
Als Rechenwert fr die charakteristische Rollschubfestigkeit des Holzes darf fr alle Festigkeitsklassen mit
fR,k = 1,0 N/mm2 angenommen werden.

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles

Strength properties for glulam (Tab. F. 9 DIN 1052)

(for exact national data see: National Annexes)
Festigkeitsklasse des Brettschichtholzes GL 24 GL 28 GL 32 GL 36
kmod- und kdef-values
h = homogen c = kombiniert h c h c h c h c
Festigkeitskennwerte in N/mm2
Biegung fm,y,k 1)
24 24 28 28 32 32 36 36 Modification value kmod und deformation value kdef
fm,z,k 28,8 24 33,6 28 38,4 32 43,2 36
Zug parallel ft,0,k 16,5 14 19,5 16,5 22,5 19,5 26 22,5
taking into account service class and load duration
rechtwinklig ft,90,k 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
Druck parallel fc,0,k 24 21 26,5 24 29 26,5 31 29
kmod Modification value for ultimate limit state design
rechtwinklig fc,90,k 2,7 2,4 3,0 2,7 3,3 3,0 3,6 3,3
Schub und Torsion fv,k 3) 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5
Steifigkeitskennwerte in N/mm2
Elastizittsmodul parallel E0,mean 4) 11600 11600 12600 12600 13700 13700 14700 14700 kdef Deformation value for serviceability limit state design
rechtwinklig E90,mean 4) 390 320 420 390 460 420 490 460
4) 5)
Schubmodul Gmean 720 590 780 720 850 780 910 850
Rohdichtekennwerte in kg/m3
Rohdichte k 380 350 410 380 430 410 450 430
Bei Brettschichtholz mit liegenden Lamellen und einer Querschnitthhe H 600 mm darf fm,y,k mit folgendem Faktor
multipliziert werden: (600 / H)0,14 1,1
Brettschichtholz mit mindestens 4 hochkant stehenden Lamellen
Als Rechenwert fr die charakteristische Rollschubfestigkeit des Holzes darf fr alle Festigkeitsklassen fR,k = 1,0
N/mm2 angenommen werden.
Fr die charakteristischen Steifigkeitskennwerte E0,05, E90,05 und G05 gelten die Rechenwerte:
E0,05 = 5/6E0,mean E90,05 = 5/6E90,mean G05 = 5/6Gmean
Der zur Rollschubbeanspruchung gehrende Schubmodul darf mit GR,mean = 0,10Gmean angenommen werden.

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

kmod- values kdef-values

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Size factors Strength Classes solid timber
Size factors taking into account volume effects

kh is a variable factor in correlation with the reference

depth in bending

Solid timber Glulam LVL

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Strength Classes solid timber
Visual grading:

Criteria: Knots, cracks, discoloration, bark etc. Reliability ??

Mechanically grading:

Bending principe:

Measurement of natural Empfnger


Empfnger Sender

Strength Classes solid timber (EN 338) Strength Classes glulam (EN 1194)

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Strength Classes glulam (EN 1194) Strength Classes glulam (DIN 1052)

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Strength Classes glulam (EN 1995-1-1)

Warning Letter !!

Solid timber: fv.k = 2,0 N/mm k crack f v ,k k mod

f v ,d =
Glulam: fv.k = 2,5 N/mm

will be taken into account by a factor kcr

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

Wood based panels

Plywood (EN 636)
Wood based panels covered by EN 1995-1-1

Missing materials:
Cement bonded particle board,

gypsum based panels,

X lam (cross laminated glulam) .

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EC 5-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Holzbau Grundlagen

LVL (EN 14374) OSB (EN 300)

EC 5-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Holzbau Grundlagen EC 5-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Holzbau Grundlagen

Particleboard (EN 312) Fibreboard, hard (EN 622-2)

EC 5-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Holzbau Grundlagen EC 5-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Holzbau Grundlagen

Fibreboard medium (EN 622-3) Fibreboard MDF (EN 622-5)

EC 5-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Holzbau Grundlagen EC 5-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Holzbau Grundlagen

Beams and columns
Design resistance for cross-sections


y Mz

= Vd 6
z + 5
z ax
Iy +
(y, z )

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles

Design value of material properties: Shear

X Vd S
Ultimate limit state: X d = kmod 05 d = fv,d
M I b Vd = design value of the shear force
S = static moment (section modulus)
fm,k = bh2/8 (rectangle cross-section)
Bending strength: fm,d = kmod d I = second moment of area (moment of inertia)
M 1 = bh3/12 (rectangle cross-section)
b = width
f fv,d = design shear strength for the actual condition
Tensile strength: ft ,0 ,d = kmod t ,0 ,k

Vd 1,5Vd A
Servicability limit state: Xd = Xm d =1,5 fv,d 1
A fv,d
Modulus of elasticity: Ed = E0 ,mean

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles

Roof construction

Vd V A d in [N/mm]
d = 15 fv ,d 15 d 1 Vd in [kN] Sparren rafter
A fv ,d A in [cm]
fv,d in [N/mm]
Pfette purlin
static systems
A in [cm ]
dimensioning erf A 15 with Vd in [ kN ]
fv ,d uniaxial bending

fv ,d in [N/mm ] Md Md / Wn
m,d = fm,d 1
Wn fm,d
For sawn timber C 24, service class 2 and medium term action:

A in [cm ]
m,d = design value of bending stress
erf A 9 Vd with Md = design value of bending moment

Vd in [ kN ] Wn = netto moment of resistance considering the cross section weaks
fm,d = design value of bending strength

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles

Ultimate limit state
Wn in [cm ]
m,d in [N/mm] Md
Dimensioning erf Wn 1000
mit Md in [kNm ]
Md M / Wn Md in [kNm]
m,d = 1000 fm,d 1000 d 1 Wn in [cm] fm,d in [N/mm ]
Wn fm,d
fm,d in [N/mm]

Influence of height of glulam

600 mm h fm,y,k
For sawn timber C 24, service class 2 and medium term action:
250 mm < h< 600
h fm,y ,k
600 mm h Wn in [cm ]
erf Wn 68 Md with
h 250 mm fm,y,k 1,1
Md in [ kNm ]

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles

Compression members endangered by buckling

Stability of Members

imperfections additional bending moment

Structural design calculation using compressive stress values and reduced

Fc compressive strength:

qz y y
100 100 mm
Fc,0,d Fc,0,d An
c,0,d = kc fc,0,d 1
4,3 m

y y wz y y wz
An kc fc,0,d
An: local cross section weakenings might be neglected at the stress
verification if they are not situated in the middle third of the buckling length.
kc: local cross section weakenings might be neglected at the calculation
of the buckling coefficient.

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles

Buckling coefficient
Buckling length coefficient
kc = 1
k + k 2 rel

1 2 3 4
= 0,5 1 + c ( rel ,c 0,3 ) + rel ,c
c = 0,2 for solid timber lef
0,1 for glued laminated timber and LVL lef
s lef lef
l ef fc ,0,k fc ,0 ,k
rel,c = Relative Slenderness = i E0 ,05 = E0 ,05
l ef =1 =0,7
= =2 =0,5
i = Slenderness
lef = s = effective lenght
= buckling length coefficient
i = I A

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles

Design calculation

Compression member with intermediate lateral support:

buckling length = distance of lateral support

different buckling lengths lef,y and lef,z :


ho h

z y
y z

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles

Design calculation
Design resistance of squared columns C 24 in a

Service class 2 for medium action load

for axial compression a

1. determination of buckling lengths lef for buckling around the principal axis
a A Nd, max in kN for a buckling length of lef in m
2. calculation of the slenderness ratio y and z
mm mm 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 4,50 5,00 5,50 6,00 6,50 7,00
= l ef i with i = 0,289 h resp. = 0,289 w at rectangular cross sections 100 10000 72 50,4 36,4 27,4 21,3 17 13,9 11,5 9,7 8,3 7,2
120 14400 130 97,6 72,5 55,2 43,2 34,6 28,3 23,6 20 17,1 14,8
140 19600 202 164 127 98,7 78 62,9 51,6 43,1 36,6 31,4 27,2
3. determination of instability factors kc,y und kc,z
160 25600 284 247 202 161 129 105 86,5 72,5 61,5 52,9 45,9
180 32400 375 340 293 243 199 163 136 114 97,1 83,6 72,7
200 40000 476 444 399 343 288 240 201 170 146 126 109
220 48400 587 557 514 459 397 337 286 244 209 181 158
4. verification of buckling resistance
240 57600 709 679 639 586 522 454 391 336 290 252 221
c,0,d in [N/mm]
260 67600 841 812 773 723 660 588 515 448 390 340 299
Fc ,0 ,d Fc,0 ,d An Fc,0,d in [kN]
c,0 ,d = 10 kc fc,0,d 10 1 An in [cm]
An kc fc,0 ,d
fc,0,d in [N/mm]

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures Design and calculation principles

Thank you very much

for your attention!

EN 1995-1-1 Design of Timber Structures

European Standardisation Personal Statement
Standards for the What is the inspiration to work,
design of timber structures research and teach on the field of
timber engineering and fire safety?

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter

is worldwide the leading biogene Standardisation helps
based construction material and Trade
perhaps one of the key materials to
find sustainable solutions for Quality control
spaceship earth! Design and construction
of structures
in the European Union and
all over the world!
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter

Target of the European The European Commission

Commission Defines the regulations (standards)
A unique set of standards for the But NOT the requirements.
design of building structures until
Drafting of the codes: The requirements, especially safety
Technical committees of CEN requirements (e.g. fire safety) are
(CEN = Comit Europen de Normalisation) established by the national legal
Implementation of the codes: bodies!!
National legal bodies with support from the
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter

national standardisation bodies, e.g. DIN

National Standardisation
Bodies (e.g. DIN, BSI) The following types of standards

are participating in the are available:

standardisation process, set up Test standards
mirror committees to comment to
European Standards and Product standards

implement finalized and translated Design standards

standards as national standards, e.g. Value standards
DIN EN 1995-1-1: Eurocode 5 Umbrella standards
Design of timber structures
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter

Product standards
Test standards
define the product, product classes
define methods to evaluate and (in a harmonized standard) the
characteristic material properties, e.g. attestation of conformity procedure,
EN 380 Timber Structures Test methods General e.g.
principles for static load testing
EN 300 Oriented Strand Board Definitions, classification
EN 789 Timber Structures Test methods and specifications (without Annex ZA)
Determination of mechanical properties of wood based
EN 14081-1 Strucutural timber with rectangular cross
sections Part 1, Grading requirements to strength
EN 14358 Timber Structures Evaluation of graded timber (with Annex ZA)
characteristic 5-percentile values
EN 14080 Glued laminated timber products
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter
requirements (with Annex ZA)
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter

Note Note
Product standards give requirements Because not all product standards
for the production control, but contain give requirements for the evaluation of
no characteristic values for the design conformity and CE-marking, these
of timber structures. These values are regulations are given in separate
given in separate (value) standards, umbrella standards, e.g.
EN 338 Structural Timber Strength Classes EN 13986 Wood based panels for use in construction
Characteristics, evaluation of conformity and marking
EN 12369-1 Wood based panels Characteristic values
for the design of timber structures Part 1: OSB,
chipboard and fibreboards
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter

Note Design standards
Cause this umbrella standards could Define the procedures of design of
effect the national safety level, the timber structures based on the
memberstates could implement characteristic values given in product
additional applicaton standards, standards which are evaluated
e.g. to according to the valid test standards
DIN EN 13986 Wood based panels for use in
construction Characteristics, evaluation of conformity
and marking EN 1995-1-1 Eurocode 5 Design of timber structures
Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings
in Germany
DIN V 20000-1 Application of construction products in
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter

structures Part 1: Wood based panels

Design standards
The design methods used in the
comprise a set of standards regarding Eurocodes are linked to the test
actions and general regulations, e.g. standards. If the test method changes
EN 1990 Eurocode Basis of structural design a different design method could be
EN 1991-1-1 Eurocode 1 Actions on structures Part 1- necessary!
1: General Actions - Densities, self-weight, imposed
loads for buildings
EN 1991-1-2 Eurocode 1 Actions on structures Part 1-
2: General Actions - Actions on structures exposed to fire A complete final set of standards is
scheduled for October 2010!
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter

Engineers use the design codes for

The CE mark shows
calculating a timber structure
that the product is in accordance
How do they know, that the material
taken into account is the material used with the relevant product standard.
on site?
The mark contains classes or
CE - mark declared characteristic values to be
used in the design procedure

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter

CE marking
CE marking is based on internal and
Example for a CE mark of a external factory production control
wood based panel (OSB) according to the attestation of
conformity procedure given by the
No. of
European Commission.

Year of marking It is accepted by the national

Relevant standard

Type of panel
authorities to use the characteristic
Class of
values of the product in accordance
with the legal regulations.
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter

CE marking is necessary
In addition to materials and structures
for free trade but also according to standards, new construction
for the legal control. materials or building kits can be used with
It shows the (end-)user the conformity
and usability of the product. European Technical Approval (ETA)
given by an notified body
(e.g. DIBT, VTT, BRE)
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter

An exampel: Oriented Strand Board An exampel: Oriented Strand Board

Product standard Harmonised (umbrella) product standard

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter

An exampel: Oriented Strand Board An exampel: Oriented Strand Board

Value standard German application standard

E.g. -values for the calculation of material properties using a

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter deterministic design Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter


P. Dietsch
Technische Universitt Mnchen
EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Eurocodes Background and Applications

EN 1995 Tension Perpendicular to Grain

Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch

Technische Universitt Mnchen

Chair of Timber Structures and Building Construction
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Timber Strength Classes

1/30 ft,0,k

1/10 fm,k

[EN 338]
Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Double tapered, curved and pitch cambered Beams

Distribution of Tension Perpendicular to Grain Stresses

D D t,90
m m



Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Double tapered, curved and pitch cambered Beams

Distribution of Shear Stresses

h= h ap


max m max

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Double tapered, curved and pitch cambered Beams

Distribution of Shear and Tension Perpendicular to Grain Stresses

Shear Tension perp. to grain


[SIA 265] (Kirchanschring, MPA BAU) (Neuburg on the Danube, MPA BAU)
Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Double tapered, curved and pitch cambered Beams

Brittle materials Size Effect

A member under tension stress is only as strong as the weakest link



The strength of a brittle material is a function fi V j
of its volume under uniform stress. f j V i

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Double tapered, curved and pitch cambered Beams in EC 5


[EN 1995-1-1:2004; 6.4.3, p. 48ff]

Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Double tapered, curved and pitch cambered Beams in EC 5


[EN 1995-1-1:2004; 6.4.3, p. 48ff]

Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Double tapered, curved and pitch cambered Beams in EC 5


Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Double tapered, curved and pitch cambered Beams

Strengthening Measures

screws with
threads or
rin threaded

Plywood /
rin Veneer

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Double tapered, curved and pitch cambered Beams

Strengthening Measures Screws or threaded Rods

lad ef

lad max

Fritz Leonhardt, Vorlesungen ber Massivbau

Outer lamella


Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Double tapered, curved and pitch cambered Beams

Strengthening Measures Plywood / Laminated Veneer Lumber

glued to Timber Member

t t Strengthening measures (screws /

plates) should be designed to carry full
tension perpendicular to grain stresses
and should cover the entire area under
tension perp. to grain stresses (curved


Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Moisture Conditions

Ice-rink arena Gymnasium with skylights

(Ingolstadt, MPA BAU) (Benediktbeuern, MPA BAU)

20 mm 10 mm
= 25,1 % = 7,5 %
55 mm 70 mm
= 18,9 % = 10,5 %
95 mm 120 mm
= 19,1 % = 11,7 %
Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Moisture Conditions Cracks caused by Shrinking

In Glulam Beams Crack Distribution enabled

f t,90

Stefan Khn

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Moisture Conditions Cracks caused by Shrinking

In Glulam Beams Crack Distribution enabled

f t,90

Stefan Khn

(Benediktbeuern, MPA BAU)

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Moisture Conditions Cracks caused by Shrinking

In Combination with Fasteners Crack Distribution impeded

Residual cross
section to
transmit shear
stresses and/or
stresses in
tension perp.

(Feldkirchen, Prof. Winter)

reduction of applicable strength values or cross sections by e.g. kcr

Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Notched Beams

Picture: Prof. H. Bla, TH Karlsruhe

Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Notched Beams in Concrete

tensile strength
in all directions

Fritz Leonhardt, Vorlesungen ber Massivbau

Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction
EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Notched Beams in Timber

ft,90,k 0.5

10 ft,0,k 21 [MN/m2]

Tensile strength changes with varying

angle between load and grain

ft,90,k 1/30 ft,0,k

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Notched Beams in Timber


ft,90 t,90


Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Notched Beams in Timber Constructive Measures





Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Notched Beams in Timber



[EN 1995-1-1:2004; 6.5.2, p. 52ff]

Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Notched Beams in Timber



[EN 1995-1-1:2004; 6.5.2, p. 52ff]

Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Notched Beams in Timber Strengthening Measures



Example of reinforcement in concrete structures

Strengthening measure /
> ad

reinforcement by self-tapping

screws with continuous


Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Notched Beams in Timber Strengthening Measures

t t


Strengthening measure /

reinforcement by glueing

plywood / LVL to the sides of

beam, glueline pressed by nails

Chair of Timber Structures r

and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Cross Connections

Pictures: Prof. H. Bla, TH Karlsruhe

Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Cross Connections Pure Compression (Fc)

F Perpendicular to Grain

Fc = F

Tension and Compression

Perpendicular to Grain
Fc = 1-*F; Ft = *F

F Pure Tension (Ft)

Perpendicular to Grain

Ft = F

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Cross Connections Influences on load-carrying Capacity

t t
ar h1


F F/2 F/2

Load-carrying capacity depends on stressed volume and stress

distribution / stress peaks and is therefore influenced by:
Ratio between distance be and beam depth h
Fastener spacing in grain direction / length ar
Penetration thickness t

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Cross Connections

[EN 1995-1-1:2004; 8.1.4, p. 59ff]

Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Cross Connections

[EN 1995-1-1:2004; 8.1.4, p. 59ff]

See also STEP C2 Tension perpendicular to the grain in joints

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Cross Connections Strengthening Measures

ad,t Self-tapping screws

with continuous thread

critical area
F F/2 F/2

Plywood / LVL,
glued, pressed by

F F/2 F/2
Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels


Pictures: Prof. H. Bla, TH Karlsruhe

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels





Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels


Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Openings - Constructive Measures

Place in center line of member, at distance from supports

Size as small as possible (minimize reduction in cross section)

Round openings or chamfered corners (avoid stress peaks)

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Openings - Strengthening Measures

hro hd hro

a a

t t
hro hd hro

ar a ar ar a ar r a r

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Tension Perpendicular to Grain - Conclusion

Tension perpendicular to grain strength very low

Avoid tension perp. to grain stresses whenever possible
Members with tension perp. to grain stresses are:
Double tapered, curved and pitch cambered beams
Notched members, members with holes or cross connctions
Tension perp. to grain stresses also develop with changing
moisture content
Possible reinforcements are: Self-tapping screws with
continuous thread, drilled or glued-in rods, plywood / LVL
Proposal: reinforcements should be designed to carry full tension
perp. to grain stresses (cracked tension perp. to grain zone)

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995 - Timber Structures Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch Eurocodes - Background & Applications
Tension Perpendicular to Grain 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels


Timber Engineering STEP 1, STEP 2; Centrum Hout; The

Erluterungen zu DIN 1052:2004; DGFH; Germany (in German)
CIB W18 Proceedings; TH Karlsruhe; Germany
Design of Structural Timber to EC5; Palgrave; GB
Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5; Blackwell Publishing; GB

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

H. Kreuzinger
Technische Universitt Mnchen
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Section 7
Serviceability limit states

Heinrich Kreuzinger

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Serviceability limit states

Calculation of
Deformations, Deflections

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Deflections, Deformations

EI + EA + GA * ds + Verbindung

en K ser

Vibrations 7.1 Table 1

= = 2 f

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Section 2.2.3

E mean
(1 + k def )
Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Deflections Vibrations

f =
0,8 w

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels


Servicability limit states

If necessary

Ultimate limit states


Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Serviceability (Ohlsen)

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Single degree of freedom System

floor, beam

w (x, t ) = w 0 (x ) sin t w (t ) = w 0 sin t

Viechtach, Bertsche

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Single degree of freedom System

F (t)

w (t)

Lemgo, Mayer/Ludscher, SFS

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Single degree of freedom System

M Mass t
K Stiffness kN/m
F (t)
R Damping kN/(m/s)
R=2 M D
D Damping ratio
= = 2 f w (t)
G M g g g
wg = = = 2 =
(2 f )
f = wg in cm !
Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Single degree of freedom System

Frequency - Deformation
5 w
f = wg in cm !

wg + 0,3 p = 6 mm = 0,6cm
f = = 7,2 Hz
0,8 0,6
Factor for beam
Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Single degree of freedom System



period T (in Sekunden)

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels


Deflection w v
Velocity v
Acceleration a t



Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels


Impuls I

I = F(t) dt = M v = M 2 g h =
55 2 9,81 0,05 = 55 kg m/s = 55 N s

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Velocity v


I N s m
v= =
M kg s
t= 0

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels


w(t) =
M 1 2
(( )
e t sin 1 2 t )

= 1 und = 0,01
M 1 2

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Impuls I = 1Ns, 7.3.3(5)

f1,n frequency of a plate
n number of waves in
EJ b l 4 4 direction vertical
f1,n = f 0 1+ n4 to the main span
EJ l b 4
0 , 25
40 2 b 4 EJ
Number of frequencies f1,n 40 Hz n 40 = 1 4 l
f 0 l EJ b

4 (0,4 + 0,6 n40 ) 1 1

v= =
m b l + 200 l
m bSI M
Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Impuls Heeldrop I = 55 Ns

Experimental solution,
Found by testing

0,6 m
v= 0 , 25 0 , 25
m 0,5 EI l EI b s

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels


K bF

uniform load Single load

5q l 4
F l3 l EI
w= wF = bF = 4 b
384 EI 48 EI l b F 1,1 EI l

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Serviceability limit states

1 2 3 4

Value Limit aim EN 1995-1-1

2004 (E)
1 deflection w < l/X Enough rigidity
w small 7.2
4 frequency f >8 Hz No resonance 7.3.3(2)
wG,inst (w < 0,5 cm)
quasi stndig,
g+2p f < 8 Hz 7.3.3(1)
(w > 0,5 cm)

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

3 Deflection u <0,5 bis Small deformation 7.3.3(2)

Single load 4 mm Rigidity SIA 265
F=1kN perpendicular
to the main span
5 Impuls v<b(f1-1) Velocity 7.3.3(2)
I=1 Ns SIA 265
50 < b < 150
(up to 40 Hz) = 0,01

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels


2 Durchbiegung w < 6 mm Frequenz DIN 1052,

wG,inst keine Resonanz- 2004
quasi stndig, untersuchung 9.3
g+2p w > 6 mm Frequenz

6 velocity v<6 b(f1-1) velocity Mohr /bmh/

ti = 0,05s

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
7.3.3(1) Special Investigation f < 8 Hz
7 Acceleration a<0,1 m/s2 better 7.3.3.(1)
Resonance performance

8 Acceleration a< 0,35 bis 0,7 poorer 7.3.3 (1)

Resonance m/s2 performance

Kreuzinger, H.; Bla, H.J.; Ehlbeck, J.; Steck, G.:
Erluterungen zu DIN 1052:2004-08
Entwurf, Berechnung und Bemessung von Holzbauwerken.
Hrsg.: DGfH, Bruderverlag, Albert Bruder GmbH, Karlsruhe
Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Damping ratio

D, R/(2 M )
, logarithmic Damping ratio, 2 D, 2

Some values for D:

wi steel 0,005
= ln
w i+1
concret 0,008

D timber 0,010 bis 0,02

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
SIA 18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Wenn keine genaueren Informationen vorliegen, ist das

Dmpfungsmass (logarithmisches Dekrement geteilt
durch 2) ein Wert von 0,01 anzunehmen. Weitere
Richtwerte sind:
-Holztragwerte ohne mech. Verbindungen 0,010
-Holztragwerte mit mech. Verbindungen 0,015
-Holzdecken ohne schwimmenden Estrich 0,010
-Decken aus Brettschichtholz mit
schwimmenden Estrich 0,020
-Holzbalkendecken aus Brettstapeldecken
mit einem schwimmenden Estrich 0,030

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Schweizer Norm
Swiss code
SIA 265

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Example - System

b = 6,3 m pz ,

z l=4,2 m

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

h = am a3 a1
am-2 Nx
y My

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Self weight 3,23 kN/m2

Trafic load 2,00 kN/m2
Quasi stndige Kombination
nach DIN 1055-100, Gl 24

q s = g + 2 p = 3,23 + 0,3 2,0 = 3,83 kN / m 2

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Bending Stiffness
Decke: BSP 155 mm 5 Lagen je 31 mm
l b
31 93 155


EI l = 11000
( )
0,1553 0,0933 + 0,0313 = 2,70 MNm 2

EI b = 11000
( )
0,0933 0,0313 = 0,71 MNm 2

EI l +b = 11000 0,1553 = 3,41 MNm 2

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Decke: BSP 155 mm 5 Lagen je 31 mm

l b
31 93 155


Il =
( )
0,1553 0,0933 + 0,0313 = 2,46 10 4 m 4 = 24600 cm 4

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Shear Stiffness
Decke: BSP 155 mm 5 Lagen je 31 mm

155 al = 155 31 = 124 mm

31 93
ab = 93 31 = 62 mm
l b

al 2 G R 1 0,124 2 75 1
Sl = = = 18,6 MN
n di 2 0,031
ab 2 GR 1 0,062 2 75 1
Sb = = = 9,3 MN
n di 1 0,031

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Effective Stiffness
Decke: BSP 155 mm 5 Lagen je 31 mm

155 Nherung:
31 93
efEI = EI
EI 2
Wirksame Steifigkeiten: 1+
S l2
efEI l = 2,704 = 2,50 MNm 2
2,704 2
18,6 4,2 2
efEI b = 0,71 = 0,70 MNm 2
0,71 2
9,3 6,3 2
Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Beispiel Biege- Schubverformung

Biegung ohne Schub Reine Schubverformung

(EI, GA ) (GA, EI)

w= - w=
F EARiegel F

F l3 F l
w = w =
48 EI 4 GA
Im Fachwerkmodell: Im Fachwerkmodell:
Elastische Gurte (EA), Dehnstarre Gurte (EA ),
Dehnstarre Diagonalen (EA ) Elastische Diagonalen (EA)
Chair of Timber Structures 8.6, Anhang D 36
and Building Construction
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Deflection, Frequency
Deflection, single span

5 g l4 5 3,83 10 3 4,2 4
w= =
384 efEI l 384 2,50
= 6,21 10 3 m = 6,21 mm
5 5
f = = = 7,09 Hz
0,8 w 0,8 0,621

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Frequency plate

Anisotrope Platte, Trgerrost

m*: Masse (tausend t/m2)
k: Zahl der Wellen in x-Richtung
n: Zahl der Wellen in y-Richtung
n40: Zahl der Eigenfrequenzen unter 40 Hz
k n
k ,n = wk ,n sin x sin y
l b

k 4 4 n 4 4 EJ l
m 2 = EJ l 4
+ EJ b 4
; f0 = 2

l b 2l m

EJ b l 4 4
f m,n = f 0 k 4 + n
Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction
EJ l b 4 38

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Frequency plate
efEI 2,50
f0 = = = 7,19 Hz
2l 2
m 2 4,2 2
0,383 10 3

EI b l 4 0,7 4,2 4
k4 + n4 = k 4 + n 4 = k 4 + 0,055 n 4
efEI b 4 2,50 6,34

k Wellen in n Wellen senkrecht zur Tragrichtung

Tragrichtung 1 2 3 4 5
1 7,39 8,88 16,8 27,9 42,8
2 28,8 29,5 32,5 39,4
3 66,5

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

n=1 n=3
f = 7,39
f= 5.9 Hertz
= 16,8 3 f=Hz
8.6 Hertz


n = 2f= 6.5 Hertz n=4

Eigenform 2 Eigenform 4 f= 12.7 Hertz
f = 8,88 Hz f = 27,9 Hz
Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels


Eigenform 2,1
f =28,2 Hz
Eigenform 6 f= 23.3 Hertz

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels


kdef = 0,8, EDIN 1052, Tble 3.2

efEI (k def ) =
1 + k def

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Quasi stndige Bemessungssituation nach Gleichung (42)

DIN 1052

(1 + kdef)wG,inst
2(1 + kdef)wQ,inst 4,2 =
0,3(1+0,8)3,25= 11,2 mm 1/375
Wfin 1,85,25 =
1,8 mm
9,4 mm

1 deflection w < l/X Enough

w rigidity 7.2

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Deflection single load

F = 1kN
F l3 1 10 3 4,2 3
wF = = = 0,22 10 3 m = 0,22 mm
48 EI l bF 48 2,50 2,78
l EI 4,2 0,7
bF = 4 b = 4 = 2,78 m
1,1 EI l 1,1 2,50
0,22< 0,5 bis 4 mm

3 Durchbiegung u <0,5 bis Querverteilung DIN ENV

Einzellast 4 mm geringe 1995-1-1
F=1kN Verformung 7.3.3
SIA 265

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

f1,1 = 7,19 Hz < 8 Hz !!

4 frequency f >8 Hz No resonance 7.3.3(2)

wG,inst (w < 0,5 cm)
quasi stndig,
g+2p f < 8 Hz 7.3.3(1)
(w > 0,5 cm)

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Impuls I=1 Ns

4 (0,4 + 0,6 n40 ) 4 (0,4 + 0,6 5) m

v= = = 0,00132
m b l + 200 383 4,2 6,3 + 200 s

better performance

b ( f 1) = 100 (7,190,011) = 0,014

5 Impuls v<b(f1-1) Velocity 7.3.3(2)
I=1 Ns SIA 265
50 < b < 150
(up to 40 Hz) = 0,01

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

heeldrop I=55 Ns

v= =
m 0,5
EI l 0, 25 EI b 0, 25
0,6 m
0,5 0, 25 0, 25
= 0,027
383 2,50 0,70 s

6 velocity v<6 b(f1-1) velocity Mohr /bmh/

ti = 0,05s

Chair of Timber Structures
6 . 0,014 = 0,084 m/s > 0,027 48
and Building Construction
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

7.3.3 (1) f < 8 Hz: Special investigation

Decke: f = 7,19 Hz
Gehen: Resonanz
fs = 7,19 / 3 = 2,4 Hz
3 F0 0,1 700 m
V (3 f s / f1,1 ) = 33.3 = 0,925 2
M 2520 s

0,4 0,93 = 0,37 m / s 2 > 0,1 m / s 2

7 Beschleunigung a<0,1 m/s2 Beschleunigung
Resonanz- Wohlbefinden

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Gehen: Resonanz
fs = 7,19 / 3 = 2,4 Hz
3 F0 0,1 700 m
V (3 f s / f1,1 ) = 33.3 = 0,925 2
M 2520 s

0,4 0,93 = 0,37 m / s 2 < 0,7 m / s 2

8 Beschleunigung a< 0,35 bis 0,7 Beschleunigung DIN1052,

Resonanz- m/s2 Sprbar, 9.3(3)
untersuchung nicht strend besondere

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

F (t) Summary

w (t)

Deformation Rigidity

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

F (t)

w (t)

f = f

Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

F (t)

w (t)

Velocity v

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

Eurocodes - Background & Applications

EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

F (t)

w (t)
R K Acceleration

1 1
mass damping
Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction
Eurocodes - Background & Applications
EN 1995-1 Timber Structures
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Wanted: Timber floors

great stiffness most

high mass no

high frequency not always

high damping yes

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

A. Leijten
EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES
Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 1 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 2

We can not escape connections
Dr. Ad Leijten
The Netherlands
Former PT-member

EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 3 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 4

Villaggio Commerciale Le Acciaierie in

Cortenuova Italy
Holzbau S.P.A

EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

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EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections
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What kind of connections do we use?

EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

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Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 9 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 10

Carpenter connections (not in Eurocode 5)

National regulations apply Carpenter connections compression forces

EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 11 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 12

Glued connections (not in Eurocode 5)

What do we find in Eurocode 5
Section 8: Connections with metal fasteners
-Mechanical connections with

- Dowel type fasteners

- Nails, staples, screws, dowels and bolts
- Punched metal plate fasteners
- Shear plates
- Split-rings
Structural Finger joints Glued in steel rods

National regulations apply

EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections
Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 13 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 14

Punched metal plate fasteners

Nails < 8 mm (EN14592)

definition profiled nails Bolts > 8 mm Split-ring connectors
64- 104 mm diameter

Bolts M12 to M20

Dowels > 6 mm

EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 15 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 16

Steel to timber Steelplate in timber

EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 17 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 18

Design by calculation - covers

Eurocode 5 allows:

Design by testing:
-EN 1075, EN 1380, EN 1381, EN 26891, EN 28970

Design by calculation
- Model provided in EN1995-1-1
EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections
Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 19 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 20

single shear
Laterally loaded axially loaded fasteners

The design model for laterally loaded dowel-type-

(based on Johansen (1949)

-Structural Education Timber Program (STEP 1)(1994) double shear
-Timber Engineering; Thelandersson & Larsen (2003) ISBN 0-470-84469-8

EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 21 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 22

Double shear
Spacing requirements determine timber dimensions

ka1a1 a2

Forces in dowel type fastener
Only for connectors
Split-rings and 0 k a1 1
( k a1 ) 2 + ( k a 2 ) 2 1 with
shear plates 0 ka 2 1

EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 23 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 24

Starting point for strength model - Embedment strength Determination of embedment strength EN 383

Embedment = femb femb


Eurocode 5 Design clause embedment strength
embedment Nails (not pre-drilled) f h,k = 0,082 k d -0,3 N/mm 2
fstuik= f v
Nails pre-drilled
f h,k = 0,082 (1- 0,01 d ) k N/mm 2
EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections
Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 25 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 26

Embedment test - parallel to grain

Parallel Perpendicular
Dowels Parallel All wood species


100,0 5mm data

7mm data

8mm data
60,0 12mm data
16mm data
20mm data
20,0 30mm data

Taken from Sawata and Yasumura (2002). 0,0

200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Background: Whale L. and Smith, I. The derivation of design clauses for nailed and bolted joint in Eurocode
5, In Proceedings of paper CIB-W18 paper 19-7-6/ Florenze 1986

Yasumura, M. and Sawata, K., Determination of embedment strength of wood for dowel-type-fasteners. In: Background: Leijten, A.J.M. & Khler, J.& A Jorissen, Review of Probability Data for Timber Connections
Journal of Wood Science, nr. 48, 2002, Japan Wood Research Society, Inst. Of Wood Techn, Akita, Japan with Dowel-Type Fasteners; In Proceedings of CIB-W18, paper 37-7-12, Edinburgh, UK, September 2004

EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 27 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 28

Re-evaluation parallel to grain embedment results Mode I Mode II Mode III

for future consideration in EC5?

Some failure modes of
Nails (pre-drilled) f h;0 = 0, 0104 1,35 d 0,27 single shear fasteners
f h;90 = 0, 046 1,48
d 0,42

Bolts and dowels f h;0 = 0, 097 1,07 d 0,25

f h;90 = ? Some failure modes of
Coniferous double shear fasteners
f h;0 = 0, 087 1,09 d 0,25
Decideous f h;90 = 0,106 1,13 d 0,46

EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

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Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 29 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 30

Equations for every failure mode Equations for every failure mode
Fasteners in single shear Fasteners in double shear
f h,1,k t1 d (a)
f h,1,k t1d (g)
f h,2,k t2 d (b)

0,5 f h,2,k t2 d (h)
f h,1,k t1 d t t

2 2
t t
+ 22 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 2 1 + 2 (c) f td 4 (2 + ) M y,Rk F
1 + t1 t1 t1 t1

Fv,Rk = min 1,05 h,1,k 1 2 (1 + ) + + ax,Rk (j)
2+ f h,1,k d t12 4

Fv,Rk = min 1, 05 f h,1,k t1 d 2(1 + ) + 4(2 + ) M y,Rk + Fax,Rk (d) 1,15 2 Fax,Rk
2 + f h,1,k d t12 2 M y,Rk f h,1,k d + (k)
1+ 4
f h,1,k t2 d 4(1 + 2) M y,Rk Fax,Rk
1, 05 2 (1 + ) +
+ (e)
1 + 2 f h,1,k d t22 4

2 Fax,Rk
1,15 2 M y,Rk f h,1,k d + (f)
1+ 4
EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES
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Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 31 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 32

Test results still higher than Johansen equations

Some failure modes of Cord effect:

single shear fasteners
steel to wood Only valid for
connections Mode II and III

thick t > d = fastener diameter Requires knowledge about withdrawal

thin steel plate t < 0,5d Theory for nails 15% extra
Background: Kuipers, J. Van der Put, T.A.C.M., Betrachtungen zum Bruchmechanismus von Nagel verbindungen,
In: Ingenieuholzbau in Forschung und Praxis, J. Ehlebeck and G. Steck, editors, Bruderverlag Karlsruhe 1982

EUROCODES EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

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Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 33 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 34

Test results still higher than Johansen equations Fasteners in double shear

f h,1,k t1d (g)

% are estimates 0,5 f h,2,k t2 d (h)
Maximum F
f td 4 (2 + ) M y,Rk
Nails 15% Fv,Rk = min 1,05 h,1,k 1 2 (1 + ) + + ax,Rk (j)
2+ f h,1,k d t12 4
Grooved nails 50%
1,15 2 2 M y,Rk f h,1,k d +
Screws 100% 1+ 4

Bolts 25%
Dowels 0%
Test results still higher than Johansen equations
Cord effect:
Fax/4 = withdrawal capacity/4 = estimated effect

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Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 35 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 36

Mode III
Mode III
Taking both m - seperately
theory F= 2 M s f h ,1 d schroef 4 M e,k f
1+ Fd = d schroef h ,1,k k mod
1+ ym , s ym,h
k 0,9
Design value Fd = Fk mod = Fk = 0,69 Fk 4 M e,k f
ym 1,3 Fd = d schroef h ,1,k 0,9
1+ 1,1 1,3
Ms = yield bending moment steel fastener Fd = 0,79 M e,k d schroef f h ,1,k
Partial material factor of timber m Fd = 0,79 Fk
applied to yield bending moment of steel
fastener!! 0,79 Fk
factor = = 1,15
0,69 Fk
Better seperate:
For Mode II factor is 1,05
EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections
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Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 37 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 38

Yield moment of dowel type fasteners

Fasteners in double shear
Large diameter bolts and dowels
f h,1,k t1d (g)
Small rotation at failure No full plastic yielding
0,5 f h,2,k t2 d (h)
f td 4 (2 + ) M y,Rk 2,6
Fv,Rk = min 1,05 h,1,k 1 2 (1 + ) + + ax,Rk (j) M y,Rk = 0,3 f u,k d
2+ f h,1,k d t12 4

1,15 2 2 M y,Rk f h,1,k d +

1+ 4

Eurocode 5 equations 4.0
angle 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Background: Jorissen, A.J.M. Blass, H.J., the fastener

yield strength in bending, In: Proceedings of CIB-W18
paper 31-7-6, 1998

EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

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Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 39 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 40

Failure of multiple of fasteners in a row

Failure of multiple of fasteners in a row Caused by group effect
Only for load component in grain direction
Splitting Stress 13d


EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

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Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 41 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 42

Failure of multiple of fasteners in one row Be careful with cheese connecions

effective number
Caused by group effect
Spacinga kef

Nails: nef = n k ef Not


a1 14d 1,0 1,0

a1 = 10d 0,85 0,85

Bolts & dowels: a1 = 7d 0,7 0,7

a1 = 4d - 0,5
nef = n 0 ,9 4
For intermediate spacings, linear
interpolation of kef is permitted

Double shear timber connections with dowel type fasteners, A.J.M. Jorissen, ISBN 90-407-1783-4, DUP Delft,
EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections
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Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 43 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 44

Failure at fastener perimeter (Prof.Racher, Fr.) 1,5 Anet,t f t,o,k Tensile failure
Fbs,Rk = max
0,7 Anet,v f v,k Shear fracture
Block shear: "v,1 "v,2 "v,3 "v,4 1

Full penetration Correlation

parameters 2

Plug shear "v,5 "v,6 "v,7 "v,8

Partial penetration Fasteners keep

Tensile or shear failure, which happens first? Not correct in
Literature: Johnson, H, Stehn, L, A Linear Fracture Mecanics Evaluation of Plug Shear Failure,In Proc of 8th
world conf on Timber Engineering WCTE 2004, Finland
see previous

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Amendment A1 Amendment A1

Axially loaded screws
New design rules for:
compressive strength perpendiculer to grain Traditonal screws
Present rules unsafe Diameter thread=smooth shank
Not very effective
1 l not hardened
3 low bending moment
>8mm requires predrilled holes


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Amendment A1

Axially loaded screws

Very effective
self tapping
high axial stiffness
Bla, HJ; Bejtka, I: Self-tapping screws as reinforcements in connections with dowel-type fasteners. In:
Proceedings. CIB-W18 Meeting, Karlsruhe, Germany 2005. Paper 38-7-4
Blass H.J. Joints with dowel-type-fasteners, In: Timber Engineering Thelanderson and Larsen, editors, Wiley &
Sons (2003):
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Some examples Some examples


Leg or coach screw

Heco Topix/Fix

Rapid Komprex

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- Withdrawal failure
Tecfi Woodpecker
- Tear-off failure of the head
- Pull through of the head
BMF Torx
- Tensile failure of the screw

- Torsional capacity
- Group effect (neff number of effective fasteners)

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-Withdrawal: Code proposals in EU countries Model uncertainty

Eurocode 5 :
3,6 10 3 k
1, 5
Rax ,a ,k = ( d lef )
0 ,8 25
Eurocode 5
sin 2 a + 1,5 cos 2 a

60 10 6 k
Rax;k = d lef


sin 2 a + 43 cos 2 a

Rax ,k = (1,5 + 0,6 d nom ) (lhec d nom ) 5

3,0 103 k
Rax ,k = 1,7 ( d1 lef )
-1 -0,8 -0,6 -0,4 -0,2 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1

0 ,8 ln(model/meetpunt)

sin 2 a + 1,5 cos 2 a

Current EC5 design rule unsafe
EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections
Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 55 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 56

New proposal in Amendment A1: - Head tear off

- Axial screw strength:
Screws as defined in EN 14592 Determine by tests:
0,52 d .l ef0 ,9 k
0 ,8
EN 14592 Rax = A f ax
6 mm d 12 mm Rax ,a ,k = nef
sin a + 1,2 cos 2 a

All others: - Torsional capacity

Parameters determined by tests EN EN 14592
14592 (EN 1382) 0 ,8
f ax .d .l ef k
Rax ,a ,k = nef
sin 2 a + 1,2 cos 2 a a

EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 57 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 58

Head pull through

EN 14592 short elastisch behaviour
Test standard EN 1383 Large non-elastic traject

Rax = A f ax
Eurocode 5:
Rk = (( 1
2 2
d k ) - ( 12 d s ) 3,0 f c ,90,k

Zulassung Germany 9.1-235:

N k = 16,0 d k

In the absents of information Clause 8.5.2. bolt washers

EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 59 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 60

- Group (tear out) effect:

Model uncertainty design rule 9.1-235andn Eurocode 5 for screws
Due to a lack of background information
with washers

Based on test by Gehri:
Eurocode 5
Zulassung 7 nef = n0,9

-1 -0,5 0 0,5 1 1,5
ln (model/meetwaarde)
EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections
Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 61 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 62

Splitting by perpendicular to grain forces Related failure?

Learn from failures

b During festival
he h
stairs fully occupied
with people
Fv,Ed,2 b/2 b/2
b fell down
a) b) I person didnt survive

Design clause 8.1.4 (3) is formulated as a maximum

shear force criterion on either side of the connection
Background: Leijten A.J.M. & Vander Put T.A.C.M, Evaluation of Perpendicular to Grain Failure of Beams
caused by Concentrated Loads of Joints, In: Proceedings of CIB-W18, paper 33-7-7, Delft, 2000.

EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 63 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 64

Cause of failure
Effective cross-section?
Shear off wooden pins?

EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 65 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 66

Splitting by perpendicular to grain forces Splitting by perpendicular to grain forces

Design clause 8.1.4 (3) is Some empirical models consider

formulated as a maximum shear
Fastener spacing
force criterion on either side of
the connection
he 18a 2
F90,Rk = 14 b w F90,k = ks k r 6.5 + 2 ( tef h )0.8 f t,90,k
Fracture mechanics background he h
1 1
14 is calibration parameter h

k s = max 1.4 a
wpl 0,35 0.7 + h
w = (political factor)
max 100 for punched metal plate fasteners n
w= kr =
1 n

for all other fasteners h
i =1 i
EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections
Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 67 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 68

Splitting by perpendicular to grain forces Splitting by perpendicular to grain forces

UK-Test results versus design proposals
Fracture mechanical
model 45000
Consider energy 35000

Strength [N]
balance after crack 25000
appears 20000
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1

Test Results Eurocode 5 design

Punched metal plate fasteners

EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

Background and Applications Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 69 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 70

Comparison between models Splitting by perpendicular to grain forces

Assumed governing failure mechanism is shear

Not by tensile stresses perpendicular to grain

For loaded edges

0,7 h no splitting he h

Simply supported F
Eurocode 5 max F
Cantilever beam h he
max F/2

EUROCODES EN1995-1-1: Section 8 - Connections

Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 71

Thank you for your


H. Hartl
University of Innsbruck
Background and Applications
Background and Applications Components
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 1 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 2

EUROCODE 5, part 1-1
Glued thin-webbed beams
Components and assemblies
Glued thin-flanged beams
Structural detailing and control
Mechanically jonited beams

Hans Hartl Mechanically jointed and glued columns

University Innsbruck / Austria

Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9

Background and Applications Components Glued thin-webbed beams EUROCODES
Background and Applications Components Glued thin-webbed beams
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 3 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 4

Axial stresses in the flanges: Buckling analysis:

Design stresses of extreme fibres: Design shear force acting on each web:

Design stresses of the mean flange:

For webs of wood-based panels, should be verified for secction 1-1 that:
Design shear stress at section 1-1:

Axial stresses in the webs:


Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9.1.1 Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9.1.1

Background and Applications Components Glued thin-flanged beams EUROCODES
Background and Applications Components Glued thin-flanged beams
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 5 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 6

Effective flange widths bef: The axial stresses in the flanges, based on the relevant effective
I-beams: flange width, should satisfy the following expressions:


For webs of wood-based panels, it should , for sections 1-1 of an

I-shaped cross-section be verified that:
Maximum effective flange widths due to the effects of shear lag and Design shear stress at the section 1-1:
plate buckling:

For U-shaped cross-section:

Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9.1.2 Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9.1.2
Background and Applications Components Mechanically jointed beams EUROCODES
Background and Applications Components Mechanically jointed beams
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 7 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 8

If the spacing of the fasteners varies in the longitudinal direction, an Annex B, EN 1995-1-1:2004
effective spacing may be used: Normal stresses

A method for the calculation of the load-carrying capacity of

mechanically jointed beams is given in Annex B:
Effective bending stiffness

Maximum shear stress


Fastener load

Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9.1.3 Annex B Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9.1.3 Annex B

Components Mechanically jointed beams and

Background and Applications
glued columns
Background and Applications Assemblies
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 9 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 10

A method for the calculation of the load-carrying capacity of I- and box-

columns, spaced columns and lattice columns is given in Annex C:
Mechanically jointed columns
Effective slenderness ratio
where (EI)ef is determined in accordance with
Annex B
Trusses with punched metal plate fasteners
Load on fasteners
Roof and floor diaphragms

Wall diaphragms


Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9.1.4 Annex C Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9.2

Assemblies Trusses with punched metal

Background and Applications Assemblies Trusses EUROCODES
Background and Applications
plate fasteners
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 11 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 12

All joints should be capable of transferring a force Fr,d acting in any

direction within the plane of the truss.
For fully triangulated trusses where a small concentrated force has a
component perpendicular to the member of < 1,5kN, and where c,d < 0,4
fc,d, and t,d < 0,4 ft,d, then the requirements of EN 1995 6.2.3 and 6.2.4
may be replaced by

L is the overall length of the truss

Punched metal plate fasteners used in chord splices should cover at least
2/3 of the required member height.
Moment diagrams and
effective lengths in Trusses made with punched metal plate fasteners shall conform to the
compression (a) No significant requirements of EN 14250
end moments (b) Significant
end moments

Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9.2.1 Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9.2.2
Background and Applications Assemblies Roof and floor diaphragms EUROCODES
Background and Applications Assemblies Wall diaphrams
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 13 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 14

Simplified analysis of roof and floor diaphragms Simplified analysis of wall diaphragms Method A
Design racking load-carrying capacity

is the lateral design capacity of an individual fastener

External forces

For diaphragms with a uniformly distributed load the simplified method of

analysis should be used provided that:

the span l lies between 2b and 6b, where b is the diaphragm width
the critical ultimate design condition is failure in the fasteners (and not in the panels);

Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9.2.3 Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9.2.4

Background and Applications Assemblies Wall diaphrams EUROCODES
Background and Applications Assemblies Wall diaphrams
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 15 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 16

Simplified analysis of wall diaphragms Method A Simplified analysis of wall diaphragms Method B
The external forces which arise in wall panels containing door or window openings and in Construction of walls and panels to meet the requirements of the simplified analysis
wall panels of smaller width, can similarly be transmitted to the construction
situated above or below.

Shear buckling of the sheet may be disregarded, provided that

Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9.2.4 Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9.2.4

Background and Applications Assemblies Wall diaphrams EUROCODES
Background and Applications Assemblies Wall diaphrams
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 17 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 18

Simplified analysis of wall diaphragms Method B

External forces
Design ranking strength of the wall assembly:

Shear buckling of the sheet may be disregarded, provided that

Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9.2.4 Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9.2.4
Background and Applications Assemblies Bracing EUROCODES
Background and Applications Assemblies Bracing
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 19 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 20

Single members in compression Bracing of beam or truss systems

Load per unit length:
Spring stiffness:

Mean design compressive force:

Design stabilizing force

Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9.2.5 Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 9.2.5

Background and Applications Structural detailing and control EUROCODES
Background and Applications Structural detailing and control - Materials
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 21 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 22

Preliminary remark:
Structural detailing and control according to the relevant material standards; grading and

Glued joints Straightness
Connections with machanical fasteners Climatic conditions
Assembly Moisture content
Transportation and erection
Special rules for diaphragms
Special rules for trusses with punched metal plate
Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 10 Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 10.2

Structural detailing and control - Glued joints / EUROCODES
Structural detailing and control -
Background and Applications
connections with mechanical fasteners Background and Applications
Connections with mechanical fasteners
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 23 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 24

Glued joints
Wane, splits, knots or other defects shall be limited in the
Reliability and quality of joint region of the connection
Adhesive manufactoring Nails
Nails should be driven in at right angles to the grain
Conditioning period Slant nailing should be carried out
The diameter of pre-drilled holes should not exceed 0,8d

Bolts and washers

Connections with mechanical fasteners Requirements for diameters of bolts used with timber
Nails connectors

Bolts and washers


Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 10.3 / 10.4 Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 10.4
Structural detailing and control - EUROCODES
Structural detailing and control Assembly /
Background and Applications
Connections with mechanical fasteners Background and Applications
Transportation and erection
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 25 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 26

The minimum dowel diameter should be 6 mm. The tolerances on the
The structure should be assembled in such a way that over-stressing of its
dowel diameter should be - 0/+0,1 mm. Pre-bored holes in the timber
members or connections is avoided. Members which are warped, split or
members should have a diameter not greater than the dowel.
badly fitting at the joints should be replaced.
Softwoods, smooth shank diameter d 6 mm, pre-drilling is not required. Transportation and erection
The over-stressing of members during storage, transportation or erection
Hardwoods and for screws in softwoods with a diameter d > 6 mm, pre- should be avoided.
drilling is required, with the following requirements: If the structure is loaded or supported in a different manner during
The lead hole for the shank should have the same diameter as the construction than in the finished building the temporary condition should be
shank and the same depth as the length of the shank considered as a relevant load case including any possible dynamic
The lead hole for the threaded portion should have a diameter of actions.
approximately 70 % of the shank diameter. In the case of structural framework, e.g. framed arches, portal frames,
special care should be taken to avoid distortion during hoisting from the
For timber densities greater than 500 kg/m3, the pre-drilling diameter horizontal to the vertical position.
should be determined by tests.

Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 10.4 Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 10.5 / 10.6

Structural detailing and control - Special

Background and Applications Structural detailing and control Control EUROCODES
Background and Applications
rules for diaphragm structures
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 27 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 28

It is assumed that a control plan comprises: Floor and roof diaphragms

production and workmanship control off and on site;
control after completion of the structure

The control of the construction is assumed to include:

preliminary tests
checking of materials and their identification
transport, site storage and handling of materials;
checking of correct dimensions and geometry;
checking of assembly and erection;
Wall diaphragms
checking of structural details
final checking of the result of the production process, e.g. by visual
inspection or proof loading.

Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 10.7 Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 10.8

Structural detailing and control - Special rules EUROCODES
Background and Applications
for trusses with punched metal plate fasteners Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 29 Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 Dissemination of information workshop 30

Requirements for the fabrication of trusses are given in EN 14250
Trusses should be checked for straightness and vertical
alignment prior to fixing the permanent bracing Thank you for
When trusses are fabricated, the members should be free
from distortion within the limits given in EN 14250 your attention
The maximum bow in any truss member after erection
should be limited. (10 to 50 mm)

The maximum deviation of a truss from true vertical

alignment after erection should be limited. (10 to 50 mm) Hans Hartl
University Innsbruck / Austria

Eurocode 5 part 1-1 Section 10.9


H. Kreuzinger
Technische Universitt Mnchen
EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Flisa, Norwegen
Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Bridge over river Saalach Bavaria - Salzburg, 70m span

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Rules given in EC5 part 2 are supplements and should be added

to the rules given in EC5 part 1

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 1 General

2 3

1 Timber 1
2 Concrete
3 Fastener

Example of grooved connection

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 1 General 2

a) b)

2 3 4 4 2 3

1 Nail or screw c) d)
2 Pre-stressing bar or tendon
3 Glue-line between glued laminated members
4 Glue-line between laminations in glued laminated members
Figure 1.2 Examples of deck plates made of laminations

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 1 General

Rectangular prestressed deck

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 1 General

Example of cross-laminated deck plate, X-lam

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 1 General


Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 2 Basis of design

k mod R k

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 2 Basis of design
1. Timber and wood-based materials
normal verification
solid timber M = 1,3
glued laminated timber M = 1,25
LVL, plywood, OSB M = 1,2
fatigue verification M = 1,0
2. Connections
- normal verification M = 1,3
fatigue verification
M = 1,0
3. Steel used in composite members M = 1,15
4. Concrete used in composite members M = 1,5
5. Shear connectors between composite members
normal verification
fatigue verification M = 1,25
M = 1,0
6.Pre-stressing steel elements M = 1,15

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 3 Material properties

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 4 Durability

Section 4 Durability

4.1 Timber

(1)The effect of precipitation,

wind and solar should be taken into account

4.2 Resistance to corrosion

4.3 Protection of timber decks from water by sealing

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 4 Durability

Chemical treatment

Roof = constructive protection

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 4 Durability

Constructive protection

Bridge in Eching

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 4 Durability


Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 4 Durability

South-west-side, roof to small?

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 4 Durability

Chemical treatment
Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 4 Durability

Theoretical costs for bridges (Ablserichtlinien):

Timber bridges: theoretical time of duration 50 years

cost per year

actual : 2%
New proposal:
protected bridges 1,0 %
unprotected bridges 1,8 %
To compare:

Steel bridges: Theoretical time of duration 100 years

costs per year 0,8 %

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 4 Durability

Timber protection:

Essential task

Documentation in drawings and documents

Part of structural calculation!!

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 4 Durability

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 4 Durability DN 1074 Dauerhaftigkeit
Anhang A (informativ)

Empfehlungen zur Dauerhaftigkeit von Holz und Holzwerkstoffen

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18 20 th
of February 2008, Brussels
Section 4 Durability DIN 1074

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 4 Durability Dauerhaftigkeit

Architekt: Dietrich, Tragwerksplanung: Sues, Staller, Schmitt

Prfung: Albrecht/Kreuzinger
Chair of Timber Structures
and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 5 Basis of structural analysis

Section 5 Basis of structural analysis

5.1 Laminated deck plates

5.1.1 General

(1) The analysis of timber deck plates should

be based upon:
- the orthotropic plate theory;
- modelling the deck plate by a grid
- a simplified method according to 5.1.3

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 5 Basis of structural analysis


Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 5 Basis of structural analysis

Table 5.1 System properties of laminated deck plates

Type of deck E90,mean/E0, mean G0,mean/E0,mean G90,mean/G0,mean

Nail-laminated 0 0,06 0,05
sawn sawn
planed planed 0,015 0,06 0,08
Glued-laminated 0,020 0,06 0,10
0,030 0,06 0,15

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 5 Basis of structural analysis

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 5 Basis of structural analysis

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 5 Basis of structural analysis

5.1.2 Concentrated vertical loads


Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 5 Basis of structural analysis
5.1.3 Simplified analysis

bef = bw,middle + a


Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 5 Basis of structural analysis

Radlast 120 kN

Brcke Ruderting, Grossmann

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 6 Ultimate limit states

Section 6 Ultimate limit states

Eurocode 5.1, EN 1995-1-1 !
6.1 Deck plates
6.1.1 System strength

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 6 Ultimate limit states
Eurocode 5-1-1, System factor

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and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 6 Ultimate limit states

Railings Bridge in Besensandbach

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 6 Ultimate
limit states

b ef = Mbeam
mmax,plate mplate
mmax, plate

b ef
a) b) n=
2 3 4 4 2 3 blam

c) d)

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 6 Ultimate limit states

6.1.2 Stress-laminated deck plates

F v ,Ed d p ,min h

p,min = 0,35
mm 2

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 6 Ultimate limit states
3 1


l 1 = min30t

?l1 1

Joints of lamellas 1 lamella

2 joint
3 prestress element

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Bridge across railway, Oslo

Chair of Timber Structures

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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

prestressed deck plate


Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 8 Connections

Not for bridges: Nails (withdrawal)

Nail plates

2 Timber-concrete composites
1 concrete
2 Additional layer
3 timber

FEd = 0,1 Fv,ED

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 8 Connections

Timber concrete - composite

2 3

1 FEd = 0,1 Fv,ED

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Annex A (informative) Fatigue verification
(3) A fatigue verification is required if the ratio given by expression (A.1) is greater than:
For members in compression perpendicular or parallel to grain: 0,6
For members in bending or tension: 0,2
For members in shear: 0,15
For joints with dowels: 0,4
d,max d,min
For joints with nails: 0,1
Other joints: 0,15
d,max d,min
M,fat (A.1)


d,max is the numerically largest design stress from the fatigue loading;
d,min is the numerically smallest design stress from the fatigue loading;
fk is the relevant characteristic strength;
M,fat is the material partial factor.

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Annex A (informative) Fatigue verification
(1) A simplified fatigue load model is built up of reduced loads (effects of actions) compared to the static
loading models. The load model should give the maximum and minimum stresses in the actual structural

(2) The fatigue loading from traffic should be obtained from the project specification in conjunction with
EN 1991-2.

(3) The number of constant amplitude stress cycles per year, Nobs, should either be taken from table 4.5 of
EN 1991-2 or, if more detailed information about the actual traffic is available, be taken as:
Nobs = 365 nADT tL Nobs = 365 n ADT t L (A.2)

Nobs is the number of constant amplitude stress cycles per year;
nADT is the expected annual average daily traffic over the lifetime of the structure; the value of nADT
should not be taken less than 1000;
is the expected fraction of observed heavy lorries passing over the bridge, see EN 1991-2 clause
4.6 (e.g. = 0,1);
tL is the design service life of the structure expressed in years according to EN 1990:2002 (e.g. 100
A.2 Fatigue loading

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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Annex A (informative) Fatigue verification
d,max f fat,d = k fat
(4) The value of kfat should be taken as:
1 R
log ( N obs ) 0 1R
log( NOBS )
kfat = 1 (A.5)
a (b R )
k fat = 1
where: a (b R )
R = d,min d,max with 1 = R = 1; (A.6)

d,min is the numerically smallest design stress from the fatigue loading;
d,max is the numerically largest design stress from the fatigue loading;
Nobs is the number of constant amplitude stress cycles as defined above;
is a factor based on the damage consequence for the actual structural component;
a, b are coefficients representing the type of fatigue action according to table A.1.

The factor should be taken as:

Substantial consequences: = 3 A.3 Fatigue verification
Without substantial consequences: = 1

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18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Annex A (informative) Fatigue verification
Table A.1 Values of coefficients a and b

a b
Timber members in
- compression, perpendicular or parallel to grain 2,0 9,0
- bending and tension 9,5 1,1
- shear 6,7 1,3
connections with
- dowels with d = 12 mm 6,0 2,0
- nails 6,9 1,2
The values for dowels are mainly based on tests on 12 mm tight-fitting dowels.
Significantly larger diameter dowels or non-fitting bolts may have less favourable fatigue

k fat = 1 log( NOBS )
a (b R )

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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Annex A (informative) Fatigue verification

fk d k mod f k
d ,max k fat d k mod Mk
M , fat M
Dauerfestigkeit Dauerstandfestigkeit

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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Annex A (informative) Fatigue verification

Fatigue ULS

Lastmodell Ermdung, =1 Lastmodell Tragsicherheit,

fk fk
d ,max k fat d k mod
M , fat M
Art der Beanspruchung:
Biegung, Schub, Verbindungsmittel
Schwellen, Wechsel R

Anzahl Nobs

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18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Annex A (informative) Fatigue verification

Timber members shear Schub


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Annex A (informative) Fatigue verification

Radlast k mod f v, k
k , L1 1,5

= +.. = -..
k , L1 f v ,k
k , fat = = k fat f v ,k
2 2 2,17

k fat = 0,23
2 2,17

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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states



Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states

Beams, plates
Construction part Action
and trusses

Main system Characteristic

traffic load l/400 to l/500

Pedestrian load
and l/200 to l/400
Low traffic load

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states

Chair of Timber Structures

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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states
Deflections / Vibrations
F (t) System values
MM mass
Masse[t] t
KK stiffness
RR attenuation
Dmpfung [kN/(m/s)]
= = 2 f
w (t) M
R K G Mg g g
wg = = = =
K K 2 (2 f )2

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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states

5 5 1
f= =
0,8 l / X 0,8 / X l

f X = 300


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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states

w (x, t ) = w 0 (x ) sin t w (t ) = w 0 sin t

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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states

m = 1780 kg/m; l = 67,7 m; wg = 8,8 cm

5 5
f= = = 1,9 Hz
0,8 w g (in cm ) 0,8 8,8

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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states

Chair of Timber Structures

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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states

F(t ) = G sin 2 f s t

K an
s on
Re a = G 1
M 2
= fE

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states

1 Person

G 1 200
avert ,1 = =
M 2 M B

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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Schrittfrequenz fS

Frequency of steps

Laufen L
Gehen 1 Gehen 2

Frequency of bridge

1 2 3 4 5 Brckenfrequenz fE

Gehen 2 ; fS = fE/2

Gehen 1 ; fS = fE

Laufen L ; fL = fE

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and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states

Annex B (informative) Vibrations caused by pedestrians

B.1 General
(1) The rules given in this annex apply to timber bridges with
simply supported beams or truss
systems excited by pedestrians.
NOTE: Corresponding rules will be found in future versions of
EN 1991-2.

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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states

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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states

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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states

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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Chair of Timber Structures

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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels


F (t) F = F0 sin t
M = 60 t
M kN
R = 16,7
w (t) D = 0,01
K = 12530 kN m

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

M = 120.000 kg

Damping: D=0,01
a<0,7 m/s2

200 m
a vert,1 = = 0,17 2
120000 0,01 s
a vert,13 = 0,23 0,17 13 = 0,51 2
a vert,voll = 0,23 0,17 l b 0,6
= 0,23 0,17 67,7 3,24 0,6 = 5,14
Chair of Timber Structures
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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states

(D) (D)
F = F0 sin t
M = 60 t MD = 3,4 t

R = 16,7 R = 12,5
D = 0,13
D = 0,01
K = 12530 kN m K = 636

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and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states
1 1
= = 50
60 deflection
2 D 2 0,01


Effect of damper



0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5
Frequency of impact

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and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states

Dmpferprotokoll, Gerb

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and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states
a 1 2
FD = GD 1 1 + (2DD )
g 2DD
The calculation:
GD = MD x g = 3,2 t x 9,81 m/s2 = 32 kN
a = 0,7 m/s2 limit of acceleration of the bridge movement
DD = 0,1 value of damping

0,7 1 2
FD = 34 1 1 + (2 0,1) = 34 (1 0,07 4,81) = 34 (1 0,34 ) kN
9,81 2 0,1

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states

Bridge: 120 t Damper: 3,2 t

Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states

Pedestrian bridge: f < 5 Hz

Design of damper! MD = 0,05 Mbridge, vibrating

Design the place for the damper!

Fixing: 2 x GD
Use Bridge




Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction

EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels
Section 7 Serviceability limit states

Bridge in Karlsfeld near Munich Damper was designed

Chair of Timber Structures

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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels

Horizontal vibrations!

Milleniums bridge - London

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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications

18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels


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EN 1995-2 Timber Structures Bridges Eurocodes - Background & Applications
18th 20th of February 2008, Brussels


Chair of Timber Structures

and Building Construction


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