Biology Nmat @
Biology Nmat @
Biology Nmat @
Order from the outside of a woody eudicot (true Traffic of molecules across the membrane:
cotyledon) stem: a) Small polar uncharged molecules (water and
cortex -> primary phloem -> secondary phloem -> carbon dioxide) will easily pass
vascular cambium -> secondary xylem -> primary b) Hydrophobic molecules (hydrocarbons and
xylem -> pith oxygen) can cross with ease because they can
dissolve in the lipid bilayer
Centriole can only be found in animal cells c) Large polar uncharged molecules (proteins and
Cell wall exclusive to plant cells sugars) will not pass
d) Ions (H+, Na+, Cl-, K+) will not readily pass and will
Ethylene plant hormone that promotes ripening; need transport proteins or channels
carbon dioxide will inhibit the action of ethylene by Sodium-potassium pump one of the important
preventing ethylene from accumulation means of transport of molecules
a) An active transport process that uses up energy
Organogenesis - formation of organs in the form of ATP
Differentiation cells choose to become a b) Responsible for establishing the charge difference
particular type of cell that will function for a specific maintaining the nerve cell membrane resisting
organ potential
Differentiated cell utilizes a particular set of c) Works through a series of conformation changes
proteins to perform its function; assume a specific in the transmembrane protein
the external physical appearance of a female and
Progesterone substance that prepares the does not develop secondary sex characteristics;
endometrium in the uterus for implantation of shows the appearance of only one X chromosome due
fertilized egg; inhibits the follicle-stimulating to non-disjunction (sex chromosomes fail to separate
hormone thus preparing the uterus for pregnancy; during the formation of the egg)
secreted by the corpus luteum Aneuploidy a type of numerical chromosomal
Corpus luteum comes from a ruptured follicle that abnormality that refers to an extra or missing
is repaired and turned yellowish chromosome such as in Trisomy 21 (Down
Infundibulum funnel-shaped distal end of each Syndrome) or Monosomy (Turner Syndrome)
uterine tube (fallopian tube) Polyploidy another type of numerical
Graafian follicle mature ovarian follicle chromosomal abnormality that refers to an addition
Seminiferous tubule site of spermatogenesis of an entire complement of haploid chromosomes
such as triploidy in which three haploids sets occur
Charles Darwins Natural Selection as the like XXX, XXY or XYY.
conditions of nature change, individuals that are These abnormalities may involve either autosomes or
fittest and can adapt will survive and evolve sex chromosomes. Some common trisomies are:
Genetic drift chance events result in a change of a) Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) gross multiple
allele frequencies structural defects involving polydactyly (having
Migration populations exchange members to more than the normal number of fingers and
converge toward one another toes) and cleft lip or palate
Theory of Uses and Disuse as the organism b) Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) severe
continues to use a certain part of its body, it enlarges psychomotor and growth retardation
or elongates c) Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) most common
viable autosomal trisomy; depressed nasal
Cell cleavage increase in cell number and in the bridge, shortened extremities and mental
amount of genetic material; formation of blastula retardation
Development of neural crest happens after the
formation of the three germ layers; derived from the Producers placed on the base of the energy
ectoderm pyramid because they have the large quantity of
energy available by being the organism that can
Cellular respiration enables cells to harvest the convert light energy into chemical energy
energy stored in food; a catabolic process in which
organic compounds breakdown into simpler Pituitary gland divided into anterior and
substances through the transfer of electrons during posterior pituitary
redox reactions; an oxidation-reduction process; Anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis) produces
occurs in the mitochondria of cells growth hormones, luteinizing hormone, thyroid-
Anabolic processes consume energy to build stimulating hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone
complex molecules from simpler ones and follicle-stimulating hormone
Growth hormone targets body cells and
Unicellular organism made up of only one cell; stimulates growth and repair
undergoes reproduction when its cell divides Adrenocorticotropic hormone targets the
Multicellular organism undergoes growth when cortex of adrenal glands; helps in metabolism
its cell divides regulation and body stress release
Development transformation from an immature to Prolactin stimulates milk production and
a mature functional form secretion
Posterior pituitary gland (neurohypophysis)
Turner syndrome - a disorder caused by missing or produces oxytocin and the antidiuretic hormones
incomplete X chromosomes (XO); individual shows
Antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin)
targets the kidneys; increases reabsorption of Recombinant DNA one of the successful
water during urine production which results applications of genetics in our society; reason behind
to less urine mass production of vaccines, hormones, and others
Oxytocin causing the contraction of the (i.e. insulin production)
uterus and ejection of milk Insulin production insulin gene from human DNA
is cut with the use of restriction enzyme, combined in
DNA structure double strand twisted with one a plasmid (secondary DNA) and inserted into
another to form a spiral staircase; complementary Escherichia coli
bases are A-T (Adenine and Thymine) and G-C
(Guanine and Cytosine) Primary ecological succession:
1. Begins in a lifeless area where soil has not yet
Extraembryonic membranes developed by some formed such as a new volcanic island or a rubble
vertebrates because of the delicate condition of the left behind by a retreating glacier
eggs of animals (i.e. yolk sac, chorion, allantois and 2. In glaciers (like in Glacier Bay, Alaska), the barren
amnion, which contains the amniotic fluid) ground is occupied by mosses and lichens then by
Amniotic fluid serves as a cushion sac around the dwarf willows
embryo against physical trauma; bathes the embryo 3. After approximately 50 years, alders form dense
serving as a barrier of the embryo against mechanical stands
injury 4. These eventually give way to Sitka spruce, joined
later by hemlock (spruce-hemlock forest)
Skeletal muscle elongated, multinucleated, recognize today as taiga
striated, nucleus found at the periphery of the cell
(i.e. muscles of the arm) Oogenesis meiosis that occurs in the ovary of
Smooth muscles spindle-shaped, uninucleated, female organisms
non-striated, nucleus found at the center (i.e. During the process of Meiosis I and II, the primary
stomach, blood vessels) oogonium divides the cytoplasm unevenly (one polar
Cardiac muscles striated, uninucleated, nucleus body produce from Meiosis I, another polar body
found at the enter of the cell, presence of intercalated produced from Meiosis II), producing a polar body,
disks (i.e. heart) thus only one active cell is formed.
Myofibrils rod-like bundles in each muscle fiber
containing a thin protein, actin, and a thicker protein, Autonomic nervous system section of the nervous
myosin system which controls involuntary functions; has two
divisions: sympathetic and parasympathetic
Phylum Arthropoda animals characterized by
joined legs; five classes namely: Insecta, Crustacea, 1. Sympathetic division prepares the body
Arachnida, Chilopoda, and Diplopoda for emergency responses; has effects such as
Class Crustacea arthropods having two pairs of the widening of the trachea, increasing of the
antennae and various pairs of legs (i.e. crabs, heart rate and liver stimulation for glucose
lobsters, shrimps) release
Class Arachnida scorpions 2. Parasympathetic division rests the body
Class Chilopoda centipedes and produces calm responses, has effects
Class Insecta grasshoppers such as the increasing of stomach
contractions to promote digestion, narrowing
Macronutrients elements needed by the plants in of the pupils of the eyes and the constriction
relatively large amounts (i.e. oxygen, carbon, of the trachea
hydrogen, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium,
phosphorus, and sulfur.
Neuron functional unit of the nervous system
Parts of the neuron:
Dendrite receives the message
Axon send the message to another dendrite
Soma cell body where nucleus is located