Tesla Gravity PDF
Tesla Gravity PDF
Tesla Gravity PDF
William Lyne
in Occult Aether Physics:
Teslas Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal it
FIG. 1. Teslas most suppressed work by Aether Force FIG. 2. Nikola Tesla
If the term energy is only a convenient abstraction, then -Cause the collisions of planets to produce new
it does not exist in physical form, and really describes the po- suns and stars, heat, and light
tential to perform work as a by-product of matter and elec- -Originate and develop life in infinite forms
tromagnetic radiation in perpetual motion, some of the force
of which has been diverted through a path where it performs Tesla was referring to unlimited energy, derived from the
the desired work, as it goes on its merry way through the uni- environment. Several of his major free energy discoveries
verse. Every change of form of either matter or radiation in- have been the exclusive stolen property of our Secret Gov-
volves the work which induces the change, or the work ernment. The conversion of energy to a stronger force
which is induced by the change. Without work there is no electropulsionused to control the much weaker gravity force,
change, but all work is ultimately the product of the universe would accomplish more work in the same amount of time, and
in perpetual, self-sustaining motion, as a rule and not an ex- produce over unity results.
ception. As for Teslas theory, we have hints, such as, that Some of Telsas unusual conceptualization of the ether
had been nonetheless expounded piecemeal, in his preceding
1890s lectures. He later railed against the limited and erro-
neous theories of Maxwell, Hertz, Lorentz, and Einstein.
Teslas ether was neither the solid ether with the tenu-
ity of steel of Maxwell and Hertz, nor the half-hearted, en-
trained, gaseous ether of Lorentz. Teslas ether consisted of
carriers immersed in an insulating fluid, which filled all
space. Its properties varied according to relative movement,
the presence of mass, and the electric and magnetic environ-
Teslas ether was rigidified by rapidly varying electrostatic
forces, and was thereby involved in gravitational eects, iner-
tia, and momentum, especially in the space near earth, since,
as explained by Tesla, the earth is like a charged metal ball
moving through space, which creates the enormous, rapidly
varying electrostatic forces which diminish in intensity with
FIG. 4. star of human birth the square of the distance from earth, just like gravity. Since
the direction of propagation radiates from the earth, the so-
called force of gravity is toward earth.
the earth is the star of human birth. In poetic expressions, Tesla commenced to complete his Dynamic Theory of
he hid scientific meanings in statements such as, that using Gravity at the same approximate period of time that his ex-
the thunderbolt of Jove (the Indo-European sky god), man perimental results and theories had been revealed in the three
annihilates time and space, an allusion to the use of electro- lectures, often illustrated with demonstrations using Tesla-
propulsion (thunderbolts), to travel so fast, that time and invented equipment, as revealed in the following eight ex-
space are annihilated. Where the government has stolen his cerpts, in pertinent part (emphasis mine):
papers, we must search for meaning elsewhere. In an article,
Mans Greatest Achievement, Tesla outlined his Dynamic 1.The most probable medium filling the space is
Theory of Gravity in poetic form (as paraphrased by me): one consisting of independent carriers immersed
in an insulating fluid.
* That the luminiferous ether fills all space 2.In his experiments he dwells first on some phe-
* That the ether is acted upon by the life-giving nomena produced by electrostatic force, which he
creative force considers in the light of modern theories to be the
* That the ether is thrown into infinitesimal most important force in nature for us to investi-
whirls (micro helices) at near the speed of gate.
light, becoming ponderable matter 3.He illustrates how mechanical motions are
* That when the force subsides and motion produced by a varying electrostatic force acting
ceases, matter reverts to the ether (a form of through a gaseous medium.
atomic decay) 4.One of the most interesting results arrived at in
That man can harness these processes, to: pursuing these experiments, is the demonstration
of the fact that a gaseous medium upon which vi-
-Precipitate matter from the ether bration is impressed by rapid changes of electro-
-Create whatever he wants with the matter and static potential, is rigid.
energy derived 5.If through this medium enormous electrostatic
-Alter the earths size stresses are assumed to act, which vary rapidly
-Control earths seasons (weather control) in intensity, it would allow the motion of a body
-Guide earths path through the Universe, like a through it, yet it would be rigid and elastic, al-
space ship though the fluid itself might be devoid of these
Thomsons Electromagnetic Momentum hypothesis was ether filling all space, of inconceivable tenuity yet solid and
later developed by H. Poincare and by M. Abraham. By possessed of rigidity incomparably greater than the hardest
1910, it was said that the consequence of these pronounce- steel. Teslas arguments were to the contrary, saying he
ments left three alternatives: had always believed in a gaseous ether in which he had
observed waves more akin to sound waves. He recounted
1.Modify the theory to reduce to zero the resul- how he had developed a new form of vacuum tube in 1896
tant force on an element of free aether (as with (which I call the Tesla bulb), capable of being charged to
Maxwell, Hertz, and Einstein); any desired potential, and operated it with eective pressures
2.Assume the force sets aether in motion (as with of about 4,000,000 volts. He described how purplish coro-
Helmholtz); nal discharges about the bulb when in use, verified the exis-
3.Accept the principle that aether is the vehicle of tence of particles smaller than air, and a gas so light that an
mechanical momentum of amount [DB] per unit earth-sized volume would weigh only 1/20 pound. He further
volume (as with Poynting and J. J. Thomson). said sound waves moved at the velocity of light through this
Whittakers greatest error was in omitting Teslas theory en- medium.
tirely. After Teslas experiments verified it, right in front of Tesla mentioned using his special tube to investigate cos-
the esteemed members of the Royal Academy, the three mic rays, saying that when its emanations were impinged
(later) alternatives were moot, and a new law existed, that of upon a target material, radioactive emissions resulted, and that
Tesla. radioactive bodies were simply targets continuously bom-
barded by infinitesimal bullets projected from all parts of the
universe, without which all radioactivity would cease. His
II. TESLAS SECRECY description of these bullets was similar to the ZPR.
On Apr. 15, 1932, Tesla said Einsteins theory regarding
Due to his pacifist sympathies, Tesla originally contem- changing matter into force, and force into matter, was ab-
plated giving his electric flying machine to the Geneva Con- surd. He compared this to the dierence between body and
vention or League of Nations, for use in policing the world mind, saying force is a function of matter, and that, just
to prevent war. Later disillusioned after WWI with the col- as a mind could not exist without a body, without matter,
lapse of the League, he said hed underestimated mans there can be no force.
combative capacity. On Sept. 11, 1932 (New York Herald Tribune), Tesla de-
In 1919, his reason for increased secrecy emerged in an rided the Maxwellian/Hertzian ether, while saying that higher
interview with Frederick M. Kerby, for Resolution maga- frequency waves follow the curvature of the earth and bend
zine, while discussing a three-hour airplane between New around obstacles, yet in an Apr. 8, 1934 New York Times let-
York and London: we have here the appalling prospect of ter, said that short waves for power purposes of the wireless
a war between nations at a distance of thousands of miles, art, were inappropriate, and that power will travel in long
with weapons so destructive and demoralizing that the world waves. His 1929 attack on the Maxwellian/Hertzian ether
could not endure them. That is why there must be no more theory39 years afterward, during the advent of Relativism
war. With the governments spurning of his defense sugges- seemed relevant only to his concealed theory, not to disclose
tions, Teslas only recourse was to withhold his secrets from it or promote it, but to conceal it.
the world, and to dissuade discovery in their direction.
mist (the etheric wind), the bees must all turn to face into at rest on the earth, it moves at fantastic speed through the uni-
the etheric wind to maintain their formation. The water versal ether field, due to the earths revolution, orbit, and other
dropletselectric sub-charges carried by the etheric windtend motions. In his 1891 A.I.E.E. lecture at Columbia College,
to agglomerate around the front side. Each bee, as he flaps his
wings, will get wet only so much, so that excess water is
thrown o and carried to the next bee, or the next swarm of
bees, by the etheric wind, and so forth, so that a current of
droplets continues to flow through the ball of bees due to its
motion through the etheric wind, and transfers momentum be-
tween masses.
type reaction within mass, creating its motion relative to the nology (also based on Nikola Teslas inventions)- as they
ether cores, from which the mechanical force is transferred to fly and hover in the sky, and by psycho-political means
the atomic mass with which the electromagnetism is associ- the dissemination of false alien and extraterrestrial origin
ated. propagandathrough UFOlogy groups led by covert govern-
Since these phenomena are electromagnetic in nature, they ment agents. While ocial government spokesmen deny the
are synthesized by recreation of the electromagnetic condi- existence of flying saucers, covert government agents, pos-
tions which a body would exhibit due to a particular kinetic ing as skeptics, UFOlogists, and paranormalists, en-
state. Just as electromagnetic waves of low frequency can pen- gage the publics attention in a phony debate. The skeptics
etrate a body, waves of higher frequenciesabove I.R. and be- ridicule the UFOlogists and paranormalists, lumping them to-
low U.V.- can cause the ether to assert its inertia resistance. gether with rational witnesses, as if to see a flying saucer
The technology involves high voltage D.C. brush currents, is as ridiculous as to see a ghost or alien. This phony de-
high frequency currents, rapidly varying electrostatic forces, bate based on false logic fits nicely into the overall cover-up
and light/heat beams. The rapidly varying electrostatic forces system, designed to conceal advanced human technology,
rarify (stretch) the ether carriers, as the light/heat beams po- not alien technology.
larize the medium in the desired direction, as the D.C. brush The grip of this secret socio-economic dictatorship, de-
currents induce the exchange of carriers, creating a vacuum pends on coercively extorted income, by forcing us to buy
in that direction, inducing motion. At the opposite end of archaic fuel and powerwhich funds their control of our com-
the ship, high frequency currents draw the carriers through munications, political and monetary decisions, enforcement
the ship, and creates a compression of the ether, as it pene- of unjust laws, regulations, and procedures expanding its pow-
trates the solid mass and synthesizes the rotatory micro heli- ers, while limiting or excluding our individual human rights,
cal tubules, which whirl around the ether cores along the polar and denying our access to information, materials, and tech-
axis, at a pitch corresponding to a particular rate of momen- nology which is ours because we paid for it with our taxes.
tum. Since the strength of the electromagnetic interaction is Our access to the truth is necessary for our independence and
1040 time greater than the gravitational interaction, that much survival as a free people.
more work can theoretically be done in the same time, using Despite the confusion, concealment, BIG LIES, and judi-
the same energy. cial and socio-economic abuse by the corporate state, we can
Since seeing is believing, and I have seen, I believe. The resurrect the TRUTH, determine the correct technology, cir-
behavior of man-made flying saucers proves the existence of cumvent obstructions, and use our creative ingenuity to build
these free energy inventions of Nikola Tesla, which show these ships for ourselves, to free our society from the Secret
that he was right in his opposition to Relativism, and that the Fascist Corpocracy.
prevalent theories taught in the scientific institutions of the
world are patentlyfraudulent.
Consistent with the idea that dynamite comes in small
packages, this small book, along with my prior book, Space V. REFERENCES
Aliens From the Pentagon, initiates the rediscovery, recon-
struction and publication of Nikola Teslas Dynamic Theory 1. William Lyne, Occult Aether Physics: Teslas Hidden
of Gravity and related electropulsion technology, the greatest Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal
invention of mankind. it, http://aetherforce.com/teslas-dynamic-theory-of-gravity/,
The Secret Governmenta fraudulently concealed, uncon- (2013).
stitutional, corporate-state entityhas heretofore controlled 2. Don Allen, Summation of Teslas Dynamic Theory of
electropulsion technology by concealing it and other ad- Gravity: An excerpt from: Occult Ether Physics, by William
vanced free energy technology, on behalf of international, R. Lyne; http://www.netowne.com/technology/important/
coercive, corporate-state monopolists. Electropulsive ships (2013).
are concealed through special eects, and stealth tech-