97 Web Enhancement
97 Web Enhancement
97 Web Enhancement
This Web enhancement provides you with a image, see invisibility; 3rddisplacement, fireball, haste,
number of extra NPCs, an additional player handout, a lightning bolt, slow; 4thdimension door, empowered
new trap, the statistics of the monsters from Monster summon monster II, stoneskin, summon monster IV; 5thdom-
Manual II that appear in Lifes Bazaar, and some extra inate person, summon monster V, teleport; 6thempowered
campaign tidbits to use when running Lifes Bazaar from enervation, true seeing.
issue #97. Enjoy! Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven.
Possessions: +2 headband of intellect, +1 cloak of resistance,
brooch of shielding (absorbs 80 points of magic missile
CAULDRON NPCS damage), amulet of proof against detection and location, bracelet
k Meerthan Eliothlorn, Male Half-elf Wiz12: CR 12; of friends (attuned to Fario Ellegoth, Fellian Shard, and five
Medium-size Humanoid (half-elf ); HD 12d412; hp 24; others), wand of confusion (15 charges), wand of haste (4
Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10; BAB charges), potion of cure serious wounds, scroll of dimensional
+6/+1; Grap +6; Atk +7/+2 melee (1d4/1920, masterwork anchor, scroll of empowered fireball, masterwork dagger,
dagger) or +8/+3 ranged (effect varies, ranged touch); SA spellbook (contents determined by DM), diamond dust for
spells; SQ half-elf traits, permanent Rary s telepathic bond stoneskin (1,000 gp worth), ointment for true seeing (750 gp
(with various henchmen), familiar; AL NG; SV Fort +7, Ref worth), pouch containing 32 pp and 110 gp.
+8, Will +9; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 8, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 13. d Razzik, Weasel Familiar: CR ; Tiny Magical Beast;
Skills: Concentration +14, Decipher Script +15, Diplo- HD Special; hp 12; Init +2; Spd 20 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC 20,
macy +6, Gather Information +3, Knowledge (arcana) +20, touch 14, flat-footed 18; BAB +6/+1; Grap 6; Atk +8/+3
Knowledge (history) +12, Listen +4, Profession (merchant) melee (1d34, bite); Face/Reach 2 1/2 ft. across/0 ft.; SA
+5, Search +7, Spellcraft +20, Spot +4. Feats: Alertness attach, touch; SQ scent, improved evasion, share spells,
(granted by familiar), Brew Potion, Craft Wand, Empower empathic link, speak with master, speak with animals of
Spell, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Quicken Spell, the same type, SR 17; AL NG; SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +9;
Scribe Scroll, Spell Penetration. Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 5.
Spells Prepared (4/6/5/5/4/4/2; base save DC = 15 + Skills: Balance +10, Climb +11, Concentration +15, Deci-
spell level): 0detect magic, mage hand, message, read magic; pher Script +15, Hide +13, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowl-
1st-expeditious retreat, feather fall, mage armor, magic missile edge (history) +9, Move Silently +9, Spellcraft +15, Spot +4.
2, shield; 2ndcats grace, invisibility, Melf s acid arrow, mirror Feats: Weapon Finesse (bite).
control of the towns underworld once it has been trans-
CAMPAIGN SEED: THE LAST LAUGH formed into a Carcerian gate-town.
Cauldron has more than one small guild of thieves, but per- The Jesters, few in number, rely on an intricate network of
haps the most influential guild is called The Last Laugh. The spies, agents, and informants. Their immediate subordinates
guilds symbol is the silhouette of a laughing jester, shown in are called harlequinsskilled rogues and assassins who
profile. The guild oversees various rackets and specializes in paint their faces and handle much of the guilds dirty work.
security, blackmail, extortion, and assassination. The guild also uses spiescalled mimesto infiltrate rival
The guilds leaders, called Jesters, form an inner circle that organizations, verify rumors, and gather information on trou-
oversees all guild activities. Speculation abounds that at blesome bands of adventurers.
least one of the guilds Jesters is a high-ranking town official The Last Laugh mints its own currency by melting down
or noble. sovereign coins and recasting them with the guilds jester
Three months ago, the inner circle learned of the arrival of insignia. The coins have infiltrated the local economy, and
an evil society called the Cagewrights. Rather than oppose the most people consider them no worse than the sovereigns
Cagewrights, the Jesters formed a pact with them. The Last gold or silver. Some see the jester coins as a joke, while oth-
Laugh provides security, masks the Cagewrights activities, ers view them as a threat to the economic stability of the town.
diverts the attention of the local authorities and rival guilds, Although the Lord Mayor has vowed to catch the criminals
and eliminates meddlesome spies and adventurers who responsible, the local authorities have had no success tracking
page threaten to derail the Cagewrights plans for Cauldron. In down the source of the coins, leading some to suspect corrup-
exchange, the Cagewrights have promised the Last Laugh
1 pqqqqrs
tion in the local militia or the Lord Mayors office.
Kidnap Victims
Who Details
Tiervan Wispwort(male gnome, age 91) A local alchemist, Tiervan lived with two cats and ran a
marginally successful business. He disappeared 88 nights ago.
Jorl Seerkin (male gnome, age 72) A law clerk who worked for a local gnome barrister named
Aeryk Gylbar, he disappeared from his home 83 nights ago.
Azmi Dresker (female human, age 19) She worked at a local brothel and disappeared from her
residence 81 nights ago. She and a coworker, Shellen Rycah,
rented the house from an old woman named Martira
Hathaway, who was asleep in the house that night and didnt
hear or see anything.
Shellen Rycah (female human, age 20) She worked at a local brothel and shared a house with coworker
Azmi Dresker and their landlord. Shellen vanished 81 nights ago.
Krylscar Endercott (male human, age 24) Kicked out of the local militia for drunk and disorderly conduct,
Krylscar vanished from his parents home 74 nights ago.
Neither parent heard or saw anything suspicious, but they
believe Krylscar may have robbed them and fled town in disgrace.
Callum Sunnyrush (male halfling, age 37) He groomed horses and ponies for the Thantari noble family.
He vanished from his room at a cozy local inn 69 nights ago.
Gryffon Malek (male human, age 33) He worked as a barkeep at The Tipped Tankard tavern. He
disappeared 66 days ago, three days before his planned wedding
to a tavern barmaid.
Szordra Callagher (female human, age 35) A self-proclaimed sage, she ran her own small bookstore. She
was last seen 60 nights ago by her 18-year-old son Leagan, a
masons apprentice.
leaf 1 of 3
Who Details
Tembor Kalavan (male human, age 25) A local minstrel of some repute, he vanished 52 nights ago from
his room in The Laughing Horse Inn.
Irruth Mercadi (female human, age 36) A local chandler who disappeared from the apartment above
her shop 47 nights ago.
Deven Myrzal (male human, age 18) A lamplighter who vanished 45 nights ago. Guards found the
pole Deven used to unhook hanging lanterns in the street a few
blocks from his home (which was not robbed).
Jeneer Everdawn (female halfling, age 42) A jewelers apprentice who did volunteer work at local schools,
she disappeared 40 nights ago.
Lorthan Ironfold (male dwarf, age 125) A skilled cartwright. He and his wife, Sondor, vanished from
their home 35 nights ago.
Sondor Ironfold (female dwarf, age 127) Wife of Lorthan Ironfold, she and her husband disappeared 35
nights ago.
Rikaldo Veskar (male human, age 34) His ransacked home contained blood droplets and blood-
encrusted knivesnot surprising, since Rikaldo worked as a
skinner. He disappeared 31 nights ago.
Lestor Coldwater (male human, age 22) A trained scribe and struggling poet. He and his girlfriend,
Jelluth, vanished from her home 26 nights ago.
Jelluth Sirlana (female half-elf, age 33) A struggling shoemaker who inherited her fathers failing
business, she vanished (along with her boyfriend, Lestor) 26
nights ago.
Elethor Ashstaff (male half-elf, age 58) A wizard and trickster who occasionally performed minor feats
of prestidigitation at birthday parties for upper-class children.
A dead ratpossibly Elethors familiarwas found in his
home. He vanished 22 nights ago.
leaf 2 of 3
Who Details
Maple (female halfling, age 32) Last name unknown, Maple was rumored to be associated with
one or more of the local thieves guilds. She disappeared 18
nights ago.
Corystan Pike (female human, age 35) A retired adventurer who was living on stolen loot, she walked
with a cane. She disappeared from her modest abode 16 days ago.
Jasper Drundlesput (male gnome, age 74) A reclusive and eccentric mathematician, he is believed to have
vanished nine days ago. Pieces of parchment covered with
numbers and symbols littered the floor of his ransacked house.
Deakon Stormshield (male dwarf, age 12) A bright dwarf, Deakon was taken from the Lantern Street
Orphanage three nights ago. The orphanage took him in when
he was six years old, after his parents failed to return from an
Evelyn Radavec (female human, age 9) A quiet, sullen girl, she was taken from the Lantern Street
Orphanage three nights ago. Her father and mother succumbed
to filth fever, which spread through Cauldron seven years ago.
Lucinda Aldreen (female human, age 8) A gregarious but superstitious child given to the Lantern Street
Orphanage at age four by her poverty-stricken mother,
Lucinda was abducted from the orphanage three nights ago.
Terrem Kharatys (male human, age 9) This orphan, taken from the Lantern Street Orphanage three
nights ago, is a dour and temperamental lad. His parents died
shortly after his birth (circumstances unknown).
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TILT-A-PIT TRAP On the second round, the pit tilts back to its original
Substitute this wicked trap for any or all of the three pit upright position. Anyone in the tilting half of the pit drops
traps in areas J6, J12, or J14. Swap the text below (this text to the wooden floor of the pit and is knocked prone, but
was written for area J6 specifically, but it also applies to the suffers no damage.
other two areas) for the Trap text provided in these areas. On the third round, the pit tilts 90 degrees to the north,
See below for information on deactivating the traps. throwing anyone within onto the other wall of spikes.
Trap: The 10-foot-square section of floor conceals a 20- On the fourth round, the pit tilts back to its original
foot-deep pit (Search check, DC 17, to detect). The pits upright position. Anyone trapped inside the tilting half falls
hinged lid opens when at least 150 pounds of weight is to the bare wooden floor and is knocked prone, but suffers
applied, although a successful Disable Device check (DC no damage. The pit stops tilting at this point until the trap is
17) jams the lid shut. Pulling down the lever in area J34 sprung again. If the pits lid is held or wedged closed, the
locks the lid and deactivates the trap. tilting continues. The lid can be pushed open with a suc-
Anyone standing on the lid when it opens must succeed cessful Strength check (DC 10) and wedged open with a
at a Reflex save (DC 15) or fall into the pit, taking 2d6 successful Disable Device or Intelligence check (DC 17).
points of damage and The gear mechanisms that cause the wooden half of the
landing prone. Once pit to tilt back and forth lie 30 feet below the lip of the pit.
the trap has sprung, When the pit is tilted to the north or south, these gears are
have the characters clearly visible from the top of the pit. Dropping a dagger,
roll initiative. The pit rope, rock, or similar item into the gears requires a success-
has Dexterity 15 for ful ranged attack (against AC 15) and has a 20% chance of
purposes of determin- jamming the tilting mechanisms. Conversely, a rogue low-
ing its initiative. ered down to the gear mechanisms can jam them with a
The bottom half of successful Disable Device check (DC 17). Once the gears
the pit is made of are jammed, the pit stops tilting.
wood with rows of Trapped characters can smash through the wooden walls
wooden spikes or floor of the pit to escape. They can also attempt to clam-
embedded in two ber out of the tilt-a-pit while it is upright. Getting out of the
opposite-facing walls. tilting half of the pit requires a Climb check (DC 10 if one
On the first round, uses a rope or the wooden spikes as handholds and
the lid of the pit footholds). If a knotted rope is used, the DC drops to 5.
springs shut, and the Climbing the stone walls in the top half of the pit requires
bottom half of the pit a harder Climb check (DC 20). Conversely, a character out-
tilts 90 degrees to the side the pit can ready an action to reach down and pull
south, throwing another character out of the top half of the pit with a suc-
anyone within onto 1d4 wall spikes (each dealing 1d4 cessful Strength check (DC 5, +1 per 20 pounds of weight).
points of piercing damage with a successful hit). Anyone in the unlikely position of being crushed by the
CAMPAIGN SEED: MEERTHAN ELIOTHLORN from the prison plane. Several Striders perished in the battle,
AND THE STRIDERS OF FHARLANGHN but the fiend was eventually banished back to Carceri, and the
With the help of Lord Vhalantru, the Cagewrights dark agen- surviving Cagewrights were routed.
da has gone unnoticed by most of the townsfolk. However, The Striders of Fharlanghn have sent one of their own, a
their appearance in Cauldron has caught the eye of the neutral good half-elf named Meerthan Eliothlorn (Wiz12), to
Striders of Fharlanghna loosely run organization of adven- undercover the Cagewrights machinations in Cauldron.
turers who watch the horizons for signs of great evil and Meerthan, posing as a dwarven merchant named Tyro
strive to preserve the balance of power in the realm. The Amberhelm, has a room at The Drowning Morkoth Inn. He
Striders have tracked several Cagewrights to Cauldron and suspects that the Cagewrights are behind the recent string
seek to uncover their plans. of kidnappings. When the Church of St. Cuthbert hires the
The Striders of Fharlanghn know that the Cagewrights wor- heroes to investigate the matter, Meerthan takes interest in
ship powerful extraplanar fiends living in Carceri. Years ago, their activities and sends invisible agents to follow them as
with the help of some good-aligned adventurers, the Striders they make their way underground. If the heroes get in a
5 attacked a cabal of Cagewrights in the realms capital city, but
not before the Cagewrights called forth one of their vile masters
bind, these agents might come to their rescue at some
opportune moment.
tilt-a-pit takes 4d6 points of struct traits, unreliable; AL N; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will
damage, or half damage if a +0; Str 21, Dex 11, Con , Int , Wis 9, Cha 4.
Reflex save (DC 15) succeeds. Sonic Shriek (Ex): Once per round as a
a Tilt-a-Pit (20 feet deep): standard action, a pulverizer can loose a
CR 3; 2d6 points of damage (fall) cone of sonic energy 30
plus +3 melee (1d4 points of pierc- feet long. Everything
ing damage, 1d4 spikes per wall); Reflex within the cone takes
save (DC 15) prevents fall; Search (DC 1d8 points of sonic
17); Disable Device (DC 17). damage. In addition,
s Tilt-a-Pit Walls and Floor every creature within the
(sturdy wood): 3 in. thick; Hardness 5; cone that fails a Fortitude
hp 45 per 5-foot-by-5-foot section; save (DC 13) is stunned
Break DC 21. for 1 round. (This value
s Tilt-a-Pit Gearworks (sturdy incorporates a +5 racial
wood): 2 in. thick; Hardness 5; hp 30; bonus to the save DC.)
Break DC 21; Disable Device (DC 17). Unreliable (Ex): At
Area J11: Pulling down on the lever the beginning of each
deactivates the trap in area J12. round in which the
Area J12: This trap is identical to the one in automaton attempts
area J6, except the pit tilts to the east and west (instead of to act, roll 1d20. On a
north and south). result of 11 or better, the
Area J13: Pulling down on the lever deactivates the trap Automatons
pulverizer acts normally;
in area J14. otherwise, it takes no action.
Area J14: The trap is identical to the one in area J6, d Hammerer Automatons
except the pit tilts to the east and west (instead of north (2): CR 3; Medium-size Construct; HD 5d10; hp 25, 22; Init
and south). +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 21, touch 10, flat-footed 21; BAB +3; Grap
Area J34: Pulling down on the lever deactivates the trap +10; Atk +10 melee (2d8+10, slam) or +10 melee (special,
in area J6. pincer); SQ construct traits, unreliable; AL N; SV Fort +1,
Ref +1, Will +0; Str 25, Dex 11, Con , Int , Wis 9, Cha 4.
Unreliable (Ex): At the beginning of each round in
MONSTER which the automaton attempts to act, roll 1d20. On a result
MANUAL II CREATURES of 11 or better, the hammerer acts normally; otherwise, it
Lifes Bazaar uses several monsters from Monster Manual takes no action (although its pincer can maintain its hold
II. To conserve space, their complete statistics were omit- on grappled prey).
ted from the adventure text, but that information has been d Common Raggamoffyn: CR 3; Medium-size Con-
provided as a service here to accommodate our readers who struct; HD 3d10; hp 16; Init +2; Spd 30 ft., fly 30 ft.
do not own Monster Manual II. We highly encourage those (clumsy); AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15; BAB +2; Grap +4;
readers who have not yet picked up a copy of this supple- Atk +4 melee (1d6+3, slam); SA improved grab, wrap, con-
ment to do so, as the information provided here is skeletal, trol host, suffocate; SQ darkvision 60 ft., construct traits;
at bestintended only to provide you with the minimal AL N; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 14, Dex 15, Con ,
information necessary to run the adventure. Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 17.
d Pulverizer Automaton: CR 3; Medium-size Con- Improved Grab (Ex): If a raggamoffyn hits a Small or
struct; HD 3d10; hp 28; Init +0; Spd 40 ft., burrow 5 ft.; AC Medium-size opponent with its slam attack, it deals normal
21, touch 10, flat-footed 21; BAB +2; Grap +7; Atk +7 melee damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action with-
(1d6+5, slam); SA sonic shriek; SQ blindsight 40 ft., con- out provoking an attack of opportunity. If it gets a hold, it
CAMPAIGN SEED: ZENITH SPLINTERSHIELD returned. Although his campaign undoubtedly failed, he may
A dwarven defender named Zenith Splintershield once com- still dwell in some deep dungeon, a half-crazed zealot bent on
page purging evil from the subterranean realm or an imprisoned foe
manded the Malachite Fortresss dwarven garrison. Ten years
of the mind flayers, derro, or another Underdark menace.
6 ago, this paragon among dwarvenkind left the fortress to wage
war against the monsters of the Underdark and never
can attempt to wrap (see below) in the next round. Alterna- Tentacle Regeneration (Ex): Foes can attack the grells
tively, it has the option to conduct the grapple normally, tentacles, but only when those appendages are actually
dealing slam damage with each successful grapple check it holding an opponent. A tentacle has AC 19 (touch 12) and
makes during successive rounds. 10 hit points. A lost tentacle grows back in 1 day.
Wrap (Ex): With a successful grapple check, the ragg- d Dread Guard: CR 2; Small Construct; HD 4d10+5; hp
amoffyn can wrap itself around a foe it has already grappled 27; Init +0; Spd 20 ft. (cant run); AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed
successfully. It forms a skintight layer around the wrapped 18; BAB +3; Grap +2; Atk +4 melee (1d4+3/4, masterwork
creature, leaving just enough space for the creature to breathe hook), +0 melee (1d6+1/3, masterwork hammer); SQ cold
through its nose and mouth. Attacks on such a target deal and fire resistance 10, construct traits; AL N; SV Fort +1,
half their damage to the raggamoffyn and half to the wrapped Ref +1, Will +2; Str 17, Dex 11, Con , Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 2.
creature. A wrapped creature can extract itself with a success- Possessions: Masterwork gnome hooked hammer.
ful grapple check. Once it has wrapped a creature, the ragg- d Pyllrak Shyraat, Male Durzagon: CR 4; Medium-
amoffyn attempts to control it on its next action. size Outsider (evil, lawful); HD 5d8+10; hp 32; Init +6; Spd
Control Host (Su): A raggamoffyn can attempt to take 30 ft.; AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11; BAB +5; Grap +7; Atk
control of a creature it has wrapped (as the dominate monster +7 melee (1d6+2, 2 claws), +2 melee (1d6+1, bite), +2 melee
spell). Resisting the raggamoffyns control requires a suc- (1d3+1 plus poison, beard); SA beard, poison, spell-like abil-
cessful Will save (DC 14). The monster can relinquish its ities; SQ acid, cold, electricity, and fire resistance 20;
control over the host by physically and mentally disengag- immune to paralysis, phantasms, and poison; darkvision
ing itself from the latters body. 120 ft.; DR 10/+1; duergar traits; light sensitivity; SR 15; AL
Suffocate (Ex): The raggamoffyn can asphyxiate a LE; SV Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +4; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 15, Int
wrapped creature by drawing air from its lungs. This attack 14, Wis 11, Cha 8.
automatically deals 1d4 points of damage per round. Skills: Appraise +10, Diplomacy +3, Listen +11, Move
d Grell: CR 3; Medium-size Aberration; HD 5d8+10; hp Silently +14, Search +10, Sense Motive +8, Spot +11. Feats:
32; Init +2; Spd 5 ft., fly 30 ft. (perfect); AC 16, touch 12, flat- Alertness, Improved Initiative, Power Attack.
footed 14; BAB +3; Grap +20; Atk +4 melee (1d4+1, 10 tenta- Languages: Common, Dwarven, Infernal, Undercommon.
cles), 1 melee (2d4, bite); Face/Reach 5 ft. across/5 ft. (10 Possessions: Small bone box containing 180 gp, bag of hold-
ft. with tentacles); SA improved grab, paralysis; SQ blind- ing (Type 1) containing 4 torches, 4 tindertwigs, a 50-foot
sight 60 ft., immune to electricity and paralysis, tentacle length of hemp rope, a potion of cure moderate wounds, and a
regeneration; AL NE; SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4; Str 12, potion of alter self.
Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 9. Beard (Ex): If Pyllrak hits a single opponent with both claw
Skills: Hide +12, Listen +4, Move Silently +12, Spot +8. attacks, he automatically hits with his beard attack as well.
Feats: Flyby Attack. Poison (Ex): A successful beard attack injects the victim
Improved Grab (Ex): If the grell hits a Medium-size or with a sulfuric poison (Fortitude save DC 14; initial 1d4 Str
smaller opponent with a tentacle attack, it deals normal damage; secondary 1d2 Str drain).
tentacle damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free Spell-like Abilities: 3/daydarkness; 1/daydesecrate,
action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Each enlarge (self only), invisibility, unholy blight. Caster level
successful grapple check during successive rounds auto- 10th; save DC 9 + spell level.
matically deals tentacle damage. Duergar Traits: Pyllrak gains a +1 racial bonus on attack
Paralysis (Ex): Any creature hit by a grells tentacle rolls against goblinoids and orcs, a +2 racial bonus on Will
must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be paralyzed saves against spells and spell-like abilities, and a +4 dodge
for 4 rounds. bonus to AC against giants.
CAMPAIGN SEED: CORYSTON PIKE fathers sycophantic underlings to secure expensive items
Coryston Pikes adventuring career may have been cut short, (including single-use or charged magic items) at a reduced
but if she survives her experience in the Malachite Fortress, price. Provided the heroes dont need an item immediately,
the PCs will have gained a useful ally. Her father, Dovin Pike, she can get it for them in 1d4+3 days at a discount (25% for
leads a powerful merchant cartel in the realms capital city, potions and scrolls, 10% for everything else).
and she has access to contacts and resources not usually When she is not locked away in some subterranean prison,
page available to a character of her level. Her father has little Coryston keeps abreast of events around her. PCs can tap her
respect for adventurers in general, but Coryston knows many knowledge of local rumors, as well as her knowledge of peo-
7 ways to creep into his heart. She also enjoys manipulating her ple and places in Cauldron.