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Coaching Manual: Crossing From The Wide Zone

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Soccer-Laduma, June 11 2008 Celebrating 11 years of passion


DEFINITIVE SOUTH AFRICAN The Ellerines Group brings you a professional

Coaching coaching drill every two weeks in conjunction with

Ajax Cape Town and Soccer-Laduma. This feature
will help you to improve your knowledge, ability
and understanding of the game.

Manual It offers great in-depth knowledge

of the game that will benefit you
or your team at any level.

Try it out and see


50 Crossing from the wide zone how it works for you!

Accurate crossing of the ball

is essential for goals to be
scored. Your wide players
(wingers) must be able to run
with the ball at pace and
deliver a good cross to the
advancing forwards that are
making a run into the Big Box.
This week Ajax Cape Towns
Craig Rosslee demonstrates a
drill to help your wide players
and strikers develop an
understanding and practise A wide zone w R 5m 45m
B wide zone w C wide zone w
crossing and finishing.
R w R w R w
Ball G R w 40m G G R w G G R w G
Movement of ball w R w R w R
Movement of player R w R w R w
central zone central zone central zone central zone central zone central zone
G Goalkeepers
wide zone w 5m wide zone w wide zone w R
R, W Players R 45m R

Diagram A two Team Red players in one of the the Big Box for their strikers to score The drill continues as before.
Place two goals 45 metres apart on a central zones. a goal. Team Red strikers must time
field that measures 50 metres across. Variation of the drill
This will make it a 3 versus 2 in each their runs to get to the cross and get
Make two wide zones 5 metres wide, Allow the players in the wide zones to
central zone and a 1 versus 1 in each a header or shot on goal. Obviously
within the 50 metres that run the tackle each other and create a real 1
of the wide zones. Team White defenders try to stop the
length of the field. versus 1 situation.
Diagrams B & C Team Red attackers from scoring.
Therefore the two central halves of the Limit the central players to two touch-
Team Red starts off with the ball and The wide zone is a passive area,
field will measure 40 metres in width. es to speed up the play and keep the
can either play it wide into either or meaning that no player can tackle
Place a goalkeeper in each goal. drill moving at a steady pace.
the wide zones or play it to his team- another in the wide zone. This will
Place a Team Red player and a Team mates in the other central zone. help players to cross the ball and cre- Coachs Note:
White player in each of the wide Players cannot cross into each others ate a chance for their team to score. Make sure players stay in their
zones as shown in Diagram A. zones or go into a wide zone. Players Once a goal is scored or a shot is respective zones in order for the drill
Place three Team Red players and must keep within the zones in which saved, the goalkeepers can restart the to be effective.
two Team White players in one of the they originally started. Team Red now drill and distribute the ball to their Crosses must be accurate and strik-
central zones. play the ball wide and make a run players either in the wide zone or the ers must hit the target when shooting
Place three Team White players and down the wing to cross the ball into central zone. or heading at goal.

Do you have a question on coaching your team?

Email us at coachingclinic@soccerladuma.co.za or write to: Soccer-Laduma / Coaching Clinic, PO Box 787, Sea Point 8060

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