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Castles & Crusades - Castle Zagyg - Yggsburgh - Storehouse District

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This document provides details about the fictional city of Yggsburgh, including locations, encounters, and new rules additions for the Castles & Crusades roleplaying game.

This document is intended to provide gamemasters with details to incorporate the city of Yggsburgh into their Castles & Crusades campaigns, including locations, encounters, and rules additions.

Several locations within the city of Yggsburgh are mentioned, including Goodwood, the Value Second Hand Market, Waldorf Fish's warehouse and home, and the trout stream where two wood elf infants died.


With special thanks to my son, John Talanian, who carefully helped his dad color in all the trees and shrubs on
the original draft maps.

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2007 Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. Castles & Crusades is a Registered Trademark of Troll Lord Games. All Rights
Reserved, C&C, Castle Keeper, SIEGE Engine, Troll Lord Games, and the Castles & Crusades, SIEGE Engine, and Troll Lord Games
Logos are Trademark of Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. Castle Zagyg, Castle Sagyg Logo and Yggsburgh are Trademarks of
Trigee Enterprised 2007. All Rights Reserved. 2007Trigee Enterprises Company. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-1-929474-01-1 Printed In The United States of


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Yggsburgh The Storehouse District, Copyright 2007, Trigee
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Tmany are simple townsfolk who are unclassed, though not without
II. TOWERS AND BASTIONS 5 ability. They are as follows:
IV. GLASS BLOWERS BLOCK 18-29 whose vital stats are HP 5, AC 10. They possess some degree of mastery
in their respective craft or trade with appropriate Secondary Skill indicating
so [level 1 4, apprentice to master]. The equipment they typically use is
VI. THE MAGGOT BLOCK 36-38 clothing, artisans tools, possibly small sword or other hand weapon, and 1d6
VII. MASONS CANYON BLOCK 39-40 cp[apprentice] , 2d6 sp [journeyman], and 1d6 gp [master], respectively).

VIII. THE BLACK BLOCK 41-42 COMMONER, BUREAUCRAT (These are 0 level humans whose vital stats are
HP 4, AC 10. They possibly have some degree of Business, Esoteric Ability,
IX. OUTLAND TEMPLE COMPLEX 43-44 Judgment, Knowledge or other appropriate Secondary Skill. The equipment
APPENDICES 45-49 they typically use is a featherstaff*, and 4d4 pieces of gold in mixed coin).

MAPS 50-56 COMMONER, GENTLEMAN (These are 0 level humans whose vital stats
are HP 4, AC 10. The equipment they typically use is noble clothing,
featherstaff*, 4d6 pieces of gold in mixed coin.)
COMMONER, RURAL (These are 0 level humans whose vital stats are HP

HE STOREHOUSE DISTRICT OF the Free Town of Yggsburgh 5, AC 10. The equipment they typically use is clothing, farm implements,
contains warehouses, residences, shops, services, and five major guild and 2d6 pieces of silver.)
halls. Here dwells a mix of Yggsburghs working class: artisans, tradesmen,
and laborers and not a few of the criminal underclass, as well. Among COMMONER, SIMPLE (SERVANT, LABORER) (These are 0 level human
the many locations, there is a rough tavern of neerdowells and thieves, whose vital stats are HP 4, AC 10. The equipment they typically use is
an outland temple where dwarves, gnomes, and halflings worship, and the clothing, dagger, and 1d20 pieces of copper.)
manse of one of the most powerful and diabolical personalities in Yggsburgh. COURTESAN (These are 0 level female humans whose vital stats are HP
The Storehouse District is a distinct and integral component of the Town of 3, AC 10. All have high charisma, and some Thespian Ability and Swin-
Yggsburgh, filled with plot, intrigue, and interesting characters. dling Ability. The equipment they typically use is a ladys clothing [of the
suggestive variety], a folding, 2inch pen knife, and 2d6 pieces of silver.)
note that the prices reflected in this volume overrule those presented HARLOT (These are 0 level female humans whose vital stats are HP 3,
in the Yggsburgh hardback. Gold was undervalued in the hardback, AC 10. Many have high charisma and some Swindling ability. The equip-
resulting in inflated prices. Note that the exchange rate in Yggsburgh is ment they typically use is clothing [of the suggestive variety], a folding,
this: 1 GP = 50 SP = 500 CP 2inch pen knife, and 2d6 pieces of copper.)
LADY OF QUALITY (GENTLEWOMAN) (These are 0 level female humans
The second printing of Castle Zagyg, Vol. I: Yggsburgh will present the Ability whose vital stats are HP 2, AC 10. They have some degree of
correct prices for all shops and services, but should the CK elect to repair Judgement Ability. The equipment they typically use is fine clothing, 4d6
those prices on his or her own, the following formula should be used: Take any pieces of gold in mixed coin and 50 gp worth of jewelry. When traveling
gold price, double it, and that becomes its silver value. Here is an example: abroad, a lady of quality may don a poniard.)
(from CZY #65. Hyde & Hare Tannery Goods). LAY BROTHER (These are 0 level humans similar to rural commoner but in
servitude of ecclesiastics, whose vital stats are HP 4, AC 10. The equipment
Whip, 6foot length. Price = 5 gp. they typically use is simple clothing, staff, and 2d6 pieces of copper.)

2 x 5 = 10. So, 10 sp is the correct value for the 6foot whip. The same NOBLE GENTLEMAN, UNCLASSED (These are 0 level humans whose vital stats
formula may be used to correct prices in silver prices in the Yggsburgh are HP 615 (d10 +5), AC 10. They have some degree of Leadership Ability
hardback: Take the listed items price in silver, double it, and that becomes [thus equal to 2nd to 5th level fighters in combat]. The equipment they typically
its copper piece price. To correct copper piece prices in the Yggsburgh use is clothing, a featherstaff*, and 5d6 pieces of gold in mixed coin.)
hardback, simply reduce the price by about onehalf or onequarter. TRADESMAN (These are 0 level humans whose vital stats are HP 5, AC 10.
All have some Business Ability. The equipment they typically use is clothing,
Here is another example: small sword and/or dagger, and 1d20 pieces of silver in mixed coin.)
(from CZY #62. Elite Arms & Armor) URCHIN (These are 0 level immature humans whose vital stats are HP 2,
AC 10. The equipment they typically use is patchwork clothing and 1d3
Sword, long. Price = 4,200 gp. pieces of copper.)
VAGABOND (These are 0 level humans whose vital stats are HP 3, AC 10. The
4,200 x 2 = 8,400. The sword costs 8,400 sp. To bring its price back to
equipment they typically use is clothing, staff, and 1d10 pieces of copper.)
gold, divide the product by 50. The result is 168 gp. 168 gp is the correct
cost for a long sword at Elite Arms & Armor. *NEW WEAPON: THE FEATHERSTAFF.
The featherstaff is the favored weapon of many young bravos and gentlemen.
It is a walking stick of about 4 feet length with a metal head portion. The
wielder can at will depress a catch near the end knob, and with a firm rap of RANDOM DAYTIME ENCOUNTERS
the butt of the featherstaff release three blades that fan out from the upper
The following list of notable NPCs may be found wandering the daytime streets
portion. These blades are slender, sharpedged, and thinly pointed; the
of the Storehouse District. The Castle Keeper is advised to modify this list as
central one is of 18 or more inches in length, the two angling side blades
necessary. Roll a d20 to randomly determine which NPC is encountered.
of 5 or 6 inches in length meant to catch an opponents weapon, or deliver
slashing damage if a thrust with the main blade misses its mark. D20 NPC
If this wizard sees young derringdos she will invite them to partake in
Featherstaff: 50 gp 1d8 2 lbs. 2
some dance and enjoyment at her hall (dance night is 2 times per week).
This weapon is usually wielded twohanded and is designed to disarm 2. ELMO CHANDLER (#12)
opponents, thus providing +3 to a disarm attempt. This is a baked goods deliveryman who works for Rollo Baker of the
Sweetest Tooth. He is quite observant.
The streets of the Storehouse District are busy with activity artisans,
laborers, servants, etc. The following details who can be found on any This dwarf master weapon smith is looking for young men, hardworking,
given street during the daytime. who desire apprentice training.
This knight is on horse, with armiger riding in tow. He will nod
The following people will be randomly encountered at these two alleys. courteously if there is a knight or paladin in the party.
Roll a d6.

d6 Result If this halfelf sees what looks like unfamiliar adventurers he will strike
up a conversation and invite them to his house, also mentioning the
12 28 commoners building he has for sale. He is fascinated by Castle Zagyg.
34 25 children (urchins and/or commoners) 6. MASTER VICTOR HAWKE, PALADIN (#41)
56 both This paladin has recently settled in Yggsburgh and is fond of young
adventurers brave of heart, true and loyal. He seeks those of like spirit
There is a 10% chance that there will be 1d3 carts or wagons (d6, 13),
(lawful or neutral good, generally). The paladin wishes to pledge his axe
carriages or coaches (d6, 45) or both (d6, 6) in any given alley making
of silver to the town, but wants an audience with the mayor himself.
deliveries or being cleaned.
LUMBER, MAGGOT, CANYON, AND BLACK ALLEYS This strange girl will at times wander about, eventually making her
The following people will be randomly encountered at these four alleys. way to the Mors Mound (#166). If followed, one may hear the nearly
Roll a d6. imperceptible, highpitched warble of birds. These are in fact faeries.
d6 Result This blackrobed man will walk the streets alone, and may, if spotting
13 1120 laborers those of adventurous quality, inform them that he is in the business of
45 212 apprentice/journeyman artisans purchasing interesting baubles at his shop (#116).


This Master of the Weavers Guild is in coach with bodyguard, on guild business.
There is a 70% chance that there will be 2d4 carts or wagons (d6, 13),
10. WALDORF FISH (#73 + #125)
carriages or coaches (d6, 45) or both (d6, 6) in any given alley making
deliveries or being cleaned. This seller of wicker supplies is going from home, to work, or to the
River Rat Tavern (#117).
During the day the following will be about the avenues, lanes, and streets of the A ratty looking urchin who approaches the party saying that Madam
Storehouse District. Roll or simply choose the median number for each type. Rowan can tell them their futures. He will lead the party straight there.
1d6 children (or urchins) 12. MAGICIAN APPRENTICES (#95)
5d4 commoners (laborers and servants) A pair of wizards apprentices, quite possibly of the Academy of Magic, carrying
a crate of empty potion bottles. They are leaving The Rose Bottle (#95).
2d4 apprentices
1d4 journeymen
This Master of the Blacksmiths Guild, a regal dwarf, will be riding
1d4 members of the middle middle class his black war pony to or from his home, the Blacksmiths Guild Hall
(#156). One or both of his sons may be riding in tow.
There is a 70% chance that there will be 1d4 carts or wagons (d6, 13),
carriages or coaches (d6, 45) or both (d6, 6) traveling the avenues, 14. ALAN CORDWAINER (#108)
streets and lane of this district. This Justice of the Peace, with or without his retinue, is riding to the suburbs
to oversee low justice, or to City Hall & Courts (CZY encounter #9).

This Yggsburgh town employee, the Keeper of Sanitation, is out looking There are two Middle Class/Upper Lower Class blocks in the Storehouse
for help with the present rat problem. District. Each block has a resident beadle. A beadle is a minor official appointed
by municipal authority to see to law and order in the town; that is, they report
16. WILLIAM BASS (#115) infractions to law enforcement authorities. They also serve to enforce the writ
The fishmonger is looking for help in the area of Big Fish Lake, where of bailiffs, such as to convey an accused criminal to a Justice of the Peace. These
some of his fellows, in the course of honest fishing, were swallowed beadles are Jud Smith (resides at #26) and Bert Brown (resides at #94).
whole by a giant fish. See appendix B for more details.
JUD SMITH AND BERT BROWN, BEADLES (These are 1st level, lawful neutral,
17. NEERDOWELLS (#117)
human fighters. Their vital stats are HP 6, AC 13. Their primary attributes
Rough laborers and rivermen, common women and doxies, and possibly physical. They have the Secondary Ability of Detection. They carry stud-
a few bravos are heading in or out of the River Rat Tavern. ded leather armor, club, light crossbow, 12 quarrels, and dagger.)
CKS NOTE: Throughout this module are NPCs who are part of the
This gang of cutthroat bullies will be going to or from the River Rat night watch, all of whom are marked with an asterisk (*). There will be
Tavern. four such men patrolling on any given night. Such individuals will have
19. GIB ALLWORTH (CZY ENCOUNTER #36) leather armor, glaiveguisarmes and clubs (if not otherwise equipped),
and carry hooded lanthorns when on duty.
This Master of the Masons Guild will be traveling to or from the
20. VENERABLE REGINALD VINER (OR ONE OF HIS PIOUS PRIESTS) (#165) The following rumors may be heard in the Storehouse District, though the
The Chief Priest of the Outland Temple of Andvari. He will invite strangers Castle Keeper should expand this list to suit the campaign. Roll a d8.
of Yggsburgh to pray at his temple, particularly if there are dwarves, gnomes,
or halflings. He may be accompanied by any of the Dutiful Priests. D8 RUMOR

NIGHTTIME ENCOUNTERS 1 The Lumber Block is owned by the Thieves Guild. (True)

Check twice per night, (d10, 13 no result, 410 encounter). If the Dont get too close to the bell tower at the end of Crosstown Street.
result is an encounter, roll a d% and consult the below result. The It could make your head explode. (False)
Castle Keeper should adjust numbers to suit the partys abilities for those The tree mound next to the Outland Temple is frequented
encounters involving combat. 3 by faerie folk. If you go inside and lie alone for many hours,
something magical will occur. (True)
0160 PATROL (CITY GUARD OR NIGHT WATCH) Rollo the baker who runs the Sweetest Tooth Bakery is running a
There will city guards on patrol (d6, 12) that will be suspicious of 4 racket. Im certain his man stole a vase from my home. (True,
anyone out at night. Use the statistics for the guards listed under however it is the delivery man; Rollo has no idea.)
Towers & Bastions for this patrol. Otherwise (d6, 36) it will be a My cousin is missing. He told his wife he was going to Yeeroufs
volunteer Night Watch (see below) patrol of four. 5
Loan Bank to sell his family jewels. (True)
6175 VAGABONDS AND HARLOTS 6 A giant sewer rat dragged a child into the sewers recently. (True)
Vagabonds (d6, 12), harlots (d6, 34) or both (d6, 56) wander the 7 Dalbid Yeerouf has a pet dragon. (False. Its a griffon.)
streets, panhandling and working their respective trade. They will be
8 The beadles around here are spies for the Thieves Guild. (False)
alone or number 14.
At night, 530 of these creatures may emerge, and of late they are Similar structures on the map of this district are as noted using the
becoming bolder. They largely inhabit an old warehouse (#134) where following key:
they are being controlled by a wererat. The rats will attempt to isolate
smallsized creatures (see Appendix B). C: Carriage house of brick with room for carriage and coach. The
8190 BRAWNY BARGEMEN (#117) coachman and footman live in the quarters above.

Members of this gang, who hang around The River Rat Tavern (#117) P. Small animal pen, coop, hutch, or kennel for chickens, dogs, doves,
will be out causing trouble, whether its picking a fight, inciting a riot, ducks, geese, pigeons, or rabbits.
or causing general mayhem. S: Stable of brick, housing draft and riding horses in stalls, with a feed
9195 SHADOWS and equipment room; the loft having quarters for the groom, stable
boy, and possibly an apartment for rent.
From the shadows of alleyway or gangway, these malign undead emerge
numbering 14 (see Appendix B). G: Garden area fenced in by fence, hedge, or rock/brick wall. Contains
plants, flowers, and vegetables.
96100 PHASE SPIDERS (#112)
W: Warehouse shed. Here there will be a clerk (a simple commoner) to
Young Phase Spiders have been prowling the streets, these originating direct waggoners and carters where to pick up and drop off deliveries.
from a vacant building where the mother nest is, and now they seek to There will also be a guard here.
build their own nests. 14 will be encountered. (see APPENDIX B)
WAREHOUSE SHED GUARD (This is a 2nd level, lawful neutral, human
fighter whose vital stats are HP 15, AC 12. Their primary attributes are
physical. They carry leather armor, spear, and dagger.)



Tfeet high, with a parapet 3.5 feet high and merlons of 3.5 feet atop
HE EAST CURTAIN WALL facing the Yggsburgh Canal is 35 Loudbell is tolled to test its dweomer. If the town is under threat of war,
or if there is an emergency such as flood or fire, the bell is twice tolled.
it, spaced at 3 feet intervals (embrasures). The wall splays 15 feet wide at Three tolls indicate the town is under siege. The peal can be deafening,
the base, 10 feet wide at the top, with a 6foot wide battlement. The outer nauseating, causing nosebleeds and vomiting to those within 25. The
and inner surfaces of the wall are double and single courses, respectively, toller of the bell (a soldier) must thus don an enchanted helm that dampens
of dressed stone block totaling 6 feet in thickness, the intervening space this effect, though not completely. There are two such helms stored in a
being filled with stone, clay, and hard packed earth. locker at the ground floor of this tower. It should also be noted that silence
spells (and most spells for that matter) do not affect Loudbell.
The wall is patrolled hourly by the units stationed at the towers listed
below. Soldiers assigned tower duty also patrol the walls on either side. All wall towers have archery loopholes and their tops are strong enough
Every 15 minutes one soldier will march east and one soldier will march to hold siege machinery of light sort. Each wall tower has two scorpions
west halfway to the next tower. As soldiers in the surrounding towers do (ballistae) and one light catapult atop it.
the same, a pair of soldiers will meet at the midway point, then turn and
return to their respective tower. This is done under the observation of SCORPION: An easily movable war engine manned by a crew of three when
those who remain on tower duty, watching from above. in action. One fires vaned missiles of spear size to a range of 900 feet, plus
one foot for every foot of height above the ground it is on when firing at a
At any time there will be 12 halberdier/artillerists and 12 crossbowmen/ ground target. One can be aimed upwards as well as outwards. One can be
artillerists stationed at each of the following towers for eight hour shifts at a reloaded and fired in 3 rounds, 4 rounds if only two men are operating it,
time. There is a 25% chance Sublieutenant Armor will be about Loudbell and six rounds if one person is doing it all. Base chance to hit a target of any
Tower (#T1); otherwise, there is a 25% chance a serjeant will be about. armor class is 13 at close range, 15 at medium range, and 19 at long range.
Damage inflicted by a hit depends on proximity and target size:
SUBLIEUTENANT ARMOR (He is a 3rd level, lawful good human fighter
whose vital stats are HP 25, AC 16. His primary attributes are strength, TARGET SIZE
constitution, and wisdom. His significant attributes are strength 16 and RANGE PROXIMITY SMALL TO MANSIZED LARGER THAN MANSIZED
wisdom 16. He has Military Leadership Ability. He wears a full chain
Up to 300 feet 416 damage 530 damage
suit and wields a glaive guisarme, longsword, and belt axe.)
301 to 600 feet 312 damage 424 damage
SERJEANT (This is a 2nd level, lawful good, human fighter whose vital
stats are HD 2d10, HP 14, AC 15. His primary attributes are physical. 601 to maximum range 28 damage 318 damage
His equipment includes chain hauberk, halberd, and longsword.)
LIGHT CATAPULT: A war engine that is normally manned by a crew of four
HALBERDIER/ARTILLERISTS X 2. (They are 0th level, lawful neutral, human when in action. It can be reloaded and fired in six rounds, nine if there
fighters whose vital stats are HD 1d10, HP 5, AC 15. Their primary at- are three crewmen, 12 if the minimum of two men are operating it. It fires
tributes are physical. They carry chain hauberk, halberd, and dagger.) stone missiles of about 28 pounds weight to a minimum range of 300 feet
CROSSBOWMEN/ARTILLERISTS X 2 (They are 0th level, lawful neutral, human to a maximum range of 900, plus one foot for every foot of height it is
fighters whose vital stats are HD1d10, HP 5, AC 15. Their primary attributes are above a target on lower ground. Base chance to hit a target of any armor
physical. They carry chain hauberk, light crossbow with 20 quarrels, and dagger.) class is 18 at any range. Damage inflicted by a hit depends on target size:

SIGN: An iron bell over the Yggsburgh coat of arms; a plaque with brass
plate containing the inscription given below. Up to 300 feet 416 damage 832 damage

This hexagonal tower of 45 feet height and 30 feet length per side holds in its T2 GOODMAN TOWER, 45 HIGH. 40 DIAMETER
colonnaded third story enclosure a great iron bell, enchanted with eldritch Goodman Tower is a standard town tower (long Dshape, curve
powers. When Loudbell is tolled it is so loud that the entire town and as far projecting 15 feet beyond wall, length of side walls 35 feet, with open
as The Five Farms of The Outs hears it and perhaps beyond. The bell back), named for its location at the end of Goodman Street. All wall
was offered as an anonymous gift to the fourth Lord Mayor of Yggsburgh, towers have archery loopholes and their tops are strong enough to hold
Raymond Wright, Master of the Merchants Guild, who served but one term. siege machinery of light sort. Each wall tower has two scorpions (ballistae)
A note with the gift was scribed on vellum with the following words: and one light catapult atop it (SEE #T1, ABOVE).
Sovereign Prince, Lord Mayor of Yggsburgh: T3 NEARGATE TOWER, , 45 HIGH. 40 DIAMETER
For reasons undisclosed the Lord who bestows upon you this most Neargate Tower is a standard town tower (long Dshape, curve projecting
humble gift cannot reveal his identity, but please do note that our 15 feet beyond wall, length of side walls 35 feet, with open back), named
enemies are common. Should your Free Town ever become victim of for its location at the end of Neargate Street. All wall towers have archery
siege, the tolling of this bell will call to arms your most able of men, loopholes and their tops are strong enough to hold siege machinery of
both near and beyond. Use it wisely. light sort. Each wall tower has two scorpions (ballistae) and one light
Anonymous catapult atop it (SEE #T1, ABOVE).

This missive was later inscribed on a plaque and mounted on the towers wall. This tower was destroyed about a century ago during the siege of
Baron Redfort and Count Easmoor. History speaks of a Redfort mage
Metallurgists have determined this strange bell to be forged of star metal, that exploded the tower with sorcery, and although there were no
an ore fallen from the heavens composed largely of iron and nickel and spellcasters of note within the walls of Yggsburgh, when enemy soldiers
obviously quite capable of containing enchantment. Once per month, attempted to traverse the rubble, they were at once repelled by some

powerful dweomer, the boon of a mysterious wizard. In the aftermath of between towers. Each bastion is filled with rubble and packed earth, thus
Yggsburghs victorious defense, Neargate Tower was rebuilt. allowing the top of the structure to support the heavy siege engines and
machinery mounted thereon. There are two scorpions (ballistae) and
B1, B2, B3 WALL BASTIONS. one catapult atop each bastion. There is no access to the bastion except
These are standard wall bastions, Cshaped projections with the usual from the top of the wall. Every 15 minutes a soldier will march here from
parapet and merlons found along the curtain wall at the midpoint each of the surrounding towers, turn, and come back.


TMany buildings here appear to touch, but these are typically divided at
HIS BLOCK INCLUDES A large segment of Yggsburghs cloth dyers. GOODS AND SERVICES COST
Admittance fee 5cp
the ground floor by gangways of two feet to no more than five feet in width.
These gangways pass under extended first and other upper floors that may Beer, pint 4 cp
touch, and some gangways possibly have stairs down to the basement level. Root Beer, pint 2 cp
1. DIANAS DANCE HALL Bread roll, hard, rye 1 cp

REASON: to dance Cheese wedge, yellow, firm, sharp 1 cp

SIGN: a pair of dance slippers Pickled egg 1 cp

This onelevel brick and mortar building is the property of Diana 2. PINKYS FENCING SCHOOL
Wheelwright, a wandering wizard who keeps no permanent residence. REASON: to learn the art of sword play
The dance hall is open two nights per week to the public; otherwise, the
establishment is closed and locked via the wizard lock spell. The hall SIGN: a shining rapier
is highceilinged, with girders and rafters of oak, while the floor is of
This twostory brick building is the fencing school of Edgar Pinky
beechwood planks, though heavily scratched and worn.
Smith. Pinky teaches fencing classes. He got his nickname because
A small troupe of musicians performs here, led by the musician Wil Stone. he never fails to pink (slightly wound) his opponent. Pinky is a cleric
The troupe will garb themselves in green brimless caps pointed at the front of Tyr, and will heal anyone wounded in the course of swordplay. His
with a panache of owls feathers, tight trousers of olive green twill, blue students are largely of the middle to upper class. On any given evening
tunics, and nutbrown capes. They play drums, flageolet, and double lute. there will be 416 amateur fencers training here. Class lessons cost 6 sp
per hour, while private lessons cost 8 sp per hour. The first floor contains
Refreshments are sold by Guy Cooper (who lives at #73), a tall, barrelchested the apartments of Pinky, his wife, and their twin infants.
man who stands behind the small bar along the east wall. Most patrons are
young (late teens to early 20s) and of the lower middle class, although it is not Edgar has toyed with the idea of staging a grand fencing tournament; if he
unusual for young aristos to slum it here to pick up the young wenches. does he will invite both Ernest Turner (Burghers Quarter, #98) and Edwin
Hunter (Jewel District, #39) to participate, along with their best students.
The following table indicates the number of patrons found here during the
two nights this establishment is open. There is a 50% chance Diana (age 35), EDGAR PINKY SMITH* (He is a 6th/3rd level, neutral good, human fighter/
a stately woman with graystreaked black hair, will be about. During this time cleric of Tyr whose vital stats are HP 43, AC 16. His primary attributes
she will use her magic to cool the hall and also supply magical lighting effects. are strength, dexterity, and wisdom. His significant attribute is dexterity 18.
He is specialized in the rapier. When garbed for battle, he wears +2 padded
armor and a +2 rapier. When teaching he wears clothing and carries a
Time Number of Patrons normal rapier, and 2d4 sp. Clerical spells: 0th x 4, 1st x 2, 2nd x 1.)
Evening 1120
FENCING STUDENTS X 416 (They are 0th level, alignment variable, hu-
Night 2130 man fighters whose vital stats are HP 510, AC 10. Their primary at-
tributes are physical. The equipment they typically use is clothing, a rapier,
There is a 10% chance that 13 lesser members of the Burley Bargemen and 3d6 pieces of gold in mixed coin.)
(#117) will be here causing trouble, picking a fight, or possibly spreading
lies and dissent regarding the government to idealistic youths. 3. DOVES SADDLERY
DIANA WHEELWRIGHT (She is a 6th level, chaotic good, human wizard. This twostory brick building is the workshop and home of Louis Dove,
Her vital stats are HP 16, AC 10. Her primary attributes are strength, master saddler. Louis, age 62, is a balding, jovial sort who keeps two
intelligence, and wisdom. Her significant attribute is intelligence 16. Her apprentices. He lives on the first floor with his much younger wife, his five
secondary skill is Esoteric Ability. She wears green robes and carries a children, manservant, and maid. His groom resides in the stable apartment.
dagger, and 4d4 gp. Wizard spells: 0th x 5, 1st x 5, 2nd x 4, 3rd x 2.)
LOUIS DOVE, MASTER SADDLER* (He is a lawful good master artisan.)
GUY COOPER* (He is a 5th level, chaotic good, human fighter whose vital stats
are HP 40, AC 13. His primary attributes are strength, dexterity, and constitu- APPRENTICE SADDLERS x 2 (They are apprentice artisans.)
tion. He carries studded leather armor, short sword, dagger, and 2d4 gp.) GROOM (He is a rural commoner.)
WILL STONE (He is a chaotic neutral rural commoner with Artistic Ca-
pacity Music, level 4)
MUSICIANS X 4 (They are chaotic neutral rural commoners with Artistic
Capacity Music, level 2)


Saddle, with all accoutrements for riding, ordinary 2 gp REASON: to buy or have mended shoes.
Saddle, with all accoutrements for riding, fancy 5gp SIGN: a pair of shoes
Saddle, with all accoutrements for riding, war 10 gp This is the twostory shop of Humbert Shoemaker, age 51, a cobbler who
Saddle bags, pair, fancy, leather 2 gp sells and repairs footwear. He largely repairs the shoes of laborers and
guild masons and metal smiths, and as such regards his art as wasted,
Saddle bags, pair, ordinary, leather 1 gp
but such is his lot. Humbert lives on the first floor with his wife and three
of his five children (two sons apprentice elsewhere).
REASON: to buy blades or get blades sharpened. HUMBERT SHOEMAKER, MASTER COBBLER (He is a lawful neutral master artisan.)
SIGN: a cleaver on a whetstone.
This twostory with loft, brick building is the establishment of Bertrand Boots, high, hard soled, iron toecapped* 75 sp
Oaks, age 55, who sharpens blades. Bertrand and his three sons (all in
their twenties) sharpen blades and cutting tools. Bertrand, a widower, is Boots, high, hardsoled 1 gp
a slight man with bulging forearms and stringy gray hair. His sons are each Boots, high, softsoled (riding) 1 gp
married and have children so that a total family of 15 shares the first floor,
Boots, low, hard soled, iron toecapped* 65 sp
with a maid and manservant (married) occupying the loft. The basement
is where they forge, polish, and sharpen. Boots, low, hardsoled 40 sp
Boots, low, softsoled 40 sp
BERTRAND OAKS, MASTER CUTLER (He is a chaotic neutral tradesman.)
Shoes, iron toecapped* 32 sp
AL, ROBERT, AND HUMBERT OAKS (They are tradesmen.)
Shoes, leather 20 sp
GOODS COST Shoes, leather, fancy dress 45 sp
Cleaver, great 1 gp Cobbling (heels) 8 sp
Cleaver 14 sp Cobbling (soles) 3 sp
Corkscrew 3 sp Cobbling (stitching) 4 cp
Dagger, long, with sheath, straight or curved (10inch blade) 2 gp *kick damage +1
Dagger, short, with sheath, straight or curved (6inch blade) 80 sp 7. SHRINE OF LOVE
Knife, fighting (12inch blade) with sheath 1 gp REASON: to receive guidance or healing
Knife, folding (3inch blade) 3 sp SIGN: a red painted heart.
Knife, heavy (15inch blade) with sheath 80 sp
This is a small shrine of Vara, the Lesser Goddess of Love and handmaid of
Nippers, small to large 410 sp Frigga. The presiding priest here is Pious Wren, a portly, noncombative priest.
Pincers, small to large 412 sp Services are at noon each day. Largely attending are married women who are
instructed in how to be good wives (by a man whos never married, no less).
Razor, straight edge, folding 15 sp Healing services are available for 25 gp per level of spell, to Wrens capacity.
Scissors, large 4 sp Wren and his three acolytes (all 0 level) live in first floor apartments.

Scissors, small 3 sp PIOUS WREN (He is a 4th level, lawful good, human cleric of Frigga and
Tweezers, small, steel 3 sp her 11 handmaids, the Asynjur. His vital stats are HP 24, AC 10. His
primary attributes are intelligence, wisdom, and charisma. He carries
Sharpening, per item, large 12 cp clothing and a staff. Clerical spells: 04, 1st3, 2nd2.)
Sharpening, per item, small 7 cp ACOLYTES (ALBERT, MARMADUKE, VICTOR) (They are lawful good Lay Brothers.)
Sharpening, weapon*
2 sp for knife or dagger, 6 sp for axelike blade, and 10 sp for sword This twostory with loft, brick building is the residence of Phillip
*Increasing damage scored by +1 for six attacks before the edge dulls. Porky Salter, his wife Stella, and their nine children. Porky owns
Porkys (#130), a pork storehouse. Staff consists of a manservant, maid,
5. LINDAS LUXURIOUS LACE (LACE MAKER) groundsman, groom, and valet.

This is the twostory shop of Linda Marsh, a master lace maker. Linda has three PHILLIP PORK SALTER (He is a chaotic neutral tradesman with Busi-
young women who apprentice under her. Linda, age 30, is a gaunt, homely virgin ness Ability, level 3.)
who never married. She lives on the first floor with her nine pet cats, and her
brother, Terrance, who owns Yggsburgh Community Storehouse (#120). 9. RESIDENCE, MASTER HENRY HAMM (MASTER PAINTER)
LINDA MARSH, MASTER LACE MAKER (She is a lawful neutral tradeswoman.) This twostory with loft, brick building is the residence of Master Henry Hamm,
a master painter. The gentleman lives here with his wife and three children. A
APPRENTICE LACE MAKERS x 3 (They are tradeswomen.) graduate of the Academy of Art, Hamm is a pretentious fellow, tall and sallow
TERRANCE MARSH (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.) skinned. Staff consists of a manservant, maid, groundsman, groom, and valet.

MASTER HENRY HAMM (He is a lawful good Noble Gentleman, un- GOODS COST
classed with Artistic Capacity Paint & Sculpture level 4.)
Book, The Compleat Book of Chivalry, cloth cover, 60 paper pages 1 gp
10. WOODWARDS PRINT & BINDERY Book, The Proper Equine The Book of Knights Mounts, 3 gp
REASON: to have copies of a document or book made. cloth cover, 80 paper pages
Book, Knights & Dames of the East Mark, leather cover, 120 4 gp
SIGN: a wooden block embossed with a fancy letter W.
paper pages
This twostory with loft, brick and mortar building is the establishment Book, Dragons & Drakes, leather cover, 100 paper pages 10 gp
of Dell Woodward, a printer. Woodward (age 64), is a tall willowy Book, Last Man Standing The Valiant Sir Reillomark, 25 gp
sort. He runs a small printing press with hundreds of blocks and the leather cover, 48 vellum pages
finest of ink, which he imports. Woodward serves local guilds, printing
manifestos, plans, and documents. His workshop spans the ground floor Book, The Life & Times of Lewis Garmonde, Lord Yggs, 20 gp
and basement. He often works alone, setting the blocks and working the leather cover, 50 vellum pages, with locking strap
press, while his wife, Rose, assists in the bindery process. The first floor Map, parchment, regional (The East Mark) 1 gp
contains their apartments, and the loft is rented out to local laborers. Map, parchment, city (Yggsburgh) 1 gp
DELL WOODWARD (He is a neutral good tradesman.) 12. THE SWEETEST TOOTH (BAKERY)
ROSE WOODWARD (She is a true neutral tradeswoman.) REASON: to buy baked goods.
SIGN: a steaming loaf of bread
SERVICE COST This twostory with loft, purplepainted brick building is the bakery of
Rollo Baker, a redfaced, portly fellow. Two ovens, dough rolling tables,
Printing, type setup per folio page 10 sp
and benches are kept in the back and the basement. Baker and his family
Printing, per page to 100 copies 5 cp live on the first floor. They presently rent the loft apartment to a group
Printing, per page over 100 copies 3 cp of five college students.
Binding, sewing, per 16page insert 2 sp Rollos two shapely teenage daughters work the front counter of the
Binding, end papers, per book 15 sp bakery. Also employed here is a carter, Elmo Chandler, a rodentfaced
man who resides in the stable loft out back. Chandler is a petty thief, a
Binding, cover attachment & tooling of leather, title included 20100 sp
cutpurse and pickpocketer who acquires small objects of worth from
the more affluent clients he delivers baked goods to.
REASON: to purchase a book of tales. ROLLO BAKER* (He is a lawful good tradesman.)
SIGN: an armored knight on destrier and hoisting a lance. ELMO CHANDLER (He is a 5th level, chaotic neutral, human thief whose
vital stats are HP 18, AC 14. His primary attributes are intelligence,
This twostory with loft, brick building contains the shop of Ernest dexterity, and charisma. His significant attribute is dexterity 16. He
Esquire, a thin man with red hair and freckles who keeps two clerks wears a +1 ring of protection and wields a +1 short sword. He also car-
on staff. Esquire sells books and tomes containing tales, particularly ries a potion of invisibility, and 100gp worth of gems and jewelry.)
those pertaining to knights and chivalry, including biographies of Lewis
Garmonde (Lord Yggs, see CZY), Sir Reillomark (CZY encounter #60), GOODS COST
and Squire Sawyer (Yggsburgh: Town Halls District #10). Biscuits, fresh, dozen 4 cp
The ground floor contains rocking chairs, upholstered benches, coffee tables, Biscuits, hard (travel bread), 1 pound 4 cp
and enchanted wall sconces of continual flame. Of course there are many Bread, loaf (barley, cornmeal, rye, whole wheat, white) 2 cp
bookshelves brimming with leatherbound and clothbound tomes. Red wool
rugs are spread across a knotty pine floor that creaks with every footstep. Cake (carrot) 8 cp
Scholars congregate here to smoke pipes and discuss (or debate) history. Cookie x 2 1 cp
Muffins (blueberry or corn), per dozen 7 cp
The first floor houses the apartments of Esquire, his wife Emma, and their
four children. The Esquires keep a manservant and a chambermaid. These Pastry (fruit, varies per day) 3 cp
two, along with the two clerks, share the loft apartments of the building. Pie (apple, blackberry, blueberry, peach, walnut), per wedge 3 cp
ERNEST ESQUIRE (He is a lawful neutral tradesman with Knowledge Special- 13. A TENDER LOIN (BUTCHER)
ist Local History, level 2, and Artistic Capacity Literature, level 2.)
REASON: to buy meat.
The following rare volumes are for sale. The Castle Keeper is encouraged SIGN: a man chewing a side of beef.
to expand upon this list to suit the campaign.
This twostory brown stone building is the shop of Gavin Badger, master
butcher. Every morning Gavin has trucked in fresh, dressed carcasses
of cattle, swine, sheep, and goats to be butchered and carted to local
taverns and restaurants. Badger, a hairy fellow with enormous shoulders
and piglike features, is a bachelor. He keeps a staff of three apprentices
who will cart in the meat and deliver it to area restaurants.


GAVIN BADGER (He is a chaotic good tradesman.) GOODS COST
APPRENTICE BUTCHERS x 3 (They are apprentice tradesmen.) Crossbow, heavy 9 gp
GOODS COST Crossbow, light 35 sp
Meat/poultry, cheap cut/common, per pound 4 cp Crossbow, light, pellet, repeating* (14shot, 1d3 damage) 10 gp
Meat/poultry, average cut/fair, per pound 6 cp Crossbow, light, repeating* (9shot, short quarrel, 1d4 damage) 7 gp
Meat/poultry, good cut/better, per pound 1 sp Pellets, lead, pouch of 20 12 cp
Meat/preserved, per pound 8 cp Quarrel box, 20 quarrel cap., and waist belt 14 sp
Sausage, five pound (fresh) 15 cp Quarrel box, small, short bolts, 30 quarrel cap., and waist belt 14 sp
Sausage, five pound (smoked) 11 cp Quarrels, sheaf of 40, heavy 30 sp
Ham, five pound (smoked) 3 sp Quarrels, sheaf of 40, light, short 29 sp
String, crossbow 2 sp
*Fires two shots per round.
REASON: When the party is seeking this elderly herbalist, possibly after
finding a clue at Zagygs Dark Chateau. 16. DURINS DURABLE AXES
This threestory building of ochregray stonework is the residence of REASON: to purchase an axe.
Arlof Rodecksen, previously referenced in the module Dark Chateau SIGN: a dwarf gripping a shining battle axe.
(TLG CZA1) by Robert Kuntz. Arlof is a retired herbalist who was at
one time quite active in the community, supplying herbs to apothecaries, This twostory building of red brick is the establishment of the dwarf, Durin
restaurants, cloth dyers, and more. Bearkin, a master weapon smith whose specializes in axes. Durin has thick
black hair and a shorttrimmed shelf of a beard. A jovial sort with a yellow
Arlof is a grayhaired smallish man, quite senile, but he fondly remembers toothed smile, the dwarf is well liked. Durin keeps two apprentices, both
his profession, and if approached with kindness and concern, he will talk soon to be journeymen. His workshop extends from the backroom of the
at leisure about it in between bouts of sleep. He sleeps 15 minutes ground floor to the basement, which also contains apprentice apartments.
every hour during the day, and only 4 hours from midnight to 4 A.M. The first floor is where the dwarf and his family of four reside.
His sister, Ruth (#28), visits him daily to make sure he is fed and bathed.
Arlof lives here with a housekeeper and a nursemaid. DURIN BEARKIN*, MASTER WEAPON SMITH (He is a 5th level, lawful good,
dwarf fighter whose vital stats are HP 30, AC 12/20. His prime attributes
ARLOF RODECKSEN (He is a neutral good tradesman with Knowledge are dexterity and wisdom. When arrayed for battle Durin will don +2 band-
Specialist Herbalism, level 4.) ed mail and wield a pair of +3 hand axes [specialized]. When hurled, each of
these handaxes is enchanted to return to their wielder once per day.)
APPRENTICE WEAPON SMITHS x 2 (They are apprentice artisans.)
REASON: to purchase a crossbow of fine quality
The following should be considered Superior Quality as described in the
SIGN: Thatcher family coat of arms, a blue checkered field emblazoned appendix of Castle Zagyg, Vol. I.: Yggsburgh.
with a notched crossbow
This twostory building of blue and white checked brickwork is the
establishment of Master William Thatcher, a bear of a man with pale Axe, Battle 11 gp
hair and blue eyes. Thatcher (age 45), a former soldier, develops fine Axe, Bearded 9 gp
crossbows and has mastered the craft of these mechanisms of war. He Axe, Belt (a small hand/throwing weapon) 45 sp
keeps two apprentices, while his comely wife, Helga (age 30), and
Axe, Piercing 9 gp
daughter, Velma (age 16) function as clerks. Each of these women are
tall, blonde, buxom, and often mistaken as sisters. Axe, TwoHanded 28 gp

The sales office is located on the ground floor, with behind the counter 17. GLUTTON FOR MUTTON (RESTAURANT)
racks and cases containing the various pulley weapons. The back room and REASON: to eat among local laborers.
basement function as crossbow workshops, the finest of which may take years
to craft. The basement also contains apprentice apartments and the family SIGN: a leg of mutton.
manservant, while the first floor contains the apartments of the Thatchers.
This twostory with loft building of whitepainted brickwork is the
MASTER WILLIAM THATCHER*, master crossbow maker (He is a 5th establishment of Herbert Lamb, a pudgy fellow with false, wooden teeth.
level, lawful neutral, human fighter whose vital stats are HP 31, AC 17. Lamb serves mutton soup in an assemblyline fashion for local laborers who
His primary attributes are strength, dexterity, and intelligence. His signifi- stop by before work, and mutton leg with gravy dinner for those coming
cant attribute is dexterity 17. He wears chain hauberk armor and wields after. The mutton is tough, and decidedly not the finest of quality.
a +4 light crossbow, 20 quarrels, and a hand axe.)
The dining hall is lined with large tables and benches where the men
APPRENTICE CROSSBOW MAKERS x 2 (They are apprentice artisans.) sit shouldertoshoulder wolfing down their mutton. Lamb greets the
patrons, and is wellliked. His two sons, two daughters (all teens), and
wife work the counter and floor serving the men, many of whom come in
tired and wearyboned. The kitchen is in the basement, where the cook
William Wolfe works with two scullions. The Lambs occupy the first floor

apartments. Wolfe lives in a loft apartment with his wife, while the two MAGICAL GOODS COST
scullions reside in the stable apartment out back.
Aquatic Gelatin Ambrosia*, jar 500gp
HERBERT LAMB (He is a neutral good tradesman.) Magical Elderberries (+3 constitution for 24 hours), per berry 100 gp
WILLIAM WOLFE (He is a chaotic neutral simple commoner who carries a cleaver.) Mandrake root (small, fairshaped) 50gp
Mandrake root (large, perfect shaped specimen) 250 gp
Goods & Services Cost
Potion of Healing (2d4+2) 100gp
Ale 2 cp per pint
Tea 2cp per pot
Breakfast with tea 6 cp 19. WHAT THE PIGMENT (DYER)
Dinner with ale 12 cp SIGN: a pig wearing a frock coat and squarecrowned hat.
Supper with ale 8 cp This twostory building of indigo and black checkered brick work is the
establishment of Marmaduke Dyer, master dyer. The ground floor of this
18. OLD TOMS TONICS & REMEDIES shop is heavily stained with dyes of many colors, the smell of which is
(APOTHECARY & HERBALIST) steeped in the walls. Dyer is a noted member of the Weavers Guild,
REASON: to buy tonics, remedies and other chemicals keeps two apprentice dyers. He lives on the first floor with his wife and
five children. His apprentices live in basement apartments, the basement
SIGN: a bubbling potion
also serving as a storage area for vats, dyes, compounds, tongs, etc.
This twostory building of blue painted brickwork is the establishment of
MARMADUKE DYER, MASTER DYER (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.)
Thomas Bass, an apothecary and herbalist, whose shop takes up the ground
floor. Bass has two clerks, both of whom live on the basement level which APPRENTICE DYERS x 2 (They are apprentice tradesmen.)
also serves as a storage area filled with shelves of bottles and casks. Bass is a
thin, grayhaired fellow who lives with his family of six on the first floor. 20. WOADS DYES (DYER)
REASON: to purchase a counterfeit uniform.
When discussing rare herbs or spell components, Bass will complain that
ever since the gnomes of the Lonely Valley have stopped trading in the SIGN: a tabard quartered yellow and blue.
town, rare herbs are difficult to come by. His complaint is in reference to ENCOUNTER: Counterfeit Uniform
the adventure, Settlers and Burrows. (CZ:Y, environs #30).
This twostory with loft, brick building is the establishment of Jud Woad, a
THOMAS BASS (He is a neutral good tradesman with Knowledge master dyer with short blond hair. Woad is a member of the Weavers Guild,
Specialist Herbalism, level 2 and Alchemy, level 2) but also a supplier of the Thieves Guild for whom he produces replica
CLERKS x 2 (They are tradesmen with rudimentary herbalist and alche- Yggsburgh military uniforms. Woad keeps two apprentices, both of whom
mist knowledge.) are complicit in his affairs. Woads wife, Belle, a skilled seamstress, creates
the uniforms, while Woad and apprentices match colors to perfection.
The ground floor is filled with vats, dyes, tools, jars of organic materials,
Acid, onepint flask: Nitric or sulfuric (and poisonous) 1 sp
compounds, etc. Wild woad leaves (which yield blue) and turmeric roots (which
Alcohol, grain, onequart flask: 180 proof, inflammable 3 sp yield yellow, orange and gold dyes) are the primary ingredient used here. The
Alkali, onepint flask (lye) 1 sp basement is for storage and apprentice apartments, while the first floor contains
Bandages, 10foot gauze 6 cp Woads personal apartments, where he lives with his wife and infant child.
Bay rum aftershave, one pint 4 cp If a registered member of the Thieves Guild visits Woads Dyes and exhibits
Bicarbonate of soda, one pound 1 sp through cant a request to see a uniform, Woad will take said thief to his
Dye, cloth, for one large garment, any color 6 cp loft and show his counterfeit military uniforms which he sells for 100 gp
each. Also available are costume versions of Ladys or Gentlemans clothing,
Dye, skin, full body application (blues, greens and browns) 2 sp studded with colored glass and bits of pyrite, which are sold for 20 gp each.
Glycerin, pint 1 sp
JUD WOAD, MASTER DYER (He is a lawful evil tradesman with a rudimentary
Glue, general purpose, onepint pot 12 cp
knowledge of cant.)
Herbs, medicinal*, per dose 1 sp
BELLE WOAD, SEAMSTRESS (She is lawful evil tradeswoman.)
Medical Book 70 sp
APPRENTICE DYERS x 2 (They are apprentice tradesmen.)
Perfume, common (flower essence), 4ounce bottle 1 sp
Salve, burn healing (+1 point healing/day, seven applications), jar 10 sp 21. RESIDENCE, MASTER GARTH COOPER III
Salve, wound healing (+1 point healing/day, seven applications), jar 10 sp This rundown, twostory shack is the residence of Master Garth Cooper
Sleeping draught, 1ounce vial 6 sp III, an impoverished gentleman who lost his fortunes due to a lifestyle of
Soap, hard, halfpound cake 2 cp heavy drinking and gambling.

Talcum powder, pint jar 8 cp MASTER GARTH COOPER (He is a chaotic neutral Noble Gentleman, unclassed.)
*Includes analgesic, digestive, purgative, restorative, soporific,
stimulant, vermifuge, etc. 22. RESIDENCE, ROLLO MILLER
This small, yellow painted shack set on fieldstone foundation is the home
The following magical good may be available in limited quantity:


of Rollo Miller, a journeyman mason who works at ROOFERS STOREHOUSE 25. YGGSBURGH FULLING (FULLER)
(#144). Miller lives here with his wife, three children, and his inlaws.
SIGN: a fine wool coat.
ROLLO MILLER* (He is a lawful neutral journeyman artisan with Con-
This three story stone building with flat roof is the establishment of Edwin
struction, level 2)
Fuller (age 46), a master fuller. Master Fuller keeps four apprentices who
rub wool in fullers earth and beat wool with paddles. Fullers earth is a
clayrich cleaning substance that removes grease from wool and cloth.
This weatherworn shack on fieldstone foundation is the home of Ignacious Fuller lives on the first floor with his pretty brunette wife and three
Garbleweed Garfish, who owns the TOBACCO BARN (#141). The man children. The second floor is rented out, and the basement is used for
certainly makes a lot of money but prefers to keep a low profile, living here storage and apprentice apartments.
in this alley. Garfish (age 60) lives here with his wife and elderly mother,
but his children reside elsewhere. In his cellar there is buried 1,327gp, EDWIN FULLER (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.)
835sp, and assorted gems and jewelry worth 2,500gp. His wife has no idea. APPRENTICE FULLERS x 4 (They are apprentice tradesmen.)
IGNACIOUS GARBLEWEED GARFISH (He is a 4th level, chaotic neutral, hu-
man thief whose vital stats are HP 17, AC 13. His primary attributes are dex-
terity, constitution, and wisdom. His secondary Skill is Knowledge Specialist SIGN: a bobbin of purple thread.
Herbalism. He wears +1 leather armor and wields a +1 dagger.)
This threestory, purple painted stone building is the establishment of Guy
24. ANSELS ANVIL (BLACKSMITH) Cordwainer, master weaver. Cordwainer weaves fabrics, blankets, clothing,
rugs, and tapestries, using cotton, hemp, silk, and wool. He has three
REASON: when the party is seeking to buy or sell tools of iron and steel. apprentices. The ground floor is where the weaving takes place. The place
is a mess of fabric and works in progress, along with looms, spinning wheels,
SIGN: a horseshoe engraved with two intertwined letter As.
and other tools of the trade. The first floor is where Cordwainer and his wife
This twostory with loft, fieldstone building with thatch roof dates back Alice (who is with child) reside. The second floor is rented out to tenants,
to the earliest days of this areas settlement. It is the establishment of the one being the beadle, Jud Smith, while the basement is used for storage and
smithy, Ansel Gilbertson, who also serves as assistant to the MASTER OF apprentice apartments. Cordwainer is a member of the Weavers Guild.
THE BLACKSMITHS GUILD (#156), the dwarf Thror Ironforge.
Ansel Gilbertson is a broadshouldered man with graystreaked hair and Rug, hand woven (good quality), per square foot 5gp
beard. His specialty is horseshoes, which he produces in bulk. He keeps Rug, hand woven (fine quality), per square foot 10gp
four apprentices and one journeyman under his employ. The apprentices
live in basement apartments while the journeyman, Oliver Smith, occupies GUY CORDWAINER* (He is a lawful good tradesman.)
the loft apartment with his wife, who serves as maid/housekeeper. Ansel
lives on the first floor with his homely wife and his three homely children. APPRENTICE WEAVERS x 3 (They are apprentice tradesmen.)
JUD SMITH, BEADLE OF YGGSBURGH (He is a 1st level, lawful neutral,
ANSEL GILBERTSON*, MASTER BLACKSMITH (He is a lawful good master human fighter. His vital stats are HP 6, AC 13. His primary attributes
artisan dwarf. He carries a +1 belt axe.) physical. He has the Secondary Ability of Detection. He carries studded
OLIVER SMITH*, JOURNEYMAN BLACKSMITH (He is a lawful good jour- leather armor, club, light crossbow, 12 quarrels, and dagger.)
neyman artisan.)
APPRENTICE BLACKSMITHS x 4 (They are apprentice artisans.)
SIGN: a red cloak trimmed with gold lace.
This twostory with loft, red painted stone building with flat roof is the
Chain, iron link, 1,100 pound test, per foot 1 sp
establishment of Cuthbert Loomer, a master dyer of cloth, fabric, rugs, and yarn.
Chisel, metalcutting 10 sp Madder root is Loomers specialty, from which he produces reds and oranges.
Chisel, stonecutting 6 sp He keeps two apprentices. The ground floor is filled with dye vats, jarred herbs
and solutions, and various tools of the trade. The first floor is where Loomer
Chisel, woodcutting 4 sp
and his girlfriend, Iris, reside, while the loft is occupied by the apprentices. The
File, metal 10 sp basement is used for storage, including 200 gp worth of wine butts.
Hammer 3 sp
CUTHBERT LOOMER, MASTER DYER (He is a neutral evil tradesman.)
Hammer, sledge (8pound head) 10 sp
Hook, iron, ordinary, lifting/towing 25 cp APPRENTICE DYERS x 2 (They are apprentice tradesmen.)
Hook, iron, grapnel 10 sp 28. RODECKSEN BOARDING HOUSE
Horseshoes*, light x 4 15 sp
REASON: to get cheap room and board.
Horseshoes*, cleated x 4 (for mountain or rugged terrain) 25 sp
SIGN: a bunk bed.
Jimmy bar, small 8 sp
Jimmy, large (fourfoot) 20 sp This threestory with loft, brick building is painted yellow (though
chipping). It is the boarding house of Ruth Rodecksen (age 60) and
Nails, large (4inch length), 20 1 sp
her son Dell (age 30). The ground floor and first floor each contain six
Spike, heavy (6inch length) each 1 sp chambers, each one including two sets of bunk beds, two linen chests,
*For an additional 10 sp, an apprentice will shoe ones horse or mule; and a small table. The basement level contains a kitchen and a small
20 sp for the journeyman or master (not offered, per request only). common area with tables and benches.

The second floor contains the apartments of Ruth, Dell, Dells wife, and workers can bring their uniforms to be scrubbed. Seven middleaged
their three children. Ruth Rodecksen was the victim of a heinous crime, and washerwomen work here, though the establishment is owned by Steven
Dell has grown up fatherless as a result. Dell would kill his father if ever he Williamson (age 44), a bigjawed man with a penchant for drinking and
chanced to meet the monster, a traveling musician. Ruth Rodecksen is also fighting. The ground floor is lined with large wooden buckets of soapy
the sister of Arlof Rodecksen (#14; see also Castle Zagyg: Dark Chateau, water. Steven occupies the first floor apartment, and is looking to rent his
Appendix D), a retired herbalist of note, now elderly and senile. Ruth visits loft. The loft apartment has two rooms, each about 20 by 15 feet with a
her older brother daily to make sure he is fed and bathed. single window. Rent is 25 sp per month, per room.

Ruth uses Arlofs stable (in back of #14), and gives him all the money STEVEN WILLIAMSON (He is a 4th level, chaotic neutral, human fighter
derived from stabling. Up to six animals may be stabled here. Dell and whose vital stats are HP 35, AC 11. His primary attributes are strength,
Francine serve the patrons, while their three children, all redhaired girls dexterity and constitution. His significant attributes are strength 15 and
(ages 13,11, and 10), serve food in the dining room. Employed here are a constitution 16. He has the Secondary Skill of Bullying. He wears pad-
cook and a scullion, who share the loft apartments of this building. ded armor and wields a short sword [specialized].)
WASHERWOMEN x 7 (They are simple commoners.)
RUTH RODECKSEN (She is a chaotic good tradeswoman with Secondary
Skills of Business and Knowledge Specialist Herbalism.)
DELL RODECKSEN* (He is a 4th level, chaotic good, human fighter whose vital stats
are HP 28, AC 12. His primary attributes are strength, wisdom, charisma. His Cleaning and pressing a suit or dress 1 sp
significant attribute is strength 16. He carries leather armor and a short sword.) Laundering 3 cp per item

GOODS AND SERVICES COST Mending 4 cp per area

Ale 4 cp per pint 31. RESIDENCE, SIR OSGOOD WHITE

Coffee 2 cp per cup REASON: When the party is seeking a private audience or have been
Tea 1 cp per cup invited to attend one.

Breakfast 1 sp SIGN: the White family coat of arms a field checked black and orange,
a canton of navy charged with a bronze amulet, anvil seme.
Dinner 4 sp
Supper 4 sp This is the residence of Sir Osgood White, Master of the Metalsmiths
Guild (#162). It is a threestory with attic, marble building on a walled
Dormitory, per night 3 sp
in lot, the architecture of which is akin to a small Roman villa with large
Stabling, per night 3 sp atrium within. Above the entrance is the White family coat of arms.

29. THE FRUGAL FROCK (TAILOR) Unless one or more characters calling here without invitation are knights
or noteworthy members of the guild, they will be turned away. That is,
REASON: when the party needs clothes tailored
unless they are renowned in Yggsburgh for their daring exploits and good
SIGN: a blue frock coat with gold lace collar and cuffs deeds, or bear miningrelated news.

This twostory with loft brick building is the establishment of Morris Walker, This family is comprised of Sir Osgood and Madam Carline White
master tailor of frock coats. Common frock coats are woven of cotton or wool, and their three children. The household staff consists of an usher,
while men of substance will wear coats of satin or silk. Walker (age 37), a housekeeper, valet, ladys maid, nurse maid, cook, scullion, two footmen
member of the Tailors Guild, is a thin man with dark circles under his eyes. He who double as waiters, upstairs and downstairs maid, a groundsman who
has three apprentices. Tailoring is done on the ground floor, which is racked doubles as groom, and coachman. Sir White (age 43), is a handsome
with hundreds of coats and cloaks. Walker resides on the first floor with his wife sort, tall and stately, with a red wig. He holds in fief the DYERS STABLE &
and two children; his elderly inlaws occupy the loft. The basement, which LIVERY (#32), where he keeps his personal coach and horses.
functions largely as a supply room, also houses his three apprentices.
On formal occasions, the knight rides on his warhorse. Otherwise, when with
MORRIS WALKER, MASTER TAILOR (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.) family, he is in coach or carriage, and when alone he rides or goes upon foot. He
APPRENTICE TAILORS x 3 (They are apprentice tradesmen.) is often accompanied by his armiger, Lester Lake (age 24), a broadshouldered
fellow. The armiger is either riding a horse or going upon foot as with Sir White.
SIR OSGOOD WHITE (He is an 8th level, lawful neutral knight whose
Frock coat, cotton 30 sp vital stats are HP 52, AC 10/20. His primary attributes are strength,
Frock coat, satin 5 gp wisdom, charisma. His significant attribute is strength 16. His Secondary
Frock coat, silk 10 gp Skills are Military Leadership and Judgement Ability. When arrayed for
battle he wears full plate mail, +1 medium shield, +1 long sword, lance,
Addition of lace at collar and cuff +10 gp to the above prices
and horsemans flail. He rides a heavy warhorse whose vital stats are HD
30. STOREHOUSE WASHERWOMEN (LAUNDRY) 4d10, HP 30, AC 19. It receives two hoof attacks for 1d4 damage or one
overbearing attack. The horse is outfitted in chain mail barding.)
REASON: when the party wishes to have their clothes laundered
LESTER LAKE, ARMIGER AND SCUTIFER (He is a 3rd level, lawful good, hu-
SIGN: bucket bubbling with soap man knight whose vital stats are HP 22, AC 16. His primary attributes
SECOND SIGN: reads Loft apartment for rent! Inquire within. are strength, dexterity, and charisma. His significant attribute is charisma
17. He has the Secondary Skill of Judgement Ability. He carries chain
This two story with loft, brick building is where local warehouse hauberk, medium shield, longsword, and belt axe.)


REASON: to stable horses or possibly buy a horse. SIGN: a cluster of goldenrods in bloom over the inscription, Goldenrod
Sheets Have Character!
SIGN: a horse.
This twostory yellowpainted brick building is the establishment of
These two large stables of roughhewn stone are the fief of Sir Osgood
Byron Flowers, a third generation master dyer who specializes gold,
White (#31). There is space for 20 horses (or mules, donkeys) in each
orange, and brown, all derived from the goldenrod plant. Flowers and
building. 32A is where horses are rented and (sometimes) sold from. Sir
his progenitors have long held the contract to dye the fabric used on
White and his armiger account for four of the most spacious stalls. 32B
the gold skullcaps (or scholars cap) that is part of the dress code for
contains animal stalls that may be rented. The floor above the stables of
college students at the Yggsburgh College. Flowers has a small amount
each building has eight rooms, some of which are occupied by staff, the
of magical skill that was taught to him by his father when he was a boy,
remainder of which are rented out to local workers.
simple cantrips to brighten colors, prevent fading, etc.
The stable master is Dirk Hunchback Drake, a darkhaired fellow with
The ground floor is filled with vats, dyes, tools, jars of organic materials,
a hunched back. There are two grooms working at these stables, Ned
compounds, etc. Also there is a small display room from which goldenrod yellow
Oats and Victor Finch. Finch is actually a thief working for the Thieves
silk bed sheets and wool blankets are sold. Flowers keeps two apprentices. The
Guild, and formerly of Dirty Georges gang (see CZY environs encounter
basement is used for storage and apprentice apartments. Flowers, a tall man with
#3). With these grooms are the young stableboys, Bertrand Bert Small
a bulbous nose, lives on the first floor with his wife and two young children. The
and Howard Howie Jay, former urchins working for food and lodging.
dyer wears the symbol of the goddess Berchta on a bronze medallion, depicted
DIRK HUNCHBACK DRAKE (He is a 4th level, lawful neutral, human thereon as an old woman with beady eyes and a long nose.
fighter whose vital stats are HP 31, AC 11. His primary attributes are
physical. He wears padded armor and wields a hand axe.)
Set of silk bed sheets 20gp
VICTOR FINCH (He is a 4th level, chaotic neutral, human thief whose vital
stats are HP 15, AC 14. His primary attributes are dexterity, intelligence Pair of silk pillows, goose feather stuffed 15gp
and wisdom. His Secondary Skill is Escape Ability and Nautical Ability.
He wears leather armor and wields a +1 dagger.) BYRON FLOWERS, MASTER DYER (He is a 1st level, neutral good, human
wizard. His vital stats are HP 4, AC 10. His primary attributes are dexterity,
NED OATS (He is a chaotic neutral rural commoner.) intelligence, and wisdom. His significant attribute is intelligence 15. He wears
BERTRAND BERT SMALL AND HOWARD HOWIE JAY (They are urchins.) normal clothing and carries a dagger. Wizard spells: 0th x 4, 1st x 2.)
APPRENTICE DYERS x 2 (They are apprentice tradesmen.)
Goods and Services Cost
Stabling, per day, with feed 2 sp 34. HUGHS HUES (DYER)
Stabling, per week, with feed 25 sp SIGN: portrays a gown of indigo
Stabling, per month, with feed 60 sp
This twostory brick building painted dark blue is the establishment of Hugh
Riding Horse, rental 5 sp per day and 10 gp security deposit Dyer, master dyer. Hugh works with many colors but specializes in indigo,
grain, feed, 60 pound sack 5 sp which he imports from various sources abroad; hence the majority of vats of
urine here are steeped in blues of many shades. Hughs three apprentices live
hay, bale, average 4 cp
in the basement, which is also a storage area for vats, cleaning supplies, and
hay, bale, rich 8 cp jarred organic materials. Hugh is a short stocky fellow who coughs a lot. He
straw, bale 2 sp lives on the first floor with his wife and seven children.

The following beasts may be available for purchase. Availability will HUGH DYER*, MASTER DYER (He is a neutral good tradesman.)
change once every two weeks. Roll a 1d6. If a 1 or 2 is scored, one of the APPRENTICE DYERS x 3 (They are tradesmen.)
following will be available. Roll a d20 to determine.
D20 ANIMAL COST This singlestory building of roughhewn, ochergray stone is for sale by
12 Burro (ass), jack 75gp the halfelf, Jackdaw Jack Gooseberry (#36). He is asking 300 gp but
will negotiate. The building has five rooms and a basement with cistern
34 Burro (ass), jenny 50gp
well and root cellar. The house is not connected to town plumbing, and
56 Horse, gelding, riding 10 gp has a small outhouse out back.
78 Horse, mare, riding 30gp
910 Horse, stallion, riding 50 gp
REASON: to meet this eccentric adventurer.
11 Horse, war, courser (light) 200 gp
12 Horse, war, charger (medium) 250 gp This one story with loft building of roughhewn, ochergray stone is the
residence of Jackdaw Jack Gooseberry, a handsome halfelf of slight
13 Horse, war, destrier (heavy) 300 gp
build, pale yellow hair and violet eyes. Jack dresses in red and gold
1415 Mule, pack 5 gp silks, and his squarecrowned hat has an enchanted peacock plume that
1618 Pony average 3 gp changes color every ten minutes.
1920 Ponyhorse 9 gp The ground floor has the look of one who has just moved in crates and
boxes with blankets, pots and pans, sacks of grain and flour, utensils, and

various other mundane things such as pottery and glassware. The two Jewelry, silver neck chain 120 sp
room loft is a mess of blankets and things, but also a small collection of
ten scenic paintings (waterfalls, forests, lakes, etc.) that are worth 50 Matchbox, silver 20 sp
500 gp each. These paintings are in a crate in the halfelfs bedchamber, Ring, signet* (seal), silver 80 sp
which has no bed; rather, a one man tent pitched within. Snuff box, silver, plain 25 sp
Jack is an adventurer from a faroff land (Castle Keepers choice). He loves to *For 25 gp extra, Wil will manufacture a false signet ring.
drink brandy or wine and smoke cigarillos almost as much as he loves beautiful
women. A skilled gambler and a mage of no little skill, Jack is quite popular 39. A PINCH OF SNUFF (TOBACCONIST)
with the fairer sex and may be seen about town, walking and whistling, or going REASON: to buy tobacco products.
on ferry rides on the Yggsburgh Canal. He doesnt care for seriousminded folk
SIGN: a pig smoking a fat cigar.
and may be won over with a clever joke or pun. He is quite interested in the
Dark Chateau but even more so in the mysterious Castle Zagyg. This twostory brick building is the establishment of Philip Brown, a
professional tobacconist who keeps no employees save his plump wife,
Jackdaw wears the symbol of Zagyg on his person, a bronze medallion of four
Marla. The tobacco shop is on the ground floor. The Browns, who are
adjacent circles that interlock, one with an eye, one with a hand, and with a
newlyweds, live on the first floor. Storage is kept in the basement.
dagger, and one that is blank (for the unexpected). When pressed for information
on his deity, the yellowhaired halfelf will prove elusive or disinterested, yawning GOODS COST
and saying, What know I of the nature of the divinities? At most he will admit,
Cigar case, leather 1 gp
Expect the unexpected should ever you beseech the Trickster.
Cigar cutter 3 sp
If Jackdaw Gooseberry is befriended by the party, he may offer one to take Cigar, little, tin box of 10 10 sp
a chance and draw from his stack of enchanted tablets a great magical
boon or most gruesome curse. Cigar (common) 2 cp
Cigar (fine) 1 sp
JACKDAW JACK GOOSEBERRY (He is a 5th/7th level, chaotic good, fighter/ Cigarillo, package of 20 6 cp
wizard whose vital stats are HP 40, AC 16. His primary attributes are
strength and intelligence. His significant attributes are intelligence 18, dex- Garbleweed*, one ounce 10 sp
terity 18, charisma 16. He has the Secondary Skill of Esoteric Ability. He Match, phosphorous, 3 length 2 cp
carries a +3 longsword, ring of invisibility, amulet of protection +3, potion Matchbox, tin 15 cp
of heal [2d4+4], deck of many things, and wears noblemans clothes stud-
ded with 500 gp worth of rubies and emeralds, an enchanted hat, and 75 Matchbox, wooden 12 sp
gp. Wizard spells: 0th x 5, 1st x 5, 2nd x 4, 3rd x 3, 4th x 1.) Pipe cleaning tool 1 sp
Pipe, brier root 6 sp
Pipe, clay 1 sp
This twostory with loft building of timber and plank is in poor shape. It is owned
Snuff box, wood, plain 25 cp
by journeyman carpenter, Henry Thatcher (age 21), who wishes to rebuild it
splendidly so as to possibly earn a masters title. He lives alone with his pet dog. Snuff, oneounce 5 sp
Tobacco pouch, leather, threeounce capacity 3 sp
HENRY THATCHER*, journeyman carpenter (He is a neutral good
Tobacco, chewing, onehalf pound twist 2 sp
journeyman artisan.)
Tobacco, pipe, one pound 4 sp
38. THE SILVER PLATTER (SILVERSMITH) *See encounter #141 for details on this narcotic.
SIGN: a sign painted silver, exhibiting a platter engraved with florid design
This is the establishment of William Wil Smith (age 33), a master This twostory brick building is the establishment of Marmaduke Duke
silversmith. The building is a redbrick structure, two stories with attic, Wheeler, a master tinsmith with two apprentices. This shop primarily
with ground floor sales office and backroom workshop. Wil is a tall, dark tinglazes pottery. Duke, a bear of a man at nearly seven feet height,
skinned man, softspoken. He lives on the first floor with his pregnant is rumored to be of giant stock, and indeed pays homage to Jotten
wife and eight children. The basement contains storage and a locked deities. He lives on the first floor with his wife and three children. His
vault (CL 5 to pick) where 1,000gp worth of silver ingots are stored. apprentices reside in the storage basement.

master artisan.) good master artisan with Bullying, level 3.)

GOODS COST APPRENTICE TINSMITHS x 2 (They are apprentice artisans.)

Bell, silver small handheld 25 sp 41. RESIDENCE, MASTER VICTOR HAWKE (PALADIN)
Dagger, silver 50 gp
REASON: to meet this paladin of foreign origins, or, if renowned for good
Cigar case, silver 60 sp deeds, invited by this holy warrior to join his family for dinner.
Flask, silver, eightounce capacity 75 sp SIGN: his armorial bearings, a purple field with silver battle axe, a chief
Hatpin, 7 or 9inch, ladies, silver head 8 sp blue with seven silver bolts.
Jewelry, silver bracelet (wide, heavy) 1 gp
This threestory firebrick building with domed roof and projecting spire
Jewelry, silver broach 38 sp is the residence of Master Victor Hawke, a paladin devoted to an outland


deity of chivalry and valor (Castle Keepers choice). Hawke is corded with APPRENTICE BROWNSMITHS x 2 (They are gnome apprentice artisans.)
muscle, a squarejawed man with long moustache, waxed and twirled
upwards. Hes lived a life of derringdo, and is perhaps not retired yet! 44. WILLOWS WICKERY (BASKET WEAVER)
SIGN: a willow shrub
The Hawke family is comprised of the paladin and Mistress Dorothy Hawke
(age 32) and their two young children. The household staff consists of a This twostory with loft, firebrick building is the establishment of the
manservant, a maid, and a nursemaid. Master Hawke stables his warhorse halfling Willow Dunley. Willow and his wife Sandy are master basket
at the DYERS STABLE & LIVERY (#32). On formal occasions, the paladin weavers using materials that include grasses, leaves, plant roots, strips of
rides on his warhorse. Otherwise, when with family, he will have his wood, tree bark, and twigs. They have a front sales office and backroom
manservant rent horse and carriage, and when alone goes upon foot. shop. The Dunleys live in the basement and rent the first floor out.
MASTER VICTOR HAWKE (He is an 9th level, lawful good paladin whose vital WILLOW DUNLEY (He is a lawful good halfling tradesman.)
stats are HP 62, AC 10/21. His primary attributes are strength, wisdom,
charisma. His significant attribute is strength 18. When arrayed for battle he SANDY DUNLEY (She is a lawful good halfling tradeswoman.)
wears full plate mail, medium shield, +3 silver battle axe, lance, and horse-
mans flail. He rides a heavy warhorse, a black charger, whose vital stats are
HD 4d10, HP 26, AC 19. It receives two hoof attacks for 1d4 damage or one Wicker furniture (chairs, tables, etc.) 12 gp
overbearing attack. The horse is outfitted in chain mail barding.) Basket, 5gallon to 20gallon 210 sp
Saddle, riding, fancy wickerwork 6 gp
Wicker doll 2 cp
REASON: when the party is in need of fine padded/quilted armor or other
cloth gear. Wicker hat, broad rimmed with plume 2 sp

SIGN: a pikebearing warrior wearing quilted armor 45. MILLIES MARVELOUS HATS (HATTER)
This threestory with attic building of blue and white checked brickwork SIGN: a broadbrimmed red hat with a large, puffy crown
is the establishment of Hector Fish, master tailor and noted member of the
TAILORS GUILD (CZY #93). Fish runs a busy operation, producing finely This twostory with loft, firebrick building is the establishment of Mildred
tailored protection and hunting clothing with his staff of three apprentices. Millie Oates, a widow. Millie (age 50) is of gigantic buttocks and breast.
She dresses in florid silks, scarves and furs, and reeks of perfume. Working
The ground floor has a sales shop where one may be measured and fitted. here are teenage girls who craft hats under Millies only daughter, Roberta
Clothing may be special ordered for color or style (checks, embroidered Robbie Cooper, a severe woman shaped like a stick. There are six girls
crests or symbols in gold thread). The basement is used for storage of in all. One of them, Darlene Vale (age 12) has been visited by faeries
fabric, cloth, spools of thread, etc. The first floor houses the apprentices, since she was but a wee thing. This began after she left them cowslips on
while the second floor is where Fish and his family of five reside. the window sill after hearing their birdlike shrill.

HECTOR FISH, MASTER TAILOR (He is a lawful neutral tradesman with Darlene is a gaunt girl with long brown hair and large, nutbrown eyes.
Woodsman Ability.) Quiet, wellmannered and reserved, she is somewhat picked upon by the
other girls. She is, however, the finest hatter, and requires little supervision,
APPRENTICE TAILORS x 3 (They are apprentice tradesmen.) and will often stay long after work, still sewing. Her father, the widower
GOODS COST scribe, MARVIN VALE (#63), never seems to notice her comings or goings.

Armor, padded 35 sp The first floor is occupied by Millie, while Robbie lives with her
Armor, padded (custom dye work with gold thread 5 gp husband, Albert, in the loft. Albert is a grimfaced laborer who is more
embroidery) fond of the drink than his wife.
Armor, padded +1 1,000gp MILDRED MILLIE OATS (She is a lawful evil tradeswoman.)
Armor, padded +2, enchanted with endure elements 5,000gp
ROBERTA ROBBIE COOPER (She is a lawful evil tradeswoman.)
Clothing, fine suit 3 gp
ALBERT COOPER (He is a neutral evil commoner.)
Clothing, service* suit, outdoors/hunting 75 sp
APPRENTICE HATTERS x 5 (They are simple commoners.)
*Effectively padded armor, full cloth garment
DARLENE VALE (She is a chaotic good, simple commoner with 18 cha-
43. BIGNOSE BROWNSMITH (COPPER & BRASS SMITH) risma and 18 wisdom. She is faerietouched and is able to engender a few
druidic orisons. She has a blessed way.)
SIGN: a copper kettle from which peeks a gnome wearing a green felt hat.
This twostory with loft, firebrick building is the establishment of
gnomish brownsmith, Fox Big Nose Badger, who crafts copper and brass Hat, broad brimmed, felt 15 sp
dinnerware bowls, cups, plates, tea pots, etc. Badger, a tiny gnome Hat, broad brimmed, fine felt, plumed 22 sp
with a huge nose and a green felt hat, keeps two gnomish apprentices,
Hat, broad brimmed, silk 45 sp
both of whom reside in the basement, which is also used for storage of
copper and tin ingots, and tools. Badger lives on the first floor with his Hat, broad brimmed, silk, embroidered 3 gp
wife and two children. The loft is rented out. Hat, broad brimmed, silk, embroidered, plumed 4 gp
FOX BIG NOSE BADGER, MASTER BROWNSMITH (He is a chaotic neu- Hat, broad brimmed, silk, plumed 1 gp
tral gnome master artisan.)

SIGN: reads Four room apartment for rent. Inquire within. SIGN: portrait of wigged gentlewoman in pastel velvet cloak

This two story with loft, concrete block building is the home of the impoverished This threestory with full attic, stone building is the establishment of Louis
gentleman, Master Walter Usher, a victim of scandal. Hes lost everything, except Shep Shepherd. Shep is a smallish man who has five apprentices.
for his wife and four children, and now does manual labor. He lives on the ground Fulling and felting is done at the ground floor level workshop, while the
floor with his family, and rents out the first floor to laborers. The loft, including basement is used for storage of racks, looms, sacks of fullers earth, etc.
four rooms and one water closet, is vacant. Usher will rent it for 2 gp per month. Shep lives on the first floor with his wife and three children. They keep
His wife, Rosemary, a beautiful platinum blonde, contemplates suicide. a manservant, groom, maid, and nursemaid, all of whom share the second
floor and loft with the five apprentices.
WALTER USHER (He is a chaotic neutral, Noble Gentleman, unclassed,
though garbed as a simple commoner.) LOUIS SHEP SHEPHERD, MASTER FULLER (He is lawful neutral tradesman.)
APPRENTICE FULLERS x 5 (They are apprentice tradesmen.)
REASON: to meet a member of this prominent guild 52. TROUT BREWING (BEER & ALE BREWER)
SIGN: a ball of thread. SIGN: a river trout in a mug of ale

This threestory building of marble brickwork is the Weavers Guild Hall, This threestory with full attic, stone building is a brewery owned by master
of which Harold Shepston (#66) is Guild Master. This Major Guild Hall ale brewer, Basil Trout, a thin, balding man who keeps eight apprentice
controls virtually all professional activity pertaining to weaving, fulling brewers. The ground floor is lined with kilns, while the basement is used
and dyeing in the Town of Yggsburgh. for the fermentation and aging of brews. The first floor is occupied by Trout
and his wife, while the second floor is occupied by Trouts elderly parents, a
The Chapel of this guild hall is dedicated to Freyja, the Vanir greater nursemaid, and a manservant. The apprentices reside in the attic.
goddess of youth, beauty, and sexual love. She is usually depicted as a
very beautiful woman riding in a chariot drawn by two huge cats. Her BASIL TROUT*, MASTER BREWER (He is a lawful good tradesman.)
likeness is her symbol. Also here are shrines dedicated to the Vanir, the APPRENTICE BREWERS x 8 (They are apprentice tradesman.)
race of deities that were replaced in large measure by the Aesir.
For general information on this and other major guild halls, the Castle Keeper
should refer to the template presented in the appendix of this work. REASON: when the party wants to purchase food.
SIGN: a pumpkin.
SIGN: a fancy, striped blanket This twostory with loft, stone building is the establishment of the gnome
Hob Sprout, a green grocer. Sprout keeps a hempensconced (for insect
This threestory brick building is the establishment of William prevention) vegetable garden in back of his property where he grows
Williamson (age 62) who, with his four family members, weaves work pumpkins. He has two employees who function as laborer/clerks.
uniforms for local warehouses. The family lives on the first floor. The
basement is used for storage. The second floor is rented out. Sprout is a redhaired gnome with beady eyes and a nosehair moustache.
Somewhat homely by gnomish standards, Sprout is unmarried and lives
WILLIAM WILLIAMSON, master weaver (He is a lawful good tradesman.) alone on the first floor. His two workers live rentfree in the loft with
their respective wives and a total of six children.
HOB SPROUT (He is a chaotic good gnomish tradesman.)
SIGN: a velvet cushioned sofa
WORKMEN x 2 (They are simple commoners.)
The threestory brick building is an upholstery shop owned by Ernest
Cordwainer, who keeps four laborers. The ground floor shop is cluttered GOODS COST
with furniture, tools, fabric, and stuffing. Cordwainer, a moody man, lives Flour, 20pound sack 1 sp
on the first floor with his wife and twin toddling daughters. The second
floor is rented out, and the basement is crammed with broken furniture. Fruit*, dried, onepound 6 cp
Fruit*, fresh (in season), one pound 4 cp
ERNEST CORDWAINER (He is a chaotic neutral tradesman.)
Garlic, bud 1 cp
LABORERS x 4 (They are simple commoners.)
Herbs, cooking, bunch fresh 2 cp
50. BUTTON TO BUTTON (BUTTONER) Herbs, cooking, one ounce dried 4 cp
SIGN: a 5inch diameter bronze button. Spice, per ounce (common) 5 sp
Tea, one pound 2 sp
This three story brick building is the button shop of Oliver Gold, a member
of the Tailors Guild. Gold crafts buttons of bone, ivory, leather, shell, wood, Tea, one pound (exotic imported) 10 sp
etc. The buttons produced here are picked up by tailors apprentices. Gold Vinegar, onequart jug 2 cp
is a short man with a plump yet pretty wife, Marla, and eleven children.
vegetables, green, fresh (in season), 1 pound 3 cp
The familys apartments comprise the first and second floor.
vegetables, root, 1 pound, (carrots, celery, radishes, turnips) 2 cp
OLIVER GOLD (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.)


*Fruits include some or all of the following: apple, blackberry, and a cook (Boris, age 56). Gilda and Dirk are romantically involved, and
blueberry, cherry, gooseberry, grape, peach, pear, raspberry, strawberry. Boris is secretly in love with the widow.

**Vegetables some or all of the following: beets (green and red), Widow Fletcher lives alone on the first floor, while the four room loft
beets (sugar), green or wax beans, cauliflower, cucumbers, leeks, is occupied by most of the staff. The basement is for storage, Boriss
onions, parsnips, peas, potatoes, rutabaga, spinach, tomatoes. apartment, and a kitchen with dumbwaiter. There are no rooms for rent,
but the widow has a few spare pallets in the basement for trusted regulars
54. RESIDENCE, BUTCH ROAD when times are tough.
This two story with loft brick building is the residence of Butch Road who lives
PEARL WIDOW FLETCHER (She is a chaotic good tradeswoman with
here with his family of six. Road is a journeyman goldsmith who manages the
charisma 18 and Judgement Ability.)
Glittering Stores (#158). He is a thicklimbed man of substantial girth. He
is working towards his masters rank and plans to open a shop. ALICE, GILDA, AND MARLA, SERVING WENCHES (They are simple commoners.)
DIRK AND GUY, THE POTBOYS (They are simple commoners with Bully-
BUTCH ROAD (He is a chaotic good journeyman artisan.)
ing Ability, level 2.)
55. WIDOW FLETCHERS ALE HOUSE BORIS, THE COOK (He is a 4th level, chaotic good, human fighter whose
REASON: to drink ale, meet locals. vital stats are HP 31, AC 10. His primary attributes are strength, dexter-
ity and constitution. He wields a club.
SIGN: a buxom woman holding a frothing tankard of ale
The following table indicates the number of patrons in the establishment
This twostory with loft, brick building is the establishment of Pearl Fletcher at any given time.
(age 60), a buxom widow with bright eyes and a roaring laugh. She inherited
this business when her husband, Walt, was killed trying to break up a fight. TIME # OF PATRONS
Morning 520
Local laborers stop by here before work for a quick drink, and after work
for another. Widow Fletcher is an alewife who grew up a rivermans Forenoon 28
daughter in The Outs. Shes been doing this sort of thing since she was Afternoon 16
but a wee girl, and shes not ashamed to tell of it. She is full of advice for Evening 520
her regulars, and seems to know everything about everyones business.
Night 530
Served here is bread, fish or clam chowder, oatmeal, pickled eggs, and smoked There is a 1 in 10 chance the BROTHERS TROLL (#97) will be here.
jerky. The ale served here is Trout Ale, which is brewed nearby at Trouts
There is a 1 in 10 chance STEVEN WILLIAMSON (#30) will be
Brewing (#52). The ale house takes up the ground floor, with a twentyfoot
long oak bar lined with pine stools, and round tables and chairs. This place is
quiet during the midday, but is busy at dawn and then evening through night. There is a 1 in 10 chance THORSTEAD DWARF KILLER SMITH
There is a dartboard, and not a few card games have been played here as well. (#69) will be here.
The widow, although meddlesome and opinionated, is adored by her regulars,
Trout Ale or Beer 2 cp per pint
and if anyone is perceived as giving her trouble, such person(s) will be
confronted straight away. The ale house closes at midnight, and those who Buttermilk 2 cp per pint
drink here until closing may migrate to the RIVER RAT TAVERN (#117) for a Breakfast 25 cp
few more. Widow Fletchers, however, is far more subdued than The Rat.
Dinner 16 cp
The staff consists of three serving wenches (Alice, Gilda, and Marla), Supper 1 sp
each somewhat attractive in their late 20s, two potboys (Dirk and Guy),


Tglass blowers. These do not have their own guild, though they do
HIS BLOCK CONTAINS SEVERAL of the towns glaziers and The first floor is occupied by Archer and his wife, Fern. The family
staff consists of a maid, a nursemaid, a cook, a groom, and a waiter who
have a Glassers Society. Many buildings here appear to touch, but these doubles as a valet. The staff resides in the loft. The basement is used for
are typically divided at the ground floor by gangways of two feet to no storage and two apprentice apartments.
more than five feet in width. These gangways pass under extended first
and other upper floors that may touch, and some gangways possibly have ALAN ARCHER, MASTER ARCHITECT (He is a lawful neutral Noble Gen-
stairs down to the basement level. tleman, unclassed with Knowledge Specialist Architecture, level 4.)
APPRENTICE ARCHITECTS x 4 (They are tradesmen with Knowledge
56. YGGSBURGH TALLOW BOILING COMPANY Specialist Architecture.)
SIGN: a soap bar and a candle.
This threestory with loft, brick and mortar building is the establishment of REASON: Ordinary folk shun this place. Should the party seek this diabolical
Byron Farmer a wellmuscled young man with tan skin. Employed here are nemesis of the Striped Mage, or if theyve been invited, this is his home.
seven laborers. The ground floor is where tallow is boiled in vats. It is used
to make soap and candles. The basement is for storage, and the first floor ENCOUNTER: A Major Coup, Shadows in the Night
consists of the apartments of Farmer and his recent bride, Dorothy (age 18), a
farm girl. The second floor and loft are rented out to laborers and students. This building of ochergray, ashlar stonework is three stories tall and built
in the style of Roman villas, with a flat roof and central atrium. The lot is
BYRON FARMER*, TALLOW BOILER (He is a true neutral tradesman.) small, with only 80 feet of frontage with a 60foot wide mansion centered
thereon, and walled on all sides, these walls being 12 feet high and
LABORERS x 7 (They are simple commoners.) surmounted by spiked, wrought iron fencing extending another three feet.
The property emanates an emotion of dread extending five feet beyond it,
57. RONS ROOFING (ROOFER) which may be negated by a save versus fear as if against a level 11 wizard.
SIGN: picture of a house with a slatetiled roof.
The front gate is wrought iron, which opens to a limestone cobbled path
This twostory with loft, stone building is the establishment of the roofer, that leads to the walnut doubledoors of the manse. The doors are
Ronald Sawyer, a master mason. Sawyer cuts slate roof tiles with his six embellished with bronze knockers stylized to horned devils visages, the
apprentices. The first floor is occupied by Sawyer, his wife and three children, jaws of which each clench an iron ring. Narrow windows of redstained
and his parents. Sawyer keeps a maid, a nursemaid, and a manservant, all of glass surround the manse, and upon sunrise and sunset, these have the
whom reside at the loft level, and a groomer in the stable loft. distinct coloration of blood. Strange sounds may be heard about this
mansion, and most thinking people shun the place. Rash children who,
RONALD SAWYER, MASTER MASON (He is a chaotic good master artisan perhaps on a dare, steal into this place are nevermore seen again! Such is
with Construction, level 3.) the reputation of the Dread Manse of Dalbid Yeerouf.
APPRENTICES x 6 (They are apprentice artisans.)
Dalbid Yeerouf resides here with but one manservant, though he spends
58. YGGSBURGH INNOVATIONS (ENGINEER) much of his time at YEEROUF S LOAN BANK (#116), and less often at
Yeeroufs Petit Bank and Dalbid Yeeroufs Storage Shop (Yggsburgh
SIGN: a protractor, right angle, scales, and hammer. Town: Moatgate Quarter encounters #243 244). Walter Slater, who
runs Dalbids Moatgate businesses, is an occasional visitor here.
This twostory with loft, brick building with marble facade is the office of
master engineer, Jasper Meadow. Jasper is a handsome, welldressed sort. When the iron ring of the devilfaced knocker of the front door is
Presently, hes developing a new type onager with his journeyman and two brought down with sufficient force, the bronze devilface expels a rueful
apprentices, and the military is taking notice. The ground floor contains groan. Soon after, the butler will arrive, garbed in formal attire.
offices and a workshop. The first floor holds the apartments of Meadow
and his wife, while the loft holds the apartments of journeyman, maid, and Thomas is five and a half feet tall with a bloated, pale head, round
manservant. The basement contains storage, and apprentice apartments. bulging eyes, and two small dimples for nostrils on an otherwise noseless
face. Bald on the top of his head, he has a long hedge of hair over
JASPER MEADOW, MASTER ENGINEER (He is a lawful neutral master each ear which he combs over. His torso is short and his legs are long
artisan with Construction Ability, level 4.) and thin, seemingly doublejointed at the knees. Thomas is indeed of
ROBERT HILL, JOURNEYMAN ENGINEER (He is a lawful neutral journeyman batrachianoid origins, the result of some unspeakable crossbreeding.
Thomas will greet guests, speaking in lisped tones, such as Who comesss to the
APPRENTICE ENGINEERS x 2 (They are apprentice artisans.) manssse of Massster Yeerouf? If it is daytime to early evening, he will advise
those who seek The Massster to find him at his shop (#116); otherwise, he
59. ARCHER ARCHITECTURAL will ask if they are with invitation. If not, he will (50%) advise them to return
SIGN: a dark gothic mansion of many windows and tall spires. with invite, or (50%) advise them to wait while he inquires within. Thomas
will be condescending, somewhat rude, and will make comments under his
This twostory with loft, stone building with marble edgework is built breath, refusing to repeat what he said (usually an insult). He will do this to
in gothic style, with twin spires surmounting. This is the establishment guests even if they have been properly invited by the master of the manse.
of master architect Alan Archer, a rotund man with political ambitions,
though hes not well liked. The ground floor is lined with drafting tables The Castle Keeper should assume a 25% chance that Yeerouf will see
and shelving units stacked with rolls of parchment and vellum. Archer visitors if Thomas alerts him; this percentage bumps to 75% should the
has four apprentice architects. characters speak ill of Yeeroufs nemesis, the STRIPED MAGE (CZY #49).


TACTICS: Attacking Thomas results in his hopping away (a 30foot hop!) BLACK FEATHER, THE GRIFFON (This neutral creatures vital stats are HD
and disappearing simultaneously. The double walnut doors will slam shut 7d10, HP 47, AC 17, MV 30 ft., or fly 80 ft. Its primary attributes are physi-
and a pit trap will at once open under the feet of anyone within a twenty cal. It attacks with two claws for 1d4 damage each and one bite for 2d8 dam-
by twenty foot area before the stoop. The pit is 30 feet deep, and upon age. It has dark vision and twilight vision that allows it to see in the dark.)
being triggered, a sleep gas in the pit (save versus poison CL 11) will cause
those who failed their save to sleep for 8 hours. Those who have avoided 61. CLOVER BROTHERS EFFERVESCENT BREWERY
the pit trap will further be assaulted by Thomas, who will use a wand of (SOFT DRINK BREWERY)
paralysis (18 charges) to incapacitate his foes. Meanwhile, magical wards
SIGN: a fizzling mug of root beer.
are invoked, including a shocking grasp field that does 1d8+11 points of
damage (dexterity for half) to anyone within the space between the front This threestory firebrick building is the establishment of the Clover
door and the front gate. Prisoners will be tied and bound for the master to brothers (Wilbur and Rollo), soft drink brewers. They run this operation
deal with, which likely means possessions stripped, being brought to the with their collective family of eleven. The ground floor and basement
basement, and possibly sold into slavery (see #116 for details). contain several fermenting vats, carbonating apparati, crockery and glass
containers. Here is brewed ginger ale and root beer. The basement is
DALBID YEEROUF. Yeerouf appears to be around age 35, but he is far older,
loaded with 12gallon barrels of carbonated water. The first and second
being magically rejuvenated. He is a tall and thin fellow with sharp features, a
floors contain the family apartments.
beaked nose, and olivecomplexion. His eyes are deepset, so he has a rather
sinister appearance, that suiting his nature, of course. His robe is black, of WILBUR CLOVER*, MASTER BREWER (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.)
exotic cut, and covered with hieroglyphs embroidered in silver thread.
ROLLO CLOVER*, MASTER BREWER (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.)
This eccentric and evil wizard/thief does not accept trainees, for he has no
patience for it, though he may be convinced if said trainee is willing to swear 62. RESIDENCE, WILLIAM NUTTER
an oath of allegiance against The Striped Mage. Yeerouf is as dangerous as The twostory with loft, stone building is the residence of William Nutter,
he is feared, respected by forces of good and evil, law and chaos alike. Some who manages the YGGSBURGH GRAIN & NUT DEPOT (#138). Nutter
say he prays to Sigi, the great god of outlaws and killers; though wizards resides on the ground floor with his wife and six children. Thomas
opine the man to be a follower of an Indifferent god of Magick. Wainwright, a journeyman blacksmith (#164), rents the first floor, and
the loft is rented out to local laborers.
GROUND FLOOR. The ground floor has the usual formal rooms for a WILLIAM NUTTER (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.)
mansion foyer, salon, dining room, lounge, study/library, kitchen, THOMAS WAINWRIGHT (He is a chaotic neutral journeyman artisan.)
pantry. The center of this villa has an open atrium with a large fig tree
within. Dalbid loves figs. 63. THE QUIET QUILL (SCRIBE)
FIRST AND SECOND FLOORS. The first floor contains the apartments of SIGN: a pink plume quill.
Thomas along with two spacious guest suites, each with bed, bureau,
This twostory with loft, stone building is the establishment of the scribe,
armoire, and wash basin. The second floor has the apartments of the
Marvin Vale, who lives here with his daughter, Darlene (age 12), who
master, including a master bedroom, master bath, lounge, study, and
works at MILLIES MARVELOUS HATS (#45). Vale is a troubled widower
reading library (stocked with books historical and scientific, as well as
who cant keep pace with the burgeoning printing presses of Yggsburgh.
treatises upon forbidden anatomical studies).
He presently copies legal documents for lawyers and such. He also forges
BASEMENT. The basement has storage rooms, a buttery, and a vast laboratory documents for the Thieves Guild. Lax and inattentive to his daughters
where the dread mage conducts unspeakable experiments on slaves kept in iron activities, Vale has no idea how gifted a child she is.
cages. The flagstone floor of the lab is etched with pentagrams and magic circles,
MARVIN VALE (He is a neutral evil tradesman with Forgery Ability, level 3.)
and bronze wall sconces hold black tapers. Here there is also an underground
maze, which he bore out with powers arcane, and one tunnel leads to a secret DARLENE VALE (She is a chaotic good simple commoner with 18 charisma
door which connects to the THIEVES UNDERGROUND (CZY #52). Though and 18 wisdom. She is faerietouched and is able to engender a few
Dalbid is not a member, he has an amicable relationship with them. druidic orisons. She has a blessed way.)

ROOF. The balustraded roof top serves as the masters astrological and 64. THE HONEY POT (BEEKEEPER)
celestial observatory. He keeps a large scope up here and a locked chest
SIGN: a clay pot of honey
containing star charts astronomical and astrological.
This two story with loft, stone building is the establishment of gnomish
MANSE GROUNDS. In addition to a standard carriage and stable building,
beekeeper, Fox Honeycomb, who keeps four large bee hives in back of
Dalbid keeps pens stocked with a variety of rabbits which he uses for his
his property. Fox produces liquid honey, comb honey, creamed honey,
experiments. He also keeps a huge pen of wrought iron where he keeps his
and beeswax. The ground floor workshop is where Fox keeps his vats for
pet griffon, Black Feather, which hes raised since it was a hatchling. The
boiling and heating honey, along with jugs and jars to store the honey.
beast is quite loyal to Dalbid, though ferocious to anyone else, including
His wife, Clover, assists, along with their two children. A small sales
Thomas. It has black plumage and a mottledgray, lionid body.
office in the front is where products are sold.
DALBID YEEROUF (He is described in area #116, where he is more approachable.)
FOX HONEYCOMB (He is a chaotic good gnomish tradesman.)
THOMAS, THE BUTLEr (This chaotic evil, halfbatrachians vital stats are HD
CLOVER HONEYCOMB (She is a chaotic good gnomish tradesman.)
5d8, HP 29, AC 14, MV 20, hop 30. Its primary attributes are mental. It
carries a +2 poison dagger that delivers 2d6 extra damage, CL 5 save for half
damage. A shaman, this creature can cast the following spells: obscuring mist
x1, charm person x2, cure moderate wounds x2, and hold person x1.)

GOODS COST often includes bread rolls, roasted chestnuts, meat pies, smoked fish, and
sausage. There are a few tables inside for those who wish a quick, cheap
Candle, beeswax, eighthour burn time, x12 3 sp meal, but business closes by 3:00 PM. The family resides on the first floor,
Honey, five pound crock 25 cp and the kitchen is in the basement.
Honey, herbal, one pound jar 1 sp
JASPER BAKER* (He is a chaotic good tradesman.)
Wax, bees, one pound block 5 cp
65. HAMMERS PLACE (MECHANIC) Breakfast 1 sp
This threestory stone building is the establishment of Cuthbert Hammer, Dinner 2 sp
a master mechanic who manufactures levers and pulley systems. Hammer
is a deepthinker with thick brows. He has four apprentices. Delivery of food +1 cp per 2 blocks traveled

artisan with Construction Ability, level 4.) SIGN: reads, Honest work. Apply here.
APPRENTICE MECHANICS x 4 (They are apprentice artisans.)
This twostory stone block building is an agency for hiring laborers.
Workers will wait at the ground floor while employers interview on the
first floor. Positions will often pay out 10 to 25 silver pieces per week,
often working 12 hours per day, five days per week. The Castle Keeper is
REASON: When the party is seeking a private audience, or they have been free to decide which locations are actively seeking labor.
invited by this guild master to attend one.
SIGN: Above the entrance the family coat of arms a field of yellow, 69. NAILS & SPIKES (BLACKSMITH)
bordered black, with a black circle in fess emblazoned with a weasel. This twostory field stone and mortar building is the establishment of
Thorstead Dwarf Killer Smith, who forges nails and spikes, sold largely
This opulent Tudorstyle mansion of three stories with full attic is the to carpenters apprentices. Thorstead, age 55, is a darkskinned man
residence of Harold Shepston, Master of the WEAVERS GUILD (#47) with hardly any teeth. He is as renowned for his nails as his drinking. His
and member of the LORDS & GENTLEMEN CLUB (CZY ENCOUNTER #54). nickname DwarfKiller stems from a drunken brawl he got into with a
The mansion is fashioned of white marble bricks, cobbled walkways, pair of dwarves after besting them in a drinking contest. He then killed
polished marble edgework, and a corbelled brick arch above double doors them with his bare hands after they drew weapons. Dwarf Killer resides
of walnut. The roof is flat, with black slate shingles, and central atrium. on the first floor with his wife.
The lot is surrounded by wrought iron fencing.
Master Shepston is a short, energetic man with sharp, rodentlike features.
Nails, large (fourinch length), box of 20 1 sp
Always scheming, he was born into money and is continuously seeking
new ventures from which he may profit. Although welleducated, he Piton, with eye 2 cp
is somewhat crude of speech, with poor manners and arrogance. He is, Spike, heavy (sixinch length), each 3 cp
however, quite successful, and has lofty goals political and entrepreneurial.
THORSTEAD DWARFKILLER SMITH* (He is a chaotic neutral master
This family is comprised of the guild master, Madam Shepston, and their artisan with Bullying level 4.)
three children. The household staff consists of an usher, housekeeper,
valet, ladys maid, nurse maid, cook, scullion, two footmen who double 70. A PERFECT PIPE (PLUMBER)
as waiters, upstairs and downstairs maid, groundsman, groom, and This twostory brick building is the establishment of Albert Plumber (age
coachman. Shepston always travels by carriage or coach, as he does not 50), who works here alone, making pipes and fittings; he also installs and
like riding horses. When riding with his family, he has a larger vehicle. repairs such things. He lives on the first floor with his family of five.
He keeps a bodyguard with him at all times.
ALBERT PLUMBER*, MASTER PLUMBER (He is a lawful neutral master artisan.)
Unless one or more characters calling here without invitation are
prominent members of the Weavers Guild or are renowned for their 71. TINY TINSMITHS PLACE (TINSMITH)
wealth and prestige, they will be turned away.
This twostory brick building is the establishment of the halfling
MASTER HAROLD SHEPSTON (He is a neutral evil Noble Gentleman, un- tinsmith, Teapot Tiny Stoutshanks. Tiny, a journeyman member of the
classed, with Business Ability level 2, and Suborning Ability level 2.) Metalsmiths Guild (#162), makes and repairs things of tin and pewter.
He lives on the first floor with his wife and two toddlers.
BODYGUARD (This is a 3rd level, lawful neutral, human fighter whose vital
stats are HP 25, AC 13. His primary attributes are physical. He wears TEAPOT TINY STOUTSHANKS, TINSMITH (He is a lawful good halfling
ring mail and wields a crowbill and dagger.) journeyman artisan.)
SIGN: a slice of steaming meat pie. This small, twostory building of roughhewn stone is the residence of
Hobart Poulter who lives here with his wife and two boys. Hobart raises
This twostory brick building is Jasper Bakers cooked food delivery
chickens, which he sells to butchers apprentices.
service. Baker is a thin, grizzled man. Meat and fish are smoked here, and
bread is baked. These are carted to local storehouses where workers will HOBERT POULTER (He is a chaotic good rural commoner.)
purchase off the cart. Baker, his wife, and their only daughter Melanie,
prepare the food, while Baker delivers it himself. The food produced here


73. GLASS ALLEY APARTMENTS Meat/preserved, per pound 9 cp
REASON: when the party wishes to rent an apartment Sausage, five pound (fresh) 15 cp
ENCOUNTER: Burglar Sausage, five pound (smoked) 11 cp
This three storyfirebrick building with attic is an apartment building. Ham, five pound (smoked) 35 cp
There are 14 apartments: 4 on each floor, 2 in the attic. Largely residing
here are laborers. The building is not well kept, and the owner, Louis Bull 76. RESIDENCE, GUY BROWN (BROWNSMITH)
(also the janitor/handyman) drinks all day in his basement apartment. The This two story brick building is the home and shop of Guy Brown, a
plumbing is always breaking down, and there is a constant smell of sewage. master brownsmith who fashions doorknobs, drawer pulls, and handles
of copper, brass, and bronze in his basement. Brown (age 29) lives on the
Rent is 20 sp per month, or 10 sp for the attic apartments which are first floor with his wife and four children. He keeps one apprentice.
intolerably hot during the summer months. First and last months must
be paid upfront. 31 40 people reside here at any time. WALDORF FISH GUY BROWN*, MASTER BROWNSMITH (He is a lawful good master artisan.)
(#125) lives here with his wife and two toddling children. GUY COOPER
APPRENTICE BROWNSMITH (He is an apprentice artisan.)
(#1) also has an apartment here. Another room is rented out by the
bully, Reginald Saddler, who has three doxies Tansy, Teresa, and Trudy.
The girls bring clients here for their business.
This twostory brick building is the residence of Donald Marsh, a
LOUIS BULL (He is a chaotic neutral tradesman.) journeyman mason who installs walkways for a living. Soon to be a
GUY COOPER* (He is a 5th level, chaotic good, human fighter whose vital stats master, he lives here with his wife and three children.
are HP 40, AC 13. His primary attributes are strength, dexterity, and constitu-
DONALD MARSH (He is a chaotic good journeyman artisan with Con-
tion. He carries studded leather armor, short sword, dagger, and 2d4 gp.)
struction Ability, level 3)
WALDORF FISH* (He is a 4th level, chaotic neutral, human thief whose
vital stats are HP 15, AC 14. His primary attributes are strength, dexter- 78. THE BLOCK & SPLINTER (CABINET MAKER)
ity, and constitution. His Secondary Skill is Detection. He wears leather
This twostory brick building is the establishment of Oswald Wood, a master
armor and wields a dagger.)
cabinet maker. Oswald crafts cabinets, chairs, chests, and tables. He does
REGINALD SADDLER (He is a chaotic evil tradesman with Bullying Abil- custom installations and, while doing so, will appraise the value of the homes
ity, level 3. He carries a dagger of venom.) contents, selling this information to the local Thieves Guild operative of
TANSY, TERESA, AND TRUDY (doxies) (They are chaotic neutral harlots.) note, Melanie Melons Hogan of the RIVER RAT TAVERN (#117). Wood is
hopelessly in love with Melanie Hogan, but is shackled to his homely wife and
74. BURNED DOWN BUILDING screaming infant; not that Melanie would give him the time of day!

This former frame and plank building on fieldstone foundation burned OSWALD WOODWARD, MASTER CABINET MAKER (He is a chaotic neutral
down several years ago and has never been rebuilt. Some say Dalbid master artisan with Detection Ability.)
Yeerouf (#60) destroyed it with a ball of fire, suspecting a spy of the
Striped Mage (CZY #49) to reside here. These ruins are now inhabited 79. OLIVER TAYLORS SUIT MENDING FOR MEN
by homeless underclass unfortunates. The following number of underclass
SIGN: a painted portrait of the owners (see below) smiling face
persons may be found here at the following times:
The western half of this twostory with loft, brick building is the tailor
shop of Oliver Taylor. Oliver is a tall, bignosed man who wears a red wig.
Morning 312 He keeps two employees. The first floor is where Taylor resides with his
Afternoon 14 wife and two children. The loft is occupied by his elderly parents and an
aunt. The basement, which is shared with (#80), has several crates of
Evening 28
cloth and fabric, jars of dye and glue, and spools of thread.
Night 416
OLIVER TAYLOR, MASTER TAILOR (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.)
SQUATTERS (These are harlots, vagabonds, and urchins.)
WORKERS x 2 (They are commoners.)
SIGN: a smoked ham on a plate of veggies.
Mending 5 cp per area
This two story brick building is the shop of George Hamm, a butteryfaced Tailoring 2 sp per hour*
master butcher. He lives on the first floor with his wife, Alice, who serves Delivery 2 cp + 1cp per block away.
as a maid for Harold Shepston (#66). They have no children. Hamm
sells beef, goat, lamb, pork, sheep, chicken, duck, goose, or pigeon. *example: fitting a doublet = 5 hours

GEORGE HAMM, MASTER BUTCHEr (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.) 80. SHOP FOR RENT
SIGN: Reads, For rent, inquire next door at Oliver Taylors.
Meat/poultry, cheap cut/common, per pound 5 cp The eastern half of this twostory with loft brick building is for rent by
Meat/poultry, average cut/fair, per pound 6 cp the buildings owner, Oliver Taylor (#79). Recently remodeled, Taylor
will rent it out for 15 gp per month, first and last months required. The
Meat/poultry, good cut/better, per pound 1 sp shop is 20 x 75, the ground floor comprised of a front sales shop and a

back store room or work room (with water closet). Stairs lead down to carts, boxshaped vehicles having two or four wheels and an open top; and
a full basement which is shared with the tailor, and stairs up to the first wagons, large fourwheeled carts that can carry heavy loads. Cartwright
floor which has a sitting room, three bedrooms, one water closet, and a has four apprentices. The first floor holds the apartments of Cartwright
kitchen. The loft has two rooms and a water closet. and his family of five. The loft is occupied by the apprentices.

master artisan.)
REASON: when the party wishes to have their fortunes told.
APPRENTICE CARTWRIGHTS x 4 (They are apprentice artisans.)
SIGN: a spider web upon which crawls a fat black spider with green eyes
This small stone building is the establishment of Madam Rowan Elder, a
wrinkled old crone riddled with warts who once predicted her husbands Cart, push, hand, twowheel (highwheeled, 6 bushel/500 2 gp
death in vivid detail and has since experienced sporadic visions from pound capacity)
which she now derives a living, paying urchins 1 copper piece to bring Cart, twowheel donkey or horse (12 bushel/1,000 pound capacity) 6 gp
in clients. Inside her reading chamber she has a brass brazier with
Wagon, caravan fourwheel mule or horse, large, boxed 50 gp
coals and incense and a ball of glass. Tattered red silks depend from
(48bushel/4,000 pound capacity)
the ceiling, and in the corner there is a twofoot tall wooden sculpture
of Skuld, the youngest of the three Norns. She is depicted as a veiled Wagon, fourwheel mule or horse, large, cloth covered 30 gp
woman holding a scroll. (48bushel/4,000 pound capacity)
Wagon, fourwheel mule or horse, large, open (48 bushel/ 25gp
For 25 gold pieces Madam Rowan will attempt to divine future events in the
4,000 pound capacity)
life of the client. When making a reading she will chant and roll her eyes
back. She will cackle and weep and put on a performance before divining. Wagon, fourwheel mule or horse, small, cloth covered 18 gp
(24bushel/2,000 pound capacity)
MADAM ROWAN (She is a true neutral, simple commoner with Judge- Wagon, fourwheel mule or horse, small, open (24bushel/ 15gp
ment Ability level 2 and Thespianism. She has a 50% chance of 2,000 pound capacity)
successfully casting the clerical spell Divination twice per day. If her spell
does not work, she uses deductive reasoning.) 86. SECRET OF STEEL (SWORDSMITH)
82. RESIDENCE, BERTRAND WELLS REASON: when the party wishes to purchase a sword of fine quality.
This small stone building is the residence of retired tinker, Bertrand Cat SIGN: two shining longswords crossed.
Wells (age 88), a wrinkled and slobbering man who lives here alone with his
11 pet cats. He is usually incapable of tinkering any more, but for a few silver This threestory with loft, brick building painted in blue and white
pieces he might be able to do a minor repair. His home smells of urine. checks is the establishment of Walter Trout, master swordsmith. Here
are forged the sort of blades that derringdo adventurers employ!
BERTRAND CAT WELLS (He is a neutral evil tradesman.) There is a small front sales office, and behind the counter hang
sample blades. The clerk is Albrecht Oak, who is built like a keg. Oak
83. YGGSBURGH IMPORTED RUG & TAPESTRY COMPANY sells blades and is otherwise taciturn. The backroom the workshop
constantly rings with the sound of hammer on steel from dawn to
SIGN: a fancy rug floating over the Yggsburgh coat of arms
dusk, with bellows hissing and heat blaring.
This threestory with loft, stone building is the establishment of Kenneth
Trout is a master artisan and a prominent member of the Blacksmiths
Hare, who sells imported rugs and tapestries with his wife, Annabelle,
Guild. A busy man, he entrusts the daily operation of his smithy to his
who is pregnant. The ground floor is large and open, with sample rugs
principal journeyman, Albus Stagg, who oversees the work of two other
laid across the hardwood floor, and tapestries depending from the walls.
journeymen and six apprentices.
Imported rugs and tapestries range from 5 gp to 20 gp. The first floor
contains surplus stock, while the Hares reside on the third floor. The loft The basement is stored with large ingots of iron, tools, hardware,
has additional storage. workbenches, supplies, etc., and also apprentice apartments. The first floor
contains the apartments of Trout, a darkskinned and balding man, his wife
KENNETH HARE* (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.)
Edwina, and their two children. They have a manservant and a maid. The
second floor holds the apartments of the journeymen and their families,
and the loft is inhabited by the family staff and Albrecht Oak.
SIGN: an ocher clay jug painted in floral design.
ALBRECHT OAK (He is a 7th level, lawful neutral, halforc fighter whose vi-
This twostory with loft, brick building is the establishment of Marmaduke tal stats are HP 60, AC 15. His prime attributes are strength and constitu-
Pond, a halfelf master potter. Pond lives on the first floor with his tion. His significant attribute is strength 18. His Secondary Skill is Bullying,
daughter, and rents out the loft to a family of warehouse workers. level 2. He wears a steel breastplate and wields a +3 bastard sword.)

MARMADUKE POND*, MASTER POTTER (He is a chaotic neutral halfelf WALTER TROUT, MASTER SWORDSMITH (He is a master artisan with Business Ability.)
tradesman.) ALBUS STAGG, JOURNEYMAN SWORDSMITH (He is a journeyman artisan.)
JOURNEYMAN SWORDSMITHS x 2 (They are journeyman artisans.)
APPRENTICE SWORDSMITHS x 6 (They are apprentice artisans.)
SIGN: a red, fourwheel cart being pulled by a mule.
The swords sold at this establishment are rated as Superior Quality as
This twostory with loft, stone building is the establishment of George
detailed in the appendix of Castle Zagyg, Vol. I: Yggsburgh.
Cartwright, master cartwright and wagonwright. Here are manufactured


otic evil master artisan with Bullying Ability.)
Dagger, long (10inch blade) 2 gp
EMMA LAKE (She is a 5th level, chaotic neutral, human thief whose vital
Dagger, short (6inch blade) 75 sp stats are HP 19, AC 16. Her primary attributes are dexterity, intelligence,
Dirk, long (18inch blade) 3 gp and charisma. Her significant attribute is dexterity 16. She has the Sec-
Poniard 25 gp ondary Skills of Bullying and Thespianism. She wears a +2 leather armor
and wields a +1 short sword. She also carries a potion of gaseous form,
Sword, broad 40 gp
and 250gp worth of gems and jewelry.)
Sword, falchion 90 gp
APPRENTICE HARNESS MAKERS x 2 (They are apprentice artisans.)
Sword, flamberge 155 gp
Sword, handandahalf (bastard) 100 gp GOODS COST
Sword, long 90 gp Harness, single draft animal 25 sp
Sword, rapier 50 gp Harness, draft animal team of two 60 sp
Sword, scimitar 50 gp Harness, draft animal team of four 3 gp
Sword, short 30 gp Harness, draft animal team of six 4 gp
Sword, twohanded (great) 155 gp Harness, draft animal team of eight 5 gp
Sword, twohanded (claymore) 150 gp Thong, leather, 10 feet 2 sp
87. GLASS ALLEY CHEESEMONGER Whip, 6foot length 5 gp

SIGN: a block of cheese on cutting board. Whip, 12foot length 7 gp

This squat singlestory fieldstone building with thatch roof is the 90. RESIDENCE, CLARENCE CRANE (SIGN PAINTER)
establishment of Lester Cook, a short man with pinkish skin who lives SIGN: Yggsburgh coat of arms with a palette above.
here with his simpleminded child. Lester is a cheese monger and also
owns the Storehouse PennyRent (#88) next door. When in a good mood This two story with loft brick building is the establishment of master sign
(or drunk), hell give free cheese to the renters. He has an extensive wine painter Clarence Crane. Crane, a tall, spindly man, has two apprentices who
cellar, with bottles of 10 gp to 50gp in value (800 gp total value). reside in the loft. Crane resides on the first floor with his family of four.

LESTER COOK (He is a chaotic good tradesman.) CLARENCE CRANE, MASTER PAINTER (He is a lawful neutral master
artisan with Artistic Capacity Painter, level 4.)
APPRENTICE PAINTERS x 2 (They are apprentice artisans with Artistic Capacity.)
Cheese, aged, one pound 8 cp
Cheese, aged, special one pound 1 sp 91. THE GLASS RAINBOW (GLASS PAINTER)
Cheese, brick, farmers, one pound 2 cp This threestory with full attic, brick building is the establishment of Morris
Cheese, hard, two pound cheese 1 sp Glasser, who manufactures painted glass windows for temples, chapels, public
buildings, mansions, etc. Glasser is a round man with pale skin. There is a
Cheese, soft, three pound crock 1 sp
large furnace here for drawing molten glass into sheets. Glasser, with four
88. STOREHOUSE PENNYRENT apprentices, will then paint the glass. The basement is for storage, while the
first floor contains the apartments of Glasser and his family of three. The
REASON: when the party needs a cheap place to stay the night. second floor contains the apartments his staff, while the attic is rented out.
SIGN: a copper coin.
MORRIS GLASSER, MASTER GLASSER (He is a lawful good tradesman with
This twostory fieldstone building with thatched roof is a pennyrent for Artistic Capacity Painter, level 4.)
local laborers and travelers. Each floor is open concept, pillared, central APPRENTICE GLASSERS x 4 (They are apprentice tradesmen with Artistic
hearth, and with a mere sixfoot clearance. Within are cots of straw, a heavy Capacity Painter.)
blanket, and a footlocker. It costs 3 copper pieces per night to stay here. It is
not uncommon for one to get lice sleeping here. The security of both body 92. BASS LOCKS (LOCKSMITH)
and belongings will be in doubt too. Rent is paid to the owner, LESTER COOK
SIGN: a large padlock.
(#87). There will be 1130 people staying here at any time.
The twostory with loft, brick building is the establishment of Wilbur
89. THE BIT & BRIDLE (HARNESS MAKER) Bass, master locksmith. Wilbur (age 75) is a grumpy old man with no
SIGN: a horses head affixed with bridle, with reins extending to a pair of hands patience for apprentices. He lives on the first floor with his wife, Judy,
who also sells locks from the front sales shop.
This twostory with loft, brick building is the establishment of Marvin
Marv Albertson, a master harness maker. Marv is a smallish man with WILBUR BASS, MASTER LOCKSMITH (He is a lawful neutral master artisan.)
a pointy nose. He crafts bridles, reins, collars, hames, and traces. He has
two apprentices. The first floor contains the apartments of Marv and his GOODS COST
lover, the catburglar Emma Lake, a freckled, redhaired woman with fiery Lock, large, cabinet/door 1 gp
temper. The two are physically abusive to one another. The loft contains
Lock, small, cabinet/door 35 sp
the apartments of the two apprentices, who would rather be elsewhere.
Manacles, and key 15 sp

Padlock, large, with key 15 sp Hourglass 25 gp
Padlock, small, with key 12 sp Potion bottle, crystal glass 3 gp
Roll a 1d4 two times to determine which potions Robert has in stock.
93. A GOOD NIGHTS REST (MATTRESS MAKER) This changes once per week.
SIGN: picture of man sleeping on bed. D4 POTION COST
This twostory brick building is the establishment of Ernest Bass, the 1 Potion of Diminution (Alter Size as though cast by 300 gp
mattress maker and son of Wilbur, next door. He works alone. Mattresses 10th level wizard)
here are filled with straw, reeds, wool, or feathers. Bass is a handsome 2 Potion of Invisibility 400 gp
sort, though unmarried. 3 Potion of Cure Serious Wounds 500 gp
ERNEST BASS* (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.) 4 Potion of Gaseous Form 500 gp


SIGN: a paint brush with bristles tipped red. SIGN: a quiver of arrows

This twostory with loft, stone and timber building is the establishment This twostory with loft, stone and timber building is the establishment of
of Charles Thorn, broom and brush maker. Thorn, a slender man lives Magnus Bull Fletcher, master fletcher. Bulls shoulders are the width of
on the first floor with his wife and two teenage daughters. His oldest son, a barn. He stands six foot six and has a broken nose and chewedup ears.
Henry (age 19) works with him and resides in the loft with his pregnant A notorious brawler, he frequents The Bastards Sword of the Outs (see
wife. The beadle, Bert Brown, also resides in the loft. The Outs: Rivermens Town #28) to compete in barefisted brawls. By day
he crafts missiles with his two apprentices.
CHARLES THORN (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.)
The ground floor contains a front sales office, behind which lies a workshop.
HENRY THORN (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.) The fletcher dyes his feathers in blue and red, alternating them on the arrow
BERT BROWN, BEADLE OF YGGSBURGH (He is a 1st level, lawful neutral, shaft so as to identify his craftsmanship. The basement is for storage and
human fighter. His vital stats are HP 6, AC 13. His primary attributes an apprentice apartment. Bull lives on the first floor with his wife and baby
physical. He has the Secondary Ability of Detection. He carries studded daughter. The loft is occupied by Bulls elderly mother and her nursemaid.
leather armor, club, light crossbow, 12 quarrels, and dagger.)
MAGNUS BULL FLETCHER*, master fletcher (He is a chaotic good,
95. THE ROSE BOTTLE (GLASSBLOWER) human, 4th level fighter whose vital stats are HP 35, AC 14. His primary
attributes are strength, dexterity and intelligence. His significant attribute
REASON: to buy a magic potion. is strength 17. He has the Secondary Skill of Bullying, level 3. He wears
SIGN: a bulbous rosypink bottle with narrow neck chain hauberk armor and wields a morningstar.)
APPRENTICE FLETCHERS x 2 (They are apprentice artisans.)
This twostory with loft, stone and timber building is the establishment
of Robert Rose, a master glassblower who manufactures bottles all GOODS COST
pigmented rosypink. Rose is a stout man with arching brows. He has
three apprentices whose task it is to blow gently into an iron blowpipe Arrows, sheaf of 24, long 1 gp
dipped in molten glass. Rose will then shape and cut. Arrows, sheaf of 24, short 1 gp
+1 Arrow* 500gp each
Here be wizards! Magic users and alchemists frequent this location. They
use Roberts bottles for potions, and a few supply the man with potions Quiver, 12 arrow cap., leather, with strap 10 sp
to sell in the front sales office, which is also stocked with rosecolored *Per request, up to 2 per month available.
bottles. Roberts wife, Irma, works the counter. The Roses live on the
first floor with their three schoolage children. The loft is occupied by 97. THE TROLL LORDS GAMES (GAME SHOP)
the two apprentices, while the basement is for storage. REASON: to purchase a game or play in a game when invited to do so.
It is said that The Striped Mage himself (CZ:Y #49) would take offence SIGN: a pair of trolls seated before a table, rolling dice. One is raising his
against any who robbed this place, a fact known to the citys thieves. This hands in triumph whilst the other betrays a look of agonizing defeat.
protection could prove a mixed blessing as Dalbid Yeerouf (#116 below
or CZY #74) likes nothing better than offending The Striped Mage. This twostory with loft, stone and timber building is the establishment
of Stephen and Davis Golden, better known as the Brothers Troll
ROBERT ROSE, MASTER GLASS BLOWER (He is a master artisan with due to their propensity for trolling about every tavern and gambling
Esoteric Ability.) establishment in town. The Brothers Troll are of grizzled countenance,
with eyes perpetually bloodshot from lack of sleep and abundance of
APPRENTICE GLASS BLOWERS x 2 (They apprentice artisans with some
carousing. They are importers of rare and strange games, selling their
Esoteric Ability.)
wares to both collectors and casual gamers.
There is a 5% chance that a wizard will be shopping here, Castle
Keepers choice. The entrance to the ground floor opens to a small, cluttered store, dark and dusty,
in which games are sold by a lovely young clerk, Ashleigh (age 20), a fetching
GOODS COST vixen who wears a chain mail bikini and has long brown curls and a most lovely
Bottle or mug, glass 15 sp pair of . . . brown eyes. The backroom and basement is even more cluttered,
Jar, glass 12 sp stocked with games and things, many of which are incomplete and in disarray.
The brothers reside on the first floor with their respective wives, sisters who are


pretty of face and buxom of build, though constantly henpecking their husbands lambchop moustaches, is boss. Wainwright resides on the second floor
to fire Ashleigh, whom they despise. The loft is where the Brothers Troll hold with his wife and four children. He does not follow the same schedule
game nights, and it is not unusual for them to invite those like of mind that they as his men and works nearly every day for ten hours. Wainwright is a
may meet in taverns and ale houses, or even patrons of this shop. There will be follower of Nari, a major god of fire.
much drinking of wine and ale and smoking of cigars on game night.
Six wellbred riding stallions, strong and fast are kept in the behind stable,
STEPHEN GOLDEN (He is a 3rd level, chaotic good, human fighter whose tended to by a skilled groom. Firefighting equipment is stored there, too.
vital stats are HP 22, AC 12. His primary attributes are dexterity, intel-
ligence, and charisma. He has the Secondary Skill of Swindling. He wears CAPTAIN DIRK WAINWRIGHT, MASTER FIREFIGHTER (He is a 9th level,
leather armor and wields a short sword.) lawful good, human fighter. His vital stats are HP 66, AC 16. His pri-
mary attributes are strength, intelligence, and wisdom. His significant at-
DAVIS GOLDEN (He is a 3rd level, chaotic neutral, human fighter whose tribute is strength 16. He has the Secondary Skill of Bullying, level 3. He
vital stats are HP 23, AC 12. His primary attributes are strength, wis- wears cuir bouille and wields a +2 piercing [battle] axe.)
dom, and charisma. He has the Secondary Skill of Swindling. He wears
leather armor and wields a light flail.) FIREMEN x 6 (They are 3rd level, lawful good, human fighters. Their vital
stats are HD 3d10, HP 21, AC 14. Their primary attributes are physical.
ASHLEIGH (She is a chaotic good tradeswoman with charisma 18.) Their significant attributes are strength 15. They have the Secondary Skill
GOODS COST of Bullying. They carry cuir bouille, and a piercing [battle] axe.)

Backgammon set, common, complete, in box/board 15 sp 99. RESIDENCE, WILBUR & WILFRED ROY
Backgammon set, deluxe ivory, complete, in box/board 5 gp The north side of this two story with loft, brick building is the home of the
Board, large, wood, chequered red and black, 8 x 8 squares 10 sp Wilbur and Wilfred Roy, brothers, with families of 4 and 5, respectively.
Cards, playing, pasteboard, fine 15 cp Both serve as firemen next door, but also work odd construction jobs.
Chess set, standard, wood, large 10 sp 100. LOOMERS BELTS & GLOVES (LEATHER SHOP)
Darts, x12 3 sp
REASON: when the party is in need of leather goods or repair.
Dart board 20 sp
SIGN: a pair of gloves
Dice, large bone, pair 2 sp
Dice, large ivory, pair 5 sp The south side of this twostory with loft, brick building is the
establishment of Ralph Loomer, master leatherworker. Loomer (age 74)
Dice, large jade, gold inlay spots, pair 10 gp
is a heavily wrinkled man. He has two apprentices. The ground floor is
Dice, large wooden, pair 5 cp stacked with tanned hides and skins. The first floor is where Loomer lives
Draughts (checkers), set, ivory 4 sp with his wife, and the loft is occupied by the apprentices.
Draughts (checkers), set, wood 25 cp
RALPH LOOMER, MASTER LEATHERWORKER (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.)
Horses, rocking (wood) 25 cp
APPRENTICE LEATHERWORKERS x 2 (They are apprentice tradesmen.)
Marbles, agate (pouch of 20) 1 gp
Marbles, clay (pouch of 20) 3 cp GOODS COST
Ships, miniature, wooden, floating 1 cp each Apron, leather, workmans 1 sp
Soldiers, toy, wooden (various kinds, mounted and 7 cp Armor, all leather sandwich garment innerlined with 20 gp
afoot, set of 20) riveted metal plates (banded), 4 weeks work
Sword, wooden 5 cp Armor, leathercloth sandwich garment innerlined with 18 gp
riveted metal plates (banded), 4 weeks work
Tiddledywinks sets, tin 2 cp
Armor, leather, boiled (cuir bouilli), 3 weeks work 3 gp
98. STOREHOUSE DISTRICT FIRE STATION Armor, leather, closely sewn with metal rings (ring mail), 8 gp
REASON: to alert of a fire 3 weeks work
SIGN: a redpainted helmet with extended rear neck protection Armor, leather, closely sewn with metal scales (scale mail), 10 gp
3 weeks work
This threestory brick building serves as a station for firemen protecting the Armor, leather, studded with metal or horn plates, 2 weeks work 5 gp
surrounding blocks and standing ready to enter neighboring districts in time of
Armor, leather, 2 weeks work 2 gp
need. Firemen here are trained in the protocol of using local plumbing (hydrants)
to combat any breakout of fire but will also employ a stored water wagon, pump Backpack, leather (capacity c. four cubic feet, water resistant) 1 gp
wagon with hose, ladder wagon, and other equipment such as flame retardant Baldric (shoulder or backslung hanger for any but heavy 20 sp
leather helmets and suits, fire axes and hooks, and canvas buckets. sheathed sword)
Belt, leather, broad 5 sp
Six firemen actively serve here, two of whom man the station for a
48hour period before being relieved by the next pair. Two apartments Belt, leather, crossharness 10 sp
on the first floor are for washing and resting. All firemen are required Belt, leather, narrow 25 cp
to wear flameretardant cuir bouille and a redpainted, salade helm
Bow case (oilskin, tying, nearly waterproof) 18 sp
(closefitting, with extended rear neck protection) crafted entirely of cuir
bouille. They also must wield a piercing axe. Gauntlets, leather 14 sp
Girdle, leather, broad with pockets 25 sp
Captain Dirk Wainwright (age 50), a corded, grayhaired man with

Gloves, calfskin, pair 18 sp PIOUS MARTIN (He is a 4th level, chaotic good, human cleric of Strom-
karl. His vital stats are HP 23, AC 10. His primary attributes are intel-
Gloves, leather, pair 3 sp ligence, wisdom, and charisma. He carries clothing, and a staff. Clerical
Gloves, leather (heavy), pair 9 sp spells: 04, 1st3, 2nd2.) He is noncombatant.
Pouch, belt, leather 5 sp TERRANCE TERRY ROBINS (He is a rural commoner with Artistic
Quiver, 12 arrow capacity (oilskin, nearly waterproof), with strap 10 sp Capacity, Music, level 2)
Sack, large, leather (200pound weight capacity, 1bushel volume) 10 sp BATH ATTENDANTS X 8 (They are simple commoners.)
Skin container, liquid, with stoppered spout, shoulder sling 5 sp CUSTODIANS X 2 (They are simple commoners with some Construction Ability.)
strap, onequart capacity
Sling, leather 2 sp 103. PANSYS PANES (GLASSER)
Thong, leather, 10 feet 5 cp SIGN: plaque with painting of a manor of many windows

SERVICE COST This threestory with attic, yellow and whitepainted brick building is the
establishment of Thomas Glasser, a master glasser who crafts windows.
Armor, banded (either sort) repair*, 3 gp per 1 point restored Glasser (age 41) is a short man with a thick crop of red hair. He has a
4 days work journeyman and three apprentices. The ground floor contains two large
Armor, leather repair*, 2 days work 17 sp per 1 point restored furnaces where glass is blown and pressed, bellows hissing all the day long.
The basement of this building is a storage area for silica sand, limestone,
Armor, leather, metal rings (ring mail) 75 sp per 1 point restored
and soda ash. The first floor contains the apartments of Glass, whose wife is
repair*, 3 days work
gone. The second floor is occupied by the journeyman (and wife), and three
Armor, leather, metal scales (scale 2 gp per 1 point restored apprentices. The attic is rented out to two local workers and their families.
mail) repair*, 3 days work
THOMAS GLASSER, MASTER GLASSER (He is a chaotic neutral master artisan.)
Armor, leather, studded (studded 40 sp per 1 point restored
leather) repair*, 2 days work JOURNEYMAN GLASSER (He is a journeyman glasser.)
*Leather armor repair assumes usage of the Armor Wear and Tear APPRENTICE GLASSERS x 3 (They are apprentice artisans.)
rules as presented in the Appendix of Castle Zagyg, Vol. I: Yggsburgh.
101. THE GREEN TILE (TILER) SIGN: pair of steel scissors
SIGN: a golden hammer on a green tile
This twostory stone building is the barbershop of George Sammy Salmon,
This threestory with attic, brick building with greentiled face is the a rotund, bald barber who employs three additional barbers: Guy, Hugh, and
establishment of Olaf Stone, a master tiler. Stone is a tall man. There is a large Ralph. They do regular cuts for regular working class men. There will be 36
workshop with two kilns for baking clay, where Stone, two journeymen and five other patrons here at any time. Also employed here is a clerk, and an orphan
apprentices work. The first floor contains the family (of five) apartments, while boy, Harold Dirty Harry Baker (age 14), a scruffy kid who cleans floors
the second floor is lodged by the journeymen and apprentices. The basement is and doubles as a boot blacker. The boy sleeps in the basement on a pallet of
for storage, and an apartment for the family manservant and maid. straw. Dirty Harry is a thief but with a conscience and will not steal from his
boss. The first floor contains the apartments of Salmon and his four family
OLAF STONE*, MASTER TILER (He is a master artisan with Construction members, while the loft is rented out to one of his barbers.
Ability, level 3.)
JOURNEYMEN x 2 (They are journeyman artisans.) GEORGE SAMMY SALMON (He is a lawful good tradesman with some
Business Ability.)
APPRENTICES x 5 (They are apprentice artisans.)
BARBERS X3 (They are tradesmen.)
102. THE BATH & HARP (BATHHOUSE) HAROLD DIRTY HARRY BAKER (He is a 2nd level, chaotic neutral, hu-
REASON: to bathe man thief whose vital stats are HP 6, AC 13. His primary attributes are
dexterity, intelligence, and charisma. His significant attribute is dexterity
SIGN: a golden harp 18. He has no weapon.)
This two story firebrick building contains two warm baths, each round and 45 ft. SERVICES COST
in radius. This is the establishment of Pious Martin, cleric of Stromkarl. A fee of
Haircut (regular or trim) 15 cp
5 silver pieces is paid to a front desk clerk. Then, one may take a hot bath, heated
from a furnace below. A small stage is where a harpist, Terrance Terry Robins, Shampoo 5 cp
performs, a lanky bald man of sallow skin and loose fitting gown, pantaloons, and Shave or beard trimming 1 sp
boots with toes curled up and studded with imitation gems.
Shave, shampoo, and haircut 2 sp
Eight bath attendants will offer clean towels to bathers, assisting the old, Boot blacking 5 cp
and toweldrying.
The first floor contains storage of linens, cleaning materials, and the apartments
of Martin and his family of four. The basement contains the furnaces that heat This two story stone building is the residence of Theodore Williamson, a
the baths. There are two allpurpose custodians who work here. journeyman carpenter who lives here with his wife and four children.



106. THE SILVER THIMBLE (SEAMSTRESS) batrachianoid society that lived here a millennium ago. The crude
remains of their primitive paintings on cavern walls remain, along with a
SIGN: a silver, shining thimble
natural seep stream of black water containing eyeless, albino fish.
SECOND SIGN: Loft for rent! Cheap!
On formal occasions, the guild master rides with or without his family in a
This two story with loft, stone building is the shop of Elfgiva Apple, a large coach. Otherwise, he is with them in a large carriage. Generally he
seamstress. She has three young maidens who work for her, spinning goes alone on foot or, occasionally, riding his black war pony.
thread. Elfgiva (age 45) is a shapely woman. Her much older
husband, Morris Apple (age 85) is quite senile and lecherous, given to Characters calling here without invitation will be turned away,
grabbing at the young girls under Elfgivas employ. The ground floor unless they are renowned in town for their daring exploits and good
is a workshop, while the first floor contains the apartments for the deeds, or have actual and truly important business pertaining to the
Apples. The loft is presently for rent for 4 gp per month, with three Blacksmiths Guild or the welfare of dwarves in general. Ever happy to
rooms, a kitchen, and a water closet. meet a new dwarf in town (there be hardly enough by good Ironforges
estimation!), the master is likely to welcome just about any dwarf who
ELFGIVA APPLE, SEAMSTress (She is a chaotic neutral tradesman.) wishes to talk and share a mug of ale. However, as Ironforge has had
MORRIS APPLE (He is a chaotic evil simple commoner.) words with the dwarfish engineer Holgar, who is frequently found at
the RIVER RAT TAVERN (#117), he does not welcome any who are
107. RESIDENCE, THROR IRONFORGE friends of this maggot as he terms him.
REASON: When the party is seeking a private audience, or they have been good, dwarf fighter/cleric of Ivaldi whose vital stats are HP 55, AC 18.
commanded to attend one, or if there is a dwarf in the party who wishes His primary attributes are strength and wisdom. His significant attribute is
to speak with this notable dwarf. strength 16. He wears a +2 full chain suit and wields a +4 mithril piercing
SIGN: Engraved above the oaken doors, a black marble plaque engraved to portray [battle] axe [specialized]. Cleric spells: 0th x4, 1st x3, 2nd x2, 3rd x1.)
an anvil. Above the anvil in dwarfish rune letters is the word IRONFORGE. THORIN IRONFORGE (He is a 5th level, chaotic good, dwarf fighter whose vital
ENCOUNTER: You scratch my back... stats are HP 32, AC 15. His primary attributes are strength and intelligence.
He wears a mail hauberk and wields a +1 war hammer [specialized].)
This squat, twostory sandstone building is the residence of the dwarf, THAIN IRONFORGE (He is a 4th level, neutral good, dwarf fighter whose vital
Thror Ironforge, Master of the Blacksmiths Guild. This seemingly stats are HP 29, AC 15. His primary attributes are strength and intelligence.
unremarkable building, being only fifteen feet from floor to roof, belies its He wears a mail hauberk and wields a +1 heavy flail [specialized].)
true size, the lot of which is walled in. One would assume a ground floor,
first floor, and basement; however, there are three subbasements beneath. PIOUS BLACKHAMMER, OFFICIANT PRIEST (He is a 4th level, lawful good,
dwarf cleric of Ivaldi whose vital stats are HP 20, AC 10. His primary
The ground floor features a large foyer, sitting room, and an office. attributes are wisdom and charisma. He wears vestments and a light ham-
Spartan in furnishings, with cold stone floors, the casual observer will mer. Cleric spells: 0th x4, 1st x3, 2nd x2.) He is noncombatant.
note a line of marble busts along the eastern wall illuminated by candle ACOLYTES x 2 (They are lawful good dwarf acolytes of Ivaldi.)
sconces. Represented are dwarves with tremendous beards and brooding
stares, the progenitors of Master Ironforge. The first floor contains guest 108. RESIDENCE, ALAN CORDWAINER, HONORABLE
quarters, with beds, bureaus, wash basins, etc. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE
The basement contains the quarters for the servant staff, all humans REASON: When the party is seeking a private audience or have been
(though each conversant in dwarfish). The staff includes an usher, invited by this judicial officer to attend one.
housekeeper, valet, cook, scullion, two footmen who double as waiters, SIGN: Armorial bearings of the Free Town of Yggsburgh.
house maid, basement maid, coachman, groom, and groundsman.
ENCOUNTER: Serving Justice
The first subbasement contains the spacious living quarters of the Ironforge
family, including his wife, Sapphire, and their twelve children. His two This twostory with attic stone building is residence Alan Cordwainer,
oldest sons are notable smiths in their own right, Thorin and Thain. Honorable Justice of the Peace. Cordwainer (age 42) is a tall, stately man
with long, sloping nose, and wig of black. He rides to the Outs, seeing to
The second subbasement contains a majestic chapel of Ivaldi, the low justice in the suburbs; otherwise, he may be found in the City Hall &
dwarfish deity who is the greatest of smiths, mechanics, metallurgists, Courts (CZY encounter #9), either in court or in office.
and magicforgers. The chapel is stone vaulted, ribbed with granite, with
rune engraved pillars. Stone relief along the eastern and western walls The family is comprised of the Justice of the Peace, Mistress Cordwainer,
portrays the forgings of deital weapons by dwarfish divinities. These are and three grown children, all studying law at the college as their father
set outside the nave, which is within great pillars and arches of marble. did. The household staff consists of a manservant, housekeeper, ladys
The altar, set to the west and placed on a pulpit of polished granite, is of maid, coachman, and groom.
black marble sculpted to the shape of an anvil. Thror is high priest here,
Unless one or more of the characters calling here are officers of the law or
but his duties as Master of the Blacksmiths Guild limit him, so he has
town government, they will be turned away, except if they are renowned
an Officiant Priest, Dutiful Blackhammer, who resides and presides here,
about town for their daring exploits and good deeds, or bear news of legal
along with two acolytes of Ivaldi, both dwarves. Dwarves and guilded
matters within or without the town proper.
blacksmiths are welcome here any time for counsel and healing.
On formal occasions the Gentleman rides on his warhorse or in coach.
The third subbasement is part excavation, part limestone cavern chanced
Otherwise he is with his family in a large coach or carriage, and when
upon by Master Ironforge and his two oldest sons, Thorin and Thain,
alone, he rides a horse or goes afoot.
as they bore deep into the shelf upon which the entire Free Town
of Yggsburgh is built. Here they discovered the traces of an ancient

ALAN CORDWAINER, JP (He is a 6th level, lawful neutral, human GOODS COST
fighter. His vital stats are HP 42, AC 18. His primary attributes are
strength, intelligence, and wisdom. His significant attribute is wisdom Wine, 10gallon keg (white, dry), common 30 sp
17. His Secondary Skill is Judgement, level 4. He wears a +2 steel Wine, 10gallon keg, fine (red, dry) 3 gp
breastplate emblazoned with the Yggsburgh coat of arms, a large shield, Wine, 60gallon butt, common (white, dry) 5 gp
and wields a +3 long sword [specialized]. The sword is enchanted with
the hold person spell, which may be cast 3 times per day. He rides a Wine, 60gallon butt, fine (red, dry) 5 gp
heavy warhorse whose vital stats are HD 4d10, HP 30, AC 19. It re-
ceives two hoof attacks for 14 damage or one overbearing attack. The
horse is outfitted in chain mail barding.) REASON: When the party is in need of adventuring supplies.
SIGN: a nine foot tall sculpture of wood portraying a black bear standing
When riding out to the suburbs or elsewhere, Cordwainer is accompanied
on its hind legs.
by a retinue of crossbowmen:
This threestory brick building is the establishment of Hunter Road, a
CROSSBOWMEN x 6 (These are 1st level human fighters. Their vital stats
woodsman and adventurer. Plundering the hordes of fell beasts however
are HP 6, AC 13. Their primary attributes are physical. They wear
is not always a steady income, so the good man has invested in his own
studded leather armor and wield a light crossbow with 12 bolts, and a
shop where wayfarers and fellow adventurers may purchase supplies.
club. They are mounted upon riding horses.)
The shop spans both the ground and first floors. There are three sales
109. RESIDENCE, MASTER THOMAS CRAPPER, (KEEPER clerks employed: Butch, Clarence, and Roy each woodsmen. The
OF SANITATION) floors are all hardwood, and roughly hewn timbers support the upper
REASON: when the party is seeking private audience, or they have been floors, with fish and game trophies mounted throughout. Road lives on
invited by the master engineer to attend one the second floor, where he also furnishes apartments to his employees.
Road is a lanky, grizzled man who walks with a bit of a limp.
SIGN: Yggsburgh Coat of Arms
ENCOUNTER: Rats in the Sewers HUNTER ROAD* (He is a 6th level, chaotic good, human ranger whose vi-
tal stats are HP 44, AC 16. His primary attributes are strength, wisdom,
This is the residence of Master Thomas Crapper, a master engineer and and dexterity. His significant attributes are dexterity 17 and wisdom 16.
Keeper of Sanitation. His offices are located at the Sewer Department (CZY His Secondary Skill is Woodsman, level 2. He carries +1 studded leather
#15) This Tudorstyle, threestory with loft residence features a small inner armor, +1 broad sword, and a cloak of elvenkind.)
courtyard with a roof of six gables, and flat arches of gothicstyle design. Above
BUTCH, CLARENCE, AND ROY (They are tradesmen with Woodsman Ability.)
the front oaken double doors the Yggsburgh coat of arms is displayed.

Characters calling here without invitation will be turned away, unless they GOODS COST
are renowned in the town for their daring exploits and good deeds, or have Backpack, cloth (capacity c. four cubic feet) 8 sp
important information regarding an urgent sanitation related issue.
Bag, cloth (25pound weight capacity, onepeck volume) 5 cp
The family is comprised of the sanitation engineer, Mistress Crapper (who Blanket, thick 5 sp
is quite round), and their three round Crapper children. The household Canteen, water gourd, onequart, with leather thong sling 5 cp
staff consists of an usher, housekeeper, valet, lady in waiting, cook,
Flask, ordinary ceramic, eightounce capacity 5 sp
scullion, two footmen who double as waiters, upstairs and downstairs
maid, and groundsman. Master Crapper (age 48) is a tall, frail man with Grappling hook 2 sp
sunken features, pallid complexion and a pointy nose. He is a member of Grease, clay pot of, one quart, with rag wrapping 3 cp
the Lords & Gentlemen Club (CZY #54).
Horn, hunting 20 sp
On formal occasions the engineer rides in a large coach. Otherwise he is Lantern, oilburning, bullseye, hooded 10 sp
with his family in a large carriage or, if alone, riding a horse or going afoot. Lantern, oilburning, hooded 8 sp
MASTER THOMAS CRAPPER (He is a lawful good tradesman with Line, cord, 100foot ball 15 cp
Construction Ability, level 4, and Judgment Ability, level 2.) Line, rope, ordinary, 10 feet 1 sp
Line, string, fine, strong (fishing), 100 feet 1 sp
Oil, lamp/lantern, 1 gallon jug 1 sp
REASON: to buy wine Oilskin coat and overalls 30 sp
SIGN: an old woman holding up her skirts as she stomps grapes in a barrel Sack, large, heavy cloth (100pound weight capacity, 3 sp
onebushel volume)
This purple painted, threestory brick building is the establishment of
wine merchant Osgood Green, a tall man with tanned skin. He has a Tinder box 2 sp
front sales office with two sales clerks. The cellar is stacked with kegs and Torch, wood and resinsoaked rope, 30 minute burn time 3 cp
butts of wine. The first floor contains the spacious apartments of Green
and his wife, while the second floor contains the apartments of the clerks 112. VACANT BUILDING
and their respective families. ENCOUNTER: Mother Spiders Nest
OSGOOD GREEN (He is a lawful good tradesman.) This building is vacant. No one is sure who owns it, but it was recently purchased.
CLERKS x 2 (They are simple commoners.) If only the poor fellow knew there was a phase spider nest in the basement...


113. RESIDENCE, LAWRENCE APPLE (SCHOLAR) Four apprentice fishmongers work here and make deliveries via cart. The
ground floor market is large and open, being 15 feet from floor to ceiling,
This twostory with loft, stone building is the residence of Professor
with beams and rafters of heavy oak timber, hung with nets and hooks and
Lawrence Apple, a retired professor who teaches young urchins out
poles. Here is sold fresh fish, including bullhead, catfish, eel, red sunfish,
of charity. Apple (age 69) is a pleasant man with pinkish skin. He
platter crappie, golden perch, trout, giant crayfish (lobstersized), clams,
teaches orthography (history and calculation with numbers) in a small
and mussels, which are gathered from the NEMO RIVER, URT RIVER, and
classroom at the ground level, and resides on the first floor with his
BIG FISH LAKE. Ice is supplied by the wizard OLAF PIKE OF THE HOUSE OF
two pet dogs, five pet cats, and goldfish bowl. He has never married,
DAIRY & ICE (#139).
much less ever known a woman intimately, for he is a stammering fool
with the fairer sex. The fishmonger lives on the first floor with his severefaced wife and
their only daughter, a teenage girl who dresses out fish faster than any
PROFESSOR LAWRENCE Apple (He is an academician with Knowledge
man. Tansy Bass (age 16) is a tanskinned girl with enchanting green
Specialist History & Mathematics, level 3 each.)
eyes, black hair, and chiseled physique. Deadly with a blade, she once
gutted a man and watched him bleed to death after hed groped her.
She is a member of the Assassins Guild (CZY #53), though few know
REASON: to buy a fur. this. The second floor is occupied by a dozen Fishmonger apprentices,
SIGN: a sable including those employed here.

This twostory with loft, stone building is the establishment of Oswald WILLIAM BASS (He is a tradesman with Nautical Ability, level 3.)
Meadows, a furrier. The ground floor is displayed with valuable furs; thus, a TANSY BASS (She is a 3rd level, neutral evil, human assassin whose vital
guard works here, keen to the tricks of thieves. Oswald lives upstairs with stats are HP 13, AC 13. Her primary attributes are strength, dexterity,
his drunkard wife, Annabelle, who has stillbirthed four times. Furs here are and intelligence. She has the Secondary Skill of Nautical Ability. She
of sable (black), fine quality, a total value of 2,000 gp worth at any time. wields a +2 hafted hook.)

OSWALD MEADOWS (He is a tradesman with Knowledge Specialist Furrier.) APPRENTICE FISHMONGERS x 4 (They are rural commoners with some
Nautical Ability.)
GUARD (He is a 5th level, chaotic good, human fighter whose vital stats
are HP 33, AC 13. His primary attributes are physical. He wears stud- GOODS COST
ded leather and carries a club [specialized] and a dagger.)
Fish, crustaceans, common, per pound 1 sp
115. FISHMONGERS CORNER Fish, crustaceans, special, per pound 3 sp
REASON: to buy fish Fish, fresh, common, per pound 7 cp
SIGN: wooden sculpture of a sunfish, painted Fish, fresh, better variety, per pound 1 sp
ENCOUNTER: Killer Catfish Fish, fresh, best, per pound 2 sp
Fish, preserved (salted, smoked, or pickled), ordinary, per pound 2 cp
This threestory brick building is owned by William Bass, a noted member of
the Fishmongers Guild (see THE OUTS: RIVERMENS TOWN #177). This indoor Fish, preserved (salted, smoked, or pickled), good, per pound 8 cp
market sells fresh fish packed on ice, along with salted, smoked, and pickled Fish, shellfish, common, per pound 5 cp
varieties. William (age 55) is a short man and quite hairy so that he is sometimes
Fish, shellfish, special, per pound 15 cp
mistaken for a dwarf. He spends the day shouting at his staff to do this or that.


Tby those artisans and tradesmen (or apprentices thereof) whose

HIS BLOCK IS WHERE lumber is trucked in, and is thus frequented WALTER SLATER (see Yggsburgh Town: Moatgate Quarter encounters
#243 244) makes weekly reports on the progress at Yeeroufs Petit Bank
respective vocations involve woodworking. This block is largely controlled and Dalbid Yeeroufs Storage Shop, both based in Moatgate. Operations
by the Thieves Guild, whose operative here is Melanie Melons Hogan, there are as nefarious as those at this establishment.
the hostess of the River Rat Tavern (#117), a top earner for the Thieves
Guild (CZY #52). Some opine she owns the Lumber Block.
The Castle Keeper should supply this malign fellow (Dalbid
116. YEEROUFS LOAN BANK (CZY #74) Yeerouf) with whatever other magical things he might need to
make his defeat by the characters most difficult, but in all such
REASON: When the party wants to hock something for cash, including cases remember that if he is overcome, the characters will gain the
what is too hot to sell normally, this is the place. They can also buy benefit of such things if they are multiuse, so keep those kinds of
hardtofind items here, such as brass knuckles, old musical instruments, things to a minimum. Gary Gygax
and jewelry at wholesale prices, (caveat emptor).
SIGN: A pile of gold coins beneath three connected gold balls; the latter
being the nearuniversal sign of a pawn broker. SERVICES PRICES
ENCOUNTER: A Major Coup, Shadows in the Night Purchasing Items 30% of market value

This brick building has a 60foot frontage, the western half (with a Buying likely stolen property 10% of market value
30foot frontage) being Yeeroufs Loan Bank, the eastern half being the Selling after 90 days time has passed 60% to 75% of market value
RIVER RAT TAVERN (#117). Interest Rate Charged 10% per month on sum loaned.
The shops proprietor, one Dalbid Yeerouf, is a deadly enemy of This pawn shop is filled with all the usual items brought in by desperate
The Striped Mage (CZY encounter #49), and he will be ingenuous or crooked persons to pawn for some quick cash in hand. The Castle
whenever any conversation arises that involves that wizard. Yeerouf Keeper must decide on the exact contents of the shop, but the selection
(who resides at #60) wears a black robe of exotic cut and covered with will include the categories listed below.
hieroglyphs embroidered in silver thread. He appears to be around
age 35 but is in fact far older, having been magically rejuvenated. Armor
He is a tall and thin fellow with sharp features, a beaked nose, and
olivecomplexion. His eyes are deepset, so he has a rather sinister Art objects, small
appearance, that suiting his nature, of course. Books (they being uncommon and costly)

If the characters are in the least antagonistic towards his foe, Yeerouf will Boxes and coffers, small
encourage their antipathy and will do his utmost to inflame their passions Capes and cloaks (best quality and ornately designed/decorated)
against him, including giving them slightly better deals than normal. If
Daggers with sheaths
the characters mention attacking The Striped Mage, this man willing
offers suggestions as to how this can be done successfully, but under no Clocks
circumstances will he join in such an attack. Gems, loose
If a lone individual comes to his shop with a highly valuable object, Glass objects
Yeerouf will paralyze the victim, steal all his goods, carry the helpless Ivory objects
individual to the cellar where he has a locked cell, bind them, and
then sell him or her when slavers from downriver call on him that Jewelry (rings mainly, but all other sorts too)
happening once per week. Slaves are purchased at 50% of their market Ladies chatelaines
value, so Dalbid will then sell at the following prices:
Lock picks and breaking & entering item
Slave, Exotic/highly skilled 500 gp Mirrors, glass
Slave, Household 100 gp Musical items (drums, horns, stringed instruments, flutes etc.,
Slave, Laborer 200 gp including hunting horns)
Salve, Laborer (common) 40 gp Paintings
Slave, Youth 20100 gp. Porcelains
Pocket watches
This place has many magical alarms, guards, and warding devices, so no
robbery or looting is anticipated. These may include arcane eye, fire trap, Silver and Silverware items
and guards and wards. However, if the characters discover his malign Swords with scabbards
nature, and defeat him in combat, then the Castle Keeper can assign as
many as six magic items in addition to any of Yeeroufs that survive the Weapons, hidden (brass knuckles, saps, etc.)
fight as loot to be taken. There should be 2,000 to 8,000 gp in cash and Weapons, other sort (axes, feather staffs, maces, sword canes, etc.)
gems, jewelry, and other small valuables here of like value.


WALTER SLATER (He is a 6th level, neutral evil wizard whose vital stats Melvin Boats Orr (chief barman) is an oftentimes river pirate. Boats
are HP 18, AC 13. His primary attributes are strength, intelligence, is around 40, a muscular and husky man of average height, grizzled hair
dexterity . His significant attributes are strength 17, dexterity 18 and worn in a short queue, ugly from both a scar on his cheek that makes a
intelligence 16. The equipment he normally uses is dagger and wand of corner of his mouth droop and much exposure to the elements. He is
paralyzation. His spells per day are 0th x5, 1st x5, 2nd x4, 3rd x2) enamored of Melanie and takes offense at anyone overly familiar with
her, and she loves to see him beat up someone over her. Boats is not
DALBID YEEROUF (He is an 11th/14th level, chaotic evil, human wizard/
very bright, but he is cunning and quite without scruples. Boats also
thief. His vital stats are HP 47, AC 18. His primary attributes are
does collections for Melanie.
dexterity, intelligence, charisma. His significant attributes are dexterity
18, intelligence 17. His Secondary Skills are Esoteric Ability level 4, Phillip Father Brooks (freelancer) is a boon companion of Big Bob
Judgement Ability level 2, and Suborning Ability level 2. He car- and Boats who is the shill for marks of all sorts (gambling or swindles)
ries a +5 robe of protection, a lens of scrutiny*, ring of paralysis* with entering the tavern. He is freelance and survives because of his association
20 charges, and a poisoned dagger that delivers an extra 424 points of with Hogan and his sister. Father typically wears friars garments. His
damage unless a CL 13 save is made. He can cast the following wizard rather plain and open face being wideeyed and rounded, he appears mild
spells: 0th x6, 1st x6, 2nd x5, 3rd x4, 4th x3, 5th x2, 6th x1.) and benign; his sparkling brown eyes convey a false friendliness, so he is a
*These items are described in the appendix of Castle Zagyg, Vol. I: seemingly trusting fellow rather out of place in such surroundings. Brooks
Yggsburgh. is hardhearted, remorseless, and conniving.

117. RIVER RAT TAVERN (CZY #59) ROBERT BIG BOB HOGAN (He is a 10th level, chaotic evil, human
fighter. His vital stats are HP 75, AC 14. His primary attributes are
REASON: When the party is seeking a low dive, in need information on
strength, dexterity, constitution. His significant attributes are strength 17
criminal activities, are itching for a fight, or have been suckered into
and dexterity 16. His Secondary Skills are Bullying and Swindling Abil-
meeting someone in this place.
ity. He wears leather armor and carries a dagger. He keeps a morning
LOCATION: On the east side of Plaza Avenue between Goodman Street star [specialized] under the bar.)
and Neargate Lane.
MELANIE MELONS HOGAN (She is a 10th level, chaotic evil, human
SIGN: A oneeyed rat clad in rivermans costume brandishing a cutlass. thief. Her vital stats are HP 45, AC 16 or 18. Her primary attribute are
ENCOUNTER: You Scratch My Back..., A Major Coup strength, dexterity, and intelligence. Her significant attribute is dexterity
20. Her Secondary Skill is Suborning Ability, level 4. She carries leather
This threestory brick building with full attic has a 60foot frontage; the armor and dagger. She keeps a short sword under the bar. When accouter-
eastern half being the River Rat Tavern, the western half being Yeeroufs ing for a job, she will retrieve from her apartments a +2 short sword,
Loan Bank (#116). The owner of the tavern owns the entire building, so elven chain, mask of disguising*, ring of invisibility, rope of climbing and
the basement and upper floors are tavernrelated. potions of sleep x3, and charm person x3.)

The ground floor portion of the building occupied by the tavern has a *This item is described in the appendix of Castle Zagyg, Vol. I:
60foot long by 27foot wide common room with a 20foot long (stand Yggsburgh.
up) bar and numerous large and small tablesthe smaller ones against
the wall and in the back are those favored by the regulars here. Behind MELVIN BOATS ORR (He is an 8th level, neutral evil, human fighter.
the common room is an open staircase to the floor above with a passage His vital stats are HP 56, AC 13. His primary attributes are strength,
beside it leading to two water closets on one side, two small private rooms dexterity, and constitution. His significant attributes are strength 18,
on the other, and the kitchen at the corridors end. The basement has dexterity 15. His Secondary Skill is Nautical Ability. He carries leather
store rooms and a secret apartment for those seeking refuge from the armor and dagger [specialized]. He keeps a club under the bar.)
law. In this hidden suite of rooms is located a secret trapdoor entrance to PHILLIP FATHER BROOKS (He is a 9th level, lawful evil, human assassin.
the Thieves Underground tunnels (see Thieves Guild, CZY encounter His vital stats are HP 40, AC 14. His primary attributes are strength, dexter-
#52). The first floor of the building has 16 private rooms. The second ity, and charisma. His significant attributes are strength 13 and dexterity 17.
floor has four private rooms and four large dormitory rooms with 10 beds His Secondary Skill is Thespianism. He carries leather armor, featherstaff*,
in each. The attic is the lodgings of the proprietor and his chief cronies. and dagger.)

The generally noncombatant help in the tavern consists of 2 cooks, *Described in the introduction of this module.
2 scullions, 4 serving wenches, 2 potboys, and 4 cleaning maids for the
rooms above. As this is a rough place, the Castle Keeper may consider COOKS x 2 and SERVING WENCHES x 4 (They are 2nd level, neutral evil,
them more capable fighters. The owner and his cronies consist of some human fighters, HP 11, AC 10. Their primary attributes are physical.
capable fighters and neerdowells: They carry a belt axe [cooks] or a dagger [wenches].)

Robert Big Bob Hogan (owner) is the boss of this place. He is a tall and SCULLIONS x 2 and CLEANING MAIDS x 4 (They are 1st level, neutral
ruggedly handsome man of age 35 with black hair, blue eyes, and a florid evil, human fighters, HP 5, AC 10. Their primary attributes are physical.
complexion. Big Bob is pleasureloving, suspicious, irascible, and covetous. They each carry a dagger.)

Melanie Melons Hogan (hostess) is Big Bobs sister, the brains of his Burly Bargemen (Gang) There is a gang of cutthroat bullies who hang out
operation, and a member of the Thieves Guild. She is tall, shapely, good at this tavern, called the Burly Bargemen. This bunch is currently being
looking, in her late 20s, with the same black hair and blue eyes as her older paid by the Marquis Talworth through the Stable Master, Jason Barger at
brother, but with milk white skin. Melons is a flirt and a user venal, The Outs Inn (CZY encounter #80) to make trouble in Yggsburgh by
greedy, and ruthless. She aspires to be made a boss of the guild, and there is inciting street riots, committing robbery, burglary, murder, and mayhem.
scarcely anything that will retard her ambition. Presently, she draws tithes Of course the gang likes being paid extra for what it does for enjoyment.
of 10% from several businesses on this block, of which she retains 5%. There will be 12 leaders and main members of the gang and 25 of the
lesser bullies at the tavern at any given time a character or party is there.

Burly Bargemen Leaders: Other patrons of the River Rat Tavern:

ALFRED ALF GREY (He is a 5th/5th level, chaotic evil, human fighter/ The other patrons (636) will be a mix of rough laborers and rivermen,
thief. His vital stats are HP 36, AC 14. His primary attributes are various common women and doxies, and on occasion a party of 36
strength, dexterity, and intelligence. His significant attributes are strength young blades out slumming. As all such aristocratic bravos have training
14 and dexterity 16. His Secondary Skill is Nautical. He carries leather in fencing, assume the following stats for each:
armor, club, and a dagger [specialized].)
BRAVOS x 36 (They are 5th8th level, alignment variable, human fighters
THOMAS TOMMY BOY WILSON (He is a 7th level, neutral evil, human whose vital stats are HP 7 per level, AC 16. Their primary attributes are
fighter. His vital stats are HP 46, AC 12. His primary attributes are physical. Their significant attribute is dexterity 18. They carry studded
strength, dexterity, and constitution. His Secondary Skill is Nautical. He leather armor, longsword [specialized], and dagger.)
carries leather armor, a broadsword [specialized], and a dagger.)
LABORERS (They are simple commoners with some Bullying Ability.)
OSWALD WEIRD HALFTER (He is a 9th level, chaotic evil, human
thief. His vital stats are HP 36, AC 15. His primary attributes are RIVERMEN (They are simple commoners with Nautical Ability.)
strength, dexterity, and constitution. His significant attribute is dexterity DOXIES (They are harlots.)
18. His Secondary Skill is Escape, level 2. He carries leather armor, a
longsword, and dagger.) There is a 2 in 10 chance the Brothers Troll (#97) will be here at any given time.

Burly Bargemen Gang Members: There is a 1 in 10 chance Oswald Woodward (#78) will be here at any given time.

EDGAR THE GAR FISH (He is a 6th level, chaotic evil, human fighter. There is a 1 in 10 chance that the dwarf Holgar (CZY ENCOUNTER #52,
His vital stats are HP 42, AC 12. His primary attributes are strength, THIEVES GUILD AREA #8) will be here drinking and wenching. Holgar works for
dexterity, and constitution. His Secondary Skill is Nautical, level 2. He both the Thieves Guild and the Assassins Guild, and is the last of the dwarves
carries leather armor, longsword [specialized], and a dagger.) The Gar who were hired long ago to help construct the Thieves Underground.
is a notorious river pirate.
HOLGAR (He is a 7th level, neutral evil, dwarf fighter whose vital stats are
GERALD GRINS FARMER (He is a 4th/5th level neutral evil, human
HP 42, AC 20. His primary attributes are strength and dexterity. His
fighter/assassin. His vital stats are HP 28, AC 12. His primary attributes
significant attribute is strength 20. His Secondary Skill is Construction
are strength, dexterity, intelligence. His Secondary Skill is Bullying. He
level 3. He carries + 1 plate mail, +1 medium shield, 3 javelins, and
carries leather armor, long sword [specialized], and a dagger.) Grins
broad sword [specialized]. He has a purse that contains 20 gold coins
is a typical bully.
each worth 25gp. He also wears a neck chain of heavy gold.*)
STANLEY HAMMER SMITH (He is a chaotic evil, human, 5th level
fighter. His vital stats are HP 30, AC 12. His primary attribute are *This is a neck chain with the 12 signs of the zodiac as pendants, each set
strength, dexterity, and constitution. His Secondary Skill is Bullying. He with a small cabochon ruby, the whole being worth 2000gp. It is an emblem
carries leather armor, war hammer [specialized], and dagger.) Ham- of the towns Assassins Guild, and it marks the wearer as a friend who has
mer is a typical bully. committed no less than 12 killings on behalf of that organization.
JEROME JAYBIRD OAKTON (He is a 4th level, chaotic evil, human fight- GOODS AND SERVICES COST
er. His vital stats are HP 28, AC 12. His primary attributes are strength,
dexterity, and constitution. His significant attribute is strength 18. His Ale 2 cp per pint
Secondary Skill is Bullying. He carries leather armor and shortsword Beer 2 cp per pint
[specialized], and dagger.) Jaybird is a typical bully. Liquor 3 cp per glass
OSWALD WALL BAKER (He is a 4th level, chaotic evil, human fighter. Coffee 3 cp per pot
His vital stats are HP 24, AC 12. His primary attributes are strength,
dexterity, and constitution. His significant attribute is strength 18. His Tea 2 cp per pot
Secondary Skill is Bullying. He carries leather armor, a club [specialized], Breakfast 25 cp
and dagger.) Wall is a typical bully.
Dinner 15 cp
BRADLEY CUTES CUNNINGHAM (He is a 6th level, neutral evil, hu-
Supper 1 sp
man thief. His vital stats are HP 24, AC 12. His primary attributes are
strength, dexterity, and constitution. His Secondary Skill is Escape Abil- Private room (one night) 5 sp
ity. He carries leather armor, long sword, and a dagger.) Cutes is a Private room (one week) 25 sp
clever sneakthief and backstabber.
Private room (one month) 2 gp
RALPH PIGGY SWINFORD (He is a 3rd level, chaotic evil, human fighter.
Dormitory (one night) 1 sp
His vital stats are HP 21, AC 12. His primary attributes are strength,
dexterity, and constitution. His significant attribute is strength 14. His Dormitory (one week) 5 sp
Secondary Skill is Bullying. He carries leather armor, battle axe [special- Dormitory (one month) 22 sp
ized], and dagger.) Piggy is a typical bully.
GILBERT GAFFS FULLER (He is a 4th level, chaotic evil, human thief. RIVER RAT CASINO
His vital stats are HP 18, AC 12. His primary attributes are strength, Behind the kitchen there is a gambling hall called the River Rat Casino.
dexterity, and intelligence. His Secondary Skill is Escape Ability. He car- This place is run by Melanie Melons Hogan and is exclusive to members
ries leather armor, broad sword, and dagger.) Gaffs is a lesser thief in of the Yggsburgh Thieves Guild, though it is not unusual for a prominent
this gang. He recently murdered a young apprentice in Moatgate political figure or merchant to be seen here as guest. Characters who
(see Yggsburgh Town: Moatgate Quarter encounters #241) and is are members of the Yggsburgh Thieves Guild are welcome to enter this
concerned evidence will lead investigators to him. establishment, by way of a brass amulet and an identifying Thieves Cant


gesture indicating guild membership. Members of the guild may simply ALBERT, DONALD, AND VICTOR, the stable hands (They are 1st level,
enter from the basement, having come through the secret passageway chaotic evil, human thieves. Their vital stats are HP 3, AC 11. Their
utilized by the Thieves Guild that stretches beneath the town proper. primary attributes physical. They carry knives.)

There is never a shortage of activity here. The doors open at midnight, SERVICE COST
and the gambling will persist until dawn. The gambling hall has golden Stabling, one night 3 sp
oak flooring and like wall paneling. The walls are decorated with bright
paintings of game birds and trophies. There are two stone fireplaces, a Stabling, one week 19 sp
dozen tables, and a 25foot long bar. Additionally, there are two water Stabling, one month 1 gp
closets and three private meeting rooms. Tables are run by employees of
Melanie Melons Hogan, as her brother has little involvement here but 118. GOODWOOD LUMBER YARD
does derive a piece of the pie, as he owns the building.
SIGN: plaque painted with an oak tree
DEALERS: There are four card tables and two dice tables, each of these run ENCOUNTER: Wood Elf Justice
by dealers who are referred to by their nicknames: Smokey, Sneaks,
Cougher, LadyKiller, LimeBag, and Queen. Each one is nasty This massive fiftyfoot structure of brick and mortar has a large central
in their own special way. Surprisingly, theft and cheating are quite rare storage yard for planked wood and timber logs harvested from the
here. Whether it is honor among thieves or simply being afraid of being Deerwood, a large portion of which is lumbered at the Saw Mill (CZY
caught and the subsequent results, one can not say. encounter #88). Harvested species include ash, beech, chestnut, elm,
hickory, locust, maple, oak (various sorts), sycamore and walnut. Rare
DEALERS X 6 (They are 4th/3rd level, neutral evil human thief/fighters woods not to be exposed to the elements are stored in those parts of
whose vital stats are HP 29, AC 14. Their primary attributes are dexter- the building that are roofed (the northern and southern portions),
ity, intelligence, and wisdom. Their Secondary Skill is Swindling, level 3. along with paneling and moldings. These include imported wood,
They carry leather armor, club, and dagger.) such as cherry and mahogany for furniture. Mulberry is imported from
the Far East, used for paper and also integral to silk worm cultivation.
The bar is long and Lshaped, crafted of knotty pine, with barstools to Brazilwood is also imported, being used by dyers, along with alder, which
match. It is run by a halforc, Bertrand Brawls Vale, who is hardly is native to local riverbanks.
orcish looking at all, and is well liked.
This is the establishment of the Alfred Goodwood (age 42), a beefy,
BERTRAND BRAWLS VALE (He is a 4th level, lawful evil, halforc fight- redhaired man with closeset eyes and a big, toothless grin. Goodwood
er. His vital stats are HP 26, AC 16. His primary attributes are strength, comes from a long line of lumberjacks. Goodwood keeps a staff of 20
constitution, and wisdom. His significant attribute is strength 16. He laborers. He also has first floor apartments for his family and servants
wears cuir bouille and keeps a battle axe [specialized] under the bar.) thereof: wife Alice, six children, elderly inlaws, maid, nurse maid and
manservant. Goodwood has a vault in his master bedroom, within which
There will be 2130 thieves in here on any given night. There may be he has 2,000 gold pieces and 1,000 gold pieces worth of gems and jewelry.
some mix of demihuman, perhaps 3 to 4. The vault has an intricate lock (CL 7). Goodwood tithes 10% of his
earnings to Melanie Melons Hogan of the RIVER RAT TAVERN (#117)
THIEVES (They are 5th8th level, alignment variable, thieves whose vital
for protection from robbery.
stats are HP 4 per level, AC 14. Their primary attributes are physical.
Their significant attribute is dexterity 16. They carry leather armor, ALFRED GOODWOOD (He is a tradesman with Woodsman Ability, level
longsword or shortsword, and dagger.) 2, and Business Ability.)
There is a 50% chance on any given night that a boss from the Thieves LABORERS X 20 (They are simple commoners.)
Guild (CZY encounter #52) will be present, particularly when the stakes
are high or there is business to discuss. 118A.+B. These two areas are common yards for stocking of various
logs, timbers, planks, and wood chips. These areas are plagued by rats
117S. RIVER RAT TAVERN STABLE & LIVERY that come out by night.
This forty foot tall timber and plank barn is the stable and livery for the RIVER 119. WOLFS SMOKING TINDER HOUSE
RAT TAVERN #117. Patrons of the River Rat may check their horses in here,
with additional services such as feeding and brushing. Naive is the patron SIGN: a smoking hearth
who leaves their horse here with saddlebags brimming riches, for here be
thieves! However, as many a Thieves Guild member frequents this location, This 30foot tall timberwood shed has an open face. Here are stored
one warning gesture in cant will usually squelch any such ill intent. piles of corded firewood (elm, hickory, oak). A ladder leads up to a loft
where tinderboxes of wood powder and paraffin are stored. This is the
Ned PumpkinHead Fish is the stablemaster here. He is a short man establishment of Grady Wolf, a stout man of kindly disposition. Grady
with a big head (literally and figuratively). The groom, William Eel lives with his family in the loft of a local mattress makers establishment
Tanner is a lanky, sallow skinned man. The stable hands are scruffy (#93). His sons Dale and Robert work with him, cording wood. Grady
looking boys (ages 14 to 16) named Albert, Donald, and Victor. tithes 10% of his earnings to Melanie Melons Hogan (#117) for
protection services. Like many men, he is also in love with her.
NED PUMPKINHEAD FISH, Stable Master (He is a 3rd/4th level, chaotic
neutral, human fighter/thief whose vital stats are HP 22, AC 12. His primary GRADY WOLF (He is a tradesman with Woodsman Ability.)
attributes are strength, dexterity, and charisma. He has the Secondary Skill of DALE WOLF (He is a tradesman with Woodsman Ability.)
Suborning and Detection. He wears leather and carries a short sword.)
ROBERT WOLF (He is a tradesman with Woodsman Ability.)
WILLIAM EEL TANNER, Groom (He is a rural commoner with Detection Ability.)

SIGN: plaque reads, A Place for Everything! SIGN: a spool of rope

This 30foot tall brick and mortar building is where citizens may rent This 30foot tall timber and brick building is a warehouse for rope, cord,
storage space. Some utilize this facility for the storage of valuables (legal and fiber. Here, great spools of rope manufactured from cotton, hemp,
and illegal) they would rather not keep within their homes or shops. The manila, silk, and sisal are stored by rope type and thickness, the latter of
Yggsburgh Community Storehouse is owned by the merchant Terrance which ranges from 1inch diameter to 8inch diameter. Although rope
Marsh (age 62), a gaunt man with a perpetual frown. He lives with his is trucked in from a variety of walks, Cables Rope Walk (CZY encounter
sister (encounter #5). A security staff of eight is employed, along with a #85) is the largest supplier. Raw sisal and hemp fiber are imported here, for
wizard of no little skill. Also employed here are two office clerks, both of crafters of cord, twine, rope, doormats, and bags. The owner, Rollo Roper,
whom report to the Thieves Guild, unbeknownst to the Marsh. age 60, a hunchbacked man who laughs a lot, keeps a staff of 5 laborers.
Roper lives on the first floor of this building with his family of four.
The Yggsburgh Community Storehouse, as per an agreement struck by
Marsh, actually tithes 10% of all rental fees to the Thieves Guild, so that ROLLO ROPER (He is a chaotic good tradesman with Nautical Ability.)
members of said guild will not be sanctioned to commit a robbery here. LABORERS x 5 (They are simple commoners.)
The ground floor of this building is divided into units ranging from as
small as 5 square yards to as large as 50 square yards. There is also a
security office here and a business office. The first floor is also divided SIGN: a wheel of many spokes
into storage spaces, though the floor to ceiling space is 10 feet. The Castle
Keeper should decide what is stored in this building, but some suggestions This 35foot tall brick building is the property of Hugh Wheeler who
may include antique furniture, pottery, paintings, jewelry, gems, books, manufactures wheels and axels. Here employed are 6 apprentices. The
and some magical items. In total there should be up to 10,000 gp worth of first floor is where Wheeler keeps his apartments (he has a family of four),
valuables stored here. This is also a location that the Thieves Guild well with additional apartments for his staff. 10% of earnings are tithed to
utilizes for import and export contraband. Melanie Hogan (#117) for protection services.

SERVICE COST HUGH WHEELER, MASTER WHEELER (He is a neutral good master artisan.)
Goods Storage, six months (5 square yards) 5 gp APPRENTICE WHEELERS x 6 (They are apprentice artisans.)
Goods Storage, six months (15 square yards) 10 gp
Goods Storage, six months (25 square yards) 20 gp
This 35foot tall firebrick building is the freight depot of Wilbur Webber,
Goods Storage, six months (50 square yards) 30 gp
who works with local merchandise exporters. There are many objects dart,
Marsh resides with his sister, the lace maker (#5). The wizard, Dunstan musical instruments, sculptures, paintings, tapestries, wines, and more that
Brooks, keeps a small apartment in the old root cellar of this building, are stored here before being shipped downriver to Dunfalcon and beyond.
accessed via a secret trapdoor in the front office. There, Dunstan has
This business is utilized (some would say controlled) by notable local
a small lab where he brews potions, and keeps a shelf of old tomes and
Thieves Guild member, Melanie Melons Hogan of the River Rat Tavern
librams, largely related to flora and fauna of local and exotic nature.
(#117). At anytime this building contains 500 to 5,000 gold pieces worth
He sleeps on a mattress of goose feathers and keeps a small writing
of valuables, the exact nature of which (including magical items) should be
desk. Dunstan, a man with wild orange hair, provides many security
determined* by the Castle Keeper. This building is highly secure, from its
enchantments to this building, including alarms, fire preventatives, and
armed security staff to its many magical enchantments, including alarms
magical traps (explosive runes, blindness, etc.). He also wholesales potions
and triggered traps, supplied by the mage, Dunstan Brooks (#120).
to Melanie Hogan of the RIVER RAT TAVERN (#117).
*The use of C&C Monsters and Treasure will assist in such
TERRANCE MARSH (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.)
GUARDS x 8 (They are 3rd level, lawful neutral, human fighters whose vital
stats are HP 22, AC 14. Their primary attributes are physical. Their sig- WILBUR WEBBER (He is a neutral evil tradesman with Business Ability,
nificant attribute is strength 16. They wear mail hauberk and carry spears. Judgement Ability, and Swindling.)
If there is to be combat, each one carries a potion of strength.) SECURITY GUARD CAPTAIN (He is a 6th level, lawful evil, human fighter.
CLERKS x 2 (They are tradesmen informants of the Thieves Guild with His vital stats are HP 47, AC 16. His primary attributes are strength,
Detection Ability, level 2.) dexterity, and wisdom. His significant attribute is strength 16. He wears
cuir bouille and wields a long sword [specialized] and dagger.)
DUNSTAN BROOKS (He is a 6th level, lawful neutral, human wizard. His vital
stats are HP 20, AC 14. His primary attributes are dexterity, intelligence, and SECURITY GUARDS x 6 (They are 3rd level, lawful evil, human fighters
wisdom. His significant attribute is dexterity 16. His secondary skills are Esoteric whose vital stats are HP 18, AC 12. Their primary attributes are physi-
Ability, level 2, and Knowledge Specialist Alchemy, level 2. He wears green cal. They carry leather armor, halberd, and dagger.)
robes with gold embroidery and carries a +1 silver dagger and a +2 ring of
protection. Wizard spells: 0th level x5, 1st level x5, 2nd level x4, and 3rd level x2.) 124. JOYNERS JOYNERY
This twostory, 20foot tall brick warehouse is a supply house for
In his lab, Dunstan is brewing potions of levitation (60minute duration), of
carpenters installing doors, shutters, moldings, furniture and other such
which he may have 14 of each. There are also 2 potions that may identify
woodworks. Carpenters send apprentices here for unfinished woodwork.
as potions of levitation, but actually have the reverse effect, pinning the
This establishment is run by Basil Joyner, a journeymen carpenter who
subject to the ground for 60 minutes, save versus magic CL 6 negates. He
employs three laborers. Joyner is a small, portly drunkard, who tithes 10%
also has about 2,000 gp worth of alchemical ingredients and supplies.
to Melanie Hogan (#117) for protection services.


BASIL JOYNER (He is a tradesman with Construction Ability, level 2.) 126. THE BOX HOUSE
LABORERS x 3 (They are simple commoners.) This 40foot tall brick building on fieldstone foundation is where boxes,
crates, and pallets of various size, shape, and weightbearing capacity are
125. WALDORFS WICKER SUPPLY HOUSE built and stored. The owner, Frank Meadows, employs 8 laborers. The
SIGN: a willow tree first floor also contains the apartments of Meadows, his wife, and six
children. Meadows tithes 10% of his earnings to Melanie Hogan (#117)
ENCOUNTER: Burglar for protection services.
This twostory, 20foot tall brickwork building is the warehouse of FRANK MEADOWS (He is a chaotic neutral tradesman.)
Waldorf Fish. Waldorf, a smallish man with a severe widows peak,
supplies local crafters of wickerwork. Willow branches are stored here LABORERS x 8 (They are simple commoners.)
in tight bundles, these being harvested along River Nemo, Urt River, and
Cold Springs Run, and also reeds from Meadow Creek. 127. STAGGS COOPERAGE
SIGN: an ironbanded barrel
Waldorf is also a cat burglar of the THIEVES GUILD. He does small jobs
for quick coinage, and is sometimes directed by Melanie Hogan (#117). This 30foot tall building of brick and mortar is where all manner of
He has no employees but does keep a guard dog, a mastiff that is prone cylindershaped containers are built and stored. Owned and operated by
to chewing the willow branches. He lives with his wife and two toddling William Stagg, a master cooper, this warehouse manufactures and stores
children at the GLASS ALLEY APARTMENTS (#73). As a member of the barrels, casks, and tubs of wood banded with wooden or metal hoops.
Night Watch, Waldorf serves so as to spy for potential robberies. Stagg has one journeyman and eight apprentices and lives here with his
family of three, also providing apartments to his staff. 10% of Staggs
WALDORF FISH* (He is a 4th level, chaotic neutral, human thief whose earnings are tithed to Melanie Hogan (#117) for protection services.
vital stats are HP 15, AC 14. His primary attributes are strength, Barrels bought here vary in price from 8 sp for a 40 gallon container to as
dexterity, and constitution. His Secondary Skill is Detection. He much as 75 sp for a 252 gallon tun.
wears leather armor, wields a dagger, and wears boots that hold a
variety of thieves tools.) WILLIAM STAGG, MASTER COOPER (He is a chaotic neutral master artisan.)
DOG, MASTIFF (This animals vital stats are HD 3d8, HP 15, AC 14. JOURNEYMAN COOPER (He is a journeyman artisan.)
Its primary attributes are physical. It attacks with a bite for 2d4 points of
APPRENTICE COOPER x 8 (They are apprentice artisans.)
damage. It is worth 4 + 1 experience points.)


TThey are frequented by cartmen and apprentices of grocers, general stores, 131. TEA & SPICE MERCHANTS STOREHOUSE
HIS WAREHOUSE BLOCK IS largely where foodstuffs are stored.
SIGN: a tealeaf
butchers, fish mongers, restaurants, inns, taverns, eateries, wine sellers and more.
Wagons and carts roll in and out of this area from sunup to sundown. This small warehouse of brick and mortar stands 30 feet tall. This is the
business of Roy Clover, a slight man who wears a black wig. Tea (black,
128. EGGSBURGH green, flowered, fruited, minted, and spiced) and spices (cinnamon, clove,
SIGN: a blue egg with brown spots ginger, licorice root, nutmeg, paprika, pepper) are trucked in largely from
the Lonely Valley, with some imports from the Far East. Clover keeps a
This fortyfoot tall, red brick warehouse is where live poultry is trucked staff of six laborers and two security guards. He lives with his wife, Alice,
in from suburban farms, slaughtered, and then picked up by butchers, and their two children on the first floor.
restaurants, inns, taverns, grocers, etc. Chicken is the most common
poultry, but there is also turkey, duck, goose, guinea fowl, pheasant, pigeon, ROY CLOVER (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.)
and quail. Eggs (chicken, duck, goose, and fowl) are also trucked in here. LABORERS x 6 (They are simple commoners.)
EggsBurgh is the establishment of Ernest Egg, a tall, robust man with thick
spectacles who employs a dozen laborers (he calls them his Egg Men). SECURITY GUARDS x 2 (They are 3rd level, lawful neutral, human fighters
whose vital stats are HP 18, AC 15. Their primary attributes are physi-
The ground floor contains large bins of corn and wheat grain to feed cal. They carry chain hauberk, short sword, and dagger.)
the broilers (poultry raised for its meat) before slaughter, and there are
many pens for recently arrived stock. Slaughtered birds are hung and 132. FISHMONGERS GUILD STOREHOUSE
plucked, some being picked up fresh, others barreled, pickled (or salted) SIGN: a plaque painted with a yellowspotted green pike
and stored. The first floor is where sacks of feathers (for mattress makers)
and crates of bad eggs (used for cosmetics, inks and paints) are stored, ENCOUNTER: Killer Catfish
lifted via rope pulley elevator. It is also where Egg and his elderly mother
This massive, 50foot tall brick and mortar warehouse is where the
reside with nursemaid. Poor old Egg cant find a good woman.
Fishmongers Guild stores preserved fish, (salted, smoked, and pickled).
ERNEST EGG (He is a lawful good tradesman.) Species include giant crayfish (lobstersized), clams and fish such as bullhead,
catfish, eel, red sunfish, platter crappie, golden perch, and trout. There are
LABORERS x 12 (They are simple commoners.) several elevators, stairs and large, open storage areas filled with barrels and
crates of preserved fish. William Pike manages this massive storehouse. Pike
129. THE YGGSBURGH BEEF HOUSE has ten Fishmongers Guild apprentices and twelve general laborers employed
SIGN: a cow here. Pike and his apprentices reside in first floor apartments.

This 50foot tall warehouse of red brick is where beef products are trucked WILLIAM PIKE, master fishmonger (He is lawful neutral tradesman with
in from local farms, then picked up by servants of butchers, restaurants, inns, Nautical Ability, level 4.)
taverns, grocers, etc. Beef sides and quarters arrive pickled, salted, smoked, APPRENTICE FISHMONGERS x 10 (They are rural commoners with Nautical Ability.)
or dried. They are barreled and/or crated and stored on the ground floor
of this building. The Yggsburgh Beef House is the establishment of Fineous LABORERS x 12 (They are simple commoners.)
Oak, age 50, a purplefaced, rotund man with bloodshot eyes.
The ground floor is manned by ten laborers, and the first floor contains SIGN: Yggsburgh Coat of Arms
further storage and also the apartments of Oak and his five family members.
This townowned brick warehouse is managed by Edwin Tanner, a square
FINEOUS OAK (He is a neutral evil tradesman.) jawed man. This is a place where salt, a significant town revenue, is trucked
LABORERS x 10 (They are simple commoners.) in after being quarried at the townowned salt mine of the Serpent Ridge
(CZY environs #5). The salt is ground and screened by laborers, as the
130. PORKYS product tends to cake during transport, forming large, hardened masses.
The first floor, in addition to being a dry storage area for finer grain salt,
SIGN: a string of sausage links
contains the apartments of Tanner, his wife, and their four children.
This 40foot tall brick warehouse is where pork products are stored,
EDWIN TANNER (He is a chaotic good tradesman.)
trucked in from local hog farms. Pork products include pork chops, ham,
bacon, and sausage. These cuts arrive salted, smoked or pickled, barreled LABORERS x 10 (They are simple commoners.)
and crated. Other porkrelated products stored here include pickled
pigs feet, knuckles, chitterlings (intestines), stomach, kidneys, liver, ears, 134. ABANDONED STOREHOUSE
brain, snout, jowls, lips, tongues, and throats. Phillip Porky Salter (who ENCOUNTER: Rats in the Sewers
resides at #8) runs a smooth operation. He is a thick, broadshouldered
man with tightknit brows and a roaring laughter. The ground floor is This beam and timber building has fallen to a state of ruin and disrepair.
where the barrels of pork products are stacked and organized. The first Condemned by the local Fire Department as a hazard, it is scheduled to be torn
floor, accessed via lift or stair, contains barrels of pork byproducts: fat, down and the lot sold. As such, the place has become a place where beggars
hair, skin, glands; these used for lard, leather, brushes, soap, and glue. take shelter, but these are invariably driven off by the guards of the Spice
Merchants Storehouse or members of the Fishmongers Guild beside it.
PHILLIP PORK SALTER (He is a chaotic good tradesman.)
LABORERS x 8 (They are simple commoners.) BEGGARS x 520 (They are alignment variable vagabonds and urchins.)


Giant sewer rats (see encounter at APPENDIX B) infest this place, BRADLEY SADDLER (He is a lawful good tradesman.)
sometimes emerging from broken conduits at the cellar level, accessed LABORERS x 6 (They are simple commoners.)
via a portal where once a trap door was fastened. Among the rubble of
broken timbers, planks, and glass, one may find a religious symbol that 138. YGGSBURGH GRAIN DEPOT
portrays a wolfheaded man. This is the symbol of Sigi, the great god
of outlaws and killers, a renegade son of Odin, and so wicked even Loki This 50foot tall warehouse of red brick is where grain and powdered
mistrusts him. Below the old cellar of this storehouse, one may discover grain are stored. This townowned storehouse is managed by William
an old shrine of this deity, to which human sacrifice was once made. Nutter (age 47), a small oliveskinned man with a beaklike nose. Grain
is trucked here from local farms and also the town owned Grist Mill
135. WINE & LIQUOR STOREHOUSE (CZY # 87). The ground floor is stacked with bins containing sacks of
grain (wheat, corn, rice, barley, sorghum, oats, rye, and millet) and flour
Sign: a cluster of grapes (wheat and rice). Six laborers are employed here. The first floor is where
nuts are stored almonds, peanuts, pecans, and walnuts in 20pound
This 50foot tall stone building is where wine and liquor are stored. The
sacks, and coffee beans, which are stored in larger sacks. Grain and nuts
wine & liquor merchant is Albrecht Hamm, a tall elderly man (age 88)
stored here are not sold to the general public, but to taverns, inns,
with a red, bulbous nose and beady blue eyes. Hamm has ten laborers and
restaurants, etc. Nutter owns a small home (#62) on Crosstown Street.
five security guards.
WILLIAM NUTTER (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.)
This building is enchanted with refrigeration magic that keeps
temperatures cool (55 degrees) and stable for the wine. This service is LABORERS x 6 (They are simple commoners.)
provided by the wizard, Diana Wheelwright (#1). The ground floor is
stocked with 60gallon butts of wine: common wine, rare wine, sparkling 139. HOUSE OF DAIRY & ICE
wine, sweet fruit wine, and wine vinegar. Possibilities include dandelion, This 40foot firebrick building stores ice and dairy products. It is the establishment
elderberry, grape, and plum wine. of the wizard, Olaf Pike, a graduate of the Academy of Magic who also served a
fiveyear apprenticeship under the Ice Mage, Professor Otto Glacius White
The first floor, accessed by stair or elevator, is where smaller kegs (10
(Grand Temple & College District, encounter #29) at said academy.
gallon) of brandy and liquors such as gin, mead, rum, vodka, and whiskey
are stored. This is also where Hamm lives alone, having outlived his The ground floor is where ice and dairy products are stored. Pike lays
wife by twenty years. There is also a small shrine up here, dedicated to enchantments to maintain below freezing temperatures at the rear of the
Suttung, the Mountain Giant god from whom Odin once stole the Mead building. Here are stored ice slabs, ice cubes, and ice chips. Dairy products
of Poetry, as the tale goes. trucked in include butter (salted and unsalted), butter milk, cottage cheese,
cream, milk, and whey. Most of these are stored in airtight 10gallon kegs
ALBRECHT HAMM (He is a lawful neutral tradesman with Knowledge
and trucked out rather quickly. There are five laborers working here, each
Specialist Wine, level 3.)
accustomed to the cold and doubling as cartmen.
LABORERS x 10 (They are simple commoners.)
The first floor is where 10gallon cheese barrels are stored, such as cow, goat,
GUARDS x 5 (They are 3rd level, lawful neutral, human fighters whose vi-
and sheep cheese in both common and aged varieties. This is also where Olaf
tal stats are HP 19, AC 13. Their primary attributes are physical. They
Pike keeps his chilly apartments. Pike (age 25) is a gaunt man with a long
carry studded leather armor, short sword, and dagger.)
jaw and yellow robes. The wizard lives alone, but keeps a familiar snow owl.
He has a library, a study, a bedroom, and a small laboratory. He is sometimes
visited by Diana Wheelwright (#1), whom he secretly loves.
Sign: a red apple
OLAF PIKE (He is a 6th level, lawful good, human wizard. His vital stats
This 40foot tall brick building is where preserved fruit and vegetables are are HP 15, AC 14. His primary attributes are dexterity, intelligence, and
trucked in from local farms. Fruit and produce stored here are dried, salted, charisma. His significant attribute is intelligence 18. His secondary skill
pickled, or sugared in casks, and are picked up by local grocers, restaurants, is Esoteric Ability, level 2. He wears yellow robes and carries a +1 staff
inns, taverns, etc. Fruit: apples, cherries, grapes (and raisins), pears, plums, and a wand of frost with 13 charges remaining. Wizard spells: 0th level x5,
and peaches. Vegetables: asparagus, beans, beets, cabbage, carrots, celery, 1st level x5, 2nd level x4, and 3rd level x2.)
cucumbers, endive, escarole, fennel, gourds, lettuce, melons, mustard, onions,
LABORERS x 5 (They are simple commoners.)
olives, parsnips, peas, potatoes, pumpkins, radishes, rutabagas, tomatoes, and
turnips. Jud Verger manages this place with five laborers, but the warehouse
is owned by Jasper Gatbees (Grand Temple & College District encounter
#6). Verger is a thin man with graystreaked black hair and squinting green This illsmelling 50foot tall brick warehouse is where undressed hides and
eyes. He resides with his family of ten on the first floor. skins are trucked in for tanning. This is the establishment of the master tanner,
Humbert Tanner, a brawny man with a crooked nose. The ground floor is
JUD VERGER (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.) where waterfilled drums containing animal skins are conveyed. Skins are
LABORERS x 5 (They are simple commoners.) washed, and then tanned in solutions such as oil, bark, leaves, and/or fruit.
There are six apprentice tanners here who deflesh and dehair cow hides from
137. EQUINE GRAIN SUPPLY dawn to dusk. Also coming in and out throughout the day are six pure collectors
whose function it is to scour the streets for dog and cat excrement. These boys
This 50foot tall brick and mortar warehouse is a wholesale supply outlet for are afforded basement lodge and found for their service.
stablers and liveries, run by Bradley Saddler, and a staff of 6 laborers. Here
are sacks (60pound), crates, and barrels of oats (the favorite grain of horses) The first floor is where treated hides and skins are packed and stored.
and concentrates (a mix of feed containing corn, barley, and grain sorghum). Finer quality treatments are also stored here, some of these taking several
Bales of hay are stacked to the ceiling. An elevator lift to the first floor is months to tan. Here are also the apartments of Tanner, his wife and six
stocked with straw for stable bedding. Bradley is a short man slight of build, sons. Tanners wife, Olive, is currently expecting their seventh child.
with freckles. He lives with his pregnant wife on the first floor.

Tanner, being a seventh son himself, believes he will have another son, tobacco related products stored here. Thus, three security guards are on duty.
and that the child will be gifted.
The ostentatious Herbert Wainwright (Yggsburgh Town: Manors District
HUMBERT TANNER, MASTER TANNER (He is a chaotic good tradesman.) #2) is an occasional visitor here, both on business and in an attempt to interest
Ignacious in the hallucinogenic pipe weed he has heard of.
APPRENTICE TANNERS x 6 (They are 4 human and 2 dwarf apprentice tradesmen.)
PURE COLLECTORS x 6 (They are urchins.) I GNACIOUS G ARBLEWEED G ARFISH (He is a 4 th level, chaotic
neutral, human thief whose vital stats are HP 17, AC 13. His
141. YGGSBURGH TOBACCO & SNUFF BARN primary attributes are dexterity, constitution, and wisdom. His
REASON: When the party wishes to purchase tobacco or marijuana secondary Skill is Knowledge Specialist Herbalism. He wears
+1 leather armor and wields a +1 dagger.)
SIGN: a pipe issuing a tendril of smoke
LABORERS x 3 (They are simple commoners.)
This weatherworn, beam and plank building on fieldstone foundation stands GUARDS x 3 (They are 4th level, lawful neutral, human fighters whose vi-
thirty feet tall. This is one of the older storehouses in town. Merely passing tal stats are HP 29, AC 15. Their primary attributes are physical. They
within 100 feet of this building one can smell the sharp odor of tobacco. Here, carry chain hauberk, short sword, and dagger.)
the leaves of this narcotic plant are aircured and barreled by the owner and
his three laborers. Tobacco is carted from this location to various general stores, 142. WOOLLYS WOOLHOUSE
smoking dens, gentlemens clubs, wine sellers, and specialty shops about town.
This 35foot tall red brick building is where sheared wool is trucked
Ignacious Garbleweed Garfish owns this place and is also a member of the in from local farms. It is the family run storehouse of Norm Woolly
Thieves Guild. He lives in an old shack (#23) with his family. A specialist Shepherd, a big man with a beard to rival any dwarfs. Woolly, his big wife
in herbalism, Garfish also traffics in the dried buds of a hemp species called Helga, and their four big children live on the first floor.
garbleweed, which is akin to a mild strain of marijuana; if the buds are smoked
NORM WOOLLY SHEPHERD (He is a chaotic good rural commoner with
or ingested, a mild euphoria results. There is 2,000gp worth of tobacco and
Bullying and Business Ability.)



Tminerals are trucked in from quarries, brick works, and mines.

HIS WAREHOUSE BLOCK IS where much of the towns rocks and six laborers employed here. The first floor also contains the apartments
These of Warren Tiler and his family of five.
resources are controlled by the Masons Guild, and the yards stocked as follows:
WARREN TILER (He is a true neutral tradesman with some Construction Ability.)
MC1. SAND PILE: Used for mixing concrete.
LABORERS x 6 (They are simple commoners.)
MC2. SLATE SLAB PIle: Used for sidewalk, driveways and flagstone
flooring in basements.
SIGN: a clay pot painted in floral design
MC3. SLATE SHINGLE PILE: Slate broken into thin, fine shingles used to
roof buildings. This warehouse of brick, painted yellow and standing 35 feet tall, is the
pottery outlet of the gnome, Uni Potsy Moles. The ground floor is
MC4. PAVING STONE PILE: Used in the construction of roads, sidewalks piled with large mounds of mineralrich clay with surrounding shelves
and driveways. stacked with all manner of pots. Potsy keeps five general laborers
(all gnomes) and two gnomish artists to glaze rough pots and paint
MC5. BUILDING STONE PILE: Fieldstone, sandstone, and limestone used them with floral and religious design. The first floor is where Potsy
to pave build structures. keeps his apartments. He is a widower, having lost his wife to a terrible
accident, but not before she bore him twin boys.
MC6. BRICK ROWS: Imported from the Brick Works (CZY #86).
UNI POTSY MOLES (He is a chaotic good gnome tradesman.)
S. The stables of this block contain not just draft horses and mules, but
also oxen, for the heaviest of materials are transported here. GNOME LABORERS x 5 (They are gnome commoners.)
GNOME ARTISTS x 2 (These are commoner gnomes with Artistic Capacity
143. THE LIMEHOUSE Painting.)
ENCOUNTER: Rats in the Sewers
This huge, 50foot tall firebrick storehouse is the establishment Draupnir
This warehouse was recently purchased by a Dunfalcon merchant for a
Limey Hewer, a dwarfish master mason who keeps three journeymen,
hefty sum.
six apprentices and twelve general laborers. Hewers brother owns
a limestone quarry outside of town and ships his product upriver to 148. MASONS GUILD WHEELWRIGHT
Yggsburgh. Limestone blocks, limestone bricks, and crushed limestone
are trucked in to this location, where Limey produces powdered lime. SIGN: a gold masons hammer set over the Yggsburgh Coat of Arms.
He keeps three large kilns to cook the lime, producing powdery lumps
of graywhite lime, which is used for cleaning agents, treating sewers, This 30foot tall, firebrick warehouse is owned by the Masons
and manufacturing mortar. The first floor is for storage and also the Guild. Here, the guild repairs their own wheels, and also grease
apartments of the dwarf, his wife, Beardless, and their 13 tiny children. axels with tallow. The operation is managed by Albert Albertson,
Limey is a member of the MASONS GUILD (#153). a master wheeler who has three apprentices. Albertsons family of
seven live in the first floor apartments.
dwarf artisan with Construction Ability, level 4.) ALBERT ALBERTSON (He is a lawful neutral master artisan.)

JOURNEYMAN MASONS x 3 (They are journeyman artisans, with Con- APPRENTICE WHEELERS x 3 (They are apprentice artisans.)
struction Ability, level 2.)
APPRENTICE MASONS x 6 (They are apprentice artisans.)
SIGN: a gold masons hammer set over the Yggsburgh Coat of Arms.
LABORERS x 12 (They are simple commoners.)
This 30foot tall warehouse of brick is owned by the Masons Guild. As
144. ROOFERS STOREHOUSE the load of masonry takes heavy tolls on carts and wagons, it became
This small brick warehouse, standing 30 feet tall, is run by William Flint Slater. prudent for the Masons Guild to set up their own service repairing such
Slater and crew cut slate for shingling roofs. Roofers, construction workers, and vehicles. The manager is master wainwright, Guy Wainwright. He
masons send their apprentices here. Slater himself has six apprentices and one oversees a crew of four. He lives on the first floor with his family of six,
journeyman, Rollo Miller (who resides at #22). The first floor is crated with where there is also an apprentice apartment.
flint chips and also holds the apartments of Slater and his family of five.
GUY WAINWRIGHT (He is a neutral good master artisan.)
WILLIAM S LATER (He is a lawful neutral master artisan with APPRENTICE WAINWRIGHTS x 4 (They are apprentice artisans.)
Construction Ability, level 4.)
struction Ability, level 2.) SIGN: a gold masons hammer set over the Yggsburgh Coat of Arms.
APPRENTICE MASONS x 6 (They are apprentice artisans.)
This 30foot tall warehouse of concrete and stone owned by the Masons
Guild is stocked with molds for crafting cement stairs, slabs, sidewalks,
foundations, and floors. These frames are largely made of wood and iron and
This storehouse of brick and stone stands 40 feet tall. It is owned by are assembled on site. Treadmills are also built here for powering cranes that
Warren Tiler. Here, tiles of baked clay are stacked and stored. There are hoist construction materials. People and animals (cows, horses) provide the

power for such devices. Buckets, barrels, and carts with railroad assemblies 152. MASONS GUILD GRANITE WAREHOUSE
are also stored here. Sylvester Littler, a bentbacked, whitehaired engineer
SIGN: a gold masons hammer set over the Yggsburgh Coat of Arms.
runs this place. He keeps six laborers and has a first floor apartment.
This 30foot tall granite warehouse is where high quality granite is stored
SYLVESTER LITTLER (He is a lawful neutral master artisan with Con-
in a central yard. Managed by Gilbert Long, this operation is also owned
struction Ability, level 3.)
by the Masons Guild. Imported granite is quarried at Marblestead and
LABORERS x 6 (They are simple commoners.) Hewerton, a pair of hamlets up Quarry Track and among the Menhir Hills.
Quarried stone is trucked to Big Fish Lake where it is then loaded onto
151. MASONS GUILD MARBLE STOREHOUSE barges and shipped to Yggsburgh. There are ten general laborers employed
SIGN: a gold masons hammer set over the Yggsburgh Coat of Arms. here. The first floor of this building is stocked with whetstone. This is also
where Gilbert Long keeps his apartments (he has no family) and an office.
This 50foot tall marblefaced building with walledin gate yard is where
raw marble is imported. It is a property of the Masons Guild. Marble GILBERT LONG (He is a lawful neutral tradesman with Construction
blocks come in a variety of colors, each impurity creating for colors such Ability, level 2.)
as black, green, red, and yellow; the purest form being white. The stone LABORERS x 10 (They are simple commoners.)
is quarried at Marblestead and Hewerton, a pair of hamlets up Quarry
Track and among the Menhir Hills (CZ:Y pg 111). Quarried stone is 153. MASONS GUILD HALL
trucked to Big Fish Lake where it is then loaded onto barges and shipped
REASON: When the party wishes to speak with a member of this large and
to Yggsburgh. This place is managed by master mason, Kirby Ole Kirb
influential guild.
Stone, and is staffed by six apprentice masons, two journeymen, and
twelve general laborers. SIGN: a gold masons hammer set over the Yggsburgh Coat of Arms.

The first floor is where other precious stones are imported, such as This threestory building of marble brickwork is the Masons Guild Hall,
alabaster and lapis lazuli. Ole Kirb also keeps his apartments here with of which Gib Allworth (CZY encounter #36.) is Guild Master. This Major
his wife, with extra apartments for journeymen and apprentices. This Guild Hall controls virtually all professional activity pertaining to masonry
storehouse is protected by four security guards. in the Town of Yggsburgh, and is also a very influential organization, as
its master, Allworth, is also a member of the Council of Eight. This guild
KIRBY OLE KIRB STONE (He is a lawful neutral master artisan with is comprised of brickworkers, masons, slaters, and tilers. An organization
Construction Ability, level 4.) within this organization is the Yggsburgh Society of Architects.
JOURNEYMAN MASONS x 2 (They are journeyman artisans with Con-
The Chapel of this guild hall is dedicated to Blane, a very mighty Mountain
struction Ability, level 2.)
Giant and greater deity, who is son of the greatest of giants, Ymir. A giant
APPRENTICE MASONS x 6 (They are apprentice artisans.) lifting a mountain is his symbol. Shrines here are dedicated to other Jottens,
LABORERS x 12 (They are simple commoners.) elemental deities who were once the ruling gods long before the Aesir rose
to power. Each of these beings are represented in stone relief.
SECURITY GUARDS x 4 (They are 5th level, lawful neutral, human fight-
ers whose vital stats are HP 38, AC 15. Their primary attributes are For general information on this and other major guild halls, the Castle Keeper
physical. They carry chain hauberk, short sword, and dagger.) should refer to the template as presented in the appendix of this work.



Tiron, tin, copper, silver, and gold, largely from the renowned 156. BLACKSMITHS GUILD HALL
HIS BLOCK IS WHERE raw ore is imported; metals such as
REASON: When the party wishes to speak with a member of this large and
Glittering Knobs. The ore is carted from the mines to barges, then
influential guild.
carted into town.
SIGN: a black anvil set over the Yggsburgh Coat of Arms.
TP (TAR PIT): This deep trench is a coal tar pit used by local roofers,
ENCOUNTER: You Scratch My Back...
who will purchase tar by the barrel. Coal tar is a thick, black, sticky liquid
obtained as a byproduct during the production of iron. This threestory firebrick building is the Blacksmiths Guild Hall, of
which the dwarf Thror Ironforge (#107) is Guild Master. This Major
154. PRECIOUS METALSMITHS GUILD HALL Guild Hall controls virtually all professional activity pertaining to the
(GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS) blacksmithing of iron and steel and its many derivatives in the Town
REASON: When the party wishes to speak with a member of this large and of Yggsburgh. The guild is comprised of blacksmiths, iron founders, iron
influential guild. mongers, wire drawers, and weapon smiths.
SIGN: a gold anvil and silver anvil set over the Yggsburgh Coat of Arms. The Chapel of this guild hall is dedicated to Wayland, called simply The
Smith, who is a major god of Metallurgy and the forging of enchantments
This fourstory black granite building has a horseshoearched entrance
and artificers using the smithy and magic. He is the son of the Mountain
hooded and molded in white marble. The lot is stonewalled on all
Giant Wade, to which the largest shrine within is dedicated. Other
sides, with iron spikes surmounting. This major guild hall is comprised
shrines are dedicated to both dwarfish and mountain giant deities.
of two guilds in partnership, the Goldsmiths Guild and the Silversmiths
Guild, the former of which controls all professional activity of and For general information on this and other major guild halls, the Castle Keeper
related to gold, the latter controlling all professional activity of and should refer to the template as presented in the appendix of this work.
related to silver, platinum, and electrum.
The chapel of this building is dedicated to the dwarfish deity, Sindri,
a major god who is a metallurge, magicforger, and goldsmith of SIGN: a black anvil set over the Yggsburgh Coat of Arms.
extraordinary capacity. He is the maker of Draupner (Odins arm
ring), Mjolnir (Thors hammer), and the golden boar of Freyr. His This huge, firebrick warehouse with 11,200 squarefoot inner yard stands
symbol is the golden anvil. Shrines within are dedicated to the fifty feet tall. Iron ore is trucked here from local mines for use in the
dwarfish deities of Alfrigga, Berling, Dvalin, and Grerr who together production of iron ingots. This storehouse is owned by the Blacksmiths
magicforged the enchanted necklace, Brisling, a necklace so Guild and managed by Sylvester Smith, a journeyman blacksmith working
beautiful that even the prettiest of females, Freya herself, coveted it for his masters title. There are railroad carts leading into this building.
for her own. In the sagas it is said that she gave one night of love to
This building has a large dormitory where laborers indentured to the guild
each of these dwarves as payment for the piece.
may rest, as the Iron Ore Storeyard employs newly released prisoners
This building, unlike the standard guild halls as presented in template from the Workhouse (CZY encounter #17) to labor for lodge and found.
form found in the appendix of this volume, has a fourth story, an There are fifteen such laborers employed here.
octagonalshaped penthouse, serving as the residence of the Guild
SYLVESTER SMITH (He is a lawful neutral journeyman blacksmith.)
Master, Patrick Silver, a middleaged man of sandy hair. It should
be noted that the title of Precious Metalsmiths Guild Master rotates LABORERS x 15 (They are simple commoners, many of which are former criminals.)
between Silversmiths Guild and the Goldsmiths Guild every five years.
Presently, the Silversmiths Guild Master is boss; thus the Goldsmith 158. GLITTERING STORES
Master, Morris Smith, a smallish white haired man, has the large suite SIGN: a gold anvil set over the Yggsburgh Coat of Arms.
of offices on the second floor.
This 35foot tall brick and granite storehouse is embellished with white marble
PATRICK SILVER, Master of the Silversmiths Guild (He is a chaotic neutral relief portraying the four dwarfish deities forging a necklace of gold. The lot is
master artisan with Business Ability level 2, and Suborning level 2.) surrounded by high stone walls surmounted by a spiked, wroughtiron fence.
MORRIS SMITH, Master of the Goldsmiths Guild (He is a chaotic
neutral master artisan with Business Ability, and Suborning.) This is where raw gold ore is imported from the Glittering Knobs (CZY
environs #13). This is a Goldsmiths Guild establishment, managed
155. YGGSBURGH WIRE STOREHOUSE by Butch Road, a thicklimbed man of substantial girth. Road is a
journeyman goldsmith, assigned this task as part of his masters training.
SIGN: a black anvil set over the Yggsburgh Coat of Arms. He keeps eight apprentice goldsmiths. There are twelve guards patrolling
this place, led by Captain Louis Scar Smith.
This 35foot tall brick storehouse, owned by the Blacksmiths Guild is
where spools of wire are stored in spools, manufactured by local wire This building is enchanted with security alarms and magical traps designed
drawers. This place is managed by the dwarf, Ori Goodarm, a master wire to incapacitate any aspiring thief. The Castle Keeper must decide where
drawer who keeps a neatly cropped red beard and wears an eye patch. these are placed. These include beguiling dweomers such as sleep, charm
Goodarm has six general laborers working here. The first floor is where person (victim enspelled to believe it wise to surrender), and hold person.
the dwarf keeps apartments for his 8 family members. The more violent of protections include explosive runes, fireball, and firetrap.
All spells triggered are as though cast by a 12th level wizard.
ORI GOODARM, master wire drawer (He is a lawful good dwarf master artisan.)
LABORERS x 6 (They are simple commoners.) The first floor is where fantastic metals are stored, such as adamantite,
mithril, and xagium, though their importation is rather infrequent.

BUTCH ROAD (He is a chaotic good journeyman artisan.) GUARDS x 5 (They are 3rd level, lawful neutral, human fighters whose vi-
tal stats are HP 20, AC 13. Their primary attributes are physical. They
APPRENTICE GOLDSMITHS x 8 (They are apprentice artisans.)
carry studded leather armor, small shield, long sword, and dagger.)
CAPTAIN LOUIS SCAR SMITH (He is a 10th level, lawful neutral,
halforc fighter whose vital stats are HP 78, AC 17. His prime attributes 162. METALSMITHS GUILD HALL
are strength and wisdom. His significant attribute is strength 18. He has
REASON: When the party wishes to speak with a member of this large and
the Secondary Ability of Detection. He wears plate mail and wields a +1
influential guild.
twohanded sword [specialized].)
GUARDS x 12 (They are 4th level, lawful neutral, human fighters whose SIGN: a bronze hammer set over the Yggsburgh Coat of Arms.
vital stats are HP 29, AC 16. Their primary attributes are physical.
They carry chain hauberk, small shield, long sword, and dagger.) This threestory building of red and white checked brick is the
Metalmiths Guild Hall, of which Sir Osgood White (ENCOUNTER #31)
159. SILVER STORES is Guild Master. This Major Guild Hall controls virtually all professional
activity pertaining to copper, brass, bronze, nickel, pewter, tin, and zinc.
SIGN: a silver anvil set over the Yggsburgh Coat of Arms.
The Chapel of this guild hall is dedicated to Ivaldi, a major dwarfish deity
This 30foot tall building of whitepainted brickwork is walled in with who is the greatest of smiths, mechanics, metalurges, and magicforgers.
the Metalsmiths Storehouse (#161). A highly secure storehouse, Shrines here are dedicated to other metalurge deities, particularly the
this is where raw silver ore is stored. This operation is owned by dwarfish deities most famous for their great creations often employed by
the Silversmiths Guild and run by an elderly gnome, the Master the Aesir. These are largely represented in bronze bust.
Silversmith, Bit Foxglove, whose cousin is a prominent miner at the
Glittering Knobs (CZY environs #13). For general information on this and other major guild halls, the Castle Keeper
should refer to the template as presented in the appendix of this work.
The ground floor is where crates of raw silver ore are stored. There are six
apprentice silversmiths employed here, and eight guards. This building is SIR OSGOOD WHITE (See encounter #31.)
protected with dweomercraft. The Castle Keeper must place appropriate
wards, these will include explosive runes, firetrap and a magic mouth that 163. YGGSBURGH HOUSE OF LEAD
will shout, Intruder alert! Intruder alert! in increasingly louder tones until
heard by the entire block. The first floor of this building also contains a SIGN: Yggsburgh Coat of Arms
large apartment which is shared by the manager and his apprentices.
This 35foot tall brick building is where lead ore is imported. The lead
BIT FOXGLOVE, master silversmith (He is a chaotic good gnome master originates from underground mines where it is extracted and shipped via
artisan with Esoteric Ability, and Artistic Capacity Music.) barge, then carted in to town. Wil Plumber manages this townowned
operation, and has a staff of twelve laborers. A large, inner yard is where
APPRENTICE SILVERSMITHS (They are apprentice artisans.) crates of raw ore are stored. Plumber resides here with his family of five.
GUARDS x 8 (They are 4th level, lawful neutral, human fighters whose
vital stats are HP 24, AC 15. Their primary attributes are physical. They WIL PLUMBER (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.)
carry chain hauberk, long sword, and dagger.) LABORERS x 12 (They are simple commoners.)


This 40foot tall building of patterned brickwork is a fuel depot. SIGN: a black anvil set over the Yggsburgh Coat of Arms.
Stocked here are bins of charcoal, coal, coke, kerosene, fish oil, and
whale oil. This is the establishment of Albert Greendale, a tall, grizzled This 35foot tall building of brick and mortar is a storehouse controlled
fellow who employs five laborers. Greendale has apartments on the first by the Blacksmiths Guild, is where iron ingots may be purchased for
floor for his family of six. 5cp per pound, these being founded at local forges and industrial
plants and trucked here for distribution. Owned by the Blacksmiths
ALBERT GREENDALE (He is a lawful neutral tradesman.) Guild, this enterprise is managed by the dwarf, Mjodvitnir Oldhammer,
LABORERS x 5 (They are simple commoners.) a master blacksmith. He keeps four apprentices, a journeyman, and
six general laborers.
MASTER MJODVITNIR OLDHAMMER, master blacksmith (He is a 6th
SIGN: a bronze hammer set over the Yggsburgh Coat of Arms. level, lawful evil, dwarf fighter whose vital stats are HP 45, AC 17.
His primary attributes are strength and intelligence. His significant at-
This huge, 50foot tall building of brick and stone is walled in with the tribute is strength 14. He has the Secondary Skill of Knowledge Specialist
Silversmiths Storehouse. Owned by the Metalsmiths Guild, this is where Blacksmith, level 4. He wears plate mail and wields a morningstar for
raw ore (copper, nickel, tin, and zinc) is stored. The ground floor has +8 to hit and 2d4+2 points of damage.)
an inner yard of some 6,500 square feet, front office and meeting room.
Hobart Long, a master metalsmith, is in charge here, overseeing a crew of THOMAS WAINWRIGHT (He is a chaotic neutral journeyman artisan.)
eight apprentices, and ten common laborers. There are also five security APPRENTICES BLACKSMITHS x 4 (They are apprentice artisans.)
guards employed here. The first floor holds the apartments of Long and
LABORERS x 6 (They are simple commoners.)
his family of five, and also his apprentices.

HOBART LONG (He is a lawful neutral master artisan.)

APPRENTICE METALSMITHS x 8 (They are apprentice artisans.)
LABORERS x 10 (They are simple commoners.)



#165. THE OUTLAND TEMPLE OF ANDVARI (CZY #20) though shortly cropped, beard. Three demihumans serve as Officiant
Priests here, each one the head of his respective shrine below. They
REASON: When demihuman characters are seeking spiritual guidance
are Pious Gandalf Deepmine (dwarf), Pious Moles Mosstone (gnome),
SIGN: In a cavern pool, a bluishgray pike with yellow spots, and a ring of and Pious Dandelion Troutbrook (halfling). Each has their own private
gold adorning one fin. chambers branching from their respective shrines, though Venerable
Reginald lives in a stone cottage off temple (#165B).
Located at the southeast corner of Fisher Street and Neargate Lane, this
place is dedicated to Andavari, a lesser dwarfish deity with universal There are three human priests who directly serve Venerable Reginald, and these
appeal. Located a block from the Moatgate, this moderately large temple are Pious Walter Apple, Pious Lief Robertson, and Pious Edgar Woodward.
and grounds is where most of the small demihumans (dwarfs, gnomes, and Each of these will assist or preside over services in the main temple area. They
halflings) and foreigners in Yggsburgh attend services. As one traverses reside together in the OUTLAND DORMITORY & REFECTORY (#165A).
the cobbled walkway to the main gate, a series of black granite statues are
THE DUTIFUL PRIESTS (x 9) are comprised of 3 dwarves, 3 gnomes, and 3
observed. From left to right they portray a dwarf magically transforming to
halflings, each serving under their appropriate demihuman Officiant Priest,
a pike, so that the first statue is a dwarf, and each successive statue is more
though Castle Keepers should note that all ecclesiastics here serve under the
fishlike, until the last is a spotted pike diving into a pool.
Chief Priest, Venerable Reginald, and will float as duties necessitate. The
The Outland Temple of Andvari is built upon a mound that rises thirty feet nine Dutiful reside in the OUTLAND DORMITORY & REFECTORY (#166A).
above the roads surrounding it. The temple, a squat structure with convex
All priests of this temple will assist the characters as needed and as long as
flanks, is 30 feet tall and constructed of cyclopean stones. A central spire
they are capable. They charge for services rendered, of course, unless the
rises an additional thirty feet from the structure. A long splay of marble
character is part of their flock. The cost of spells used to assist the party is
steps must be ascended to reach the entrance. Fluted columns of polished
2050gp per spell level depending upon the petitioners standing with the
black granite front the temple, behind which twelve feet tall double oaken
temple. They will also have a small stock of scrolls for sale.
doors with handles of bronze stand framed in a runeengraved archway.
The temple has three large shrines within. Its clerics number 16 with a
lay staff of 24 persons, so the total population is 40 persons. The three bless 100gp
shrines are respectively dedicated to dwarfish, gnomish, and halfling cure light wounds 100gp
pantheons for the Castle Keeper to flesh out; however, Andvari is to be
cure serious wounds 300gp
afforded a seat of prominence in each pantheon. Indeed, this deital being
is celebrated as Andvari by the dwarves, as Alberich by the gnomes, and remove curse 300gp
as Alberon by the halflings. Additionally, there are faerie folk of the remove disease 300gp
Wychwood who refer to this deity as Oberon.
neutralize poison 400gp
Each demihuman group has its own legends regarding Andvari, and cure critical wounds 500gp
although some differ (and in some cases conflict), there is one common
denominator: the deity is able to assume the shape of any fish. But he CHIEF PRIEST, THE VENERABLE REGINALD VINER (He is a 9th level, chaotic
most often chooses the pike, which happens to be a defining crest of good, human cleric of Andvari. His vital stats are HP 39, AC 11. His pri-
Yggsburghs armorial bearings. Andvari is also a skilled magic forger mary attributes are strength, wisdom, and charisma. His significant attribute is
and alchemist, and the richest of all dwarfs. He possesses the Helmet of wisdom 18. He carries padded armor, vestments, and a staff. He can cast the
Dread and the Ring of Gold Attraction. Popular in myth and legend, it is following number of clerical spells: 0th x5, 1st x5, 2nd x5, 3rd x4, 4th x2, 5th x1.)
easy to understand why outlanders will seek spiritual guidance here, for
PIOUS GANDALF DEEPMINE (He is a 6th level, chaotic good, dwarf cleric
whether they be man, dwarf, gnome, halfling, or even faery folk the
of Andvari. His vital stats are HP 36, AC 11 or 17. His primary at-
deity known as Andvari is both familiar and recognizable.
tributes are intelligence and wisdom. His significant attributes are strength
The inner temple is simple in design: a barrel vault of ribbed ceiling, with longitudinal 17 and wisdom 17. He carries padded armor and staff, though when ar-
nave containing four pews for those worshipers unable to stand. Granite columns rayed for battle he carries plate mail and +4 mithril war hammer. Cleri-
flank the long sides of the nave to separate the aisles. The bulging sides of the cal spells: 0th x5, 1st x4, 2nd x4, 3rd x2.) He is a battle priest.
temple are embellished with stained glass lancet (long narrow and pointed at the PIOUS MOLES MOSSTONE (He is a 5th level, chaotic good, gnome cleric of
top) windows, and the ashwood altar centered on the pulpit, is emblazoned with the Alberich (Andvari). His vital stats are HP 30, AC 10. His primary attributes
image of a bluishgray pike wearing a gold ring on one fin. Stairs lead down to three are wisdom and charisma. His significant attribute is intelligence 16. He car-
basement levels, each containing a large shrine. In descending order these shrines ries padded armor and staff. Clerical spells: 0th x4, 1st x3, 2nd x2, 3rd x1.) He
are dedicated to the halflings, the gnomes, and the dwarves, though it is not unusual is not given to combat except in the most dire of circumstances.
for any of these demihuman groups to intermingle for shared services.
PIOUS DANDELION TROUTBROOK (He is a 5th level, chaotic good, halfling cleric
Each shrine is lit by continual flame spells cast in bronze wall sconces. of Alberon (Andvari). His vital stats are HP 30, AC 10. His primary attributes
Each shrine also portrays the culture of its respective demihuman race: are wisdom and charisma. His significant attribute is wisdom 16. He carries
the halfling level has a pastoral mien; the gnome level of earth and forests padded armor and staff. Clerical spells: 0th4, 1st4, 2nd2, 3rd1.) He is not
primordial; and the dwarf level is vaulted in carved stone with grand given to combat except in the direst of circumstances.
masonry and a great anvil of goldplated steel serving as its altar. PIOUS WALTER APPLE, PIOUS LIEF ROBERTSON, AND PIOUS EDGAR
WOODWARD (They are 4th level, chaotic good, human clerics of Andvari.
The Chief Priest of the Outland Temple is the Venerable Reginald Viner, Their vital stats are HP 24, AC 10. Their primary attributes are intelligence,
a person not given to combat except in the most dire of circumstances. wisdom, and dexterity. They carry clothing and staff. Clerical spells: 0th x4,
Venerable Reginald, age 52, is a stocky man with round belly and a thick, 1st x3, 2nd x2.) All with mainly helpful spells and noncombatants.

THE DUTIFUL x 9 (They are 2nd level, chaotic good dwarf, gnome, and bearing a lanthorn. He is wearing brown clothes, a leather apron, and
halfling clerics of Andvari. Their vital stats are HP 13, AC 10. Their a red conical hat. He carries a gnarled stick of 8 inches length. He will
primary attributes are intelligence and wisdom. They carry clothing and brush himself off, squint, and say, Hallo! I supposin ye be waitin on a
staff. Clerical spells: 0th x4, 1st x2.) All with mainly helpful spells and bit o somethin from The Mors, eh? Well step up, laddie (or lassie) and
noncombatants. let me be takin a good look at ye.

165A. OUTLAND TEMPLE DORMITORY & REFECTORY The brownie will stare the person up and down. Then:
This three story ashlar stone building serves as the dormitory and If the character is of lawful good or lawful neutral alignment he will
refectory of the Outland temple. Here resides Pious Walter, Pious Lief, cluck his tongue and say, Ye be too serious of mind for The Mors,
Pious Edgar, the nine demihuman Dutiful Priests, and the lay staff of and he shant be blessin ye, Im afraid. Heed me advice, and lighten
twentyfour. The ground floor contains a common room and refectory, up, will ye? Gday.
while the basement contains a large kitchen, staffed by lay brothers. The
twelve priests occupy the first floor, while the lay brothers occupy the If the character is evil, the brownie will curl his lip and say, Best ye be
second floor. The lay brothers will clean, cook, cobble, mend, labor, and goin quick out the door, as ye be too nasty of temperament for The Mors
keep the grounds of the Outland Temple Complex. A fencedin side liking. Learn a bit o kindness in that black heart of yers, eh?
yard is where goats are kept. They will also see that the MORS MOUND
(#166) is not disturbed, as is made explicit by Venerable Viner. If the character is of chaotic good, chaotic neutral, neutral good or
neutral alignment, the brownie will tap his foot, twirl his stick, and say,
LAY STAFF x 24 (They are lay brothers.) Ye have a good way! Im thinkin The Mors wont mind me givin ye a
bit o his lucky or not so lucky charms. Tis trick or treat time. And
165B. RESIDENCE, VENERABLE REGINALD VINER we wont be blamin ole me if the results were not liking. Deal?
If the character disagrees, the brownie will admonish, Then stop wastin
Reason: When the party is seeking a private audience or has been invited
me time! and will wave his stick and transport the character outside,
to attend one.
under the oak tree on top of the hill. If the character agrees, the brownie
This twostory fieldstone cottage was built by dwarves for the Venerable will point his stick. Roll a d8 to determine the effect. This list may be
one. Although modest, it was built to his specifications, as he is quite adjusted by the Castle Keeper.
charitable and desires little in way of creature comforts. He resides here
with his wife, Lady Victoria (age 45). D8 MAGICAL EFFECTS
1 Suffer loud, uncontrollable hiccoughs for 24 hours.
LADY VICTORIA (She is a lawful good Lady of Quality.)
2 5d10 false hit points are given (remain until damage reduces to
166. THE MORS MOUND normal HP).
REASON: to seek the trick or treat of this faerie deity. 3 Bray like a donkey (no possible normal speech) for 1 day.
4 +2 enchantment to one weapon (or combat ability); lasts 3 days.
A mere 150 feet east of the OUTLAND TEMPLE OF ANDVARI (#165) there is
a treecovered mound that is protected by the Outland Temple. It is said 5 Nose transformed to hairy pig snout for 7 days.
to be blessed by a trickster deity of a pantheon known as the Daneen. It is 6 Divisibility. The character divides, resulting in two exact
believed that this pantheon is worshiped by Faerie folk of the Wychwood, duplicates that exist for 24 hours.
which perhaps extended this far in days of yore when magic filled the air.
7 Yodeling. Character overcome with an uncontrollable desire to climb
The grassy mound is surmounted by a great, wizened oak tree flanked by
things and yodel to the top of his or her lungs for then next hour.
three ash trees and hemmed in by gnarled hawthorn bushes.
8 Suggestion speech. For 24 hours, anything the character says
A small, greenpainted door is set in the side of the hill, though one must must be treated as a suggestion spell.
first ascend the stone path from Neargate Lane. The door, being round and
of three foot radius, groans open, revealing an earthen chamber vaulted If the character asks the Brownies name, hell say, Just call me Mister
by pale, fibrous roots. The chamber glows blue from phosphorescent Brown, and enough about me I got to get back to the quern! Me wifes
moss. Only one may enter The Mors Mound, or else there will be no been prickly!
extraordinary effect, and this is well known in sewing circles and old wives
tales. The say one must close the door and lie faceup. If so, one will at If the character asks who The Mors is, hell say, Well, sir, of course
length hear the worms grinding and crunching in the soil below. This is a The Mors is himself. That is, he is Amadan Mors, the great Faery
subtle enchantment that will lull the character to a tingly drowsiness. lord who sees to us, his folk, and cares for us, too. Sure he loves pranks,
especially at the expense of other . . . oh, never mind. A fine fellow, The
This place is a dimensional nexus accessed by a god of the Faerie known as Mors is. Now I must be about my business, beggin your leave.
Amadan Mor, or The Mors, though he hardly comes here anymore as a city
has popped up around it. Amadan Mor is a trickster who appears on earth as a A repeat visit here is possible, but a third one and Mister Brown will
great, overgrown Leprechaun, dressed in green and white clothing and wearing surely remember the character, saying, What, you again? Think Ive
a red conical map. He has wrinkled skin, a wild red beard, and fiery red eyes. If got nothin better to do than tickle yer fancies? Be off with ye, ole
called upon, there is a 1% chance he will appear for a moment or two, and likely greedypants!
play a most diabolical trick on the character, such as making ones nose big and
Any attempt to harm the brownie or damage this place will result in a
red, or turning ones ears into those of a donkeys, the effects of which last for
severe curse of the Castle Keepers devising. It may conjure The Mors
seven years and can only be reversed by a remove curse spell.
himself to arrive, eyes ablaze. His angry touch will cause paralysis, stroke,
Otherwise, the lone character who spends at least 8 hours here will at or death to mortals at his will.
length see a 12inch brownie come crawling out from under a root,




Gand craft workers who share a common interest. They often control the
UILDS ARE POWERFUL AND influential associations of merchants

market pertaining to their respective craft or trade, set prices and standards
of quality, and will agree on wages for their laborers. Guilds each will have a
deity or group of deities they worship.

Expert craft workers, many of whom own shops, are called masters. A craft
worker who knows most of a craft is called a journeyman. He works at a daily wage
for a master. A boy or young man who is learning a craft is called an apprentice.
He usually receives housing and meals from the master instructing him. It may
take an apprentice two to seven years to become a journeyman. A journeyman
who aspires to be a master must evidence great skill, pass an examination, or craft
something deemed a masterpiece by other masters of his Guild.

For sake of game play, the Castle Keeper should reference the Secondary Skills as
described in Castle Zagyg, Vol. 1: Yggsburgh when creating or using NPC guild
members. Skills such as Business, Construction, and Nautical are among those skills
that NPCs may possess, with levels of 3 or 4 indicating mastery. The Castle Keeper is
encouraged to expand upon these, or perhaps narrow or broaden them as necessary.

The following floor plan is presented for use by the Castle Keeper as a
Major Guild Hall template. Nonplayer characters that populate each of
these buildings are detailed at their individual encounter areas.

This room with pinewood floor contains a large reception desk at which a
secretary will schedule appointments. Upholstered benches are kept here
are for members and nonmembers waiting to meet a master.

SECRETARY (This will be a male or female with some Business Ability.)


This office is presided over by a master member of the guild who certifies the
credentials of persons seeking employment. Bookshelves contain ledgers and
Here is where the restaurants food is prepared. There are several tables
record books. The floor here is of pine, with rugs over nontraffic areas.
for rolling dough, and a large stove for baking and cooking. The kitchen
MAJOR GUILD EMPLOYMENT OFFICER (This is a tradesman.) may be accessed via stairs from the restaurant above, or by the service
entrance stairs behind the building. A trap door here leads to the
G3. PERMITS OFFICE subbasement. Two large water closets with large sinks are for scrubbing.
This office is presided over by a master member of the guild who issues There will be a head chef, two cooks, a baker, and two scullions.
permits and notices to guild members. Bookshelves in here contain B2. BUTTERY
ledgers of permits issued dating back up to six months. The door to this room is always locked, with keys being held by the
guild hall master, his assistant(s) and the restaurant manager. This room
MAJOR GUILD PERMITS OFFICER (This is a tradesman.) contains various sizes of wooden barrels containing ale, beer, wine, and
brandy. There are racks of bottled wine, and shelves of liquor.
This large open space corner is where formal meetings are held. A double B3. PANTRY
staircase ascends to the first floor, beneath which are stairs to the basement. A The door to this room is always locked, with keys being held by the guild hall
large light well and several windows provide ample illumination. master, his assistant(s) and the restaurant manager. Contained herein are
a small stockpile of jarred (or barreled) pickled fish, meats, and eggs; herbs
G5. RESTAURANT & BAR. (common and rare), spices, tea; plates, cups, utensils, and other effects.
This is where members and guests may eat, drink, and socialize. There is a full bar
in here, and tables for dining. A large stone fireplace is here, and also a staircase B4. SERVANTS QUARTERS
down to the kitchen. This place will be paneled in maple, with paintings of These rooms are occupied by guild hall staff, such as restaurant chef and
hunters and/or fishermen. The floor is of oak and the walls wainscoted in walnut. scullions, bartender, maids, serving staff, housekeeper, and secretaries.
There will be a bartender and two to four serving wenches employed here.
BARTENDER (He is a tradesman.) This room contains crates and barrels of common food ingredients for
use in the kitchen, including cheese barrels, beans, nuts, grain, powdered
SERVING WENCHES (They are simple commoners.) grain, and jugs of cooking oil and lard. A large closet contains mops,
brooms, floor wax, and liquefied lye.
WC. Water Closet. Water closets contain toilet(s) and wash basin with plumbing.
The door to this room is always locked, with keys being held by the guild These two rooms are filled with shelves and crates containing records
hall master, his assistant(s) and the restaurant manager. This room is storage. Every registered shop and guild member in town is accounted
hung with sides of smoked and salted beef and pork, along with dressed for, along with detailed records of contracts.
and smoked poultry, and fish. A large closet contains salt, vinegar, and
brushes. A trap door opens to root cellar, with potatoes, carrots, onions,
This is the guild chapel, which will be devoted to a deity or group of
garlic, radishes, and parsnips.
deities. There is an open area choir, where the clergy can stand and sing
B7. SERVANT LOUNGE AND DINING during services, and in the corners there are holy water basins. Oak pews
This large refectory is where the guild halls lesser help (maids, scullions, etc.) line the center of the nave, with side aisles of slate tile. Side shrines along
and guests servants eat and socialize. each may be dedicated to other deities, and these will be represented
by statues, stone relief, paintings, and floral arrangements. The rear
pulpit upon which the altar is centered is where guild clergy will perform
The subbasement, accessed via trap door in the kitchen is filled with wood ash
services. The altar will be prominently embellished with a symbol of the
piped down from all the fireplaces. This is collected and sold to soap makers.
deity and the guild. In back of the altar are windows of colored glass.
There will be one pious priest, two dutifuls, and two lay brothers here,
typically. They have helpful spells and avoid combat if possible.

PRIEST, PIOUS (They are 5th level, alignment variable, cleric, HP 29, AC
10, with primary attributes mental. They carry clothing and staff. Clerical
spells: 0th x4, 1st x3, 2nd x2, 3rd x1.)
PRIEST, DUTIFUL x 2 (They are 2nd level, alignment variable, clerics, HP
11, AC 10. Their primary attributes are mental. They carry clothing and
staff. Clerical spells: 0th x4, 1st x2.)


This is a copying room for the scribe of the chapel, where he will reproduce
works of religious dogma. There are many shelves in here containing scrolls
and tomes of and related to the pantheon celebrated in the guild.

SCRIBE (He is 2nd level, alignment variable, cleric, HP 11, AC 10. His
primary attributes are mental. He has the Secondary Skills of Esoteric. He
carries clothing and staff. Clerical spells: 0th x4, 1st x2.)

This is a private chamber of prayer, where guild members may also consult
a priest with concerns of work or home.
This room is where propitiation and votive summoning materials are stored, and
also where the clergy will vest. There may be bells, blessed water or oil, candles,
gongs, herbs, hymnals, incense, prayer beads, and vestments.
This is where guild clergy will hold meetings.

This is where the Guild Hall Master will hold large assemblies, discussing important
issues related to craft and trade, pricing and quality control, and also the political
activity of the guild. The speaker will lecture from the podium, with lectern
centered thereon and displaying the guild coat of arms or other heraldic symbol.
Important guild masters are seated behind the lecturer. Sculptures, stone relief,
and/or oil paintings portray master guild members of note, living and deceased.


here, book shelves, a meeting table with highback chairs, and piled rugs and
tapestries displaying the masters coat of arms and religious icons. The water
closet has a bath tub, wash basin, and toilet.

This is the Guild Masters study. Here there is a desk, highback
upholstered chair, bookshelves stocked with casual reading materials,
plush rug, and chaise lounge.


This room contains a fourposter, wash basin, mahogany chest, maple
bureau and armoire, and a small bookcase. Here the master may lodge,
though many possess private residences elsewhere.

Each Major Guild Hall will feature two prominent light wells. One of
which provides light to every floor; the other of stained glass, emitting
colorful light into the first floor chapel (F3).


Most Major Guild Halls will feature a brick stable and carriage house with double
doors that open to eight feet in width. These small buildings will each have loft
space with apartments for the groom, groundskeeper, and other serving staff not
already residing in the basement apartments.

This closet contains brooms, dust mops, wire brushes, wooden pales, jugs
of floor wax, and jugs of liquefied lye.


This closet has bed sheets, pillow cases, and blankets.


This closet contains platter, carafe, and goblets in a cupboard; also,
various bottles of wine, brandy, and cigars.


This closet contains bath oils, salts, perfumes, towels, wash cloths, and
togalike bath robes.


These two rooms are reserved for master members of the guild in need of lodging.
Each room contains a bed, a stand with water basin, bureau, and chest.


These two rooms are reserved for master members of the guild who are
the direct assistants of the Guild Master, likely those who work in the
ground floor offices (G2 + G3). These rooms will contain a bed,
bureau, armoire, bookcase, and chest. A large water closet contains a
tub, wash basin, and toilet.


Here are the office and private chambers of the Guild Master. Here he
will conduct private meetings with fellow guild masters and, occasionally,
prominent (or aspirant) political figures. There will be a large oaken desk

SHADOWS (These chaotic evil undeads vital stats are HD 3d12, HP 30, AC
APPENDIX B. ENCOUNTERS 13, MV 30 ft. or 40 ft. fly. Their primary attributes are mental. Their special
abilities include incorporeal touch for 1d4 damage, create spawn, strength
I NTRUDER ALERT! The party hears the booming cry Intruder alert!
damage, darkvision, incorporeal blend, sunlight vulnerability. XP: 170 each)
Intruder alert! coming from the building SILVER STORES (#159),
the source being a magic mouth alarm. A covered wagon filled YOU SCRATCH MY BACK... The Thieves Guild have learned of the caverns
with 1,000gp worth of silver ingots careens down the street, whips beneath Thror Ironforges home (#107). They wish access to the caverns,
cracking against the two drawing horses. If these thieves are killed but Ironforge, the Master of the Blacksmiths Guild, has thus far refused. A
or apprehended, the party will enjoy some modicum of renown and thief approaches the party, inviting the characters to the River Rat Tavern
also a reward from the Silversmiths Guild Master. Patrick Silver, the Casino (#117) to discuss business with Melanie Melons Hogan, who
Guild Master, will invite them to a banquet dinner at the P RECIOUS wishes to be made a boss. There is a 500 gp commission to be paid if one can
METALSMITHS G UILD (#154) and gift them with silver signet rings secure access to the caverns under the dwarfs property via tunneling.
with tigereye stones (150gp value), declaring them honorary
members of the Silversmiths Guild. The Castle Keeper should Ironforge may be convinced to provide access to the guild, but at a price: a
assemble a thief band to challenge the PCs. The leader, Fid, will quest. He has family in the Lakepen Hills mining for lead and silver, and there
attempt to escape using his potion if things look grim. This job was is some trouble brewing there. If someone can help resolve the issues between
not sanctioned by the Thieves Guild. the dwarfish prospectors, the gnomish prospectors, and the Town of Garham,
he will grant limited access to his tunnels to the Thieves Guild. This adventure
THIEVES (They are 3rd level, chaotic evil, thieves whose vital stats are HP 12, hook references Lead and War (CZY environs #10). However, Ironforge
AC 14. Their primary attributes are physical. Their significant attribute is dex- refuses to have anything to do with Holgar, the vile dwarf engineer (#117).
terity 16. They carry leather armor, longswords, and dagger. XP: 66 each)
THIEF LEADER (FID BOATMAN) (He is a 5th level, chaotic evil, thief RATS IN THE SEWERS. Thomas Crapper, Keeper of Sanitation (#109), is
whose vital stats are HP 25, AC 17. His primary attributes are strength, having a townwide problem with giant sewer rats, and he needs help. Not
dexterity, intelligence. His significant attributes are strength 18 and dex- only do they fester with disease, but recently a toddler was dragged away by a
terity 18. He carries leather armor, +2 protection ring, +1 longsword, giant rat. Master Crapper will pay 5 gp per giant rat. Of late, they have been
dagger, thieves tools, and a potion of invisibility. XP: 245 ) seen massing at an abandoned storehouse (#134). There a wererat resides
who is by day a simple laborer* at The Lime House (#143).
A MAJOR COUP. Agents of the Thieves Guild approach the party
to discuss business. They want Dalbid Yeerouf (#60 + #116) to GIANT RATS x 520 (These neutral animals vital stats are HD 1d4, HP 2, AC
join their ranks and would immediately make him a boss, but thus far 13, MV 30 ft., 15 ft. climb. Their primary attributes are physical. They attack
hes proved disinterested. The guild has devised a way to win him over with a bite for 1d2 points of damage. They have twilight vision, and 10% will be
destroying the Striped Mage (CZY encounter #49). Unfortunately, diseased, the effects of which the Castle Keeper may determine. XP: 1 + 1)
the guild can not take such bold action and require outsiders to do so. WERERAT (This lawful evil creatures vital stats are HD 3d8, HP 20, AC 17,
For the head of the Striped Mage, they will pay 1,000 gp. Betray them MV 30 ft. or 20 ft. climb. Its primary abilities are physical. It attacks with a
to the Striped Mage and the party will be marked by this guild for life longsword for 1d8 points of damage or bite for 1d4 points of damage. It has curse
(however long that might be) of lycanthropy, disease, alternate form, rat empathy, and twilight vision. XP: 145)
MOTHER SPIDER S NEST. In the subbasement of a vacant building *The Castle Keeper can opt to have more than one laborer thus afflicted,
(#112), a phase spider built a nest. She has since moved on to another and also beggars from #134, to present the appropriate difficulty.
place after her dozens of eggs hatched. Her young are maturing and they
have begun to prowl the streets of the Storehouse District. WOOD ELF JUSTICE. A woman is screaming, weeping. Two of her children
have been kidnapped. She and her husband need help. Dark figures stole
YOUNG PHASE SPIDERS (These neutral creatures vital stats are HD them away and slipped out of town. A witness thought it was elves. It was. On
4d8, HP 25, AC 15, MV 20 ft. or 40 ft. in its web. Their primary a stormy night, wood elves from the Little Hillwood stole into the GOODWOOD
attributes are physical. Their special abilities include a +2 to hit when LUMBER YARD (#118) and kidnapped two young children of Alfred Goodwood.
agitated, phase, and a successful bite delivers a poison causing 28 The elves intend to kill the children and post them at a popular tree harvesting
points of damage, unless a save is made, then it delivers 14 points of area of the Little Hillwood, where Master Goodwood has broken a pact.
damage. XP: 100+4.)
If the party can trace these elves in time, they may be able to save
KILLER CATFISH. Agents of the Fishmongers Guild (#115 + #132) the children. Negotiation will prove most difficult, as Goodwood is
who work Big Fish Lake near the town of Garham have had some troubles responsible for razing the elves winter village, clearing trees, and ruining
of late. Two fishermen have been swallowed whole by a giant catfish! their trout stream. Two wood elf infants died as a result. Goodwood will
Will the adventurers travel to Garham and take a boat out to where this offer 2,000gp, but the elves want blood for blood. This dangerous band of
creature lurks? The Fishmongers Guild will pay 500 gp for proof (the elves is led by Aldion Ashgrove (CZY environs #26).
body) of the catfish. This adventure references CZY environs #3.
BURGLAR. The characters, particularly a thief in the party, see a man
SHADOWS IN THE NIGHT. Dozens of these doomed souls were conjured climbing out of a residence window during the night. He wears dark
by Dalbid Yeerouf (#60 + #116) who intended to control them but clothes, and his face is blackened with soot. This is Waldorf Fish who
found them too malign for even his diabolical purposes. Frustrated, he will take purloined items to his warehouse (#125) or home (#73). He
banished them from his residence and now they prey on innocents of the will have stolen some valuables (50 500gp worth) to later fence at the
Storehouse District. 14 will be encountered (or an amount as the CK Value Second Hand Market (CZY encounter #52).
deems appropriate to challenge the PC party).


The capacity to mentally note facts, including the power of observation
Purizan Gums*: If worn about the neck in a pouch, this concoction and ratiocination, all having to do with detecting, examining,
provides a stimulant versus sleep giving a +2 on all saves versus sleeping investigation, observing, searching, and watching, as well as researching
spells or sleepinducing drugs or powers and +3 versus gases which and tracking down information. This is an ability similar to that possessed
would produce sleep. The herbal bag lasts for 35 days and costs 35gp. by sleuths of private and public sort.
*This item originally presented in Castle Zagyg: Dark Chateau (CZA1),
by Robert Kuntz.
The Knowledge Specialist has delved deeply into one topic and knows a
Aquatic Gelatin Ambrosia*: This wobbly jellylike substance grants lot about that topic through either study and/or experience. Knowledge
a swimming speed of 60 ft. per round. Additionally, if the consumer Specialists can be used as sages or professors in the topic that they
stands atop land or water he or she may appear as a fountain of water or specialize in. When researching a question concerning their area of
wavelike projection. This is a glamour that adds a +12 bonus to any specialty, a Knowledge Specialist may make an intelligence check to
hide check when not moving. The effect persists for four hours or ends know the answer to a question or know where to look for the answer.
sooner at the will of the consumer.
Some areas of specialization that a Castle Keeper can use to enhance his
*This item originally presented in Hall of Many Panes (TLG 3335), by campaign include:
Gary Gygax and Jon Creffield
Architecture (and construction)
APPENDIX D. SECONDARY SKILLS Engineering (all forms)
The following optional Secondary Skills are an expansion to those listed Fauna (including biology)
in Castle Zagyg Vol. 1: Yggsburgh, APPENDIX H. Flora (including botany)

ARTISTIC CAPACITY (DEXTERITY AND WISDOM GENERAL) History (local, regional, world, cultural & social)

This ability references a characters skill in one of the following areas: History (intelligent races, human & nonhuman)
Visual art (painting, linedrawing, sculpture, jewelry making)
Musical art (composition and arrangement, instrument performance
and singing) It is up to the Castle Keeper to allow more specific knowledge for more
Literary art (prose and poetry authorship and recital). focused fields a Knowledge Specialist in Taxidermy will know a little
bit about mammals (as well as most other animals), but a Knowledge
This ability also assumes a scholastic artistic knowledge in the chosen Specialist in Mammals will know a lot about them and very little about
field, including identification and history. Skill checks for creating art preserving their hides.
(dexterity) or identifying art (wisdom) are at a +2 bonus per level of skill,
should the Castle Keeper require a check.


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